h-ysjgpgffi! WPH PAULINE FREDERICK DOFFS THOSE STAYS I 'As Canadian Girl She Is Intense in Melodrama at the , Stanley By tho Thotoplay Editor rrAtJT.ET "None fta of Iho Wilds," FAmons risytrit-Ps.rs.inount. -with rsallrm Frtrt.rlelt intf Wlllsrd Mck. Storr by IVllUrd Mm. directed W Joseph Knufmnn. An InteVcstlnR tlttlo frray might be writ- fe'ien ort corsols unit their ftct on tho silent drama -,t' iiiiKiib tilio n3 riciicui;-. tu- n example of tholp roprcsslnR power. Hero ill has been going Along for monthi nml months, vamping and emoting In tho togs otN . modern, woll-drcssed " woman, nnd tho K moment she dolTa them, as In this film. sha SK . - tm rllttn.nnl aaa., iIiImI nt.rl DECvI"" ui..vj. civ (reinuH 'u"i "idih pl6turesiua and likeable, and capahln of ex pressing Intense itniuiatlon in factnl play, jfartetto la ft Canadian-French j?lrl, Involved In the smuggling operations of her father end acting ns a foil for tho Iloynl MoUnlcd, embodied in tho Constnblo O'Brien of Mr. Mack The plot complications aro neither especially novel nor deep, Imt they nro. managed so as to bring with them surprise, charm and continuous movement A lot of this Is duo to Mr, Kaufman, a director who puts Into every ono of his photpliys abounding vitality, swift action and tlio 'feeling of real personalities. He Is particu larly deter in his handling of sheer meto ' drama, and his usa of cloe-ups Is expert, , Tho camera work Is. brilliant in "Nanette," ; and thcro Is a capital cast, Including Charles Urantlt. Francis Jpyner, Macey Marian and Wallace MacDonald. 13 ut here, where am Mr. Alack get his Indian- Ish make-up? Soma Idea, of the preparation of n big film upectnclo may lie had by reading itho following account of "A Daughter of tho Gods" In tho making, sent nrnund by tho press agent of tho Chestnut Street Opera House: "In preparing 'A Daughter of the dod-i for the camera men It wai necessary for the WJIllam Fox Btago directors to organe lle two nrmlcs for the terrlflo battlo scenes. One of tlicso was called tho Army of tho f!ross. the other was 'tho Army of tho Crescent. Tho Roldlers were pretty cner getlo men. Ono group called Itself Keller- Kj mannmon ami tho otner, ncaiicu ny mo prince in trie story, caueu iisoir, nccauso i of tho actor's name, Shaymen. They were rather rough fellows, and thoy did mix it up sometimes. If n soldier waa ordered to leavo ono army to go Into tha other ho would regard tho order as tantamount to a request for his resignation. Ills asso ciate warriors would regaril him as a traitor, while tho other nrmy wo'uld look upon him na a spy "There were 1G.O00 natives of Jamaica fighting In theso battles, (and the men were armed with battlcaxes, Bpears, swords and other weapons Often as many ns twenty persons . day would bo wounded in the conflict, but on tho first two days of re hearsal there were Blxty-sevon accidents requiring attention from tho medical corps," Theatrical Baedeker BROAD "I.lttle ldr In Illne," with Franefi ... ,......& . ... I. nlu.l fin n lljlPft hit. r llttt mil,, nnrl anrtlA nlpturesnua TjeoDlo. Dlvrttntr . . GAnniCK "Hlt-tlie-Trall Hnlllilnjr." with FreG iNiuio. A comeuy ruoui mouoru cvi.iikc.ib". nnd the snn.ll town Amusing, adroit nnd yonilEST -"Chln-CIiln." with David Monteom; try and Fred Stnnr. rieturn enuaeement pt the popular mimical extravaganza, with tni famous comcdlspa appearing; tn varloua tm p.rsonatlnns MTUC "llrl Will no Olrls." with Hlne Da vie.. rVjiBy Wood. Lola Meredith. Thurston Hall nnrl Scott Welsh. Comedy, with muslg by Thomas Hydney, Harry II. Smith and . Jeroma D. Kern. Hcensry designed by Rob ert XlnrQiilnn. Mmai'm MilKlniF. XJTTI.K-'TI I EATF.U Second wek of "rhlpp;.1 it E3VENIN& LEDGEtt-pmLABELPHlA, IjXfRSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1916 .IIIS 20th ANNIVERSARY Frlontla of John E. rhclnn, known ns tho "Model Cop" of tho city, tendered him n reception lnat nlfht nt his homo, lCOi Fnirmount ave nue, on tho occasion of tho twen tieth nnnivoranry of his appoint ment In thp Polico Department. Phclan is connected with tho Fif teenth nnd Locust strcots station. Ho is a graduate of La Sallo College. PHILADELPHIA MUSIC CLUB "The MUslin" Link" and "The Carrier I'lceon," by the tjtaee AEreeaoie. out not nisnty Might. All Cats Are Gray, lflesnt entertainment. Society Players slcnlflcsnt enter ADBLPHI "Kiperlenee i with Ernest Olen- i1!nn!niT A "mnrinm morality nlav" with mors humaneness than Braced "Every woman. There's a largo cast. Olendennlnir acts.iuperbly. AT rOPULATt PMCBS WALNUT "Sly Mother's Uosary." with l. B. v Valter, nnrl Maxlne Alton. Edward B Hose's piay, snawinr tna power 01 maternal io ana reusious mnuenco. STOCK KNICKEHBOCKEn "Ofllrer s." with John Lorens nnd tht Knickerbocker Stock Company. Revival of brrnk melodraraatlo farce by Au- cuatln JlacIIuah. FBATVItB FILMS STANLEY "Ills Great Ambition." with Dustln Farnum, first half of'week. "ianett of the Hilda. with Pauline Frederick, latter hair of Week. News, travel and comedy pictures . also on the bill: AIICADIA "An Fneray to the Klnr." with E. H. Hothern and JMItli Storey, alt week, others. PALACE "The Cosaark Whin." with Viola Dena. nrst half of week. Kannle Ward In "Tho Years of tho Locust." latter halt of week. VJCTOniA "Tho Devil's Double." with Wtl. ham S . Hart, first half of week "lllr Tre tnnlne," with May Allison and JfaroM Lock wood, latter half of week. Kevstone comedies and others. BBLMONT "The Toll of a Nation." by tho Itev. Thomas Ulxrm. with musical score by Victor Herbert. The author also wrote, "'The Clansman," from which 'Tho Iilrth of a Nfll Inn1 urn mtinta. K chestnut STiiriirr opera house "a unusnier 01 inn tiods." with Annette Keller msnii and William bhay. Bpeclacls and beauty "J the best, but somewhat lacklrur la dra matlq values. Last week. VA'nni'r.r.n m KErm'S Nora, Hayes. Lew Dockatadr. DeaS rivo jieriorn james u. Morton and Frame l02.ni. Elsie Pllcor and Dudley Dounlas, iC. C. Nurent and company. Dorothy Mran vine the Four llolloways. the Teredo. Urothera and news pictorial. Three per- nR.'K?'10.??. ThanksKjvlnK Day. aIfS8.E-7i0rlon,,,- Juno Dixon's models. Th Thres Vnerants," Cora btmnson and company. May Dllsbury, Marcoa's Mannlktna. lJ"110. Tfia'. Was.1 Kennedy and JCramar nnn,J,l,"lu, Bn(S Brown. Others. GRAND Tlw Four Castors. Ketchem and Cheatem. Robbln's elephants. "The Dad abouts." Dernard and Janls. Mason and Mur rv: others. Three performances Thanks- WjLLIAV rENN "Across the Dorder." the five Kantijra. the Teleeranh Trio. Oranvllle drganlzntion Pays Tributo to W. W. Gilchrist by Special Program Tho veteran Fhllndelphln composer nnd conductor, Dr W. W. GllchrlBt. for many .irs director of tho Mcndolsiohn Cluh, wnt tho reclplont of a special tributo nt. tho early winter concert of tho Philadelphia Music Cluh, tho members of which presented a (Jllchrlst program nt tho Aldlne Tho procrnnt was Indigenous not only In Its composition, hut nlso In Its presenta tion, ns w oil-known nrtlsts delivered tho numbers Somo of theso wcro compositions hy Doctor Gilchrist which nro known nnd ndmlrctl throughout tho musical world, others wcro heard for tho first tlmo Tho members of tho club, women of wldo activity In social and musical circles, sane n chorus for female voices wltli, n good body or, tono. iTcocricK a iiann ami rniup 11 Ooepp Tjrcre heard In a pair of duets for violin nnu plano For ocal numbers thcro wore two songs for contralto, admirably rendered by Mrs. Duncnn Cannon, who was In chargo of tho progrnm, nnd a group of children's songs, rendered by Albert Kink Schmidt. Of particular Interest was a trio for violin, violoncello nnd piano, given n first public performance from tho manu script by Mr. llahn, l3crtrnnd Austjn nnd Mr. Goopp. This work, wlion published, should attain popularity, ns It possesses in teresting melody and excellent craftsman ship, i DINNER TO FUELINGIIUYSEN ir.i nnAlnnlaif CROSS ICET3 "The Kasblon Aristocracy, nd ' ...- .- - i- mivr null vi wn. ton Plats Misses. ' and Clnrilnn. .Tsrlr Bymonds. Eve Westcott. Oruett. Kramer and Oruett. first halt of week. The Ronnie Hei let. Lewis and Chaplin. 15 E. Cllve and company. Lane, Plant and Tlmmons. Kevins snd Uordon and the Rudy Heltons Trio, latter .half of week WATIONAL Orlslnal Smart Set Quartet! Steve, with Ula Ten DUey Berenaders: illondy ltob- Inson. Chicken Joe 'Williams and Lollta, Lesers anil Uw,.. and IJert Williams In the photoplay "Fish." UmBTRtSLS BDMONT'S "Turkey Forty Cents a Pound." 'The Chimes of Normandy" and other traves tlis by blackface tntsrtalnars. MILLER m) PIANO STORES &5 Records In All Lanquaqos eOA -60S S.SECONDST. OPEN EVBNINOS Somervlllo Country Club Honors Now Jersey Senator-Elect SOMEKVIIVLE, N. J.. Nov. 30. Amid patriotlo decorations In tho living room of tho Somervlllo Country Club, United Statra Senator-elect and Mrs Joseph S. Frellng huyscn wero guests nt n dinner given last evening by tho mombers of tho club. Nearly 200 npplauded the speakers, who eulogized Ms FrellnghuyBen. A. G. Klvln, president of tho club, pre sided. James A. I.ynrli was toastmautcr Ilosponses wero mado by William Bowman, a member of tho Republican Stato Com mltteo; State Danklng Commissioner Georgo M. I.a Monto and Georgo A. Post, of New Vork nnd Somervlllo. A danco followed. 6.95 BUYS This $15 Talking Machine Set In rich mahocany cabinet, this wonderful talking machlno possesses the features of hlih price Instruments. Nickel tone. arm. (peed con trol, stops, oto. Will play any record made with out rewinding. The tone Is excellent full and clear. Come and hear the machine played. Extra Loud Tone Needles, 300 for 23s DRANO NEW JE1.J OfflEMSW Everybody's.- 100 N. 1 OtJi b",!.! THE TWO STEP "COMES' BACK" This old standby Is regaining the popularity usurped by the tango nnd fox trot. Tha Victor library of danco muslo Is Inexhaustible and contains many new and catchy numbers, Includ ing "Hesitation Ulues" and "Nlg-ger iiiues," reviewea to day by the Evening 1-e.dgers Phonograph tMltor. Ask us to play these or any of the thousands of Victor .Records. 17 S. 9!h St. Opposite Post Offiea K PENrT PHONOGRAg) 11 'liQ MAKE YOUR CHRISTMAS SELECTION NOV k IP. trM'T tni? ntr nnimT VMCHTOBUY- EDISON No Needles to Change Diamond Disc IN DOUBT -HEAR THE Phonograph ) Indestructible Records ,. ifJIrfsSwil N 1 i il lTl The marvelous realism of this master piece in the reproduction of music will convince you that the day of the talking machine has passed, Any of these licensed Philadelphia-dealers will gladly ar range for a demonstration in your home or in their showrooms. L L. Goodman, 327 W. Girard Ave., Northeast. Geo. B. Davis & Co.. 3930-36 Lancaster Ave,. W, Phila. TI Starr & Mo'is, 3827 Germantown Ave., Tioga. rhi H, jnoore 6644 Germantown Ave., GeraaDtown. The Best Selling Columbia Rtcords The follow Inr Is a list of th hest selllnc Columbia records for the) week endlne No- vemper iy: I. "Sprint, " Ilensehel t.uey dates, so prano, and "Sine, Street nlrd." Oam. I.uty ui (flrmphonle snlle ) imnnna m .! A KSflJ 2. 'fleheherAfnile." K'a t. 1. VslK.esil lie ninbad hlp).,nimsky.Korsalow. iuliet series, un der direction or rcrnest Anstermei. . con ductor of UuMlan llnllet Orchestral ,Np . rele a llsadsd (Feast at Ilardsd). A 6SJR. S "UII lltertun.1' Tans f and S, Tschal kowsVr. rtealmentat Hand of II. It. llren adle.r Uuards. K BST4, GOOD, OLD TWO-STEP, NOW REVIVED, to MENACES MAXIXE AND OTHER DANCES Phonograph Companies Respond Promptly to Demand for Beloved Measure of Yesterday, and Record Snappy Numbers Hy ihe rhonofrrnph Editor S L.r a15a, """ Phsp), ny other 7v. .J"'0"" CakawMks h.tvo coma nnd r?Ve . . mBxUa xn'1 h tnnK " " n't TXuXx ate' "nd th wor'' "lincfra" would SnJ,y mean Ulll or nnthtnB to tha youna; man or woman of 1916. ,- -i. n,"T whfn ,h" Pollshad floor funs are about nt tha and of their flinirriHve KKi mes ft r",orl that he ""0o. old fnhlonc.l two-ntep." which, nftcr nil. for aa nnd fun can't bo beaten, Is about to ml . fenewal of Its hlslorlo vobuo. Tho two-step has been rather In disfavor ror tna last two years or thereabouts. But recently there have been requests received at Mores whero phonosraphi are sold (particularly thosa handHmc Columbia ma fiVi l , hat om8 representation be given tn is beloved meaauro, so democratic, so full of pep," nnd so qulck-to bo grasped y. .. ose who " a certain sort of sim plicity and, withal, enjoyment In their dancing1, AecoreHriKiy, the companies are, with their . . 1, "r"'ws sense," speeding up on what hitherto for many months has been In tho discard Tho Columbln. with nd, mlrrtblo promptness, has Inserted In Its December catalog of discs two genuine. resonant, snappy two-steps, which nr sum to be liked by every one who goes In for dancing, nnd which probably will nnd their wny Into all sorts of cabinets which do not specialize In this sort of record. They nro contained on the reverse sides of No. I, listed In tho foregoing phonograph guide. Prince's Hand, which plnya them for tho Columbln, has. dono nny number of good, lively thing? before this, and, though tho editor has not yet heard tha record, ho would artvlso renders to clvo It a try-out nt nny Btoro dcallne In Colum bia offerings. Two-stops, however, havo no monopoly on tho month's novelties. No less than WIDOW WINS INSURANCE FIGHT Carlisle Woman Gols $770? for Hus band Choked by Brisllo CAIU.TSI.E, Pa, Nov. 80 After two days' hearing of expert testimony presented f w "Z? of "Wft physicians, the case of Mrs. Khy against the Trnvelera' Insur ance Company, pf Hartford, Conn, went to the Jury. rnert7rlicte,vn.,L,nJfnvt,r of th PlMntlff caused by choking on a toothbrush bristle HOT GRfiASfi IGNITES DKESS Woman Cooklnut Dinner When Critical ly Burned AI.TOONA, Fn . Nov. .10 Hot greaso splaahinl out on tho stove while Mrs. John Ilowcrs, twcnty-flvfl. wrts preparing dinner last night, nnd burst Into flame. Igniting her dress llefore the tlnmes could ho ex tlngtilshed she was terribly burned from tho waist lo tho top of her head. fiho'ls In a critical condition. Her father-in-law, William Powers, was painfully burned trylnff to navo her. , STOLEN KISS WORTH 10M Jury" Sots That Prcoln Brldo'd Btttfc Against Chet WIltTB PtAtNS, N- T. NOV. 0 A klM from ft bride- and stolert at that Is wfitih Just $161)0. That Is the price set upon It by ft jury hero Xenophon Kutmler. vhose -lust nam la Dreek. whose last namo Is German and whp himself Is n French fchef. was tho jntecreant. Mrs Julia Nlsh said Kmmler; who waa heir landlord, forcibly stole a kiss after ah had been married Just two weekn. Sho ma. rzl msz Handu Phonograph Guide for Readers COI.UM11IA ,,... . faneV lleeortls n I v"""' twn-itep l our Trlnces Hand, and ""t fflolimann). ese I.lle." two- step (trnntcen). I'rlnr's U.nd Twelve- ..Anch. 'r''" t A.1SSI "I'm Iiniln' To' linn," wnttx (Hatha, way). Prlnre'a Orchestra, and "'Hlcatlris irtallies" (Harris), I'rlnce's Orchestra. Jw'h.';ln'n I'rle" l A5SS3 "Taka Ma to Mr AlabsmV medley one step. Inlrnduclns; "I'll Wed the (llrl 1 I.eft nehlnd." nnd "Hires of llenven" (Dillon nnd Tohlas Dillon and lie Cos ts). I'rlnce's Hand, nnd Harry von Tllrer Mrtley One-step. Introdurlns On th South Pa Isle ' ' Honeet In Jun," "There's Sotn One More lxne somo Thsn Vou" and "Thrnimh Thesi Wonderful Olnsses nf Mine" (H von Tllser). Trlnce's Hand. Twelve-Inch l'rleo il. ASSSa "Oh. Hnjv llio ronlit Yaekl Haekl WltUI Wflfkl Woo,11 fox trnt (V'nn Tlleri, I'rlnce's Hand, nnd "Vnij Mere Made lo Order for Me." medleyVn trot In troduclnir "With Ills Hands In Ills rockets " "Sweet llibetle " "She Al ways Dd tha Minuet" (11 von Tiller), l'rlnre's Hand Twelve-Inch Trice II Ar.8S7. "Ilenealh n rislrony." foi-trnt fWtnne). Vees Ossmnn's Hnnjn Orchestra and "Uncle Tom." one step (Frey). Vess Ossman's Ilsnja Orchestra. Ten-Inch. I'rlco 75 cents. A2118. VIOTOU "Hesltntlon Illues." one step (Tllllr Bmithe), .snd "Kansas City nines,' fox-trot (K. I, Howman). Victor Mili tary Hand. Ten-Inch I'rlco 73 cents. "Msser nines," fox-trof(Iiroy White), and Mo Turner nines; medley fox trot (Introducing; "Kt. Iiuls Illues") (W. C. Handy), Victor Military Hand. Ten-Inch. I'rlco 7S cents 18174. thirteen undoubted hits of tho day aro In eluded In tho guide, nnd thero Is ft variety of specialties which should provo tho pro cresslvcness of this concern. Tempi for all ocensionu are found In the records, of which tho walties nnd tho one-steps nro likely to prove popular. No 5, with lis quaint banjo orchestra, will bo suitable for homo dancing. Nos. 3 and 4, whllo more powerful In tone, nlso can bo played on veranda or lawn when tho weather Is warmer nnd In the living room during tho approaching crisp December nights Tha Victor records aro reproductions of one-steps nnd fox trots that hno been given wldo recognition through tho medium of their devotees. The Military Hand Is cal culated to do them Justlco In their prcsont form. Stocked With Sixlccn-Inch Trout COOKSTOWN. N. J . Nov 30. - Kino nport for south Jersey anglers next sprint; Is assured by tho plentiful restocking of Ilurllngton County lakes and streams this week with rainbow trout from tho Stato hatchery at Unckettstown Tho llsh nro from eight to sixteen Inches In length. fl Call, Write or Mf II Phone HI i' Walnut 1227 W II We Will tile!! Immediately J j lllill Deliver M ,! III Any Style III Victrola I 'II $15 to $200 1 fill j?l Wfl aro tho only l'lilln. ffl Pi" ft deaters who haxe tho vM slh n n rrisrir,s 13 ,; m d. rs. i JUU . ffiwJ 1306 Arch St. if. IInU Planoi riarcr-rianoi & 'ia-gjaiayj:mj:jj'j:i.si...ai;Ka: ;ir.:n;aiiB,Tignn!wi'suTi?rF'a Kiwumirrmi so. ii'ir f j'STirTmrmrlwa'-.TiiMT!si: Prominent Photoplay Presentations j Ik SooBn Grnpamu TXtB following theaters nit sin their plctarrs throosh tho STANXKY nosklnn Company, which Is a tuaranteo of early sliowlne of the finest productions. All pictures rsvlewrd before exhibition. AU for Ihs theater In jour locality bUlnlns picture throusb the bTANLUY 1IOOKINU COMl'ANX. A lLnUu. 15th,Motrl4 PassyunU Ave. AlnamDra Mat.Dally 3; IMr.0:450 Paramount Pictures. VIOLA DANA ,n "f sack winr- KTiCW f S 62D AND THOMPaON ArULdAJ MATINEK DAlfVt Bin unnnnnT naKrtnoiiM trek in "OI.I1 iXJI.KS AT 1IOMK" ,,. Also 6th Blsole "Till: fiCAni-irr nUNTsHP." -V-ri " r CHESTNUT nBixiw jotii ARCADIA E, H. SOTHERN irf "an Ety to tub kino" BSD AND MAKKET BELMONT "The Fall of a Nation n BLUEBIRD SUSQUEHANNA AVE TtANClfl ntJBHMAN and nEVEnl.T HAXNE in 'tN TUB IPr.OMATIC BKRVlriB" MATir.Ec. ula.AT . ""'J- rrnAD turn and cedar ave. LtUAK PAHAUOU.VT THEATEIt Francis Bushman & Beverly Bayno In "IN TUB .DiriC-MATIC SERVICE" FAIRMOUNT imUD avenub ALICE BRADY in UOUOHT AND- rAID FOH" MAT. DAILY, Es, 7 to . ecTVt CT THEATER. ODin OI, 13. low Snruc. CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG in THE COMMON LAW" FRANKFQRD AST Al1n1Ttomnt '" IViUrt lYia-"-lwk 7ll FHANKFOnD AVBNOB THE riUCB Of KAJIE"' Added FU3KENCE RQ3H FASHIONS GREAT NORTHERN 2fS3. GAIL KANE in THE MEN SHE MABHIED" LOCUST B5D AND LOCUST Mats. 1 m and 3:.10, 10c. j:vcs. a 30, 8, u.30. isc RTHEfi CLAYTON A OAItLTLC TH.ACKWEM. In "TUB MADNESH Ot HH1.EN" N, linOAD LOGAN THEATER 8l MATINEE TODAY Annette Kcllermann ln Market St. Theater 'Nentuno a DauRhter" 3S3 MARKET BTIIEET I.O()SB t.OVnj.T In "The Measure nt a' Man" CHAB. CHAPLIN In "THE 1'LOOItVVAI.KKH" Etery Wed Marie Walcamp In "LHIErtTV" A'Kimball Organ .n ; .ttth"P,l?,VfSt,,i'," tv... n. n... .- ... UrJ,.uJ'.'' ?,rhlldelphla. y .Jn ituw) i a irj linilKVt(llIlK lnf, UV&IUIKUUN ,iops Jones Unit Oreo. HOBART HENLEY in THE MAN OP THE POPPY" PALACE 2214 MAttKKT STKBiTP lOiv 2(V FANNIE WARD in THE YEARS OK THE LOCUST" OOTIt and WALNUT 8TS. ' ranse tiu us daily IMPERIAL BERTHA KALICH in "LOVE- ANU HATE" JEFFERSON LAST DAT "ROMEO AND JUI.lt.-l" Featuring Bushman and Bayne I0TH AND DAUPUIN STREETS l-AT4T7r FORTY-FIRBT AND LEAUliK LANCASTER AVENUB VIVIAN MARTIN in '!& KATHHIVH 8QN" DROAD AND OpIt 1 Eyery m Eyeuiug B LlDCiK 1 I J COLUMBIA TflUlSE OLAUM llOWARn JIJCKMAN Jo 'Somewhere in France" WEST PHILADEU'inA PARFO "'DOB AVE. A DAUPHIN ST. LOUISE GLAUM in "SOMEWHERE INJTRANCE" PRfNCESS ,u,88TMti,iiir" Kitty Gordon ln "T,'ETEcsnTHc,AI' Sv.fJ?JSu., Eitl Williams "Scarlet IJunnjr REGFNT 131 "AKET STREET x-'v,-a1, if UJM.Y YOICB OSI74.V Harold Lockwood & Mae Allison tn'Tlin IlIO TRBMAINE" RTAI Tfs OERMANTOWN AVE 1U1L.1U AT TULPEHOCKEN ST. PAULINE FREDERICK in . "ABHK,S OP EMUEHB" R II r7yMAKKET STREET " RUO I1EWW TTH STREET Ym. a, nan 'draw boan- ClfAS. CHAPlilNJn "BEHIND THE SCREEN" SAVOY ,211 MARKET -.. BTIIEET Bessie Barrwcale HoMEm TIOGA TTU AND VENAN Nance O'Neil in 'The Iron Woman' , Added "CRIMSON STAIN MVSTERT" VIPTflDIA MARKET ST. Y v I. r ABOVE NTNTH.I naroia lockwoou cz may Allison In 'THE Ula TRBMAINE" STANI FY "ARKBT ABOVE WTII OJ-VINICI I1U5 A K. to 11-48P. U. . PAULINE FREDERICK in "NANBTTB OP THB WILDS" sOTU AlKARKET 6TS. PIIREKA Robert Warwick and Gail Kane in "The Heart of a Hero" 3OUTIJ PUILXOELPHIA UiGE AVENUE " U10A,TO "Through the WnU'iSMAK t Tli YJteW hUBKM?' BOUTH PHILADELPHIA. OI YMPI A JOtOXO AND7" il I IY1 r I A j BAlNBRtDOa GracesDarmond to "TJgSPIKa And a Surprise Feature Wfcen ya wast t -know Khre t m f QOOD PbolotUa. rtij this 0j)!j I'lulwli I uatao la tae utmstas izze:. T - Store Closed All Day Thanksgiving Day" BONW TELLER. &..CQ &JiedpedaIfa3hop0ffomdion(i " CHESTNUT AT 13th STREET . , -Announce for Friday and Saturday- At Greatly Reduced Prices , A Most Important Sale of I Apparel for Women, Misses and Girls This collection has been assembled from our regular ' stock and represents the scason'3 best styles. TILLEUR COSTUME SUITS Navy Velvet Suit, Jnp Mink trimmed, exclusive model (size 38) . Burgundy, Cnllot Satin Model Suit, exceptional (size 38) Pcnu do Pcchc Suit, Tnupe with Seal trimming (size 38) Burmish Cloth Suit, Hudson Seal trimmed (size 18) Callot Satin Costume with Kolinsky (size 18) .' .350.00, Cheruit Model Bolivia Cloth, Fur trimmed (size 18) 275.00 Formerly .325.00 .265.00 .225.00 .150.00 Now 17S.00- 125.00. 98.50 89.50, 210.00 195.00 COATS AND WRAPS ,,,, Callot Velvet, Blue Wrap, Fur Cape of Kolinsky (size 18) 250.00 Rose'-colorcd Velvet Coat, skunk Rnccoon Collar (size 18) 125.00 Brocaded, Wrap (Bernard Model), Mole trimmed 325.00 Chiffon Velvet Mantel, grey with pink lining 1 75.00 Robin's Err Blue Chiffon Velvet Wrap, trimmed with Kolinsky fur. 195.00 Sapphire Blue Velvet Wrap, large fur collar, copy of Cheruit 195.Q0. Georgette Satin Wraps, large collar of Marabou and' banding3. TTomen'a tni Floor Women's and Misses' Suits 79.50 m Floor Noto 175.00 95.00 250.00 135.00 155.00 145.00 65.00 q'e'nn' 0f b""dclbth. subardjnc and vclc JJ.yJU tailored styles, some fur trimmed . . check, Now nqTn Modcl3 of -brontlcloth, gabardine and vclour Now Jy-5U cloth, trimmed yith seal 25,00 AQrr Chic modcs of'vc'01"- dc Ininc, broadcloth and NoW gabardine with seal, somo with mole o500 "rCc aW A collection of smart suits of velours dejaino DV.3U Now UIU'ilOi M j - - nnd gabardine, with and without fur T3-iHj' 3 Women's and Misses' Coats Misses' Daytime Coats (Mines Only) Correct for ' street nnd- motor wear, in foreign tweeds, full ripple model. Regular 35.00 coat Velour Fur-Trimmed Coats In several distinctive models, skunk, opossum pr natural rac coon trimmings, hdaptccl for daytime nnd dress wear. Regu lar price 45.00 V omen's, Third Floor 18.50 .29.50 16 Seal Plysh Coats Smart in appearance, long silky ' pile fabric, fine ripple effect, - ' lined and interlined faD.Uw Velour and Bolivia Cloth Cbats Belted, models, fur trimmed, a. variety heretofore sold up to . 55.00 .....'.., 45.00 Misses', Fourth Floor' Especially Arranged for Tomorrow and Saturday Afternoon and Evening Gowns In a Variety of Charming Models All Taken From Our Regular Stock Remarkable Reductions Tailored Serge and Satin Dresses 15.00 j Reg, $25 (S $29 SO About One Hundred and Seventy-Five Dresses, the scaso most favored models, many embroidered, with various styles of trimming. In various colors. Charmeuse & Georgette Dresses ( Combinations, Faille silks, somo with ' beaded embroidery, other fur trim- A J A med. X.tU . Satin & Georgette Dresses With metal embroideries in shades of taupe, dark green, putty. French OQ tJA blue 'and rose. Some fur trimmtjd, fyU0J Dance Frocks Chiffon Taffeta fn nlj tho newest pastel shades with metal lacei and OCf-AA embroideries. tdt3 Women's Qspartwmtt Tird Floor Embroidered Georgette Frocks Georgette Crepo and .'Charpneusa afternoon gowns; many charming' models. 39.50 45.00 Dinner and Dance'FrpcIta' Of Tulle, with iridescent trimmings, utin and taffetas, Exclusive and Unusual Gowns rf1 Fir afternoon and evening wear, of ft '$$, velvet, embroidered crepes, Georgette, and satin, taken from, our regular stock of high-cjas dreaieaj many re duteet to onchalf. St ,ST 69.50 MU'scs' D'epwlwrntt otfrtA Ftwt J cm t)W . i 11 TESMt TO KIT 0 wwmf&wp 1
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