wm 1 " v".- ' '.... ; S ' t&xKii if '5X- ; . M iv ,1, , VV j : v : .A.V. -i '-; ; 3 "W 1 ' O ' ' J . rHA ' 0"- ' 714! EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER- PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, irr 1919 IT'S TIME TO THINK OF CANNING PLEA FOR INFANTS THE LACE GILET CYNTHIA '. "j 3; t 4 t. r4 IC J.p. !s m m & a 1 & ti v f . iwr - fyTRS. WILSON GIVES DIRECTIONS ." FOR SUCCESSFUL CANNING OF PEAS mfPrdduce Must Be Very Fresh, Otherwise Failure Will Hf portant, and the Houscivife Must Not Let Anything tcntion May tiutn tne PEAS contain a vegetable protein somewhat similar to the casein in milk. This vegetable substance spoils and deteriorates very quickly jf the peas arc permitted to stand in the sun, in piles to overheat or in a warm kitchen. Little evidence of this trouble can be found while the peas are being canned. Frequently it is not discovered until the prod uct is opened some time later. Then 1L. .. .......1 4-n Vtn in n enft 11 cVl T j Jt UlUy H1U 1UUUU IVJ UU Jl . cwiv, ....3..j (S condition and vcrv sour: this makes ,s them unfit for food. This sour-flat or theimophyle is 5 also caused by two other conditions, namely: First, if the jars are unduly ,' slow in process that is, if too large i a number are under process at the same time. This prolongs the period of time in the kitchen. Second, leav .0 ing jars to cool in the bath or in the ji, hot kitchen, or storing them in a "warm place. How to Prevent This Trouble Peas must be fresh, not more than Bix hours in transit from field to the kitchen. They must be picked early in the morning and then spread out in a single layer. If they are dumped into baskets or other containers they are very apt to heat. You can easily tell this condition by running your hand down in a pile of the peas; if they are cool and moist, then they are all right; if they arc warm and dry, don't can them. You will only have a failure on your hands. Unless the peas aie grown near by it is a mistake to can them. Don't depend on your trucker or produce dealer; he means well, but he doesn't under stand conditions, and the result will be a total loss of product and a dis appointment to you. Granted now that the peas are freshly picked from a neaiby farm; that they are spread out in thin lay ers to cool, in an airy place under no condition in the kitchen. Shell the? peas, then place them in a decn JT saucepan covered with a cloth wrtlng from .cold water to prevent drying out. When ready blanch by placing Mrs. iJLJf Xc-ftTA 4 fctn 4V... w.nl.:M .. t . fs iuv aear iurn. wi son Kind v "5rJ iv-n- JUl malting -It;a- ler cake). Thanking you, I am, A. 31. P. Slollcn Sift into a'Jbowl four cups of flour . and thendd.'-,. St l, - une teaspoon of salt, CTVjtf nc'la V" leitppdon of cinnamon, S i "One-fta fegirpobn of nutmeg, Three-foyrjjis cup of sugar, V. -Three ounces of butter, melted, One cup of milk, 75 degrees, . Fchr.. Grated rind of one-fourth lemon, One-half cup of seedless raisins, One-half cup of finely chopped f almonds. Now dissolve one yeast cake in ' one-quarter cup of water and add to N the above mixture and work to a " i' dough. Place in a well-greased bowi '' and let rise for three hours. Now fold over the ends and sides to the y f f cenier aim presa uown wen. l urn over and let rise for hiteen minutes. 'jf Form into loaves. This may be ) P placed on a baking sheet or in well i , greased pans and let rise for forty five minutes. Brush the top with j niilk and dust with sugan Bake for forty minutes in a moderate oven. Coffee Cake Place two ounces of butter in a mixing bowl arid add three-four vhs $ cup of hot coffee. Let cool and then & Three-fourths cup of sugar, y One egg, , , Two cups of flour, , t Four teaspoons of baking powder, One-half teaspoon cf cinnamon. Beat to thoroughly mix and then Dour into well-greased and floured i&pyiflg oblong pans. Cover the top with fctfV,! finely chopped nuts and bake in a '"-f1'ffiTnnrtrntn nvpn for thirtv-five min- v Raiwtes. XWrt r "Y -- Er ' Jii'i i uear iuis. noun nm j"" W'M fA k,indly give me a recipe for Eng- , . . -. j ir Ttm itriii .... y gaining raisins and citron, made "'? rWith yeast? Thanking you in ad- V&, yanee, Mrs. M. i .ElIIgllBII CCCU VttBC ll.rt ' Y7-.lft C...I lr ifi ' Tln:e-fourthe cup of sugar, S, iUne egg, Five tablespoons of shortening, Two cups of flour, Four teaspoons of baking powder, Three-fourths .cup of milk, a Two tablespoons of caraway seeds. . ii racQ in a mixing ovyn mm utai mi lui. .t.lu- T3...M In irAllnAaanrt nan anrl f.J?'i':v.lnAo tVio nllnwincr miTtiiri on inn: K&i'J''?jr1,V,. . -';, " ; , r Mf '."gift .i'lace in a mixing dowi i.vfoe tablespoons of flour, p.,"t;? One and' one-half tablespoons of '', 'faraway seeds, 'VflT Two tablespoons of shortening, ' iL',Rub between the fingers until fine rltflrf'crumbly. Spread over top of cae and bake for thirtjr-five minutes sji rpoderate om. 'Ta prepare thepan: Use a deep ' ayer .cake pan and grease it. Then 5 .Un It 'with Tiaper and grease again. f - . , i j, Btt tne case recipegveii, ui&curu-. ., v.. t 'i i : - jji ! UWijjaiunsj wwuer, usuing in fi'W If- i-'V . i r.TA333lJSi unurc l,oi utner nuies j. By MRS. M. A. WILSON (Copyright. J!I0. bv .Mrs. M. A. iriljon. All Rlahtt Reserved ) about one quart of shelled peas in a square of cheesecloth, dip into a saucepan containing boiling water and cook for ten minutes Lift out and plunge into cold water. Spread out flat while filling into the jars. Fill the jars to overflowing with boiling water that contains one tea spoon of salt to each quait of water. Wipe off the top of jar and then adjust the rubber and lid, partially tighten the lid and then place in a hot-water bath immediately. Work as quickly as possible. Have the water in the bath about 165 degrees Fahrenheit, or just at the simmering point. Do not let anything interrupt you. The loss of just a few minutes may luin the entire lot. Now bring the water bath quickly to a boil and then boil continually for three hours. Remove at once and seal securely. Test for leaks and then lemove to a cool room away from the kitchen and free from drafts. Just as soon as you can hold the jars in your hand place them on their sides in a large pan of cold water containing one- I f ,inn .. f ...., water. Let them stay in the water until cold. Eight pint jars is plenty to do at one time. The water should be at least three inches above the top of the jar while in the hot-water bath. Store in a cool, dry place. The professional canner has the peas gathered just at the break of day. They are then removed to the dnlTnt H.V.1.T. !e ?. n nnnl nltnit .nAf ' out of doors. The peas arc shelled and then graded for size large, me dium and small, or petite peas. Each size is canned separately. So you, too, must separate the large-sized peas from the others. The easiest way to do this is take a wire strainer, costing about fifteen cents, and punch several holes a little larger than the medium-size peas; they will then roll through the sieve, while .the large ones will stay in the strainer. If each handful of peas is thrown in Wilson Answers Questions One-half yeast cake dissolved in four tablespooTis of cool water. Beat hard to mix, Jet rise two hours, beat five minutes, then pour in well-greased pan. Let rise thirty five minutes, bake in moderate oven thirty-five minutes. . My dear Mrs. Wilson I write asking you if you use pastry flour and what is the difference between pastry and the bread flour? Also please tell me hoi to make a chocolate cornstarch pudding with out egg? Mrs. Y. You may use pastry flour for pastries and cakes. This flour con tains less gluten and more starch, being a soft white flour. Standard patent blends of flour may be used for both bread and cake making, as few housewives care to lay in both kinds of flour. A fancy pastry flour undoubtedly makes the finest pastry and cakes Chocolate Cornstarch Pudding Two cups of milk, One-half cup of cocoa, One-half cup of cornstarch. Dissolve the starch in the milk and then bring to a boil and cook slowly for five minutes. Now add One-half cup of sugar, ' One teaspoon of vanilla, One-half teaspoon of cinnamon. Beat well and then pour into cus tard cups that have been rinsed in cold water to mold. My dear Mrs. Wilson Would you kindly give me a recipe for making rolls? About two pans, enough for two persons, to be made overnight with a yeast cake. Will you publish it in your helpful talks in the paper, and I will be so much obliged ? Mrs. A. M. C. Set the dough about 5 o'clock in the afternoon. Place in a mixing bowl One cup of scalded milk cooled to 80 degrees Fahrenheit, and now add One tablespoon of sugar, One teaspoon of salt, One tablespoon of shortening, Four cups of sifted flour. Work to a smooth dough. Grease the bowl and then place the dough in it. Turn over and cover. Let rise for three and one-half hours and then turn on the molding board. Make into rolls. PJae on a greased pan and let rise for one-half hour. Place in the ice box or in a cool place. In the morning set in a warm place for twenty minutes and then bake. My dear Mrs. Wilson Will you ' kindly publish in your column a recipe for cookies, using maple sirup, and oblige? L. P. H. Cookies - Heat one cup of maple sirupto the boiling point and then pour into a mixing bowl and add One-half cup of shortening, One-half cup of fcrojfp sugar. One-half cup of sour milk, One teat-poon of soda, One fnn. "rV" . . toj. KlKaaiw, .theniada jgmfca&flgfafc Result Blanching Is Im-. Interrupt Her, for Inat- nai w ui sivuui uuwivr the strainer as they are shelled this will not delay the process. How to Prevent Leaky Jars Fill the jars before using them with water and then adjust the rub ber, and fasten th"e lid securely. In vert and test for leaks. Jars that are not absolutely airtight will spoil the contents, no matter how long you process them, so be very particu lar about this point. If you have bent the edges of the jar lids by using a knife to open them .you must either use a block of wood in thj hammer and hammer them flat or use new lids. Don't use old rubbers; they will cause the product to spoil. Pur chase a good grade of rubber. Poor ones will blow out during the pro cessing period and cause the loss of time in reprocessing. Fancy Packing Place one layer of the' prepared peas one and one-half inches deep in the bottom of quait jar; then add a one-inch layer of young carrots, cut in dice and pai boiled as for peas. ",ePal wiwproccM umu u.o jr is filled a"d cn Procucss ln tho "su manner. If you have any doubt , . , . . about your lids fitting closely, so as to be absolutely airtight, dip the tops of the jars to one inch below the lids in melted paraffin just before storing. Hot-Water Bath The jars must be placed on a rack, then in either a regular water-bath canner or in a wash boiler. This water should be below the boiling point, preferably about 165 degrees Fahienheit. Have the water at least three inches above the top of the jars. Cover the boiler closely and then bring quickly to a boil. Let boil for two minutes and then count the time from this moment for the processing period. It is important that the fire be kept up so that the water does not stop boiling. Careless prescrying will ruin the contents of the jars and thus cause a waste of materials, time and fuel. about six cups. Roll out one-quarter inch thick and hcn cut, and bake for eight minutes ir a moderate oven. Any flavoring de'ircd may be added. 3Iy dear 3Irs. Wilson Last week you had a recipe in your cor ner for a rich, creamy cake filling; it contained butter and is a half inch thick when spread between the cake. Another reader re quested it from you. By accident my husband dropped his cifar on the paper and this portion of' it was burned. If it is not too much trouble, could you let me have this again? Also can I vary the flavors? Thanking you and assure you I have wonderful success with your recipes. In fact, every one claims I am a wonderful cook all credit due to you. Mrs. S. G. Butter Cream Filling Cream two ounces of sweet butter and then add Une and one-quarter cups of A AAA suga, One teaspoon of any flavoring de sired, Two tablesvoons of hot water. ! Tonf liTitil rnTMvTryif1 tnwi cnrnoil between the cake. To vary .flavors use cherry, almond, vanilla, orange and lemon. My dear"Mrs. Wilson Will you please give me a recipe for Vir ginia roast ham? I never miss an article of yours in the paper. Your recipes for various things have helped me wonderfully in prepar ing many a meal. Thanking vou, L. R. Make a rmste of flour and water and spread it one-half inch thick aver well-cleaned smoked ham. Let stand for fifteen minutes and then place in a moderate oven and bake. A ham weighing about ten or twelve pounds takes s.even hours. Remove from the oven and cool. Remove the crust and Bkin and then cover with brown sugar and cinnamon, and return to the oven and bake until nicely browned. This ham may be boiled first and then baked. Cufi. cura Soap Buy Cuticura Soap When You Buy A Safety Razor And double Irazor efficiency. No mug, no slimy soap, no germs, no waste, no irritation even wnen snavea twice Hilly, ilion crcn wnca mavca iwice amy. r shaving- touch pol of dandruff or ' ition. U any, with Cuticura Ointment. i bathe and shampoo with same cake Alter snaving toucn irritation. Then bati of soap. One soap lor all uses. Rinse wtthtrpid or cold water, dry gently and dust on a few grains of Cuticura Talcum and note how soft and velvety your skin. Absolutely nothing like the CoUcura Trio for every-day toilet uses. Soap to cleanse and purify, Ofctmant to soothe and heal. Talcum tq powder and pufume, 26c each, Sjl each f see by mail. Arfdrw "Coll. SMirepfe each f me bj- rasa, t sm, D. Mrt, BMtesu" . niitia " ' Shave nffijMCll The With I LVMmU! New I H MH Cuti 1 PnWtiWIi i cura IhMBKLUiWay i The "Rippled A Daily Fashion Talk What is daintier or more charming (ban the frilly lace "sllet"? The one shown in the center of the sketch reminds one of the ripples of the sea. The other wsls are lace and organdie combined DOME time ago I gave you several illustrations of the gilet, that dress accessory which it typical of the year of 1010. Since the time of the first showins the gilets have changed con siderably, not in their shape, but in the materials selected to make them. From the embroidered silks, tricolettes and kindred heavy mnteiiah the fancy has turned to the most filmy sort of tex tiles, and Hie gilels are now made of chiffon, net or lnee and sometimes com binations of all three. The shops are now showing some mighty gnod-lookin? gilets made of net, it net trimmed ttth lace, at remaik ably lbw prices that are really within the reach of almost any woman. Con sidering the price of net and lace, they are much cheaper than they would be were they made at home. The other daj I saw a girlrwearing Please Tell Me What to Do gy CYNTHIA In Defense of Pretty Girls Dear Cynthia This is a letter for Ilnea, or Ulcana, I have forgotten just which her name is, and have mislaid the paper that had her letter, but I think bhe will know whom I mean. I'm not sure that I am a member of.your club, but I was very much in terested in your letter. May I offer my congratulations? It was very well expressed. Areu t you just a trifle joung, girlie? Of course, I am only guessing, but I rather imagine that you ure in the early twenties. ( Am I right or am I wrong? It is ohly when we are very joung that we .lare make such sweeping statements and such positive ones. When we progress a little fur ther along we find that there are so many exceptions to so many rules that it is difficult to find one rule that fits all occasions. Life is like the French lan guage in that respect. For every rule there are at least two dozen exceptions. However, I have lisen in defense of the pretty girls. First, let me ex plain. I am not pretty, I am not sure that I am what one calls good-looking; I am just an ordinary sort of a girl, who passes easily iu a crowd and is not noted for her prepossessing or unprepossessing looks. So you seemy fingers are crossed and my intentions are entirely altruistic. It is too bad that I have to start by admitting that one often finds pretty girls brainless in this country. Never having wandered from my native clime, I am unable to speak of other coun tries. Nevertheless, It is hardly bquare to blame them. The rest of us are to blame. We have so emphasized good looks that they have assumed too im portant a position and pushed brains in the background. The parents and the friends have too often taken the ceneral attitude of the world that If jou possess good looks common sense is not an essential. Really that is true : .. n.;ll lnnV nrnnnri a little. Personally beauty is such a joy to me that I am content to look at a really nrotfT cirl and don't make demands ,.n Intpllect. nnd I suppose nine- tenths of the public are In the same boat. Of course, beauty and brains is a winnms iuuju""i " -- epair that fur and repay your debt to its R beauty, and usefulness winch, trom good furs, never quite depart. Permit our proven ingenuity to devise a moae for you, a mode to accurately correspond with Fashion but definitely to reflect You. Work done now at a third below regular. "Pay the Cost in the Fall" Matfson & DeMair? i2j5 Chestnut Street s yssTrrrrTTTi 1 N& fxit & iPlmerp gop, 3foc. 1423 Walnut Street v HATS LIBERAL REDUCTIONS ON ALL OUR DARK-COLORED MODELS I Hf IfeHU FURS jzll Sea" Vest by Florence Rose the loveliest gilet. It looked more like a rippled sea than anything else 1 can think of. Iu the original vest the rows of lace ware more closely placed to gether than they are in the sketch. Each row overlapped, giving the gilet the sdft billowy look. Valenciennes was used for this model, and, in fact, it seems to bo the favored lace for the summer gilets. At the left is a gilet made of net ami decorated with ruffles of net. Below this is a dainty design of organdie. At the extreme right U an organdie model trimmed with bands of lace, fin ished at the ends with small cotton tassels. Just a word in reference to the scarf draped about the figure in the center. This is the type of scarf worn with the short sleeves, about which I told you last week. (CovvrloM, ISM, bu Florence Rose) surprising that it is not more often found. You sound just a trifle disgusted with pretty girls, Ileana. They do get a tremendous amount of superficial amusement out ot life, but honestly don't you think they have a tremen dous amount to contend with? If they get along in school, It Is a favor, never by any chance brains. If they don't. well they don't think it necessary to be anything but pretty, the, "cats" say. I have always been truly glad that great beauty was not one of the things my fairy godmother wished on me. It must be so difficult to be always struggling witu vanity and be the cause of so miii'li critlcism,roo. Cheer up, Henna. In a year or two such minor matters as seem to upset you just now will straighten out and you will be too busy living to bother about the side issues of real life. May i suggest xnat you De just a trine more tolerant of other people's point of view?- There is room for everybody you and me. This letter was meant as a friendly effort in case you doubt it. I am mar ried, girlie, and not as old pr-haps as I sound. LEBKt'N. Girls to Blame for Kisses Dear Cynthia Please publish these words'to Fair Nineteen : In my opinion you .have done the right thing to refuse to kiss a fellow that you have just met for the first time. But I know some girls who prefer to have that klnj of friends, so I would not blame us boys, but the blame Is for you who let us do It. 'Because you should be strong and hold your self-respect. If you don't nobody else will. Let some other boys and girls tell .their opinions to encourage Fair Nineteen. MOROCCO. GRADUATING GRAMMAR SCHOOL BOYS All the fellows Bay, "Some cIrbs, nifty id speed oh. boy!" Your vacation will and .,.. . fnmnletA unless you take U. B. you Is backed by the Largest House of Its kind ln the country. Our beautifully lllus trated catalogue tells the Btory. Free. Write ' "HOTS' WTXFARK nKPARTMKNT 503 MABKET ST. PHILADELPHIA, PA. STORED 1 B Adventures With a Purse "W 110 was it wrote an essay on noise," I questioned Dorothea? Having been to college, Dorothea knows everything., "Lots of people," she re turned" succinctly. So I can't begin this paragraph with a nice little intro duction about So-and-o's essay on noise. So I'll get right to the point, and tell you that I have found a screen door silencer today that will come as a blessed relief to her whoso poor jaddd nerves quiver every time some one comes in the screen door, and it shuts with a sharp slam. It consists of a projec tion resembling a nail which fastens to the door, and a kind of wedge which you attach to the door jamb. When the screen door is released and shuts, the projection comes in' contact with the wedge, which results in tho door's shutting slowly and silently. You can buy one of these for ten cents. This is a story for small women, for it tells of a few dresses in small sizes at the remarkable price of $15. It is of a lovely standard-make ging ham, underskirt apd sleeves being of old rose foilc. A'black patent leather belt forms a contrast to the light col ored gingham. It is the sort of dress our of which you would get loads of wear, and could undoubtedly wear It all season without having to wash it. I saw a most effective bureau scarf today consisting of rows upon rows of filet design lace. "The linen finish strip in the center is stamped for embroider ingthe design consisting of French knots and solid work. J saw one which had been worked in pale shad,c3 of lavender, pink, and green, and is most euecuvc. xne price of one stamped to embroider Is $1.75. ready For the names of shops where ar ticles mentioned in "Adventures With a PurscV can be purchased, address Editor of Woman's Page Evenino Public Ledger, or phone the Woman's Department, Walnut 3000. The Comrades Said Life to Love, "My days are long, .My weary feet have far to go, I crave the solace of thy song, xue comtort'that thy smiles bestow." Said Love to Life, "I would not bide here only peace and quiet be Where'er thou gocst, far or wide. Bly willing wings shall follow thee." And so across the years they fare, Never for day or night apart, And every pilgrim's bread they share, And house in every pilgrim's heart! Charlotte Beckertin Woman's Maga zine. c, SEMI-ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE bF HATS & BLOUSES NEW SUMMER HATS For Sport and Dress IWIlllllllllllllllllllllll "Clean, Milk" has that sweet, fresh flavor! that is uay -yvu ordering SupPLEJflpwte; ' . .-.,, , i-qUttL , f ,. jJ 4 S , , , ?t?n a rn z idvc IN THE WARM WEATHE& What Did Little John J. Ever Do rr .. r r , twLiaw 10 in-uaw sin TTE WAS very little and chubby, and he was on Us mama's lap In the street car. The day was excessively hot, but he was so comfortable he was wriggling his little feet to-show it. Then suddenly mama was seized with a wild desire to kiss her baby. Up he was jumped from his place of Joy and se renity and hugged and kissed untfl he cried in pure sclf-defcnsc. Hard on babies, isn't it, in the summertime? The rest of us are uSed to the heat and at least we have' the, consolation 'of looking forward to the cool of the eve ning or to two weeks of vacation or a nice cooling bath when we get home or something of that sort. Bi(t babies! Well, did you ever try to get inside the mind of a baby on this heat question? They don't know what It's all about. Little Blllic. Jr., who was up in heaven last summer, just knows that's something awful has sud denly come to pass here In his new home. And all his little clothe stick to him and he can't move Inside of them or curl his toes inside his stoikings or anything. And he hasn't an earthly Idea whether this new state of affairs is going to last forever or until his next bottle or what. All he can do is He there and be well; pretty comfortable If his mama knows how to fix him and then uncomfortable if his mama doesn't. And ns if all this state of Ignorande weren't bad enough without having some one suddenly' seize you and hug and kiss you! AND by what divine prerogative has n fond fnther nnd his friends the right to play basketball with the soft chubby person of young John J. on a hot Sunday afternoon on the front lawn when there is nothing else to ao r And. if it isn't basketball then it's being dressed up in ruffles with a lot of leftover ruffles on the bonnet'and be ing taken out to can. in tne parior 364, 560 S64 35fttt 1422 aHalnut Street , "The Paris Shop of America'" .Continue with renewed interest their First' Sales of the Season Gowns and Dresses Tailormade 'Suits Sweaters and Cape-Wraps Charming Blouses i w l Skirts &BjrAp r -v- . ' Vt Tnv VEN in the hottest weather, 'v iresn navor tnat reminds you-'oi June pastures. And this excellent flavor is' due almost entirely to the -care" - this milk receives. . t i Way back in the country, where these careful methods.? begin, Sugplee - Wills - Jones inspectors are always at work! First, educating farmers to better' methods of dairy practice;"-! octuuu, bcaiiug mc uuuv j.ui nuvux, riwuujss ana cleanliness. ,c m. t "Clean Milk" is produced right rest assured of that! And J it is handled right, too, or it would not come to vou with a' flri.vriri! most inviting to the palate. van ue suiu oi miiK mat i?t?t?t rTnQ i to Deservc'Bcine Passed From& n r, . r, o uone up in ixujjiest t tv. of In-laws John J. is passed from onff J set of arms to another until you be- gin to tear no 11 turn into a real jiuib ' butter ball and melt all away and never 1 be seen again. , ' Sometimes on a summer's day. John , J. has just reminded me, he is taken : to a card party mamas friends. At tho bcKlnnine of the afternoon he is put ' upon the bed In the room next to-thi l hats. Then he has quite A time ot it. It Is very, very hot for a long, lontf time. And bo he cries, becauffe yot.B know how it is with a fellow; that's th- only way he has of telling about it. Then finally he isn't hot any mor nt all. He is sailing over green 'held and there are little white boats rocklntj I In the sky and lots and lots of bottie, nnd he. is having the time oi nis m and Thnn Rllrirlpnlv ! . "Is he awake? Sh-b, don't wakfcl kin. 1" "My dear, Isn't he just too sweet for I nTfMnfr I" nil. rpp. he's waking up, now. Yod llttln darlinc. Want come see Auntl Mabel? Oh, Jeannettc, pfcas'e let mo hold him just a minute, "Me next, Jcannette." "And then me, Jcannette, you prom- . Lpd. If I had a baby like that I'd,.i i,f pnt him alive!" And sometimes, John J. told me, hvl wonders if that wouldn't be better. mi.; V ... .1 l fimga iu ivniiv , Drop a lime drop or clove into each teacup. ' To fill un cracks In the plastering when painting mix some plaster of paris , I with the paint. Save washing windows so often by shining them with tissue paper occasionally. ?(Biweissaiiafl v? ,' ii ibj pai lay lana anw awr tsaKBvmai - &.VtnUt.(Gi AT4439T.N.Y. and Hats m ! 1 f ' - - S "Cleai Milk" has a sweeCI Today, tomorrow, everyj is sweet ana Keeps sweet DyS -Jones Ik &J1 Sii'. . j-kf.-.'Il-J.UT, -t i -..!.. M '1 V i. I ri, m
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers