EVENING LEDGER- PUILADBLPmA, 'THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1916 6 . . . i , i .i . PUBLIC tEDGElt COMPANY crnue jr. kv cinvris, pmioct Crte jr. tArdlnttetu.Vlea. rresldenti John C. MarVp. BeeTttarrana' Treasurers Philip B. lfin,Jen ft William. Director. KDtTOMATj BOAIlDl Citui n. K. Cttne, Chairman, . Jf. WHALBT...W. ., .,... . . . Editor as KOTIK C jLtAJlTOT.. .0nrI Business Manater tset.ffah.xf Aa.1 t PnALtn T.rrxirti fllllldlnff. Trvhl ' lHAMstlnAM Aniiim. Phllftd1nh Jbavar cwtnt-. Broad and Chestnut swl; Nw Tox...,...,..,.ioO MMrofollutn Tower DcnoiT .. ,.828 Ford Bulldlnc err. Uci,, ...... 409 aieUt-Demoerat Bulldlnc CBICiM....... . .... 1202 Tribune Building NEWS BUREAUS! winirro! nemo i. Rlres Bulldlnc MTf ToK nc0 , The jrhtiea llulldln bull Hrt) -..... O0 Frledrlehatraeiw Lotnox tlritwo Marcdnt House, Htraml Fills BCuo .. ..S3 Ru Louli le Urand subscription terms W carrier, six cent Mr,ftk Br mail, twttpald outside of Philadelphia. eept nhro (ersum poslair la rrn,ulred, one month, twenty Itvaents: on year, three dollars. All mall SUhacrlptlons payabla In advance. Nonce Subscriber wishing- nd Ires chanted tautt lire old at well an new addree. SELL, JMU WALNUT KEYSTONE. MAIN 1000 EX AtUrrtt otJ rommimti((o)i fo fftrnl0 Ttdgtr, fndependeaoe Bquart,, Philadelphia. xwrraro at tna rnaiDrxrnu roT0ritc s sxcoximiliss uiti, uirrn. TltB AVERAGE NET TAID DAILY CUl' CULATION OP Tlin KVKNINO LEDdER ron October was ita.107 FMIsdtlpliU, Thnitdsr, Nerrmtxr 10, 1916. Some ha meat and canna eat, And lonte would eat that want it; But we ha mtat and we can eat, Sa let th Lord be thanhit. Burnt. It Is ft great Thanksgiving for Bob Siuml The Old Guard novor surrenders; but sometimes It Is licked. ' Thero Is a Rrowlng belief that Ford methods aro needed In tho barnyard. Qcorgo Harvoy says tho country In not patriotic. It appears to bo lacking, too, In prophets. No, Cordolla, tho name of Tarnow kl, tho new Austrian Ambassador, la not pronounced Tarnation. , Tho Mayor Is going to clean up that vice situation "In a day or two" If It takes tho next thrco years to do it. Mr. Hughes was a student at both Institutions; It will bo determined today whothor ho Is a Colgate or a Brown man. Why should tho Bala-Cynwyd pco pie complain? If tlioy do not want to ubo tho trains thoy can take a sea voyago on tho Fifty-second street ships. Did It ever occur to you that tho Tery poor fare hotter on Thanksgiving Day than the .nverago worklngman whose name is not on tho list of tho needy? Tho position of the Record seoms to be that thero ought to bo no public Improvements until a Democrat Is elected Mayor. But what Improvement would thero be In that? ' Ono of the things to bo thankful for, presumably, Is that tho next Speaker Will bo either a Vnro or Penrose man. In time, perhaps, wo can be a little moro thankful ovor tho prospect of having a fcenclunan of neither. Francis Shunk Brown has sent a letter to every member of tho Genoral Assembly offering his advice during tho Jiession of the Legislature this winter. Tho Attorney poneral Is an expert adviser, but It Is dollars to postago stamps that a lot of the legislators will get their advice from other quarters. The movement to make Lloyd Georgo practically dictator of the British Empire ljaa ample and good precedent In Roman history. Ordinary methods of government must bo abandoned in times of sreat peril, and the "demagoguo" of yesterday may be tho preserver of his country tomorrow. If Lloyd George takes Asquith's place, his power will bo Virtually absolute. Because of the lack of rain millions of cyclops, dlaptoml, canthocampl, yprlses. daphnlas and bosminias, besides several other kinds of animals In the city reservoirs, have died. It Is the presence of their Inanimate bodies that has caused the unpleasant odor In the drinking water In recent weeks. It does not seem possl bfe that the demise of microscopic creatures could produce such disagree able results, but thero are more wondeis In the world than aro dreamed of by tnoat ot us. - A list of "creations" worn by men j Kl Hie Opera ShOWS how manv vnrlntlnna j.j . pan bo played on tho themo of black and rTOlte. They ought to try colors, as of Jrore. Men ar the ornamental sex, as Witness beards and mustaches. But they placarded these as well as colors. Why? A clever woman has said that the modern rnament of a man is a bankroll, and that tho only way he can advertise the act that he has It Is to wear a drab luslnessllke suit. Women select plain ooklng men for husbands because gaudy lomeos are apt to have undecorated iccketbooks. Reports from Washington that Mla Katharine Brltton Is to bo married lo Prince Alfred zu, Hohenlohe Schllllng Jurst, of tho Austrian Embassy, must bo JaJjep with many grains of salt, The case fesemblea that of Miss Katharine Elklna tod the Duke of the AbruzzI, with the Ufference that Prince Alfred la a medl. Jtled prince, while the duke is a member HT the Italian royal family. But so far as European social customs are concerned, pl$ difference is slight. Tho medlatUed B are recognized "as the equals by ot the members of the reigning ea. Tho murdered heir to the Aus in throne married a countess, but her aJc was m far below his that the duko 4 to Birrca before tho marriage to HiTndsr tha right of his. children to iiherit the throne. Other Austrian grand pSim have married women who wero not If b!a birth, but have had to give up J4r rank to do it. Such a marriage is Hit rMOfqisad in the l&ws of th reign b jfcjuUiet it MU Klklfts A4 marjitd fi JQMh. of the Abnusi sh would have been a morKtumUe wife, who could h&ve been disowned It for dynaetle Masons Jt had become necessary fof tho duko to marry a woman of; royat birth. The probability thai any hlffh spirited Ameri can ftlfl "will contract ft marriage with a prince which will hot be recoftnlzod by the awn of her husband's country as binding on hint Is so remote that this latest International romance In likely to find no consummation outside ot the newspapers. THANKSGIVING fTUlE man who Isn't glnd ho'fl nllvo and who never celebrates his birthday in always being shot nt by iho hero In Mr. Chesterton's boisterous novels Just to chjtstqn his Indifference. Wo aro In pretty much that chastened frnmo ot mind. America has been shot at nml tho bullet barely missed, tho mark. Most of us aro rather thankful. To bo really humble Irf to bo something of a poet, or at least a pretty big man. Wo havo been welcomed by pioclamatlon to n fenst of humility. Turkey Is far from depressing nnd mlnco plo In not humbla pie. But It Is not for the avorngo mortal to lecturo tho average mortnl nbotit prayer nnd fasting. "Tho people" havo boon urged to think over their cranberries of others' sufferings; but most persons are not so proud on to think of thcmselvci as "tho people," but aro content to rcmnln plain folks. Thanksgiving Is nobody's business, generally speaking. It Is each Individ ual's affair. Each ono suffers for hln own thanklcssness and puntshet himself Indirectly for his own shortcomings. As for alms for tho needy, "Lot your light so Bhlno" is spoken to tho congregation as a mass; but "Lot not thy left hand know what thy rlsht hand dooth" Is spoken to tho Individual giver. Tho tragedy of alms is that tho poor givo most of them though nobody tells them to. Tho poor aro too busy Just now feeding themselves and each other and working overtlmo at r;ood wages to think about Belgium, Poland, Armenia and Serbia. Tlmt Is tho privilege of tho rich. But this Is not alms. Fancy any ono daring to think of a gift to Franco as aimsi These little- nations whom wo havo helped, but not enough, aro worthy to bo tanked with Franco. Of course tho bcit thing wo, could glvo them would bo pcaco; but wo havo found to our humilia tion thnt to keep muttering ponce, pcaco, when thoro Is no peace, Is futile. If tho alternnttvo Is to conquer Europe with kindness, wo havo pot been very Impres sive. But tlint again is up to the Indi vidual Imagination. Wo havo given some few thousand young lives. Volunteers, soldiers of fortune, havo henid tho call and died in tho trenches or fallen flaming from foreign skies for nn idea. It may make, somo women thankful to think thnt their sons did not get Into tho world's quarrel. It may make somo men thoughtful. CORNELL IT WAS a happy chanco for Penn'nnd Cornell nnd for football at Inrge that brdught thoso two colleges together to an annual holiday rivalry. For many years the Big Four--Yale, Harvard, Princeton nnd Ponhsylvnnla wero hurl ing cries of rufllanlsm and professional ism nt each other. It was significant that these cries began to dlo down about iho tlmo that there was no longer a Big Tour loft they'd all been trounced by smaller colleges. But over all theso years thero was never moro than a trace of anything but gentlemanly mutual esteem betweon our owri Thanksgiving Day combatnnto. This game has beon plnycd as If It wero betweon teams of two different chapters of tho same fraternity. It makes It all the better pow that Cornell has as much chance to win as Ponn. It speaks welt for both that tho long unbroken string of defeats Cornell suffered hore never left any soreness on the ono sldo or gloating on tho other. Tho roar of welcome that comes from the Pennsylvania stands ns Cornell runs on tho Held Is a heartfelt greeting to as good sportsmen as thero aro In tho col lego world. BEAUTY IN COINS ART Is ft mummy when It Is made for the museum called an art gallery. Its primary destination should be tho hands of the people, and It is only the acci dents of time and use that send It else where. The chief crlmo of our ago has been to hand over "tho arts" to tho painters and musicians. Tho result was that we got some flna pictures and symphonies with some mighty ugly crockery, iron railings, metal mugs and coins. An art that is not In dally use dies. Tho recovery of our corns Is a notable advance toward a democratic art. Peo ple are still talking about the new dimes. The new half dollars, soon to be out, are beautiful, if they realize their description. Liberty represented "In ft full-length fe male figure, enveloped In tho folds of the Stars and Stripes, progressing In full stride toward the dawn of a now day," should be much better than the largo characterless head now filling up the obverse of our half dollars. The artist chose bis model with a view to poise nnd carriage, as well as perfec tion of profile. This Is breaking away from the old rut of thinking first of a, pretty face. Whistler once drew a por trait of a. girl and sent it to an exhibi tion with the face scratched out, because he knew too many persons would only Jopk at his work to sea if the girl were pretty or not. It was tardily learned that the flowinr folds of garments, the gesture and spirit, of the pose gave work more meaning than the representation of mere fleah. and feature. It ht not de tracting from the honor that is Mrs Stevens's in having been chosen for tho model to say that nowadays It is the artist ratnw Own the modal, y,-ip uwkw j tb tety e the cola. . J Tom Daly's Column POJtlTAif IiAhhADE ThetandaropackcdteUhchecrinothrono Of lad and tas$c gov bctHoht, And crhp and clear ring out ttle tonpt And brafclv ttavc the banners brtpht. The pamo 1 oti, rtntt while thcU floht For tchoolboV pride and matcrv; Onlshlc a Icggar chanli his rile, "for what thou plvcst, thanks to thect" And ladles fair and ladle rare, With' Jewels like the Stars of night Set gleaming In their luslroui hair, Jleforc the plaghouic now alight, Where muslo iiocIU and songs Invito And drown the curhstdnc beggar's plea, "Have pit) on me In iny plight tor whafthou gliest, thanks to theel" The mailer sits before his boara And views the napcry, spotless, white; lte fanclci lie's a nroncr lord Of such a scene of gag delight And, self content, slngt praises trite About hit decdn; nor can ho tee A legpar crying, out of sight, 'Tor what thou glvcst, thanks to theer isnxvot Qrcat Qnd, when crowds forget thy might And, pleasure-hungry, from thee flee; Look down and hear thine anchorite: "Vor what thou ptycit, thanks to thccV WILL LOU. The Wild Golfers An Sandy Mcls'lbllck has selected the best ten golfers In Philadelphia, you ought to select tho ton wildest. Thoreforo we nomlnnto for No. 1: Mr. W. K. Torrow, who drovo out of bounds across tho fourth fairway while playing tho soventh holo on tho cast cnurso nt Merlon. For No 2: William L. Hirst, who drove nil tho way from Princeton Into tho trap In Lawroncevlllo (Seo pollco court records, 9 p. m. day of Ynlo-Prlncoton gnmo, 1916). Ho dropped bnclt with sovoro ponalty, on account of n. bad lie. ICUAB. Dear Tom tf nd v,a known that you wero going to run un "art" column last Saturday, wo would ilave sent you this nd, out of tho Saturday Evening Post: WORKS OF AJIT Mona Lisa nnd AWi CAllAMIXS Chocolate. Dipped What school would you cnll that after Mon.1 had been treated and how would Annctto look chocolate dlppod7 SALLAD. Alffne nnd Trotozoa Affect i'utuble nut Not Drink ing 'Qualities Thus ran n mibhcnd In o. o. d. p. yester day. Which reminds us to hopo that if our turkey is not cdlblo It may at least bo fit to cut. YOtlNO man for grocery buxlnees. It week. W. Cor. Hocklaml t nmi kja amac Uve. contcrmp. But then, If ho's un actlo young man, ho may man.igo to sfcal his turKoy. Kuto Kid Stuff II. C. Worroll, of Rlvcrton, N. J was showing some friends through tho Drcor Nurscilcs at that placo recently when a llttlo girl in tho party said: "Mamma, Is this n nursery?" Her mother said yes. "Well, then," replied tho daughter, "whero nro tho babies?" G. H. S. "Hnrry," said inothor, "children should bo socn and not heard. "I know, mother," said Harry, "but I'm not ono of tlioao kind of children." J. M. C. Thanksgiving A 1'rayer Though wo bo Blind, still may wo see Thy Handiwork and know Its Worth; Though wo bo Dumb, still may we Fpeak Thy Word In Thought and Deed; Though wo bo Deaf, still may we hear Thy Voice and do Thy Bidding; Though wo bo Halt, still may we walk Thy Way nor go astray; And though wo sea nnd hear nnd speak and walk as men. Still may wo know these things ns but of earth; of only passing need; And If these, sifts bo ours through Thee, It needs must be thnt we can wrong no man Almighty Ood, grant this be our Thanks giving. GEORGE MARTIN. Aftermathtcrs INSTRUCTOR INVICTUS Out of the mesa that covers me, Tests and exams from end to end, I snatch whntever time there be To scribble verse, my friend. In tho fell clutch ot grading times I uha.ll not yell or shout aloud; And gazing on my pupils' crimes, My head Is dizzy, but unbow'd. Beyond this place of flunks and bluff Loonu but the monthly check I earn. For which each month, however rough, StUl finds me waiting In my turn. It matters not it folks get sore. If future voters lack a brain; I've put across my stuff once morel 1'vo hit the column once agalnl P. VILLAIN. Docs any one In this city doubt that women marry a great deal later In life than they used toT It any such there be, send him to me. I'll lead him to Monument Cemetery at Broad and Berks and show him where lies "Isabella, beloved wife of Chas. Itoborts; porn June, 1851; died November, 1869." Not far from Isabella lies another young wife, whose totono plainly states she died noven years before she was born. MINNIC HA-HA. Lullaby Hush-abye, baby, Daddy'a a cop, When ho gets paid, a collector will stop. Daddy shells out. for if he should Bquawt, Down would come Daddy, his wages and all! LITTLE NELL. SllhmVAIST Iat Thompson's rtitaurant, 180 S. Broad, 2 a. m. today. Reward If rtturned to, ate., etc. O, o. d, p. Even in November one sometimes finds it unseasonably warm in tho early morn ing, doesn't ono? BEWARE THE BUNKIIOUND Working- for tho Cjty Beautiful, Ho Bites All Unlovely Thlnga The thought of hiring out tho'Bunkhound Indiscriminately to private parties doesn't altogether appeal to us. Besides, perhaps, the manager ot the theater should be warned before wo accede to this requests Philadelphia. Nov. 22. ISIS. Daar Frtand Tom I want bernr our liunit. hound. Ho and ma ar gonna bur eau at th bawbay " I. want M that ttutrA ara tu aaata U-fl In tho nrat it to Honxu-u tall tor tft-3 tea Kama of bwrbur VCood. atat am) than ai a erltof iVBUMU lUr UBIU9 BUUIW4 IW faiur belE2 aUo I bavin to atsuid tut aa i 3tasJtlBsU I Ut ma leant' tfit. wta bt.oan attend i Bine. thtt wf-ttjaUi Iald and Ood tUa eatrj srowdl with tb Win pollol who iav alio Uwabt orchaatru tickets And than whan tba unlrormad attendant come round and innAitm.. n? (Utr ar am. w v. , "3f.jwS! - -j-w v "lifcj'v 1 -j" Ma a i w a '..I i ii " , " Tr " " j ' .'I kBiwii MMHi'ii-4 iK 7'SWBftsir w'&i"- 'mWr.AtWL TwU haw lt3:w',sSOTi3ff A FIRST NATIONAL The Proclamation Was Issued by While, It Was Sitting at York From Unfitting Recreation YORK, rich in Its historic nssoclatloni, enjoji tho rare distinction, not gener ally known, of having been the homo of tho original of the first two national Thanks ghlng proclamations. Tho first wns Issued by Congress, In session hero, to com memorate tho victory of Saratoga during tho Revolution Tho other proclamation was Issued by Abraham Lincoln, following the declslvo battle at Gettysburg Georgo R. TrowoII. curator and librarian of tho York County Historical Society, whlio making Investigations prevlous to tho pub lication of his history of the Continental Congress at York, Pa., found the original proclamation sent ,out from York In the archives of the Department of State at Washington. When General Howe, In 1777, landed at the head of Elk River, with nn army ot 18,000 men, he began a moement toward Philadelphia. As the city was threatened with an Invasion ot the British foe, Con gress, then sitting In Independence Hall, voted unanimously to adjourn to meet In Lancaster, then the largest Inland town In trjp United States. The thlrty-slx members In Congress from tho original thirteen States rode on horseback to Bethlehem, and from there went to Lancaster. Only one day's session was held In that borough, and for better protection Congress resolved to move to York, on Uie west side of the Sus quehanna River. Congress held Its first session In York on September 30. 1777. At that time, In tho lnneuaro of John Adams, a member of Con gress from Massachusetts, all was dark nnd gloomy. The news of the lctory of Gates In capturing the entire army of 6000 men under Burgoyne, marching from Canada to ward New York, then In the hands of the enemy, was first brought to Congress at York by a nephew of Oeneral Israel Put nam. The offlplal account of tho surrender at Saratoga was brought to York by Colonel Wilkinson, an aide on the staff of General Gatea. Congress remained In session In York nine months, or from September 80, 1777, to June 37, 177, wuue wasningwn was at Valley Forge On October 81 President Laurens ap pointed nichard Henry Lee, of Virginia; Samuel Adams, ot Massachusetts, and Gen eral Roberdeau, of Pennsylvania, a com mittee of Congress to draft a national proc lamation of Thanksgiving, the first In the history of the American Republic This hls torlo document was written at York by that eminent Virginian, Richard Henry Lee, who lesss than two years before had moved in Congress, at Philadelphia, that "these United States are and of right ought to be free and Independent States." and himself became one of the signers of the Declara tion pf Independence. On November 1, 1777, the committee appointed to prepare a rec ommendation to set apart a day of publlo thanksgiving brought In U report, which was agreed to unanimously. The proclama tion Is remarkable in language and thought Besides breathing forth a spirit of lofty patriotism. It also contains a deep and fervent reHllous sentiment. Following is the proclamation In full; Forasmuch as It is the indispensable duty ot all men to adore the superin tending providence of Almighty God, to acknowledge with gratitude their ob ligations for benefits received, and to imploro such further blessings as they stand n need of; and It having pleased Him in HU abundant mercy, not only to continue to us the Innumerable boun ties cf His common providence, but also to smile upon ua in the prosecution of a, just and necessary war for the de fenso and establishment of our inalien able Tights and liberties, particularly in that He bad been pleased in so great measure to prosper the means used for the support ot our troops and to crown our arms with most signal suc cess. It is, therefore, recommended to tho Legi&UUurtt of executive powers of tfctt United StotM to set apart Thurs day, th Hth of JOtsABibw text. fe ' Thyaolf and thy belongings Aro not thino own so proper as to waste Thyself upon thy virtues, they on thee. Heavon doth with us as wo with torches do, Not light them for themselves; for if our virtues Did not go forth of us, 'twero all. aliko As if wo had them not. Spirits nro not finely touch'd But to fine issues, nor Nuturo never lends Tho smallest scruple of her excellence But, liko n thrifty goddess, sho determines Herself tho glory of n, creditor, Both thanks and use. Measure for Measure Act 1, Scene 1. THANKSGIVING Authority of Congress' in 1777 It Recommended Abstention as Well as From Labor sololnn Thanksgiving and praise; that with ono heart and one voice, the poo plo of this country may express the , gratoful feelings of their hearts and consecrate IhemieKoi to the service ot their Dhlno Benefactor; and thnt to gether with their sincere acknowledg ments, they may Join In a penitent con fession of their manifold sins", whereby they hnd forfeited every favor nnd their humble and earnest supplication may be that It may plpaso God, through tho merlin of Jesus Christ, mercifully to forglvo nnd blot them out of remem branco; that It may please Him gra ciously to grant His blessings on the Government of these States respectively nnd prosper the publlo council of the whole United ' States, to Inspire our 'commanders, both by land nnd sea, and all under them, with that wisdom and fortitude which may render them flt In struments under the providence of Al mighty God to securo for these United States the greatest ot all blessings In dependence and peace; that It may pleaso Him to prosper the trade and manufactures of the people and the la bor of tho husbandman; that our land mny yield Its Increase: to take the schools and seminaries ot education, bo necessary for cultivating the principles of true liberty, virtue and piety, under His nurturing hand and to prosper tho means pf religion, for promotion and enlargement of thnt Kingdom, which consists of righteousness, peace and Joy In the Holy Ghost. It Is, further rec ommended that servile labor and such recreation as at other times Innocent, may be unbecoming the purpose of this appointment on so- solemn occasion. HE STOPS AT NOTHING The movement against the use of eggs is likely to spread until nobody but a British censor would open it-Brooklyn Eagle. WHAT MAKES A MAN? I tost a man, ful)-slie, today, wall-kept aad , elegant and straight, Clean-cut, clear-eyed, stronr-llmbsd; abeot him was the air Of real gentility; in manner gracious; jronA, yet not too proud ; B Thoughtful ot others, still immovable, net obstinate B,ut gently firm In his opinions ; powerful la foroe, yet with the rare Rsserve which means success in the lea race of life he bowed , - To no defeat. And cultured was he, too familiar with the arts 4 And literature that mark the atudeat aai the scholar ripe and fine, Conversant easily with musla and with lo- jtures; In his mine Of choicest Information be roraaled the xaaa of parts; In love, of country he had mora than ono proved patriot true In times when War .called hlro to sendee e th,e battlefield afar. Then In the later trying tunes of peace net so spectacular; He stood with courage for the law, for order, rend'rlng due ' His share to every -call; unto church, l acred vow He kept inviolate; and in but horaa'ho -was the alMn-all The husband, father should be. . , , Then I wondered how He had been trained for this nlgh-serfaet earthly call To service in a sphere peculiarly bl owaf What college hall Had jo equipped hlmt what the syetata which, produced such men? What church Inspired tC life lik thiaT I traced his life and wben I found the boms from which he came X fcow that R&ugbt can give, Sucl power espiu ejeoept , HOtSKf VW ai&ituH Iwm to Livp. jMrS. filokert, in 3bea KsUftmtk. What Do You Know? QUIZ ho la rrrtdent. of China Name teteral method ot eombatlnc tha hlah nr Mmbl rout ot llvlnc that hae been adrocated I in the current dlariualons. 3. Tba Chief ot tha talcr Ilnreau will recom mend a StOO.OOO nerntlnt system. for tbe liter alatloui What Is that aratemT i. A lint (olio Mhakeaurara la offered for $35,000. Wlint U It? ... S. Wbo vrna I.ttdr Hamilton, nhoae picture la to 1)0 nern In almoat errrr art shop? 0. What l meant br "turnlns Mate's evl tlanra"T 7, tlthlnc- la atlll the Dretallln method of taxation In Mohammedan countries. Cx actlr what la It? B. Tlio afumlard of value U the arold dollar. , I tow much cold does It contain? Are Bar more coined? 0, now many pound ara reckoned as tha standard welslit for n bale ot cotton In this countrj?, , 10, On of the mott famous apota In tha world la tbe "1'octs' Corner." Where and what U It? Answers to Yesterday's Quiz 1. If the par Taloe ot a stock la 5100 n (hare and lt.l lelllna. ar. nt 08, It. la below par If It la iclllnr nt lot It la nhoie uor, 5. The Kntiltn accent tha lint, sjdbiblea of "Jerome K. Jerome' na II nla nains were sneUcd "Jerrum K. Jcrrum." 3. Cnnrlea M nehwau ta prealdent of tha . llethlrliem ttteel Corporation. 4. The "ess kins" Is James .1:, Wets. 6. Cbmtmna treea coma chlcllr from Nevr -rjiginna. tue itiaine ana Vermont wouaa furnUhlna meat of the supnlr. ft. The t'onitllatlou slrea Conorcia. the power "to resulata comaierea with fareltn na tlons. and amonr tha several titutea. and. with the Indian tribes " T, Unmarried ncmoni' Incomes of S30OO or nndrr and married persons' Incomea of Viooo or under are exempt from taxation. 8, Tha 1'harUeea nera. a Jewish relUlous parlr whose distinguishing- trait was rigid nb aervance of the letter of the law. The Naddncees were tba partx of priestly aristocracy. Tliev did not .believe In, tbe resnrrectloni the rharlseea did. 0. A duenna Is an elderly woman acting aa rovernesa or companion In charge of girls n Bpunl.h .countries. , . . 10, A protocol la the original draft of a dlvlomatls document, especially ot the terms ot a trenty agreed ta In conference. Ilolmesburg T, J. MAC L. The territory embracing Holmesburg, which lay In several townships, became a part of Philadelphia by the act of consolidation of February 2, 1351, Founding of Detroit Mrs. W. R. C The site of Detroit, vis ited by French traders as early aa 1848 and by La J&llo In 170, was first perma nently settled In 1701, when Sleur de la Mothe Cadlllao, tho French commander, built Fort Pontchartraln there. A small trading village grew up nnd the fort and village had become important enough by 1780 to attract a British force, which captured It. Three years later the Indian chief Pontlao besieged It In vain. In 17? the Americans took, possession. It was In corporated aa a olty in 182i. Emergency Currency W. IC B. Emergency currency is a spe cial form of paper money Issued to banks by tho aovernmenf' In time of financial stringency. The largest Issue of it was made at, the outbreak of the European war, but since then it has all been retired. Japanese Actor 11 Mao I. A phonetio rendering of tho name of Sessus Hayakawa. tbe Jananaaa actor, is Sees-u-ya Heea-ka-wa, the "a'" being broad, the "u" being pronounced like mo rencn "u- ana me accents being on the "u" and the "ka," Senators In War ANXIOUS The following United fetntea Senators In the Sixty-fourth Congress served in the Civil War: United States army Senators Works, of California; du Pont, of Delaware; Nelson, of Minnesota; Goft, of West Virginia, and Warren, of Wyoming Confederate gUtta army Senators Bank head, of Alabama Tillman, of South Caro lina, and Martin, of Virginia. Falling Body A. o t would take a man less than one and a half fcecend to fall thirty feet. The formula governing falling bodies is: "8 equals Hg tunes t squared" 3T being tha distance (,0 feet) "g" the acceleration (8S.J faet) and t' tbe tune, or unknown wtautMy, Sol v Log thW )UAtfcu, wo gat r mafet L3S seconds, or Itau tbaa 11 The Northeast Corner -J Rubalyat of n CommnUr Xvttr We have a Dec who's suet. . i i He thinks It's fiRtojd Ho see, some Chicken. ta iW! And then romps gaily out and EaU then fjjj Geheral William Churchill i " Informntlnn ih.i .- ..." . "m .""THrfs n, mond, Va.. guide bookTundVr tha,c George Washington's iWaWi! Uu M lllumlnatlnir BtAtemn, """"Warter, this l Here In 1824 a reception was h- to Oeneral Lafayett. and hia ' George W. Lnfayetta. ana hu oa "Cow catchers,' mv catchers," sara Knt ..j . -(Jw "are tlves I In Amnri .1 lL",nt lotemo-i upon mo track they nre xaurhi ., " sort ot shelf nnd so prevented from J"!?, fcH under the wheels." One is ,ftituSI thla nf h m..-. "? " "minded hva upon KttA l .5r yjfti irom gtttlntS reminded by? b lata rt,..t.L i;v.; " "c; . u ' oiatii: Mr- Conductor, he' K $ Ol catcher oft the engine and m,? il!. & MarIclf1nni. nt II.- - - .. un Ui nsj danger of our catching up wlthlJ 3 what's to prevent one'fmnMngTn tS back door and bltlna- tha no,.J21fJn tt 1 r- 'wwiifi THE STAR SPANGLF.n rrsTmrrJ The prestige of the woman rota m. " ;a.iti Behind Mvrssa: Star """"" antnem-Washlnttaa', PWTTClT'MTTfp cm . Twicn nAn.T OPERA HOUSE a-" lail K-rs.. Thanlcaglrtng A Sat KaL. tSa U K LAST WEEK WILLIAM SOX rilBSBNTB A DA,UGHTER OF THE GODS Tim nenmn DEAtrrirni wng ANNETTfl KELLERMANN POrULAU MATINEK3 DAILt' Next Week 'THB 1IOKOR BTSTEir LYRIC Holiday Matinee Today TONiaiTT AT 8 116 LAST B TIMES LAST MATINKB SATURDAY AT ailB The Now Comedy-nlth-MusIa Hit "GIRLS WILL BE GIRLS" WITH A nitlLLIANT CABT NEXT WEEKSEATS TODAY THOMAS H. INCH'S lNCOin-AItADLH PHOTOPLAT SPECTACLB CIVILIZATION The Most Stupendous Entertainment &vr Devised tor Man. by Man ADELPHI Tonight at 8:15 8 Performances Today Dreakfaat MsUnca 10:30 A. M., Holiday MaU 3:30 P. U. Tht itott Wonderful Floy In jtnurtoo. "EXPERIENCE" UAIIKBT AD. loTIt CX)NTrNTJOUB 11116 A. M. to litis V, X, PAULINE FREDERICK "NANETTE OP THE WILDS"- PA T A "l-jri 1214 MARKET ST. iULiiVji!j 10 A. M. to 11:15 P. U. FANNIE WARD In "TOn TEARS OP T1IB LOCUST" tT)1A TT A CnESTNUT Hlow lem ilX.ViLlil Dallr, lBo; Erga, tS LAST TIIREB DATS E. H. SOTHERN ."" Bmnsx Mr. Sothern'a Oreateat Stare Suoci "AN ENEMY TO THE. KING" ACADEMT Of MUBfO WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER oTH DAMNATION OF FAUST THE CHORAL SOCIETY 400 Voices 100 JULIA HEINRICH Soprano. WALTER A. rONTIUS Tenor. HENRI BCOTT Metropolitan Opera Company. Large Orchestra from I'hlladtlphUv Orchestra. HENRY OORDON THUNDER. Conductor. Keats at Heppe'e. 1110 Chestnut Street. S1.60..S1.23, 11.00. 76c. ffelW GLOBE Theater J&85K M VJX-iV-'J-'XJ .yJlUDBVILLB ContlattOUS VJ in 1IL. n- ste. 11 A. M. to 11 P. U, "ORIENTALE" JUNE DIXON MODELS Cross Keys , MARKET Below S0TB DAILT, Z'SO trvmirunA t NnA S "THE BONNIE SEXTETTE' ' MAniCET Above Wfl 0 A. M TO HU5 P. It, ETHEL CIYTON ItAltOLD LOCKWOOD Victoria In "Dlr Trsmsinsr- . Added Attraction KEYSTONE COilEDT "&K "PURITY" fiBASgg;aflATI0M ?aCuinMJdh.,i Audrey Munson R. R Keith's Theater 8 Biff Holiday Shows-3 lsSOHAIlP. 4 (30 AND 8P.ll DOROTHY JARDON, LEW DOCKSTADEB, BEATRICE HEJtFORD, OTHEHS Dpeciai ivcu .M-i"t w,,'" -...- -. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, Monday Erf.. Deo. 4. NKW YOKli SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA DAMROS0H conaueior BAUER We. EMtj, 60a t 12. Now, ( ipp , ,.rv.i- . . .LI.... Ai.nkirvf il AT aflfl AUAUiiMI Wuiu.ui. "nZJJZlV ? ALMAoGLUCK prices: T6a. i?o! ii bo. laoo. M Tickets at Heppe-s. 1118 Chsatnut . . t ftwuiKMWir rriw nfir-icjL iiuuii .. reSy0' ' LOHENGRIN- SSt'i. fioSr.rdt.;coi. fir7B0danjkr, B.ats 1108 Chestnut St. AYalnut 44?lRacar:r LITTLE -- " ' ' . . ,- 1Vu4a Stacre ." Toolsat Socletv s sv 17th &De Incey .i A SrllUUt riayers ruiun. rnona. ux. Walnut Holiday Matinee Today YYdlllUb EvM. sat. Mat.. J.BOo, IS Nast Wete-"Tha Uttla Oirl Oodyortot BRdAD Holiday Mat, Today FRANCES STARR "&BM GARRICK-Holiday Mt Today TTlfU 'U UT ' a I I a Mill iLLLLaJi with FKEOWnLQ attd Entire W. TorK Ct - FORREST Holiday Mat, Today MONTGOMERY "" JiM . rnitM cam" Knickerbocker Players J?W Mats. Tuesday. M 'OFFICER fi66 TTaderaJM&5u. DumontVMinitrels mSA $ m imrnnr innmw I 1 JrjL"ii-fo--
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers