THE Orrick Can “A Little Nonsense Now and Thea, Is Relished by the Wisest Men" Schake Schmitt Writes to His Cousin May Twenty two To My Cousin Hessel, States of United I now take my pen in hand and ink and write to you mit my pencil We do not to lve I hate to sav it she lofed so well is in New Orleans at pupalation of the she died. Her breath two cows The money to leaf to the cows Ole Mr We live vere we haf moved vour dear old aunt vot died wit New Monia that died with New Monja on New Year's Day front of five. Some people think she had gave 1 wing when of and live where we used but dead. She 13 minute heart, The y all hope of family 127 two boy 1 all leaked out. She leaves a lot of All goes bustle. It awiul die it Was boys, I an thes found $10,000 sewed up in her ¢ y $ 1 ) behind. She vilied ail tO ie wrt of death's door has such a nice little ip to the hospital to see Bchnelder i ver She | 1] The doctor thinks he pull through, She boy. He is just like a bea I took m the sick peoples. Ve had a time Your Fido down to day to have walnst one of iasted one All the swell time. 1 charge Ve sent came back she couldn't se I got a horse Lou thing. He vent The junk dealer case but There | how 1 wish were ated Your hopes tl find Hoping can NUMA love ly mill the nw the saw the hrother (nt took our dog He runned up hig round Sie : um I'hey I'o save Inside havi Wh mu pocket imidtie are enadin reo Heart S84 0) them the N c "ny IMEs feet : oh On the the him Loule g the works lots of people d closer together br will here SCHMITT will SCHAKEF r C sin ® & 9» The Polish Corridor ¢ } lard Pol 1 After ti fall the on ) a lot of to British One rammed | about in saw at an : to look over were pulling t! {azis ot f the wat on ing pulling them solved when quickly a one them overboard ain ¢ other * oo Finally Located knocked The deceased furmace taller manded itt What do I want wa ni H Well in at adm LIF w do ee * 0 Patriotic perfe $ olen Patriotic Lad; heroes going ov Don't some other guy er ther die fo Soldier get dies for his country me sire ~~ THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PL a _ 0 Page Sevent ALTOONA’S “JANET BLAIR" M™ Pp come ’ ay ‘ A PLEASA NE A Week vacation NT GAP hes Query & A | J wholesome | tus tation could follow Luk having put his hand to the plough dom of Cho Decker In subm Jenner: He wi and Of wit father grandmaothe ni he BOB Among Centre Clearfield, Pa JL te st EI A CHWIAN a" Iasi Week's Bible Question Bible question last week brought man act that many of our readers are ve the first to send in the be foimd In the Bible wa e, Oth chapter, 62nd verse an nn! correct Chn And Je and looking who malled us correct Hall: J. O. Harp M1 and Mrs, W. J. Hackenberg itting a correct solution to last ot mty, Pa What the man's nan died before r?" That 1." Others nn Lebanon, Pa Heber week aus propouna te burg tion “i sriother Boomer D He 1 hiz mother wn looks like a real hard nnd ght tom rat riot ie nswer Column Amn Ls —r ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICY the esis mtion for hoes, say Penn State peciniinty Ir Leonard the matter Hhomoa stock of inte ¢ Boring Town Outdoors Helps Chlokse A he weather pern ehich mi Mares LEGAL NOTICH y 0 the Edito ? ALL WORKING TOGETHER FEIN f 0 Is pin WANTED in the ship Rock - Ans.—In general, the victory D A. ute iuiness after the war s of D. P.How does airplane ® ® o ternoon after short service Tactful Tactics Two colored men were discussing things in general. Om with her m and two sisters JADA Dorothy having gone to Harrisburg Church, with Dr. Claudy of for a day's visit and returned home view Penitentiary, and Rev with her Dowtiin of the Methbdist chur wher constructed ed mi will be leading fighting Pre - et into Franoe model is ne fied orte edad Yistries was telling Pailefonte Holunl § how he'd just got a job 8s a Pullman porter and that his conductor had told him ho must treat the passengers with tact dis here i tact stuff?” his colored companion wanted to brothal Wa oom said the other and aw! hotel doo One ds nin and dere wa sittin’ vahdon sth de ‘sub Beg politeness, but ® o 0 New Gadget noodle lads Cop 81 “My goodness Traffic Lady in the car s& your Where is | ® & 9» Explained Traffic Cop t Hig! Motorist Cop By Motorist Cop—""How are your Motorist" "Rotten Cop—"That's Motorist ficer. He alway never had hrakes? three violations Wife Oh talks that I'll have Pay an * 4 Set and Hatch It inting in the woods and to arrest don’t attention "Ry drunk.’ Two small boy picked up a chestnut burr “Tommy.” he exclaimed excitedly, cupine’s egg were out ht one of them come here auick, I've found a por. e oo 0 Putting on the Dog the mistress of the house finally giving was have been taking our empty grapafruit hulls home with What do with them?” The negro maid looked up fat her mistress with =a “Yes'um.” she admitted, “I'se been carrying ‘em home 1 make my garbage look so sty Lucinda aid josity. “I notice to eur- you You do you sheepish grin se think they lish ® & o It Could Be The the examining had asked ‘What is the shape of the earth?” The prompt answer came from a Jew- ish kid who said, “It's in & hell of a shape.” ® oo Not as Much Joe I met my wife in a very funny way- and later married her” Brown-."1f everybody had to do that there wouldn't be 30 much reck- less driving.” teacher of class just tha scholars I ran over her in my Car ® 4 9» A Puzzler Minister rewearing collar buttoned that is the end of my story Bobby "Yes, sir. Please at back) "And children Would vou like to ask sny questions?” how do you get into your collar?” ® oo Softening Up Ever notice that a 25¢ church supper has a tendency to make some folks a little bit religious. Fifty cents worth for a mere quarter, * oo 9 Try This Tell your wife that $40 dress makes her look fat cheaper one now Shell take the ® 4 9» Some Memory The teacher who had been telling the small pupils the story of the discovery of America by Columbus, ended by saying: “And all this hap- pened more than 400 years ago.” A little boy whose eyes popped wide open thereupon sxciaimed: “Ces! What a memory you have” & o Ain't It the Truth It was Bob Hope who sald: “This year people are not worrying so much about what the future has in store for them as what the store has in the future” ® oo 9» with it. thy a social gathering A . y {to Williamsport, That's all. folks. Give a girl a free hand and she's liable to slap youl : Hugh and Andrew Litz of Albany, ~ y wers recent guest g bye ty Alabam gh Pal in Bome of our local boys who been rece i camn are Harry Kelies Blanding, Fla Harold Almbams whose hus Camp New Oyriear Elmer 8h 0 Atlee into the army a while ago ix Mrs Adkins Taal Wilmington. Del. Th Mevins " viein number Wilmingtor The Conyngham famils week from one of the T. E double houses to Connellsville, wi Mr yngham has been emplo! for se: The Harold Si the hotise Jodon ore Con edd eral month moved into family they vacated day entertained and sister, Ei The George Deiblers Mr. Deibler’s sie. of Rots mother last week The annual dinner of the Woman's Club which fot the Nittany Country Club, was held Tuesday evening at the local Grange account the ban : driving, The of their had been scheduled hall on of on gf for pleasire ladies chicken iness sess (irange rv one dinners, after whi fon waz held a number the Garden Club members were als present We are Taits leave our town this week, when they will move to Pittsburgh. Mel. vin Fore and family of Bellefonte will move into the house the Tails vacate Mrs. Carl Gettig entertained at luncheon for her brother, Sgt. Jack Platt of Camp Lee, the following guests: her mother, Mrs. Lynn Platt of Btate College. and grandmother Mrs Inez Platt of Towanda, Pa Prt furlough from a camp in Tennesse Inst week, made a, short visit here but spent most of hig time with his parents, Mr. and Mrs John Lee of very sorry to see the Ellon Lemont. The Lee's lived in this com- | munity for a number of year: Mr. and Mrs. John Tressler, son Ronnie, and Mra Tressler’s father, Harry Confer. made a business trip Seturday a week ago, and then spent Sunday with "SCAT." [friends in that city. Ralph Lee, who was home on | ficiating. Mr. Evey leaves a | TIS Ta 3 ahr 2111 om + } misfortune of and breaking his rage being The nid progressine rks are nearly ig and Mrs Dean and Mrs, Bid primary Derr, Mrs. Adams intermediate intermediate Fomwald Mending the Sereens screen oan until new inch Put on each side the wires so right A small hole in the he trimming MPUATE edges They ita an the hole mended by ay than sveral of the wires pateh and bend that they stick out at Piace the through the screen back through the the new piece is the loose wires and bend them screening until firmly in place ——— Weak and Run Down Men and Women Should Take Luchert’s Iron Tonie Tablets An exceptional tonls for thoes who ave wesk, run down, sr eonvaleseing. They asrist natgral processes. They sre sompoased of Iron, Manganese, Phosphorous, 8 email | amaniitey of FEatract of Cad Liver Oil, Bis and Pepein, | timedried Tonite with stime | ter Tenis Vegetable Dros, Jratueng » ting properties if sou are weak snd ren po organise disease, try them secording dirertiona ! Bold br Druggiets at $e and 11.00 po box or by mall direct, A. GO, Luebert, P.D,, Coatesville, Pa. TTI angles. ! pateh over the hole, push | down dus Wu | compare? Ans 8 presi HM An | The Ha « ew It. and Mr Aug ister Tenn D spent at the NWiem Millheim. guest sister, Miss a 1, it Lt was On a tars uty The Wom Centre met at the } son Dale at evening the sixth tii report of the di wis held i and other st organization meeting by Mrs Dale ref Groups of eastern unis ing mining Company's during week a versity. supervision « the ly a member of the faculty of the be ground and included in the § Mamolen ten-da; Counts H. Richard Ishler class from New FARM CALENDAR Timely syivania Reminders From The State College of Agriculture Grow Strawherrs {ana Ja several dave last week eTIL an-Mamolen apartment of the Lieutenar Rosalyn Nieman Arc Aw. Morris M. Mamolen Btate College dentis from Tennesuee leave in mili- Beers Most be re comb hu Strong demands of me en's Auxiliary of Medical Associa ome of Mrs. H State College. last Mr: strict exten “ol built af hrood Te food to Thomp- Mon. Parrizh gaye Weak wit Yat re ID with Packasg rge Joseph from extra good councillor hres m i hay meeting wh 1 Willlamaport recently ibjects pertaining to the Following the business reshments ict ral Produce More Milk ment of dairy «¢ Kine hel according Pennayl tn aicis gong production were and served Mrs jalistes of the College. In gentleness mick Aare and regu addition other mining students from more erailies have been study. practices at the Warner Bell Mine in Bellefonte ast Lhiree weeks Columbia York City. under t of P. B. Buckley, former management ing and milking Save Hay for Hogs.’ eve shorta the farmer the ge oi May save some aT od 14 F's 3 ® (Hing ailalia ha or soybean best of his bes clover Plants—A —. Legal Notices £3 Penn se ho] eof : 123 W. Linn Street FOR SALE! The Beautiful Crider Homestead Lot 70 x 200 Feet CHAS. E. DORWORTH Bellefonte, Pa. ~ L FRANK MAYES Auctioneer C. Y. WAGNER & COMPANY (;eneral Real Estate Sales A SPECIALTY! WAGNER'S Quality Flour A Hard Wheat Pat Flow CALL STATE COLLEGE, 2842 benefit of the sae WAGNER'S have proven f rsinte Qur Best Flour prices 0-58 Blend real A number of Farms and several Re<ideners affered at public future. Watch WAGNER'S Very Best Flour Winter Wheat will be sale in the near for Dates! ont Wagner's r Dairy Feed Wagner's 20% Dairy Feed Horse Feed hy FXII TORS NOTICE Wagner's ¢ she satiate of Bok. " rf Bellet ‘a . RE ig Mesl Mash Wagner's Chick Starter and Grower, Wagner's vey Pp Wagner's Egg Wagner's Turkey Starter and Grower Wagner's Scratch Feed Feed. Wagner's Chick Feed ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE or © eo « ‘ ¥ Wagner's Medium Scratch Rydes Cream Calf Meal Eshelman's Dog Feed All kinds of high protein feeds for mixing with your own feed. Dealers in All Kinds of Grains ADMINISTRATRIN'S NOT It { yo eatat of Ft matter of AIP payment and la against em without ) © A MAUDE niatratrix, 4083 8. Alles jege, Pa Edward L leitoell Ride. State College, Pa orney for the estate VICTORY GARDEN PLANTS Woodring’s Floral Gardens | St Bellefonte req unsted BELLEFONTE, PA. i») | OWQT
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