I' V U t I M ,Vttffar , "7 SHmmws BV&N$0 tf B14C LIKKR-PHlLAIMflLXHlA:, ATBJtJA, OCTOBER 1, -lofS j r STULL SUPERINTENDS YARD AT GLOUCESTER Puscy & Jones Man Succeeds His Dead Cliief. Hugh Rainsej .Tonli S. .Slull Jr. hn been "f pointed to the position made vacnnt by the death of Uiuli V. Itamsny. General superintendent nt the 1'uney & June OlouceMer shlp'nrdr Mr. Stull " " nldtRlit to Mr. llnmsny for some time. The new general superintendent Is an out-nrnl-oiil hipbullder He has hern nt It since he woh ii hoy of thirteen He quit It once fur several -ears, cluilnn which ho made Rood a " civil euj-lneer and naval uichltecl. He wax nlo cm plo.v ed for a. while as marine enKlneer. Mr. Slull designed and he ped build the Queensbotit cantilever brhlfte aero" the i:nst lllver, In NVvy Vorl! and also built n re-nnforced tmn.rel- ai'uedurt In the CaUMll. He lln.tll returned tl t.i- ..1.1 ...... a in On. ulilmiird and or Kanlzed the wooden shipyard at lear nev. X. J for the Foundation tVimpan wheic live Hlilpn were turned out diirliiK hid time for the Covernment. He knws every miRle of shipbuilding those around him say. II. V. MASON, hea'l nf the l'J- ,J"';" empojincnt nttlo- t llloucter iinjl In etinrno of the lii.trurtlon work ""'" l.en poolnted chairman of the IMa were lllier district conimltee mi ViSielii a trurtlon Th nm'.-es hint " " ...m memlwr of th- AUantle ,' B'nerat um mitten oil shln-anl In.lruetlun 110(1 W.WD Im a n'w..",r.,."?n1."' ,!,' W i:iner..in roiin.ru ',':""'", Veam-p llostnn Jnurn.l nnn ''rlllVL nL NlTivl n Nl. 411. walked !'" " ""'.!, "i , offUi mime hlnincf .! "K$t fa.r.l Vila eior. ItTM ffP" OP Panic nuio ' medr.n w " m the Ne Hitlni.d '-"''" H.rvlrV tie has bee" th shipyard since Jul, 1 C. N. VHITIIVMv. "f Hi lli' '".V.'l eUrtrl.nl nun ha ln department lyv; jMne he arm- und will tenon to IVi m MM" liolleae for mecUl training I" r,nlln woik It. K. Jlll.l.r.U. a 1104 ll.in.l ' "'. fnrnnun Mt his pu emelutw uniKlnlnu 3l swier. here In the -aril CAPTAIN llltOOKI'IIII.II lint '"'"'J'1 n.iw known im It I-Hi tii lw ".'l"'1,,, 1"' , hi.l henrd v lot about It hut no unill r i.enlly :id the ilciw lOhie BlrulBhl I iienttllm: It we -'.Kkeil llli Jo l nnrt I more, the prou.l f.ither enje It i end th" rantntn' nr.i.leroun frlrniln hi 111 Hhlninld toive hcuril i.ll ehjut the oiin.!'er Thin alio mine .iraicni m ":"'."',?' H frl'ilrt smoktil ome cood ilsare lit falhei I jj Mls MATTIi: si l.l,l V.N. miree ' the Pu.ev Jonei Wllmlniltnn 1'l.nit lm " illllnitiilh(cl hrr-iilf It rell. f wuTl. elnee tl.e liiflueiirii eiililemlc I). Ran th.it It i llllilcrstoo.l file hne liee'l vliked tor illrmlrii nijr of ii m v honnltel at th hlii etl Ml Sullivan lot u elFt r. lrn Mal 1 Klrkbrlde from Inl1ueiu.i. Iiai lim'l i'"' her pefpODiil hcrfuverieni ,ll. nnl euii tlmied her woil. nnioim the nlimiirkem nnd oumlil.ri She drew pu llne Ml nil o matter ht the f all nor where it iiiine from nhe rerpoud'il whinetir polhlt D.iro while ildlnur Willi a pntiopl In nn aiphulame the dilier iwi mrlrl.en and MI I Sulllian took hl place at the wheel until he sot her patient lit t lit Im.ipltu' .Ml MullKali Hies In Philadelphia I1NI1 I IIM Mill lire I" O" r uoi'ii a j the Puecr & .lonea tllnuiee'er litanl lit I Tuesday In tin IVnimlvanla fard Un I l"rldaa tne.v are lild In the New Jersej U lira, 1IAKK . KsT. a Mpt-IUter7helper in hi 4 bride tif onli h ftW Un.n. who befuie Iipt inurrtaRt wbk AHh Mnrflret ark iu illoui-pitcr. art lnltiim lh for.ner r.H lles In Washington. I i' V. .. ('All It, "f lh N Jthp nUif uml i UllKm erini.. 14 uilk uii . hu juu nnu . etk auttlcti. ' DICK ni.K, lilnlit fureinHii of lli Nw .7r By nlHtP ami nnl hp. Imn fitter fnmi it. tiiKitiin. n formpr nltiht KhrBrmnati thrro. ' who l-'ft mum- ttin it-iu for ne ut lh arm I C.Tnips. IlUdtirm - tlf imnieu vt nn iii- nrw lire mih! Kent plntorMih to il.m Imjw It has BBrt-eii with htm a m:w rir or c i.otmin iui n-. hm Ih( Btwrteil ttorlouH luumm hUhiI iJur;. JtHlle uf the l'uey K. .(ones plant enjliiperlns -at'imrtinent. The niuln "J' wan thai lu vuh hprucln n to he tnirrhtl, hut llulltt tdH , lie's too ouhk to w out cj fir tlmt INNphriOK (JUKIINi:. ut the Puty A immii iiTJtit Miialiiffrfnir liennrtiiipnl Iium fill t hU name un the bottom of hU riuitr t tt- . B shop mm naren mu nouy u kt . art-ien. aAln wllh that piece of fun.Uuir (iKOUdi: I.OIKii:. of tin- I'ue Juii-h t-Iettrlt-al ilfpartliient4 haa moel from t.U summer totlaue at iliontentfr to M winter palace at Vatlonal lailt, Mil, Hl'KIt, of the purth.-mlmi Meparunen at tht .Merchant vrrf, najw he would be ulatl to maUe ua of that hit hint; post In front of the administration bullclinc for hi fllv r, anil there an man) there who think 1C would be a line Idea to hitch the thin? to sumelhins They don't want it mo nvr rs that ihuuBli , MIC. !M!.TI.I1K-NT has Wtu truiir i rl from the production to ttit hull-funs. nn-tlun lep.trtineitt hi the Mtri-hdiit nrd miU the Ih (.onsiatulatV him mi his ailvamctnrnt llltlt Mill U,UKIiril, thief of the Merchant voiisl ruction ileparlment. and Mlf Mlllin l'rxor daimhter of .Mr. and Mih I II .i m I'r.vor, ol l.anahi-rne. hav befn married nntl are now on their honexnoon ' The ceremony took pl,e ut the liride'n home on the annler-'ar of htfr parents' weddlrm .Many of the hrldrftroom'H friends at the , id.lpard were prt-KPitt at Ih home mid uIhj nt l he recopllcn ut the Laiivchorne Country Club. About J.'U Invitations wer Issued. J. (iltdVKK IIKO W.N, ihlef of the piece work department nt the Merchant atd H hustllncr at his new job. .ind don't Interrupt him unlrtPH juu hae numelhlnpr Important ou our mind. HIGH COAL PRICES Bag Sales Average SI" for .Nut anil SM for Pea Trice eiiuialent In J 17.0 J u ton foi nut roal and $11.34 u ton for pea ni.il li.ae been nuthotlzed for drain a letall. InB coal In twenty-tlve.pouml bags, The new sonle of pr!reH nnnounced h Fnuu'Is A. I.ewln, local fuel udmlnls trator. iiIIouh nut coal In wolt'lits uf twenty-llve-pounda to be aold for nine teen centH and pen coal. In similar weiehtH, tu retull for Blxteen tents. Nut coal In buchctH containing ten pouiulex la to 11 for thirteen cenla .i bucket or :9.t2 a Inn, while pea co.il sold ) the bucket In to sell for eleven cents. There liUlicr prices mc authoilzed b catiHO of the high peicentage of expente llioled In letnlllng coal In Htich ain.ill (lU.UUltlep. Peddlera will be allowed to charge three cms a bucket more than the piirex announced. Mr Lewis said, be unite their expends are higher than ktoukeepeis. The Rev. F. I Patlon to l.eiltire Here Tim Ite. PruiiclK 1,. I'attun. former president of I'rlnceton t'lilvtrnlty. ha been t.btalned by the National Sen Ice fommli'slon of the I'resliyterlan t'liurch to deliver lectin es on "The War and the VV orld." The lectures are In be given in the I'alwuv l'revbyterlun Church. Klfleenth and l.ocunt streets, November 4 to 8, Inclusive, For the Wash Day Supper Jim says he hopes he won't ever have to live In a boarding houe, because since I've been using A .Sauce he doesn't laiow what It means to eat coninioim'aee hash or stew And 1 don't throw nn y my left-over steal e, (her oil dear ro' I cut It In pieces for s.rv'ng. and when I've got it slightly heated 1 IMiur over It a mixture of a quarter of a pound of melted butter suhstl tute and two tablespoons of Al Sauce. It makes n snlendld cauo. too, for freshly broiled steak or fish, Jim iys h, known 1 don't mind his bringing company boine ilnexnect , 41y. even on Monday nlcht. That " viVLllB onrtatoJy do nuke ''poi , 'BUsTsfiTrT Liberty, Bond Booth in Center of Store WANAMAKERS DOWN STAIRS STORE 3Z .k i ' -m WANAMAKER'S W.E.A'fHER ? Fair. ii . PefpsssswsissB A- These Are No Days For Half -Measures The Down Stairs Store, a Strong and Vigorous Organization Under the Direction of the Founder, Is Doing Wonderful Things For Sensible Economy .r wm -m tH-fl m3 v wrT L i m 'Ss. sam. rsyt.?? S ; xri , A - Mr S . N ' W I ,'ua- vTfr- t rMSsnss-L mk ' Am 1 w i As S:!7..)0 S23 800 Women's Winter Coats Every One New Every One Underprice A Great Showing of Velour Coats Tlic-c hoft, warm coats of wool vuluur stait at 2b for a pretty model ill navy, brown or sutp. with'ducp ciitT.4 ami u cape collar of besver fur vloth. Al S27..i0 a velour coat trimmrii with a deep bund and collar and cutis of s-eal fur cloth. It i.-. lined throughout with floweied silk. At .S3."i there are many attractive models. Navy blue, taupe, reindeer and brown are the colois, und niot of the coats are lined throughout with Ilowcied or striped silks. They art trimmed with bands of seal fur cloth or have deep collars of heakne, natural laccoou or ringtail fur. They Hfe all soft, co.y coat?, that will be most comfortable throughout the Winter. At .SU7..")0 another pretty model .in navy and brown lm deep cuffs, a broad collar and a deep band around the hem, all of kit-conry fur. Luggage Easily Carried Hand luKKage in all phuses, from small handbags to suitcases as large as mall Meamer trunks, is well represented in the vaiiety now ready in the new Down Stnh! Luggajfe Store. Your choice is not limited to a few styles, but allowed to run over a largo assortment of sizes, stvles and materials. Fiber, vanous leathers, enameled cloth and sliaw luggage is well lined and outfitted. (Vlurkel Many Good Things in Broadcloth Alj.?-".'"!" :l belted model in black or taupe is full lined. At 832.30 an unusually good modef'has a large collar of Hudson Mill tur cloth and the scams are finished with em broidcicd silk crow's feet. At S37..)0 the coat sketched conies in green, plum, navy, brown and black. The large roll collar, deep cuffs and the hand at the bottom are of Hudson seal fur cloth, as are also the huge buttons. At S3!). 73 a model that comes in brown, navy, gieen and black hus n generous collar and bands on the pockets of near seal fur. The novel feature is the back, which is trimmed with two iHrge fur buttons. The More Handsome Wraps of sitvertip, bolivia, pompom, velour silverlone and suede velour and the like have bcautitul linings and large collars of raccoon, nutria, beaver und also trimmings of the fur. Prices range $17.50, ?52..r)0, $o,-), $02.50, $71.o0, S75, J87.n0 t,o $12."i. (Market) For the Newer Silk Frocks Combinations of navy blue taf feta and striped or plaid silk form the newer dresses of mid-Autumn. Tlui navy blue talVeta is KG inches wide, ut $2 a yard. Striped taffeta and mescaline in all the best color combinations, and some plaid silks arc :!5 inches wide, at $i a yard. (Centrall Suits for the Wt;e Lads Cunning little suits that aie just the kind little bo of 2 to tJ should wear. Theie aie thiee styles, all of linene in green, blue or tan. Two styles have the stiaight blouses and have navy emblems on their shields and the third is belted. All of them have stiaight-leg trousers. $'-'.'23, $2.50 and $'i. (Central) New Ideas of What a Skirt Should Be The 11 ist is a smait stliped model of black seige bo pleated, with blight stlipes paitly concealed beneath tile pleats. $13.50. A graceful model of dark blue or black panama' clolh is finely accordion-pleated and has a broad girdle. $12.50. It is sketched. A skirt of chaitieu.e and black -block check seige is gatheied all around under a girdle and has patch pockets trimmed with buttons. It is patticulaily appiopriate for young women. $11. Girls and Small Women will likt! this pleated seige skirt in navy blue or black, with strapped pockets. $i.75. New Black Skirts Two new st vies one of black poplin with inset pockets is $7.50; the other of novelty skirting with inset pockets is $7.75. (Market) A Good Selection of Women's Shoes Below $6 At $5.41) a pair, women's shoes of black calfskin lace high. They have imitation wing or strafght tips and are finished with welted soles und low, medium' or high heels. Fushionablc shoes of may kidskin, with fawn cloth tops,, have imitation wing tips, welted soles und medium heels. $5.5 a pair. Men's Shoes -at $5.40 a Pair They are mado of good sturdy lilack leather on gensib'.e. medium or wido toe shapes in bluchet style. The t,oles are solidly welted. Hoys shofs of good black leather may be had in English shapes oriin wide-toe blucher style in hizes 1 to G at $3. Children's Shoes of daik tan calfskin lace quite high. They have welted soles in sizes G to 2 at $3.75 and $4.25. (Chestnut) I I w French Gloves for Women at a Third Less S1.JJ5 Thev aio snow white glace lambskin gloves in two. clasp style with Pivris point stitching on the back and overseam sewn. (!oid-looking, well-fitting gloves as all French cloves are. (Central) Shining Whiteness for Hundreds of Tables Hrcakfast cloths of fully bleached, mercerized (luiiuwU aie 56 inches squaie with hemmed, hemstitched or scalloped edges. There are sevejal attractive de signs to choose from at $1.00. Table cloths of fultv bleached, impoited cotton ilamu.sk aie un usual in quality. You may clioote fiom thiee designs: Miami ock clusters with lli'ur-ile-lts holders, poppies and stripes and lilies with maidenhair. These aie G8 inches square, at S3. Table Damasks Satin-fininhed cotton tabic dam ask of heavy quality is in sev eral designs and is G4 imhes wide nt 8.ic a vanl. r.inen-finished cotton table dam ask is fully bleached. It is 70 inches wide in three designs: nises and stripe, wieaths and si Hues and bow knots at S2 a aid. ( hrstmill Fashion Says Fringes ami fringes theie aie. Silk fringes in many widths, fiom a very nanovv one ut 25c a vard up to a very deep one rl I vnrd. They aie in many styles and come in navy, taupe, black nnd white. Dress oinamenls, too silk bulls, tassels and hi aided medal lions at small price.-. (Central) 'Ware o' the Witches! Hallowe'en Approaches And, oh, tho paity plans that am in the all! Attics aie being filled with corn shocks, pumpkin face- on stilts and green-ejed ghosts! To make the party a sue ce-.s, all the prettily decoiuteil things must be icadv beforehand. A gieat many jolly helps are leady in the Comnielcia' Sta tioneiy Stoie. it eulral) $5 Is Worth Putting in Your Pocket That's what you do everv time .ton in vest in a Wanainaki'i' sunt or overcoat. This Kood clothiii-r was contracti-d for when the prices of wool materials were a jjnod deal lower than they are today, and if we were to duplicate our stock now provided we could price-' would have to be advanced a1 least .S3 on each garment. Wanainaker clothing is the most dependable clothing sold. Kvery thread is pure wool. The cutting and tailoring are after our own specifications, and the work is, honestly and painstakingly done. The suits hae the right swing to the n. the kind that busy men want. The over coats have the right lines and the right weight and will withstand biting winds and winter snows. Suits are $23 to :J2..1() Overcoats are $25 to $.55 it.nllrrt. Market) Braid Finds Itself Anew On Late Autumn Suits Small Flats Are Smartest small, close-fitting hat. n well-adjusted veil, a tailoied suit there i the street ro-i. ttime of the well-dressed woman. The correct hats are to be had in the Millinery Salons of the Down Stairs Store and their prices are sur pr;slngly low. Theie is h -mall black tui ban with tlaung scarlet wings which iiie black on their le verse snip. A tiny little brown hat has foliuge and velvet berrhs in many shades of brown and tan, with a blight toucli of orange. Another turban of velvet, shiried on cord--, i- in the new lust red shade called "rouille l ougc." '1 hese can give but a sugges tion of the delightful small hats whose pricts start at ,-s!)..")0 I Vlarkrli Nipping Winds Bring Many New Warm Frocks Tlieie an many, many new flocks of wool serge and wool jer sey, both of which aie very prac tical and sei v'iceahle. A collarless serge fiock in navy blue or black has a long overskiit and In aid for trimming. $16.50. A more elaboiate model with a coat-like bodice has a satin vestec and i overs and the belt atnlff skin are ornamented with hi aid. It is in navy blue or black at $25. Sketched. The wool jeisey flocks in good styles, some braided, others rather plain, with white satin collars and cuffs. $2!.75. One stylo sketched. Many other serges in coat ef fects, bound with hruid, stiaight Iinu styles or witti rippling over skirts. Some are collarless, othei s liuv enllnis nf snfin. $18.75. $19.75, $23.50, $25 to $37.50. $23 $29.73 Lovely Satins, If You Prefer Them are trimmed with fringe, embioidered or combined with (ieorgette crepe. Prices range, $1G.50 ,sl8, $10.75, $22.75 and $25. (Market) aw fp' P i 1 It adorns elaborutelv suits of wool velour in brown, navy blue and taune in three ditVeient models. $';y.75. KioaiK'.oth suit3 pioudly ex hibit fur at the colluis and deep bands of fui edging the jackets. $3'J.7fi. Burella With Fur Hmi'llu mi'U such as the one that 's sketched ate topped with , collais of Austtaliiin opossum or . djed raccoon. The jackets ale on rHther new lines. S12.50. Velvet -nits foi .toung women aie made in various models. They nie quite simple or arc trimmed with fill. $37.50, $39.75, $55. $59.75 and 172.50. Beautifully Lined Suits Handsome silverlone in lein deer und Pekin blue is the ma terial used in some of the loveliest suits tliut W3 have ever had. They aie lined with striped silk anii have deeo collars of nutria or seulene. The styles aie especial ly suitable foi voting women. .4:57.50. Many Models and Materials at $25 to S39.75 ! Plain tailored, sports or trini I med models show a gieat variety I of material and lines at $25, S2U.75, $32.50 and $311.75. Conservative Black Suits of Serjre or Broadcloth ! N'ew tailored suits finished with i silk ciow's feet or with pearl-like i v. .vtA v f Men's Warm Sleeping Garments Warm and soft sleeping things that will make for rest and com fort. In pink, blue, lavender or -'ray stripes there are nightshirts nt S1.50 and pajamas at $2. (nller. Market) SPECIAL Bedspreads Kxtra heavy honeycomb bed spieads with scalloped edges and en corners nie in double lied size and aie special at $3 each. Satin finish .Marseilles Kjueails with hemmed ends are in a sie for single or twin bed- and aie special at $3.50 ouch. II lie.lmil) button- aie most attractive. Some have deep collars and others ale tt limited with lur cloth. S2.j, S32.50 and $37.50. Broadcloth Suits at $15 Lovely mi its of lustiou" bioad cloth in navy blue, tau". brown and black have deep collars and bands of skunk ono.-sum. The sizes are complete fioni 1(! to 44. Fine Novelty Suits f bioadcloth, veloui, duvet l. laine. silverlone. ea-.. ai hand somely tailoied or trim med with '"ir. Mich as iiufiui. -ealene nnd Hudson seal (mu-kiat). -t I."., .V!.50 $57.50 to $110. rkel) SPECIAL Unbleached Muslin 24c a Yard A stunly. heavy quality of this useful material, which is "HI inches wide ( llmllllll) Special Pillow Tubing 28c a Yard Bleached and snowy pillow lulling, 3(1 inches wide, and quitr special at this price. (( lirslnut) Attractive Draperies Need Not Be Expensive Some of the piettiest are those with lovelv plain color on one side and pretty striped, figured or floweied material on the othei. You can easily make di aperies like this, and vou will quicklv see that these first-quality materials are inmieiately priced. Lovely meiceri.'ed aimuie in gieen, blue and lose i.- Mi imhe wide. at $1.25 and $2 a yanl. Poplin and rep in led. blown, blue .old ioe, green, etc., aio oil inches wide, at $1 and $1.25 a jurd. Like Velvet Beautiful velour is 50 inches wide, in dark blue, green, brown and old ro.-e, at &2.50 a yard. , For the Gay Side you can find nothing prettier, than armuie striped with pink or green with tiny Dresden flowers between. This is 5li inches wide and special at $1 a yaul. (ClirMliiit) SPECIAL Sheets and Pillow Cases Seamless, full - bleached sheets, measuring 72 x 90 inches, are $1.75 each. Hemmed pillow cases, 42x36 inclie- in size, aie 38c each. It ItCNtllUl ) A Sale of Rugs Much Below Market Prices The rug season is at its height; rugs and rug materials are mighty scarce; rug prices are soaring; and it will be difficult to replace rugs when they are sold at any price. Yet in the face of this, on Monday morning, we will place on sale a large number of domestic rugs al prices much below the market and this without sacrific ing one whit of quality! Seamed Axminster Rugs 4.(5 x G.6 feel, $10 and $14. fi x 9 feet, $22.50 and $24.50. 7. x 0 feet, $32.50. 8.3 x 10.6 feet, $20.50, $32.50 and $37.50. 0 x 12 feet, $32.50. $37.50 and $42.50. Wool-and-Fiber Rugs 27 x 54 inches, $2. 36 x 63 inches, $3. 7.6 x 9 feet, $11 and $12. 8.3 x 10.6 feet. $10.50. $11.30 and $15. 9 x 12 feet, $12.50, $13.50, $15 and $16.50. Seamless Axminster Rugs 4.6x6.6 feet. $15. 6x9 feet. $31.50. 7.6 x 9 i'cet, $37.50. 8.3 x 10.6 feet. $32.50. $42.50 and $47.50. 9 x 12 feet, $37.75, $42.50, $52.50 and $55. Linoleum Several hundred yards of good inlaid linoleum in a wealth of patterns is $1.50 a yard. (Chestnut) Specials on the Aisles Shaikui hit -or -miss Washable bath rugs, t Pretty blue rag rugs, rugs, 30x60 Inches, at 20x36 inches, at $l-w. S2.75. 27x54 inches at $2.atl. (Center Aisle) Tapestry Brussels Rugs 6x9 feet, $15.50 7.6 x 9 feet, $19.50. 7x9 feet, $23.50. 8.3 x 10.6 feet, $23.50 and $28.50. 9 x 12 feet, $24.50. $29.75 and $31.50. Wool Velvet Rugs 6x9 feet, $16.50, $17.50 and $27.50. 8.3 x 10.6 feet, $29.50, $32.50. $41 and $45. 9 x 12 feet, $37.50, $47 and $47.50. (r.'ast ,lsle) 25x50 inches, at $1. (West Aisle) The Blankets and Comfortables You Need Heavj cotton blanket.- for dou ble bed- aie in giay or white at S6 a pair. Wool-mixed white blankets with a .-ilk binding and pink or blue bordeis are 7G.rt4 inches and ' weigli six pounds. $12.50 a pair. All-wool Scotch plaid blankets are $18 and white or block plaid blankets of excellent qualit.v aie I $20 a pair. Foi single beds theie aie wool mixed white blanket.- at $8.50 and ' $10 a pair and all-wool blankets in white or block plaid- at $15 a pair. .lacquuid cotton blankets stait at $5 and go to $10 for some very beautiful copies of Flench blan kets in eNqulsite colorings. Cotton blankets in Indian pat terns are $G each. Special Cotton Blankets, $3.50 White cotton blankets, boitlered with pink or blue aie of a good size 66X80 inches , Cozy Comfortables I Cotton-filled comfoi tables are $3, $3.50. $3.75, $4, $4.50 and $5. In this gioup aie some comfort ables that are marked especially ' low becutu'e there is an extia ream in the covei'lntr. Women will up predate the savings, (Chestnut) Four New Blouse Models at $3.75 Two aie in white batiste and two are in soft white voile One of the batiste models is quite simply made, with many tucks and wide beading in the collar. The other has u surplice collar of tine blind embroidery edged with pretty lace. Voile makes such fluffy frills, and they are at their best on blousts trimmed with good inser tion. The fourth model is of voile. It bus a shiried squaie neck ue-.tly hemstitched and is trim med with nairow rulfles of voile. I Vliirkrl) Splendid Absorbent Towels lleavv cotton buck towels with hemmed ends have plairi or col oied holders. The, are 17x34 inches', at 30c. Bleached cotton towels in' a heavy, nlisorbent weave nre 18x36 inches. They have hemmed ends, ut 35c. Roller Towels that are ready to be slipped on the lollei are half linen. They are woven in a citsli weave that will absorb moisture and dry quickly. GOc each. Half-Linen Dish i uvvc-in , f jj I.'. ..JUnl .11..', lmir.li I'TYltt".' I .All liru, ...r-.. ........-, ... inches, have hemmed ends. Then-- are over n thousand of them , 30c each. Toweling llulf-llnen kitchen crash towe; ing. 17 inches wide, has blue ",; led holders, at 30c u yard. y Linen all linen crash towai' ing, 17 inches wide, Is 33c to 565,' a van), , '. (Cllr.(lllll) '; ift-a -f .'to.-ik; . .,., . !... jfr'.aVAJVfc,. ; -v.. -ii ii ymriflmMit-'-"-- - " -'' i"A'jyj- nmnMx .. v. - o .-i '"i wf1 JKsrafl
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