lifps? -' i" 1". 'T . '-T"-'J ivy - 'Vmw'iTiraswwaHffl V "V" WJW&W sa-.' :fl"ftMSXt" "TS."v .. v-u '?.-" JUJ1 s ""rf .?;' .V '-.. - j W ''A V J . V THE WEATHER AT I GUT EXTRA EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER 1 - ... -.!.. ,iif mill Aniiirwlmt tin- HlI tenlKht "1 Saturdays little 'Jinff hi tcmpcrafurcs modrrate ulnds. rWI'KHATUIKATJBjLM 11,111 H LffiWrnggrfn? i.'js i.'w i I i VOL. IX. NO. 86 Tutllebed Ually Kxcept Sunday. Bubicrlpllnn PrlcaM Year by Malt Copyright. 1023. by Publl" ledger Company. Entered at eecend-Clmia Mailer at lh Poatefflc at Philadelphia, Pa, Under tbe Act of March 8. 1ST9 PRICE TWO CENTS PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22, 11)22 YALE FRESHMAN KILLED IN CRASH ON RIVER DRIVE Boiten Student Victim In Mid night Accident When Car Skids LITTLE GIRL HURT FATALLY IN RUSH TO GREET "SANTA" Crushed Under Wheels at Bar Bar ringten in Haste te See Pack ages for Her Christmas Tour persons nrc dead hi pre-Christ -mas auto accidents In anil near Phila delphia, oiie a Yale student here for the lielldajs, another it little girl wait In; for Snnta Glaus. Tbe dead are William Kraer, of Bosten, n fresh nan at Yale. killed mi Knst Ittvcr Drive md Nlcctewn hine tliertly after mid night when the car of n chum with liem he was spending the holidays ran Inte a tree. Helen Gormley. flve years old, Har rington, N. J. James MrDenald, twenty-seven years elil, 2224 Dickinsen street. Marjaret Alereft, twenty-six years old. Van 1VU nnd Berks streets. With Iteser were Hurry Saner, nineteen years old. of the Lengncre Hetel. U'H Walnut street, driver of the ear, lif was seriously hurt, and JMwanl 0. Trnsel, nineteen years old, jonef Mr. and Mis. F.dward C. Travel, of State read, Terrcsdnle. who escaped with a few srratcliw. All are students. t Yah;. Iteser's (.hull was fraetured nnd he died while being taken te the Ltinkeiinu Hei'ital. A par-sing enr took Sailers te the Mcdioe-Chl Hospital. Driver Still Dazed . . f.f .1.1.. mi.iilil'f tlinl rnvsicians sum l" """ ?.. - ,i,..,r.l ..nmllilnn mill fcuiers was In a flutul condition aim , they hnc net jet been nble te deter- mine ths extent of his injuries, it. is Wlcred. however, that lie received sev (ml broken ribs. Park guards are keeping watch ecr K:mi In the hospital, and Trasel was tnlm te the Seduler guard house and later held by Magistrate Stevenson te tjiaiNbc Corener's investigation. Fur ther action will be tfckcn as regnrd te Sutler when he can leave the hospital. "We were returning from a dunce at the Philadelphia Country Club at Hala when the accident occurred," said Triwl. "We had been going nleng nl about thirty-live or forty miles an hour and when we reached th turn, just beyond the GIrard aenue bridg" the tar began skidding. Tli iat thing I reraembereil was tliat I saw lite lurching sideways toward a tree "When I came te I was hanging ever the steering wheel; Sailers nnd Iteser were lying en the ground out eut tlde the ear. I struggled out of the wreckage and seeing that 1 was only wratehed I went te aid my leni. Sauers was juit coming te. but nrpenrtd dned. He asked for a ciga rette and lit It, then started back to ward th" car. Weal (e Aid of Companion "Ne-t I unt le Ueser. I sum- that I.e was badlv hurt. 1 laid te Harry thnt we'd h,ie te r,et him le Hie li-is. I sistei ." said Mrs. Duranl today. "The Pltal. he was b.idh- hurt ', "' - te Ilie aparlnient I locked seem rly. Iilmsilf nnd blending Harry told me ''hen I went down the elevator te tin te.t.-ikc i. He of ltesur and get him tin sheet. I pun niy return, some hours a hiiiiil. Then I f.iiuled away. I later. I unlocked the deer, entered, reineiii,ii hewexet, lining ilaci'-il in switched en the lights, and the breech fn'illu- r The car took us te .Med- w K"1'- i Chi lle-i', where IJe--in- wiisj "' haje searched everywhere for it, Ireniitii c ileal. Later I was able in and I am convinced it must have been g le llie Pmk Guard station." 'stolen. 'The apartment vva net disar- Mis. I'atiieiln.' Sauers, uiuiher of ratigi'd hi any way. and there are no Barry, a widow, was gusitl,. exelted ( marks of forcible entry. The thief must wlen sin. li-.i i ii -i nf the nceldi'iil. Slie''lin'' used a master key te open t lie weal t. i',. hespitnl at once. She lin . deer." lesiunl ut the Longacre fyr several J ears. Park diiard I'loed heard the crash. Be lnitriiil up and says lie sw Sauei-s tren liln.M.f frllt the Wle.'kage. light a igan-lti and stagser away, npp.iicunv hi n i uiiiiit ' 'llio.iii'eu.oblb. was., wned In Siiuc-s a'-eullin: te P.irk guards. Trase is i ' ni'iul..r of a socially prominent fam- Jn I ItOM or was a tu-si. veiie iK,lr.,u i .i rasrl m:in Nii h hlhhIi. r i.r I'ss iiml Saner, a M.phni , Kcm. ," ' rw.ii.i.,i, ," .V ll '' spendllig t In hull days at ".' nii-i i lien) Yeung Weman Killed Mr Margin-i-lii. AlcK.rin.. H years old, who lived at 'Van Pelt'11'" ""' "- found bv Cilwaul Cm and links streets, was instantly kHr-. '"" -;:v "l'11' lamhert street, win , " ,"""' ' ' "'"'d Stales "all ruck mill an automobile at Tvven-J-lhiid and Market sheets ea,V in. day. ' in- Mis. Alorefier was tiding In,,,,, "go ten, ing ,.,..- win. I .- i, ' . .. law, (ieni-i:i De lm..i I l"ns""iV,,:V "r -H M''; , ', Vhe darkns in r ,V TC e',1 Tve.n .1 . '" . AS "'"Hlruck and Lmm I. stepped. The ,lg ? d iwei.lj -third , , Market wa.vmen . llmbi .eai'd the truck. lev! s'l-eei, w, reach (n.HhlllCl en IMeq i:igin,;. Cen,,,,,, Sh They Full j fj0),0 Then Vanish ! 'I Imil; ds slltiittiun - (i IkiiiiH lul utimun who (imiic-j the iiffK-lien vf Hirer tltff, iciit men, liii) nf whitm nqisti lieiislii rfivip. pear. It ii Ihr plot of "The Vanishing Men" By Richard W. Child iVm Ihli tlnitlhiti mill Kinitiiilw "1'ifU Inj tin' I nihil Stale w Imsmnlnr In Ihilji. uuir mrriiil "i liiici-i.Kii nlieiiil nlnrri'i r Ihr Liiuininnf I niii iiner. Ih'jiiis tiimnmne. KVKN1NU PUBLIC LKDGKK LIONEL BARRYMORE DIVORCED IN NEW YORK Action Against Acter Based en Referee's Findings BBLBBBLW J i 0 uBBBBBBBBBBBLH BBBBM' - '' ALlBBLH bbbB fT "' "' :' IkBBH I KBM'"-': '''".", '.-KH bIbbbbbbIbIH "''fa ' 1bbbIH JBBLIiBBBBBBBR L Mfl I fBBB..Bft. StBBBB.H BEHlEa'7llEBEP" DORIS KAXKIX New Yerk. Dee. S2. An Interlocu tory decree of divorce from Lionel Bar Bar ryiuere, inotieii-pieture stnr, dramatic actor and n incmber of nu IKutrleiiM tlieutrlcnl family, was ebtulned yester day hy Mrs. Deris Itunkin IJiirrymere, uu actress. The dtciei; wns based en tin findings of u referee reported le Jeseph Mors Mers chancer, Supreme Court Justice, but net made public. Thnt divorce pro ceedings bud been begun wus net gen erally known. The decree uns grunted within two weeks nfter the appointment of n referee, nil uetleu which licit her principal opresed. Mrs Huren. ere. who Imd just coin cein pleted n :i eiigngement, In which she pln.wd In the -nine company with Lionel Unrrymere's slter l.'thel. received cus tody of the one child of the marriage. WOULD BANISH TRUCK TRAILERS FROM CITY Corener Knight at Inquest Says Practice Is Menace te Life A bill te preliibr hue I, -nailers in ,i. .,...,,..',.,, . .. ,, , . .' ' ' '" iiim'icipiiiii win lie ni- ,,,.,,,, , th(, ,,,.,:,.,. , Nlf(1. panl pedestrian.-, and motorists from injury Cormier Knight made that known to day following an Impicst, hin the death Oil I tCCnllllllll. Ill lf .f-ltllrw I.- HI.. I. iih-t.v-six jeurs old. lis Nnri'h SU- tecntii street, after being .-rushed , a trailer attached te his truck. The accident occurred at Itread and (ileinvoed inenue. While Hleh was standing between the trial,- nnd Us trailer mmllier an'einnliile driven by Aaren Lipiimiin, twenty -three years old, liltCJ Washington avenue, humped Inte tlie rear of Hie trailer. Llpptiian was exonerated by the Corener. In comment lug m P proposed Mil, Corener Knight said : "The stieeis of Philadelphia arc con gested enough without (he added bur den of triick-iisiilcrs. The liailers are dangerous lieiaiisc they swing all turniii" uirneis.' tlie' arc ant t'e crash uM'i- i iif si reel, ami, c-pei-ially wliei into any thing in the wclnlly." MRS. CLARKE DURANT MISSES $800 BROOCH Believes It Wds Stelen Last Night Frem Her Locust Street Anartment A di.imuiid In ch, alueil at $MH), has In en icpeitcd as stelen from the boudoir of Mrs. T. Clarke Diirant, in her iipartuient en the iiiulh Heur of I .:() I nsl sheet. The Ihefi urred. it is biliiied, during Mrs. Hurant's nbsciii'e h'sl evening. "I laid i he breech upon the dressing tnllle liiliii'i t'ulit', .it. it ,iwll li. in,. ITRUCK AND CANDY , STOLEN; MAN BOUND Highwayman Beat nnd Threw Driver Inte Field Less $13,000 The driver of a truck which was Il.Mll,,.! .. I I ll I I' J.I...I .. i.jtin. ii !-( iii- iun in , I1I1MIIIIIS Vti dies was hiiuiiil, gagged and beaten bv two highway men at Hut slree't and P.y berry read shortly after mid night. The held-up men OM-nped with the iruck and eandv, valued at .'isiien, I'l'lel- Ihe.v had ihievvn the helple.s.s driver iuie a vacant let. I.dward l.yncli, J.U1 lieirett sToet was passing and win attracted ,v 10 man's groans. 'Hie truck loll the ( n.v laic I.-im ii,, Willi ' for t .. .. .1. i... i . . - the lead of e.mdy. intended ip New Yeil; Christ mill, irade. " '"'" i""" "'""-' " 'rr read two (lesser.; iiiiiiik ii.vecrry read two I . .I'l'n iiml ll xt III. i, inn.. ...-. . . elma revolvers a the i river. Lynch was then bound liait.l and feel, gagged and thrown in thn lu,,.i, I of the t ruck and covered with boxes of camlj. The biiudils turned the ve- hlcle aieund. .uid upon reaching Hunt- i lug Park avenue and I'e strcel, Nice- 'town, tiny lifted Lynch from the truck nun uiiricu nun into a vacaii let. HARVEY SAILS TOMq'rROW Ambassador Ready for Return te U. S. as Wife Gees te Madeira I (iiiddii. Dec ".. (By A. P.) Aiiieiic.irt Ambassador Harvey today an einpaulc'l Mrs. Harvey te South ampton, wheine she sailed for Madeira te spend I Iii holidays while he is hi Ameiica. The Ambassador sails tomorrow en Ihc steamship Bcieiigarla, accompanied bv his military attache, Majer Oscar N. Selliert. Mrs. Ilnrrt-y is being ao ae ciililliailled te Miulelra bv her ilinnrliinr. Mrs. Mnrrvllus.TlieiujuiQn. ,k Public Opinion Forcing U.S. te Act in Europe's Problem Berah's Plan for Economic Conference Gives Administration License te Move With Expectation of Senate Backing lly VMNTON XV. GIL1IKUT Staff I'nrrfupnndfnt Krrnlnr Public Irdrr lepirlght, 1923, Vu I'uhUe Lrttecr Cempuiu Washington. Dec. IE.'. American public opinion Is forcing the hands of (he Administration mi the European problem. Senater lternh, who is u keen judge of what Is going en in the people's minds', Is once mere te the front In a movement which Is likely te have a powerful effcut upon this Government's course toward Kurope In the coining mouths, Thn situation resembles that which preceded the Arms (.'(inference last yenr, when the Administration hesi tated ever just what action It should take te bring ntieul u leductien of armaments and the saving of expenses which the country wanted. Public opinion formed strongly and rapidly in favor of u meeting of thn nations te agree en armament policies, and Senater lternh forced the issue by his resolution, which at llrst the Ad ministration opposed, urging the Presi dent te call the leading iiaviil nations together in Washington. The lirst sign of the Immense public Interest In the European situation was the outbreak of conjectural diFputches from here us te what the Administra tion would de te bring order out of the European chaos. There was little or no basis for the stories that were printed, but the excitement which they caused was significant. The public evi dently felt that something must be done and 'welcomed the Men that thn Ad ministration was about te act. Secretary Hughes Annoyed Secretary Hughes was annoy ed by ili. m.tlvltliw ..f the " rresiiniislblc press,", as the State Depart- I metit said, of the fnle hopes that were being raised in Europe, but i'eii mere, as a matter of fact, because of the I i'.iU. linii.w tlmt were hclnc stirred ill) i in tills country. A state of mind was being created which made seim- action by the American Government neces sary and the situation bristled with dlf liciilties for the legal mind of the Secretary of State. New Senater Berah has gien a new llllp te public expectancy by asking the President te call an economic confer ence of tiie Governments Involved In the European dlllicultics. At the same time tne i. niteu Mines ChninU'r of Commerce has started a meNcment for sending a commission et DR. REEVES GRILLEDiSPIESE RELEASED BY GRAND URORS Fttrey Ellis, Alse Member of Prison Beard, Calls Holmes Helmes burg Rules Outrageous DR. BALDY IS UPHELD Dr. Jeseph M. Beeves, picsident of the Beard of Prison Inspectors, who declared thnt he would net ehnnge the rules of the Ilohnesburg County Prison, which have caused general complaint by the convicts, was quizzed today by members of the Grand Jury. Dr. Beeves and Furry Kllis, another member of the beard, were the last two witnesses te appear before the jury, which closed Its invciigntlnn today. The jury will submit its presentment next week te Judge Audeureid, who ordered the investigation. Despite the fact that ether members of the beard contend that these rules inflict unnecessary punishment. Dr. Beeves, it is said, leiterated the state ment made ii few dnys age that they were "just what was needed for a let of convicts." Grilled for an Heur Fer morn than an hour the head of the beard was gillled by various mem bers of the jury. He was especially cuestioned com 'Tiling thn ne-lalklng and no-smoking regulation. IBs in'er in'er in'er rognters deired te knew hew indul gence in these normal habits would affect the men. several hundred f whom are penned up without daily employment. The physician explained, it is said, thai he did net niake the rules, but it was his duty te see they were enforced. As sevcrai niiivicls who testified dur ing the lasl week said they were forced te endure long foodless periods ami also suffered from In.-k of medical attention, Dr. Beeves was asked te explain how hew such a condition was permitted te evlst. Among the convicts and mine of the members of the Imaid, Dr. Breves was known ns a stickler for adherence te the rules and could net be swerved from tills position. Mr. Flli", the net and list witness te "appear Ixfoie the jury, advocated a change in the rules of both the Holmes Helmes burg and Meuimensing Prison's. lie said the tales were outrageous. He contended there was no harm hi the men talking and having an occasional siuoke under puiper regulation. He said the men should be given oppor tunity for nunc exercise, which would lie conducive le latter health and gen eral impinvetiicnt .u their mental con dition. The investigation closed (edav fol lowing levcialien- icg.irillng conditions at the prison bv the Pt ni.ic Dr. B.ildy Iphrld Dr. Jein.- M. Biddy's right, ns Com missioner of Public Welfare, te order needed reforms In prisons hi the State has been upheld hi an opinion from the office-, of Attorney General Alter. The opinion, written bv Deputy At torney General Kmersnii Cellins, considered hnpeitiint, as It settles the controversy as te I he right of Dr. Uu'dy te Interfere where conditions are found te be bad In the penal Institutions. LAW 'BECOMES "GRANDPA" I-onden, Dec. "-.Premier Benar Lnw beuatue a giandfather for the flrt tlmn Inst night. A seu was born te Lady Hjkea, tee Premier's daughter. American business men te Germany te and In the fcttlement of the European problem. Public Opinion Ilcing Formed That Is te say, In the absence of evidence thut the I'nlted States Gov ernment Is doing anything eflfective te save a smash -up in Europe, every ene else is Inking n hand In It; lirst, the Washington journalists, then the Chnmber of Commerce and finally Sen Sen aeor Jlerah. It Is all Irresponsible, but It is all tending te form Amer ican opinion in favor of a constructive policy toward Europe's economic din tress. It is net sentimental; It springs from a sense that Americnn economic Interests are Involved in the restora tion of Europe. The proposal of the United States Chamber of Commerce may prefliibly be dismissed. Jt might be acceptable te Germany, but It clearly would net be te Trance. M. Pelncnre made that clear in his talk te the French Senate yesterday. France Is unlikely te deal with unofficial representatives of the United States. The Iterah proposal, however, l: te be taken Bcrleusly. It is made lirst of all by a man who is an isolationist. That Is te say, supposing Mr. Berah has the support of his group in the Senate, it gives the Statu Department the license te act with the expectation of being sustained by the Senate. Administration .Must Act Then, tee, it has become clear that the Administration must de something mere this lime than use its "iiillii- ence, its fnwirlte worn in l.urepe. aim a conference et economic conditions is the natural step te take, Mr. Berah is free from some of the inhibitions of Mr. Hughes. It j., nu odd consideration that, where Mr. Iterah is an isolationist and .Mr. Hughes is net one, .Mr. Berah admits the issiblllty of canceling the allied (lelit te the United rstates wane Mr. Hughes does net. The Idaho Senater has said if thor ough disarmament in Europe might thus be brought about, the cancella tion of the debts might be considered. Te .Mr. Hughes debts and reparations have no relation whatever. It is this fixed idea of the Secretary that has caused the initiative toward settling Europe's difficulties te pass from his 'into ether hands. Credit Corporation Promoter te Turn Over Stock and Cash te Shareholders ONLY ONE OBJECTOR A verdict of net guilty en sexeuteeu bills nf indictment against Fraiiklyn J. Splose. promoter of the National Guarantee Credit Corporation, and live co-defendants, w ordered returned by Judge Davis in (Jiuirtcr Sessions Court Ne. 2 today. The order that I he criminal charges be dropped followed the statement in court by counsel f.,r de per cent of the shareholders in the credit corporation that their Interests bad been satisfied by an agreement reached In ,.vj court. As the stockholders were satislied' Assistant District Attorney Muurer sa, the District Attorney 'h office hnd also agreed te such action. One Objecfur Silenced There was only one mmi in the crowded ceiirh nei.i who wanted te of fer uu objection te such a settlement I-rank Farrel, manager of the Phila de l.hla othce of Werth & Ce.. n sub sidiary company of the credit cor poration, said the ngieement vvn unjust, ami he objected te the dropping or the criminal charges. He was told . ? .'''V.""', V" """awed by ,.. statute of limitations. Judge Davis explained that tlie civil court agreement provided t tint 'nh i.i ".'. ""s ','' t-",Tr,1,'"r it-, contract with the credit corpora (leu as selling agents and that it should surrender 4S1 shares of sleck which it held , the (-uiiiiiiilce company, while Spies,. Is te tin n ever te Werth & i. ts 15,1100. iV L"- The one exeiiiiig moment in the triiil came when I'liri-fll attempted te interpose his objection, "Your honor," said Fai-rell, after swearing out a warrant in this case, have I no ilglit te say semething''" Assistant District Attorney Mmirer '""! ' "' !'' 1'1-,,-iM' was,,tr, by, the statule et liiullaliens. Cliargcs Cniehrd Werk "Bcgardles.s f hat fact." said Far roll. I wan te outer a pretest against this settlement. It is ,,t fjr , ' inanager of the Philadelphia etlice ,,! there was cineked work KiK nM ., that nflice, mid I knew wha I'm talking At this point Charles v, v,.sev counsel for the Guarantee Credit Cem pain, iiiteiriipted. He said: "Your honor, the cnniiuitte.. stock holders representing virtually ,.,,.,.. interested slockhelder, uiiiuiluieusl'v approved of this scttleineiit. and unless fenllnueil mi l'ntc-x r.UlilreaTTuiuTim ll,r,,; MRS. HARDING TO DINE WITH HUSBAND AT XMAS White Heuse Chefs Preparing Cakes and Pastries for Her Washington, Dec. L".'. The While Heuse chefs were told ycbterday that Mrs. Harding would sit nt the talile with her husband en Christmas i.,x for the (list time .slnre Thanksgiving Day, and she would be permitted te eat any thing she vvhluil. Se" cakes iiml pastries are being prepared. The President nnd Mrs. Harding will receive all execul(e efficcra and White Heuse empleyes and present each with a lift, . UV UflV A ' V'U Ul rttlllllUHJ.lMJ X TWO DEAD FOUND IN LAKE BELIEVED VICTIMS OF KLAN Dynamite Brings Bodies te Sur face Supposed te Be Miss ing Louisiana Men MORE STATE TROOPS RUSHED TO MER ROUGE Serious Outbreak With Blood shed Feared Whole Neigh borhood Reported Under Arms Mirevepert. La.. Dec. L". The badly decomposed bodies of two men. believed te be Majer Watt Daniels and Themas Kicliards, missing ictiius of the More house mob of last August, were found today near the Eastland ferry en Luke La Feiirche, which separates Morehouse and Itlchland parishes, according te tiie special correspondent of the Shrcvcpert Journal. The limbs of the dead men were tied with wire. They came ty the surface as the result of a big charge of dyna mite, exploded last night by unidentified persons-. The bodies were nude except for belts and a portion of the trousers. One man's head was gene. It is thought thnt these who used the explosives left without knowing the bodies had come te the siirfuce. The mob te which the deaths of the two men Is attributed was a heeded gang, (empnscd, it is said, of membeis of the Ku Kluv Khtu. Owing te the condition of the bodies it is believed iilculilicatieu will be dif ficult miles then1 are marks en the 'belt-. The place en the bank near vvhei" I the ferry-beat was accustomed te land ; ing was badly tout up by the explosion. I M. I. .-.I II..I . ,1... UM..I-..... .. ....til,, ,i,.ii. nan ,.vii nil liii- -mii in., iri the water. Mcr Konge, La.. Dec. -'1. ll was reported here today that the bodies of two missing men believed te have been victims of inositel and heeded Klaus- ineiit last August had been brought te the surface by li-heruien in La reurdic Lake, twelve miles from here. A mili tary detachment hi aUleinidille5" was Im mediately dispatched te the place. State guardsmen early today shot at men they saw meviii'i about Cooper Lake, near her", which was senrched yesterday for the bodies nf the two men. Majer Watt Daniels and Themas l Bichlirds. 1 we et tne (letait or six soldiers nt , the lake hlirrinl te Mer Bonge, ami De- Twe of the detail of six soldier-, at parinteni 01 .iiistice aueiiti- am I he en- . i tire company of militiamen stationed i Here went le tin- lake in auloiiielille'. A number nf civilians who ncceinim- i tiled the troops tu Cooper Luke re- , ) turned te Mcr Keiige and reported that inn one nan eieii union near nie poll I ' where he guards reported having seen a number of men v.aul.ig about. Tin mililia ipany wa.i ordered ' en guard at the lake. ' With liicarms in cviil-nre through- ' no one nan neon leumi near flic point mt Mcr Heuse, and rilles and 1 f lake yestetday te be used te repel any attacks by opponents of the present efforts en the part of the State. Fred J. Cm pouter. Sheriff of Mere- house Parish, rctused l me , Mcr . .. llnilie. f,,,. II ,,.!,,. lll. C. I., guns l.cided for iiumedi.ite us- r- WM "....-. '"' '';' ; ' ."'!' , brought before the bar te assist in! ported in stores and .csidences a- a re- 'V' J'" hr" i . ' ' f,"'.","" '"i? I'l-dlnB n case T ,; Mrs, suit of tin feeling that has divided '1!""'- li' U- :U"rKV "f ,'he Lible Sui.xth,-. acting s her own cenns d 'many ..t tl llcns into hostile .amps '" ''"' "" "v ";Mr !1"!1 ,' direct or ittIi,- cmplaciitlx while Tavb.r's I Since the cV'M.ts of August. Kinchin"' "f .""'. '"."' " I'1,'t,1.rV '"hlbit. Ills attorneys presented' their brief '. lain, ' finiu ,.,.r,. r.isl.....l ,...,i,,.t..,i ,., ,i, i duties ineiuue supervision ever tn eie- i ,i,, ,t ,.i , W. W. Cooper, commander , f tl,,. Slate "!llli "U'r- '.V ""'..'""If V" '" I"'1-""-tioeps. ii.ierdiiig te a telegram --nt bv ,' ?,ls '" ,i"1 "' "v"'1""1 fur '"" J,';ll the etlieer te Ceverner Park. r. ami late ,M'f",r'' ' Vlls """ 1"'l',- ,, last tiisl.t the .Ieeillive dire I..I the Shcrilf '. I i.. Mcr Beug -is ,,..p,es,I bv Captain Cooper. a decision bv tne Stale authorities te sen nil .he lakes has been way nearly four mouths, it was said today. Governer Parker and Attorney Cen tral Ce. e me reported te have begun tin ir nnpiirv immeiliatcl.v after tin kidn.i'ipiiig of Diiiiels, Hii-hards and tin ir lluee i ompaiilens. The compan ions "f the missing men escaped alive. Tin- invest igninis are said te hax- null I ea I'.iun Kkl-.ti-ni, Column -,Mir 'SNOW FLURRIES' ONLY. PLEDGE FOR CHRISTMAS Day Will Be Cleudy and Mild, Saya Bliss , wiine i iiris,uiii.s--tiiere . a .li. lie e thai as you clamber out of bed I te grab that Christ m is slecking. 'you'll leek out nf Ih" window te Iiml everythhig still under covering el snow. But "stievv Hurries." j. H,.. ,,nlv real premise lev-anl n "white Clnist- in. i." G. urge I'. I'.iis.s, the weather i mini, xv ill in. ike. I hri-t nmis Day will be bunly vvilli a mild leiuperatiire, with the flurries. 0f hiiew pteiiilseil put net pledged. SALOONKEEPER HELD UP Tl lirif TO 1 Al I 1"t I nfiA, BY I nitvua vvn n ntvuLVhH i,i!,r,,M"''1 l,M" ' "'' l""'1 "bem S15IIK, the I - t - I iiei 'Ivin le a de- Leseo $8 te One While Companion l""',i,'B l"1 ZZ,!Z el'!, f.,l MAN "IS SHOT DEAD ;,V,;lo,higbwa,;r;,ren;',of,l from passing auto irly tliis nun mug and robbed tt S,,'.r:i,:,,h ,,h;o,u,gnCarben County Pe,,ce Mmd at; hi. ii." kct -. Unwarranted Assault The held -up leek place lnunedialcly Scranton, He. '. i l!v A. l'.i . tifl. i- S' hncliler had elesed his nlaee anil Several men u an .nitoinebib ale being wii. slal'liug home. He told the neil.... hunted l.v ( ',,,.. ., m, ,l.,i. . i ., ... the fenipiius were n.iin ''"tl', X'uiiB and I - "bin te identify.. i jtely ill though! he would he t Ill-Ill I FrJINF AP.IITFI Y - . e.nnrl Little Herje Ir Hel,l rx... - . ' ,,,,... r. .. wu IV ins necevcry ( npi'llll.lgeu. Dec. '-'L', Piciuier Ieiiuie. of Kil-sin, is seneiislv ill, ,,. cord m; i" ilispa'elies priutc.1 ,v thu b iheiiberg i Sweden l Haiidelsthing. he dispiili-nes suite l.enlne s ceudl- in is acule.lluit he lias been taken III lii a place of secret i eiillnemeiit f,. ircahiieut ami that Iheie is little hope for his recovery. Whtn Yeu thtnl! r Hrtllm. tinic or v-iitTiNa !3": LAST-MINUTE NEWS CHRISTMAS FREEDOM FOR IRISH REPUBLICANS DUBLIN, Dec. 22. A large number of Irish Republicans held inibencr In Mountjoy Priben will, It ia uudcrfatoed, be re leased Chribtmae, having algned a decTuratleu of nlleglance te the Tree State. Ter the lemaintler no holiday parole will be granted. ARGENTINA TO SELL WHEAT AND CATTLE TO GREECE WASHINGTON, Dec. .22. The Department of Commerce was advtbt-d by cable today : piovibieiial ceutiact has been ar i.mgid uiulu- which the Arginliiie Oevirnmcut will sell L00,000 tuiis. of wheat rnd 10,000 'it ud of Hve cattle te Greece. The Greene Gjviiwmi.m. will pay one-half et the tckal in cu&li uud the re niaimler in twe-ywu trui&uiy notes, bearing 0 per ctut interest. SUNNYPETPREADYILEIGHTON TAYLOR FOR NEW LIBERTY! PLEADS LIMITATION Webber, 'Dean of Penitentiary,' Hopes for Christmas Dinner With Old Mether itfODEL PRISONER 27 YEARS Tin; old thrill that l "Sunny pete" Webber a -tingle as l.i boy when he waited fur Christmas morning has emtie te him again after ' vcnlv -seven years In I he riit,-rii'P.-nt. i nii-v . This Christmas in. uns freedom for Webber, It means the right tu come and go when he pleases. There was a tone of wilfulness in the man's voice this morning when he snid be wanted te walk nleng Market street nnd "see what's what." The State Beanl of Pardons last night rocemniendiil a pardon for the aging convict who killed bis father-! In-law. Justus KIcmuK-r, in l5.!'!. and was sentet ,, he hangeil. He we.i ceniiniitiitiim te life imprisonment, New, llfly -eight jeais i,1(, )i. n pte. paring le leave tie p. n: eniiat v a i ,lli,n- lias Been .Medel Prisoner T .,., ' ,,.,,. her has never violated a single I ill.'. ii nu. nn .ir.un il - u uiiiiici. ,.,if- a record w p'eh w ainen .Vic Kciitv says ' ( ulinis.t wiih-t't a ..ei-it. mat t in uu .... .... . penitentiary in this ...uiilry. Webbci aiese at II o'clock this morn- ing. Krem hreakln-t time enw.inl ,. ..,.,.,-...., ,. .. I I.. ..i . ,-.. C..II..., was cengial ul. te,i h ,y,y "low con ."'' ''"' ' ,'" .",", '"" ' """' '" "".".'i "IV' ",'. ',' .'.l,I,lI ",' "" ' " hoc ! ,, e , .i,.,, V,v. '"' '"' " ."" " "'."'' ' ,"''""' '" , 'I'1!'' Kreunds in the prison xards where ,,l(1 Prisoners kne. k the balls about 0"'n,s,V"ia ., ' . . . "'' I r-i thin,- I in ge.l.g I" de weu I g, t e,,t ,, .,. take a wa k anuiiel t 1 1 it 1 il. I. !- l t li i :. lie iiiiiitliiil in i H'O lllncli. 1 111, III! I III elllltleil 1 1 ) II . lm","J" l" " "" '" '"" " ?lr ,rl. """ , ' "' I"V"M nl","K' ,', l"Pt ... Int.. I. with the outs,,!,, w 1 te ul11" "' I lill.i.f' lplil... ...r. IMisiiii ii, mm- II. I, ll . leineil , ,. ,, ,,,.., ,,,,,-, ,(,, .,.. .... ..:,i. i...:.. i i. I.. .. .. . ......i ''"tii ' inn ii it1' ii i Christinas Dinner With Mether a ileal n. pnvent h.-c )iiishni 1(, e,is( "I am going te .at m Christmas ' through te a u sfni .-oii'-liisien. dinner with my .Ighr. .vear-eld ,.ami.s ri.s( AM(ini,.v " in llarrisbuig She i pan.lj.ed. It will be like .inning b.e k trein lie- dead, ,. -Ml,"- ?'"111' Imrg.-d tliat -b" bad t te her. I hnx.-u r am npiaiin, te dismiss ib- ip--, -nr s. bid tiled be- make. Fvcrvbedv has bee,, line i me i eause h b.iiu. I that b". iiltnrney and I am gri'itetul te Wiirdcti Mi-Kentv .,,I1'"1 ""' ! !: I pros. ntc, t,e c.-is, . and Jehn and Be iben. his sons." ' I ben. she add.. I. h- bad Hied the .,Mt Webber s.n, h. I, , . b-en sorry for '.'gain, and I, .id u..,re, tt herelf te the murder ""! si. .. n ueeuiieil His IIIMI11' ',I;' " v'"u!. be iiirind ibfniigh wife has ii'ei l.iignen bun ami lie the nun-. iclieves bis ilaught. i ln been "turned! -Mrs. Siiiytiic i. id r.n. d (I b against" htm. .is li. e.resc, it. ' 'barges she n -..b- tlmi tbr..ii-h ih. "ill course I'm gbi'i te leave here ! jntlueiii e ,.f T-,vI,.t and In- peti..,i and al the same thn I'm 'nrry . ' ' be I f" " nds; sb" bad In . i ln.uiel.. m v out en. W.iid. ii M.-Keiit b is ' ''.lily life was be-iege. . agents ,,f the phii-"d in my a number of young I '"Pai liueni et Jun.i vnekuig uiuler Imvs who ill" tui . iimiti.ils, but lteriie (ieneial I '.iiigl.c-i t , she s.n, who killed in lie lnii "f ii.issien ihc In lii'-t. she add.. I. -be h.i.l i...n-e,l way I did. One "l' hum is Lestct Nevvhall. h killed .1..-. phiim ew- ard. lie is j..iing twint.v nnr. "I'll miss hnu bui I gin sS he'll mis. me ineic. I e tried te make hnu leek en the sunny i.e of ihiugs as I nave den"." Webber i overteil again I" his iliiiigb- tet, whom he li s nev.i -en sime hi. term began. "Forgiving and tnis-iting eiigbl te held geed ..ut.i.ic a pn-eti as w. as lllsillc.'- be SI.!. I The 17"! oil r, is in the pem- tllllllllHI . . , . .. .! ' tl'"" " ' ' ' (MJ I l M'P 1 111' y for' the killing I..I.- last mgbt f :vi, n J. Parke, f Hi.ksen f,, near ,,' . , , tzs &; ";:: ,Sm:;! ; sueis v ere nreil heiu a nassnu.' mik.i l'"'!''!" aild he tell tatiilh wounded. II, awi.'d Heme. ..illeil le bis wite. I hose fellows in Ihc ..ill., shot Hie," nnd ..died. llWll(1 i,,,,,,, ,,,11,1,1 , 1N u,f(l I I"' police have been unable te deter- " '"' whether the ii, the inachiiii 'r" bm.dlls or drunk, e Juv riders, ..' " '" " "'" """ 'u-" '."'' men in ""' "'""mobile had .. Di. ksnu i ' 1 1 bad been shot in mi-uil.f ...... .en iv, -ii ier iicain nnu nun nirker Tim dellrluut nnver unil ili-lloate 1iiK of e,H,ilerr nwt ulie Mtl xt tu tan I hrulnijn ,ln r. Specify j;mer tranJ, Aitv, Asks Dismissal of Suit Brought by Weman Who Charges He Kissed Her PLAINTIFF OWN ATTORNEY tin n ttXaiJ r nrrrvpiimlr t Washington, life. I'l'. -"Your client assaults ii lady ,j kissing her nnd new wishes te pleml the statute of limita tions." Thus Justice ILtz. in the District of Columbia Supn ine Court today . sunmed up the case brought by attorneys for Leighlon Tayler, former secretary t" Senater Penrose, of Pcnnsj hiiiiiii, who Is new being sued bv Mrs. Alum C. Sinythe for .lH0.(Hi(i daiuages. Mrs. Smythe charges that Tayler kiss.-d lier and hogged li-i when she Msite.l Sen- ater Penrose's- nflie.. in May of HUB. ' Tayler's attorney asked that th" suit be dis-misicd en the ground that the statute ..f limitations had espind en th"Csi, When .lustl.e llti7. made his sugges. lien. Jehn 'I Tayler. Mr. Tay- '"J'r "toi'iev. jumped t his feet aiid advise. Justice Hits that no such m- .P1 ,,,,,, ,,. ,,. ... .l.. f ,... n-r. nee was le tie drawn from teipicst thnt lie- suit be dismissed. tt.i-. ' ,r- l.ltl., II 1.IMI1 III" I. He "isisi"u nun ins ciieiu nail net Klsse.i or 'l,1:-',,, ,l'1' "ean and Hint no proof l" Mr,'gesnnn et jiti.nt mat the charges , . mi Ll be iiiail. , PmIiiIIIT Acts a, Own Counsel Mrs Smv i he was in , mrt today te . . . " " "'- - "... .."hi.v in ,,,, ,,. ,.,.,. ,i!:,ltllil Taylm, ,l1" del. m.'.iih. was , , ,. ',, ,'. ''"'ild nt be l.;lte,l r, Washington. He .,s ,epr..sei..,I l.y his , ..uiis.-l. I' was the fust time i the li.t..r ,,.,.,., .,, , .. (l ',. , f ' ri,-il,.,t ni.i.l.. in. effort te i.,..v. e.r , lis. 'turl. ih.. n i,ng-. M... .,,,, ,,,,, s ,, , - fcl.sli. .,.,. w-ll-gi-oemed .,nd ' '" ' ii1 i with ii null' nhen e t- li ii.-in.-ii r aim i'.uii .i'1'.'i ; icscute.l her i ae in aiiiaii. tier s,- ri-lug i. ihesi. who i . P"-le. '! as" te lack mil. h sin n. Whes li.,. , i,chl.l..1 be, :,,...,. ..,.,. - again-, the,in. f ,i. ,.,,' , I .'.i, ,;r . v. C), ,.,,' ' ,,,.,,, ,,,.,. , ,,' ,. "' .illll.Mlile.l tl"it slie nu. ii,. victim ..( leaving iigiui.i aiul leui.iig m W.i.h- iu-'.'U nut. I "-In- was ., -.- ( , ,., ,v ,,. in. t aiithui iliejs thai sh.- w..ill 1,. pi.,. .'"led ..... , . ., . ... , ":tclier Arrested . M.u-s. sieythe .-i one in. el. m -""1,:"' " ethers vvbi.b bin n--. "' , ,' ,'!" ,,!, " '"h" '.nd .-!. "'"I '"' Lad 1 i luceslcl ,n ., l" "'"' sl,0L"i I a .tint n, .b- "'"'"' yes., may n.v a i, ,,, ,,u I ntiilri.-i jestiidav bv ' ""'"s I.. I -I 111. Ml" link.. I Inn, , "i!"'1"'1' man named ICuliy up will, i! ITei I ,e wnlcll be,- lin.'l in ... . ... making her mis,.. As a tcsiilt f the Alexa.i.h.a ei si.ilc. Mr. Sllivtli,. will def. , helsell 111 ""'1' Ih tlie cb.uxe III. i, she . iirne.l i-iiueeiilcil wen) ir, Smvibe said iha'. alter Pctn ,,i, .,,,.. kdi le hoi. she led bill! le ii g.iing. vl' -''" a, U.. ei bin, ,e would be I, -s "it'-nsh.. will, pisi.,1 , ,,. M1 hen she .-nil., ,be ,eee , ,. I "ity arreted. P.-in rclaliat. 1 bv saying thai he was guiltless t nv uu.. unhid, and be ba, Mn Sm,,,. Ill rested Mrs Sniythe nN ,,, ,- !, .. ' n, Ira ,n"e IT!'T '"" "","'"" fV.jV '.iVif CZ! , '.V and the decision made she .. ,v i... r :;:; -;r " " tr : ' k. i nu,. u as c.iiiiiiiiiieni ... .. Tayler I nperluibed Later In tbe ,v. L,.g,te -lavler was located heie. n, , indi.'al. d e did mil tnke the ,.,... sen. ,.i. "I didn't knew the thing 'was un ' he cemiiieiiicd when advised that ii. trial vvn b.ld Then be asked w I, i '.irg-s wen- made, and what bis nt l.u ncv s bad reiliei. 'lliat llilng was n. obi I ,.,... thought ih.. stiihtte f liinnaheiis 1, ( expired he, mm t,.- , 'buckled u bit. "But I ileu't care Let i my it Um-iiMB inlk. There was never any tiling te th cave or thn charues." T Police Quiz Lee Finerty in Be lief He May Be One of Arsen Cans; FINGERPRINTS THREAT BRINGS HIS CONFESSION Set Riding Academy Stablt , Ablaze After Reading of Burn ings, Then Fired Shotgun I FIREBUGS DESTROY MILL l NG NT ADMITS FIRING 1 T N R Ce-operative Plant Near Doyles- town, Operated by Farmers, Is Burned te Ground The first iincnverin.g of the tnys "ry of any of ihr- barn burning which have terrnri.ed three counties for weeks eaiue today. A watchman at Iinduer (enfesserl thai he bad set one of the flrcs 'here have bee,, neatly fort v recently but he dc-lared he had merely started th" Iduie I., cans,, ev-itcineiit. Th- lCndner police nnd tlie State pnli.-.. are uiz.iiig the man in nn nt tempt te .ontiect m uit)) ., pOUsi,jr gang of "firebugs." Lee Finnrrty. night watchnian em ploy ed te guard tl,--. aides f ,l0 ri(1nr academy f Arlhur J. Fex nt Itadner. is the man who .-onfe-sed. "I had b-en reading about the fire-' bugs v he have been burning barn'," he said, "and I d.eidcd te ,r -i here and I live some oxei'rment, m, I set it en fire mjseit." Told Story of Burning Only a Mm. II s,,t- was burned by th lire. Immediately alter it In.d star ed Finnrrty threw a blanket ever the blnze te smother it. th"ii inn into tlie yard mid tired ills .'hetgiin twice. When Mr. Fex mid ether empleyes, n wakened hy Ihc icpurt of the jdmt gnn. cniin.' running t the barn. Fin Fin nerty told them lie had seen two men threw a burning rag. soaked in oil, into the barn, and that after throwing the blanket ever it. be shot at them. Uud-tun- pohee wen. hurriedly summoned and sound the -..., hen for miles but tailed le titid niiv trace of the tirehugn. Sus icieii I'm. dire, led toward Fln licriv by the imllce when tbev discov ered Ins lauterii bad no ml in it. Finger prints were found en it mid when Chief of Police L. S. Svvecliey cnlleil the watchman '.. take his lingi r prints for of iseii. Fii.iici'tv made ! his confession. Held en Aineii ( barge 'I lie i ,,iifi-ssieu was mad" about neon .mi Iiistri-, tieri.. . William Tayler, "I Dehiwille ( .lllll , dir.ite.l tb.-il I-in mm be tnken t.. Me.ii.i nt once unci .bulged in the county jail en a .barge "t Al lclia. Male police an, county i del.-, tne. pi.t th" mm tbieiigh u gnll ,'ig in nu eltert I . wnng ireiu him con , f.-ssnuis ,,f tirmg ether ban, which he j did net iintniiliaieU cMinguish. Tiie .poll." legnnl him as meiihilly unlml- 'llllced ,'IUll believe t ll II i a thoieugh in , v ...tigal ion m.-iv iciciil Ins coiinis-tien j with ether lin-s. although "innerlx 1 inaintaiiis he is :n,i,,.-ent of anj con- liccheii with Ihc Iiiebugs v. be have top. , -d f-irmeis of ln-laware ( besti r .and Mniitgiimei". Ceiiim.-s for three in. mllis. feed Mill Itiiriud The Iiiibliu F.1,1 Mill, (.pointed by fanners in the vimiiiiv ,,f I toy lesiewn "li ll co-eticral ive b.s.. '.as .iniiled te the ground earlv ibis uieriiing 'I'be llr I- thought te bine been tin work of the nn enilinrv gang thai has t.rrerled tiii'lii. rs in con, ill,- mlineint te l'hila b Iidiia for three meiiih- I 'lb.- lire in the Dublin fed Mill caused a b"s et approximately Sli."i,(H)(), i of xv lin li only a part Is covered bv in in siiraine. It in- urn. I it ,", .:',() o'clock tin. morning 'I'mnlx lllll, lies before the pre VVHB discev ei ed. ( hinlcs 1 lay. r, wiitehmiin in aiieiher mill iieurby, beard nu auto aute auto liie,,,e i iigiue shirt at il.e Iiiibliu mil and -aw I he nr diive a w a v When In- -aw ll. iiiies leaping from ,!.i Inr ,ii.t be 1. lepl.eli. d lb. Il.nlestewi Ine ... - pain mi i I'.irt ier.. jeineii villi the fir ii in in. n. ling l.ixnig.ii i te I I' . . bui ' le n- i 11 .n- were in. sin ccsa fill. The b nbl n; u ,. tilbd wilb f eed .tufls fr.ei ii n . r 1. 1. laniis of th niiiliiin-il en I'-u-i- I ntlitpen Column Un BERNHARDT IS BETTER; CREDIT COUE METHODS Reports te Effect Actress ImprevM by Will Power P.nis. .., -The i ,, n cure nf Men .-s'lrau I'einh n storing her t. h i usual In nil li within a few dnj'i aiiii -in nthiik of .viii, .(!., vva effected le I., i .i,o,iiiei, of Prof t'eii,.H theory el iiito-siiggesiien, no Hiding t. an i'ii tin ite l re ,,. of i he n. It e s Tin- ''no, nl .-m t li-. t as seen n Mi,,,'. Itetlibai'dl leg.lllieil lOllNCIOUI- afier her nttiiik (luii-ig nlnarHal .Mon .Men lav she began I. poet Ing . "I urn net ill I am just tired. I shall iclurii le the ihe.itte i,i tbiec diiyg lis .mill i I alii n -'ed " The (loci. .is at hi.' di ign ,sci ,,, . lies' ,.! ii leart . iuie and declared t,q aiiaik came vitbin i niiin.w margin of being fu.i' Tliev w. lliernllr liiuituiindi'il whin tluv rcturiieil te Mine Metnbiirdl - In, no am funnel the. ncliess sitting at her desk writing letter-. nppiircnily i ollipletely rv. ceivcicd. 1)0, TO U ,INT A JCIIIT IIIKItK AM ..plenty or Itiem Hitverilnnl la ul Vi?; Ynte.l columns fedny en ik 2t.--Aiv M i . ,f .. t, . r4 f ttJ ..... 1'... jIMm w ,',
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers