-W M W.',V'" 5WjpW,ll . A AJf "' "ItNVAf'',' - V' " "v ;: jj- ' .-.' ss.t.-v!,i.w.v,''iSt5.K-?it- 5fw yi' lfB I rEVFNINft PITRT1P I PriRPn ' PimiirivnPi-vv ' k cvnua it K cuhtih! p",.s7 . 3t!hn C. Martin. vtr !. .!,..,. ...i .1-.,..., .. . ri?8uip,Sn.rj;ffi:n?(vMf.uKK , f'iveivd by our Gevernnnnt at the ex y. QftM-mith. dmi.i t:, -miw, Pirfter. ' ,,01lM, of lineUui.. . statement from PAVID E t-'MM.KT -- .. ..1tMtt..r ' Jehn c. MAnTtN....enrjjiHinMi Njnfr 1 , , Y "V ,,rM J,:1',0" n,;''s ' independents siuare. 1'lillaoelrhU. AtlANTIC Crrr. . . . f'rj-fnien 11 HI llr.c eiw yer.it. Dh-beit. . t. Lecis. . Cnictse '.'.. .. ::oi're?'""il"iiuinB I . ..nie "J',-"' JJJIi1,!; "Vi-uj"t . m-.Ti . ' '' !vr Venit pt nic . . rii .inn r n; iinr I iifBarnir-ri'W tkumh ! The Krrxi.Ni) rtnt.r Lnriri l "' p! te .s ucrlfcr In VhlleCf'rl.U nni tit-ren irtli.e tn."-. M ttt rte d? ll!1.. U'JI tr-i it ve'lt r.iV , te the cnrrler. the Un'tsd h-hipp fane-la. e- I nt""i ?n' 1 al6ni, twrntajre fr. Hit:' ("P' .ptiti pr mmMi, , nit ul ueinrs p- a. ppjiiii in nrli-ir Te nil ferlmi -ou it' r-,n il) rtn'Mr a in -m IO All TOflmi -OUH'1'4 r,ft lI) fln"nr a in !ll Nfiuei-8iih(ieMhn, nuMn i.)-i.i chin fi I 7OTiei iiiMerlnrti n'hinf liji Itiust ele e.J v'l i" i'w aOiresj rtt, 3005 vaimt Kn'rnsr. mmv im tEFAdditss all "iviu'vi' 'm. fj "i .ir. v.h i h'AOf. 'i-rfiiii' ' ?jmi" r'll'll'pMn. ?lcmbcr of the Associated I'rens laT U HI IT lV , .,-.. ..L--V-. . .- tltpafhra I'lTdt!" t'l ( ""! oft.' ' '0 i-r-.M;-'! n tni avr. ad n'' !'- '""it .!. f i'i'--; ! Ihtrrtn. .CI i-ieifi e' tepufi'iiM'iO'i it titcui filled fe f if e ,' i',n'fiir(m, nr r:i rr rf(ivi(thri liffrrl e'a fn'.i iftfifrf I'hllidrlplila. lliur..la. I)n--..ib'r U. I'':: RIGHTS OF THE ACCl'SEI) rpHERK can bc r.. ,atufn.-tr :i,i.t J- complete in.-n reform ut.til a Uet..-e of Dctenue,, for perren.- hH,l v.thent bad is built. ; Persons aic.eu rf crum a. u tw- nutted Unes are new henied m the j county pnsen along with cenv.c , Iney arc treated as though they had alread , been convicted e; .rime, when n a r.iM- tcr of fact they are. under the thce-.y nt the law, n .nnecent a any pt r,n -a,,- ing the street?. When Diitrict Aferney r.e'.ar -1 jght legislation authorizing thf eoiiftru.-fe'i , of a lleu.'c of Di ten' ion, the tr.ai.dj.'erx previsions of hi- bill were changed te pnnni-Mve pro'Mer.s before :". a. ;a3scd. The local authentic- iui.e net i .mf ilii..rvVi4 ft .-. iit Tllnil TlrM1 Jl-etli.. ; . . , iiue ui.ni jL-iiiuiir.uii. .v. ..v .i ........ hew much demoralization of persons 'e unfortunate as te get tangled in the meshes of the law. The He'je of Detention .heuld be built without delay. It is of much gtcater lltmrM-t 'incn tlirT tfln irririti- Pjil.'lit i! . . . . . .. . . . . Justice which .Mdge Urewn Had planned for the Municipal Court. THE SPEAKERSHIP p JAV GOODNOUGH. who-e eicctien j yj' te the speakership of the Il.uu-e of Keprcscntathes Mr. Pinchot say.- iv.,u!d , be satisfactory te him. is net tied up te , ' uny particular faction or factional leader. He can be supported b' all fa. Mi". without fear. He h.ics pledg"d lumelf te co-operate with Mr. Pinchot in tank ing out his program, and te treit all Members with fainiese. If the factional leader? wish te ei- onnrnte with the row f!nf l-iier the u-nv : --- - - -- - - - --- ....- 13 open 10 mem. 11 iney no ne: -.vian 10 ; I ssist iiim in the. task te which he ha.' tet himself they will exer' thciv-eh' s , te secure the election of a .-peaktr whi will work with them jind again-t Inn Whencer an issun tsjemeii. The situation ha. adjusted it- . 1' m eueh a way that the is.-ue b-tu.-Mi the new Governer and the Legislature will ( , .iu .iilw iiv, knu ui-tiiuiiuiK "' me u:-iuu (in January. If Mr. Goednougli is net , clectea -Mr. rincnet win knew tnat lie , v.-ill ha-e te light. - OTIIE11 MAI) PKOI'IJ-:; TVTOItHIO cujitroeiu lui.e.-itv - haps le- dirtmctne'e ,. n.-eilui ' nf American ei" ilizatien than 1- - metiric- believed te be the ease. The same IcvcU te he ,he ease. Ihe same may said u-i.Ji respect te c.-aggerated ; 1 be emotionalism concerning were or ics frail women en trial for murder. At the present women- Lendor. is i liiuuK'n. up .0 a ir.-T r.etii 01 ensnuei - alism 01 er the fate of Mrs. Udi'h ThempfOi , (hurged with an aceeirplice with the killing of he." husband. The fiiiu! scenes of the. trial, whir'- r. -suited in the impo.itien of the eath 'tentence, were characterized by the . tiuctiening of choice seats for spectators. Heme places of vantage wrtv sold for u much a-. 1". The eiu-ii eut-nle the (ourtreoin broke ail le.erd . Theu.-and.. of percei.- ".im.i1 in I'tte all t.ipbt lr. the tlini hope d a.nmg adnn :-:.. Jt ic .-aid there is 1 ' . hat ce f u jppriei'e, a circ'.ims'nnn. which f.itbi'l f.itbi'l the ract drawiig r.f (eriaiii dgiiiricaiit analogies, lint with this exception it i-j evident that the British public, ia net altogether a model of decorum and com mon sense. The fact will t.et serve 10 enerate Americans for their fte.rwnt md'ilg.'n.e ill fnlse. sertinientnliti."-, P.ut if tJien 13 COIlEolatiel. in tile f.. 1 tint'. n monopoly of foolish freury h ciije; .1 in this ceuntr;', new i- tb" lime : app.y the ba'ni. THE SENSITIVE SOUTH T ATIN-AMURICAN i.-iiMtivene.a ma; at time bc eve,--acute, but the .soeik r the United States recegmf . n. .xi-t-uce he briglit' c v. id b" ihe chaneis of .1 whele-luaru 1 accord en tern Werlu pelicie' The Aineruan Nval Mi-iiei. te Uracil 16 il cus-e in point. Its object 1- profe- Hjenal assistance te the Government of the great Seuth American lepuldii; in reorganizing its navy en modern line.. Ne ulterior purposes arc for u moment entertained. The help ia pretl'ered 111 consequence of 1111 explicit invitation from Ilraail. But the ArgvUtin. pre-., is ium he.v leeply excited ever a s-ituutien which ha hud the effee: of cnipliuai.ing the rival i.bftwecn the two leading nations of the r end of the continent. It is net only liars of increased naval prcatige in a neighbor nation that are aroused. The "B deubtli. cUts, for it would be lyi,icul of -"--itivo.ie.o in lluones Aire that mil' 1 .iittii. American reitllblic is being Washington, where innocence of any such design prevail, might prove of salutary service in clearing the air . , , ,. ., Jt it intimated that Secretary Hughes may attend the Pan-American Congress te be held in Santiage de Chile next Mirinir. There are abundant reasons te tin- oimeitunitv te remove t efti-h nut .vct trouble-bree.lin: misundei'.-'.-iinling'-. ,,.. iiii'ii rii t W vnl' I'Ol.l I K AL 11AUJ? ivJ KEKJNS IN WASHINGTON" j ., , i. v . ..' ......... I .... I ...... I li NMtcil Ie Nc .senator-. I nil I p-el tlic AHntini-lralienV I'nicr.nn ll N 1M- dent That l(i'peiii1ilf l'art (ier- erniiicnl Hd ISreketi Down 'PHI. .-.ivnc.ii'.ce nt me 'iiii e.-.-lui 1ilii.T.ii.r- ..f" tli. i .iirt!HiBH'!ilirtn lrtiriu. UIWI Alllk 'l I.IIV UIIMIMI.'HIHIV'II H.f.11' ... latie program mj tue t'i new Senater . .... ., ,.. ., i, , ... i.t IJUUl IUiil l I III .'in 111;. Ill 111 ll"L uv i.'rl. ujien thmightful observer- of the tigns of the time. Mr. Uroekhait and Mr. teu.'.ei, both I tfrn,.i.i;.v,.w. in.. I hnv.iiv ...til,, i thf.ni- i pi iheu. sii . ,hi x h (I1 , . ,, , lp n,u, ,,.,,,; Thl ' ;hel'tJ.l)t lt WeV.,",", w. It p..,,,, tliinr t".. lix-e ; th( ;ite hn. ,j(le t)r ,.rrR:(il.,ltV bfliiv ,".,.,. .,rill t!lke up ,epiv , - wK(( th , yA tm fUen R ;,,iia.a .,,, thltv.lhl iu.mMrata ,i,,jn l() iM,lei;..1(.K lhl. .14i,lv ' j ... nt.,.,,,, .11,1 ,-, , ,,..i,. ihcm- I , ,,, ..ilt .1,, k,,,,,,!,!;,,.,,, jidgn.u-t aid ae'ed ,.! their own itutia- I tiie ami mad- a ..imbmat.eii of Ku'ubli- ' cans and Democrat- t accem;'i.-h a! result which thev themrht iroed. Ann the nelllt 1 net whether the ' ...,, ., , ..,, ; .. ..,. 1 '.'-in - 1 iul. 1 1. 1 . e 111 111 1 in 1 j" iti'-u.un.i L'neii or bad. but -hat -urh a Mtuatien ' ha ari-en that two Sinator-. wv t.. I..r.,.'.-i:.. m. tli...!.. .:m hvi'-e- .', sili.nn. If there had bee:-, partv di-cjp'in. such lM-- mettrntully ar... eerns te (te little I ,,;,.,). 1 a.. t'lHi- usid te be tile thinu' would h.ii' i1-'- ; l. en 1 .niii..iK1i n l?iriili! ii :m Willi ""-' w - " ,,e;K " r" u l",",,l!" ,,"u,v v"""1 . !. blecl the ldai s el -i llipuMiei.i' VrcMM aI1( ,f xh; hni bw1 ,,nil ter en whom party obligations .-it Hirhtly. a Senater n, far .grnrinp loyally f. party g,.ernmnt a.- m ma,." the ut- temp', he would have leuml only a luind- ' ful of Kepubii. an- willi'i 'O .'u-oeei-ate i tn the I ' i- '.'i-.-.t - m In'i'ig ng 1..11'. .'11 il 'ij the pry I'M'- 1 !' 1 'Jt'-lat.'.e. Pai". je.i li.iii'.'ll . m.1 1' i' wl.ie.i .. ieur',1.. ha- p-'i.-perid for mere thai; .1 ei'iitun. !u- bri'ktii down. Thi. :- 1 .1.. 1 .. ,.r .1. .11... ........ f l,iJi;vV U''ill.i- '. .it.- .nr.".v.. i.... '- j,(1 ,'y; i--u. - winch once reMiif". Sin'- . ti. .nak n. u manir, .1 1,. ,.,: a ',.1 i: 11 hich fiiee divid d 1 '' ieg.. .'11. j, ,,., , 1, . , L ,,, ,. aupca" d ' Ib.js,. ,f Utpie-. 1 latii c- wltii t.u' tilumpb if th. (.aiiipaign nga 1.-1 v hat wa, OU1 , (.anuenUni. (.anueni.ni va.. a inn..- t.M.l te -le- j.,.,. ,,. t , I)(, ice ujuli-r wrcn the Jieu-i ma,ie it. Speaker th- ci'tediun of t! ,. . , tediun et tie e.l him v, . , lU-y n.te erree' day- .1 lien 'it t! ad '1 .,,.... TU1,irv ..,, r.n,0,v, rn i----.- - ... - his etUct te carry that policy It was ithiritee fi'"iii the 1 Kd'.l, in. ' I- li.-i .bii- h. 1 .1 pin-nn. 1 .. ... if .11 . '.' .-i"ai.ir -uw te it tha' in'i' in'eciti 1 '."i felluwe... Th- i.riei't;''! tin d"i'J' ai'' ptrlJ. feuKt . .,,,.,....,,:,. ,rt pt r..,,.r. IlU,n wun ,, . in..a,bvn wl.,L.t l0 .pea!. , r,..,., ,- ,,;,, ...sifp ,,' the nree-ram Mmi ,.BUax veu, ,, ,,. ei'.- u Lki(,K r,Wn.jnn f,,,,. what, vuce te be calbd the .iteatu r r r.'d the nbjectela wen llatt- '1 ' a U passed ..ver them Then there lame ; .. . . Demee-vats. Milling m . up'i:'e f..' tl.' m.-elvcs the pi.p.i'ui 1.... :!'! .. 1 .11 nrnibm. . 'jlttbil ed sill, 'n 1 . a1, itifint Ilepublii'iili- tn uepr.'e tie .'1. ai.f - r i" his power ai.d put it ,' . the landi 1 ' u C'lir.tnittee, 1ea' n 'be -i. i!;. - ,. , 'it.t e nn. re tha'. t.i ...... 1 pre' ,.'!. feice pat 1 '''." ' la 1 .' .. Th a. ".. I'li'in", 1 ' . ei'atiet uf pan, gv.irrni.nl nut 1 me bupl'i'l 1 11, ', e . er. clitTeTiiec- bet worn the n.irt,.. i " -" i , . , aireauy iKgnii te eisniipfa-- i i.f .;a- crj ...i .... . . .. .... . - - -t'.-i. I c,- wen' , Ke,ulemei, tour. -rove ibdds in abandoning th' ir b'e-.- -n-i ,t. ne.. ..n 'et Virginia and t-.-V n.u-li t- lim..nv the tigi.- -f M-.e .!,., ..-.J tl.,. ,-,. and reported. Th.-.. pen wa- piir.-en- ; ' -,-. i ""; ; '";-' '! r v te"1' '- by a -or,. la f . i( ' mil., i of nobody paid :.ii.v ..I'eiMr. t., tun- ,-r, . lie',-, tut. Hut nn' '.p' i.p pi,,iv omtnendatieti-. '.. v tin Pin siiler.''-. , ,. . - , , . , i .,. i , .t , urn ipliri- '".- a i.-v v.. .r ,'eng. , and il 1 net-h liidim- ! I emmiMcii must .--- g. ,-and, i ie pi e... pee ih.J. rs who nt nal 'a.s i -inlin i. .1 1 '1 among the Hepuldi- an . '" 1. were exp.'it in ergai.i.al..in and 'pialiiied l.d 'pialiiied te held the party leg-til-r n a party. S e bar i t. red ipeu art era lin- adorn, d bv d nrnam 'pud. r.. The old one. are .had ami tl . n. - hai.-netKt , . . an e. . And 'i tne ab-, i ei ,,ny enl- itniidn i' ..- ii . ii tl p ii.. ,pe ..f wlii. h tin -emit . - .-eh. I l l'i.- lti.,1 ate t ipper'ii.g .- "n pr. ' rfgard te party line-. ..- .inti3 without There m'i. both ' Kepublic.n s un.l brume nit. in ihe. farm j bloc, ui'd they have .ueceedud in taking mutters into tin ir own hands- and forcing 1 action which -uits them without icgard 1 t what the -...called lend, iv uf their ' parties in the Heuse arid tlu S.iiateinay . bine planned. Hu until Itioeklunt ,n . Ciu?en. sue i i in t: in i.enni'v; up ii,, iTosi.lent s . . ... i. it.... ... .... i i.......f..l . f :. ii . -ub idy plan tin (Men' eT tlu- demotali demetali demotali atlen with net realized The official leadcrii heeni te be powerless. These ,viuj should fellow do'.net fellow. Indeed, the W'VHXIXU rUJJLir LtiDGfilt - lenders themselves lmve net the example of independent action, for they voted as tl.ey saw lit en the Tariff 1111. which had been repmled and approved by the I'inance Ceinmittee, iilead of orRanlz erRanlz inp; the Senate for the pasatfe of the bill and keeping their majority in line. Thi. state of affairs is likely te con tinue until theie i a crystallization of isbbuea in such form that the voters of the country can jilijjn them?elves in support of or in opposition te them. Tlicsse isbiies inu-t involve principles and net matters of temporary expediency. The appear arce of a dominant leader with a eoii eeii !ti active program eiild hiis-teu the result. 'rii.i iatipw mn lirt rtV'iM T1AW taUlUL? ..Mape in the mimfu of this people. When they discle-e tliem.-clved tin opposing leaders may arise te restore once mere the system of re.penhibIe party govern- ! inent in place of the nondescript system ' under the enmidieatiensi of whuh the j I'euntiy i nev struggling alenp COAL 'UiriUN u.y reach of Philadelphia there i mom anthracite than the producing oiKnni.atien- could mine in ( nuuurcus 01 jear. in ceai ; iini.' 'I"'4'' out in the Philadelphia maikct :lbeul i.,nii Vll. ,Ktributed u. Ger- many durme th. lata- months ..f the w ' I''P'" " -uffcrin from the cold mid f..r a while it appeared that some of the Phenl- would have te clo-e fe). want of fueL The vhaTf.a ltrui( j,.slerfiny ,iy ,hc Heard of Education that anthracite is Wing diverted te points at which no re- striaiens am im)ie--.ed te prevent famine Pri"" h"3 "''leus sound. The Heard of Kducatim i normally a. eensenativc :h any boa:l leuld b". Yet it ileesn't he.-itnte te . pre. the belief that the -areu.v ei .minraciu in tins region i-- ll,,f l,", f-eleli te the strike, Of late an upwai. I flutter of hard-coal I,ril,t! l)!l- J'eHnwed eiery drop in the temperature. When a tiling is scarce it l.eeemes enstiv. Ant liraeitn veems scarcer - "" ' elKht i" b" wen after a summer 1 ' ' idleness at the mine-. The Pennsyl'..'in..i t'eai ('onimis.-ien I ni-re 1. one liiu... taut t.u publie can , -. . , " ", . , ' J 7, cnngue-ienal action e: tl'.e general j .potion of strike, and the ...pert of the J Fact -I'it.ding Val 1 ommi-s'en. Uy doing that it will be al-'e te .-cape in the , '-"urc m time from t,v persistent ' .inir' ' " .imin..u'i 1 ica mine cull- hi' i. it te n.ari and elie- were .) M'AN KKEPh V A FT II rpiii. n.'ti.: t.u PHI. (.'1. !..; Mat's 1 riy'ilfiillj )ieud i.ienunif nt.- ilia'. n enjiliir te some old d'e 1 , . , , , ' umer.ts lie had ifcaili rrad. the frefeues 1: 11 ,... m ier nniieraiMC e.ucua- , ti"ii-' of alien U'rriterv. This Govern- I ........ 1 i.... .V,. ..;.!. ... i'nk ... : Ili'Mt M.l- r'jiu .11. J..I.I. 111 . u ..... 11. J lltiwaii 'lining (.leieland' dniinistra- iieM, ','n,.ii the aniiiMiiiu proceedings I , . . , ,. 1 lU'f" e' iier.!i iipjp .....I. a 1 111 isante I1 mi'".,'.'i. " V re .t ' 1 in. '. ; u )ai..lien.- fii ijiiii.' -I'll" en-loll w. I, ..I. . i.l..lh b.i.iest .iiprecLuiuu of v piinsi.ulaiis'i- new rc.eab.'ii and tJu j-ilf-respeel et eivili- ritien tlureliv ellectivelv enhanced. The ... , "..i"-"..' "! v. v.,. .... . Kiao-Cliew t...la, six dav., ulieml of the ivitbdrawal date ..,Ii,,ily fixed. This i. ttu. ee.ijud'ng -U p ir the transfer of . ,,rl j,.,,! ; , hiM.-ilai.d te Clilnese sw .ten" Tin Sb.-i'itunr ,iue-tii.n ii . ' ' '"'" imperial .lapatuve tioeps marcn out 01 I !'' ri etc ....'lit:. ii i.t1'. i'"'isp, e h . .11. -iiu 010. re 'eca I wttn a a :u ever tne c.'mei. f tr.e most valu- ,.,,,. , , lhl. v..hilI,. it y 1(.nillsula t0 Japan, intend of te v. ordinal rightful ti v 1 . v. k. nina, in me 1 re,v nt crsaines. Japan's announced v'eiiMen te retire i' 1 'itually was ssu.ed tn many quarters. Tb, Shantung p.vM-.n plnyed an im- pwi-taiii ten- 10 11 ' ! -.in 11- 11113 pence treaty at Wasliii ;-t' 1 'Ihe Tokie (.' i' iv. rd. u will 1.. .-: ';.., 1 01" Sham 11 K mongers go wim ..;ii' liu-' tcept it- ''member the jellew-peil N AH.MV-VWV Mi:i(iERV A T THIS ll r .0 . ll.le 1 Oltl I'll-. 101. . '. . . 'i.P r.y jre . 1 he ( .nl ( t I . Il n t. nrr .'. t r . r.-.' . :.. . . .i.. ...i . . i , '" ' ' "',' u,'rM done iem: age - iii'te--. i.- . than n '.ear air.' a i l.at' cvmn liter --e- en- . . f .,,, . . Willi an mi- in -i.-i.. veMH-iuen t., report ..... . . 0 the slate ! ti.'-riia' r.u-n,i .. The ijiilinv .." "4'-,w- im-t-hn. ...i- 'a! i ennrn-Mwi must j-.i ever tne .ai"- giennd. The .einitiy l- hoping that the '.n.-.u. .onimi.sien. new urviying jn n.'ieus field., of sec.al and industrial rffeii aid ' amid the cemple.ities of the Ptd. ,al :! ministratue syt. m will be mej. iilbdent than i-ongn-5-ienai . enimitlf e- unuullv ',,.! . ."... ,,.. Hill the report .iu-t .-unnurtrd by Wall- r I Itreivn, ihairi-um of the com. ! milt-.' appointed te eeiividcr l.tethed, of ; needed ieorvnni7..Uleti nf government,, ' tletmrtnieiiH. i-n'( pn.-f.ui aginv I . . u.. Il.en belie. Mm, it,, . '"' "" " '"i- "'.'.y ana navy ought tn be ineige.l in ,, entirely new Uepartment of National Iiefense. Th fact is that the army and n.vy are new suppe-.-d te iunctien irnoethlv as one under the direction of tip- President. A merger that would lake away the identity of the iwe -I. pn -t nienK would ; lie ei u'"""" ..i.ui- n i. nni m, ion lH "' " , "" "" "ler, than negative the'c mien tr:i,ilten, which react as dynamic htimulants of lighting power wlieu lighting ia te be done. AmiADELPHlA. THURSDAY. DECEMBER AS TO GREAT PAINTINGS' They Must Hare a Perfect Pedigree lleferc They Can lie Accepted. ! Lest Frescoes Tlint SVcre Pound. 1 Factories for Itegus Pictures Uy (iEOItnC NOX McOAIN THE supposed dlicevrrj In this city of a scnulne work l,v Pnul Veronese tn likely te attract cencrnl attention emen? painters and nrl connoisseurs. Dr. Krne.it I.aplnce. tbe widely known "ui-Roen, beiiRlit the painting, wlilrh Is called " I'lin Mnrringe of Ipeiic," In New Orleans. Like all such productions, It lian 0 roman tie history. This one, nti the tndlttrtn ninp, was part of the loot of (he Niipnleenie vara. It was covered with seteral cents 0: ermque color te conceal lt beauty end dis count Ifn value when hrnitRht te America. It mmnlned In the family of the soldier who obtained It originally te the third geu (anthiii. While In Xen Orleans recently Pr. in-plaei- pureiinsed It fiem the ertdte of a grandson of thtn soldier of Fn.nee. Prof. Farlnn, n restorer of pnlntlncR. hn. removed part of the superimposed paint, re irnlttiK ether figures than these formerly lislhle. He proneunees It a Veronese. Ifi alue has hern roughly cttimntcd nt 510.C00. rnlin real name of Paul Veronese wan X Pnole Cnllnri. lie was bnni In Verena ins'mn.t famous VnintlnVi". perhaps, one hi mi' fiiiuepi ever nunc. I Ij the celebrated ".Marrlnse ut Cnna." in ihe I.eiivie, Paris. ' It is a m.'iv proibiel'en in te fisnrr'. tiierc b"iiit; mere than 200 of them in (he picture. A fantasy of th" wllib' l.lnd I pifK-erlrd ' in tins retnarKaiiie v.eiu, Ter Inte tli en-r-'inljle the nrttt Imp I tritlu Inures aiid taciw of netalilen nf his own day. He depicts himself at the t'ta-t in Cum plailnc n viol. Tintorette. Titian. Clmrlea V, Vltterla Coletinu nnd etherfi arc nmeip the notables he Mininwned by hu brush te nppar nt thlti 1'fnnien.V of eichtem ecnturie age, ?'nrly nil of the works of Pni.l Veronese hid. an u-nn the custom of his d.iy. n re'.i j,'.'"i. Mllijecf. Mekt of them, tee. were of a character that appealed te the eye by the ;.irge. ,-ne ., rf their betting. TT l.HV once in a uliile there ap..'.ir .'' 1 J the nfiv-pajiern (tnr.es of iliM'evjrlni nf rate iiuinting-i such as this Laplace m. is -aid te be SuppfiHed work"; of the. greatest r.ia'teri of br.isl. r.nd pencil that have been lest fcr ' n'liturles. : I nfeitiin.'itely. it nearly alwnyi turn": eit j tlut there hn been 11 mistake that the maMerpieiv Is net n nnstcrplcie. I'muiH.i it is 11 ('ever copy or Ihe wr.tk , "f -..ii! tinknewu and Interiiir !irtli 10 wile. 1 i.'iiii:i time lias imniirted the vc.l- I sii.iiiitiuie.il age. , I utiirj -ifinr eui. ng.i what v. n 1 .i.n-1 n .,,. riinnrknblc dlsceierie. n, the .!'! ' ( mn,!, r, the OciiN.nnti in riereiue w.ve , , , ., , . "' "'ri t;,il1 te he the famous ir,-r.M- j le.t. J'-, ZV?t MS'lS!"; J.iter nrti't. .dltien th'. Me fre- J ,,,.., ;.(lrfl,fl( .".;' ieat of -1 l.it.'W ..sh In one el ten elnnil-. 'lhe.i hud '-: i se..rc!.d f.r. but Ce .Id if ue in'iii'l. The pri. -' i' 1 ' . ' :' the 1 .. .i.b. P: d -e Ui.heitii j;.i'... .1 ".-' ! ..d been i-'nd.iiic tie U 1 .lien. v. .1- the .'dNgui diseeierer in 1!' He infiiril.td ti." innoeter (' Pleietue mll.,t M,u e in existence In the chapel 01 St. ni'..aheth of Pertupal !n the Church of the I Ittlil'-Minti. . f... . day" later the modest eaninse ili'iiieti'i religious ffenc wnien ceteren " iiapei walls iwie lenieved atnj .llne ire.enl-. Ii.'lllll lllnli IIHI1II1. ix ,,,,,.,. j,.., , a, ,.,. injjns 'renrs ..f i.l.lil.n d.'je. 1,.1'er llli'le W " -ei....- '.(..'Jill- l.'.-Cil .ih.'i.t ...ai .if tie a teilalil. l:il 1 no.. ''..I i.llh 1 . di- t t , ivith nlhir tueuibin .i his taiuily in mie of '"' pa.nting.. Later mi the s. i.'-Atien wamd - in the newMiaJws at b-.tst -and finally died out nev.spapers at H'.isi -ami linnny (lien mi. I have miicp found no confirmation 01 the h, , that they were original .ihiilandajes. ' .t:W yeKK is uvwll, pndi.i e-f the.e 1 nnd. ..f siippesid tilnnl.lt- pi. tun" ,,Ji''' '" ' " I,.;'r,.lr;t '. et Hnrrih hmg. "" " ,,i''' I'.r-h l.i' fiKM. ."" '"" yS"' ' ' ' '"' I -i'liiiiu' fei SI the ligui' 'i a eavaher, and tl.e , ., ,. i. ,i, ... 1,1..., ... ,.. a, V ". he cot it ...inn1 ami .xamined , ..it...- ii,-1- ...-i ........ .. - .n'- ..rt t'.y )p ' "tTfenminf- I i!y p dir-eeveifd 'vlett looked like one entii.. nee tile leu.'f- 1 . 11. If,, nt once decide, f lias a zum e ,v Hals, the frmeu riet.ilsh Hrtlrt e .. vmteenth eentui '-e.pral alleged nuthei ttie- etireiiraged " p,chirp ,nt,unl fe). 51fM)( , jf. the matter einled I.." pedigree of tic pa nt lug '.I net lei . f. .j any mentis. M..I T thirty j rl-.e p.-ipe,- ,.t A New uric P'Wrmti!:?XV'' ' PiM.srd "lind et a ivurhl iii.iMerr.eie. Al.nther genuine i.nint.nsr ! IMl.ri.s -,.. eiip of the nppM.l.i.g h.adliiies. J ..ir time ll.P pnintinc -va- dug up In a 'mad Haltery ldare aioeit le a la'ddle- ei:,,! P.elgian afflicted Mi.hr. il.r.ri and ad '.'.1 '.-. -nuft. , . Ji.e pieuirP rep.--, .ed .r.. 1,,.,,.. ,.a. fapn.i.'.n trier '., rl- ,'l.'....l garb ..l '" n :"ip?,r-han,l held a v hall, p and he r gl.t '.' ""' "" ... .. -.. ....... . .... .i. . . lil'l I unri.' .'-. ' u.e ..i"i- "i i si , ,ri pr. i 11. left hand held a ii.ar.-e and Im r ght i , ,,,teu. necked Meae r-itehf. ' Hi face, unturned te liearen a n prajer. was illumined uy a liiyhirrimm ngn;. I nP RPrOTlll llft'H" " - '""' "I II I.I.I..II.IIIIH- ... .1 tl..m n. .lin. t9 - 1. ...!,..... .. ' ,,.,., i.,i ,,,e. iMeip f.Te iras entire v in ........... -.. "ThH.it.r -uppn-ed te 1, Uub.1K p ,. njert vrr- 'The T.i'i Srer,.iient.'- r,??riXX&Z ssr.rr-T! , ,, ,v peme mlur lettfi.. "Ai.mv ' I b.e eth hiin""-ed te me.-,,. An- ,v(.fp. n,.. nvner of the .anifts. iv he.f iir.n.p u ,,r" ? , , wi i.i,i i , ,,,,1,,, 1 'he shade in . t- J "l,. had be-rbi . . Ni,,, , s ".''li ., i..i of uthers in HruleN ' Net that he cared for i ra'H,.i.'.,r'r, ,t ' hnn ' -ninrlm:. necr.rdlng ... th .rif. .npemted critics "I the dny. ruprehiliy nr ;!,,'.,f.r,!a0r; ldfen'v-iirk"'- "S Wt"' ''J ''""' ';' Vifemirne, there wpip fonnei.erf , t-r,. na'-'-rl. who pronoun, .-n n k..iinne iinnenh, ntrni-r announced that b. hud bfen , r';p, gje.nfrrt for tin -lainimg br- a ;f,,p,n !, t. but he vviintnl S2.1 neil. . ' He nevrr "0t '"' ''"' r'""'r" """'' 'l New Vitlv i-fientists ' Mill Tlilllll "e pretiiiruii two n.-VV nf rider iipttles, one n pre be- : tw.-en the Hen Dniis nnd the MelnteKh ..r,d the ether irem the ffnTef mi ler in.pert.nrc." 'Aa'appi; n .lav (wuue nneier.t Coup rang; rimes the fll lint 1 T rt 11 til K n .. . . i daeter away. ut. even ,. ihe neWMl iinnlei cannot erir.-. .,....-,,,,.,.. r.,mme. tien in the world the ebbst did. .... .Im Tlavarnin l'uclsti ..u,f.( ,n ir 'te n oleRlsdn" f'ir ..smiiiIih ,0llde en tr mijy l one gets the iden that the - Ilnvarinn Knselstl believe iWNiulW f member, of the Allied Control CommUslen are ncu et mtletlm unci wormy e w"-- i 1 1 aiai 1 1 1 mi 111 1 m iu v- 5tiiCiW-'.'1 -. -.",--hi NOW MY IDEA IS THIS! Daily Talks Willi ThinhUi" 1'hilmlclphiain, mi ubjvcis 1 livy knew IJc.il. 1'USTM ASTER GKOUGK E. KHMl , M '1 On the Public and the Christmas JI.su n rnT ,.,. .i,-, nrt, 1. ....led l.n t'e '.' n,ri)M ,.r..eii3 are ' 'V'1 ' ' "' i . l.y L ( !.rttm:i mall w ' woelxoil , .. '.i. ... I...ei..l,er. 'tI,i'..t- tl..U mail I- U.af ..;. h is -nit te them m- tln.t iihleh il.ei end i e'l'i r- but tf tl er i.nh ren lived :' a little imciiiht en tln'r p'irt weiihl d'J ni.li with all this d"i. and . ..iim ! ." I aane.ianie, a;s Pe.,U..ist.T .Icetg- I.. Kemp. 'Th- erut of the. who'" tui.tien. mih 4 . . . . j. ...- ' ., ..... l.'el'.ml Kemp. "lbi in h.iiing the "-'in-ma. mall placed in the mad b'iv n s"1 riei.ntiv e.tr .v date te 11 1 ..i- 111c v -lelli te l.nndle it. in spit- of t'- ecTi ...a- 'e. 'l ll. gpsti. n nr thw ...is.iii. 1 v. ai'i'ii' old' te tee 11ii.1l i'..i the 1 ' . 1 'i ... , 1! i,'i;ivi' in 1I..11 iv!i' II' 1.1 d'. IK.1.1 . . I low an Heur "tnuln- "A inlav of 1. ne hour .eid lili.i ' "" '. ' 111 mailing' a bttT " a iliiLiis", in Ph.i adelphbi utrelelieh Inte a delnv 01 nuiilj ,... i,ii.e ..t riiipi.i'fi. 'flip mail i'.r tin1 ",l' .."..I ' . ... r. '. , . , ,1 ! llrendwnv l.lmlteil train einsvs nn ' "" " . (jav llt .j":je , Uielt and it rf aches Chicago ,.;,., 1:;""; lnZlZ '.e.en' ? il.'i.t dnj'. ,,T1U s.,1,.,,,,. , .i,.pnt. .1 "t inml 1..1 ' (.( ,n,m ., ; , u N , , ,;.:;n ..-. . , I nl ,., and Ii iniir.te l.iiei Hen '"' , .,,,,.,.. ii, .!,.,. ..!. I.ui lie 11.1111. liinadivny Lit .i'". n ai! '"it ".. 11.1m. I hi tag a sle". 'I' i' il"i'i 110I leinli iiiuii.e I in.' if II eVIi.el. th. n.'M :ilKr:i..eii. k" in. ' 1 the tnuil fiinnet ' I'pbveii'd lue'ere the 1101 11... rt.. ng. as ii h... mi-. ed the lai d.div.rr ! .it tbe dav ivh.'.i n uinv.-. Thus, a .Ula ..I-' i.h. th.iti nie liiinn 111 running a letter ." ,"",... .... . i.. ..f rl. : or p.l- aag- ii-r" .1. .-. - .1 ."-.. .- j twenty. tour hour- in liieagn. t "Mailing e't'et. nnd piieliages ennj is e.pppiiillj ".. .'Utiai .u iirisin.as in...-, .u.n tht is pane ulnilv the ca-c lids ve.ir ... ....... .(.- .....11 1.. ........ . .rii.tinn. .-..inps en line- .l.n". ihe dav hef.cv. when till liniili'll-e 1 mnil,1Tlt nt m.i.1 is hainihil. hdng Mtinlav. . ll'1 "'""' " ' .".'..-, -,- -I'tn- pub s in ,. net as iiieiikh . in i-iiii.is ' 1, 4 Were .tnidav. the -M of the inniiih: , J,'',,,. , iM ,. Wt. -,iu ,., ,...hi,u I "'l""i:,' Vi,li""1 ""'"" ,r0"llr' . il- j .., ,mirvp. .... ,i,. ni .utenipl L- Miidl- , , .. ,,,., riiriMinas mall with our . . . f , ,,.,,, m,. 1S()0 nddt- r . , , .,, lllrfi n. ,, ni, tl-:uii. , , ' ,,'.. , , , ,,j ,),. ,hp, ' t ",., , , . I lin ., -,..', il- P.. ....II 'Ih. inal ' .,,.... ,., ,, , ,., ,f(pie. .' least (;-.r(il . ,,.,, ,,..,,,. ,.,,,.! -tu.i . "V" ! '" "" 'I"""" '" V'"n '' la .-...!.. ll llll.l .. 441. n I.IAIll 1 ll.iv were .."iininin . u.e .nt ... ... in....... . ...'.; , ,, . il. v... ............. ll l.; ill .;.. .lie. .... -.nil . -..-. esifte'r.l in. nl does te.i give inui I treilbl ible tne public mould i.-m. inner inai iterc-1 mail 1' ...n.ldernbly flower lliaii .Inr nnil. nil nil mail trallil de net Tne public (-heuld i.-mtinher t lint . 11' IT ' r regv . ... - - - - cani ri'..iri'-ii-'i in..... ik ...ir. ...w ..I"..-..-. . ....i...... ...n 1. .nu ..... .......1,1., I tlu j ni'I t II be pi-re than bui 'Die Parcels I'esi "The pan. Is pest I i Ihe giPHt prebleln en a-count of It.i i7.e and bulk. Our super visors ix'n-ne the greatest rare in huiidlii.g Ihe pan-Is pem, bin, mi tiireiiut eC Ih-' great ipiai.tu.i and the la. I thai tin- rail roads are tiu.-d te their utmost eapnciM, all our parrel p.'"' ears must lie riled tn ti.e tup. en-eipii'iilly, there is no ivay.in ivhu-lt tie- trail pailineeH fan be Itppr at the t..p et the ie-id. s" that tf n frail, poorly v rappul p.likigf htiplii-m I" I" in the bottom iel.. the weight and the niching of I lift tialn oil. n n stilt ia erindiipg it. 'e de mil bent te pfji the frail paik- ages segregated, but it is net always possible in thn Cliristinaa rush, Tim way for tint public te help in thbi is te pen that the pnekngrs are securely wrapped and tied, using a geed rpiiilltv of baching and paper and tying them securely. "This, ten, t'urrilidies another mason f..r the curly mail ng of ( hristmas mail .. ih' e ma." In- able tu use mere ..m ,n Up hegrcgalleii "t the frail, poorly wr.ippi I f. . ..eekares from iln..' mere r.fiii.Jil tn-.-i.-i r,.,! Tie nubile can help Im in il,i man,,' , "Thn proper manner et addressing m,, , lmli. nke. The Atnerlcilll Style of Ulhh-em Ing if) te put the. nnrne of the sender nnd the adilre In the upper left-hand corner j l:lTnt "A.ZT ! r'Z X .IZ n.'. j bus t.. sign . jeerlpi for eiery piece of It ' ,,;';."'", "" 'l"". I" U.i.-.. ..P ,.,,ri. thrt he handle,. nn.l . ,,"...,"' ',' ),;,1",;,i:" "" --v.. I "K .rw rji-s r: i--.-: - .... r , ,: y. . -:: e.vn r i..! hi'.- ..in. I .H'. -ih. i ' '" deliver j ,, .,,,.,, , ( ' ' ' , hi , ' ih. j-nr."'. p ' cub .' i -iK""". ''"'iivim bin. li.,,' ,!'","""'" '" . iiioier dim n. !!..' ..i..l pu-t runl llil.. i "" n.n . i .. ,, . I ,, ir ihf .ullwiimi ( ii" mini. And ' Id, 1922 IN THE TOILS and the adure s ,.f t!i pf--nil t when It : ..i 1, 1 ... 11... ......1.... !.. 1 ' S'i"i. Itl.vil .lil'l ill lie .'in... i.ui ,,.N ,,, ,,., ,,.,,,.,. thi- pmc ". v.hi-h t n'0.'jmitr ic.-iil- , (If p'l.-'ll s. ui'i'.i til" b-tt. .. p - ...tii'- ;' 1 1. The i ' . .. h.';;;;; i'',- ,,,,, ,. .,. ,,,liuiis: Hi- ! '.I eleil- eeem. . 111. eh.-n ,il la J 'l.e.r urnl; .. dues . en eth: m Ii I'-s ii.'iti'ie , v"'k te de en u'ii din. The neia -It . : ""IU ' S".:." - nan -i.li ll.e M.H" indnMtnl m the a,!i.... and he w..s t-r I V "V ."'"';" i'." ";. 'I- "': , " " ''""' ", ,-,,-. .., ,..,-, ,.;,..-, Ini.i I 11 ... 1 Mini. mi. 1.1 nil ft ....In ,.ih..i only tla ..- 11, lines, and ihe eh rh di-trih'itm, I III .ll.tr!. Ij .1 nil. i.r.l. (I... l. ...... .....1 . ...... Mer. 'Ili.i-. Ihe enh hi.m' ill,,, nnd- -lie ' 11. mie ,.t il.. ild,',-s,... is the eiMi, r v I,.. I 1 lah.'s 1.. ii 1,1 1 deli'ii.i. If (lie adi'ii. I .1 id ill I I .. ... ll.f. .( It.!, r 'ili.l ri.i'.i... 1 .ir.. I 1. . 1, ...,., . .... ......11 11.. ., i- -., ,.,,,. I,.,,.'. ... il,,. .,, ,, .Mile te the ...,. I ' ad.li. 1 .ue in an l..iMir Knniii I 'Wh"i 1 v.is 11.11 I'liid ,delH of the Wet . 1 ii.iiji ii.niit 1, lie 1, a iieiim eann in ie 1 the I'tiil.11 hcl' K.i-l.'i in i.nil nam uia 1 an i.iisi.r in. inii t r.n v. as (...nding ,,,,,1,1 ..,..,., , ,,:,,., ,,, ,, .. '.- . . ' " " ' ' ' "' !l "r e.ti i..-r.i Sle..di," !,','Ii;.rV,, '..r,,! !,, , ,! "rt-V'.."",'' h..."'".'! -"fr ', ','" V" "', .';," i'II'm vl i,,,,. ,,,,r.,. ,,,. "' , " , ,, , , : ,,;,,.,,' V .'''; I,. ,,,.,,;, ,.. , . ..,- .,7 . ,. , ... '.l - , .,... , '. . ..',. "" I" I I I. Ill 1 .!, ilini I'.ll et lie ij ,- . ,i, I, 1 , '' 'I'illK ' 1 nl. 'nil -I. !.),,, he hlld ill-, 1 . I , V it,. 'f. ,., ..'fei.. 1, ,- ,,,,1,,,.. " I I"' I 'llil . doe. 11.11 hllf.v I. , I.,, 1I1.1; , . i.,i ,f --......... j,,, . 1 1 .11:111 t.an ,,11 - a ei 01 1 ., ; -t.. I , ... . -...i .1. n, , ,,.,,, 1 - '...iin,. et m.. ,1 ,,, .,,(,, .w,,,;,.,. I'.-ll I nt. s ' - 1 ... nn'-i nnn ,,,. a m(. me ll, v.. el, ' . .- - . ij. f.im- eer. .i,,. , . , , ,, ,. ; a ...In. tin. , a.11.1,.1 uhieli tin p., t. , ;,, --.i.... 1 . -....-. ...... n hi. n, ,, 1 , ,,.., WI1..1 had hniipi n.il ;,, ,,, ' p. 1 v... 1 Im 1 th, 1, ii i,.K. i "" ."-..i. .- I '" "I I ne I 1 .. ' n." pi. ;.. . nil- tl,. i...ir..-, ,. , V ..nil l..i . ft i i , .i,ir,. .,,, L . , , ' m n.. - -,. , ,,. ,? ... .',,,' ! " - .. . , , . " " i M.,a (im.,,,,,, . , ,",,.,, . " . h,rr, ' ,,,,'''' s,,, - , ;.,,,,. , ', V ' ' ' '.J'"1'"- I ,,, ....,.'.;' ''"''' ' " 'irr I "" I" " " . - I ie, '..',.., '""'.'" J.i. ,. ,. ' "''"! .. ,i I , . , ,, , , . , ." ' " , " ''"' ' ; ," '"l-nh ' .' ',e .la'', ' '. I 1 ' lit 111. 1. .... .1 . I . -. -1. -, n. n,. ,,, , ,. . ., HIM FIRST 1 I i ii . . . ,. i . ....... i ,-.. ,ii .nun, n i- . i nun - .-..., .iinn , nini . . en i Ii Mi i Inn, I i .. p., ll.l i -n'.. I' i-a.l ,L'.'. .., ,,,, p,,,,,,, , pa- sp,.,1p..j, ',,, , ; ' '" "' ','1'1" ",d i: I ,,,, ,,,,,., , , ' -' Hi-ni i.) llllll.ll I. It'll .11 j 'he pi,. . and the . ,--,.. i ,, 1 1 in-' . -It. n't i"ii i i ',' ,'''', '"' ' HI.I..I..I '"' " s NIII.Oup . ' I" l-.i il il. ... :i ' . s'iiailliiu 'tin Ible ""1 Ie.,.h bingn ' ,!' ' V" Knglisi, I i!ei..uei, .nm, I.,,,;,,;' -Tl; ,;"'.,"i: " " 1 '' ' '- ' '"it--i i .! .,., , ,'," ,l", I ' ..t i, i ,,i, , ,:, - !i I--I id "f "' l.nn.l.m.V.i ,.'.. V "" ' Ii,"" - .... -1 1 1 u . ' J j j j i I I i Hi's I IJIIII. llu.S ''' , n..V I" Pr.,1,.,1,,, ,!,.,.. Say- I'.b'.i'- -nil a-ji-'uii, ' .iidi.io.tp.,..,.e,.. ,,,,,,,,; i i I nivi-r paj tr dii:gin In' liHIU. e it.. i. nl 1 In .... i-. ..... ,,,, rr i,., jrt 'm t iilTeid Hi.- nimUi.1 all l'i' nail I., tn ., ,.,,, "...p. "inin- ... in , ,i 1 1 -a ..'..nni .., ..,!,, , ,.!, w nl. im -ll pi, , I,.., , , , ' " ii'i.'i'i g a Intl. ..a I ' ti i n . ,, l, t ,,, , ''' " ' ,! h: mi p. in ,,,, .,, iiv ii)iil'lh-ini.i ami vveaili(, I heir pecKiibufdiH wen- fnnei. p .,.-. -.nee I'uiiiu gei legpiiipi- 0 A .-SisaiSesJieit, 0-i.2;J 'i-r,""1' :'- . j&yj?: SHOUT CUTS "Sjub.-Idcui snicker. for sjuL.-id."' the SVnati Ceiisnl.ir asijnis will, of twur.e, 1 efcr te i? .is ll.e jelly Kegel- hill. ' s"l" '.'"n; issue mar ret l.n i deiti I i!.. ...intitri'. u.'tll r.f litrie-. - - ' , 'I'le'e i i, eh lb-nie ! i ' Hut 1 w. -,..: d.iiuii .. una'.' i , .. -. ' . .. . , i,.i ui,. .. lea- 1 wiIIim. I ,.( ill! : .m. -, shi.ll .; . iln; i.in'rj li.g r nira- t - - Middle W'-r .nntlaiies iir:e supen- I ei.ij ....-r ll- .ffrte i:nt n. th- waiter e , ,.,,,,,. 1 I . Tn.' ' ,r ''hli-lm... -Iiepp.'l. ufpty , ' '"'". ''"'"S """ ' 1,rl ""ilh I'ePI'l"'- '"'J ai d hit. I ''Id luu 'Vii ie ' 1 In 1 10I e- ijf l'i '' "I. le- limKW.e:!. flu iinil-'liiiMi'r 'I' ni.ei hi, llii.-!. , lieu ,-t n i,.e.n' same et l..i..ball I a' M'li.e I'll'. I'.lil iviiigliltl.il' l.ill U 1 witlilielil 1111I1I . I - tin i I . s a'.e ',-e 1 -e 1.., , ).. , .,., . .. t . ,.m. .' enev- 1.1.110 Piuu. 11 hPriiees lean' ,.T.., n,. the hrnadeastlng station-, will hme '" "'" "' w il1"1 f"ll'-l" ''"" I'.-hap-. u7rZ Ku KUv. Klw , i" divide ihe umi- l.eii , ihe Miin.mer', '. larei lir-i and the Ibilb.'-e. n nr-'.l-erj, ' ,. ;. , , ,, , lM 1 1. up 1. 'i.tii linn,,!' l.n ... .1 1 lii I' .i-iiai.i I'r.i that th.' Itulif 1. .1 poof , pine in 'liieli In tiring i.lient .) it ..tuTl- . l.iHen. ' S.m.eliew the lernng puds . t,a' 1 liiii.iili.v cii'me.. Mmsi'lf et in.-irvrllv 1 lien lie s.e.iit. ..I vi is. .11 a. iieir.ncr.ic.n .... r .-, . I"" r in 1:1.1. .... ... u lien ,i innliibltiKU hnv .lffe-nl. r imp- J 1 pi - t.i I... niul twice 1'e.r the i-aiin- ..ffi-nsf. , 1 ei - 111 in- elm twiee inr llie r a 11 1 1 niii'iisri . ih.. .11npu.i1 mn i. tlmt the f.e.v.ti.l time i ...1. iuercd in the I'njin of ,1 eliahi'r ,,, , si, 1,1 .. I,... ... r,- ,. e ,ir , . i ... , . ., ' '" ' IKin ia : t n : ... j :, ' ' ' '" 'J- ,'(;," ", :.r ,, ,',,. itl,,', 1, ,,1. . ,li, . ,, i S.,,1, l ,,iter ,, hltV iron ,n 1...1. hi. .,.- .,, d 1 , 1 tl resp -IM- I , ., What l)() Yeit KlWW? ; . I .,:,.. UUA ... ". ' 'e,,,,,,,,, ...,., I ... .- ...... l'i ll I I I i I I 1 - I .- ,, . , -. ... , ,. , ...n. ... . ,.,1.1, .1 I .1....,, -u... tt., w.l rdi i-ire ei 103 1 i m.' Unit a, ,,, , ,,..".:"i !' .. - i ..iicri.ti.-. or'.' di' x " ili..ltn,i' ni' ili,i m.'P preMiUnn ' let.t.x i ic I'tlmi of ju-prpiW-niRllv'-' 'I'- lriemital .petntt uf ,S. tutors nr! 'I e ei.sl. e ei- tl. I'iPf.1.1. nt In M? 1 ..' vv limn vv.i il t'l.ld, ' "ii Ins I. evv Of lib. i.ithui st.i -nni tml..- i-ne"' i In ivb.it ...nttirv ,,i Hrinnlbiil Hie" Im . iitiim..nd,.i u,.-. in.t I'mtr-ierate Vrnn v. l.i- ii h.n tendered te the I ntel tni'-e. ... tiir. rl,.;e of tin .I'll War. What l'i. i I, Kiiict .., ii ,. inlaid (' VI n l.ini. .1. Man tiien .' , ' W-l I ,,, , ,,iii . ' in "t nn-1 v hip... ' . . ' I . ' l. tn ,!,,! n,i.n I "IW -' "- . s. i ..ter f.i.a Mh M ; i ' v W i n t mi. li'.l.i, ' '- 1 .it t-t . . i,,r .' d.' I - nn t i ' e va.et- I- . Indians cilUil .t . alil.i i ' Answers te Yislerdu'n Qui- .. 'I.t- lii'si ii.iiiip uf i.tneral Ludcnderff ' l.i ,. l, .. IJ..,ti . ig.4, lnerally mimi nf tliiliul' r. v8' 'he ii.ui... Klv.n ,i .''lirl-t te th' fei" "I J.'l.t.lep I Mnrk ll 17) Ii''"" ' "" nuii' ii , .nn ub. inent pn a. net r .... ... ti.... ... .... t nl.. ti.l H' "l . I 1 1 .' -. I.H- 1 tf 1 1 l'i.' . i, . t lie t.i lull f i.n. I ..I...I. ni.'... VI. I II "' ' id I ll,l.,..,,rl- I l-f " llf'" , . 1 . . 1 1 r . 1 '. i ' ii . . i ..it.. .. i, nr ...i.p.,. .. .t- ' M.irl' ..ml ivmM'.i lining, i- t.ii.i-il ""' butiili.ix. In., nanie id' lin- -tl " ' ?' 'rii-, .in Amerh .in llnpi.al tn. i-f tr,IJ iiillevv f-iinilv. ,i '. liel.uiilin, t.r C)t,.. iiir ii. tlie prineir" I lui'tinav et i Vi-. li.isleiukl.1 , j 'Iln il mini- .. the Miiiih-rn l'i-1,,,, smilli America was .lese e'an Maf'1!, tlu- ifU-lii.itf.fi Kiiit-ral. wine-. ''"J"1,'" in tlm Are. tilln,-. v,u-ef Iliilepe'iflence. v ige'l ., ).'i In.tt Mialn, nm- -'V,1 J,. "In- ' nf llnlli'ir In Veil-iu n. lunl mil nini ine .Mil I i . 'i. III. I 1 I 1. .11-11 T l,.s ll". ii. - tb- I i Hid Willi.-. In ll. n '"" ( I 1 I I . . I . . . t f I . . . t .4 . I ll .1. .spurn.-, n vllli.i;- i i nl" pI ,, nili it. n i, . n.. i ii' "' .',. in i'm .it .1 f. .it i. ih. Ilritn Ii I" 17 (. vtluil .par. S,i, im .-'..'I i'l'"r ?' '.. laleuny Is a lnige .Seulli Amfrfa nr'tnadlll.), ,(i in The DreyfUH ease in Vrance wnd epeny in l-ssi una vvns thirdly eleBeU In 1'" t if A l"
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers