"fit" '- . Uli- U. S. FACING ERA I OF HIGH TAXATION EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA.' THUBSD; , i T VY: DECEMBER DR. BLUE TO ATTEND Philadelphia Accountant Un able te See Any Reduction for Many Years WOULD PUT BURDEN ON RICH u'niihliuten I'llSl, Dec. 14. "Federal Present nnd liiture W:nfc. "d t .c "nnmml mVetlng 7L at the American Society of Ccrtl- r ii t inriniiiinii in i:eivi. Jif wt n Mnln, Tem Incn PnnMlvnnn State Heard of Exnm ff.Wl"bllc Accountants. In pert, be.?A common complaint enslly voiced U thnt tn,eH nrc.e high that ImBlneM 1$ liein: strniislwl te denth. Then fel- NARCOTICS PARLEY Fermer Surgeon Central Desig nated U. S. "Observer" at Geneva Conference I hns been in charge of our nctivltles in I lairone nnd seemed the logical man te . Mend.' When the VermlUcs treaty was framed it mih mourned that the United Stnfes would enter the I-ciiguc nnd no cent its previsions. When the treaty failed of ratification, this country, ns one efflclnl expressed It, was "left out in the cold" in the matter of control and regulation of the narcotic trade. 1C3 NATION VITALLY INTERESTED lill a Staff Correspondent Washington, Dec. 14. President Nnrdine again has "unofficially" re cognized the League of Nations nnd the necessity of co-operating with it in the solution of world problems. In the rtcignntien of Dr. Hupcrt HIhp. of the Public Health Service, ns unofficial American observer at the coming meeting of the Tongue's Knrcetle ( eminittee In fienevn. the Admlnlstra fan the cry hnt u we n ,,,,,,. t p.tnblMicg nnetlier European con- Should be Immediately reduced. !?. l...,i.ti nn husiness lightened nnd ,11 citizens would, be happy. Tnxntien in this country nt present I.nn effect and net a cause. Our flov flev Irnment 1ms tremendous obligations. Ja fni-exteiidcd rcspeiiBlbllities nlreiidv !? ted. and It is these obligations nnd 'inenlbllitles tlmt compel high tnxch. "It is certain thnt we cannot reduce the existing war debt except by paying if We cannot reduce me rum i ;- lt .i. ,.Ml..ntlmiQ rmw nntttnml- due. It is 1Met en tne euiisiiuuii". i eiiiD....... !" ..-in ii Mini! come due. It i I'l .: ..!.. iL.t .!, nTnAnrlltllppd mini v cerium mm "" ..,.-..... for penlnn. disability payments nnd rtUllltiitlen piejccts fpr our se dlers tn the Inte war cannot be reduced nnd hat thev "ill rather increns.. ns time Tm en." te sny nothing of the po'sl pe'sl fc litr of a bonus. We mny, perhaps, reduce our military and naval expends omen hat: we enn remove n few hun dred clerks here and there, hut the most that any real budget enn de will be te J n comparatively few millions, nhile the mere or less fixed expendi tures, miming into the hundreds of millions, can only be modified in n very limited way, and certain of them only UP"As time gees en. the public is po int te demand mere nnd mero in tne W of public service, is going te ex ex ncet mere reclamation work, is going te leek for greater assistance in the wnv of education, geed reads, etc., and there is no way in which the need for funds in our (Jevernment can, within the next few years, be materially re- "I de net bcllcve that heavy debt ind high taotien are necessarily harm ful te business. Debt is net nlwnjs an unmixed curse. Individually, we should, of emir-e, keep out of debt ns fur ns personal nnd living expenses are concerned, and this is true of busi nesses nnd governmental organizations. The fact that a healthy, growing busi ness, will have increasing buslncs lia bilities is taken for granted. "The only c ouemlc nnd sound way te rnle taxes is te tax income. These who linc the incomes must of neci" tlty pnv. Why shouldn't they? A man with nn income of $1,000,000 certainly needs the protection of the tie eminent far mere than the man with nn Income. In ether words, tax payers must be taxed only in proportion te their nbllity te pay. "We haie two clearly defined in come tax seurcca: first, the corporation and second, the Individual. While our tax legislation is very new, it hns worked out in quite n logical way the factors which determine Income for both itirjieintlnns nnd lndl Idiinls and in the exress profits tnes, which hnve been lepenleii, the factors which determine Invested capital. "The expectation that it Is possible te devie any tax law that will raise feveral billion dollars per year, and yet lis in such simple form nnd language that any Inislness man enn determine instantly nnd accurately his tax liabil ity, no matter hew inaccurately his words, may be kept, iB foolish dream." I llll ltOI'1 1 III ll, Imiifiltcrr hlef I'hc woman an I her Hill lU'lll Mkl(...H .... l.r. ..........I tlrt. i 'lid nut awake when the wlude' Mi: '"1 Mlllislii'il, ti,, 'J'"'1 ,AJn I'ltoi.eNo i.iru hiierai ii ,w".n'r laughs hastens hU win-... : ll u(e te pay mai aucn .Jml fl..i"e.v?C "n. . alx-P il-tUr ;T i;(1'J,,,n" " e Suncfcy'reiiije lTdem, liruM ,0,". fi luk! it ".? ". ' te Itucb. t." Adu. tnct of ndmlttedly for-reeching import ance te this country. Dr. Blue, who was formerly Surgeon Oenernl of (he Public Health Service, will attend the meeting of the advisory committee of the League of Nations in the study of ways nnd means te deal with the traffic in narcotics. The com mittee is te meet early in .Tanuury. Te nil intents nnd purposes Dr. Hlue, while rnnklng ns nn unnmclnl observer, will represent this Cievemment en the com mittee. It is indicated here, nnd net as spnke-ttnan for the United Stntcs in the committee's deliberations. He Is new In I.nusnnne ns technical advler In sanitary matters te Ambassador Child. "The I'nlted States has n vital in terest In the suppression of the traffic in narcotics," Surgeon General Hugh S. dimming, of the Public Health Service, said today. "We are particularly In terested in view of the recent pnssagc by Congress of n Inw prohibiting the importation of merphia derivatives into this country except under exceedingly stringent regulations.. We hnve taken the lead in the suppression of the opium traffic for years, nnd it Is highly essen tial that we should be represented nt th" c( mltig conference In (ienetn. Dr. Hlue The Renowned DRYPHONE Head Sets Lead Speakers are Exceptional Chas. Cery & Sen, Inc. Philadelphia Branch, The Bourse LOOK t our ADDING MACHINES before you buy All Makes, Lewest Prices COLLINS, 831 Chestnut St. rnenat walnut bits -n IVE GOT Seme Meney Seme Energy i Seme Ability I 1 want te Invest nil three In iiti established Jobbing or manufacture I Inff business. Experience sales l advertising', merchandising. net jy erenecs A 1. Ii 005, Ledger Offlc "I Office Bamil jfer Xmas Waterman's Fountain Pens wen l naireiii 29 Market Street ink W. An appropriate gift which U If sure te pleads because of th 1 cheerful glow of Its mellow ft light Is our Ne. r01 Bouilelr jj Lamp pictured above. NT There are many ether geed- looking Table, Desk and Hen- ft delr Lamps en display for your yj selection, at Hklar's. ,1 Your inspection ( invited. fl Merris Sklar Ce. i Artistic T.lffhtlnir Ftxtnrei Jf nealdentliil Commercial U 1018-1020 Arch Street i Saturdays tilt 5:30 P. V. mtSff :&$2&2&2&m Yeu Can Be Wellfc If you have tried everything else without results, try Chiropractic and get them. Geme te the Chiro practic Clinic Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, 1:30 te 2:30, 8 te 9 P. M. Adjustments under direction of Jehn Doughty, D. C, and J. C. Marsh, D. C. Registration fee. $2 covers charge for 16 adjustments. ii .. H" ' ' M The interior of the Sedan is fully as H . pleasing as the notably beautiful exterior. I I U: 1922 -jM j STORE OPENS AT 9 A. M. CLOSES AT GP.M. " ' ?Jj P"nl I N -tm iivuvk uv.i i:.Min:it n inaa f I & ,1NEiLLiE.iNDUWUi Y J ENTIRE BLOCK-MARKET llXrel?7- STREETS M I M uiijiiw mw WW ni nm I Heusefurnishing & China Gifts Extremely Lew Priced ckeled-Fin-q-j -in Cooker... ipit7 A Limited Let of New $140 Electric Washers at I The Marchand College of Chiropractic , 4201 Walnut Street Philadelphia Packard Single-Sixes which have been en the read thirty thousand miles, and mere, have been put in condition as geed as new, at trifling cost. Such performance indicates the lower upkeep icxpense, and the longer life, which arc bringing into the circle of Packard ownership thousands who here tofore have deliberately refrained from fine car ownership. BinaJe-Six Touring, $HSS; Sedan, $3f!S, at Detroit, Tuin-Xlx Teurina, t3SS0; itmeualns, tsm, ut Detroit. Twenty different body styles THE ULTIMATE IN' A CHRISTMAS GIFT A SINGLE-SIX OR TWIN-SIX MOTOK CAK ON CHIUSTMAS MORN1NU OH A CliHTiriCATC OP PU'IICILSK l'OH l.ATEIl DULIVUItY. PACKARD MOTOR CAR COMPANY of PHILADELPHIA 319 North Bread Street PACKARD THE MAN WHO OWNS ONE ASK LSE55i JT $69 J Each jSON. In fr-i A Down Places It J)JLU Your Heme Balance en Convenient Payments pf $19.00 3-Burner 16-In. Oven Gas Steve S12.75 82.50 26-Inch Steel $1.49 Saws at $1.00 te $1.30 Steel KQ Pocket Knives Each OiC OPERA SINGERS STRANDED WHILE AWAITING BACK PAY Guarantors Seek Meney te Defray Expenses at Detroit Detroit, Der 14. (IW A. P.) Twenty-nevpn nicmlifrs of the United Siatci Opern Club nre still In Drtinlt follettlnj; tlielr pprfermnr.ee of "Din Walkucrc" Snturdny nlcht while tlie IVtrelt Ornnd Opprn Aswclntien 1h fcklnc te rnle SOOOO te pny bnck pnl nrlei, hotel bills nnd rnllrend fnrcs te Niw Yerk. (JiinriinterH of the Detreit unit of the opera enterpil'e, whleh tn- i I'luded rittsbnrsli. Clevpland nnd Tin- ! i innnti. today were being cnnns!!P(1 In ' nr. effort te ebtnln the npreinry sum. Mrs. Juliet K. Iliimmend, niannKliiR director of the Detroit m-seplntlnn. U- I ed a htfltement dpiijliig the rppert iliat the rellnpRp of tlip enti'inrKp ,h due In nnv xrny te failure of Detroit te pay Uh hhaie of the expense. HUSBAND MUST ALLOW ' WIFE TO RETURN ON TRIAL Unusual Methods by Court te Patch Up Family Rew Hanup. X. V.. Dr. VJ.iiprp'-i n nw nrlety of the "trial mnrrliiEp" motif fhnilxi Htnnten. of BnldwlnTlllp. WW allow his wife te lPturn home nnd Hip wni, him for n tlirep w (Pits' tuiihulen irj pprled linilpr (he direc tor, of n special prnbntleii ellicer. In ""lfr of County Judge William l?ir- 114111 rollewins u family qimiTPl Mix. Millien left hump Ini-t Jiiiie ulth Iipi l"li nnd went te lle nt Klbildire. Twe ytlier I'liiMi-i-n iPiiinliicil with flin fntlier When tin- wife is anxious tn fi'tnrn SliuitPii inlcd "thumbs down." , 'Ir. Staiilnu appealed te the courts. I J "'I Hie ui.liin "dial murrinue" order, follemd, U. S. BARS LINDENFELD ! N. Y. Bemb Explosion Suspect Ex-' eluded Frem Country New Yntlt, Dec 11,- ( Hy A. P.l- ' A iieinl of inquiiy nt Kills Island hns iMlm'eil fiem the I'uited Stntcs Wolfe 1.1ml. iiIpIiI, who was breiiRht te this fennti by the Department of Justice III iTinnpi flnn ivlth tlw U'nll UtAAi leiut, explosion of .September 10, lflL'0, nnd lias been dPtalned nt tlie Iblnnd "nipTlinnkBslviiiB Day. Il is piebahlp Wllllnm J. Burns, of he Dcpaitinent of Justice, will apppal Ili'lll tlip dcpisien of thp bennl. In nn 'ff'11' te held I.indenfcld for further '"'HUntiuii Windew-Smashers Net $13 In Goods llile es I iel,e j window In the shop ',.. ih .Miilnel s-'ei rhlk. Twclllh mid .""I' i "I t el, carh tmla nnd Mele ' ' Uflll I ..F Tj Founded in 1865 M V 4 Tfee lewse thai Heppe built l B J9 Inaugurated the One-Price System in 1881 , fv4 "i I C. J. Heppe & Sen. Central Stere I II 7-H 1 9 Chestnut Street. Uptown Stere N. W. Cor. 6th & Thompson Sts. &A Heppe's sell only the genuine Victer- 'WICTMpLyi in Talking Machines per week and upwards and it is said: "!f it is net a genuine Victer Victrela it is a disap pointment' A few Heppe Outfits $1 Consoles Victrela Ne. 210, $m With 510 worth of records. Pay only $l,G0 weekly Victrela Ne. 280, $210 With $10 worth of recerda. Pay only $2.50 weekly Victrela Ne. 330, $360 With $10 worth of records. Pay only M weekly Open Evenings Until Chrutmas. We offer and really deliver for only $3 70 a Francesca Upright Piane a Francesca Player-Piane for only $49S but, feest of all, we offer mmMpjmBi Pianos and Player-Pianos at only a slightly higher price. Alse Grands Upward mi Mi Mwm JSCSfeK?? 19 tf$:Sr fee V XT Footed Nickeled-Fin Electric Hxcel lent fei lieatlni; and roeking Casseroles, Fie Plates and Relish Dishes at, $39 Each All Complete With Brassed Sickel-Plaled Frames Mull erdrs fllletl wlillc the let lasts. $25.00 American Porcelain Dinner Sets $14.95 1O0 plPCP PtS bird denotations with pierced blue- . "ser VBS r i A LA Jf-U ih$h " & Rej?. 7ec Thin Blown Glass Guest Kni. s w Hi TS-e"tr i weed or "st. k '. .inn s fill, d win c th- quiintit; N as g.ft c 't pe- tlen SI.ill or lers ,ats Ideal S9.50 White Enamel fll Q Kitchen Tables at. 'u WiH' white t-. , ' - iif'T . lain NfcXiES&!B "" ',nrl wuT!!I 1 -" r 1 " p 1 1 1 r. - i 1 ' I . . Im 5 t tli'T v fl - rx ce- I . in. J s ,, :,ii Sle.00 Hijjh-Grade Gelden Oak Kitchen . Cabinet $28.50g i.J i i m jm js i f 5 m V" IIY arc also the sole Phil adelphia agents for the two greatest Grand Pianos in the world the Masen i0 Hamlin and Henry F. Miller. Call or write for catalogues, prices and par'iculars of the Heppe tf-Ycar Rental-Payment Plan. p Hei r I ti j 1 -"j I - ULrJD .i!s sii(,a it tl I S t snltl en iui ri.ut. w Sets at.. 45c Vitrr bett p tuniller the beine used ai a 'eer Floral cit'inc Set rfyFT ind VZgfijfJ .1 ' e r vVfliff -4ArjJf ffiQ 7ScCutGIaa 45c - Sets, iSP'P Par- $52.00 Remarkable Friday Bargains in Gift Furniture .At S23M& ss3meri SI.") Virginia Fireside Armchair or Rocker S24.75 111 ".ir it J nt I 11 i Mr. Smoker's Stand SI.) Tl in ieni lU Table and Chair n I This ."5-Piece Breakfast Suit 7.7e iiBiw. 1 c 1 Sw u '1 Iff L-i-Tv $30 Tea Cart 1000 Pure Feather Te Ge On Sale Tomorrow at ... . Geed nl"" I" I pi' C A tl kmr Pillows 93 c 1 f I? It A Brass Cestumcrs .t Sensible and I tvlul rticlr for Christmas (iifta All tiniKhi s Irj (, hat ti 1 1 bin n, j ,, r' " $3.75 Handsome Cane Rocker or (. hair $19.75 Each "') Iren Cribs, SI. '.(Je t rr 1 r 1 mm n , l '11" Slj -j . . T ' in '.ui'iu. , I I r' JJil I "" 1 I I Ii , "" l1"1'-" y 1 'i It i Ti m I ' fti" "'i' .''. V. - P Fifth Fleer I bHELLENBURaS 3-Light S8.50 Electric Shower S4.75 'lemisu bra."s nrnsli 1th fniicv ctiiboss ctiibess 1 g.ebes ass ream is s'i ipi a and $75 Singer Sewinjr Machine Terms, S.7.00 When Orderiny SIJj II ecklij -" I lnvd Fleer Gray-and-BIue .$24.75 4, S14-50 I 3Y v 'II-' Itivl I a SottTep Waitresses One or Twe Parts, flJJT 7C Ml Ri'iciilar Slt. d'0 XCSCrSSr22 '!' m n l.tf J :N. SNELLENBURG & C Hitlt." Adv, r -
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