fW hr-kW'r MMBBMHBBaa"""""" "T-jT- ftj.itj ..JtehI-wWztS !"S m -t) (i, iv V. v-""'!. ' v(,,.H,Tii .')'.J'.-t-..vJ.AVvsp'-'l')-"A-i.'t.vu'p.tJfS,lw.','-',w . "'; ...v l'"rwr h I . 7 I 30 EVENING .PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA; THUKSDAY,' DECEMBER 14: 1022 W ! i ill t UU3l 'Snir a ft; '. if T "tJ ml III GOSSIP OF THE STREET ret, tiornuse tliev li.it fl become mupli iitnl dusH, (ire unfit fir tlie nf dn of teilm . AH (lie c(Htiitrii'S nwilln Mil'0 UslbV fn-t ;itnl nn miff nti.ii Itiu tln-ir nttctitluii iitnl tr(iiilivt upon IM tut'-' roi'Men. Tlie ncr'5iit 11 mi' n.iinl'ti' I...M. -- .. .. t. '. -1 -.1.1.1. uc continued reniiiriible rit in tlireiiKli Iht superior liimiml :ibllitj,j sterling exchange hes u mere blfinlli-' I'"1 ,nr l,l'J,rh'l",,l JmnP" I" linmllliis ' cent slile te It tbaii tlie vn,1- niwl till, '"etwar nnl inoterlru. k problems nml in In i , , , I111 (tlmulattnB tlie ucratlMJ touring pprccintc," babl u bunker 'e-trrihiy. uvnel. "I mean from n security tnirlu'f le I Hut (be ueinWfiil nut-wlnni re-ulM point. In otber venK stfrlinc it inp.,r.,n h" utlli?".! ns fun minimi s In RhliiR Mli, nm.- ,i . . . , . ' thnti Takf ii-phnlt Mirfim's, "I'll most lily nppreti-lilns n patiij, wli-i mi- 1tl,rao,en ..Ults eu-b-t f vl.bh clgn ines(eri will lif nblc t" iniu" into' mi cry 1 irj;i si'iili' hip new t be " en be American vr.iinM .lurki-la ni::.in irm St'tili tmwini iilnN. M-fi-ti mill - " s i ' - w..r. i z(Sx, ."'".' ; v,;5v.!",.n,:.vi War. Ml,m Clioi-e-b Km te .h bin. i..ir "There lir.s und nibtcd'v 1 ''Hi mn I I'entnliibbiu nil i tlii-m inib-s in v rtderable liti-inc tur the ferelK.i ni'i- t"',f. const- t.-l tin- w..i- iim-I lnt. - i . V , ,, il KMnp iniir..il h'itiM.i'tin frum for some time thieiicli lUfff-rcnt- ismw lhn nv, ,,c ,,,,,. m,Iiu t- tmilie. or where the cx Iwini;' of he oeuii-l (. , ui sria,r rUut. H" h.iiu." U tries permitted tbe purdmie ( Anici-i- j (ni (lf ,.imilir j,'h llM,,lr nuf-n-iii can Hccurlt Irs en n roiiNennble lusH from nf el, ,nllil,nm i,Riwn in Htltnln, n exchatiRO low point, rmm reliable ,,., the nui'i ..-t. t" I'eitli pnd tp.ui information I nle belb m tluri b.n bun ,j,p (iut ,,, ,,,, W(tft shipnunts of tbe con&blerable bujlng by lereicners fluri: u reinmnn' I il" n-.ihil'i for tlie mi. iae lasi jrar, an'i iie'.1 -..'uine-i n..' !'. M. Illicit, U, O. 'iVst, .1. M. Tej ami mles of 40,000 ten.n. a centluuftiice e t It. Ibittcn, iltreetuvi. tbe IiIkIi rate.' of pls-iren production 1 tbreucb tbe iviiintrv nml netnbln rcdlir- rin-tTsshi. liiinrmeiiiriit ,len ,n nccillillllntieil of llltlfdicd fteel I kicsm( imiirntfJiiciit t ()i, JU(l,mrgh dH,rieti mis a9 ,rc N.n s brt.rniR illrertlv tiperi nuiK -irr, in(. i.,.,,me nMillable," snys tbe iwnem.iifi h t.et plciitltul this- iiinrn- . j ,. j( cpm, rc,en-. jiiif. i.miirkcu u uuMcr M-icni.y ' "As, blBh as 83 per cent of capacH:. I "but In ,i Keneiat wiij the Mewlv il - lin, !, rcnclird this week In the Vltts- ' 111 be tome ductlen In the ' 1 nf nnrrnnml 111 uitlis as" i" Knidually tracrsiii(,' l' me amount of pi Iren. aith ... . "Mnnufucttireis of mre preiucta A vt'il.tnent HKr lilts ene i vine 1" , nn,i n!rrt nr. mnklnc llttln If ntw cnln en ihclr oiiiiKntteiu, an demand li !tiu lnrc, but In nenrh nil ether preductf run utiiiern are well taken care of by irherle! en old and In eome iai,es quite low -prleeil ciiitrnctl. 'Ter the li ri-t time In txe years fiirm-implement manufacturers Mho buv irem thlcjKe mills report n sum- mil in .i Keneiai wiij ine mewiv " , im, hren rcachrd thN week In seleplm.- meu'inent toward precrc-s nllmr(.h Mtirt, but ihern wl ItnliiMrv and relnitlim of balnn.-e In . fnllln(, off ln UKZt rejuct tlnaiice which bepitn In America elphtecr. )10,nT season and piling of c been left ln cur yf pp-mii. -nt Anion can Institute n? "'J he rapid '.irib b""i'" "f ,e--Hnj eichanee is ctu-iiic the Kihuts ! tardlns n full i ltlft et t M-eiEti n,ie rient bnjine te . -wmbl" I nlei t nm uiueb mi"taken this ann e frcin b mu te Terj likely te become a potent, if no ne li contrellliif. fv-tnr in the lincntmini Uuatlun ln the iff uJr future. ' llislnray Construction Abreinl Arthur wall, preiiiert ei th ("Jep ral Aflh.ilt l eriparu , who returnrd jesterdav irem n I" irepevi ( i..ue-. trip ultli frank M'iii ici- pri -dent, in lin vith l.i- us.nl p"l " i ..' i" n prompt r.r.d t.'iir"-r iffer' t d,j i , any citi-tins rf .n lfrt.i-.dl is ion ien ctrnlnc i e epcntictin if th" empnny iremptffl br t'e ree p. i ricre il'imt Y n ..a. f t-n.nrl !l..llll .. htllieiiitnl Mr Sewr.ll reviewed th Veueielan f :l ti.it moreef 'h-euntr s -leriinei ell operatle'i5 and th nw nsreement fiiploje.l m bnrk" be inspired In tm- llth Hoval UlltcJi s-fcl preup. UUl.'U cmru ni ui rKituifii '"" "hu 1.-...U.-.. lrf-'n in c.'.l !n this celiin' shj. flsvnft.ite.1 win r I h due- are med tsrdav. crate, ,i! pr enr, an "sir.nnl.1- of .'fiir.niAi, nhrenjl in srei. 1 for cirri death. I rraj Mr. Scvall c.prc.c, rhc opmler "'fr n i e-ied -f tenn- t that'. "howecr cbv.r. . ml i.nreal t tl'r-cii u Ai; i limited nert iiic. I Md up bi t'i' wni. arc new telll iteici-iiv "'! rx ir.i.hr, ijeuei-'iiti . r'tcit 1 - sil.litiii f'r tl.e tut if Hank t tirl.s' Itcnrfbial seuiliiiit (.in llccfinhcp ?i li'.'l. thepf v is ' Mieorpe.-fl'ed in tlm i ." .i'. i rum.aiieii ' kne"n i". tli" Liink brK-' I'.ei ftie il Avis-lnMeT, 'i. ebje t bi'ii; t - 'lie :neiTi'in te c ntr'b r" n - nn imt 1 tli in S.f0 te the fam"y ni an: deceived mernjijr J On Pec, le JJ I'lJ'J "H "r "r Sinljatlen hi'd - ! m 1,1 m itisf w'nr til.. Stilt. Vlt Ml. I lid' I'll' S',t,(llll had bei'ii I'd 1 '.In ''2 '' " I' iv 'rii ' r-cni i ' i t i .1 1 i '"1 R'ul bro' e'' i '( run ' ,'-' Vi,er( f in l I'e '1 ll s'.n.dll.l - ,J a pr'ser lie !i "' ip of LIT I Iffiivi t'l s-"i at e l .lie .pi ?ct .ni ritui t euf of tlie nin.'ileiie tif ii ( i,n s ,.nd theerist-tli" tV !i. i is . n iili'e te sam;e tlie future In - ! 1 1 ii tin' bus piissed. It tie stm k i.iiirldi w.rc tlnit cimlj im.i red cpei iibiiinn euld lie il pastime of tlie most pbns.iut sirt. The eil: i item we Iih'1 is neeessaij te bum: IIP in lonnectleii wlili tue claliu just maile ,.eit lmpreemetit in outlook ler its tlie uninterrupted live in Merlin.; te former bnyituc te warrant increases in 1 ii point within sinking distance of lb" their production program. I "nnal rate." I'tn the nutoniebilo, field eome orders " pre belnT placed for spring and rim Mere- Diililcml Hepci ' Mcil, but it Is all for January shipment. "Nur.'crem directors' inecttiisi fiieinn i seme bar bujincja jubt taken at scheduled for the nc-.r few wrcks and Clerelind, .neemiRis the s",uh'tiM. fever for "Seme renti-nl neRtcrn mills atlll itidusiriiils. all et wln.-'i ire awaltid ' hne a ".-." fiitH price tm back sheets with tin- hope that faierab e mtieiinee. or jS'J b-lew the recently announced nentK will be 1,,-idc l' iple p tins ili-'pn''"" th' !''CI orperation lciters nrc enlleil t"r a 'iieiim: teunj ltll lip IMitll I'iipmIi I' is thought 'he into would reti-itn u'n I i 'C d. Iiu .it ndinnre In the pre c et the .'ted. iii'ffimp ii. ml rumors the rate would b" iii ri ed te U pep cet.t. The n in ( i pre cle I'asce nle bre'igl t out pre dictions the htei-k would be plaeed en i St niinii il bas'fs at th in v meeting in I in .'iri . Ileum! J,",0(K) uml .'10.000 steel cars nrc new under mere or lens active mgettntimi, buying of the wci'k ntneuiitlng te .'.(HMi carf, with frcah ln'iulrles for nearly h000." Ttli: TIIADCK. HAS RUBBER WINDPIPE i i' n ' iM and I. If T. Kaiuiiigs ti e ( iuirnm.henpit : P" hi: einl meri I i tter wacei thin pie all assess in D- et The ,ii nc de mi- .in 1 1 r - I T' i t i mav fectii. mere - " prisnt mi inciea ir . -n " ' i ''); fllrcctleti " ' "" r v - f "it e- in par ,r " 1 ' 'O' -il I reiMi ; fact ti.a' '-e t i fe l K.ns.i i 'i entincu" i av th is.inr.- i . c wncadam reau". weil- , hdci r compacted bj the tratbv: if i ges, bi 1 i i e pr.vr , i !r i - r ' j t s .! s. . - f . 1 f- . - s , II I Mi lei f I' M, . gnu . , I. if. Oila-a, t e ( I ip.ee : '.IP .'1 2" flan lfenpis et the I'l il, ul dpi, in lfapid I ransir "tiip.iu: aic rhewu.g .1 cub st.mti'il In ic.ise ever last xenr It i linderMoefi tint hince the titut et Pe iinibcp gross has been iiinnug between J5.0(i mi (VK'O n day eep n jcnr age. In addition te Increased tt ithc. due te imprfned industilal I'ond.tiens, the i in'.teid cbvated read is te upr ration ihis 'eir, and miihe iart if tip in- . '" i e ; - be nttriluited te this i.ddi 'i te t e f h'Mited li' c I i 12 si, 'i. of th . ei it I l ' 1 I i it i , lull V t'l ' hi. ii ha' g si 1 1 on en sb iipin; Child Breathes Normally and Talks First Time In Five Years Ncwaili. . !.. !' I I. Mary Ma- ,1-ih. line M'ars old. bicathed nor-' tnalh Tf-'irdiN tlir- iuh a iiibb'T wind- j pipe, and lllk'd f' r the nr!)t tiu!e iu i tie 'a , Attacked wih l..rjnceal dlphtherln . when hhe wn' four enra old, n pleee of tiachea becirae closed and h portion of bet windpipe reiiKner). A silver tub" the' was pbiced in her threat. 'the Vunli g et the severed ends of the win 'pipe with rubber tubing was , ff. - I i P ltenr drtnn. s. l II M- llOllL' IS, ctnlty in 1'ig lien c ' ee, lias brei cl'f -e,r in ig iron at lti4i ng. with nil" rv '.s el" c. ' t I if rf.' r hc rAH. iev' ' I 'la i-'' " ' Trlr. 1 I M ' I ! 'li " i' a Merifiit i i etrp '" " w " '0- tl infin .r wenim w'n it nie t lurry c- nticarleil A rpsulur f'ir n 'in Wen.nin re, ut 'ht t'(is i I'tui. Lzbsn. "ilak It Jlibtt." Adv. NEW ISSUE $3,800,000 Central Indiana Power Company 1 Cumulative Preferred Stock Par Vala of Shares $100 Drndntd pybla quarterly, March I, Juaa 1, September t cxl Dsciaber 1. RcdeermbU at IIS mi txxrwi Hri Prei erred m te diTidenda and in out of IiqaKjtien op te 1 10 ad Kccraed drrtdeedn. TIki total antheritrd -jtae ef 71 Ctttnalttire Preferred Stock i )10,000,00O, of vhtcli $3,500,000 (includini; the pinent itue and $250,000 referred for exchange for like amount ec bi prel erred teU eititandingi will b preiently euUtitKllni zsaksf'lu .Ci.:;r.i 'Jn.er. True: Cempsi y, ChKjja ?ltieT ari-Jes Trait C( ipT lndiiar;s: Tit Ht-iarer Hti?ul Bmk nl tl City of Vr Jt, Nr Tort KEG15TEAES w t; v.Ti nd .ajCT.treiJi Truit itul ltrti BieJt, Casi .1al"T i,"rurt Csnpanx. InduuMpeIja The Bat of Amtric, K Toik Listed en tbc Chicago Stock Exchange Salient features as sujnmnnscti br ("mitral Indiana Buinea and Prepertiei: Central Indwr.a Poorer Company (formerly Merchants Public Utilr.i Cei" panjV ens or will acquire the entire c.ipnil stocks except directem' qnzLfyitiff bl'.art., and all e.tccp $1,564,000 par value of the outstanding bends, of eperating: companies furnishing a diversified public utility service ia 70 prosperous and growing cities and towns located in 25 ceuntiei in Indiana, includ ing the cities of Indianapolis, Kokomo, Noblesville, Prankfert, Wabash, Rechevster, Valparaiso, Clinten and Sullivan. The total generating capacity of the slants of these operating companies is 51,000 K V The estimated total population of the cenimumties nerved is in excels of 500,000 The bfuness : essen tially the t.uppljr".ng ef electricity for rlymei'ic am commercial needs a OTr 3'0 of th . umbined op rating revenue ii nav being derived from 'ruth service. The CempuTf trifl alie ova all tb eutstandxej; vteck, except director)' cjtulifring share, of the lv liiana Electitc Corpention, which company ha con Tacted for the cotutrtKtien and financing of izn ttal-stitien teneratine plant -with in initial electrlca' equipment installation of 10,000 K. W. wpacity en a .ite combining the availability of cheap f jeJ and ade iiuate cendenung water, being looted en the Wabanh Kiver in the heart of he Indiana coal fiebjs lmra-di-itely adjoining ever j 300 acres of proven coal lamh owned by the latter company The lie-' plant is ca pected te be ready for operation b-iere Jancaty 1 192-1. The building of thii station rrwrks '!ir twgin mng of a comprehensive develoement e care for electni. power reeuirc-nents of Indianapolis and m:j .-eur.dnK terntery. -where the demand f ;r petfe: -s greatly m excess of Uc present supply. The opera tien of large units with the asautance et cheap futi will result in material baying ui the test of (ener.it ing power, ineure excellent cervice te the public and provide for a large future Tewtrt of bu-iness Purposes of Issue: The proceeds tram the sale of this $3,800,000 of 7 Cumulative Preferred Stecl ami from the aalc of J-t,248,0OQ Central Indiana Peret Company Fir- Mortgage Collateral and Refunduii: j Geld Benda, Senea " A and 54 500,000 Indiana 1'lectrtc Corporation First Mortgage 6"0 Geld Bends Series A," te be issued, will hnance ill, ai-quisltien jf properties which wt'l furnish ever .'S'e of the gref y tid net revenues of the syttem, and will finance the construction of the new central oewer itatien te be built by the Indiana Electric Corporation. Upen Mr. Jeseph JET. Braxrr, Pressdatt of foxier f.empcny i-omrletien of this fansnetng Centrt. Iccbar.i Power Cewiany and its operating companies will have ct floating debt eacept enrrent accounts, frhlch vill bf mere than offset by carrtnt auietis. Valuaticn of PrepcHies: l"he talueai plat-eiS cm tb preprue;s of the operating cempeniw by tbe Public Serrice Commission of Indiana and by independent engineer, together with the rvdne cd the sew power ititien te be cotutrected by the Indiana Electric Corporation en recegmxed by the Cotrusissren hi utinff the capitalization allowed en the new cer. m ruction, aggregate about 523,000.000, a inn which ite- deducting the par vlne cf the total ftmde! .eb eut.itandin' tipen completion of the prticut nnanemg, is equal te appre xireatriy 1150 . thatt vn he entire SA.SOO.tWO PreftrnTtt StetV. EniTtings: "Per the twtive metrtla eeKhd St-ptenber . 1722, the eperatmar eoajpsniei rt-xrrted a Mknes el "-"ve-cita arailable for xrsia'rtx (iedaCnj Fteea'. mcestv) taxes), replacesMnts ad drvfckncU exjwal n OVER THREE TIMES that pactien ef tbc anmu-1 dj-idcndt en the 7 Oxmnlijtini Prafexred Stock pey- ble eat of earning ep te the time of tbe completion of the new power atati'jn. Aitrr deducting AepretM ticn en the basis stipulated in the niertge eecnrint hr Ce-rqiany's First Mer-gaifs Cellateial xad Re unding Geld Bends, tnii balance was errasl k NEARLY TWICE tech dividend. oterm & Webater, Imu, has tatiraated thai the bi Mice of revcuura available for reserves (includini rederal income tn.tea), replacements and diTidcndf n the calendar year 1924 af'er decnctien of charged n ..il funded d-.bt outstanding npen completion ei he rew power station and Manr.i'ssien line, will bf -iui' te WELL OVER POUR TIMES the annuvl dividend requirernenu of the 56.500,000 "fc Cmnok Cmnek nve Preferred Stock which will be eutsUndinn at 'tat time, including 51,000,000 te be snsced in tiv tuturc te finance part of the eet of transmwrlen lines te the new power station. After deducting de preciation en the basm stipulated in the mertgsi lecuimg tlic Company's Fir-t Mertgagt Collateral ind Refunding Geld Bends, thra tatimtrtl balsncc r pqcal te THREE ANO ONE-HALF TIMES -nch dividend reqnirementa. Fr-uicliW1!: Tlie eemp.ini ciperate under indeietrm rwte permits pnrsnant tu tbe Lei of the Ststj eJ Indiana. 'f be boeV. und acc.eur.ti ut a.i th vira - ; rempaites cp te Septmberr 30, 152-, 'rxir b,sn rxrfrr,.0 b Kearri Haslsiris .5; Sells, Certified Public Ar-eij-iUipt., ..' (. hipif-n i lcg.il matters tn t.onnrr'ien -jith s,.3 ttJjj 0 yn; i utnulaltve Preicrred r 1. lu- bee- . r,pr ..; hv Messrs. Itarn, Lincoln ti Bel. c Tbirpe, and Me6ir.t ii5ten, br.e, haltcivu'' ( Iiu" ',; I" ' t "i'V of' bn 7 Cumulatir Preferiei1 vj n , tt. in-' j,n jj- and received by u. Price 90 and accrued dividend, te yield about 7.78 Descriptive Circular Furnished en Application Stene & Webster, Inc. Spencer Trask & Ce. Tucker, Antheny & Ce. Fil rafarmatiea si-cn fcerctB U from eflicUl toerce. or frera tetwc which e ranJ aa rVSaSWi kat In ae rmt ara taw lUttmcata bcretr. ctiu4 la be rccarsed ai ear rtftxwtatieaj. IjJKx 8708 H I S I cSllEnr li n fyS5l2pv Hi I wssasst (five the young folks a start iemm inanciat 3 L noenmeenc this Qiriftmas M IMPLANTING the idea of investing in safe bends especially of investing systematically may be a mere valu able gift te a son,daughter or 'emc ether young person in r?rrm whose welfare you are interes.tcti.tnan anyening cise you might de for them netu, when they need guidance in forming the habits and gaining the "financial sense" which eventually will determine their success or failure in money matters. As little as $10 will make the first payment en a $100 bend -or $50end $500 bend;the balance payable in ten equal amounts monthly. Make the first payment as a gift and let the recipient come into full Ixsbc;sien of the bend through his own effort. qA 'Princely GIFT for Wife Mether or Father What mere substantial gift could be chosen for them than a geed bend that will renew remembrance of the gift as each interest date comes 'round? Frera a list of bends which we shall be glad te submit, you can sclcctthctypeofbend you prefer in$100,$500or$i000deneminations. A gift bend from Halsev, Stuart & Ce., Inc. carries with it the prctiyc ei worthy origin. Ts5 Aiii vc PreParei-,l cheery Christmas en YSQfuJL vclepe for enclosing bends bought for gifts. HALSEY, STUART & CO. iMConpertAit.D Und Title B!dg., Philadelphia. Phene Lecu'it 7410 ClIICACiO NKW YORK PHILADhl P1I1A liOSION Dl IROII MJl.WAUKlib - ' '" - mmiMMXswmwiWM O WrvU A3844 wffliZi n tf 3Sst R 1 jgjSBIr B I BhSE0HK If nfKMu!LH f f Pil tn "' "Bll 'liWfttiiawiiiwCiiwsxKM ST. LOUIS MINNEAPOLIS "U - -. ' '"' " ..l....- "m'm', . M, j feUptmJs rjHjYTjfjwarcn"tv-e?2ffi3 HpHE National City Company offers and recommend the following bends x for investment. The list is characteristic of the complete selection of high-grade securities obtainable at the fifty offices of this organization and illustrates the attractive investment opportunities afforded by the present bend market: ... Approximate Name liYle,d Detroit, Mich., 43, due 1942-52 , u . ,U5r;, Omaha, Neb., Scheel Dist. 4 ,s, due 1929-14 4.40''. Fert Werth, Tx., 5, due 195S-62 . """ 4.5Qt; Province of Alberta 5s, due 1942 5,20r. Union Pac. R. R. Cenvt. 4s, dut' 1927 ee-ii New Yerk Central R. R. Ce. Cenv. Deb. Gs, due 1935 5.45 r. Consumers Power Ce. 1st L. and Unifying 5s, Scries "C," due 1952 . 5.50' . Pacific Gas & Electric 1st and Ref. IVltr;i 6b, due 1941 5.70 . Anaconda Copper Mining Ce. Serie.5 "A" (3s, due 1929 . .. 5.35', St. Leuis, Iren Mount. & S. Ry.-Rivcr and Gulf Div. 1st 4s, due 1933 5.95' , Chicago, Reck Island & Pacific R. 1st and Ref. 4s, due 1934 .... 5.95' Detroit City Gas 1st Mtge. (is, Sciieb "A," due 1947 s'cjg- Kingdom of Norway 30-yr. Ext. S. F. 6s, due 1952 (eq- Ulah Light & Traction 1st Rfg. 5s, Series "A," due 1944 GOO'". Hershey Chocolate Ce. 1st Mtge. S. F. 6s, due 1942. . .... 612l New Yerk Steam Cerp. 1st Mtne. 6s, Scries "A," due 1947 6 17', Armour & Ce. 7'c Cenv. Geld Notes, due 1930 6 18' Republic of Haiti 30-yr. S. F. 6s, due 1952 ' " G'25 ' Sbclair Crude Oil Purchasing Ce. 5' j3) due 1925 6 31r! Northern Ohie Traction & Lip,ht Gen. and Rft.. 6s, due 1917 . e'se . Argentine Government External 7s, due 1 923 .'.'.." 685' Vertientcs Sugar Ce. 1st MtK-. S. F. 7s, due 1 942 .'.' .. . 7 r , Republic of Chile External 20-yr. S. F. 7s, due 1942 ..'.'..'" " 7"q, ' Offered itifcti. te prwr juc nml . lung,, in fJnil. Our complete list of bends, short term notes and acceptances offered for current investment will be sent te you upon request. The National City Company Head Office: National City Bank BldK., New Yerk Philadelphia 1417 Chestnut Street Bell Phene- Locust 5400 Offices in mere than Se hi the United States and Canada
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers