REPORT OF THE AUDITORS OF CENTRE CO., POR THE YEAR A. D. 1861. W. W. Brevru, Treasurer, in aooount with Con tee oounty. Dr To amount received from OolleotoT* and other sources, $12,672 53 Or. By amount of Commissioners orders lifted, $25,338 78 By Treas. Comission, on 25,338 78 1,266 94 By Allowance forpostago, Ac., 10,00 $26 615 72 Balance due County Treasurer, 3,912 89 Thomas MoOoy, Sheriff, in aeeotint with Centre •ounty Dr. To am't of of fees and fines collected, 128 50 $323 62 Cr. Br Boarding prisoners as per bill ren dered, $1.583 31 " balance due Sheriff. $1,259 69 WE the undersigned. Auditors of Centre Co., j in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, do certi- , tj, that agreeable to an Act of Assembly, we met j at the Commissioners Office, in said Coan .y, on j Monday th 7th day of January, A. D. 1861, and did audit, so tie and adjust the several aeeouuts required by law, to the tiest of our judgment and ability. In testimony whereof, wo hereto sot our hands, this 10th d jof Jan. A. D. 1861. JBRKMf&H MAYS, 1 JAS. C. WILLIAMS, ' f Aud'ra. BENJ. SCUKOCK. J RECFIPTS AND EXPENOITJRES OF CENTRE CO., FOR THE YEAR A. D. ISOO. WE the Commissioners of Cent a Co., agreea lily loan Act of Assembly entitle! an " Act to raise county Rates and Levies," requiring the Commissioners of the several counties of this " Commonwealth tu publish annu illy a statement of tie Receipts and Expenditures of their respec tive coun'ics, do report the follow ng. viz : from the 7th day of January, A. D. 1860, to the 7lu day of January, A. D. IS6I. RECEIPTS. To amount received from Collectors and other sources $22,672 S3 EXPENDITURES. T-J amount of Commissioners order* lifted, $25,338 73 t< > paid W. W. Brown Treas urers Cotnum'u eu $25,- 338.78 $ 1,206 91 *' " f allowance for postage and stationery. $lO 03 $26,615 72 COUNTY AUDITORS. Am't raid to C. Marks, Co. Auditor, sl2 00 " Benj. Scbrock, " 12 00 * Jeie. Mays, " 12 CO " G. Livingston Clerk to County Auditor*, 12 00 ?1S 00 ASSESSORS. Am't paid to Townshipand Borough officers for assessments and returns, .'62 80 $562 80 COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE. Am't paid to Ira Fisher, for services as Co , Commissioner 190 00 ** Thos.Hutchiron fur v'r ▼iees a? Co Coutmi-s'r. 240 00 " F. Burkert, lor services as C. Commissioner. 200 00 _" J. McCalinont, for cr- T'• " ns Co. lotnm'er. 17 00 *• J. T. Johnston forser [ vices nsyleik in 1859. 224 37 " J. T. Johnston tor ser vices as cle'rk in 1860. 309 75 c J T. Jubu-.toa fui wri tiot ten deeds, 10 00 " J 11, Rankin for ser vice as Att'y. to Cum * and for collecting. 50 00 " V. P. Green for per.hol dorsand mucilage, 57 " Wm. Cook for postage, 8 45 *' A. B. Hutchinson fur transcribing old unseal ed land books. 141 53 '• Geo. Livingston Or " book* aij'i stationery, 101 9* $1,493 35 COURTS. " Co*ts of Gom:n'>nn'lth esses, SS63 3"J •' Gra'd ATr vere juror* 1,753 50 G. B. Weaver f.-r Pro tbon'ys eosts of 135-5, 11 86 " Andrew White for ser vices as Court crier, 60 CO " Constables atiendi'g'-n juries, 19 00 J. 6. for rer vict a*'lipstare, 65 46 773 15} COURT HOU-E ' ■ Am't pi id to Lycoming Insurance Company for ic.-ui icg Court House, 2y 53 •' For glflta for C. H. lp's, 1 25 '• D. l*err for putting gag in fumsc rootu. 639 " i). Derr for sundries 12 09 " D, K. Tate for repeir iog C 11. roof, 6 87 " Jno. Ycagsr for repair ing C. li. roof, 226 73 W. S. Wolff r tinning Court House roof, 148 96 " Benj. Rich for shingle* lor O. H. roof, 36 SO ** D. Dorr for services a* Janitor, " 150 00 (l D. Derr fur cut.i'g Wood and cleaning privies, 1 624 " Rellefonte Gas Compa ny fur Gas for C. H, 100 70 '• J. F. Green for cutting wo'd A clean'g privies, 7 75 '* Glazing C. H. windows 5 59 <• Mending chairs, 4 50 " Graham Aloore for cleaning C. U. flues, 3 00 " J, T. Johnston for liino, 150 " Hon. S. Linn forchan dalier & clock for C. 11, 68 00 " B. Haupt 4 Ci.., for two coal buckets, 2 50 " J. F. Green for break ing coal for C. House, 1 25 s" Wilson & Bro's forcoal for Court House, 100 00 " A. Ryan for 3 stoves for Court House, 37 05 953 13J COUNTY JAIL. Am't paid to Thos. McCoy for bal anco at last settlement, $474 CI " Dan Z. Kline for wood fcr Jail, 89 37 " N. Ilillibish for work and material for Jail. 9 92 " Thos. McCoy for board ing prisoners, 195 12 " C. W. Lambert for plas tering Ac., at Jail, 6 CO 11. B. Trcziyttln; 'or repairing water Ac., at Jail. 6 CO ' J Clingcr for iron bar* _ for Jail windows, 3 50 " D. Potter medical at tendance Ac. to pris'rs, 8 00 " Wilson A Bro's. mer'ie Ac., for county Jail. 100 00 Sam. Nichols for glaz ing Jail windows, 2 00 $893 92 COUNTY PRINTING. Am't paid to J. S A J. J Brisbin for Co , and oxtra grin ting, 192 50 " J. G. Kurtz print'g as sees books for 1860-61. 65 00 * Seely A Barnhart pub lishing Co., statement, 27 00 " F. Kurtz for publ sh in* county statement, 27 00 " Kurtz A stover for pub lishing Co. statement, 27 00 F. Kurtz for adv'ing, 1 50 " Kurtz A Stover adv'g appeals printing circu lars and publishing 2 proclaaatio is, 62 50 Seely A Barnhart pub. two proclamations, 66 00 J $458 50 1 PREMIUMS ON SCALPS. Am't paid for scalps of fuxos, wild cats, panthers, Aa. f 251 55 $254 55 PUBLIC GROUNDS. Am't paid to C. Scrimshaw for ce ment pavements, $23 50 " fcteel Parsons for sta king trees in C. H. yard 8 00 " Patrick Kane for work on Court House yard, 8 81 " Stephen Brown for w'rk on grounds, 1 50 " McDermot A McCaffsr ty fur sundries, 8 87 " J. McDermot for cutti'g stone fop coal house, 3 25 $47 53 INQUISITION ON DEAD BODIES. Ain't paid to W. C. Welch for inqui sition on a dead body, 12 25 sl2 25 LOANS AND INTEREST ON LOANS. Am't paid to Geo. W. Tate interest on couaty orders, $216 08 " 1). Kauffman interest on riots 27 00 " Johu Moßride interet t on county order, 76 44 " E. C. Humes interest on county order, 35 00 " Blair and Hoffman as signees for money loan ed county, 393 50 " Blair and Huffman as signees for uiunoy loan ed county, 303 51 " J. D. Turner interest on Tate order, 2 50 '• J. Doubernian for mon ov loaned county, . 600 00 " Dr. E Green for inter est on cour ty order, 7 39 " Mrs. R B Wilson inter est on mon'y loan'd Co, 54 06 " J. S. Parsons interest on county order, 1 20 " G. Livingston interest on Co, order and note 15 44 " Jacob Bumgart iuter't on Co,, order aud noto, ISI 16 " Jac. Puttsgrove into, est on Co.. order and u te, 11 00 " Martha G. PaPersou in terest on money loaned county, 90 00 " M. Waddle interest on county order, 114 72 " Rev. James Linn intcr r-A QD county order, 42 00 •' Win. Boggs for money loan cd county, 90 00 '• E. C. Humtß A Bro. in. tei est on Tate order, 30 00 i $2,190 DO ROAD VIEWS. I Am't px'id to J- M. Barnhart for r'ad views in Boggs Twp., $23 00 " A. M. Kldei fur road views, 27 00 " Jacob Wetzler for road views in Liberty Twp., 6 00 " Henry Moyer for road views in Miles iwp., 8 00 " Henry Dopp for read view in Curtin twp , 7 00 '• John Irvin for viewing bridge at Beech Creek. 10 00 " Daniel Kbunes for ruad view in Liberty twp., 8 00 " A. Frederick et at view ing McCall road, 13 75 " Jno. T. Hoover viewing rad from Mosbanuun 'm Kylertown, 71 75 " J. G. Irvin et at r-ati views, S 00 $lB7 50 CONSTABLES RETURNS. Am't paid to Constables for returns to court and mileage, $132 02 $132 02 ELECTIONS. ; Am't paid to Election officers, return * judges, Constables ar.d assessors forputting up lists of votes A attend ing Elections, $1,301 Stij " Kankiaitnd tshoeuiaker clerkst'i return judges, 12 00 " O. KuLiics Congres sional return udgs, 11 50 $1,324 86 J MISCELLANEOUS. " Isaac Buffirig-on hal'cs due ut last, settlement, $2,788 57 " Jesse L. Tost station ery ni l office repairs, 15 50 '• .T. T. lluov r Treasurer Agricultural Society, 100 CO " J. D. Turner water tax on county buildings, 22 50 •' Suit Couitnisssi.mors vs Worth twn , overseers, 4 90 '• M, P. Cro'kwait i oni niat'gad? .'turn Docket 5 00 " 1. C. Mitchell aud. ao't of Frotk'y. and R-g'r , 20 00 '• if. P. 'i'rcziyuinv for running lines b. tviaen Hai tea A Miles : ivp's., ICS 25 " Do fur running lines of Ferguson and Patron, 87 CO " Do. ior running lines of Marion asid Howard, 64 50 " Bellefotito born, on ac count of Bridg", 1000 00 " Jjhn Wier State Luna tic Asylum for keeping Lunutii'3. 431 60 •• John Touner bill fur nished county, 6 14 " J. W. Kealsh aud. act. of Rroth'y. and Reg's., 35 CO " Eastern Penitentiory for keeping convicts, 43 SI Pennsylvania Ra'.road hill for freight, 3 59 " Jno. Ross for reward oa Sherman and Rudv, 25 00 $4,836 56 ' List of Outstanding Tases. M. G Williams, col'r of Huston tp. 1854, 27,00 Jos. Williams, Worth, " 50 00 Thos. 1 . l'attou, Ferguson, 1855, 55,00 George Graham, Bnowshos, " -87.00 John Asky, Snowshoe, 1857, 53,C0 Wm. Adams, Taylor, " 55.00 Wm. H tSmilb, Union, " 71,00 C. Bower, Howard, I£5S, 10,00 Ditii'l llachdoL Snowshoe, " 11100 B. V. Brisbin, Union " 3100 Christian Yarger Marion " 56 So William Marshall Benner 1559, 167 00 A. Musser Gregg " 61 00 H. Baiter Howard '' 69 50 W m. F. C ourter Liberty •' 72 00 James TdcCalment 7>larion " 136 50 John It. Burkert Miles " 339 00 C. G. Ryman Milosbtirg " 89 00 J Ilarvir Penn " 150 00 H. Sliultz Rush " 44 CO Edward Ido Snowshoe " 163 00 John Sweeney Spring " 161 00 A. N. Russel Union " 73 00 11. MeEwen Walker, " 401 00 ' George W. Kelly Worth, " 30 00 J. D. Turner Bel efonto 1869 233 474 J. M. K-phart Benner " 295 59 J. Dohin Boggs, " 34 21 M. C. Mulhollan Burnside '• 118 00 IR. 1). Beichdol Curtin " 83 00 ID. W. Campbell Ferguson " 537 00 j Charles Miller Gregg " 543 394 1 Jacob Frederick IlaiDes " 267 75 ! John L. Gray Halfxaoon " 127 86 Wm. L. Sellars Harris " 634 16 Jacob J,eathers Howard " 193 00 William Turner Huston ' 52 50 John lueachdol Liberty " 1601'4 Wiiliatu Swanzey Marion " 355 5 0 ;J. S, Kent Milesburg u 105 0 I J. S. Fouit Miles " I6 69 P. B. Gray Patton •' 164 >9 IP. T. Musser Penn " 47C 0) I James Barber, Potter " 618 13 | James Test Rush " 130 00 j John Graham Snowshoe " 115 50 Robert Tho upson Spring " 631 SBj "3F3E3C3SS GSWTR3B :O^XIG£O€33ES..d3 ! . ,, X 1, John Copenhaver, Taylor " 70 00 E. Fisher Union " 133 00 Thcmas Parson* Unioncille " 37 50 Joseph Swiera Walker " 127 00 Elias Turnor Wwrth " 10' 50 Total amount of Outstanding Taxes ?9,032,09 We the undersigned Commissioners of Centra County, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full nud correct statement of the Receipts and Expon d itures of the said county for the year A D. 1800. W'tness our bands at the Ciramission ers Office iu Rellefonte this 28tk day of January, 1861. TIIOS. HUTCHINSON, ) IRA FISHER, V Cora. JOHN McCALMONT, j Attest S. M. IRVIN. Clerk. HARDWARE HARDWARE! nHA I. PBS IN ' \N> sQiimmmsi] > | I^cottueki;/ y F fTIUE undersigned would respectfully inform A tho citizens of Centre county that they hare opened a HARDWARE STORE 'in the Room formerly occupied by Wilson A Bro. on the Northwest corner of the Diamond. They have selected their stock with great care, and are prepared to sell goods from fifty to one hundred per eent low er than can be had at tiny other place. The ladies are particularly invited to cull and examine their assortment of cutlery. They ear nestly solicit a ilberal portion of the public pa tronage. and will take every pains to please. They ha\e constantly on hnnd a variotv of POCKET AND TABLE CUTLERY, Rifiles, fchot Guns, and Locks of every descrip tion. CROSS CUT, MILL AND CIRCI/LAR SAWS, And all vatrlefics of lIAND BACK, GRAFTING AND PAN NFL SA ll'.V, Broad, Hand and chopping Axe?. Butchers eleav er and chonpers. DRAWING KNIVES, HAMMERS, HATCH ETS, CIIISLES. and ADZES. HAY, MANURE AND SPREADING FORKS. EDGE TOOLS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. CEDAR AND WILLOW WARE, PAINT AND DUSTING BRUSHES, NAILS, PAINTS, OIL, GLASS & PUTI V , COAL OIL AND LA Ml S. SA DDLEIi Y HARD WARE. COACII TRIMMJQ Also, COFFIN FIXTURES, Ai d everything that is generally kept in a well regulated Hardware Store. Terms Cash. BAXTRESScR A CRIST. Rellefonte, april 26, 'CO.—y. Conner & s?tecl, HAVE OPENED I The lurgest assortment of goods ever before offered for sale by them, consisting, | us heretofore of all such staple goods as are usually kept iu a country store, together with all the NEW STYLES IN MARKET. | G-QOX>IB. ■ R'ack and Fancy Silks, Brocades, Madcna's De | Beges, Birages, Barage delains, Delains, Challi delains. Poplins, Lustres, Alpacas, Bombazines, Lawns, Ginghams, Chintz, Brilliants, Chalii Crupe- Marots, Tanjore Cloth, Robes and Traveling Drcs Goods. ALSO, A large assortment of mourning goods. A L S O, Black Silk, Thibit Cashmere Crape and Sti'lu Hhawlf, Mantillas, Cashmere Scarfs, and Shawl Trimmings. A L 8 O, Cloths, Cassimers. Satinetts, Cashmeres, Kentuc- Ky-Jeans, Drills, Ducks, Cottonades and KlilDY ill ABE <XTBiIA' ALSO, Ladies' and Gents' lloisery, Gloves, Gauntlets and Milts, Ladies Collars and Under Sleeves, Laces and Edgings. A* L S O, Oiled Window Blinds, Plain and Ornamented,Lin- I en and Luce Curtains, Gilt Cornice for Blinds, T able Covers and Floor Cloths. A L S O, 1 Oukford's ITats always on hand, together with Straw Goods,-Bonnets, Shakers, Ribbons, ArtiS cials and Bonnet Trimmings ALSO, A very argo assortment of Shoes and Boots for men, women and children. A L S O, QueeDSwarc, Cedurwarc and Groceries. ESPECIALLY WOULD TONNER & STEEL CALL THE ATTENTION OF MECHANICS I BUILDERS To their much enlarged stock of Hardware Sad dierv.aud Coach Trimmings. Eollefonte, Cot. 11,-60—tf., "" PA TRI OTS? AII OIJSK I SINCE it is evident that a civil war must ca- SUO', let every Union and money-saving per son cull at the New Cash Tin and Sheet Ira M anufactory on Bishop street, where the under signed ventures to s.iy that lie can furnish the eit izciis of Rellefonte aud the surrounding country, with ALL KINDS OF WARE, inaiiutactured from the best material at VERY REDUCED PRICES, at least trom 30 to 50 per cent, cheaper than can be purckashed elsewher , to be assured of the above all he demands is a call. JOHN S. LONBERGEB. Jan. 10, '6l.—ly. Millinery Goods A LARGF and splendid assortment of Millinery Li. Goods has just been received at the S tore of MRS. E. 11, GRAPH'S. j Among other things, may be found a fine assort ment. of VELVET, SILK AND STRAW BONNETS, purchashel in the city, and trimmed in the latest and most fashionable styles. aving employed a first class milliner from the Cil she feels prepared to execute all orders with' iwh h she may be favored. ALSO : Wb man's best candies for sale MRS. E. II GRAFIUS. B Iclonte' Nov. Ist—'CO- tf. Axe Factory & Houses For Ren't. TIIE I3elle(oDte Axe Factory, enpa bie o furnishing twenty dozen axes per day now in the occupancy of Harvey Mann. ALSO, The dwelling house on High Street, with or without tbo frame building adjoining, new occupied by J, V. Thomas, For particulars apply to WM. A. THOMAS. Bellefnnte, Deo. 13, '6o.—6t. OSTS FOR SALE— The undersigned hag on hand and for sale a large supply of Posts of all kinds, which will be sold in quantities to suit pur chasers and at reasonable prices. Persons wish iug to buy will please call on the subscriber at his residence in Milesburg, or upon Mr. Wagner at the Milesburg Mill. JAMES BROWN. Jan. 17, '6l. Great Work on the Horse. THE HORSE&HISDISEASES: BY ROBERT JENNINGS. V. S , pnoFF.ssi it'oc PATHUIOER ANU OPBUAWVR SIIII- Gtltr IN TUB CVLLStiIS OF PtULAnKLPHIA, ETO. WILL TKIL You of the Oiigin, History and dis tinctive traits of the various breeds of European, Asiatic, African and Amer ican Horses, with the physical forma tion and peculiarities of tboanmal, and how to ascertain his ago by the number and condition of bis teeth ; illustrated with numerous explanato ry engravings. THE HORSE AND IIIS DISEASES WLL TELL YOU of Breeding, Breaking, Stabling, Feetlii p, Grcotnitig, Shoeing, and the general management of the horsv, witl 4be best modes of administering medicine, also, how to treat Biting Kicking, Rearing. Shying, Stumbling, Crib Biting, Restlossness, nud other vices to which he is subject; with nu merous explanatory engraving*. THE HORSE AND IIIS DISEASES WILL TELL You of the causes, symptoms, and Treatment of Strangles, Sore Throat, Distemper, Catarrh, Influenza, Bron chitis. Pnenmqnia, Pleurisy, Broken Wind, Chronic Cough, Roaring nud Whistling, Lampas, Pore Mouth and Ulcers, and Decayed Teeth, with oth er diseases of the Mouth and Rcspio rntorv Organ 3. TIIE HORSE AA'D IIIS DISEASES WILL TELL Y'OU of tbo causes, symptoms, and Treatment of Worms, Hots, Co' ic, Strangulation, i-tony Concretions, Ruptures, Palsy, Diarrhoea Jaundice, Hepatrrrhcea, Bloody Urine, Stones in the Kidneys and Bladder. Inflama tion, and other diseases of the Stom ach, Bowels, Liver and Urinary Or gans. THE HORSE AND IIIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU of the causes, symptoms, and Treatment of Bone, Blood and Bog. Spavin, Ring-bone, Sweenio, Strains, Broken Knees, Wind Galls, Founder, Sole Bruise and Gravel. Cracked Hoofs, Scratches, Canker, Thrush and Corns; also, of Megrims, Vertigo, Epilepsy. Staggers, and other diseas es of the Feet, Legs, and Head. THE HORSE AND IIIS DISEASES WILL TELL Y r ou of the. causes, symptoms, and Treatment of Fistula, Poll Evil, Gla nders, Farev, Scarlet Fever, Mange, Surfeit, Locked Jaw, Rheumatism, Cramp, Galls, Diseases of the Eye A Heart, Ac., Ac., and hew to manage Castration, 1 leediDg, Trephinning, Koweiing, Firing, Hernia, Amputq tion,JTapping, snd other st'rgioal op erations. TIIE HORSE AND IIIS DISEASES . WILL TELL Y'UU of lluruy s MetkuJ ut taming Horses; ho-w to Approach, Halter, or Stable a Colt; Low to accustom a horso to strange pounds and sights, and bow to Bit, Saddle, Ride, and Break him to Harness ; also, the form and 'aw of WARRANTY. The whole being the result of mure than fifteen years' careful study of the habits, pe culiarities, wantsand weakness or this noble and useful animal. The book contains 384 pages, appro; riately il lustrsted by nearly One Hundred Engravings. It is printed in a clear and open typo, and will be forwarded to any address, postage paid, on receipt of price, ball'bound, S I 00. or in cloth, extra,s 1,25 $ 1 <K)O A YEA 11 r. k 77!* prising men every wbtre, in sel mg tiie above, and other popular works of ours. Our inducements to ail suen arc exceeding y liberal. For single copies of the Book, or for terms to agents, with other information, apply to or address JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher, No. Cl7 Susom St., Philadelphia, Pa. Nov. R 1 Rf.fl.— Cm. The ireople's took Book. MODERN COOKERY 181 AJ.L ITS TRANCHES,, MISS ELIZA ACTON. CAREFULLY REVISED BY Mrs. S.J. II ALB. ! i it Tells Y'-u how to choe.-e all kinds of Meats, j Poultry, and Game, with all the various I and inost appvoved modes of dressing | and cooking Beef' and Pork; alto the best and simplest way of sailing, pick ling and curing the same. It Tells You All the various and most approved modes of dressing, cooking, and boning M utton, Lamb, Veal, Poultry, and Game of all kinds, with the different Dressings, Gravies, and Stuffiiugs ap propriate to each. It Tells lou bow to choose, clean, and presarve Fish -f ail kinds, and how to sweeten it when tainted; also the various and most ndpruved modes of cooking, with I the different Dressings, Bauees, and Fla- j vorings appropriate to each. It Telia You all the various and most approved i modes of preparing over fifty different j kinds of Meat, Fi.-h, Fowl, Game, and I Vegetable Soups, llrotbs, aud Stews. | with the Relishes and fceasonings ap- : propriate to each. It Tells You ail the various and most approved modes of cooking Vegetables of every description, alsphow to prepare Pickles, Catsups and Curries of all kinds, Potted Meats, Fish, Game, Mushroons, Ac. Tells You all the varrjous aud most approved modes of preparing and cooking all kinds af Plain and Fancy Pastry, Pud- j dings, Omcleits, Fritters, Cakes, Con- : fectiocery, Preserves, Jellies, and sweet Dishes of tvery description. It Tells You ail tiie various and most approved modes of making Bread, Rusks, Muf ; fins, and Biscuit, the best method of • preparing Coffee, Chocolate, and Tea, | and how to make Syrups, Juzdials and Wines of various kinds. It Tell You how to set out and ornament a Table, hi w to Carve all kinds of Fish, Flesh I or Fowl, and in short, how to simplify ' the whole Art of Cooking as to bring tho ! choiscst luxu ies of the table wi bin ev- j erybedy's reach. The book contains 418 pages, ar.d upwards of twoWe hundred Reccips, a 1 of which are the re- I suits of actual experienco, having been fully and i carefully tested under the personal euperinten- j deuce of the writers. It is printed in a clear ar.d . open type, is illustrated with appropriate engru- , ving, and will be forwarded to any address, neut- j iy bound, and'postage paid, on receipt of the price SI.OO, or in clotb, extra, $1.25. <2l AAA A YTt 1 AT? can k® made by cnter- VAUUVJ ix J. -LixYiv piling men everywhere, in selling the above work, our induceiaeso nents lo a'l such being very liberal. For single copies of the Book, or for terms to ngints, with other information, appls to or ad dress JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher, No. 617 Snnsom St., Philadelphia, P "Nov. 8 1860.—6 m. JOHN MONTGOMERY, Morcliant Tailor, ALLEGHENY STREET. SELLEFOSTE, PENNA. THE undersigned would most respectfully in form tho public that he will continue to car ry on the Tailoring and Clothing business at the Old stand, on the south corner of /frokerhoff's Row, where he is prepared to make to order all kinds of clothing in the neatest and most tash iunablejstyles. He keeps on hand a largo variety o CLOTHS, CASSIMERS AND VESTINGS, of the most approved paterns. At his Establish ment READY-MADE CLOTHING. of every description may be found, which ho is now selling at reduced prices. His thanks are due the public for the liberal share of patronge heretorore bestowed upon him; and be hores by strict attention to business, to merit a continue ance of the same. J. MONTGOMERY Bellefonte Jan., 12th '6o—ly Ayer's Sarsaparilla. | READ! READ!! j GREAT ATTRACTION!!! j NEW AND" CHFAP i • ! j Closing (Emporium. NORTH SIDE OF THE DIAMOND. BELLEFONTE, PENN'A., City branch cf Ecizcnstcin? Brothers, 124 Karth Third Street, Philadelphia. j FIT lIE undersigned P.espectfully -announceto I (L theii.liiLitiii.tfcf Centre cocnty, and the public in general, that they have opened at the ; above itutd line, tie most extensive assort- ' iiient of 11EAB Y-3 JADE CLOTHING, and Gentlemen's Furnishing Food*, that has ever been exhibited in this borough, which they will 1 sell SO Per Cent. Cheaper than the Cheapest. Our s.tels ejnbiaift n lull aDd complete assort- j m n of Fine Black ( loth Dress and Pre tk Coats, 1 Cassimore Busin ess CVris Satinet, Tweed, Jean, I Fairness' and Mechanics' Caseimcre, Frock and j Sack Coats, Pea Jackets, £c., £c 0 VEIiCOATS OF 1 INK CLOTH, 1 Presidr.nt and Moscow Beavers, Seal and Lion skin ani Union Cassimores, ribbed and plain. j PANTALOONS OF FINE CA SSI MERE and Doeskin black Silk mixed, and other fancy colors, of the latest, syl s, as well as Satinet and Union Cassimers ; Pants of strong and substan- ; tial material, for the farmer, laborer and tne- : j chanic j AN ENDLESS VARIETY OF VFASS. \ such as Satin, Silk, ttr.d Silk-finished Velvets, ' Grenadine, Valencia, Mattalese, Uassimere; cloth Satinet, £c. A general assortment of Boy ' and Youths' Clothing and Gentlemen's Furnishing Good?, Hats, Caps, Undershirts and Drawers, Knit Jaek -1 cts. Fine-White and Fancy-bo torn Shirts, Collars, i | Neckties, Handkerchiefs, Stocks and cravats, ! I Socks and Glo\ es, Trunks, Valines, Carpet .'bags, j Umbrellas, and, in short, everything usiaily I found in a well assorted store of this kir.d. i We also keen a fine assortment of FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS. j such as Pocket bonks Porimonuies, Pocket- j j knives and Razors, Combs, and Brushes, Watch- ! Chains, Keys and Guards. Finger riugs & Breast- i | p is, Violin and Guitar Strings, Pistols, Kevolv- j • ore Percussion Caps, Spectacles, Spy Glasses.and | I a sr. ..t many other fancy and useful articles, too j ! numerous to describe, ait of which we v. ill sell at 1 the Lowest Cash Prises. We invite every person in need of Clothing or any of the above mentioned article*, to favor us j j with a call aud examine our goods, and prices, j j and we are confident that we can give ?i tisfaction, j and every person shall feel inclined to tell his i friends where Goods and Cheap Clothing can be j got.. We arc constantly receiving acoessions to I our stock from Itmz KNSTKINB BRO'B., Philadel i phia, wi h whom we are connected, and shall al i ways be supplied with a good variety of all the ar-, , l tides in our line, which will surpass in style, cut, j workmanship and. cheapness, those of any other cs- j I tabiiebmm iu this part of the country. A. STERNBERG £ CO. Be'.lefoute, Oct. 4, OL tf. NEW AND SPLENDID STOCK OF ®©®?SSB!®IS AT BURNSIDES' I VT V ART! ANTED to be just what we represent ! Y Y them. We have the very best which wo j warrant, and lower grades in ail their varieties. I CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK ANI) SEE FOB YO'IRSEL Leather of sll Descriptions. BELTING kept for Machinery. Any sire have not got I can get in a weeks time. Sold a citv prices. A '.LARGE STOCK OF SHOE FIN DIGS j DEFY COMPETITION IN HATS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. Saddlery, Saddles, Bridles, Halters, Cart Gears, Cart Saddles, Harness Collars, Harness Lines, and every article made and kept by i Saddler*, j WHIPS, TRUNKS, TRAVELLING BAGS, POWDER, SHOT. AND CAPS WATAR PROOF BOOTS, DOUBLE SOULED WARRANTED, COPPER 'PIPED ROOTS AND SHOES FOR CHILDREN. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF BUFFALO ROBES, IiORSE BLANKETS, | SLEIGH BELLS, FOX TRAPS, &c. j Digest market price paid for HIDES, SKINS & ALL KINDS OF FURS, Com* and examine our stork. We will show it with pleasure, and satisfy you it is THE PLACE to get good Boots and Shoes, k and such articles in our line. I At Burnside's we study to please, and give sat | isfaetion. accept our thanks for past favors. £ j Jr'allofonte, Oct, 11th iB6O. | GREEN'S DRUG AND Y.UUETYSTORE, ~ | Noi-th-East Corner of the Diamond, BELLEFONTE, PA. THE UNDERSIGNED would respectfully in form his pa,roiis and the public generally I that he has just returned from Eastern -Markets wbers he has purchased and is now selling the j I largest and lie "t assortment of DRUGS, MEDI- ! CINES, FANCY ARTICLES, Ac., ever brought J to thi country. He ha? constantly on hand all ; the approved PATENT MEDICINES of the day. ALCIIOIIOL. BURNING I FLUID, PINE OIL. COAL OIL, LINSEED OIL, PAINTS, VARNISH, Ac., together with ala g assortment of the TOBAC CO £ VEGaR ■■. of the best brands. | COAL OIL & FLUID LAMPS, IIAIR. TOOTII. NAIL. CLOTHES, £ PAINT BRUSHES, PERFUMERY & HAIR OILS. Also, a fine assortment of Plain and Fancy I CONFECTIONERY, RAISINS, NUTS, &.C., &C., TOY.S of every description, also FANCY CHINA-WARE. Prescriptions and lumiiy lccetps careiully and ; promptly filled. Thankful for the patronage he has received du ; ring the last four years he solicits a continuance I of the sami, and from the cxperienco he has had he feels confident of giving satisfaction. Nov. 15, I 8 60.—tf.] FRANK P, GREEN. iron" CAN buy your clothiug for j-curselves and your boys, in every variety, aud at low cash pri ces by calling at the 'heap Clothing Store of A. Sternberg & Co., in the Diamond, whore you T&SrXsLalL* SAVE at least iruin 2"- t,i 30 per com. All kinds of Clothing und Furnishing Goods are to be j had at this Storo at the lowest cash prices, and receive well made goods. Would it not be bet-. : 1 ter to MUCH valuable time by calling immediately and lay iu your stock of Clothing lor the 1 Winter, at this establßhuient, where you will cer j tain/y get the full aalue of your I MOWEIV. KEMEMBER the place. One door above Liv ingston's Book Store, in the Dimond. A. STERNBEG £ CO. Bellefonte, Nov. 15, 1600. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.—The partnership heretofore existing between Jo ; sepb B. Erb and Chas. De inis, and Lading under the firm of Jos. B. Erb £ Co., has this day, Nov, 1 24th, been dissolved, The business, hereafter, to j be conducted under the firm of E. W. Erb £ Co. JOS. B. ERB £ CO | Nov. 29, 1860. Ct, FLOUR'FOR SALE.—Extr * snperfiine family Flour for sale by ' % Dee. 13, 1860.] D. LEYDEN £ CO. i , .... .. .. | AYER'S ! :Sarsaparilia' ROA PUBIFNBRA THE BLOOD. ; A:id for the speedy cure ot the foltowtat? utmiplafnN; | Scrofula and ScvofnlouH AtTrtioi)fl.BueU as Tumors, Ulcer*, Sores, Kritpllous, ! j Pimples, Pustules, ttMUcl&es, lioiii, i i und all Skin LPiseastis. O\K VAU, lfitl. otii 135:?. } J. C. AT tin A C. Ob'niH i 1 LNIJ ii uy duty to j ! vt li.-it yiu* lias f<*- hy, : ilaving iii!ieillvi u Prroftil.m; iiifttriiun. 1 luive Kuffcrrii : | froui it in various wA.ys 1 .r yr - s it : ; out in Ulcere <m m • l:.: 1N .:'! ;u i:.s; so.'ooiil i|ua it : tui ncd inward iiinl Uk! v>'> •! nm nt iJie sUiinncii. 'l\\v j years ajs;o i Kn-k- * ut en m • I trail HIUI rorih-d my qonlp J i uad wis with noi'r. which wn* |;1 <ti'til m I Itxitkioaij : j beyond description. 1 tiled many medicines and eevcial j I physicians, but without much rc.iH frun uiy tiling. Jn ! i'acr, rlio disordergmw worse. At It ugth I was lejolcei ; i t# rend in the Uus pel that yon hud prepaiiHt I j ii ulterativu • InX .r 1 knew from yvtir r. ptif.;- f I it.ui that tm.v thiniC you utad* must ho good. 1 k-mt to : i Oineintmtiand £>£ it, iin l it till il cured me. 1 took j ' it, sis you •'% i.-e. iu eumil Ut.s of a teo-Npo-uiful over a ! month, uud used almost throu bo'i' >e\Y and hoslthy • ■ skin (•'"n'U bpguii to form iinir-r tho b. wblch after a{ , ! while teil oil. My slwu is now ch .o*, and i know by soy feelings that tho cliseas * has gone from my \lcu. ') . S can well behove that i id v i.-sit J am Y<iu I te.i you. t!int 1 hu!tl you to hu •■uj of tho ;;} •..■;ius of llja ago,' and loiuuiu oer in.' y. You; , AU! ii'.!) i;. TAT.U , :Y. j ; St. Anthony's Pin . Hose or Krvslpwl?: <j, ! | '.i'cMer nnd Salt havum, Sinld Ha-.v;, il.higuorm, Soire ICycs, i)ropiy. | Dr. Kuhert V. Pivble writes fr>m fralctn, >. Y. I'.'th j ! Sept., looh, ihul he lots cured an inveieiafo case of Prcpsy, which tliioatvucd tv term uatv iululiy, !•> use of our Sa' saparilla fiii-1 al."0 f. ' . ' i'J . i Malignant Jiry..i]ki' !.v larga dtVc.s of the ?r,r.;.'v; snyg he euros tho common Eruptions ly it constantiy. lii'onchoctle, Goitre or Swelled A'eck. i Ztlmlon Sloan •!" Texas, writes: '''ilir-j'j hit- | 1 1.- /.f yrmr SarPapavilla cured mo f'um (P ir —a liid- ( Co lis swelling oil tho iioeky whicii J imJ sude.ed from over two years." Ueiicoi'i'lioea orWhhrs.Ovarinn Tumor, Uterine I'lceratiou, Fvninlc Divensiih. Dr. J. D. S. CliaiiiiinK* York City, writer ; 4 f most cheerfully comply with tho request of your agent in J saving I liavu found your Sar*apaiill, a most excellent alterative in the numerous complaints for \vli>h \vi ' employ finch u remedy, hut OKfecially in I+ntal* Piseuft. . of the Scrofulous diathesis. 1 have en red many inveter ate rases of Leucorrlicea hy it. and some where the coin plaint was caused by tdceyitiu aof tbo nUtrtts. Tho ulcer i ution itself was soon cured. Nothing within my know) edge equals it for these female derangements." Kdward S. IVfarrow, of Newbury, Ala., writes, " A den i jrerous ovarian tumor on one of fl:<* females in my family which hud defied nil the n medics we could employ, 1 a j at length linen ccnupbdely cured l y vor KxfinctofPar snpariiiiu Our jdiysimu tin iiidit iu tiling lut e.\tii| \ j lion oould a (Turd relief, !ut bo advised the trial cf yo.. i ! as the last resort before cutting:, and t j proved effectual. A fier taking your remedy eight wee!. 4 uo symptom of the disease lenmiit.s." Syphilis and HI ore mini Disease. { 2ftli August, If*ss. ! DP. J. 0. AYER : Fir, I cheerfully comply with tin; re- ; ! quest of your agent, and reivut to you some of the eficctG i ! 1 havo realized with your 8 .r>a|iai ilia. 1 have cured with it. In my practice, most of the com- ' | plaints for which it is leconunomled. and have found i ! effects truly wonderful iu the euro of V*intr*af and A/ev- } j atrial Disease. One of my patients had Syphilitic ulcers i i In his throat, which were consuming his palate and tho i fop of his mouth. Your Sarsaparilhi, filuadiiy taken, 1 ; cured liiui in live weeks. Another was attacked by sve- . ! I onilury eymptoms in hi* twsT; -'did the ulceialior- iiad | eaten away a considerable pari f iI,KO that I believe iho | disorder would soon reach his brain und kill bim. but it j yielded to iny adiuinistraiion of your Sarsapurilla: the i ulcers healed, and he is Weil again, not of course without ' some disfiguration to his f;nv. A w„nmu who bail boot: ! ( treated lor the same disorder by mercury was suffering i I from this poison in her bone*, ihey had become so son- j | sitive to the \v wit her that on a damp day she suffered ex- ' i crqeiating pain iu her j -iuts and bones. Übe, tto, was j cured epiirciy by \ ur >Hthnpai ilia in a few weeks. 1 j i know fro|i its formula, wliieli your agent gavo me, that • I this Dreparation from your lebornloiy must ben great i | remedy; consequently, these truly leinaikuble iv.-ults ! ] with it liave not surprised me. Fraternally yours, G. V. UAKIMKK, M. D. I Ulieumalism, Gout, Liver Complint. INDEPENDENCE, Ihestoii Co., Va.. Cl!i duly, i i Dr. J. C. AYEK: Sir, I liavo been nliiicted with a pain- j | ful chronic lihemtwlism for it long time, whit h battled tho . skill of physicians, and stink to me iu spite of all tho ! remedies 1 could find, until I tried your £ursapmiila. One i bottle cured mo iu two weeks, and restored my general J heal ill so much that 1 am far lefter than before ! v >s 1 : attacked. I think it u wonderful medicine. J.FItUAM. , Jules Y. Getchell. of St. bonis, writes: "I have been j afflicted for years with an aft dint "f the Linr, v.hicb : destroyed my health. 1 tried every thing, and every thing j failed to relieve me; und 1 have been a a man j for some years from no etker cause than dtrtwf/emn.t of lite Liver. My beloved pastor, the Kev. Mr. Kspy, ail vised ! me to try your Sarsaparilln, because lie said lie knew you, j and any thing you made was worth trying. My the bless- i ing of God it has cured me. ami lias so purified my blond | us to make a new man of mo. If id voting again. Tin? i best that can be said of you is not bait'good enough," Scliirriia,Cancer Timiora, Enlargement, ' Ulceration, Curie* ami cf the Hones. j A great variety of canes have been reported to r where ! cures of these f iruiidnble complaints havo resulted from j the use of this remedy, but our space here will not admit i thorn. Some of them may be found in our American Almanac, which the ageuts I-low named are pleaded to furnish gratis to all who call fr them. Dyspepsia, Heart Disease, FH, Epilep sy, Ulclam holy, JVctirnlgia JTany remarkable i urcs of these nfTections have been made by the alterative power of this medicine, it stimu lates the vital functions into vigorous action, and thus I overcomes disorders whidi would be supposed beyond its ! reach. Such a remedy has long been required by tlie lie- j cessities of the people, and wo are confident that this will ! do for them all that medicine can do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral) j FOIt TIIE lIAI'ID CTKE OF loughs, Colds, liifluciizn, Ilonrfipneag, Croup, Brons It it >s. Tn< ipient ( u --sumption, unci for the Relief t of Consumptive Patients ill adiaiiccd Stages *- of tlic Disease. This is a remedy so nniveiMilly knewn to Mirpnss any other for the cure of threat and lung complaints, that it in useless here to pubh'tli the evidence of its virtues. Its unrivalled excellenco for coughs and colds, and its truly wonderful cures of pulmonary disease, have made it known throughout the civilized nations of the earth. Few are the communities, or even families, among tln.m who have not some personal experience of its effects some living trophy in (heir midst of its victory over the subtle and dangerous disorders of the throat and lungs. I As all know the dreadful fatality of these disorders, and . as they know, too. the effects of this remedy, we need r.ot ! do more than to assure them that it has now all the vir- ! tue.s that it did have when making the cures which havo j won BO strongly upon the confidence of mankind. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AY EE &o CO., Lowoll, Has's. Sold Fy J. Harris it Co., Bellefon'e; J. Bing, j Unionville; R. D. Cummings, Port Matilda;! Hebl r <fc Co.. Stormstown ; H. Foster, Milllieim ; ] D. 0. Bower, and Gross &■ Y ariek, Aaronsbnrg ; : C. G. Ryman, Milesburg, and by one Ualer in j every village in the counl-y. Jan. 10, '6l.—ly, WMTsTTRIPPLE. Mercliant Tailor, N. E. CORNER OF THE DIAMOND. i r PHE subscriber respectfully informs tbe citizens ! A of Belletonte, and vicinity that he has just ro ; tamed froir Philadelphia with a full assortment of , SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, which he is now opening at his old stand, one door east of the Post Office. His stock j consists in part of Black, Bine, and Brown, i reach Cloths, Silk Mixed Coat ing, Cashmere ana sfhite Duck for COATS; Black Doeskin',,d Fancy Summer ! Cassimeres, and Lit*'' n Drills for PANTS; B'.ack iifin, Fi gured Silks, xud White and FIGURED MARSAILLES FOR VESTINGS, | which he will make up to order in styles to suit , the tastes of customers, on short notice, 1 aud on the most reasonable terms. Goods furnished hy cus tomers will bo made up to order as heretofore. As he will employ none but experi { enced workmen, persons may rely on got ting their work well done at his establishment 1 | Thankful for the patronage heretofore he stowed, he respectfully solicits a continuance o: . i the same. WM. S. TRIPPER. Beliefonto, May 12 '59-21-tf. ONORTHE" DEADT BELLEFOSTE MARBLE WORKS. HAVING just returned from the Eastern mar ket where I have purchased a large and ex tensive stock of marble at greatly reduced prices I am prepared to fill all orders with which I may be favored, wiih promptness and despatch. My stock includes the best quality of foreign and do mestic marbles. 1 have employed in my establishment some of the best and most experienced workmen in the State, and persons who have her fore patroniz ed mo can testify to the superio- workmanship . both in execution and design which I manufac ture. Persons who desire marble tombstones, table tops, or anj thing into which the article can J be manufactured will do well to give mo a call. ! All work delivered free of charge. Shop on Spring street, North of tho Presbyte rian Church. WM. GAHAGAN. 1 Jan. 24, 1861 MISCELLANROUB. I riE AY ALOAJUTIOK (.*' I.ASVLACIr 'a H trowing uiicewy In fbir age to spprr p-iu • :b pl>k" ' Xprefesxe Words of otbor lait -.usgrf, rod !<♦) FK *• O 1 ! T: to* tlieai irto OR.I IKC ; tln* (l,< Koib Ccj i>.lit-, . b iii is tmxu >'.• i . r -. t , igr.ittinjf '' '• r itc Feed," i r.uw Wttnit p p ulniist-d ii. ffV 5:1 ft < li w lt'-'tt-i i{ •- ifi'. RnuJsiho lcu.fu/' li't >' 'M ■< u ?*"i " more pc ici ill v uy, ;Hi tie *. id ii! b. - OftJl© U. CCD r. II:Ch Tv C Hl.f. 'USUr O'ucf . V, i.fkt diiiit tit n * for* cn orda bus W vr-'in ,k;:j If n p. .' B untpe utw>l lltey KI.'J to lito manor born." AHWLY REALIZE-. Hi '. .! 'n Vnible'eadache this hattemot n. Luri" I hit rpcil into lie hapotbecurics l and crjs bi to l! • ii cm. '• ('MI you hvH*e sic of an Vr;l..oho*" •• i; incite 'iixd," my a 'e. •• ilcjrcrtvSiDJfl.v," -i.ysbi, i'.Hi.u upon that V ga\c n.e a t'-. i.t.-olm iiil, i and '|>on ire'oner it cured u:t to q' -L lb at i unity lcuhzta I 'act an'eadicbt. tSf" HBAOACHR ii tho fr.rorit* Jjlgn if vril. h -jre luaUa* kuown any deviation whatever from tie natural slate 61 the brsio, and vie itc tin tin ligli it may be looked on as a 'a*fe<<ur3 in ten .led to give p.'iico of dihi.ase w!,:o4 might ci* r . v .'iM-r n oniiun, till 100 late to b" reir.edle i ; a?d ir iualcilions chou'.d never be neglected. L:oc --achas rnav be classified under two names, vis ; Syjiipownit'c ami loiophatio. Symptomatic Head ache is exceedingly m-ramon aud is the pccursor of it great variety of diseases, among ysbich are Apoplexy, Uoui, Rheumatism and all fvbiiicdU carcs. In. its m rvotw form it is ey tupaihetis o.( •JilfKM ol tic bfomech constituting sick head acXc, of In f atlilc dieiast} constituting ''it'tVur /.u ache. of worms, const'p uioti and otlioi disorders of tiie bowels, as well as renal and uterine affec tions. I'.ycnsas of the heurt are very frequently nt(ended with Headaches; Anietniii and plethora are a'.tu affections which frequently ocia. in head • iiv-I.e Idioj ailiie Jlcauuche it uiso virv cornu on," being usual'y distinguished by the rsmo of (*'•- con* hectilaehe. sometiuies coiuiLg on rudder Iv in a stale of apparently round health snd proetest ing at once ttio iiior.tal and physical energies, and, in i tin r instances it c.IIILS on slowly, heralded fj deprcshiuii of spirits or aoerbity of temper. In m ist r tl.cpniu is in the frontof the heed, t over one or Loth eyes, and sometimes provoking yopiiiing ; under this class may also fce named .V-. ii rahjtn For the treatment of eilher cla-is of Headache tl. Cephalic Pills have been found a sutc and suie viii edy. relieving the ujost acute pains in u few mlnqt's, and by iis subtle power dedicating ibo die use of which Headache is tue unerring iu- Üb'i. -r—• co —— nnirooT.—Missus wants you to Band herab /X of Cephalic Glue, no, ft bottle of Prepared Pills,— but 1;n thinking that's not just it naitber ; bqt perhaps ye'll be atther knowing what it is, Yo tee she's nigh dead and gone with the S ck Head ache, and w ants some more of thxt same as reditv ed her before. l/ruygiat. —You must mean Spalding's Cephalic Till.' Uridyl. —Oeh! sure now and you're fad It. her.-'a the quarther and give uic the l'-11. nod don't be ail day about it either. CONSTIPATION OR COST|VENEC3. Jin one of the " many ills flesh is heir to"i So prevalent, so little understood, and so much ne. gleptcd as Costivei e-s, Often originating in carts los-ness, or sclent a. y habits ; it is regarded as a alight disoider of too little couscqucuco to excite anxiety, while in realii r it i 3 the precursor and companion of many of the most f.'t il and danger ous diseases, and unless early eradicated it will bring the sufferer to an untimely gritv . Among the lighter evils of which cosuvenea* is tho u-oul attendant are Headache, Colic, Rheumatism, Foul Breath, Piles and others of like nature, while u iong train of frightful diseases, such us Malignant Fevers Abcesses, Dysentery, Di irrbcea, Dytpp sia, Apoplexy, Eoilepsy, Paralysis, Hysteria, Hypochondriasis, Melancholy aud Insanity, first indicate their presence in tie system by thid alarming symptom, Net infrequently the dis eases named originate in Constipation, but Lake on Hit independent existoncc unless the • use is erad icated in ac early rtage. Front all these consid erations it follows that tho uisonlor should rec. ire immediate attention whenever it occurs, and on tile first nppearunca of the complainti as their timely use will expel tho insidttous approaches of diseases and dsstroy this dangerous toe to Uumaa A REAL BLESSIN3. Physician. —Well, Mrs, Jonos, how !s thai head ache '! Mrs Junct Gone ' Doctor, all gene! the pill you sent cured ie in just twenty minutes, end I wish you would send mo more so that I can have thorn handy. Physician. —You can get them at any Druggists. Call for Cephalic Pilis, I find Ihcy never ftii, and i recommend them in all cases ot Headache, Mrs Jon: a. — I shall send for a box directly, in ', shall tell aU my suffering friends, for they arc a, real blessing. TWENTY MN.Liofts OP Dollars EIVKD. — MI. Spalding has gold two millions of bottles of hii celebrated Prepared Glue and it is estimated that each bottle savs at least tea dollars w-rth of broken furniture, thus making an aggregate of twenty millions of dollars reclaimed from total loss by ibis valuable invention. Having mad#bis Glue a hi usehold word, he now proposes to do the world still greater service by euri up all the sit - ing heads with his Cephalio Pills, and if they as good as his Gluo, Headaches will soon vuLmfi away like snow in July, FACTS WORTH KxoWino, —Spalding's rephalio Pills are a eertai cure for Sick Hendacho, liill otts Headache, Nervous llcudacLv, CostlTenesa nd General Debility- CURE " CURE f< % V TSoi By the use of the Pil-s the periodic nftr. ;s if Ntrvou* or Sitk Headache may be prevented; aud j if taken at the commencement of an attack imm:- diate relief from pain aud sickness will be obt ia i cd. They seldom fail in removing the .Vuta oeJ ! Headache to which female ere so subject. They act gently upon the bowels, —removing j Costiveness For Literary Men. Sladents, Delicate Females, > and all persons of sedentary habits, they rro valu j able as a Laxative, improving ilie apdeti'e. giving i tune and viyur to the] digestive organs, sit 1 restc iug the natural elm ticity and sirar. th of the | whole system. I The CEPIIILTC I'ILLS are the rcju't of icng ! investigation andearefully oondueted experitnauu fcnviug been in use many years, daring which time | ihey havo prevented and relieve I t vast urn "int ; of pain and suffering from He-daciic, whether originating in the nervu.i* system or from a da langed state of the stomach. They are entirely vegetable in their iv rrp- !• tiou, anu may he taken at all I ii..°- v ':k pertVct safety without making any cliango if lis', on I ' the absmse of any kisaycitable taste renders il eas/ to administer them to children. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS ! 1 The genuine have five signature- of Henry C, 1 Spalding on each Box. Sold by Druggists and all other Dealers in Med ici nos, j A box will bo scut by mail prepaid on reoeipS 1 of tho PRICE 25 CENTS. All ordrs sh.uld be addressed to HENRY C. SPALDING, 48 Cedar Street, No*-Yvrfc. 1 Nov. 22, leetl ly.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers