THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. May 27, 1943. Fifty Years Ago through the bot-! Hu tom of Adam Hinkleman's granary near Hunting and 300 bushels of wheat streamed into the horse stable below nark now ohne of t Robert Mice ate a hole nters Park will b 1 this wm many dition wom than fon improvems has one typewriter office one in hi Hunter his excel vost ines in Robert Cole's Blanchard, Esq, has office and Weaver's In has done lkewise The Logan Fire is ready busine of hauling about at Cunningham's prompt should be working fo propert There h in the we The placed lent ma Joh Comp for » ) attention rainy stands on : is Intended to ive it dra the re of iarge c furnaces, one on either cated Here l heat from the viinder aicle. are 1adde aff the vinden up ) ull gro ner nt ne una on heretofore r con 1 the buggy + re pain wo Bart I small bara Mr fow Ing Lad Bl il bruis- Coleville ne Come Watamm 1nd oe: Howard Lit mand and she §11e projection Amer warehouse against a met Was hour before his heard He sa into feet at one of the Company when it was feet by a engine had backed the truck i house to get a load of crushed and had left it standing on a The shifter failed to see truck until after the train had strc it. The accident happened working hours at the quarry railroad tracks we clear, No one was hap. dragrec Mr ip to the 83573 being drawn both from by brac sides ¢ Wares stone ag nearly burned about he was badly covered He was and shoulder Mrs. Odille of the € fea crew Mott ‘atholic Daughters ¢ injured in the mis- ved wel al inst one an experience ‘ole - were causing him parti- held prisoner for cries him the convey for self or the 1 conveyor, and when dis- exhausted arm district deputy Amer- was in Altoona assisting with the | tw #M installation of the lodge in that city VICTORY GARDEN PLANTS Woodring’ s Floral Gardens Bellefonte, Nevin had been Mn Noll of Bellefonte patient In the Hospital Pittsburgh for week undergoing treatment stomach aliment, wa; recovering Probably fed on th who Mercy several for a reported to he Week) the Schoo) (From Last The senior class of Fownaship Vocal he Junior cin ns Haury naj with they ge Ski Lodge pre set al nd Mrs. ( hat John Keistetler MeClain Mary Buskirk M irises Ethel Graham Dunkle Violet Dorothy Ni Ham, Hm Gientaoel Don Paul the largest lot of ors sotith side of Centre county was marketed: by ¢. B, Neft foyed a | Adam Smith, of near Centre day evening il. Of a lof of 28 driven to Lock Party were Haven them averaged oa7 Graham M1 pounds. The animals in excep Misses Mary tional condition and $8 35 an Boye Flora mdred. The steers wes Helen Ker toed purchased the Marte He $7.10 a hun Horner, Barba I'he old Moses Thompson home l. Pred Jordan Jong the State Highway be- 0d Badford, Don at vor ‘ay, Willlam Gl inte COL { wk and Donald arty at the Thou Mi Ellen Van were old at Were previous fall at tern Betty ired Nelson vid wdfelter and Lemon and transformed | REAL ESTATE | | TRANSFERS ot 1x of Blanch 4 Gi ardner, ot Liber ux, Twp. 81 Dreese, to Mr Lewis Clair J : with Aellefonte N meme town, tract in State ye } Hae irty H Rimm Rimmey ftom gH in Pa PINE GROVE MILLS Omir popular 1 Ley bur Dodd, is erecting a home near the D tract Tw ew Kai at hiz modern mod sinir Dean forces, onjim with 1 James Frv home Mis Peg Judge Ivan time recently at pole, supervising Army ed a recent furlough iis parents Mr. and Mrs Dean and wife, at the A Fred Mrs. Dean is the former Dickson Walker his the Huntingdo Brouse, Sundad Ash Mark of Philipsburg Mrz William Hille mother of Tyrone Mr Mrs Philip A os Ba 241. das Tomas bal Mrs. Edith Bickle of 4 Se ot vii Tan ; r Mrs. Ballinges the former Miss Mis. Nun Han 2! i 34 3 + 8 { naries rR iniey Jatlla elles, day wghter Mr. an of Altoona, spent Sunday ” tn re 2 Foy oCiir After 0 years and 4 days, Evelyn and Mrs. Harry M Ci Kk. a Eull Frv has a little sister. horn last Miss Betsy Boyer of a ate Thursday in the Centre County Hos- Spe the weekend with Miss pital Mr. and Mrs Elwood Fr Gentael wl Ota another Democrat. but Pappy Wil- Miss Ania ipun Fh bur Sunday is handing out the cig- weekend with ; M " garet Jacobs at Centre Hall ars “ EY a James Poust iz now milking the Mr and Me reg 1 ine mechanical way. DeLaval agent Jno family of Mic fe . : hd. ip H. Ballev installed a new milker for Mrs. W E. Kline and A him on Saturday Stover, from Friday until Monday ‘Memorial services at Pine Hall Misses Edna and Freda Lockhart Mav 30 at 8 p. m. Attorney Edward of Lemont, visited williard will be the orator of the Aunt, Mr. and Mrs Sanday evening mda dren Emma Mrs Mark Mise Ls Mr 8 g Ts and spent farm on spring mOMe Tad- plant. and 4 were Mark, Sun- and It's a boy at the linger home, No. 1, Pittsburgh Mrs and and of with Mr " We Sweeney her cousin ITA and w former's guests of MeCiirk the wed visited their uncle and | Paul Kellerman. Kenneth Decker Our genial tax collector. Aaron W Tressler, was discharged from the { Philipsburg State Hospital and is | recovering very nicely at the home ‘of his brother-in-law, Robert Hoy, in Lemont Kelly Henry recently resiened his | position on the Pennavivania Stale { Oollege farms to accept a job in the colleges buildings | Ex-County Commissioner A L | Bowersox, of State College, was In | town Wednesday looking after real! | town John F. Gray & Son | Parmer Eugene Irvin is nursing General Insurance a nasty attack of lumbago, but J -ra a WHEN WINDS GET ROUGH A& Windstorm Polley Protects Ton From Financial Lom fee making locomotion by the use of his trusty cane, +i and children of Orviston, | and Mrs. George Houdeshell | | daughter Janice and Sarah Etters of : visiting at {Chapman home BOALSBURG Mi A nt Priscllia Stuart of the weekend at her Mrs. E. W, Hess Mrs. Pred and Mr ind Mr | 28 and dau Boalsburs ang Mi Dreibelbd datdghters of Pine visitors i! the Clearfield Horne Lom berger she rt Hi Mi two were thier of and nad Mil Hi (yeOrpe Cirove Fdenr Sunday Mrs. Merle family of State College John Kerstetter of Boalshurg recent caller { ie Civorge M home Mr. and Houses ina home Mission Reforn Thur vou in New Paul a few Emmet Bellefonte days at the home o Mrs. ET. Heaton daughter of Pleas the f Wav And and ® super Noll guests at Thursday Stump " home of Jesse Porubar of Cum spent a few days in our village FAIRVIEW (Fram last week) Mr. and Mrs Jesse son Thomas, called =! confer home at Bellefonte on Thurs. day Mr. and Mrs. James Lucas two sons of Orviston, spent the week end at their home at this piace Mrs. Amelia Chapman and daugh- ter Fave. and Dick Watkins of this place. and Mrs. Ada Felmiee of Bellefonte, called at the William McClure home on Wednesday eve- Confer ana the Tavior and i ning Wwilbtir Lueas of Orviston, spent | a couple days jast week at the Am- elisa Chapman home 4 Mr. and Mrs Guy Lucas and chil dren of Howard, R. D.. Mr. and Mrs and Mr. and Mrs Fred Peters visited on Sunday at the Russell Locas home, Mr. and Mrs. McDowell Walker and Mr and visited on Sunday al Marsh Creek. {the willlam Etters home Mra Rov McKean of Moshannon, | called at the James Lucas home on | Saturday Prank Luecax of Bush Hollow, is present at the Amelia Mrs Amelia Chapman and Mrs | Russell Jones and two sons of Pleas. | ant Valley, called at the Mary Jane | Lucas home at ML Eagle on Satur. | day. PORT MATILDA The held Frie Port Matilda Band was concert the altlended Lizen wis) and Matilda and ne « ——————— Mr. V THE CHRISTIAN rivational Sunday May 0 mall town Charle nam Fon pion rmen of 8 been very hu ATL GOLDER? IL mes had some Lime had hooked it Lesson Text: | Peter | YARNELL school Ia 194% CITIZEN won or RELIGION, Gd) = BY WW.REID all were ¢ Hundred are being Chi 1843 w= 1 Chinese this Free wil 3 Peaiie % Hund: beer one ie bt table caus- bereft. E A I wrest Supervisor Wanted! Men And Women Who Are Hard of Hearing k hear dent Ask about Parrish bark at Drops today at onoe Get Studebaker servi and keep yout car up ARS that are allowed to deteriorate in operating efficiency may affect the success of the entire war- time transportation effort. Don’t let your car become a Liability when it should be a help. Have frequent in- spections made so that serious trouble won't get a chance to develop. No matter what make you drive, you'll find that the Fssential Transportation Workers emploved by Stude- baker dealers are thoroughly qualified to help keep your car in tip-top condition. They use special wartime servicing procedures that were worked out by factory experts in the great Studebaker engineering labora. tories and on the famous 800.acre Studebaker proving ground, Bring vour car in regularly at least once a month — for a careful Studebaker check-up. S. H. Poorman Garage 8. WATER STREET SELLEFONTE, PA -— BUY A LATE-MODEL USED STUDEBAKER Save gas, tires and upkeep . Tad 0 need no speaal suthorization om a used car. And if you purchase a yemve gas and tires ued 8 Se Our stacks clude de-
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