VJ"","ijv"Y S' jJJK j !5?!?TP?FT EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA. WMfcNi&DAY, ! DEOEMJ&EK , 13, IJBfcJ T A 4( W STOnE OPCSS DAILY AT 9 A. M. CLOSES 0 P. M. "All These Goods en Sale Tomorrow" i "tlAih AND PIIONR paintylippers Will Selve the ;"Dif?ffii1t" fiifts At a Savin. Tim! -.w.. .w xmu. s T "u&7 vv ri NK ORDERS riLLED DELL, WALNCT 0309 KEYSTONE. MAIN 4101 r 9SC Women's $1.50 te $2 Slippers Weel felt in oxford gray, light and dark blue, pink, orchid, taupe, rose and two-toned ef fects. Sizes 3 te 8. Quilted Satin in pink, blue, old rose, black and American Beauty. Chronic padded soles and heels. Sizes 3 te 8. An amazing Christmas array every color, style and size is ready! Quality, in every case, that matches grades marked a third mere elsewhere. l.i Mm., II ,.. II M .. ,..,.. .1 ,. n n I. ,A Women's 2.50 Felt Juliets, HA9 Plush or ribbon trimmed ;f turned oak sele3 and leather I heels. Old rose, oxford, brown,! lipht and dark blue, wine, or-1 chid and black. Sizes 3 te 8. I umetifvmu HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE Piu.tOrdewnsa Market I Eighth ONE YELLOW TRADING STAMP WITH EVERY 10c PURCHASE ALL DAY Filbert Seventh J Cheese "Her" Fur Ceat Where Quality and Value Are Guaranteed Our December Sale presents some of the greatest values ever offered genuine quality is guaran teed and a small deposit reserves selections. Men's $4 te $6 Brown Kid Komees, $2.98 te $4.49 Kid lined te tee; turned oak leather selc-3 and rubber heels. Remee, opera and Everett. Sizes G te 11. Women's $6 te $8 Russia Calf Oxfords, $3.95 Tan or black, straight or wing t'ns, smartly perforated vamps. Cuban or walking heels, some with rubber top lifts. Full range of sizes in the let. Women's "Goodyear Gleve" Rubbers Sandal style. Mis-s' & Children's SI. 50 rj..t en,) !,. efvln. i n,tnt JIiyHUS, D3C IU SOC rnltsVin. inn WHsltin nn.1 Inn Hn. F.dt in I'S r 'nrt sh.tdes; sia calf also two-tone effects Wedge heels. Men's $3.50 Remeos, $2.49 Genuine brown kidskin. Turned oak leather soles; rubber heels. Sizes 0 te 11. Children's $2.50 te $ 1 .95 S3 r.n. S1 HOP HereWhere Selection Is Widest and Prices Are Less! We've 'Prepared for Christmas en a Tremendous ScalePresenting Mere Gifts of Every Kind and Quoting- Prices That Have Seldom, If Ever, Been Equaled in Our History! $200 COATS S c 1 f-trim-mcd. 40 inch es long. $250 COATS Natural Muskrat Coats $300 COATS $189.75 Raccoon cellar and cuffs. 45 inches long. $95$165 S e 1 f-trim' med. 45 inch es long. 90c Ju ' t. cm . l'nnces. and Pusss-in-Boet stv'ci. Sizes 0 te 112. 1 It Brnthfru ript Vlner Xnr!l & 2? A gift for the man at a remarkably low price. Men's $10 Umbrellas $ Union Taffeta Fast Celer. Guaranteed Waterproof Extremely, geed looking silver trinwed umbrellas, horn and ivory handles. Full size. 2S inches. I Children's Umbrellas, $1.98 " Beys' and girls'. Blue, black and red. Girls' have bakclite ring handles; tips and ends te r-atch. Beys' have opera or hook handles. Guaranteed fast color and watcipioef. Lit Hretlicrs FIRST FLOOR, SOUTH Buck horn, enpe Exquisite Gifts of Silverware, Jewelry and Clocks Advantageously Purchased and All the Savings Are Yours! $25 La Supreme $i A.50 Pear! Necklaces JLu A gift of rare loveliness and beauty. One of the best known pearl necklaces of in destructible, perfectly graduated, perfectly matched pearls. , P 5$15 Wrist Watches ne98 Women's & Misses Twenty-year geld - filled cases ; fine 15-jewel lever movements ; convertible extension bracelet. h -SI t-H1 SI Wtfrtl M4g $20 Chests Wm. Reger & Sen AA Silver Plated Table Ware, $15.50 26 pieces consisting of 6 me dium knives with stainless steel blades, 6 forks, 6 table spoons, G tea spoons, 1 butter knife, 1 sugar spoon. Bright finish; Colonial design guar anteed for 25 years. A stand ard pattern that can always be added te. Charming Gilts! Excellent Movement 1 1 Mffe AA Sfefesg $2.50 te $8.50 Mahogany Boudoir & Desk Clocks, $1.98 te $4.98 Alse in ivldte celluloid Dainty little tambour models, lichly designed and finished. Re liable movements, both one and eight day. Charming gifts ex pressive and inexpensive. 4.1 m w ni ,, ..-w . it .i Quadruple Plated Ware $9 Coffee Sets, $6.98 Tour pieces tray, coffee net, Bupnr bowl and ercnm pitcher. BrlsM finish : chafed design. $9 Flower Baskets, $5.49 Brlfiht finish : pierced border. $12.50 Ice $Q.98 Cream Sets .... ' Seven pieces bowl and six sher bet cvpi. Bright finish, geld lined, fluted design. $12 Toilet Sets, $8.75 Brush, mirror and comb. Bright flffilsh... engraved design. Lined box. i it ii ii M.. i ti ii ii H. . $1.50 te $6.50 Necklaces & Earrings, 98c te $4.98 Levely, sparkling imitation jade dainty and bewitching. Dorethea Pearls, $3.50 $10 Pearl Necklaces, $5.98 Fine, indestructible pearls, in a dainty size, that are worn several strands around the neck. Guar anteed net te peel or discolor. $1 Rhinestone Bar Pins, 59c Many pretty designs; brilliant rhinestones. Lit Brethers First Fleer, Seuth $250 Civet Cat $175 Excellent quality pelts; splendid coats for sports wear, metering, etc.; 47 inches long. $200 Striped Marmet Coats, $139.75 Closely resembles mink. Beautifully made and lined. $200 American Opossum Coats, $119.75 Loek like natural raccoon. $150 Marmet and Bay Seal Coats, $79.78 Choice northern skins; stunning belted model. 40 inches long. $180 French Seal Coats and Capes, $99.78 Selected dyed ceney; carefully made, beauti fully lind. 45 inches long. second FLOen $300 Natural Dark Raccoon Coats. $210 Spy pelts, 40 inches long. Gifts That Will Appeal Specially te "Him"! Mahogany & Mission Oak Humidors, $3.98 te $9.98 - Poker Sets, $3.60 te $20 1 Complete with chips and cards;! asserted styles. Mirrors, $1.98 & $2.49 Ebony and rosewood. Fountain Pens, $1.98 Aiken & Lambert. Twe sold bawl. Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens, $2.75 te $6.25 All style points with clips. .' French Briar Pipes, 98c, $1.98 & $2.98 Various styles; hard rubber stems. Nickel Shaving Sets, $4.98 Conmleto with cnn. brush and mirror Mahogany Fleer Smoking Stands, $5.98 & $6.98 Ml Ilretlier. FIRST FLOOR. SOUTH L JJ8 Beys' 8.50 Tan Raincoats j$ Each Raincoat in a Holiday Bex and Lewer Priced for Christmas Civinr J N'et only made of a fabric dependable in lttelf, but double and back-te-back eery fcam taped and cemented guaranteed waterproof! Ceat's as fine in appearance a- tl ev are in quality. Loese cut. double breasted, full belted models with outside patch pockets and stoim-preof cehars. Eer size from 4 te 13. .....-,.. , 4, ,:..,, ,. ,...,..,....- a 11 RT . 1 "ere iew ihesc Keal $35 Overcoats for Men )$ : Mm. aii-woei ei ex ccllent nualitv with rich plaid backs. Full or half be.tsd. Complete ran','e of ' ""i-i iiuLiurii!!, mourn anu ' ires. ; . ... ,.,,.,. Men s Fine Tan Raincoats, ( Actually valued, $11! te SS-'.tiO. . ( Deuble texture and with carefully cemented seams Mackinaws ) $7-se Beys' $10.50 and Pole Coats Mackinaws come In rich blanket plaiub and smart, solid colors. Sizes 7 te 18. P 'e Ceat! are of brown and frray c.usuneres and cheviets. .Sizes 2Va te 9. - $7.50 t $15 Men's Tvo-Treusers Suits AH-WOOI And fi -a rs I All-wnnl Anrl l. iDI M 11 Werth 837.50 Werth $28.50 18 C'af&imertj J worsteds chuWulH and 25 tiveeds In m.ii f.tM' mtx'urts: also Btrlpd Jit flretliers SIX'O.VU I-'LOOIt, SKVHXTH ST. Handkerchiefs. The daintiest gift handkerchiefs and the smartest gift gloves 1 Women's $2 te $3 French Kid Gloves Novelty embroidered backs. Black, white and colors. I Men's $4 Gloves, $2.98 I Woel: fur lined. Oxford and 1 heather. Women's $3 Cape Gloves, $1.95 Strap-wrist; full pique senn. Black, white and colors. Children's $1 Gloves, 69c Drewn nnckgray wool : deuble cuffs. Women's $1.25 Gloves, 89c Chamois nurde. Strap-wrist; nl'e twe-clarp lined. Black, white and colors. Women's $2 Skating Gloves, $1.25 I.ens wool gloves In desirable color.). Men's $1.50 Gloves, 98c ICu't wool, In pray, black and brown. Men's $4 Cape Gloves, $2.98 ( iie-clasp. In tan and brown ; ppear back, seamless lining. Lit HruthcrN First 1'loer, Seuth l$l 79' Kl.Sfi ( (it MX MKV'S Fine cambric with neat hiei-k initial nnd u"nrter-lnch hem. WOMCVy Colored ween borders with initial te match; also plain white with hand-embreldercd Initial. Women's 50c Handkerchiefs, 35c Fine Irish linen, In felld colors, color, ed borders or pretty one-corner em broidery. Three for St. Men's $4 Gloves, $2.98 One-clasp. Mecha fcuede In pray and beaver. ItcKUlar and cadet Blzes. Men's 75cv Handkerchiefs, 50c excellent quality Irlnh linen ; plain and Initial styler. Beys' 18c te 25c Handkerchiefs, 10c te 18c Colored woven borders, Initialed or plain. MJffljfr T omerrow The price is for the one day only! $4.50 White Bed Spreads 1 $ Heavy quality with well raised Marseilles pat ternn. Hemmed. 80x00 Inches. Watch dally adcrtlsemcnts for similar bis bpeclels. J Ut Brethers FlUST FLOOR, NORTH 2-85 - Tep Coats for Women & Misses A very important Holiday Sale of swagger, man nishly tailored models! Of sports coatings and ve- lour in all wanted shades. Have loose hanging or inverted plaited backs, fur cellars or cloth cellars, buttoning close te the neck. Trimmed with but tons, large patch or slashed pockets. Lined throughout. Pfe Dresses ) $ An exceptional group! 15 J Of Peiret Twill, Velvet, Jersey, Canten Crepe and Satin-faced Canten. Every new feature basque models, straight-line frocks with plain or plaited panels, coat or bouffant styles with touches of embroidery, beading or braid ing, and many trimmed with ornaments or buckles. All the new colors. I.lt Ilretlirrii SECOND FLOOR It's a Practical G;ft Like One of These That Pleases a Man Most! Men's $2.50 Woven Madras Shirts Superior grade madias with attractive colored stripes woven ' right into them. Custom made and carefully finished in every detail. Deuble soft cutis. i 3viARw 7 Wife. $6 Beacon Blanket Robes, $4.98 In a choice variety of geed-looking designs. Leng mil cellar, deep pockets and rope girdle. $5 Weel Sweater Coats, $3.98 New heather mixtures. Ceat style with V-neck. Hands, 49c 75c Silk Four-in- Unlimited variety of brilliant new brocades, figures and neveltie $7 White Silk Shirts, $4.85 Plain white "Empire Broadcloth" and satin striped jerseys. Carefully made and finished. 52 Outing Flannel Pajamas, $1.59 Colored strips .larked hne pockets and elllt f rocs . trousers rut full Lit Bre. 1st Fleer, 7th St. . Slide-easy $1.19 $2 Enslfch Weel Half Hese Heavy wool yarn in heather mixtures; Jibbed nnd reamlnss. $5 Fiber Reefer Scarfs, $2.98 .NVncsf ueavrs In plain colors anrl heather rrKfuref) r.'iR'retii Mer pllk with l"ng frlrs; and .eir,i with attractive borders fwh Mlmk Viq?W Jpi Mp V3' ALL. fa l!wTOftr UJeftw c 1 X V v i A Heal Holiday Value Girls' $3.50 "Lucette" TUB FROCKS Of superior quality ginghnms and chambrays in bright new checks, plaids and plain colors. Youthful, girlish styles straichtline and bloused models. Nevelty cellars and cuffs, contrasting embroid ery, pockets and sashes. Sizes 6 te 14, T98 $6 Silk Petticoats $ Unusually Geed Quality! Tots' $10 Coats, $4.95 t "hinchilla, poletone and cheviot with fur or cloth cellars. Sizes 2 te G. tt - -I $8 Weel Dresses, $4.95 Serge and crepe with pretty silk or wool embroidery, or contrasting material for trimming. Sizes 7 te 14. $15 te $20 Coats $7 CC $10 "Bestyette" $C QO IIish-Erade nlnter ' "' , Raincoat Set. . . w'1'0 ceata et poletone, cheviot, velour Complete With Hat and ether warm rierts ceatlncs. Of splendid tan rubberized raln raln I.nrRe cenvertlbln cellars of fur or proof fabrics. Sizes 6 te 14. Cleth. Sizes 7 te H. I I.lt retlier SECO.VD KI.OOR Frem Our Vast China Section Come These Attractive Inexpensive Gifts 5P. $1.25 Cheese & Cracker Dishes, 79c A 1 c ji cnrifltvirtn trays. Light .mutch, floral cutting. $6 Polychrome Bowl Sets, $3,981 Compete nnd can-1 die sticks te1 i i vggm& V -V .'I -fwTJSLtXflil $2 Flower Bowl & Stand, 95c Pretty colored bowls, 7l2-inch size; black stand. $10 Cut Glass Cake Plates, S4.95 Combination cut. Mnt" l-inch size. $6 Fleer Aquariums, $3.55 Dull black wrought iron .tand with touch of polychreme: 2- crallen txlass bowl. $2.50 Cut Glass Bowls, $1.47 Floral and miter catting; 8-inch Ut. $5 Cut Glass Sugar & Cream Sets, $3.93 All miter cutting. $13 Cut Glass Punch Bowls, $6.95 Twe pieces, floral and miter de sign; 0-inch size. lisp Ut BretWi THIRD KLOOIl $6 Cut Glass Bowls, $2.77 Combination pat terns, 9-inch size. Gifts te delight wee kiddies I Tots'$4&$5 Dainty Lingerie Frecks, 2&$3 J Se Cunninu littln models that tots will proudly want te show off! Sheer fin win te Persian lawns, organdies and voiles, with clever touches of contrasting color in embroidery and smeckings or enriched with Valencinnnes lncea and satin ribbon. 2 te G years. $8 Sweater Sets, $4.98 White brUHhed wool Sweater, leKKlncF, cap and mittens t te 3 years. Tots' $1.50 Bleemer Frecks, 95c Plain color chambray or brlcht chicked gingham; con cen trastlnsly trimmed. 2 te 6 years Tots' $4 te $6 White Coats, $2 & $3 All-wool chinch. Ua an.l corduroy, nema prettily smocked, ethers with belt ni 1 D.jpkfts n'l unnnlv l'ned 1 te 3 vearH $1 te $1.50 Cops te Match, 79c & 98c I.lt llreilier, -HI.COND FUOOIl Lew Holiday Prices en Smartest ( New Waists jnmr 1 4.98 Mescaline, chiffon taffeta, all jersey and radium silk in smart straight-line models trimmed with shirred and deep flounced styles, ruffles, hemstitching, pin cording and clusters of tiny ruf fles. Plain colors and change-nbles. $15 Silk Petticoats, $11.98 Handsome "glfty" models. Seme richly embroidered or trimmed with buds, draped bands, lops and tiny ruffles. Uvcry color. I 1 tw. . ,, II 11,1 $1.50 Bleemer and QQP Pantalettes OJ" Lustrous sateen, well made and fully ro-enferoed. Bleemers hav elastic at waist and knee ; pant lettes with double elastic cuffs. Ut Urethera Second Fleer igfe jrfsa. Beautiful models cotton materials. of silks or of sheer French Voile Waists Hand-made Peter Pans with exquis ite touches of hand-drawn work. $2.98 Crepe de Chine Ovcrbleuses . . . . $4.98 Treat the Kiddies firing Them te Oar Tey Land! See Franza, the m i d g et clown, and his e n t e rtainingr. Punch and Judy Troupe. See the ether five marvelous midgets de their novel stunts. Meet Santa here and get the booklet he has free, for every youngster. Daily 10.30 te 5 And every attorneon brewer draws kiddies' pictures perhaps your picture and gives them nway free. 141 Breiler FOURTH FLOOR Heavy quality with all-ever embroidery a practical yet "dressy" style. Navy, taupe and brown, I.lt Urethert SECOND FLOOR $ $H$ WmlTww, Mm l 1 "'I V I ' , "I 5 u VJ i I1 H hit A Gift That Many Would Appreciate! $6 Wide Wale CordureyRobes&$y QO Breakfast Coats tO n several charming styles with kimono or set-in Vjcves, pockets and soft, becoming roll cellars. in pmnire model shows pretty tasselB en sleeves, In victory, Copenhagen, orchid and pansy. I M f "" W '"" M II ! - ISiiiiH i-ll H HiiW 11 $10 Beacon Blanket Robes I $7 QQ Bordered, and floral efT-cts with 8 O deep cellars and cufTs. Trimmed with two rows of satin ribbon. Sizes f!G te -10. $5 Crepe Kimonos, $3.98 Zan-Ana or Bex Leem crepe In smart straight line and breakfast coat models; with hand-embroidery and cording or ribbon. , Ut Brether! SECOND FLOOR Seme of the prettiest of "Feminine" Gifts 1 Ivery Finish Articles Toilet SeU, 10 pieces . $15.98 fancy 10 pieces; Debarry edre lined box, De Vilbiss Perfumizcrs, 75c Clocks, $4.49 ! Toilet Sets, $9.98 Eight pieces; fancy lined box. Ut Drotbtre First Fleer, Seuth 1 Exquisite Silk Lamp Shades D. ,n Brilliant Holiday Showing Picturesque gifts that cost substantially less here. Very Handsome Tailored Shades Large flat styles. 124.01 Hi $16.95 $19.95 $24.98 $34.98 124.08 110.99 $25 Values. $30 Values. , $30 Values., $40 Values. , Made of soft plaited nnd shirred silks and georgette in artistic oval and round shapes with stretched silk linings, two-toned deuble silk fringes nnd many cmiched with beautiful geld braids. S4.tS nHflB II4.SS ItO.SS ss.ts IB.SS c3ff$r avO1 131 pfli e.es ;UT BBOTQEB8 sVUtt Our Ulr ntilfttar.nt Brt of BtHU ! THm BernthVlMr of On N.w Belldlar, Tib MMk.t BU Bridge Lamp Shades $15 Value - $9-95 New, artistic oval nnd novelty shapes, in silks of fine quality silk fringed and richly trimmed. I.lt Ilrether-. THIRD FLOOR 10.15 MT HTtOTIIEBg if .-M
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