n x m X k t s to stl lainll inn ii - ' " ' '" ' - FJ? 50F IWO 75fArT 4Z, Wl FS A WINNER of Sixteen Is Worryinn Uecmtse lie Can't Male- Puns n'. ne L'p" Like His Friends, But Il eedn't-"Mahine TMf ," "Cut the. Party Go" Isn't a m rwv tr. make, friends! It's n ftuei-, . , ......-....-.- - , tlon ns ngo-tvorn at tho hllK and lie mi 'hoy (ill r new ns the latest hoy or girl Wmi 1ibi reached sixteen. il litre in a little note that came on , pestnl card. It proven tho latter part Kr. that statement. The bo Is six n 1 ftMfil The letter follows: t am sixteen ami am not able to IMc friends. I urn Independent ana S tRIKftllVe in coinimi.. ")"' sociable, but remaining to imwlt the rest seem to Joke and hne fan, but I ucmt seem in rinr t u don't think I am regarded ns very sociable. i;erDuy seems in i .""' L..I :.. .. . ,r,.- iMriL in lure, oui men- iur '.. i........ ......-,. -- iif- in ,in wlie.i one rets older than Ii.... thnt r. min lust inturallv fn--' Icets. to mal o Jokes ond cut up all th fttae. Our standards In m'enturlnQ Jrn?n rhanl-e .0 PS we crow a UUlo rmen cnanKe .u .-, ... ..-- ; oluer . . .. Perhaps It will Interest you to i ea, , i. ... ... .. a nn.lml tn irnat a Bin in iv.-uo-i' -...-. me the other evenlnc. ' "It's funny." she said, "win n I .uok , 1 hseV nn nil the bovs 1 used to know. I .!. .. V... T Hne lvtrfn nr srV L7nn ml first started to go to par-, i n-i. ... .,. . I-..- i ties I used to think tho bovs who made , ., r,Uf nnlui nnd keiit the crowd i jBOlnu the onl wortliwlil . oojanroui u. i Ami the l.nv who could keep up Hi.' mv.,7 ...ub ..... ...... - . fbest convertatlon was the one who in- Iways made a hit with me the llrt time . ... . -..... I met him. 'I went to won. wnen i 'ra' nun- i .v.. .- --- . , , Ileen. From that time on i oeg.in i' Jehance my mind about th- bo- v. In, Iml? olllce tl.e-o wero tti- usual olllce1 i. nlthniiirh I rmnctimes join mem in i i. I.I.,,,, ui i 4 tne one 1. ,""& "in M inrni,nd"l.PHnlcecno..Bhto what to do and sn. nui 11 now; ; i ...- rnon.l. this Is VS.WlV."ilw or- Wi'li 'bVhnt n reai lrl thinks .' the J " and rub ell i ,lh rt.c. of lemon Fb.Pibtalo know people later In life ,,ova wll0 m0 u,,le to Joke and W;,, e1' n,!,'!'1 .fTinJ? ,,h the nature 1 have now- fu;, . ,.. d , f r ,,,, h nk 1 , ,",';', '; ! T AM Bo,nB ,-n at the end of , Kl BS 'a J I W ,- pZ.T. thin. You will know more people t ill rs in m " udmlre ou ' r, ,a ""nato nr the strained Juice of tatof on In life with the nnture you rloils y and i Kf '? i oit m"uo Koo.I 1 '" ,f L ,"mH,t0-". " I1'"''' "' the Krated have now than any other kind. They 1-ee.tuse of thetn "p);0".1!5!,,,0I. Qu' rJ"a, ,,f thp I'nion and u small pimento la.? 2Z VvJ nrllnnllv had this n:i- the world doe. ti t core wh tliei o , eu( ,,iit t) Please Tell Me What to Do By CYNTHIA A Halloween Partv t Tlesr I'mnh I eel Birl tei i nrs iM .h ...... lit. ... n.l. . n t fr.v i. -It. n- nho.it Hslhliv n lurt. I nm ncm.tint re.d.r oC your r.il.mn I h.i.l i. "U""""! tnarty once liefon I'U' 1 lot m eopv ni; ... . ...n.ki. ...iiini. tir the riO- P-- n-ni.M vn.i .Irrrr I. the mom wi'h i.rnne snrt blsrk? llnw '"I1 .ni writ.' nut ii" nut. the I invitations to th- hll.lren- vyou'i vmi n n l.lck cats sr.l nratiite rm.nr.kln fnc on ln HtatlonsT Won .1 i.u pl'i's" rlie me .lire', ttona for flilnr up room" t Inve n. r writ ten to you perere i w... imm i--r ... ' i. r..-., 10 Are l.liefc hl.lenils c.t". moon., orange stars a. I rlaht to "In on a Ualloween costume for nu llttl" lrt'-r , r..' 1 wouldn't niapnon s i tit-jtiri ien .''!-- ia f..n tl.ia n nrt.l Y.1U COUld 1)0 t, fi'he spirit of Halloween In n costume nida nf orange erf no nniior or cneeF.- IjtVleioth decornted with bord.rs of little BAloiacK cats cm iroin "'". ," ''"' '."', ifcrlcap Is the regulnr wltchs In;'. Or j m auia De a iniieiari. i.-. .-...- ...... "-"" ron ana buui.ui.iic. wi .. ...... ....... 1. Tu can get a Picture of bow r ! irese.i in i irjbiic library. I 5' ..iwould decorate the room hi orange mid i IinacK anu wim coriin.ui. ...... ... ' leaves. ,in u.e aii...i. """' !lie wans ami sia-t- nnn ne win .......ue lhbon. Put the leave- l.rcl: o. tin .ictures and In tall vases. Make orange i ftades to go over the chandeliers it they re eieciric. On the invitations vcu night write this little vrroe. which I have taken from Harry Davvtoirs Came Ilo-k. On ell Halloween the witching: night. JCome up High street and turn to the i right ; Turn in where the pumpkin grins at .he gate. .... . , .. As close as you call to half past light. ui. oeiore inai ciuie a.une tneabo benu na accept or aeiiine. youi: KKii:xn. .-.The black cat and pumpkin i will be line on tne invitation and eu w ll Hie t- , ",", ; "". ',,,.' ,,",,',; .."','; ',"'" ," fce,CUt-outs on the tots' costumes, cnxV'"tuxllT:Vl,r K"M " 10 juur name nnu l win man )uu son.' amea and suggestions fcr ref eshnients. I Saj We Contradict Dear Crnthla X read In tan. . .n.ne'a column tha note stsne.1 "w.iuiheru 1-iddl-hlch puuled me Breatliv The marine MtM that he vraq twenty-seven stum of ana waa aeepiy in love wltn n t'lrl .r an. Me then aal.l that after ronfesslnc leva ror her ahe refused to recognize this L Now. aa he wan alHiur to leave for OTr tnerei his love upon the clrl of slxte.n .mi ' Mtrni rou are rontrsdleltnir Tt..r t.tm , tn other letters you hive always said rHSS oFMlWe?, urn"or-p elue'rl.a mLLl.' 'V5"' ' " nun... ,,.,- . ...mr tiuni .ii.terence neiween h inn 51.1.1 the .,.n T lor nut aausnier. nu it seems that sen "V. i.... u . 7 1 , . . ' uu "u not ''encouraging a man of twenty-seven in 'n .I" ola 'his girl Is. however. 1 THE WOMAN'S EXCHANGE Today" Inquiries l,'Kr the I'nltfd l.tlr employ women in Its secret arrvlir? 3- VFhere can one upplr for inforniall.111 aSoat the position of welfare sut.enis.tr c women ..crwr. in inun.iioii lujnm.- S. Wh was the first woman In the I'nltril 1 Mates to he enrolled in ine murine ortik reserve. 4, What 1 club toast; 5, What delirious dessert run he mmle from bread und bananas? 1 6, Hew can oatmeul be muile Into oJtn.eal Hour at borne? To Mm. E. I). H. I Will you kindly send me your full ' Hame and address, as a letter sent to oil tii been returned unclaimed There are ! e " itwo letters awaiting you here that I 4 fcvromlse to give aid to your little ones. ; NnU Wanted for Gas Msks , U I tht Editor aM'omun'fage: , Bur Madam Will you pleaae lell me , wkLeh nf tho nuts aro used in me manu- IfajHuin of faa maiki and what ta ex ICaiua from them that la u'MlJ,.r)..r. s hard shells, not the husks, of walnuts, blcKorynuis, nuiternuts. n (KnKiisnt walnuts, Japanese tuts and the pits, and, as you prob- know, tne pus ot eucn iruiis as es. nlums. nrunes. apricots and raa. are all exceedingly useful In the iMfacture of gas masks. The shells of B0 ana hiiiioiiub uiiiuvi uu ueeu. earbon In these pits anu shells is tn the gas masKS. it iukcs seven Is of hard-shell nuts 10 produce h carbon for one mask. Wartime Fiuit Cake .s IF Sditor of tl'oniau'f Puur Madam Not very torn aro there ap- on th Woman's l'ace u. reQjpe for (xult cak in wnien injuaiiiuie nour vruo Instead of aurar waa used. ,rlej enoucb to loae the clipping. SMt slea.s print It acaln? Thanklnc " CON8EWVATION. (lad to report the recipe If tne foou aaminiatrauou; alr.On..l.3rlAF rnnfllt ..hnrt 71 .. ...... -....... . CUP1UI corn ayrui', buikuujii 1 syrup; two csgs, two-third two leaepooniuis vaniim. eunful rice flour, three. I wrier uour, two tea-iiv auiv pv.i.uuuui or unuru 111 ma nnu Vw4r, d taaapoen. I die. Inmost cases the old-fashioned a )cse F0 CAN ONLY BE SORRY YOU DIDN'T BVYMOREBONDWm63ma-: r 1 JOKES MOS T ! World - Heating Talent 'cut-up.. ' It didn't tnke raei." .. trace n fesemhlnnce between them nnd the bovs who kept th" crowd koiiik j the nitty And t found serious-minded bovs iilllellv going about Hie pmce doing their woik and standing In mt h, , wUh th ,u.iUiH l)f the company, Th(, fjt,e,r boV)Wpli- ,,roplo laughed nt their Jokes, but no one si-vmiu . "r.?".r "!', menu rve come to look fur men who go aDotu ir. s. themselves seriously or who lire minus n sense of humor. Hut the man In the world I most of all line to meci i v. i.u !..- t Know now u. .-.-,, .... 1 ... 1.n... llA ,. or noi. When .vl en to parties ni.e ini- ..- 'ton- -nurse of m-tlon. o not trv to cut up If on don't feel like It. In t i be Independent or morose about It. .In :; -. - ,,,.,.,. M:lUe our 'i '.nf,,i t.atho itlrls with tlv "''-.,' ,nl(;nnd0. r.ct tho name i . 1)0llt. "", "r courteous and ery' oniimu You enn l"ani to be more i:uuiuie by Ueenlm; nbrtnst of the niole.s nnn other similar nvittcrs discussed fi Rood - - - - . ,.,, . ,.., ,, bit by voiinc lcupie. mi J"" ; ' lef alone Willi a rii i. nun. '"""" ui.ov. u.- ...... . -. -- in", to school, where she M" nus ne ... ... .... i., ,,i.n,.. it ioi n sue .nntlnns. etc. t)l Will SOOn 11" al vncuno nie in .., ... x .,, i..i. .Ann .... :.. i convrrsatlnn. do noi leci you , must b" tiilMim omij room, ni . i time Ho not keep nuuy fioni the , e ...... nvrt .minn.-. i nuricous. .ru... .. - .,,,,, sensible, honorable and not proud. they can't help but want otl around' -iueen Is too .mint tn love or wli'i k girl of Ktr"li lovs h man at that se "1; ' v..ilfl mil .1" po ..hen hr wits twenty P-rtnt.s ou favor the men In uniform in.) think thetn north, of any slrl. Hut It .1-wnrt nrnl fiilr. althni.Kh t'nelo Vim s Iks ahnul.l pive th" pick. MAKIM'.'S HWnr.THHAltT V.. n.. ., crr.ml ei.l., . e 1,. Pl.t ell I ,.,,.' .-. nf uUteen tn love nt that age, nor did wc encourage this girl Hut Southern Laddie's" letter was mi rcnulne thnt we considered be had the right to write to her Miller. There was no advice given to him to enforco his love. On the contrary, we shnpl lol.l hlni to write to her and sn why he bad not written before i That wns no "bov " love, nnd had n right to a heirlng from the father, and wi wc advised him to write to him. Some ..t... .. ...u. . .. . .. .......... ... fn m ..ve at that age with boys of their ov.n age and at times with older men im,i n,.. afTalr has turned out verv bap- puy. We reserve the privilege of J'Jflg- ,n!, ,11P ,ttPrs w ,. receive and tr to give ,ho ulUWe ,,ev, KUltod to cach individual ........ .. i ... ...... ... . Vc dr 1()t t,'lvor ,r tt, 801vi(e an.v more than others. Somi limes, my dear. w. ilo not publish the full text of u iPtte,r- lUt answer the full text, anil t n,er nf the letter understan.'s If ,!(, 1)lK,r readers do not We aim to ,vauy lM tho writer who needs help In our column. I'urzle.l l.over Drilr ,,,,,, , ,.. . Joune elrl and she un.l I Iwohine ,lvph .levi.u.l t.i eneh oihrr I toM tir I lovt.l , " l '" "rf,,i "ne .oven nn nearly tnounn It'; Wk''!,W,l?"ltZ 3iurnS2l . vl.lo.i .m.-ntlon to her. Alo. her father has .been .le.ul for some time. Mj father will o. iei me atieiii. 10 ner near relatives, er mother Blves her permln-lon to bo out with me hut her uncles think ahe . too ne i;on.: Him a vounv fallow tne l ."'"' ,l"'-all know I love tier dearly by the Mj lir.ithrr Is jealous as he I (,0 tBr of m frl'tnl ami I. iitwioi. trjlng to l.ri, our .rir.iupiiip ..; Inc thn- 1 i.ni ton 01,1 ... eo with h. r T et.nnot help hut pav- attention to her us I love her lp,.rlv, and I eannot hrenl. i.ur frien.ls'ilt.. She h:.a aeerpte.1 clfts from me and nhotozraphs al-o, o I t.pow she tar. a for tne She baa akt.l me tn Join n .t.m-lni; la--.nil t will do ko Would It b neeearf to tell my father I am eolng to hr .linrlnit ela" H n. J. five enr.s nre ctrlalnly not too grrat wouiu certainly call on her. Iln.v r... volt loin n tbtnelnr. .t.,LU . moving a wav" Ye-tenlaj's Answers '' 1,,M..t..nr.'f", .?' I'.'. """""""I host ... "",".. ,or ."". llnllone.n purty I. rilneil tliroual. the ,nt. ThU I. mn. e l.i the shine nf 11 bout Hint fit. lenell.. wise on the lieutl. Th. fr-.mer.ork U m...le of rur.ll.urd ni.,1 while en,., I. re peit.te.1 eamoulhtr, U pa.te.1 onto Tblli' nie rest of the toXnine I. of white eSIno'u'tb,"""' 'n nelrii "r"" ' !. To hake rrnsll-s. I..,,,,! tn. ,! tn ...e one-pountl hiklnc pon.lrr foe .,on. ril Tor .. one.pm ,r . p, r,to',a;n t.i.i. This h. rrense.i nn.l t,V tin", hi" Bllowe.1 to rl. In It until lejrl"'?, ,n of "reaV""" ""' n, """ '" '"oVh S The pinto Is-ati 1. n Mrtltitn bean. ue of Istrutlon It N Urr-r ihun tht na,, l.ulT rnlorr.1 and ntottlril, I, (iirese dreams nre muile br muklnr onll nary ni.rt..,. of bi.ttere.! brrad ?nd ;iln-.llril tbeese. nnd then broinln these qiilrltlr en both sl.le. I :".. '""' ''"tier In a hot frylne pan. 5. The under nart of a double Iwller ran b used to Imll ems or smalt vecetahles, !,,,'"?,'r",, ,ronU. ,n "' upper. Thla - - --....i. . . " K,,ar,p;ed,b.',.rbuet,,"" "","1" "" lip siiv once in a u..v spoonful ginger, one tablespoonful cin namon one cupful (hopped raisins, one quarter cupful chopped nuts, one-quarter cupful chopped citron. Mix fat and syrup Add egg yolks and milk. Iut chopped fruit and nuts In batter and add dry1 mateilals slft.d ,, together Fold In stiffly beaten tcir VV whites. Hake In loaf or mutlln tin The lalslns and nuts may be omitted and the mixture baked as u plain spice cake. Games for Halloween To Hit l.diior ot tt'oinau't Vaot Dear Madam Will you please tiva m aonio names for a Halloween party? How ahould I arranca my hair, aa I am to b an old-fashioned girl? Wilt you pteaae answer by duturda), aa the party will be Monday evening? Thanklnc ou for tour trouble, If, I rev. .ratwnu ..ere i.inll.a tr. l.a a. i..ln In - ...v .. .- .....u . , quicij ... time for the part). The old-fashioned J . .- 'c, w. ... ila.. ... n .u.i over her shoulder and the front of It In a Ferris urrs nvr Hir mening public HOW FRENCH WOMEN COOK TO SAVE FOOD Recipes Here From Their Kild.etis Creole Fish imtl Other Good Ones It Is Interesting to American house wives here to Know how they eat to wn In far-off Trance. The French housewives arc noted f.ir their uillnnry cooking. They can almost matte some thing out (1f nothing. Kere are recipes sent oer from tho kitchens of France, "'' from the Delineator rri-ot. riii One and one-half poumi fi1t Dun lemon. One tcaponnfut bullrr nubstlliitc One trasiioonfut Innl. 0i(on . One-half ntpful loinalo juice ll'ivor of rind nf lemon One umall nlminto. Kir icaspnonfuli tlrr. ''Itati the inn nre, to preent the fish from coollnc I If the sauce has lhlel:n, .1 n,i,i n itm miner Kiiiisutute. Ill another pun cool. he ri. e for tuentj minutes In a very j It le mil ater. so that It Is terjr thick ' t'lirre oufllp One.ihiul quart milk. Ilntlcr substitute siir nt iontn.,1 Our tablcsiioonful flour. , Our and Are-iiohthi ounces Swiss or 4,llrr rlcr,,r- 7ico joi;.-i ,i)ii. live whiles of cfirf 51eh the butter substitute and mix li with the flnur nnd Hi., ntii.. i..i. '"l ".... ...... ...,, stirnrg constnntlj until It bolls. Add ,( , , iuinir ..n n, time " " ...v. . - over n slow lltv. When well blended nil. I bait and pepper, and remove from the fire Add iptlckly the yolks of eggs, then the well-beaten whites. Tour In a he.itdl timid. Cool. In a warm oven ten minutes, nnd m tve Immediately. MLi.i-: iii:it.M.iNi: n.xci:s. I'ari", France I'nittpMn rmlillng flu ri'iprici- mrrllum-stzcd pumpkin Tu n trappnnit fuh, cornstarch. I'our teaspoonfitlx sugar. it ilk. One tnblripuonfnl butter substitute. Viittllla. t'ut the pumpkin In small pieces, and boll In salted water until tender; drain and mash. Add cornstarch, sugar and butter substitute Wend with some milk and flavor with vanilla Cook in a hot oven one-half hour. m nnoss.Mtiv. Lyons, France, ltlie ( rnirti With Apricot Cook rice In lnllk and put In a bul- tered mold with a chimney. When cool turn Into a fruit-dish Cook dried aprl- ! cnts and pUce halves around the top ' of the rrow'n Strain the remainder of the fruit through a fine sieve and pour In the hollow of the crown. If this I dish is desired hot, put the mold in the oven for a few minutes before trimming It with the apricots. ' MLLIl. ULLKNi: COLLHT. Versailles, France. Combination Kite and .Meat 1 Our laroe onion. One tabtrspoonful butter substitute. 7'tco tablrrpoonfuts olii'e oil. Salt and pepper. One and one-half vupfuli rfir One.half tan tniniitocs. I.eft.uvcr meat One plats tcaler. Cook the onion over a slow tire, add hulter substitute, olive oil, salt and pepper and rice which has been picked but not washed. Stir a little. When the rice Is slightly brown add the toma ' toes, after piesslng flirough sieve, left- 1 n u nli.onu rf linptf liAnf tnllf nn im i,eUen nnd i class nf water Let cli'cKeii, una a glass or water. i.ei ...is s.i.i.... .. ..an .. i..u. u.. a ,j low lire ana serve vvniie not. jnANN'i-: m: st. glin. N'eullly-sur-Seltie, France. THE SEMI-EVENING FROCK IS BROCADED , 11 'llii in a Worth (town of fold ami lilaiL broia.le. The draped skirt is in velvet and lined with brocade Counting on Women America Is counting on women to do their part In the loan, Thcro In Just today to fulfllT the trust If you have fallen down on It, You can buy bonds until 12 o'clock tonight. After that you can only bo sorry you didn't. i mm&m msni.tSiiP8sh. wbBI? Wj jpSiM?fliiuDEumA,TiiftAy ENGLISH EDUCATIONAL MISSION WMBfiK Mli they begin to bubble WmmF ifo.s- Tiore J-iivr tc even nf (.real llrituin's forcmn-t ..liolar are inspecting I'liila.Iel-pliia- iri'litiili.in- of learning. In the purtv are two of Filmland's greatct woinen scholars PICKLE SOME RELISH FOR WINTER'S USE Green Tomato and Piccalilli Mccipes That Arc Different PICUI.KS place 'ii have their own p.. uilar the menu, although they te posfss little- food value. They stlmu-ibonl late the appetite and tspiclnlly now, when Americans are endeavoring to use and like the various meat substitute dishes In place of the Moaks and roasts of other .la.vs, plav lug an Important part In making the meal an appetizing one Tlie following recipes are offered for less expensive s rups may ecpially well. t.reen 1'oniata Pickle Our prel; n.rrn tomotvr. tro pouuilH onions. ttnr.qiiarter to one-half p.nt salt. Thiec quarts vincpar. t)nc pound sugar or One-half pound sugar and One-half pound syrup. 1 ico tablespoonfuls currp puwdei. Two tablespoonfuh of turmeric. One tablespoonful arouud tinnamon. One tablespoonful ground allspice. Out tablespoonful mustard. Chop or slice the tomatoes and onions and sprinkle with the salt and let them stand over night In the morning drain off the liquid and put the tomatoes and onion In a preserving kettle with a quarj of the vinegar unit a iuait of water. Let the mixture boll for live minutes and then drain To the drained tomatoes and onion add the spices, ugar nnd two tiuarts of vinegar and then boll for fifteen minutes, counting from the time the bent tit .If those who have an from burning. If blown sugar Is not ' in r ranee, ami sue is inc neaii oi mo "popular' scale ui prices mr ui: mm abundance or green tomatoes fiom gar- jirocurablc. Imitate Us Hut or by uIug ; ,... 'J'1'5' .a.101 "'npanv. riie- com- tnu.. den or market In the late fall when they granulated shear or corn svrun. nnd ..he : '."?.. J8. Jl" '".. '.lR,:r.. '"Vluends, i.ro- - .1 . 1 , 1 . . r 1 , . . tiuiiuiK moit' i;ui'ii. 11 m iihiiik more m itd.inl nr ilea i a h ifu mus. be saved from destruction by fiost. , Ua.poonful (or more) of caramel. .KCS m .,,. h;fore t ,'ts history: I T , , ' , inUcnhlii ttrclietr.i AbsocI- In all cakes an rffort has been made to T llia,iP R c.lrmc, HyrlI .,,.,, lnnJ. And she has her finger on every vvoith- tl"!1 hl , , " , ,,. ,nn.e, season use corn syrups Instead of sugar n far , ,,e imttle.l and kept for future use- while object going on In towr." atloii that f,'u';'' '" c?c 0ber 18- ur. ,w.-c.i. mu in iii..!.!.--.. i.i ..,..1.-1 ...... llrnltn inn.nlc.rter lie 1IKCU I A Maid and Two Men Thb Story of the Girl Who Was Left Behind By HAZEL DEYO BATCHELOR Cotvrialit. till, by LIV .STJUI.UN nilANDKU told me.' Jack's J.JL words were not passionate, but very, very bitter, as though he had tasted life to the very bottom of the cup and had found lr harsh to the taste. 'Oh, how could she. how could she?" "She did It for jour own good," Jack re.uilir... Kuth's mind went back in rettospect to the day she had told Helen about her I feeling for Hcott Raymond. Helen had dlF.ipprovtd vlgorou.d). She had begged Uuth not lo go on with things, but Ruth had been determined Why had she told Helen? There had been no reason for It excepting for the fact that she needed to contldo In seme one. nd now Helen had taken It upon her self to till Jack. What would happen now" "Oh. It happened logically enough." Jack went on "I met Helen on the way over and we stopped to chat a few minutes. I spoke of the apartment and of the fact that I had bought you the piano, and He'en looked so strange that I asked her what was wrong. Then she asked me If I were sure ou loved inc. Oh. Ruth, It wus ti iuetlon I dreaded lo fac.. I wasn t sure, that was It. I couldn't be sure After I had come home, our attitude had hedged me about tilth some measure of bel'ef, but way down In my bean I knew that you didn't love me as I had thought In the iieginnliig Then this afternoon, when I touched ou whv your body Just seemed to shiver away In my nrms. I felt ou shudder even while I held you. I was mad I guess, mad for n moment or 1 couldn't have kissed you that way against your will." "I Just stared at ner for a m'nute when she asked me that" Juck tvent on, "and then I asked her why she had asked the o,uetlon. She looked at me. for a long time and her face- grew bo white and her eyes so determined. 1 wanted to Mop her and yet, I knew what she was going to say. and I knew that I had to listen. The.t she told me.'." "Oh, Jack, what did she tell you7 It Isn't true, jou have ..o rlsftt to believe It. Helen had no right to tell ou any thing of the kind" Ruth was almost beside herself; her castles were all toppling down around her. It , was eas'tr to cling to life as It had' been than to face a new future of doubt und fear. Jack caught her arm roughly "Don't lie to me now," he said fiercely. "I don't know what your motive was In acting the He all this time, for nothing has been gained by It. I don't know whether it was because you could not 1'ut In Jars which hae been thoroughly scalded In hot , water and seal The Bp'.ces used must be of good qual ity , buy only the best, especially with mustard and curry, for an Inferior i grade of either may easily raute the ' recipe to be pronounced worthless Cardamon may be used Instead of curry, for It Is one of the common Ingredients nf curry. Corn syrup Is a fair sub stitute for sugar Utown sugar Is usually liked even belter than white. t fMrenlllll or t.reen 'lomatn KelUh Tuo quarts fneen fuhinfor'. Onr-nuarttr pood sited inbbane. four farpe or five small otifoiti. 7 tco led peppers. One preen pepp'r. Three larpe dill otekles nr 'llirre larpe curmnhtrs Unc-quarlcr ounie tclntc surf tliir.rinircr oniue Mnifr mtt(ard mustard sred One-quarter ounce . rlcrp sird. One-quaitrr ounce it hole elores. Three-quarters hiaspoouful tumeric powder. One-quarter cupful still One-half cupful sugar or wrap vine pur to cover. chop the vegetable line, add the loves, tied In a sin.t'l piece if cloth. nntl other splics: cover with oncsiuArter cupful salt and lei stand over night In nr other tnrthinnnre dish. Drain off the salt 111 the irornlng, and add sugar and enough Mtieg.it to cover. (Mix the vinegar with one-third or one quarter Its own measute of water. If the sharpness of a strong vinegar Is objectionable) took the mixture until tender, stirring occasionally to keep cup ugar In a smooth Iron skillet, stirring constantly, until It begins lo tutn black I Add one-quarter cupful boiling water, stir until all the sugar Is dissolved and a smooth, datk, thin syrup Is obtained, with a somewhat bitter ta'te. I (iiimchow Tito quarts chopped git en tomatoes Three pints chopped cabbage. One pint chopped tncry fine I onions and green peppers. One-half cupful dry mustard f lllA-Lrtl? .Illi.l ., t.J... .....-,. f -..-. fine e,.c,i r..i.,i .,....,... -i. ' One cupful sugar and one ' cupful s",l' . i. . , , ., One-half cunful i rleru srrH A.t.i .. ..unnii ,.t ..i. ... i. ...-. or tomatoes and cabbaire anil let st.i.i.l ' . ' ' - , over night. In .... , . tne morning squeeze, urv. siir lit an ine otner ii.D.r..iiieniu .....i . t.V. it. . cover with cold vinegar. One cupful of olive or other oil may be added to one cpiurt of chowchow. tf desired. Spices , may ue varieu accoitiitiB to pleasuie and convenience Put Ho Ltdgcr Co. 'utlio Ltiatr Co. i bear to give UP the mateiial things .),.( you would gain by a marriage with nie. or not. Perhaps ou are that kind Ruth's sobbing ceased and she looked up ut Jack slowly. "Do you really tntnk th.it nr . Jnckr ' Jack was beside himself. ! ,,,... know what to think!" He ...", ..n-i ...... .....,.u men ucieii uiuu t tell jou anvthitnr but the fact that I didn't love von'" T....1. ..l ... J 'HI . i.u... n u saining continence. Jacks scathing lemark had stung her to the quick with Its injustice. I suppose you have a right to think that of me." she said, speaking sl0iy and I guess In a way J .Jesene it Net so long ngo I think the standards ...uu.riu jacic nodded slowlv ..... I . . --aw-. "Then 1 began to think." n.,11, on, choosing her words and neakli.T !. kt.uufc.. v.. 111 uiiueuity. "I bfrrat. tr. -.. uncomfortable, as tnouch I c. ,. . .,0 seenritv 1. is. .1.1. ., toultl nn'' Ir,r?Im.s. ,?r .,,lnw ttw M n made me tecure I was unhappy, x felt uigd. pushed Into the war ,, , " sented It. I hand the war. It wus to bir? ana so letemiess, and I was so smalt nnn 11 ueen.e.i titnt 1 ---.., .... .. ..- ..., , .vauietl oi uimosi every g ri 1 knew u.,. ... . ine two saw ner uuo. iuii "Jio ner ... .,,i ,, those material ones v.m SL "!ro Ju V "No. I'll be all right In a minute.' I'lea-e chances with tin possible closing of having o wonder vnn m .1 ? "" of w" ' ou '"-'l' Jlm7" she "a,u- ",ld 'f tl"'lr '""" "tudlos this year, as was ihlin nf ... nL " ",lnk sucl1 "li felt she must scieam with the pain the case last season as u lesult of the n.ouht tl.Ht nf ,n. t m0. ."onder J"'1 In her feet. ' fllfl admlnlstiutlop's lestilctloiis. mil ,,'k, .., '""" theie must The had JlmmleH Tnce patched up ,)lev are sending their companies lo Fat- have been something f lat , , u Ml0rl while. It was nothing very wl.le photographic conditions at first, something that could be in,h. serous, the doctor said. ".Now If you ll "or , , ' , TllB .ii,,,,,, .,! HU.i, .,.,. ...., with pretty clothes ,.,,,1 ,?.,,, U.Bh come In mycar." he added, "we'll take ?ve Ideal. H ell mate Is su 1 t coal .....,, !, Tit . .. "-1"1 nu -ol, rlcht home neco nes n nunu. v..n.ur.....u, .... ,.,c did n't 1 Sow if 1 ?,"," Jacl' "H fou'd just give me your band." , sunlight of t,ucl, a nuallty that .. 1 ..., 1 ,' 'h?,Ui?1,t ' Io"' Jou: said Mary. "I'm afiald I' hurt my ehctrlclty need be used ami want ou to believe me when r foot a little." Nell Wyder looked Into! pi.,,, .,111 be mad In ihe faster.. ten jou so oil wil, won't jou?" her big brown eyes 11 moment. A H,udl0!l however, wheie the stars nre .-rrV.W hr'Thiut aS1ulng on the spoken stage ,w , of the who ,eawor,da",vV,t M , a w". unu' needed liir'pVofe.- yir out or bega lug to keep you safe at home, f wanted' you to sacr'flce, to feel ti,tttr YO . , to get out with the others Your J. .....,!.. .lA. -.1 . .. .will HI ii.uuw n.i.ivjiu me ai angared ine ine, I couldn't help it Jack icalnst II hut it .ii.iL.. I .m,uV .,...,.. U,llt,t m"Ir. things ou could give, me b,BHr; fought against and the to seem small in compnr'son with the tlilnga mat you could do Iru thla I,-- scheme of things or the little heln thii I could bring to the people irj . . i ine Oh I thought n iJreaC .lint l'Ult ne. un. i inougnt a great deal about love In those days when I was WBB1IB up. Jack, and I d'scovered that something that Helen apparently did not tell von I discovered that I had made a inlatnir. wiat your money could give me, butl b4use I felt, that I had to make un to ' JMftiJf a" thatroubJe I bad caused)" In the beginning and that It had been I ,,cnW?. K,,."il .h.lrl whoVZi s Bcott Itaymond that I had loved all Te 'rfj :'o ely.S l?TlC time. That why I was BonB on w,,h RXae,.5 would be. "the v rl who wai thlngJ, Jack: not because I nni.,i I ..itr.ni'' ii .in in h i iiWMJii TURKISH TOWEL SET FOR CHRISTMAS GIFT Ill Blue, Pink and Yellow De signs Dainty White Undergarments ITTlVL'uY once In a uhlle I am Rolns to J-J tell von about an article whl!i would make n (rood Christinas gift, for the doors on all publlo iiiretlnK of liny r am sure that the p'Udent shopper and J1'"0,' ll ,H, now thoiiRht that the re Patriotic woman has already made out ' 'L,!t,M ' "" W0" " bVl her Christinas list, mid Is lieelnnlnjc to , "' '.'n",Ilp1 nnnounceinents can be made 'cast about her for suRRestlons, This then ""', i r ii STV., ."A '""" ' will tell you of u lurklsh towel set con- , ""''1 of "'alth. this Is expected next slating of laipe bath towel, n guest towel, nnd a wash cloth. These sets,' W all the attract Ions which weie cur which oiinin In white, with yellow, pink "enl at the vailous theatre of the city or blue, designs, nre priced nt $t.CO. For when tho closing order wus published, 'he wutnan who 1ms her own home or ' "' c"e will itrnialn when the curtnln niMittnent, this set should proe h most welcome Rift, for one ran neer have too many tovuls As far as I can eco II, the only reaHon for the iimuxliiRly low pi lees of the ex- nulslte combinations I ijw today Is be cause, they are nf a sufi white material instead of pink hIIK. ltut there ate many jof us who prefer a dainty undeiRannent of white when we cannot afford the ex. pensle coinhinatlonH of best silk. These combinations are of unbelievably soft, .sheer material, with n profusion of fine lace, and delliat lmud-cinhrnldercil In set is. Some have ribbon shoulder straps, while others have the ngulatlon corset cover gift, for coinbl n'ir prouo, For the names qf shops where ar ticles mentioned In "Adventures "With n Purse" can be purchased, nddres ndltor of Womnti's Page, IlvnNlsa Poiiwc l.KDfinn. or phone the Woman's Department, Walnut 301)0. 77: DAILY NOVELETTE Tin; (Jill Who Wus Different .'; V.dith M. l.ochctt CP.OSS the little "lunch table at the f Htlrlze dining rooms, Mary Hnrnup smiled and Joked with her hrother - ln - law, Jim Waltly. It was his treat to tons. For personal wear, for "i -New Yotk last season. Alma Tell, i.., , "V,,;. ".'l' "' r"? !'" r i.u." the hop-chet, any one of these who plajed the leading role In New, When the police ' ftimi,i t i L JIim...; nations "hould make their posses-, 'orK' xvl" he seen In the pla at the uuell the disorder Schmelder was or jud, Adelphl. 'deted to leave town and did so In a I Ktliel Harr.vmore will be the re- hilny iai.e ins sisicr-iti-iaw to iter lavorne i iie ,,ten at the Shubert. dining iilnce whencer she came to. town on business. One ould enjoy . .,,,,, , , .,,,..,,...,,. ,,.. seclusion here, for each table was con-' fy111'1, rcol,e,"B altractiuns, pu cealid on three sides by heavy elvet'v-' vlously announced, will be Mary curtains ! ltynii. In "The Little Teacher.- at the Suddenly Mary stopped chattel lug a tlarrltk, a comedy of rural life In the nreinetit. "Listen! Wliv. Jim, 1 believe hills of Vermont; the 1918 series or the thof men ate talking ahout me" . Zlegfel.l "Follies" at the Forrest: and "Well, we'll have 'none of that." re-. "The Kiss Hurglar." one of hist sea-1 til'erl Wnitlv elut.. n.i.t liml.liii. c.1. I.. t.. ...r..l Va. "V'nt.. .ii.tdleat '"."J1 ,h,e -tirtalns In the direction from ... ... ...i..... .,.. ...... ...u....m n.ju i. vvhkli the Found of the voices came Maty lose. too. "Wh.v. It's only Tom Monall." she said ; "but that other, he Isn't that great doctor, Xell Wydcr, is he-' tened. for Mary wanted to hear. ' "I tell you there'H no one like her." Totii .Monall was saving. "She has taken a man's place and filled 11. Her brother', I.. -tj.it ,. n ia ti. ,...,.. r set that I've met are an lijsterlcal, Itn - praetkable lot. For nerve, give me a man. Su, Tour, you're not In love, are ycu?" "A lot nf good It did me." answucd Monall. "Mary Utirnup told me Just about what stle of a man she'd marry when she got rend v. and sa.v, old man,' 1 didn't till the bill." "Oh!" whispered Mary. "Jim. I guess I've heard all I care tu, wait for desscit. Let's go.' Don't let'HiwIll be made later. "Suie." he mild hinlllng. Hut .member Tom didn't say anything that JXed ""wril I'n,T'meete,'v ou" ta Tl) this- afternoon with the loadster and ,.mi ri.i ..... i,,.,.... ........i....... o tbev tiatte.l and went their wovs. o five o'clock ." "". !"" !"" . .. , ,,,,, t,, ....... ... n.... .... ,. v.j.cii ..uiu I. ei his slster-ln-law. ............ , ,., . ..... ...,,,-... ,. ,,,. gizeo, nui Hoineimng was wrong win , ,i,e stierlng gear and I had It looked. at Told me to bring the car In again ..... ........ -..... . - . ... tomorrow. Said he had fixed It for me lemporatij nnu tomorrow lie 11 make n permanent Job of It, but It would tako levernl hours now. It's all tight, .Marx, ii.rti 111 mnme.it Inter ll.ev tv . r i.n tl.olr wn.v. and Jim wasc teasing about Tom 17 All these loncerls come on Mon Xlonall. Suddenly his face grew sober. ,iH.. replugs except that In February. The) weie Just descending what was .. ,., rneert falls on a Wednesday known ns Iamg Hill. "Oh. Mary, I be-,"I"', tlu ,' ',,!,, ,,;",". .,,,. ,,. Ileve the steering gear has jpane back evening. This slight change Is due to on me," be exlcatmed. I unavoidable complications In booking Tut the brake on! le the re-, verse!" she shouted. "Can't you stop,nton lncc laVt spring and about "5 the car. Jim?" .per cent of the oichestin's pcisonuel Is Mary "j'urn p'ad "land ediVn,5eU n- T rTllnZVVln' ZZl little heap on tho soft grass on the Idltlons and the draft have been mien nlliee ul.le nf ll.o rn.i.l When she opened her eyes and sat up. astlc musicians. The pi ev ailing lulluen she saw that the car had run Into the ya compelled the postponement of the sanu cmuaiiKmeni on ine oiner sine ui ihe road wit blood flowing do one thick and crlng tlrfit he was hurt. He was sure be. had cut an in tety. Hut ..r tit., llfn ,,r ip nt... f. .. u ir nl... ,.,.t,i nt t m tn .In n..vil.l..t- nt nil rresentiy another car nrcw up. anu who should step out but Tom Monall and Dr. Nell Wyder. Mary diew her mouth Into a film little ilite. and though her feet ei,ei and throbbed she vowed she would lather die than make one whimper be- foie the man who had said: "When It comes to nerve, give me a man II 1111. i.iu ,.r,r. uhnnt her tn heln her rise, nn.l as she did so the girl gave a short. bt'eathlejs gasp and tainted. .... e" "".', . '.."... ankles." he said, when he had exumliied them "Nerve! why the girl's a' won- dir!" he exclaimed. "Who Is she?" 'That's Mary llurnup," snld Tom Monall. 'nt' aY ,,"lt s'e" Wyuer U1,J "ut . '"'"' "iucii nine in s.ii.us ucuer nc ' iiuuintcd with Mary, and even after she It wasn't a great while, either, befote lr asked her the one b'g iiuestlon. ' Vou're so dlfTeient." he said, "so w'on- .. ,,!., rem wni.e. Fuller. . tern, a , "nl1." ,"!'B ' ore to him. like every one for vvhal ou she snld as she suuggltd up "no. not inai. rm m.t e else, and If It hadn't beiu lda about me having nerve. 1 believe I'd have cried out, and mujlie anted roousn uae aim. H mn'1 n"U Iie.r ,UM.i T1""1 . ,,e l"ea"t but murmured sometli'iig about '''t must have been before he knew her. Hhe mutt haJe answered the one JiJ nui atlo". very tatlsfactorlly. for he bad his aim around her. Then he, the i man who had once said that the. women ' ft his set were an Hysterical, imprac- Monday's Compacts Jfovclelt A' UlUKQJrQ gtSD"' v iitrvfes PLAY BILLS A'rii J'oyj mid Musical Comcdicti. Seawn'i Orchestra Concerts WrViM AI.TIIuL-DIl the theatres and otherlr.i "1 :,'","'!;V,"lH ' ,,,0 ' '"rn 'V M ,,i,l, ,.. , , . . BiM'ig personal ser ce u many In- J-X publlo amusement places of theUji.nce, t aid th. Inlluena victims, city bale been closed since Thurhday, I ''CelliiR that more substantial aid would October :i, as a means of pieVentlngl , e acicptable. exhibitors lalsed $100 the ,pr,d of the epidemic of Innuenza, '"ZJ?' X ' hey will nut reopen Tor at least an-l'hls week. The lluatre pien met under other week. For the last llirre weeks 'ho allspices of the I'ennsyhanla Mo- inanagrrs limn simply i,t?n marking time, "Miung ror ucaltli Director K'ruscn tt cancel the i-dlct hlcb rlusril "Ram Roes up. The entrrtulnniciit which has evhlhlted sultlclent ltallty to surle t liter weeks of the Influenza tpldiiulo Is "Leave U tn Jane." which win lesuina Its run at the Opera House, .. .. .r,umo us run at ine upera House, wheie Its engagement has been extend- cd despite, earlier bookings for the inu- flcal comedy In New York. jV1'' SPIICIAL hnportance among the v aniiouiucnients of new atti actions -w ....viiuvciiiriiLa ui lli.M iiiuni-iiviij . ..I,.... I. I n , ' ""' ' " IInK for the reopening ,.f I'lilladclphla the.', I,, "lories '" l,,I"l,ri,ll"n "f Amer atres Is the news th.it "llyes of Youth" Loan vv inkers enteted the house and will be seen at the Adelphl This dra- tt.lunei.Ier agreed tn tnke. a $50 bond matlc novelty, dealing with the worklngsi Me was forced li. kiss the flag nud theii of a cr.M-tn! ball. enJnytVJ a inn of al opening attraction at the Iiroad In It C. Carton's comedy, "The Off Chance," hi which she appeared In N'ew York last 'l,n tl t. ............. .... ..-.. ..... ..h.... past season to three productions at the iLjceum Theatre In N'ew York, of which. I "'l'l... ir ....... ..r l. n...L. . .. .... ......uv: wen iinr .11 mr ,ii.. successful. Her other play.s were A. A Milne's comedy, "Ilellnda," and Kdward Sheldon's eislon nf "Cnmlllc," called "The Lady of the CaniflJIas" Lust week It vvns announced In this column that "The Maid of the .Mountain," the musical comedy recently produced at the Casino Theatre In N'ew York, would be neen at the Shubert, when the "dark" period Is over. That announce ment has not been withdrawn, but ' there Is now some uncertalnt whether , that attraction or Al .iolou. In "Mn- , bad," the sneetiicibi.. musical revile, will miiih r.iiL:itpniu, . ,,,ii. .., .....-.- eoimdy productions, at the Lvric In n.l.lltloi. to these dramatic nnd musical pioductlons, "llcails of the World" will be llrst offering at the Wal nut when the ban on cntertalnmenls Is . .. i n...... .. i. r-...,!i. ni... .. ...mi lvhl background of the war see is ot he perennial In Its appeal t.i I hlla- delphU audlenceH Its rorthcomlng presentation at the Walnut will be at n .il!i. to October i.i--l. cannot, negm uniu I November 1--'. l'atrons who hold season I tickets for the oichcstrnl concerts should ' ne their several tickets on the dates for which they are Issued. The tlck- , eta fur the first and second palls will ! t, rr,,i fr other date" which will .. ... , ,i . ..........,..& , , .i,, n,. ..mpntm nn.l i ,,le,lt coiuernlng the progra m a it i It for the concerts on Novembei be announcen in uue inn- ..in.i,nt- soio- 1-J The Philadelphia series of concerts by ' the Stinnhunv Society of New Yorli Wa'ter . iMtnros.h. conduc.or ,.. the Acadeno ' u ".,J !'",'"- .". ,.,. n ncs. November .., .tanuar.v -- nun ..February -. will nave as soloists Jascha Hclicu. the Iliirslan violinist: t. Mischa Levitzkl. pianist, and Mabel Oarrlscn. soprano, with the .Meitopou- ,.,,, r,...Pu ta" fou ' III! Ilostou Svmphony oicliestra concerts hero th's season will be given ns usual in the Academy of Mulc and the dutes ate November 4, Pecem- lw.r 'J. .InnUHlV 0. Ftbt'Uary G Ullll March There has been an extensive rem gam for the IllOst 11.11 1 by yOUtlg. ClllIUlSI- jjoston season for two weeks, mil re- "'' deux Fren 'h conduc.or of ' "" ,.?. 1, "'2 ,"' rn,,.v vvi . the Metropolitan Opetii -omp.in.v. will pn.i.lllet in ' .-suvrnuirr etui.-,-.. -' i...k,....i the new Fiencb -conductor of the oichestiu. is epecteu ine euu oi this nioutli nnd he will conduct the other . fom. concerts Tho soloists will be ' .. " . t.r,.,u i.. ini!ntf M...l rihnr iHorence rndklti. Iollntat . and .rlltui Rubenstelu. planlsu i rnilt! bead- of the movie lndutty have dee'ded not tn take any full ear at the Malne F.lllott Theatre Vv hern lew. ., t. . " "."" .. ,l "anU ACADEMY OF MUSIC ' - 1918-1919 FIVE EVENING CONCERTS November 4 December 2 January 6 February 5 March 17 D 11 C I I I IVI WVMDLJ.fl V djo 1 U W o i Mr HUN Y ' - - ORCHESTRA HENRI RARAUD, Conductor By couiteny of Mr. Catti-Casazza, November SOLOISTS FLORENCE FASTON Prima Donna Souiano Met. Op. Co.. N. Y. FREDERIC FRADKIN Dl9tinguifheJ American Violinist SUBSCRIPTION SALE Geneial public sale of season tickets opens NEXT MONDAYi OCTO BER 21, at Heppa's, 1110 Chestnut Street. , Pt-lces, 9, $7.39, $3, $3.58. Kxm, 573, $C0, $10 Plus war '?;, . W( Iflw W V iJ All . I.- .ua.k k.J &- Man' of ' .wSTkftiit ' In fxcttfreav aixJ on tho stire-t' the same' lime Is, beine1 wirked out by -AVId" Clunnlnr, who will some day hae a piny on lew In New York while the same rast Is to be seen In h picture version of the woik thioughout the countrj. i 11011 Picture League, of which Judge. i. Ji UDonuell Ih piesldeut The ex- cliaiiRe men are oiganlzltig a club for social piuiioes and to Insure the pioper dlslribiitlon nf nhu when the theatres ifopen. not only as regards dates but i-ciernl other problems, Including a pos slble price Inciense. OUST 1'ho.GKHMAV PASTOR 1'oli.c Or.Ier t'rearlicr Out of Town to J'revent Hiol I.MiiiH.ler, fa.. Oct. If). Itev 1'atll frluneliler. talor i.f 7.,i Lutheran hunh. ne nf the biggest intigregatlons u u,e ,.t, ., nideied to have town M the police and the church Vouncll-1 'Ccniiv it nHR iieiipvrd that ntherwlso 'Z T'.",",. ro""" '" HM,II-V '" 'hie to Ills pio-Merman neat Imnm. mi. ' l,.,,.lii,.!e""!.i!.,H1.I"'r," '' n'aRklnst the pastor, who Is alleged tn h,ie refused i !,' ',?','.. i ,!"'i American flag, or to ring In.... .....v. riirris lor i ucie Kan "'ifry crowd followed him to a m. An Metropolitan Opera Hotue I lues. hvg.. Nov. 5. at 8:15 P. M eKNT iiY litLMil (,ov tiivu.t 1 ......... ParisConservatoire Orchestra rr.AYi!K AMlltK Ml..ssnKit. remittitur Ai.iKt.it rumor. i'iV,.,i't . Ate.pl. e I renrh Hnr Itellef ... . , toniialttee, Kniercent.. Aid llrkfli ilitlril Oil. II coml for IhU i.erforiu , , ,. mire Tl.l-rt-. tl.lS ( liestn.it. SOe to HJ.30 No tat ACAltUvn oi' Ml MC PHILADELPHIA F ORCHESTRA t rtiP.II 1) STOKOWHKI Cunductne Opening of Season Postponed Until November 1 and 2 Please retain tlrket. .i. I nn.l , shoe thrt s. Ill he RtHi.l for dale, lo l.e ntinnittiieil AtWIItlUY. Ueil Aft.. (I.I. Sll. at ,1 o'Cln.k VIOLIN RECITAL BY m . . . , JAoLHA HEIFETZ Tickets $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 Box Seats, $3.00 litLrts nt lleppe',. lll'l lirstnnt s( iietj. to (.eii 1Jlnl METROPOLITAN n;;- r wddm.sii.vv i.(i.. Mivi:uii'i:r. O W ELMAN I'rleei. .toe In SI.3II. Nun mi .ile nt Met. II.i OllUrt Mrjmi. i.'h. II OS tlipslnut st. Academy of Music : 1918-19 . 1 WALTER New York UAMROSCII j KIMI, I'sl. I'vus. at S:I3 Nov. ::. Jm. .: Sympfe , SOLOISTS 1 Jascha Heifetz ocie V, .Mnbcl Garrison iinl.n r ..! : '..ii-ituu i.eviifhi rl-.m sale nt MfMlte't. I.etil.inlni; Oft. 21 Mull ortlers NOIV Itrserteil sent. for series, t'i. M. S7..10, 'i. Iloxet. j:ni. s:in. S.'.i. S'!n. A f A II n my or music lv.V BURTON HOLMES I.VSf SI MM Kit "OVER THERE'' ' .' ffr HIS TRAVELOGUES '& V'WITH OftlOINAti'Ve.V.sV's MOTION PICTURES and COLORED VIEWS. Mill Itch It- In II. IMierleilies WITH THE "YANKSS IN ENGLAND iT,") IN PARIS . (-r) IN FRANCE v:;) AT THE FRONT css) IN ITALY ("'-" riirsr. win. itt: i.ivkv o 5 FRIDAY EVENINGS 5 SATURDAY MATINEES Beginnln Nov, 8Oi. 3eatSale'1V,u';T.',",.,Mon.0ct.28 I'lifitna I'mnlili- tn nMrTH '!'. Unit PIERRE MONTKUX will eomluct the concert. MADAME MELBA ARTHUR RUBINSTEIN Eminent Russian Pianist 1 !l . f u ,kWL! r i rW . r' U t&r Ajil:L!J, .;.;-. v:. r.JKJK&aSHKUUKkm J!Wi&J&S,M
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers