Wjp g "i. "i, srm wr.-ir rf-ti'-T-ru tjij r. A -'-J : v 6 '' j rc A''' Hf " W-Wy'WWR nm - s Mrs. Wilsen Tells of Clever Yeung Loek Only Tteelve, She Prepares Tasty Meals and Docs Mar fating Herself, Even te Planning What te Buy EVENING PUBLIC LBDGEA-PHlLADEliHlA. vVEDNESDAY, DECEMBER . 13, 1922 All Br MRS. M. A. WILSON , fttf. u Mr. U. A. VU$en. P"' riahU reserved mfl week. I knew .that I hare I ry Interestlnn story for you. lie i".i while en n lecture trip te Kansas Me.. I bnd nr little mis Elm the bemestic Science clashes of IK nubile schools te assist me, and lil.r the lecture we became quite Simmy, and she told me that she a; wildly Interested In cooking, and be hoped te make It her own prefes- ''tVmIe Marlen Carrel lives with her .Maim! metlwr, at 1330 Ureadwav. .it does the housekeeping fdr the little .miliVus cll as attending school Tkhlle the busy mother Is away at bust- Of course the thing that Interested m most In thin child, for she U but twelve yenrB old, was this: That ehfl Su.the cooking for her mother and another little child as well aa for lter 1f snd the feed prepared was appe mine and nicely cooked, and the place tVnwit ns a i-In. Marlen does the marketing, selecting that which she lies for the mother told me that she j ..'. neil. In fact, better than Mk herself could de. it would he hardly jr te handicap her with Instructions "vjturallr I was anxious te have Marlen tell nic what she liked te pro pre tare for this family of hers te cat, and this is her menu for a ciay . Breakfast Stewed Prunes Cereal wl'h Raisins and Milk Rolls and Cocea Luncheon 1 Reheat of Meat Dish from the day before ' Whole Wheat Uread and Butter Anple Sauce Cookies Tea Dinner Crenm of Celery Soup fsvery rattles Scalloped Cabbage Sliced Tomateen Feather Ginger Bread Apple Sauce Tea Marlen attended the cooking class in Isr school and is quite an adept nt coeklnft, se I was mebt anxious te have her give me her recipes. Tills shy lltle jnls with all the ceness of nn old time belle, began the description of her cooking In this manner: "When I cook the prunes, I always add a thin penllng fiem nn orange, and Then nearly done two medium-size applet or pared and sliced rry thin. 1 ntlil the apples and three tablespoons of brown sugar, a pinch of nutmeg nnd oek the apples like for n sauce. Then I put them away for brenkfast, lirst taking out the orange peal. Savery Patties Hate the butcher cut In small pieces. one pound, of lean veal without bone. (Marlen wns she buys the cheapest cuts and takes out the bones herself.) Cever with bei'lng water and add Tire onion, cut it half, One small carrot, cut in dice, Three hi anehes of celery, cut in tmall fiecct, ('our rlrnclv nnd cook for one hour. New while the meat is cooking, pre pare the patties ns folews: Place in mixing bowl Tire cups of flour, ' One fcnipoeii of salt, Twe leicl tablespoons of baking jeirefrr, Sift and rub into this flour One-half cup of geed shortening Anil ue ene-hnlf cup of water lu form a dough. Turn en floured pastry beard, and roll out out one-Inch thick. Cut with large cup and then mark out the center with the tmall biscuit cutter; remote this center with spoon nnd place this nitty shell en inerted baking pan snl Like In het even for eighteen mlu utej. Mr one-half cup of flour, One teaspoon of sail, f' One-half teaspoon of pepper, One-half teaspoon of poultry sea sea leni'iip tri'' one and one-half cups of (tinned tomatoes, ' Btlrring te blend In the flour smoothly. New add this te the cooked meat and bring quickly te boiling point ; cook for fifteen minutes. Te serve, place ths pattj shell en the plate, first splitting and buttering the pn,lty shells, then lift mist- bihiuiiiui ei me ineni rairiure, and cover the lower part of the patty: place en the top and pour n spoonful of jravy ever nil. Marlen's Gingerbread Place In mixing bowl I One-half cup of sirup, 1 One-half cup of suyar, 0"C cup of shortening, One-half cup of water, Twe teaspoons of cinnamon, One teaspoon of ginger. One-half teaspoon of allspice. Four tablespoons of cocoa, Ulcnd together and add Twe cups of flour, Five level tablespoons of baking powder, Itent bard te blend. Turn In a well greased and floured buklnx pan. spread ing Just about ene Inch thick, llakc in i mew even ter tiilrty-ilve minutes. TL' ? cJ?ke , ,s. bn!tpl1 the day before, while Marlen's mother washes the dishes. MRS. WILSON'S ANSWERS Mr Dear Mrs. Wilsen Will you kindly give me recipe for icebox cakf. and also tell me of substitute for pert wlne te use In cooking gnir.e. E. P. W. Icebox Cake Line an oblong or Munrt meld with wnx paper nnd place where It will cool. Jnew place in tnuccpan: Three-quarters cup of milk, Otic-half cup of sugar. One-half cup of coco, One-half teaspoon of cinnamon, ielks of two eggs. Twe level tablespoons of cornstarch. Stir te dissolve nnd bring te boiling point, cook eer het water for five minutes, then add : Twe tablespoons of melted butter, Twe tcaspoeni of vanilla. New place n thin layer of sliced spenge enku in tjie meld and ppread with the thoceluto mixture, then second layer of cake: repeat with the 1111 and cake until the meld is full. Place Jn icebox te chill, turn from the meld and serve, garnished with whipped cream forced through the nastrv rnc. using the rose-shape tube. Yeu may add a sprinkling of finely Cheniied llllts. mnrHlin.nlliiu-. nut In tint. bits, preserved ginger mKcd with ma raschino cherries for variety in this cake. lhe candled fruits may be placed ever the filling before placing en the second layer of cake. Alse, Tidy fin gers may be used In place of the sponge cake if desired. Yeu may use a tart current jelly In place of the pert wine. Jmt melt the jelly and kcp In warm place for twelve heurn before using. Grnne lulee. T,ni?nn horn? Illt..n nn.l the Juice drained from canned cherrlea and raspberries may be used also. My dear Mrs. Wilsen Please give recipe for fixing wild ducks. Seme folks say that they have flshv taste. Hew can this be overcome? MRS. J. Wild ducks In many localities feed en the fish near the shore ; te over come this, pick ducks free from feath ers, split down the bnck nnd draw, then wash well in plenty of cold water. S'ew place in large kcttle and add Three-quartets cup of vinegar, Twe onions, sliced, Lump of weed charcoal. Steam for fifteen minutes after the water reaches boiling point. If you nre Intending te keep the ducks n day or two prepare as directed and place inside the duck two onions sliced nnd a large lump of charcoal. This in done before bteanilng. Cook in the same manner as for chicken or tame duck. Adventures With a Purse THIS is by way of being the day ei the individualist, nnd everv ene bns discovered she has a personality, and proclaims herself te be just a bit dif ferent. But it Is the things done, the actions no matter hew small, which really indicate hew creat an indivi dualist n person may be. All of which means that if jeu arc en the eternal hunt, even nt this late day. for Christ mas cards which are really different, listen te this. Hand-painted Trench "Neel" cardt, piquant ladies with a saucy tilt of the head te convey for you the greetings of the season. These are fifteen cents. And then thcre are Viennese cards, hand-painted, tee. smart -leek lug cards derldedly different and only twenty-five cents. And just by way of variety. I saw soma handkerchiefs made of a very flne quality of pongee. Threads had been drawn nnd replaced by colored ones, which criss-cressed just like the ether ones you hnvc seen in store windows. Then, another kind had plain-colored borders, red. blue, pink, green nnd still ethers had gay checkered borders with flowers embroidered in the corner of the handkerchief. They are priced at thirty-five and forty cents, and are cry nice. rr nimes nt uttnnn mtilr Wemana Tjje hPI.l. .7i, vOiiimit snnn or Main inei rUilur. u. ,.." , .i ttnrtn in neura ei u mm n. ( Va Nl 77iwg3 you'll Leve te Make JIM ' a H Ml I V. r......-5.. A Helder teKecp Your Ironing Heard Clean Yeu will want te make one of these ironing beard holders for yourself and perhaps give one or two as Christmas gifts. Cut two strips of cretonne or heavy denim four Indies longer than your beard and four inches wider. Bind nil of the edges of both strips. Jein the left-hand edges of both pieces. Over cast all the edges. Decorate the top piece, if it is of plain material. Stitch snapa along the open edges. Tack the upper edge of the under strip nnd the bottom edges of both strips te the in ner side of your closet deer. Then screw a heavy strip of painted weed ever the bottom edges. Place your beard in the bag (it will rest en the strip of weed), and clese the snaps. The holder will keep It handy nnd clean. FLORA. r-THE VENTURE!1 255 SOUTH CAMAC ST. OPEN SUNDAY 2 P. M. te 8 P. M. Special Courne Dinner $1.25 Pearls Re-strung Price tawitit In the dtr. Kipart mirk. All klntfa of nnekUcn rc-Mninj. Knotting i ipectaltr. Quick iitrtk, Vterk inarm ttti. Claipi fitrnlitiea, meai rean u., isse hhentnni ni. T S B DRESS ORNAMENTS "Buy at tha WhelttaUre" mi pnd th dUTriie en yeut mi MASTEROFF ft KATZMAN tnd t A C 1 niU G Tftk Meer " ' " -" Ulrfiter X A STORE ORDERS I'm Me Ymi it Duy Anything, Anywhere and Pay Ub en Easy Terms S. R. WEAVER, Inc. 1112 CHESTNUT ST. Haimii t anil 83 RinaeBMDaMeBBajnBBamBBaaaaai The G. VASHINGTON INN 704 and 708 Seuth Waiblnftoe Sqaart inn i.QCUlt Birreuj A clinrmlnK rnnp of eM t'cleatal (lwfllliiKi wljfM en tan partake ef lnuclicen. lu or ereIn dtnn.f In n rutful .tniMpliffe (mil pl.t.ant eurr. ndln. "Have jea been there htelj?" k3 Paris Perfumes Powder and Rouge in GIFT BOXES PERSON'At.t.T SELECTED AD ROAD BY 835 Chestnut St. Jenes' bvheeg LADIES' COMFORT SHOES with steel shanks and rubtmr heels attached. Ail sizes 1 sti te All Width 10 s3.85 2752 Germantown Phene Tiega 8747 WE if ijJM i Open Zmup Ave. (fLaneil Permanent Waving" Dye rem9Va from ur.ouocees ur.euocees ur.ouecees fullv dyed heads fNCOTO RAPID a p p 1 1 e U hy jA All kin. h.lrjfe5 LN. W. THEEnutthB 2V!Jffi ?mm THE TRAINED NURSE INFANT SHOPt 1807 Chestnut Street Apparel for the ehlld op te 3 GIFTS 'Z INFANT NeTelt? with dillt and tort, Sieqne tvl Wrnpire. Ilcnneu nnd Iiunttne COTrlU or All iinai. i renair wide rinse of prices. Spruce 2193 .1 : e - - uttf i . 5 cnrTL-vcn 5 lrtCiV Cr- . J IS ffrt ltl? Bal;la scr$ PARKER'S HAI BALSAM eaeTeDendrnS-tnptIIlrr41rac Recter Celer and Cray ant. Faced Heir J$iyMpreir!iti. BMStf te Cray am. Faded Halt esc. bjiqi leTiiliet T Madeira J J. Uwltr 1 126 Walnut St ifst All Winter HATS Reduced te Less Than Half Fermer Prieei Were 12JS0 te 45.00 New $5.00 te $18-50 FULL LINE OF HAND-EMBROIDERED GIFTS INCLUDING Madeira Nupkltu, per dozen, 3 73 up Luncheon Rets, SS 05 up Oucst Tewele, $1 op Handkerchief, 35c op Madeira Hcarfn, $3 up ) .Mrplprcii, VI up Pillow Cane, 81.28 op NUht r.nwni, 3.50 op Llneerle Jfall Orders Promptly Filled iMPCRTERS 36 Seuth 8th St. Dell Hospital DOLLS Repaired and Made te Loek Like New A full line of new dells and Xmai stockings. Frank Kiesling 2130 North 6th Street mL AM WfcJB t rV hit 11 m OPEN DEW WEDDINO KIKOS WATCHES DIAMONDS JEWELRY EtUbllahed M Venn II ft 13 B. Elihth Bt. S710 Oermantena Ate. vy I 5 EVENINGS UNTIL XMA3 Embroidered Sleeve Bands feature Many Smart Blouses Hy CORINNE LOWE l(tw !),leUfi8 nowadays come Inte pert firf. ,ej rencl1 ,he l''P line- '1'" h. u U la thnt thls tight bund nreund C ps '". Btl" Jemlmitlng the nil In kiJ ' nn" il Is reflected unite us much one eH ns lt l l suits, sweaters, 10n' wets and (rocks. . euy Piece vu'uen HiTfr fwttd ,lve, . ibu nnnH tali,. ? '""winl or 11 Ti. ,u,l"''Ulen are one of the lwrcsi en ninny new blouses and i lit t.e b'0"se Incorperutes one jLM raihlenable yoke effects, traced 'SL 7 P'Plnc of mauve chiffon In tbe rp en6 aa the embroidery, 1 J $2 Invested in Vogue a tiny fraction of your less en a single' ill-chosen gown Will Save Yeu $200 The gown you buy and never wear is the really expensive gown I Gloves, beets, hats, that miss being exactly what you want arc the ones that cost mere than you can afford. Why take chances again this year -when by rimply send ing in the coupon below and at your convenience paying $2 you can insure the correctness of your entire word robe for the winter, spring and coming summer? Vogue suggests that before you spend a single penny en new clothes, before you even begin te wonder what will be the line of the new silheuette you consult its great cries of Spring and Summer Fashion Numbers. HERE ARE THE JQ NUMBERS OF VOGUE WHICH YOU WILL RECEIVE FOR 2 Eleven if you mail the coupon new Thirtieth AnnlrcTwry Number Jan. i. (Extra ceanplinrantanr eepj) A True Economy Keeping your smart suit, coat, or dress, always fresh, clean and well pressed, Is a true economy. Master cleaned clothes (as we clean them) wear better, wear longer and keep you looking your best always. Send us a sample suit, coat or dress and let U3 show you hew we can rejuvenate it hew well we can restore It. Ladies' Suits or Coats, $3; Dresses, $3.50 Phene Poplar 7660 for Aute te Call Philadelphia's Qualify Cleaners and Djtrt "dV0e?k? 1616-23 N. 21st St., Philadelphia Dranchts: 1113 Chestnut St. nnd B557 Germantown Av. ars'fi t iampbellrJiickie UTvIGERJHE l526WalnutSt EXCLUSIVE UNDERTHINGS OU WILL be delighted with this exclusive shop, where the daintiest fineries nnd the most reaaonable prices are reconciled. Visit us with your cift list. Nightgewns: Of crops de chine, tailored nnd Iacc trimmed models, bateau neck-. I'nt -1 shades. 7.95 Stef-in Chemise: A specially selected group, f ,ncd of crepe satin and heavy crepe ie chine, tailored and pastel shades. styles; 1" Thirty rar at the mode la rfZboeettta. doth eunnua. uieiearaeaif ir. T. 1 . .. tivm VIM mvj laui nd a tee refnt SPECIAL OFFEn (UmlttJ te new subscribers) r.inhleni. for North and Seuth January IS The wardrobe I at the .enthrrn eeaaen and cleihci ie delightful for tbe nertli that jeu arc glad te itij home. Spring Fabric nd Original Vogue Dcsigne Febniarj 1 The rerr neweit ftbrlca and working mode!, ler your (print; and aemmcr wardrobe. Forecast of Spring Fashions February IS Harlltst authentic newa of tprlnf itylea, fully illuitratrd by Pari, medela. Sprlng'MlIllnery March 1 The iraarlrst hats frem ParU. The eleeret hiti from New Yerk. The best and nrwett ball from everywhere are In tbla iisue. Smart fnsliienB for Limited Incomes March IS First aid te the faiblenable wemaa ef net unlimited mean. . uu iaaae ertr Duhhakad Ksj-It Purl, Oprdeaa ndlBrlde. April 1 A lerety nvaber planned for ererr cllThVl T' lnUr,;,l In beantifu) clethea for the mere formal occulem. Paris Fashions ?r AprtllS rabls mnii net .. r i... e.i-:7 t: r: vwv vwc remVhVpPenln"7An,d,eaer.nS7., New Yerk Fashions May 1 The meat duracterlitle thinn that Jllwtele? "" f "' ,u'" Summer Homai and Hostess May 15 Hew te make your home the meit ettractlvr of jureraer home.. Hew te ruffled of hesteiiea. Summer Fashions June 1 Summer clothes are faeclnatin- V. SVrrurW 3,, And ;u h;" TiSI f lvfjt VJwl l . ,1 Vvvi Mr Ml lace - trimmed Special. 4.95 Stcfi-in Drawers: Of Georgette crepe. Daintily trimmed footing. Colers: orchid, peach and black. 3.95 Vest te Match: 3.95 Hand-Made Nightgewns: Of sheer batiste, exquhitch . broidered. 2.95 Lounging Rebe: Of changeable taffeta and crepe . e chine. Silk lined nnd warmly inter lined with lamb's wool. 17.50 ? J X XV If yenr order la rrr.U.,1 imn.ji.t.i. h, S. wf. wl" rt reur aubscrlptien with T , , ... Vh X". " "t Vs'us "nauld 'I.n Vogue'B spt'ciul Fashion Numbers appear, you will he Wl MT ",r" Ch",, 8eltS our wardrobe for tfie coming mrin V-vjVV 9i Vv 8inee the additi.nai copy and summer, and spending hundred of Hella.? .i. ill X", !A.W ?SX-X "SWTi'SlJ ". IKS ts, gown, and accessories that veu selt ""' IT ff"BLill-Jte 't$!&W$. Consider then, that for $2,. Uvfractlonefyour with a band of embroidery lu ' V.WWi btins.bi.tea.nd " iii-ciibwii i or rewti, ymi majr secure el ......mine across tlie front re- ltf r ' 7v J S card I. milled '""B "" """w" " viuiiueie and new In tin. lmmlu ... , ..,., t .i. ' "i . . t'e.'b.VVr ... '.. eera l mailed !...,... ... ,.!.. .!.. rji "" "'" " I "V ':, v''" !.'(. V'' "nnaiateiy. " iueiuuhh ubi..i.i wsuj muures, band nt nmhrnMrrr nt nnn. 12. '. V- !fS .?'? . V'V ---.-..j .- .,.-.. - . w. .-.1 - rr A jv -. of Bomeothtr trim-i .. '. X. . . of Sr ?'k Tlnn' Seril .... I. a . - . O.Tr.r.y x . - mviu Jttifer luittriflian ftitt ti e ynr ti ism) less en even issues ideas and Meney Yeu nced net bother te enrlose n cheque or even te write n letter. The coupon opposite will de. and is easier and quicker With one stroke of the pen. you will solve your entire dethes problem for the coming spring nnd rammer. A Christmas Gift of Lasting Merit Appropriate Useful Economical THE IMPROVED MODEL C VACUETTE SUCTION CLEANER ... .....J aivt Mh, iUr;i fUjili The VACUETTE MODEL C, new cleans the Canitel Buildinar, including chambers of the Senate L I , &BmhuSbiAa Yeu cannot afford te de without it! Mr. Hugh Chalmers says: "If you need a thing, you pay for it whether vr... K.. ; or net." ' V r a ill m ra It tra!rnnJterMirj fnln,1cJ?y et 0P"..tlen ren.le home In the country. 0PUIari5'-a.cc8s!bl. te ever; country. Yeu muat u. tt tn r ry lUi surer-exeinrU ' k" """ te PPreciat V X ciF-- Vacuette Sales Company, Inc. 900 Walnut St., Phila., p. Walnut 3527-8 Main 1071 niiANciir.si R0I1 KeiihliiKtmi 4f. I.nrllrlil 00t WM. mtivw'w. N. &i 0, . v 1624 Walnut St. 20-50 Reductions en our Gowns, Coats, Suits, Sports Clethes, Etc. HATS, $10 &$15 IMheppacd &Sem Suggestions for Gifts Underwearables Women's Silk Skirts, flesh snd lOkits, $1.85, $2.35, $2.75. $3.00. Envelope Chemise of linfiette, flesh and tfhitt, $2.25 Bleemers of Wtte and glove silk, $1.85, $2.50 and $2.95 Philippine Night Gowns, vary special indeed, at $2.35 and $2.95. Fer Babie Baby's Wrapper, Blanket and Cap of crepa da china. pink or blue, $30 the sat Babies' Crepella Sacquts and Wrappm, beautifully embroidered, $2.75 te $25. Baby Cirrhuja Beets, $1.85 te $2. 75. Handkerchiefs Men's linen Handkerchiefs, colon and white) 35c te $5.00 each. Men's linen initial Handkerchiefs, $2.00. $3.00, $6.00 the box of six. Women's linen Handkerchiefs, white and colors, 25c te $20 each. Women's linen initial HancWhiefV, $1.50, $2.00, $3.00, $5.00 and $6.00 tha box of six. Children's Handkerchiefs, nurser? figures. Three in a box for 50c the box. Levely Laces Spanish Lace Scarfs and Fichus. $8.50 te $45. Real Leces for cellars, $8.00 te $45 a yd. Ncckxvear and Flowers Fane? Bead Meek Chains, wonderful color effects. $1.00 te $5.50. Peter Pan Cellar and Cuff Sets, 25c te $1.00 and up te $9.00 a set Corsage Bouquets of old-fashioned flewen, $1.50 te $3.50. Boutenniem. holly berries and various flowers, 50c Real lace Cellars and Berthas, -tfery special prices. Towels, Bath Sets, Etc. Fane? Towels, $1.75 te $16 each. Kitchen Sets, containing dish cloth, duster, polishing cieth, pet cleaner, &c, neatly boxed, $1.50 te $4.00 the box. Bath Sets, mat, towels, wash cloths, $1.75 te $5.50 the box. Fer the Heme Pure Lambs' Weel Comforts, Japanese silk coverings in plain colors, $16.50 each. White Bedford Cord Spreads, wonderful design in handmade French knots, single bed size, $ 1 0 each. "Dell:? Madisen" Spreads, single and double bed sizes, $15.00 an.4 $18.50 each. Couch Blankets of silk, Reman stripes, $10 each. Hand-embroidered percale Pillow Cases, $3.50 te $7.50 the pair. CTnrittmat lvvu ? -I 1 r .11 ;" e, 1 pair or puiew 30.UUto$&.75thebex. Lingerie Pillows, $ 1 .75 te $25 each. Luncheon Sets- blue Japanese prints, 13. $1.00 n - Hand-initialed Luncheon Cleth,, of homespun linen, imitation hand scalloped, 45 inches square, $5.00 each. fn. initialed homespun linen Luncheon Scarfs, 20x 34 inches, $3.75 each. Imitation hand-scalloped. Odd bits of Furniture sewing tables, book racks, console tab es, ferneries, foot-steels, easy chairs nests of tables, etc. Mr- -lively priced.' Dainty Hundreds of Fane? Novelties for gifts, 50c te $10 each. Philippine Straw Bags and Baskets, $1.75 te $3.50 each. cues, 'piece sets, '008 Chestnut Street - a i i m " i l! (iy I'll u . V i til lflll .i j ""i "" ef Ll1 .V. taiW4iii
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