ETO -PHI yfogH OFtHEWfANClAL WORLD NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA STOCK MARKET QffiTfflftON, I.-""1 r ; NEW YORK STOCK MOVEMENTS PROVE MARKET TO BE BULLISH Profit-taking for Over Week-End Is Reverse of That Occurring When Conditions Arc Bearish Many New Highs Made Before Reaction New York Stoclts High Points in Todfis Financial News Manv nru high records iccrr. scored on the .Veir York Stock lUchanpc, Itccessions occurred on proflt-taklno. Market's position tins liullltft. Oil continued to advance on the Curl: Coin uas higher. Cotton shotted Ir regular tone. Fotelgn exchange nas steady, hut lull, The AVie York bank statement showed decreases In ah items, except aicragc and actual demand deposits, liar silver icmalncd unchanged. New Yorli, Oct. 19. Further evidence that the, stock market Is a bull market was Riven In the tradlnc today, when u moderate icactjon occurred after vigorous advances in the early trading. This Is a natural Incident to a hull cam palRii, when tho loni? position Is Indicated by pioflt-tnkhiK faleH at tho end of the wield a revomo of the condition In the declining market", when rallies may always be looked for on covering of shorts on Saturday. Thero were many new hlnh rccordi made when the market was front: In the early ttndlnB, Southern l'aclllc ui.vuncltm' to 100'i, a new hlRh since 1917. The strenRth was on the expected tranquillity In Mexico, Which will turn all tho Southern l'aclllc properties there Into great reve nue "earners. Mexican Petroleum rose 10 points lo 192, but reacted In the late forenoon. United States Steel common was heavily bought, advancing to 11-J", and coming very close to Its high recoul of tho car. Many Industrials, that are placed In tho peace group, were active and strong, with the rubber stocks today becoming prominent. There was heavy foreign buying, especially In United States Steel common, but brokers who were hellers of other stocks stated that tho upply was In nearly ult cases taken by foreign hoiihei. Banking Intel ests weio bujers of stocks like Heading, New York Central and the Hill shares, and the supply of these stocks has become extremely scarce. ' Iluldvvlu Locomotive was a feature in the lute tiadlug. adtanclng to SIVi. Bethlehem Steel "IV was olso In ikniuml late In tho foienuon, advancing more than 2 points to above 72. There was another spun In General Motors, which lose more than 7 points to 132. " In the final trading many stocks showed a buoyant tone, while others continued to reflect realizing!). All tho important Interests were bullish, not only on htocks but on the railroad bond list and many classes of Industrials, and the outlook was bright for vigorous advances up to the time of the steel dividend meet ing on Tuesday next. i- ., . "lh do pref sitf, A lax Ilnhlier.. 8S'4 A ai-ki Cloid ,M 3 Alnki Juneau. W AlHn-dinlm Co Wi do pref US An; Agr Chcm.tOi do pref 01 Am lied sugar 10H Am -Can . ... 4b1! do pref .... oaijf, Am Car & K Co mils, Am Cotton OII.,44Vi Am tilde & I, HlVi Am II & L pf,. H.IVi Amer Int Corp BH14 Am Ice Kic... 41 Am Ice Sec pf. (10 Am LltiHecit . 4S V4 , do pref .. . 10 Am Locomotive '), Am .Smelting . D3',i Am Smelt pr .10JV, Am Sum Toli..llt Am steel Kdrv HI AT & T re II pd DIM; Am T & Am Tol do pr new . Associated Oil Am Zinc & I.d Anaconda Atciilmm Atchison pr Atl Uulf&W I U.ild Loco Co Uulto & Ohio do pref llarrctt Co . . llatonllat Mm Hfth Steel... Beth Steel II 01 V4 HIS U.114 cuu 74 mud tou 84 M fid's, .. HI Kit 711, 71?. CORN PRICES ADVANCE, BUT RECEDE FROM TOP COTTON ENDS STEADY, WITH' TRADING QUIET Rep oris 1 hat Government Might Stabilize Values Cause Early Strength against Nov em- iiKnlnst t ClilniRO, Oct. 19. Reports that tho food administration had a plan to stabilize values strength ened corn In tho early trading today. Offerings wero small at first, and com mission houses had buying orders. Thero were recessions from the top. Kvldence that the food administration Is concerned lest farmers plant too large an acreage, to wheat at the expense of other crops had a bullish effect. Opera tions were restricted pending further political developments. October opened at $1.29, 11.27 at the end yesterday, her started at $1.21 to $1.2.', $1.21 Vi at the end yesterday, and ter selling at $1.23, declined to $1.22 December started at $1.10ti to $1.17, against $1.10i at tho closo esterday, and touched $1.18i. Tho receipts were 215 cars. Trade In oats was light, but the mar ket was firm. Local Interests were the principal buyers. Receipts here today were 126 cars. October opened 'le higher at G7?i and moved up to 68c. November was nuoted at 6Go at tho start, against 66V4o at the end estcrday, and ad vanced to 67c. December opened at 65?4c to 6S?c, against 66c nt the close jesterday, and rose to G6',ic. Leading futures ranted as follows. Test'y'a Open High I.ow C'loo close Corn (new delivery) Nov . . 1.21 1.24 121 '4 1.221 Deo l.lOVi 1.1U 1 10 1 lie". Oats Nov .. fil" 17' Kli 07 Dee .... 5t lillli (I1 till'. i,fcra 1 21 ' 1 111 11.1 , Traders Show Inteuliou Even Up and Await De velopments Over Sunday lo New York, Oct. 19. Thsre was? rather a quiet trado In cotton early this morning and first prices ranged from 7 points loner to 5 points higher. It was evidently the Intention of trad em to even up and await development over Sunday, as It was understood that the German reply might be received. News on the spot article was uultc bullish, the basis being high and offer ings not large. Moreover, rains over the central and eastern belt will delay tho movement and affect the grade. There was a little houtherh selling, but not much pressure from that source. It Is said that some; of tho best-posted pot firms hiving forward contracts are buying, believing that the basis will ad vance materially with peace Later prices, with the exception of December, held around the close of Friday Spot house buying of December against sales of October gave the for mer position relativo strength tioumern auvices reported firm Mint lleth Sti 8pc pfioi Urooleljn it 1r. 44 Hooth Fisheries S4'i liurns Hros ..ISH'U Ilutte Cop U Z ln llutterlok Co . is Ilutte & Sup V 2SH, Calumet & Ariz 7014 Cal I'etroieum im do pref ,. nn Cal TaiKIng Co 4:1 Can l'aclllc ifl'U Ce-nt Lthr iih4 Cerrn ,p 1'iibco :ii ChandleT MirM nii. M'hes . Ohio . iiiii), 1 fin ct Wst pr ti4' ,Cil M X. Ht 1" .11 '4 ido pref XI Chi & .Vorthivt in.l Chi It 1 K V to 2S do (' pc pref not', .Chi It I &. pac 7 p 0 pf . . . sin; Chile Copper. . 2.TS I Chitio Con Cop 4S Col Fuel v. Iron 4.1i 1 l"ol lias A. Illec 4(l'i K'ul & South.. 21 Consol (Jas . In.l I Com Can . . 7,1 Corn I'roductH 4.1', I Crucible Steel 61 Cuba Cane Sug :I34 I do pref .. nn ' I'Cl 4: 1 1 lid. . 11(11', Den A: 11 C, pr lo'i 1 Domes .Mines 11 ! DIs Securities. 4H ) i:ik llorrf Fuel 21) i:rle . mi, do 1st pref. !l.f, 1 Fed .M . H pf. 4'l I liiiston-Wms . 31 1 1 fJen Cigar Co, 40 I Cen i:iee Co. .13H 1 lien .Motors . . . 131 Ji 1 do pief . . ;u I Goodrich II F. ,lu I (Iranbjr Mng.. s.l lit .Nor Ore xbi 11 Cop f,7 I Gulf Statu Sil. 71 1, 'Haskell .v. Ukr. 4(l-'! I III Celitial . . Ill)', -nt Agrlcul .. Id do prf . . (ii Inspiration Cop .is Intb-i'uiH Cip, do pref . . 3s?i Int liar C new .los, lnt -Mer Mar . !; do prif . . 1 111 Intern 1 Taper, lis do pref tta (, I ' I111 Nickel . a:iTi Int Jtap Tian s.l Kansas City tl. 20 Kellv Sprglleld .17 Krtiuccott Cop. 3s Lack Steel . . . 7'4 Lee Hub & T. 21 "4 Lehigh Valley fl.'iy Loose-W Ills C 4 J Lorlllard T . . .in; Low lln( 20 2(1 4.1U ' (13 Vt (11 '4 1 .114 tV 2 20 Ve 5V Ctll "l?s 1111 101 D4 (14 70V4 10V4 40 V. 4IIVll D.I've, 0.1 KMV, MI, 44 4IV KHi lH'i HVU K'l .iiivi ;-. 4',4 0H AH'it 5'.) iV4 tir. 70 7!4 OH BH BU',i !(l 107 Y in'U 110 11 (l Hi HU'Vi DU"4 VUIk 10.1 10.1V4 INK Ml 104 0.1 Vi 0 .' ov onti. In inii 721. Til 0.1 0.1 K34 H3'vl 107 I07V4 so s:iMi 5d',; sn'M 01 nt 104 yd 10IM1 1 Hi 701- 7Hi 70Vi 7IHX, 103 104 markets, with holders confident of much ! iMlii Itltrhir ,tpt0o ..11. I.a .. 1-- -. 1CX 1 UIU1 higher prices with the coming of peace uanas, Texas, saiu farmers weic hold ing for 40 cents Yesterday ClOH' Louis & .Nash I J Max Motor . . 37 Vt do 1st prof. , (Wiy; do 2d pref .. 20Mi Maj Dopt St re j .m Miami Con Cop 'i0 October December JnnUHr Jlnrch May Jul) oitn ll.s;. .ii.nn :iii.s7 .10 so 30 31. ,111 3.1 3(1.01 30 no 3(1.011 3u 0.1 20 Ml HlKh 31.01 3(1 111 30.11 3(1. LM 3(1.0.1 Low 31. Kl :io.7.1 311 -.- 2'I.IH I'll 1-3 l.nxt 31.V.1 311 HI 30.3(1 3d U do 2d pref . . Midvale Steel.. M & St L new Mo K & Tex do pref . . Mo 1'ac . . . do pref . . Mont Tower . . "sat Acme Nov Jan . . Illba Nov ... Jan .., Pork Nov . . , Jan ... 4 on 2J.1B .20.7.1 .20.20 .34.00 24.32 23 20 21.17 jo HO 31. NT 37..W 21 00 23 03 20 7f. 20.00 31.011 30 00 21 20 23 12 21.00 IIII.OI) 31 All 37.30 24,20 23.23 2(1 02 20 1J J'itltburgh Coal's Net Drops. -New York, Oct. 19 The annual re port of tho Pittsburgh Steel Company for tho year ended June 30, 1918, shows net profits after charges and war taxes of $4,556,140, etiulvalent, after deduction of preferred dividends, to $54.59 a share earned on the $7,000,000 common stock as compared with $101.09 11 share In the preceding jear. PHILADELPHIA MAItfCETS GRAIN AND FLOUR WHPAT Receipts. 157,109 bujheln. moon firmly held. Quotations; Car Iota In export elevator tOoverninenl atamlartl In apectlon) standard prleea No. 1, red win ter, f2 30; No. 1, northrrn Kprlng. $2 39; No, 1, hard winter. $2 30; No. 1. red win ter. carlkkj. $2 37; No. 1. rel nmutt. 12.3d; Ko. 2. red winter. $2 Sil; No. 2, northern aprlnc. IS.3H; No, 2, hard winter, $2.30; No. 2. red winter, liarllcky, $2 31; No. , red smutty $2.33; No. 3 red winter, $2.32: No. 3, northern spring-, $2.32. No. 3. hard winter, 12.32; No. 3, red winter, gar licky. $2.30; No 3. red smutty. $2.2u. CORN Heeelpts. 2423 bushul'. Trade was QUlet. but supplies were sruill and tho market ruled Arm. Quotations: car lots for loeat trade. Yellow, as to crude and loca tion, tl.00Rl.7fl. . OATS Receipts. 10.831 bushels. Tho mar ket was quiet but firm under light offerings, quotations: Car Iota as to location. No. 2 white. bOWROVsc: standard white. 7HV4 gvic; No. 3. white, 7f'7Dc: No. 4 white 77W 78c. 1 FLOUR Receipts. 1,132.031 lbs. In sacks. Trade was slow and prices favored tmvrrs under free offerings. Quotations To arrive, per lllil lbs In OS-lb. saeka Winter wheat, 100 per cent flour, ItOffU' 2.1: Kansas wheat, 100 per cent flour, $10 nnoin K.1; spring- wheat. 100 per cent flour. $lotailiU. RYB FLOUR Was dull and unehange-d. We quote at $8. 3009, B0 per barrel In sjcka as to quality. PROVISIONS The market ruled firm, but demand was only moderate; Quotations were as follows; City beef In sets, smoked and air dried, 47c; western beef. In sets, smoked. 47c; city beef, knuckles and tenders, smoked and alr-drled, 48c: western beef, knuckloa and tenders, smoked. 4Hc: beef hams, $00; pork, family. $33f4: hams. 8. P. cured, loose. 4V435V4c: do. skinned, loose. SH OSlttc; do. do. smoked. 88H03ftVic: other hams, smoked, elty cured as to brand and average, 3IH37Hc; hams, smoked, west ern cured. 3nv437'sc; do, boiled, boneless, flic; plcnlo shoulders S. V. cured, loose. 27c; do. smoked. 2vc; bellies. In pickle, accord. Ing to averags. loose. 80Hc; breakfast ba con, as to brand and average, city cured, 47c; breakfast bacon, western cured, 47c; lard, weatern. refined. 20O2PVic; lard, pur city, kettle rendered, 2U02UHc REFINED SUGARS Trices were firmly maintained n a basis f Do for fine, granulated, DAIRY PRODUCTS rtUTTEn The market was quiet but steady, Quotations) Bolld-packed creamery, extra, d9cj higher-scoring good, OOtsnjc; ex tra firsts, BNWMVic; firsts, 34(f.17c; sec onds, S1033; fancy brands of prints job bing at lie Hue: fair to good at :UU3. ttQUH Fine newlald eggs were well clean ed up at the lata advance. The quo tations! Free cases, nearby firsts. $10.60(9 1(1 80 per standard case; current receipts. $10 20 per esse; western extra firsts, $11 B0 tl. 80 per rases firsts. $1(120 per , In ferior lot lower; storage eggs, $12.70013.80 per case, as to quality: candled and recrated egga were Jobbing at 00002c per doxen. POULTRY LIVE Receipts were light and the market ruled firm and higher with demand fairly Mtlve. Quotations: Fowls, not Leghorns " ueardliur to quality, S4MTc whit Leghorn lerKhorn rooMurn, thlikens. 2 u a.'! an to quality, 3dfl).a2c. iliirlfu ll, I. In .1 A.... ducks. Indian runner. L'uSf'int" mrw.;; iji.' . H n"n,a"l '"'""f.lfr pair weighing J', tiJ " ,H',e' Mttl.M: smaller alzca (lo SK..c: guineas, old per pair. 7.IM1.11S. ,ii- eons old. per pair. 30 J( 3.1c: nlir, mi. .'.,,. per PHlr, 2-.W3HC. ' --" DRUHSKD Tho market ruled firm with demand readily absorblnc the limi.;,i J,r" The uuotatlona follow: Fresh-killed In bbls , dryplcked. fanrv ii2!i..i lbs and over anltM.. JJOttfe; old roosters. vveatern. fancy. ferine, fowls. ac. welghlns 4',l 37V4e: smiller sizes. dry-picked L'SV4c: welghlna- m 2 lbs. anifr.: iiaiSS .'"Vii Ins 1 lbs. aplete and over, 31c: welgnlnir 3Vi' lbs. apiece. 33c: weighing 2V4 03 Its ailec? 3l32c: spring dueks. lilinl and Pennsjlvanla 3040o squabs, per doxen white, weighing 11M12 lbs, per dox.: ISO Jv':0; weighing OOIO lbs. per dox.. $7 W7.50; do. welghlna N lbs per dox 1110 (150: do, weighing 7 lbs per dox.. $1 3110 ft; do. weighing HOtlVi Ib's. per do, . I34J4 darks $l.r,0W2.fiO; small and No ; ilM Od"'50eO7n5'c."- S"U'"t "" P"r- "c-"5i FRESH FRUITS Demand was onlv moderate. Keneruur wen nifauny neld. APPit-a, ew XQTK, as . t"- ""ll veniiny. l.-.-c r,.oU. Aixunier. HUU; Kail rippln. I40.V Bnow. $ Hi.",: .Ma Men lilu.h. 4(ft: (u& ardston. Hla- IJraveruteln. llsSuOii lwenly-ouncp, $3...ti4f 1 J0: Orepninir. ilST.'t vuiiuui vmiriira. j.iat Anillas Tlnail vanla and Virglma, per bhl. Qrlrnrs 14 no M7..10. King. I1O0: Ualdwln, UipZ: lien Davis. $J..Mi4: York Imperial $4W4 7v Jonathan J.lTCH. Annies, ner S-bushe! bas ket 40cO$ 1.23: do per bushel basket. 73c H-JUvjoI?1' '"!le, ner H-bushel basket, tl. 1003 7.1. Apples, western, per box. uu 3.10. Qulnees. New York, per bbl., IlloJ. . si cv ! uisrirt, Vt tl 'f Rri New York. Seckel. per barrel. $71'. Prars New vorK. per busnei basket Heckel. S3 . a n 4.23: Heurre Hose. 3 uo; F.m h iI-bii,u I202.o0 Tears. California. it hoi. ft(, Plums. New York,, per 4-qt, basket lulne Claude. i(i)70c: Damson. ndO70e- lilua Oaae 31O0Se. Plums New York. l)amson! per bushfl, $104. Plums, California, ner Italian, per box. $ll.7u. , lemons "per boS HI iclo. Oranges. California, per box. 1110 Id. Grapefruit, per box. toOk. Plneannlea. Cuban, per crate. I.IOUSO. do. Porto Rico; ,, t,.B, ,. u... .i-uuvrn!, jersey, per bushel box. $'00O3 23. Urape.. Dela! ware and New York, per 3-lb basket con, oapH "i WrlPif tl Uivara "Ml " l H . m - lui s v -,s w - VM (ijr 4JW4) i I1! IcIaHrH J(l023c. Orapes. New York, per 18-lb. baa, ket Concord. $LL101,23. ( rjall fornla, nr box. $1 7504. Cantaloupes, Col- utttuui aw 2.73, Honey new, per flat crate, $2,23 W VEGETABLES The general-market was oulet and with. out Important change. Quotations: White 1403; No. 2, $2.0008 .111. White potatoes Jersey, per ( -bushel basket No. 1. HO 1.13. No. 2. SOOllSc. White notato.;. t.r. y and rennsjlvanla. per 100 lbs. areen tvuiiiKtii. tiu a, . .i,v n: uianiS. HO. 1, IJ .1002.03. No. 2. $l.r,0O2 23; Sweet nota! toes. Jersev. per baskat No. 1. 73080c: No. 2. 40O0tf. Hweet potatoes. North Caro. ilna. per bbl. No. I $2 7.103: No. . lir,"o i ioi cuits, i. pwMi potatoes, Kaatern onorr. vr uui.,ig i. --; o. 1, I 7Vt0! I-ettuca. New Tiwli nee -at. Rlli.OIV.7.1 (Celery. New Ynrlr nee h,n,.h' ISO nue. Cucumbers. New York, per basket! ll..VI. Cabbage, New York, per ton, 112 via. unions, per tvi'-io. use, so, j, si.auss lM: 4o. e.-(9. . $1IJ, ' 111 I 20 5, is io, n UU 2fl',i .19 M3IC 20. "7 ; Nat l on X. fall 18 J Nat i:nam . S 47 National Lenil Ol'i, Nltlt of -M 2tl p 87. .Nevada con l' 21 N Y Air Ur.ike.llil N T Central. 7!) N Y N H & II 42 N V Ont ; W 'jj i, Norf & Wcst.loaH Nor memo . in'.'i Ohio (las 47 Ohio Fuel Sup 41 Ontario Silver. 7?I Owens Hot .. ill l'an Am Pet "Mill I'cnn.i H It . IflVi IVo as H c .10 1'cic .M.iuiuette 13 do ir pf . mi l'leroo OH . II) I'hlla Co . 3.1 IMttB k West Sin, Plerco Arrow, it U do nref .. 00'. Pitta Coal .. S3a I'reHted ,stl rar fl') Pullman P I'ar 127 ', lty Sti SnrinK tu Hay Con Cop Iteadinir Hep Ir & ll Hoal much H.ixon Motom St L S K do pref K L A. South Seab Air Line do pref Shattuck Ariz Sinclair Oil South Pacific South H H do pref Studebaker Stutz .Motors Tenn C A: C Texai & Vac Texas Co . Tobac Prod Transue Wll Union Pacific do pref tint Alloy Sti Unl Clitar Strn.lo.1 l'nlted Krult .118 Unl Hy Invest 10 do pref 1814 U S I ml Alco 1047k U H Itubber. 10 Vt do 1st pref .103Vi U S Smelt " 3U' U S Steel IH'Ki do nref . . "Hi I'tuh Conner Va-Car Chem VVnbaBli . . do pref A .In nref 11 . Wells Fargo Lx 73 AVest'Marld IS WestlnBhouse. 43J Voolvvorth . IS8Vi WorthP&M pfU 034 Wheel &. L V- JJ., Wilson Co .. Site West Pac pf.. Willys Over... do pref Wlscon Cent-. but values ronowa: 2.IV4 03 Mi 877 141 ll'k 13 20 Yt 20 8Vs 2I'U LVX, 38 K, lOO'e 3$Vi . 70',fc no . 3llli 18 17t 20I' 744 37 Vs 137! Si . 70 30 48t, ti 138 10 Vi 12 2.H4 70'4 2.1 ii, (Id i.i i; I70V4 08 35 00 Va 0i) 4 7 0 8()'(j 103 27 08Ti 80!4 22 4 42")4 13 Kl'O 24 V, ll-"x II .1.1 81 110'lj ! li "14 1.1 Vj 20 hi':, 33 1.1 30 )i 13 1.17 K l-'4' 70 r,H4 8I :i-".'j .t. 7i'i 4(1 118-1, ll, no'; MliJ, 8 so n 107 20T 117', 34 (, I 3!V, 8 J '4 JOT, :r',4 20! f t 'Jj. 10 1.10 11 II '4 3(1', 00 1', 28 37 ',4 29 17.1 U 28 47 10 a I Hi 25Hi .18 ', 70 33 V 18 4(l'i (11 87, 20! 1 1(1 77L. 42 2.",4 10H o.n, 1.1 !h II 1 111 1111 10 .11 1.1 no 187i 331, 311 MVt OllVi 121a 09 127 OK 2.1 oiy 87 110 "4 I "Hi 29M, 20 21 Ll 371fc 08 31 00 o.i Vi 30 "V4 "Vi 108 1.1 n 37 W 13.1M, 10V4 38 101 147 0V4 IKV4 102 01 Vi 103 40 'A "OK. Net rhae. 1 1 4 Va V4 4. ae, U f '4 4 2 Vi ' t 4 ',4 3n; V4 'a ','4 1 "4 is -1 ,1 "i n'.4 Mi 2i4 J-l 43 V4 Vi 24 V4 OIL STOCKS CONTINUE STEEL MEN DISCUSS LEADERSONTHECURB; AFTER-WAR OUTLOOK Businccg Shows Further Ad justing on Exucclntion of Restoration of Peace Philadelphia Stocks OniiiioiiH Differ i$ to of Peace on Inthistrv- KffceU -IMuch Required for Usual Trade Vi 1 1 V 'Ji !. 'fcl .'''I T V4 1 4 f3 1 1 1 '. H 1 '4 tI' r8 10 I '4 234 70V4 2.1 V4 Oil 43 170'4 08 3.1 08 (lll'fc 2". .11 80'i ill.) 27 b'4 80 2.1 !i 4.1 I SI! 40 ai',i 101 7.1 41 30 .1.1 HI 'I, 110', lOJf, " V4 4.1 20 M4 3.1 4.1 30 40 138 132V4 70 58 Vi 8.1 .13 31 71'i 40 ll'l'i II) .I'J'i ftll'Jl 8 30', 108", 207, "7L. 34 Vi C.I 3.7 Ji 8,1 20 57 37 Vi 7.1 Vi 21 Ml 0J! 1(12 1211 30 V4 OH! 2HJ, .18 29 175',i 287k 17 10 (1 "". 2.1 18 '4 70 33 Vi 18 4()'i m 87 21 "(1 115. 44 22 Vi Kill 03 4.1 Vi 41 1 01 119 411 .1.1 11 no 18 3.1 Vi 3(1 "'j 00 Ml 52 T4 09 147 OH'i 23 Vi : 01 87 .. 140 "Ti I2V4 204 .'II . . HVi Vi 21 Yt 1.1 Vt 31 Yt 31i - iovi 00 3U. -t- 17V4 " Ti -H 108 2 'Hi li 31V4 "4- V Vi iy. New lnrk, Oct. 19. Uuslnes,, on tlio eurb today continued to reriect tho work of adjusting tradlns conditions to the expected restoration of peace War stocks were without much of a market, hut the oil Issues, which havo become more (imminent In the lost two weeks, wete all active and utrons, with violent advances n many of tho Standard Oil Issues Vacuum oil made tho Rrc-.itest R.iln, odvanrlnir 35 points to 420 and Atlantlu Itcllnlnij moved up to I03O Stand.ud Oil of New York advanced 4 2 polnt to 28T Merrill sold at 21, nnd 243, : OKIaliotn.i advanced to !', and Midwest Uefltiliiir moved up to 136. Ctisden & Co. sold at 7,. nrltlsh-Aiiieric.iii Tobacco eoiitlniied active and stronc, nilvnnclns to 21 Aetna llxploplves sold at s'i and Wright-Martin was traded In at 5H and o'.i. Chevrolet ranced froirr 142 lo 145 and t'nltcd Motors sold at US'1! to 34. MlnlnK stocks were rte-idy and with out special changes In price's. IMirsTKIVI.S 1,1.1 .", 1 Aetna Ilxtiloslves 8'. '(, ' Ain-ilrlt Jlfff . a !, Am Marconi 4.'w .1111 writing r.iper :t Air Iteductlon ,-,k Canadian ("hi Co -;i Can Car & Fdv ref 7.1 Charcoal Iron . 7 Chevrolet Mutins 1,11 ('iam)i .. . 73 Curtis' mil. ' c.irwtn Tool . . 0 I Carbon Steel . too l.merson Phono . 1 IVdtral I)e . . llendee Mfg . . 11 Lake Torn Boat . . . J", Lehigh C0.1l Sales . . 81 Llmo Loco . . . 3.1 .1Ialin Munitions .. A iX Y Shipbuilding. . II ' Nor Am Pap Pulp. I otls Iltcvator . ,111 Peerless Motor .. 13 Poole IJnir . to l'edden Truck Scrlpps. Hooth 20 7" standard Motors s', , ," Sleel AIIojb ... .1 if Subniarlne . in, '- St .iosipli Lead . 13 ,, I Todd slilpbulldlng . VI J1 rlriaiicle Film 1, ,i l'nlted Prollt Sharing , :?ir S Steamship . ... .it, l lilted Motors . . 1 il I lose AmU (s ilnl 811 8'. II 4'.. 1 : 11 a 31 81 H 18 141 811 3M4 . 8 Mil I '4 20 3' 10 38 13 3'i 3'i .1.1 II! 1,0 II 30 81, . 15', 14'! 11 01 New 1orl(, Oct 11 Jtecent developments In the wnr situ ation have occasioned considerable dis cussion concerning the Influence upon the steel Industry that will be felt with the restoration of peace This matter, however, has been nothing more than a sidelight as far as the Industry is concerned and the producers have been Riving their unstinted efforts to prov til ing for the enormous war requirements of the (ioi eminent Popular1 belief has leaned to the Idrn that the return of peace will witness a severe depiesslon in tho sleel Industry becaiice It Is now enjoving a prosperllv bom of war which must wane, when peace returns. Reasoning upon the "prince or pauper theot.' the public has taken the view that tlio steel In dustrv win ,e hit hard There, are manv studen's. Itovvcvir who hold the view that peace would cause some iinsettlemeut and tuiwltiiie a lirocess of leiidjustmcnt, but that llils would be nowhere near as sweeping as Is genernllv believed. Although adhering to the policy of shortening the vvar by preparing for a long ono and maintaining their energies at the present high prcesure. steel men have given mote attention to the problems they will have to face with peace, as the result of the ilght-about-face course of the Prussian vvar I011N. The return of peace would result In rome cancellations. Materials which ate now In uigeut demand would uei - sarllv how a falling off rime would bo no li t-up. however. In the (iovcinineni shipbuilding piogiain and the 1 ontraetn for iiiiiiment are "Ulllclent to Keep tlm mills of the hhiii try ucrunleil for manv months to nine Altliougn the output of muiilt mi'" would be redticeil, under the canctl'atloii clauses, the manufaeturtis vvoual he re imbursed There are 11 number of ni.111- IK 0 V A? M, "14 7Wj t on 70 Ifl'y 111 81 I M .10', 30 74 2.71, 17 118 l(, ill'i, "i. 71's 10', 81'n 111 21 S?', 0i"l 13(11, 38 ',4 I.1M, lIMj III'., II I life 70 low 01 8i III .10 'i, 30', -. 2.1 1, "'s r,n nt 'i 4 7 '(4 7 1 '4 10', 834 311 2.11 27 . on 2 y, LIU', 38 I s 097. III'! Ill' II 77': Nl dice 3'4 4- 'i t w J-I'i "!. 1ft m Oas. 711 !Ain Mill I0V4 " Am H pf (ii 22(1 Paid Loe 8.' 38 Cam" Sti 14.7 lo l;iec stor .17 17.1 lieu Asph 30', lo do pref 7 4 3d Ins C V A .-,n. 0o l.k hup c 2.10 Leh Nov 2.111 Leh Val . 30 Midvale 2.1 .Vor Cent 470 Penna lilt 411 30 Pa Salt .11 83'-, 10 I'hlla Co cum pf 30 308 Phlln liter 'M 38.1 P It T t c 27 2 JI Heading in'. 100 Ton HpI. s 000 Ton Mln , .10 1'n P.10 130'-, 10 I'll Tntct 38u S'll P ( I (li7 III70 V S Steel 114 2.1 do plef I II ' 2,1 IV J S II 2.1 W Crilinp 5 7', fnlnl ile- 7-")l Oi i hi -lurr. setlirilnei liire-.. luot week, 4I.8IJ IIIIMl lli.-h S.'ooo Am (ia.s.v1 Illec f.-- 7'i 100(1 Leh Val gen 4s 7'j 1000 Leh V C cons Cs 101 8000 Phlln dee 1st 5h. . 00', 2000 Un Ilwjs . t o 4s . ,Ki vB 5000 I'll IIwv Jnv 5s. di'i llitiil ale. I0,(mhi nimihireil with SOI.OOO IIOUJO1" nr -''L3.10i last week TRADTNO r.ONTTNTTF,S T.AROK 1 HERE AND PRICES ARE HIGH Sto 4 r let 3torage natter, . Traiibit Ccrtifioalcs and United "Gt Improvement Make Further Advances Pcnnsyl- Mm vania Railroad Scores Bip Upturn ' '4 - ' I M ires, mmntired wllh Trntllng was active ngaln on the Phllatlelnliia Slock exchange l3ri todaj's wlioit mssIoii, nnd the market contllitied falily broad. Trlco Chan were generally to higher levels, although Ihoso for home Issues Tver? not" l wide ns they hnvc been In the two previous sessions. , niectric Stcrnge Halteiy. P.apld Transit trust certificates nnd Unll '(las linprovetni'iit iittracted most attention for thta group, each of tl' i 1 malting siihstantlul gain", while showing good momentum, KxceptlonsT ti h I the geneinl rule nf strength wore declines for Cambria Sleel, Lehigh 'avjfsjy, n tlon. (leneial Asplinlt mid Crump rertlllcates. , " ' A fractional ml wince was lecorded by Lake Sunerior C'ornoratlOB.! li which became prominent yesteielay hikI n'oied a good gain, and Lehigh VaJVijJ ley, Lnlon Traction and Pennsjlvanla Railroad made mihstantlnl upturn.. The latter sold at the highest Price It has reached In severnl rnnntlis ' '. Mteel conimon closed lower after advancing In line with tho course on the 7.' ivf" lids werk 11,024 big boaid, and Ilahlwln Locomotive gained inure than 3 points, lluiuls were unlet. Lehigh Valley general Is advanced an a small turrw, lover. Libel ty Loan issues leiiialned Inactive. '.S t '! oW Vet lice 79 '.'J 7'i 70' 101 101 ooi, nor, .10 '4 50'. 4 fl.l'i 03'i, tillUlals of rallioads updating enstwatd fiom Chicago and St L011N Ve-S1 poll Hint the last week has shown no change of Import. nice in the gene'rilL ir.iuie situation. ' f The roads have tnoie liiislncs than the cun comfortably handle and'! the business hltuatlon is as good as could he expected under present general conditions. Otllcials of southern toads report that the volume of business handled inroiigii me ,-ouiii is iioouc o per cent larger man a jear ago. The BUD&ly, i of cars is generally ndciiiuite. " , The inovement nt coal, lumhT betteitnent of late Local Bid and Ashed .' ftoi ., I'rlll I 1, liurr r. sun'i 1 'In nri f l.tiMn Ih l.lntrii "lunik llilierill vp . ili er f Kit stun, l.l 1. 11 1. fi Ves'erilav j r,,,, 1 , ., . 1.. I riots n nulii .' TT ! rre.l el ' mt.ili, 11 I ir ir. Ilia .'I .1 I" 1; iitvinrADs Di:cr.iti:i) Noptli-rn JA ' I.mal I irnn Iiurea'c Capital 0f.' llurrMmrg. Oct ID -The Union Shlp-J, till 7'n 411 III 7H -.-,.. . .t .. . . io linn.-,.. ..e 11111.1... . iuiir"Tiy in 1 -f pi r eini I'M'"' ei - "'"I'mij hi 1 ilirnillIKII iiai u and t per eetii on mmmon 'fllnl a notice of Increate of Its stoekr niwci 1 in oiui.i ui iriuru c ui-jroin I .iil'",lMln lo J i.OHll.OOO- Other? 1 I. III. I Vlimrlii. a'.. .. ufoctuiers. though, who havo made nd-1 I riiuh N,ni,ti0 dltlons to plants for the purpose ofi ;nun v nil. making munitions without any guai- nnteo of telnibursemi tit from the (!ov eminent Hut whatever lelmburn ment the elovci uuu nt may make will not Keep workers eniploved, and this Is look ed upon as imc of the disturbing fac tors In ih sltuition. Financial Briefs World's, l.'lhii Wright-Martin Zinc I oncent . Air 31 n ' 1 li 3l'k 14 33. riTAMIAIIII (Ml 17.1 itn....iu Ohio 330 Pr.lllic Pipe "80 I S ll Cal 342 H -N .1 . . . . .1118 S O N V .. ..280 IMIKPILVIICNT name It Oil & (las Cosdin c. Co . I Mi 11. Kin K1der.1l (111 . .. I Inter Petrol . 2" I Houstuu (III iMeirlit oil " Midwest Itcltuiim Met Petrol Ohio Kuel . . . Oklahoma lief . . Sapulpa P.ef . . SciUo.v ah 'S, Sinclair 2sa, 180 3.1.1 287 311 ono 288 2411 .'S'll 413 (ill, Morhs The N'i'w oik Siiblrc.isui gained 240,uuo flillll .VistPlilnj Thcie eeie no sessions pf the London Stoik Ilxeli.iugi 111 the Liverpool Cotton llxchange tda The slock li-t loiumlltce lias tod.iv nilmitteil 10 tl" xguiar list of the Philadelphia 11 hange $10,207,700 American Telephone and Telegraph Com pany sevin-viar d per cult oonvcttllile hold bonds dot August I, 1023, Issued In exchange for tempoiai v reeelpts, being part of ,1 total ot $50 000 1100 covered In tin eonipanv's npiKlcatlon dated August 2fi IMS I', mix It ni.ii. I'lilliitilphl.i r.i,, I'hllail Iphli On 11 per ci nl ili I c Iti.ulinu Tun ll. 1 tiiiinpari Mln I litem Traction P. 11. I. P S M,, VorV, Ifilln i fill er, f V 111 e'l.itnp A -it li: -r .12 J . . 3-'i (,!', .ei ,"i,'i Mi 3'i'j 311' 1 .O.'j 73 7.1 73' 3 Js 111 Js Is 174 IS t.llij t.sil, l.'i :', 111 n1 j III'! 4 1", 41 IM'j 24", 21 31 ,1."s .11' 1 37 .ne-j rut 27 . 27S, 2S HJ's UJ's l'-" 2. 2'j 2'. 3 2, 'J, 40 .Is 311 (1111, 'ill', ''"''a HS'i 112'. "W;',. Pnieer .,,.1 lj.1,1 0...n,n.. reB,r IV.,,,.CI "ZunwVLlh ,nttStS mnrierli i.f l. per lent n i.ref.rr.d stent.. " ." I , . M.'.n, ,'7 u' ' orpiiratlon. Phil- ,:, iMMililo Nuviinlier I to eio.k of neord elite uddphl.i, ISU.UOH to J60.0U0: (JauL Dtrp a ler in A. Shearer I'ompan), Philadelphia. ' Triiumi I'liuulis i i.mniiv. 2 per nut nn $G0.00o to $100,000. North American ' tne tiiiiiiiiiiniiitive prererrui no. 1,. p naule 1 Motors Comnaiil Pottstotvn .l.hf ll, inline 21 If stixh f.r lecord (letnlier 17. ' 1 .'. ,',. ,2 linn nan ViVeJ,, , 1 Jv.".' SSt' ' (iruit V.irili-rn IMi-r i .imiunj ulusl ,' ,w-uu, to $10P.n',0 , Stroudsburic IH ,niMriirl of 1W per em pimiM,. Vovein-i ho11 'oinpanv, Htrotidshurg, $30,000'lW, bir 1 in lioll'rs ot rnoril ".l $1UO,OUO, duPoilt Silk Company. duPori I'ltmlitleM pnni Corii'irullim. iihiih! niwr-.jlooo to JGO.CUli. -, I terll of l' ner t fin on the common and I .. , 1. ,Me , , nf nn the nreferr,! wli.nUa n... ' wff I rei'oril (ll loher i ' " .Tf f, bin November I to liolu, rs 20 llenrsln. PiulhefH nrnt l'lnrlils. resulsr semlatinu it nf 7. .Ill ni the frul soil setnml preferred stinks hntli pnMihle Novemher 8 n."'4 referred stinks hmh pnMihle Sovemher S noon, hi thn hrhle's residence. ,1130 I'heihi "' lo stork of neord Oetolier 21. l "" '. ... ' '.'.Hn, II I: V lhe-. IMRUISI) .'.'!.' Nntlnml Carlsin rompsTH nt 'ev Tnrl, '',, .M.M.Wj1,1' . V- -v I ini AUIA J M2'f lni . uuil fiutrtere of 11 n slur, nn the I ', ',' AVtlll.lts OnlnB lo the Illness of li. "'s t lininnn tun 2 per fin op the prfterre.t i "" mother onh the lmmdlat tin. 3t pn'-nhle Novemlvi 1 to stoel. of record Ootu. """ lir""nl ' , " MVItltll.ll HATI'IKI-n niAKiii'im n.T. Tit T. noon. H( thn bride's residence, niao f'-heJil Arci York Bonds Ur ?t trrlx or t im . nt tinlilt No.inbtr 1," iu to K of ri ' onl Oi.lob,r BO 1.11, .134 I 'J. I.I . ' ll's 84 25'4 130 ll's III I'll .il (jV;,1.o.i.i, 8 1 '.4 I N. i. UA.Mv STATK-MK-NT 134 mil lle-crvci Demauil Dcpo.ils Inrrease Vork, Oi t 19 The New York Sett vveeklv bank statement shnvveel . .wicklv bank" stntimt'iit bIiiivviiI decreases In all Items evcept demand deposits i which wtrc mucn hlghei 1 Ile'lills follow AV l.K-Mil 314 MIMM. Atlanta . . . Hlg I.cdgo a I liuttc New loik . ;' ' Con Ariz '4 I c !' s .v.- Jerome . . STOCK'S .1 'j -" I-'liet National lloldlleld Merger .... Coldltcld Cons . .. tioldtlehl Florence . . (ioldllcld Kewanas . (iicen Monster Hecla -MinliiB Howe Sound Independence Lead. . 4- It, Jnumo Vcrdo ... 14 1 .Tim Ilutler 1 Jumho i:tenslou ... i' McKlnlcy Darragli . 4- yt Magma Copper 4- if, i. Mot her Lode . ... J- Vh Mines Co of America ei Nevada Hills I Is li V4 Ys 1- 14 Is IVf, t I N'eved.i Wonder .N'lplssins 81.4 Ohio Copper O4 Hay Heicules ... I San Toy K Tonopah Extension.. Il l'nlted Verde . . . .30 West Und Con . . 00 White Caps . ... I! Yerlngton 2 lis -, V4 V4 V4 lSBiii, 7014 311 10IV4 147 ,. 10 lVi 104M, 00 4 101m -f 4014 110 1I04 IUV4 38 Ills 30 V4 it 01 31K1 0 38 li 21 73 13 4311 U8V4 031i 10 38 4 00H 23 84 37 01 38 0 30 V4 24 7ii 13 43 Yt 128H 63 10 B8I4 00 23 84 37 1 14 'h t 4 V4 T 1 V 1 Totul sales 808. '00 shares, compared will, 1.7S8.700 .hare. f,;jdaJll,'V0(i,e'k ' 400 shares, Is.t week, g.sna.uoo. NEW YORK nUTTEU AND FGGS New York. Oct 10 -IlUTTEn-rteeeJ. Bltei , .".""'...rJiS?10' onds. Inl. 10:033 tuhs. iiinr ","". "HW"8Hci S5.. VZVtl rVnoli'SMe. EddS Stesily. reeelpts, 12,082 esses. Un. changed. CHICAGO 1JUTTER AND EGGS mien euos wn. ".e--. .-.----, .,- KQQS IlecelPIS, 4b, to 4VlsC 4500 esses Avtran. ffc Hethlelicm 5s . Cosdcn OH 6s Cosden el Co 6s Cudnhy Bs . Itusslan liovern ltusslan (lovem Southern Hallway 5s Hincioir on us. IIOMIS ... OO'i, . . . . 80 80 ... noli 5':h (14 B48 74 118 80 Todd Shipbuilding 6s too Ti I". "s l' 3 21 12 3 S. .! I' .1 14 .11 ll) 44 31 3ll I I 8's Hi III I1! 38 08 II 4 100',; 83 8.1 00T 111 7IV4 08 14 84 I0J H) .11 30 HI 73 1 I onus $1.1.71. 31-JoiHI I Nel ik in ll '1 '1' I ....-1.- en ?'i r.Tl.lnlil Net time 1I1 posits I lil.lisi.liiin ('In Hint Ion . .. I'ltsh In v nulls . . Itii-eru' In mem ber I nt 11 K s . Ittesrve In Stnte tinnks unci trust 1 timpani' h Ilem-ru- in Mate hank, snd trust 1 oinp.1 tilts ilepos Itnrlis ... Ai-areffate rest rvt Iti serve ruiulreil surplus . . ... tspecle included IL'nlteil rllates lie posits ih-tluett'd . iiecrense. ACTl'AI. lainli. . .Il.'iill.n'ltlllfti) N'V'1,f".":?'1 ')T3.' 71.1 0,1.1 Set lima deposit in:.'.'"1" I'lrculatlon ( ash In vaults Iti serve ll mein her l inks Ileserve In Hlate hHnks nml trust comiianli's . Ileserve In Mate hanks nnd tru.t tfimpanles tkpos Iturlts AcirrcEute reserve Mteservo retUlred surplus . . , , 1 Jspet le llictudeil runiteti Mtuiea 547 (Ml.). I fpttrease I otJT.sinr. 11 ink st.vti:mi:t MM IK IIA.Nlv lli'Teavf $1 I .Ml.oOi) .'II.WII.II'HI luLiVLi'tm .'..Ti i',I7,iiiiii llti,27B.ii'SI S 101 II o 114 11.1 .101 ,7114. osil 4-'.31s.lJO I 0,270.11!. 1 221,711.0011 31 'tos, .1011 71.U 111,111m I lll.S'Ml.lllill j l.ols IIO.I j Isl Him I s.m Him ' .1 inn oiiii 1311,110.) 317,1 ' Ml I JlVl OHM II .1(11,1(11 1 .122.110 lni rcasi' S' (Kill lil 110.1,00(1 2,721.01.1 2t'.!.Mlt! S.S'IO.IIOII ll'.l.ll." mid 11,51(11,(100 oti.l 7.S'n,.inn .117.120 0.1.1 .1II7,4S1,NIII ."I.I1I.1.1I..I'UJ.IUIII iltposlts dtilu.letl 111 1. 000 l.HJi.oOil 1.1 H7N lion s 211 Via 21.1121 .I'll) Mill.- LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONAPAH hlOCKS Jim Ilutler MntNnniiira .Ultimo Mlzpah Lxt Montana North Htar lletseue ttuta West I7ml aOI.Dl'tELIl hTOCKS Atlanta Illue Hull Hooth .. .. Dliimt II II Daisy ... Kewanas .. tiro Hand Ken Silver rick MISCLLLANLOUS united . . Nev da Wonder Tecopa. Mln 111.1 48 IS .117 .01 .OS .02 .01 .01 .02 .18 .13 Ask .1.1 21 .11'. .1.1 111 mi us 1 no laiaus Investm'ts Colli e'urreno b u 11 k note. . llepoMdts Ptdcral Ite.erve Hank of New Vork. . . . Hi poults . . Ileservo on ii- imslt Jisj.nlt.1.10 lo.iiUO.OO.J 1 1 2..: Vlll,."!!' .S.I.I sun In. rejiso $t hill. .1.1O IH'1. 11(111 Jii'i lii.i 1011 Mill 20 22H.20O I till 3. HI J21 3 III. 40.1 211 2.1.1 I1IJ 1111. 1 in. in m PercenUkC of reserve .None slven TItl'rtr CD.MI'A.N'IP.H Loins uivismris i.i'-i;.j!k;.i;;! ' Hold 13,014.100 Current j bank ,-,... nntes . 1S.1U2.i0I1 1), pii.lts I'ederal ZVS'iW.?! 1I....171.7.IO Iltposlts .. 1.8111,1112.1111.1 Ite.erve on do- pl.ll .lni""" 1..". lVrcmtacu of reserve None HANKS AMI TItl'ST COMPANIhS 70U ll.211.li00 HJ.IIIIO 4 IIJ'1.100 Klvtn , HTATI NOT IIUPOIITIMI 1" L'l,i;.vil l.NU lltll'M- J71 l.n III, lino I12..1KI lino lO.Itlo.s'ltl's bank MONEY.L"ENDING RATES PlUI.AnKI.VIIIA Call. C per cent; time, B$46 per cent. Commercial paper, three to six months, E6 per cent; six months, 6 per cent. I.ONIIOX Money 3 percent. Discount rates short and three months' bills 3 17-32 per cent. FOREIGN EXCHANGE Netv York, Oct. 19. Tho foreign ex change maikct was very tUlej today, with little or no change) from Jester day's nnnl figures. Cjuoiaiions. were; 1 Uerrland sterling 4.75,',, cables 4"6,V, sixty-day bills nominally 4.73, ninety-' day hills s.ii. Franc cables 6 47H, checks 5.4S4 Llro cables 6 35, checks 6.36. Swiss cables 5.05, checks 5 07, (lullder cables 424, checks 42 ', Pesetas cables 20.Su, checks 20,70. Stockholm cables 29.30, checks 29. Christtanla cables 27 70, checks 27.40. Copenhagen cables 27.40, checks 27 10. Ruble currency was fairly active to day, reaching a new high on this move ment at 19 14 bid, 19 4 asked. 1 1 BANK CLEARINGS Hank clearings today compared with cor. responding day last two years: 1018 11117 101a Phlla. ,.107.827,933 101.241,317 H6.7UU,U3T i 111 01 (II leians lioltl t'urrencl 211 notes . . Deposits Federal 11, llestrte Pink of 1 New lork Tolal deposits. I Ntt .liposlis Ileserve posit de- 15,112 UU.) Ml. .12s mil 771, S. 1.1 t.1.1 III.1.113..1U0 131.(11') 00.1 40U 33.1 Ol'O 7 (sil (0.1 S77.MKI 1.147.HUU n njs,7oo Ivr. entaau 'of reserve None ulven t Dtere.m new ork coFrEE marki:t New ork, Oct. 19. In the local spot and cost am freight markets the coffee trade has in-sunud a waiting attlnide. Interest is centered In the announcement from the. food administration that he ' board Mill hereafter Import, or direct the importation of all coffee coming nto .,. I'nited States Such action. It H i.'elleved. is being taken In order to bet er ndJuVt coffee? Imports with shliiplng conditions nnd bring about an equitable s&rr;ri" tlon jnno.i Angio-iVth r.s. , riOOil Am Tel clt 4s 82", 70011 Hall & ohln .Is S2, 200(1 do is ..78 .1.10 do it ji.,,. 8i. 2000 II & 0 p , 1; Jfe W V 4 s 7S 2.1000 lleth Ml Bs 26 si 7.10IHI Htkn It ir 7s. in',' 1400.1 H.ndeaux fs ton 14000 Chile Cop 7s 11(1 JlilOll Ches (V 1 ) ev 5s Ti, 3000 Chi (ii W Is . 391 1000 C M ,e, St I ifd 4 4s . 73 .'OOOCIll c; P rfd Is 72 lOOiH'ol & So 4s . . R7 10.10 tin 4if.s .77 12r.u0nClt.v lurrls .is. 'is 170110 1) ,v rf ev .Is S8't, lonoii Den . lilu 1; 4s fl'i-i, lftftoo do I'js . 7S 2000 do js . 80S, 3000 Krle ev 4s S II 49', 1000 do Ser 1) . . 131 40110 Pr P.ep 5'jS. .11121 3000 Iowa Cent is ir,a. Plfiini Int .Met lijs 5.-.', lOOO lot 1! T rcf Cs M.".. looini Kan Cy Sti 5s S.) " 3(100 Leh V11I ret Ch IOiit. 14(imi Lorlllard 7s I0n loooiio l.ld iioml 3'4sIiu.O' O80111) tin i 4s . II7.IO 1000 do 1st . 1I7.74 .13,10011 (In I',4m . 117.30 1 3.1.111 aln .t II,., . 117,78 1.111000 d,i Jfl "j ti7.'j 100(111 Ljons Cs ;)9' 130(10 Marseilles l,s 1 imi 2000 Midvale js si SJUiiO Mo Par gen 4s Bi , 14U0O X V 1 .t II Cs 9SL 1000 Nor Pa 1 4s 83 "a 4S0U0 Pi nn 1 g (t4'.,s SS-i. 54000 Pleicf Oil '20.1003, 10000 fat I, I ,U ti 4s 79 a, 1000 do iliilf Is. 73'8 14000 SIL & SI-' In Cs Bl 10000 do Set Is 112 1(1000 do Ser 1J Cs. 75 14 8000 Scab ALadj 5s BS', ofinnoSo P.n ev Cs 101 1, 1C0.J0 do iv Is b4 J7000So Itj gen Is OS 2IID0 Texas Co bs uu 2000 V S Itubber os S 20OO C S Sti s f Cs 91 loon I'lilon Pac Is 7 50000 I' IC of II (I & I I C'js Ptp.i 1.8-, 282000 I IC of li 11 o. I Bi-t, new '11.10 1 1000 V K of li II .d 1 C'..s I'.iJl 17', 1000 West Shoie Is 77 lane 9r.; 824 S2- 7S S1 ir, (.ii. 115 59 71 Cl ie 9.1 ti2"i R24 78 82 XI f.Ci inn IK, sen, 591. LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS l.l..ssi:if,fiviAtt.tti r.. in i- ., rir-lL Vrt Hhltnflun nmnh t . --.. - P . r . . :. 71 . ."""( inimeuBu. ( ; I lit? r.'V.i ,CHrl4f,r- "'am til hfli 1 J of Jill lei: itfiv r.iNm!it.nsj ., v.,- -V--L 5 - -- - -- 'is-s lis, ,1SPI JU(B, S7 s7 91', 9S'4 !lS S 09-, h'.) 7.'. 70. SO SO I'll. I'll. 53 1 r,3'3 102 a. 102 !.!, 4B, r,i cr.i, 82 82'. 83 83 lull's Inn', Kill 100 1)11 X8 110.00 07.00 07.00 II 7. .11 07. .11 1)7.20 07 30 H7.79 07.7. OO.DS tl7.ll ''! J 99 's 11 li, OTs 89 89 Ill's till, 93 jS't 83 '7 81 '. bs..., ss ; lOO'-b 1.104 79-"4 79 a 1 7S's 75. 49 '.. 51 02 , ll.-a 75 1, 751, C8I4 5SU 100 n( S3', SI 07's 07'. 99 39 Si's 85 98 (18 S7 S7 IhlniKfi. ii. t li lleKii llcielpis 11. I o.iif innrket niostlv 2.1c to .loe loner than iFrldiv m i.inrtl irttli, oiiit iit'Vtl nn.l ,PH"UtnH prmlis showing 71. tlMlltte, erlv top, 51s 11 pntillilil lop. I. te IIS ltnti Ii lirs J17.214US 1.1 llhht lll 7.1W 17 till, pukliiK. 1.1 231 17. rourh '14.1.1(1.123 1 mod in 1 holt M I not IS 21 . I'ATTLi: He, ,lnis 3111111. lonnnred teltli 'a v.i k fico Iwtltr irrmles nf tniilium aln) iwestern stiers 21 to lilt liightr. tununun lluht 2.1e lowir, tieef nitle and tntilniE 1 Slot k uniti nit sti.ul' lo 21e lotver Isills , 21t to 111' lotver, inhes 7."k to $1 lottir ifiittlnir cttlle tloelni; 2.V lilitlier -IIKIU' Ite'elpls 1.1 (.no tomparnl Willi 11 weik 1t.p1, fill ilaans 2.1t to ."Hi lower fitillnu slid briMllnir stock unetnt .10 lu 1 SI lower, ewes iletjlnlntf most rinttslitirKll. nel 10 - IHKIS- Heeelpts .Until- e'eidt h, nttes nnd heatt orkers I Sis 2.1.1 is M dh-ht vorkers. ?17T17.1U. plus 11.1 .I.K'i 17 I SIlliKP AM) I, VMI1S- Receipts. 700. , stemlt top lh-i p Ml, top Inml'S. yi.12.1 I'AIAKs, It. tclpts. 2011, lower, lop tts 30 eatfjs VI I IM. rf ........... . .1 !,lLAr',"J'AuiMi:'h'u;ndvoc?A,x-. iV, ,,- - a . ,' "' nun son or ASmes mrtH i ernf ,"' ""- 4'm. . Itesldem e. 234 rl. Hl- , efvin 'CU f tun'"Ll "'" ' AI'PI.V:illlSIT (Vt 13, nf brone-IM e nneunioma. MAllOAIlhT -M eliuSGKr off, I. .n.r.?nJJ. i"'"1 ,V'lrKarPt M- Altlerbaetf J,.Pm. ' ,".rlllr y," ' convenlencti.uXi famlls l-t private. Mt. Peaco Cera. ' TlAv'v'tUiV "sft's-J0- of Pneumonia. WIrT J.IAM VI M.l.K.V. son of William AHra; umrnl rr.tnie 10 W Plumstrafl e,ii Lnnsdonne Pa Molldsj, Oct. 21. 4 D-TnT1 Inl. Arllnztmi ('em v'tfl vfA.,.'T,,',"Vvof PneumonU, Oct- ,st5i MAIt 1 IN wife of Itkhnrd Altcnbury. sd .'..! fliushler of John nnd the IntfV MA-sl - enllioun llelatltes and (rlend. Invito iT. I services. Jloif. 4 30 p rn 2.123 i4. OitJ,-!! 'radost. Int at Mt.Vfrn,n iS, ' ,?-y 1 (I.TlltV ,t. -- -m ' ': of fineumer Vlo eitt 10 1I0(1 Heeelpts, l.lKlll SHI T.'SI it so tnus hutch' rb. M7&17 7.1 huivv. s, IjiiiN, J.llill, ste.til XII 2.V-I.1 7 M7 .1.117 s.f e"TTI K It t 'line. sn. Hlin.l) Nntlv'e Heirs I .lux Is 21, hilfers, S'i .10.11.1 . Ill' i.itts, S7'.,o(ll 12 .1.1 plot ).ers ulitl feeders s .-0." 12. 1 fives 7 7.1H 17 2.1 si:KI' ltrc, Ipts 1,1111, suuili l.iiinlm. Sill .1.)'' Hi 7.1 evtts IUI2. (1I.AUY.S M inee (lalu). (fV of" Oe. Mf'-i"".'!-,'"''-11 -' 'Mineral Tues . I p. 3li3 Helen si tnt ntiim. -it, Ceni Auto sere lee. ' ' - Alios. At cmukertown. Pa.. (1r.2 Arv.N V K AVIOS neeH iir. (.-.. I--1 . J.-.2ZZ. 'haPcl ?f (he .North Cedar-Hill Cera . : .L .i.sinr 1 ijst 1 tj.. -. . u- L e., IVa &W&'B f.1"1:., J-"W.-i- jiufn.. i3.YorR,.t!, vneKM on in cm li: t'alves, leielpls 1.1 I'jisI llnirnln. .elpls. loon dull loiter I79MO Hlltl.s Hueipts slnte, 10, (o lit lower llesvv. lis itlGsis 7.7, mixed nnd rnrk. rs lis ,mii is 11. lislit vorke-s an.l P'ue 1171(17 2.1 rouulis HH4M.I21 stnus 12f. 11 MILKP NI) I Mill He elpls ison hilnlm .lile lottir LninLs liiiylil .'!, kal ant' unehnnned Kiin-ux (lit, Vlii.. Oct 1! ll'N.K- Ite c. Ipis Lino lottir llenvt $l7c17iiO hutihers. Kill 7.1AI7 .10 llBhl" SHI 1.11 17 40 n.ue sl.1 ,VI. 17 C'ATI I.H It' ieps. .'Hum sicnd Prime steers, S17i"ll'l1 oulhern slfers S7 .llHi 12.10 cntts SI lilfi II .111-heifers 7"112.1(l: t.lltfs JllH 12.111. isllEKP Itii. ll'ls, none Limits S1.IW 1.1 III, i.irllll.-s Stoill netlers (.'I .HIS.' in SU ssdll.lll uWTt"1 ut" hun- J '' "' Inl .N . wife of J. Ardack fliee Hrouh), ssed 23. funeral private. 2 p. m . 0010 Van Dyk & '.'r.'SVw'el''- .IV Private. SlaunoKa OerCj,;, i-..?.S-OI'n i ' . 17 nf Pneumonls, FlItTtn "' t .. '".1 of Ainrust and JIary Arnold, aeitl 23 1 uncrsl .Hon.. 3 p. m . parents' residence. 2307 I: Norrls st int. pr!vaeV He tens n niemher nf Adelphla Asseenhlj, No .,0. and John Zeller, Jr.. Yearly BerieBV elil Asso .. , .ASHMAN' Oct 17 of rpeumonls. J01W !.-.' ':ui"b""d. ';f. ni?.n.?.'!' Alimn (nee Mr, i -..-. ' i.J.' . uocrai services and mt, 1 prlvite IIS l.eedom ( . .TenClnteM. t. . APIIIlWICer. Oef 1T !-., - V3 PLItDIN-ANI) hil.baJlel of ElissKeth' A'Si'ri ..-..., ,,, iiuw reru.nanu ana ejatn- 9S 100' 9S"., loo'tj 97 Month Omiihn. (K t Pi 11(C lletelpts. 130.1.1 hetd ( 1.,-e steudt ll)c letter ("TTI.K Itec. I.ts .'1.1 head Mcnilt Mli:i;r- No ncelpls l.i, nib- J'.i.Mi. lovti r for tne ttcck. Intnl silrs, TO 101,01)0, mt,liS7,OOII vesler.liti till (.(SI, hint tlffk. ,1,3SII,0ISI, foinp.ire.l ss II Is week .1s.l3.1,- I ItAll.KO.M) LAKMiNGS (il'.AM) THPNIC ItlllAVAV hV.M T..VI PUs (nerense Second week Octoher. (1,43 I 7SS J44I.721 I'A.N'ADIAN PACIPIO Second week Oilober 13. .124 mm 7101.000 Vucrlck Due ptitlcn of funeral wilt .11111 Norveond st iVbter of Cem.iT John W, ,n Reserve Iliuiks' Di'iount Rales discount rates at the twelve, J cdernl Ileservo lianks were ns follows; (The first column itlves the r.ites for all periods nn to nnd iiiciudliifr the fifteen-day ni.itiirlt-, tlio second for u ic riod of slv.teen to ninety davs The third and fourth columns ore tho rates for rediscounts of collatetal loans se cured by Government bonds or notes ) Com'l piper llov paper 10 lo 00 tit t no 13das d.ljt, 13das da)s 4 4', .. 4 4, "i t 0 4 l . 4 4t4 . 4, s's . 4H . 4. . 4 Pftstnn N'etv Vork Philadelphia . Cleveland .. . Illchmont! , . . Atlantic . . . Chtcaco . . . Ut. !.oui .. Minneapolis . Kansas city .. Man Pranctscu Dallas 4 4 4 4 r; 4 4 4 ct 3 4 B'. 4 tl 4'i iHUisr 4 4'i 4'. 4 '4 4 "4 4 4V. 4 '4 4V4 Collon Hovers ami Sellers New lurk, Oct. 19 October Ilrooks bid; Cone and J. Ilartcorn offered Ilcceinlier J. Iliirtcorn, Hrooks, Kus sell. KlgKAtt end W. Cumoens bid ; " " V, l ner cent M trhell. (juild. (leer. KVirfer unrt iii.! cases ; or i per cent tl.tnlii' HefiniiiK JIa) Rerapilalire It Is reported lliat rteps have been taken with it view to tho ltcap't. dila tion of the Atlantic Iteilnlni; (impanv The matter Is understood t i liaiu been taken up vvllli Ihe uttoines of the com pun.v It Is felt that a leturn to pence would be the opportune time for the capital readjustment. Involving the dis tilbutlon. In pntt at least, of the com .aii's huue surplus which, on Decem ber 31, last, amounted to approximately Sl6.li00.iioo Tint It is a deal more than that now Is known fronr the larue business the eompanj hup done this eai Matine IiiHirance Rales Drop New York, Oct 19. Insurance rates for neutrals and bell(-erents on trans atlantic sailings have been made n,t the rate of 2 per cent Hates to Holland have been cut from 4 per cent to 33 per cent In many casts, and coastwise rates which have been prevailing at the rate of from '1- to 't, of 1 tier Lent hue "' j been cut to 5i of 1 per cent, and In some Mitchell, (iulld, (leer, Kelffer and Hy- until tmt-ti-u lanuar) lounu. Jay Downs, Ily inan nnd Johnson hid. Schle, Uartlelt, Cone. V Ilartcorn, W liumoens and I Ilrooks offered j Sugar Prices Untliangeil New ork, Oct. 19 Kenned sugars I remained unchanged today at 9c. less 2 per cent for cash The demand con- ' tlnues light. Kellners are understood I to have generally caught up with their1 back orders nnd ate now In n position I to ship promptly. Itsvvs unchanged at! 0.055c. The International committee i made no inn chases of raws eslerdav , nitk arlne Lie alien from r- Ali.e. S,T TU oH-. ot nneurnonla. K1IMA TiV-e., i ''l,"I, ,.Minesi ana asugDler ol r.o .. ' ' '"" ivrai7 inee jailer. --. i uuerai services Sun.. II n. m ;v-.'i"u-"LJnt,''rl,,,,e' -N'orthwood Cem. v i '"?s T0,'t ,7' at '""" of Jon" .'-,'" "'" iiuiiier He.. l-.l.l.lM C fc-).N Mervtm nnd Int private AXCIlOIT n,i "I - i i e MLI.I.NA widow of leiseph Haneroft. pai notice of funeral win Le ulven. from IBM Adims B,e . Prankford v ly IINKt Oct 10 IIBNIIT M., husbnt! U of late Itehecca. Hanks tnee Merer), end 71i -ft Pun-ral .1 nn.. ( j. m.. 3401 Jasper st. Hat;- -nl .,.'.,,, . hi ,r iiut cem, . HAKON'i: (let Is e Inn...... ,v.-i.v n!,f ,"'i J."n'.1 I''"on'. at LK" KllswortV.'s.' -tV to he held ut residence Data of 1 .. I'VIIItAK Oct 14. of uneumonls. 3 liAvi iiusii.ind of Margaret Harms (H .'.J.! "'." .run'rat .Men.. 7 n. m. 2440 X "l,.,.?!.,..,.n.,e.,,", Avto funeral. tllsnl-i,livimi?7?l!l,' " s-'HAnLBS I1AIV-, niNino.N need : w Puncral at 118 E. Oor uas lane, Mt Aire .0 I- enzrf I.VIM v ilauahter of Juhu VV. snd lle lauisa Ilassler (neo lllroii), urfed 20. lfii in rn I services lion, 2 p. m . residence f noVi'm'," v-'-.'1 w 'uc!,4 ' in". ?: Nertltttnod e Vni sV V IlTTl:ilSUV. At fflKjilk, Va . Ort 17( ROIlKlir S son of rhWud and late Wlillim II. llsttersbj. aaed 21. Due notice of fu neral will ge ulven mother's residence,. Bus VV Springer st. liermsntonn. Pi:";" et M IlOSi: A. (nee, ntshop). wife of William Heler aged 20 Funefst hun , 1 p. in . 2811 N. Sllllmsn st, Int. Northuootl I'em. ' i "KLL Oct IS .N'NA M.. dauchter1 Vaf late Sarah and Charles Hell Oiee. Ilrooks). !',",", 'J?'1.,"' funeral vvliribe civen frtlm, 1.114 N '-".th st . . . J1 ?.,tti!iV:'.J!;. ' ,7 of noenza. Titoid ! vs i: ii):it(ii.iv Ben nr t-i... . nn .i7lh e&4l A lleriren (nee Hranton). seed JI eafs. 1 uneral Tues . 10 a. m parents' resldenes. . .11. ') Aramlneo me. Int. private, St. Anna V en. 1 e.1 i.i-iiit . ,ct i. e-itiiiK inea Kuatereri vvlfe of Charles O. Hehr, seed 81, RellJ aenee 370 Market st Due notice, ot funeral villi lie ult en. " HOOV pit (( 0f influenza. DANIEL. husband of Marearct Hoon (nee OorraleitJ "m ei, ,,, vitinarine nna late josepn I'sfefet xasi a. Due nottctl of Ut, LOVD Oct will 1.1. of pneumonl lie clven. t Wff.LlAlt. Fourth Liberty Loan Morton li. Alexander Phlla. Stock Exchange Bide. 27 VV 1,11am St.. N V. Cltr I.KIIA I. AllVLKIISKVfKNTsl DAR SILVER Tch1t N.,T. (rtr)..101H 101 I -sad on (ttf-mA JIlW , - w, - - - W " Last .?' ..8fL. lllei siii-ij 1918 Hull liw 42S The West Philadelphia Title & Trust Company Lancaster Avenue and 40th Street WILL REMAIN OPEN UNTIL , 9 O'CLOCK TONIGHT TO RECEIVE LIBERTY BOND Subscriptions and Payments IvOT3 IN TIIKCOfHT OF COMMON' 1'I.K.IS "I M2S So. 1 for Hie County ef Philadelphia, June term law. ,o, .1,2.1. 1 In re account of .Northern Trust Cfimnanr, runruisii ot tu,- r.mir ot tninnrine A, Oakman. u feeble. ir.ln1e( person Notice Is hereby lwn that the first and final account of the ithove euardlan hss been 1 filed In the office of the rrothonotary of . .- . n.l t !!. 1.4 I,, SaiQ court, ,i'i ."., ,,,r hhj avvwuii, will he presented to the ssld court on Honda), November II. 191". at 10 11, m for such action the. court msy deem expedient KDMU.N'D RANOALU Attorney for Accountant. CKMKTT.BV T.OTS . ARDSLEY BURIAL PARK 7,ots all prleesi ressonable terras. Jttsln Office Olenslde. Pa. Iloth phones. CBMI5TKRT PLOT for ssls, eler.. will saenncs 1MT Vsstse St. Arllnston Csm cash. Apply ad TWO ORAVKS In Arllnston Cemeteryi lleth. any section. Apply 25(3 S. Wstts. " , , " ' V Uliruill'Illiai s 1 tlJbSIl . -j, H husband of Louella Hoyd (nee IVarinn), memher of Arcturus Lodge. No. .13. L A.,Q. S Funeral Hun., 1:30 o. m . 23d X, PeieJV ' 11.1. iTivate, lonirose cem. 1 nilATTOV On Oct. 1(1. of Intluenta.. iMAIirilA HRATTO.N'. vtlfe of Krank Urt I ton and dauchter of late Alexander and' Ilachcl Csntley, aced (17 ears. Funeral nn 1 tni-lns n Ik j Bw. ae... I . IJ jiiii.. fiuiiMn (tl. i H III . I1UIII !(- rrBiuvinjsi, 9 J VVJ blKI nt Int. private. 3k Tl iiiirvvi'i v (1.1 w. si w . -.1 iir..i.,r,.. VVI. iti, UAIIIAUUMS,, 'invili'i'l " tniin s-v ntt' -, 11 tin IirVTinftn ' (neo Dunn), ati 20 Funeral Von., it mS Krnnkfonl Int. Glouinter Cm. -, 'm vii2 vii, in ut uiivuTnonia. oAKAf i miB ui .iiucri iiruuKsi una astinir jrinn aim ciiza uranm, afa id. Xiu iicp oi lurifrm tjih vv ien irom PP rrnnsriiis- iiiii rrniiKiuru v-. linuWN' --Oct. ia. CHAHLEM. hu of the lute Marx Ilronn. Funrral. U P. m. bti'2 Susquehanna are Strrtcea : ntVKFllfiti. . ot., 12 srAnQAP liiiiiA.iA.i, nniviiT ui i mi nine juv t-Ticem .mop , n a. m.. X3S0 UcriiU t Jli. .unrmn irro. nur.Bn. Oct. in. jEssn, huh irfn ifuicr intf jiantroot) amt aon iiiioti and j'nDa jiuirr, aaea is, Mprvtrfa Hun.. 1! d. m.. Iat ralr1n Stara. Montfromrrr County. Pa., ervlrN And Int nrivat. at Oulf'C jiuitiAitiJiAinii. tci, m Oi monla. In Avondal Cheater Court I.r. JOILN K. IlUnKAnTMAIER . Funeral Mnlffi. at hla horn. Hun., a ra. mi. private, union Jtiii upm., IUIRKB Oct. IB. of pneumnnla. -JAM t . ni'tiivr, nusnana ni una. st. Huri snn of Thomas and Ross M. Tliirlr. years. Funeral Mon.. from 1007 N. U Int. Hn'v Sepulchre Cem t lll'lini.KT Oet. IT of BD' EMMA O. -Its of Oennre w dauaUter ef William and Jsn Ttxvi OHtrte - ruu-i.i services, tue... 4 m., uuaa nniTi sve. lni. ArfllUeU Lontmaeu rveit rum -m m. t A? ' ' '' V.4.1 n. V . .. .R1 Miriiti?it'- v-,t xt. fv 1 --HIS 'et&SH t. .v .C " M -S.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers