.i VftTt EWT P-rnnTTiltnctlve rooms',, alngte, or ... J0?nA.VAn runnlriB water! refer. W$rrZZZAlvtto cool room i oulet. btj rt - iti52E3 r HT.i T.1 JJSS222E3U- ..rtmenl ,. laifr r""i" T Ki"- .Crlvate ramnr. .l Jr7fmMr rooms, sin- rii in r"'"! "' - fSJ- r",., uh bilhi single room.! I iffiftK f tWw'- NB 41TH--w wc" .. , table. rt .WSftTiSa w. " . frirrnv""- " Hint, ' rzrr j an Single rooms, rom. bath I AA 1 4 - . :To. 1002 Ir.Ka.Hr.,"ui5y nK. trk: "" pain. -""- - , "S --;: MW'B&inD OPTIONAL n. ."Ki fAiB. Aftf"W. K.isr-rr Msior &. a, urn 'airy "TZJ. ,r,iorV REABIIORE . . rTrrrr Large, sunny rooms In Pfl- JtOABDINCr, j - "J , nnth (Tha MargraveV StT ST.i t'. i"K.lS toil mi botrd. BsbTtMl First-class, board, roomit l'SS2tl ' Poplar78fl - SEr"lMl.2 Furnlahed . fpomal prlYata rrlio-Slnale. room., table strictly t 8T, RTifrti .m fnr men. l45.IJlrabirr .room with iggf.'m Mi at. "U" mnncnnAN. , Huimiw.- ZZZvnt (Harvey at.. 220-Vaeancle., CVi ui Vr-'' "mm'r rl""" er t- gylfeNTvTne and Hanaberni IraU , tt-naisv sr.AHiioni3 Sm M J. Vacancies for aelect guests. C ' r. in Overbrook Or Lansdowne, boar A gSIED in Ov"b rona o a d b ?Kt 1 to Best. IB. 2020 S. Lambert at. W HANITARITJMS fT.TMir. location: apcclnl aclentino carej fe?Hr.vJerlTl every comfort: nuraea: book Etna. JJ7', "WiiV Htm. Chestnut Hill. ur. jtBi'w" " - AFABTMENTS rrT tIOJ.' cor! Carlisle Unfurnlahea g't. private bath, attractive, reasonable. rcT rillljAIlKf.rillA L&date 0 rm. apart.:; vcIbr,0,M "w f u " "nfur. Phone Overbrook 2351 W. train. ti na... n .MAm. iwtrhMi. IVBtroBDAyhj. . -r 'TiVa. Klnme . , Mint rgm. - ' it,1"' - ' yrw IKttflrA" 8KASH0RK i-HKKt.' rtJCtir ""- S'iTIC CITT. 13t 9. Florida ave.. S-room BlllAJ",,'!uV,.iL .ilntll furnlBhpil. all MiaHinni. '" ""-" ri' .. nn tau lad airy rooms, cumpr ".wcn. wvv-.. K W house from. lioard,valki every mod; ftSm coavtnience, uu. -u..v, --., S?rrs rmv ojnn Atlnntl, nvn.. 2d floor! ffiiir furnished B-room apartment, bath: 4 t ERnrT Market. 2818 Atlantlo ave. - FTOWIBHED AJABTMENT3 taHEAD 101H.1R T.ontisT. irandsomcly furn. apts. tBOTSEKEEPINa APARTMENTS , K COBv 17TH AND WALNUT STS. Sfc wnt and most distinctive apartment WV peilrablasultest from 2 room. J taiiff:"-ffl:B"'- AKHj on, premiacs or yimiw ... - . ( r'J U0 Franklin Banlc Did. . '4APTMENT BUREAU HrtLWalnnt 0920. Franklin Tlank DldK inmr bt nd flonr. 4 rooms and bath. 'Si order, 118, inciuain? nriji. pfcoWAnti CO., 20th and Jefferson ats. !0TH ST. 3d floor. 4 rooma and bath, po4 order. m. lnciuoinK ''CV-W.. , COWARD CO.. 20th and Jeffarson ats, JHERE ARE SEVERAL WAYS OF SECURING AN APARTMENT Rut luppose. Instead of tryine all these dlf fcSt."Syi.. you Just call at ihl. of nce-th. Sit, most aiirncuve inu f14u'"K.i delchla. devoted exclusively, to securlne t,waat they want for particular people. . ... Sth i -vnur rrnulrementa. Every desirable IiHrtment In Philadelphia Is listed wtth or Mir lie rented through us. Our automobiles itansltlni to take you to the list of Prop fllu you designate, and with the least pos Mla tltort you -will sccuro the one apart st In Philadelphia which most nearly ap KO&ches your exact Ideal, pQRMAN S. SHEHWOOD P 1411 WALNUT ST. ttmn 33T1, Race 802S. winitp.vrnppiMn apth. n moms. 2 baths: faaill rear iorch, 2 bedrooms: southern ex imum; Uvlnc room faces square; unfurn... 'twaB;rurn . a: lm. poss rnona ioc. -jbi w. iWSEKEEPINO apts., all parts of city: rents a tOi.TO per montn: can, pnone or write iur aiormauom uamuei atern, i-ui uafniiim. WEST PH1L.DKLPHIA WO. 4037(Preton) U2rms.10t18up. Sml. 1, 21J 8, (Ilratton) A laree hskn? 17 to 130 t, lit B. fKlnadon) Will furn. l'h. Uar.l032J RUTIJINn APTS.. .TIJST COSIPLETED fTlTTlHT UT RTIT Tfl KSTH ST. ff-rwnunil.bath apartments, with all the lhm convenleneea. $40 to 142.BO per month. BT, KOBEIVr PITTS. AGENT lll Thone. Belmont 44JI3. B443 Locust at. DIlEXKr. APAnTXIENTS -. OVERUKOOK STATION .... i housekeeping- suite. 6 rooms and bath. at per momn; puuiic tuning room, muiw oroon oa,'s. , "8ATTEnLEB" CHESTNUT AND 40TH STS. A Few Vacancies. EDWARD HUTCHINSON, Jit, 122 S. 13th. or 117 S. 4&th. 5 WAHRHM. inOM.u.1 fi 4ilth at. Attractive tfcwaj-floor apartment, 0 large rooms and j;ll outside: private porch. !'"' .S.BU.N. 21 anq an a. utn st. v Jim ana Chestnut: Monterey, aa ana mitt: lUlmnnK filth and Rnrlna flarden. ulr Janitor, or Crease, 308 Hale Bldr. APARTMENT HOTELS .i m iiirj i,ri-tL,u HUlCiU SIS SOUTH IIKOAD STREET ittd rlht In the centra of everything and ,gtMftg . perfect fuimlshlnaa and appoint T ith a aulet. home-like atmospnere ,H BtUfh In VlM riuMn Iji2" J"i compiotea ana ariisucauy lur lEtttf.vrft! nfw rooms, each with private iafi? TSr:tvu.wi marina soowers ana many KJEW mosl artlstla features. ISSS?1"? h,av? J!"S wn opened, and you K5?J4!a"y Invited to nay ua a visit and mi Xsr VOUraelf tint Mfralll nvv mrlr.r an i ilSi Mr"tlve averything really is. and I rites are so moderate, tool One Aniinr fiTfijrS.ri ao moaerate. tool one dollar Stra? "" f day wltb special weekly SMiNS. SHERWOOD. PROPftlETOR HOTEL CHESTNUT AND fenH," I. i NINETEENTH r J-fle hPSr. mnma n-nrl oiilfao fith the best table, in Phila. l veeK, Month, .Season, Year THE I DEUIAR-JIORRla ,WJSLTEN AVE. STATION. PENNA. TS.'SHI. ZU J11NUTES FROM IlHniTV i'in'BKUt'AIt TON aiiprtvfTJri,".N,8ED -ND UN. !rE3 AND HOUSEKEEP. rtril.o.SP..-"9y.INOTpN K, ,) . , KNQU3 MANAQBR ' i "fww uim ior raot r. flT.Ar.cim-vTTn htm iUr, n&T J4.jJiJ .JL Pi f rfl- -7 ESMOND S. E. COR. 13TH - .. '" AND SPRUCE '. r-rooaaAnd bath, furnished. iSPlmMiP TRACT mi - wiiwiflui tSJESTATE FOR SA1E !iv "-. West Phlla and Oermantown .. 'lfina. IIKftA tr. tllAtA itevT3. E."ii -arenusi Larga l9, ls ciM Wl, . paim i A wsoattt t. B;VHl LBDaBBHPJamADBLPHIA, MONBAt MAY 1, 1D16. jCSAi E8TATU FOR BALE j. C.TY " Conllniifif roth PricrtHnt Column DO VOO WANT HAROA1N A. FINE HOME XV A 41 PIUCF,? i-?.0.".. W?. cm at., 0 rooms ....Bcor.i aomu urire m-zuo J. EDlVARn' Ltft'a: '"" n. Tir st. is: convs. i nuer. v.. .. l0MN VA PELT ST. ..'..."ifniS-"0 dwelling. Lot .-----, --. , MYERS ft ilXrtTlt, Ttlfee ave. i8.8x78' ft 10th, MONEY FOR MORTGAGES "!5rtif"u!n and Trust Fund, 800 Walnut si. it.A "i0 LOCUST ST in .i.ii.. .. " ;w"' iniiivninono awe iS n."iela"y ned for professional onicesi .low price and easy terms for quick sale CENTRAL pnnprnTrra -. .t. .. Vlnnmir A Vr.V,' n7A' "' !.E. cor. 17th and Chestnut. rent. REAL .ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT UARnER.HAHTJrAN A CO. -41.,. iim .v-All .1201 Chetfliut. "TRIDENT" WATER METER Phlla. Miim rM 042 neat Eatalo Trust nidR. 10TJi JKIJf 11T.H AND ,r,Tlr WARD nUYERS. RELLERS ANI) RENTEIlS, SEE FRIED RICH ft CO.. 801 N, 12TH fiT. 120002220 MASTER ST, 3 story, 0 looms. tunvcniyiiteBi pxccnpnt rnaition DANIEL A, MINNICtr. 1830 Ridge ave. all DESIRAULE home, detached, 0 rooms, all convs.: lot (10x1001 aond location: conv. trol my. jppiy uwner, win uramtr at,, camaen. jaw uniaciri bt. uesir. res., with 14 rooms. ffL1ilAbl . t(S lta, assessed tTSOO: prlca . 16000. J. R.Massey ft Son. 18th and Oreen. nalldlng Lot,, raetory 8lis. etc. FACTORY SITES SPRING GARDEN STREET FROM Fifth to Broad Street ASPHALTED STREET. 120 TEET WIDE: GOOD LIGHT: CENTRAL LOCATION! NEAR HOMES OP EMPLOYES! CONVENIENT TO RAILROAD FREIOHT STATION. ArPLT THOS. E. DUNN 133 South Fifth St. CHOICE BUILDING LOTS and larg tracts ground In Ml parts city: also over 200 mfg, sites. Melvln, 1B1B-10 Real Eat. Trust Bldtr. Tnctorlea WAREHOUSE 73d at. ami P.. B. & W. Rail road: two-story brick warehouse: lot 08x53 ft. Desirable for small factory or storage. Railroad siding available. TOCUM A POWERS CO. 2S 9. lBth st, 0940 Woodland ave. west riiiLAn-Kr.rH.A 40.15 CEDAR AVE. Lot 25x110. Twin house. 12 rooms, southern exposure; lot 25 ft. frontage, on 80-ft. street: convenient: can be boucnt close to nsscaaea 0lUNvM: II. W. QUICK ft BRO., INC. a M, 4U111. oi. LARGE LIST BEAUTIFUL NEW HOMES. urnAm in nmrv dtn.11 and some can be bought nt assessed value. It. will pay you to get my list first. Telephone for appointment. Auto sorvlce. , ... McCOURT, 28 S. (loth (cor. Ludlow). 13100 8 rooms, hot-water heat, gas and elec tric light, parquetry floors, .bower bath, gas kitchens and all other modern appointments. DANIEL CRAWFORD. JR.. nUlLDER Dam anu uauneiu m. SEE THE HOUSES we are offering at 12230. I2B00 and 13100, many othera at right Prices. We also have many now properties on our it. E. 'll. AP3LEY. B8th and Springfield, ave, ft nrTTea g. iprtWMflKNn WEST PHILADELPHIA HOMES 4005 BALTIMORE AVE; SEND FOR LIST SALE OR RENT JOS. M. BAKER B2d and Baltimore ave. 14000 UNECJUALED HOMES. Ctlth st. above Lansdowno ave.: every known convenience. JAAIHH U. l,iHUIll. JJUimc. 12200 7 rooms, porch: f HAMMOND. 1471 2d and rarkalde. : N. B2dsU OERMANTOIVN orrtrnn OUR nEVISED SALE LIST GERMANTOWN ANd'chESTNUT HILL B II LISTER. B012 Germanlown avenue. WE CAN assist you to find that house ou ore looking for. Germantown Trust Co., Chelten and Qermantown aes. ... . CHOICE HOMES. TulpehocKjr, 1 st. cast of Ger mantown ave. J. H. C1LVDW11.K. i-u., B022 Qermantown ave. IV VOII ARE LOOKING TOR A HOME IN .ntMr ?r Chestnut H1U. con- suit me. A. IV. -vieenan. lint v"" 420 W. STAFFORD ST. f rice moueraic. av ply on premises or any real estate agent. Mt. Airy, (iermnntovvn NEW SALE AND RENT LIST READT. Pelham, Mt. Airy and Chestnut Hill. PELTIAM TRUST CO.. T40 Qermantown av niKSTNPT HILL OVER ONE ACRE, with handsome English residence: excellent location: low price. WARNOCIC &. EMLEN Commercial Trust Hldg. Tioga WE HAVE THE HOUSE YOU WANT MMEpyftAmnTifPS-EllMANTOWN Oak Lane NEW CORNER PROPERTY Every modern Im provement, hardwood floors, flroplacoa. ate: pr,c6 'mi' BARR, 8th and Oak lane. Logan REAL ESTATE 'g'1'AD'iaconyanclnr 4033 N. Broad st. PENNSYLVANIA SUBURBAN Avinrrn Wa have a spienam oueriiiK oi i amlat farms of all kinds, sultablo for nil nurooses. extensivo couuirjr yiui-co. - r r - L..iMin iaiii mm. IBI.CO. advtsi SSfwter orprwrty you dealre. how much iSa-tBTl.t."' lI-y-Daaer. inc.. Ambler. roLLINODALE Extra nice: nevv houses, conv. Ctrtrolley line to 09th St.. j shingle: 'hot-waler heat." elec.. Lund. "Sw seatSfdln'and par, chestnut: de and side perclrea; 37HXI-5: open, 8W0PB ft ONS. Darby, l&undry. win. aet. ironv I3DUU. fOLWYN 111 Chestnut: anxious to sell while vacant: 8 ". heater, pore, bath.: all conv.; Xa,n Key and rar. Swopa ft Sons. Darby. nAilUY Last chance: all sold but 1 out of 8: beautiful Colonial trick homes: very mod.; c"v. to 2 railroad. trolley, 12 ft. bet. gach pair 121100. Swope ft Sons. Darby. wnnl-uvnoD PARK In the heart of the famous CHELTEN HILLS High, Healthy. Picturesque Fin Winding Hoadvvajs BPIUNOFIELD WATER. OAS, Etc n.itrlcted i Lots 100x200 and Largi ne8tr,ELKINS PARK, STATION or York uoao. 1 1"1!" .J.V5 ."v" 10 MILEb TO U1TX llw or i-ariicui" yyy i JIAUIitlUIJP". ""?.. C. E 1301 Phone Oak Lane 177 W. L i Agent Seventy-nrst ave.. Oak Lane, Phlla. .. ,ixia tAnlt New uoion.mi uwsiiiuk, 12 r Ti . x.ib. i,UuaHnn nlniB In Rfn.' PrSV.ri.cRMjbKXMcCORM.CK: lull t:nesinut v. ' and Elklna Park. itARTSVILLE. above Wlllovy urove; oeauuiui "A,.mm.r home: .5 acrea; .tone bouse: 2500. 5 704. Ledger Central, rxANSDALB, PA. 8-roqm stone house, modern TC.Mihniit. lectrlO llgnis, uui-wniw iea. i. ;2. norih'ts T greenhouse, fruit, shade, .plenty 1ny?.Snric.''.,nlJor A. It. TVSON. Lansdale. Pa. ri ANERCIl bplendld homes along me Aramore jIfAJSr.. Knm Both St. Terminal, Including . - ",. Ti..nlllr. Hnnth Ardmnr.. rr. .""-?.!, Jnn ,,S Llanerch. trolley. -..-h uarv. lirDUKl lici u 8iBKff .W'ifefeai 8JK- Ardmors. SruifH ARDMORE Building site, at Oakmont 8 arS South Ardmore: any sire un to 1 acre: iiPrv near tro ley and. high school: ' Wtf H. PAVIa (Otnca i siangni. SUBURBAN HOUSES PENNA. MAIN LINE READlVa RAILWAY MAURAN, DOLMAN & CO. N- K-.95lffiR BROAD AND CHEaWUT BTS. HfS RBAN DWELLINOB and bungalow... II I. WW' . EJ" UK't. ";." ou. niyin, t xjivj arggt , rmi. 18000 ui lead for Hit sobsssssTOK'S SfiSlff Rmx H.lraitate Trust Building "TITY AND SUBURBAN REAL M A"in3A8 A BROWN "M B 15TH ST. "CHOICE BUILDINO SJTE3 ESTATE a ana acreage, iVgnnnrnV. TOWNSEND, Larifholnera SrBURBAN-OUNTRY-TOWN TinoWN A gLOUP. NorrUtawn. Pa SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE "Mf?wiii nr.t nm. Sala or rent. . ... ssn .. rrt .mm. ii k u rtrlf. CHARLES J HOOD k CO. Morris Bldg. msmmca&s z z - t iflT rv rentron thMalo lit viril If. Willow as w. SUBURBAN HOMES, sale :.ia uc ncttuui . . Morris Building. sFieS?i1?.bCMXWfai5 J HOOVER a KAi.m.t.m ry "? i l .REAti ESTATE EOR. f$AlE ConlHurd from rrcceiinf Cotvrnn MAIN 1-.1NE. tA t. B. K. . JtAVERFonn BTONEl AND imAMH HOUSE .M acrs. "Fine location, 14, room.. S bath.: 117.000. WARNbdC ft EMLEN i Commercial Tru.t.)'""ding- , .- - NARBERTIf An old house with mora than an :" iana: qia snaae ana garaeni .""; gomery av., Narberthl for sale nt a email acre of gomer price. wil.Tpn n nxtrrir ttWa Drexel road Philadelphia. NART3ERTH Urand-new detached houses, all Convenience;, nsoo upward ., ..,, . HARRIS, itmi f;,tnte. nnpnslla station. . nlarna Atld building sites to suit all requirements Main Line. IL C. HUNTER, Wayne- r. . , sunynriAN homes. NEW JF.HSEV BtnuntiAN WENONAH Well-built 14-room houae! good lo- S"tlon; all Improvements: .real bargain at . IBOOO. Owner. P. O. Box 118. WOOhnURY HEtOHTS Big reduction, homes! mm : an ininir, j,. BNUUK, LIPPINCOTT 1.0TS AND HOMES 1IADDON HEIOIITS, N, r W1LLBT LIPP1NCOT. REA1, EgTATKJFOll RE?? t?otliitied rent Proerrflai; Column OBRMANTOITN Bo--10 ROOMS. 2 bvvth.i on. square Sedgwick station or Germantown ave.i may ,be seen by appointment only. S. c. Tourlson, 7014 Boyer St.. Qermantown.. 180 DWnLLINag. It ItOOMS - i. . . Send. for Lilt. , Continental-Equitable Truat Co.. 21 B. th. MV-10 ROOMS, 1 Ulhi moderpt good location, clo.e to train or trolley. B. C. Tourlaon, 7014 . Borer X , Qermantown. Warnw Jnnttlon WAYNE JUNCTION 128: cheapest and, molt desirable 8-atory porch-front house: all con veniences: 2 minutes' walk to station. 44B5 . N. 20th. st.. above Qermantown nve. Chutnnt Hill Hill 8-story Cheiitniit front: all conveniences: 7721 NORWOOD AVE. brick dwelling: porch ii rooms: jhu. . OUARANTEE TITLE A TRUST CO, 810-18-20 Chestnut at. PENNSYLVANIA HtiniinnAN NEW JERSEY. SEASHORE. OCEAN CITY A ney house for" sale. B room;. with bath: prlca 13800. Apply by phone, a. II. uiiiiih. ..jcrmaniown J4H vv. COTTAOB ot Cape May or Ocean City, erected lo...1ur. aaiistacuon: attraciive Pinnj.-'IV mltted free by the reliable builder. OTtB M. TOWNSEND, Ocean City. N, J. . PENNSYLVANIA FARMS CHEERFUL 24 -ACRE FARM, near Norrla town trolleyi plenty of fruit, buildings: prlco 11200. Write for descriptive pamphlet of other real estate. . FRANCIS W. WACK. Schwenksvllle Pa HAVE several small chicken farms. Penna. and New Jersey! remarkably low prlres. See twttrj?i iiptii, nam; uermnmown ave 280 ACRES, bargain In farm, '4 mile tn sta tion: price only 17000. J, B. THOMPSON, West Chester. Pa. BOO FARMS 1n 4 FARM AQENCV. 21B . 21 8, 12th at,. Phlla. States; catalogue, U i: caia Stephe JACK'S rard Bldg.. NEW JERSEY FARMS ATTRACTIVE country homes, 1 to it acres: Beverly,, Halneaport, I.umherton, Ertgewater Park. Ilurilngton, Columbus, Brldgeboro, .DnESSER, Ilurilngton. ( ONE-ACRE FARMS, nearest to Phlla. train and trolley: wrlto for pamphlet. HARLOW ft CO., Maple Shade, N. J. REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT CITY CENTRAL PROPERTIES . . Tor sale and rent. ..JAMES T). W1NCHELL. 17th ft Sansom ats. 2121 WALNUT STREET -.PQRNER VAN PELT: LOT 22x70 0 . SAMUEL W, LEVIS. Real Estnte Truat Bldg. CITY AND SU1U1RHAN properties for sal or rent. Lower Merlon Realty Company, Land Title Building, Philadelphia, Pa. , QERMANTOWN QERMANTOWN HOMES, lilt sections. SMUL1.EN A BARRY Franklin Bank Bldg. Walnut 2837. PENNSYLVANIA SUBURBAN BALA-CYNWYD Large Hat houses, sale or rent, at all prices. Samuel C. Wagner, Jr.. Commercial Trust Bldg., lBth and Market. MAIN LINE. PA P. R. R. MAIN LINE Rest lino of Main Line houses. Either for salo or rent, nt all prices, HIRST ft McMULLIN, WeBt End Trust Bldg. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE COLLINODALE Deautlful Pasadena Bungalow, located at Colllngdalo; brick and stone con struction, hot-water heat: large lot: prlco 17000 clear. Want Bmall houses, aublect to one mort gage. OQDEN, 1220 Filbert. WILL EXCHANGE equity In apartment house facing Falrmount Park, renting for 1132, for the equity In small properties In any part of city. CAMERON ESTATE, 2811 Kensington avenue. R. 33. SALE OR EXCHANGE SALE. RENT OR EXCHANGE, large building, 10th and Arch; small building, 108 N. vtn. MERSHON, 333 Land Title. REAL ES1ATE WANTEb IF YOUR REAL ESTATE Is not paylnr. we win rtirnfNh hn money to rebuild or convert It Into a building sultablo for tho location, and l on A paving ousii MERSHON BROS. Quickly put It on a paving basis. 335 Land Title Building. WANTED ON LONG LEASE Modern dwelling. 0 or 10 rooms, northern part of city, 125 to 135; stato size of lot, heating, system, price. FRED 11ICK, 700 E. Chelten ave. QUICK SALE for any real estato at reasonable . price: rent collected: mortgage Joans. ARTHUR HOSWELL-23.rN..13,tbst- r WANT listing of city nnd-suutirjiHir DroTeTtTe7 H. B McCOI.Ltol. ,131V Walnut at. "Don't forget th -Number," RENTS AND INTEREST 'COLLECTED mort gages and fire Insurance placed quickly. See Kane for prompt results.. '-B'-a.Taskcr. at, , .- J10 AND 117 HOUSES wanted' turnine aly,'j T a --, a ir ua in ttfld I till T nlf. C. P. FREDERICK' 18th and York.-" ""V AN EXPERIENCED MAN will buy real e.tate business or go Into partnership with a rell nhle Arm T, 42-, ledger Office. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY IF YOU ARE LOOKING for an attractive home, bo It dwelling or apartment, call, phone or write to this office: every desirable property Is listed with or may bo rented through vis, and our automobiles are at your service to help you to obtain Just what you desire with the least possible trouble. ,..... . . NORMAN S. SHERWOOD. 1411 Walnut .t. 8prue3U7L. Rnco 3028. STORES AND DWELLINGS In all sections of city. See our list In the Ledger Saturday, SAMUEL T. FOX, ft CO. 8. E. cor. 9th and Cal lowhlll. BEND FOR OUR RENT LIST THE LAND TITLE AND TRUST CO. Broad and Chestnut stB. 10311 N. 12TH ST. Flno property, newly reno vated. 13 large sunny rooms: large yard. MYERS A HARTH. Rldgo ave. and 10th. 1700 LOCUST ST., modern, HI rooms and 2 batEDCIAR Q, CROSS, 1411 Walnut St. 2322 MONTROSE ST.; neat 6-room 112 dwelling: contains range, bath, gas, etc. Key l28 B. 23d St. 1023 PAGE 8T, 7 rooms, all conveniences. Apply 1701 Cheatnut, Room 305. RENTAL LISTS T. F. NEALIS, 010 B. 12TH ST. ... 2024 Pine, 12 rooma; all convs 'SS'SP. TBS 8, 12th. 0 rooms; aj conv , 80.00 1007 8. 12th, 0 rooms: all conv,......, 25.00 18B7 Trenton ave.. 7 room.; all conv... 18.00 1235 Kimball, .4 rooms... 18.00 2008 Sterner. 7 rooms; all conv.. 12.00 1218 Rodman. 4 rooms... ..... ....... 12.00 STORES AND DWELLIN08 1418 South, store and 5 rooms. ... .... B5.0Q 027 S. 12th. store and 8 rooms , 80,00 1717 N. 10th, store and B.rooms 28,00 1220 S. lBth. store and cellar.. i... pin N. Franklin, store l.J):00 Ilualneia Properties and Stores MARKET BT,, 631 Entire building through to Commerce at.: suit retail or wholesale business: Immediate tK"Appiy"pENNA CO., B17 Chestnut st. Stores and Dwelling. 114 N 11T1I ST. 8 rooms: suit any bualneaa; 1 chefp rim. Wm. L. Craven'. Son., 1810 N. Tth it. , factories! Warehousei, Mfg. Floors Metropolitan Building aED 887 MARKET BT 3D AND 4TH FLOORS Heat, elevator aervlce. Bultable, light mfg. MODERATE RENTAL. 28x204 FEET Est. JOHN DOBSON. 800 Chestnut at., or your own broker. 7300 SO. FT.. 3-story brlckj yard: renovated i will alter: easy terms. J. A. Ulddlaton. 600-11 Wldener Building, or your broker. FACTORY FLOORS and warerooms, large and 'ltvbvfytlRyAU,NDtEdRB. 81 B. 18th .t. HAVETt'ARTY who will aract building, central or othYr" location, for satisfactory tenant. DIETRtbf.fTai Walnut st. ! npyiOES, UUB1NE8B BOOMS, 1710. DREXEI. Dingie ..--"-.-----.- - a , mnn fn ., iS3Sa IJ 'wtLLIAMS.'BbODrrx-.l puiidrng- HEED RUILDINQ 1211-17 Filbert st. Centrally, located; all convenience. j rent. .itractlvely low! aervlcs conveniences. ' 128 SO, 17TH ST. 2 room, with bath on second floor, suit- able for milliner, dressmaker or corsettier.l r.nt HO. WALNUT BT-. u !P! Building) Large of. ncel. E)W- rents: for Insurance, broker., and Knt.. XSl EBTATEB. 700 Sanaom st BFFiCES 110 per month and up. Include. halt, flght elevator and lanitor service. . A. PATTERSON. 1308. 18th st. OFFICES for rent FORREST BUILDINO," 118 S. 4th st. Apply Room 423. Profesilonal Ofntes PROFESSIONAL, BUILDINO., 1BU-SS Cbutniit it, A few suites for physician, or dentist., J. T. JACKSON CO Chestnut and l3tb. WEST. PHILADKLPH1A BERMAN BROS . GOIB MARKET Houses apa rtments, stores. Near BOTH ST "U" STATION For rent or sale. fttRNER, mi ctestBiu. - t SUBURBAN HOUSES RENT fdO UPWARDS MAURAN, DOLMAN & CO. N. E. CORNER BnOAD AND CHESTNUT STS, MAIN LINK. TA.. V, R. R. NARBERTH Brand-new houses: all convent ences: 119 upward. Harris, real estate, op Poslta station. WAYNE Suburban furnished; IB rooma, nuiiin, large porcnesi line snauea lawn acres: stable and garage; per month, 1130, Others, too up It. C. HUNTER, Wayne, Pa. WYNNEWOOD F( rooms 2 baths: I WALTER B. ' rent. 30 Manor ran lot, old shade: 168 SMITH, road, Wynnewood. 14 MODERN HOUSES, 130 to 1200 per month, various Stallone Send for spclal Hat. liar bert ft Claghorn. 204 Bailey Building NEW JERSEY SEASHORE AVALON, N. J. For rent, furnlahed cottages and bungalows: 1200 to 1000 for season. CHABr R HALL, 1410 Real Eat, Trust Rldg. OCEAN CITY If you are looking for cool apart rmnts, nsk any agent to show you Locksley Hall, on Boardwalk, at 11th st. Open for Inspection c. A. Doe, 121 N. 7th Opei , Phil STONE HARBOR Cottages, bungalows and apartments for rent, furnlahed, at moderate prices: situated near ocean and channel! all conveniences Call, phono or wrlta for Illus trated booklet. South Jersey Realty Co., 3d and Walnut sts . Philadelphia. VENTNOR. N. J Summor cottages, 1230 12000. Hand. New Haven and Atlantic. to -OR RENT FURNISHED CHESTNUT HILL SEVERAL doalrablo MINTURN Morris Building. prop for aummer seaaon. T, WHIOIIT CU. HURURIIAN ATTRACTIVE old atone farmhouae. furnlahed. 12 rooma, 2 baths, gas, electrlo lights; stable; long season J, M. Fronetleld, Wayne. Pa, PE.V.PYT.VANIA BU11CRBAN MELROSE PARK Mountain nve.i pew det, dwelling; 12 r., 2 baths: gas and elctrlc: ail conv. : hardwood floors, laundry, garage! large lot: 8 mln to station Furnlahed for aummer months, 1100 per mo. OEO. O. IIANEY. Ogontz. Pa SPRHTATi 12-noo.M house bala oa AjvjArt.AJgTAnLI.i , AcnTj. FINE SHADE Near station, 8 to 0 months or ear. C, P. TETERS A SON. (103 CHESTNUT ST. 10-ROOM HOUSE, i grounds, near P. Phone Ardmore 7, baths, Haverfbrd College R. R. station; 8 months W. F. Palmer. MAIN LINE. PA.. P. R. R. BALA Rent furnished to adult family, de lightfully cool house, 10 rooms. 2 baths, fully screened, awnings, large porch, conven. to statlop or trolley. O 84a, Ledger Central. MORTGAGES MONEY FOR WELL SECURED MORTGAGES LOWEST RATES ALSO BUILDING ASSOCIATION FUND8 FOR FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES JAMES G. FRANCIS 70S WALNUT ST, TO SECURE A MORTGAGE Be It first or second If you deslrs efficient servloe, quick and satisfactory results, and moderate charges CALL. PHONE OR WRITE TO US "Your mortgage will be as good as placed." NORMAN S. BHERWOOD, 1411 Walnut at. FUNDS FOR MORTGAGES Repayable In term of year, or on Instalment plan. Northern Truat Company SIXTH AND SPRING GARDEN ARTHUR BOSWELL. 238 N. lath St.. has funda for first and building association mortgages. Prompt attention. Moderate cost. 150 TO 12000 To loan on real estate security; Immediate settlement; payable as desired, DDW. M. MOLL 183 B. 12T1I ST. MORTOAGE8 SECURED BUILDERS' ADVANCES A SPECIALTY BRUMBAUGH A PARKER. INC. 1481 WALNUT ST. FIRST AND 8EC0ND MORTGAQE FUNDS JOHN Q. WILLIAMS SUCCESSOR TO LEWIS H. REDNER TZT walnut st. -- MONEY FOR MORTGAGES LAHC1E AND BMALL SUMS QUICK ANSWERS W. If. HOOD, 812 W. NORRIS BT. EIGHT building and loan aaaoctatlons with plenty of money for mortgages; close loans to home buyers; Immediate answer. William James Keogh. BOS Drexel Building. FOR SALE Several 0 per cent, mortgages ranging from 12000 to 14000, on Improved seashore properties: principal guar. Chas, properties: principal and Interest it. nan, isio neat n.st. -jr. mag. 1100,000 TO INVEST IN 1BT MORTOAOES, In sums from 11000 up: also building aaao. money for 2d mortgages, a. C. Seldel A CO., 4th and Callowhlll sts. WiTRWRTJ, FUNDS FOR FIRST AND VV UXVIVU-IJ-I SECOND MORTOAOES BBS N. 17TH BT. MONEY FOR MORTGAGES , S10OO TO 1100,000 JACOB A. FRITZ. 1106 Land Tills Bldg. BUILDING ASSOCIATION AND PRIVATE ROBERT J. WASH. 1001 CHESTNUT HI, MONEY FOR 1BT AND 2D MORTOAQE3 T, A. REDDING A BON 708 WALNUT BT. 8203 SPRUCE BT. TRUST FUNDS FOR FIR8T MORTOAOB HEHKNESS A STETSON LAND TITLE BUILDINO ALL AMOUNTS, 1ST AND 2D MORTOAOES Quick answer MAURICE If. MATSINQER. RI. Eat. Tr. Bldg. LOANS ON INTEREST IN ESTATES Reaaonable Chargea JOHN A. BARRY. 807 LAND TITLE BLDG. "FUNDS FOR 1ST AND 2'i MORTOAOES ' ANY AMOUNT POTTfl A THOMSON. 2821 Frankford ave. FUNDS KOR 1ST AND MOKTUAuea 2D MORTGAQEB FOR HALE THEO. E. N1CKLES. S818 Qermantown ave. FOR FIRST WM, I HAVE FUNDS P AND SECOND S BARR. 8th and Oak lane. IND SECOND MORTOAGES OWNERS If your mortgagj I will take It upialso 2d I CHESTER P. ROTTNER. 1 has been called. mortgage money. u unesinui si. 0 per CENT. MONEY for select loans, fund. ABERNETHY, 183 B. 12th, 2724 N. 8th. READY FUNDS for good first mortgage.; brine us your application. r-Hlfl. L. BROWN A CO., 217 S. Broad st. BUILDINO and loan association money for 1st and 2d mortgages. Address Secretary, L 415. Ledger Office. HAVE 170,000 trust fund for good first raort gage in amount. 12000 and upward, L 425, lqger uhict. LOANS Larg. or smalt aums on real estate, judgment notes or mortgages) loan on unaat- tlea asiaiae. uniiiynmr io.. ji p. mm. any amount; .h.t.i,M - .. I). m.va ... nn ..,. M , nn L I1U U 11..BV. n.. ( .U.B. low rate! .Immediate anawer. EVX. Delany. HIB Lincoln w.m. jru-u una rtnn square. MONEY for first and second mortgages; build? tng asa'n and Instalment mortgages. Willis- VVincnmtf ..umpny, wm Luwtnut t. toiTNni for flrst and second mrtunll milf-lC IBIWIM. fTllAfl. LER, 401-407 Commonwealth. Uldg. F mortgages, any AS. W. Mlli MONEY TO LOAN YOU CANiBORROW MONEY ON DIAMONDS, JEWELS, ETC, S25ANDUP ..,.,... is ;; ; ...., ig i5 r.epeK.B--1?' 128 MARKET ST. ., RIDGE AVE. ANB- OXFORD ST, 22 D ANt SOUTH STS. MONEY LOANED at the lowest rate, of Inter est on diamonds, Jewel and blgh-grada furs, FRIDENBSRQ'a LOAN OFFICE Oornsr 9th and Buttonwood at.. 8T N 11th, (Utween Filbert and ArchX MONEY LOANED to net is jit unaetUed estate. lnUieat bought. F. P MARTIN, 12i-2i BUisa Olrart Bid., SI S 12th L Artit i fiUMifr-Sf lfi. ,W L- r SCRAPPLE . 771,. Lm. ....I r , ,, ,. The Modern Meaning "Pa, what docs the Good Hook mean when It talke about n Sabbath Day's journey ?" "I am nfraltl that It menns twice round tho nolf links, my son " A Good Doy Mrs. Flannlgan Sure I Just got a ' letter from Barney, Bhyln he would bo let out of Jail tomorrow; ho got a month off for Rood behavior. MrB Murphy A month o(f for Rood behavior. Is It? Faith, nnd that's a lad to be proud of. THE PADDED CELL i "W . i , , I 1 Vuagu;eJ i -- ' CoAiFbOMoTHAT- I ' ) c?ARBAE. MAN' jl " i i i i - i - DID IT EVER HAPPEN TO YOU7 OH.GEEt SPIDER, LOOKYJHKT I FOUtiD THKT5 VJ0TI FIFTY DOLiWa Ei5Y WrtJtEevJHJZ, OODV Lt'6 TAE TnEM 610HES out vaiHMWEPot m LIFT & LITTLE CftHTYoHf IF. Y DonTVintiTft tZLY .CftKKT IT 1 , TUtYS FIVE m ft PIEC.E 0'2irt.fMHs BRPibb ftli- Y0U BET M 0).D COPPER VJfSW B01U-P. TWNS WfvPTU AOOftETEREfsSY 4b "Tjlp , Ott,.E VNILL-I-XENS, TrERC COMES ft eoP.1 Y'N0WnvW 0L0TERHlB.E TIRE UOTf JlLPOTTHtNT, v,l FF VJU17 unvflKPli T EY.To Ot-tttKMHIl rflSSv u i ; IN TOO rJit ) : i I, i r 605H ! HAYBE HE'LL THINK VJE.STOLt IT (Stiih HELV CftKKT IT 1 A Wnu CINTf nNMA I I I C-TMYOFT,!' Mffieul gfc: J 1 1 J Af,V73 UW II ill (ff-CB 1 ' ..... - Wc Wonder Some More Shakespeare Altogether Unrefined & Sf "Whafa the Idea?" WM IM Y. filM. Ml Wi -ST- "So she can lay on." Svl i Wil li xk3 "neally, though, why Is It that a girl always closes her eyes when a fellow kisses her?" "Easy ! She's Juat told him ho was the first one, and she's ashamed to look him In tho face." The New Age The world Is going to the yelpers; canons have given place to can. nons, the mitre to nitre and St. Peter to saltpetre. Yale llecord. AND THE WORST IS YET TO COME p.- (' IT?oV1i9oh' --- W i - -, -- Tha Sketch. sirs. Noovo-ReesK We went to th matinee at that new theatre that's just been opened the other day. ' Her Companion Indeed, nnd what do you think of its acoustic pxape ties? Sirs. Noovo-Iteesh Well, you know. , I thought they were a trifle gauJy myself. Demonstrating His Ability Vpy i jj H Junior Partner -I see you havo engaged a new man. Is be a good salesman? Senior Partner Good Ealeamant Great snakes I I had to send for tha pdllce tq prevent him from talking ' me' Into taking him into prtnerahl. Two Excellent Reasons The Merry Qne Cheer up, old man ! Why -don't youydrown your eo- row? The Sad One Because she's Ker than I sua and, besides, it .-would be murder N 4 M
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