rwsvftff " w- -..' ""' EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PmLADEipHIA; WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER- l'l8.. 1&22 t 'M"K ."'" l-V" fei I T! , M 5b' U 1 1 hA fM A Brief Review of , Wl1P1M Ann f". 4 4. -vm y "MO'"a vuuuiLiuAia is contained in our monthly bulletin "The Situation." In addition this bul letin summarizes the mere important phases of the bend and stock markets. We shall be glad te send a complimen tary copy te these interested. Hemphill, Noyes C& Ce. Mmbtt New Yerk Stock Exchanfr Franklin Bk. Bldg., Philadelphia New Yerk Pittsburgh Bosten Scranton Um Angeles Albany Syracuse Baltimore Wilrnlnftea Bridgeport E. H. Rollins & Sens Pounded IBliI Investment Bends 1421 Chestnut St , Philadelphia ' riiene lcuil 7300 Be 'et yew Yerk Wilkri-Barre K:i"(ii ( Chicago 11 l'ran"t3 'e Corporation Bends We have prepared a 1 i 5 1 of Corporation Bends which we be lieve will be of interest te all investors. .1 copy vi'J 6" trn vpn rcq-Jt for L 10u We offer A first ruertraie Rallreud bend, guaranteed bj one of th prln- lpal systems of tbe V. r1 at a price te yield erer 6't. F. P. Ristine & Ce. Widest Baildinj, PbilidelpUa iew 4utH EUiaoeU. a. J, Mitisra Vete x'cr'c ana i.tiuiMissAaa) BWc gwwasiam INTERSTATE ELECTRIC CORPORATION First Lien 6s, 1933 Eatn nps ft SuW'I'irv e- . for pa- SeptP!-'.r :n iii; ' '3 Orois Net 5941,115 $315,109 Subslllary Cemri' Imn'I in'. Inte.-est, pr-ferred .llMde".' dn. l.itt;'.!, en U;.n i?3u S16e,532 Ma."asp"-pnt r? prrpn't . d r"-'-ed bv Mi- 'ifneral Ktiif n-r" s Management ' orre-auu ' of . - Ye 1 Price te Yield W ' 1 iriJUiar I V c -i- u' Z 3 Faii-man & Company : ' Drexel Buildiiit:. Phila : 31 Established 1902 Z n - - - " siimnsmiimn im-mTTtTirr rt . . - - H' t. en. tf It,'-.- 4" mcujxc i.ndisoat.te. r..i!ii-.icn..ii:- .1 Jt.... Income Tax Cnnsuh.mrs ; Ciuwge 'ihmgten,D.C. Scrantea QUI SERVir S ,tA7; GUIDED FSY THE PR I XL IPLES OF IHOROl GHX ESS -REL1AIUUTV 1 ( ACCVR ( 1 A Cn.ije-i.ii' le - --I OM ' H 1 l.bTyreirada 1 i tt Real EslalcTrusl B!.,P,iiPd. C rrrflnrf!-af.'i3rTr---f--4-' Investments Baker, Yeung & Company JU-r.I'II S' IN. .Ir Minit-er Land Title Bldg. Bosten Philadelphia Alan A. Alexander & Ce.! Stocks and Bends Colonial Trust Bldrj.,Phila. Stud fur Cops of Our Mcklj Mirkrl Letter. "In und itiinin," RtCiPWQCAL Aewim TwitAssaja Meant t Savins Pennsylvania Indemnity Exchange Hrd St & Se. Pcna bqurs , Certified Public Accountant Lafayette Buildinp, Ffihdelphia WIEGNER.ROGKEY&GO. Certified Public Accountants Drcxd Building, Philadelphia 3 nriB Since Dal of Ism l'ate 103.03 Oct, 10. 'S2 iiian wate i.ew sfl 00 June S. '21 i:.iii net id, "ij 1l HS July 2.'. '22 lm MO Julv '.'4. ". liV. I'? -""y '-''' '-'-' 100 S July 1 , .... 102 00 Julv 1U, l.'J 101 TS Jijit $ "j3 101 ie jui st, :: 101. OK Ju.v St. '22 100 ve juiv ::i, 2j 101 On Ju v JO, '22 ion H Julv 2."i 2: 101 Srt .Tub 27. :a iei.hs juiv :i. 'S2 100 PI May 10, '22 1C0 90 Apr. S. '22 811.11 .Jul v II '21 M 01 Miv 111. 20 "It si M.l.v 10, '20 M 40 Ma" 2 2u si IM1 Miv 21. '20 no 00 June 7, '20 si "0 Mav II, 'JO M"' Julv ai( '.0 51 10 May 2" '20 (t.r.H poi st. "se h', 00 I"e 2e '20 52 40 Mav 10. '20 S2 II Mhv 2". 'SO '.' (10 Miy 20. '20 01 TO JI.lT 20, 20 Pills May 21. '20 tSAI.CS IN Jienril VOnr.KiN I10M1S Anten Jerins 2.. . 04 ' Queensland T U Jlatr W ' le . MS 2 10S 4 70S' 4 . 04', 1 1094 2 70S .1 .. Ol'i Republle Bell. Art's Hep'c 7s Oev t Prenei via, Ss 72 . I00S Ptpuhlla s ,. 03H 8. . teO', 20 . OSS 2 . 03', City of Cnpen. 3 0'-j u cnll ct 7 haten 54 i '1 OS , ; . oe'j S . . de') 5 'A'1 ?"' Hep'c of Haiti 1 l04 1 ( en , Oanl City Lyens (la 2((lit'01i p. ..01 5 .... 784 Helland-Am'n 7(3!) Oil 14 74i Llr. fli 8 00' 7'i 5 8S4 12.. .. t"H4 54 7.. .. PI S4 rtle) V 3 7SS, 2. C ty Mars a 6s 1 ... 734 JapCmen't Is, 15 (fitt) P8S 2 7i 10. ... S2 2 .. 004 r ty of Meats 3 . 3 Eltid Ccn Ss .Idee 7s 1. 2 , 1 US 1 01 S JP Oeiern't rj K Ort Prlt c ty Tek e os i-i (T si J'n ' ..- - m ft. . mil . .. ....- . . - tort 114 Ciry Zurich 8s JD Oern't ' 2 S ... 1124 Indj 14 s Penmark Cen 13 034 1 ct A fa II Belgium l 1. . 10S4 1 PVi :' Dept S'lne 7s l'".i.' t'f 4 .. . eiii, K !!( "n 74 1 s krt, 2 l'T D . Can 5 '.'il ' 1'" ' '-' ;,. . mi , K U" CiU-n 5 IT 1144 IMS 114 1114 1144 '.'44 M" i il'. ill-. 11-. 11-, " --" " . -- - .. ,, , , ,,, ii' Tn 1 i"i i..' a- HMl'l i'1! (. ik v.l 'rt. 6isal 0S. OSS 1' CI. Dm RWc 54 s , , 00 6 5 . 80S1 ; . f.k', ' Dutch C Indi s K S bs Creits ' ct Ca '47 I tt Slevn'B es J P' MS I'' M M 04 S 1 , Dutch U Indi s K "-,,rd.n ii ind S Pral'.l I ct Cs '62 -i . . IMS Larce74s j 4 . . e,)-, c..tyena M 3 . "34 .. .. 03S , Rili y 0 U 8 Brazil J 1. .. PIS, ' . .. T.1S s n't Fram'n Indust' s. . . 73-S 1. f''1 I Dv 74s rets .". 7.1S '.'. '"'' 1 . 00 5"ai 7 is U 3 Mexico 4s 'Gi.i rrer.cn1 1 .fati73S 1.. 1"4 P- r'i s rets Quwiland Oi V' lte-1 .S I' f 1 . 01 S : U ' j Cnt-n1) n ill . . '. . M nuMirn hum) l' h (j"irn t I'll Mil lJst 'J't K.' ' I'd rrts .- unl Is it in'. . ("i 'i i in! .: . ': . ei 4 1 a i .I.. :ni & ic . ',.. st (., p.,, , ! , . '''.'. kk 7 1 S iJ"l -es ) . . !" s ',i aje M.l , , .. . I'H 5 ft I te ... 0 1 . "'S .-si- r.i A is a Geld ! . 7-S A ; .., .. ' re v B ' ( 7S', l . 4 7 ChVaee "III & Ge. d'. 'i I I Arrerlean Ag- stp ,v 14" Bi, j . Chern 74 s , 10 n."S 7 :ej', ' '- 1?:''' & " "'? Geed r A A tier Fmk fi : .',-,, r(.,b'k. : Rf c fa Ch rag" M . tf , '" '.'i ... l'J e'f n 4'li a : 0.-. ' ...... fSS An-.e-lcan Sue I . j 1 H'f'e 6a Chlcat") M. i 4 102 fctp gin 4 4" A T'l A Tel sa 7 7''S 1 I.. 10P. I ri.. c' . ..1 llnirnni Den- A I 55 8 n'ii Mark (Is 5 lS ? 8S4 2 .... CIS Penna P 04 De' Can 5s 'l' : . &4 1 'Vl I l- ss -SVw Yer; r' 1,0,s te ,,,.' 1 ps'l 1. 1034 M StP 9 Sta 81 of '41 Penna R II 7s A, ,' ,, , ..,n U S Hrar.ll 76 Marie 4s 1.... 105'., 17. . . 10PS ' " S,S . " ,s Un'd B Pi!I v ' 894 .... 10S41 5..-. HO ' " " pm ,J ' i,M 74s rcu 'IKiriSSte' 1 . . 1034 4 . 110 1 ' f,', ; 0v-J 12 MS y Chi T 4 New Yerk r Peoria A Estn 1.1 I'O . f'J I . . te OSS Chlrnae Mil A ' d Ti ui , . f ATelATel 0 h: V cv ;a ' ! ' '1 2 . I10S IC 1171, ' '' ' A-ti ur 14 1 1 '.74 " ,"i I ".os '. ..7,1.. I" 1 . s'. . hi ust A Nth " !' 1 1 Wat r n 34b '."I Ir ir 1 V 1. n 13 . 71 , ' 'i-Tli 7 . e. r i .. . - 1 '. i.,n.i... .i v.-n .-, " i ' ii.i , re is ; ,'' rai. r - ' . . f. Ct..c.i..j nai : ' i 1 sp'. m.i t G.'i' ".iinn A n T I. ri t- I 7 . Ha., c 4i C5 rv, peck I i n. r -1 P fd Is ., h' A ' its'. Li' ' 1 . jifi, " r.ertn 11 Si-s 1"2 1 or. 1 1 A Fru - . -0'.' f'2--, 1 .'. 1 -', 1 . 1 J 1 1 ''I ' '- J 1 '-' j' "'h .1 ' 1' . 7a . tl" i I.". 1 ru 1 .V. - ' A .: F"f e Zi b'eajte A n ' ft 1 ! liana 4s ' : ' Bi ' ' u J ' i v I 7's '.'!, 1-1". II 4 'J C. I .0 l e op - l. : -i : . C". . 12 1 11 '. P-' A a t i Ohie flu ' ."l' 1 ti, ' .-'.. ' ep'r 7. t,-' ' '1 B 1 I". 1 at a r 111. 4 -t', 1" . il.-. -1-. ' 11-'. 1 11.. " I1". H .. . ;i, 10 f.H . a ...hie ; ,l"i, I .s. r r .. II--' 1 !" 1"1 1 1 I'.OS ."! (I, a. 1. P I. f it h ' V I1-, . i'1 lie e ,l. i'a' I - : . I" - ' . A i 'i -. 3 . K'i Hud'-" .t. - .. J'js ' ' . t hi i. ,n e-l - ; , L rt i l 1 . - el Ms '. . -1- 1 '.-', (Td cin (.'hi A,!Iudi"-. i. ''S't M I.e.jls fl ;,s I 1 !', r v i i i ' r,. i 'i. I- 7- 117 1 . '.,.. r iv r n of m . 1 ''-'. r 1 I I..1H '1 1 1111 , ' . v, - I ".'. I I ',. e t nlen ! ' I i 7, -3.' f-t ' d -rre-t i. 4 . . ' . i i- .- i.'i t I I ,'l 1 I IM I ! . '-' I I iff t fleeh r f II . :. I I'l'ti i'l .1 '"'. . 7 OI', 'I 'e, 4 ' 1 1 IU A Hul flli 'Tt. l,.ili Isrmuul ' . r-. , U 5s I I 1 rl A II .-. .ii rl ' .; i..f i-, 1 mu n -.''ti 1 . S. I 'j 1 I - I i.U M( 4" 71 I ie 7.1'. I'-w J -' ! i'i r . M '"lAf, t 7 .J.rr I !' Jf H I " . " . -...- i, . -inn- n u nw,v"J -ii.ii- t .,., ,-ir.r tfi I 1 -1 .1 iM fir V. tnin te hit. ' B- I1.E- .Ui.L.llj .Ul.I.I I Ml kl -wn. ... ' "- 1 J 1 "'-. - ."''. " '.' - - ' ''-?'' ' .',; ''.? .?.' " cmni'li and 7"'"l out of V.'JX - . ' ,. batK fnr lp;mL,nn Te fl- Editor 0 (he Kt-emne rur."- r.-icer. , t ! . l' , 1 ., ; . '; pi u .713', l'nil ilv, " ''ireti Ot pieferr. d e'itw.niding. ' r,t1 cleer exnmiti-ilien of the facts Mr--l am tendlnit e-i an old tem that - -:-' 'r:,;'.!-.." :,4. ::; :j.- hi, li h. """ K t -!e"- - t aa-. ih r'f.,." ,wu,?fe?.; - un'.sftV:,; ,:;:.;,; ;;; J B-.r ' -tee! 5 . 1" Hunt.', n " 4 n'-rn?" r' -21l4 21 I 'Is t ''' I empan of I evas . "PPllfd fe.' ! the ear at hand, con.-lilslen.s c ,no. be ';,,"Eh,e?r .all being temper'arllv absent from - ...... n.l f-Mi l.a.a . .. .. . -i. IT... 11' 11 ' I.. rt I.IMe C -. 1 0,.n l-,fl r.A.i- . I I'l.. .l.nll. ...n . i,h.,.l ,1.,. . ...r- I'j.u "i - -jn. -...- -.-. ;; g ... ... - . i -- .iii!....,.- ."; iu- . , .... - , .-.-.. ..,.. iw, I,,. -. hi"- ii eij i in- -irui ii 1. 1. 1- la iiijii. i in- mi uic n,0 Cv anl tne pnriuer i-i iu ja- a a no . ' ' " P" i'J .'4 1 v is', i.';r47 t"rfn lei ..I s r 1 ' '"'' mertgjse l per cent geld bend--, a- for UU0 and UC0. tin lftUl ligure- mrreis for thirty-five years hsMni bn ' ;'' '0. h "' : ',- ; ' , f ".lit wl . -SN f.s' - I'liuring Januart I. 1002, and ,enK rather bdew the normal. The .-jild home last Cbristmastlde. - i. i ,..,.'.' " .-" -'' 'r ' M ' UM Iiji1 ": i'"''t.tefMl cr.uinieii :tock. I'leceds hlnli iaic iua tiil.ilh Unit out m In- , , .,r''rF-n' t ' ' , i r;m,,..i;D., ,. , ; ";.::-l,:;v V'ii- !?: !.. !,,,,,,- '' "f -lr-k ""' .. .n'...b nwr-p the a-rragr for a rerje. I rsii-Wrl... D-cbtr 8. 1PJB , --. i'.jr ll . i -ru Tn! r,-r, .- f ,, .'-. r;,. I "ii-i-, ' 'it iM- u-l-'j iiy lit r.ii-. r ALAJ.Mj I 'ill .i lis I.'. 1 " I" rdr 7'-i I ant is C iuri.1 um, ;, 4h' '. lt la 1 1 1 lO P7S ast-i-ii . 1 rre de I'aa .j Sueur 7- Jai ef' r 1 a 1 'earf 1 4. J" 1 . "3 ., Julius Kajier i,ij A. Ce 7a rets j!..' I ... lM's ." ip r 6s '.' 0 1 as 1 135. S 13.v. 'i plr (, is 1 " I' IS ll uel 7Ss Kin (- A S lis R 13.'. ' t 13". 7 III1; r. 13.-.'. i Ohie 4'. l 'I'D I ''.' , i K ..'i -rt i i A il e ( 1 "i ." t . i. ,'.,t t -. '. I'. ,.k . f. v t i.i Ss t.U n U U Ii ? Hi0', I 1'J0. htcuiru A r. n I a Sa '01 PH. d . . flli M', K c 1 rt v is I MS - fS'i 1 .f.'l'. 1" 81 I 'i.l.j Lrti'ka a gtel '. (lit' 'ij , t' i! '23 Hi ''I1? I . . 11 (lei 'i', ' cf m :'. : .'i. Is .'1 H- '.P. ' II'. 1 ' ., , i - I ,. i! I - -, fi I rie Hit I 1) I I.' 'IK Itll I " 14 1 0. ' a I en I Sta I'l 1 ' h Kb Vli' Us 10i, 1'lsk Hub'r C'n Ss rcla I1'"' l.'n '. !jl . 61 in , sn4 1 2.. toss " "( slVij 5.. . 103 JLerll'jr'l c .". U--I1Q I 4.IOG OS 1 HIJ .ee nil I au , ined 'i N 7s II.'. , 1 II.', ii;-, i.e., I',. I- ! - l a'lie- fa . NEW YORK BOND TRANSACTIONS LIBERTY UONDS AND VICTORY NOTES T1A11K9. '21 HUh Lew Iu I iMrl" r,is, 3ei:.7 Liberty 3Sa. reentered 1 Iherly ut cv 4'. l'3S-47 .. Liberty 1st cv it registered l.lbeitv 2d 4s. 11127-tJ . . . Liberty 2d 4k. rerlstered . . Liberty let 2d cv, IS a. 1032-17 Liberty 1st cv 44 a. 1032-17 I.lhrtr 1st cv 4Sa. rmtii-'ered Liberty Sd cv 4Se. 1027 42 .. Liberty 2.1 cv IS a. registered Liberty ad 4Ss. 102S i H'ertv lid 4S. rcirleiered. .. Liberty 4ih I'm. ii' ... te.1 ns 04 M 102.70 (14 S2 101 04 PS 70 101 3.) (17 (10 10(1 s0 lA :.0 100 54 ".' M I02. en iih ok 101 7S po.cie 101.IO !)." s.l 101.00 PI (11 us ns lolei) P0 74 1O0 Sd 04 72, fi; Ml 10102 IIV71 lOn.OS 100 02 1D0 HO 03 M Llbertv 1th 4Ss, re(jltcred Victory 4-lin. 1022-2.1 iotery 1-4 , relsttired. I Loulv'e cln A'Natlnnal Tube -V PaciriJ n On Ls 4149 , Cemti'y d 1..., 10't i ! 101 I " .. les'i i L A J p.lgc 4 .V Or's A T 4, 17. . . . 1' ", I 4 sl'i 2 . .. 7V 1 105si Leuis A Nih- N fit Ctl ai Vth 8 Pwr .la 1Ue5Hs 1 .... 76'4 1 OTS S . . 104 3 . . 77 I .... e:4 I 2 101 V V Ct'l rn 4i Kealel 02'i , Le A NaSi 7 5. . S:t Oregon 9 L l 1 ... 107'- N Y ( tl ls'42 02 La A N W 5s, 10... fl Ore-W H R A 1 77 N T Cenfl 5j Navi Ce 4a Munati s,JKar 6 P7S1 1 SIS Cemp'y 74s 1 P7S C 6(14 074 25 82 P7S Otis Stel 7 C'7, 1 034 074 Otis. Steel 74 s 07 Si rets 8 .... 03 1. I Market Street ply cel fls 14.. 10.. 54.. n.. MarVd'eil Ss .... 10S 74 I 1 034 07 ', 1. .. ORVi i MarIin4 ell ar-as, ... 14. 07 7'aale) 03Vi 13 074 Paciflj Gas A - -... ... i i" N 7 Cn'l (is E!ec 5s Mt Petr'm Ss 10. . 1047, l .... 024 3 ... 107', It.. . 104'j Pacific 1.1 A ... 107S N TerV Kdln Tel fd .'.a 1074 (14 air's 4 014 Kcn1 107 ;i ... j;i) i, . 1. 1 ' 7'enlei 107S Nw Y N If & Pa R gm 4'Ss Mldvale Mel tl rv 3';' ' '"' !'2S A erd e 5s ... 471- 1 .. MS V SOU New V N II A Pern R It 5a ' !'4 II 34s '51 1 . 101 1 . OI Mil P..C- rtv A 2 40 1 -- - 1 !,(!,. r.a 'lit V Vurk .iai 4 mil: - -- --... w....- . . - 1 1. . . 3-.", Ill3 -i.l 1 l'Jik .' 024 ' Os of '40 In 4s M Itan A Tea 1 .. 1044 S . 744 eM 3s wl 'N Tk V C A Peri Marq' 5s 10 . . jet; Bisl 44s II . . 07 1 , . jet, I I . .. 40'i 1 07 K, Tet1 1 . Ji'.l. fill. 07 , 5-A t i 4 .nl Phllad a Loci i ! . . C3S 0 404 Piny fd 2 . . s-ji4 Norfolk A Wr 1 . 100 S . ST, cv da ... PUS , M Kan A fe 0 1134 Pitt v n thl A " ' nl N A Hdl'n Ce ? I. a 5 3 .. 07 tfs rc'a ' 1 P4 t . OOS 1 P34 3. OSS in. . 07 ,N' Ohie Trae A Pe'd d R":' A M, pa. Tc 4 Light 5 I VI. t (' 6.JS I - .. 03 4 P .i in 1 :-4 s I'redu- rj A R ji, V; 4 V Pai'iTe II t "r 'I s Mi Pa -,i c, .. 1C 1 '.!! 1 05 'I'lt'lll I ' s..'.4 1 k- . 1 1 1S'j mi 4 Pub b"r rerp SO k 11 .-- 1 - 10 Diirant Sell3 at New High. Peerless Up Twe Points. Oils Improve (w ti ti, l'c l. .i ,,. .... ...... 1 .,.-,,,,.- ii-.iii-.-. .,...-!. -.j ... .- -.. .itirr ih cihuips "ith interf' t l.irgel incr.d in th im ter share-.. .v'inli i..i.("I ii noun. ' 1 s'ren'ii ami a tr in I'lll-'lllt "ld Uli ll r"lllt te lien his h .ii iti'i "litl" a"-h .lo'er 1 ulieii is'i.x. after nn advance of U Pem. . .il..-iu.'r ' loectod .', I'.-rle-f. I..'or- .j.nin-d points, i' ill!. S'.'7 .' l( Id'l "s l.eill eeu'.il . , . ' .. . . . .......... f f ':"' '"' ' '" " "I""" "' ';.. . i -i ., ,. Hi-- .r-,.-e ". .-I up ,.'.. peinf. -.-IHlltf Mi.rci, r.u :u t, '.'. (Jil -I...-L i.pre ll'..ctlnnpi- pell 1 IMI rillT.- , lL- H'-i i.- - r -,i CURB TRADE TURNS MOTOR SHARES ,',,, ,,,',", .pi ii'.t ii.'i ended .I'm Kit. -hew id u ui t ..ti.-it of -'en-' vm Ti- . -d ' '" .' ' S"","":.'. leinparei) with a di licit et i - '!', ."'Jn.' i.'V"-s ii',' I-.5,' it ' imi.Mij i..t jfa,. 'Ibis roinpaie. te. i-ocex s'i H.n P' : s i.'s '.''. '. gctlcr w .tb the Panama, is' i .Me Du-a..t Me- . , ;' ''!- !'"' "' iwl bj the ti.j eminent. The nc- I'lir.lJtl' M ' 'f.'ld 'I'l !'.- !'''l,eiil,r f,t Iho niilrn.,! nn-i.m. .!,,...-. I Kill."..! 'O Vr l' ' " '. iiHrn.i Vat, rrei :i; :r .-' . r. D.I v 1 1'. IM'KPI MiKM HI 1 .1 I I,- - ... . r r . ' I 1 'lOlt ( ill 17 1" 17. 1 I' ll ' I .1 . 1 .-'O . I'll . ' I. inch - t"' ; .1 "h aiwl M'l. - I . '. Vj.-e (HI ' ' II " 'Tu'llll Ull .. II' 11 . Knelim! rul "Il --' 1 I' I . 11 . 1 .ii, r 1 '11 ... 1'7' !' 4 'l )'linO-! Ci . f , li4 Ift.i ..,1, L'nlOll 1.". tl". ..VK. Sirnrns Pet . 14 MS .('.. -euiheru States Oil 10'i .', ' r in Oil. .. . 3e S.I. 1 i-ti.i . ... ! 1'. ' 41 00 II u. Oll . . e '- I'l" 1 1 (i.l . 4 J 1IIMM. 10 71' "I i-m 1 i -in 1 1 or ,- .;.. i 1 1 .lei ' 1 14 Miii '. - 1 . 1 e' s iep Mln "''' ' ' I'd ( nr . I'rev .... '' ,tl I rts S'l ... ' ' . Inn ri" en lield . '- M '. t I'l. lie 1. Ce- s . 7'.' 7. 1 nil tin ere. Her z-1 ni Ii- den 1J0U . ' ' 1 4n0( f'e-iuna .... ""- 1' 4'."'. 1. .Id Der 1 jc "' eiin (-.eidfleld Flcr " '-''i infl llmi. .inund .... iMli m. ic? -,' (, 1'. i'f'O Independent Lead.. 3Ie .1 m Nlvada OphT 1fii- ll IJ. 1. 5 1200 Ohie Cep . . 100 my Hercules . lOfiO rtJt Cens . ... Ifinn uichmend Cep t'OO Sutherland 700 Tech Hushes . .'.0 Ttnepah Hxt . ftne I'nlted naiteru I'.O Cest Hnd Cen r.4 l'i ft) 2Se -: V...I. ir ... i t .'.-tn i r i"- i'"," '.',in.l " for the -teams h n iiK. r '".''""' . ':....,. Vr',i , i. e he d..i.. mi.. Vn.i h,, ViT,1 ,h. i .'",V..,: "!"'" "in. I S.", ' ..."..i 1 ." .-;-' :.' -J .,..1 ,!. ...ii i ,.( j, .i-.n ' for lll'-'l. a I"-" ei tin.!"'" L'C.'itns l'T I" ." ' ..- iTeY.-i. ,T .., V7.::-. '...''.. . "I. and ? :,.";.J;-..r";i'. '-- ";, ,-: ; ' ,., .,,, mas m i-.ti.i i.:it..r.'-ii. as again-t r f.,-u .ntm, ,-,. h---1... ;,;- iu;i,,e,,tbai ' ; s,"; ,riLtn' y - '-' ' '. i. '.: "The sem.-.iiwil dUidend of .10 n j 070.OO11 tee I'.i'J'J. :i eai.i or 1 lO.Ouu . ' ' f J P' """t'-s ,.,,. l ! ' . ..;,--. '.''. ,"4 '-. -jui-rii tiie Mai 1; Ceal Itailinn.J .1 ie .illTO, ,et l..- in natural In-! (Che-usi r-' '-n.w. .1 . 1. .rrt.-,. i .., ' .'",,'' ' " !. . 1 '"n'm-'H 'e;'4 cempii.14. w,tu N. u Sliare .,.. 0f .nul.-ii.-.n ..! li-ll.llfsi. Hew , t h- . 1 line-' tin- i-id -r. :m 1 -;-- l MeN : S.'.IION ln ' ' 'M t ' ,n l.i ill' . nt'K ill 1, ., A rri. -. ...... "-- 11 . 1 . . j .. ..I..IK ullh the. ,d Mm . .m..l.A ' - rn.ii.j.ii.i- .. .' I 'I . .. ' ' : ' :,".;", V-,- .." '.V "" Hr. the birth nit. i"ll "N'red, tic -"?.',.: ' V. ' , . , . . ,.., . "V , " I , v , 1 v ..i.".:V "'r ." . !2. . ' ' i-' . a l'T- - - - u i'i 'J UI " I -1 11 "J r js 1 me Slinif t- . ..ntn In- 1 1 1 1 (Mill tir 'it i i-nir ''1, Piir'f ? '"i - " 1 - , , .-, - . , . ' MficK' ei IPr ' ... ai r- i " '. . I"tal di'ideiids e" eoumeii this tear ,.nw n Mnt.i.-iieil 1.1 the T,,,','. . .,.., (.-. ' ." .t.ft".'t"..m.'"l': 'i, n U ., i". ' 1 tier Met . H U .-e -'..O a -liHre. 1 . emnarrd iHi SLTi V'lL. ' ,v . 1 n ,..""'" "".".' '"'rl' .f ...1 n ii -TANDARI. nil , e sl.are in lfC'l ' T)fl 'figures are net complete, no" 1 "Alene" IHESri'iiJJ.n.'Rl-vV; '.'rar.V " AQU si ss 1 A 1 ,, 1 '. I , IIOM)-. I re'. Allied paeirs l 7f'S ;.-.', 7 .'j fi l 'iS Km'. I, m. ,1 idll Am (-III : nit '. I'O .'no i Anfirenu. un loe-, ,! in Steel is '.a l Im r lien a inn I",l"4 1 IS II, In e i i. i i.ih Halt fnO I i ens fia II 'I ". indi Hun Cv 1. L r I j ' Kmi 'laB I.- s.l'di I .'I l'i s f.'l rci li , S liu'i tl , 'l . D7S ': L 0... I.eiilKenil i ti IMS I 'I 4 l"r. Id i'l lei mini Mls I'-iu ('.' j Ii 'fienvit r-t'i s. lhi'i tin - ii-.. l -i -i -"n lfiiun m Y N II H T V Us'. 'WS Os , 4ri0(l nr" Iteeh 7s 2'l nil nil ie l'lin s rm n' v if-iB icn's I'liis 'mis 1'ifni Swift t Ce 7 III ld'.'S 10:s hiss iniioe swift & Ce ns 31 . (IMS ni'i mi, 600(1 Vacuum Oil 7a 107'-, IDTiJ 107S ronnev remw .eon krgentme T 10" loe1 101)1, ft ,., e , fl, ,, ,, ' I ,' 1 .SO N't HUh Lew P.M. Che. 100 50 100.30, 100 8 .. .. flS.OO 08.74 BS.SO 04..1t 0.e4 PsMIt OS. 40 (is. 40 OS. 40 08.00 OS.S'l 0S.00 'os'se 'Pb'.6 Vs'.itJ io'e'.ii lob'.ie ieb'.ii ...'. 7" Ileadln Ce JsISInetnlr 11p 2 ... S5 Lln Ce r.s , " .... S3 I 2 M", . P.em Arras 6s i 2..... b0't I 0 04 r t.0't I Peters Drewn 2 (0 Iren Ce 7s ! 15 Si V a nub'r r.a 2 $s4 2 SS4 1.. 1.. fs4 hSS 8S4 8S' 23. ' 1. ... P3 3 V Ceitl 4sU 8 Hub 74 a , M L 1 lit A 0 5 01 1.... 103 20.... 103 United States Steel Sa C... 1024 6.... 1024 10.... 102'; Va-C Ch ct 7s 2 05 1.... 1024 11.... 1024 0.... 103 Utah Power A Lltht Sa Kly 4 'hn Tae cel 4t 1 .. 68 8 84S i?L In lit A P,.an Tac cv 4 n A O dlv 4l 2 0 844,Sn Pae fd 4s 844! 10 874 84S 1 -. 874 S(L A 8 Fran 2 87; adj Os S rorle R Sue 2 ... . 75H rcta 7s 1 75S 3 OOi 1 75SI B (fla) 004 1... TSVPti Rt-llixay 4s StL A S 11 7 1 81 1 tn Ct 40.. 67 S t Va-C Chem cv 8 58;l 2.... 67SI 74a war'd 1 ... 684 Sn Rallwav 5 12 .... 014 J. .. 54 10 07i Va Rwy Ce 5a 5 03 snn.iii'y04l a... . 0 StL A & Pran 2.... 101 Warner Sugar Erles A 4s 1 . . 1014' Ce ct 7a 1 .. 70S Siand'd Oll of I 1034 PtL A S lan t-'allf 7a l(sjle) 10.14 ' Series l" fi'4, I.... llf,4 ''ii Kler 5a 1 014. 1 10il4 ?l 00'. fit L h We'n Steel Tub" Ce C . 1004 let 4s of Am' 1 7s W L'nlen 14s 7 7S 1 .Knjtl 101 I 1 ... 110 .'I ,fi Third A raf la.Wlckw'e Spnc '.' .... 7SS I .... 01 n1 Steel 7e 2 ... 73 , .1. .. OISI 1 MS St L Pew n 5. 1. . . 01 S wlckw' Epne 1 seit Thl-d A at Steel 4a Saka A Ce 7s 4 .... Ms, I 1 80 1 .. 100s 1 . . 51IS .Wilsen Cem- 2 . . 1004 Te! F.dlsen 7s pany cv 6s 1 nes 1.. 10H41 1 P14 San Antonie A1 t leni, Wilsen Cem- A I Rly 4s fnlen Pac 4s pany 1st Os 1 .... 75 11... . 01S 2 1004 3 Air L fd 1 Union P C" 4 VVIlasn Cem- 3 89S 2 0") T'-js fceab'd A I, 0 . . . 03 2 . 103S 2. ... 50'i a 0.". Winchester R I. -. SS4 1 2 05 4 Arms C 74 a SinHelr C Oll '.. eji,1 J.... 1014 Cerp 7s rrts f't'd Fters n VV C Sup & D .1 .. I'll . Cerp'n 6- M2 Ulv 4s I Ml 1 . ire 1 .... SO E'lnelalr crude &. ines 7 SO or Ce 54 a l s realty A I OSi, l--ip't 5e .".. oes VJfi'c Yii- Ttti'niifnve -- u. av.www.'v.w I , I The .'ni'r.igc pn. c .t the ivcnty : it- ui' um ru works lift' pf u. i .... : .i......t.i . i i.t t -... m. in ai. u. i r,.R,re jf ,, w,r,, ,,, i,-, " iuanUin.iniii Sugar ' emp.iin te.jnn'b part" than tlnic wmld be in n i 'ns for the r.'ir emim! heitnilirr hlend man'" ..irt ur '' idilii'al party 'I tn-elit nf . lllil ("iil'l .it'll i inii.ri.t i f i... i.i i.,...i...i i' iii m ii'irrv 1 - -, -. - . -. ..... ..... . .. . lire.'l.'itliiii, etc.. llgaill.-t ilrfjcH i.f 'ls.liJl tlu- jirevieiij j ear. ' . "- - -" "' ...--. ....-,.,-., if I. 1'eiTine. of Wen A- tv... ti v. i ins a scries of linr-tnieut talk- ecr t.,c broadcasting sintinn of tiiml'.l Ilpnt 'rim & ..f 1.... 1.... ...11. . .. -. . .. . j r.i.'j. "i vi 1J-- u:i 1. 1 ! was "f hoofing lour liivp-tuiciit Uanker." -Stene & Webster I'rask A- t'e. nnd ' S. Ce. arc uffrring ?.' v. i,,., i ruMi v i e, unu iijchcr. .I'itli0ll .V e. arc unrring .7...llU(I,iiOO I . C . rt . . Iiuliaiia Power i.iinpnn; nor cut c'lmuiaii accrued ,,,n,.,i.: .- i -. i ..'. .' fn. ... i !t.-erue, in,er,,t . Meld ei,ni, 7 7. ,i.'r cent i:. -lhc n.rb," ,-l,''nn''c of n member of the com - I liiilt,... i tiiieiiitcil ui iii.. V.. !..- ..,'.- .-'.' "'.."". ."" i...- i,, j. ,,t nui-ns. iruilicr: lutn-. f ' director te formulate .i nl.-m i.n- rcnpitaliatien, caused dip 'tup. at thcl' "c L'diter e' Cm i.-'"ie '' ' rfw' eeembcr meeting ,0 ...;,,,.... Ktee s report until Tuc-I'i' December 11'. nguiar Mecem e eenilUI . iternuen ri,., vin,.,!,,,,, ,.e ,i. v-..i.-i..... :t (i.,.s l0 ir.r ,,.,,, , ',, i m,rtf stnies. ill nrei.ii.i, . .,i ,..,.r .1,-,. -it ihiii mi. i,i'.. '.. .. , " ' -- -v.-v v -j h'Hi'l' I -.. It i. Ml r-iiably reported. N negotiations. I;'" "' L,'"n initiated. Incidentally. .v yjii.jnr, ,...HhltiK -10, iemh . , ,, ui,.,,mI I, Mirhin n fr.-.,ii..,. ... p'iritv, ilje liili point fur K'"'.'. -The I'.niaum Ttniltoiel .sir.i,ii..liii. I ein'.ijii-. in ns report for the car i V '. ..I..."- riwn.-i -i ucni'ir ai'e. uie report Indicating a in-' te .ie,iie1,.rtfiiii ether lines e ' ad : lid 's i.l'.'.iiriil, bends v. ill b" ' "I tr, r fuinl 'tnd c-iie'i ! ct rlfiiu b-'li'l 1 " d "bligat 1 . V.... ,ri. l'el.lI,.,i'l.l..'. har IM)p,f,i ,,., nicciM' M :,,',7.., imp,,!, inn.i.l.r,0,I.O'Hi 1 . S.'i,.";iiiI,iiiiii. I'reseiit capital 1- M...iii'i,i.iii prcferied and ?r.00.ix"t0 .'..n'.iei,. Hie mcrease of 5..0CKI.IMI0 I 1 n'l ciiiiiiiinn. t i planned te offer .. ,. . . I .M'l, ler ,i,e preenn preferred:' The Meferml. wl,.;u acquired in this wa,. .n he (.'incellfd and the S3.Ofi0.0fXl Hinnliung authorized common used for ,v .ill " H I ft i the new ceiimiriii In In f'fll'l imp r.nt fliu-l: .llililnnd Till,.,, MP f.c fh'in tiff s. .br,reheiders in t Ii" n.nnaiiv r , i .- . ... -rureiv.i, nf tie Surety i einpin v i' a 'ieiial meeting voted nn iP i-i. 'ii the c.'ii.itnl Hte.k from . T.illiii.Oen te Jill IKlfl. 000. and a site- nl iiiur t mi; i,i -tecM iilikrs 'I11S l"'f" tint rf III ner cent of their 'leldiil.'s Tills new stock win participate iu the stock dhideml disbursement. - iJillen, I. I a Ce. arc offering at 10J und necrut'd ii,i"inl te jield 0.61 lei' i-enl. nn ,ssi,,. ,,f s;ii;,l(JII,()llll of 7 t.. : . niiiiikititi. lirst inelcri""i I'.ci. of the M A. Ilimiia Coin pa in. Tl. M...K. w,.:, i, referred as te i. .i'i .issi is un,! dividends, pi redeem- dili .is a whole or in part nl 111 'l a. cr led dnldciid. An niintial idnklng find of :: per .-cm ,, ,,-iir of the tot,, imeuut insuid ,ovid"S.fer purcha-c ni in un- i i-iii inpiieu pi-icf, or, ii oei i-e ehlainable, for call at that pri-c. ti... .....t 1...1 i eon . The total nuthei'i7ed Issue wan $'-),- 000,000. Thu block is fiee of the pres- tin I'nitfsl States normal income I i. uii'i in-., ui un priMcni iinie inai-n :- cept inheritance tas. . ,lUd for I,,,. ,,,. r ,-, for the purpes.. --1 V'lL;. , I n..d ,ou m, d.r.ln,. mi damn .., ' lininu the.,, ,,ppi'f IU'' i.i I... I , ,. , ., .,ir, ,.,,, With Its jeirnln nn ;r! l1Klrt ae ,. ,n II tl.- Ili'Tclaf H approved Hie ijirec. - . : . ' .. "' ;' ' The lead that divides us neUhs hauler .e in.rb prepu-. te distribute the new Htecl; ?,"'",' ,re' ! , L, V r' T shrink from tha Jar thst it make, in thr. term of :, ihvidend le share-I ",,f" are alrearh deemed ie (sm. b Vv? holders of rererd December HO. Only crai ion iia i iii "' :..- La weeks age Ihe renipan- incrcaM,! .I'"? 7'u, u'nfrnm L-,'rKnS 1 ( im enrntnl feein S"! 000 llfti. te S7 000 . i hincP l"e '. '" " ar irem mucn "f '" . .--I . firt -i - i.- nir r vw.ii. uAuuutiiK iiiiuiiuninrH. njiiiuj,utrM in ,iem h Bnurn m uc THE Letters te the Editor Sound Advice Te th ErfKer 0 the EvtMna FuhUe Lftatr: Sir Following the caption, "When Ttrynn iiecx Inte Office" rcfcrrliif, te Clutrlcs W., who wnB elected CJoverner of Nebraska In the Demecnitic ever-, turn liint month, net te hl raore witlcly ndvertlsed brother, William .I. au Omaha nenspaner that I rrrently po pe ruicd In it Pullman whl'e coining (10111 the West te rav Philadelphia home prints Eemc timely udvice. It Is ad- 1 tireweti te uoverner-ciert urjuu unu ' Ia ItnmihlliMin nllirlnln nnd members Of 'the Legislature. Twe sentences from u readnli p Half column give me ek of the nr'icle, iz. : "As the Governer of the State- Mr. Hrynn will be entitled te tbe tull co operation of every official In promoting geed government." And this: "The people of the State did net elect their State officials te quarrel with each ether, but te co-operate in the discharage of public business." Multum In parve! Let It go at that.. And by the same token it would be an admirable thing for eifr own State officials te emulate when (roverner-clect Pinchot takes office next month. PHILADELrilTAN. Philadelphia, December 11, 1022. Wouldn't Suit These Responsible Te the L'dtter of fn Pieiiliff Pu&rfe Ltiatr: Sir The recommendation of the T'lilted Mine Workers of the country that expeiieiired newpaper reporters I"; "mplejerl te nsiTrtiiln lmt is vreng with the reui iii'hi-trv cnii.iilus f-n much of common t"'iise tlmt one limy well doubt its arrrptaiire. by th? powers that be. The reporters reuM And the facts and publish them in such simple form that everybody could underhtnnd them. But. we must remember, that weuM be entirely antagonistic te the interests responsible for conditions. LEG MAN. .Philadelphia. December 11. 1"--. Weman Calls Sex Solidarity Foolish Te the Vditer et lh" Evrnbw I'nWe I tiatr Sir "Ne women." says Miss Alice Paul, tlce priMilent of the American National Weman' Pany. "were elected te the Slxu -eighth Congress nnd nothing could show mere clearly the vital need for a campaign te reuse the women te a kecwr sense of sex sol idarity." , , ,. , I regard this n abselute fnoli.hneS nnd 1 um a woman, b't tt be under stood. In mr opinion, nothing could show ( mere -'leerlx that .1 "sons- et sex joli jeli ' iJarity" will get women no-hr'. A -4 lung as tlie rll-irts el women or- . i . .. i ,..:. , l)(r ;i f 1 41 nil'-' 1 i..n ut .". - - , for -(Pttlci) spill-IT ll.c ' heth man and weinan mc fur i,, r ;i f 1 41 nil''' I i..n ut ". - '- - i - I (,P lllllll et ceinl gnv- ernuient. 'lhey mii-t ete iir geed guwrnuient according '' principles, mid net according', ii'i, religion. ii-iti-.-ilii Ien fit- .'ilinrtlti . -vii.i.- ....... . -,-,-- - Mru and wmiim "-iJ"':iH work i.i- 'getlicr pfiliticill.' . '"it iipart. They 0lc, as rt'd'Oiialile unman ('"lug.-, ii"i mi. male or innalc "".'; ...... i.. ,- ..,. 1. .11. Mllllll'll I'.'lll 1III1I1. rilllll "I lllll . ',.., ,. . ,;V, . i .., , ,.r,. .......tllu.l irl.i.'ilUi i .'iinl . ncrirv into neil- . . .. . .... . ..i! i. cs. se niui'li in.' mr ion !'. , .X.,,! ZKZW nl,? ' Mm:i. a. I I'hilndelphn. ! e. ml" r II. lit'-'-'. - Plgures Werth Thinking About fl c L'dlter e' I'm L'' eiin I'utr I la- I Sir-rewer births nnd .,,d-,. deu.hs tire reported in the I niie.i stjies 1 ir ' l'1"- than for IP-1. ,."'' liac been m .icuitenied te scolding I ranee und nn.- or two ether I'eunti'. - en tin- nc- reunl llml me baw'.l ll.e fncls I in our eWII cese e ' . , , '" Slln-'te"!.. ,,-urrs for the flr-t sinMek u:" ..... .b.n.. 11,111) ii ..v., ,-! . 1. ,V l.Tltll inte fllOWS tl g.llll (if 1 per llini) pepulatinu. ompk-e tigrcs for ll.e ,eni- inav ehailS'i this; the llSlirri lire for ihe -eci-tr.'ilieii nici. which coin pri-en S- p'r cut of the p.'pulalleu of the I nited States t'arned out te tetnl". the fisure mean that births for ihe I'liilei S'late.i for 10'J2 'rill be in the nei?hlirlioed of Iii" null n- eeniii.'ircil Willi ''. n.i.11' III, it eni-.. K.r,. -s nellllllg III ihe Mtiiulien In takf iil.-nm at. f.r innrnay. and cmng' ,, ninn'.'.'e nil picxai' ,i- jn . ,.,,. !,,; , r ,ei 1, 'fin .'ii-fnii l.iji i (1 . IH- 1 lu I'l-lcd O'leir '.I'. llelTb ihiukiug i-i'eut. I'l!. MM.W , nf,d. Ipb.n. Pecenibc- II. 1'C'.' --- .,,, Mlie. (ir .' ,,, Say& Wc MtJSl G t0 Wrk ' '' "" rc' ' r "' "lc ' ''"''"U VuWi L-Jn-r. r. . Lit.!.. ..... .1... . .. tir A nun icit riiis iiiur. i ess . -lie 'nation' hfi. the tl-strie.iens upon . immigration re of us .American., w,M , lri'.e ie go te work. Ih" intimation i- thru the nuessitj te go te work' uill he'l Willi 1)8(1 l.'r.'lCO lit Inevt .Vmenei, i,v. n-eiiied ns an injustice, ,n fact. .'in. I that, therefore, we will prffni il,.. tin. ill li'.isl ropiM.iiiie si,, I Uf. ' ie ' "' " a'1 res-isidiiie ami lift 'henar-. . ''' f'b-'w.eiiv. it nuglit be averted ,l" !' I'"1!'1'' ,'") !njJ ,'',r, teri f"'ft te tli'il "' n plii'-ii .(I labor .in. I .;.-. merican social stratification doc nor s-n much lesemble a pyramid w,th a bread seHd hase as an Inverted pv.? mid bii"ed oil an apex OI a few umvu. let- toiler's, sumiertlntr ii nn.l.i.i t 'for 10'J2 will t.e in tue nci? nmirnoerl or ' ir i e j ate., tre , r.i-n-j. u-, -our y',,- ,,',J8.; -;' i;".., ' ; . tinders, mai.agers, coupon cuttcr-s '" '"ln( Rrt 'Iart's humorous erep3 be. Uvrp,. I,, lleir will. ''tnnlnif 'I'!,,, (.tutdneiit is an eaaggera-len i "' ,"" w"h r"""'' ' "'" 'U"'Y' 'nl , lt it i itu-tr-it.- the tendei.ey 0f our i ,,, inM, rjerember il if" " fj,.,Mlpn' a ililt; uiid'r an liurul- hl n'1,lt'Ml' P";m,"r """ (jniileii regime Ainerii'iinfi, rather '""' A01r-' MriA.njLn ' il.un use their iiiu-cleH in work, weuM ' Itl ,r',, nir,s dlecever new meaiifi of mental einelu. ' " "(Hi ni.nt." the atranser m.j. nient. or th-y would starve en meager ,.,e"l! Iv'l'Z m inv cot Sn r,niW. se ihcy could vear the whte I " Fer Th,t. weTry and Ver'' h' ceiiur. ..nil wiin weuni uiai,e excel- lent artlsan-s refer te be peer sales- ii.. ...i.' ..t. ...,...'.. : , ' n men. Men who after proper triiinin" could he geed wage-earners, after no training ut all unnt te draw deiui saiui i'-'i. euiu hid trjinency ce ,n dulccu te Iho full, the American indus - PEOPLE'S FORUM . letters te the lMlter should be as brief and te the point ns possible. avoiding anything that would open a denominational or sectarian ds ds ds cusolen. Ne attention will be paid te anony mous letters. Names nnd addresses must ba signed no an evidence of geed faith, although names will net pe, printed If request is inade mat tney be emitted. The publication of n letter Is net te be taken ns an Indersement of Its views by this paper. Communications will net be re turned unlew accompanied by post age, nor will manuscript be caved. trial army would consist of about ten officers te every private. Alie disease spreads, tee. Even the moel?(. man- prcsentfd with n ZMi3 '1 wrk by the laziness or ?.. !hDM9. et 'he rest of us. rebels ugaiiist work. The mere be is paid, !,? . . bu lUvcrs iu return. The i"" .'Is condition grows, the lew r? rc1,iic?sh,n he consents te serve. -2t.c,ll,,rcn of tlje immigrant resent work or refuse te work, think they ?j!m, ? KueJ t0 "'"""k, and what a feel their father was te work. Se that even Immigration of n million a year, as before the war, might fall te fur msn us properly trained artisans or ,.?w "P1" te be artisans, laborers, wuat net. ler the revolt against work H t've". mre rife abroad today than It is Jn the United States. ,. Americans will have te go te work, LJi y .flre resolved upon shutting immigrants out. When the housewife cannot get a cook, she gees into the Kitchen herself. When the ceuntrv bars "uimpranis, its inhabitants must de the work. The immediate effect of se, great an Industrial change must be a' period of embarrassment, which 1 premises te become Intense before it lessens. Are we te yield t0 tne pr0,5lrc te pur own disinclination te go te work, te manufacturers' and housewives' plea for relief.' Are v,e going te fellow tue easy course? Or are uc (e rally at tnls eleventh hour te the prcserva mt,.nta 'scltatien of American manhood, self-reliance, self-sufficiencv? Je de se means that a let of im have get te go te work. Avnti EX.-SERVICE MAN. Uliamspert, rn., December 0. 1022 I Questions Answered j Taxation Queries and 2 Addresses Te the Editor of thr rvn,rg fubW Lrletr: mg! co,,veil"'" u fellrln .hInr!;,i"?0 h?8 ""P'rvaien e" tl i te-rn-fMtanla. and iihe-e (..1 1 mM . tn'in? f oetid. Where In ThllnlMrhn . in 1 ron ren suit la-ia reilalnlnj- te r-al cs (e ti ,c3 en propone in 1'enr.nlxani.i Third. r'l.i.! nvi , tn. 'n.iir .,., f the mier Jehn lire.- an,i 1 r, f. n. 'I. Ihun- "" , . OV rtltY. rilarce. V, .1 . i.P mt,,- ; itc; rir.'. IVnte te (h , nj;,,. ritrl, MJIi Pebar ('nuiii-. T'ei'"!- mla f 'uid i .Mis-itt i,,r. u,.,r, tt r. ..Ien "f Tu.e. I'hlli.lelphi,,, ,.n i, ei . n obtain Inteni'LiiuM i.,- oil it Mfs I i rrnr-.jli.oei.-i. Thl-d Jehn lrew m.ij ! d.l 1-. ,s. .,' (In I'lai r t-'ub. ;.'.ui. v- rl I". l'ref, Mem ii'nulei, Ti.under' ...111 .1 U VIIO V.'.ilnr :ui, I'luudelel.n. f-I.. .!.! I r-i .1 ' ine none i 7e tl n. 'nr et ti ;.t i i a r-,t,' r -da'r: J"ir- ri-in ami. in rn- i',r,iiM i um WlMt 'li. iiie,ir.ii k of Hi. wind un Inm -. I "ere the p.eture, e' ih', ...l .te- frlej nvln in .N.ia.l.i ,-l'O-in tn tl!" publle Ii Hill ell ' . .ji in,;. , I'lilu !i''.l(i. 1'i-ienil r 7 11".'.' A an" it lh i Ijrj.,. '.I 1.1.1 Im r n-liiK " Ith tli. iii In onie f i m In i. 'ml rriiin j pr .'I' r..l ll..i,p l-t'li-ll -IX ..P'J li thni.Kin.1 .1 nl tn, iiji m .Mi ic- i" it i ti 'he inicuu: ii the imi-.i in in .."FT of tuu I I uii'lr-il -iieiin.iii i .(.liar The Jul i-'n-I. I.'ili s Hi it iiliiurr- -r-r- ix , '.' '-;;;, " ,,,,, ,,,,,. ..ui,,,.,,, . . .'.,iKri-., i,,,,, ij a i, prehihl'lns ih hibiHnn. 'Any Ra. Any Benes, Any Bettles' v'rrT-Z"'''-" . '"e ' ' '( I" " " isnstonew. ' U ,L , b.,p, (or , ,-H-e n thtnc r.jt all IS1 AM 'OU ''alie up In ih me-nit;- h'.j It s from sipht Y'jii Inw that Itacsei) Jaek 1,11 - ihat we . He a a ier einrr, perl se. !! Fieie ell Ins furmtui. 11- stei i;'s life, I If led steal fren 1 fuen", li d s'-.a! our m 1 ,v. -ej. mvdirllrg. nl; flir'lr i,, emhers burn low un the iiwi-n wl n 1 is the -tlr of the beutei , 1 tlr) ii.i1 is the e. of n , r". "', "', " ,V.Z, Tux"',," ' . '' .l' . '."l," ' ', r " ,,,' ,, ,,14 rh ir.i InU.t .Um a p.m " And I .-ju alone 7 wr.r.t veu. mj darllnB. my dsrlira 1 m tired w-lth mre nnd with fr" ... ... .1.1 ...llu In .II..M Iv.. 1,1 11.11 ' "i" . - . ,,Vhe hu.h'iiVtheXTae'n X'ViZnit& U. Kten Te the fullness of love in .-uuer"r.ent, but 1 am alone. . , 1 ene .ou. mv darllnsr. mr drlm M voice echoes baejt en my heert- 1 atrevh m anra te mu In le-ielnc, Al) ,n: ,ht.y f,u fmnty apart r w,ri-r ,1S h-n weids seu taucht m, rie we-da thit st only hai knen. rill n Kink of the dumb s'r Is bitter. re- I a.u alet.e Old dnuMa make my spirit their nm. Oh come through the darkneas and a a re ma. Fer J am alone. MTU. A.rl Cl.9nii..ll . ..." ."u . ' ?..' 70, " or, , "".." .'2 w ''"" rX.:TM r..wma..eraa and rbvmea of ene rert and .Y,,h.r th.t t'.,. mtitini. ikitn i. ...... . i , "I w V.. nn with Orant," the stranger slid. s",', ,h" '"'eier "Nay. no merr; I P'l'h-e ' "tmy frusai beard "" t my hutnbie atere. "Tfrrsr f area rm' ber my soldier ' 1 et tn old Ninth Army .Cgrpjt 1 warrant he bore him gallantly In the smoke and the bnttle'a rear!" "I knew blm net," eald the ascd man. "And. as I remarked before, 1 v-ta with Orant." "Nay, nay, I knew," Said the farmer; "tay no mere. "IfeNfell In battle 1 e, alia! Theu'dst smooth these tinmen o'er N.iy, epeak the truth, whateer It be, Though It rend my boaem's core. "Hew fell he with his face te the fee, Upholding the fUc'tie Lore7 Oh. eay net that my boy dlesraced The uniform that he word" "I cannot tell," said the nged man. "And should hae rnmrked before. That 1 was with In Illinois - Sorae three ycara bef.ire the war." Then the farmer apake him neer n word, Cut beat with his fist full sere That ni-ed man who had worked for tjrr.nt Feme three ears before the war. "I Knew a Levely Garden" Te the CiWer of the Ki'eiiliie J '.bile Lcdatrt ."Ir CemnlMre with the reeuest of "0. V. p.," puhllhed Ihla eenlnB. 1 W te submit the follewlns: I KNOW A LOVrLT OAIIDCN Ry, Guy d'Hardelet I knew a lecly garden where bloom the sweetest Hew era. And there fr.-im morn te even I pats away the hours; Fer let la that sweet garden Beneath Ged's boundless blue. And 1I leeks down and blesses my life, my ee. and you. ' I trust that this Is the song d-alred. V. ORANT. Philadelphia, December 11, 1022. Pent also by "Iceland." Scaling Barge Fer Sale OPKIIATINO 21 I'NKIMATIO IIAMMKUS WHAT AM I OKI'KRKD? But n 002, Ledger Offlre FINANCIAL tANNKLTON CO VI. AMI I'OKK re.MI'A.VV 1!IE I'KH t'KNT llll'.T MUKTIiAOU OOLP HDMTs. IL'K .ICI.Y 1, 19JU. HINKINQ I'UND NOT1CK Netice la hereby Blxeu that, pursuant te the terms of the mertsrace dated June 20, 1010, three (3) of paid bends of linoe each, numheied as fellows it.'.', .M" and S7S hne he-n drawn for redmpten by Ihe SlnkltiK Fund at mr and accrued Interest -is of January 1, 1023, when nil Interest thereon will ceaee The above bends will be raid en und after said d lie upon iiremntatten with coupons then due nnd all nnnintii"d loupens iillaehd nt ill" office of rilil'i 1 TV THUi-T COMPANV. .'12.- i. hertnti Ptret. Philadelphia. In width trust cemiMit:' the money baa ben deposited for tall redemp- ""riDL'LITY 'lTtCSr r-ir'A7, Tru-lee M P. CIKST. I'rci-ldent rhllideliihli, Pecemlei- llh. 102 HALL A lilLlll'IIN fOItl'ORATKtjv Slnktne' Funil Pealed prope-uls fur the pale te I'ldellty ' Trust Cnmiiun. Irustee, jt A pilrp i,et in exceed 102'i per i-entup. of par and uceru-d Interest, of u auffielent Htnuun'. of tin r'lret MortRace Twenty-lt-Hr il p-r cent sinMnr 1'und (Jold IJends of Hie II ile A Kll'mrn ( ..r poratie.i le cxliaiit th cunt of .'.l.'.'i. will Iia reached Ht the otflce of -lid I'ld'1'tv Trust lenipiii", Truslci , .'IJ."-33l ( he-'put elrct. 1'hllfiielphlrt. until l'rld.13 , ItiMcnilifr IS. inS'J, at 12 o'decl. M rlUF.LIIV TRI ST CO.MPNY. Tru't-' W.M. V (J11S-T, lVe-.d-ni l'hJ!d-M'li. Jie;bir:l J2i"'' NOTICT. Ii IIKKiail I.IMl.N lllT I Hi; l'lral Mo-ltase llenda i.f itV l'nlen I Traeiieu Le . Nes. 1111 Hi". t;.x. :tj; 1(1.'.. liain c.illed for turinpT en pur j mint le tb" Slnklus l'und rr.iileu of tald loertt-ni'ii. nnd Unit the principal nnd nc- ) cru'd Iniere.i, lenether with a premium of i fl pr rentuni inlded le tn .irlnclpal auni I l err-uf. will he paab'e Ht Ihe efhee of the 'ind-rlre1 In Warren, IV mm p'i January j lt. 1!i.'3 after whMi dnte I n, leuds 11 111 41 1 at fi-i .If-A It listAi-Aut ' .itr.LN riii.-PT i-iiMPA'.r nustt, Warren 1'entiH nnnil l'li'illniiD ""WNORTHI'IIN NATION M HANK '--- rnlUdeltihU Ii-. iin'-i .1 i', 'Ihe nniMl .M'.iiii3 .; - 0.-1 li.u.ii. j""fr (be Lie. lid 1 nt Ulieiln-, ,r , I.,,,!, .,10 Ii" 1 M it Ihe ILeiKliiK Hue 'luesdli .llllll.irt fl. tfl'.l, H-tV.Ceil II. , I3 uf'l-j M. and i V. .l. IL.,: i!'L!lLLV i --.iv f.A- UI VM'"lilll.s VUIOVW. "llWIf , 'I"" Mlt.lMI nieili,.., e- lini-i-Ki-v ;lll le lii-W nt the hntiklnc limi-c en '."".V.Vi.,".. ?!3i "- H' heJr, of ii ' '"w w ,,',, ...,,,.,. r iieSLJeellnes , E-VT- ri'ANKU.N NAJIUNAl. 1IXNU Ihehtuut strwt west of Ilre id Philadelphia Dec 7 IS""" Ihe Annual Sl-ctlni- of the Piiareholde"s-ef - this bank will be !, .1 at the hmiiii.. v7... fnttV'.V. ff''HScV SaV.-fl, -urrypr-.Te'f-iirTr'; i .iliiiiin, ,; " nuiiinn (InlUr. l-?;'W.;JLl rrem0",,,!0,, f'1-".1' a IfiT''n'd u'JSf. '"uVTil'tlu!: ai ' tue lw brvutt.t before the ineetln-f. J. 1Vit TtATin-i. 'tee Pre.l.l.n' nnd I'a.hl'.r. ---j-'Mir. M.N.W.M N.1IO..m, ush -ar I'lill.idrl'.lilii. I'a. "'u l'l'ieiuKT llth I'l'-i Th-i annual ineetine f..r ih- ep,.iif,,, ,, I - utotkheldera uf the trufi A Company will be held at th- office ., cempany, Sid and Market directs r'liiii phtu Pi , .laniiary , 1B.3, tetwven P and .'i V M ' vii-,. tha adal. p .f ' " (Filmed) f- II. CnOFT. --' .NAIIONAL M.l I UlTl ss fca' 1'illade nhl j. f,., ; , Il Annual M. etlnB fur tl, .I...V..V -. fllraelA-s i .f flit a It inL I- i.i r i V " (rs of ihla liank wip t ,,d ,1' ALBANIA mem Jan. 20 Feb. 21 i nliis heue en TiiphIij, .lanii tr. 0 IBM s 1 t' 1 ndendem nn ' i,ln.te le'wen the hours of 12 n,inn ,,,( '.," '-. KAruntHA D-e. 2H sFeb. 23 : W II M ''-- ''.' M,'COLUMIlIA Jan 11 Teb II) Mar. W I'rniHi.nU un H I. rnimiiiMii ii m- i,,, XllltTs or IIIMMUN V I , 11 ii' I l.l.HU III' Till. Ml MIM'Vl i in iir ' n.intii -jui, i ii., linn. " '' ' "' "r- I'lilUlelpli! I esil i pliOSU I -' n '1 'MS Iii OlM t.t.llieiir Hei., i,. '.", "f ihe froth, near, .i ii 1 men rii'.i and i ItI f u r. t, , rit. ' e i" f i im Mm i ips, i , ,i . or n. cii' ni.-.i mi i ,, 'fil" until Tlmr. hn I miiVr "i ','..." , I 1'.' e.l'j'k neon Hi.'. I ,,, ,. ' ,', ' '"," ! ni"l i.inipl's nt upn les ,, w , ' '". 'or ii" in. nii'a un 1 K," ty:: B" ';,..",'," ' J ?',V. "fl . HSXrr ;,'",' ' of n uf i .ui us iipr '; .', ' i'."- -l ivl'"' t'1 ,',?.',", .'"'" " ' "h MMII.MM M i i 'uii'ij, ii,.. I leik M , i' Tim ri.'MON (.n Mi it., I 'F'11,1.11 I U"l l ' ' Mi' a" lirif - 1illlllVI 1'Mli.r a.,...T' IUM i :-em is h't".. p u ihn i,u i ..,,, , ' tV t- -- of (If in. us.,.. M-f I i? ' nil inn; ,., ftip. rm. .I , e i , .." r.trsUl ' il fi- I I II-!"5-. l I Ht.tO t I i1- fej hi' I , .fPtilia'' I Vi.'. n t a 10'. h". n- mif lnt - "i -- "f ti.. 1 I er a , t . ' - ie ii- , ,1 " 'M lit f R2.".nu M,e firn rmv j i fur.'l .Mt'l tfiicer hAirrrti "' in e Mn ni. ('ulerilil ri ust Ceminn or sinking funil of Tl, i li I ril.!i. n,-. ,.... i I'nten Oa, n,i I..ectr'- I'tnunv tee. m ..,,., :."S ..'.".' ats.. Phil nl. p'lln. ..I'l ie ,.. A., ,i i 'i eclnek ! M leetni.r 27 ui"1 ""'" 3 TI1K COLONIAL TKL'bT i UWPANY r-r . . .. "l' UStri' rrtA.NK i i:vi Tnasurr HPnnnuiT ,'os, nnviiu iiriiiniT.u or smneN iui.i nrsv. Hie iieriiuin ei siraii', n i ... M.. a.."i,.V,Vn"1","'10';y- r'Sw."ci.; Mnren' W&Wr ,-'-?ry I 1 Treasurer Sealed prope.ilB for tne i un.ha ,r i, . whole ei in pin of Mu, Tneusaii.l rwii,' bdiili i.0) 4t,S II," ! ? ' ?,' , oteusth if Sharen Hill, atl J inuarv i 1 i2J. In denem nailans uf (,,, n state Tux Interesi paabS .", 'J," 1' ' I rit'lial unable Jautiar. '." l"s",a' ,4", rti-f.hf-d l.v tha S4,-i... ' u ' "111 U '"checks' will bj m.l.., '' iUltitti flSri'h ,Jcila1"lB BTEAMHntP NOT1CM Tl WHITE STA!? Ala m. 1 a u unennu u nuaanii 1 Hiuni t t a ittvfjsjnmiri ... MAJE8TIO (Haw).7..;i)ee. 18 Jan" 6 lci,0i OLYMPIC Dee. SO Jan, 20 fJI'M N. V. TO COBHvaJpEEW0TOWM) I'&H (jeltie Dee. 15 Jan, 27 r.v BALTiO .; Dec. 23 Jan 80 r.v CLDRiO .... Dee. 30 F b. 10 K,' N. Y. TO BREMEN via CHERDOUEfJ lift FITTSTJUROH (new)..D c. 19 Jan. 23 M.. .' CAN0P10 ... ........ .Feb. 13 Mar 21 AtV'aJ Colenlan Dee. 15 Oxenian n a. I Hessian j.. f! LEYLAND LINE " , , PHILADELPHIA MANCHESTER voieiiian ice, il neiaian j ., Win'... V- .1- I ' ''' .. ...... . ,g,., UB bung , MEDITERRANEAN Madeira, Olbraltar. Algiers. Men.M Napl's, lxanHriav Haifa. Athenr' h)i thr Popular Tranc-AtlcnUlc Un. OX....r - '. i - , .. q . ; .WEST INDIES CRUISES -.- bj d Premier Kfcemcr fe the Trni.. MEOANTIO Jan. 15 Feb. 17 M.f.'g is mm iktar Lini N. Y. PLYMOUTH. CHEKBOURO. ANTWr..'! KROOMLAND .... n.. Ba "i.L ".WOI I ZEEL'ND Dec. 30 Feb 3 fl,"'.! riNLAND .Tan. 6 Feb. 10 M.l' ft LAPLAND Jan. 13 feb 24 irl.'ll PHILADrLPHIA -ANTWERP' W' M'eklnaw Dec. 14 Mahopac.,7.. j . Hurenlaj. X.l'.jlt J I riNLAND American liki N. r. TO HAMDURO via PLYMOUTH am KSNNEKAHDA (3d class) Dee. 21 J. a. MANOHURIA .Tan. 4 fS' . MONGOLIA Jan ISrlv'J Tilftr Arf-f mn. .W.'.-r.l'-1' 6D. IS Mackinaw.... Dee, 14 Mahopae .." j, . ATLANTIC TRANSPORT LINE V 1 .UWlUUirnillwIlAMKllRIl -- tllTTT A Tit?r Tt A ti,t' 4AJ1V AA.i,r JaVlrt- X.jnUJ M'MOurl .. Dec. 30 MaryUnd.. JtB. I .i""i isr in n HOLLAN'D.AMFUTnaM iwf MJdendryV;IL.A.DE,:P.I.If.TV0:IEni,U Jtn. 4 International iMcrcantiln Marine c 118 6TEAMER8 1.238 000 TONS j-nBirnirrr uruc, jji walnut S. pmi. Frelght Office. 405-414 Bourse T Bla.V.. Phili, "The Comfert Reute" EUROPE New Yerk Clierb-iirc Southampton Hamburc ORBITA. . . .Dec. 20, Jan. 31, Mar. 14 ORCA Marti ORDUNA .. .Jan. 10, Feb. 21, Apr. U WEST INDIES Tve Cruhei dr. Luxe JAN. 24 rEB. 24 The "ORCA" 25,500 Tens Diipl. t.itce-t, ncwe.t nnd most limirlcu. hlD eiKiced In V. st Indies i nili lalllni nt i"van, (nlm, llnrkiiles Hn-jna Ii iiuii-i. Mjrtinlnu-.. Kliiefen, irln' nl nl -t Tin tin sun Juan nud ll'ruiijdj 11 j I - S2.i(i nc ' beru"da lne din. F.11I from N-i Yeik hrlup. teu t Til bilhlns liffiiliii HiirnieJ 'by teplill uii litlf teiuiN, ll1iluc rtcaular Weekly Sailings lleilnulnf Ilei-enile r I' r'iii.atliiiti Lin. r "ARAGUAYA" w.soe Ten- Jle Tacsperl Itcqulred The ROYAL MATf STEAlirPACKET CO. KiMllIHMiV A- SON, IN'i Agents '.'D Itniuilnai. .N. , or le.i.l uuintj SK ew Ybrk te WihAmerica onll.S.CjevernmentShips 1 New Reduced Rates Fastest Time te Rie dejanelre, Montevideo, and Dnenea Aires Finest ships American service American Feed American comterta. Sail Inrs from Pier l.HobeUen. S. S. Western World . . Dec 23 8. S. Southern Cress . , Jan. 4 8s fa. American Legien . . Jan. 2P, a S. Pan America . . . Feb. S Fertnlehtly thereafter for efeacripfjrn booklet, eddnaa Munson Steamship Lines 157 Wall St. New Yerk City Martiint Operators for U. S. Shipping Beard CUMARB " ANCHOR lm lu iii. bjin.' jdI SMiuilurapteti BERENGARIA Jan. 2 I'eb. 7 Mar. 20 AQUTTAHIA Jan, 23 Feb. 13 Mar. II lln iituic stfiiucri -all 10 oe A .n i le I'limriiilb 1 liArhnlirL and llalllburi i fluturiifli uee.xi -Jan. at -war. " SAXONIA "Feb. 21 'Apr. 4 :"' iiiub ... - 1 .u ( .lib anil urerpoei , ANS0N1A i new i Dee. 21 Jan. 27 IFeb. tt i LARONIA . Dec. 10 ini.nn.iin inc. " 411. 1. 41-n. i w ..ei... CARMAU1A Feb. If Mar. 21 Art. il .'''ill. from P i.t ii 1 rw t i iin l.-'i AftSVllIA Ja i .7 Mar 10 CARdNIA T' Ki'l'i'i Olbnltiii A clrrt Menace, Genes furl' ilh'ien Il.i Couste'it nnple, Alel1 s'n'rii it f. Kml . FI'.OM Kt'X YORK leb 11 i I I l!li s ii i. ie . uiJf.'A.'tD ; .,Ncmn eTA-viS.jiP Linei ii"en?-r unn , 1303 Walnut M F"llt. I rcielit OIHee, Beursa Bli't- Tli '' J v nu,,ii, tr.p.. n, . . nOCHAMCK.U Jan. 9 leb. 11 Apr. 1 .'AMIS Jan 17 K r 7 1 r. 21 utANCr 1' b 21 Mar 14 Apt. , new iirk Ittvr .sr , a neunl .iiiuIk n,.,- ?a v.,,i it . La Si 'te n c "0 epr 21 Jim ! ftpiisulli n Jm Id Feb 21 Mtr. Jj ClilesBi Jan J) tl r d Air 31 I.afaette ,s,., ji ,t,v 12 Jieie 13 ' V T BA ,C..I. 1. .)..!, , - . I.V. ..T'dlll ."- I 1 . 'l. . NL-.eais D.e 89 NOHT't 4,Vnif'AM "OTOn T0"T te ALeirr.s Mnnrifce tu:,':sia Oe. her 1 -Anrd "0 " f H ' i I i" limit ih I'r mi ' ' . V li " i i' i 'ti nf -lt t" tr'tr f r. rvrLTV r i -er.t 1-" 37 Wnlnut F, ph' hla (CernmERci a n aitAIVISHIP LINES ..,.V'."''"U"'4V '' &' OOtVI. (4IUJ riULA4ii.L. 4.iA IO LOMJO.i.-hiiaT. - c ..,UE -i'i eau'uu'ic cem: S "). . i O S'J'l" Dec, 50 bcanaiiiivlati and Jialtle PertJ .s t ' ".w F ! Jn Pi'i!Us.AD' '"'ts ai Suffel -nt Cart;j Off-ri MOORE and McCORMACK. INC. e.'d-dfi Rn'.r.e Hlilr,.. Phil M .nth. 0.-8r, .Muin 7r11i i - --.r- . " j,. i.vijii; iu sw OBOi'".,. elsss. Halllnssi Nev. "1. )ri. t. si m ."li "' ' !"i I'm nl i, rel'f er u. a. iiemnt. abj u t.i.t-- i'liis " V ' J I I VeV7-NH7 lasii fl V i ,'i'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers