J. S. & J. J. BRI3BIN, VOLUME 27, ®|t Centre gcmocrat. IS. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY, BY J. BRISBIN. ojgu* iu (A* Arcade BKilling, Second Floor. Tsaxs. $1,50. if paid in advance or within sis Months after subscribing,otherwise $2 will invari ably be charged. No subscriptions received for * shorter period than six months and none dis jontinued, unless at the option of the editor, until all arrearages are paid. . BUSINESS CARDS. TVf'ALLISTEIt & BEAVER I>l AlxOKNi.Ys Al'-IiAW, uai.n-.vo.NTri, u Uui ce on Allegheny Street. Feb. 10 69 I? M. BEANCHARB- ATTORN EY 2i, -sl'-biW, BKLLEOMTK, faNN A. Offico foruirly occurded by the lion. James Burr.sido. Jan. 19, 'fO.-lf. WW BROWN-^TOMEY-AT- LAW beuLbi-oNTK, I'e.NNA. Will attend to all legal business entrusted to him, with prompt ness. May, 6 'a3_ TAS. H. RANKIX, ATTOHNEY^T LAW, UKLUKKONTK, I*A. WLL attend prompt ly to all legal business entrusted to bim. Office next door to tne Post Office. [Sspt. 20, '6O, tf U J. IIOCKM AN , SURVEYOR AND 111, CONVbYANijEIf, BtLLF.roNTg, PA., will attend to and coirectly execute all businesi en trusted te him. [June 14,—'60, — tf. wfiO. L. POTTER. M. D. OFFICE on High (oldoffice.) Bellefonte Pa. Will attend to calls as heretofore, and respectfully offers his professional services his friends and the public. 1 'cf.2s'sS • A. PAIRLAMR. M. T>. JAN. A. DoBHINs. Up FAIULAMHtDoHBINS. DU. I'AlHliAs.li has associated with him OR J. 11. DUBBIN "-'.in the practice of unidicine >&ce as heretofore on bishop street, opposite the Xetnpersnce Hotel. March 19,67. R. JAS. r. respe. ctiul'y offer his professional servioss to the people o_ Mileshurg and vicinity. Residence, liauiol K Bureau's National Hotel. Itef or te Dr. J. el. McCoy, Dr. O. L. Potter. Dr. i. B. Mitchell. [Nor. S, IS6o. —tf. WM. REIBER, BURTON AND * PIIY&iCIAN, caving per manoutiv located effers his Professional services to the citixens of PiDe Grove Mills and vicinity, and respectfully •slicils a liberal portion of the public patronage. [Feb. 15, '6o.—ly. J- ?• LINGLE, Operative i " n 'i Mecbaniein Deiiunt, will prac ties ail the various tranches of his profession in the u>ct approved manner. Office •ad rasidenc# ou Spring St-Bollofnnie' Fa. [iM.tr. £■ 'CO. tf. TAS F. KIDDLE ATTOKNET-AT J uAW,*aL?"frrt'!r win amend u ausiuess entrusted to him with care and prompt- Refer to Gov. l'ollook, Milton i'a. and Jlon. A. G. Curtin, Bellefonte Pa. oS.ce with Juhn 11. Stover jan. 6, '6O. RT MOTLI, Aoasr r..R tn , YV KST liKaNe'll i.NMJIUNi.B COMPANY. I Sons wishing to secure themselves from losses-by fre, will do well to call upon biui at the store of J. R. MutUy A Co., N. E. corner of tho Diamond, three doors above Allegheny sin e , Bellefonte, Cent e co,. Pa.. *'*• Mar. 16. 'flst. li. WW. WHITE, D KXTIST, has per . manently located in Boalsburg, Centre County Pa. Office on ijjuiu st., negt tp the store of Johnston A KelU.r, where bp purposes practising h : protee.iun in the ihost scientific manner mid st moderate charger. mtr. 4an. 0. MIICUKI.L. CTRUK T. AUXISKBS MITCHELL A A L EX A NDER. ATTORNEYS- AT LAW, HELLKFONTIS PFNNA. having associated themselves iu the practice •t law, will a'ten 1 promptly to all business en- Vusted to their cars Office in the A.rj4?- [No". '• 1. '6O-—tf. CONVEYANCING. I~\EEDS BONDS. MORTGAGES, AND AR JLfTiCLES OF AGREEMENT neatly and cor rectly executed. Also, attention will be given to Ibe adjustment of Book Aocounts, and accounts f Adminstratiyr s and Executors prepared fotfiling. • ffice next door to lii.e Post Office. Oct., 19tn, '6B, YYM. J. KEALSH.. ~ hen?: a. STOVER ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW bKLLEFONTE, PA., wili practice his pro fession in the several courts of Centre county.— All business entrusted to him will be carefully at tended to. Collections made and all monies promptly remitted. Office, on High st. formerly epcuped by Judge Burntdde, and D. C. Boal, Esq. ■ herehe can be consulted both in the Engiishand iiitbe gcrsap language. May 6,'68 —22 ly. JAS. MAfWISnS. W. P MACIIANU J; & WM. P. MA CM ANUS. A TTOKNEY'S-AT-LAW, BELLKf 9STB, PA., Office iu the rooms formerly occupied -by Linn A Wilson, Allegheny street. Jas. Macman as has associated with W. P. Mucmanus. Esq., in the practice of law. Professional business intrus ted; o their eare will" receive prompt attention. They will attebd the several Courts in the Coun ties of Centre, Clinton and Clearfield. June 21, '6O, tf. & HOY. ATTORNEYS-AT JLi. JLaW, ui.t attend pro nptly to all business entru stedto their care. Office in the building flemerly occupied by Hon, Jas. T. Hale. A CARD. Messrs. Hale & Hoy will attend to my business luring mv absence in Congress, and will be as listed by me in the trial of all causes entrustedto t hem. J. T HALE. jano'lß6o CURTIN & BX. AN CHARD. ATTOKNIJY'6-AT-LAW,BELLEFO!ITI{,Pknna The undersigned having associated theio •elves in the of Law, will faithfully at tend to ail professional entrusted to them In Centre, Clintion and Ckorfiold counties. All •ollections placed in their hi nds, will receive their promt attention. Office in Blanchard's new building on Allegheny street. Nov. 30 '6B CURTIN & BLANC IIARD. BJVATvBSf HOUSE OF WM. F.. REYNOLDS & CO. BELLEFONTE, CENTRE CO., PENN'A. Bills cf Exchange and Notes discounted ; Collec tions made and Funds promptly remitted. Inter est paid on Special Deposits, Exchange on the Satt***n cities constantly on hand and for sale. Deposits received. T 'SB " WM HARDING, FASBIOKABUB BARBER ARD HAIR DRESSER, Bpw.Bjro.NTE, PA., Has epened a Barber Shop one door above the Frank lin House, where he can be found at all times.— Good Razors, keen and sharp, kept constantly on band. Hair Dressing, Nhampoonißg, AQ., atten ded to in the most workman like manner. He hopes by strict attention to business to receive a liberal share of public patronage. Uvfojite June 38, 1860-—tL Ayw's CJwrry PeotoraL % Jfamilg fUfospptr —$cbo£& tg pities, ®smsenw, literature, Science, Sjjt mechanics, Agriculture, Cjje Cbucatinv ® mra l #c., ST. LA¥RENCEHOTEL, CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. WM. B. CAMPBELL, rr op riet Apr sth'6o—tf. J. THORP FLAHERTY, Importer of Havana Segars, o. $37 CHESTNUT STREET, (Adjoining Girnrtl Huu=e.) And Opposite CONTINENTAL HOTEL, PHILftUKLi'Un, PENNSYLVANIA. Ar d.26,-'CU, —ly. BOMGARDNER HPUSE CO RNEK OF SIXTH AND R, R. STREETS OPPOSITE L. V< ANQ PEKNA. ft. ft. DEPOTS, HAHKISBURG, PA. J.W. STONE. PROPRIETOR Mar. 15th, 186(1, ly. CHARLES McERXDE, HAS JUST RECEIVED A LARGE AND SPLENDID STOCK OF - Dry READY-MADE CLOTHING, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE. ALL of tiUichhe is selling at very reduced price!. tiiiodt given in Exchange for Country Produce. The public are invited to call and examine hi* stock before purchasing elsewhere. Bellefonte, 2iov. 3, '69. tf. HOTEL, BY JLm. W. T33N EYCK OPPOSITF PENNSYLVANIA R. R. DEPOT HARFUSBUfIQ PA. p. HARTSHORN Superintendent. N'O pains have been spared to make the abvoe the first hote' in linrrishnrg. The table i eiweya spread with the beat the market affords and the accommodations tire suprior to any found elsewhere in the city. Murch let 186H.i> HUGH S. BFUSBEN, grtiggisi, MANUFACTURER OF EXTRA LIQUOR COLORIXQ, H. IV. Cor. Third ic Poplar ttret rs, Term* Cath ] Philadelphia. Oct. 3. IS6U,—ly. E. C. BfXRS, 411. T. HAL* a. N. M'ALI.tSTSr., A. O. CUETia BANKING HOUSE. Interest paid on Special Deposit. HUMES, H'ALUSTER HALE <fr CO,, LELLEFONTE, PA. DEPOSITS received. Bills of exchange and >!otc. Discounted. Collections muds and proceeds remitted promptly. Interest paid on special deposits for Ninety days, and under six months nt the rate of foui per cent, per an-.nm. t'.,r six montfcs and upwards, at the r,.tc f' five per cent, per nuuuui. Exchnnge on, th? l£;m con stunt. v on Inn i. JjuiUMty, 3td- I?6L BELLEFONTE DISPENSARY Persons in want of PAINTS, OILS, VAR NISHES, or anything of the kind, will do oil to purchase thcmiit the Drug Store ot J, A J. HARRIS, Erockerhoff'. Row, Rellyfoute. Also, IINUOS, *' MEDICINES, POCKET KNIVES, FANCY ARTICLES, I'jcRYUM BRY. TOBACCO, SECARS, Lrqnons, And ail tho Parent Medicines made. (Surgeon'* and Physician'* Instrument onnsta-tly on band. Cull and leo them, cea.-ij opposil itbe Conrad House. Janunrv. 3rd 1861. A. Guokvaueimer. ci. \Y lifiuiuio,.. B Wertheimor . A. G. & BRO'S , IMPORTERS AND IHCALCRS I.M Foreign and Domestic Liquors. ntSTy.I.FRS OF MONON G A HEL A RYE WHISKEY, Also, Rectifiers of the IRON CITY WHISKEY, And Munufftcturers of tbe Celebrated GERMAN STOMACH BITTERS No. 25 Market Street, Nov 15--6". —1 ] PITTSBURGII PA. LOUIS GERBEU, TMTOF.TER AND MANUFACTURER OT FANCY PTJn S. For Ladies', Qentlem # A's and Children's Wear, NO. 234 AItCH ST., PHIL'A. All kinds of Furs Dressed, Cleaned and Repaired. Furs made to order at the shortest notice. Fall value paid for Shipping Fur*. Furs taken care of during the Summey Oct. 4, '6O —ly. W. A. ARNOLD. JOHN tf. WILSON ARNOLD & WILSON WARMING & VENTILATING WAREHOUSE, No. 101K Chestnut Street, P hilade'ph in CntlZiSON'sPatoa Gaus aad Veatiiating FURNACES, dooking Ranges, Balk Boilers, ENAMELED STATE MANTELS Oomino.A and Low "Down Parlor Grater, AVarm Air Registers and Ventilating, Ac. Ac. Particular attention given tu warming and Ven tilating Buildings of every dieription. ItEXJ. M. FELT\YSIL, Sup't. Apr. 26,'—18<>. ly. HAINES & HOCK. WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 35 North Water Btr3et, PHILADELPHIA. GROCERIES, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, Merchants of Central Pennsylvania LOOK TQ YD JH INrEftESTS ! ! If you wish to buy cheap go to Haines Al) oek, 0 ek, They keep on hand tbe best articles to be ad in the < ity, in their line of business. Cull and examine their goods. Remember tbeir Firm is at No. 35 North Water Street. Q C PHILADELPHIA" Wj Apr. tf.'W—ly. - A^"!-siKr [••WE STAND UPQN THE IMMUTABLE PRINCIPLES OF JUSTICE—NO EARTHLY POWER SHALL DRIVE US FROM OUR POSITION- BELLEFONTE, PA., THURSDAY MORNING, JAN., 81 1861 Incident, of the Battle of Trenton. CT EDWARD B. ELLIS. , It was the tlight before the battle—the darkest night of the Revolution. The town of Trenton was lit up as if for u carnival, and gay forms could be seen flitting by the wjndows. and their boisterous voices often reached the shivering sentinels outside. Every one abandoned himself to revelry, and harbored no thought of danger. Now and then an officer reflected for a moment, that perhaps a disciplined army might afford them.considerable trouble, but what was to be feared from the poor, ragged, half-starved Continental soldiers ? They were far away ; and even should they dare to make a dem onstration, the Hessians would raily at tha call to arms, and annihilate them in an instant. No, danger was not worth tha thought. In a small unpretending house, close to where the "State Bank" building now standi, lived an elderly lady and her only daughter. Tbey were both patriots, and the mother's darling son was then serving in the Conti nental army. Upon entering the tovjn, three of the Hes sian officers took up their quarters with this Mrs. without the formality of invitation. It was out of her power to re fuse thena, even if she wished ; but it was not her. disposition to deny shelrer to even her enemies, and consequently she made no objection to their prot<ence. The officers were all young, swearing dis sipated men, who immediately took posses sion of the best room, on the second fi tor, which fronted the street. Ilere, on the af ternoon of the day before tbs battle, they commenced drinking. Not drinking as tbey usually did, in moderation, but with the de termination of gettjpg dead drunk and cele brating Christmas eve in a manner that would be long remembered. By nightfall they were only slightly —just enough to sing songs, and talk boisterously, and swear terribly. Several times those who wero passing along the streets paused and looked [up at tbe revelers, aDd then with a knowing smile pasted on. Late in the orenrng, just as one had fin ished a song, another asked ; ''•l wcndei where the girl is?" "Whim do you mean?" " Why, Ruth, the old woman's dsughter, if cr ureo. Let us bavs her in here to siDg a song" " Good —agreed ; but euppoae ehe has re tired ?'' " Hang the difference 1 we will have her. for all that." " Who will bring her?" " I will, of course," volunteered the one who had made rhe proposition. " Go. then, and bring the rebol maiden hither!" cried the o'hers iu chorus. The mnn arose to leave the apartment, hut suddenly paused and looked at. his compan ions, as be heard the low tones af what ap peared to be a conversation. " Ha! she is praying " he cried. " One of their number slipped to the door and opened it. Then they listened, and the low, earnest, pleading tor.es of Ruth were heard Sie prayed that her brother might be preserved in the danger which now en compassed him, that God would aid the fee ble in their holy struggles and open the eyes of those who were in their house tu the injustice of their oppressive course.— While still engaged in supDlicatinn, Ruth was startled hy a footstep, and looking up, dis cerned, in tbe gloom of the chamber, the out* lines of the figure of a span standing before her. '• What do you wish here?" she said " We want a eung, my little charmer." "Leave the room, sir! no gentleman would thus invado tho sanctity A domestic privssy I"' ' Come, my girl, there is qo, use of bandy ing words. lie seised her arm as he spoke, and drag ged her by main force from the room, Ruth Would not scream, for she feared no real in jury at their Lund*, nnd did no,t wish to alarm beT toother, who wae asleep in the chamber beneath her own. " What means thia insult?" she demand ed, qs she stood before tho three intoxicated officer*. " A song, my birdie," '• I will not sing." * - " Suppose we compel you !"' *' You may kill me, but I vyill pot utter ope single note upon compulsion." " Tbe spirit of rebellion courses eyen thro' tba veins ot their women," said one. "Do not fear, Ruth ; vye are not going to barm you ; you know we are gentleman." " Have you proved it by coming into my obamher and draggipg me here by force ?'' '• Well, say no mote about that. Let us change tbe subject. Pray tell us something about that brother of yours. Who is he? a commander ?" Ruth perceive! the sneer, and made no re ply. " Who is ho? an officer?" *' You way learn hefore ibia war is over." " Eh ! do yoq threaten my beauty ? Stay!" he added, as she started away. Sb sprang forward, but be caught her be fore b reached tbe door, and rudely oom- " Sinp, I tell you !" " Not to-night," said Ruth firmly. •' Take that, then.*' lie aent, her reeling with a blow, and ad ded, with a snser; Now go, and next time learn to obey when you receive an order." Ruth, half.craxed with pain, groped her way back to her room,^and fastsning the door, sunk down upon her knees and prayed —not for vengeance, but for mercy upon her insulters. Refors it was yet light, the officers were awakened by the discharge of musketry.— Tbev knew well enough what it meant, and two of their number instantly sprung out of bed, and hastened into the street. But the third, he wha so grossly insulted Ruth, re mained still, half stupefied by the dissipa tion of the previous day. L-vuder and louder, neArer and neare;. (;me the sounds of confiiot. The shouts of officers and the cries of the wounded were heard, while now and then the faint cheer ing of the Americans in the distance reached his ears. At last our officer arose from his bed, half dressed himself, went to the window aud, looked out. He saw tho whole Hessian force slowly retreating before the Continental ar' my, which was resolutely pressing onward. Insteend of passing out and joining bis own men, the officer bung a small miror upon the side of the window, and commenced sha ving 1 While he was thus engaged, the following words wero exchanged between two soldiers in Washington's army. One of the speaker* was youog Manton, and the, other, a friend of his about the same age. " We have tkem at last 1" exclaimed the latter, exultingly. " Yes, thank Ileaven 1 they are in full re treat." " Are they not near your bouse, Manton ?" " Y'es, and my dear mother and sister are no doubt thanking Sod for what is now go ing on around thfcin," said young Manton, proudly. The American forces wero now at the head of Warren -Street, and the British retreating before them. When the latter reached the houao of Manton, they turned off to the right, through a by-street, and continued their re treat through Greene, toward the Assnnpink Creek. Washington observing this, execu ted a m,aneuvre that placed vioto,ry at once iu his hands. Dividing his force, ha dis patched one portion of it down Warren stieet, while bis own body continued his pursuit through Greene. Tbe former division was to cross the Assanpinic as qqickly as possible, and attack the enemy in the rear. Manton was in this body : and as they hastened forward to obey tbeir orders, he glanced up, while passing, at the windows of his home. What was his astonishment to see an officer deliberately shaving himself in full view from the street! Impulsively he raised his musket and fired. The ball went through the window pane, struck the officer in the face, and he fell and died in less than ten minutes! The result of the battle of Trenton is well known. It was the turning point of the Rev olution ; and the dark clouds which bad so lond hurg over our destiny as a nation were there dissipated, and tba bright sun of hope once more beamed upon our laad. After the battle, Manton and his friends visited tbe house of the former. Then he leqrued that he had slain the ineulter of his sister, and it is needless tq add that it occa sioned him but little regret. The window-pane through which the lies* sian officer was shot is still preserved in Trenton, and is in the possession of a Mr. Wilson. It is still regarded aa a curiosity. Tbe bullst made a clean hole, perfectly cir cular, and did not crack any other part of the glass. Bat time and storms have ren dered it fragile and weak, and it is now guarded with jealous care. The building from which it was taken was known, until about eight years eince, as the " Phcqnix Tav ern," when it was torn down and a more 'astcful edefice erected in its" stead. But there are other houses arounc[ it, ip which the bullet marks of this battle are yet visi ble, and almost any one can show you the spot where tbe Hessian officer was shot as he stood shaving a; the — From Ben nett's Dollar Monthly. An Original. There is out in Arkansas, at Fort Smith, a funny fellow by the usme of Bright, over whose droll advertisements we haye enjoyed a laugh. Fundamental Principles—Baoon, beans, corn, rice, meal, fOgar, coffee, molasses, and strap iron, now on hand. De Oderiged Cod fish—and beautiful unsophisticated macker el, taken during their kittenbood, and, of course, very tender, fat, and good. Dum Vivimus Vivimos!— Signifies treat yourself to Cnespeak Bay oysters, highfalu tin clams, and lobsters, and keep them led with ketchup, pickles, scuuee, fresh peaches, raisins, prunes, figs, and Ep som salts. Lubricatives I—Lard oil, linseed oil, oil, heays oil; tanner's oil, and the oil'of gladness. Plows—A very Peoria root-ripping, sod ripping and ground-tearing plow, warrented to upset tbe bolder over a sig feet rail fence about dinner time, thus saving the expense of a wateh. WSf The Critendsn resolution have been approved by (be Senate of New Jersey, by a vote of eleven to six. A Scrap Qf History Inhere have been ten specific attempts to defy, the authority of the Federal Govern ment since its formation. The first was in 1782, and vrs a conspir acy of some of the officers of the Federal army to consolidate the thirteen States into one, and confer the supreme power on Wash ington. The second was in 178 C, called " Shay's In-urrection," in Massachusetts, The third was in 1794, popularly called " the Whiskey Insurrectien of Pennsylva nia." The fourth instance was in 1799<. by the opponents of the Sedition lawß, known in Berks county as the " Schreckenzeiten," or •• Reign of Terror." The federal troops took one of the editors of the Adler, Judge Snyder, to the market place and horse-whipped him, which ended the insurrection. The fifth instance was in 1814, by the Qobvention of the Federalists. The sixth, on which occasion the diffrren sections of the Union came into collision! wa&in 1820, under the administration of President Monroe, and occurred on the ques tion of the admission of Missouri into the Union. The seventh was a collision between the Legislature f Georgia nnd the Federal Gov ernment, in regard to certain lands given by the latter to the Creek Indians. The eighth was in 1820 with the Chero kees in Georg'a. People We caa Dispenca With. Dies any enterprising individual wish to forip, a polony at the North Pole, or Central Africa, or any such fai-off place, where the voyagers will bs warrented never to come back again? If so, we san point out quite u cargo whose export would never bo lamen ted over by their native land. We are no; sure but that government would pay their entire expenses, to get rid of them finally nnd forever. Here is a list of the most prom ising. The man who " cao't live within bis sala ry," and is always wanting to borrow mon ey, but who wears as fine broadcloth and ex pensive sleeve-buttons as his millionaire em ployer. The woman who brings up her daughters on a diet of curl-papers and dancing school, and who " can not account for Anna Maria's conduct''when she •[opes with % paouiless drygoods clerk ! The mnn who would rather buy a new coat (on credit!) and cheat tbe tailor, than to bo degraded by a neat patch on his al lows. The woman whose stocking-tees resemble a cullender in their ventilating conveniences, but who considers a nicely executed darn in the skirt of a dress to be vulgar beyond en durance ! The man who is always " making up bis mind," who answers every qu-stion with, " Wal I don't kiow exactly 1" aad etvnds with bis hands in his pockets until it is too late to do anything else with them I Tho. wotqan who always has to stop and sew on ber bonnet-strings when she is going anywhere—who is universally behindhand who is too late at churc.fi, too l>vta at caa ket, too late to get bcr railroad ticket, and inva riably arrives at the steamboat landing just these seconds after tbe plank has been tak en up. The man who never can subscribe for the CZSILRB DEMOCRAT, but who always sends lit tle Zekiel over to bis neighbor's house to borrow it, twenty minutes after the mail comes in. The young lady never can remeiub.ev tie misiiter'n text at church, but who makes the hair of her dear particular friends stand upright with a repetition of ;he horrors ehe has devoured in her last yellow-coverod ro mance. Tbe msn who " has no faculty fc work," but has ar amazing facul j in attending po litical meetings, standing on street corners, and running after firu companies. The woman who cao't get a minute's time to the girls' aproqs an<[ tbp boys'jack ets, and who spends iir leasure in leaning out of the window, on her elbows, and hearing about "that dreadful murder" from her next-door neighbor, while the children are paddling in the wash-tub, and the soup burning in the dinner-pot. Wo could mention a good mary others— but th-se will serve as a pretty fair sample. We can spare them just as well as not—in fact, we would offer a reasonable premium to anyone who would warrant their non-re turn. Perhaps tbey might become useful members of society in tfiu Ft-jee Islands.— They certainly never will here! An immense peak of alum stone, from which the purest alum is obtained by a very simple and cheap process, is discovered in Amaden county, California. The whom Gov. Slade of sent out to Oregon, were to pay a finq of SSOO if they married under one year. Most of tbe girls paid the fine im posed. tS?" The bill admitting Kansas into the Uoiun as a State, passed the Senate on last Tuesday, by a vote of 36 to 16. Those who voted against the admission wsrs tfeuthern Senators. Centre County Teachers'*lnstitnte •'Were half the power, that fills the world with terror, Were half the wealth, bestowed on camps ar.d courts, Given to redeem the human mind froii error There were no need of areeutls and forts." Pursuant to adjournment, aud a call of the President.tha Teachers met at Boalsburg on Tue-dy, December 2oth, 1860, at 1J o'- clock, RM. The President, Mr. Thos.ilol lahao, took the chair, cad called the Insti— stute . order. A prayer was then oflsred by the Rev. Mr. Grow. Oo motion of tha. Secretary, S. Brugger, the President appointed the following per s ins a board of critics -. Messrs. 11. G. Styiz er, John T. P.cr.d, nnd John F. Hollahan.— J. Llollaban wished to be excused, and sug gested that the President should appoint a lady member in his place- By a vote of the Institute" he was rxcused, and Miss E. Tate was appointed by the President. The Rev. Mr, fßnke, of Aaronsburg, was then introduced by the Pres'l., who deliver ed a very able and interesting address on the studies of theecbcol room; discarding the mere use of the text book, end insisting that the teacher be thoroughly verssd in ev erything hs pretends to teach. On potion a vote of thanks was tendered to Mr. Blak? for bis able aud interesting ad dtesi. On motion, the Prcs't. appointed the fol lowing persons a Committee to prepare h'j.si ness for the institute; Messrs. T, G. Ebr hart, Wm. P. Dale, M. R. Reck, Dr. It. Weir, F. W. Iless, Alfred Sitae, and Miss Jennie F. Mobride. On motion, the hours for opening and clos ing the Institute were fixed as follows-. 9 to 12 A. M., 1} to 44 P. M., 64 in tba evening and adjourn when through evening session ; President Ilollahao. iq, tha chair ; prayer by W. Galbraith ; roll called, tie members re sponding with sentiments -. music by the band, anij. read aod approved. Let ters wera then read, by tbe Secretary from Thos. Burrows, Siate Superintendent, aud A. Smith, Sup't. of Mifiiiu county, both stating that they were prevented, by prior engage ments, from attending the Institute. The fVesidect then delivered his Inaugu ral address, iD a clear, distinct and able manner, and was listened to with marked at. tention by a large and appreciating audi ence. Music again by tfie ban a. Essay on Physical Geography, by R. C Weir. Musio. * Essay. Subject—ths ' Present Ags" Musis, Practical questions being next in order Dr. Weir proposed tbe following question : How many and what branches should bs taught in common schools ? He opened tha discussion nnd maintained, tbat in small country schools of not over 30 scholars, only the branches required by law should be taught. He was followed hy M. R. Beck, E, P. Fi-raeman, J. F. Hollahan, Alfred Shaw, J. T. Read, D. 11. Chesebro, 11. G. Stitzer and Frank W. Iless. Tbe majority were in fa vor of a more exrended course of study,main taining that such was the design of tbe law. On motion tho subject was closed. A motion was made to reconsider the vote but was lost. Mr. Hcllahan then suggested die following topio for discussion : What effect has the constant chqoge of teachers upon the common schools ? On mctii,n. the question was postponed un til the following morning. On motion, Mr. Keller, Daniel Musser, P. Shenneberger, Rev. Mr. Grow, Mr. David Keller, and all tbe members of the Band were elected Honary members of the Insti tute. Report of the critics. On motion, tbe following resolution was adopted and incorporated as one of the by laws : Resolved, That no member apeak more thon tvyic.e op the same subject, ncr longer than ten minutes at one time unless by tho permission of tbe Institute. Adjourned. WEDNESDAY MORNING SESSION. President Hollahan in the chair; prayer by Mr, D. Mathias; roll oslIed; minutes read and approved. On motion of F. Hees, the Secretary read the Constitution and By-laws. After the reading it number of the tqaohtra came forward and signed them. The question, "What effect has the con stant change of teachers on the common schools," then opened bv J. F. Ilollabaq, who waq decidedly change in teachers. He was followed by 11. G Stitzer, who took the opposite side, main taining that change is beneficial in keeping up the interest of both scholars and teachtrs. The di-cusion was continued by Messrs. T. G. Rhrhart, G. W. Rumbarger, R. C. Weir, Frank IV. Iless, J. W. Meffl'y, W. W. Weav er and DL 11. Young. Tbe subject, " the best method of teaching Arithmetic," was then taken up, Mr. A- Musser having been appointed to open tha subject, declined doing so, aod Mr. Galbraith took bis plaoe, followed by D. Keller, 11, G. Stitzer and others. On motion, th nubjeot wu postponed so? til Thnrtday mmniofc. EDITORS & PROPRIETORS. A eong then cunj by Mia A Keller'# class ia a very pleasing manner, li.enest question, "are nusrit registers proper, iji schools," was opened by R. C. Weir, who maintained tbey are not proper, and that he does not approve of creiit marks. Lie was followed by J. Campbell, who op proved of merit Tiarks, also by Messrs. D. IT. Young, E. P. Foresman, T. Q. Ebrhort, W. Weaver and others. Miscellaneous business. Adji urnsd. Loiujfclluw ARRSRXOEN SKSRIOX. President Ilollahan ia the obair. Prayer by W. R. Dale. litoll called. Minutes read and approved. Mr. M. IV Beak, member of business commutes reported that he had waited upon the Rev. Mr. Ilamill, and that he could not address the Institute. A song was then sung by. Miss A. Kellers pupils. " Should schools be graded in rural divtrists," was the subject next taken up by F. W. Hjss.s, who was de cidedly in favor of graded sahools. lie was followed .by Messrs. Young, Musser, Reuben, J. S Neff, and others. The majority being, in favor of graded school. A vote of the in stitute was taken on the subject, aod stood Yeas 25, Nays 9. Recess of 20 minutes.—- The subject " should vocal music be taught in our oomuico schools," was then taken up and discunsed by 11. G. Stitzor, E. P. Fores man, and other#. By request of the Insti tute. Mr. J. G. Meyer, and other experien ced teacher of vocal music addressed them. lie spoke decidedly iD favor of teaching mu sic to all tne children in our schools. He il lustrated his method of teaching music by forming a class. 11. G. otitzer offered the following resolution which was read aod adopted : licsoh'td, That vocal music should ba taught in all our common schools. Miscelaneous business. Chairman of the Finance committee then made a report. On motion the subject was posponed. Adjourned. Evening session. Pies. Huilahan in tha cbair ; prayer by the Rev. Mr. Grow; mu eic by Mr. Meyers' class ; roll called- min utes read and approved ; music by the class. Essay by Mr. J. T. Reed, subject, anger, was then read. Music by the class. Miss. Jennie F. Mcßrido then read a very able and interesting essay on "Incentives to. study/', which was very attentively listened to. Mu sic by the class. Mr. D. 11. Chesebro, theu delivered ar. address on the subject of ''The Teachers Aspirations music by the choir. The Rev, Mr, Grow was then introduced by the President, and addressed tha Institute on the subject of "Common School EJuea-r t'mu," especially in favor of religious educa tion. Music by thp class. The subject, "Should parents be compelled, by law, tqi rsad their children to School." Mr. T. G. Eb'bart opened the discussion, maintaining that DO lew should be passed to that effect. J. 11. Stover, Esq., being called upon, re sponded in a brief address, in opposition to tbe passage of any such law. Dr. R. 0. Weir followed, advocating the passage of a law, compelling those persons to seed their children to school, who will not do it other wise. The discussion was continued by Messrs. D. 11. Young, J.. H. Stover, E- V" Forestuan, vid others. On motion of Dr. Hunter, the resolution was laid on the table. The President appointed, the fu,lloyyipg persons a Committee to draft resolutions, 11. Y. Stits;er, Ij. 0. Weir, and f. V/. Hess. On motioD, the Pres. eppointed the fol lowing persons a Committee to nominate of £-c-rs for tlo ensuing year; Messrs. Gal braitb, W. S. McFeaters, and W. Dale. The chairman of the Finance Committer made his report. The Librarian, J. IT. Stover, then repor tad. On motion of W. Galbraith, it was ordered that tbe sei vices of J. H. Stover Esq., be procured, to deliver a series of lectures the ecmiag winter, the proceeds of which be ap plied to defray the expenses of the Cenrtre Co., Teachers Library. The report of tho critics was then read and elicited considers ble discussion. Music by the choir, Adjourned. THURSDAY MORNING SESSION. Institute called to order ; prayer by Pres ident Ilullahan ; roll called ; minutes read and approved. After some discussion the critic* were constiucted to criticise none but regular members, A drill in mental Arithmetic was next in ordjr. Class conducted by W. W. Weaver. Miss A- Keller's class was next examined in Geography, and acquitted themselyes very well. She then conducted a class in read ing; tbey acquitted themselves very credita bly. They also recited a piece with good ef fect. On motion, the Institute proceeded to fleol officers for the ensuing year- On motion, W. W. Weaver and J. F. IIoW lihan wera appointed tellers to hold tbe eko* tion. Adjourned. AFTERXOOX SESSIOX. President Hollahap in the chair /prayer by Rer. Mr. Grow; roll called ; minutes read and approved. The tellers then Reported the following person* as elected to the different offices :~ President —S. Brugger. Vice PretidenU —Misses E Tata and Kate Rsess.- i Conrtudcd next trtdt NUMBER a>
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers