vv y iv TJLHiu:! f. i ilv i TM V.Xi;s "W?X7"; '. , ', .v, w,ts, , i- ri"&VL?' i - ")"' -" IVUf u fl.1 flTIr imr-w - -it. vu'l - V "l .fT Jf .-K.' "Ml "W 1' T WJTWCl ' ' n.-rf 'I B 1 "i - ' J I"" .. tr" n . l.t J-.J.V. ' "" " "l 'N. ... . . " V'. I it v7 r- .'' vt . XT t"TJrvvr . is,-.1. ;Vft Wi?(,i'M' "l. 'ratfvifl ledgijr-Philadelphia; tuesd ax juke 17, 1010 i . I 1 15. . r -.. ...' ...... r- . . - r. . . - . t . ? l5' TttC k! rw 1 u I IWM I h1 ,M; siisij l. I le JwW5 T?V k w,. T t :.. fcffovj vVw&B :&H fe" " l r. i4ncf So Tiei Were Married By HAZEti DEYO DATCI1EL0K Copyrlsht, 1010. by Tubllo Ledger Co START THIS STORY TODAY (tytTVLh, ivhat do you make of It?" " asked Alice. Ruth Rhook her head. "What are you rohjk to do?" "Wo'lt wait till Scott comes home." Scott had never been welcomed so oclferously In his life as ho was by the two girls when he finally did arrive 'Never had he seen Ruth nnd Alice so (entirely one. In thought cither. They Jis-Js vcre both actuated by the one purpoae nnd the quarrel of the day had been IMO" , ti . ?c4i' l ' u'",":u "Did you eee any one in the hall?" Ji.ei asked Ruth. 7 if to nA man lth 0 checked suit?" from if ) Alice. .jsaoi tiwhat is all this? Has anything 1Z 'happened?" asked Scott. )'' n,t, l.1. Snl.1 tli. .)nr L,) "Von know Scott I told tou how 3JTL amf.il I. tkn !.. Vntnltn f.n.1 T -.i'"khad Rita out to lunch nnd he came over II.it . to our table. Rita uoesn t want to wf a etK ii tut tur euine reuouu. 7'" o ,,- , i .. .... . . -xuu re prouuuiy ihukihk lot oi fuss nhmir. nntriincr.M xvntt HpntrVq nn i ..7. r . ' li&ev 8a"8",'"y reply u, out am you sec mmr i A "I certnlnly did not. There's no one m oui mere now. lie may simply be some y ne Rita wants to avoid." ' t!iA les, we deduced that much our- lW ji "elves," remarked Alice dryly, with a iook at jiutn. jkum warmed under it. This was Alice under different condl- annas l7Ii a -n AlmAii 1 tf-K tt if,-'-1 tiuuo. "uj cue to uuiiuiii. imuujc. IfiHV p, "Rltfl's vnlr nniindrwl nn Rlrnntrt' iiuin lnicrposcu. i am ccriain it was I 4r BomtnlB out ot the ordinary that made ner cait up tnai, way. ana way suouia this man be so determined?" "You haven't been hero all through It," from Alice. "If you had you wouldn't take It so coolly." "Well, I'll go over and see If Rita is all right." And Scott strode over to the door ot the apartment. wait, wait." implored uuth. "see if he's out there first, he may have 1 . come back." ' Scott opcried the dopr and stepped ;. out to the landing. ' "No one here," he announced, step- - .- ping to the stairs and peering down into the semi-gloom. , T1im 1.A vnnr. tliA liUl nt tUa nat- VfV'ment opposite. The weird ringing could V$KCJ6 heard plainly inside but there was ?l3Zno other sound. "jjt. Ruth looked at Alice. "That's T" funny," she whispered. J "Not funny at all," Scott said In a K5 matter ofifnet tone. "Rita has prob 'ify ably gone opt." !JS. "She coujdn't have; there hasn't been time. I m sure she s not out, Ruth Insisted. "Ring again, Scott." Scott rang again and they all waited, but no one opened the door. "Perhaps she's afraid to come out, suggested Ruth. "She may think he's till out here," said Alice. "Of course," assented Ruth approv ingly, "how stupid not to think of that, we'll call her up." Rut central after a long time reported no answer. Scott did not seem at all worked up about the matter, and repaired to the nvmgrroom vwitn nis "paper. Alice followed Ruth out to the kitchen. When Ruth began to take things out of the ice box, she said, "Now what can I do to help Ruth," and Ruth who at first was about to say "Not a thing," changed her mind, and put Alice to work. It was all very different from the morning. Alice seemed so changed. "I cau't imagine, but I do believe that something is wrong." And then on 'the impulse of the moment, she said warily, "I met Dan this morning, and he acted awfully funny." FRIENDS HERE PLAN RELIEF IN GERMANY Philadelphia Quakers to Assist in Distribution of $50,000 5 .Relief Fund Hjjfi?. Plans are being made by the Amer- C-lcan jrnenps' service committee, ot Phil adelphia to send a small group of relief workers into Germany as soon as peace is settled, to distribute a $50,000 relief fund. Arrangements have been made for a campaign to raise the money, but actual 0AltftMttA ...ill .... L.-t- ..-.it rti..-i. l':7('solicitation will not begin until Charles ""''J- Rhoads, formerly preside: nt of the Federal Reserve Rank in Philadelphia, (and now bead of the Friends' relief work overseas, sends word that pass ports have been obtained. Lucy Riddle Lewis, ot Lansdowne, Pa, ; Caroleua Wood, of Mount Kisco, X. Y. ; Jane Addams and her asso ciate, Doctor Hamilton, of Chicago, will head the relief group which will be in creased by members from the Quaker i diet workers already in France. , Several weeks ago Chief Rhoads cabled thnt passports had been promised by Herbert Hoqyer, but news Jins just come that the relief expedition will not be permitted to go into Germany until J JTrWPeace has been signed, 5?. There areonly 125,000 Quakers in vts-i-cthe United States, according to statis ;?fe3.vtlcs'given out by the service committee, . hut thev have already civen more than $1,200,000 for relief work overseas. kducationatj nlh Hfs flPfwmDsnv!t ivcnv BUSINESS COLLEGE A Shorthand and Trpcmritlns or BookkpSS Taujht la About 30 Dy ! Stud. Send for catalogue TOtOAD CT CHERRY 8T9T SHORTHAND AND UOOKKEEPIMQ wor rduti a In eonitant demand tat ovd payinc pultlont. Urecir tjborthind. lb . nxtdr system. Complete, biulneta tua McretarlJt! courses. Hs.lt rates summer O montbs intensivs Crslnlnr Enroll ny time. Call or writ (or tali Pirtlealsrs and ratalosu. HILA. nUKIKFJSK OOIXEOa sao Csllrao of Comraereo 1011 Cnostnot 8t.. 1-alUdilirhIa igSTRAYER'S - Th. Bsst Iluslnssa DolM4 SOT CHESTNUT BT. Taylor School QusUly" Secretarial Ceurss. 100? Mirk. t St. HDMMKB 0AMP3 Yswng Men and Hots t COVIXOTOrJ. VA. ('Camp totaMDr&ErS?lSk Qftoa VJ , ' -i i .s Hryjc "You did?" Allro nniurcl In thn net of hulfiug n berry to look up at Ruth. "Well, I'll tell you what I think. I didn't like thh girl when I met her, but I'm sorry for her. Somehow I can't help It." "You would like 'her If you knew her, said Ruth Impulsively. "Oh, I know that there aro lots of things about her that I don't approve of, but Scott and I are both fond of them. We've seen a lot of them since they've moved here." "I didn't like the silly way she acted with Scott thnt night she was in here." Here uni something that Ruth could thoroughly agree with. "I know what you mean, she has that way with men." There was a silence between them as Ruth swung open the oven door to ex amine tho roast. Then as Ruth straightened up her face flushed from the heat of the oven, Alice burst out "I hate all women who act that way, with men I mean. There's a woman who does it with Bert, that's why I came nway to New York. I couldn't bear it. I can't bear to see any one else happy when I'm so miserable, but I guess I deserve It." Ruth wiis nt Alice's side in a min ute. "Oh, Alice, I didn't know. Tleasc don't feel that way. Ben doesn't care for her, I'm sure of that." "But he docs," Alice burst out, "nnd I've been so horrid to him. I've always been jealous of him all my life when I hndn't anything to be Jealous about. I'vo always accused him ot things, and now I just don't know what to do." She was cring now. Gone was all of Ruth's dislike of Alice. Her pride down, she was just an unhappy woman, a woman Ruth could be sorry for. No wonder Alice had been disagreeable since she had ar rived in tHe city with such a secret hidden away in,h?r heart. Ruth re membered suddenly that this was the first mention Alice had made" ot Bert since her arrival in New York. The Question Corner ' Today's Inquiries 1. What is the most fnshionable way to wear the hat thii year? 2. How can .holes made in wood work by mice be stopped up so thnt they will not show? 3. Describe a new and very unusual silver ten ball. 4. What mntcrinl is being used for summer negligees? C. When dampness cnuscs a stain on magohanv furniture, what is the best polish to use? 0. What dainty style of collar Is very . popular for summer dresses? Yesterday's Answers 1. The habit of going without n hat to places of amusement, indoors nnd out, is" being tnken'up by the women of England. 2. A popular dress that originated in France nnd is being worn here is made in such a way that it re quires one hook and the tying of the sash to fasten it. 3. Voile waists are often trimmed with a design in drawn work, with hemstitching on collar and cuffs. 4. The inside em elope of a wedding invitation rIiouUI be addressed to "Mr. nnd Mrs. Jones," when the outside one is addressed to "Mr. and Mrs. John Jones." 5. An unuMial addition to o ten set which is being used now is a pair of candlesticks fn the same china as the rest of the set. 0. A prc(ty summer hat that is easily made Is a mushroom shape covered with checked gingham and trimmed with n band und tiny bow of narrow ribbon to match. CITY TRUST APPOINTMENTS Vacancies Filled by Board Glrard College's Good Report At a monthly meeting of the board of directors of City Trusts yesterday ex-Governor Edwin S. Stuart, the chairman, appointed Dr. T. B. Hollo way to fill the vacancy created by the resnatlon of Dr. J. K. Sweet as at tending surgeon at the Wills Eye Hos pital. Dr. Orla J. Park was appointed resident surgeon at the same institu tion. A certificate of service was granted Dr. R. S. Pendcxtcr, of that hospital, In recognition of his faithful service as resident surgeon. The Girard College appointments were Edward C. Kcan, as teaching house master, and Miss Anna C. Roth, as governess. A financial report of the Glrard Trust within the city showed that the net re ceipts for 1010 to May ill were $404, 029, an increase of $15,105. The hold ings outside the city for the same pe riod netted $714,347, a gain of $214,884. XO BE j&tiffls m ALIEN PROPERTY ., CU8TO DIAN 4 LOTS OF NICKEL stAtpn o'clock A. M.'on the 25th day of June, For further information concerning said Nickel or the terms and conditions of sale, apply to the Merchandise Department, Bureau of Sales, Room 518, 110 "West 42d Street, New York City. f JOSEril V. OUFFEY, Director, Bureau of Sales, J i FDUCATIumAT, CAMTS JUNIOR PLATTSBURG II1 On Lahe'Champlain, N. Y. M On LakeChamplain, N. Y. Thfe Camp Where You Can Fly In Purtlti nlinei. HzMrt Curtlti Machtna controlled only by txportence4 YU.Bulxaai ntkaa awtll ! 1 tMrllataT.. IT f VS tWHHSM . I GRACE KOETZNER Little singer nnd dancer who will appear at the Chaplains' Recreation at the Philadelphia Navy Yard to day. Her homo Is 3021 Cambridge street The Woman's Exchange i ' Adventures Won't 8top To the Editor of th Woman's Paoe: Denr Madam You have helped me wonderfully in finding some veritable bargains, that's why I nm calling upon you again. This time 1 want to know whero I may purchase secral things, the names of which I hac mentioned Lat the end of the letter. Thank you very much for your help in the past. You certainly are doing a service for the many readers of tho EVEifiNO PCb wo Ledcier, and I believe you excel the average expert shopper in finding genuinely splendid and useful things of moderate prices. Some of the figures you quote really amaze me they are almost too good to be true. Again, I say,' don't stop your good work. Hut, my, don't jou tire in your efforts to help folks save money? M. S. B. Thank you very muth for your ap preciation, M. S. R. It's a pleasure to get letters of this kind nnd know that this section of the paper is really help ing others. The names of the shops where jou can buy the articles you asked about have been sent by mail. Wants to Sell Stories lo the Editor of the iroman'a Page: Dear Mndam I have been reading in the Evening Ledger for a number of scare, und I think it is the best newspaper Jn Philadelphia. You have neipeu " jnniiy iiuuimu viin jour au vice that I thought I would come to jou for nxlvice. "Will ypu" pleas? tell .me where I could sell some sliort nlorics which I wrote, and how much they pny the author of them? . AUTHOR. You inn hend-your stories to U mag azine, or' to a sjndicatc. In sending them to n magazine, look through sev eral magazines nnd choose the one which has stories like the one that you arc seodiug-rthat is, if it seems to specialize on adventure stories, and jours is a love storj,,do not send It to that magazine. Look around until you find the right one. The syndicates, of course, do this choosing foryou, if you send your manuscript' to them, selling .the story to the magazine or paper that uses that particular kind, it you will send me a stamped, self-addressed en velope I will send you a liBt of some syndicates' to which you can forward your stories. Use of Cocoa Butter To the Editor of the Woman's Page Dear Madam Will-you kindly ad vise me what to use to develop the bust? I hae been told to uso cocoa butter If this will seivc the purpose, please let me know how it Is sold and how to use it? F. M. M Cocoa butter lias been foiinu very satisfactory for fattening any pnrt of the body. It usually comes in a cake like soap, or in a roll, and is rubbed on the skin and the skin thcii massaged until it Is thoroughly absorbed. Exer cise and deep breathing will also develop the bust. Use the arm movements that you would use in swimirlrg, pitting SOLD Notice is heieby given that the under signed, Francis P. Garvan, Alien Property Custodian, will offer for sale at public sale, to the highest bidder, at Store 16, American Dock Store, Tompkinsville, Islnnrf. New Ynrif. nt pie von 1919, 4 lots of Nickel. , FRANCIS P. GARVAN, Alien Property Cu$todian KDUrATIONAT, CAHIPH fillota. Aerial observation. flrmmA Mt... pilot. ah suaiauca. Motor Htohania, SrECIAt, ANNOUNCEMENT JIAJOK OKNI-RAI. JOHN T. BYAN. of It., famous nth Drtl.lon, will conduct lbs cams as a dtnwnstraUen. f tba Swiss Systran of Training, amphaslilnr (aperrltad utalotlc. Elch wnkl com: cataloa aaerrss Hrwt. Has Toi A. ..stlTK. i, ita 'FJnnt di J v -.A' TWO HOMES ONE PERPLEXITY OF BEIN6 GOVERNORS WIFE Mrs. W. C. Spronl Says Ncio Position Hasn't Changed Hus band Loves Chester Place Best, She Declares Telegrams and long distance telephone chats with the Governor rather than across-thc-brcakfast-table conversa tion with her husband; managing two homes instead of one, with all the mul tiplication of attending problems; fly ing trips from one home to the other; getting ready for a dinner party nt Harrisburg nnd finding the gown she wanted to wear had been left In Ches ter these nrc somf of'the difficulties in being the wife ot Governor William C. Sproul. "So many ask me how it feels to be the Goicrnor's wife." There Was a merry twinkle in Mrs. Sprout's blue eycs.as shs spoke. "Really, you know, being niado Governor hasn't changed Mr. Sproul a bit. He has been my hus band for nenrfy twenty-fivo yenrs and I tlon t feel n bit differently than be fore he wns made Governor. Of course, it has chnnged our manner of living, for now we have two homes to take care of. and thln?l vntl wnnt linvo n nnppr tendency to be in the wrong place." in a cool looking georgette gown Mrs. Sproul sat on the lernmln of Lnpiden Manor and looked down over the little city of Chester. Loves tho Old Place Little wonder, she snid, the old place hnd never seemed so benutiful to her. The winding cimler driveway, bordered with rhododendrons, whose wnxy green leaves glltcned in tho sunshine, the deep green velct of the sloping lawn over which wonderful old trees scattered their shade; the air fragrant with honeysuckle and rambler roses ; the brightness of tho flower garden, and the rambling old manor itself, seemed like some enchanted place. Somehow the questions of charter re vision; eight-hour days; of suffrage or laws pertaining to food and coal didn't filter thrpugh the serene calm of Ln pldea Manor. Perhaps that is why Mrs. Sproul prefers to Rpcnd most of her time there rather than In the for mal mansion at Hnrrisburg. Rut, whether in tho great old houso on the hillside, which is so filled with inti mate memories of her own children nnd special emphasis on the backward move ment, or the end of tho stroke. Swim ming would also help you, if you can get n chnucc to go in for it. CURB MARKET TOMORROW Eleventh Street Will Open Mart From Balnbrldge Street South No interference from city nuthorities is expected by the South Eleventh Street Rusiness Men's Association, which will inaugurate an open-nir wholesale market for farmers tomorrow morning on Elev enth street, extending several squares south from Ralnbrldge. The object of the new market Is to relievo congestion on South street, a busy and crowded thoroughfare. The double row of farmers' wagons which lined South street not only proved an obstacle to fire engines, ac cording to George II. Dickson, of the business men's association, but also prevented the proper cleaning up of ac cumulated filth. Eleventh street, it is pointed out, is wide enough to afford ample room for traffic even with a double row of wagons lining the curb. "We will comply with the law in every respect and therefore expect no interference," said Mr. Dickson. "The market will be 'opened because of sug gestions made by city officials and about 100 farmers. Hucksters, storekeepers and large buyers will find it to their advantage to patronize this market. It will be kept in a sanltaiy condition nnd will rid South street of noise nnd filth." U. of P. Seniors Dine Members of the senior class of thu University of Pennsylvania, including graduates of the Tovvnc Scientific School of Finance, gave tncir larcwcii uanquci, one of tho events of commencement week, in the Adelnhin Hotel Inst night. About 100 members of the graduating class were present., xne principal ad dress was made by Prbvost Smith. More Than 100,000 Sold HOW io UVE The Nation' Foremost Book of Health Bv Prof. Irvine Fisher and Dr. Eugene Lyman Fiik in collaboration with the Hygiene Reference Board of Life Ex tension Institute composed ot many such men aa Dr. W. J. Mayo, ex-Pres. American Medical Association; Dr. J, F. Anderson, Director U. o. uovern ment Hvaienic Li'aorntory. etc. In troduction by ex-Pres. Wm. H. Toft. LEARN HOW TO KEEP WELL State Hoards of Health reeomm.nd and uss this dook. inanesi meaicai autnonues en dorso it. Full of vital Information on Witt to Ett and How to Eat; How fo Avoid Colds; Comlip ttion ; Blood Prcuort; Hardening of the Arterici; Dripepilai Grippe; Hesdichei; Liver and Kidneys; Sex Hjfiene; Alcotol and Tobacco; Nervoni Troubled In somnia; Fat Deep Breatkinr, and Exer cise ; etc., etc. Profusely Illatlratti; 497 pof.es ll.B" set: by mall. 11.62. rtookstorea or Publishers Funk & Wninnll. Co., S3t Fourth At . N.T. I healthful- POMPEIAN OLIVE OIL 4 Makes a Rich Creamy Fruity Flavored Sold Everywherm home life, or in the stately Governor's mansion, Mrs. Sproul retains thnt same sweetness nnd gentleness ot chnrncter and "mothers" nil the young folk who gather in the, generous circle. Baby Jane Favorite "I did spenl quite n long time in Hnrrfcbtirg nftcr the innugurntion," ex plained the first lndy of the state. "I iotc the mansion with its windows look ing across tho river. Wc nil heenme fond of the place and the people. Rnby Jane was n supreme fnvoritc with every one nnd she loved the excitement. She Is n wee bit autocratic and she found folk there so eager to do her bidding. There were not many social occasions because of Mr. Sproul's illness. And, of course, every ono has left Harrls hurg now for tho season." "Rnby" Jane Klner, granddaughter of Governor ' nnd Mrs. Sproul nnd ilaughtor of Mrs. Henry J. Klner, wns plnjing just then under the trees ucnr the house, iuost ot ner four years lime been spent nt Lnpidca Mnuor, nnd she eagerly gosslns with legislators nnd other ) Harrisburg friends nbout her Inmhs nnd chickens nnd puppies. Her deep blue eyes, red gold hnlr, clear pink checks nnd charming smile hnvo won mnnv conquests. "There is just so much to do here," continued Mrs. Sproul. "The house and the flowers and the gnrden they nil need attention nnd we loe it so. Wc hnd expected to go to Hot Springs for the summer, but wc find the cot tages wo wnnted have been tnlten, so we will stay here for a month or so, then find a cool place to spend August. It really la hard to suit nil the mem bers of the family. Mr. Sproul wants to rest nnd tho young folk wnnt some place whero there Is at least n little gaiety." Like any other mother Mrs. Sproul's chief Interest centers In her children. She proudly talks of "Jack," the tall, sunbrowned J'outh who has only re cently discarded his olive drnb uniform, nnd she helps plan gay llttlo dresses for Rnby Jane and becoming frocks for Mrs. Kiaer. So long as they are all happy Mrs Sproul is content. WILSON VISITS MOTHER Aged Mother of Naval Chief Quite III In Camden The illness of his mother broughtVice Admirnl Wilson on n hurry visit to his home iu Camden Friday. It is feared that tho aged woman cannot Kunive the Infirmities fiom which she 'is suffering. She is eight -seven jenrs old nnd wns scarcely nble to recognize her distinguished son when he cntcied her room. Mrs. Wilson has said thnt she wished to live until she hnd seen two events nn allied ietory nnd her son. Her son visited her Inst April 17, and from her home at 345 Mount Vernon street she watched the splendid welcome which Camden gave to the naval hero. After seeing his mother Admiral Wil son went to Atlantic City to join his family. At the present time he is in command of the New Mexico, which essel will probably be his flagship when he assumes command of the At lantic fleet. FOR ENLISTED MFN AND THEIR FAMILIES Wednesday Eve.. June Uth. at 8 o'clock A LECTURE ON WAR RISK INSURANCE ny Prof. S. S. Huebner (U. of P.) HOME SERVICE SECTION RED CROSS, 1607 WALNUT ST. "always fresh Mayonnaise Dressing and Appetizing 1 "oh.Yes-it'8 I ,;ij iijjj Ju ae 4!M liiiiilic "A H!I Inexnenahw I i::( " j::::: fsssBSaai JLJW lUI r :::::: v i to Oner-ate!" M i;j. -'-r-r-rfUT'::::::: j.i f i t:::::: vt I n . .. alum !:i: '::;::::::::::::::: Trie cpion nai i - l A discussion of the IB ';. ,:::::::::::::::::: w wwwiwm ruwir f:::::: HI LoveKin uas Water IB :::::::::::::::::::: - ta.. Um... -. l.::::: .Heater usually I ,:::::::::::::::::::: 326, DUT liaVe 30 1!:!:;! i brings forth the re- II :::::::::::::::::::: !:::::: ? I mark, "Oh, yes! it's I ! J :: : : eyfi Ollf aiSO for t:::::: , 'i If inexPCIsive to inn : :::::::::::::::::: : w" f : I operatewE . IHI !!!i!iEEEiiii!E; the name p;;; j I ASTOrUSIC OAS VOTZB H5Alxa ; ; ; WW KW M M. naP W t '.'' ''.' i a It represents l III :ii: :::::::::::::::::: m m sF i :::::: III the utcst in J I : : :::::::::::::::::: ,, . l:::: - IdVvYopreSir 11 nar name is your pro- I:::::! 1 1 and its unusu- i J- lillil :::::::::::::::::::: fp.r.finn aefninct infafint :::::: i 1 1 ally small gas jiijfrr- :ii::::::::::::::::::: .--.... Muuwi nnwiiwi i I IHIIA consumntion I JiTm H II !' - t s : . : . t... j.t J.'.'.'. '.'.'. feally surpris: J I :x J ::::::::::::::::::: lllll.dllUlld, JUST SS WQ :::::: & I b7thepup.rG:eid. IJJ I :ii:EEEE!EEEEEEEEEEEE , sealed package is Protec- ijjiijj - ' I 'wto i ! II iiiiiii-iii-EiiEEEEEE; ; tlon against impurity. siiliili' -I ili LOVEKiN'Mf I :ii::;;ii!;!i!;ii;!!i; The Greatest Name f&W s simiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiawniiiiuiiiimiiimmiuiuiiiiiii tw. - bva K.m mttVZZrtVJ!2 ':::::::: ' LA SALLE COLLEGE TO GRADUATE 48 Contost in Oratory Features Commencement Exercises Hold at Broad St. Theatro The fifty-second annual commence meut of La Snlle Collecc wns held this afternoon in the Broad Street Thentre Monsignor Xein Fisher presided. Die exercises opened with an overture by the orchestrn, followed by a contest In orations, entitled "Justice for Ireland" were dollercd 1 Jnmes V. Downej ; "Marshal Foch," b Jo seph A McGarry; "Cardinal Mertier," by J. Russell Cullen. Francis H. Shields, Philadelphia, de livered tho address to the gruduutcs. The nthletlc department will Miffer through the grnduntion of many of the star plnjers. The bnskctbnll tenms will lie tho worst to suffer ns six members nf the first nnd second tenms will not return next jenr. They nre Ronninell, Clifford. II. Dojle, Graham, Hanev nnd McXichol. Eight members of the bnsebnll sqund graduated. They nrc- Buggy. Pnszkicwiiz. Schmidt. Schnener, Toth, Morris, Reillv and Snyder. Tho forty-eight gradustes are rr Medical Certiorates Alnhonsus r .L"1rvCOJo,hh0cno'8fIrna5' "5"ecJn' iSj.fSiiio.rch??e,ar,,!i."ra;r,.;sv8 ar,:" Stephen nirrordf cnnrl-a Hob-m CS hsrl a Vlnrent Iiav f, Illchnr.! HoiiVrt poWo Franc!. Hall iV,- tr""!, nr.r nMm John Jrlpph llinrj ll,n Joseph Karlfvuild John Anthonv K'.lh jln Itaj mom! Kelly Jnmes rsjrl.k MrM, hoi Jr losrph nthon Paszklc Mr? Alexander I-ranris Schmidt. William Alolus Schrelner L.V AJ1,lJ.ony S'recker. Jr Alexander Stephen Toth Commercial Dotiloma Joseph Charles Horner Hubert Aloyslu" rtolee c harles Jo eph Iloyle, Joseph A Ilraun Jnhn 1 ranrls toiiello. Jr.. Joseph Justin Dmtzer. Joseph How I Economize in Cooking I've found that beginning n meal with a tempting llttlo hors d'oouvre Isn't the extravagance it seems, but Is really an economy, because they're really so Inex pensive, and If I flavor them with Jim's favorite Al Sauce it puts him In n good humor right at the start, and he doesn't eat nearly po much meat, which Is bad for him If he's had something elsa first The other night w began the meal with a delicious nppetlzer. consisting of a piece of toast cut round with a slice of tomato on It and a strip of herring across tho top I served It on a lettuce leaf nnd rprlnkled just a few drops of Al Sauce oer It. It was simply deli clous. The nett night I had celerv stalks stuffed with cream cheese, into which I had beaterf a teaspoonful of Al That wonderful sauce ought to ho adver tised on every food poster in the coun try. There Is nothing like it for econ omy Adv. . ry-Mr-m:----ttiB&tmmmwm;::m ym t s -i. :::::: : -m Jto: : : n :amj .uittttm HrfrTay v ; n3C Flavor tiam ;;;:;:!, mi Lasts 1 Kept Rtght f 1 1 i i i M VssO V f J Wm IV ? CHEWING-GUM V St $T4 Aloyslus Drummond. Pebaatisn Anthony Khmer. Christopher Gerard Kluehr. Jr , Ferdinand Joseph Ooett. Ionard r re4erlck HolTmayer. Theodore Andrew Klaus. Francis Joseph Illgley. Alfonso d Ulovannl, Frank Joseph Knapplek Frank Xavler Kummer John Ktlward McOoern, James Joseph Mc Oulre, Joseph Anthony Miller, Kdward Thomas Morris Thomas Joseph Keltly Kem per Andrew Ryan Joseph llerliert Hehaiider, I rank Alosslua Pndr. Albert Charles olk. rtnjmond Alojstus Welsh DIVORCE FOR DUCHESS Ouke of Westminster Doesn't Con test Charges of Desertion Tendon, .lune 17. The Durhess of Westminster wns grnnted n divorce to dny from Hugh Richard Arthur Gros venor, second Duke of Westminster, on the grounds of desertion nnd miscon duct. Counsel for the duke snid n simple clenlnl to the chnrges hnd been entered orlginnllv, but that upon trlnl the ense hnd not been contested The Duchess of Westminster formerly MANN & DlLKS 1102 CHESTNUT STREET mm J i J I MANN & DlLKS 1102 CHESTNUT STREET L -I l?7P nl Y m MbM I was Constance Edwins, rfaugfcUr. Colonel William Cornw11l..Wa4.'. rUM and her husband signed a separative'. agreement in 1014. They were marrM in 1001 nnd hnve two children. ' " 3$ The Duke of Westmluster, served jbth ivgypi vii uuu nou mo u. q. j;, rwr bravery. ' JT s m GOVERNMENT sat.p. nv Canned Ve2etabk3 TIM r.AlJfiP. QITANTTTTrctaW C1aS KMa lit ill Via nnAnad O T UV-&: rjtt June 30, 1919, on quantities located ! at various points. Particulars, spe, ciai bid forms can oe oDtained ad ,v Zone Supply Ofllces: Hoston, New York. Philadelphia, Baltimore, Newport News, Atlanta, Chicago, St. Louis. New Orleans, Tt. Sam Houston, El Paso, Omaha, San Francisco. ' Pyrol Wool t suitable and satisfactory for all vacation's wear. It requires no pressing and is not affected by damp ne8s. Ladies' and Misses' Plain Tailored Suits 26.75 29.75 37.75 Also n Top, Street and , Motor Coats 24.75 29.75 37.75 Girls' and Juniors' Suits and Top Coats, 24.75 ? Ladies1 Hats Repriced v -12 PJi -,. .vs - -i": j -41 -'-.:- Liisf -. s M p j 'i.l !in 4 l 41 f If Jn ?$$t HluHlulift1) cf.irv ,' ! l-Jma , , JnL"JiA:ii
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers