-.;'. 1922 29 M , Vs EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, REILLY, BROCK &. CO. i i IN ORDER TO AVOID ! L03S OF INTEREST i i UNITED STATES VICTORY AUr MATFS SERIES A-F ...- neitr II INbkUdifi- ' SHOULD IMMEDIATELY HE I PRESENTED FOR REDEMPTION OR EXCHANGE 306 CHESTNUT ST. ' PHILADELPHIA A en Saving Fund Deposits from January 1st 1923 EXCELSIOR Trust Ce. Germantown & Lehigh Aves. PHILADELPHIA S-tS RJfci' L.n HH'flMi '" ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT OUR originating department is al ways glad te take up the matter of financing for any business which is en a sound basis, operated along conser vative and progressive lines, and which can show consistent earn ing power ever a period of years. STROUD & COMPANY. Incorporated PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK WASHINGTON 1 It is an axiom of invest ment banking that the most conservative securi ties sometimes offer tlie best opportunities for spec ulatien. Many of our cus tomers beujrht Chicago & Western Indiana Kailrend I'onaelidntpcl 4'c ISend?, dm. 11)52, at around uj. We shall be glad te icc icc einmend te the-.ej inte.ested ether jroed investment "eniia wnese price is below normal. H'c invite conference en any current investment subject. HARPER & TURNER Investment bankers fortifiers Pttitiuclphu Stock. Excfurtlt STOCK EXCHANGE BUILDING W Philadelphia r. &&$& J I Irfl AND linlM JLviJL7 aeiiii "I'll VHi' curiam I'lll Superstitions A, booklet which diipeli manr jnuunderstandingj and set. "rth ihe countless advantages! of a Will Send for a copy JftANKLTN TRUST CO. Mil .St. Hlew Market . &iT STOCKS FAILED TO ft EARLY GAINS 300 200 1300 100 1000 A00 s 100 100 300 500 4100 100 300 100 300 300 100 100 100 900 103 913 1000 400 2500 100 100 1200 4100 11 CO 700 100 33.1 100 500 700 100 100 500 10- 1700 100 2100 100 700 210J 103 500 200 300 100 6C0 10 14803 1030 TOO 100 C00 Bearish Noen Drive Disclosed Much Technical Weak - ness in the List New Yerk, Up,.. 14. Aftep gOUCMllV lljeher nuiilnn making prices , ,. , - --.-,.... winning, iiriiieei in nil :i 111 PIS mrl nf Ccl,l.. lllPIl broke slinnilv at neon TIiIm nn. IfirrlltlV resulted from n lcc ,.t etivlties en tin. ,irt f ,lp ,, 0 ihe eik- Iiatnl niuLa greatlv reduced .'i'"'""1 ,..'""' ""' M'l01't interest nn Hip ether. f. K,.np,. ,.n.t,,v f ,,p market rather suggested pnnnur!N of ..'iir.iiiiiiiien or constructive ititltiencp mm II few selected Ihsiiph in r,t.r te IllOllilllte til (lilt -taking el-OWllOI'O. 1 At least ihls was suggested in the I heaviness of Hi,. stocks which in re .cent sessions were eon-pieiiouslv under illrrt'ttnii of pe,,s n, etlr j,pCria. , live combinations, and several aggros aggres i!vp operators-. Am an offHet I'tilted Mates Steel wns cnrrlpd nn ever n point te 10..U., t. hldipst price leiicip, by tl,t fnverilp slurp it .sold ex-dividend at Hip beginning of th month Hut iIip general li-t did net , f'liew flip Kime response; te tin- ren- . trar.v, iiftei- dip lirst lienr thp market worn u mther tired appearance. i Although constructive news appar ently Is receiving mure nttPiiiieii liv die pi-ofessieiml (t-iidprs. thp iiievp favor able foreign advices this morning com manded only acaileinlp Interest. TurkevV less belligerent attltinlp at Luu-uiiiie was novertholosH regarded with favor, (.renter optimism regarding the wliole I.iirepriin situation was ulse innnlfpsted as a re-nil of tleillui.,dti,... .... .1 1 ... , , i" " "11 uir Ian , or Washington te bring Hip Kurepenn L I I 'l'l.,t. lilllll ,.,.. l.H 1 .. I '.'" '"h'imi ill .'HI UllClcr-tllllellllg ever the (termini reparations payments I lie Incident iimlenliledly would neeetint ler I he revived .and revnnined rumors hen id in the financial elisiru-t of an American lemi te (ieriuany. 1 Oontiniinnce of the low 'rates for call , money nl-n contributed te hol-ter the maruft (luring the parly advance, but In the vernacular of the Street the market seetned te "hull hard." In nil events, the lies-ltniiey Invited testing operations en part of the reactionary nnrty. and just before neon an 11 va". lanelip of selling orders was inuiiclie! agnlnst thp whole IM. Morp or levs technical wcnkiics was unrnvered mid prices crumbled all along the line. ir tunll. wiping out or nmterinll,, rediii itig all of the earl j gains. Seme of the specialties, wrre tlip lir-l te , e,I te Mils p.-essure. IMgalj -Wigclv sliiiiiped 10 peinl.s. Woeiwoith, T: Nailennl Lend. 4, and Marine preferred, Mexi can Petroleum. Krege and (Jener.il American Tank, .'! each. j i Commodity Markets j GRAIN MARKET i Cliira','0, Dee. 1 I. Wlieat averaged I 'ewcr in price teilaj during the einlj dealings, hulls being liaudii-iippcd n 1111'-i-espeiisivetic-s winch the l.ivcrpoel iiinrket bowed tev.aid jisterda.. 's ad vance here. Snow and Vain ever much if the domestic winter cted territory lended nl-e te favor Hie selling side of the market. On the ether hand. hu iag remained netiw, owing te continued I notice of proposed ciedll extension eii 1 uctment.s at Wasiiingten. Tin opening, which varied from un changed figures te !);, lower, with Mny ijl.'.'.'i te Sl.uaf. and .Inly SI. 14', 10 S1.14n, was followed by a mnd jciiiti general sng mid then by rallle-, J lilt-Ii. Iiewevc". failed te held. Active Inijiiig en the part of a big ci.alcr Inleresi gave relative sttengtl' te corn and eat", December corn tutHi ins: n new high p'ice record for the -ca--en, 715' .jc. Af'cr epenin;; unchanged 10 '..( lower. May 7.'!'sc te 7!!"-,e, I lie c-ern market scored sharp sains for December and kept near te yesterilay's linisii ter .Mny mid .inly. 1 Dat.s started 'ic lower te n shade higher. May 4(V te -Kt'ir, and 1 md-rwent a slight decline. later Cern I' rev. 7:1 't clone .a'. TV. Odeii It .T" y Til'j 11! M. .:ir. M.'ij. .liny W'l l-lC- 1 HI I 1M'.. I IP, !.', .ilj". IU.10 1 jc I -M 1 1.1' r, 1 j:i 1 11', I.. If.", -Mni COTTON MARKET New Yerk, Dec. 14. '' he cotton futures mnrket opened lir:i .1- at an ad vance from 4 te 1!S points 011 active do de livprips. late nienthn showing the most strength. The vpeculathe element was,' ngnin n large buyer, while the Seuth 1 continued its selling movement. Wall Street, I.iveronel and commission ; cunccius were tlie clilef bujeia early. j Tli.'iv was a geed deal of prelit-dik- 1 mg en the rise, but it was well ab- j .orbed and after th start there was 11 'uri her uplift, which can led prices (bout 35 puiutu nhue tlie previous dose. !; V Clim J," 'IJ L'.'i .i!''J'.iS JR h- "Ml L'."i .'iT '! il.l LT. L'lHt'JT fip-n I'.'.. 1J :. ia --. II! -'' ''.'l 2.:i.50 L'l li'i f.' M i'. i'iiiii' .1 'Hi ir , I t', mi; , Mnn-li lulv I Atiuu. . i . , ... . Si.Iii ! Tr.ule TN'nnilnat. NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET New Yerk. Dec. 14.--The market for ,efl're fuluriis ejicned steady and te (1 points higher this morning, with Wall Streii anil trade Interests en the buy ing side, and offerings coming fieiu si ill tel ed i-euiccs. 'I'lie ISrcisdl mnikets en a liiile icndier, wlilcii ui;i innc aci'euutcil ler the liiedcrale eiirh I'rc v .til HI II S' a ;;: . h n. . ts.i, dcinaiid leie. 1 1 cn;!fU Open I !i Sll II r.Tfl.TS 1 11,,, inibei . . inn ,11 M.i :i?2t 1ti)l 1' - t 'II JF. s nswun b.lOQSu .lll.v Seel 11 ''er INulilllnil, LONDON STOCK MARKET Oils Sluggish Alterations In Dellar, ' Descriptions Light I Londen. Dee. II. Owing te con-' 'ucliiig of the settlement, tending in ' ivuritles cm the stock oNchnnge re- j iiiiiini'd light ti'dn.. Oil slinres were, sl'igt'ili. but the tone was harder en lepiiiehnses. Shell Transport and j Trading moved im te '."'',, being helped l tlie maintennnee of tln Interim divi- ml ut -s a stinre. ueyai Dutch was Heme rails were (pilot and mled. Hellar descriptions showed n tendency te leeede, hut iillerutiein weie light. Ugi'litine nil's avci'p neglected, but lend) (.ill -ed'Ti'd iine.stinent issues v cie w'll n ili'tiiliieil, I'lemh leans ...sp'.itid sialill.ij, but operations were ,si'iillicnul- I n.iiis.t riuls getieralh were cheerful, liii'siiiis !u was " 11 -It!, The rubber leup was lini-il, following the slnple. Kallir- were sleucl) en buing for Paris in count. ' in,-.ii I I I Tclll; 20.S1; 111.00; 2lt,W); French Bank Statement r Purls, Dec-. II The weekly liieinpnt or I i run. i'i i-riine'. shewh lln lnllnu nr, clianceH in fr.incs; (laid In hainl InrrtMseii jel, mill, tell v r 'In h iii,l lucre. med, 111.1,11,1,, t in cireuinunn aeirenHru, .- iia-.'.euili irfBHury ei'iqii nuii'iineci. 1 i.ns.iiuiii mm i:3l.ia,,0i"Jr Sea.iiiiWl:02Si.,!!!J!g. d5r' f,""? eiuateu, an.aiiii ciCW, ine, einii) rcpn ci thai ',," hnlc 300. 000. 000. 'Xlla " r- , , NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS Only Afternoon Repert in Philadelphia Quoting Full List niv. In $ 1 :en Net V M, Clie 57 54- 12 Va 78 Vz 4- Va 43 'j - Vt 20 H - Vt f.0 Va - Vi 55 Yi -f- Vi 4154 Wi 35 54 - Vi 75 54-f- Va 73 Va- Va 112- Wa 1 08 - 14 CTa !8'4 - Va 36 1 6 54 4- Va 138- !4 1054 108 D 2 08 - 54 28 54 - Vz 1 1 -I Va 30 5 j - 1 23 - 49 I 54 119 r 1 7 4- Va 1954- 1 55K4- H 37 ?i - 105 76 - 54 107 9 5:-:- Yz 124- 14 153 54 4- 14 18 5014 4- 1 88 - 1 97 - 54 16 - 54 48- 54 39 4- 7 1 .. 6454- 1 Va E3!4f Va 1 1 B 4- Jii 10054- ?ti 1 .. .-3J. 4- Va 31 - 1225 1 1.6 5b- Ha 4? 54- C9 4- 1 45 - 1 32 - 54 Vi 4- Va 154- !4 b3 4-14 b3 5 4- !4 11454- Yi 1 4 54 - 154 1254- 60 144 f Va 44 4- 1 3 9 - Vi CCJ'e- Va 94 8Tb4- '4 50 4- 1 l3!4 - Kr -3Jb f "a 70 54 4- ? ;34 4- 4 ?31 230 45 Va 4- 94 t3 - Va 66 54 .. 101544- 54 55 4- 5b 90 is ;? - Je ?5 79 54 .. 82 - 1 32 - ie 93 5i-;- 274- !4 24 66 54 4- Yi 76- 54 25 - 96 45 4- 102 54- Yi 2?i .. 94 l'3'4 " Y 36'i- Hi; 121 54- j0&6 2 - U H',2 ' i 111 - i:-e- '4 f.0 ioe -;- t0 Va S-O'i - 54 25 8 .. 1 4 54 - '-i J9- 1 -0 - ''. e ! '4 1T4 - ' 1 4 '4 1 b. '.. 'e ?3 . ' 40 tB'b 1 4 10';- l4 '' "4 "I" ',4 t'3- U 97 -I- 1 10 i'5 5j -i- 25'e 197 1 H Va - !4 70 - 2 45 5J4- 1 7054 -i- 2 B3 !4 4- 54 181 54 - tj '0'b- ij 13Ja- i, 42 -f Hi 97 4- '4 5 5a- '4 34'i- -4 24 'i 12'4- 'a C0 1, -0?8- i'i 11 7714 4- 'a 84 19 - Yi 70 - 1 4 -6 - -e 2SJi- H0 4 40 33 '4 30 24 -3Ja - 'M 87 52 i.0 . 11, !4i4 bJ . 14 421a - Hi H 215.- 69', 5Hl ! 't STert; tiiffh I.n-v 57 Yi Va 7814 43 54 30H re 55 Yi AWl 35'2. 75 73 Va 1124 168 6 18!b 30 6'i 130 i0'4 ICO 88 wv 119a :e',i 1:3 49 119 7'e 19 ZBVa 37 Va 105 76 107 i9'a 124 1 3 i 8 49', 00 6 Va 16 40 39 1 64 a 83J4 114 'a 1005, 1 ?3i, 31 1225 I Z6 Va 42'j rn 45 32 U 51 62 C3J.J 1 1 4 Vz 14 '4 7.Vi 58 Ta 144 44'J 9 EO',, 94 8 re 1-J'i -3J, 70 34 231 230 iA Va c3Ja 66 101 Va i 55 4 "' 22''. i5 " 79 02 32". 3'.. 27'2 ?4 66 'A 76 25 45 1C2 2 9 '4 16 ',4 16 (4 11 U cOfcS ' H 110 no 49 h 100 c7'4 10!2 i5',A 14t2 39 30 42 154 t4'i '7 '4 ri fcS ICjU 1'Ea i?- 97 10 54 197 93 J i "Hi 70 'AYi . 79 l'3 il 111 '4 10 'a n?i 42 y; 5J i4!i 24 '0 1?'i. 7" II 7C 114 19 70 :s 5!8 4 40 3 'i 5a -0 -' 'a -1 I ' 40 141, M 14 42 '.'a 9a a :ej8 CO'i ' i Si I 4 4 Air Tlneluctlen .... SO Alnslcn Clehl Mines. V Allied Cliem A Dve 79JJ Allla-ciialmera 434 Am Agrlc nietn... 31 ' Am ArHc Cbem pf. GO 'A Am Hank .Vete pf . , 55i Am Meet Sugar. ... 41 J Am Ueach Mngncte. 36 Am II Sh Fdy new. 7514 4 fi Am 7 Am Can 74'4 Can pf 112 13 Am Cur Pilif 1E8 2 Am . Am . Am . Am . Am 8 Am . Am 7 Am C Am . Am 1 Am . Am (1 Am 3 Am Chicle RVt Cotten OIL... 18 H Cotten Oil pf...36'4 Drug Kyn 0 W Kxnrca 138? Hide & Leather 10 '4 Ice 1092 Ice pf 80 Internnt Cern. . 29 La France Kng 11 ?a Linseed 31 !j Locemotlvo ... 124 Metnla 49 Am nnillnlnr ... .110 M Am .Safety nnsier.. 7a Am Am Am Am Am Am Ship & Cem... :0?' Smelt 55?8 Steel Paunclrlea 30 Steel 1'M.vh pf, ,105 Sugar Iter . . , 75 ?i Sugar Iter pr.,107 Am Sumatra 30 9 Am Tel & Tel 1?5 12 Am Tobacco 13 1-3JS .. Am Wntei works ... ;n '.. Am WutrwKs B pf E0'j 7 Am Wntrwks r tif 88 1 Am Woolen b7',i .. Am Zinc Lcl .1 Smelt 16 .. Anncenda Cenper .. 49'0 . . Ann Arber pf 39 .. Assets Ucallzatlen. 1 4 Arse Dry Goods... C6 C Atso D Ooeds 1st pf 83 Yi -1 Atlantic Coast Unci 154 0 Atch Tep & Kan Fn 101 14 .. Atlantic Fruit etfn. Hi .. Atl liulf & W I S S ?3?a . . Austin Nichols .... 3HJ 20 Atl Itcllnlng 1225 7 nap' win Locomotive! 28 naltlmc-e ft Ohie. 4? 'a Haiti ,i f 'ite nf... Harnett Leather Unrnsdall Class A. , F9 45 33 y, 51 JS 63 64 1147a 300 n.itepllas Mln 1003 48c Heechnut Packing. 300 0 IJethlehem Steel 4430 300 4003 700 700 600 800 2200 2200 200 5200 100 500 200 100 200 DO 200 5200 1503 503 b Heth Steel II. 8 Brooklyn Kdlsen nklyn Itapld Transit 15 JJ Bklyn n T ctfs. 13 Hi own Shee Burns Bres A te . 45'a , en , 17 94 9 , 50 1.4 23 'a 7-!i ,?34 231 .230 10 2 Burns Bres B .. Butte Cep & Zinc. .. California Petrel . 7 California Pet pf.. . . Ca Zinc and Lead 2 Cnlumet & Arizona 10 Canadian Pacltlu . . . Central Leather . . . . Cun Leather pf.... 8 Centrm of X J... . . de odd lets de cash sales .. Ceiro-de-I'asce ... C Chandler Meters . 64 W 66 Yi Clu.saptaku & Ohie 100 OV' 103 .. 200 . . 200 .. 1 300 . . 1 000 . . 400 C 100 B103 .. 100 7 103J .. 700 .. 100 .. 1200 C 1 00 100 3 1030 G 1 1 en 30U .. 500 . . 400 .. Chesapeake a Oh uflOl 'i . I'll! & i: 111 (new) p: 55 . Chicago .V Ur Went AY2 . Chi & Gr West pf. . 93, . Chi Mil & St P 23 . Chi M & St P pf... 35?, C Cal t Xurtlm extern . 79'-,. 4 Chi Pneu Teel Bfi . Chi It I & Pac 32 'j 7 Chi II I & Pc 7 pf P3'j . Chile Copper 27 ?i . Chlne Copper 24 . Cluett-Peabody 66 Yi C Coco-Cela 77 . Cel Fuel & Iren... 25 3 Ce: & Southern 45 G Celum Gas & Elec.103 . Celum Graphopheno ?3a . Cel Grnphopheno pf 9'i . Conley Tinfoil 10 '', . Conel Cigar 37 H 8 Consolidated Gas .1-1 ?8 Cens Gas of X V wl. 51 . Cens Gas 1 tn 2' J . Consel Tcxtl ... Wj . Continental Can . .112 4 Coin Pieducts lie. .'32 U 4 Cesdun & Ce r.0'i 7 Ceackn &. Ce pf 100 . Ciucib'e Steel .... h0 7 Cruclble Steel pf... i02 . Cuban Am Sutrnr. .. ib3 . Cuba Canu Sugar.. 14Jj . Cuba Cnne Sugar pf 40 la . Pavlsen Chemical . 31 Yi 2 Deme Milieu O M30 1500 13600 1500 1300 3103 6600 203 7200 100 4600 100 800 1400 600 203 603 800 2330 100 3700 300 300 1500 100 100 1100 2100 100 600 600 7300 300 300 Oil Pent (: I ) Ce15'i Castnmu ICeJaU . . . t-5'i IC!,0 Sli.ii:e IS.lt. . . b73t Mil; Ili-ni Ceal . 23 'a 1.1k lle'n Ceil p' . 40 laidtcuU Jehnsen . . 19 1:1 ic iej;. Kile- 1st pf i'U Fnmeus 1'i.iyera L. 94 'i Famous I'l.iira pf. 97 94 Fed Mln ."i .''melt. . 10 Fed Mlu & Smelt pf 56 Fisher Bedy ... 202 Fisher Bedy of O pf 98 J Freeport Texas ... 1 B i Gen Am Tank 71 Vi General Asphalt ... '6& Genera' Asphalt pf 79 Yi 6 General Ugar t'3',2 8 Gen Electric 181 200 500 GOc Gelll lClec sp. cla! pf 11 3700 Geneir.l Moieis 14 100 Ulinbel Uies 4S. Olmbel Bres pf 97. Geklwyi I'icuireb... ti GoedMeli IJ V -5 Gianbj Mining 24 !a Gia & n.ms 12Jb Gnat Xe'th. ru pf. . 81 Grt North Ore ctts 08 500 600 COO 103 1600 46C0 00 lOO 2200 100 100 200 2100 140 430 100 400 100 930 500 200 100 200 200 3600 103 200 500 500 730 100 2300 230 100 V Gu.iut.iii.iii.e hugar. u Gu f Slates Steul... 78 llaitman corp 84 Heml.e MfK 19 Housten Oil 70 Iluilsen Moter Car. 26J8 ilupti Moter Car... i6 llMlraullc Steel ... 4 Iljilraii if hteel pf. 40 liibpuni en Cen Cep JJ Inli-r Cen Ceip. ... ', Inter i .in ' '"in P.". --4 Int. I K'ic Pf :0 luli'iu n 'Vim lit . Jt 'a Inti i 'eiu Hug 1ai Il.t lire.it North... .3' Int ll.ii et r new 87 "a Int. r M. r Marine pf 51 i Inte.- Nickel 14 14 1 llileinaiienai caper zj Iiiviiieil.lt' Oil Carpi 4 ;s iron Products 43 'a )k 211', 09!j 511, Island Oil .... de cash sales . Jewel Ti a . . . . Jewel Jenes T a pf.. Ill os Tea FOREIGN EXCHANGE , New Yerk. Dei II At the opening li'ilii) the foreign cm h.nige markel wiih irregiilur following Wedne-dii) s vle'ent u.ineuieiits. Steiling wu- iiuchiiiiged hut stead) at tlie eu-nig of the previ ous da), I'taiics were up U'-.. ; llel 1 kiiiiik up L"'. : lire up "' and murks up n. The Impreienieut in (he la-t men tioned ia tlie best thai has been noted in ever il month past. All of the so se called neutrals were l.cwer. Swl-s le-t 2; Spanish 7. Dnin-h .'I : .Nerwa) lit; Swedish 1 and giilldn- ." (Juotatieus who. S'ci lug cnlilei 1.(11. demand I ii'5", . !'''" 'allies 7.22, 1 iegul.li- led.v IJul'.'.iria showed a -"HI ''I 2 point-. ,lne Seiin.i u '"n .1, t.r.-.K down il, t .cc. Slovakia 'l"wn ! ami pli,, mail;- down I the' -l !.; a new low iecer.1. .Iiige-Slnvla , i"-t ' of u point, guutatiens: Itul-I win. 1.70; Hunmnia. .,12; Se.bl,,.; I '; (.reek. 1.27: C.eel,...s!i. ,.i,i., ' .IIHl. 1 uc. ........ .iciKe-r. iciuiRs, .iiu.m; ..in. .cnii-i', ; VKSrill'.DAY H sicMiuiu ill. ',-iini 1 Jb.. M lit- " I II . li'DAY-H I'l.d uclls 7.21'i; lle'gllin c.ie c- ti ti-j, sif i "in. nl iil.le.-t I . :i lu-clis li.2t ' lin ab'i 0.0,". ') I ill leeks ,-,(l,- ; Swiss c.ihlcs I'.l.llll, checks .)!.. .CI 1-1 fit ..I I.. ni'-ela ab'i l.'.tllt, ciiitun checks clle'cks U.S. Certificates D.lliish Nerwav Swedi.sli .lilies cable -cables 20, Ml, I1l.li.-. 2tl.ll I, 1O.0.-I. im .Mniiirlnu- Itale cliecl U.llfl Mm.. m:n guilder came s checks i; ItlllD, Nep., June Hep.. Mur , Due , Mnr., Klin.. lll.'.l 40,00; minks .01. 'te. ll'.'.l IIC'I 10-.M nun, in us tniai IPSA 1 '?' The premium en New Yerk exehange t'flji in Montreal today ilecliuecl '',, te !!s 1 IJiJi per cent. Tlie discount 011 Canadian Ui - - ' fw v'"" " " evve1' I-, nt't't'i i.xc'imi, r reni ,'"" , TAuiuliluulu for (lulitnil l.'eiii.iii.nii null-kola wiuu j. Si 'i.u1,,.. w ms ,---.- - .. .- vea v r niv. In i Hairs tee 100 1100 1030 1500 5700 3600 100 STOCK B"!h Knn Cltv ft Seuth.. 19'i Kansas & Gulf - ?-Va Kayser ft Ce new . 45 Kelscy Wheel 105 Kelly-Sprlngllcld . 4j Kennrcett Cepp'-r. . . 37 i, KcVBtene T & It.... 10 Lew 1954 214 ".4 54 102 4'4 36 54 10 ii Itll 1 63 1954 1854 134 S6 54 84 Ji 113 61 Z0 34 5154 5015 45 54 22 54 28 i9'5 46 '5 15 54 08 18Ts 2-40 16 '4 15 14 1154 28 H 14 39 1e55 43 67 21 14 13 95 II 38 63 U Ub 65 121 W 1454 3 54 40 54 H6 54 92 22 14 77 93 '5 76?b H4 14255 0 7a 38 19 P6 46 e2'b 76 54 6255 4.M.4 4054 J'i 93 '5 :-6'5 69 41 42 U 12?b 28 55 4 45 E8H 34 21 43' 94 130 :7'i H'c 77 "8 51 46 82', 48 t0B 19b 21 9a 3014 29 503 1 0 13 7 '4 7 36 U-", 31 js 100 J'4 43 l'U 23 19"8 115 197 117'4 6?b t1 '8 60 :7'.i 1J2 I 4'a 1 Tg SO?, 21 6 22 127 33 5s 54 8015 Ufa 33 63 III 1-7i 40 1 7 Yi 25 L9 -.8 Krpsge S S 182 Laekuwann.i Steel . 76 200 100 S54 Lehigh Valley t3 100 4 Lima Locomotive 59 54 "00 ,. Loews Ine 100 7 Louisville ft Xash., 100 .. Mack Truck 100 7 Mnclc Truck 2d pf 200 7 Mackay Ce IB 54 134 6 54 04 Va 113 61 re S5 51 14 F0'4 45 22', ?3W 3154 46 '4 'DO .. Mncy ft Ce e?22 Magma Copper .... .22 Miil'i-isen Ce 100 .. Mnnatl Sugar 100 .. Manila t Kiev ctfs... J03 3 M.inhnt Shirt '00 .. Mar St P.wy INI pf . 2300 4 Marland Oil 2100 3 Mnrtln I'arry Cerp '00 .. Max .Meters Class A 203 .. Max Meters Class B 100 10 May Dept Stores 100 1 Mclnlyre Mining . 300 12 Me.i Petroleum . . .: 500 2 Mex Seaboard 154 60 1B?a iO 165, 159S 1t 2R WJ Z Mex Sen leiinl ni pi 2300 1.20 Mlddle States Cerp. Mldvale Steel Me ICnn ft Tex (wl) Me Kan T fwl) pf 39 Missouri I Medie 1614 Missouri Iiu;Itle pf . 43 Mentana Power . . 67 MontgeniM-y Wird. 2154 Minn Moter Car... 1954 Mether Lede Mining 1 1 '4 Nat !'J-c!lt "I . . . 30 ?i Nat Cleak ft Suit. . 64 Xat Cen ft entile., . 1 14 Nat I'n r- Stamp... 65 National Lend 1i7 .Vev Cen Copper. ... 14 54 Xat It P. of M 2rt pf 314 X V Air Brake A... 48 '4 X O Tex ft Mex... h7H X Y Central 94 Xcw Yerk X M ft II 22 X Y Mi'nliullcltntr. .. 14 Xer ft West pf .... 77 North American ... 94 Neith Aner pf '5 North IVclMu 704 Okla Pred ft Bef... 1 T4 Otis Ktevater 1425a Otis Steel 8Ja Owens net Maeh... 38 Pncknnl Mc ter 19 Pac'tle Devel Cerp. Pac Gas ft Ulee... ?6 Pacific Oil 47 5a Pan Amer Petrel... 04 Pan Anier B 79 Pnnhandl-. pf . c2 54 PennsvU.cnla U H. . 46 55 de e Id lets 46'4 Petin S.-h beard Steel 3' IVepl. m Gas Chlcnie 93 54 Per.. Marcpi-tte ... 37 54 P'T.' Marq pf 69 Philndelph'a Ce .... 41 Phillips Pet 42TB Plerec-Arrew Moter 12?i Plerce-Arrew Met pf, 28 54 Pierce Oil 4 Plggly Wlggly Stere 55 55 Pitts Cen! 50 Pitts ft W Va 34 Pend Creek Ceal... ??Va Producers il IW . . . 44 '4 Pub S'tr of N J.... 94 'b Pullman Ce 130 Pur- Oil i7'4 Pay Cen Copper... 13' t Beading 70 Trading 1st pf 51 Itepub lien ft Steel. 47 BepubPc I ft S pf. . 82', Reynolds Teb B 40 Hoyal Dutch X Y.. 51 St Jeseph Lead.... 1914 St Leuis San Fran. ?Hb St Leuis S Fran pf. 38 St Leuis Seuth WeJt 29 St L Southwest pf.. 58 Saxen Moter H4 Si.ib Air Line pf... 8 Kenrs-Reubuctc .... c-'3 S'-ncea Copper ... 7 .'hattucl: Ariz Ceip 3 Snell T mspe-t .. 26 'a 100 3100 400 100 100 3300 1100 600 400 300 100 100 400 100 300 20530 -433 1500 300 200 U00 400 100 800 100 1100 410J 1100 103 200 200 5200 C Shell Union oil pf . . 92 14 2 Sinclair Censul ... 32 ti Sinclair Cen pf ...100 . . Mi. lly Oil ) 1 ', . . Se Perte Rice Sugar 43 G beutheiu Pacltlu .. te'8 . . Southern Rail 74 . . SpUer Mrg 19'i 4 Standard Oil of Call 16 6 Standard Oil of N J197 7 Stand Oil of N .pN17!4 7 Steel Tube pf 76 'a 3 Sleillug Piediictu . . tO 4 Stewart Winner Spd CO f. Stieuibcrg C.n b 57-i l'J SlUilebal(L.- . . Sub He.il C')l p .. Siii..ei OH . . Swirls Ce of Am . . Tetiu Cep i: Cheui .li5 ln . 7'3 1 . 40 '4 Tiuh c'e C Texas Gulf Sulphur 5955 Texas .: Paeltl il? 1 3 Tex ti Pac c A. O. T.d -water Oil -'2!4 127 33 54 15 ul 54 127 33',, Tiinken Rell Br Tobacco. I'teducts 7 Tobacco Pred A . . Transcontinental Oil IHi 2 Trausue Wins Steel 34 U Union Bag ft Paper 68 .. Union Oil 11 lj 10 Union Pacific 1 0 ?u 31.. United Drug Is: pf. 40 8 United Fruit 1' 7 '5 .. Unit Rwy lines' pi 25 ' Lulled Retail ena 70Jj . . U S C i P fc Fdv . .9 . . U S Feed I'l.nl u-'j I 'a 60 1403 200 103 103 3400 bcIO 400 200 5100 100 300 1600 100 500 300 27200 100 300 933 100 . 100 100 100 30e 100 100 1J0 J00 d03 100 900 -U00 400 200 2100 100 1600 Iu0 ., U S lietf'iian .V.ach ..US I ud Alce. j . . C U S Reaky . Imp ..US Reall;. ft Imp 113 .. U.S. Ru' Ik 1. 8 U S Ruhl). r 1st pf . ..US Smelt ft l'.cf . 3 '.3 U S Smelt R .'. M I'f C U S Steel 1 U S Steel pf ... . 2 Utah Copper . . Vuiiuiliui 1 corp . . Van Ra.ilie .. VUnudeu Inc . . . . Wabash . . Wabash nf . 1 Wi bee ft llei 1 en" , . Weslt 111 M.n I.. .ul . Wi stem luell'.. . 7 Weslelli Ui.jeii 'I.I I Wesiliifjlieusi. A I! 1 Wealing I. .V M . . Wheeling ft L K 2 Whitu i.agle Oil ... 4 Whitu Moter .. . .. Whitu Oil ciup . . . WleUwirv .sp. in MI . . Willa ueiUiul . . . ilsen Ce. . 8 Woelwonh F W 6400 .. '00 . . 500 .. 30t . . 100 .. 100 3 500 .. 2200 1 1300 14 1003 7 000 .. 703 .. 100 G 3700 8 100 .. 100 .. 100 4 2100 G 7200 6 200 .. 100 .. 100 4 400 c 100 3 100 6 100 .. 100 8 100 .. 100 2 100 .. 200 .. 100 6 1700 3 34000 R 20700 8 200 8 3103 3 37 .. 2400 . . 203 c 2630 .. 103 f, 100 3 200 2 200 .. 303 .. 200 .. 31800 4 600 .. 100 .. 3000 IK. 12900 .. 400 8 200 8 100 103 .. 2103 4 100 2 700 .. 100 .. 100 3 1700 1,13 300 1 300 .. 200 .. 100 .. 300 C 300 .. 200 .. 200 . . 300 .. 500 . . fJOOLSr. 4 20 . 20 13 6U v 3 13 'a ', 53 52 5, t7 'b 97 Ta 3''; i8'i -B-ts -, 1C5'2 104 l?1h 121 U C2J8 Jj', .-4 13 CJ 14 14 l' 9 . 4 2 24 ' , '-' 4 12U !' 4 II '4 ' 'n 15 , 1 1 'j ! 11 'a .(' 1C4 -'4 59 U 'JM 9 i-0 50a; ''a 4'D 11 11 '2 6'rf ir. e 36 1 9 ) 1 07 1 , . i JJ 33 199 J3 Wuilh I'uuip .V M t.x-JHlJi'ii.l DIVIDENDS DECLARED 1 .' " I lailltu- .' .'"' i' a"i" i ii. i"i ' . i' " Jitliu I'l'l I i Olllli.illl 11 III "liicH IV, .-ml ' i.ti i t J i inc t I'u' ' iii..ii, (.f ...tu, ,,,,.:,,.,, k . r i nn i r ., mi, rf. . I. a t . 1 I .' --..-..... ....in, 'iv in, .il ij ; Pellsil vv ',-n a ptc'tel M I I..' ! --. ' i riuu minks. 2..':! J.IMI,i AIIS- i I'll, uungai) oei.i;. 1...C.M, i . ml.. Hell ' re Im , . Ull Jl Ml I'lSIMl CJlti.TATIllVM 1 t I -- Ill ul. n .,,., j .rB ,iuUllen, .10 .. Il.l ,11 .. ' I'nlmvili' ' I ic a I 1 1 Cf.nl.. i 1 t (.'.ocncl (.'.ecncl l.uiu.. - . I - . . '" " , , 11 ,-, en' j in n; - INcl c, I cifATKi.VS i rr.u I '" (.ill ,1c. 1 11 . in e 1 " u.Tv ).! ii.". , 7 .' l MONEY-LENDING M IV lllllt VI. HIP ,,, ,.,, r . ,1 1 ' . p. nod iii , ,n 1 -I,' . 1 new ina RATES and Treasury Notes cc ;'!... . ..!!" ill! IIIU run. ui. 1 1'litv l ,ei' ," 111.C I I'I" Ill lllltl linen". :.li iciu, 1 1 r lint ,'X .','. .'." J', r.' l 'I I HI 101 11 Pullman-Baldwin Rumer me 7-111 .1 IIMi. 4 !ls leeS 4 i , , im 11. in 100 ine tvi New iirh, Die II 11 unveil int a.tn 4 4,1 .V" "r,?L ,n',K,'lr1iK"!' ".'!!'. I'nilvrHl turn payment aturlty. 'had nevvr bun dlicuntd. lth ii ii .I '."" "'"" ".. "'"""ii nnu iiiidvvln urn Snil ,0 J JU I ''nie f,'""1 lu,lh ,-hlpnBe nu J Ihih,ue'phik rniiw i... -a "" n''"""" P'onle, clinr-p inhpfl the , in lur PRICES IRREGULAR L I en P. M. N't ('lure. OGAL MARKET 19 54 I- Va 2 Va 44 54 . 102 4 4 44 14 - 36 ?a - 9a 10 4- ' 182 - 255 70 63 - 9e V3Vi 18 5-5 134 56 54 K4TJ- 9i 113 61 ?R4- Va 35 - Va 51 'A 4- 1 Va 054 45 Vi - Vi 22 54 4 !4 20 54- Vi 41 4- 1!4 46 54 - Vi 15 St 4- 96 68 I8?b 240 - 2 16 54- ' 1554 4- 54 It 54 - 20 54 i; H 14 - . '4 39 S3 1 6 14 43 67 !- Yi 21 54 - '4 18- 11 - !4 38 54- Va 64 4 1 1 Va 65 - 54 1.34- 4 5b 1454 .. 3 54 4- Va 48 54 - Vi b6 7b-t- Va 93 - 98 22 14 4- 77 94- i 45 4- '' OTa- 'a Ha- ' 14254- 1 BTa- Je 38 19 4- '4 - '4 8691- 47 (b r Va e29i 4- 76'5- 1 62 54 '- 1 '4 4', 14- 5 1 46'4 J'2 93';. '4 26 '5 - 1 54 69 41 V5 42Tb : 12T, 28'4- 1'5 4 . 49 - 5 58 ?8 - 9a 34 J- 14 22 '5 4- 14 43 !- H5 94 - 5a 130 Vi -r 14 1314 V7 J- Va 51 ' 94 47 r 1 82 54- 14 40 '1 19 "a 4- 21T8 .. 30 14 - 54 29 - 54 i-S-r !4 Wa . . 8- !4 1-3 4- 7 '5- IS 7 - 14 36 . 78 J2'4- '4 1 - H 100 9 U 43 - UG 9s - :3T8-!. 1 9 54 - ?a 115 197 - '5 117-4 - 6?b- 154 b ! - 14 re 'J7 ' 5 . 1-3 - 1 V'4 ' 14 4 '2 - 1 .. 0'2 Va 40 - 'b 53 t8 - Ta 21 ! lb j Better Understanding of New j General' Asphalt Agreement ! With Royal Dutch The lncren-e In the dividend rnle In die t". fi. I. directors from it 1 'e a (1 per cent per milium basis fell as tint n most of the recent constructive news The recovery of tlie teek from t" te .'L' nppnreiitlj discounted the mere gen erous policy of tlie beard, but I III- niln iiill wns net held by setii" ob' ener-. Tln lidding In stock was liiuie in eon een trnst with the recent operntleiis, mid siiinl! elTciiiigs Inter in tlie mmuiii; ciiiiseil a shading r the cjintntieii e r.i-",. l,enn-lvallin ltinlrn.id v. ns unoiliei uneiliei iliviippiiiiitinent sugging te f f ( . I ! v i -clently speciilafive 'inklings mipiiicd during tlie recovery fnuu the low cpiotn cpietn cpiotn tlens earlier In the year have net been entirely dispe-eel of. There are ren-oii-fer believing some of this -lock is fed out sjBtemntlcnlly nbee -If! nud oTcr eTcr incs ate nutemtiticaily withdrawn when 'lie ciuotntien sink under licit ti'.'iire. Vethliig, in all events, in connection with tlie cempnn.x's opera liens would' iiccetint for the peer showing of IliP , stock during the week, tip the eon- liury. earning- continue te show sub stantial gains ever tip. corresponding last year, I'toef of which i- te be found in the ellienl teperted growing activity of the -te. !; indu-tr.v. j (ieneral A-phalt held uji lietter, evl- ' dently ii'Hecting u liidter ui.derstnnd ing of the new ngreement the com pany has entered into with the Heyel Dutch Shell interest in the Vene7.1i"-j hm oil holding-. An elTieiiil stntement I r.iw'ii out te correct tlie apparent ml--lincler.-tiinding of Mr. SewaM's state 1 lent estetdny lieiriiing was te the! c fleet 1 'in 1 "Mr. Seuall's nt'ontien liav ing been cnllecl te the tV. 1 that the -ireet in New Ycwk nud Philadelphia I indei-'.toed his -t-itemetit te mean that I 1. view el certain censldern tlens that the A-phnlt ('emp.'i'iy had agreed te nc nc ept eneliialf of their former revnlty ftem the Ileynl Dutch S'iell group, said Mich was net the ca-e; that there had I een no former en-nit; m kind but h . iie-qiinrtpr intere-t in surilus net profits. "It is well understood nnienet oil men t lint it lias In mi tlie custom for many jenrs te pn -isteentli. 11 tenth or nn eihtli rmnln in oil for lenses, 1 elc. a reyi'iti In Kind of cine-eighth lning gptiprnlh 1 .uldi-ieil ecpial te '4 per cent of net profit-." Philadelphia Stocks .svt 1 T It. chse Ml -f-1-., 1.. V t'0 . . ir.fi v. .IPC-.. 57",.. 4(1', -,-!"-, Rich 10 Am fi'i-. . mi '." Am Kwj-. 1.'! '"i Am R- pf li'l uri Am St is. ."i5 -.'(.(( M'.lltte & S ill' j ii i:iec ster. r,?'', III Cm A-eh 40' i IDMInpp Mtr far L'.'-ii .".00 I.k Sup i". r.:,H .MM5 Pa It It.. -UV- ."() l'hila Ce cum pf.. 42 L"0 I'lilla Klec HI"; .".711 de pref.. .'IPs m p it t... :ii f) Philn Trnc ., 200tSincIair.. 31 -Vt 100 Tc.ne Hei. K, i"iTone Min. li- 2L'." I'd I T.'l K'On'S Steel. 1(1.-. ." Yerk Itwj I'.L' Ml I.'i llll I. -.15 ic - ir. V's 40', 42 :n'; hi :ier.; r. ai -ii 1v 2-i; r.i", KJiL-r 42 .. :.. :u :ti . . or. . . rti"f- 2--;.. 10.1 4- ie.- .e -1 t'h !iit . ct e ,nce nu ,! I c-len ., en Nw Yei .: .-tick Kch ir.ffn I-IIIUMIKI.I'IIIA lllM)S 1000 Liberty 2d 4',s '12 1.-.00 Liberty 4th 4'H '2 r.flOn I ibcrtv 4th 4',s '2S 11000 Alai field r (is Ser A '2r, 2200(1 A 'as fie'd M (1- Her II '20 2-1000 I.nke Superior inc .Is..., 1000 Lehigh av cons 4' .s. . . KlfKie Phila V. eetrc 1st ."is. .lets 1000 Phila r.'eetrie 1-t .Is 100 l'hila nipetrl,. 1sf .-,.. . 21O0O Phila I'le.'trie .-i..s. . .. i.s:.:;(i l.s.72 05.71 2P, 001., ioe !'0'' 101 t.. 101 ', 40(10 l'hila i:ieeiri.. (U. lets News for Investors TIip I'.anU of Diglnnd minimum dis count rate remains unchanged at 15 per cent. A IOiulen cable snys the Peruvian - i (Jevernment Ti ppr cent (jiiane subscribed and lean liath J. I as been fully 54 Va -r eO'j -11 7ci -3 f- closed Frnxler kc f'e Inc., . (ioedmnn is announce that new associated of their bend Charles K. with them as manager - i department. 1Un-17T8- 48 -:- 1 7 15 -l ! .0 ; 0 1 6 1 - 'a 53 ---77a r 38 55 -4cJ'8 -c 1C4 1- 121 4 U3 -24 -63 -14 9 24 'J 12 '4 1"., 15?a - Ill 'a 104 594 -9 -32 ? ; 50 4'b II1!-- l'hil.idelphin Company dP-ecters me"t today, when it is expected plans fei the linn I n ccrg uii.ntii.n and timineiiu of the I'lttsbuigh Hiillwuys will be for mulated. In nplte'ef an epenttng profit of Sll 10.0011. Par ig. iii lt.-imitig Company icpei-ts cleliclt ul S"-- "'in for the .vear ended October III afer clediictinn of lax, depreci.it. en v .1 niiiei charges. A total of Se.Ls-j iiihi wu- paid for memberships in !i- New Yerk Stock I-Achange since .liiMinry 1 The high est pi ice ter a seal wa- SlOO.OOi) en .liine. 2.'! nnd In lewc-f price $S(!,0(l0 en Kebrunry 2.T. Net earnings of i'ie T Ibbey-Oiven- Vi I Sheer (il.is- ( leinpnnv for the venr I ended Sept mi-.I . i ..' er. AI .710 72ii. utter el diietlns i.a, -.il inves. fet income v.n tiincit si . i.i.-t.u vvitli ' lliv.es estiiunli ci i .J .'i.iuiii. I he I'rin. in, tvvent) -.vear ' . a war. lei I te . .11!). .V.I. Cn nudum i uuad.i mil) . 'I lie - weie !)'.). -11 'nnd P'i -Tlie c ni-"li. He American ltndi'iier I siiliurie- for the ic i m, ' tuber ."I . us -ul, mine I i 1 Stock Kveliaiige sinews j. 1 sHl,l2s ,ttel c 'lll'Sc lltlei. but before lnie i; I I The ion-eiili,iei ii..... 1 lie Dominion Slerl ( . 1 1 .'ll'l Ollstiluc I lit ..I'll M'i months i im. ,i ', ,i ' filed te the c , .,i c iinnge, ipivVs in i lu'its i ,, , ii , frn . Me r . barges but In i..n The l.ehigli all.) .1 , -, II uf ii., in! l'.lll) en I'licluv w II pnv New .Ter the lii s-t iiistalhiieut of s.7.i.imiii Ai,,,.. i, , ',;,; ,., , , ,. " Hie porileii c t the Mcir - Canal lie i.iilnjilel cniupnti) is te i.'ii n in .ler-i'i Cit.v nud Pliillip-biir. 'I'lns M)iu n, em en. .... H HCCKl, i,f n eroferrc-fi if ret-jru no- ' "'"' 1 11" ti c i, te be p,i, isptal vein Iv in- alliiienl- ill II, e Id'cc Ivers e 1 1,,. , "i,., .,. Ituilr, i.cl implieel ,. il , u inerce ('ciiiiiiit 101 I, 11 , He 11 ul sell "-.'.ill. '.huh Hill. .lies. 1 .pi i.iiti.i 1011I in roe etii m.iiitlis 'i c .1 re I nisi pi mi c, 1, , iipplii.'itii.U sulci, nuiile lli ' i'1' oil'- uece-Mli'v - i - i A'i c, uuai m , hi,. 1. en 1 in r, ,. f . ...0 1 Merriii. I,,v neli .'.. Ce Abbet & Ce , of New I dig a M nilinili- whi' h Im issue of Sl.lMlil.Oili) tu si in ii,, .. nu, llai i is ik. iet.- bend, pui' has, , Denied igie .e (wen- i t.v-.vear I'd' ct'llt nil, .llli? I I l.lllg I llecl I e). T4 the Columbia H veil. M.iha.. nn,! fd III,, mcrl M H "3W in ropertu of ver It in sold lietids ut Textile C'emnanv. of Lew -, """im nn.' piiuiic next .lien da) ut par and Interest, jlelding 7 no VCIII ncCO .tc.cn .. II... . l.ll . .. I- US ,HM I ,' I ' i' cc , S.,.00(i llllel II -. rmfm .Ml 1 1 i In n,s ui ,,. II ' ' ' . i A u 'i (j I f'.ie - 1 r nn v no 'ci n, fJ I i , ,. . i Vv' "il .1 nil i ll l I M ll, s fc . ,'C '. ' j c' del lent of t .' Illf ( '.cini'.iiiv nnd sub- ' mlis eiule ! ( I . ' Il i I lie New Yerk net income of III s jl Ti. 1 llelire- III! ni .i. count of I 'j'l Hen. Iii.' j I -I ' lice n ii" l " ..S Sl'c j k Ste Ii Dv- . f s'l.-Jte', i ,-.-, j I I. plei'l.ltli.n ,ll li.i ' ."el I',,,, , T.( ui ' I'll .,, -l7'rTiu vmt-n r . ,-jIMW. JSJIHI Lomeard C521 I 1 Ti SSI v I .i il THE M. A. HANNA COMPANY 7rl Cumulative First Preferred Stock par Vnlte of Share $100 Free of Nermal Federal Income Tax Preferred as te heth Assets nnd Div.dends. Redeemnble n whole or in part at 110 and accrued dividends. Dividends payable quarterly. An annual sinkinu fund of 3rc per annum of the total nmeunt issued provides for purchase up te the redemption price or, if net se obtainable, for call at that price. Since 1885 (he nverafje return has been mere than 22re per annum upon the overage annual capital and surnlus invested in the partnership of M. A. Hanna & Company and in the com panies new wholly owned for the period while se owned. Durinf? the latter part of this period, with steadily increasing capital and surplus investment, the average annual return for 10 years te December 31, 1921, was nearly 15'r, and for 15 years te that date ever I T"c. Application vill be mnrlr iv thir course te IM en the Xciv Yerk Stock Exchange. PRICE S102 PER SHARE AND ACCRUED DIVIDEND from December 20, 1922 TO YIELD 6.85 BATTLES & CO. Established 1890 Independence Square (East), Philadelphia rvfflllSTllll um, What Arc ihe Facts? Individuals, institutions, financial houses and banks throughout the country consult Peer's Manuals of Industrial, Railroad and Public Utility Corporations for dependable statistics and rely upon Peer's Rating Service in determining relative values of stocks and bends. peeic's Financial Services Established I860 Oldest Manual Publishing Company in the Country Manuals Rating Service Peer's Daily Digest Service Our services are available for your use in leading banks and investment houses in Philadelphia. Peer's Publishing Ce. 33 Broadway New Yerk Demand Peer's Ratings $100,000 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 5 Per Cent. Bends Due July 1, 1951 Coupon and Registered Bends Interchangeable Tax Free in Pennsylvania Free of AH Income Taxes Legal Investment for Trust Funds Price: 117 and Interest Te Net 4 Per Cent. Biddle & Henry 1 04 Seuth Fifth Street Philadelphia fr 1- '. ILL erasure s. jTErr-iwrarw ERNST & E AUDITS COST ACCOUNTING METHOD! TAX SERVICE 2023 LAND TITLE BUJLDii?; PHILADELPHIA Telephone. Locust 2681 ?5li,lii,i iwi'iiiiiirriii' 1 11 CHRISTMAS PRESENTS! (live veuir S'c ctrcr Wltf 01 cc liserv ' 1' till ( ltle I. ( , ARTHUR PERRY & CO. BOSTON Investment Henda Lafayette Building, Philadelphia New Yerk Lembard 6521 S inpamwi i in iffiiffiiiMji! im iiiiiniiiiiriiiiriii'uii'iiiiiii riw, jf iiiMiiiiiiiiii'inimiiy 1 1 1 RNST ! 5 ?5FL ... ' 11 'IH'c .1,1,1 I'll uiiiiuiBmrj ur 'ma- nu -c nt n lii.nii $1"! and $.1(10 ek-neni, nations." in AViei t PrevMancc y&. JL iMJMiMiCiiiiiiuaictiuraiUiiiiyuK Ai .1 . j ,wj'. ,'.. c.V ?" y.fid 4&
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers