V ";v , VST &$ v '-' yj( wo Public iiEDG--pBa: .ml. LTOrday; i, '"o .... VHIHHjslfr4'M't You Can Buy t Fourth Liberty Bonds Without ANY Cash! viM . If everv large subscriber to. the Fourth Liberty Loan attempted to pay CASH down, the supply of cash would run . short. Many large subscriptions are made on CREDIT, and the smallest subscriptions can and should be made that way. 'If you have $100 in cash, don't buv a $100 Bond with it subscribe to a $1000 Bond and borrow the $900 from any Bank or Trust Company. If you have no cash, but have a $100 Liberty Bond, subscribe to another $1000 Bond. You put up the $100 Bond as collateral and borrow $1000. The Bonds pay interest at 4lA You pay the Bank interest at 4lA NO COST TO YOU! Go to any Bank or Trust Company and ask how it is done! Only TODAY Left Lend Your Credit to, Uncle Sam! Banks and Trust Companies Will Remain Open All Day and Evening to Receive Your Subscriptions. Liberty Loan Committee ,i t ! t f t t t y t t f f t t f iX I t ? T t ii t f t ! 131 t t ! t 7 t t - X if It it it t t i t I X I T t t t A X t Y t t t t t t t t MMMMM$HMMM$M-M$M$-M$MMMMI J5s5ff?fi njirliideysm jrr2rin I nunNB.- Oct. 10. of pneutnonls, OWKN, """."f" DtieURMttla, Wolf), aged 2. Member of U V. O. M.. No. B4. Funernl Mon., 10 ft. m.. apis. Vm.. II. .TCRDML. - tie. ITi nf THieU flBoton, husband, of Katharlno Brdel (tie husband nf Cathat-lns, hum. ...! An ,r ! Ann and Owen Hums, of balihlnniri ill mi ' U?lSKh?i' niti" Wi ,,rol,a "' lerkley it 1i.,mni,inS.nelt.M0Vi,.r.a BI.Ail.- . IT. of pneumonia. HELEN lloWiT.nulcnr.KSr""' ' '' prlvle' M.. wife of Archibald Edgar. Funeral Mon.. 'n.X,.vM.u'c,!r. C'."J- . I n. m.. mil Wallace m. Int. at r.rnwood r.t-vW ' iVu'V .or Pneumonia, TIN- i,-m . (ne. l-'hrman) in.iVnB,,.,FSIV!Tmi.',u.rnl EHRLICII.-Oct. IT. of pneumonia. MAI IT" t'i?.:r'n;:..5r.R.,,'.,.on. "f Tl"""" and n.. dsiisht.r of Mr. rennnle. Ehrl rh it E."r-".V.."ur,H-,":T :'v"s. ""' - .' '." i,Y. mx Khrlloh il in i Fun.rl In M.I I'll Mr 4nn. -. ( '' (in n i-ii t4,.,.'Lll;hi7r.?c,, lft- r Pn.umonla. iVI? nA'' lun.rnl Mnn... n, in.. lSr.-.t,i,,;.r.i't ",'. . '"Ilnlv H-nulrhro Crm. OAMIOt'.S. Oft. II. JOHN J.t .on nf ....in. .!. inir r.iirn ninoun in.. l..nnnrul. I un.rnl Mon.. 1c y. m.. R.l.n K. 28th t. Int. nrlvtn. Holy f'ro Cr m. T.x.'K.C)'',,.,2 Jf "n.iimont. MAIIV nuaiitfr of Snmu.l I1U...II. 1'iincrnl . 'lur;.. '. ." v ".'. --', " worn. rf.t , Int. AV..tmlnt.r Oni. f,AMTni:i.l.. tint, in wtr a r IV TniJM., n.il run.rnl nn1 Int. frlviit MIT nil I'rl.. 12 m.. SS01I IVnodland vr. Int. Har Jehu- dh Cm. All frl.n'1.1 Invited. WbSINO. -Oct. 2, Ht Camp Dick, Daltai. T.x., AIlTllUIt T ton of Arthur J. and Kmnrts U. ni.slnr. Duo r.otlco of funeral will b nUen. ni.lv. Oct. 14, at Tort nil's, T.t.. of Snrumonla. I'llANCIfl .T., nM '21, aon of . I', and Mary A. Klk. I'untrnl prlvata. r.ald.nc. of par.nta Qulnton, N. J... on arrival of body. Int. St. Slary'a Ccm.. Halrm, N, .T, RI.T.1P.. Oct. IS, of nn.umonla, It. v. IVAI.Tim II.. husband of Mabel Morley Kill nnn nn or wniler I, anil nia iiunt i;un, smksl! T? , ItAt.ra.RiWMenir. Oel. IT, of Jmnurotwita. Bt. Davlda JP. H. Church. .Manayunk, and aon of'thn lalt ftr. Charlea Htewnrl and Clara V. Halt .of Claremnnt. N. II. fiu mtlcn of funeral will bt lven. U. T. Tlmn. N. V. Herald 4 New Ilampahlrt pnp-n copy. t i.i. K8,'r0'L1, J0'." ..Pneumonia, IVU LIAM 13., huiband of Julia May llalca ami voume.t rnnllir. tliorKn V. Ilnlc. aE.d H7. 1,n'r'.. 3"!f lAUrliton at.. V1". h,W.on,.8er,v "." ,"U"J-....2- P- . t'l'eltc, It" -I"t 'nnomu i"Mitr, mi i'i . 1 1 a i I, lIAWMijeiiilet'tV. ,?ff.rn"f Teo?!.' .' WAIIO HTUAftr. rector of Ht. Davld'a Church. Manavunk. aon of ate n.v. cSiiii Hluart and Clara 8. Hale, Clermont v ti Hervicos Mon.. 10 ,a. m.'.' at rectorV. Int church Krounda. ' ' In'- a m Lainden, N. J 0n lo I lltllMTl fL , - rnnvrri.nrn ni lam iyv nrnui.ra reaia.i'c., .ireii i'". i-unrrni aerv re fat., ai p. m,. ,r""",y "'I'T, k ': . '; .' Pneumon a. I.13AII Howard M ("antroll. Sin t.lvra.y n.. rtox-1 M. ):. rnraonnc. W.atmont, .V. J. Int. orU '. wlfi- of llohrrl J. Harp... Funeral prlt borouh. Int, prlvnt.. W.ntm net.r C.m. vat. nt IlnrleUli rem. ' vate. r.alilenc. of father, Henry K tlnin. , t-AnNRV.r on II. nf pneumonia, r.f KN'Oi:!.. (let. II, of pn.umonla, CON- kow, tT Uamoro ave.. tllenald" ri. Int. I.KN OAUNKT In.. McShano). wife nf r..t. 1IAI KNIIKI,. O. I)., ed IP. Iun.rnl A"thrlr?MiiuA' r... ,. - rlelt articy, I itnral Sat., from 1813 In terrier prlvnte, 231(1 Kalrmount ave.. Sat., , ,!JA" '" K; 0,c,v,'''- of Pneumonia, I.nnOT a-er.oll at. Int .n'lvat.. I H n. in. '';1'. "".'. nt "arrv and Mlnnlo lianu c'nn-Zret',V' "f Pneumonia. MAitT, riPI'l.!!. Of pneumonia. Oct. IT. LOt'IHI!. "; I., J;11'nt'rfll un., S,n. m.. parenll' S.. dauuhter nf Hnmyel II. and Marv rrr .fl. f tvtnr Knnle. (nee Cain.) nml .later r "JVl'.'.'Ti'vv' ' AiarXT ' !"' Private. Vitr Frarn.). nired 1 llraldene. S81T N. f n.v. A. II. ('nine and slater M, Annllonla, -nM,A br in.h'T.f -""''"monln. Oct. it, t n'.J.,(,F',,"""'ll'f,nf r"n",' t,",v?5" " " 'i HeeMence. I'll N. 4nth !. Tu. " i 'iWAiSir1 iJ" C.rl!!,r1' "( en" N. 18th An .1. it. .iii.ifi.i.. Moy ("iirroll fn.e Hunrcr). Du. notice nf i iv,i- t'',.m funirul will b" Blvcn, 57 Tx-slnaton nve., . HVANH. Oct. IT. of pneumonia, ISA ''".'7iV.,.'!r .....! . IIIIM.A. daughter of laaae and Anna Kvein t'Ar.nWIAJ.'. net. in. VATIX V.. !' nf'tneo Ailnins). aned 1. Kuner! S2SI Knox V.,1" r.n'' "ijul'lr 'f Ilornc -nil Mr t, riermanton-n. Int. prlvat.. Xorthwoud Mr., rimer.il Jion.. n n. in,, .i.ns PeylL't I Om ,l,...'5!MX"rM;,,',','Jrjl,,Vra' Auto ""C"'i ' ISVVINO. Oct. 13. nf pneumonia. r.D- ( AIiri.N. Oct. 1(1. of imeumnnla. .TAMt:4 nn OKOItOi:. huibanil of Sanili n. J... aim nf nifhnril and Ann. Cart In. Vw i:,,nr (nee Illttm.ir) and aon of l-Mwurrt and St, Ifer- nntl.e. nnrrnts re.ld.nne. WIS H niiril t. (tfitli and llitltlmorr nve.l. CAnVHIl. 'Hi Oct, 1(1. MAIIV .t. CAT.. Vl'ln, Mldoir of Tmvm.nd H. Cn.ver, uc"it 1 Tl scare. riin.ril nrvlce on Monday at 1 .1-30 d, m.. from reaM.nrn of aon-ln-lair. , Mtneny ,t. Mnrlneor. (11 ft:i rims at. Int. prl- nle. Ml. Mnrlah (Viii . fASTKIt. Oct, 13. MADAMNR M.. child ' nf 1i.lb.le nnd lute Lelvla 3l. Caeti-r. llBd ' l.. I'un.r.il, .Mon., 3 p. m.. mother rel- ilnri, .1S2I Thomiieon at. Int. prlvatu. ' Xntti'rort, Cm. i li. l.l..ucr. it. or pneumonia. .lA.ri OMNI, IX (nee Mnnnlinn). wldoiv of Jamp Crnlln, Knn.rnl Mon,. ronveninr. nf fanill.-, ISM Cedar at. Int. rrlvate. Ht. Ann' rvin. CHIttSTKN'UKN. Oct. in. of Influenza. I U'tl.imtAII.VA IV. U-If. nf Alfr.H I'hrl.tcn. I .n (nro lll.ler). nscil 31. l'unerjl 1.112 Me. J-crralt et moti, :i:;in r. ni. SiMinirhr. ('.til. .mo runcrai lito Kl.nnnr Kwlnir. aued 38. rtelathea iuid rriemi tniltcn to runerai, .viun., 2 p. In. Int, North Cedar Itlll Cent. IVaa member nf lai'ilcianl It, 1', Church, Tnnuwn Tribe. 1. O. P.. M.i Tcnbody I.odi;., Sons of St. ilcorcol Int'itrlty l.odse, 1C. nf P. r.M.UlN'. Oct. IS. uf pneumonia. ANXA I. PAI.I.ON. dauahter of Jam. C. and late Ilrldiret (lllaaher. I-'uneral Tuea.. 10 a. m.. residence or hueband. ."32 H. Halford at. Int. private, Holv Cro-a Cem. rAllIllir.I,. Oct HI. at Nnrrlatnwii.ANXA M, 1'AnHKI.I. (ne. Houard). wife nf J.mca .1, rn.rcll, formerly nf I'hll.di-lphln. Tu. n.rnl from 1127 Mackley at., Mon,, 11 a, m. Int, private, St. Patrick' C m, KAHT. Oct. IT. of pneumonia. OEOROR .7.. huiband of Mnra-aret 13. Inr and eon of (lcorcn and Harah roy, awed 31, runerai Hun., parent' realdelire. Harah at. and Int. Holy Walnut lano, (lermanloivn. Int. private, ' Cb.lten Hill Cem. nil Is'i'lVH -.J lei tr. ni rnMliVnr.. nfl'it ' 1-'AS. Oct. Id. nf nn.umonla. MAT. V..lli tuiiil, Il.ilm-almri:. Pa . (HIRTIIDIIB OArtRT K wife of (leoran Paav and dausli- p. m.. at Uavld H. HchuVlJr I id, ufo'ad idrUiamond at. Int. Prlilte. TuckcTton. 'IIAP.TMANV-Oct. 1I. nt t,8 iir,, Al.irtment. K ATI 13 HAimfAN fflhSTr Alleo Marchueir. aed W. acnlcca at Mt Hlnal. Cem.. Moil., acnlnca at Ml. n?pAini',5S;r?f 'i l"i. of'. wmotii, jo- SI.PH I., aon of Harah and at. Jacob Har voy., oMH Chancellor kt, mm 31. PuneVal 5SS" 4nr,' 5" Wily orrl.Brio.cnb". iSTh'i.rT.m r. ,'nrt "' B"'vloei Adatll W ftj8?0!?' m' , I'Jnuttj- Lodge, 'ii?.' ' Yi rl J?dA,.Mv ".nd rhllo, l.odse. N'. .-..!!-.,r' '! K'i Invited l..,A,ll'.'"ffc,.,, of Pneumonia. p.UTII. Siul!i!.e.lj " Motrrl'' ami lrnarddenu Mat. ttrl, ned I,. Punenil prliale, Mon., ' p. in., from parent' reeldence. ilTi I Tnrret.la U avri'A?ft'3,,,y:, ."- nfl'-at.. Maennlla c, m it.'. Jr00'', ' ESTHISn, ,,-lfr nf John Hay;-. Pun.ral Mon.. 4 p. m., 30.-.1 T.lv lnrtou at. Int. Or.rnnnod (If. of P.) Cem HBATIIBniNJlTON.-iict. 10. JOHN, .. band of Mary I,. Hentherlnitton and fon of Ihomna and Mary H.athcrlnBton, formerly S;,.?."!;"' nu',I., Co- p- "fed 32 Hervlc 4023 l.aneaater aic. Sun., 10 a. m. Int. Ileechwood Cem. tVlTlTllAVeJc, 17of rn'umnn, A..?,JJi 7' ?.n-ot A'Hry and'Tate Lout Heck nwnn. nd.2i. Funeral .r ce Hun., t n in., mother' realdence. 2157 Sepvlva t. . WM.tBB KBTSUTt CJIAIlMiS P., hualund of Rebeceo. keyer. ,'-t; Of pneumonia, Oct, 17. U Of 131 N. Taylor at,, aed 82, luntraf ytrvlpftj nrlvalr. Tue., 1 p. m.. Oliver II. Ililr lllda.. 1820 Chestnut at. int. prlvat. lit. Mnrlah Cin. Kir.MK. Oct. IT. of pneumonia. WIt I.IAM R. huiband of Anna K. Klemx (net (lotlachalli) and ion nf Jullu and MlnnlT Mem.. a.d 32. Ilesldenc. 1340 N. SStli l. Int. private. ItlKMP.lfc Out. IT of pneumonia, mAK J.,M. A" I'U'band of Mary A. Illemel (ne Iluchborn), acd 31, 1'unrral at ronvenlenre. nf fanMly, BI8 Rom.rvlllo St., Olney. Int. private. , K1.M('AHI3. Oct. 1(1. nf pneumonia, JOHN, husband of llella and nnn of Thnma and Anna Klmcade, nf A (lardcn ave., Narberth. Puu.ral and Int. private, Hun. Int. Odd rello'va" ('.in., (lladttryne. KirtllKnO; At rtedln. Oct. 10. JACOn n. Htltliniia, d 4. Puneraf rnm 881 Chestnut at., Mon., 8:30 a, m. Int. Charles Ilvaua Cem. , KtllllY, At Columbus, N. J Oct, 18 BtiNAK.. duhter of llenjamln n. an.l Anna Pvnna Klrbv nsed 1 , Funeral pri vate, Mon,, 2 n. ni,, residence of parent. Int. MannM Hurlal (Iround, Manstl.ld, Pa. . Kt.Kl.NKHT. Oct. IT. 1II3MIV It.. hu band nf Hnblnn, V. Nonnemnrher. aired 4P. Uu. nolle, nf runerai lat.r. 7D2 S. 43th rt KNIPKOHKBII. Oct. IT. of pneumonia. niCIIAIH) .. husband of Mae KnlpsrheT (neo i:nn). awd 2U. 1'unoral from 833 JC. 2th at, KNOX". Oct. 12. nf pneumonia. CATII AtllNK. wldn- of lMlllain Kpnx and daui'i ter of late Patrick nnd Jane Mariner. Pu n.rnl Mini., from 2108 S, 67tli at, Int Holy Cms Cm. rtom.. pet. 17. sAMfP.r, vr. icoiit.. aaed TO, run.rnl Mon.. 3:30 p. m. frnii liavlil It. Hcttuvlcr ltld,, liroad ami Dia mond st. II was n tnembr of Industrial Lndce. NVlill. 1'. iiml A. Jf. Int, private, KOIII.KR. Oct. in. of pneumonia. AI, rftI3D 1!.. aon of Int. Julln and Carolln. Kniil.r (nen H'-l eli. Tim. nntlco of funenil I11 h. clien, 2."i21 N. 12th at. KOIIT.MAN, Oct. 17, of pneumonia PtiOIlllKCrS M. daunhter of Ootlleb and lata Har.iU Kohlninn. need 29. Iunerl Mon., 1 p. m., apartment of William It rtnttcrsby. 33IC N. Broad St. Int. North wood Cem. KOIIS. Oof. 10. CliniSTIANA. wlto of Charle A. Knh. aitcil IV. Kuneral Mon.. 'J p.in.. 1H21 llridito at. Int. Nortli Cedar Hill Cm. KHKICI3M,. Oct IS. nt Plalnnel.1. N. .T. of pneumonia, AI.1CK niTt.Br KTIKKRT.I.. wlfo of V. a. Krekell and dnuahter of win. T. and 13lma rtltlcy. need 83. Due notice nf funeral will tm alven. . . inTM.wnrw.iNfi.--of sin i.e t., nst. it, f ItAm.KS A., husband of lat Klale. A Kumm.rllns nnd son of Charl V, and Ivati ICummerlln (n.e rtairnT:), aaed 28. Service nnd Int. private. Mon., 3 p. m.. Oliver It. Italr Hide. 1S20 Chestnut st. Int. Arlington Cem. kunzlti. Oct. 37. nr pneumonia, w i... ii ii' in r.uHi-n" i . ,iii"iiiii iiiiikiii- i' . wi...- .,..,,.,.., i--. u.ii't... ..ni .. n.... t ' '" ,ic ., a. i iahimi ijv. iiusnnntl or zintt ai. Ivunzic if i ho lat rimr!. Pd Kntharln Shustcr, 30. Puner.l Sun.. fath-r-ln-laWa resldeni.-. '",.,S;?i . ,. . ' (tlP Noianl and son nf v: H nnd CaroIlnS of Munaunl:. nited 4I. Int. nnd funeral farah at. and Walnut lane. Oermantown: I sP'P' coriph"0!?,';.1! ' n.inonla, JO- ' l"uSft? njed 20 S5r?lcV t.r.M.10. .Won. in ii.nvcnlenco of fuintlr. nt i Int. ; nriynte, Chnlten Hill Cem. ?i5h .nl". a.I'.i.i"'''!1"1 of frASc!" n,;ln: 3111) K. flniiJ it Sin V'3i) ml Inmera S'liMh f-.l-.n mil i' in. 1'KKNKT. Oil. 13. of pneumon a, Bt, ' ("ce t"11,"! ,n(1 fn, of Charl.a sn i .'." 10," 5" ff mK vSit SSk CHOIll.Kr Of pneumonia. SOLOMON. , J.13N. clnushter of Mary nnd late Joseph It. inf iI,JS.r'fh n" '). d 80. , iIll7"(Vm Private. West Laurel on nf Solomon and Jan. Chorley, Due ' t'een.y. Funeral residence of unel. iiVJ"' "r,Vic,CB'M.Su'i l. p' n., tstenti' 1 iVvftTnrf 1- f nn.umonla AV, -r4I.An?r&nOAnBT .. lf of mi-' Mlff'Slnl.. Oct. . MIN. c.y):Np-V0C,ir.nr!p"n'',Rt '"""Stat.y J.fcd'rai de111'"" ln'- llsm J. Chirk. .UiUBhter of (lenr Allen nnd NIK C.djusliter of Henry, W. and lat -,. ' -J1 A,..i.I,'JD,RRIi0: daushter .of 1 ' "hK "l. At Penns To've N t. Oct late Marenret Allen. Due notice of funeral J'tniilt Kelillnit. Service and Int. private. .;mm,,,.hV,"a i"1" H. H.nd.rson. 400 P. 15th 10. nonoT :IIT. wife of tThrlM W. I.auool will I.. lvrn. from MIS r.ammoro t. ,t " irXS'- ru"- P- rn. Int. " - ' h"a' Du" notll ut 'un'ral wl b" 'Iuht"r if V.niea T Snd iS X. Sond? of 1 1, 1 1 rmp. I'.i. nin.ri. s.rvi.. nnn lni. I P.TN V . dnnchter of John .7. and Matilda C. 1 ''irki'. 4143 Hpruco at. I-'uneral and ttit I prllT. enrenlennn ni ramllv. Cf.KliO. Oct. HI. CHAllI.OTTB D. SCOTT, wife nf Hbcn K. CleK. R.nlc. narenta residence. Mr. and Mrs. Ttob.rt r. I Scott, 322 V. Coulter at.. Ormnntnwn. ' Hun.. 2 p. m, Tut, private. Hillside Cem. ' l'l.i)SK. Oct. 17. of pneumonia, PAt't., I.M'httid of J.nliy Clos. (nee Maci-e nnd 101 nf Claris 1 Cloii., Hu was 11 niemb-r or S . I.awreTiin I'nmp. No. 230, Hull of America Kuueriil Mon.. 2 p. m., lr.ls N. 1 Hull J n nml st. Int. private. I.liurel 11111 Cem. Ttiatllnor p.inr eonv. 1 COIIKN. Oct. 17. MOIHtlS N., husband nf Hilen (loodinati ('ohen, aa;ed 30. Funeral private. Mon., 2:30 p. m., parlor of Iinaniifl Aeh.r & Hon. 1002 T:.imond at, li.t. Mt. Hlnal Cem. i'ONl.lN. Oct. in. p,i:ilNMt1. husband nf Hllen Conlln. l''niier.it S'.ii . ' n. m.. .ii.irlni"nts of John II. Call,ii:ht.r 1430 Cer Fini.Kit. Oct in. mnu v. . ,ie- . llnrold II. h Idler, aited 31!. I-'uneral services Mon.. 2 v. m.. 0023 Locust at, Int. Arlln. ton c.ni, ..JJ.!.'111"' .0ft' , 17, .of Pneumonia. PRANK, on of Ann! and late llenjamln Flnh.rir, ncul 20. Funeral Sun.. a, m., 2201 N. 33d st. Int. Har Nebn Cem. I'INIf. M. 12. nf pneumonia. IIBRTIIA C. lf, of Harry T. PlnU and dauahter of Mmvilljn i.nd Mary Wilson, iied 23. Fu neral Sun.. 2:30 v. m., 4003 i'owelton av.. Int. Mnntro. Cem. 'J,r:S-r;iHU i1, Dt, Influenza. HAUATI. wife nf Mlcliuel Finn (nee llvan), formerly uf 20.TO nidito uve. Funeral .Won., 8 a. m r.sldiiiice of brother-in-law. Tho Madden. 17.W N. Halley t. Int. private, Holy Cross Cem. Auto sertce. l'l.N'.NHOAN. Oct. in, of pneumonia, at Hie nvlntlnn trnliilna- nchnol. St. l'aul. .Winn.. THOMAS K. FINNKOAN. Jr., only child of llinilin. ( .. nr., iitiii .Muiirarei .11, l-intiecnn HICKMAN. Oct. 17 nf iniBiiin.nl. nevi HICKMAN, aired 27.' wife of Charles's. Hlrktnin. I-'uneral Mon.. 11 a. m., 7 Mer- er ave.. I.lanerch. Pa. Int. private, New town Itaptlst Cem. HH.I.. Oct. jo HL'SAN C. HILT. (n. CiiKnii). wlfn of Himu.l J. Hill, limn N. ?'' "' .1''!7!D,r "f Immaiulate Conception I.hdle' Auxlllurv. No. inn. Knlchta nf St. .luhn: Ladles' Auxiliary, Nn. 7, , o. H.i r!7)'rRtlon?t' Catholic Soclttle Catholto Alliance. Tlary Soii.tv and Dominican 'Julld. J-uneral Mon. Int. Holy Sepulchre Cem. HKI.I.KTt Oct. in. of i yncote. P.i. unert serrlce and priiat.. nt uoodlnnd Cem.. lon. LttAUT. Of pneumonia, at Conslio liork.n Oct, in. ItosBI.l-: V wife of Pat rick J. I.eary and dauphter of Michael nnd Hannah Daly. INin.rnl private. Sun.. 8 p. tn., 213 HprlmrviU. m... Conshohockctt. int. St. Matthew's New Cem. I.i:iTHOI.t. Oct. 15. nf pneumonia, n 131IInntnn Field. Tex.. l-'PiBDHnlCK. son nf the lat. Frederic'.! and Anna Ix-lthold. Tn bo hurled from hi sister' residence. 26.1P JJMilnaon st. Duo notice of funeral will b Bl.n, I.KN U'.TZ. PIllVATK LOUIS TIOSHA 1IKI.I.KR Oct. in. of Pneumon . Vlt . HBLMIN'A CAnOI.INK dnimlit.. nf v-li rJ,'-NA'1 - at lias Hospital No. 2, elleV'lsoir Yn. lloirnfhund U..K Iffi'.v'SuJ,, ,;ii,,e.';i,plne,t"S?o'cnutmt,rlN'!' of funeVal from O v"t.Vj R r w"1 "eN '?T ',n;,umnnl,"' f,,TAnJ'nS. B"a"on 'i! "n"y IIKM.I3R Oct. 17 PltBDnittCIC hu ' n' K,nmi tUI. Service Sun., 2 p. m . band of Catharlh Hellir. ne;.il 07. Funeral ' ?l.,!l. re,,l(5.''ll't' ?.tr"' A. Hettlll. 8831 N Hnn.. 5 r, m . "Tin 11 R,n-r.A , T loth st. Int. Northwood Cem. Or.enmount Cem. Itt.xivric-,1 , f.KIMI!. Of SI .lim.i Itnlf! Ocf 17 .Unix ., i.i;hi.ii;. Funeral Tue.. 10 a. in . 11 . ... i 'vrn ' ' ' "" "-ru " saret O'Parrell. Hut notlcn wl 1 i Tw MARIK 13. wife of John M lliinh and "I vef jiiia,ril,i.. 1820 Pheatnut t. lot. coN'NOn. Oct 13, of pneumonia 10- 1" "'' !'. 2"40 N. 11th t.t. dauchter of Mary nnd late Charles Schn.td.r. ; ' r',xiU'' ruNj;,fVn dr-.1 irSm.l ,. ,.imi- SKI'li II' " husband of Ktiiol Shannhin ('in-' ., FITZ(IKnAf.n.-Oet, 13. of pneumonia. ' '- 1 ui.eri. I.ilon.. 1" a. ".. 2333 N. ' f,,iaK55l..,TnfiC,WlfS' ut UwTllZvti ?& nor and son of James p. ami lat. Sarah M. I '-Itv ' -,- liuhlp? of Ann and JatJ- Jlorr.s , II'"vVntiuJ'itinlil'lnJl m,e . . "s Fumral nnd Int nrltutt from B7"i Connor. Fum-ral prlruie. Jion.. li:3o a. nt.. i Fllreornlil. loi-niorly of 1113 f. Mth st. ,nh'.R,?KH,I.,J?Ji 'n'TPct'. ln- "!. ,r,n(V.m0 Mi -s.len Ji T!Acnn.- p,x'l,, 'rom 0'"" ahnnl'-VorV ChVAt.a,n"" "' Int'l'ioly ffl.tl, Z "vvj Iffi! ih.nd. c..n. HVerv.E AIT,.S!. CV!Kft.-Ort. m. of pneumon,. HMH- ' WMMT .'"of pneumonia, I XS&tuSlfs&'r. niStt , fe giY rF LIB CONHAD (nr. Helraeii. wlfi- of tr.rman , A 'IHHYN. dauuhtrr of .lame and Mary 1-3. I wood (If. of P.) Cem. I.lNDNrrt (jet 1". ' cili'ISTI VN wlf. A. Connul. ..Red 32. Itelnllie an.l friend ' I'liBpntrlrls (n j I-.imllsli) ff.rmerlv nf 2120 1 IIBItP.. Oct. 11. nf pneumonia. CIIAItLBS e 'Vii.'r fi in.iner i,i '.h i.un.rnl 2fiti Invited tn funeral nervier. Sun.. I p. m.. Ortho.loy ft., 1-r.inkfo-d, Fun.rnt. Mon.. I . A.. Uu-liand of Lillian It. Ilrrr. Eed III. JiSn 1714 I Icl-scS" "un " n n? Int r.rtoii N l"th t. Int. nrK-.t.. mil.id. r.n. . m 3723 Snrui-e si. Int. St. Donilnlc'tft v.mrr.-.i Wr.n.. ... ,. ,,,'. i,r,i,...r. '..,: .'?.". J 'A-''"','n "' !un- - " m- In .. TIa n..I....M - "-.-. r" '-.." -..-..., . c .. .- ,ir TII1 I l-IIl. t rni.. TToltnesuurcr. ILANAOAN. Ot. 1 AfiNBS. Mlf of She wn n nuiiiber nf Murirjret ."drlcl: unal'iir, io, i. u. li, ei. CONHAD. At All.nwood ItALl'II J., on of Joseph I i fntnf1 tfeal f?1 TIi 1 1 a t a 1 :. ,'-. "i!If.n': "A'i1";-. 2U"3.' Carna.; , ti';, I,";,-"?V1'' , Vr ,SrW5W , ....re.ita' i ,t int. uiixii'-. in win di iniuuvr u.----.-.- - -..-.... ...... ..,., .,..,..- ii-iinir I .J .. i.- - ,. .. . . - ,-nn 1w im.l ,I.i ni'Vi t a .if tin. 1 ,1. Tns.. n,.l 11.... ' Urtllll, lll. I.I.I. 1 . ,. .. III .A. I ?t V r' ":" ....ur...... ....... ,iv ,.vdu nn,. lu.MVAi. iict. it, or tineuinnnifi. M;r i i.iuKii.uiiiiiiii'-rir. rul "4J.J'"'1-.' irum i.i-t il Pa. Oct 17 I I3dwln rianaran and dau.'liter of Sarah and i.. iiti.l DelfaU '?te Charles Mi Devltt. Funernl Mon . 1932 services, 'rue.. ! s- JJ'TfJlKI' Int. Holy Cross Cem. lenco. V,'. J. Her-, IS7th and Oiu..' are. Int. ainntrn.,. c-,-iri lIBWMirr. O ' 17. of ..'Ui!ion!a. .lOILV. on of John ii nil Hella H.wlett. Hired in. 1'untrn! eervic Mon. 10 a m.. at I mid-tire. ::32." Pott-r Int. l.lNDSVriiOM. - Oct. Ifi. OLAP LTNtl TltUAI. ailed 70. Kun-rul a.rvlee private. Tii 11 u. in.. OUvi-r Jf. llulr Uld:. K2ii Chestnut t. Tift, prlvnln. LIYIMISTOX. Oct. HI. OI.A H. LIV IIIHIIS. Oct. ( 1.113 0.. dnuuliter of John P. and "aruli K. I Conway. I-'uneral lit 1nl, . Mon.. rcsld-'iiee 1 nf parent U2,"i 1'lttnian uve.. CnlUiiKdate. ( Deluwarn County. Int. Holy Croy Ctm. COONS. Oct. 17. suddenly, nt Atlantic , City, 13V.. wldoiy of Islilor C-ion. wired .".!), l-'uneial ut wnvnl'.nio of family, M'. riiuai k,em. INliSTON. nt Oiritntx. I'h. Servlcv were Intl,...,-.. nnn. '"I'L'.'iCrr,.."0- 1v'..."',:-VVrn:vo"i Cm. ...v-;-,, , ..... . ri ,. ..it ." . . lA'i n.i.i.. iii-i. ji. ui i-niuinonia. V. 'Jtllli ht. Int. prlvntn. H.ily Cross Cem. i';;,-ht..r"nf .i;,l.n -a, w-i'l. r,'.,'. '..3i T.T1WI3S D... xon nf llrom. W. imd Liiulta r ri.YNN. Oct. 10. ALICE, wit. of Michael "i tm.ril lei'lce Mon lam" ii". '"hiier. vun.rai iirivnte. Mon., 3 p. m.. Plvnn nnd diupliW of Jam. and Pannl. , v' WanVin" Ite" it lilt private Hillside " "f Parenti. 1S31 B. 2d at. Int Crockett, nir-'d 27. I'up.ral Mon,, 12 m.. I r.ii prlv.it.. parent' residence. 1U21 K. Tlfrlts st. Int. HILL. Oit. m. of wi.-i-monln. SL'SAN. I.OUUK. Oct. 17. nf piicuiiionlj. I1HID Cidar Hill Ci-m. i wife or Katnuel Hill. Kr. Due nntlc of fu. ' ('J'T. Till'' ut Jl,"n('? Jt.I"'1;V "nil dauBhtee POC3U. At H.-ilnesport. N. J.. O-t. 17, nf ' nral. from l'usbun.V residence, 10u0 jr. ) "f. Miitthojv oiul lat May Horan. Itinera! pneumonia. JANK C. wife ot William M. '-'1st st. nrlvutr. U..U Yovum Bt. Int. Jfoly Crosi ,.m.. v rt,, ... ,- .! n-itriA. rout una uuukiiiit in jinracn ii. Him .nay njiujiiui iv. uri. ii. ni im iimnnja. m -i"-.. rt . .- . ... .av1'?!? iV',iL1,n;uinonl''' ?ilV"l "" "T"1 -! Servlc nt Hnlneaiwrt. N. J Vurrlitown. WALTKP. HIl'CTfCorK-. hur- ' . Mn: "fi i'i ','.i P'i'nmoi.li. KMHA ,3h V.,,ii?Tiib--''i""1''!"'3 e0,.v.Ma,rE.U"40yI'! Tue. 11 o, m. Int. Hillside Cm, I bind nf Otllll- F..b-r lTllelirocfc. -tl.". Pr.s:on Kfll,!... lfe of ('Mr le. Lord, nurd 38 l"r Hulllijin) an.1 aon uT tht Iaii "lhnnia won. Oct. 17. of pneumonia. ITtllD. t. Ini.nn.r.t nrlvnt" l'imeriil service will I.. laid Monday after- illiu bfllzabetn C05Ii-l FUUHrul Mon.. 0 a. i.-mi-ir ii rnv l,i,.hnh.i ... R-n,,l.A,i. i.v... - if,-i-t - ,.., ii ctririi-j y- 1...-1 . mAn ff..m lb. ri,i,Mi.i-n nf Arlln, 1- M : . ..:. ..- .1 ,.-.,,.,... ..- .i ..-....,.. ... , ,.. ,ir-.i. tu. I...... .'-... ..,. '..,.....'-. -, ... iiunii.iii'i ( -. .. "..-:.. ---.... ... SI. 1111. priiaie. fti.n Krltler). nire.1 :1S. I'ur.arnl M.rvlf m nn.l nf Unn- ITun fn.... Tl'nxl l.-nnp., cr, !....., Ht.tlr e. r.lllili Itiilire 11V... lluxlioruuuh. In 1:314 S. Hembcrirep Holy Cross Cem. rrAiinnrir.Ort ir .Tnirv Bfl .i mi. FOX. Oct. 13. THF.rtnSA. wlfo of (3-nru- ' N. .T. Int. 1 rhu.l uml th. Int. Ann Cruiiili,lc ('u-tia V Pox and daucbler nf John and lat.' HOFFMAN. Oct. 17. of pneumonia. Itar, Countv Mayo. Ireland. Dui notlcn nf Theivsa Haus. Fum-rill Mon., 11 a, in,, 52." , SAHAH M. J I'lNKF.riTON. wife of Oseiir funernl will hn ulven from 18M3 Daly st 1 (.men st. Int. Holy Sepulchre Cem. Hnrrinun, aired 23. Funeral aervlce and Int. , CRANE. Oct. II. MTUTL1-; C. wife of FltLSHMUTH. Oct. 17. ot pn.umnlllH, Private, rcsl.leme of parents. 1731 N. 10th William u. crann and dauaiit.r or Amy du i.v.mi-. ii. r., wn.i nt 1 imrun v. i-riu- tr . jmn.. 111 n. rn. Iain waller ftteven. ai;eo zt. nut r.nuce mum. nnu ii-iuuii-r ni lain jnim j,, inn of funeral will be nlven, from 4UO N. Siltli t Annla Fral.v. nued 74. Duo police of fu at.. Camdon. N. J. ! Herat. n'U' Halrrford av.. CRAWFORD. Oct. IS. of pneumonia, FROMHOI.D. Oct. in. FREDERICK A. I THOMAS J., husband of the lute Elizabeth I FROMHOI.D. husband ot Blbel Promhold Crawford, and aon of Axn.i and the lute (nee llenn.ttl aped 27 jear. Due notice of Thoinaa Crawford, Fun. nil Mon,, 10:30 1 funeral will be nlven, 4840 N, Lawrence nt. a. tn.. sister's residence Mr. Frank Ittrold 1 I'tlHRMAN. Oct. 1(1, of pneumonia. 440 N. KdK.wood t.. IV. Plilla. Int. Prl- HARRY, husband of Janet S. Fuhrinan. I vate. Holy Cross Cem. ' Funeral and Int. from U23 Ilagerniau at,, CROliT. Rntered Into r.-st. Oct. 10. t214 , Taeonv. Omit flowers. . Trnrt B nrn.ntilf.u Ml .1 y A U1VP1T A 1 I 'H l.M AN. Oct . 18. of niieumonln. .i.t.r.i r, inee risncri. wiuow ox iiarrj pert St. r iiiiriitan. runcrjii aim ini. pnvuie iron) ns.j:i necerman si., jarnn. PrhatC. ' (n.n Krltlerl. nire.l 3H. t'ur.arnl mri-liri nn.'l nf Mnn- ITun fin... TlVnxl itit lirivnie. i, ivnn-iiii eve., iiienslile. IM. J-nl.. 11 r-. m.. Ml, lliiil-lou --.., camun, privi-r MfniminMir i ,-ni. . rlMil,-. H.irir-luii ((in, liVliilili. jiiM-.ru i.. niiMiunii or uatn- crino l.yioru mi-e iikiiiiiisi. ton or late lieu, anl Anna Ljfnrd. aaed 32. 343 N. Allison -I, Hintherh'iid of Hallrnnd Trainmen and P. It. It. Relief Lodire. 100. Invited. "WAPnKR. Oct. 17. of pneumonia. I3MII. IIOLLMI'I.LKR. Oct. 11. ANNA, wife I J., husband of Lillian M. Maeder (nee Mill lr.deri.ic Hnilinu'.Icr. Funeral Hat., ll,!r) und son of Christiana (Ireener and late (lerinanus .waeii.r. hbco n year y mos, Funeral Mon. aft., 407 Akhdale St. Jnt. (Ireenmount Cem. LYONS. Oct. 13. of pn.umonla, NORA. wire or jnnies j. Lyons, mnerui private .i. in,. 2,"vii Dakota at. Int. private. Fern- nn,i i -am. HOI.MKS. Oct. 13. of pneumonia. 13L1ZA, v.-lfc nf Sniuuel P. Hulmes (ni-e Mi(lrath), iikwI SO. l-uner.il Mnu.. ti h. ni.. 1S20 Bar I si int. orivnie, rainier wen- wlfo of Jacob 13. Croft and daughter of the . late Joseph and Sarah A. Campbell. Herv. ( lcea nnd Int. at convenience of the family. ' I CROLL. Oct. 15. I3LLA C. CROI.L. I F1TRCHTENICHT. Oct. 11 nf pneumonia IIOrtAlrAN. Oct. IK. nf'nn.nmnnlo I Mon.. from 702 :. 2Jd ot. int. Holy cross CVTHRINB. wife of Harryllorahan and -'em. d.iURhter of Mary and Thomn McNamee. MANX. Oct. 15. STULLA 1CVHN. wife of Iiernarii jiann. .i. u., ascu ;rj. n-unerai prl. v.ite. Sun.. 1(1:30 a. ni., CD33 Chestnut St. Int. private. MARCUS, Oct. 18 or ntieumonla ROSAI.I13. wife of Dr. Joseph Marcus (nee Funeral r(-ldence of husband. 2138 S. Lam- int. private. Holy cross cem. i HOWDKR. Oct. 13. of pneumon a. J. iiiiiir.li iiiiMi.inii ui ihiii .iiMiK.iri'b i 1 llnwner men Hcrnrl. erilce fsun.. ::ill friend Invited tn funeral. Tues.. between 1 Christine rurchtenlcht. nealdence.n(i3P.lt. ivni.. Phoenlxvlll. To. notice nf 'funeral will be nlvcn. and 2 p. m.. sondn-law's residence. J. How- Per st. Int. Sun.. Daltlmore, Md. I.altlmoro , HQYT. Oct. in. of pneumonia. .JOHN MARTIN. Of old one. Oct. in. (1I30ROK man. 2130 R, Kith tt. Int. private. Mt. i PP" copy. .TosLPH. son of .Tohannah and late Albert w.. brother of Senator David Martin. Fu. Jlorlah cm. , AI.I.AUlIUIt. Ort. HI, SIAnaAKKT T. ' llnjt. HcedlP. runerai Mon.. 8:30 nm., ,), brother' country residence. N. K, CRONIN. Oct II, of pneumonia i;d. I liALLAUHUR, duuithtcr of Thomas and Mary mother's residence. 312 N. S.ilford st. Int. nulevard and Welsh road. Hnt.. 3:30 p. m WARD A., husband nf .Waru-aret P. Crouln Oullaiiher (nee Jlallaoher). County Mayo, Ir.- prl-nt.. Holy Cross Crm. Ho waa a metnlier of Schuyler Post. No. 01. (ne. McOuckln). Funeral Mon.. 10 n. in., , !?"? ,Pu,e unflce will be given, parlor of ". ''lU'Arr, "i'1' r,,s;.ut ?n,'lnI.1nIa: lit):. " A. It. nnd llulnea Men's Asso. of 4733 Ilmbrla st. int. Westminster Cem. ' A. MUIInKy. 3730 Sprlne Oarden t. Int. B. A. Ill pHl.S. O. P.. assistant at Holy TiinUsburc. Int. private. North Cedar Hilt enpsSOROVn, - AtWalIlnijford. Pa.. ' St. Denis Cem. . .. . . a ne It. ('. cbuiil. 1. I Icrk, ...id (faul sts Crn) lllllUPIlil . I HI' I'll ""III n. It leiJIIHitlimi ... vss "I ner in jit nnstimrwiiu ilia r i k nuiiiriiiar is.viaii.aLitiir.il. int. ii. ni of Hush P. nnd Prlscllla P. Crossirrove, NKLI.IK It., daunhter of Daniel F. and Ne. aired 43, Funeral services. Sun.. 11:30 a. lie n, Oallaxher (nee Hrrnnan). luneral m.. sLst.r'H resl-lence. Wr. rt. Pink. rton. i Tue. 11 a. m.. narenta' reHldence. 2.121 I.. (120 N. Frijler rt. Int. pilrate. Wllmlnuton Huntlntrdon st. Int. private, Holy Sepulchre nan.r ennv. CROSSLAND. Oct. 17. of pneumonia BLIZA. widow nf John Crossland, aed 81 iem. , OARDNBR. Smt 27. killed In action In France. WILLIAM ARTHUR, husband nf luneral. Mon.. 2:30 p. m.. daughter's rest- Camlev Cnrdner (nee JfcNeunan). aired SB. dene.. Mr. Bdward Paulln. 33fi2 iViconyilate nf 2022 Wendln nvr., Philadelphia, aon nt.. Frsnkfnrd. Services nnd Int. prlvnt.. of late Uenrir. and Mary Oardncr, ulassow. CULI.BN. Oct. I.-,, of nn.umonla. JOHN. , Scotland. In Canadian armv. onofJnhnJ.nin1MaryJ.Culleii. Fun.ral (lillDINBR. At Atlunttc City. N. J., nrlvate. Mon.. 8:30 a. m.. parents' residence, I Oct. HI, Dr. WILLIAM J., husband of Laura 12" ntswal.r at. Int. Holy Cross Cem. I D. Gnrdln.r nnd aon of Annie and late CUM. Oct., HI. nf pneumonia. SITB O. David Gardiner. Hcrvico and Int. at con- (ne mell). -wife of Maurice Culp. aeed 31. . enl.nc nf family. ....... ., ., Relatives and friends Invited to funeral.' GARRISON. Oct. 13. MAUIA M.. widow Sun.. 2 p. m. Int. private. Lev.rlneton Cm. i of David n. Oarrlson. r.adnor. Pa. PPMMINOS. Oct. 13. JOHN M. CUM. OAUSMANN. Oct. 13. of Influenza. LIfc srivnrf ,,,. nt i-nnnu on.i 1st. .Tnhn M. 1.113. wife of John J. (InutmBDii (nee Wilkin- Cummlncs. Ttesldenc. 034 N. f.th st. Du on). ayed 20. Funeral private. Hit.. 1 p. pot'eo of funeral will ho Elv.n. Dc.asedl m.. 2."4 N. Lawrence st. Int. Ardsley nn n, member of Robert A. I-amberton "urlal Park. ,,...tit ir. Lodr. No 487. P. and A. M.t Jerusalem ' OLUHAItpT. Oct. 18. MARTHA, wife of Chanter No. 3; Knrtosh Commandery. No. i Oeorai. Oerhnrdt nnd dauchter of Richard 20: I.u L'l Shrill., also th. J. n. Stetson Co. "nd lajulse , Meyer, used 28. Due notice of tTNNIHAM. Oct. 13. of pneumonia. ' fun,,VA,,J,i"eibt "l."1 tJ0"i.'LlH,J irmv n' I3IMA. wife nf Myle Cuniilnsliam and I ,. ,9'IO'S.ct. 10. of Infliiensn. JOIIN P. daunhter of. Henrj- and Kn.ma GUI. as.d at. ,''"?, ,1" of )ai. Mary p .Olbb,. 188 TV. ICim.ral nrlvate. Tues.. I n. Tlni-a at Tnl flr..nmonnt f'.m CUPITT. Oct. in. of lnfluema. PRANK It., husband of Catherine CupltK nee Tre. ton) and son of Robert and Bmma Cupltt, of Germantown. aired 31. Funeral conven ience nf family, PARWOOD. At Vlncentown. N. J.. P. BLMBR. son of Sarah A. and lat. Franklin Dsrwood. aged 38. Funeral nervlces Sun.. 2 li. m., late residence, Vlncentown. N. J. hyream-i) from 1" nV to ' p m Sun it ot May llladcn (nee Richardson), and son of ate residence. , Mary and the late Joseph Oladen. aired 34. Funeral Mon.. u a. in.. 2(10 S. 20th st. Int. OIIUIONS. Oct. 18, MARY OIRIIONS (nee Kllcoyne). widow of Patrick Olhhons. Fu. n.ral private, Tue., in a. m., 8802 Apen st. Int. nrlvntp. Hh.nnndnah naoera rooy. OII.IIKB. Of pneumonia. Oct. 17, ANNA DORIS, wife of I-.'dwurd J. Ullbee, of 3333 Ancora terrace. Funeral service private. -lion., n Chestnut (il.ADK terrace. Funeral service private. P. m.. Oliver II. Hair Hide.. 1820 t st. .Int. nrlvate. ' iEN. 4jct. IB. JOSKPH P.. husband DAVIS. Of pneumonia, Oct. 14 Ik.,.. ... .!.... ...Ill Ka .lu.n !l(11 M -Till mt HOW- GOBIIEL. Oct. 10. of Influent. BMMA. ,nAi.DAM,.n'.?rini'r,iv.fm'Hl;' P ,:'i"",a lauBhter" of Ueorre and Bophla Ooebel (nee K'Hane',,ntli.-aJn,Pmi',,'r.?;.i. "Jin ?.' Il'iu.r). aired 8. unerl and Int. private. KyC:i.0'rMi7lll" " -10" Mulbr5' M" Fr?dlSni?CtVnd,XIJaOudND'vl,U,F"u0n'er,.' "oRMAN.-Oct. 13. HKL13N O.. dauzh. nrlvate at coWeS ence of famll In. ltn?J I " of Miry and fate Prank Gorman. Rela. ?SrJm Tamil. Int. Holy ,VM nlll fr,nd,. i.,aue of Harred, Heart LrpAVIsm0et. 14. LILLIAN L.. dauthter I ?', "irn're.'fdi'n??' ofmot ..V of William I. and Clirlstlana Dan. rn. !"""?.' .J.:?P". lJ.n1." .V, ?',D5f ,?Jm0V'.?.r: ( ,n.n, , Alllll Hi, Alll, .a,,i.i.H. v..... a.u.u Lyons). Funeral Sun.. 2 p. m.. resldince of parents, CP2V Camac st, Int, Mt. Morlah cem. D. NODARSI3. Of pn.umonla. Oct 17. CONCKPCION Z.AYAS UK NODARHK. of Havana. Cuba, Funeral private. Mon.. 9 a. m.. Oliver it. Ra r Hide.. 1820 Chestnut st DELIN. Oct. 13 o pneumonia. ANSKL M.. son of Ansel H. and Frederlca Delln, aaed 18. Funeral services. Hun., 3 p. m.. 7.18 8. Frailer st. Int, and funeral private, iimnklvn naner com. DBN'CE. Oct. 17, of pneumonia. MAT- c GRADY. Oct, 10. HRIDOBT. dauirhter of late Jamea and Ilrldf-et Orady (nee Ilreslln). County SIIko. Ireland. Funeral Mon., 2 p. m 1821 Callowhlll st, Int, private. Holy Cros Cem. . , ORADY. Of llrockton, Charlestown. Ire. land. Oct. 18. CATHARINK ORADY. daush. ter of Mary and John Grady, aired 24, Serv ices and Int. private. criAltAM Oct. 14. of pneumonia. JOHN i:.. nuahnnd nr Ida 1. coast), axed f3. He Graham (nee Pan was a member of ur..i.r.. vivi. , ni pneumonia, MAT- iosbij, uaeu uo. on v. - 'r"''.c. u T1IFAV, husband of Anna Dene.. .Funeral Chester Ixidire, No. 283. L. O. O. M.; Kins Tues.. 0-30 a, m.. 13.1 N, 50th t.- Int. i ..sslnit lientflclal 8oclfty. Anlsttsjpi-k IrfKlirs, private. i no. i. runerai won.. . , ."!., w." ,iu- " - ,-, 1-1 n- fn IT IHIII . . . ..... .1 T. .. !.... HI, ll,.-.. I'mm lii-.i,. Tv"-. . i.iuw, inisiinnn nr I "UI i'i.i--. ni. ,t,v, ..... .. -. -.. ww Katherlne Dflcer. 023 Stokes ave.. Colllngs. wood. N. J. Fun.ral private. Int. Calvary uem,. -..iiiiiu-:ii. s. .j. DILI.BR. On Oct. 10. WIS. WILLIAM IIIKIII-B DILI.BR. aired Tn years. Relatives and friends. 13lh Pa, Cavalry, loth Pa. Cavalry. Post No. 2. G. A. R.. Invited to funeral services, at late residence, 2"3 W. Mt. Carroel m Olenslde. Due notice ot funeral will be lven later. nlLSIIRIMEIl. Of pneumonia. Oct 13. r . n... . ll-V-.- nil utitiinvn ,.. n 4;a 1 riniii.,i, --...... ,,,,-.,k iiise naiin. felndl. wire oe -icrman inisneimer. i-'uneral services. Hun.. 3 p. m.. 323 N. 4th st. Int. Ore.nmount Cem, Deceased was a member of Shade Clrcll. No. 37, snd IleneflcUl Un. ton. No. (ftf. 4 DOERNIIACH Of pneumonia, Oct. 15. BLWOOD 1IYKAN DOKIINIIACII. husband of Edna Custer Doernbach and son of Henry F. and the late Clara lllrch Doernbarh. Pu. reral Hun., 8 P. m., from (I3(i Rosa at., Oer mantown. Int. private, Nnrthwood Cem. DORNAN. Oct, IT, BHHAN V widow of James L. Dornan, aeed TS. Funeral a.rvlce Mon.. 2 n. rn., lit a 8. filst it. Jnt. private. DOWNS. Oct. 13. of Pneumonia, JKANKTTE. wlfo qf Harvy Downs ami daushter of Frank and the late Jennie Kleins, aged 22, Funeral Mon. mornlnir, from northeast corner ot Third and Pine tts. Int. "pUOAN. Oct. IT. nKRNAHD C, hus. bnd of -Hinrwh A. Dd-isii (net Carroll). Fu Siral wrlvate. 134 B. Price st..(Itn.. Tues., tpt .jk, Int. 3Vw Cathtdrat Cent. (Illl-IKV (let. 13. of Dneumonla. MAE B.. daushter of Harry and Annie C. Green, Hue notice of funeral will be irlven from parents' residence. 213U 8. -Front st. OH1FFITH. Oct. 10.' MARY B. (net Itohnert). widow of Lewis Orlfnth axed T2. Funeral Hun. afternoon, residence of son In-law, Samuel McKlroy. 2423 N. 20th St. Int. North Cedar Hill Cem. GROKP. Oct. IT, of pneumonia, CHARLKS D.. huiband of Rebecca GrofT, aged 74. Funeral Mon.. 1 p. m., 0327 Ogontz ae., Int. Northwood Cem, OltOHSMAN. Of influenza. Oct. 15. DORO THY, wife of Adam Grossman and daueh ter ot Moses and Margaret Woodrlng aged 21). Funeral nrlvate. Mon., 3133 Tulip at. OROVBH. At 1304 8. 48th St.. Oct. 18. RAYMOND, husband of Harriet L. Oroves, aged 30. Services and Int, private. HADDAHTY. Oct., 18. of pneumonia. MAllUUKlUTK HARRIS, wife of F. Leo Haddarly and daughter of late wiiuam li, and Maggie Harris. Due notice of funeral will b. given. M , iIAKBlt. Oct. 18. of pneumonia, COR. NKLIU8 II., huabarfd of Estelle, Walker Hafrr and son of Kossuth B. and late Fan. ii lo C, Hafrr. Funeral services and In. prl vate. from SOU N, Smedlest., Logan, Mon., 3 p, m. , HAOAN. Oct. 8. nf pneumdnla. OEORai: A, HAOAN. rear 82T f. American st.. sged S.i. aon of late Joseph and ltssa Hagan (neo minr.riviN f uucraii. am. f,.'i.;-i ,. v.. 3.1 and Pine su. Int, prlvait Hly Cross vr . I, St. Vincent Ferrer. New York city. New InrK nan.r copy, HPMPHRY. Oct. 18. ELIZABETH, wife of Walter H. Humphry. FiintVal service prlvite, Tue., 2 p. in.. Oliver II. Hair Hide.. 1820 chestnut ut. Int. private. IRION. Oct. IS. of pneumonia. MARIB (n.e Merz). wlfo nf Frank W. Irion, need 23. Funeral private. .Won., 3:30 n. in.. 324'i N. Palrblll t. Int. tirhate, Grcontnount Cem. Auto service. JACKSON. o.-l. 12. nf pneumonia. HOWARD T. JACKSON. funeral Sun.. u. m.. residence of Mrs, Martha llaclimann. 3314 nelerade at. Int. private. JACOHS. Oct. 12. Sergcnnt DANIEL A. JACOIIS. at Omaha. Neb.. 40th Hnlloon Co., husband of Rose H. Jacobs and aon of lata It. D. M. Jacobs nnd Catharine Jacobs -(nee Sherry). Funeral Sun., 1 p. m.. 232 8. Pra. 7ler st. (between 30th and 31st sts.), W, Phlla. JOHNSON. On, Oct. IT. 1018. of bron rhlal pneumonia. AI.1CI3 K.. daughter nf Anna J. and late Leivia M. Johnson. Pu neral will take place from late residence. 403 W'ster St.. Gtn.. nt convenience of fam ily. It.t N'crthwciC Cem. JOHNSON, Oct. IT, of pneumonia, CI.AUDI3 ().. husband of Alma P. Johnson, Funeral aei-vloca Tue. 1 p. ni.. 4T02 Pcnn st., Frankford. Int, private, Brooklyn nnd New York paper copy. JOHNSTON. Oct. IT. MARY, widow Of Pinery H. Johnston and daughter ot Mary L. and Harry II, Case'. Funeral and int. private. JOLLY. 0"t. 13. of pneumonia. SARAH W.. wife of Maxwell Jollv. at T0T0 Trank ford ave. Holmesbuis. Due notice ot the funeral will be given. KABLIN. Oct. 15. of pneumonia, JO SEPH II. KABLIN, aged 40. Funeral serv ices at brother's residence. 2048 Wendell nvr., Sun,. 2 p. m. Int, private Green mount Cem. KAHLKR. Oct. 13, ANNA M.. wife of Oscar A. Kahler and daughter of Herman If, and Mary II. Klosterman. aged 23. Fu neral Mon., 4 p. m.. 4031 N. 13th at. Int. Northwood Cem. KI3ECII. Of pneumonia, Oct. 10. JO. PBPH 1.. husband of Anna Kerch (nee Jnnea) and i.on orMary nn4 lat. Joseph L, Keech. aged 30, Int. Odd Fellows' Cem, Oct, 15. KBKNAN. Oct. IB. of pneumonia. MARY A., widow of Cornelius Keenan nnd daughter nf late Cornelius and Mary McDevltt. Fu neral at convenience ot family, 5021 Hazel ave. KELLY. Oct. is. nf pneumonia. Corporal CHARLES II. KBLI.Y. of Camn Meade, aged 28. son nf late Patrick nnd Theresa Kelly. Funeral from residence of brother. Francis P. Kelly. 20O1 wilder st., Tues. n. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem. Auto service. KELLY. Oct. IT, of Pneumonia, JO. SEP1I LEO. sun of Timothy nnd the late lbinnah Kellv (tie. R.ed). Funeral, father's residence, 1TS0 S. llth st. Int. private, llnlv Cross Cem, KELLY". Oct, 18. M.nnAHET C, daugh. ter of late Stephen and Mnnnrst K.lly and sister of the R.v, Joseph S. Kellv. Funeral and Int. private. Mnu,, from resld.nc. nf sis ter. Mr. Harrv J. McVeigh. 1.-.31 N. 2d st KELLY. Oct. 111. of nn.umnnln. Timvr. AS, snn of Patrick and Rose Kelly, Funeral parent' resldencr, 2233 N. Uu ll a m u si. mi. luismc. tiuiy ri.nuiciire cem. KENNEDY, Oct. 18. ALICE REOINA wife of Donald W. Kennedv. Funeral prl. mi., w.d. Hi a. in Jien ivii.!r. Ii'- --- . , ... .lull, .. iiriiiesinirg. int. private. liBsaiiui. ijci. in. or pneumonia. JEN. NIE ll wife of John Kennedy. Jr.. and daughter of Mary A. and late John Hand Funeral at convenience of family. J2S e Wlldey St. " J "" KKRIOAN. Oct. 13. HELEN C. wife of George J. Ke.-igan and daughter of Arn.1l and the late Theodore Jahnke. aged 24 pj, r.eral Sun.. 11 a. m,, B61T Master st. Int. Arlington Cem. ' ""' KERN. Oct. 12. of pneumonia HURERT husband of Pannle Kern (nee Elsele). agei 33. Funeral and Int. private. "'""" " '-tKIIj. trt. 13. nf pn.umonla, KATH. HYN M.. wife of Jam. Kern and ilaucn. I.r of John and late Katherlne Hrhlnerrr. Funeral services private Mon., i ,, ,' residence of futher, 2003 Jf, Fulrhill st Int. Nnrthwoml Ceir rairniu st. K'nYS. Jot. JT. JOllJJ LINCOLN, hus. hand of Clara Williams Keys. Funeral ervice and Int. from TtK N, 2d tt.I Tvs,. 10 a. w. ' - T I aiAf-Me;i. nr nncunionia, ucr, i. i.l.l: Allirrll KSTELLK. daughter of late Thomas and Rachael H. Massev. Fun.ral service .won., :i p. in, -'i...i ., -isi at. int. private. West Lnur.l 1IIII Cem. MAWHINNBY. Oct. 17. MARGARET daughter of late Stafford and Mary A. Maw hlnney. Funeral services private. Mon., 3 o m 2133 K. Norrls st. Int. North Cedar Hill Cem. MAY. Oct. 11. of pneumonia. T. HOW ARD. husband of Marearet May. Relatives Invited to services Sun.. 3 p. in.. 5417 Osage ave. Int. private, MAY. At Camden. N. J Oct. 17. I3D MUND. husband of Catharine May. aged 4T, Funeral service and int. private. MA.YIIF.HRY. Oct. 10. MAMIE 13.. wife of Matthew Mulberry and daughter nf Mary nnd late Absalom Tnvlor, of 2045 H. Ham. berger st., aged 28. Funeral private, Tues.. 10, a. m Oliver II. Hair Hide.. 1820 Chest! nut st. Int. private. McCAnil. Oct. 10. of pneumonia. ANNA S.. daughter nt Joseph G. and Clara C. Mi Cabe. aged 20. Funeral Mon.. 1:30 p. m.( narenta' residence, 1372 Narraransett st Int. private. North Cedar Hill Cm. MrCANN. Oct. 18. of pneumonia, at 53 W", loigan at,, Uermantown. MARY, widow of Peter McCann and daughter nf late Mar. tin and Amy Nichols. Funeral and Int. pri vate. Sun.. 3 n. m.. Holy Sepulchre Cem. McCARRICK, Of pneumonia, Ocu in, NEIL J., husband of Hanna J, McCarrlrk (nee Amen) and son of Henry J, and May K. McCarrlck. Funeral Mon., 2 p, m., parents' residence. 1721 Ellsworth st. Int. private, Mt. Morlah Cem. MCCARTHY. Oct. It of pneumonia, JAMBS J., son nf James and Mary 3dc Carthv (nee -Shea), aged a years. Due no. tlce, of funeral will be given, from parents' residence, 5808 Tine st. McCONB. Oct. HI. of pneumonia. JAMBS ANDREW, son of William J. and Isabella McCone. aged S3 year. Funeral services at Devon, Ta, Int, private, Odd Fellows' Cem.. Gladu'VPe. Pa McCORMICK. Oct. 18. ALICE, widow of William J. SlcCorinlck. Funeral Tues., 8:30 a. m.. Ill Walnut at.. Clifton Heights. Int. St. Cbart.s's Cm., Oakvl.w. MiCRORY. Oct. in. JOHN J. McPnORY, husband of late Mary McCrory (nee llogan). Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Mon., 10 a, m., 223 N. 114th st. Int. Old Cathedral Cem, Auto service. McDONAI.D. Of pneumonia, Oct. IS. BDWARD. husWind of Regeta rarnev and son nf Annie Halev nnd late Edward Me. Donald. Funeral Mon.. 0 a. m.. 2217 8. 3d st. Int. private. Holy Cross Cem. Auto funeral. Mcdonough, t- Oct. in. henry m- DONOPilH. aged 81. Funeral and Int. prl vate, Mt. Iitorlah Cem. McBNROB. Oct. 15. of pneumonia. IRENE P., daughter of late Marie and Andrew McKnrne. ocd 22. Funeral prl vate for Immediate family, 18 E. Gravers lane. Chestnut Hill. Int, private. Holy Cr"" (''in. JIcFADDP.N. Oct. 17. BL'GENE L.. son nf Mary and late Owen McFadden (ne McElaney), aged IT. Funeral Mon.. 9:30 u. in., mother's residence 1T38 Morris st. Int. Holy Cross Cem. Schuylkill Co. papers copy. ... .wcKr.liiUMii-;. r.ui aiu i;.. son or William (!., Jr., and Sadie McPetrldge and grandson of William C Hr., nnd Anna U. Mltch'lt (nee Hplcer). aged 2. Relatives and friends Invited to services, grandparents' residence. 2(13.1 8., Marshall st. Int. private. McOARVKY. Oct. IS of pneumonia. Mrs. CATHARINE McaARVBY, widow of Jame McOarvey, Funeral Mon.. 10 a. m., 3010 Carlton st.. West I'blla. Int. private. Holy Cross Cem. Tilefll.INCBY. Oct. 12. of pneumonia, SAMUEL P., husband, of Annie M. Mc. Ollncey (nee Armstrong). Funeral and Int, private, Oct 21 at H a. tn., from 1309 N. llth st. McdIMBY. Oct. 13. of nneumonta. MARY B., wife of Charles MiOliney (net Wtinr ton). Funeral-Mon.. ll a, m 4110 Fair, mount ave.. West Phlla, Int. private. St. Denis's Cem. McdOWAN. Oct. 12. of bronchitis. IDV Ir, daughter ot late Daniel and Mary J. McGownti (nee Justin). rtilatlvos aiiil s. - .. - . :..!.. ...-- . . -i ;.--- -i menus, rmoioyrs or nooumnners' No. 1Q, B. an Coollcued on iint T loyrs of A, Iteed k Cou La' laical. No. 80t Plilla. doiwtIC d I), of L,. Invited to mlltM. . va ii vi 41 f. lJUDiUttii.s;if..iii. " .. .- &Lj$tfk u -ma- fArzr &$&? .. v. -eirfi ,- riiitfir iTssssMssiil i-TisssTif ii n lllilBittsMi-i ' n i
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