LER BR 28 38 28 J * wn EVERY Zhe Centre Democral VOLUME 61. NUMBER 37. E— BELLEFONTE, PA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1942, EVERY PAYDAY a_i SUBSCRIPTION—$1.50 PER YEAR, SAVING IN WAR BONDS BODY BE ——_— ce — SALVAGE DRIVE OPENS NEXT WEEK 5000 Tons of Scrap Banjo Band fo Quota for County Sponser Bond To Make House-to-House Canvass in Bellefonte, September 16 METALS, RUBBER, RAGS, ARE SOUGHT Filline Stations Volunteer to Serve as Collection Depots Karl E. Kusse, chairman of Scrap Harvest Week (September 14 to 18) in the Bellefonte area, vesterday an- nounced that plans have been com- pleted for a housesto-house vass of the town Day” which has been nescday, September 16 On that day every Bellefonte and vicinity asked to place at the curb in front of his home every available pleee of scrap metal, rags and rubber. Trucks do- nated by local industries will make & tour of the town, picking up all scrap so collected. A tentative quota of 5000 tons of scrap has been set for the county Alr Rald Wardens teered to go from house-to-house Monday and Tuesday, September 14 and 15, asking housewives and others to make a thorough search of their home for scrap materials All scrap collected on Rally Day will be sold to junk dealers at fixed prices and the money received will be turned over to the local Civilian Defense Pund The committee points out that persons wishing to sell scrap materials directly to deal- ers are urged to do so. The main thing is to get as much scrap into circulation as possible during the can- Scrap Rall; set for Wed- on resident of have volun- lections of junk to filling stations which have volunteered to act as official scrap depots R J. Kennard, of State chairman of the Centre County Sal- vage and Waste Committee, reports that plans are wxier way in many other county communities get scrap materials out’ of cellars, at- tics, barns, sheds and other storage places where most. of it is rusting away In State College a large chicken wire bin is to be erected on one of the main streets so the contribution of scrap will be wsible to gll as the bin is filled College to rt Bob Morris, Jr. Golf Champion Defeats Dick Valentine in An- nual Labor Day Tour- nament Robert Morris, Jr., of Bellefonte, emerged as winner of the annual Labor Day golf tournament at the Nittany Country Club, Monday, by defeating Dick Valentine, 5 and 4. in the 18-hole. final round Morris, Titan Metal Company em- ploye, defeated Elmer Decker and Swengel Smith earlier in the tourn- ament on the way up to the champ- ionship round Valentine became a contender for the season's trophy when he defeat- ed Dr. J CG Weixel and Philip B Ray The second flight winner was Hugh Quigley who had a 7-8 victory over Jack Sutton In the third flight, Ebon Bower won out with a 3 to 2 conquest of Dr. Schwartz and the fourth flight competition was won by Bill Brouse He topped Ward Gramley by 3 and 1 (Continued on Page Three) Cyril Moerschbacher Steward at Nittany Cyril Moerschbacher, of East Lo- gan street, for the past 11 years steward at the Bellefonte Elks home resigned that position to accept the post of steward #t the Nittany Country Club. He succeeds Mitch Sulouff, resigned Mr. Moerschbacher, who began the duties of his new position yesterday, has moved his {amily and household goods to the club and is now in full charge iLhere sm A ————— Joseph Herman Now In Naval Service Joseph Herman, 36, son of Mr, and Mrs. Pred Herman, of East Curtin street, last Thursday at Philadelphia enlisted in the U. 8 Navy and on the following day departed for Chicago, Il, to enter the Great Lakes Naval Training Station. . Mr, Herman, a graduate of the Bellefonte High School, attended the University of Pittsburgh and for the past 12 years has been employed at the National Gypsum Company plant at Bellefonte. He is 8 member of tht odghout this er well known Citizens can help the collection | immeasurably by taking their col- | State College Terminal Scene of $800 Robbery For the third time in a year the State College Post House, Grevhound terminal was robbed early Monday morning. Loot consisted of a small safe containing more than $800 Borough police sald the burglar: gained entrance by forcing the door Of the baggage room after an at- tempt had made to cut the glass out of the door Ihe Post December 1942 been was robbed again House 1941 in and in Jan Uary Clear Over $150 For Defense at Festival The two-day festival held at Undine lot. East Bi nop street, dur- ing the weekend, netted more than $150 for the Bellefonte Civilian De- fense Pund, officials announced this week. Samuel D. Rhinesmith, of Bellefonte, was chairman of the ar rangements., Music Priday night was furnished by American Legion Junior Band Bellefonte. On Saturday night the Veterans of Foreign Wars Fife and Drum Corps, Bellefonte provided music Sedan Stolen In Bellefonte Police Find No Trace of Car Owned by W. Has- sell Montgomery An olive green 1838 Chrysler se dan owned by W. Hassell Montgom - ery, of Bellefonte, was stolen from its parking in front of the Montgomery home on East Linn street early Sunday night and so far no trace of it has been found Mr. Montgomery car on Linn street about 8 p. mm. neglecting to remove the key from the ignition switch Chief of police Harry Dukeman, on a regular patrol, saw the car there about a half hour later. About 8:00 p. m. members of the Montgomery family discovered that it was gone Borough police and State Motor | Police investigating the theft yester- day reported that no word has been received regarding the missing se- dan, despite teletype messages sent to police all through the east The car bearing registration plates JHGO2, had only about three gallons of fuel in its tank when it | was taken, Mr Montgomery repor- ted 100 Attend OPA Meeting Here tne the f Ol place had parked the t facing west, at Speaker Declares Move Was Made to Prevent Disas- trous Inflation A meeting sponsored by the Of- fice of Price Administration was held last Thursday evening in the Court House, with about 100 merchants ! from Bellefonte, State College and surrounding towns present Karl E. Kusse acted as chairman of the meeting and introduced Frank T. Page of the Philadelphia Office of the O. P. A., who spoke on the economic reasons for the passage of the Maximum Price Regulation Act The principal reason for its passag« was to prevent disastrous inflation brought on by the rise in prices During the World War prices doubled and increased the cost of conducting the war over three times the normal cost. The new act is not intended to drive merchants out of business but without price control and a resulting inflation from the lack of it, it would be entirely pos- (Continued on Page Siz) To Open Headquarters, For Civilian Defense A headquarters and office for the Centre County Civillan Defense | committee is being established in| the rooms in the Little Arcade build- | ing, West High street, Bellefonte, , formerly occupied tv the Kalamazoo | Stove Company, it was announced | yesterday by Henry A. Brockerhoff, pounty chairman of Civilian De-| fence The office will be used for the dis- tribution of information, storage of | files, records and other matters per-| taining to Civilian Defense active! ities. Miss Mary Baum |g in charge | tof getting up the headquarters witich | will be open each day with trained | volunteer workers in charge. A tele- | | phone will be installed | | The room is being contributed to | { the defense program by Mrs. George A Thompson, owner of the build- now being arranged H | $80.00 Tires? They'd Be Nothing New to Motorists of 1904-1914 fq Air Crash Victim reCovering that the EY pirited horse enjoyed driving He cot tea Pr. R G. Hi ugvested Lire gun wand In “ | ii 2000 miles! which he had alway nervou J the of Bellefonte him an t a dolla made welght Or ate who i ME RRLS) i hi HiYEl 1 AY Sale Concert Event to be Held at Plaza Theatre, Sunday, september 27 “l WAR STAMPS WILL SERVE AS TICKETS WL he give Woman Suffers Arm up nui bil irivia suthun Do i ui Many Local Music Group to Take Part in Program CH Owl nn 1904 The Spoi the 28 Vict the al September ; i Lieut. Charles srachbill, ron of John Brachbill, of Willisinsport lost life Jast week airplane crash nea Little The tion which during \ Admittance gained by the pur in war and 25 cents In Reserved theatre pure hase or bonds } who had arin Ark Man tock Grade Schools Opened Here Opening of High School Depends Upon Comple- tion of Building 4 Six Countians Enlist In Army Recruits Pass Physical Exam Savi . miinged on Page Siz) Farm Help May Likes Anthem Get Deferment In Lower Key and Men Under Be Classified ; Vital inations, Sent to New be 0 week eceedir pi Cumberland UTER RIZAL uw giant fonte Legion Y.P. \ Wio iy Farm Jovs 15 Mas Food hs { fetter Bi LAY From Capitol Moersehbacher's b} (8) k hank: vil to High It al New fimes Band Fif n-Marti: Joy Titan Metal onte Accordion will be presented along with » { Apri § taken ar to t? for hig! ie £ with ie met { necessary vocalist ins taken means of ptiblinle agencies that may be Neg jable to help with this problem of retaining vital Term help With new mulitary classifications about to be used, the farm boys and men under 45, now needed to main- tain WL Pe f Arm ii iia Robert E. Martin 23, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. RB. Martin, Julian, {He end of this month who entered the regular army, un- | Grade school teachers, the grades gould : { they teach and the estimated num Frank T. Dyke, 41. of High street, | ber of pupils in esc grade follow Bellefonte, son of U. G. Dyke, of | Allegheny street building Mile Dyke entered army a . tad First Miss Ethel Crider a8 weiger ¥ N a speck help and | d ! York eived 1 agnition for the letter from Major Harolll W. Kent, of the Educational ‘ddnsison, Bureau of Public Rela tiols In the War Department atl Washington { 9 ¢ BAaPDs Ue bDullding will be contacting all mes, and red ¢ aged (Cunitened on Page Four) ¥ - MARY KATHERINE FLYNN TO WED PITTSBURGH RESIDENT 48 D og Le “ burg the add lett A grade a lie - church belle Kk Monday after 14. with I N44 faced rating farm fore exhausting Continued E “e ul liam hod Miss Flynn was gradua the Bellefonte High Sch 1G nel f 1938 and fo L thelr Ds g 0 i¢ or y De S class of Deen emp telephone graduate a member board of Corp in to enter future and Jones will Bellefonte preliminary a un Page Siz, the M ine Lime x Bellefonte Jones a 1942 relations ty ¥ Lig { RD 2 son of Mr CGettig of Bellefonts [Fe (et {fonts H A 5 enlisted as Army Be aly wal ed in - ‘ exchange f Penn Stat of of the Industy - Star-Spangled Banncr Cars Collide at College A flat raion Appre about ¥ ! Ve d sximately $70 damage resulted ock Monday afternoon sn by David 1 Rap the Phi Epsilon Pi Mrs. Harold J. Corl collided at the cor- and Pugh There were ‘« res mechan he OC 3 . he ( ¢ when Car iriv H t engl isle of Pleasant “ Arms Lx TEAlres hael tudent in Fraternity, and f State College of af ( Willis Fran*lin Hoy, 30 Ho replaced incipal th $ bres +} ise } iIXLn " ti $Vi7s 4] TT 8 1 ng who was quoted Times om pl i Cx man BSasscer ly In The y that he'd Near Mrs red office ix open day tendants in charge will be glad format wish an vinpat wi rage Mr a s probable that every anda ner Nittany avenue a sl the at y Floyd Hill hi elemen 3 te College i { the crash Stats ures in y compe treet have a “hell of a t ) give 2 anyone f itary training | No inj (Continued on Page Siz) (Continued on Page Five) As Bellefonte Industry Received Army-Navy Production Award | Tr ——mS— Qre— - wien 4 So EEE Photo above shows part of crowd which assembled at the Titan Metal Manufacturing Company plant south of fown, last Wednesday afternoon when the Company formally was presented with the Army-Navy “E” insignia, and also received a4 large Minute Man Flag in recognition of 100 per cent employe participation in 10 per vent payroll allotments for War Bonds and Stamps. To the right center are seen the speakers’ platform, bandstand, and block of spectators’ seats. Just to the left center is the new flagpole erected on Fracture in Accident Attempt Hoax In Deaths of Fliers Lieut. Charles Brachbill Victim of Crash: Was Well Known Here OFFICIALS PROBE "PHONE MESSAGE Father Receives Word son Not Dead After War Dept. Announcement Char airplane Ark listed AL LT AWD i Ls aller eased Follow] nouncer Brachbi MJ : tele Tenn fioer was check the fam- rities revealed uwited in auth ana res ATTRS Po ior beginning a search armed Lhat Pittsburgh widow whose son Thomas A Nayion was killed in the same crash, re- ceived a similar telephone call from Mr. Coxe In her case, the voice explained “Thom isn’t dead at all” and assured the widowed mother of her son's re- ‘turn home by plane if she wired | $125 to pay for the trip. | According to the Pittsburg report, Mrs. Nayion promised to wire the mones undertaker investi- was again Mrs a “ gated ana the hoax un- vered for bill the family request Brach ning him (Continued mone) Ly mace ele 5813 1008) Was the DRI ihe party rs ph on Pape Siz) Civilian Defense Courses to Begin (Classes Start September 15; George McClellan Heads Fund Committee An opportunity to learn the rudi- ments of blackout driving for ser- vice in the Civilian Defense and Red Cross driving corps will be afforded the men and women of Bellefonte and Centre county, it was announ- ced today by M. T. Bunnell in charge of training for the county Recruits will be sought immediate- iy Amos E. Nevhart, administrative head of the Institute of Public Saf- jety the Pennsylvania State COol- lege and road training consultant of ithe American Automobile Associs- tion, has already consented to serve in the capacity of instructor All classes will be held at State College and it is planned to begin training September 21 Mr. Neyhart conducted a similar class at State Coliege this summer and the course attracted 19 students, 14 of them young women He ytii- ped his “test course” on the out- skirts of the community to train his pupils in blackout driving, engine repairs, fixing flats, and performing (Continued on Page Three) * al a hb. Blackout Drivers to Get Training Recruits Sought For Class to be Taught by Amos Nevhart New classes in basic training for Civillan Defense will begin Septem- {ber 15, it was decided at a meeting {of the Bellefonte council held Sun- iday afternoon at the Logan fire house. Classes will be held at the Presbyterian Chapel Persons who did not complete the work during the recent classes or who wish to take the work now may do s0, it was announced by John Popson, chairman of the Bellefonte it has been found necessary to ob- tain additional funds. uipment | for casualty stations will be one of {the tems for which the money will | Continged on page Mx) the Titan lawn. From top of flagpole flutters the American Flag. From left yardarm is suspended the Minute Man Flag, and on the right yardarm is seen the Army-Navy burgee, i Beyond the flagpole is the giant slag pile from old Nittany Furnace, which manufactured arms and equipment during the flagpole and flag pile are the two swans which recently were acquired by the Tan Company Civil War. The white figures on the pond between the
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