I $," p)-"1- iww-u.- '" "V n w? if .W .v. VhA,5VS! 7-;v l( - ,- ? '" " ""7? .v I .. e : . ir. i L'. . ,' j v' vww.'.' I rwwH I r;-. -Mi. JK,-"t--, W. fi MVf.lTfrW"!.1 1. Wi ' ' ".U 111 tf A 28 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY,' DECEMBER 14,' 1922 ; 8T0BE OPENS DAILY AT 0 A. M. AND CLOSES AT 6 P. M. All TtieSC Goods OH Sale TemOITOW: AlsO SeC Page 18 -Mall and rhene Orders Mled Bell, Walnut S800 Kejsten. Main 4101 i -rc,i m . w m I "A P pit I Tomorrow's Mid-Menth Specials! 2.50 Chocolates 5 pounds, $1.37 In pretty holly box; including nut top caramels, nougat, ehew center and delicious creams. $9 Jingle Bell Mixtures, $ OQ 60c Chocolate Liquid Cherries, 49c 30 nniinrl rciil UOi7 Hand (lipped mid In pict' holly bees. Sixty one half pound boxes free. Suitable for aunuay schools, institutions, etc Lit llretheri.- 1st Fleer. North, und Subway 60c Asserted Chocolates, 49c Sunday Schools. Institutions, etc . cn CUnnnUtu anrl Ren Rnni dQ- mre . ..ww.v. ,.. ... .., ... f MaflOHrtPin4 AIT'S TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE - erft wu ) np Tomerrou)' Mid-Menth )S-i T rf Speci'efa Children's$2.50 FurHats $J.69 p r e w n or MaeK ceney t It 1 n i well made and nice ly lined Snuit ntttntr ear 'ab-! Men's and Beys' ?Qc $1 Caps UJ ttn . and rr i " Men's $2.50 $ .19 Cleth Hats I fraet'e e., n mat i.tcr Men's $3 Fur Caps, $1.98 Hl.icK eiu f ire s ,r t 1 n'd and i'h "ldi pImum w ju I u. neelc ati'l ir' FtR-iT Pl.enn 7TU ST Tomorrow's Mid-Menth Specials! $3.50 New Paisley Silks. $2.69 Exceptionally fine eualltles , In rich, lovely den'cns and beautl'ul col orings ?6-lncl $4.50 Plain and $0.85 Satin Crepes. . . . ) - In a wonderful 'ar.t; c' r.ew cel- 7Sc te $1 Silk and Half Silk Remnants, yard, 29c Dtilrable Iepch r i n nr f nev rntsT ri.'H septh Tomorrow's Mid-Menth Specials! $4 te $10 Corsets 2, $3 and 5 Renpe belt P N and W n. White and p'n rout 1 ard broche Lew medium or R.ruie bust Sires 20 te 3S $1 & $1.50 Bandeaux and Brassieres, 50c and 75c BntHt bm he ala b.ecadcil and "tr'ped -.11. n i.irr " Itli wlrtr e'n. tie areun 1 i.i, h m !tl h 9e supporter- attache I S z s .14 t" ." J.lt ltretliers SLf'UMi FIvJil O bdfK CSl .-nj aB .rill .! &( a ! r rr? .: i.v.v rr ,r,rJi v!i5r wiituxiT&izf rKWiTi sysjaf vwcuiirtH' siikwbi vs'?sjr iaj HE5i Market Eighth ONEyELLOW TRADING STAMP WITH l Filbert EVERY 10c PURCHASE ALL DA Y I snth Tomorrow's Mid-Menth Specials! 15FloerLamp& Shade Gas or electric ; mahogany-finish base ; silk shade richly lined, fringed and trimmed with geld braid and tassels. Ill45' "--J -m. ...... December MidMenth Sale Tomorrow! Bringing Unexpected Values Inte the Midst of Your Christmas Shopping! Generous savings, that will mean immeasurably mere right new than at any ether time because there arc many things you must purchase! Savings range trem a third te ever half I Men's All-Weel Winter Overcoats Twe Great Mid-Menth Groups te Clear at Cost! mm Wm& Theso That $ Were $S7.eO 24 These That $ Were f?30 50 Every one icith colorful plaid back Handsome all-wool fabrics in ample variety, splendidly tailored into big, loose great coats, ulnters, ulsterettes and dress overcoats. 'Ihc mujurity are raglan shoulder models, with satin lining3. Great cheesing in every size. Men's hine $28 All-Weel Extra- " Y- Men's $15 Mackinaws, $10 All-wool, extra warm and very serviceable. Trouser Suits. $18 I 1 T - ICassimere"!. veleurs and tweeds in even.' con-! Jcelvnbe color and pattern. Special fashions? "-"". w "" "' - for yetniR men; staple styles for conservative I Exceptionally well made; all hi men and cemnlctc choice in each size. I 5 Men's Tan Raincoats, $7.50 te $15 Werth S12.50 te $22.30 Deuble, back -te-back texture. Deuble breasted and belted. Guaianteed. Men's Separate Trousers, $2.79, $4.50 & $5.50 Sturdy, smartly tailored in every size. Great vari ety of (reed patterns. Beys' Tweed Novelty Suits, $3.98 Many smart m xturcn In Mtrfilv. Balkan and DIhcr Twist models, each trln pied with blaclt braid, sleeve, chevren and V? .S'zes 24 te ! Beys' $10.50 Mackinaws and Swagger Pole Coats, $7.50 Maclilnawi H blanket plaids and solid colors; ulzes 7V1 te 1 Pole 'eats In cielet, prrart brewni and grass, sizes 3 lJ Beys' $12.50 All-Weel Extra Knickers Suits, $8.50 Sire T te 18 lit llretlirr.-SIX'U.VD I'LOOR, TTH ST. $ . Bey's $8.50 Raincoat .98 4 Tan back-te-back fabric, with every seam taped and cemented ab solutely rain proof, loose - cut and full belted. Sizes 4 te 18. zes. j I Tomorrow's Mid-Menth Specials! Men's $5 English $A.79 Broadcloth Shirts & The genuine, imported English broadcloth with lustrous silk finish in white only. Strictly custom made and finished. Deuble soft cuffs. H m it H i 11 it $8 Three Light Show er or Indirect Light, $4.45 Complete nnd ready te attach. Mt llretliem I Cem. n iu II Stand II and t JB Shads I $11.45 Titinp Fi.oen m WJPli' M tl II -W ttll $5 "Beacon" Blanket Robes $9.95 The genulne Beacon rebing plain ' color grounds with stripe and fancy figure ef fects. Large cellars, deep pockets and rope girdle. 48' Men's $1.25 Brushed AQc Weel Scarfs 0 All-wool in smartest colors camel's hair, buff, tan, gray and two-tone effects in stripe designs. Ail with fringe. $1 Grenadine Knit Ties A colorful variety in smartest patterns; excellent art silk, se woven that It will net easily "pull." Particularly well made and finished. Men's $6 White l $Q QC Silk Jersey Shirts O.UD Excellent quality, pure silk, strictly custom made and perfectly Jlnished. Deuble soft cuffs. Lit Brether! FIRST FIX)OR, 7TH BT. Cheese Gifts for Men Frem These Groups I Mahogany Finish Humidors . b Holds 50 cigars. French Briar Pipes, 98c k'ith hard rubber btcms. Mahogany-Finish Fleer Smoking Stand Ash Receivers, 49c te $2.98 ,. )$4- $6.98 Mahegany-Finiih $7.98T Poker Sets ' J Complete with cards and chins. I 9B , T . .. h Ihermes I SI. 7K te SO.75 t m -T- - w SO Bettles. . . O Lit llretheri FIHST FLOOR, SOUTH Tomorrow' Mid-Menth Specials! $4.50 Woelnap Blankets, pr. $2.95 Heavy quality China cotton gray with pink or blue borders nnd silk, mohair binding. Fer three-quarter and deuble beds. $13 All-Weel Blankets, " $8.95 Bleck plaids In pink, blue, tan Md (rrtiy. Seft finish nnd with deubl stitched white binding;. $9 Bed t Sets . . . . . J$6.98 Floral and Persian patterns; plain B-lneh borders; scroll stitched. All colors. 72x80 Inches. $10 Comforts, $6.98 Fine quality In Marseilles pattern, out-out corners and scalloped edg-es. SO x 90 Inches. Bolster Threw te match. FIRST FLOOR, NORTH Tomorrow's Mid-Menth Speciats! $20 Belber slearaer Trunks $ J 2.98 I Vulcanized fiber covered three ply basswood lumber. Divided top tray. Sizes 32, 3G and 40 inches. A trunk te stand hard traveling and rough handling. Lit Brethers THIRD FLOOR Rich Cut Glass Far Less! Our ast purchase r.s prices almost In balf Savings here sUKRest marv n Kif pes'b! ilea and will een tetrnt veu 1 1 hm for future eciapl"" S3 .10 Cit (.Init ,M ! Or IPKe Ilnwla, mm si.:e jjlt't- 1. Illi i .1 M ,." -4 't"i T ' ' v. 3..10 ( tl-Kl(l1 J rult llenli, j 4 . t r f h f e m k li atl jn des'sm S.1 ( nt Olim Vitnef, fS.lU 11-Inrh '"enil nation cuttinK beautlrui shades. .... .i 1 1 1 .. XII Cut filn Cnndelatiri. 1 r IlKlltS T'Oril a i 1 n-ltrn cuttlne vr handsome plfts' -w S2..10 Cut Olnn Ilnnls. fl.47 !-lncli Blze KlernJ and mitre cutting Various des'ffr.s fI3 Cut C.lu,, I'linrhl $3 Tut r.nn llnnU. Sfi.93 Niippv, $1.4? .S'l.ie - 'n . wet-'"il ze l"'5-a' pieces erv treti a: 1 r " d lu i Lit TSrelhef. riIiT VI.' OR Et MM w ill Perfumes and Toilet Accessories Offer Many Helpful Gift Suggestions! Guerlain's Apres I $S1.98 TOndee Perfume ( Jd Heubignnt's Meal K- Caren's Aarcissc Noir, tract, S3..")0 ami Sfi.73. S8.7S. Ifeiiblganf- ideal Toilet 'i,c'AP2!,et FIl,cr de u.i.. cir . ci- Amour, ;').(. Water. W.2., te SG. DJer KIgs Te,,ct Watcr Heubignnt'i Violet Per- S1.G9, $2.9.1. fume, S3.50, $1.2j, $6.7e. Hair Brushes. $1.49. Rigatid'!, Mary Garden I Sben' ar, 'oeweod Perfume. S1.25 and $2.10. ' ur' BrMle M.lltary ., . Urushes, pair $1.25. Uradlej's asserted Per- Ked Itubber leuntain fumes, $1 and $l.."i0. Sringes. S2.9S. Lit llrettier FIRST TI.OOR SOUTH Toys for Every Child! Literally thousands and they all cost se much less here! Just Arrived! A Large Shipment of Imported Beaded Bags That Should Sell At $3 Special for Mid Menth Sale! fflhVe v Come ai-e and see Franza and his Punch and Judy Shew, the j with hii intcrestini? booklet ft en HJFl? ff r every kiddie -every day frcm fvVxV-A i d -r: aftirnnen our a-t'' '"r . v'BBST 4A r '"Uret -d R'S tliem te tl . f .C-z 'ers hf ma;' Craw veure If v j e-a ' cr FOt'RTII FI . "1 J H 38 A sale of greatest importance te Christ mas shoppers giving them the oppor tunity te purchase a beautiful gift bag at a tremendous saving. Handsomely designed bags in gorgeous designs and color effects. Large artis tic metal frames. Lit llretheri First Fleer, i;!chth Street Car owners surely will appreciate your geed tnste If you cheese their gift from thtse Handsome Aute Robes, $6.29 te $35 All-wool and Bilk plush. Extra size. Extra Specials for Ferd Owners! Victer Springfield $Q QQ Cord Tires ' V' Size 30x34 guaranteed 9000 miles. Delien Cord Type $1 OQ Inner Tubes 1,OU Size 80x3 H. Full fleatlns stock; ; fully ruaranteed. Mirror-Lites, $1.85 Combination Fender Mirror and Parking Light. 4- ! 4 . $2.G0 Plush Running Beard . Fyre Fyter Fire Tire Carriers .98c Extinguishers , WindDeflecters, pairj $9.98 Deme Lights, $1.98 te $2.49 Air Gauges. . . . 80c Step PlateB 09c te $1.79 Radiator Caps $1& $1.50 Hand Herns $1.85 Step JUghts. . ..... ....$2.69 Sedan Ash Receivers, U8c te $1.49 .$3.33 Comb. Boyce Mote-Meters and Radiator Caps,. . $2.45 Combination Step Sig nal & Parking Light, $4.98 Aute Clocks. . .$2.75 te $149 Windshield Mirrors, 98cte $4.98 Moter Restaurants, $15.98 te $29.98 Lit llrethers SECWTO FLOOR "Sporting Goods" is what the active boy always wants! These present extra economy for you! $40 Remington Bicycles $28.98 IW Strongly construct ed throughout equipped with coast er brake, mud guards, rubber "y pedals, spring saddle, extension ears and non-skid tires. "Ice King" Skates & Shee Outfit, $12" Tubular steel skates; kangaroo leather shoes 1 extremely light-weight. Beys' $2.50 $1 OQ S2.BO Ru,h 1 i or Reller Skates X,, , Feet BalU 10 - B Pebble grain leather; guar anteed Dladder: resrulatien Wmslew make. Extension feet plate and self-contained ball bearings. Shaker knit In pullover style with convertible shawl cellar. All-wool; full fanhtened. Beys' $6 Sweaters, $4.98 Popular pullover style, with shawl cellar, purled cuffs and bottom. All colors size. $10 White Weel $7.98 J Daisy Air $1.89 te S4.S0 Sweaters ' HR"Ie A. J. Reach $Q te $11) Striking Bags O It, Boxing Gloves, $3 te $6 Se'ccer $ 1 .98 te $; Footballs 1 0 lit llretheri Second Fleer $itejSil Kf te E te Ite Mise : rwytee -..f m HOLIDAY SLIPPERS Women's tZ -XA 2 Ju,iet5' VS.t (A-r voc ;.1Itt ?eiv Ue1. ""y .n 4Wit d aen ten . .ry Wil turned h."TJ r Men's $2.30 Tan Romeei, $1.85 .m m .... Women's $4 and $5 Pumps & Oxfords, $1.95 Patent fe t'K n. ds ''n " 1 t.in -V.-h rr1II'tar heels Ai1 cues ii i0 Women's $5 Oxfords, $2.95 Tan calf with straight or u ns 'ii)3, military heels with rubbt-r tepllft Alse Krewlns girls' tan, hlKh-cut laM shoe Men's $1 Gloves, 69c Weel In t is pfad -f Men's $3 Shirts, $1.98 Fim-strlp ' 'dr - Men's $G Bath Robes, $4.98 Shawl cel'.ir e'l Men's 50c Neckwear, 39c Si U l'i vn 'i ,i n Men's $1 Underwear, 79c Randem"nil.id pnr"i .ti.d dr' i Wen's $5 and $6 ) $0.95 Shoes Ounmetal calf and tan; Cngllsh and bread tees. Men's $7 Shoes, $3.98 Heavy tan blucheri J0 fr A" "Xi , M l1. FT '' 1 Tf I J 'II 1 r.tl J I vl f II 17 1 . IJ 1 W in m.a I la d i ai z e Women's $1.50 Stockings, 79c Girls $3.50 Dresses, $1.25 -l'k-aiid-wnu It ii i" i a i. - M' i r Women's $1.50 Stockings, 59c W I wl' i r v v V i. i ,i I ' - T Women's 25c Stockings, 121 jc Dlark cotton Irregulars $1.50 Night Gowns, 98c Of muslin .in u u -i i f .. rj i irimmeti -Ittim Mm all "-.... II l,i Girls' $6 Rain coat $0-49 Sets . . O lioedjear ike Rubberized . -ul texture tan i Me rial Hat t . mT ' . S'.ZPfl f tn 11 & Girls' $2 m Middies, $1 V l.ene ifn , i i I $2 te $4 PS:Pi,eS2 Z3 j ?P-'Vr,. 70c te 80c Envelope Chemises, 39c V'lesli nnd .itv llu..:-uii d.iuul ders nr I i medeln 80c Bleemers, 49c -'rlpi.i dam fintiH , runle trimmed. Women's & Misses' $25 DRESSES 1$ EXTRA SPECIAL 12 .98 - iW W-.! wltl half bellows tennue rubber rft i (itrv. rSOv 1 . ...VQ WWWWWwif Jr 5 W &Jii-M. wear. 79' Women's $1 Underwear Fkece-lined ests an'i iikli-kngth two Mil deuble holes pnnla ,,.,, , unuaren s sac Underwear, 49c and 59c heels, Just the , Fleece lit nl shoe for Men'5 $22.50 eiuuuur Overcoats Weel cheviets and casilmeres LIT BBOTUEBS .'13-" Art i itl nr ! h . is Sl7 . i ' Beys' Stockings, 12V2C and 15c Rack ribbed con i ?. P f Beys' $1.35 Union Suits, 98c l.Mni ' ivv lleerp llnid $1.50 Half Hese, 79c ftilk-ni i t ei , in en i l Misses' and Children's $1.25 Slippers, 65c Red nnu Mm ! ' ip ri s Uh padded rili. ri7i" i. i. Children's $1 Hats, 59c arleus cloths, Jini'd mi u.tli -ar tab" $5 Aute strop Safety Razors, 98c 6000 complete with strop stropping d e vice, metal mlr mlr rer and ue ex tra bladeH In neat feld'ns case stamjied "property of I S. A." Net mere than two te a customer. Mall and phone orders filled while let last. 'jMFjTflrw i i i um am ; l .w mimYu wrx ik A tremendously important purchase and sale the price is but a fraction of the original cost! Exceedingly smart models in taffeta, canton crepe, peiret twill, combinations of matelasse-and-canten prnne tricnfltwi nml cntln in nmart shndea. Basque styles with Irregular hem lines long line models with silk braid ethers with bright colerec 1 O , O. .. . . ". '. oeys )iu Mackinaws, $5.98 Ulanket plaldB. 7 te 17 years. Beys' $1.75 Suits, $1 "hambray or percale bleus , blue or green corduroy pants Slzee :u In R $2.25 Bed Spreads, $1.69 W.i I iTochet. Mfiredll. intiTiia. $1.50 Berry Spoons, 98c Rei:ern nlHer pl.ite HrlKlit nnluh. $4 Fruit Bowls, $2.98 Quadrup.e jilme Ueld lm.il Umbrellas, $3.98 Men's and (fnm.n'. j i'leee rtve taffeta Sijki, i,.,,,,,,,. $1.50 Crib Blankets, 98c ?0ft u,l lltllHll 29c Outing Flannel, 18c stripes mid chi-iK.'i, mIse j, ii white 29c Challis, 17c CC-lnch- ronen In prett patter,,. $1.50 Children's Sets, $1 KeKHrs HtH,., llUl Iray tlnlnl, $1 Christmas Wreaths, 59c mmid1"' ' 1MnC" "tlvriy 75c Bath Towels, 39c Jaceuanl winven , ,JS Blankets, pair. $2.95 Whltu ami uiai eelgreil l.nnlera $1.75 Sheets, $1.19 f-amletH. 81xau-lnch j.. RUBBERS & BOOTS T Vi.". ., lceu: tt mw Wr for any 'hat fall Men's 11.(10 Rubber 8r Women' Si Rubber iSe Women's 1 Foethnldn . . Jee Veuths' S1.10 nnhhers. . . Ml ni' .1 ,,,,Ld.,,,, 85c nubberi,ese .?" '-80 fllerm Ulnc Rubbers .... Misses' Short llenl. ,S',S Jeutli's i Mern. Kin, 1:3,0 flilldren's Sliurt Heet. n ..- -.... u, i-nane U) iters illeil vn iuoecm faclntrs. circular skirts, loose hanging panels or (fathered skirts. An excellent opportunity early f choice advisable. iVi.W O.r Bis- Bestasu. B f BTOTTtktaW Xwt MjiMwist. VUe 4 9vr Wtw BaUsUar, tk vU Ms tte, Wef Trmmed Free of Charge! ,4$S& 7Soerts rt't-mr'- TMi-i i fcT' . W7W Hats, 85c Damask. vrA ca. Mercerized ; plnlt, blue or geld border. MY BSOTUEK9- Rrushcd wool In , nepulnr relnrs $3 and $4 Ready-for-Wear Hats, $1.98 ''nimuul let In biitlu or hatln and broeado combinations. Black and olers smartly trimmed Beys' $6.50 Reefers, $3.98 Kar.cv rbelets SUes 2'i te 7 Men's $12 Raincoats, $6.98 Houble texture; cemented seams. Beys' $6 Raincoats, $2.98 Rlack rubber. Sizes 4 te IS Men's $12.50 te $Q-98 $15 Mackinaws. . O lilanket plaids. Geed and warm fr M w ., m I. .1 m ,. Children's $1.25 Kimonos, 39c J0 A.M. Sale Flowered fun nel : shawl cellar; sizes i r II . -. Children' $2.25 Bath Robes, $1.49 Ueiii-en lilun. fr, rleth. f. Sizes 2 te 0. II k r; ' i 'f
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers