H1 m& 0? ANOTHER BOND AND PUT THE HUNS ADRIFT BY KNOCKING THE HELM OUT OF WILHELM &. y. B WP m K u .- i, YER BOOTS BALL, -COACH BOOTS RULES, GAME GOES FLOOEY :k Kicks Pigskin Over imd Runs for Touchdown liccausc oj ignorance oj iaiws Uj ROBERT T. MAXWELL Stiorla Kitller r.trnlinr Public l.fJcrr fHEN It comes to loslux liard-Iucl: Raines ami belnc luimlcil the sliott 'end of tlio breaks." said tlio footbjll coucli, "I nominate myclf for I flWrld's championship. No matter ij-s set the worst of It. and It teems us If the old Jinx was sttcUlntr to my heels from September until ThanlcxRlvIng Day." This hard-luck chatter was spilled ths other iluy by a. noted niMlmti ntor stationed in the Kast when a number of fu.n v.-cic talking oxer the Bt and trying to believe the football r and the flu. t "1 was a victim of an unusual ulny IfAteaeh, "and a wild and woolly 'bleak,' P1 WU. ,lt,1 . ey didn't come down until tho other at, I can't blamo my players, becauej bifgeat piece of dumb luck r ever hae s-een. W ..Wo itipij-.i or- an.i hairDnck ciltElit tile b.ill on the live-yard line. iike started forward, but after tutting tlamnt n tilntr tin tho tlal;tn tin nnelilnntrillv !:!nlteil It tn Otlti stiln ntlll L Jll v f" -I' " !' ' v I ? U. J -.! aA .d. ii !.. It. ll.ni 4 f 1 naricu auer it. uhuin. it unit nine wiu astunfr down tno new aim no v. us an "He tried to pick up the ball nR.iin and once mora he l.Ickcd it, send the ball over tho coal line. Sly players were running around In Circles, no one knowing v hat to do, when t this time with his hands and ran Houchdown. ili a fffJVlAI' one play fi J. and those lucky i took the life V stiff iomicd p v fffiiif tncy iceic loo wca 10 mane -easn't that a touyh hrcal;" Herein Is Exposed the Greatest Weakness in Football .ftttIE coach was right. Ho Mirel.v did "to blame but himself. Instead of having a touchdown scored upon him itv- lions snouia navo uccn revcrseu. f, - V-HJ IT"T '. S) (OK A3.S IOONT I : $ '& 7 M ' 'iWL.- v SjT.i . A UTTIE STOM8ER ' TWX e&ftt'''l ON SOME. GRIOIRON& fa tl """" " " " ' A thorough knowledge of the rules , fortunately no one thought of looklnp up the play to see whether or not it. was legal. It Is surprising, but few players or coaches are veil ac quainted with the playing code compiled by Walter Camp. Sometimes n team can get away with murder and nothing will be said unless the ofllelals '. bmj In and assert their rights. Even fcWtd the spectators wonder what kind of 1 Vnw nn fills nnrtlpnl..r ntrii tho ju.,'---" - - " "- ckera side on the spot where the halfback first kicked the ball. It was , Intentional or anything like that, ball. In possession of neither side, i .penalty Is "loss o ball to opponents at the spot where the foul oc- SSSScd." Let's dope out tho play. The halfback caught tho ball, had it In his . jjwwesslon until lie had taken two or 1a (till laft l.lu hntiili, rin1 ilrrtnnAil fn ?' i v,.v fc.... .b ... iti.iiui ...iv. iiiui'iivii ... mr, ;MitU ui'UUCdiauj' jvii;icu .v. iiiciu 1 luJ n nlA.. . n 11 .. l.lnlrnil I 1l.nHA tn tgiusnes Between mieniionai unu uniniennonai iouis, fu ine uau snouiu nave 8no over to the other team on the spot where the ball was kicked. J. The second kick, which sent the ball over his oun goal line, would have attrted a sweet little argument, for the Impetus came from tho side de fading the goal, and if tho man were tackled behind the lino the referee jmiia nave ucen torceu to can it a saieiy. , w ... 13 VT the second kick teat superfluous. The flrnt did the damaae. ".. MJ and it was lack of knowledge PC' f jT nAslt It v1 4 rt tnwfc tuuvit tv- iuiiib! L"-t" Unintentional Foul Gave State a Victory Over Lafayette State played Lafayetto in was the turning point of the game. 'jjnw rushing the ball down the field, a ;,MM men Jumped for the ball, but it .iMided on the foot of the other. In ftjijii', yards down the field and State was yib.foul occurreJ. jviijy .aiorice ac me uccision mm uicrc van sonic irguinciu auoui ll til Willie Crowell, coach of Lafayette, and Dill Hollenback, who then at State, rushed on the Held to yboth knew the rules and ended "f I remember an incident in one of MMtf which can serve as an example 3rtHs. it was in tne lourtn period and Injured. y ; rn a rvt u tn m-itclinrl nn ntsi1 lqM r. wi au ai.oi t uptivu uj hiiu ouu : vim !, . 06fTSK0O5 IW.B - I &ftf -, A fcST ,2e fef? v- AX 'r6"1 fUTT8 s-7 " JZf a,jm'(ve had time taken out tnrec times and tins is tne tourtu, but don t Jlee, I am going to send the Injured JHe seemed quite excited and breathed a long sigh of relief when tho ytt was taken out. "That was a narrow escape," he penalized half tho dlstunce to the JTT.1D the captain read the rules AM. the penalty for taking out tlmo 4f only ttco yards instead of half the ;" My Diclison Discovers a New Ruling on a Fair Catch K la one for the book which w.-uj rN the marines at League Island, 'Jfyt were playing n. game tho other day," said I5y, "and my team was to punt wncn near 1110 goat tine, ts raised his arm in signal for Mid another player nut In front a good gain. We protested "A&r tho game I usked him to ; Mfttl this is what ho handed mo: Vsmn has a right to signal for ball providing he runs In he runs lehlnd the man should be called back.' time we punted down , hit It while it was bounding , the hll over the sidelines, , pfoy" fifteen jards from , Mut should pave hat 4aNftku' - - yMPssssj Own Goal Line. Recovers Illegal Plays Put Over what comes up lit untisuul jtl.ty. I season really was here despite the last yen;'." resumed the hard-lucl; put my team up In tho ti!r so liisli side lud scored luty point). At they were knocked over by tho a couplo of step-v fumbled. In an .r -- -- M aI ftMll tfVAHtKAtlfl t llCt I Aft til A . ffc uutci uit-uit'i-. o u, ., ivum nu aione. tho opponent picked up the ball tho cntlto length of the Held for a ' out of every man on my team. over the yiliiiion at they pleased anv Juic luiifiuuiuim. .uie set a tough break, but has no one cltlnt; oft on the wrong foot and In the llr&t, minute of play, condl- would have saed the day, hut tin- tho .simplest points are overlooked a game is being played. hnll shnlitil linvn frnnn nvpr in till - " but tho rules distinctly state that "a may not be kicked or kicked at." three steps and then fumbled. When ttin flnt1 nf nil," I. ,il e tn )inLLna.lnn hu ..v.. i fiuj .1 t . ... fuaiiviiciiuii ha hiiIa tn V. r. linnt. ...l.l.l. .11... I... nu t uic 1,1 mi; uuwiv liiIl llillllB of the titles that cost the hard- L'aston in 1915 an unfortunate foul In the third period, when Lafayette forward pass was tried. Two Lafay- bounced off the fingers of one and somo way the ball was kicked about given the ball on the spot where find out what had happened. Fortu- the argument. the biggest games played In the of how hard the players study the time was taken out wtien a player t rtt riAnnlWa fn" fofiTYl . T 1nnnr wwti ( (jviiuiii,w J i,v j v ti intun man to the sidelines." told his players. "Vt'e Ju9t missed goal line." si he icould have discovered that more than three times in a half distance to the goal lines. unearthed by Byron Dickson, coach ji vvus u uuiu hick unu 0110 or ine a fair catch. However, the ball fell of him caught the bull and ran it to tho official, but there was nothing give me a ruling on that particular a fulr catch and another plaj er may front of mm. That makes it legal. who signaled for tho catch tho play the Held und Mike Wilson, who was and before it touched an opponent. and tho referee brought it back Into the spot It crossed the line. That pone to the other side on the spot i - -"--- f sswes.- v .iiiiommmhiii ' ivmmm wmm I VVH610 You're 0G6N HoLDlAJft . IM A BIG SNEEZe FOR A LONG fp TlMe AND YoO HAVE To LET IT ( g GO JuiT AS Your opponent ts . , ABOUT To PUTT. ALSO THC fi . '-j &m MFLUENSA SUSPICION t3 t- f j i ',ll4 M APftilpD M . ., I i I 71 WB.lt. FOR THOH h AROUoED JW AT PST-,6 LUVA MIKE-- WMW ' M . r M This is a swcll Mfitu 2 v, rS't I '(MfWjfo tiT7fSIMii l -L Be catch iw Gee f.vN -scs "vssp tao.. i- , w , i w cm vc: v U U KM V v . , , ("M ,n -'..'-.... "'- - " jfe y -m MARINES FINISH ALL THEY START Football Team Learning to Put on Steam for Final Drive HOLD SPEEDY PRACTICE in oery branch of actllty the Ins punch counts most. This aset has heen dc eloped to perfection In the I'nlted States mailno corps. The marines finish every thing they start wluther It Is wiping out a machine-gun nest or "swabbing the deck." No Job A kt.. . r.n tlttlA fnr- thn 1(V1I nof In rnmtilote. This follow-through I Idea has been inculcated Into the foot- , ball team nt League Island and is going tn play an important part In tho games which Hy Dickson's charges arc sched uled to play. Time and again football followers ran recall that a team either has plowed Its cij or cairlt'd the ball on forward patv-es to tho shadow of the goal Kst only to lose It on downs because the all-Important final punch was lacking A team on the defense usually stiffen when Its goal line It' threatened, conse- . quently the power of the offensive eleven is taxed to a greater extent in its effort to deller tho winning blow. Wants Driving Strength To this phase of tho game By Dickson has paid special attention. Ho Is drill ing his marines to muster exceptional driving strength when the tlmo comes to use It. He figures that If a team can carry tho ball to the twenty-yaid line there Is no rcacon why it should not earrv It the remaining distance. With this end In view he had the men lout jesterday afternoon on the parade 1 ground speeding through signal drill and I ilnhhlng a good day's work with a I fccrinimiige in which the backficld plaed well together behind Jeff Douglurt s .uuch-Iinproved line. Villanova Game Off Unfortunately, the game that was to hae been plajed with tho Villanoa eleven could not bo staged because the Main Line institution Is uudtr "flu" quarantine. At the last minute Lleu- tenant McNamara was unable to get a I team to play the Marines today. so test before the Pcnn game on Franklin Field next Saturday afternoon. During , the coming week Dickson-!!! send his team against one of the battleship clev. ens that has been using tho marines' field. This will put the team on edge, and It the men on the hospital list are able to patch up their Injuries the eleven will bo In good condition for the contest with tho lied und Blue. Mav Play Ilroun . pron- On Xov ember 16 the marines abl play Brown University on Frank lin Field. JVun was to Havo plajru Herman's Georgia Ttch team, but that contest had been canceled Piuii was very anxious to meet the Atlantans again and get u bit of revenge for the drubbing tho Southerners handed them last season. Tho score of that game was 41 to 0 and the bitter tasto has lasted a long tlmo In tho mouths of the' Penn plajers and followers. If Brown comes hero to meet the marines it will prove to be ono of the I biggest drawing cards of the year. ' first flight, is in the third, but he blames Brown has a great team this year and I this on his weakness following con the contest will be a speedy affair with valeseence. two well-drilled, powerful elevens play-I ling. i w- AND J. PREPARED ' Opposes Camp Sherman in Dig Game Today Vt'salilntloii, Ph., Oct. 19 Washing Hon and Jefferson and Camp .Sherman 'will clash here today in thu biggest i football gaino of tho day In western Pennsylvania, The game. Is thu only ono I of major Importance hereabouts. j n camp Mierm an team or tw enty plajers, In charge of Coach Freeman, former Denlcon rnlversity plujer, ar rived hero tonight, the influenza quar antine, at tlio Ohio rantoiuncnt having been lifted In the middle of the week. ChicL. Siniler Stores I Hrrnnton, !., Oct. 19. Word has I been received here from France nn-' nounclng that hi a ten-round bout, held I at flin Pnullau Club at a naval train- ( in? base over thete. "Chick" Hinder. nf this city, was returned u winner over Johnny Itclss. a former New York ' ngrfter. Both boys aro attached to j the United States navy, St. Joftpli's Io Have Team I Th Atlanta AatorlaMon u! He Joeeplt College hi decided to placo n S. A T C, I tram In tin Held. Tht malerUl Ii urom inlng. about fori) oandltlutcs bavins Kurltnl. Amomr them aro Qulnn, Hlmrn-t Jlaeer, Dowd. Hmly and Temple. THAT GUILTIEST FEELING RISLEY, SHORE STAR, I BE A TEN B Y HOFFNER I Knight. Coles and Baldwin lanlic City Fall Tourney and Qualify io Compete in Semifinal Round 11 WILLIAM M I.mf ! ( 11. .. J Oct. 10. M.U.KU o co i: ItlSLUV probably knows cry blade of grass on the links of the Country Club of Atlant'c C"It yet It did not dn him a bit of good tn bis match with Oeorge W Hoffner. of Woodbury, jeiurdny Ilislvy has won more Atlantic City tournanunts than any other living golfer. ct n corporal in Uncle Sam's big niniy who bad a four ".n8 furlough took him Into camp on U1B seenttenth hole, and even Wsley was glad of It, for he was perfectly sntlslled to s-'o a doughboy win the match. Hoffner, who comes of a golfllng fam ily, had not bad a club in his hands for four months, yet his game agalnt Rlslty was such that after the first nine holes the pride, of Atlantic City neer had a chance. Hoffner had a putting streak on and in the last nine holes he Bank threo of them, two for a win and tlio other for a-half, and thev ranged from ten to thlrty-lhe feet and there was no doubt that all three of thim were going to drop Into the hole. Ilipli Wind Handicaps Tlure was a gale blowing in the nfter nnon and low scoring was out of the question Against the wind It was stiff i going and long drives were beaten to the eaith by the big wind. Qualifying , tlav was a mid-June day, hut .yesterday was one of those cold October days when evtry golfer tightens up nnd does not do his best. I'nless thlng go wrong, two of the oldest and most experienced golfers In the Philadelphia district will meet this afternoon In the finals of the third slx- Uen. There is every Indication that Frank Blcking. who tried for tlio low score In the Bala tournament, and lid. Satterthwaltc a former Philadelphia champion, will be the finalists, and as I (be two aro sworn buddies and old-time I rivals there is bound to be a great match. in A critnt. 4 1. a ...l.t.t ! ...n n ullfT ir; 1, c,.. p,-. ,:i ..f... ..i.'iva m. .. , n , fa a burglar's sixteen, because so many men quaPfled In It who properly belong In the first sKteen. But today It devel oped that every one of these golfers drove his car down from Philadelphia, and the roads arc something awful and the strain of guiding the big cars over the worst kind of roads was too much for the golfers. They were not in shape for the quali fying round and every one of them qualified w 1th scores at least ten strokes . , . ii,.,,, i,, ii.. ...i.i .!. r.ii. i ...n..v. .....a n.vj Eiivum ,,i,4iv uu,- narlly. There Is a bit of tragedy connected with the tournament. C. F. Doelp, who entered from Cobhs frcekf sent the names of three other players as en trants. All four wore stricken with tho Spanish Influenza II. H. Itlch and William Parker died a few dais be- Iore le tournament. Doelp was luclty enough to recover, while the fourth is still In a perlous condition Doelp. who properly belongs in the NO GAMES IN WEST Football Schedules Again Upset by Influenza (iilraicii. Oct. 19 Football schedules of the Middle West again will be up- pei iuu hh a reuu oi spnnlsli Inliu enza, which lias caused cancellation of virtually all games. Hialth authorities. lighting to check tho spread of the dis ease, caused some nf thu games to be called off, while others wcro canceled on orders of the collegu authorities. All contests scheduled In Illinois. In diana, and Iowa havo been called off. und health authorities also forbade tho game between tho t'r.lversltv of Michi gan and Michigan Aggies, scheduled for today. Today's Football Games l ralium Tit, l.nfMjette, at Canton, llurktielt va. I'enn Mate, at Htate College, . and J, t. Camp Sherman, at VVaililnctiin, l'x, i Dartmouth v. Xornlrli, at Jlan- ttirr, llrown v J'roihlenre, lllioile Kland Mlate, at Ainher.t v. Trinity, at Amlierat. Wel riilladrlplila llltii v. Norrll Ion n Jllfh, ut orrlatowo. 4lso Survive in Annual At- II. KVANS W est em Golf Tourneys Net Red Cross $303,775 Oilmen, ()t. 111. i:lilbltloii m.ttiliK In it let ii f I lie lted Crtixn, under the ures tf the Wehtern tinlr AhKiifliitlun. Iiiue netted S30.I. i7. till Heilhou, utttirtllng tti the report of l'relilent Clttirleit 1". TliontpMin niHtle ptlttlte tutlm. President Thompson Mtlil (tint eight -two cntneN Intel been ilueil tint! tlint the expense lititl been eon llnetl ttt a minimum, tint trnietlng autt hotel bills being dedutted from the gross receipts. A miiteli nt I.nke Shore Country Cllilt here some time ngo. wliltli net ted f.lll.inii, rost the Itetl Cross fund only 'i.5U. THREE LEAGUES FAIL TO START OPENING GAMES Xnlimi.-il. Tj1nwnrr Sliinvnnl. nntl ' ' ' in i f "ri . tn .IIIIUU lCllllCS L USIJIUIIU Vll Matches Scheduled Today Tho three games scheduled for the opening of the national cup tourney have all been cancelled Dlsston's called their game between Merchant "B" off, due to a big Liberty Loan rally nnd pa rade at Tacony. Hog Island canceled theirs with the Merchants owing to not having a full A team, team, andt were gl anted an extension to sign play ers by Secretary Cahlll. Manager Bowe, of the New York Ship, received a telegram from the Bethlehem hteel team, calling their gaum off, du to the epidemic, and named October 2li for a date, to play the same off. The Delaware Itlver Shipyard League game scheduled between the Sun Ship and Harlan, was also cancelled. The i, was also cancelled, 'ine lorlties in Chester would not.Bczdek Selects Varsity for Buck- contest to be played. ii ssi t rr 1 caguo scheduled to open their Cll t,Iasll lotlay health authorities permit tho Another I 1018-19 season was the Allied League, and, like the rest, several teams reporteu they were unable to stage the games due to Illness of several of their playertf, al though there Is a possibility of at least two or threo of the six clubs scheduled getting their teams together today and play off their first round. POSTPONE MATCH RACE Billy Kelly-Eternal to Clash at Laurel on October 28 llultlmore, .Mil., Oct. 19. Because of tho epidemic of influenza In Maryland the running of the $30,000, 510,000 a side, with $10,000 added, match race at tho Laurel track between Kternal and Bll'y Kelly, which is to be known as the John It. McLean Memorial Cup of 1918 and Is to be demonstrative, of the juve nile cnampionsnip or tno season, nas been postpDiied from Thursday, October St. to Monday, October 28, That racing will be resumed some time next week Is virtually certain. The epidemic in waning and conditions gen erally aro gratifying to the Maryland heulth authorities, who will lift the em bargo on public gatherings of all kinds, Indoors and out, on thu earliest possible day. WEST PHILA. OPENS TODAY Opposes Strong iXorristotvn High on Foreign Field West Phlladclnhla Hlch Sehonl's fnnt. 1 I. ii 11 At) 111 fl f i (l ITVIII11' iinalitviiAmuiitai 4 ..Ll .1,1q,. ulll nnen tf, MUun ..., II, - ..el.llrnn with Ihn N'orrlhlown IllL-li. u,.ll eleien tit X'nrrlKtmvn thin nfter. noon. This contest was originally listed to be plajed In this city, but owing to tlio ban on football here, was transferred to Norrlstown. Coach Tiger, of tho Norrlslown team, telephoned to Manager Itlfo Inst night nnd said that all arangemenls to play tho game on tho Norrlstown field had been made. ine prouuuie iiiiu-uiia. Wrat Phlla I'naltluna Wood ..lft end., Ilaueh l'l tackle fharltun... left iiuard. Norrlstown Tarbell Deunirelu ,,..,... llle ..Wallltniton ,. ..flnrrlK if .Uirfurd . . Moreland . ... .. Hliam ltoeu ,., i'i . MeAlllatir risht Kuard I VVhoalw. ''".''L. el" v,.....-........ ...rltcht end., .'n-r''".- '.... :. -I. -i.-. i U'aMBIl.,,, .- WW. v. Mpvi- MTurmr ,,f, .... , ..IMM1SMHM . " t.'e.t"1 SHIPYARDS PLAN FOR BASKETBALL I Chairman of Sport Will Call Meeting to Deeitle on 1 Circuit Next Week OUTLOOK VERY BRIGHT Tho shlpynrds In the Delawaro Hlvcr section are prcpaiing for a busy sca- son In basketball, and Henry Gallster, I of Chester, chairman of the committee, j will call .a meeting for next week to arrange plans for the coming season. At a gathering of tho Delaware Hlver Athletic Association he reported that the only reason ho had not proceeded with tho matter prior to this time was due to the epidemic Influenza, Interdepartmental basketball at a number of the yards Is In full swing and the players are ceen each noonday and after working hours practicing Down nt Hog Inland Joe Fogarty lias charge and Is showing the newcomers a few Inside tips on how to play the In door game and Is meeting with fine suc cess. Up at the Merchant' plant In IBrls- I tol tho boys havo been deprived of the I use of the gym at the Y M. C. A. owing to the epidemic, but u. C. Gordcau has had several places in the town slto of Itarriman provided with facilities and practlco is held in the open air. The American League already nas six Lnn.i, in lis oieenit. lmt Trealdent nill ... . ,. . -. ........ Alien is comment 01 securing vntt iict-cn sary two more In order to make It eight It is reported that Hog Islifnd will have two teams, and that the second five will be cntcied In tho American League, but as jet he has heard nothing definite on j the subject. With such clubs as St. Co- , lunili.i. Hancock and J. & J. Dobson, the Americans have the makings of a strong circuit, and tho new applicants aro not J newcomers hy any means, ilie lours Truly llvo made quite a reputation In the West Philadelphia League last sea- son, and the boys navo ueen playing i together for some time under the dlrec- I tlon of Harry KIclnbcrg. The South Philadelphia Hebrew Association Is simply last year's Y. M. II. A. i STATE PICKS TEAMS (state Colleee. Pa.. Oct. 19. Coach Bezdek today selected the men who will i start for I'enn State ngalnst Buckncll in ine ursi meat gtuiiu ui wm ot-aouii ( aammmmmmammmmmaam today. Ho gave two elevens spirited . workouts, but omitted all scrimmages. , 1 T Both the defense nnd offense were care- , I nmn P I JtllVPl'lTV fully rehearsed in expectation of strong ClliptC V1UVCI Olljr opposition from tho Buckncll outfit. Bezdek picked the following team: x. . . ,. , Knds. orimes and g. W. Brown; tackles. New students may enter all depart "Wr. '"ilWJ ."ffiSft i-tlMEJlimcnta of the University as soon as nun iiur isj v"-'""--'! Williams: halfbacks. Sncll and Klllln- ger: fullback. Unger. Football for Bryn Alhjn Manager T. II. Doerlng. of tho Bryn Athyn Academy's football team, has an nounced the following schedule for Cap tain Klntner'a squad: October 20, Swarthmore Prep, at home: November 1. Itadnor High, nt home; November 8, Chestnut lllll Academy, at home; No- ember 16, Berwyn High, at home; No vember 22, Cheltenham High, away. Title Billiard Match Halted (iilrncD. Oct. 19. Owing to the enideniln Influenza and the ban on pub lic gatherings In Illinois, tho world's championship three-cushion billiard match between Augle Kieckhefer. of Chicago, and Charles McCourt. of Cleve- lanu. vvnicii was io nave uecii inujvu In Chicago, October 23, 24 and 25, was Indefinitely postponed last night. suits;ii .80 1 nKIIITKII 1 ItOM Mil. I?3 and HO DPTrn MAD AM Q. tTi Merclimil T 6 1 Hl ITlUIVrlll X.vr lallora S. E. Cor. Blli &. Arch Sti. Open Prlday and Halurday evenlnsa until It fi'eloek. nui.unnilK XOTK'K.8 I'reablterlan . KCII KTItKKT CIIDRril. Uth and Areh , Bd"ard I Mieirtnoy. Mlnla'r of tho rowrrsallon and tljo ' r .eeuatomed to.woralilp n. Itev, v'larenta Ud1 . ,io iticiiinrie , fc.'w ....- .. ,,. - k- .ii. nmMl tn uaraliln the Areh btreet Church ar Invited to Join ..n. au ..,. ami l ith one atiulncr babbath morning at o'clock In the fol lowlna- aervlce o? devotion In their hotnea; llymn No. .131 (Pre.bvtifrlan lfymnal). pry.rr p.ai.n wo """"" ',.. uel. litih Chuuieri Ntvr Twtaraent. ltecU- tlou. 014r Sltl-Si ChatW n'i 311. -91 l-mf-V --' CLUSTER OF PITT'S SURPRISE BAG Stein, Kiski Product, Is Touted as Another Bob Peck; Homer and Davics Shining Back field Men capt. McLaren heavier 11 LOWIN .1. POLLOCK rplIU old fox of football Isn't sleeping J- In theso days, even If the gridiron sport Is napping. Glenn Warner Is right nn his toes, ready and anxious to get the University of Pittsburgh away to a stnrt that will lead to tho highest heights on the collegiate horizon. .Stripped of such giants of the gridiron as Sles and Sutherland, the big guards; Carlson, the fleet end ; De Hart and Has tings, ttie speedy basks; reck, one of the greatest centers known to the game, and others who aided In bringing the Pan I tbers to football supremacy In the last I few years, Warner has collected a new (cluster of stars to maintain eastern ! mastery. First and torcmost of the newcomers ' Is Rtcln, all-scholastic center at Klskl last year. Touted as tho best lit the State, Stein has lived up to his school Iboy reputation and has even beaten It i In tho practice Fcrlmmaces out Smoky (City way. They think so much of him In the city of stogies and smoke that the iiollego crier of gossip Is ringing his bell ,111111 announcing that another Bob reck has arrived. Stein Built Like Peck Bob Pecks arc fcjv and far between, but It's a cinch that this KIU lad has something that's going to uuiko football fninc or fate, depending on which team !ou nro backing. He's built along the iiuno lines as Peek, according to re ports, not so tall, but wide. With his llvo feet ten Indies and 17." pounds. Stein Is stocky, speedy and aggressive. There's still another boy from Klskl that Warner's banking on for those famous Pitt end runs that wrecked Pennsylvania in the latt three seasons. Ho Is Davles, a halfback, and they say on his end gallops he's 'as spry as Itoamcr. Davles will bo the regular left lialfback. Theso bo.vs first appeared at Wash ington and .Teffcrson this seat-on and for some tlmo It was thought that Coach Hutchinson would have them for bis lted and Blue eleven, but suddenly they nwved to Pittsburgh and cnteicd the students' army training corps. Horner Tlect Quartcrliark Last season, Dave Pltler handled a lot of the nuarterbacklng for Warner, but this year ho Is being outgeneraled und outplaced by Horner, a marvel fmm the freshman eleven, and ho It' booked for the second stringers unless he Is shifted to halfbick. Horner's a rabbit In tho open field nnd a sure catcher of punts. Furthermore bo haB a head on his shoulders and ho uses It for purposes other than bowling over nn opponent. Hamilton, a hefty half from the fresh man team, and Captain George Mc Laren, the best Ilne-plunger In college rnnkR are the. other members nf the I l.ni.Vflotrl nt nnicMit VfM tiran I, no tiill.n on weight and now weighs close to 190 pounds. In tho scrimmages ngalnst the de tachment team from pnmp Pitt, Mc Laren tripped through tho opposition with tho same neatness and dispatch BlEMJCATIONALiRIia Until Seles Drexel Institute EVENING SCHOOL OPENS NOVEMBER 4, 1918 70RK of the evening school which has been pojt " poneil because of tho prevailing epidemic con ditions will be carried on this year with all of its former vigor sharpened to the needs of the war. The courses afford exceptional opportunities for both men fttid women who desire to help in Government woil: as well as to benefit themselves. DATES FOB BEGISTBATION Thursday evening, Oct. 31, and Friday evening, Nov. 1, from 7 to 9; Sat urday, Xov. 2, from 9 to A. DREXEL INSTITUTE Philadelphia, Pa. HOLLIS GODFREY,Sc.D.,Ens.D.,LL.D.,D.C.L.,President the Board of Health ijcrrhits a re opening of the institutions of learn ing. New term in all Business Courses will start with tho reopening. Candidates for the Students' Army Training Corps should apply at once. Examinations for college entrance will he held on opening day. Intensive pre-nursing courses. Write for information. TEMPLE UNIVERSITY Broad Bt, beloir rierVa I rhllidelphla Strayer's Business College riitlaflelphlk'n ureat pt huilnvs nchuol t o well Knowti that la rite advertliementa aro tnu.rCi'Hiiur, Wo haa tho bet tRcher In town, and more of them. Unequal1 equipment, ratlcal couraen, Fltman and Orec? Hhorthnnd, or without extra rharre, Utnntvnv. thn fAtnoua tnarhtn tnstliml hKIi la l-o tli more rapid nnd more accurate than any hand-written method nt ahorthand, HclentMc Toueli TjpewrJttnir. atrayer'a atudenta win more cold medals for apeed and accuracy In tynewrlttnir thau are won by tho atutlenta of all other builneaa achoola in PhlludelDhla taken together. . Ceriined rt book5,l,niK awmd. Indlv "!"?'"!:.. leriinea ruuim sii-r-uuiiiiini. memous oi liveryminc eiae to corra- Idual adrnncenient. (7hurire Positions Guaranteed. Dav and riUht claasea. Coma sen for youraelf. 1100 atudenta now attending. Start now. am riietnit Htreet l'hne Wnlniit XK n NOIN(l S """ Dancing -E8U!!' SS lit l input. Qf nifQu, di-nrt9U JIIUHil'l STARS IN "Gibby," Pcnn Helper, Quits After 16 Years t ... in? i..,,-ii,,, nxvitfi ,'T r.rrj uenl ulio ever nllemletl n foMbnll nt I rankllu l'lfld ilurlnr the Inst ers, quit his tiork nt the I'enn t niter n run-in nlth nne. or the Tommr (ilbsnn. knoWn lr e?fry stn- itmtonu cam siireen ttiiftlnm tit nthee Krntinftkeepers, till" litis Iteen the tar cet of mtinr t utmlent Jnke during H. Eiime, nnd the lilit-)ilvlir from th httiiiits ulun kept time to Ills steps ulien on the Held. "Olb" tind been em titoied hr the Athletic Association for slvtren enrs. that Foch ripped apart the "impregna ble" tllndenburg line. McLaren, has been doing tho punting, but neither Horner nor Davis are weak lings when it comes to booting. With McLaren to smash through tho line and the other three backs to dash off tackle nnd skirt the wing", Warner has nn of fensive quartet that looks like the best In tho country. McCarter Shifted to L'nil Warner Is ahvajs on the lookout for fleet ends, and when ho noticed a scarcity of speedy wingmen. ho shifted Bob McCarter, who was a .halfback last year, to left end. The Pnnthcr tutor has a few trick plays with the ends carrying the ball that won't blossom unlesj tho wings are exceptionally swift, and that probnbly accounts for the change that took McCarter from the baektleld. Xo matter how good the Pitt line will appear this year, it Is not likely that It will touch the tough combination that represented the Panthers on the first lino of attack last season. But Warner has no misfits In his Hue. They aro all husky and strong. Tho line, from tackle to tackle, will average more than 170 pounds. Other coaches may be casing off In football pieparatlons, but Warner is on his way to what looks llko another championship season. Pert Pcnn Patter lllll llnllrnbnrk sijs that lie tho time the Peim roolliitll seiisoii slnrts. Ids tnn-monlhs-oltl sou will he n tniitlltl.ile for the nirll.r. It's 111.0 ptilllntr teeth to get Jjck Keosli iiUHy from franklin field, lli't tho big molar of tlio scrub team. .Hmrnv To Jo it is one '0 r;,r ir,t i0j,irra ri er prmbictrj by Mnhanov Cllu. lie (toes I1I3 lighting on the Pcnn liar. lllll rtnblnson, the fnrnier Penn Stnto line man, Jus u. trreat i banco of landlnir a var sity berth. I rBt tlefeiiso men aro scares theso das a at P. 1'. 7nrry tVnlfcer ttinirtl d onW in a vaslu fnvliton yntrntnu unit hail to retire, but lie ntll be back (11 action today. Three basketb ill rlajers are making irood "s football ends, Joo Jlltthell ami Ilarrr Walker, vnrflty cat-e i Htitlldatrs last Jrar. Iirobablj- will be the res-mar nlnsinen. JliM .'loiuwr. who iltsed with tlie stracuio fre.hmen tlio last aeaeon. la the third mem ber of tho trio. Ibinnr MoNlehol's res. nre ilrrnrnted with nil the colors In toe rnlnlinvr Ills In juries nre 011 the ineiiil mid he will ret Into srrlmmiieo soon. , 1-rejt straits has vcrv little In the way nf welsh or knowledce nf the name to make llollenblrk'a first eleven, but ho Is cam to tho core and that helps heaps. Barmy T.abrum. who plnved with Dan JIc Nlchol a freshmen cage tnssera last year. Is '"own on a few hours' leave from Camp Navy Eleven Still Idle AnnniMills. Mil.. Oct. II). The football trame nrrnmred for toiltv between Naw and an eleven from tho Xnvy Piv School at t-lneeol N. r lfs ben. epce'e.l A dlspttch from Princeton stnted that the team would lie unable tn come ouintr to quaran tine restrictions placed on account of In tlnenzn. noth Sexes SnORTIIAND AND IIOOKKKEIMNO our eraduatea are In constant demand. Oooa paylnff positions await you. OreffB Short hand, tho eaay, apeedy system. Complata bualneaa and eecretarlal couraea. Day and nlffht claases. Intensive tralnlna. Knroll any time. Call or wrlta InP lllll rinrtlmilr,.. ..J i fla piiiL-'iiiisiNi!ss voui.rui- ,.J". -oitee or L'ontnttri. 1017 Clieatnnt St.. I'lillmlelnliln MfSHl N. Lindsay Norden M. . . MUS. IIVC. Harmony (Aural Method) Musical Theory Add, Pec. Prea. Church, lt . Walnut t LEEFSON-HILLE .Y&Tg" J?2!4 f h'"niit Bt nth Ave. and Tork Road. Oau liti. Public Hchool Muilo Supervtalon. HKfM:NB RnPTBMIIRR lOTIt EDITH WALTON HAMLIN Piano. Ilunntnj- Rysteni. rrnsreaalvn tjerln. 1000 Matter hi. Thone. Poplar 111)0 v. APTfiy!" RIWORTS AT tNTIO CITY. N. J? HOLMHURST HOTEL Pennsylvania Ave., ttone to teaeh and Htecl Pier, unexcelled central location, remain ouen throughout the jear. Capacity 300, Mvtry appointment and aerttco couductve tn eoinfort. health and recreation. Special Fall nnd AVIntcr term. m.lt. Albert It. Darnell. Wtmlnatfr Ki- av nr Uch.Hlov. toat tl'-'.r.Q up vvklr.l fJ.OO u dally. Chat. Uuhr,. HOTEL BOSCOBEL rcXXiJr Aiiwr. t liuro. plani. Bklt. A. K. MARION OAPKMAVjN. J, THE WINDSOR c JMt BON I'AHWnB I OTfiAlI HEAT IKKWOOH. ft. J. LAUREL-IN-THE-PINES LAKEWOOD, N. J. SATURDAY, NOV. !, tt r. mvm gjr fttl ' '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers