. ...f.ji.jj, ..zy- .. .. .. sy t && 9m.. Mr fcfcy- tort win f MWinHi IKftM- il A ? rjLrirx.vv - -ri "" Is Circle, (J, It A x a. Rhridri? JL . Hn(T IfftRffTAI haiti t FJ mcllfeMl In abltA! fh fmtaMl S5, an Tuesday1, at 4:80 n. m,. nt the Olive H tali- lhiRfllna), isso Chealnut at, Interment (rt Mount reacf Cemetery, Remains may be TkwM t Wpndair, from 7 lo lo t m. AAJf-VOft May IB. 1010. I.ANIEU liwMuil' I tha lain. Ann pilIanarMt on of, th lute FtHfafn and MaHnpl rtlUin. niMtit i.J eNkWJWj iMItert to attend the funeral, en L5 rtjMBghtfr, Mm, Mary Plnkaton, 204 fit. at, .jtequienr Men at hi Josephs at u a. m. interment at Holy Cross Iflie, MARIE K. tr- IH. On May 12. BfSN A,, beloved dauahter of laatah B. and iflHMlmi Haileton (nee Narr). In her Isth r . Relatives and friends, also employes of f ,.ioore mnuiaieq wire tympany, are to attend the funeral, on Tuesday, at i from parente' residence, 2o North ice at. Interment . at .Chelten Hill rjr. -Remains may be viewed Monday Clei " Fn ; fur 4C- Wi da-xthter of the late Charles aw Da. TielAtlve lid mamaa am i- to attend the funeral, on Wednesday. t ' i v'tJKP iS" 15.,in'IV"" . "or Bremer . Jphrr Ward IMS Earl at. Reqnlem M at tha Church of the llolr Num. i in m.' interment private. Automobile funeral. IAK, On Mar 18, 11. ANNE ilANMASj. Of Daniel Itannan. Relatlrea and io imviicu w wnena lire lunerni, on ar at 8:30 a. m . from hue tat mai. 4924 Kershaw, are. Solemn, Kcqulem m at me unurcn or uur Mower .of Borrows 19 a. m. Interment at Cathedral Ceme- rOX. On May 13. 1910. CATHARINE Tred F .Moore Insulated wire iVitinnn. nviico is imcnu ino LunBiB , on iunsaay, at p. in. awrenca tvaeterr. 4nlnc. KY. Oil May 14. 1010. DAVID REEVES NRY. son of John. Jackaon llenrv nnrf 3ler Reeves. In the S4th, year of his age. unerai services at jno reaiaence of hi tr- t. nt St. Martin's, on Tuesday, at litis v m. Interment private. TT.-Buflaeniy, bit Friday mornln. May 191(1. .QKOnOtl WATSON 1IBWITT. tS. al rvlc9 on -rueadar, flay l. at 4 p. m.. , kt: m. juary'a cnurch. Uurllnaton, N. J. WW. un may is, iuio. uahukl, husband .Flora Boehrach Jacobs, In his S2d year. atives ana mentis are invited to attend funeral, services, an Tuesday, at louio H. ti MretMenlv. nt hie late Milri.nM INm Ki Ort at. interment at llcloph (Shalom Cemetery. ' iAWKKNCB. On May 13. 1010, MAItT C, wife of; John II, I-awrence (nee KltipMrlck). Rel Mlvea aand friends ara Invited to attend the faneral, on Wednesday, at 8:30 a. m., from lir late residence, 2010 West Oxford st. Solemn Requiem Mass at Bt. Kllzabeth's Church at 10 a. m. Interment at Holy Cross j Cemetery. tlMlAXD. On May 14. 1010. CHRISTIANA T.i widow of Joseph Lybrand. 8r.. aged 78 War. Relatives and friends are Invited to at .lend the funeral services, on Wednesday, at 2 '-.. m..,at the residence of her dausltter. Mrs. . ., iamuel U Alkln. 0134 Spruco st. Inter- Mtent at Odd Fellows' Cemetery. MeMlI.TAN. On May 14. 1910. MART MAR. GAKET, dauthter of Mrs. N. It. Mac.MUIan, Med ,4 years. Duo notice of the funeral will lven from the residence of her mother, 2M0 N, Judson st. WeUAHN. On May 12, 1010. LOUIS 8., husband of Nellie McCaim. (neo, McCrory). Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral. n Tuesday, at 8,30 n, m.. from her late resi lience, 3280 Oaul at. Bolemn Requiem Mass at' Church of the Nativity, at 10 a. m. Inter ment at Holy Cross Cemetery. JsasCONAOHV. On May 13, 1910. THOMAS, husband of Matilda McConanhy, aired 40 (ears, ltelatlres and friends, also sandy Row, L. O. L. No. 15. are Invited to attend the funeral, on Tuesday, at 2 p. m from his tate residence. 2U30 Kater St., 2uth and South Ma. Interment at . Mount Morlah Cemetery. Auto service. Remains may bo viewed Monday evenlnr. MtlNTlRE. On May 13. 1010. SU8AK. S dauchter of the lato John S, and Elizabeth Cooper Mclntlre, In her ,98th' year. Relatives aad friends are Invited lo attond the funeral services, on Tuesday, at 11 a. hi., nt Schuyl er's, llroad and Diamond sts. Interment pri vate. Auto funeral. ME.Vl.EV. On Msy 14. 1910. MICHAEL, hus. band of Kllzabetu 3. Menley. Relatles and friends ara Invited to attend the funeral, on Thursday, at 8:30 n. m., from his lata resi dence. 2112 Rldae avenue ..Solomn Requiem ". ob. biiio a inurcn. ac xv a, m. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. WgaAHAN. On May 13, 1910. CHARLOTTE .AIAUAK. Ineo ltophackrr).,daucnter of the -c late Harry and Charlotte Kophacker. RelatUes Md frlands of the family, also members of Trinity- Illble. Class No. 1. of Trinity Re formed Church, are Invited to attend the fu s fl services, on Tuesday, ut 2 p. m., at her ftta residence. 1I2B W. Tloca at. Interment Wlvate, at Westminster Cemetery. JfiIjER-On May- 13. 1010, CLARENCE fICKEL, husband of Helen W. Miller, ased 30 years. Relatives and friends kn Invited to attend the funeral services, on Wednesday, at. t.p'-.m.' Precisely, at his late residence. 45U w, Brlnsnurst St., Oermantown. Interment private JWORE. Suddenly, at his residence. 2142 IS. 30th at, on May 13. 1010, Dr. JACOl) H. B., hMbaod of the late Ida J. Moore. Due notice of the funeral will be grten. JfftRKIS. On May 12. 1916. THOMAS D., hus- bafld of Catherine Morris, and son of tho late TVIIIUm It. and Eltiabeth Morris. Relatives and .friends ara Invited to attend the funeral services, -on Tuesday, at 2 p. m.. ut his late residence. 313U Uelg-rade st. Interment at North Cedar Hill Cemetery." NKAL. On May 12. 1910. ELIZABETH, wife -f .Bernard A. O'Neal. Relatives and friends " are United to attend the funeral, on Tuesday. at Bao a. m.. from hor late residence. 1018 w -uut st. interment at iioiy cross Ceme tery. rADOOCIC-Suddenly. nt Oakmont. Pa., on 5? &r,A? 1B1B'. S'nEDEHICK LEIOHTON PADDOCK, ared 10 years. Duo notice of the funeral will bo Elven. miturs On i Jlay 14. 1918. JOHN T. PHIL LltS. aed 77 years. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Wednes day, at 2 p. m.. at 200 South OranKe.st., Me dia., Pa. Interment ut Media Cemetery. XICORDS, On May 14. 1910, STEPHEN B. HICOHDS. aaed, 88 years. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend tho .funeral services, on Wednesday, at 2 p. m. precisely at. ltua Columbia avo. Interment strictly private. XCMSEV. Suddenly, at Salem, N. J., on May Hi 1910.HENRX M. RUMaEi". In his 78th , year. Relatives and friends are Invited to at tend the funeral, from his late residence, 40 Market St.. Saiem. N. J., 'on Wednesday at "2. p. m.. without further notice. Services at caiuciiro. Aiue.jucui m jTesoyierian ueme- iVKJ8!3 'r' IV 1 n inr EYBma LBBaBl-PHILAlDfiliFHIA, MOKDAY, MAY Hft' 401 3 CLAiAMBD HATES '' TA effeit April i iS16 . EVENING LEDGER AOATfe T.tNB RATIO FOR EAat INSERTION THIS STYLE TTFB (or like this) On or Iwo limes ,.... ISe .Three times one week , lHe 8'. tlmen on week. ..... 10 Situations Wanted three times one week. lOe Help Tine. Situation Wnntcd nnd Lost and Found nds are Inserted In the Daily PUDLto Ledger without additional charge. ' Want ada under all other classifications may b repeated In the Pcklio Lxnuaa at combined ratet One or two times ,..,......, 2S Three times one week... mi u,un ISe, Sli times one week, ...,....... Vtw TYPE LIKE THIS (or like this) la permitted In all claaslflcatlons encept Help and Situation Wanted. Lost and .Found, Per aonala, Iioardlnr and Rooms. When so speci fied, add FIVE CENTS PER AOATB LINE TO ANT OF THE AUOVIl nATES. There is n drug store near your homo that will accent Ledger want ads at office rates. H3B1 WASrTBtf STBKAMS fconflnKfd from PrtenStna Coliima rnESEnVlNrt FIDlT--CapaM woman to Votk for hotel.br the. day as fruits come Into . market. Addieaa t 481, Iedter Office. SALESWOMEN 250 EXPERIENCED SALESWOMEN ARE REQUIRED APrLT IN THE MORNINGS, ALL WEEK AT BUREAU OF EMPtOTJtENT 8TRAWBRIDOE A CLOTHIER ZOST AND FOTJUD For Other Lout nnd Found Ada See Pare 1 Alt IahI ant found Ada In the rfalii TiiMIo Lcdnrr ark renrated, In the llvcnlnn htdatr the same dan icllfto'it rTtm ennrge, , LOST Saturday, mesh baa . containing- money and trip ticket, $23 In envelope, two $10. hills: between Urond Street Station or on No. 18 car to Cedar street. Liberal reward If returned to 2422 E. Somerset at., Philadelphia, BROOCH LoM. May 12, B. 1Mb .at., pearl brooch, aurrounded by diamonds. Liberal re ward If returned to 248 H. 17th st. CERTIFICATE Lost. t,'ertlncnte No. B4S, Is sued by the National Bank of tho Northern Liberties, for one share of Its stock. In the namo of Anna M. MarbourK. All persons are warned ng-nlnst ncKotlatlna; this stock, nnd the finder will plenao communlcnte with the Hank of North America, 807 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. PIN Liberal reward A larae oval black onyx filn. Irregularly surrounded by diamonds set n irold! In centre n spray of lilies of the valley In diamonds set In aoldi lost Thursday, May 11, Communicate with Mrs. W. 11. Porter, 601 Delaware ave Wilmington, Delaware, SEAMSTRESS wanted, competent, nccurnte., lit small dresa shop: regular workl Jtood .wjaea. Apply 8:30 to S, 283 8. 40th at. Shop ''B.r' BTENOtlRAPIIER'. Protestant." nnti. well edu cated, rapid Remlnston operator! several years' experience!, machinery line, preferred! rive reference nnd salary expected. D 111, i,cu(rcr unice STENOORAPHBR-typewrlters must have rood education; stste aire, experience and salary rxprcien, u .', leaser wince. TELEPIiONE OPERATORS The Ilell Telephone Co. offers opportunity for rounir wdmen be tween 17 and 22 years old to learn telephone operatlnti must.be brlRht, errretlc nnl am hltloua: Rood salary) rapid advancement!, per marftnt poalllon nmon pleasant urruundina Is assured; salary rain while learning. Apply In person between 8:30 a. m. and B.p. m.i llelf Telephono Co., 400 Maxketat, . WAITRESS First "class, ono who understands her -work!- parlor maid kept! perm, place! suburbs; refs, required, P Oil, Ledger Office, WANTED An cxperlencVtr"pfotesrnnt Infant nurao for suburbs: also cook, Scotch or Oer man preferred. Meet employer Ledger Cen tral Office, Uroad.nnd Chestnut ats Monday nfternoon at 2 o'clock. . IfOtiSiWliteW Thai Apartment you have been hunting in, a restricted neighborhood with up-to-date conven iences, modern improve ments, etcr, can be found through the Wont Ad col umns of the Ledger. Every day typical first - class apartment houses in all sections of the city are ad vertised in its columns.', Are you taking advantage of these advertisements? Read the Ledger daily, or better still, place a Want Ad of your own. The re turns will justify the small amount involved. Call, write or pftonc1 Walnut or Main 3000 WANTED Experienced berson for een. houfe- work: 3Jn jamllVi Phone Iflnn R. (iermant'n. WANTED Mother's lielpcr.125 a mo.i ref, m7b7 a, J. Banners, ma nintnera nve.. .lenmntown. WOMAN, neat, rellnble. white, for cooklnK.and uoHnatnirs . wnrKi Chestnut Hill O.'il. good home. Telephone PERSONALS I AM NOT responsible for any debts which are not contracted by myself. N. ATROCH, 2130 Warnock st. UNCLAIMED TELEGRAMS WESTERN UNION TELEORAnt CO., 1601 CHESTNUT 8T. Albert McCracken, Jr.. L. M. Klnne. Thco. II. Tale. Francis Fisher. Marie Jackson, Chns. F. Sloane, Mrs. Ada Dense, Silas Mary Anderaon, Sam Crawford, It. W. Jones. Lntan Norlnolu, C. 8, Ferguson, Geo. Sullttsnch. H, If, Lewis, POSTAL TELliORAPH CO.. 1420 S. PENN SQUARE Colonial I.br. Co., Miss Florence Armstrong. Wm. U. McClure. HELP WANTED FEMALE Help Wnntrd Ad Recelird Too I.nte for Claaslllrntlon Will be round on Pago 2 CHAMnERMAlI). also assistant cook, for In- eillUlluiii viiiia. i luiroiam.i i iiuiiu iuuu v,.. Call 221 W. Johnson St., Oermantown. CHILDNURSE for Jenklntown! cood waaea: Wis Chetnut st.. 11 In 1. Monday nnd Tiles. COOK, chambermaid and waitress, two white girls, wllllne to iro to the country nnd to help with children: references required. Call Mon de yjjMaNnriniitnM COOK Younc Irish or American preferred, for suburbs: good reference: good wages. Meet employer Monday, between 10 and 12. Room ,.... ,in uiir.mu, ".. COOK for Jenklntown: reference required. Meet - emolover. Room 2i .. (108 Chestnut St.. 11 to 1. Monday and Tuesday. COOK, downstairs, capablo young woman. Phono Ardmoro 808: 1018 nleddyn road, Ard- more I'a, COOK wanted! reference required. 2209 Do Ljnccv place. COOKINU nnd care of dining room: small fam ily: no washing: good wnges: reference. 3422 t'oweiton H e. incur rprin K vi lu urni. COMI1 MINDERS. CARL QRURNAU & SON, 2U BUQf l-rio nve. DRESSMAKER uantn experienced hands; also apprentice! paid while learning. 1632 N. 28th. EXAMINERS Girls over 10 to Inspect bathing suits and Jerses. Hygienic Fleeced Under wear Co., 2416 N. Howard. CULL BOX MINDERS. CARL ORUBNAU & SON, 2d above Erlo ave. Q1RL. white, for chamberwork and waiting. Thnno Ardmore 800, or call 108 Uleddyn road, Ardmore. !rv. Salem. Train leaves Market street ferry. raiiaaeipnia, at 12:20 for Salem. jUAX.-On May 13, 1910. ROSE.wlfe of Michael Ryan. Relatives and friends, ulso lltessed -. Virgin Sodality of St. Michael's Church, aro Invited to attend tha funeral, on "Wednesday, at 8J0 a. m.. from her late residence. HUM N. 2d st. Solemn Requiem Mass at Bt. Michael's Church, at 10 a. m. precisely, in terment at Now Cathedral Cemetery. VAN. On May 14. 1916, CATHARINE, widow of James 1', Ryan. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Thursday, at 8 a. m., from the N. K. cor. 3d and Pine sts. Solemn Requiem Mass at Church of the Sacred Heart, at 9:30 a. m. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery, JBYAN. On May 13. 1910. MART E., wlfa of .Joseph J. Ryan arid daugntcr of John and the late Mary Tralnor. Relatives and friends ara Invited to attend the funeral, on Wednes udayr at 7:30 a. m.. from the residence of her father-in-law. Michael E. ltyan. 143.' Norm Park ave. High Requiem Mass at St. Mary'a Church. Doylestown. Pa.. 10:3(1 a. m.. In terment at Bt, Mary'a Cemetery. Train leaves 'Columbia Ave. Station at 8:17 a. m. Wednesday. Doylestown and Trenton papers ylease copy. . fCTT. On May 12. 1010. OAVID S.. husband of Alice 11, Scott. Relatives and friends, also Jolo Tribe. No. 377. I. O. It. M.j William Tenn Lodge. No. 39. K. of P.i Public Building llellef Association of City Hall: Philadelphia Lodge. No. 3. It. V. O. E.; 17th Ward Exec utive Committee, County Commissioners and employes, and all the organization of which he waa a member, are Invited to attend the fu neral services, on Wednesday, at 2 p. m. precisely, at Schuyler's, llroad and Diamond its; Interment at North Cedar Hill Cemetery. Remains may be viewed on Tuesday, from 8 io'll p. m. Automobile funeral. WARNER.-At the Masonic .Home, on May 14, US 18, HAUUJSI siai la, SAMUEL H WARNER, aged 67 years. aiives ana irienas also di. jonn s ijoage. Kh II, IT an A l b rm nrifbl ,n a,&n fWmt .AW. w..u .. .. . v tui.v ,u ,,,, ssa'iunerat servtccB, cut iuni)r, ki p. m.. at the Home, 3333 N. Broad st. Interment at Greenwood Cemetery. Automobile service, MLSaNV On May 11, 1010. ANNIE WILSON (ne Waldrcn). wlfa of Robert Wilson. Rel- atlves and friends ara Invited to attend the jaraj, on t.lnc. 6 at tba Church of Our Lady of Mount Canhel. twiaral, on Tuesday, at H a. m.. from her late ads ivoir at- ooiemn itequiem juass st 9 JO a, wry. m. Interment at Holy Cross Cerne. GIRLS AND WOMEN Wanted to work In laundry: no experience necessary; $6 per week to start, with ad vancement: steady position. TENNA. LAUN DRV CO., 310 N. 32d St. MISS DEAN Is tho ono who Places the Right Girt In the Right Place. Sho la on tho Mart of the Public Ledger Company to help nmbltloua young ladles to serum good ' opportuni ties In the commercial world. Hun dreds of young women bookkeepers, stenographers, private. secretaries, demonstrators, rlerks nnd saleslsdles owe their present success to Informa tion received from the COMMERCIAL RCOISTRT BUREAU ledger Central, Broad nnd Chestnut sts, "Tell Miss Dean what you can do." HELP WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT on steel foundry mfg. costs, nt Chester. Tn.: refs. req II 160. Led, Cent. BLACKSMITH wanted nt once, lst-olnss tool dresser, nccustomed to high-speed steel, American Engineering Co., Arnmlngo and Cumberland. BONE ntlTTONMAKERfl nnd learners wanted. Haflelgh ft Co.. American nnd Cnrohrla. BOY. Trotestant. for offlco: exceptional oppor tunity: apply In nun handwriting, stating ago, experience, If any,- references and salary expected. II 40, Ledger Central. BlttfATlOWS WATTTO--rgMA&gL Centred from mcrdlsfttfotoi CHttU tjKtlBI l". ". - trunoliii". " " 1 ; THlPLOYEIVS TIME IS SAVED Walnut or Main 8000. HELP WANTED MALE Coitfbiurrf from Preetdlna Column EXPERIENCED TIRE REPAIRMAN WANTED. ArrLT AT ONCE, IN TERBON. AUTOMOBILE SUPPLY COMPANY, 006 SHIPLEY STREET, WILMINGTON, DEL, BOY wanted for penernl office work: nnawer In own handwriting; one with experience pre ferred II 44. ledger Central. nOYS oer 10 years: steady posi tions. Frledbcrger-Aaron Mfg. Co., 4000 N. 18th, near Wayne Junction. BOYS WANTF.D. 120 PER MONTH AND BOARD. APPLY SAMARITAN HOSPITAL. BROAD AND ONTARIO STS. BOYS oxer 10 eara lo learn trade: good salary wmin lenrningj ij -i, imager urnce. COMPOSITORS. Lishcr, fifth floor, 147 N, loth st. CUTTERS nnd lining cutters, experienced, to take tho placo of men on strike: out of town; transportation furnished, H 340, Ledger Central DRAUGHTSMAN Corporation dealrea young man. preferably one with experience In eon aultlng engineer's office, with knowledge of mechanical equipment: good chance for right man: gtto full pirtlculara In first letter. K ., 1 a, LrtiKer UPiurH I DRIVER Nent. capable young married man: laundry; references required. Address H 348, Ledger Central. EDITOR wanted by leadlnir trnde Journal. Ad- dress, In confidence. IMjaoLedgcr Central. FARMHANDS Must be experienced with horses and Held work: references required. Apply 1819 Spruco nfter 11 a. in. FOREMAN, capable wanted; man able to or- ?anlze light machine shop work on a manu acturlng basis, combining quantity and quality production with minimum costs: ex ST"".!.. Cta?2 A.apable' Plenced men. INSTRUMENT MAKERS first class only: tool: makers. 13.21 to 14. 4S per day of 8 nours; ni,a.cninni!,V. PWA" U-I':- ""Want main": Ists. 12.00 to J2.00: machine operators (malel. ( nn in .A. M..1.1 . GIRLS 14 to 10 years of age. as store messengers: must have completed 7th school grade; bring both age and school certificates. Apply 6th floor, before 11 a. m. STRAWURIDGE 4 CLOTHIER GIRLS over 10 years: steady posi tions. Frledberger-Aorona Mfg. Co., .N, 10m. near ttujriio .JUIItllUU. tlons. 4000 GIRLS, experienced, and learners on calendar work: over lobars of age. .PDly Wolf & Co.. ild floor. 12lh and Cqllowhlll. HOUSEWORK Settled woman; nil convs. In home; no washing; Lansdowne. Meet em nlover. Mon.. 11 a. m.. Rm. 203. 008 Chestnut. IlbUSEWORK. experienced white girl; no laun dry work: wages 17.60; best reference re qulred. Phone Oermantown 6491 W. libUSBWORr. Protestant: 2 In family; no washing; references. Chestnut Hill lil7. HOUSEWORK Young colored girl, neat, clean; no washing; sleep out. 2417 W. Lehigh. HOUSEWORK and conking; good reference; family two. Phone 700 J. Oermantown. HOUSEWORK 8EEKERS The surest way to get In touch with positions in the best Philadelphia fam ilies Is through the Situation Wanted columns of tho Ledger. Call upon Mrs. Mead, manager of tha Ledgers Household Registry Bureau, and tell her about your experience and the kind of a position you want. She has had 10 years' experience In em ployment work and can And the right place for jou. No charge to Ledger advertisers. Get acquainted today with MRS. MEAD Household Registry Bureau. Washington Building. 008 Chestnut at., Second floor. LAUNDRESS, experienced, for country. Meet employer, 10 a. m., Monday, Room 203, 003 UMimui i. NURSERY OOVERNESS. Protestant, speaklnr French, for little girl 7H years: suburbs In New Jersey. Address P 017. Ledger Office. OPERATORS. LEARNERS on all kinds of ladles' shirtwaists, Haney, Kuttner Raab, 1320-34 Vino. OPERATORS, learners on ladles' knit under wear; steady work: good pay. Besflt Under- wear to., aiaa vaeuem mi.. VJermaniown. OPERATORS, sleevemakers. experienced on ladles' shirtwaists. Haney, Kuttner i. Raab. 1 320-34 Vine. ' OPERATORS, collar setters, experienced on ladles' shirtwaists. Haney, Kuttner & Raab, .jju-at vino. .1 . ;..-! -. IT i, , -'! m.mviuiiw umcKsmiins ror medium size work, able to work to blue prints liro. Win ""- sieam rummer, $3.62 to 13.70. based on experience and capac ity: skilled laborers. II. St. for outside nnd In side work: Cleveland. Brown & Shsrpe and Orldley nutomatlo turret lathe operators; 18 70: turret latho hnnds. 12.88, nnd Potter & John ston turret latho hands. S3.62 per day; rttt xens; higher compensation when on piece work: 15 days leave nfter one year's service. 7 holldnys and Saturday ntternoons during the summer months, all with full pay. Apply Prnnkford Arsenal, Brldesburg, Phlladel phla. Pa. FOUR SALESMEN WANTED MANUFACTURER "of NATIONALLY ADVERTISED SPECIALTY. WITH AN UNLIMITED, ALL-YEAR MARKET, OrFERS TO FOUR HIGH-GRADE EX PERIENCED' SALESMEN AN OPPOR TUNITY TO MAKE A PERMANENT CONNECTION WITH BIO EARNING POWER. AVERAGE SALE. 11501 COMMISSION, 30 PER CENT. TO BE CONSIDERED, SALESMEN MUST HAVE CLEAR RECORD AND ABLE TO FURNISH 8URETY BOND. REPRESENTATIVE WILL BE IN PHILADELPHIA MAT IS TO 21 TO IN TERVIEW APPLICANTS.. IN REPLY GIVE SHORT HISTORY OF SALES EXPERIENCE, AGE, SINGLE OR MARRIED, AND PHONE AND 8TREET NUMBER. ADDRESS D. R. ,'b.. ADELrilTA HOTEL. tmtTTONH WANTED MALE,, EMn?a wS?kf'wanTa a permanent position. In or out of city, c 82flJjedjjrtjc Se1. PoafJioihrLgna: BUTLERTagcl 8 English, married. wlhesnp; Alii, near vll age or house on placo rrer.: p? nnd rymded.,P010,Ledgerdfflce, nTfTf.ErT.VALBTi Japanese, wlshea posltloni fllat class, has best reference. D 80. Ledger Office. . . CHAUFFEUR, Amerlcnn.,12 yeara' experlenca at ihnna and private wore, expert mechanic on Jll makes of cars, beat of reference! 28 years old Tarried: will conalder city or country posi tion: have done considerable, touring. 130T McFerransU Tloga7 I27V. rJIAiiFF'EURTlO Venrs' experience! can furnish best of references: also makes own repalra. M 814, IdgerCentral. ClfAUFFEUR-AYhile. slngl-. .JfcdM, careful gnyiviep beat ref. 6 1141. ledger Central. CliAlTFF-ETfRTwanta Poaltlon, evening,, week- Haco 2136. 3iHeJ2tJA?irCcniraL cifAUFFlJUR wishes posillonl private ,'amllyi thorough mechanic: .honest, solwr. obliging. JS. licuncr Dini-"i -"- "-"- :;- Atrrd EPAiRi3MO CINDERS REB0RED new rjn-a MrtM aeaArn502SnHbm'if,,onnI-.l,:-pnm..Un efi?Y!Eh!bnTe!ol ' 810 noHth BROAD ST AtJTO SUPPf.IES BMP COVBltfl 40T"ANDCHANCELLORrS! RITlaTauto "parts co. ( PARTS 8J3.82J N. 8TII TmEB . Keystone phjrmeratkJiig.. . ATJTO TIRE3 ayjsn.ji3i2Jim SOLID TIRES a34i.4S MARKET PULLMAN TIRES . Guaranteed 3600 mil". Comprf prices. ORIM'S, 230 N. Broad st. DUILDERS rHAUFFEUR Young man, married, white! C "?od mechJnlcUw.it reL8JNBanibreyat. CONVBYANcnR, experienced, dealrea poaltlon. Dll3.JdRer tnc?: . , COOK Japanese, ffrat class, want Position In nKnle family: refs. Matauo, SOHJfSJhst. COOK Japanese, wnnts posUPm In private; lastPlace 4 yenrs; ref. Axil. 30S NljyBth at, OARDBNi.H, rhaurfeur, all-nroiind man. expe rienced, nnts position! good references. D 1V(, ,..A 1fnn GARDENER nnd houseman: enre lann, rlilckens, etc.; lst xcfcrencc.JI JlSj. Lc.lgergfnce. OARf)l'.NER-COACHMAN, elnsTc, I'rot : good nil rouiidibcst reference, D 1 12, Ledger Offlce OARDENER nnd houseman, trman Protetnnt, eini. .'n. . .-.. .ii.'-i .. ..... .r- .n. ...-. IIARDENUR, experienced, wnnta position; city or suburbs. 2307 N, Palethorpet. JACQUARD weaver would like chanco lenrnlnc .... m.i.ki .lain .tutTA 11 11. lA.Hirer nfnrn limn, u.t'.wi " ....j ..' " --. -.-.. -I MAN nnd wife, white, cxp. ; butler, houseman: wife good cook; ref. It 245, Ledger Central. JilJCIIANICAL DRAUGHTSMAN, wldo cipcrl eme, thorough shop training, good detaller, excellent designer, of nutomatlc and special machinery.. Hot, 4708. Station E. . SALESMAN of ability nnd experience wnnta to represent manufacturer of drug aundrlea or specialties, western New York ami Pennsyl vania preferred as territory. Address Mr. Ljpp. 20(1 Franklin St., lluffnlo, N.Y, YOUNG MAN wants position nn IrafOc mnnnger with reliable manufacturer; has had prnctlcnl experlemn In 'rating nnd routlm; for ship ments, ndjusttng vlnlms, etc.; possesses sound knowledge of Interstate commerco law. and understands principles of classification nnd rulemaking! has ability to prodiuo efllclcncy In the shipping department: snlnry to start nominal: advancement to bo dependent upon results obntned: A-l references. H 148, Led ger 1 entrni. YOUNG MAN. 01, wnnts poaltlon In any lino; 8 jcars' executive buslneas experlenro In a New York city real estate office: nlso rail road experience; would consider nny location. t. S. R. .cn re R. Fay. Woolworth Hldg.. N. Y. YOUNG MAN wishes position: steady, sober: nnderslands enrn nutomobllcs; state . wages. D 1 II. Lodger Office. YOUNG MAN, Japanese, doctor's ofOco or pri vate family; city or country. 730 Race at. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES MRS. NICHOLAS. 1030 Balnbrldgo St., has com. petent butlers, second men. housemen, cooks, German rooks, and laundresses, waitresses. English Protestnnts and other chambermaids, parlormaids. French nnd other ladles' maids, nurses, etc. Vacancies Monday, butler, house, men. cook, waitress, housework, etc. Phone Locust 2130. MISS MARY T. MCCARTHY. 2107 Christian (Loc. 13U8), supplies tc wants lst-class Prot., Cath. male e female help: allnatlonnlltlcs. MRS. M'lNZLAFF, 1930 Christian "(Dickinson 616). wants young cooks, 17 to 110; nurses, housework girls: Swedish and German help. CLARK A MaclNTIRB, architects, engineers and builders. 1937 Brandywlne at. Concrete. specialty. Plana nnd eat inalea furnlahed'. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PATENTS SvMid for otir free book, am. i.s- -.a T--,l.rrl rtal - . "i-mcma iinii i-s-.s a 1. 1 a . aAai-lnA tin Our ippn are rcRBoimD io,nnu "ui . " - " aurpaVsed. W will help you develop your FOSTER & WEBSTER 1011 Cheatnut at. Rell phonoV.'alnul16a4i WitATHAVB YOU TO OFrpH? I am looking for n propdsltlon.to take aolo ngency jf Plill.v delphla: hao had 18 ;" experience In -ell-tng and Bales managing, for various- large firms: can furnish best of reference. P 018. Ledger Office. - CAilEfFFOR ORCHARDS PAY INVESTORS Ownership stock In a fine .blant"'! proMttf In well-known fruit district for salol cash or on monthly pajments, O 0ui, Ledger cen tral YOUNG MAN with 10 sears' mjmifnctiirlnK and accounting experence, haa 15000 to Imeat, with aervlces, In legitimate, nnd profitable business. O 810. ledger Central, BOX PLANT for snlo! well located In manu facturing district! aiding In yard: early ros session: good terms of pajment. H 218, Id- nr I nirni. - Bfr v.gii,,i. , , -1 I, j.i 16 A-MONTH secures Interest In growing or chard: will bo producing before raid for. HMlltft FOR SALE Good paying business and good location: will glto reasons for selling. O 768. LcdgerCentrnK . PICTURE THEATRE 1360012300 caah: earns $100 weekly: trial: loc. dally:' strictly flrst fiaaa nrnnoaltlon. L 261. ledger Central. AN EXPERIENCED MAN will buy real estate business or go Into partnership with a reliable firm. I, 428. ledger .Offlco. PARTNER wanted; excellent opportunity. Write for particulars. P 004. L"dgct Office. BUSINESS PERSON $LS EVENINO LATEST STYLE t,v" FULL-DRESS SUITS CLOTHINO DELIV. & CALLED FOR FREE - CAtli OR PHONE POPLAR 235 TO OPEN EVENINGS LE I DNER'S, 10TH : GIRARD AV H.W.Cor. FULIDRESS SUITS Cutaways, Tuxedos and Sack Suits To hire nnd mads to order. NEUBAUER. THE TAILOR, 1121 Walnut. Bell phone. Wnlnut 2018. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR remoed by electrolysis, tho only perm't wny. Ejebrows nrched. MISS SMITH, 402 Keith "Theatre Bids. Sllss Hoppo, halrdros'r, facial mns'se, man Icur'g, form. Mint Arcado, with Sllss Smith. DIAMONDS BOUGHT Bank reference. Appraisement, 1 per cent. HARRY W. SMITH. 717 SANSOM ST. CARPET CLEANING REAL CARPET BEATING: NO TUMBLERS used. Uoer Co.. 3300 N. 12th. Th. Tioga 6200. KEYSTONE Carpet Cleaning Cleaned abso lutely clean. 30lD N. Nice at. Ph. Tioga 3318. DRESSMAKINti AND MILLINERY TOTTER SCHOOL Or DRESSMAKING DAILY AND .EVENING SESSIONS 1435 GIRARD AVE. POPLAR 0374. l"A,J,0.,M:IlS',.':0,d' vntTfl S.ow at Tygert-Allen I ertlllzer Works. South Delaware andMVec cacoo nves. (Greenwich Point): steady work ho year around for tho right men. Sea Super- Intendent. at works. LABORER'S wanted, steady work: 20c. per hour: 9-hpur day. Apply at once. Barrett Company. 3(lth nnd Gray's Ferry ae. LABORERS wanter, 2c. per hour. Apply Chns Felln & Co.. Inc., Pier 42. N. Delaware ave" below Laurel Bt. LINOTYPE OPERATORS. Lasher, fifth floor. 147 N. 10th Bt. MAN AND WIFE, white, wanted for all work of house at Ridley Park. Call Monday morn ing, with references. F.. 210 North 'Amerl can Building. MEN, to help plpefltters .wanted at once. Worth llros.' pltnt. Cnatcsvllle. ORDERLY. 26 to 30, fair education, good habits and character, wanted for hospital. Write O 842. Ledger Central. PAINTERS. 40c. per hour, 8 or 0 hour day: first-class men only: no others need apply. William A. Franco. 1310 Foulkrod at.. Frank- PLUMBINO Boy wanted to learn trade. Ai nltf tmi Ulna - WANTED A few high-grade machinists on" line light work. Permanent positions, with best of working conditions, and highest wages are offered to steady and Industrious men in open shops with modern equipment. Located at Youncstown. O. Trouble over. No war busi ness. Addresa. stating experience and refer ences. M 302. Ledger Office. WANTED Experienced motor truck aalesman to travel In Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana. Illinois. Mis souri. Kansas and Tennessee; good proposi tion for high-class men. Apply M 234, Ledger Office, WANTED Young man. for bookkeeper and stenographer, one having experience In books preferred Good opening; splendid opportunity. M 227. Ledger Office. WANTED White couple, no children, on private country place; permanent position: furnished house found; man must assist gardener; wife must board 2 men. Apply by letter, statins reference. P. O. Box 225, Devon. Pa. WEAVERS wanted. mah or female, Crompton A Knowles looms, for Canadian woolen mill In a city of 25,000 population. 80 miles west of Buffalo. For full particulars, apply trie Sllngsby Mfg. Co.. Ltd., Brantford, Ont. WEAVERS on double-rib machine; steady pos. Frledberger-Aaron Mfg. Co., 4800 N. 18th, near Wayne June. PRESERVING FRUIT Capable woman to work for hotel by ths day as fruits come Into market. Address M 230, Ledger Office. YOUNG MAN, good character, to manage cir cularizing dept. ; state ex p., ref.: physical examination requircq. i- ooy. xqger uince. YOUNG MAN, knowledge of bookkeeping and t)pewrlttng: state experience and age, A 402. ledger Branch, 330 West Glrard ave. ffeneral COST ACCOUNTANT. $1200-$I500. BOOK KEEPERS, several good openings, $15. CLERKS Generol. Advertising. Bill. Cost, Shipping Ledger. TimeStock J8-$10 up. AD VEIITISINO ARTIST, must be good man. AD VERTISING MANAOER. HOTEL MANAGER, out of town. $1200. STENOGRAPHERS. $1.1. DRAUGHTSMEN, benlnner. $10-$12: others open at $25. SALES MANAOER, $1500-$18(l(l. SALES MANAGER, steam specialties, $3000. SALESMAN, bright, energetic young man to grow Into sales work. $10-$12. Other positions open for . HIGH-GRADE MEN -JBU8INESS SERVICE COMPANY y 1801 LAND TITLE BUILDINO BECOME a traveling salesman: hundreds of po sitions open: home study: positions guaran teed: tuition fee partly payable from earnings; money back If not satisfied after trial. Call or writs School of Salesmanship, Baxter Bldg., opposite City Hall. AUTOSIOBILES Mechanical night school now open. Cor. Broad nnd Spring Garden sts. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE CHAMBERWORK or waiting; good reference; shore or country. Call 10 to 12 a. m.. Room 205. 808 Chestnut st. CHAMBERWORK Exper'd young Irish Prot estant: suburbs; ref. Phone Chestnut Hill 449. CHILDNURSE Young American Protestant: good reference; will go away for summer. H 709. Lodger Office. CHILDNURSE Protestant, capable; good refer ence. H 030. Ledger Office. COMPANION or attendant to elderly lady; ex perlenced nurse: ref. H 701. ledger Office. OOVERNESS, German. 10 years' experience, would Ilka position. 1 or 2 children. D 31, ledger Office. HOUSEKEEPER (managing) or stewardess, hotel or hospital: wages $40 per month: sea shore or city. II 830. Ledger Office. INFANT NURSE, graduate, experienced, good refs.: entire care Infant. H 344. Ledger Cent. KINDERGARTEN teacher desires pos. as gov erness for tha summer at shore. Apply Branch 887. 81st st. and Montgomery ave. KINDERGARTEN teacher desires pos. as gover. nesa for summer at shore, P 010. Led. Off. LADY'S MAID. French, experienced, references. wlshea situation. H 703. Ledger Office. LAUNDRESS, colored, first class, best city reference, wants fine hamper wash. 112 Branch Ledger. 21st and Pine sts. MOTHER'S HELPER-Uefined. settled woman desires perm, pos.; ex. with children or In valid lady; eams.,.llght dut. O 845, Led, Cent. MRS. KANE. 611 S. 10th. wishes positions foi flrst-clnss Protestant and Catholic cooks, chambermaids, German and Irish Protestant waitresses, t chlldnurscs, laundresses, butlers, valets, housemen, chaurfeurs. etc. . also wants Immediately English butlers, Infant nurses, girls for chamber work nnd waiting, downstairs girls: references req. Spruco 3401. WANTED at Episcopal Office. 312 S. 12th St.. cooks, wultresses, chambermaids, nurses, kitchen maids. WANTED Gov's, nur's. Cham's, wait's, cooks, hut's, hous'n. coup's. Mad.Ashe.1533 Chrlst'n. 'AUTOMOBILES t Tor Snlo CHASSIS We have a few cheap cars of which the chassis would be cry suitable for truck or delivery work of any kind. Don't fall to come In and look tbem oer If you want something at a bargain price for delliery purposes. LOCOMOBILE 2.114 Market at. Locust 450. H. A. JENK8. Mgr. Exchange Car. Dept CADILLAC, 1014. touring car, overhauled and repainted: full equipment; price $860. AUTO SALES CORPORATION. 142 N. Broad at. CARTER CAR 1915 touring; fully equipped; elec. lights and starter: newly painted; tires good; will sacrifice. L 240. Ledger Central. HUDSONS Rebuilt and guar.: phaetons, road sters nnd cabriolets: elec. lights and Btarters. OOMERY-SCHWARTZ. 253 N. Broad st..Phlla. PIERCE ARROW. 0-48 chassis $700 KHIT DELIVERY 300 L. II. O'NEAL, 210 N. Broad st. STUDEBAKER 1015 Roadster, In excellent con dition; thoroughly overhauled; will sell cheap. H 52, Ledger .Central. E-M-F PARTS . BCHOBER. 3341-43-45 Market. Cadillac Parts SCHOBER 3345 MARKET Pierce-Arrow Parts 8CHOI1ER 3341-43-43 MARKET 8END FOR FREE BULLETIN OF USED CARS OORSON AUTO EXCHANGE. 238 N. BROAD. For Kxchanga PIERCE-ARROW 0-48. run 19.000 miles; perfect condition; 7 passenger; will exchange for 5 passenger Tierce-Arrow, Address M 730, Led ser Central. AUTO LIVERY AND OARAGES TO HIRE (open day and night), brand-new 3-pass. touring car, with robes, $1,23 hr. ; alio brand-new 7-pass, limousine. $1.50 hr., weddings, funerals. Poplar 1017, 1715 Glrard. 03D. FELTON GARAGE FELTON AND OIRARD AVE. PHONE BELMONT 1101. BUY-MOISTER Portable Garages Steel or stucco. On display 3931 N, 6th. Tioga 2084. AUTO PAINTING FOREMAN PAINTER recently opened a fully equipped shop on tha side. Quality being the primary consideration, has established a successful business, which now requires my entire time. Don't deprive yourself of the best when my prices for Painting or Revarnlshtng Cars are a third less than any other shop In Phlla. Highest grade work guaranteed. Phone Tioga 270J; Keystone. North 4 it GEO. W, PARVIS. JR. 1321 Alrdrle at. Broad above Erie. DRESSMAKING taught from nny pattern; morn, and aft. sessions; Bend for circular. Colum bian DrosBtnauing Hcnooi. i,ao uoiumaia ave. THE McDOWELL Dressmaking School: easy, modern methods; email payments. 307 Denckla Building, 11th nnd Market sts. POR SALE EDISON TALKING MACHINES M -PRICE. $100 Outfits Now $50 $75 Outfits Now 137 $50 Outfits Now $25 May Clean-up Sale, of silently used Edison and Columbia Talking Machines, all makes at IS tho regular prlco: can be paid for n low' as 50 cents weekly. Call or write at once for complete lists. HErPE's urTOWN stores. Cor. 0th & Thompson Sts. BILLIARD, POOL, combination, second-hand, bought, sold, rented, exchanged: repairing; supplies. Lafo Keafer, American manufac- turer. j.m viirttru mw. i iiuim iveps. .jio. Billiard and pocke.t tables Also hnwltnc alleys: easy payments. RIIMNTR. WICK-BALKE-COLLENDER CO.. 1002 Arch. BILLIARD, pool tables; now, second-hand bowl ing alleys; easy payments. Rosatto-Barry-Street Co.. 222 S. 6th St.: phone. Wal. 2284. CASH REGISTERS bought, sold, leased, ex changed, repaired, replated. Supplies. New and factory rebuilt. New total adders, as low as $30. Call and see our 1010 models. Reglstera sold and leased by us on easy pay ments and fully guaranteed. THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO. 730 CHESTNUT STREET. $38.00 LARGE TALKING MACHINES Co lumbia) with cabinet for holding machine and 200 records. This outfit Is finished In a beautiful quartered oak, and cost new $84. Can be paid for at the rate of 75 cents weekly. This Is an excellent bargain, as It Is In first-class condition, equal to new, Write for complete list of bargains and special 30 days' free trial offer. IIEPPE'B UPTOWN STORES, Cor. Oth & Thompson Sts. DESKS, filing cabinets, safes, telephone booths and office furniture and fixtures of every de scription; used, but In fine condition, and very cheap: free delivery anywhere. y HUQHES. 11TH AND BUTTONWOOD DESKS, Urge assortment! also household fur niture. Duling Central Second-hand Furnl ture Company. 004.900-914 Callowhlll at. 129.50 VICTROLA VI and 6-10 In. D. F. Itecorda. guaranteed to be In perfect condi tion. An excellent outfit for one who Is look-, Ing for a good machine jt-a reasonable price: Fifty cents weekly accepted. Call or writs for complete descriptions and largo Illustrated catalogues. i HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES. CoroOth & Thompson Sts, Fireproof: 00 slightly used; all sixes SAFES and makes; big bargains. 219 N, tin st.. peiween nace anq vine. $160,0.0 TALK1NO MACHINE 1 FOR SALE Will accept any reasonable offer If sold sooni good reason for selling. 1837 N. 8T1I ST, Ttttr.i t- MAlUN.fEr.vV;i..i. .--,-a. isruMimi " " "n at. t-MT."'"- MAH MACHINERY ANlTTr5 SAFETY SPLIT cnirii.fl ' -. - HANOEns and PlLLowfS ,n4ro3 lahed ball and I socket b?arlICKB' 'Wtnl ,t"!?r.',?,".?,'S'.,rCompr,o?,8.lm " . -"i-"ii-vii!,iLj mo., 12f M a CONCRETE MlXERSDon'tSS---Sl Wo can deliver a XllLwAmJEw, fork. . CHARLES BONO "SW rfrcn st, """AHlj I dynamos, motors and machiS"Srir-2iS and. rented: armatures V.mua bt5tTl Market 800,'., Yer.l.i n"MJnt. MR" 3 BO-k, IVmrecrSn, JrMji," 40-Kt W. belted generator. wttot- , NUTTALI,, iTM , PlPE-RACond-hand. nff TaTrea-HSrT-Tr1 hand PlnA Run.!.. r- 1... :. frllla. a ' -"" "' 7th . Th MUSICAL jSjTlVTNT- SS''Sak.! y,.fkl1" AJ. ?"'n' bargain In JSL.' dltlon. Write for complete list1"..1!, and special trial offer. ol HEPPE'S UPTOWN BTfrn Cor. Oth ft Thompsorima. MAY VICTOR ItWtJJIlI-S NOW oiTBA IIaH CHESTNUT ST. i CENTS WEEKLY BUYS A VICTmAaI Call or write for particulars. ' fl lIF.rPE'S UPTOWN STORES Cor. Oth A Thompson 8ts. ' 60 8.1 CHICKER1NO UPRIGHT PIANO HOWARD VINCENT. 898 M. TfTj EDISON DIASIOND POINT PHONOORisi cost $00 new. Tills outfit l i cSnT?t J recorda nnd cabinet, nnd will be inu l.in, liavHiiioi in renis weeaiy, for complete descriptions and catalogues. FHONMTUj.1 I" be loll'lj ., Call tr vrXI large uliutrVt HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORE8. , Cor. Oth & Thompson Sts. OLD GOLD OLD aOLD.Bllver. platinum, plated WarA.. atvlo Jewelrv, teeth plates bought-tor t CASH PAID FOR DIAMONIJH. precious 11(31 trn.il tlt.'Af. tilndriiim. falaai ah n!!7 t Sm-ltlnir A Ref. Co.. 128 8. ilth. , L PATENT ATTORNEYS PATENTS PS, TRADE MARKli COPYRIGHTS ESTABLISHED 1883. WALTER DOUGLASS North American Building. ROOFING AND IRON AwTnsOMg LET US ESTIMATE to coat your roof 11 .ABAH$AaA I 1 ( s nansa .IJH KUtllHlltrt IV in j n m rt AMERICAN ROOI'INO CO.. 1633 Itllft l STORAGE CONTINENTAL STORAGE WARBIIQUBH 20TH ST. ABOVE ClIKSTNCT PACKING. MOVING, SHIPPING) "flioa fn null nlnfintrl. rnlirf1. (ftr) Tlfill. f.oruwt IQflO rhonpw Kay,, llfloTu T1IKUU AllU ONLjY 3 fireproof wareboie this city, wo na.o ono 01 inem nu outf ntfi no niBner man mo orunmry morw a utininn drtitnp ronprete bulldlnar. Cle&n. woll ventilated. North Phlla. Blow HniDQ iiau t'arK. uoo w, ajciiiii. ' FIDELITY FIIlKPnOOP WAnratOUBBiri FENN STORAGE AND VAN 00, 2130 MARKET ST; T.'.r. rimnnini t A TTJIiriTTQlTl ! " TT i.i ., ..Kino aanut ftU.Kia &2Z-.,KWt"ZXXX:uutetxM MCATW'8.8TORAaBHOUSE 1748 N. packing. Bhlpplnsr; auto t-ct Va 1 T i .- esMma tt. ' WERT PIIILA. MONARCH STORAGE VVEST iJIllI,A. Ama "''."wjri.'i'. 'iv. WEST PHILA. '3870 mnuaaim a 8TORAGE - Movlna- by auto vans; jack shipping. 'LEVIN BROS.. (2018 ,, 1 Phone Poplar UU24. .STORE AND OFFICE -glXTUBBIi 'OFFICE PARTITIONS THE BETTER KIND GET OUR ESTIMATE PHONE, WRITE OR CALL WEISS MAMUrALTunisu w, 4B0 N. 12th st. Phono Pop. IQDOi Pact 18 vTANTED . -. H..n.n,,mD rt1.A aa4. ANTIUUU r Ulllliunt,, . ""'-"., beas. .oroMn jTOHrry..".. iSfSt' -rXSTi BROKEN JEWELRY, false teeth, pistol", t "coin books.wlth prices 1 1 pay. med. 'fc.Jl IJoss (People's Store). 200 8. 11th. Wal mm CAST-OFF CLOTHING Wo aro In great need of cart-ejt t and . will pay ex.ra. a ""." w. men's cast-on doming "'.,: -kAi anywhere promptly. Call, write or noa. COOPER. 1010 Glrard ave. Bell phono Poplarjraj "CAST-OFF CLOTHINO WANTED Gentlemen, ana iauie. iw. What rsay Is meant for you: If you have some clothes to sen. Send for me. I'll treat you well. The price I pay Is very hlih. More than others, let me try' Write or phone and I will call Anywhere or lime 1a " . WRirw. UAi.u wit 1 'vMif;AA,,iTia SELIQSOHN, COR. 8TH& SPRINO OABP1 CAHT-yr.i'- ufA""""". & I will pay positively lusinrsb vV,'-'"T.TVi Jents' an5 'ladles' discarded clothlM. ta Shoes, furs. etc. 1 tat " "11 and fs Top - Tuxedo suits; will call day or ''''nfr country. Call, write, phone Bell. fr,JUiir lfsVatone, Park 0005, Blacker. 1218 i rwltt ' ' " ' ".iVuntnLiLt OI Is-TIIIMIT. -W . . .. -..,n Trait n-xiTtt TTTiT pKiceS'gua-oet our "est :--bm SBLLINOV WRITEj CALL OR PHONB W- . nt unoo. owiuui,, -a. ... ..--- " CAST-OFF CLOTHINO Wa pay highest .prices for won el'0!: dress, tuxedo suns, etc.: wo can " jj-"-jii ""r..l....h. nnnwr. 024 W. Glrard. Pa era Ul WWMW.W. . . CAST-OFF CLOTHINO Highest prcs. PJ1 I ord. promp. atten.t day, evr.l city, ceooaj Friedman Bros.. 1444 South. Phone DlcMjl FURNITURE OF EVERY lirauuriiwfl ruiiiAjj - ami. ANTIQUE -. .ijl M, I. -M l.lnAA 3IUAAAI11 VW1AA ni.. y -a Deaks. oftlca furniture, all kinds i c JJ' flxturea. part tlons. "atocka of merchsnfflSJ.1 He. 'Bill, Walnut 1884. Key.. Race M " THE PATTEN CO, "" Arch St. S, inrrnMiTiiirii V manna, rarrneiia. as.iii.iuuaii -.-. - m it"'V,V"hS;,... KTu.ht ror chi n wtI how large. J. Bernstein. 1334 Bldrs avt- "a OLD GOLD Cash paid, for old gold, sub antique clocks; will call. Bell poooe. If CASH buyer: pay highest Prlws or pwr, ! Iron, metals, etc, Shuster, BS40 Cheil-m, PETEYIt Must Be Henrietta Doesn't Read the Papers Bu C. A. VOIGHTl t .M-.. II HI " ' ! " .. 1 I T'" - 5i - V - ' " " '" ' i is ii i i i i i.- ii , , ,.. s i i "fc ... . - - - . , - fm " ' f J "pctcn dear Ftwe77 C om ,-r '--vctt., wett, at TTx Vv cv. . vt a W??b Gcnr A WCN ) I NOW VEU iSut A Sue ) U'AST VoU SwoW SOME HC 3 ) v ,jj . ) f Uiz's I gP W COOK Tp DAM lMAVB PeACE IM ( 'SWJT A M ) 5tWSE MQWV,EtcHAVEMM0T A 1 'Vlj f r MeILu 1 ft i&Zrft "Voj kKKiw vMA-r a ( TeAT her v he O 3lfo- a. 1 S HE S ' V ( sn -" 1 jlfjf "Tct-nnDce "TiNe we I vjcic aviohbiu ) r ' 'V VT J , . i ' - J && sa$Mw VMjr0 LATELS' Trvmwj- ) Ss- X-Jw (r$ fl. ' ' At- LLBfe: v- 'Llsii.LlsLlsLlsLlsLlsLlsLlsLlsLlsLlsLlsLlsLH .dfl WWmLilSaiMmrS. A i.-LJdS-).A.&. ,. m(s -Set-S-A- b i- f i - , .ST i. 'in T-n4e-JSJf"nr-r .r , m -'l.frTTr nifirin ilt-gTln-l fill ITITTI fltfllli llTl ITlftlM1frtliilf" " I '1 " I lillltT I I I I "1 " ' " "iT iL.laL.laL.laBxlaL.laL.laL.laL.laL.laL.laL.laL.laL.laL.lai -f,-ffiE K- T -1" -ITT .irrr-t, , Tt - B9BHi.i.H
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers