'TvTS St IV .? .? tVIM, CONN. I " ' "t -EVENING EUBLIO iti3iXEBrPI -PEOEMBEB 1ft 1922 A -v. .i"" ' ,- -m" av H1 5&. - ? V-Ati -'r" - .w 14 i"" Y " -llP, ii r.- 0tt -??2i---V Sx V X. iHr 4f 0 U utw ' fa c ft? l V "(w mr ir uiar ucerenun mt iccaeLB ve e jejkj eiMtfiurt aeu os mme wra Awtt XDiKt stoat UIMBOm auun: wrfrtsiw t niiij n i ii "m iCftUC, a"1 CO "" ." tfesta t e1 , )P rr ' If yJWL NONfe -!ij n.. fcil i iMff til f-Sar 1T wrfe ir-T" wtT.. 5 fitter .r.rii :, 4aj. "mT it - "tan...... w,4i r ttttu, fflns , gt ua. an? L fc'A ' -J- attet xt m, &vr 'ac:s r?rc4, KWJt aMI MHW MM9 S co it"' iiT-a. l v ..-w---. V8 reV tc tf tftf tvt CO Ov b ....t0 -...R1e ...i. t ; ....!';. ... "'in n "I - .ei -. xffJ,- IV TV '" t0" AW lOV-yr ..nUT - . ' ..fCi' K V IP P i III i ' i - 4jr "Z! -. t,- n iTl ' ibkwiv;h tiaaBaB fte Results! -Kewa single Celer Page in the American Weekly is swamping a manufacturer with orders THE response te the first advertisement that ever appeared in any publication for this Concern representative of the large and quick results possible from the full color pages of The American Weekly Full size newspaper pages, printed with smashing color effects, insure 100 reader attention. 100 reader attention in mere than 3300,000 homes, means REAL purchasing power. y Mr. A. J. Denehue, President of the Hayes-Meserole Manufacturing Company, Millford, Conn., writes The American Weekly as follews: f f I thought you would like te see some evidence of the tremens x deus response te our full page advertisement in the American Weekly, en Nell Brinkley Hair Wavers. i "I am enclosing for you a handful of telegrams and letters that have been received since the publication of the advertisement. "We have instructed our advertising agents te place a sub' stantial color contract with, you for 1923. yy The American Weekly delivers a tremendous selling force function ing the next day in sales. It is the most powerful means of moving merchandise ever placed at the disposal of National Advertisers. A Magazine issued with the Sunday editions of NEW YORK- American CHICAGO -Hera Id-Examiner SYRACUSE-American WASHINGTON, D. C. -Times ROCHESTER-Atnenam ATLANTA-American BOSTON-Advertiser LOS ANGELES -Examiner MILWAUKEE-Telegram SAN FRANCISCO -Examiner DETROIT-Times SEATTLE -Pest-Intelligencer THE AMERICAN WEEKLY NEW YORK, 1834 Broadway A. j. kebler, Manner CHICAGO, Hearst Building 0im eri tan U0 Read by ever 3,500i000 families-"! you want te see the color of their ss-S5f. - ! .tfl l!&V 'a,D"-iwaTi4 J5rscj Ssi: ' a rvs a Oft 99t 91, eekln money itse fcoIer,, A.J.K. m HTli 7 i III,- 'V (WW 'II i,"Si .J VaJ mtSKVZV k 't'3 XMV ' : -we 5r-.- 4JWJ a( tfc.. "- -' rr ftrL"' " -. ' waij ?A T.J H 47-. lOUi Zte 1 f4 u la te,. eeaar A " eire72?r 'ftZT' i(r, asgsssSBfc wr.'urni nvar "h SfcBSSSStt ea ri -J--,- m3k - r j5 I K'Ufl ces, "" fits . "8 " .- wf, ., 7X"E2. 5:P .f , " Mm .tiJjTS WffirjM.sr:" h",n a r4... wi "wn tr -- -. -ui f . 7."7' s . ittj! nM-ZZl & -M. JWP rer mm "4,en rizr M " wta,.. ' ii. -" n 5 U CO St, m 'ye wyj tmrm.. Cte ""-Btt ""iitr 'ecHa CO m l' 1 i. r- k'i . .fAMtji , A'vaa
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers