BVB&niG- LfiDGER-PHILADBLPHIA, MONDAY, MAT 16, 1916. HHLADELPHIA MAKKEKP QBAINAND FLODR gfortfjfa ?nTl. i.U nt w;itiii' . -.-.-. i' iHJSif! .r'ecten4,,v. " v "" ""' "" w ?i: .'iE 1 1. " i....h Demand HlflWTIBl'I " .. IVtuMM.i WiAWifc.: steamer yellow, BlHJ82J4c,; ' eflfw l$ff No, 4 yellow, TOOttcl LJ't!) li. ..2c aa nn hush. Trade was fe.uaS5pii. rw.Mfc-.jSKa! ?V5 wKM. J"', "?,r,S' Whlii? ni m t,1 ! V.1 Ef wWtR YsH 04i' Purified ""' Braded, EMS' neeelrle, 8 I'M' nrt 721.741 lbs. IWUB-TSSr little trading and values S SS' rtSKfeoKTBl. PAS; , dr.(, Xekt. o.40On.T0: do., patent. tftht. cotton Hfooi spring. nr clear, ft.80 patent, Jrt.r.OW ti.3.1 ooT'fAvor.te brands. ' f.--' ! fr..1"' knr ATH1 IHH'V JR1H' hi. rpttulnr Kfrtde winter, c--ar, S' 00." MraWt. I5.400n.fl6i do., aiS?!Vii"!mriUiuRRlrJ,,B,lhiri"S: win niinLB Ul ..w. ww - ... , mlt. r,utr. wss a 1'ItOVISIONS -.i- inhhinir ilnrwind nnd vaIucm 11111 t -. si- -! 1t. tl M JP.",.uoi,j' . ;;:ii. "",...'; I""SL:iV field. Quotations; w Deer, in 'W. rsWSOi pork, ",fmliy;".2S.B0B2rJ: rlsnis. i-B'f,,'H' n0ie. 17&.18e.i do,. . i. 17V4H18c.! do., do., smoked. PS&i. TeTher hams, smoked, city cured. as ?A'Ld average. IHUc.s ham, .-molted. 'tlderiTB P. cured, loose. 1214 c. J R'SKed iaiic.' bellies, in picKic. accoraing F?r.mi'a Sm, city cured, loci do.,' West Iffi5ihr5i 1?V4 18c. i lard. Western refined. iikettle renlerc'd. In tlcrccs, 144 c.t d.,., do., l JliUO, -.--- . REFINED SUGARS W m,. msrket ruled firm with ft fair Jobbing do-i'J-nfintailons: Extra One, granulated. T.flO itW?.',. ivTwdcred. 7 7OP7.T0C.: confectioners' '.SfABBr.: soft urttdes, X,7..Q- DAIKY PRODUCTS Cllht'OBr '-," ,,lnl. r3nntnl1nnMi Ki In. f,J... .1,,. ,ln.. fair to Ruod. ncld. IS ffiK "do , Jo . Part skims. ItWJIli'. S 'riuTTErt Demand was fairly active and, tbo liEI, ouotatlonsi Western, solid-packed cream Sffi" f.ncy specials. 3.1c: extra. aiW32c: firsts, iffSJ 34c.'l Beracc extra, a3c; tlrsts, .11Caac.! rfBSSS-S.? '?". J!2S. "?.4?Jf;: -.u..rr7.,. tmrtn mnriprnte offerlncs. Quo. wt!uu. In free cases, nearby extra, 20c. per -SSi Bnti. S7.03 per standard easel nearby ?T.L ? receipts. Western extras, SB Sf tol Western cxtrn firsts, T.i! per Jl'fjatus' per' easel foncv selected candled yJJiJS . were Jobblnc at a82c. per doz. POULTRY' itWJlvfc the market ruled firm under modcralo i!ferlnitnd a fair demand. Quotations: Fowls, teS0c.!T0O''ters. lliM'llic.: sprinu cnicaens, nc- iy. a- .Mil... .trnlohlncr 1 (it " lhfl RnWo. wrtinir 10 :""":' "iii -",.- .' -..-,,; i! esse : white ..ecnorns. nccorcunu 10 nuaiuy, vn.nir. per pair. UUOUSe. i and the market ruled firm with trade Wa nuoti". I'"rsh-kllled poultry; dry- ditd Fowls. 1" to box, drv-picked, fancy, ao- welghlnc 4V4 R apiece, lmj.4 2zmc: (V. : WeKhlnz -I Ins. apiece, -J'.'c, ; wcisnini; .iv K alec. -lc : welghlnir 3 lbs. apiece. 18 KT.fnwU. In barrels, fancy, dry-picked, welch- lWc! omaller sizes, 17H-!0c.; m"4V4WB n lb, niece, Pint. UOOBBc, do,, other nearby, welghlnn Kaa'-.l. . ni int.jr.n . inrffar .1... fsjih "rrarona. per lb. WelnhlnK H(10 lbs.. fiiiict 37628c, smaller sizes, 23iP2(K,: ducks, Srtttfc'weliW 0O10 lbs. per doz.. 4.3(14.00; ,'lSrja.T 7 lbs, per doz.. B.7!.B; do., do.. K.m'i 1-"' Per tlz" ---25! dark. JSWl'.'-'S: E-u-ndNo. 2. IIOI.IB. fflll FRESH FRUITS Trtde was fair and values generally ....' "-"-"..r- . i ..----.., T3i--r-- 1'PsIrer.ti. H.7Sn.Jw. Lemons, per box. J2W3. It twVwr'l". Per quart North Carolina. lli I5 18&: luulsslppl. invviic., lenncssee, loffioc.. t '-KuVeraShore. 18(320c. war f ' vKriTi.TAm.KS fDnlrable stock sold fairly and prices gener- fUy ruled -steaay. .tjuoiaiions; ivnua ptnaion. ttf DUsn. rcnniyivanin. '" -" HJr Jrirk. tl.0Sei.10i Westom. $1.0501.10. White IMitots. Jersey, per basket No. 1 llose, 05tp !ft!.: No. 1 other arletles. Iis78c; No. a. rJtS40c. White potatoes, Florida, per bbl. Terser, nsr h.k.i' mat ! ,.?.,i"' potatoes, TiJ-cJniSnsV YiK K? J. Onions, Texas, per cummer irate. !,i'J,.n . . spinach, ltorfolk, per bbl., si6bva,I. ir5"k K. 1M bunches! iXfiee j!.0-".1! -1"'"' per basket. nOcij so ltVanS' Jlorlda, per basket, 1202.00. Vias Nih R'RJirS.V Bi)U,n Carolina, per 'i-bbf.' hisk.t Il.nn03 do., do., per 1-1-bbl. basket ttnisA Ififff,"' "Iofl,1- P carrl?? . &"T' lgunt eAH,rMii p,. ""' .2o 2.7ft WdleheV, N?rl 10 16c. Mushrooms, per 4-lb, basktt, llgi"": POSTPONE STEEL CASE AGAIN 1 Action to Prevent Snle of Pennsylvania to Bethlehem Delayed a Week TnKNTON. May lB.-Joscph H. Brandt, of Philadelphia, nsked that tireument In his suit to restrain the nale of the Pennsyl vanla Steel Cpmpany to the Bethlehem Steel Corporation be .postponed. Counsel for the Pennsylvania Steel Company object ed, Unless permitted to file with the Secre tary of Stato a notice of dissolution, and bo allowed to publish It. Federal Judgo Hellstab decided to hear argument, nnd later postponed the case until next Monday, when tho case wilt como up In Newark, . t LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHtCAdO, May 1ft. HOGS necelpts. S'non MnjrkPt Rtronic. inc. hlither. Mixed and butchers. lf).70KI3n; frood heavy. ! rough hi-avy. I0.f)00.83: llftht. IO.B0lo.3Oi rlas 18.(1000. BUi bulk, $10016.27. "lu-')"' P'. CATTI.R necelpts. 11.000. .Market strona, lflc. higher. Ileeves. 17.85010 23; cows ami heifers. J.l.nOOD.HO: sfockers and feeders. 10 23 8.00: Texnns, t7,4O0f).13 calves, 18.00010. BHEIsr Becelpts. 12.000. Market strong Native and Western, IO0U.SOI lambs, I8.7.W 12.25. NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS NKW YOniC. May IB. ttUTTF.n SUnpfc' moderate and prices unchanged. Kecelpta, ,uuf packages. EaOS High grades firm nnd market gener ally steady, necelpts. 27.1107 packages. Firsts. JUAtP TINT SURPLUS tnerense by Local Banks $2,633l000, Loans Sninller , The ftutstandlne feature of the Philadel phia Bank statement this week was an In crease In surplus of $2,638,000. Loans fell off m.000, and Individual deposits de clined $446,000. Details follows , Jtaylft. IMd fa""1".. ;! 1312.210.000 beposlls (Ind.l ., ;., 448.212,600 Circulation . ........... o.48.l;VOO uo from. bank ,k 74.2.0OO JJtposIt of banks,.,,,, 172.fli5.0OO Kx Clearing House.,.,. 17.BRS.O0O Itescrve required . . ... '297,000 surplus .,, I,.,,, 87,490.000 '2.033.000 On Xtay 17. 1D1B, the surplus was . 180,232. JJg., snrplus under old form. May 18. 1D14. li?kT8?t2?W.Mt 1B' 1913, .18.420.000: May 13, lull liO,789,oo5JlIay 13, 111, ll.75,0p0. tJecreaso 108,000 440.000 8.000 , 422,000 J.723.000 72B.OOO 2,980,000 THE WEATHER Official Forecast WASHINGTON, May IB. Jor eastern Pennsylvania: Cloudy to night nnd Tuesday, with probably showers i warmer tonight J moderate east to south winds. The disturbance that had been virtually stationary In the Southwest during the lat ter half of last week has advanced north eastward to a position central this morn ing over Minnesota. Under Its Influence showers occurred from the Plains States eastward to southern New -England, but not Including southeastern Pennsylvania and South Jersey. In Michigan, Minnesota and South Dakota the ralnB worO generally copious, Temperatures are virtually nor mal this morning to tho eastward of the Mississippi rtlver nnd unseasonably low In tho Flalns States and plateau region. U. S. Wcnthcr Bureau Bulletin t Obserallons taken at 8 n. in., Eastern time, . ., 8 last naln- Velflc- Station. a.m. n;t. fall. Wind; Ity. Weather 14 ciouoy cinuun. AtlAnta, Oa ... 08 04 Atlantic Oily . , B8 02 msmarcK, n, v. 42 88 V20211WC.; white, 23ct mixed color, 23HB2IC. 3U 02de : hrnwn. "JU ift) Ha24c.; refrigerator best. DIVIDENDS DECLARED General Electric Co., regular quarterly of 2 per cent. . Southwestern Power nnd I.lsnt Company, reg ular quarterly of IS per cent, on preferred slock, payable June 1 to stock of record May Iff, Jewel Tea Company, Inc.. regular Quarterly of 1 per cent, on preferred stock, pajablo July 1 to stock of record Juno 20. Standard Oil of N. J., regular quarterly of i3 a share, payable June 13 to stock of record lay 0. FOREIGN EXCHANGE NKW YOUIC, May 15. Beyond' dullness, tho market for foreign oxchango In tho first hour of business today was without feature. Quotations: Demand sterling, 4.7B 11-16; eablcs, 4.76 7-16; francs, cables, 6.03 'J ; checks, 6.94 U I rclchsmarks, 77s and 77 U J llro cables, 6.34 ; checks, 6.36 ; Swiss, cables, 5.1914 : checks, 6.20V4 ; Vienna 13.E6013. 10; Stockholm, 30.80 and 31; pesetas, 19.66 19.70; guilders, 41sll ; rubles, 30?i 30. RATES FOR MONEY Call, v.w York 14!?3H Philadelphia (3V4 Boston ,, Chicago ..,3HIS Time. a. a 4 4 Vi 4V? W414 RAIROAD EARNINGS COLOnADO AND SOUTHERN. 101(1, Increase. First week May $231.',0 $10,304 From July 1 13.431.334 1.1)04,014 TOLEDO. 8T. LOUIS AND WESTERN, Fret -neek May From July 1 $103,881 4,005,070 $20,021 8U3,2tlJ SOUTHERN RAILWAY. First week. May .JW.s:Jp. From July 1 30,822,232 ALABAMA OREAT SOUTHERN First week May $04,053 $12.2(14 Flom July 1. .....' 4.O77.000 022,834 CINCINNATI. NEW ORLEANS AND TEXAS PACIFIC. First week May sso.tss 120,04 1 i.-ui.oaa $214,050 0,018.310 .From July 1. 0.280.010 Hoston. Maes HufTalo. N. r. . Charleston .... Chicago, III. Cincinnati, O. . Cleveland. O. . Denver. Col , Detroit, Mleh, . UaUestnn. Tex Harrlsburg. Pa, Hatteras, N. C Halifax. N. H. Helena, Mont.. uuron. u. . . nn Indianapolis . . . H2 Jacksonville . . 70 Knoxvllle, Tenn. 70 i.utie hock, Ark, 48 48 00 02 70 08 04 02 70 08 01 48 82 30 30 32 70 71 n: 4 7 -J J.os Angeles ... 04 ,'lll(! loulsvllle. lev. . . 114 Montgomery ... 72 .Montreal, can., 41 NashAllle, Tenn, 70 New Urlenns . . 78 New York city.. 48 Norfolk, Va. . . 70 Oklahoma, Okla 00 umnniii ieo. Philadelphia Phoenix, Arl. I'lttsuurgn 7" Portland, Me. . . 48 Portland. Ore. . . 4S Quebec, Can. . 40 St. Louis no St. Paul, Minn.. 40 Salt I.akV City.. .10 Han Antonio ... 71 San Francisco . 48 Santa Fc, N. M. 38 Sa. Ste. Marie. 48 Hcranton. Pa. . . ft'J Tnmnj' trio tH 00 (12 38 SO .14 82 70 (12 72 02 04 70 42 72 74 48 01 41 44 42 0(1 34 04 01 .10 .14 :U .02 .01 .12 .02 .00 .01 hv N SF. ND NH 8H' flW W 813 Cloudy uioufly Rain Cloudy Rain Cloudy cloudy P.CIdy wiear SE 1.I1II Cloudy H l-le .- ..... In E 8H NR SW NW 8 NE E HV NB H NR hi; R NB H N SW n w HV 40 . . NK 48 . NW 3(1 . . n 00 .3(1 SW 44 1.2(1 8W .02 .04 .18 .18 TamD,i: Fla. Washington Winnipeg, Can 34 48 38 44 48 70 04 44 W SW SW 8W E N SW S N 13 20 14 10 13 12 10 12 10 20 10 10 n. Cloudy uiear Clear Rain Cloudy naln Clear Clear Clear Italn Clear Cloudy Cloudy Clear naln c ear C oudy C oudy C oudy C ear C oudy C oudy Cloudy Rain Clear Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy naln Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy 3:01 a.m. 10.81 p.m. LENGTH OF DAY. Sun rises.... t:t5 n.m.lMoon sets.. Sun sets... 7.10 p.m. I Moon souths DixAWAnn nivKii tidk changes. CHESTNUT STREET. Low water.. 0:53 a.m. iHIgh water to High water. .11-31 a. m.l morrow . ..12:23 a. m Low water... 7:00p.m. TEMPERATURE AT EACH HOUlt. 'r. I 'l It) I 11 I i I II I a I 4 5 50 158 I CO I 001 031 071 701 721 I Police Court Chronicles "I'll first cut off yer ears and then yer nose. Then oft Boes ye; whole gosh blamed head. Then I'm goln' to hang yer upsldo down be yer feet." The thrertts were uttered by a strong voice. A low cry followed, as though the victim was aware of the fact that, death was Inevitable. Tho prospective .murderer was In a dark alley near 39th"" nnd Mnrket streets. A policeman, who was pasllhg could hear tho voice at the determined would-be assas9lrt,TW6OTdnoT"seeiriim. Cautiously tho bluecrat-mVTnr cTuTTand enured the lAitf, . . . . By tho at.i of a RAsplng lamp light he saw a man holding an Immense butcher knife Its Kilntlns blade was badly nicked, Indicating that It had seen much service. As yet (I was not stained with blood. "There is still time to save the victim," thought thA cop. Another mournful wall added hor ror to the scene. The cop's hand wandered to his back pocket, where his never-fall revolver answered his touch. At that mo ment he caught a glance at the victim awaiting death. It was n little terrier. Tho dog was de fiant In the face of doom. Convinced that ho was alone, the desperate man with the knife Increased the agony of the dog by additional threats. "Then I'll throw yer on tho car tracks," he said, "an' when yer wake up yer'll be ordinary sosslge. An' then " But tho cop caught lilm by the heck and disarmed him, "That's about enough," he said, "'come along." "I'll git that guy yet," said the prisoner; "lie's made me life a burden." L ..T7 SS2V "What did the dog do to yer?" asked the cop. "Ho bit me three times." "What dld'you do to him?" "I Just tripped over him onco an' he never forgot It. Ho used to bite mo every time ho saw me. I got as much right an a dog, ain't I?" A few minutes Inter the stranger, who said his name was too Mullen, faced Magis trate Stevenson. "That dog's been ngln mo fcr years," ha'declarcd; "If ho sees mo n block nway he makes for me. I found out whero ho hung out, so I threw a bono up tho alley and when he went to git It I Jumps out wld dcr knife. I wanted to mnko him innd. Then when ho Jumped nt 1110 I was goln' to give '1m tho harl karl. I ns Jlst goln' to flnlbh him for good when along comes tho cop an' It's all off." "You should be ashamed of yourself," said the Judge. "I think you need it quiet plnco to rest your wrath. "Yer right I do," said Mullen. "You can havo four nice veeksat Holmes burg on tho Delaware," concluded the Maglstrnte. LITTLE EVA WANTS $1,560,000 TO MOVIE Misa Tnnguay "Don't Care" What She Asks for Her Services By the Photoplay Editor Charlie Chaplin In a low-priced person compared to a certnln young woman of nudevllle fame. Charlie only held himself as worth half a million dollars to tho mov ies, but compared to this lady ho is n piker. After turning down upward of 300 offers for long and short engagements In the pic ture field, Eva Tanguay has finally settled upon n flat figure for her services. Pro vided tho picture people are agreeable, she will desert tho speaking Btage for a run beforo the camera. Tho first offer mado Tanguay for sbrcen work cnrrled a bonus of $BO,000 for her signature to a two-year contract, tho man ufacturer guaranteeing n weekly salary of $2600. This was later raised to $3000 weekly, with tho privilege of 30 per. cent, of the not profits. That offer was mado to Miss Tanguay early Inst season and promptly refused. Since then nbout every recognized manufacturer In the In dustry has made overtures for n Tnnguay contract, tho highest bidder offering J8000 weekly fpr an 18-month engagement Others included In addition to tho salary arrange ment an Interest In ench of tho Tanguay re leases. While this offer was not accepted, Miss Tnnguay countered with n proposition th,at mny eventually bo met by the manu facturer, Tanguny asking for $10,000 weekly nnd a three-year contract, adding that nothing short of this sum would affix heV name to tho list of screen stars. EVENING LEDGER PHOTOPLAY! CALENDAR EVERY MONDAY SUItJECT TO CHANGE rALHAMBRA 1P0LLO lUEUIONT IBALTIMORE IBROAD ST. CASINO CEDAR IIUREKA FAIRMODNT INKFORD E2D ST. PTII ST. hGEBMANTOWN UQIRARD LGLOBE, it- OREAT NORTHERN E IBIS JEFFERSON YSTONE KNICKERBOCKER fUFAYETTE ft IADER ilBEBTY pcust ItQGAfl AUDITORIUM L0QAN IMARKET STREET IHPHEUM IVERBR0OK PAIACE 1JahT & ilWCESS SeoentJ' lAvoy5 PEBAVOOD" towa MONDAY The Heart of Paula Tho Floorwalker Jane Grey. In The Walts Susan nocks the Boat Gloria's Romance John Rarrymore. In The Lost Bridegroom Theda I)ara. In The Galley Slavo Edvth Sterling-, In . The Stain In the Blood Oladvs Hanson, The Havoc In Hop, The Pmnll'ys the Devll'a Brew Iron Claw. 12th Episode Passing of Hell's Crown Mae Murray. In To Have and to Hold Harold Lockwood. 'In Llfe'a Blind Alley Lenore lllrlch. In The Heart of Paula Charles Chaplin, In The Floorwalker Mae Marsh. In Hoodoo Ann Norma Talmadge, Martha's Vtndlcatli William S. Hart. In Hell's Hinges Harold Lockwood. In The Comeback Francis X. Bushman. In Man and His Soul - Iron Claw Madams Petrova. In The Soul Market Clara Kimball Young. In The Feat of Life Lenore Ulrlch. In The Heart of Paula Dorothy Olsh. In Little Meena'a Romance I'll Come Back to You The Floorwalker Eleanor Woodruff. In Brltton of the Seventh Francis X. Bushman. In The Wall Between ' Mary (Fuller, In A Huntress of Men De Wolf Hopper. In Sunihlna Dad Vorma Talmadge. In Martha's Vindication Sudden Riches The Floorwalker Fannte Ward, in For the Defense Fcathertop Tee p- tag it Ins Gladys Hansen, In Th Havoc Florence Lawrence, in Eluslva Isabel Oeraldlns Farrar. lu s Temptation ' Mary Plckford. In The Eternal Grind Kitty Gordon, in Her Maternal Right Mabel Taliaferro, to Her Great Price Tl Be"uiiW5Sl lUwl Dawn. In Tha Bateslady The FlswwsJkcr 6o(4 far HJTl TUESDAY The Heart of Paula The Floorwalker Marie Doro.ln Diplomacy Susan Rocks the Boat Qlorlals Romance John Barrymore. In The Lost Bridegroom John Emerson. In The Flying Torpedo Edwin Cnen. In The Profligate ElslerJanls. In. ,, The Caprices of Kitty Mae Marsh. In Hoodoo'Ann Mae "Murray.' In To Have and, to Hold Mao Murray, In To Have nnd to Hold Margaret Gibson. In The Hidden Law Lenore Ulrlch. In The Heart of Paula Victor Moore. In The Race Jackie Saunders, In Twin Triangle Sustln Fsrnum. Ben BJalr In Mary Fuller. In Strength of the Wealc He'FelPtn T.ove With Ills Wife William Farnum. In A Man of Sorrow The Iron Claw Charles Chaplin. In The Qang V.adqr Viola Dana. In The Innocence of Ruth Lenore Ulrlch. In The Heart of Paula Kitty Gordon. In Her Maternal night I'll Coma Back to You The Floorwalker W. S. Hart. In The Aryan Francis X. Bushman, In The Wall Between Louise lively. In The Glided Spider Do Wolf Hopper, In Sunshlns Dad Mary Plckford.' In Poor LIUle Feppina .Sudden Rich! The Floors all Ker Dorothy Glsh. In. Utile Meena'a Romance Lillian Olsh. In The Lily and the Rose' J. Warren Kerrigan, in Th Gay Lord Waring Florence. Lawrence, In Elusive Isabel Robert Leonard, in Th Crippled Hand The Heart of a Painted Woman Olga Petrova-, In Tb Soul Market 1 1 Mary Plckford, In Poor LIUU Pepplna 1 1 1 1 1 j BMiue Havakawa, ta Allen Souls Hszet Dawn,.. In Tha Saleslady The Flsorwalker Sold I jr Harris WEDNESDAY The Heart of Paula The Floorwalker Ethel narrymore. In The Kiss of Hate Susan Rocks the Boat Gloria's Romance Bertha Kalleh. In Martha of the Lowlands William Farnum. In The Broken Law Mary Anderson. In Hln'H Penalty Marv Plckford. In The Bishops Carriage Henry B. Wathall. In The Misleading Lady Th Fighting Germans t Wm. H, Thompson. In, ClvllUatlon'a Child Lucille Taft. In The Drifter Frank Kecnan.' In The Stepping Stone Stabel Taliaferro In The Snowbird Today Is Surprise .Day Tomorrow. Lovely Mjiry Clara Kimball Younjr. In The Feast of Life Valll Valll. In The Turmoil Frank Keenan. In The Stepping Btona Hamilton .Revelle. In Tha Halfy Million Bribe The Iron Claw Pauline Frederick, In gaza Blanche Sweet. In 1 The Blacklist Edna May. In Salvation Joan Charles Chaplin, In Carmen Kitty Gordon. In Her Maternal night Edith Storey, In Island of .Regeneration Blanche Rweet, In The Sowers ' Rv Whose Hand I Peg O' the Ring Clara Kimball Youn. In The Feat of Life Mae Marsh. In Hoodoo Ann' Sudden Riches The Floorwalker Edna May. In Salvation Joan William Farnum. In Flthjuig Blood Hamilton Revelle, In Tha Half Million Bribe Francis. X. Bushman, in A Million, a Minute. Marguerite Clark. ,ln The Goose Girl Francis X. Tlushman. la Pennington's Choice Kkthartn Kaelrtd, In Idol Mary Plckford, In Poor Little Peppuja Sessue Huyakawa, In Allen Soul Mabel Taliaferro, In Her Great Price Tha Floorwalker Seta' ivt iSatUat THURSDAY Marguerite Clark. In Molly Make Believe Clara Kimball Young, In The Feast of Life William S. Hart, In Primal Lure .. Bertha Kalleh. In Martha of the Lowlands Old Heidelberg The Favorite Fool Marguerite Courtot, In Feathertop Ethel Barrymore. In The Kiss of Hate Norma Talmadge. In Martha's Vindication Dustln Farnum, In Hen Blair . . Olga Petrovo. In What Will People Say Malcolm Williams. In The Idol of the Btage De Wolf Hopner. In Sunshine Dad Mabel Taliaferro In The Snowbird Mary Miles Mlnter, In Lovely Mary Pannla Ward. In or the Defense Sfary Plckford. In The Dawn of Tomorrow Marie Doro. In Diplomacy , William B. Shay. In The Ruling Passion The Iron Claw Robert Warwick. In Human .Driftwood Edna Wallace Hooper, In By Whose Hand Harold Lockwood, In The Comeback Lillian Olsh. In Sold for Marriage Kitty Gordon. In Her Maternal night . Klttv Gordon. In Her Maternal Right Blanche Sweet. In The Bowers neglna Bodet. In No Greater Love Klttv Gordon. In Her Maternal Right Half a Rogue Peg O' the Ring Pauline Frederick. In The Moment Before William B. Hart. In ' The Aryan Mary Fuller. In Thrown to the Lions Clara Kimball Young, in The Feast of Life Francis X. Bushman. In A Million a Minute Douglass Fairbanks, in The Habit of Happiness Robert Warwick. a Sudden Riches Virginia Pearson. In Thou Art tha Man Francla Nelson, la Love s Crucible Stesue Hayakawa. In . Allen Souls Jackls Jgaunders. In A Bolt From the Sky Francis X Bushman, la A Million a, Minute rniDAY Marguerite Clark. In Molly .Make Believe llary Plckford. In Toor Little Pepplna William S. Hart. In Primal Lure Hazel Dawn. In The Saleslady Bertha Kalleh. in Blander Howard Estabrook. In The Mysteries of Myra Dustln Farnum, In . Ben Blair William Farnum. In The Bondman Harold Lockwood. in The Comeback Dustln Farnum. In Ben Blair Kathrvn Adams. In A Bird of Prey Victor Moore, In The Race Mary Plckford. In The Eternal Grind Edwin August. In The Social Highwayman Francis X. Bushman. In The Wall Between Klttv Gordon. In Her Maternal Right Robert Warwick. In Budden niches Clara Kimball Youns-, in (The Feast of Ufa Thl Iron Claw Hypocrites Ann Drew. In The Broken Promise Victor Moore. In The nace Hamilton nevelle, In The Half Million Bribe Mahl Taliaferro. In The Snowbird De Wolf Hopper. In Sunshine Dad Lenora lllrlrh. In The He-rt of Paula Clara Kimball Younic, In Tha Feast of Llfa Wm. H. Thompson. In Civilization's Child J, Wrrn Kerrigan. In Gay .Lord Warlns Pauline Frederick. In The Moment Before Constance Collier. In Code of Marcla Gray The Nation's Peril Virginia Pearson. In Tha Vital question Robert Warwick. In Budden Blchea Dorothy Ouh. in Little Meena'a Romance WallacVReld. In The Love Mask , Florence Lawrence, n Elusive Isabel . Edwin August. In The Social Highwayman Sesaue Hayakawa, In Allen -Soul Pauline Frederick! In Audrey Francis X. Bushman, la A AUUltta a ilUiute SATURDAY Marguerite Clark. In Molly Make Believe TsASAfrkfe rt s a Little Meena". Roman William 8. Hart. In Prlmnl T .. " Ilasel Dawn. In ine Saleslady "JSL- Warner. In Tho Rnlders Edward Coxen In A Broken o'Sius" Koune Feters tn . The ClLViritoalS Ann Murdoch, (n c... Jinks of Horse .Mn?fnV; c,aI! Kimball Young, The Feast of Life DustlrTFamum, -" -uiair In Helens Rosson, In '"HZ.',?0- in o nace yPIckford. 1 The Eternal Qrln xn. . . M.tfhViWS?!:. iiuaqgs. in vindication Tl.a.fA n. . y,rr,.acale. in The Last Act -''.'Ulan Glsh. In Bold for Marrlagg Lillian Glsh. In Sold for Marriage clttri Kimball You The Feast of I. Young. The Surprise 'Surprise of Empty Hotel Mabel Taliaf.... The Snowbird" Lois Mcridlth. Kweuoouna Lenoro UlrlclT in , The Heart ""'Paul. s,l,,Doro- In Diplomacy Thi"lf Prederlck. The Moment Before Church Around com. Cass o ittay ffraer Wlllard Mack 1 AlocoToV ' J4kl5Uwunders. in " . The Twin TrU'V." R"2,rL Warwick, 1,, Sudden niches Fannla Ward. In ' Haroia xockwood. In The Comeback Mfei Taiufwro. la Tha Snowbird Blanche Sweet, in Tha Blacklist Jo Sessua Hayakawa, Alien souls Paulina Frederick, la Audrey Francis X Bushman, In f A MUUoa Miaut CATHOLICS APPROVE "ABEANDMAWRUSS" Eighteen Other Producttons Also Added to White List of Theatre Movement Nineteen new plays, Including 'Abe and Mawruss," have been added to tho White List of the Catholic Thentre Movement, which will hold a general meeting to dis cuss the Shakespeare Tercentenary Wednes day evening at the Catholic Olrls' High School, 19th and Wood streets. A Carefully selected list of several hun dred plays nnd pageants ndapted for per formance by Catholic Bchools, colleges, churches and young people's associations will be published June 1. It was announced, In a juvenile play catalogue. The plays added to the White Mat nre "Abe and Mawruss." 'The Boomerang," "Tho Hubble," 'The Chief," "Hlt-the-Trali Holiday," "Itobson's Choice," "The House Of Glass," "Ill-Starred Babble," "Insldo tho Lines," "Our American Cousin," "Our Children," "Our Mrs. McChesney," "Pollyahna," "The Hoad to Hnpplness," "Itolllng Stones," "Rosalind," "Treasure Island," "Under Plro" nnd "Young America." All the members of the movement nnd the Catholic nnd non-Catholic public ore ln vltcd to attend tho meeting, nt which Mon slgnor Hugh T, Henry will lecture on "Tho Itelljlon of Shakespeare." Music will be furnished by tho Cnthollo Choral Club, un der Nicola A. Montanl's direction. Theatrical Baedeker with Bert .Leslie. tiTltir "Tnnn Tnlr Sophie Tucker, .Lois Josephine hikI Wellington Cross A Winter Garden musical revue of the Kin type Music, comedy nnd costumos, FOnnEaT "Ills Bridal Night," with Honlka and Yanscl Dolly. Jesile Ralph nnd Frank Thomas. A farco comedy In three acts, by Laurence Itlslnn. which tells of a oung man who on his bridal night cannot tell his wife from her twin sister. Oi.OnE "The Comedy of Errors " A revival of Shakespeare's play by the Phllomathean Society, of the Unlerslty of Pennsylvania, In a reproduction of Shakespeare's own theatre at the Botanical Gardens of tho college. GAnitICK "Through the Ages,' with Madame orska nnd Robert T Hnlnen. A drama by Dr. Jersy X.ulawskl. depleting the struggle of tho body against the soul. The soen nets show seven eras In thi world's history Staged by ttlchnrd Ordynskl. Good scenery. ADBLPHI "A Pair of Silk Stockings," with Ham Hothern nnd Un Leonard Iloine. An Lngllsh farcc-comcdy, full of uood lines nnd lots of English slnng. WALNUT "Twin Beds." neturn engagement of the popular fare by Salisbury Flold and Margaret Mno. First popular price engage ment PHOTOPLAYS. STANLEY All week. "Allen Souls." with Sessue llaakawa. "The East Is the East and the West Is the West" Is tha theme of this photoplay. ARCADIA Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. "Slzan Rocks tho Boat." with Dorothy Glsh and Often Moore. Thursday, Friday nnd Sat urday. "The Primal Lure.1' with William S Hart. PALACE Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. "Sudden Riches," wllh Robert Warwick, and "Tho Floor Walker." with Charlie Chnplln. Thursday. Friday nnd Saturday, "Tho Moment Ilcforo." with Pauline Frederick. VICTORIA Monday, Tuesday and Wpdnesdny, "Sold for Marriage." ntth I.llllnn Glsh. nnd "The Floor Walker." with Charlie Chaplin Thursday, Trlday and Saturday, "A Million a Minute," with Frances Bushman and Bev ery Jlojne. LOCUST Monday. "Then I'll Come Back to You." with Alice Brady, and "The Floor Walker." with Charlie Chaplin. Tuesday "Tho Social Highwayman," wllh Edwin August, and "The Floor Walker." Wednesday nnd Thurs day, "Her Maternal Right." with Kitty Gor don. Friday and Saturday, "The Snowbird," with Mabel Taliaferro. IIELMONT Monday nnd Tuesday. "The LobI Bridegroom, " with John Bnrrjmore Wednes day nnd Thursday. "Marta of tho Lowlands," wllh Bertha Kallsh Friday und Saturday, "Tho Saleslady." with Hazel Dawn. VAUDEVILLE. KEITH'S Bessie Clnyton nnd company. "Petti, coats'.; Alf Whelan, the Shanocks Hownrd. Klbet nnd Herbert; Al Herman. "The Inter national Girl." Hess and Hyde, the Musical Johnsons, Sellg Tribune pictures, GltAND Emmett Welch. Irfs Morgan nnd Beryl Gray, In "E-.ery Day In the Year"; Joe Fllnn, Peto and His Pals. Three O'Neill Sisters, Smith nnd Farmer. GLOBE "The Beauty Parlor"; Wilbur Walter nnd company, In a sketch; the Melody Four. May Melville. Kelly and Fern: tho Cromwclls. Feist Trio, Hou-ard and Ross, Wayne and Wnrren Girls, Helen Jackley. ..nnac. lfvo T.... v.-!- .v.. ...Anl. t,n-h. ni, .l.l.L.? ,VU A .1 ,' t -V .,. Utr- TOCC. .(1,1 ...II- Uonnlre's Son." La Pctlto Klva. thn Hldonlas. rtecono nnu me weca. ine aiuuanaire s Son." Harry Cutler. Laypo nnd Benjnmln. BURLESQUE. DUMONT'S Dumdht's Minstrels. In satire on matters of current Interest SPBING AND SUMMER BESOMS ATLANTIC CITY, N. 3, --j-.. .m n-xniir nmi irmi s Has set a new stnn of8ervice.comfortAbeauiu IWWISTrilDIPHplUaCRXlIOTILrMTIffiWsaJ) I -- AmerlcarxTlarv. itmjpeaTifiaiv. Pll iImmJmiI -.-m 1 m fi 11 IBtlAD!NC RESORT HOTEL Of THE WORLD iMboroujftlMeiiii' ATLANTIC CITY.N.tJ. OWKNCnSMIP MANAOC.MENT. fflfHW g e SONg COMPANY. Wnqtminstpr K' av" nr- Deach. Elev water, II. 80 up dly I8-J12.80 wkly. C. Buhre OCEAN CITY. N. J. HOTEL BRIGHTON ?- gg;- front hotel; modern In evory respect; cool, comfortable rooms; attractive cuisine. Beser vatlons now. II. n. Sooy, Prop. HWARTH.MORK. PA. STRATH HAVEN INN "Zar? June 3, F. M. SCHEIBLEY. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES e-THAYPR'S The Best Business School. vf ' 801-807 Chestnut Street Prominent Photoplay Presentations WEST PIHUDKLrllIA OVERBROOK fl3D & n$'AVB. DOUBLE TRIANGLE "MARTHA'S VINDICATION" With NORMA TALMADGE BALTIMORE bai?t0o,?dave. WM. FOX THEDA BARA in "THE GALLEY SLAVE" FUREKA 40TH MARKBT BTS- THE SMALLEYS in "HOP, THE DEVIL'S BREW" C K OnCM C3D 4 lansdowne AVE. VaAaVUlMN MAT.. 2. EVO., O;30, KITTY GORDON in "A In a Looking Glass" NORTH Broad Street Casino ono?tEB'low MATINEE 2:S0. EVENING 7 and 0. EDYTH STERLING in THB STAIN IN THE BLOOD." OTHEH8, KEYSTONE lehigh avenue VAUDEVILLE and "IRON CLAW" Pictures NORTHWEST 20TIT ANn DAUPHIN STREETS JEFFERSON Metro FRANCIS X. BUSHMAN in ('MAN AND 1IIS SOUL" KENSINGTON FRANKFORD AND NORHIB PALM Marguerite Cdurtot in 'Feathertop' "Peg o the Ring" BRItjUANT PKOORAM FOR Tomtmrs pop conckht ClifTord Vaughan, Pianist, Will Be tha Soloist Clifford VauRhan. pianist, will bo the soloist at tho Poll concert of tho Phlladelj phla Orchestra tonight. Iht orchestral program will he composed of Wagner and Tschalkowsky numbers. Mr. Vnughnn will play n Tschalkowsky concerto, Ilachman Inoff's Preludo In O mlnof nnd a melodle and caprice by Iteger, The prosram toU lows! Overture, "nienzl" ....,.,., Wagner Barcarolle , 1 Tschalkowsky vorspiei, --inengrin-- .ncr Concerto No. 1. In B flat minor. Op 2S. for nlano and orchestra Tschalkowsky I. AreXme non troppo e molto maestoso, tllcgro. . ,, . If. Ahdantlno sempllce) prestissimo. III. Allegro con fuoco. CLIFFORD VAUGHAN. March from '"Tannhnuser"..... ...... Wagner lNTEnlt88tON. Entrance of the Oods Into Walhalla, from "Das nhelngold" .............. 1, Wagner Scenes from "Eugene Onegln'.i., Tschalkowsky Threo Piano Sollj (n) Prelude in O minor..... ...Rachmaninoff (hi Melodle. (c) Caprice tlteger CLIFFOnD VAUGHAN. Fantasy, "Tho Flying .Dutchman''. .Wagner Italian Caprice Tschalkowsky IN MKMORIAM l'ALTF.RSIi'VYEn-IIITNKItIn. memory nf our beloved daughter, ANNA HITNER. entered Into rest May 1R, 1012. Through all naln at times she'd smile. A smile of heavenly birth, And when the nngels called her homo. She smiled farewell to earth. Heaven retalneth my treasure; Earth the lonely casket keeps. And the sunbeams love to linger Where my loved one Anna sleeps. MOTHER. eatfjg ADAin. On May 13. HHO, RICHAnD ADAIR, late employe of Philip C. Steel, of Lansdowne, Delaware County, Pa. Duo notice of the fu neral will bo given. ALI.1RTF.K. At the Orange Home. Hatboro, Pa . on .May 12. 1010. JOHN AI.I.IHTER, aged 85 years Services nt the Orange Home Mon day, at 10 a. m. Interment at Hatboro Ceme tery. ANDERSON. On May 14. 1111(1. nOIIEUT VICKERS. son of Robert, and Georglnnna Anderson, aged 8 years It months. Rela tives nnd friends are Invited to ntlend the funeral services, on Wednesday, nt 2 p. m nt parents' residence, 0233 Walton nve. In terment private. ARirrZ. On May 14. 1010. CARL W . hus band of Amelia Arctz. nged fi" venrs Rela. tlves and friends are Invited to attend tho funernl service, on Wednesday, nt 2 p. in , at his lata residence. 210 W, Wellens ave., Olney. Interment private. 1IENZON. On May 13, 1010, CHARLES Am husband of the late Anna llenzon. aged 07 cara Relatives and friends nre Invited tn attend the funernl services, on "Wednesday, at 2 p. m at his lato residence, 2131 S, Ilose wood st. Interment nt Mount Mortnb Ceme tery. Remains may bo vlewd Tuesday evening. 11RADLY. On .May 13, 101(1. DAVID O.. son of Louis and Agnes J. Brndly (neo Wheatley), In his 21st year. Relntlves nnd friends, also members of Tabernacle M. E. Sunday School and emplojes of Victor cabinet shop, nre In vited to attend the funernl services, on Wed nesdsy. at M n. m.. at the residence of his parents. 318 Erie St.. Camden, N. J Inter ment nt Sjiarkstown, Mil., on tho arrival of ,th if a. iw. trim fro PhliiAstfihl frtf way view remain tn, Tir. tttmi Ira BRINK-On May IS, widow of Martin tttn 'UAnt AlaltA. .., r,v,. z-. . .i.-.- urrnx, gea tt, Tears., nam- flews Sn4 erUtr AlA1l SrtlefleM At tttcfi she wat member, are Invited to attemli" funersl. on Wednesday, at liSO n. jti.i. ftiftm her late residence, 412 Cross at,, above Taalter st. Men ifass at Bt. AIpborius' Chutes at n. m, Interment t Holy Cross Cemetetr. nUCKLKY.-At her HsIdenw.BnSTJftfnirijaiMai ave.. on May 14. 1010, ELIZABETH VRR&Si 1CA, daughter of Georg and Mary Bucklsir and granddaughter of ,tho late Mlchaal. jhw Mary Buckley and the lata Michael and Mary Hopkins. Due notice of. tha funeral wlH ha given. COLLIER. On May lrH1, MICHAELm band of Margaret Collier (nee Conway)' notice of the funeral will be glvenr from hw lato, residence, 074 N, Union st. West Phll tlelphla. CORN0O, In Coalesvllle ttostiltat. .on May,) loin, RpnERT rnRLEE.cqRpjoa, brother of Joseph A. Cm-nog, aged at years, Burled In Coatesvllle Cemetery on Wednesdarlay ,10, t'RAVKN. OntMar 1, 1010, MARY It., wife, of .IAMBS K. CRAVEN (nee Alexander), In Mr B7th j-ear Relatives and friends are Invited to ' attend the funeral services, on "Wednesday, at 2 p. m , at her late residence, 4844 Hawthorns St.. Frankford, Interment at Greenwood JC, of P. Cemetery. Remains may be viewed TueSJ day evening, after 7 o'clock, CrtncnitAVR. On May IS. mio, MAT BELLA DICKSON, widow ht John Orosgrnvfi llelatlvea and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on , Wednesday, .at 1 1 precisely, at her lata residence, 121B n uW'te'"'' AVs k, ,11, viwiar-ij, nijir, inw , c.iuciwci ,-,. mm st. interment private. DYRE. On May 13. 1010. HIRAM 3". DtttH. aged 41 years. Relatives and friends arc, In vlted to attend the, funeral services, on Tues. day, nt 1 p. m , at his late residence, 031 N. 10th st,, Camden. N. J. Interment 'at North wood Cemetery. Philadelphia, Pnr ECKAItl). On May 12, 1010. ri!ATtL8B 1 KCKARO. In his 70lh year. Relatives and friends nre Invited to attend the funeral Serv ices, on Tuesday, at 2 p, m. precisely, at hi late residence. 300 Dickinson st, Interment at Mount Morlnh Cemetery, . ELY. At Newtown, Pa.t on. May 14, 191(1, IIACIIAEL PJtlcn ELY. ased.01 years. ReU. tlves and friends aro Ihvlted to attnd ,th funeral, without further notice, from her lata residence. South Chancellor St.. Newtown, on Wednesday, at 11 a. m, Interment private, at West laurel Hill Cemetery,, Philadelphia. Train leaves Reading Terminal for Newtown GRKUL. On May 14. 1810. at her residence, fillOO Upland st., West Philadelphia, ADELB JONES, wife of Joshua J, Oreul. Due no tlce of th funeral vvlll be given. Some parU of our yard look like, citv streets with, lum ber thoroughfare"! and lum bet skyscrapers 1 A monster stock is1 hero 1 Edward F.Henson&Co felmclliral iumticr and Tlmter Poplar Bt. Wharves, rhlla. BEAI. ESTATE FOB SALE BEATj ESTATE TOR SALE t m MERLON Beautiful Country Place ON THE MAIN, .LINE Residence and About 4 Acres Built of stone, containing 20 rooms, with three , hatha (modern): splendid system hot-water heat: electric and gaa si'aclo"8 ": QroundB are beautifully -laid out with drlvos; Bhttdo and shrubbery, veeetablo and floral gardens. Elegant and Convenient Location Rare Opportunity See Photo and Examine 'tho Property. "-" II WM. H. WILSON & COMPANY, Moms' Bldg. "vwssiNVv.vVxvx ..4tV.?v.'.tS..V Prominent Photoplay Presentations1 y gii.... ........,f :E imki BoSna (hmomu THE following theatres obtain their pictures through the s'TANI.EY Booking Company, which Is n guarantee qf curly showing of the finest productions. All nlctures reviewed uerore esnioiiipii. ,i"j im inenirr in your locality gbtalnlnc pictures through the STANLEY BOOKING COMPANY. obtn . 1 it 1 linn 12th, Morris i. Passyunk Ave. Al.HAIilBRA '"t Dally at 2; Evgs.. 7 & U. AlilinillUlin Vaude, ,Uo & param't Pictures. LENORE ULRICH In CHARLES CHAPLIN "The Heart of Paula." In "The FIoorwalKer.- ARCADIA CHESTNUT BELOW 10TH DOROTHY GISI1 and OWEN MOORE In BILL1E BURKE In ''OLC-HIA'S ROMANCE" A Di-il I I". D ANTJ THOMPSON ArULi-vJ MATINEE DAILY DOUliLU TIUANOLV Bl Lb-$AiiV OTlCy and WM. DESMOND In "THE WAIIfS." "HIS WIFE'S MISTAKE" rT-I 1Vr-iTVTT 6-D ABOVE MARKET BELMONT Ma... ol$!30 3,30o. IOC. JOHN BARRYMOIIE In "THE LOST BRIDEGROOM" BOTH AND PFDAR nrriAll AVE. VEiVI.X Gladys Hanson The Havoc, PARAMOUNT THEATRE In , FAIRMOUNT S8TH Ao'!,tARD ave. "IRON CLAW" 12th Episode. OLIVE GOLDEN and HARRY CAREY In THE PASSING Or HELL'S CROWN" FRANKFORD 1T11 FRANKFORD AVENUE MAE MURRAY in 'TO HAVE AND TO HOLD" 56TH ST. Theatre DS M Bel. Spruce. Evgs, 7 to 11. T I H.:t, In "THE HEART Lenore Ulricn of paula" Mats. 2-3:305o Evgs. 0:30 to 11 10c ttOA r o:a ana 0,U ul. Sansom HAROLD LOCKWOOD in "LIFE'S BLIND ALLEY" GERMANTOWN $$$&. CHARLES CHAPLIN in "THE FLOORWALKER" ri rHT? both & market 2iib.t-o. VL,VjOXu 115.000 KIMBALL ORGAN NORMA TALMADGE in "MARTHA'S VINDICATION" ninkprv AVENUE THEATRE VilKAlW TTji AND GIRARD AVENUE MAE MARSH in 'HOODOO ANN" r a W.ll,n BROAD ST.. ERIE & Great INortnem germant-n aves. William S. Hart and Bessie Love in "HELVS HINGES" IRIS THEATRE " SNB0N HAROLD LOCKWOOD in THE COMEBACK" V 1.Unn1ror WH and MARKET KmcUerDOCKer Dally at, 2. Evgs. T to 11. MME. PETROVA In "THE BOUL MARKET." TONIGHT (Added) TRYOUTS TOMORROW ALL-COMEDY DAY LAFAYETTE swt fg CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG in 'THE FEAST OF J.1FE" I 17 A rPI FORTY-FIRST AND LANCASTER AVENUE LENORE ULRICH in TUB HBABT OF PAULA" 1H.1 LIBERTY Dorothy Gish and Owen Moore in "UTTLB, MEENA'B nOMANCE" Logan Auditorium BrncaTd a. V1TAORAPII MASTERPIECE Eleanor Woodruff 'thee'v LOGAN THEATRE 48J0 N; BRpAD FRANCIS X. BUSHMAN an "THE WALL BETWEEN" JL.VrL.UiJl Mats. 1:30 & 3:30. 10c. Evgsv G:80. 8. 0:30. 3Bc JUG DOUBLE BILL First rhlla. Presentation Charlea Chaplin ln ,TIIE rtSBf.' ADDED ATTRACTION Edwin August & Ormi Howley in "THE BOCIAL HIGHWAYMAN" Market St. Theatre 333 Set MARY FULLER '" "A0yuS.Esa Bee "PEG O' THE RING" every Wednesday, ORPHFIIM oermantown and- V-aAJT ntUKJIVl CHELTEN AVEa De Wolf Hopper ,n "wwhinb FORD STERLING In "THE SNOty CURE" PAT APF I21 MARKET STREET rLftvy, ,p j, , j,Il5 p j Robert Warwick ln "SUDnFcHES" CHARLES CHAPLIN in "Tho Floorwalker" PARK HH3QE AVE. & DAUPHIN fTi X A.I.V MAT -.j- Eva ojjs,, 1U Paramount FANNIE WARD in "FOR THE DEFENSE" PRINCESS ESSANAY ni Anvc uamccm in.-TJiB. v.r.u.,wL,n HAVOCft 1018 MARKET STREET caaAjvAi rresenis RIAI TO OERMANTOWN AYE. ., , . lunuiu AT TULPEHOCKEN BT, Paramount Geraldine Farrar m "TEMPTATION" RFHPNT 1031 MARKETS STREET "-l'J,-a HVUAX VQ1CB ORQAIt BLUERIRD PHOTOPLAY Florence Lawrence In "gJSs. R 1 1 R Y MARKET STREET v w " BELOW 7TH 6TREET MARY PICKFORD in "THE ETERNAL GRIND" SHERWOOD mnlAtoRB MABEL TALIAFERRO in "HER GREAT PRICE" SAVOY 1211 MARKET STREET KITTY GORDON in "HER MATERNAL RIGHT 4)i -J , Jt ituumiuminiiuiim: TIOGA "TK AND VENANBO BTB. HAZEL DAWN in 'TUB BALESLApy VICTORIA MABKETHr V lUlUlVIi AHOVB NINTH CHARLES CHAPLIN In "Tho .Fle9ralsr. LILLIAN GISH In "BOLD FOR MARBIAQg STANLEY MARKBT ABQV JfSTB jT.i7,8NU?u,VSeS3u8 Hayakawa 111 r m la "ALIEN SQlttJ HtfytlMI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers