SCERHAVE'S INLAND BITTERS CELIP, RATED HOLLAND REMEDY FOR byspepsia, r : 3EASE OF THE KIDNEYS, LITER CSISPLAnT, TSAINESS OP ANY KIND, FEVER AND AGUE, J. lie rieioUi affections consequent upon a disordered STOMACH OR LITER, >i os Indigestion, Acidity of the ptomaeh, Colicky Palus. ftoirtburn, Loss of Appetite, Despondency, Ccstivnnoss. Blind and Bleeding Piles. In nil Nervous. Rheumatic, and nilgic Affections, It has in numerons instances proved 'Nstiiiy beneficial, and in others effected a dee'dod-cure. This is a purely vegetable compound, prepaied on strictly s-'iiiriSe principles, after the manner of the celebrated ' ...Hand Professor, lta-rhave. Its reputation at home pro ■ ■ *-i its introduction here, the demand commencing will! c of the Fatherland scattered over the face of this 'entity country, many of whom brought with them and Mailed down the tradition of its value. JI is now offered ■ the American public, knowing that its truly wonderful o-e.lici-nal virtues must be acknowledged. i t is particularly recommended to those persons whose '.-nstltuiioDs may ha\ e been impaired by the continuous uso ot ,)rde".:t spirits, or other forms of dissipation. Goueialiy le'tai.taneous in effect, it finds its way liireetl.V to the scat ot lifu thrilling and quickening every nerve, raising np the , nrocfiing spirit,and, in feet, infusing new health and vigor w, the system. dfciTlCK. —Whoever expects to find this a beverage wii) disappointed: but to the sick, weak and low spirited, it e.;lr prove a grateful aromatic cordial, possessed of singular ioateJUl properties. READ CAREFULLY! The Ocnuine highly concentrated Bcerliave's Holland fitter* is put up in half-piut liottles only, and retailed at T?A Jffotmm per bottle? OR six bottles for FIVE DOLLARS. The ci eat demand for tllis truly celebrated Medicine lias induced icanv imitations, which the public should guard against purchasing. KS" lie ware of Imposition. See that our name is on the tal-el of every bottle you buy. Sold hy Druggists generally. It oan be forwards, 5 by Express to most points. SOLE PROPRIETORS, BENJAMIN PAGE, JR. & CC*. MAHUFACTCKINQ gftaraareufisfs and dJhfmtsfs PITTSBURGH, PA. FOR SALE AT .1. Harris A Co., Bill ffonteD. Itouscr A Son: riuraville Mills ; O, o Jack A Co., Foa'sburg*, Ar'nftp F. Shaffer, Mi d.sonburg; Samuel Pontius. 750n : Balser Wiber, Howard; H. Brown, Hu hier-burg ; C. <l. Kyman AT. M. Hall, Miles burg; A. T. Sebnell & Co., Pert Matilda, Kliula- A Been mac, Mi'lheim; Ssra-Fiank, Relersburg: T. Wolf A Son, Wolf's Store: W. Wolf, Centre Hall; ft. 11. Durcan, Spring Mills; * T. Jack, Poiters'Mills : Peter Kerlin, Churchville; J. H. Hahn, Springfield ; Rankin <t Bolinger, Bni w ieysvi/to ; J Q. WiHinins, EagleviUe; Nixon & Co., Mill Hull ; Joseph Biug, Unionvi/fe; Gross A Yearick, Aar'nsbnrg ;J. O. Bri. y Pine Grove Mi//s : Jacob Daniels, Storuistpw , jia ers generally. Nor. 1, 1 86"— 6ru: LINDSEY'S IMPROVED Blood Boarclior A STANDARD MEDICINE Tor tf e speedy, radical, and effectual euro cf ALL DISEASES erising IMPURI TY CF THE BLOOD. THIS medicine has wrought the most miracuh tie curt i i i desperate coses of | Cnnocrous Format! a. Cutaneous Diseases, Erysipelas, Boils, Pimples on the face, J Sore Eyes, Old, .Stubborn Ulcers, j Foald Head, Tetter Affections, i Rheumatic Disorders, Dyspepsia, | Cottivonefs, Jaundice. Salt Rheum, M ereurial Diseases, General Debility, Liitr Complaint, Loss of Appetite, Low Spir;ts, | Foul Stomach. V mal o Compisints, and all Diseases having tboir erin in an impure Y-jcod. 7bc above is ft portrait c.f David McCreory of Napier township, who, on the 3!st day of Aug., 18'-8, made affidavit before Justice Gorely that be w ,s treated tor tbe euro of Cancer by three physi cians of Bodford county, and hv Dr. Newton of the Electric College in Cincir.natti, for a period ef nearly eight months, notwithstanding which, feis lip, nose and a portion of his left rheek were entirely eaten away ! fie had given tip all hope, brn he heard of the " Blood Searcher." and was indued to try it. Four bottles cured him, and sl b-oigh sadly disfigured, there is na question ',v what this invsluahlo medicine saved bis life. Fbe- ftill parliculars of this case may he seen in a :r. nlar, which can be had ot ar.y of th Agents. We also lefer to the esse of Nancy Bleabney, of V, tort *n. A r mstronp county Pa., cured of Scrof a'a rftor being uu&b'e to get out of hid for tbree Vii-e. To 'he criop of a 'aJy "n Assr.nsvillo, ClearfieM ri-n'j, who was also sdicitd with Scrofula iu Us ■•( form. T i :he case of George Meisc-1, residing mCsrl- I wn. Caiuhria county Pa., who WHS SO badly fif th -led with Cancer that it cat his entire nosa rff. -,d his case was worse, if possible, than Ivlc- I'rcsr: 'a. 'ft r ti-rf'cu'srs of these cusoe —cv ry one of wl i.-h wis cured by ihc nse of tbe Blood Searcher —m " nlso be found in a cirbular to be bad of *o- f ;h Agents. R. M. I.EMON, Proprietor. T a'-'.rsfory for the manufacture and taio, near to- t'.i Railroad Depot, Ilnllidaysburg, Pa. Dr Geo. 11. K-yscr, Wboiesa'o ritts- V- u o Pa. BPLLEFUNTE FOUNDU . F. H* Ul T. Jr,A CO., T ) "i TfCTFTTLLY informs tlio eiiizons of I ('.i *re comity, that they keep cons'antly ..n rl. ami warranted, P. ir Points Patent Shaker aid Mr w Carrier, the same that was formerly immu'actii cd t Miliheim, also Threshing lia > ' !•,;. it Horse Po'"e r s made on au improved • -r- ore pariiru'ailv invited to cull arid ex - n these articles before purchasing eisc vV. j. . Grain DtiPs. Clover Hulters, and ell V:c ■ of M cliines*:icd P. vevf repaired tin short in,, i- c. Gi.m Belting for Machines, for sale Cover liuliers, Iron Fencing, On n -delleis, Verandas, t a-i "i rndtes, Mill Gearing, Hill Ploughs, Saw-Mill Gearing, Wor r *• " Furnace " Rich', iron Re-am " Rolling Mill " iv.r. Kelt o. New W'ld cook stove Hctbaivay '• >• t and TTu'le-eburg Bhoars, Tin Sheet- Tr i W re. together with the usual variety of ar t-. 'c* n he Foundry line, kept constantly on Di .i or made to order. . H*ving in our employ experienced mechan'c* in the varion* branches of our business, we fint. (~r ..ursilves in being aM* to do up woik to till f- ri f'.'ij.o of sll nho will tovor us with theii east. in. fiu: (ems and priees are reasonable. Jielii'toiite July 26,-1800. ly. VALUABLE GIFTS WITH BOOKS GEO. GTEVANS' on 10IXAL GIFT BOOK ENTERPRISE THE LARGEST IN THE WORLD!! PERMANENTLY L OCATE D AT 439 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. SIXTH YEAR DFTHSSWTERPRISE. CARD ITming ;>■>-<• V-ru I the sp scions Jean nildlnj, 43J Cintnul Strait, onj Ji'led it no with every vnienee to fesoil'i'sts ijsg buinosi. psrticularly ust brauch devoted to Country Orders ; and hav ny ii larger capital than any other party invested in the business. I am now prepared to offer greater advantages, and better gifts than ewer torn ./cur*. / will furnish any bo k ( of a moral character) published in the ( uiUd .dates, the regular retail price of which is Out Dollar or upicarjcs, and give a present worth fman 50 cents to 100 dollars with each bonk, aod guarantee to give perfect satisfac tion, as I am determined to ma • nUi-:w ilic reputation already-bestowed upon my establishment. Strangers visiting J'hslttdelphia are invitek to call and judge fur themseloes. <i. Ci. EVANS. IF YCU WANT ANY BOOKS SEXD TO GEO. G. EVANS, RELIABLE GIFT BOOK ENTERPRISE, No. 439 Oil ESTNUT STREET, lIIIUBELPI3IA. TTbere all books re *otd at the Publishers low est prices, nnri vou havelho Of receiving A HANDSOME PRESENT WOKTU THOM 60 CENIS TO 100 DOLLARS Willi EACH BOOK. Q EO. 6. EVANS' Original Gift Book Enterprise lia* been endorsed by the book trade and all the leading city and eouutry newspapars iD the Un'ted h-tates. G te. G. EVAKS' Punctual business transactions have received the approbation of over 6,000,000 citizents of the Uni ted states, each of whom have re vived substantial evidence of the . benefits derived by purehsing books at this estab'ishment. € EO. G. Ewas -Has done more than any other publisher or bookseller in the Uni ted States, towards diffiusingknowl edge to the people- By his system many hooks are read that other wise would not have round their way into the hands of readers.— Frank Leslie's Newspaper. fit:*. 0. EVAKS Keeps constantly on hank the most extensive stock, the greatest assortment of Books, and circu lates free te all who may apply, the most complete catalogue of Books aDd Gifts ia the United States. G-en. G. EVAKS Has advantages offered him otb-' er publishers and manufacturers which enable him to furnish his patrons with a fleer quality and a better assortment of gifts than any ether establishment. GEO. 6. Errxs Publishes nearly Two Hundred Popular and interesting Books, therefore, as a publisher, he is bet ter able to offer extra premiuiis and commissions. Gx. 0. EVAKS Guarantees perfect satisfaction to all who may send for books. GEO. G. ETAKS' New classified eatalogufe ofbook* embrace tua writings of every etan- in every department of literature, and gives all tbe in formation relative to tbe purchas ing and forwarding by mail or Ex press of books ordered from his es lablishme t, together with full ci rrctionshow to remit money. 61re. C 3. Evtlts' Catalogue of books will be sent gratis'ana free of postage to any aildiess iu the United States. G*e. G. EVAXB' Inducements to agents cannot be surpassed. Too most liberal com missions are offered, and by solic iting subscriptions to hooks in ix> same time that it would take tosell one on the old fashioned subscrip lion, plan, ttond for a classified enta oguo. and every information will be given in reference iu agen cies. Select your books enclose tka amount of money required,aDd •ne trial will satisfy you that tbe best place in the country to pur chase books is at THE EXTENSIVE. GIFT BOOK ESTABLISHMENT. OF G-eO. Car. EV£\,Z3.& 9 No. 439 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. WHERE YOU CAN GET BOOKS OF ALL KINDS. Becks of 7:<ct! Rooks of Fiction ! Bo ks o! D. votion ! Books of Amusement! Books ior old Folks ! Books for young Folks ! Bocks For liiionds ! Books for Wives! Books for Lovers! Books for Sweethearts! Books foi Boys ! Books for Girls! Books of Humor ! Rooks of Poetry ! , Books of Travel! Books of History ! Books of Biography ! Books of Adventure f Books about Sailors ! Bock.* about Soldiers ! Books about Indians f Books about Hunters Bo: ks about Heroes ! Boods. about Patriots I Books about Farmers! Boo&s for Mechanics ! Boots for Merchants ! Books cr Physicians ! Books for Lawyers! Books for Statesmen " Bibles ! Presentation Books ! Prayer looks ! Ilymn Hooks ! Juvenile Books ! Annua'* ! Albums! Etc., etc. Cecil B. Hartley's Interesting Biogfapliies ! Rev. J. 11. Tngrahatn's Spiritual Fomances!"' ; mucker's Live of Patriots and Statesmen ! J. T. Lauren's Revolutionary Stories! T. to Arthur's Popular Tales ! Dr. Alcott's Family Doctor ! Mr*. Hcntz'* Novels! Mrs. fcouthworth's Novels! Cooper's Novels! Dickens' ! Y/averly Novels ! Irving'* Works! All ihe writings of (.very standard author in every department cf literature, in every style cf binding, it too publisher's lowest, prices, and re that you pay no more than you would at sny <oher establishment,and you have the advan :receiving an elegant Present, which ofton iimes is worth a hundred fold more than the c mount paid for the book. SEND FOR A CLASSIFIED CATALOGUE CF BOOKS. O: dtr any book that you may want, remit the re ! tail price, together with ihe amount required for postage and one trial will assure you that the best place iu tbe country to purohase books is at the I Gift Rook Establishment of G. G. EVANS, Originator of the Gift Book Enterprise.. No. 439 i Chetnut Street, Philadelphia. AGENTS"WANTED, To'whom greater inducements than ever are offer ' ed. Any person, either male or female, who is desirous of engaging in an ffonarable and prnfi.. table Employment, requiring but little time and no outlay of money, and by which they can ob ■ Wis gratia A Valuable Library, A firie Gold watch and Chain, A Handsome Service of Plate, an Elegant Silk Dress Pattern. A Splendid set Jol Jewelry, e* many other choice article* nn 'X'SXSS Cl32^r i T ! K.ja X>SMOCRAT. merated in the List of Gifts, can do so by actin as an Agent for this establishment. Any person in any part of the country, can be an agent, simply by forming a club, sending a list of books, and and remitting the amount of money required for the same. Send for a Catalogue, which contains all the de sired information relative, to agencies and the for mation of clubs and'to insure prompt and honor able dealings, address all orders to THE HEAD QUARTERS OF GEO. G. EVANS, PROPRIETOR OF THE OLDEST AND LARGEST GIFTBCOK ENTERPRISE IN THE WORLD, Permanently located, at No. 439 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Sept. 13, 1860.-36. 6m. AN apperient and Stomachic preparation of IRON purified of Oxygon and Carbon by cou bu.-tion in Hydrogen. Sanctioned by the highest. Medical Authorities, both in Europe and the Uni ted States, anc perscribod in their practice. Tbe experience of thoustuids daily proved that no preparation of Iron can be compared with it Impurities ot the blood, depression of vital ener gy. pa'.e and otherwise sickly complexion indi cate its necessity in almost every conceivable case. Innoxious in all maladies in which it has been tried, it ha- proved-absolutely curutive in each of the following complaints, viz : In Debility, Nervous Affections, Emanciation, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Diarrhoea, Dysente.y Jii cipient consumption, Scrofulous Tuberculosis, Salt Hh sum, .If is menstruation, Whites, Chlorosis, Liver Complaints, Chronic Headaches, Rheumatism, Le termittent Fsxers, Dimples on the Face, &c. In cases of GENERAL DEBILITY, whetberthe re sult of acute disease, or of the continued diminu tion of ncrvons and muscular energy front chronic complaints, one trial of this restorative has prov ed successful to an extent which a description nor written attestation would render credible. Inva lids so long bed-ridden as to have become forgot ten in their own neighborh. ode, have suddenly re-appeared in the busy world as if just returned from protracted travel in a distant land. Somo very signal instanoosof this kind are attested of female Sufferers, emaciated victims of apparent marasmus, sanguineous exhaustion, critical chan ges, and that complication itf nervous and dys peptic aversion to air and exercise for which the physician has no namo. In NUR VOL'S AFLECTIONS of all kinds, and for reasons familiar to medical men, the operation, of this preparation of iron must necessarily be salu ! - iary, for, u, like the old oxides, it is vigorously tonic, without boirig exciting and overheating : and gently, regularly aperient, even in the most obstinate cases of costivehes? without ever being a gastric purgative, or inflicting a disagreeable sensation. It is this latter property, among others which, aiakcs it so remarkably effectual and permanent a remedy for Piles, upon which it aiso appears tfc oxert a distinct and specific action, by dispersing the local tendency which forms them. In DYSPEPSIA, innumerable 89 are its causes, a single box of these Chalybeate Pills has often suf ficed for the most habitual eases, including tbo after.deot Cost'uencss. In unchecked DIARRHOEA, even when advanced to DvsKNTKtty, confirmed, emaciating, and appa rently malignan' the effects ha*e been equally decisive and astonishing. In the local pains, loss of flesh and strength,de bilitating cough, and remittent hectic, which gen eral y indicate INCIPIENT CONSUMPTION, this reme dy has allayed tbe alarm of friends and physi cians, in several very gratifying and interesting instances. In SCR' FT-Lors TrßEßcrtosiS, this medicated iron has had far more than the good effect of the most cautiously balan ccd preparations of iodine, without any of their well known liabilities. The attention ot females cannot be too eonfi deutly invited to this remedy and restorative the cases peculiarly affecting thetrt. In RHP. LMATISM, both chronic and inftamatory— in the latter, however, mora decidedly—it has been invariably well reported, both as alleviating pain and reducing the swellings and stiffness the joints and muscles. In INTERMITTENT FEVERS it must certainly be great remedy and energetic restorative, and its progress in the new settlements of the West, will probably be ODB of high renown and usefulness. No remedy has ever been discovered in the whole history of mecicine, which exerts such prompt, bappy, and fully* restorafivo effects.— Good appetite, complete u igestion, rapid acquisi tion of strength, with an unusual dispositiou for active and cheerful exercise, immediately follow its use. Put lip in neat flat boxes containing 50 pills, price 50 cents per box ; for sale by druggists and dealers. Will be sent free to any address on re ceipt cf tlyj price. All letters, orders, etc., should be addressed to R. B. LOCKE A Co., General Agents, Oct. 4, '6o.—ly.] 20 CEDAR EX., N. Y. Jfall & Mtrutcr (Boobs. WILSON BROTHERS. HAYING returned from the East, invite the a t_ tention of the public and their old customer ß to the large and extensive assortment of FALL <<L- WINTER GOODS. which they are now opening and ready to wait upon pitrcbasors with the largest and best.eelec tion ever offered to this community. They desire to call particular attention t their great variety of LADIES DRESS GOODS, con sisting in part of Challias, Lawns, all wool De- Lains, of diferenl colors, Baroges, Dress Silks, Maiitil'o*. i'.ssues, Ac. Tbe above goods were se lect.' with great care expressly to suit the taste ji the ladies. In addition to the above, are offer ed a general assortmont of Hosiery and Goves, Coilaks, Undcrsieevcs, Dress trimmings, <fc. CLOTHS & CASSIMERES, of all colors and styles at very low prices, togeth er with one of the largest ana best stocks of Ready-Made Clothing, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Ladies' Straw Bonnets of the latest fashion; also, Shaker Bon nets for wives and children. Builders will find it to their advantage in call ing to select their Hardware, as our assortment is large and complete : also, Mattresses. Maekarel, Herring, Cod Fish and salt. Sugars Teas, Molasses from the cheapest to the best, which cannot he surpassed in quality. Persous visiting BeMefonte from the country, v/ill find it to their advantage to caff before purchasing else where, as we t&ko pfeasure in showing our goods end think we can suit them both as to price and quafity, and are determined to sell at the very owest cash prices. ZF&.AU kinds of Country produce taken in ex change for goods* Nov. Bth iB6O. TWO FARMS FOR SALE. THESE farms are situated in Graham township, Clearfield county, Pa., about 3 miles from tbe village of Kylertown ; each contains 120 acres, of which there is 60 or 70 acres cleared on each/arm. On one is erected a large Two Story Frame House and large Frame Barn, and on the other n log House and Barn. A young orchard on each,bear ing fruit- Terms made to suit purchasers. For further particulars address, WM. 11. CAMPBELL, M. D., Moshannon, Centre Co., Pa., Aug .23,-186 Otf. AL AP.GE assortment of lsdies goat boots with and without heels, Misses shoes, a very good assortment. Boys and caildrens shoes and boct' of all kinds. Mens boats and shoes of all siz c and descriptions, just reoeived and for sale by C. McERIDE Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Clflijihig sni|flnuiit. BELLEFONTE PA. THE undersigned, determined not to he ont done or surpassed by any, is now receiving, in ad dition to his former extensive stock, a very large assortment of sfoabg-lltaftc His stock haa boes selected with great care and consists in part of Black and Fancy Satin Vests, do. Silk \ ests, plain and fancy Worsted Vest, Fine Black, Blue, Brown aDd olive Frock and Dress * Coats, Men and Boys' linen Coats, Men and Boys' pants and Vests of all kinds and descriptions, together with almost everything kept in Clothing Stores, or of which the most prolific mind could conceive, or industry and an unconquerable desire to please, with yearsof experience in tho business could select. In addition to which he has added a very superi or assortment of Gents' Cravats, Ties, Hosiery Gloves, <Jco., Ac. In short it may be said he has a om plete. Gents' Furnishing Store. Comprising every article worn by the stern and dignified lords of creation. Having purchased his Goods as low as they could ho bought in the Eastern market, and will dispos them at a slight advance on cost. CASII BUYERS, will find it to their advantage to purchase of him. He also gives notice that he continues to manu facture garments as heretofore. Hands arc con stantly employed to make to order, goods purchas ed of him or elsewhere. Those entrusting him with their work, whether the goods were purchasod of him or not, may rely on having them cut and made in the test manner and latest styles. Thankful for past favors, he respectfully solicits a liberal share of public patronage, and by a strict adherence to business, and a laudable desire to please, he hopes, not only, to retain his old custo mers, but add to the number many new ones. WAL M'CLELLAND. Brokerhoff's Row. B-tllefontcJan., 5, 60, NEW~CASH STORE. AT STORMSTOWN PA. GOODS CHEAPER THAN EVER.'.' THE undersigned having purchased tho store' formerly owned by B->rlow A Curtin, in Stormstown, and having just added thereuuto LARUE STOCK OF NEW GOODS, is now prepared to furnish customers with every thing usually found in a country store, and at re markably LOW PRICES. His stock consists is part, of READY-MADE CLOTHING, CLOTHS, CASSIMERS, ROOTS, SHOES, 11ATS, CAPS. SHAWLS, CALICOES, SILKS, LAWNS, GINGHAMS, BONNETS, &c. -JZ L.SO - LARGE SUPPLY OF TEAS, COFFEE, SU'iAR, MOLASSES, HARDWARE, QUEEXSWARE, and almost every other article you mry desiro o purchase. LEATHER! LEATHER!! Scing, as heretofore, engaged extensively in the TANNING BUSINESS, ha is, at all times prepared to famish "the poo pie" with SOLE LEATHER, UPPER LEATHER, MOROCCOS, CALF-SKINS, and every other description of Leather, Tp&t- liides taken as cash. JACOB DANIELS, Stormstown, Dee., 1, 59, 49 tf. HANDSOME WOMEN ! To Til© Ijadies. U TINT'S " B'oom of Roses." A rich II and elegant color for the cheeks and lips.— It will not wash or rub off, and when once applied, remains duruble for years. The tint is so rich and natural, that the closest scrutiny foils to de tect its use. Can he removed by lemn juice in J will not injure the skin. This is a now praration, used by the celebrated Court Beauties of London and Paris. Mailed free, in bottles, wit' dirce tions for use, for SI.OO HUNT'S "COURT TOII.ET POWDER," imparts a dar.zii' g whiteness to the complexion, as is unlike anything else used for this purpose. Mailed free for 50 cents. HUNT'S "BRITISH BALM." remotes tan, freck les, sunburn and all eruptions of the skin. Hailed free for 50 cte. HUNT'S " IMPERIAL POWA&E" for the hair, strengthens and improves its growth, keeps itfroin falling off, and is warranted to main the hair curl. Mailed free for SI.OO HURT'S "PBARL Barns'iSß " for the teeth and gums, cleanses and whitens the teeth, hardens the gums, purifies the breath effectually, preserves the teeth and p events tootha hr. Mailed free for $1.06. HUNT'S •' DRID-VL VVRBATR PERFUME, " , do -blc extract of orange blossoms and cologne. Mailed free for SI.OO. This exquisite perfume wa first used by the Princess Royal of England, on her marriage.— Messrs. Hunt & Co., presented the Princess with an elegant case of Perfumery, (in which all of the above articles wore included) in handsome cut glass with gold stoppers, valued at SISOO, partic ulars of which appeared in ths public prints. All the above articles sent free, by express, for $5 00. Cash can either accompany the order, or be paid to the express agent on delivery of goods. HUNT A CO. Perfumers to the Queen. Regent St., London, Sanson* St., Phil'a., Pa. For rale by all Druggists and Perfumers. The Trade Supplied. Nov. 1.185). ——ly. HO FOR PIKE'S PEAK! C COMPANIES are being organized in Centre J and the adjoining counties, preparatory to emigrating to the Pike's Peak Gold Rejion during the coining Spring and Summer, Contracts have been entered into with Jno. M. Wagner, of the Milesburg Flouring Mill and Grain Depot; tbg cheapest and best establishment of the kind in Central Pennsylvania—to furnish the companies with all the Flour and Grain necessary for the journey. Having leased the Milesburg Mill and furnish ed it with new and iiapioved machinery, we are prepared to furnish flour to the public ia any qan tities. Wheat, rye, and grain of all kinds we keep constantly on hand, and will dispose of at the very lowest prices. We are determined not to be undersold by any establishment iu this section of country. JOHN M. WAGNER. Milesburg, Pa: Feb. 17, 's9—lo—ly. LOOAN EATING HOUSE, AND BILLIARD SALOON, OYSTERS' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. THE undersigned hereby informs his friends and the public generally that he has rented the basement story of T. R. Reynold's new build ing OIX Allegheny street, where he lias opened an eating saloon, confectionery, Ac., on a large scale. Particular attention will be paid to business, and every effort made to cater to the tastes of those T. ho may favor him with a call. GEO. W. DOWNING* Btljifinte, April 1J '59 16—-lj, P * ' HOOFLAND'S m, etJt GREAT * STANDARD REMEDIES of the present nge, hare acquired their great popularity only through years of trial. Unbounded satisfaction is rendered by them in all caacs. HOOPLAND'S GERMAN BETTERS VILL POSITIVELY CUES liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Nerrons De bility, Diseases of tho Kidneys, and all diseases arising from a disordered livor, or weak ness of the Stomach and Digestive Organs, Attn WILL POSITIVELY PRLYLNT TELLOW (EVER, BIUQUS (EVER, ABB FIVES AND AQUL Bee onr Almanae for proof. I'MCS, 78 cents per Bottle. SooHand's Balsamic Cordial WILL POSITIVELY CUM Coughs, Colds, or Hoarseness, Bronchitis, Influenza, Croup, Pneumonia, Incipient Consumption, and has performed the most astonishing cures*ever known of CONFIRMED CONSUMPTION. As a Diarrhcea Cordial it is unequalled. Price, 75 cents per bottle HOOFLAND'S GERMAN PILL, being well known throughout Europe and America, needs no commendation here. They are purely vegetable, are prepared with great exactness, and are sugar-coated. No better Catlmrtic Pill can be found. PRICE, 25 cts. i>er box. These medicines are prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson k Co., Philadelphia, Pa., and St. Louis, Mo., and are sold by druggists and dealers in medicines everywhere. The sig nature of C. M. JACKSON will be on the outside of each bottle or box. In our " Everybody's Almanae," published annually, you, will find testimony and commendatory notices from all parts of the country. These Almanacs are given away by alb our agents. Apr. "!>, '6O —ly CLOCK, WATCH, JEWELRY AND FANCY STORE. THE subscriber is still at his old stand at No. 4 BrofcerhofFs Row, on Alleghany St., where he has just received from the eastern cities, and is now offering for sule a well selected and beautiful assortment of CLOCKS, WATCHE and JEWELRY, an excellent assortment r£\ of FANCY ARTICLES, of all L'% \ *WuL KINDS and QUALITIES, ■ssAX# 1 "ifjSqK SILVERWARE, Ac. a' Notwithstanding the''pan ic" hrs- slock is f'uily as large and complete as ever, and as his goods are selecte with great care from the manufacturers of the eas tern cities, of the latest styles, he feels confiden of giving satisfaction to all. Ilis stock consists of fine Gold and Silver open face and hunter case full jeweled English patent and detached Lever Watches also Lepines and Quartiers. Jewelry of every style which can be fouad in a good Jewelry Store, and Fancy Arti cles of every description. He has also SPECTA CLES, a good assortment, always on hand, to suit ail ages. Also Pocket Books, Pocket Knives, Pis tols, Ac. 7J&S~ Particular attention paid to repairing Clocks, Watches and Jewelry at short notice. WM. J. STEIN Bellefcnte. Jan. 5, '6o—ly HENRY ADOLPH'S WHOLFSALK AND RETAIL CABINET WAREROOMS No. 36 rtrra second STREET, ONE D OH ABOVE CHRIST CHURCH, AND Opposite the MOUNT VERNON HOTEL, PHILADLPHIA. r pilE largest and heat assortment of Cot- X tnge Furniture in the oily, such as TABLES, CAIN CHATKS, SOFAS, STANDS, PLAIN CHAIRS. OTTOMAN'", BUREAUS, SPRINQ BOTTOM-?, LOUNGE-', lie also lias on hand at all times the celebrated '* LWYERa EASY CIIAIR," and the "GREAT CAMP CIIAIR," a folding chair that can he doubled up so as to oc cupy no room at all scarcely. This chair is in tended for the uso of Armies. Fishing Parties, hunters, Camp Meetings, <fcr. It also makes a nice article of Parlor Furniture, and so light and convenient that it can be carried anywhere under the arm like a book. Nothing can excel it for comfort. j. PRICE FROM 75cts. TO g|Q. 'i he plainest and most substantial artieels, as well as the mostcostly furniture,can be had Liow For Or*six AT ADOLPH'S "WARE ROOMS. Young persona commencing house keeping will javo One Half Their Money by buying frotn him. H;s motto is "Quick sales and small profits," and the immense business that he is doing enables hitn to sell lower than any otii er firm in the city, When you Cwuto to Philadel phia be sure in inquire for HENRY ADOLPH'S CAB I RET ROOKS, No. 36 North Secend Street. Apr 26, '6—ly. New Fall & Winter Goods D. LEYDEN & CO. HAVE just received the largest and best as sortment of Fall and Winter Goods ever of fered in Bellefonto, A full stock of Ladies dress goods, Also, Cloth lor Ladies Winter Cloaks; Tar !I,BI Plaids for Misses Dresses. A large assort ment ot Shawis, Poplin Velvets, French Ma rina, Cohurg's De Lains, Thibit Cloth, Opera Cloth, Persian Twill. For Gentlemen: Cloth, Cassimers, Satinets and Jeans, Ready made clothing. Boots and Shoes of all sorts, a large and wellse lected stoek of Groceries, Hardware,.and Queensware, which will be sold low for cash or Coun try Produce Bellefonte, Nov.-3, 1860. t r . New Store at Pleasant Gap. rPHE subscriber would resp-ctfully in* -L form the citizens of Ceu're oouiily that he has just received and opened an entire new stock ol ft 11 and winter good 3 consisting of HARDWARE, CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, Ac. I also have on hands a good supply of Boots A Shoes, Hats A Caps, Fancy De laines A Merinoes, Ladies Furs, Hoofs, Scarfs, Cloths, Fancy Gloves, Khives, Breast Pins, Ac., Ac., Ac., all of which he will sell as low and even lower than con be had anywhere else. J. M. CAMPBELL. PI casant Gap, Oct. 18, '6o.—tf. EUIAW HOUSE. POTTER'S MILLS, CENTRE COUNTY, TRAVELERS will he accommodated at a'.l hours. Permanent or Transient Boarding may be bad he single ladies and gentlemen, or persons with small families. The location is de lightful and every effort will be mado in order that the oomforts of a pleasant and quiet home may he realised. Terms moderate. WM. BELL, Proprietor. Feb. lfith'6 U Ty. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR BALE. THE subscriber offers for sale that very valua ble property now in the occupancy ot Col, R Lipton, the said property is situute on the corner of Centre and Market streets, fronting on the Dia mond, and is the most desirable place of residence in Milesburg, will be offered for a short time only at a very low figure. J. G. MoMEBN. Milesburg, June ?8, *6o— tf. B. T. BABBITT'S PURE MEDICINAL YEAST. p lift "\/T ANUFACTUREDfrom common Jj_L Salt and Pure Cream Tartar— When uted in Bread, Cake or Biscuit, it turns to gas, (like that from a bottle of Soda Water.) and remainna dor mant in the dough until it is set in the . oven, when the lieat causes the gas to escape thronght the dough while ak akd '"IT The Bread, Cako or Biscnit is not only very light, but perfectly wbo'io ' some. Where this Yeast is used you | will require about one quarter the a- ' mount of shortening used with ordina- j ry Yeast. It may also be used for i Buckwheat Cakes, Jolmny Cakes, and , all kinds of Pastry. This Yeast is put ! up only in one pound cans, with check- j ered label. Red, White and Blue— none other is Genuine leicare of imi- j tatione. B. T. Babbit' 3 Paraxnssatra ted Potash, ' Warranted double tne strength of com- I raon Potash and superior to any Sa- | ponifiea in market, put up in cans of , 1 lb., 2 lbs., 3 lbs , 6 lbs , and 12 lbs., j with full directions for making Hard j 68 aDd Soft Soap. One pound will make !G8 fifteen gallons of. Soft Soap. No liine is rebuired Consumers will find this the cheapest P, tash in market. B. T. B.'s Mediein il Saleratus, A perfectly pure and wholesome artiv cle, f, ae from all deleterous matter; so prepared that, as the circular acoora- ANI> ■■ panying tho Saleratus will show.noth j ing remains in tho bread wheh baked, i but common Salt, Water, and Flour.— Put up petCy in papers, I !b., i lb., i lb. R. T, B.'s Concentrated Soft Soap, j One box costing ene dollar will make ' 40 gallons of handsome Soft Soap by '• iw/V simply adding boilingwatsr. * * 'TO i B. T. B.'s Soap For Family Use. One poundof this Soap is equal to 3 j pounds of ordinary Family Scap. One j j q ind wilt make 3.gallons of handsome j Soft Soap. It will remove paint,grease, tar, and stains of all kinds- It will not injure the fabric; on the coutrnrr. it G8 preserves it. It will wash in h rd or Qg saltwater. But little labor is requir ed where this soap is used. Macbin- i ists and Printers will find this sosp su- j perior to anything in market. If your Storekeeper dee-'not keep the above i goods, send $o by mail and I will send ' a package of either article or au assor- A-jp ted box containing a part of each arti- vxn ; cle, as you may direct. Send the name • of your post office, also, the State and ! County in which you reside with di- ' rections for shopping. Address B. T. BABBIT, 64, 66 63, 70, 72 & 71 AVasliington St., N. Y. 70 A liberal discount to Storekeepers. j7O July 12. '6O. lv. FEA N S LIN HO ITS E. BELLEFONTE, CENTRE COUNTY, FENN'A ON THE SOUTH EAST CORNER OF THE D amond, opposite the Court House. The undersigned would respectfully inform his friends and the traveling public- in general.that be has taken the above house, and that the house has been restted, improved and newly furnished ; ex tensive stable aicomuiodations are attached, and is jn short, prepared to-accommodate all who may give bim a call, in the most agreeablo manner.— He is amply provided with everything to render his house a desirable stopping place, and wil' en deavor to entertain his guests in a manner that c nnotfail to. give the fullest satisfaction. No expense or attention wiil be spared to make t one o! the best houses in the country. A libera! pa tronage is rt speetfuily solicited. HIS BAR will be surplied with a* assortment of choice liouors. JOHN M'MONAGLE, Prop'r. Apr. 10. '6o.—ly. CONiKAD HOUSE. r new, but well known aud populnt Hotel 8 1 cated on Allegheny Street, Bellefonte, fa. has become, under the supervision of iis present Bcouimooatiiig proprietor, ST. 33. 23TJTTS^ the Hotel ot Central Pennsylvania. Long experi ouco of Mr. Butts fn tne business warrants us, in assuring the traveling public that no pa'ns will be spared to render guests as comfortable as possible while sojourning u"der hi- rocf. -ESlisi o will constantly be supplied with liio very best the market affords. jEXisgi S3ar found to contain an excellent assortment of liquor* of all kinds, and IIIS STABLE will r.'ways be attended by careful, attentive, so ber and therefore prudent Ostit is The proprietor hopes by bis lon- experience, nnd tho facilities at his command, to make ths Conrad House a *'rst class Hotel. The business of the Httei is under his own personal supervis ion. A liberal share of public patronage is kindly solicited J. B. BUT IS. Bellefonte, Juno 9,-'£9. —V? "PENNSYLVANIA HOTEL HAA'ING rented the above named Hotel, the undersigned wuul i respectfully inform the citizens of Centre county, ami tho traveling pwhlic generally, that be is prepared at all times to sup ply thoso who may make his house their Home, with good suostnutial Fare, and accointu-'d ■ run.s equal, if nor superior to tn-iny of the City iiojeis iiis: l^alsl© is nlwnys iurnh litd with the very best the market will afford, and every effort will be made in this de partment to cuter to the tastes of even the ißosp ia--ti JiotiS. 31311® will be found to comaiu an excellent cs-Tt-xent of lio,uors ..f all kinds II IS ROOMS AND BE DS are clian Htm good, so that those who wisu to en joy them. may have nothing to do but to wrap the mantle of their couch abou; them, and lie down to pleasant dreams, and His StafolG is large and commodious and will be kept con stantly supplied with the best of Hay and Oats.— His Ostler is attentive and accommodating, and plays his part o c the Drama well and with grant credit to himself. V. B. KEPIIART. Prp.v. April 12,—'CO. tf. A WOPiD TO THE PUBLIC. j\ AA'hereas the Spring Cieek Woolen Manufactory, during the present season, has been patronized to the tull extent of its producing abilities, and in anticipation of a still grjater patronage the coming season, tbo proprietors have been induced to add more now machinery of the very lutest improvements. This machinery will facilitate our operations very much and at the same time will improve the real value of cut cloths at least ten per cent, while our pri ces shall remain as heretofore; it being our nmbi tion to build up a reputation lor this establish ment that will add all things thereto. From the facts bore n set forth we confidently believe that wool growers and all other can novr deal with us very much to their own udvantage.-- AA'hilo there are many things alike in business of this kind, there is also much that is different. A word to the wise is sufficient Give us a call and satiify yourselve. that this is the place tho peo ple get the worth of their money. ItOBT KFNDAIL, SAM'L HOUSER. Benner twp., June 12, '6O, tf. ATTENTION BUILDERS', FOMIE subscriber having put the Satv-noill, H_ at the Uellefonte Mills, in complete re pairs, and having his logs boomed in the dam, is now ready to furnish bills of jji\ntsEß on short notice, of any length not exceeding forty feet. By having the logs in tbo boom a small bill of any length can be got out and sawed in one or two hours. PLASTERING LATH of a'l sizes kept constantly on band. lie wil l , also, have a Placing Mill in oper ation to supply carpenters and builders in time for commencing buiiding next season. JACOB Y. THOMAS. Dec. 13, 1860. -6m. THOMAS & HARRIS HAVE JUST RECEIVED JUAMBTOCK OP i>rtoooi>s, READY-MADE CLOTHING. GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE FISU AND SALT, PLASTER, FLOUR, tie, THEIR STOCK OF fabies' grtS3 (Saolte, Cannot be excelled at any other hou§ in Gcmind Pennsylvania. It embrace* every variety <k Ely.lo and quality. THEIR SUPPLY OF CLOTHS, C ASSIST I RES, VESIIITGS CALICOES AND MUSLINS. ARt ALSO Vttr Sl'fESlOa, TIIEIIv GROCERIES, TEAS; COFFEES, ** , are worthy the attention of the Fublioi Bellefonte, Jan. 5.'60, E. B. CLEMENTS . IMPROVED WASHING MACHINE | lit uuueiflg'.md beg leave u> inlm-in the poe a pie, especially the ladies of Centis county that they have purchased tte right, aud are new manufacturing E. 3. CLEMENTS IMPROVED WASHING MACHINE. This machine is frr superior to anything of ike kind ever introduced into this county. It is sim ple of construction, and therefor® durable. It saves labor, as any ordinary wooueu can do a days washing, on Ais machine in 'ess than three hours. No family should i>e without it. We have already disposed of a large number of ma chines and are pleased i> learn, that they have proved to bo even better than they were reccom mended. We would refer the citizens of Ceutre county t) the following persons who have u-se* the machine audi have found it to tea great la bur and hralth saving institution. Mrs. Wolf. Mrs. HiHibish Airs, tiiair and Mrs. Kealsh ef Bellefonte, and Messrs. C. A J. Curtiu, Eagle Iron works. Persous wishing machines will do well to sead in thoir orders soou, Address, or call on the ■*- dcrsigntd- DANIEL McGINLEY, CYRUS STRICKLAND.. Sept. 6-60-55—.tf Bellefonte i'a. A VALUARLEHOMESIEAD FOR sal T.'.e subscriber offers for sale r 'blihlls piece of laad. costuming ten acre®, situated in Uarpis Township, on the Brush Valley road, and adjoining lands of Robert Poster, nnd V. lis,,ii Potter, There is ft good two story dwelling Tlonse, ,t Barn, Carpenter shop and all the necessa ry outbuildings erected, thereon. A never failing stream of vsnter rnr.s by the door. Any psteon desiring to procure a eowifuriable heme cannot do better than pur* chaso this farm. The subscriber desire* ta sell immediately, if possible, he intends moving west in the spring. Terms made to suit the purchaser. ROBERT W'ASSGN, 9t. March, B , 'GO. tf. "A FEWfHINGJ THATPERPLEX US. T'O know whether that celebrated Bell at the West. Philadelphia Baptist Church i.t really made of Castile —if 80, why is she so olu-n twld BO ? " Vanity Fair" snys that the present cpi'domi# of sure threats is owing to Leap Y'cnr giving u* such a Forward Spring We would ask whether a Ihtehicard Fall is riot as equally injurious 'o an health ? If a "Cutter" that brings in a revenue like " Powers," the celebrated pantaloon Mr. Charles Stokes' Clothing Storecouli net be prop erly called a revenue culter t Would it not be proper for a gentleman wke had purchased a coat at the "One Price" Clothing Store of Mr. Charles to. epeak. of it as h,* one piiee-lesa coat. Apj- 2S-, 'OO- —ly. fo or & HXRTMAN7~ (Suceasurs to S. & S. liaupt.) MILI.HEIM, CENTRE COUNTY, .PFN.VA.* HAVE removed to their new Foundry A Ma chine thop. They have e hand, and are prepared to manufacture hfunsicker's linprortd (,'iover Huller, Threshing Machines. Shakers, and Corn Shcllers, Bar Shear, ATorts Improved, and Yiilheira Plows, Stoves, Bells, Kettle-, .Mill Gear ing, Ac., and bold themselves ready to do ai! kind of Foundry business with correctness and li pntch. Work warranted as recommended Orders respectfully solicited and jromptly a6- tended to. Miiiheiro, June 2S, 1?60. *f. JACOB LADOMUS, GIS Market Street, Philadelphia* DEALER IN AMERICAN, ENGLISH AND SWISS WATCHES, HAS always on hand, a large assortment of the above kinds of Watches which he will sell as low as any other Douse in the City or else w here. . J. would particularly call attention to the Celebrated American AVatch, which in point of accurate time keeping and durability will ex cel any Imported watch of the same cost, and is far less liable of getting out of order than any watch made. These are FACTS which will he dor onstratcd to any purchaser on a fair trial. Satisfaction will be guaranteed to any and all purchasing at tny establishment. A large assort monftof JEWELRY, SILVER & SILVER PLATED WARE. of ever - description, style and Pattern, constantly on hand at No. 61S Market tit. Philadelphia. Sept. 0-60-35—ly. M. GPIAHAM FASIIfOKARLE BARBER, ghf.LEFONTE, PA. IT is conceded by tverybodv that is man enough fo wear a beard, that the place to get shaved easy, clean and neat, is at the Fashionable shop, just opposite Isaac May's store, Good Razor*, keen and sharp, kept constantly on hand. Hair Dressing, shampooing, Ac,, Ac., attended to in the most workmanlike manner. The undersigned thankful for past favors, solicits a continuants of the same. M. GRAHAM. jax. F'S BOOK STORE.— Geo. Livingston, at his well known taud at the North Eastern comer of the Pukltat quare, Bellefonte, keeps constantly on hand a large assortment of THEOLOGICAL, CLASSICAL, MISCELLANEOUS, AND SCHOOL BOOKS, Also a large variety of Blank Books and Station ery of the very best quality. Mathematical In struments. Ac. He still has the Depository of the American unday School Union, where any of their Books n be had at catalogue price*. Bo ok# brought to enter at a fetU It*m op e city price* Jfch. Tft ly
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers