ETEEN FAf ALlTIES ' r L?fr ' "lww Jireh. Continues for Six Bodies In f Sugar wiii ..-.. ruiuey. Cuba, Dec. 13. (Br A. irgeerch we continued today In I ila of the Estrelln Sugar Central, ?iS TMterday-br a boiler oxplo explo oxple jkfor elxbetllcs believed eti te be WINTKK BBHOKTU t.AKKWOOD. N, J. r-r Iti.antie riTv. w. i, ufhej JMK1. 40HIULUUN . Afl?OT-U- kS-iiJ 'Ja1lrMMIHIIV Di'HiWfiiffiiraiMffglifflSf f;!PliilfJB LAUREL HOUSE LAKE WOOD, NEW JERSEY' Invigorating climate 18-hole golf course SADDLE HORSES FINE WOODLAND WALKS DAILY CONCERTS AND DANCING SUPERIOR ROADS FOR MOTORING FRANK F. SHUTE, Manager Formerly of the Laurel In the Ptnea HEMUSO. FLA. The Wonder Spot. aMtS--3tt of Flerida ON the Rk)t rhtee rajr-ree ft above MnC mjertaf wenderfulr" dry, May sir, en th shores of lerene Uk Jtckien. you'd Ced Sabring with la hnlih nn In iht bttn of iht enaat ra eaumrf, Bitht 01 fch thste, hue, beat, neMt, or esf en M frtMU llhohaeurMtaFlosM. In Sttarc ten henit (nut Dtsnbw te April a KrnlhrernLod(t,tdtHfhrnilritwnietihoHi . irtch icicieut room, eca whh btth, cemfeiubrf TAMl'A. FLA. mm t Bay mrm . d r i- BinaKi VIKEFR'OOV CONSTRUCTION Tampa Bay g?ireL West Coast of Flerida Aitrattlte Ralra for Jnnnnrjr Wpwlnl for All JBraiea Twe Eighteen-Hele Gelf Courses Ideal Climate, Beating, Fishing, Tennis Motor Meter ing, Hunting with Instructors, or Guides. OPEN .IAN. B W. P. ADAMS, Mummer, Tnmpa Klerlfla Bi'niffli' . ATl.AXTIf CITY. N. J. TRANQ , . ATLANTIC CITV JUa Uu lUi Uiuiu r'ruiit Alwnyi Upne AMISKICAM PLAN Uet and Celd Bait Water Hatha RATES STRAIGHT BY DAY Rimiln Water, IS.00 per peraen Hi tii, f.) 00 and 17.00 per Jierua Ocran Cerner noem and Bath two pttien". Jlt.fiO per dar ttm Atlnntln Cltr 141 Orrheatra I ATLANTIC CITY. N.J. j Ulrertljr en (he Oerau Pratat Lm Mtuesican i inn null) iir-cciimv j. of the Atlantic Toast. I b n.M. n V1ITTV J fltTTMT littal prej.rtj Owner ai5'V(infr 1 '"''saaaisausaiisaisaiaaiaaiaaiaaiaariaaaaiasjl Et. Charlst PI. near Boardwalk, Ri medald. Run. vntar. Prlr. tiatha J 1 Cat. 500. Bnea. nlntar rates. New :n mxt, Eeiieenthaltwirticn.iiter WBTMINSTER i u,iiLU(l(tf Avm i.pai'fl Rimode 'l nnd returnlrtie.1 throughout. All Kinds rooms nun.ilng water and private lu. l..f u irt'et leni Cuulnn mi iJtpaiesl. Wlille trrtiri, Itedueed Winter Ittti I'elder upon te'jueat. Personally fiinujjBnil dlrneiml by A. V. HOPI. Owner Continental Alna;a pen, alweS ready; terrea modem. Wrlle or phene. j . M. WALBU DUNCAN LA MARNE dHMU at Onaa .AT. 'tsi .."" .. "luter .raws, naiir. i.e, i - luuiiing W'tT. 12.80 with prlrate bats. New Clp. ip.nen Kenlnrkr Unnriralk. Ave., S K Juat i nnlfae. I.AIir.VOOI). N. J, One of America's Finest Resort Hotels Laurel, JN - THE- PlNES LAKCWO0D.NJ. FkANK SEIDEN-Cvner EMBASSY tkMaVi """. i. J, New ami moesrw SS2b0"J; , Fameu. for excellent Hup " cuialne. auu parlor, arllla. M' es, orchestra. dancing. Booklet. IaU !.'. ,,,..k - . .a- llM flllLlbkn... n. , " .. -m. .ilea SSSwajr. i-hen Hchuyler SiiJB. "Ti- Mn"NT pnrnKe. jta. MEADOWSIDETNN w.. ..MOUNT rOCONO. PA. kUnti,!.'"' newly built; steam tiMl la var ... runniiiB no v rail,ar20nV .'" n and cold waisr ha. Ml senl c. t Mtr.i.rn. M On(woerlPP'n "" '" Medem. Idea vatiM,.; location. Hnerlnl fall and ,r . i. u w ifi am IfclJEAJinRIDON WI'RINQM, PA. B T.i2K "PIUNOH. I'KNNSI,VAN1A l ellmau i;M,.Uv,1i nel?(1 'or 11" "'" 8&wruk NflbjarviiHajefV XWeisVtawa Carfullyx MMry eve hidden beneath the wreekafe from which eleven dead and fifty Injured were re moved last nlaht. The death here of two of the'lnjured. una oreugai me ten ei rauwtiea te nineteen, while tome of the twenty! seriously, injured, brought from Ces pedes, the little town In which the wrecked central la located, are ex pected te die. xne remainuer of th Injured are being cued for at Ceapedea. Meat of tneviciims ere Spaniards-. WINTKK KEHOHT) ATLANTIC C.TV. N. .. WtcaKevi ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. Oa Oeesa Freat Fifty reef Embodying every comfort and Service that should be Included in a hotel, cateriag te the higheit type of tour; let and health seeker. ataaerlsea aarf Kmnfttn ha Oakj-JiW eaUee dltemfe-a. Vasafe. NewCeUClBbprtrlUtai Redsccd Wmttr rUlti . . ii i LAKKWOOD, N. J. -5! HKBItlNO. FLA, DAVID f.TUTTlM.Umtm FermeHy of Brfarclijf LeJje New Yetk Ofteu Sherman Square Hetil Btetdwtr e 71k Stmt , niuRRiteJ Boelclct nruit ngBaa TAMPA. 1TA. 11 U..l.h.rtT. N. i. LAKEV1EW INN At AUnoneaaen Laaa. Aunenaaaaa. N. 1. Oixu all tur; l'."i tueuu: tnuuiui water, elte- trio llcliu uml shower batbu. iiaitia unii anewcr naiea. umner caiciea a. apeilultr. Permunent and tranalent Deii fpetiuiij, I'ermunet phetic HlnrkwfKil n.TRS, .ISrKONVn.T.K. FT. A. HOTEL JACKSON JaokaeBTlllc. Fla. Hllitai.StBilli Comfert Without tUlraVajanct Childs Restaurant Center of amusement Gts.L.DMiali, Mir. HOTKT JACKSONVILLE. FLA. a. J X li hi Ctnitjt location, ttein btattd, ALBERT runnlaswiicrlnsllrseas. Br- rateri anractUe lobby sartor pe.chri Jl.COlJ rntllwFM' HOTEL SEMINOLE Jacksonville, Fla, Only steel flre-proef hotel In the rttr. location, Medi'in In every wax. flee famous Indian rtli ing room, jloeslet. Beat the BANitmn. riA. J-ANFQRD F"Lri2irA. ? Gri,.ySiAs&M!afii On the SL Jehn'a Bivsr. the Nils el Amiriea li ths termlnua of lit miles of serssegi aeh-ti rirer aeenery. an ALL W ATU KOUTE for Dal r.hstern rjcrta 1 alan en tha tn&in Una i tropical it prlntl s of ttw Atlantic Leat lUUread. Cpertr tejf eMrse, wild sama In abundanee. best baas ftahlaf , A visit mtani a wlntrr of dillsht. Hetel, raLread, beat and real Infarmatua fernlshed br BAMrORO CHAMMICR Or' COHalCRCS Harford, ria. ST, iT.TKRsnune. HA. tishine City Where the luejeiaa Is la aestWa will si crtrane. aad wkcre r will a4 i ea crr atai. Ii year wietrt la this and el waatsaaatltaaas lericena day aad wcaaVrfsl aUaaa ta m plan In Flerida wac all latiaailiaw an aaiepel oaKf-denrs. (Ml enrws waa im (faa, katklaa. Waitac aaelaa-, rrapnoeOaf, auelt laae. leta ersrywaare. araW.7ifWMmVyMwlwUa m tnmultm tn rwriwT JUJrm F.A.Lawrent, Cbtasar of Cea St. Pctenberf, Fleri.a HOTEL DETROIT ST. PETERSBURG, FLA. "Tht Bright Spot In the SuuUm Citf' M Hours rrem ZKItO St Hours Frem Philadelphia tOB Hmi 180 Baths. Frank T. Pelvsr, Owner. MANHATTAN HOTEL $5"' Ilea, rates. Med. Beautiful greunda. reatrlcied: hew aunee.; clean, corufett.: geed feed, reuiic. 1'llltT HKtVAt.L. FI.A. SUNRISE INN 115 miles north of Palm Hearh hotel. Northern Cuialne. Csci'llent flahtng, metering gulf, rer inrormatien, aoereia a, niaiuva, aagri Femetl ter Hi artaMaa toeler. Pert Sewall, Fla. LUHUHPM tf'tf . jSaaaaa-H ;! KmWBmV MSu IvfT. tierce 1 1 m Tia'a i' Tt lia pll iihr irLarf?aaWaaaftilaa i aH rTu FV-vviJaayavvJBBBjrrBjiwaajaBj Wfmf' : wMe rmDSm&tttett&te 'WmtesxttMtaWBMb TFTNTE-. KKgQKTg , MIAMI BEACH, TtJk; Flaminyp FLORIDAS FOREMOST RESORT HOTEL n tmrtrm mn lirinmaiiTl- - - 1 rvucnuas vtiuiiurimnwu FIRE PROOF I POLO-GOLTBATHINa ! TENNIS-FISHING Unusuajfy. ttnaeUtm Furnished Bundsetvj, C. S. KROM, Manager GJMMtftfttV MIAMI. W.A. A WINTER HOTEL DeLUXE NiieMIRrlMrlR eMIAMI-FLORIDA FlrePref Oa the PalmPrlnKd Shere of Beautiful Biscayne Bay Dedleattd te the Comfert and Pleaaare of a Superior Clientele New 1aaW CoMtruetlon for Openlac about Jan. 1 Every Spert and RttnatU Uuurpaued Gelf Beatias-Bathlng HtnryN. Tl: Mmnmgtr New Yerk OHImi Town & Country Wet 40th StTei. Lnf.cre SStS Sumawr aad Autumn Raaert Qrerbch HoteUWlUUautow., Mta... T,'. Je In MIAMI Infer, fiklt wn rlte Ohtrober of dpi DElNP. TLA. ODEaffij(aI THE ATHENS OF FLORIDA AocHilbie by inllretd, aunnuhlp dJ) nutomebllo. Mine oltunted en the tnnlni nrterr of Irani, CltmnU healthful nnfll oquaMe. Champlensbtp volt oeartoo. I Ideal fronting and flthlna. BeautlfuU homeo. olube. churchai: mtArn. wall. I rirvippea nei. tm aaneuiturai, rruui ml . - . .; . I -. . m rfana uroetoeK oeotion. Raetllent Inroet. Jment opportunities. Fer furtlitr In- j irtrrnTicn. nenrpin uk f,Aiii 3 COMMrTlCIAI. CLCB. Dtlnnd. Fla. rxMJviextncrxcviciic&c. KT. ACncSTINK. Ff-A. THE BUCKINGHAM Centrally lecntrrt. , Uautlful sreunds. Mednrn nppelnttnentn, Itomellke atmoiphera. Moderate rate. Capacity ir.O. Hteam hat. WAItKF.N & .MAfRT HOTEL MARION 100 Reoma 0 With Bathi riwater, Prlrate Imtlin, etram heat, running water la rooms, l'lrcproef. H. MULLER, Prep. FOllT EAUPEBDAIE. IZA. HOTEL BROWARD Fert Lauderdale, Flerida Modern A Fireproof American Plan (80 Miles North of Miami) On of the Beat Orasa Oolf Count's In Fla. Itathlnc Flahinc Danclng 100 Urns., 75 with Bath. Reasonable rates enena nee. S3d. l. It. niiDLEY, Mi 'fi aue nan aers inn. i,aae nunapee, . ORLANDO. FIJI. THE TREMONT ORLANDO, FXORIDA Homelike. Ijirge airy roeois; lieautiful loca tion in tropical aurrcundlnca; larce parches. I opacity J20. r.urepena pinn at Kuroeenn nlen If rinr nn American plan S3 tlay up. w. t. fiersen, Myr. - - - v ."'. MEW SMYRNA. FLA. RIO VISTA HOTEL "Pride of the Kail Coast." New Minima. Fla. Adjoining Dixie Highway and Indian Hirer. Orch., Dancing, (ieltlne. ar. Our own northern cuisine and errr. Acrem. 1B0. Terms strlk. med. Matlla Frlsble Hetel Ce., I'rep. Alse The Place, Adirondack Mte.. TVike Placid. N. T, DAVTONA IIKAt-W. VIA. DAYTONA BEACH HOTEL Bread verandss face wurld'sflnest. beach. Medem. Cuisine unexcelled. Bats 18.50 t 10 per day. A merlen plan. TAMPA. n.A. COME TO TAMPA, KUltboren(h Oenaty, Flerida. Balmy weather, outdoor rocraatlens, btistnesi and agricultural opportunities. Benk. lets en request. Tamp Heard of Trad. SM Lafayette St.. Tampa, Fla. nr.LI.KA I It IIEIOIITH. nA. pCE ailLEVXEW, Bsllsalr UsIghU. Flertds, Oslfers Southern Faredlie. Opsn Jan. Ita, n-ORinA KST TOAST Writ "Flerida Eiiet Cout.," :3 Bth At. New Tork. for hoeltli nntl hotel list. SAVANNAH. OA, w HOTEL SAVANNAH '"" ' Savannah, Georgia 300-room hotel with all modern conven iences. Kuropcen plsn. Overlooking beau tlful Jehnsen feiiuare. Ssrannah Is the most Tcautlful historical , Heutliern city. Ideal winter and spring climate, Hoekletj jI'b'.'p'ednd. etrr s. LAvrireiB. Pre. MgT. nERMTDA ermddA une JTm. (Under Contract trltft Ucrmuda Oevt.) Sailing Twice Weekly Landing paaamgera directly at llamllten Deck, auldlnir tlie liiconvenlenc,ef tiansfer by tender. 'Jlckets gecd en cither steamer. Via Palatial. Twin-Screw. Oll-Bnrnlnf S. S. "FORT VICTORIA" and S. S. "FORT ST. GEORGE" Each 14.00 Tens Displacement. Frem New Tork Wed. Sat. Special Holiday Sailinga Leaving New Yerk Dec. 30. 2J ana SO for Christina or New Year In Bermuda. Leaving New Yerk Dec. 384. Irrirlng Nrw Yerk Jan. 1st Berenea Offtri All Out-Doer SterU Modern Hetel Ne Pauperis Boek New for Winter A Holiday Sailings Fer Illustrated Ilvkleta writ te FURNESS BERMUDA LINE 34 Wbltflull St.. New Tork Furneis.Withy b Ce,, ltd.. Banrt Bide,, 'urni Phi lla. Or Any Iecal Tourist Agent HAMILTON HOTEL BERMUDA One of the laraeat of resort hotel, renttnict. ed throughout of stun and cement: ery med ern convenience 400 outside rooms V80 baths, Mfttrnnnlltan .nmfnrt. In an Ideal winter heme, Open January 8. Thre golf course, noeklst. iRiroieiitn eomieTia in nniemi " Th Hetel de tuts of Bermuda HAMILTON- HOTEL CO.. Ltd. Management or J, A MIERnARD K, T. Offlee, Bpur Travel Bureau. 485 Fifth Avenue. Cable "Hetel Bermuda"! atl cedes. Summer, Hetel rrasten, Beach BluJT, Mass, Hetel r n A B O A T I Bermuda yenirsuy Loci Dnsunieseed H xcated. nelUlitful. . Waterfront, massed Ilea nathlnr. floating, Fishing, Tennis and. Dancing. nuts and Dancing. Nearest hotel te Mid Special Extra Chrlitmaa Trip Spending Chrittmas week In Dermudi B. . ''FOnT pAKhiTON" Leavlna New Yerk Dec. 314. elf counts. " ' ' ...-.- .J eynTWI.H)0TB ABntCVTLLK W. 0. Okll,ft JTASHtVILLtN.Ct S&LSSB8S5u CAMDKW, B. O, OPEN NOW THE KIRKWOOD Caadel Seuth Carolina T. EDMUND EBVXBROLZ ICHMONP. TA. Tfef&i Meil mmUlcnt hHt In the Seuth. Reems lngl iwmiv i ulte, with and without bath. European plan. i.iaw..J Iwinkler an It- Inatniled hoeklet en ra- quest. Gelf privilege, O. r.' WEI8IOER. Mgr, vritetNiA nor sraiNes THE HOMESTEAD, Het Spring. Ta. Oetf the wleter tareeah. TOTjaS. Yeu Can Come te HAWAII NOW Greatly in created iteamship fa. cilitiej iniure accommodation ta andfrtm Hawaii thb winter.4 Direct tailings from Let An-'-geler, San Francisce, Seattle,' and Vancouver, B, C. Fer information and litenturg travel agency,or Hawaii Tourist Bureau 543 Monadneck BIdg., San Francbce or Honolulu, Hawaii an I al.1i!aV . - JS .! 'I te HAVANA m9 JL' y Ji.rl Daya 1Z5 up Alse regular ssillng te Mexico end Natjsu Bahama. Fer infor infer infor taatleo eddres KT.SCbMsaS.S.C. FL Wall St. Nee Task WARD LINE. MUNSON LINES EASTERH CUBA NASSAU frM BAHAMAS! PLAN NOW a Trip te Nnasa. fescl. ratlnr llrltlah laland with the World' flneat Winter climate. A booklet etplalna the aheit. amcctli ride In th placid Gulf Stream by modem ell-burnlag liners. end describee, healthful, delightful Nassau. Season Open January 1st 07 WAI.I. ST., NEW VOBK Dept If ml. w rM.1.1 aMal Mmmii strictly ftrpfoef. open eK 5;Fer hotel rtrratJce,uldreJ.W.Qreen, ddreesj. ..N.V. Ti STEAMSHIP TICKETS ALL LINES Derarada West Indies Pert Hie Houth America Hawaii Japan t hina BOOK NOW FOR WINTER TRAVEL Fer rates and Information apply te f STREET NATIONAL BANK. rerelga Exchange Letter ef Credit Traveler' (jiiecus Btevmahip and Travel Dept. 143 SODTU 4TU ST., nOIadetahla ERICSSON L1NBSERV1CE discontinued for um week- from December 8th i en account rf rleatnir raeal. ' t. 8. OROVES, agent West Indies, Central end Houth America GREAT WHITE FLEET Unitttd Fruit Company rassenger frame Pept.: 17 nnttery I'lace. N T. tsxtSaan?' ss s iL -gJfH " WP aaetl w ana mi a HBs MH ffess ' .rs ' " rs . lil ' Cruise De Luxe Tjjlg MEDITERRANEAN (Limited By Munificent, New CUNARD S. S. "SCYTHIA" Specially Chartered Twln.8crw Turbine OlMlurner, 20,000 Tens, Balling Jan. 30, 102JI, returalng April 1 vlaltl Egypt, Madeiraa Portugal. Spain. Gibraltar, Algiers, Tunis, Hely Land Constantinople, Greece, Italy, Sicily, Riviera, Mente Carln -t tfree stopover In Kurepe. Europe, Seuth FRANK TOURIST CO., 219 Se. "(-.hllsh-r. 1878 TfA ,." : I ''teti-- " MMla.asBsBiissi seEp-B '! I ROUND THE WORLD rfjkri rk i Nw Yark. JANUARY S3. ISM l tke Iwwaltllv elurrtre saperb . , "BMr ya4ar real direotlea el Mr. C srk. 'SJKSniir mZ. W...-..w,...V..., . ...,.. .-.,..-,..-, - 4 MONTHS. VsuauMlea frew II BOO , laelaeW Hauls DiiVea. Otia, W eSfc TO MrniTUDl? anr-an THE r-f aaar a ait. ratlUC FEB.S. ISIS M m m. - m n m craaB a.d PaUatlaai Sua a. Italr. Oraae. etc. VmmU ether tear te Bare aaar eeeertt reaeeble . .. mx .i inir ean.A. BARTLETT TOURS CO Have veu atoed en the tth ARISTOTLE, ARISTOPHANES, ST. PAUL, DEMOSTHENES! One' of the many rare experience offered br the AMERICAN EXPRESS Luxury Cruise en the Mauretania te the Mediterranean Frem Neu Yerk FeeTttary 7 A 66 Days 0 Bncfuinfment The MAURETANIA your home all the way VUltlnBAKrea,Madelra.CadU.SevilIe.Glbraltar,TanBler,Alr.Ier.Mente Carle, Nice, Naples, Pompeii, Reme, Athen. Constantinople, Palewlne, Egypt, Corsica, Lisben, Southampton, Londen (5 day), Chetbeurg. Send for Illustrated announcement I l6PwX3lBlNmmTt!jakia Ur?k!sWjWiU I 16 PAY CRUISE pep0 TO A Salllna Evsry Saturday Write for T Ceicripifi-e Z,il(taiur(, or any X Sm'Saaf4 IBaaawl. va BBHaaWKfltltfa i laajl I ill 1 1 JmWmWmWmmWmXSSmSSSBSammMMssss aJf j aaaat . VL all aW . I Via the North Pacific Coast Visit Victeria and Vancouver en the Trans-continental Routs through the wonderful Canadian Pacific Reckies Fairyland 500 miles of uninterrupted scenic grandeur. VICTORIA, B. C, Canada's Garden City and Gateway te the rr.-aitc Otlent, Invitee you te Ita warn open climate, golf, drives, sports and the cordial welcome of the sumptuous Empress Hetel. VANCOUVER, B. C. offers ita bustling western lif. ita glamour of mountains, canyons and bit trees, and the hospitality of Vancouver Metel. Aak or Deicrtptivc Tour .Ve, P-xsi CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY It. C. CLAYTON, City TtiMenrer Art.. Locust St. nt IJth. Philadelphia r. R. rr.RJlV. Gen. Agt.. I'tneengrr Ilept. AIndlsen Ave., nt 44th 8t New Yerh ' aaaiiB jBgisi MaKa1gaajiai- aB iv" "" ""1 Gui5. from SewYert Jan.20en-Fsb.aO "THOSE whotesk th "Krnprsss of Britain" Crulass last winter ald they were DttUailTfVU Fates frm SOJOJ. rer full Information pptjr R. C. CLAYTON, CU- Passenger Alt. Locust St. at 13th Philadelphia CANADIAN te 450 Guests About Half Canacitv') rsurntng n. Tla knv ninirrt Ri,.m,. Ihm ...... Alse Da Luxa Tours te America, Japan, China, California, Honolulu, Bermuda, West Indies, etc. Belew Walnut St, CKUISS lsaa Saa Fisaaam. FH ISVtl AnW ef FRANC? M m - - - . - .., . ,. "Kalserla laBetsi 'BMrRbwei av.uir.-trii. (real 1900 ap. Atbeat, llailllltev. rVataW VAPK 200 Se. 13th St., PhlU. ACROPOLIS at ATHENS AMERICAN EXPRESS Travel Department Philadelphia! 170 Chettnut Bt. Boniee 61 Baltimore i . w -. Washingten: 18SI F Street, N. W, $150andup " AIX EXPENSES INCLUDED Many fascinating hours of sightseeing en this Island of Enchantment. Ancient forts. Old world cities. Quaint Spanish customs. Rates Include mealandtateroemaccommodatlonfor entire trip te and around the Island and return te NewYerU. Wide chelc of accommodations, ranging from comfortable tt(te room t minimum rat te eultea with privet bath. PORTO RICO LINE 25 Broadway New Yerk authorized Agent ?ttfrM ffetel, Mcterla.B.u.. 1 CALIFORNIA Ge or Return a PACIFI .... -mmms, v.. or L'ngland at later date ' m a ,M ,ii y 15th St., Phila. PJienet Spruce 58Z4- 5ft VJ .T. Fi TOCTM " 1 TWO WAYS TO CHINA AND JAPAN WUh Connection for Australia and India N. Y. K. Lines Offer Choice of Routes Rail te Seattle, icr &Wei Kt"h TransaUantic Lines te Europe, eT'flaiA'M ViMBS FREQUENT SERVICE LOWEST FARES EXCELLENT CUISINE r.f K.lllnr nrliefiilea Steamship aed Teurla NIPPON YUBEH KAIBHA Suggestions for Winter Travel CRUISES TO WEST INDIES Sailings every Saturday te Grcttt White Fleet steamers. $350 and up. Te Cuba, Jamaica, Panama, Venezuela, Barbados, Trinidad, Perte Rice, Nassau etc. by Canadian Pacific S. S. "Empress of Britain," Jan. 20 and Feb. 20. Royal Mail Steam Packet Ce., S. S. "Orca," Jan. 24 and Feb. 24, White Star Line S. S. "Megantic," Jan. 15, Feb. 17 and March 22. Rates $250 and up. Sixteen-Day All Expense Cruises te Perte Rice Sailings every Saturday. Rates ?150 and up. BERMUDA Sailings Wednesdays and Saturdays Wonderful inclusive trips of 8 days and longer. Rates $104 and up. INCLUSIVE INDEPENDENT TOURS arranged in accordance with your own plans, te California, Hono lulu, Flerida, Cuba, etc. Wrlta for complete details and Booklet of Tour or Crulaa D8lrel FRANK TOURIST COMPANY 219 Se. 15th St, Philadelphia (EatabUihed 1RTS) HeU Fhone Spruce 6H24-3 (llelew Walnnt fit-) m l!f!Wvf!T!V!f!f!T?T! MEDITERRANEAN te the by the magnificent new White Star Liner HOMERIC; Sailing rem New Yerk January 20 Return In jr March 28 67 Qlorieus Day$ 14,000 Miles There is still time te join this supreme cruise en the largest and most modern steamer that has ever been chartered for pleasure travel. Se many wonderful things te see tee numerous te enumerate ! The itinerary includes Madeira, Spain (Cadi:, Seville, Granada), Gibraltar, Algeciras, Algiers, Tunis, (Carthage), Naples, Athens, Constantinople; sixteen days in Egypt Caire, Luxor, Asseuan, Philie, or Palestine Haifa, Damascus, Tiberias, Nazareth, Bethlehem, Jerusalem. Naples, with Amain, Sorrento, etc. Monace, with Mente Carle and Nice. Visits te Paris and Londen en the homeward trip. Stopover privileges with return by ether famous White Star Liners, MAJESTIC. OLYMPIC, etc. Seme choice space, offering accommodations of vartevs types; is still available. Applications should be made without delay. THE CRUISE IS LIMITED TO 500 GUESTS. THOS. COOK (8k SON 130 Seuth 15th Street. Philadelphia. Telephone Spruce 8820. 'i.l.n jBaaaaa New ierk Immediate Boekints Important. Seuth America Including tf-'eit Miet Cruise e( theUeaut 'ui " . i'sb. 3. (rem New Yerk 4.1 de' gh'fu' dav. Win ter's Meit cnjevible 0-nceka' Rie d Janeiro, V.'es. Indies, I'Anir. . Seuth America, Windward and Virgin IiUnds 4 -pms a ji Fer Booklet , Tlaftt and Ships' riant, call, write or telephone Raymond & Whitcomb Company 1338 Walnut Street PHILADELPHIA Tel. Spruce 8663 A J J. j eTT m fXHTumvc j ours inuiviuuai irrangements California and Hawaiian Islands TOURS UNDER ESCORT A serin e unusually diversified Tours Include ew Orleans. Apache Trail. Grand Vf n VCJ?' California. Special Aute tour. vi .Tours including the Hawaiian ia ?.?' Dep-rturra Jan a. 8. 17. 8. I-cb. 3, 7, and weekly till April INDIVIDUAL ARRANGEMENTS r" ",,,,,,rn,T afnfte and up-te-date ttt. ieu? t fe'aJ JT .'". l Ur pUn'1 "cut.e ;f?!lui1'n.n'n?,h'l "rlen. rail. rnan and ateamahlpti ketir.rd meke com. lete arrangements (one uay or reai.d fip) y any route you desire n West Indies Canbbean Land. Ask ler J.uiis -Culda te Winter Travel" JI V"' f0,u n1 IndlcnUs all ptinepal re- ic.ani,..?,r' (0t .Winter Tr"' -AS. erica. lay we esnd vm . n. . n. v.. -w -,-..-...... iiiiii regular rates Alte De Imx, Temn I, Curepe, Jepan-Ckina, Seuth America ler Booklet deeired. call, urite or t,lr,hn. Raymond & Whitcomb Company Valnut Street PHILADELPHIA Tal. Spru. 1338 W iiHHiPi2sWninapBpm W '' i 1 aaaHMaalHMHHaMaHaaBi I ."4 y. ft apl 2sas . . hm i mi "V r' 1 t ?tS JH rSj nd fares apply tn Itallread, it Agent Everywhere, or, . I rfrldg St.. Nw Tarli Olty Cuba, Jamaica, Panama, etc., by 23 days, shere excursions included, Round-the-World The CniUe of the Luxurious "Resolute" CO.0O0 tens. New, Oil-buminjj foreign regit try. Thfi Cruise De Luxe. Most fascinating feasible route. Attractive, worthwhile exclusive features. Comprehensive, pleasing program. American management we understand each ether. Most Superb Cruise at Any Price. Jan. 9 from Jan. 24 from San Francisce. Telefraph, telephone, call or write Mediterranean CruHe e( the Kamoui "Rotterdam". VeN lO.liem New Yerk 05 day. Meit perfect slip (or trie Mediterranean. Remarkabl itinerary unique, features. The greatest number of countries and perta. With. Dy and I'er Americans W J J f M Mexico rasririatrg Tmirs First time tn i year. May be combined nth a trip te California. Departures Jan. 32 and Feb, 12 Flerida WeilCnait and Cuba. Special Short Tcmr. Alie spedsl arrann. v 'T f0r "Mduals anrl p?ivti patiel I.ariy application very Important , Bermuda i ernj.lels arrangements (or tills delightful ,'.t "r """' . '""ding iteamship and hntel accotnmeilationscf any type dsslred. civtng (utl particulars and rates ..- ,v.,,,v... iruirvu, Apply ler iioeklet Steamship Tickets LIT? te Rrmoe',Wh,corn! for tteam. hi! .nn! 7T!l,Ti Rrvalleni and Uck.t. Sprue 8663 .ratfr.' K?Vfifti ' '"MtTl 7Ah sr ' ('; v. .1 1 1 m if ijl m j m s I 1 B m Hrl m e, aviaien, air :i:"4U IK'f..'j. 'W ..l.k'B.-i wrt? W.ywa r i MrinJfU
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