— THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. — May 20, 1943. —— A Over the County News | John M. Lane, who had been ser | ously ill at his home on North Alle- | gheny street reported to be much improved Mrs. William G. Runkle, wife of a well known Bellefonte attorney, wa admitted to Celsinger Hospital, Dun ville underwent an oper ntion condition ee Sunday School Lesson Ea—— Was St John's Evangelioal & Reformed Vit Stamm Churcl Last Satu:day after I ! Vv Mi Win | Musick, d nt ) Lay '. Net TEACHINGE ON WINES DECEITFULNESS Lwepnint ts \ Ver ’ i Morning wor - BIBLE where she wind storm broke off ene of Brockerhof! for a gall paint I'wo black bens tries 176 pounds each hot» county Wer © [Kettle In the Seven Warden Jesse Woodward shiy Fifty Years Ago A large trout that measured 19%, Last Saturday the Inches was caught by a son of Geo | House put out thelr new bu Royer, in Elk Creek, at Millheim white with gold The fish is the large ole reported’ It Baste taken in Centre county so far this season nrge po Lr Lt the Int iden 1H and mon 04 ! ni i wo e 1x Interpational Sunday for May 23rd welghing ahout Arm, near the § HET Y Potter on Nt Hig h Hihels Alrcralt Services nce y al noon sehool | ess captured In 1943 Hberated In the Warning Mountain by Mor Haussinger of da i | iuled nl ii leader chief ob chool stu ed pure vor John job came from and is a Just as Last Wednesday the firm of A. formation Beeper & Son, proprietors of thelof Thomas Central Meat Market in the Conrad ternoon, at building at this place, was dis | by mutual consent and the business ation when is now being conducted by Mr. Phil i He was aj 1p Beezer, formerly mano I Lhe utheran church at firm e is being Aste On last Friday Mrs we Harrison, of Boal tarriag 1 ve : “aren. 41 " y " A i : N . tal . ' 3 peri tender Pleasa Cap fled near erib \ ov and Stain SL John's Lutheran, Bellefonte Thy ps tor. Fu Mia } 10°45 aa. n Faith Testis PY fine we are galng Game Rev, Clarence FE. Arno Wis received of Eckart, Wednesda Milesburg. He was nove wirded diplomas April Having dnt 57) Wit fr Onl work wdunted Lh 3 $ ry Formal opening of the new qual dy yon & Compan tore on Allegheny street Daughters of maintain forme McGarvey siste advantage compieted hey i It must vd, in fairness to all . months before the required time i403 : : 4 i : n cerned there 18 both en Wis member of the 1942 gradua 29-35 there i ot 4 0 Bi in th a ing elt f Fast Penn J Je Hig! dent Cross Ley wer 1 the the | Fext: Proveris Matthew 24 held by America who room Wi 0lve non " ing the rallroad brides Lasnon local freight Catholl LAY whout 8 Vie nn thi ed | Mess! Alex the were to club The The Methodist Church in Bellefonte Rev. H. ( nger, Jr. minist Churci Cn room were LN pla ¢ Neu home alter moni DUI Nittany Valley Lutheran FPastorate h, Methodist Church Howard Pari | REAL ESTATE | TRANSEERS “JACKSONYV ILLE and Sarah Fara ‘ f Phu Rays! ; Sow ; 3 Lh wp. ; bury William Bec wield et ' X as a Bis forte . { i KE Lagrmand s her right arm. ini " vy Col Luth y wile snd fa g 4 and Mary Hoover £, &t ux. of Centers { ying | igh Morn Hawk Oatharine aren seriously. and other daughter Betty # during 15 ery at Rebersburg. May 30. 10:15 i ment CE y A ¢ " to "” are of Or Sil ' \ Fe tO ar- week were Ellsworth Conawy JTL. mi. morning service a SONLUTE. + g ts males. ik waleiih duripe nm Sheasiey, aught Shirte: day 30, 7°30 m ery ). It may pro tiast : a : a + Emel § t ] i ! in Potter Twp. $1 H. Homan, by Homan, of Btate ( Ferguson Tw Run fsedy ria "y G CXLTess sy ig Belicia wae di TES wre WORLD or RELIGION BY W.W.REID el Evangelical, Bellefonte / . hve bd 5 4 + Sk % Hi — Preshyterian ( harge Company for 3 weit et al. to Arthur aah . . x ried venin wit of Pt tract : " " a tele %£. Raymond Ha $5.000 Colege iladeiphia OLeRE Bier) CONSERVE YOUR ENERGY Evely AND MEET DAY'S DEMANDS Hon — w When this d effectiv UML = cv riot pe nd cr were, i to on H ) ITH. fe > or h Sing R ke oh ! alia, As io n Lind g d 8 ne Bom fils o a a $ ma : din } at: ba cia mon fn i ww SERVICE + . hn Swe t2er of Coleville, na 4 A da home “ ¥ nada hot Human acity for work and plas wisely used vine 1if p iy mAVing i« mai » and Because nar riciz being made makers they Hall lagie Clair House: Georg Girardi Clarence Woles Dedication ceremonies id Lr. BI « Harry Shope of Har- today. it = essen learn to conserve car in the middle of the American Lime AY the machine Lime and Stones evening at 7:45 in t Bunday weekend with the Elsie Shope the wd wiiks formers family believes Miss Helen 8 economics jot T™ exten | 3 n Moore of Monterey Mrs. Woody Hoover 5 ar- working to RFC, of Washington 31 resented | fe rvi 13g A in good in Benner 3 ] I to Ret talph hiabig. calif. and American Lime and Metho- pittsburgh, are visiting to RPC. Washington eY. en Mt Mrs. Pat e. Here are Benner Twp, § nONOY Pvt. Robert Kellander tah, 8 serving energy | Make er sin RFC. 18 Aner un Link i, Edward Kel- I Robert Griar of Bulle re- it isn't, try to Co.. of Bellefonte, tract in Be : : ¢ i Harry Watson, jurned home after visiting Dr make the Top. 4 rs. Edward Harr 2. Enjoy the work Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Sommers of 3. Keep congenial Wingate, visited Mrs. Sommers’ pal rounding: ents. Mr. and Mrs. John Shaw, Si 4. Have favorable working Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kauffman and ight and ventilation daughter Kay and son Dean, spent equipment in good condi evening with the formers suited to the task. com- toe Cole and family simple clothes, adequate space working Nn Ameri Twp Stone i ud D.C. tri arc Mr ‘ ph Bi veil PE nveiled the a few riEtian oven reports indicate war is SURE" and follow nome on furlough the work interesti and Stone ihe 2150 Home 1 TUFOUE 1 i v IK inter in Benner yt find the reason Sunday moon Bellefonte po. Youn Rexall PHARMACIST Sun Yon Pes | PERE TY ¥ 10 Thoms and NECesSSEAry changes ae hen the 2 raid on several railroad yl Walter Bradlee: aged . , George Wenrick, ‘a Orvis Gillette Henn Gillet Ed ward Hipple, Willlam Gillette, Gar. ald Shope, Edward Conaway. Marin Whiteman, Michael Rental, Richard Bradley, James Stark, Frank Shope Max Confer, Calvin Moore, Dr Wil lat Dreibelbis, Paul irwin, Merrill Conaway. Guy Moore, Guy Woles- Ingle William Budinger, Joseph Woleslagle, Wilson Thomas, Eversly Russell, Harrison Moore George St Clair, James Carlson, Chalmers yohn. Andrew Swablie, Robert Rich- ard. Elmer Watson, John Butter. . Sonfinued on Page Five) : on Potter street - . HRT i pieasant Remember . . . the effectiveness of your | sir. . { residents of : t ¢ : ! if ress i i THe kev LO doctor's prescription relies upon three The key ie : untied : fundamentals: Expert compounding — to be found » : 4 tos ants re fs a full serength ~~ fresh materials ~ and a land empire has | i adbiprer ¢ $ oe fin " and must be beaten On rigid adherence to the use of ingredients specified. That is why we urge you to bring your prescription to the Rexall was a general Drug Store. . . where extra attention is | a8 the given to these three priceless ingredients, | from war with Japan | that the is- strength in the the Our gambling wa: Someone ap- men about few mo arrived there from the cars crambled Nol a much . oondi- i the car the fact tions-good the tools and tion fortabk storage heights LITTLE NITTANY 5 Maintain good 6. Take ti y Among those who visited at the! ° Ta me fo Margaret Dullen home Sunday were *10 recreation rb. ag y v 7. Safeguard against accidents Ernest and Mazie Pardo of Belle. 4 efuard again cident Have a plan and system fonte, and Dempsey Dullen of Lock working: be open-minded; ftivyre sr a oi i] Pi] impending raid, for a ments before Sunday ana daughter, Mr police execs \ + ANG Core) gamuier AWAY person KELVINATOR ELECTRIC STOVES postaire relaxation the area single identified T. F. Dornblaser of Mackeyville, who was sojourning in Germany, wrote to friends from Nowawes, near rest for avoid WHITE BROS. Drug Store BELLEFONTE, PA, i Civil 1000 marks Pottsdam, informing them of an op- eration he had undergone for the re- moval of an abscess in the thigh, caused by an encysted bullet from the gun of a “Johnny” during the War. The operation cost 60,- or less than $3 in Amer. licen money. Hig entire expense at the hospital for ten days, room, meals, nursing and four servants, in- cluding the operation, was 450.000 marks, or less than $20 in American | money, i MELROY'’S Phone 6951 PLEASANT GAP, PA, PHILCO RADIOS BENDIX HOME LAUNDRY worth, Gerald Gillette, John Shaw Jr.. Hugh Shaw, Edward Hall, Hom- er 8t. Clair. Robert Clink, James Reasurer, Notman Harris, Pearl Viehdorfer, Harry Hall, Leo Gun- gallus, Philip Budinger, Peter Houser, | Charles Budinger, Arch Marshall, [Arthur Marshall. Robert Kellander, {Donald Irwin, Max Shope, Robert Dixon, Thomas Boyd, Sr, William Bates, Charles Hahn, Donald Etters, | Charles Shaw, Robert Irwin, Oragzio| Nustase, Edua Thompson, John Cal | Haven Prancig Dullen and son Philip of Howard, visited the former's moth- er, Mrs. Annie Dullen and family on Sunday. Lester Moore and son of Fleming. ton, and Mr. and Mrs. Burton Clark and the latter's mother and niece of Tyrone, visited at the Orvis Clark home, Sunday People who talk fast much often outrun their facts. ci Si haste and waste motions 9. Keep cheerful. have a sense of | humor; avoid worry and friction | 10. Keep physically fit; eat nut- (ritionally well-balanced meals: get plenty of rest and sleep 850 far as we have been advised, no ‘employers have had ocoasions to ad- {monish employes against being too jearly for work
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers