. LAR BE IR 2 38 3% ON J adhe Centre Democvaf EVERY VOLUME 61. NUMBER 38. BELLEFONTE, PA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1942, AVING IN AR BONDS ony SUBSCRIPTION—$1.50 PER YEAR PORT MATILDA MAN IS SENTENCED More Sc% ous Charge Withdrawn by State Land Safely In (Gets 6 Months in Jail For Adultery; Rape Count Dropped CRIMINAL, CIVIL DOCKETS CLEARED Ger.ua Acquitted of Cash- ing Pay Checks; Ver- dict in Civil Suit James Dennison Snyder 1 Fort Matilda, a former minister sentenced to serve six months in county jail Monday morning he pleaded guilty to a charge adultery, as the September criminal court opened here before Judge Ivan Walker A more serious charge Saatutory rape on a 15-vear-old girl -Was withdrawn by the Common. wealth shortly before the case came up for consideration. Snyder's tence for adultery also included pay ment of the The ion wa the shortest tory of Centre criminal and wiped clean in a ! gan Monday and ended the foll ing afternoon leas in two criminal cases speeded th ings Jack Hughill, Philipsburg with F. and B entered plea o nelle contendere and wa pay the costs nf prosecution, t INg-in. expenses for $300 until the sentence comiplied with. No support the ciild wad efitered against him since the prosecutrix said the child's (Continged on Page Three) Was the when ’ ol one of SOT - rhsts of prosecution SE probably court terms in “yi civil Ao i session + eo OY von ed g i directed to he It and to post a bond had been order for Sr prais A Three Injured In Car-Truck Crash Kofman Truck Loaded With R81; Tons of Castings Over- turns Near Woodland Three Clearfield residents wer jured last Wednesday night the car in which were ridir and one of the Kofman trucks, of Bellefonte, collided at the intersec- tion of the Pleasant Valley road and Route 322 at Woodland. The agci- dent happened about 6.45 p m Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Rosenberry and daughter, Hazel, occupants of the car. were rushed to the Clear- field Hospital suffering from shock and Miss Rosenberry also was treat- ed for head injuries. The driver of the truck, G. Blake Bartley, of West Curtin street, Bellefonte, w un- injured Motor Police at Clearfield reported Continued when thee they T° f ns on page Siz - County Home Gets Harvest Home Gift Monday Second Section) morning the Centre County Home, Bellefonte, received al large collection of fresh and canned vegetables and fruits from Harvest Home services conducted Sunday in the Aaronsburg church, of which the Rev. G. A. Fred Gylesing is the pastor The donation. brought to Belle fonte by former Sheriff John M Boob of Millheim, included the fol- lowing items: tomatoes, peas, apples, grapes, cabbage, spinach, squash, pumpkins, beets, mangos, rhubarb, endive, celery, potatoes, carrots, cu- cucumbers, dried corn, 13 quarts of fruft and vegetables and a large as- sortment of flowers Boalshu Mr. and Mrs. George C lifelong residents of Boalsburg, quietly observed their fiftieth wed- ding anniversary on Tuesday of this week. Plans for a celebration were cancelled on account of illness in the family Mr. and Mrs. Markle were married At Boalsburg by the Rev. W. A. Trostle, and have resided near that vicinity ever since. Both Mr. Markle and his wife, who was formerly Miss Anna Rossman, are enjoying fairly good health Their family consists of three daughters. They are: Mrs. Mae Bay- Jetts of State College, Mrs. Stella Davidson of Bellefonte, R, D., and Mrs. Merrill Houser of State Col- lege. Mr. and Mrs. Markle also are the grandparents of eighteen child- Pa. ren, and the great-grandparents of | four children. Their guests over’ the weekend were: Mrs, William Stover, Mrs. Mary Relish, Mr. and Mrs, LeRoy Klinger and daughter, of Boalsburg; Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Houser, Mrs, Mae Bayletts, Mrs. Sara Markle and son. of State College; Mr; and Mrs. Jared Grove and daughter, of Le- mont; Mrs. Stella Davidson and two children, Vera ang Eugene, and | fight rg Couple M Markie, | Foreign Port Cards to Relatives An- nounce Arrival of Unit at Destination CENSORSHIP BANS DETAILS OF TRIP Four Enlist In U. S. Army Air Forces Corp. Jack Miller, It U. 8 Army Bellefonte nounced that ted In the U during t number going tor el CONArge of the Recruiting office in the stoffice yesterday an enlis- Forces that a unaer men have Army Air week and now past he if others he ar Unit Embarked From New Jersey Camp; New Address Given The four wi examination have ! Center at New Cumb Nevin Rhir and Mrs ville been ent D Mail { ale wieards to the families and close nds of delivery arrival members of ] te National Guard D. 2 the nd rourht Abel J Git where Mr Pete Edgar M and Mrs. J From the reception will be i 1 A nearby ast ter ie pas n widely ’ mer : mnaer init had salied for foreign Ww A Cr Ot Mr 24 n Milesburg Wallace lace yf center the {our wore mail. field were mal Army a that th ard ving here New York by the announcement arr Ign Lil fom pu ocal . troop be giad t st regard forces N Il ! been at Camp Sutton. N. C 0 0 arlier at Camp Shelby, Mis rom now 1 the members Whiterock Co. = | 1233 | have a new APO 813, co v instead of APO will be PO Ne » Postmaster and thelr cable a N.Y fidress . ’ AMACUR Also Retains Post As Gen- eral Manager; Succeeds Late Col. Reynolds ‘Dedicate Plaque At Spring Mills Civie Club Sponsors Ceremony in Tribute to 40 Men, 1 Woman At a meeting of Whiterock Quar tors, Tuesday, Ray C. Noll if Pleasant named pres Fred Mr ral ries direc Cri] eed iin ship men and on 8. argped forces wa ated at appropriate services inst Wednesday 1 Township School The the Music school 8 night in the Greg auditorium ceremony Gregg Tow wis furnished high chorus ; Township Band Cc M. Hammond Methodist church. secretary of the Ci principal speakers gave a brief history soldiers’ and sailors’ plsque and de- scribed other activities being ducted for the benefit of men in Second Sect wil ist for- merly performed The vacancy on causeqa vy Reynol un 1 JANUATY Jodon Wholaver the board of pastor { and Walter ic Club Mr of the the Auman, th Auman death will annual it was reported ectors the recent of Col be filled meeting {vesterday probably not regular were the ir con- ———— Drivers’ Training Classes to Begin {| The first meeting of the drivers’ jtraining class to be held at State | College will be held 7 o'clock the " Continued on page #2 EE AE.” Nine Groups On Concert Program at ¥ Monday evening. in Room 3, Sparks building, adjacent to the main li- brary building at Penn State, offi- cials said yesterday All persons interested in the course are urged to attend the initial meet- ing. The class is being held pri- marily for those interested in driving for Civilian Defense work or in the Red Cross Motor Corps. Further in formation may be obtained from Mrs. Daise B. Henderson, Belle- fonte, or from M. T. Bunnell's office, 202 Central Exchange, State College - “Salute Your Heroes Concert” To Be Held at Plaza, At least nine prominent Bellefonte musical organizations will partici- pate in the "SBalute Your Heroes Concert” to be held at the Plaza theatre here on Bunday evening, September 27 at 9 p. m., it was an- nounced yesterday by those in charge of the program In addition to the local groups, totaling some 275 artists in all, spec- ial features will include Joe Smiley land his Happy Harvesters, with Joe Lamo, the banjo wigard. as featured jover radio station WMRF, Lewis town scrap your old into the Throw amied 50 Years | (Continged of Page Four) a —_—— Wind, Rain Cause Damage In Valley A heavy rainstorth which struck parts of Centre county late Tuesday afternoon centered most heavily in Buffalo Run Valley, with many trees {torn down and corn flattened to the ground | Assuming the proportions of a | “twister,” the wind blew down a ished on the John Meek farm near {Gray's cemetery and felled one of | the large poplars which arched the iroad to Btormstown not far from the intersection with Route 322. The | two trees had long served as a land- {mark In that part of the county { Fruit trees near the Lutz home- stead and trees on the Bierzow farm | were felled. Mrs natty Kepler. of Bellefonte: Marshall, of State College - es ma > Free Movie Tickets for Kiddies Fred Fisher, manager of the local | theatres, yesterday announced that ‘any child purchasing $2 or more in | War Stamps at the Plaza Theatre {in September, will recive a free tick- {et to the movies, and also will re- On Duty in Increase Size October Draf ... Ration Boards (all 367 Men 3 New Members Named For County Boards; [Labor Recognized To lighten the burden Upon. prog County R ent members of the atin ' fe ing Board pPoasi bie fos 3 bo The Pr wege Mills Hall New Board members Reynolds VanBuskirk to be Ordained Pastor AL sery 26 at the South Ap t ch South Appalachian Reynolds VanBuskirk. of East High street, Bellefonte, will be ordained as a minister of the Baptist church The Rev. Mr. Westbrook, pastor of the South Appalachian church, will be in charge of the service Mr. VanBuskirk, a graduate of the Bellefonte High School in the class of 1935. entered the John A. Davis Memorial School at Binghamton, N Y.. in September 1839 and was grad- uated from that Bible school In June of this year . After his ordination he expects to accept a pastorate in the Bellefonte vicinity and will continue to manage the Shope Lumber Co. mill in Belle. fonte. Mr. VanBuskirk is a son of Mrs. Susan VanBuskirk, of South Thomas street foes to wurch - Announce Schedule For Registration The Centre county registration commissioners yesterday announced special volers' registration dates for residents of the county's borough and townships In each case the registrars will be on duty from 10a. m. to 3 p. m. and from 7 to 10 p. m, the ers said The schedule for the special reg- istration follows For Howard borough and Howard, Curtin, Liberty and Marion town- ships, at the Howard Fire Company building. on Monday, September 21 For Millheim borourhs and Gregg, (Continged on Page Sir) A a MILESBURG MAN ABOARD 4 LINER BURNED AT SEA A Milesburg man, now serving his’ second enlistmont in the Navy, was on board the transport Wakefield, formerly the Manoattah, when it iburned at sea on September 3. it {was learned this week { The man, Gerald L. Green, son of Mrs. Wade McKinley of Milesburg, commission | Local Troopers Man, Reported Dead, Now Start of School Partial St South Pac joember 7 when th {thelr sneak atl Narchod Cr {ly wounded ang wa ital The official word kill ! family famii Purple Heart and Ci i wearing Hickam Fiel broke wearer Lhe “ry th Wa on Ie 1rred EB Ow the Equator September 19 Dr. Flegal Enters U. S. Navy Service i Ex- pected to be Completed in Two Weeks BOARD APPROVES : TUITION RATES Three Teachers Elected to 5. Fill Vacancies: Two . More Needed Bellefonte Higl scheduled (Classroom Section Is ™ The tativels ‘ alive) 4 ne new build Bellefonte Board to Fur- nish 287, State College Board 80 Selectees whe heaviest dewin upon © Centre TYEE 13 30 thea _. nt MADDOW le presen IMACHE Nn Oc. Local Draft Th 1014 heduled ' Club Welcomes 8 New Members Pat Holt Named to Aid Civil- ian Defense at Miles. burg J Eight new members were accept- ed into the Milesburg Woman's Club at the first fall meeting of the club in the Milesburg school last week The new members. welcomed into the organization by Mrs. L. G. Pet- ers, club president, were: Mrs Wil- liam Eckenroth, Mrs. Linus Gill, Mrs. Willlam Pisher, Mrs. Orlando Bryan, Mrs. Oscar Wensel, Mrs Hewes Phillips and Mrs. Grover Merryman, all.of Milesburg, and Mrs. Clyde N. Lee, Bellefonte Following the regular business ses. sion, members of the club went to the Presbyterian church where a Civilian Defense program, directed by Mrs, Margaret Roberts. was held i Speakers included Henry A. Brock. erhoff of Bellefonte, Centre County Civilian Defense chairman: Catherine Flohr, in charge of civil. lan volunteer groups in the state: John Popson, head of the Civilian Defense program in the area, ind Frederick Warner, Belle- | forte, chairman of the local Red Cross chapter Mr. Popson announced the ap- pointment of Pat Holt, of Milesburg, {as his assistant in the defense pro- {gram in that area The next regular meeting of the {club is scheduled to be held on Tuesday, October 6 at 7:30 p. m., in | the school at Milesburg. BHS ‘Pep’ Meeting on Diamond Here Tonite “homeless” until the new building is completed, will stage a pep meet. ing on the Diamond here tonight in preparation for the season's opening football game with State College High at State College, tomorrow | (Friday) night i The pep meeting will be held at 17:30 p. m. and there will be music, jcetve a ticket for the “Salute Your escaped but lost all belongings and cheer leading. and possibly other sc. | Heroes Concert” at the Plaga, Sun- | clothing in the fire, according to re. | Het MR, AND MRS. GEO. C. MARKLE day night, Septembér 27, j ports, All high sohotl students j are urged to be present, Mrs. | Bellefonte | Bellefonte * High School students, | rupted sught the but na Gis in was bre y 4 wit) th wilh a new teachers A mkthematios and science position main unfilled no applicant Of id tO ISTE Are f those J. JACK STOEHR e bel Coach Miller To Enter U.S. Army Will Become Instructor at West Palm Beach: Gets Lieutenant's Rating Miller Bellefonte High School coach and mathematics tea- will leave October 1 to enter the U 8. Army where be come an instructor cipher and code school at West Palm Beach Florida. He is a volunteer and will receive a commission as first tenant Miller will first undergo six weeks of training at the Officers’ Training School at Miami, Florida, after which he will be sent to West Palm Beach At the conclusion of training period Mrs. Miller, the for- mer Betty Musser. of Bellefonte nd their young daughter, Pamela will join him at West Palm Beach Mr. Miller came to Bellefonte 11 vears ago and has been teaching here ever since. He has obtained a imilitary leave of absence for the duration. virginia MT recCoORTIZAG as John (Continued om Pape Fiz) . cher he will the Milesburg Festival Nets $246 for Defense a ileu- members yrganizatio weld «¢ i Milesbur his house, netted $248 for fund community, it ported yesterday of the It is estimated that approximately $600 wil] be chase equipment for a cast two air raid posts in Milesbu Officials express their thanks the public for the patronage accord- ed the festival neege to “i1t pul b “ tati . mt ity station ana ‘Undine News’ Makes Bellefo Appearance In Town The first issue of The Undine News” periodical of the Undine Fire Company, made its appearance in Bellefonte yesterday. The newspaper, a four-page edition, is to be pub- lished monthly and was established primarily to give Undine members in the armed foroes the latest news| of the company and the activities of its members Copies of the paper are to be mailed to all members in the ser. {vice. The staff of the periodical is las follows: Bddie Kern, editor: Dick | Alterio, associate editor: Joseph [ Bauer, Carl Moerschbacher and! {Ralph Moerschbacher, assistants | / [The first issue contains a brief re- | view of major news events in Belle | | fonte, and many items of breezy {comment abotit Undine members. | : oie I ———— ‘Mrs. Mary H. Scott Is Welfare Secretary = Mrs. Mary Harvey Scott, of East _ Curtin street, has been named sec. | retary of the Bellefonte Community Welfare Fund, succeeding Mrs. Has- sell Lose, who has gone to McCon-! nellsburg to live while her husband | is in the service Mrs. Scott will be in charge of the! One native Bellefonte boy who welfare offices on the second floor of | left home 10 make good it First Ser. the Y. M. C. A building and will be | geant Robert R. Reiber. top-kick of in charge of collecting pledges to the one of Hickam FMeld's key squad-| fund. The offices are open dmily. [rons Sgt Reiber has the honor of | i background. It conocer y ily life hie Native Is Y Top-Kick At Hickam Field, T. H. f rike at “ Scheduled For Whiterock Quarries Name-Calling And Stohe- Throwing Reported Near Plant Yesterday ‘CONSIDERATION’ FOR OLD EMPLOYES CITED Union Wants 5 or 6 Work ers Given Jobs They Are Able to Handle 142 mpmoyes 1t~ of eptember ’ re rike tdowy hat after w Wie rogue } nlinued om Page Four) —- Stolen Car ound Near Jennerstown LOCAL AUDIENCES ACCLAIM “MRS. MINIVER” AT FLAZA for a four-day aza Theatre, Belle- of the greatest motion eed i + as one h courage, devotion th. Greer Garson and teamed in “Mrs SUCOORSeS igeon are to repeat the Dust’ Mrs. Miniver™ is though war is its ns the inhabi- a small English village: fle-class people who try valiant- iife as usual although un- peril for the sake morale on the home front Air raids, the rescue at Dunkirk, and the final bombing of the village, are among its thrills. Through these run simple, human episodes of fam- even the alr raid shel- ters, and comedy and romanoe of everyday folk - Walter Pi Miniver’ Blossoms in story of a war story their no ¢ y live ne? constant Ok der * n oungest being the youngest officer of that rank at the field Sergeant Reiber was born on Au- gust 22, 1821. which makes him just eligible for voting Yet Sergeant Reiber has assumed the responsible job of “first soldier” over a war- time organization in a combat zone in the Hawaiian Islands A job, the duties of which consist of every- thing. from that of “assistant chap- lain” to chief roster ruler, and right hand man of the commanding of- ficer Born in Bellefonte, Reiber moved to Kingston, this state, where he attended Kingston High School, graduating with honors, after a course specializing in commercial | subjects. Soon after graduation, at the end ‘of June in ‘40, Reiber decided upon his turn at military service, con- {vinced of the benefit of an early start His progress up the ladder of “| sleeve chevions Was no blazing rec- ord of promotions, but a gradusil and steady climb. After enlistment al Wilkes-Barre In July. 1940, Rei- ber was assigned to the Air Corps at Hickam Field, where he arrived in September of the same year His first duty was a clerk in the orderly room, and in that capacity he was made a private first class in (Opmttnuel ox Pape Pour)
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers