MY; Pf WWWmW fwp 't ' Mlf VJ ;?$ ITBT rrm jvr1 r.iVy.' iT'. vvww1,Wtf',,':Mf AK&$F2. 7i?'tn, fc'rf '!; -f . -"i' i f ,r - ' - - rnmw ff THE WEATHER ' if-.l elettdy tonight, and Fridays JmW Mld"r bnlght with lowest about 5! 93 desires; medci ate winds. rrniarrrai 3j4iB jjj-pirne najl-J- a EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER NIGHT EXTRA VOL. IX. NO. 85 Entered ni atcend-Cliii Matter at thv Pojtetnee at Philadelphia, Fa. Under the Act of March 8. 1679 PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1922 PMuh.a arA'J'iSiJU, hr ""' PRICE TWO CENTS NATIONAL BOARD SHIS DRIVE DN INCENDIARY GANG a "EVERY LITTLE BIT HELPS 'Ji'tSJ ftf pire Underwriters Detail Spe cial Investigator te Three Ceunties 125 NEW STATE TROOPERS GO TO BARN-BURNING AREA Insurance Experts Admit They Are Bafflecl Anether Build ing Destreyed The National Beard of Fire Under writers, ndmittins t i b'l br ,I,C mysterious barn fires In Chester, Dehi Mrc and Montgomery Counties, 1ms drtallcd nn expert Investigator te the tirtc counties. who wl.I work under cover In nn effort te run uewn iuc m ctadiary gang. Other developments leuny in meuum. (or the firebugs Included ft shift of State police, whereby 125 new men. net known In the tactien, were brought t Wctt Chester te take the places of troopers who ham been en duty for the list month. ' Chester County citizens, niarmeu ej ite Increasing boldness of the Incen diaries, "ill held n maw meeting to morrow night in the Trcdyffrin Court- tr7 CIUD te raise niiius "" employ private detectives nnd guards. The meeting was cenea ny uiciiuru llWdhteii. "f I'""", nnd is expected te be attended by several hundred farmers. vine arc in IU.IWIU..1 ... .......-, iwnkened at night by the glaze of u burning barn. Experts Are Untiled Tc,.rnn(. exnerts who have analyzed the situation In the three counties In in effort te solve the mystery of the Miming of thlrty-bcven bnrns admit tbey are Dauieu, . , "We can't understand it. nnd that is ( the reason the Nntlenal Beard of Flic Liar.w M0hi- Frnm Call Ail Underwriters hns sent nn expert In- , narry mom, rrem -eil, MH- vestinater Inte the section," 'lheiuas KiKii.tiWiCi4Ci,sr1" ?-:v.- ,t, ;xbi.Ai.r ; , .i ;.. lis. --? . ; i; ms&mn:. y ? v 3 f m, imw3m&mmfA KlllllKkSHBEMfllaHiSflrBl3fFw'H' rjSSjBIEwHBjBK88ESK ASK FOR HOOVER T 0 HEAD SURVEY ON REPARATIONS Missing "Bebbie" Proposal Made by Germany te Have American Business ' Men Probe Conditions APPROVAL OF BRITAIN SAID TO BE CERTAIN Negotiations Opened by Com mercial Bedy Headed by Chancellor Cune TMat'n wlmt tills youngster raid today as he cathcred neraps n pen coal along tlie Washington avenue railroad trachs. "We're sure te heat the house for old Santa Clans, anyway," the boy added. Hundreds. of per sons, their homes reld because they can't net con), walk the railroad track picking up tlie "drlpplnV from coal cars IRS. DRUNEN OFF mm 10 SEEK A RESI DAI M. Patterson, secretary of the Pcim vlr.inla Fire Insurance Company, said tclay. ,, "The moral hazard docs net enter, he taid, "because hams belonging te rich men ami liavinc very little insur- tnee en them have burned nleng with thniw nf nner men. On the ether hand. if geme insane person Is responsible, he I 111 ami could net possibly cover se wide a tcr- 'die, jrr. ruery as unit innrn 111 w. i" iu,w counties. There have been fires in widely separated sections nt about the sarw hour en the eame nights. "Slate police ure rnnninp; around in a circle. They are baffled Just like we are. They are a fine bunch, but ft mys leir like this is enough te confuse the IvCHifst minds In the world of crime de "There was nn cnideinlc of barn burnings In Bucks County about ten jears age, but it was confined te a com paratively Miiall area and the pre- manias who was responsible whs cap tured. " Mr. IMiterien said the fires might f'S'lbly he caused by atmospheric con ditions, but with this opinion Ames I'. ttradllnj:, j-rerelrir.v of the Philadelphia Mibmlan Fire Uudcrwrltert' Auseeln- tin. disixreei. ! v this 1.', net the teneeit for u.irnljlir neunces His Confidence of Obtainine: New Trial SISTER GOES TO NEW YORK l bereft of two of her chll- AuqiiMn Melir, nged mother of Mrs. Deris Ttrntien nnd llnrry C. Melir, is awaiting the tecelid home heme home cemiuj; of the daughter who wan freed last nlKlit of the murder o,f.."Heni't Jehn" Ilruucn. te comfort her for the less of the i-en who was convicted, nnd new is awaiting 'bcnlcnc In thu Mount Helly jail. Mrs. Melir knewa that tliejiiry which Int night ended it's) consideration of the Brunei) murder with the ne.-pilttnl of one of her children, found the nthrr uflt of murder in the first degree, nnd recommended that he expiate the crime by u lifetime of hard labor in the New Jertej State Prison. The mother. In 111 health ever since the uuest of her children following the I truzfdj Mineh 10 hist at lUverslde. I., ceuapseu lute inst nianc wncn heard tht Harry uml been con MERGER EFFECTED Bank of North America and Commercial Trust Company Are Consolidated lly A$3eclated rrets Londen, Dec. 21. The request made by n German trade commission that n committee of American business men, headed by Herbert Hoever, visit Ocr many te undertake a thorough survey of economic conditions that would be used no the basis of a new reparations treaty, we.'i seen hrre today ns per haps the starting point of the fleck of rumersn ns te American intervention In the reparations problem. , Great Britain, it Is emi-nfficinlly I learned, hns informed the American Mate Department of ity consent te nucli a plan. The British Government's message, pent in response te an Inquiry from (lie United Stntcs, it was said, is expected te be followed by the assent I of France, te which the American Gov 1 crnment nle communicated tbe Ger- inun suggestion. The proposal was made bv n German commission headed by Cnanceller Cune te the United .States Chamber of Com Cem merce, which in turn Is understood te have iiHltcd Secretary Iloevt te pre sent the plan at a Cabinet meeting. This was done nnd the matter passed into the hands of Sccretnry Hughes. The Germans propose that the Amer ican Commission determine the extent of Germany's ability te pay. and assert that they .would agree te meet this amount If France nnd Grent Britain approved of the plan. Te llii.; end Secretary Hughes opened negotiations with tbe Londen and Fans Governments. MABEL WOODS Known te patrons of Atlantic Highlands by the above nickname., because of her Mulling ceurtC!y ami lvaclly, has disappeared from home and police, of Philadelphia ami ether cities nre seeking licr DROPS POKER CHARGE, FREEING FIVE WOMEN Get Guns "te Sheet Birds" Day Before Herrin Riots Dealer Links Hugh Willis' Name With Pur chases bu Union Miners Witness Involves Clark in McDowell's Murder Bi a Staff Correspondent of tlw. Evening Public Ledger Merlen. 111.. Dec. 21. Ward Trevli-1 today that Willis telephoned Mm J" .union, hi., i,... -i. ,, . , M,ine lru is le sheet ,, -..! .... .1... Ulnln tn f lift ' " '- .'' - non, n witness ii mu .im,'; "- CHARGEKLAN SPENT 1 ODD IN TEXAS TO ELECT SENATOR I 'Democrats of State Premise Sensation When Mayfield NO CHANGES IN EMPLOYES TIiii merger nf (lie Bank of North America, H07 ("best nut street, with the Commercial Trust Company, City Hall Square, wns voted today by the direct um of both iiiMitutieiis. The consolidated institution is, te be known as the Bunk of North America and Ti-iift Company nnd will luJve u capital nnd surplus of $10,000,(100. Beth banking; offices are, te be continued at their present locations. Aside from the financial ImpeUancc of tlu rncigcr there is also it vein of sentiment, because the Bank of North America is -he. eldest one in the United States. It was 'founded bv Hubert Merris, financier of the Revolution, nnd was chartered In J781 by the Conti nental Cenitress. ii Kf Vri'" Fnssinere. preMdcnl of the iiiiiiN in -ei in America, is te be preI .w i, ' he said. ".Most lires of that ilcteil. Fer a l-rlef hour and a hnl(r,Mlt of the combine, i stitut e , ,Tn ,', 'ii" occur durlnp seasons when there her daughter wns with her te cheer nnd j rt. Mnhen, pieMdent of tl e ('. n'me re in alljlitnlnp. Farmers put gree crop, I comfort; her. but then Mrs. Uriiii-. Trust will , ",. "in M ... ''tutheban, ami,, 5nb Is formed whivh,l.ih MillMc Mehr. a younger siM.-r. ,lf tIa beun, ,;f dirCrters. "ial""-"' -er in, Hi- iiv tiirhniin,. rv' i left for New erk. JIattlu retuinciit 'W.ldl it linns nnl'il.-., ll.n !,,,.,, Il.'tlli- aft'TDO Hi. Ml'S. llrillieil Will IjO 1. ' - . .... .. I , dr. "If hnlliej HCrr lirlnw lmi.nnrl "f harm the wh.le i euntrvslile would n arm.-, mul if uwit.l nm l,u i..n. '"is mini I In. inepndlnrl'N were enn- I II'."!. Illll 'iltll hnrnu If In .lifl'.M ..... Iiitirest, in them." ?eue a weelt. Gene lv New Yerk Mi. Mehr. with Mnllle, has been Iviiu in the Stanley Apartments, nt :;0-".i Ridge inenue. .nt'ie Melir wa seen there today, en her leturn from the hurried trip te New Yerk, nnd .laid thin Mrs. llrum-n hud d"enJ'il ie remain uwnv for n week, te re-1 her nerves. M, mniliei l ery III. lth .i :ni ici'l muse In uMcndnnce," faid Mis MuIt. "anil 'is my i-ister is ntar the point of li''l eis eliiiuttluu alsu. il win ilei ideil i liev had bull belier rest I for awhile. I "We rvpfel llnrr.v te Ret a jum,- tiial. liel i jmnI. liK Innocence will be , pmi'i!. We don't want him piirdeued, ' we wirit liiin lliilieati'd." Mis Jieiir did riot spare lliuel BriMieii, i he murdered niiin s daughter, ' tut- lestUjing as a ('otuiiienwenllh wit ness a!e i-iillnl lur nnnearance en I "lie i.i!,, k, .hmllr Barn lXMm.sed '"''I tip. viilniice of State trmp- i '" anil tarnei. the barn en th furm , 'I Mi-tdnii tVl.i.iry, SwHehind. Mftji.isniiicrv I'miuiy, wns burned l.'n" 'light, with m lii .,' ist.iinn if,-. ,i I V'eeil. 1 -,,. f ,e f,.n,i. i eeiniin-iMl1 ere -v.iu ,, I,,,., ,,ij,, iii'lin. Aniitt.ii' 1ik,i it... , i ..! r.A. v ....... ,,, . ,. ., r , eiirii I I 1111 i"Wn , ! I..I i.: t, .i. . , u- I" " ,ri-i .-ii'ie-. in'- I'lill-'ll.i li.i Sl.-li- line II 1 ."11 tie (nn ill t'linnnrii :! I'i.i,.,. v.. ii',. witli,,,,! l.1)t: ,, Men 'le 'live invin f,.,m ,i, i,, , ,1,,.,. ""! betere it bin-it into (liimes Ih.eii m, ti, ,.. i.M ,1-r. i I.... 'JI till' Oil I'llllllirV l-rilin v..i .l.nml K. . -' ..- ft tun - ,1 . -1-u ,., i rnntlniinj nn pace NIiiimh" rnlunilTVHn ' NORTHCLIFFE'S WILL OPPOSED BY WOMAN iAPPar8 Suddenly In Court te Enter Caveat Against Execution 1)1111(111. Dee. 'JI.- A urilrv.,, 1,.w,. ' "a me was net divulged, suddenly up- ! Pwrcd in the Probate Cemi today mid ! p. ,.'. " "J 0,.'lci' " rveat ugnl.isl Hie exeyiii en of t. w n of i 0.. v,.,,,. Illle JlIM Us III-, brni'lne r.r, H... ...II alKHIl le .S. AsU if i. (.jnimpd ,rrf,,t ,,, "IP ('kI.iIa. i ,n ,..,, . , ... .,. . rt. ' ' -'-'l.ll.ll II ic ,- I'll 111 111 inrin.'ii ... i.i... i i. .. . . ... i i .,.., .i. he i, i , ','11" " "' ,le .lunge w hetlier i reiicneu iiuiiiik iiib insjiu. He el'l nii'il In i.e,,i..,..mi .1... .... ii.. i. i rei ... in i.i, ,1 1 1..,.. ...... .. ..... r...,( , i'..-"iii nn- iMiiiuv, Nie i Liiuii hi 'i u '-. wiviu ,iie ii Men "lMH'd: ; .. Jfnip. .!, Annr. ,,nil .i...,. I.V., , ... .M. .... ..-..., ...v .mm ...... nu i ns ten n.ivn i.. .,... ..' ,...., Villi', l K .11, Details of Merger .?'ll"in,rP'1' '""J,,t '1S announced te(lu, in thu Htntement: "At tbe regular meetings 0f tbe di lectors of the Bank of North America and the Commercial Tuist Ceiupany held this miirninB. the ivupective beards approved of a p),,,, u e.,iiMiIidutieii of the two Institutions. This plan will be Mibmittnl te (Ii,. ite-kblders of eneh in due reurse .n if approved by tncni. win beoeniff ope.-atixe as seen as tlie lesiil reqi',.....J1Us ,.;, 1k, ,-emiitPtPfl. "ill" dlrectl .11 ami .Wfinnru ..f .!. Dicappcarancc of Purse at Party la "Amlcaby Adjusted" Five women who were nrrested at a poker party a week aw en suspicion of larceny when the purse of one of the plnjers dlsnppcaied. were discharged by Magistrate O'Connor tednj. He said the matter had been "amicably ndiiist ed" and that Mrs. Jennet te Geldberg, I.V17 Seuth Sixth street, owner of the purse, bud withdrawn procreation. The women arrested were Mrs. Snrah I Senkeff. 20IO Seuth Darien .tieettl Miss Dorethy Pnluerl. Slxleenlh street ! nboe Poplar; Mrs. A'im Mjer-. I'll 10 I Seuth Darien street; Mrs. RebeieJ j jiiceDs, Mxtn street near .Muster, and MrH. Hattle Levy, Rcdfield street near Columbia avenue. CHIEF "JUSTICE TAFT UNDERGOES OPERATION Is Recuperating Rapidly but Must Rest Ten Days StiTial Dpatch le ISvmti-a rubttr t.'ilucr Washington, Dec. 21. Chirf Justice Tnft was operated en Saturd'i ul the Garfield Hospital in this city. The surgeons found stones in Ids bladder nnd (successfully removed them. The Chief Justice steed the opera tion well. He returned t his home en Wyoming avenue .vestcrdaj . wher.- lie is recuperating. Tlieie are no compli cations. Tlie physicians in attend ance fay that it will lie nceer-.iri for him te rest ten days, when it will lie' pe.-sihle. for him te lenune r. weil; en tlie Supreme Bench. The ( eiirt recoil-I venes en January 2. I The Chief Justice's general health in I recent jears lias been geed, lie Is net ' as much eerweiKlit new us when he. was President. Careful dieting and li'Kiilur exercise buve kept him in geed, condition. i Herrln massacre trial, testified today that he saw Otis Clark, one of the defendants, some time after the riots show ii hnndful of cartridges and heard Him sny: "This is the head of u enrtridge we lifcd out then te kill Mnc." The State In attempting le prove that Clark Is one of the men who killed Superintendent McDowell, of the mine force. The defense tried te Jmpcneh Trevlllinn's testimony by showing that he had a dispute with Clark ever n bill nnd wns prejudiced. Trovillien is n rural mail carrier. Al Steele, foreman of the power house near the weeds where twelve Lester strip miners were shot down along n barbed wire fence, testiflul that he saw the crowds, heard the tdioelltig, nnd later found the dead men. He recognized none of the mob, but Mild he snw Hugh Willis chairman of tills sub-district of tin- union mine winkers, drive up in n cur. Il wns prehnM.x Willis, noenling te the Slate, who tried te step tlie rioters. Willis nit today beside the defeiiiie iitternejs. Steele was asked Iiv the Stnte whetlir lie saw Willi in the conrtienni. Steele did net. until Attorney l.ewh, for t''e defense. eies.--e.iimim d him. Lewis nii, "Yeu -did nel reeegnlxe Willis nut there, did veu? ' "I i ruize tbe ninn there new," land Steele pointed te WiUK Guns ' te Sheet Birds" Clmi-ley SWinffriT. innniser of a ' -l-i. s hit ie Icrril . ffilil tlie inrv I l.lrrla This was en June 21. I lie iev nrwii the mnsucre. A number of men, said Sclinffner, came Inte tlie store for guns and ammunition. "I would net give It ti them." siild Schuffner. "Ln;er en the same day. resiinjefi s,.iirrnpr. "n fellow telephoned nie. lie said: 'Is that you, Charley' This is Hugh Willis. Seme of the bejH want some guns te sheet some birds. Let em have 'em. Make duplicates of their or er ders and glve them te inc." I "I've known Hugh Willi" for fifteen years. I recognized his voice. ' ( Vns. einminnf Inn by the defense fercvd Schalfner te ndmlt that lie eeuhl no be certnln It wa Hugh NMllW who telephoned te him. SehnlTner udmitted that he never n-k-cd Willis te pav for the twelve shot guns, six revolvers and .100 rounds of ammunition Inter received by the "boys." Mine Truck Fired On Tl,,. first evidence that the mine Tries te Take Seat POLITICAL ACTIVITIES OF KLAN TO BE REVEALED Invisible Empire in Other Statts Likely te Be Subject of Investigation fly u Staff CorreipetdtHt Washington, Dec. 21. A senatorial 'en-iitiennl. involving tlie activities of the Ku Kinx Klnn in politics, Is prom prem ised by conservative Democrat", when Senater-eiei i L'nvle 15. Mayfield, of Tesnn, appears te claim his sent as Senater from thnt State, They are nreiuired te rlmrce thnt th truck bearing non-union la.ierc -1 Klnn spent in execc of $200,000 ta SWdS ?Suh,raVnririr a ;'- MyM. and that in addition h. farmer Drew did net Knew, newever. i iiuuseii cxiienfien a vnsi nun et money. ul,,. iniliiislipil tin- tnick. nor did he state Hie truck was headed for the Li ter 'tup mine. "1 heard about seventy-five shots at in o'clock en June 21." said Drew. "Later I went te where I heard the shots. I found it truck en the bridge , ever Crab Orchard Creek. Frem the liullit holes in the truck, it looked like the shots bad come from tbe un derbrush en east of the read. Inside the truck I found n man shot in the back. Twe ether men eame in. one Continued en Pate Nineteen. Column Three In proof of tiieir rlmrges Texn Demo crats who nre interested In preventing bltn from taking n sent in tlie Senate, decline they will produce Klnn decti incur- and cnnieled checks. Opponents ei Ma Meld, who arc nl- Washlngtcn, Dee. 21. (By A. P.) German overtures thveiigh informal eliannelu for American Intervention te obtain n revision of Germnn repara tions schedules, reported in Londen ditpatches of the Associated Prcs, tlnew the first definite light en the method by which American Influence is being drawn into n new attempt at final adjustment of the vexing repara tions problem. The nrxc htcp te be looked for. oh eh oh vieusly. is nn indication of the French n.tlliide en the German proposal that an American economic cemml'sinn re Ucw Germany's present Mutation and eutimnte her rapacity te pay as u basii for a new reparations treaty. There Is reason te believe that prev ious government reports from Berlin nre of a character te Justify hope that tf the French should prove agreeable te tiie proposed nlan for renerntiens reticien, no insurmountable obstacles ' DA RRY HOI n.MP MAM would remniii in tin. wnv of nn ,i"r..n. U"n ' nULU'Uf IVIHIM incut as te the specific amount Gcr mnny could nnd would pny. I A stumbling block te biieh nn agree- I menl up te this time, officials here ' and in Berlin are understood te have I felt, has been the lock of n chautiel for Informal preliminary exchange of j Uews between Berlin and Paris. British j agencies luirdlv could offer their mr. I Ices, as Great Biitein is tee fully com mitted en i conditions views in opposi tion te tiie I reneh position te be effec tive in negotiations te thu Paris Gov ernment. As the proposal approved by the Cune Government Is seen here, it repre sents employment of American com mercial and governmental agencies te bring German and French views into unrnieny LAST-MINUTE NEWS MRS. HARRY B. R0J5ENGARTEN DIES AT AGE OF 78 Mrs. Harry B. Resengarteu, mother of Mrs. W. W. Atter bury, died this morning nt her home, 325 Seuth Seventeenth street. She was seventy-eight years old. RACE RIOTS COST CHICAGO MORE THAN $500,000 CHICAGO, Dec. 21. The 1810 race riots will cost Chicago mere than 500,000, In addition te its share or the expense of maintaining GOOO State troops niue days, it was estimated today after eighteen death clnima, aggregating- $31,000, were approved yesterday by the City Council's Finance Committee. The city previously had paid $20,800 for five ether deaths. Fifteen death claims remain unsettled. te property wns net included iu the estimated Ilgure of $500,000. , ready here, insist their reflatien will I "out -New berry tb" Newberrv rnc." In which it was "liewn the Michigan Sen Sen aeor, wiie has since icsined. eiended i mere than .s'BCi.O'tO in Ills primary ininpain. They will demand that Democratic Senators who vetnl te unseat Newberry, nnd mine within a few etes of noeom neeom noeem plishing thir ubiis-i. join them lu at tempting te etit Maylield. Demerratlc Senater Pledge Support It was .said tednj that several Demo cratic Senators bml given assurance of their support of en;, move te keep May field out of tlie Senate, or. once per mitted te present his credentials: nnd take the oath of office, tu show him dis itiulilicd ie ser" be mise of excessive) 'wpenditures. One of these Senators, it is learned. j.. planning te offer resolution of iuquir . under which the unseating proceedings nre te priceerl, en the da) tlie next Senate nHsembles. Net enl will charges of expendi tures in inln ion e" th" law be made, hut iletaile-l testimony is premised as te the political activities of the Klnn in Texas and ether Southern Stntcs. Whether the rope of the Inveftflgn ion will be e-ctemlrd te Include Klnn ac tivities in New Yerk. Pennsylvania. Indlaun. Ohie and ether Northern States where it is busily, entrenchinic has net been decided. The "invlMblc rni" lm been credited with defeating Beverldge, iii Indiana and with playing an important part in ether recent po litical turnover. IDENTIFIED BY GIRL Telephone Operator Says He Toek the wiincsi Miind "spite work, 'i, and mid tdii! was "put up I" II." A Iridic! of the fainli doc rlbcd the iitrnnl of Mrs. Brunei, ust night, uftr the jur.i bud iiciptitted her and found Mehr guilty. Mi .. liiuiien, accompanied by Wal ter S. Keuwii. her counsel, and mi en her lawC'- whose name could net be .inriied. nriivqd ut 10 o'clock. The mother and sister had nit expected te ,ee ilieni, iii laet, were unaware that tlie jurj hud i niched a enlist. Knrller in the evening Mattie Mehr had tried ! te i;ct the coiiitheiibe at Jit. Helly en 1 th" telepiiene, but failed. Tlie nged wuinnii and Iier yeunser daughter were wuitin? up, hoping ugiiiuat hope that yoife word would come te Indicate whether a verdict was iiueiy te tic It is known thnt a view taken in official quarters in Uerlin, is. that nn unbiased ion of Germany'.) capacity te pa would show that tlrure te be nn, ns n.innln no mini.i u. two lusuiiitiejafr ! thai the mercer is expected from the lowest estlmate of until logical na" appropriate and the the French authorities as te what opportunity te .serve the enuimuuitv and i reimbursement the must receive from tlie large clientele of ch will be j.-rc,it- ' Germany for damages inflicted during ly incruised b the merger into one i 'he war. insiiiuiien. with eapitul mul MO.OOd.OOtt. The bniigiiiK ninniigeiueiit of reinim-ti-ltil banking wen us riust liusiuesi. will inuK,. for economy in administration ti nil provide' uriiluv of i . 1 ...". '''., I.H.X SENATOR RFFn fiPTQ Part in Robbery of Messenger Miss Margaret Yeung, mii'iagi r "f the Bell Telepiiene eM-hiiuge in t . 1 b . identified a, arrested I:i-t night in n cider sulnen at Vine sticet near Kightli, ns one of the men who lust Friday peitieipated in the rebb'T ul i luefseiiEir of th- First Niitieiml I'.im; of Darh 'lhe man arrested gave his name ,w Jeseph BarKus, tlilrty -live vear old, of Franklin street above Cnl Cnl lewhill. Mi-s Ynuiii;, wli'esp office is across the street from where the rebber.i tool place, first iii'!;eir out the pictnie nf Bniki.s in tic t'itv Hall "login-" nai ler" as tlini of the per-en who ni ii. an iiutoinebili. in float of the bunk nnd tried te flirt with tier. When slm i liiir'ctiM she promptly Ideutifiid timi. arid she went te Media i today te testilv nt a hearing iiaaiust I him. After a iiri'limiuarv hearing befei-e Magi-ti.iie ll'iish.iw here this iiinriiiii Marku- w i- turned ever te Chief of Police litn hniiiin. of Media ARBUOOfS RETURN SECRETARY FALL WWOMEN TO QUIT CABiNET OPPOSED Club Members Here Keenly Dis-, Urgency of Private Business appointed and Say Sex Won't Ge te See Pictures Compels Abandonment of Public Pest OBERHOLTZER HITS ACTION OHIOAN TO SUCCEED HIM Campaign Expenses Beend Limit Si imter who are hi ing the Kround Kreund Kround werk ter the torthcemiug iinestigatlen sim !t I- u,ip,ilnt that -lie expendi tures in M.i field's behalf exceeded Ncwlierri , although the Texur slut i tes j SiO.OOd n- tne legal limit . campaign epi nditures. Hew nun 'i Mn field -s ent pct.,iM and hew iniici. the Klnn peni for him has net been iletinit,' di ti mimed. I- ii si(j. Hi i.ppcniir dc'lnie ic'tnin railroads and ul i numann- in Ti-mi were "shnken ili.'in' ler I .g ' 'in i il-iii ions ,rd th. tin bold canceled ,di", k in proof of ' I e traiS'lcllDs. Mn field iilinltted dunng the cam i also I i bad leen ii nr'iubiT '' I lie K'.i:'. Ii i clniniei! be i,ntl i'iciied. . ici iii'ciesi i., i.,..xi civeii the'elil i,i. by the ,resenee in the I ip I i.r U It c'reiiL'-r. u ltpiihlli-an ieudi i ,i' Tex.' and pi-niiiil fil"iid of Pri-lilep Il.'irillug. who hn bad iev- ;ul iiifrietic-s i;b the President and Aiterii'V ilcnernl Dauuliert) en tbe iite t. The iiulii"! ions nre that some M ii ii nt u - " ic Ii les . n. ireiiiiueii i ! afllll- V WAR DECORATION' ZITA'S MOTHER IN NEED - 1 . ii. id dei ided ii.nicnian nnetlicr in- bnireil from ti ial in the death CniilliiuiMl mi Pace Nlnclecli. (nliimii hli BANDITS ROB DRUG STORE ' Distinguished Service Medal Is Awarded for Exceptional Werk Washington. Dee. 21. (Bv A n ) One Menaces Owner While theiScnater Heed. of Pennsylvania, was n,u. n-,n n,,f r-,ri, a ,.. , anumB a group of officers and former Other Cleans Out Cash Rerjleter ,. of the army decorated by Sec Sec Menia Ilnseiiuff, who bes a drug J retury Weeks today for exceptional nuii'i" ill r inn -ir--i nun jii.sinK ;s III service ill war nine. Sues for Allowance Greater Than Thirty Cents a Menth Vienna, Dee. '-'1 --The mother 0f suit vcat.' te and Mrs. was Briinen rushed Inte her I mother's arms. Tins elder woman was lavlm- , n '' wns "djc'iinied. the Judge spcechlcps with joy for the first few te isr . i " ,,,u,Ktal"J wu'l have i niinutea. They huBgcd and kissed, nnd "' 1'srce te uuit lutins. In presenting their j f EAR "DIVINE SARAH'S" Ceiitlnuril en I'nse Mnptrrn. Column reur COLLEGE GIRLS Sii FIRE DAYS ARE NUMBERED 'Mt' Ho,yekc UFZZ hylclanB 8ay Mme. Bernhardt Never Will Act Again ""t finrilll Ilnrnl rnr.K i .. . """ uK,i ue ,,,eatrc' nH "w lie t""v i,.?cl',.V.,.,... c.Bl.p.lny te suppress Ailh i , I ,.",,L" ?'" "I1S " appear V"! l.llllen (iulirt 1ir...,in... .1... .i.:. C- 1)0 lllilii, ij !... ,., . . .. ,v ... i', ui-iin; 1111,0 (I, net I. It seems certain ntrill win annpiir diijs no are u no uln. Bfrie Chrlit- a ai in., r...-'.'"'."' unerHiiy r Cmnlitrru. ,7hnun?l,d0 from Katnier inutrrlc um Khatutt fruit. Xiv. Lese Trunks ames .nuth Hadlcy, Mass., Dec. 21. (By A. P.) Girl students at Mount Holy Hely oke College rushed from chapel serv ices today te s.ive their belongings when fiie was discovered In Itocke Itecke feller Hall, a dormitory. Most of them had their suitcases pucked ready u r departure for home for the Christ cms heliilaya am! se were nlile te res eiin their clothing quickly. Scxcrul trunks, however, were de Htinycd. The lire iitartcd iu tlie base meiit and bin lied through tlie wnlle of thu first-story building. I I Vl-uanri, unit etc. The Carolina, comfort i uieiiurit tetf, ridlnt imn I. N. C Atlv! ! former l.laliress Ita has bpeei agulii'-i her son-in-law te Increase ,er niniilhl subslsenee allow niiee of 10,00(1 crew lis order her liuslmiiil's will Owing te the depreciation tl t, rT. Iixeeue. us held tin nnd rebbe.l lv i Tin. cllnil.,., f.. s!nin. ., ..... ' cu.iUKc i.iiue m u... crew n. ll.e 1U.II00 . . . .... .. ' ' "" . .." -..-...",, .-., ,.,, tn-u W UO . ernW lis HOW Illlllllint III Ihlrlv jeiiiic men who entered his store lutu held a coinmissieii as major iii the hut night. field artillery and commanded n bntta- As one man "cohered Itosenoff, the lien of the Illlth Field Artillery called ether went, behind the counter and attention te his services In that enna- The bandit then scooped up the contents senrcheil bis pockets, taking a cold city and iiImi as a member nf ti, a...'- watch and ether jewelrv valued at $128. ienn Section. Interallied Aimlstlee ns the creuiul upon which t Commission. ceiits. OSER'S FIANCEE IN LONDON et the cash register drawer, amounting , the Distinguished Service Medal te $113 bestowed. Wllb GIRL KILLED, MOTHER HURT DOING CHRISTMAS SHOPPING . i Helen St eh, of Buckingham, Victim When Aute Collides With Truck en Bread Street Bey Chum Alse Injured ' Mathildc Dodges Through Crowd and Has Nothing te Say IjiihIeii. Dec 21 Miss Mathildc Mrt'eri id, daughter of Hareld M, . CernileU mul liancee of Max O.-er, Sw i.s ildlnu' mil - tcr. is 'smiewbere in Diik In ml " Slie nrrhed treni Paris jcMtr da, dedneil t hi etitjh the crowd te (t taxiiiib and disappcaied in a trullie iam after sin iiijc : "Fe nothing te say and cannot dis. si in. plans. ' ( i ii-itmu tu ill J I I'.itti I Al lui, k'e '.i voiced Imlii hi i Ml eluc nod in" an The, ep. -. .1 !.i -mi leni idug ib.ii V .1 motion ii-l ill" te ;;'e lhe perl' i baiice. Arbuekle tilnidi'iu fellow ins hi of Virginia lltipe Seveial women in lined thai the Arbuekle films 1 be outlawed. Ollier-i piedicted thai despite the action of Mi. a large number of women would nor no te see pn teres in which Arbucl.le flguied Mrs. Imogen e.iMc i ii'-imlm nt i lub weiiian nnd aciiie wnr'.'i of the W. C. T. I'. ibii Arlej, Me should net be p. nn Mul i.i appear be fore the public. " I am net u patien of the nieiie-i mj ill ' si,,, simi, -,, ,,,i don't knew inn ih - nlieui ihein, tut thceretieijll 1 ' U"t ihllik that be should lie peruii.ti m appeal" in the ram ii again An! the w,,ri of It is that liny iudiguat'i ,ier the leturn will prebabl.v Ii" ' i inmneeiiiri . will seen die nwii i.i. d Mr Aibnekls will be accepted again 1hit is one of the i reubles, of the populace Mundlus for , tilings of Hum s,,,-i 1',, mi iiiiiul, n man with I'i'-li Uisten .Iieii1iI be hnrriMl from the pnbli I Mrs. t linries 1 tlie Ilalhawiix tin. mil..! . I ii ni I', nisir.i i'i llieil V lib II II i win. ,ii ; . ' AYnsliiiigtnn. iplM.iutnieiit I Full. SMpt.e'i et tlie'k!" frmn I'r -. oil of before M ' h.'s resignation nientlis stiailr,' K ( I IN KIN . (,H.M, B " t n fj" I nriFMinivlmt ttinl-iR Pulille l.f.lnfr ' ' r ii . ' e, . t,,t 1"" '! Albert P, : il. Interior, wi'l re. e II I " ii1l"si ( ibinel 'i I Mr Fail has bad in iiiii'd for niaev it Piesident Ht'i'iliuc has i-. . flcuii 1 line i i tune te iu,t elv his retireini nt. Ii liiidorstne I new tj ii ins pr-i . s'tnnl alTairs require h:s nteniien te such -in oweiu that ln i net liKcl te ie'd .-uniii te the Pres-i lent's urging Mr Full is u ratirbmriti nt .1 was hard bit b the snrink.iue ,,', 1 I. Hill land miIuin ns n result et t,e ,! . tlniien of two lenrs mii At rti'igements which In h"is be, ei nl,e t(, , .), , t,. ,1(, i;eiiiciit of n, prepem hne ,,i h been teniperan. a ud lie f. els new that lie should Ke back le New Meice e i unserve bin cwn inierst.s i II" is llKe isfje, vitb th ei.-l NI(,r ' "go "ertunif win. I, il,,. liiierier lii-mr'- -'arch In I " meiit iiffeided Ii i m te carry out Ins ideas men I'i wntu-s of what tin public land isilicies et t he . ' '' ,l,,ll,v "' Federal l ie ernnieiit should lie. i hoe.ied lv i Kl. Canni A. I hmnpse,, Sl.itwl for Ps, ' ZZ'7TL ii i iinuermne, t ,,.. r, i ',-,.., i ue efter 1" Ollle fop os w ''I I e eusel Mitn e heen Mm - New A mil. ! "1. Aldenimn Thniniis I", i 't " id in' I Inn. Mm, , .!.. who 'i f'iniriKiiii of the Town Peltrr Cmiili 'Itee. nuueuiicel last nlRht ll, ' the ilnc' of police ha, l,eei, nrd''iei id nrre.i .n ' P' run appciirtie' en the I reds i.f lurrisiii in tlie ng.iliu of tilt Ku K!'i Klnn A snuilai elder luis been Issued br I'biet of Police Walsh. f Piuei.-en. N .! 'l'lie Bei. Wallace I,, liullup, pn pn ter of Greene Avenue Presb.v terian Clnirni. Ilroekhn. win, lecently de nounced il.n Klnn from the pulpit ni.d urged t li ti t its members be driven out et the eeiimrv, re. e.ved a threatening letter vist.rdn iiiuiim ling Ii fm te cense his activities iiKnnwt the Klan. COSTIM'E SE4ltC.ll !()! KLt VICTIMS . I.n.. Dec. '!.- The .s in.i N'ntieiuil Guards "f I.nke I a, Fuurche for t e nllek'i d victims of i Klnn iniders is he fnr A (.ift'eiul left lake, about eiaht mile ii ml I mn, rs were current Piirm 1! president of ile spe ire ( 'lob I'c, Is i oiniipseii, a lieisenat rnniul of 1'.,-,. .... ....,.,.,. ..r .i. s; - .1. ... II , i... . , ' ' ""ii'' iini'Muii' dent Harding, who was rnci.tK .1.. ., ..." ,i... i ..I..- t .: . . l , .- i., . i ' ........,.,-.. .H ... e.i- iin-ii inm .. .,e,ii.i,,i .'.iiiiiillllle ter i Aliiltlst W Ii .111 II II l- te lilerfer., succeeil .Mr Helen Steltr, fifteen yearn old, of Buckingham, Pa., wns killed and her mother and boy chum injured, prob ably fatally, when the nutomehile In which they were coming te Philadelphia te de Christmas shopping collided with n truck en North Bread street this mernliiK nt 7 o'clock. The mother, Mrs. Charlette Steltjs, ninl Wntsen Macill, seventeen years old, ere In the Jewish Hospital, the boy with a prebablv fractured skull. leliii Steltz, fort -five .vcars old, tbe father and husband, who drove the car, nnd Frank Mnrlnran. thirty-eight years old. driver of the truck, were held without bull at the Thlrty-lifth DUtrlct Police itatlen today. At the hearing Maiiaran, who lives In hwedesbore. N. J., wns se overcome wllli grief that he was unable t . ! rlteltjc told the magistrate (Imt be wan driving south en Bread street ami that tmuii; vvas elenr. Tiie tn.ek, le UMlll k.1 till In til.. ..' ' " .; ..3""". "". " ,i "' m car re iiirn ever Severn time., i. , Bradford March. 17.11 T,,;i; ' . D.""' passing with bin taxlcab. cllseharged 1 iii imssctiKers nnd took 'Mrs. Steltz n ,Vl Mm? ,, ti... i,..., i. ..i ,"i..lli nnu lushed the little girl V, tl. HannHtnn Hesiiltu . She died seen after iK nibulltpil. Win I..J i' r "ei"B : : - niiii ivvi-iTci, of the kull. , --...v.... U.,,,,,H ulu ul ,-lsnprs nne and mad;, n sharn turn, enisl i,u nte the touring enr lie wna drlv l The force of the collision caused 'he car te turn ever several times, he unii ' vr neiiiB, n frne-1 They Leve Her And Disappear Mvsterv p, rvades the romance of a beam it'll Milium and three men wiie w- i. te marry her nnd who drop in f sight, one after another. The sti ry is tliriillngly told b.v the Fill ed Males Ambassador te Ital and cfhi observer at the Lau sanne Conference. ItlCIIAKI) WASHBl UN CHILD "The I (wishing Men" ll"glls s.A'1'l IID.W Evvnhtfi. Public Ledger i that the return of I ait.v Arbuekle will have u bad effect en the neepl,. who fe. low motion pli-tuies. Morbid curio curie sit), if nothing else, will send people ' te see him ; just as sue. tutors ilireng ' a courtroom, se thev will rush tu see this man who for l'nc was before the public ee in such disgrmeful man ner. j "I certainly de nut think he should be permitted te icturn. furthermore I tented ns tl c.overuer In Ohie, will Fall when he ret lies. Mr. Thompson has had In the Interiir Depiutuient, a iisMxtaui hivietiiry fro mil. le .III I l. lllFJ. miller expel iciiee He acted M itch 0, secret lines wltti the scan Ii. i tiptiini W V Coepei, . eiutuandinn ethier. was reticent regarding the movement of the troops, Imt said: "1 inn iu honor boeud net te reveal our destination V' u knew , of course, thnt. the work of (hugging tlie lake in going man Hint, I hurt f . . 1 1 . ... i i t . iiiuiiiigei- nnu I-inner, resigning te 1 i-iiTiiii kiioperii in . . r i l ... . ,a : -........, ..i iresuieiii "J alt . lerwnnl littler Kilter, in the Tnft Ailiiilmsinni.,.. i... ,.,. K I ,,.. i,. .,.v Stnte- Ircasurer "f the I uited J One f tbe guardsmen declare.) the ' sic;. ,!,, ,ne. i. ,,. ,... i !.,!.u; ".,,1" .'.'."i!.. .rMrl" ""-moon. In 11... .leveloe , "''"'" ";." ' "",' .- " " iv cull ri prepH TH l)V special IVI.LI irill,..D bl- ...I . ... . . ....n...ule, OlltJW ftf 1,,B iiiene e nnu u unge per.enmge m tne " 7 '."- K-m.nii mennger of the locat.eii In the lake where the hedlei. people women p.itticuh.rh will t g ('"''' N-rthe,,, U;en Ore prepeities at presuu.iibl weighted down with waaen ,'rN ;ffi:'j';;,;i,';'T.;; K: r-nirl;,,r; ; ss-KJg- !",;. r,::B:: :: ts ::r;,r;r.,:r:,-, raijswi t --W Jris: j renllmira en rner Mnnrrn. ( nliiiiin e, , I !-',.. Tdent "li'iV'li '". ,'"' '""""Keinerit of Certain positions en the lake imvi -- ' " "'eii.iiBii n r.iiai. eeeii watciiei ter 0 mini Wr ,.f .ii,. BONAR LAW I lllilllll, Dei1 Law Is ill. confined te REPORTED .M-- Pi. a 1, 1 ILL I'eiiar Fall's Service Disappointing rMrriMnr i-'h i u .......(.. :. . . . . hii ,-.!'.n ".,.,::,i"1 "".''.."' 'u,s' !'"' h"s l,,,e" ''.'l.'l'einttng t.. him. II ' ' " " " Personal trleiul of tlie iTesident. ' ' Jm3.ti!errr.T,',wMn"al et Prayer. ...-. -wm, AuiViiy Uf, uaiumer era or a i 4T I He who fxpeeted te exercise grent influence rentlnnm en !. Mu((n, column Tw. tf ami ine ueciies ate believed te be reatlm I'lriUn in 1 Tin Inrxit !. n. 11 .-..! . . 1 :, """" "iiuihwi, unieM 1 tint 4.1ft ttvu V111 rik ..j.--. J .... nui-vreuea in runnlu ll.e gantlet of the fnmrdii and remevlS them " Kvry Thurmtii Ktrrilnc'. ("Mtirs. - ut thi. I1KAUX AHT8. hWilMrlTff - 1 1 r Nit I Ii i. I- M.-'frs-l.l-'l-'t.t iiv s . , ; . ls mv
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers