Page Eight THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. 1943, June 8. ap—— mn OBITUARY a —————— wWHirro wughter of MRS, MARY 5S Puneral afternoon at dria, Huntingdon Mary 8S. Spyker Spyker of Centre Wednesday, May 26 home following months, Mrs by a daughter dition to her SPYKER held | Ale county fOr IDA NEARHOQO) ervies wer rida [ N hoof Whippo, d [en wd Emm anoe Neo il Mi Ley died her her home In hoof died vdelphia on mother of Chu Hall 1043 if Hine Spyker, 7 well known Mark, have mornin Sl | me and Wat ing been v former re Mrs Whippo | uvived by a daughter My Tee Adams, Chicago, 111 the followh { M1 | Brnest { Mark hoof Sin i in who riors ident two An ol urvived nnd t sin ad and two | brother ned Pet Earl Nt Rey Ww ISL on Creorge na valley Antigo Donald Gard- | Ver, Spruce MRS GARDNER Mrs. Gertrude mother of postma ner of Howard. died Thursday morn- | ing, May 27, 1943 1 the Lock Haven | Hospital, Mi Gardner | William ed with her dau Sarah | of Welkert A y of serious) il since GERTRUDE B Bennison Gardner, ( WILLIAM W. PETTINGILI WwW. Pettingill, 8 Jame Pettin treet, Be nte died tescl ny 25th. at the hom M1 William H burg following Pettingill, a re Howard, w nm | for who resid father Mi Howard, | fracturing Burnside Ma hier been hip ten I'he deceased ad her lau in a fall the Welkert home { th dea er life within buy Jonathan | rer Septem the Ci HARRY (. HOUS ternoon in the MES, HASTINGS nosh 1§] Frank Haines of Canvon, Deceased was a member of iward Evangelical Chur Te 1 FLIZARETH GEPHARTY STOVER Te give vienal and fitting expression te your love and regard, the medium and the form must ba chosen with sara Comforting assurance of » duty well performed will be yours ¥ fee choose a genvine Rock of Ages smoriel te stand as Four resosrd her the yours to coma HOWARD GRANITE WORKS FRANK WAITLACE Pras HERE'S CHINTZ CRYSTAL FOR THE LUCKY BRIDE! For over 50 years, brides have met every momentous occasion with the lustrous beauty of handmade Fostoria, Gift-givers have found it most obliging to their budgets. For instance, there's nothing more deeply appreciated than “Master Etchings.” Their frosty, lace like lines are handlaid on crystal. And nothing newer or nicer than Chintz. It's a perfect complement to the lovely Spode design called Rosebud Chintz, All Fostoria is open stock, For personal selections or for gifts be sure to see our crystal displays. DeHaas Eleciric Co. North Allegheny Street Jellefonte, Pa. u {ann Wyo. also survives, The de- ceased was a member of the Faith Reformed Church, State College, Order of the Eastern Star, Rebek- ahs, and the Oriental Shrine. Fun- eral services were held at her late home Tuesday afternoon, with the Rev, A. 8. Asendorf officiating, fol lowed by in the Rebersburg Reformed Interment wns made ervieces Church at Rebershurg REV. IRA M. WALLACE Ira M. Wallace died sudden 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon at Zellenople, Pa. He was the son of Miller M. and Rachael (Focht) Wal- lace and was born on the Focht farm near Williamsburg, January 1, 1866 'e last lv at church { Hunting nard. Altoon Je 1 J ( SEPHINE ¥. BEMAN hine Falrweather MRS. BESSIE LL. RHINF Bessie L. Rhine, wid FL MES. MAGGIE JANE SNOOK {f MM time of death 74 yen: 11 mu and Her husband, Am- mon Snook. with whom she was un- : we 2 vovember three days ted In marriage or 1801 There Two sister died about two vYears ARO ATE children brothet iin Fiedler wtherine SHILLING e t ¥ dren Jasenh Lar ree Jame nt nf Rlanchard M Mori Mrs. Per rh frye steprhild and Lynn of Howard of Rlanch. John Utal Shilling spot hers with Das and George Mr of Rlanchard i Rrigham Blanding, Fia of HRlanchard y Arm of Camp shill was a member Baptist church helg 7 "fev 8 Rogers made in the Baplis where services were the M was tiescday afternoon with william Shope and the Rev offi~iating Interment ft cometery EVEY well known JARED U Iared 11. Eves farmer residing near the home his Stover, In o'clork Batur- 1943. after a Centre County Pleas. tind of daughter. Mrs Centre Hall, at 1:30 morning, May 29 weeks' illness with a heart Mr. Evevy was a son of tiriah and Minnie Houser Evey and was born at Houserville on February 12. 1882. making his at time of death #1 years, 3 months and 17 His wife, the former Minnie Twitmyer., died in 1037. Survivors include these children: Gerald, of Pleasant Gap, Mrs. Russell Good- hart Bellefonte Mrs. George Stover, of Centre Hall. Leroy. of Howard: Mrs. Donald Dixon. Belle forte. Thelma, Betty Ann, William and Gaviord. all at home; six grand- children, and the following brothers and sisters: Mrs. Harry Oriffith and Mrs. Samuel Zettle, Pleasant Gap; Miss Elizabeth Evey, State College; Mr= John Raczkowski. Sharon, Har- ry Evey. Altoona, and Edgar Evey, of Cleveland Ohio. For many years iprior to moving to a farm near Pleasant Gap two years ago, Mr. Evey occupied the Fishburn farm near State College. He was a mem- ber of Logan Orange and the Meth- odist church, both of Pleasant Gap. Funeral services were held at the Pleasant Gap Methodist church on | Monday afternoon, with Rev, D. A. downin and Dr. W. J. Claudy of- ant Cian at Cirorge dav three rondition age dave of FRED 8. SANCROFT Fred 8 died Monday evening Philipsburg State Hospital had been rushed three hours after he had been found uncon his K} lertown home His death wa il tributed to a wl clot In the The deceased born 24 J nt town son of J Kale M He engraving nearly all hi m Hinery Lore eral years ago nis after Bancroft, HB the where nt he carlie; clous at blor Wit Kyle Ob and head Beptember He sancroft Wis A followed thie trade 11 tnd operated a in | HEPSDUre £0 he gardening Since that tin time (o looking hi Kylertown had devoted and ments at hy hi later M Laughlin, Kviertow Ann McLaughlin Sells $2493.80 in Stamps A total of A nid to school Lincoln Hits I'hursd $2408 80 In War ham LesIman H.H.S. Chorus To Present Concert (Continued re {yore France: mia Bewytt Thom paot rl Kent Pegay Pauline Witmer Ake Ma AT Alexander 1 Baumoardner Richard Boyd, "Dean Breon, Anna Mae Brosk: an. Vera Davidaor Lois Davis, William Evey olf, Loiz Fishbum ner. Jean Hall. Rov Hockman Kathryn Hosband, Fave Robert Kelleher, Jane Kel- Thelma King, Patricia Kohl. Ethel Krape, Mae Lannen Marjorie Leather Lindley lols Love, Betty Markle, Helen J Martin, Sara Martin Mars May Natalie McDonnell, Donald MeDow- Betty McElwain, Thomas Miles, Marjorie Musser, Fleanor Pa Jane Peters Peony Peters, Dorothy 1. Reese, *Dorothy [.. Reese Richards. Josephine Riglin Clara Ripka, *Betty Ritchie, Marie Rob- Mirabelle Schaffer, Grace Beia Paul Sheffer, Vera 8holl, Mildred Bhuey, Rachael Stover. *Shirley Tressler, BSamm Vonada Margaret Wagner, Dorothy Walker, Patty Wetzler, Jacqueline Wolfe, Laura Young, and Margie Zell *Members of mixed ensembie - Carolyn Bottor! Warren Mac Bn Davis, Tom Marion Fetter. Dorothy Gloss Hall, *Mildred Breon Jones erman bh 'cker Shirley ell wns Ianiise eris hica, Made Staff Sergeant Wilford 1. Fisher, formerly of Bellefonte, presently stationed at the Alr Depot Training Station of the Army Alr Forees at Albuquerque, N M.. has been promoted from the rank of Sergeant to the rank of Staff Sergeant. 8 '8gt. Fisher iz assigned to the 41st Dep. Repair Bad. and is serving as mechanic with his organi i pation Before entering the Air i Poroes on May 16, 1042, 8 Sgt. Fisher {was assistant manager at the Wolf Furniture store in Bejiefonte itn —— {idea that you can win a war by |J. Peters, Bellefonte, R Some Americans seem to have the RECENT WEDDINGS Strickler Witmer (3'n A. Witmer, ¢ John | Cieorge Witmer D8 Ruvert-—Carpentey Walker th Bauver-—Scott Robinson — Reman Bellafonts Mallnrs Mink Myre gift Ear redder Cards ments were REAL ESTATE | TRANSFERS | ¢ Riancl TwD., $30 WwW. Shilling Coorge il Twp. 81 Liberty Charles B. Wagner law. Mifflintown, trast in Twp. 81 Sarriff Bdward 1 Miller C. Dingess, Haines Twp, Haines Twp. $100 First National Bank Mille, to lewis Bint tract in Rush Twp. 81 Flora A. Curtin ius K. Bruguer, Unionville, $1. Murrell Kessinger, ot ux ¢C. Kisaell, Lock Haven, Walker Twp. 81 Elwood OO. Peters, of ux. to Paillip D. 3. tract to George Laid Potter to Stella tract in af Osreola Philipaburg, to Cornel tract in et bar, Fleming to Jahn tract In in Bogus Twp. 81 Charles Johns, ef ux. to VON-IN-LAW ARMED FORCES AND IN t. § imp Kear he fourth The Biggest Value Giving Event of the Year! MURPHY'S YEARS OF SERVICE YEARS OF GROWTH 3 2 a7 ¥ ANNIVERSARY & Here are some of the amazing values set aside for you in Murphy's Anniversary You' your list of "Needables" yme inl Pre shop for Quality, Value and Servicel WOMEN'S Sale Chee k each item against be astonished at the sav- ve to yourself that Murphy's JUNE 4th to 1Zih ! Tr Fresh. Thin Cr 10 PRETZEL STICKS Falal $ rit FHANDKERCHIEFS MN a re Anniversary Sale Price woman svar hat many “haskies 3 Nere $y of Lawn ty ght and dark print, Women's RAYON HOSE Value € 38¢ 33¢ pair sam ae shade; 18% BOYS’ POLO SHIRTS - { Regularly 39¢ Values Men's White HANDKERCHIEFS Real 15¢ 10 Values Extra large fine quality with hemstitched hems, [65 ft, rolls Heavy Weight WAXED PAPER 25¢ 1 Q: Value of roll heavily paper to sty Worker's hour, FULL-LENGTH HOSE 25¢ 1 Qc Values quality of drews boss An unusual at a remarkably low price, Farcy patterns and colors, Navy Rejects MEN'S POLO SHIRTS z. 31¢ Values Limited au aniity of Hig moet pepvier cotton shirt, Small, medium, large, TUMBLERS You Save lle! 29¢ do. 2 for Sc i IY Crystal clasr glasses with heavy share shaped base which makes them proce tically spiliproof. Restock at this big Anniversary saving! Annie G. C. MURPHY COMPANY CENTRE COUNTY'S MOST POPULAR 5¢ and 10c STORE High & Allegheny Streets Bellefonte, Penna. i | Eten Bowers, Phillpsburg, | Philipsburg, $2,000 | ficiating Interment was made in grumbling at home about war cone . {the Pleasant Gap Cemetery, | ditions, tract in
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