Gburfc Chronicles i. men Very ldom wrestle) A,lHctor on th publlfi hiah- Vi tho most proficient unimai .Sitd hesitate- about Indulglner In wi " .11 TitiL, aesuiio mo inix EM ffi between such a monjter and FTZ.m1 Italian near uw uu nwn &?!S-rfll times th Blsantlo rep- .ta the Italian's body ana tried tMW"e.a"L. ihh mnn frnni ItAlir Fors J" : t,ftltie ftnd refused to sur fed " .j that the man's death was only tyt tnj" J" ... nUBan told tho KheV. -1 fti.. a"d. '!? "r.rsswn police"1" - What ho saw was ft little Ital- ""T.,.. .i The nsn were strung IS 1.i nt,A,.Mcra. their heads, dangling- ItW ?.,.-, htR waist. r firrl Incidentally noticed a pint hot km?, "'" ,(riirtlnif from Mlko'fl h n '6 Me realized Immediately the cause '?:fX,,fc.Vlr.,fu9ed to bd convinced. "I !.! it Was a boa constrlcter," asserted hb r !?i mU rest will do you Rood," said h A..L inA ha took Mike for an Inter- ISSbtfore Maslslrato Balcer. The Judge E.2 ivAllettiy to the tale of the big El Then ho remembered that Dugan STbronght before him recently after sec WtifOAiepnama i6"""o -. - - TOir Imagination Is too much for the' ,ithb6thbod," said tne jutigo, -anu you llxbla to give some one heart failure." "I've been workln' pretty hard of late," trUijuess" you have," agreed tho tnagls Li. "so I'll let you rest for flvo days Ih ttEL5? WANTBfi-SMxjj continued rem PreoeU tultmn "' --- " r Lrtniftn, "sgjn Av'ffi-,,' - ''"esan.ygy.l illustrator- V'UBTnATOn Attractive girl for marailn Illustration. CM! Bat., 8 p.rn'.ioSg Chestnut! MS!8?!, experienced, for country. Meat Chestnut' l. "' Mond,"r nm 205. COS aiuU'M' AJI'.,7 Shackamaxon Mills. Allegheny nnd Hancock t. OPERATORS Those havln any experience on Sn "catwnter."' Wl7 ""'. lireSa operators wear wear Co, .,?.-ftn3,!l" ""J ladles' knit under r'n fiX0!t021.J1ay' n"n' Under go.. 8188 Wakefield t., Ocrmanlown. "SaPEi'iiE" Y"""eJv whh ome know). ma'ntown1llfote,,.n"' 8 dl1"'' mjil' in win x.iWi HEW WANTKI)KAI. Contlntirf jr).t JYeerdlnir tfelnt-m 81IOP POnKHTAij. I..-. Ili.. A- U. A n1.Ifca rdr thopi will slve preference ISUi?iM?3,in wlth experience and rood reo- and capable, of turnlns out flratlasi work. Klnohbaom't, JJroltd and Carpenter aU. SlItfATlQKB WANTED MAI.B , Cs"lnfrl frdm Frretiino Ootiimn aAnbRNEIJ, xp. waiUs polUIon; city or suburbs, 'S30T N. ralettrorp. S0V-?A O-SPENBEnfl-ilood. heat appcatlnr IffiIl,tEn ..APPlr. superintendent'', offlce, Hers Bros., loth and Marjtet sts. ST.,i?S'?AJ,l.E, n1 typewriter, experienced, wAn,i?' Protestant! steady petition! salary lit Ij w,'f.kl nwer in handwrltlnir, with rer. and full particulars: D 8, Litger Ort. TiWIl.1-!A1?Da 'li branches I d basterH. eanvaa banters, lintnff hAKUrM nA Onlah n4 ARrTr,LJ,lft'1'r,lrol'ai chance for adv. Applr Klrschbaum. Broad and Carpenter. ' Into. ' ' Jtil" ' Wh,rnyB?Sr-J'it. el,,one who understands ner work! parlor maid kept! perm, Mara suburbs! refs. required. P oil. Lediref Ort. HEIiP WANTED MALE AUTO COMPANT wants nrsl-class machinists on lathes, boxln mills, Oesholts. Jones and I-amson and milling; machines! steady work, bee Mr. Coleman, Windsor Hotel, Saturday "'1 tWJH VI UUIIUBf 1 1 tUf 111 II t. 4JI;ACKSM1TH wanted at once, lat-class too! a ., "vj""""" nisn-speea steel, American Unslneerlng Co,, Aramlmo and Cumberland. DLACKSMITII, first class, on heavy wanon work. Apply Edwin If. Vara, .130 S. Broad. nOOKKKEl'nn, competent, wanted In a large Insurance nnicei one having; banking- expert, enca preferred. Address In own handwriting, statins ace and exp.i D 10, Ledger Office. BOY for private printing; plant! must know the easel excellent opportunity to learn the trade In all Its branches! advancement according to ability. Apply factory offlce. Lanston Monotype Machine Co. 24th and Locust, tfimcd As Yordley Councilman p? tallowing tho resignation of, Louis C. Iliidom as a member of the Town Coun Sl of Tardley, the vacancy has been Hied by tho appointment of Dr. A. it. - 7 CLASSIFIED RATES In effect April 1, 1016 EVENING LEDGER iTB tlNB P.ATD FOR EACH 1NSEP.TION THIS STTLE TTPE (or like this) ROM or tiro times... ino lire? dm" we 'w.'ek ,SV4 IE times one week -10c f Stations Wanted three times one week. 10c iTeln and Situation Wanted and ilMt and Found nds arc inserted in hi Daily Public Ledger without ad IWomI charge.' a imder all other classifications mnv tw itvested tn the Pcdliq Lsdqzr at combined fntt: , atiertwo times 23o , Kg times one week 15r in time one week 12Vio TiTB LIKE THIS (or like this) r li Mrnltted In all classlflcatlona except Help ani SltnaUon Wanted, Lost and Found, Per eriac&UL Ddardlng and Rooms. When so snecl- rftt,M Ovb cents pnn aoate line If to Ant OFTHE above hates. There is a drucr store near your skjise that will ncccDt Letlrer want r nk l office rates. DOT, Just passed 10, who Is looking- for a permanent office position where there Is a Rood rhanco for advancement. Apply pur chasing department, Lanston Monti ro Machine Co., 24th and Locust. nor, about Idipr IT, wanted In law office: errands and orflco work! spare time for study If desired. Address In own handwriting, stating wages expected, O 052, Ledger Cen. ROY for office! jrood Chance for advancement! good wanes. Penn Surgical Co., HOT North 8th St. 1107 wanted, strong;, for shipping dept.: good chance for adanrement! state na-ei refs. nnd salary desired. O T47, Ledger Central. HOT wanted for leather sorting room. MITCH ELL A I'lBnSON, 30th nnd Ilecd sts. DOTS Splendid opportunity for brtghtt boys to learn the retail drygooda trade. Apply superlntendent'a office, DERO DI103., loth and Market. DOTS wanted; must be 10: steady work: good chance for advancement. Apply factories Lester Piano Co., Lester, Pa. Take Chester Short Lino trolley. DOY8 WANTED, $20 PEn MONTH AND noAnn. appi.t Samaritan hospital, BROAD AND ONTARIO STS. juperlntendent's office, ller Dros., 10th and Market WANTED Experienced motor truck salesman to travel Wi..V.f.n.P'&,"inl' J,'' Indiana. Illinois, SiiiKS'l'- kWi"1"1 Tennessee! good prop Ledger om m,n" Addr" M 3"' AiT,5D-t.Toun'1 m1 'r bookkeeper and fi, i?"9 i-vlng experience In portunltr. I 227, Ledger Offlco. m.'kT?0 eetllwl man and wife for sub "., ?,ftc' !n 'nr, general work and woman for cooking, c 327, Ledgur Offlcs. AfhTR1,t'i"il." mnhlne and vise handsi i.A n.ltT' loft men, for out-of-town ship yards! transportation paid. O 857. Led. Cent. WA.NTED79'Jman hiar'd couple for suburbs! good cook A houseman. Call 1421 Locust st. 'i&EJiF11.. &r '"I, curtains, "app1? John llromley ft Son, Lehigh ave. below Front. TiF.n? MAN' btwen 18 and 20 years, as r.i,KOI5r'!P,h?ri mu,J ,be '' ftnd accurate, wiftl.nll.u.,lve f uJfe adyantnee of oppor lSJlVili"? "I'iVl. desired. Audres J. M I'ostofflce Ilox 8SO0, Yiy.?J0. MAN ,0 enl'eet and drive on laundry route: snlary and commission basis! refer- LnaCuend??M2SUAhr.T,rf1' Avvly Troy TOUNO MAN wanted, for office work, 10 to 10 years; preferably one attending: high school or college, for hours In evening; O P. m. to 10 n, m, M 742, Ledger Central YOUNO MAN. good charActer, to manage cir cular ling dept,: alate cxn.: rof.i phialcal examination required, P 001), ledger Office. HOTEL IIOOM CLERK wishes position In city: 6 years' experience O 83S, ledger Central, . iOTli 8T ABOVE CHESTNUT. . Hell Phone. .. . . locust 10(10. :rr .-fnfiA?i rri " HOUSEMAN, colored, with, private Jewish family for .3, years, best of refernce: wants work? Jewish family preferred. 121T W, Dauphin. JACQUAMJ weaver would Ilka chancn learn- in iom nxingi state wages, u 11, ia. um. MECHANICAL ENOINEEH wishes position; understands and has had practical expef lenra with hydraulic cisterns, all klnda of mill Work, pipe work, A C. D. current and re- ..inwintuin iiinuiiinriij , in jenrx exprrieiitw U Oil, 1. furnish roference. ledger Central. SALESMAN, 22 years old, 2 years' experience with a merchandising houso, desires posi tion: familiar In New England Statesi ex- ;cijciii reierences. m nda. i-enger t.enirai. TOUNO MAJ wishes position, steady 'eolier; y.nit.r8yln?s cre nutomobllea! otate wages. D 10, ledger Office. AMERICAN, 27. Unlveraity graduate, has sold wholessle and retail, managed large office, secretary of company, excellent reference Trorn previous employer, desires trt locate S'v!R!oa. ho"", either on road or office. O 743. ledger Central. EMPLOYMENT AOEN0IE3 WANTED, at Mrs. Kane's office, 611 S, 10th st., this Saturday morning, 2 competent chlldnurses; beat refercnoei also several trained cooks, girls for chambcrwork nnd waiting. JSESliU1! monaiicii srfonXaW5o. WESJ- PIHLA 8W 72LANCABTKrtAVE. REAL CARPET BrATING,. NO , used, Doyer Co., 09 N. 12th Ph TlogaSJOO. DRESSMAKING .AND MIIiIilNEB-? POlrTEH SCHOOL OF DRESSMAKING 1435 OIRATIIJ AVi:. POPLAP. 0374 TUB StoIJOWELL Dressmaking PchooTi easy, modern methods; small pajments. ao7 Dencklapulldlng, 11th and Marketats. DIIEHSMAKINO tauhtfrom any pattern: morn, and aft. sessions i send for clr. Cotum blanDressmaklngjchq5J,173il Columbia nve. afiYS.i nGMftDELEDi hlgh-gradeTwoTk onlyT , Phone fpnicn ti'J 1 STOBAfJrE Cosllnkerf ran PrtctMnc Column CONTlNENtAL . STonxfiE wAnt-imtrsR idfU 8t AISOVE CHESTNUT aiurriNU :i PACKINO, MOVINO. s, carpels cieanea, scourea, storea. iocust 1000 rhones Key.. Race 4160. PENN STORAOP. AND VAN CO. 2130 MARKET ST. iron sale ........... .EDISON TALKING MACHINES H -PRICE. Iloo Outfits Now 17 Outfits Now ISO Outfits Now ISO 37 125 M!?LXtn,X Tl SIcCARTHT. 210T, Christian JLoc, 1303), unnlita & wonts lst-class Prot., . Cath, male tt fcmaln help: all nationalities. COOKS, chlldnurses, girls for thamberwork, sewing. Miss Dougherty, 1313 W tllrard. ATJTOMOJJllbEB For Sals -Wo haje p. few cheap c-ira of which no ery anitatilo for truck CIIASS1H tho chassis unutil or delivery work of any ldnd. Don't fall to come In and look them over. If you wnnt something at a bargain price for delivery purposes, LocoMonti.n. II A. JKNKS, Mgr. Exchange Car Dept. CADILLAC, 1014, touring car, ovcrh-iulrd and ffiFiali9i8Wt4U,?flu.,JKnffl,,l Price) I8-.0. AUTO . BALES, CORPORATION. 142 N llrond St. COLE, 1010 Demonstrator: splendid condition. l. a. nowKita co. -la n. uroad st. HUnONH-RebulIt and cuarantced, phnetons and cabriolets; electric lights and starters iiwiuui.auiwAitia, yo;i N. uroad. Y0.ya A1Wj e,n,rKut. ,0 '""'n elllng; sal ary, o 818, Ledger Central. Y(iVK0 J!PN, (Catholic) learn to bo salesmen; paid while learning. No. 814, 0211 Chestnut. OPPORTUN1TT FOR BRIGHT DOT Doy for Work Ifi newspaper office: must be 10 years old; salary $4.00. Apply, third floor Public Ledger. Good chance for bright boy. LOST AND POUND ' Tar Otter Lost and round Ads Hee Page 1 DOTS for office work; must be at least 10 years of age: chance for advancement. Apply 1801 Olenwood ave. CABINETMAKERS wanted: atendy position: good wages. Apply factories Lester Piano Co Lester Pa. Take Chester Short Line trolley. CABINETMAKERS, exp'd on hlgh-grsde furn. Lincoln Furniture Co., 10th and Lehigh ave. CASEriTTERS. exp'd on high-grade furn. Lincoln Furniture Co., 10th and Lehigh ae. CHAIR FRAMER3 wanted. Apply 244 South 5th st. CHAin PACKERS or young mn to learn. Ap ply Sir. Meyers, 244 South fith st. CHAUFFEUR (colored) Careful city driver: to take care of lawns nnd heater: on Main Linn: state wages and reference. Address D 13, Ledger Office. IU Lut nd Found Ada in the daily Pub Ho Uvtr 0r revcatcd in the Evenino Ledger tto&ne day without extra charge . tWrmCATD Lost. Certificate No. .145. la- ,i inner toe National uanic or tne Nortnern 'Mrtlej. for one share of Its stock. In the ' tvat at Anna M. Marbourff. AU nersonn ;m warned against negotiating this stock. ua tne nnder will pleaaa communlcato with G flank of North America. R07 Hhefitniit fitL, Philadelphia. ipC-Ubcral reward A large oval black jm pin. irregularly surrounded by diamonds ?Mtln gold. In centre n nnrnv nt 1111am nt th. julltr In diamonds set In gold; lost Thurs day, May 11. Communicate with Mrs. W. pa. Porter, 001 Delaware avo., Wilmington, .tKARFPIN Diamond horse, with ruby eyes, K"'""", iiiuununs-, oeiween renn souarc, t, JJS!ak?r Broad St. Station or subway E?.;0!. -' noward If returned to J. B. kCillwell fc Co.. 902 Chestnut. t PERSONALS yiKN0 responsible for any debts which jl Mntracted by myself.' , - ,?ruacK BC N. are ATROCH. UNCLAIMED TELEOBAMS BrUFn V1"?, TELEGRAPH CO.. 1B01 sl. Vi -7" "cum. Lnimney at Co., Mr. FiS.4 Moore, John Damford, Everett S. ISesL0 wKtV' BUtt." Co' Mr-""me? rueot Webb Trammel!. Fountain n,,tt.-i VIm'A SlnI,;;-0.n- ,AJPh'bald Palmer, Htch- ryiT-v'"'j "? naiue a. worwood. Miss SL1.r Freas, Mrs. Ilnrthn vin.-i t. i. Callando Itaffaele. Mrs. a". " Oil r-7 p.i! orosan. Adelphla oil yinSy Ag-,w'Fr"z "aan. 8. Akoss, CUTTERS nnd lining- cutters, experienced, to take the places of men on strike: out of town: transportation furnished. O 550, Led, Cent. DRAUGHTSMAN Corporation desires young man, preferably one with experience In con sulting engineer's office, with knowledge of mechanical equipment; good chance for right man; give full particulars In first letter. G T4!. Ledger Central. DRAUGHTSMAN, mechanical, first class; state age. exp. and sal, desired. D 2. Led. Off. SKILLED WORKMEN and helpers wanted on pocketbooks and fancy leather goods; piece work: steady employment: high prices. A. L Reed Co.. Richmond Hill, New Tork city. .J- (leneral BOOKKEEPERS Some very attractive open ings, 1S up: aslstant orflco manager, 120; clerks, general, order, bill, shipping, cost, Opewrltlng, stock, etc., $10 up; stenogra phers, soeral, 115-120; master mechanics, two. $1800 and $2400: must be big men and capable of handling men: draughtsmen, sev eral mechanical: other positions open for HIOH-ailADH MEN. DUSINESS SERVICE COMPANT. 1301 LAND TITLE DUILDING. AUTOMOH1LES Mechanical night school now open. Cor. Droad & Spring Garden sts. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE BOOKKEEPER, stenographer, capable of tak ing charge of office or acting as secretary: Al reference. O 442, Lodger Central. BOOKKEEPER, thor. ixj. oanklng and Are Insurance; refs. G 242, Ledger Central, CHILDNUR8E Protestant, capable; good ref erence. H 030, Ledger Office. COMPANION or attendant to elderly lady; ex perienced nurse, ref, 11 701, Ledger ORIce. COOK, good; baknc, can do all kinds of house- very reliable, nest reference, wants $s FOREMAN, capable, wanted f man able to or ganize light machine shop work on a manu facturing basis, combining quantity and quality production with minimum costs; ex cellent chances for capable, experienced men. M 2.13. Ledger Office. HOUSEMAN White; willing to live on a farm where other help Is . kept. Meet employer, Saturday. 11 a. m.. Room 203, 003 Chestnut. WtowP" C0" "20 S- rnn JjELP WANTED FEMAt-E g&&!S?"MA!P. also assistant ri, ,..." Wjl&2x gfffinu . . - 1 6"3wwassfptf&jjs'!3 T-l nweott. 1T20 Pino st. . L!cVTy4irgrtt.xilBr0nUrnLIf.f' :lilj iaaKi, ANI? WOMEN lSuir TjrkJ? '"'tf'-fV no experience Ejt.. ' . Per week tn mtart u,ih imTtoHpji- ibnna: nmr.a ZU .. ,. . lw. !fffoi ""rUflcates, ""tily Bt5 Bfe BTmwn:..?. It1" - L 1 ""iuigi a CLOTHIEIt WlFith ...i .' .: MS' '"wasrsas ' &? ,crhaPrl?i1',rt,0 fc1"? t0 t visit". "tautst. tllrle Hecfc Company, 009 INSTRUMENT MAKERS, first class only: tool makers, $3 24 to $4.48 per day of 8 hours; machinist. $3.00 to $4,00: assistant machin ists. $2 00 to $2.00; machine operators (male). $2.00 to $2.24; muchlne blacksmiths for medium slso work, able to work to blue prints and familiar with use of steam hammer, $3.52 to $3.70, based on experience and capacity: skilled laborers, 11.84, for out side and Inside work; Cleveland. Brown & Sharps and (Irldley automatic turret lathe operators. $3,711; turret vlat he Hands, $2.88, and Potter A Johnston turret lathe hands. $3.32 per day; cltlsens; higher compensation when on piece work; 15 days' leave after one year's aervlce. T holidays and Saturday afternoons during the summer months, all with full pay. Apply Frankford Arsenal, Drldeabure, Philadelphia, Pa. work. a week, streets. 200, Ledger Ilninch, 21st and Pino MA.UySf .lJU3"ir?wn CIir A l condition, foil OVERLAND Delivery 450 J'Ji-?I3AL.JL15 N- "road at. STUDE11AKER, lnifl, fl-cyllnder. 7-passenger. Touring Car, drhon only 70CI miles, will sell reasontble. L 1 4H, ledger Central! 8TJi??,5."AK.,?Ilt. "'-Passenger, good condition; will be sold cheap, Apply ;17.17 N. inth. Maxwell Parts SCHOBER 33 II-IS MARKET Mea Magnetos $20 Fivn.PAS.qnN'nnn r-A n ' in n.frri.i.r 5ood tires: Westlnghouse shock absorber, will emnnalratc .M 7 13, I.ed.Ter Central SENfa TOR I'RKE ItULLETIN :r OP USED CARS GOR8QN AUTO EXCHAN&E. 233 N. DROAD AUTO LIVERY AND GARAGES TO HIRE (Open day and night), brand-new 6-pass. touring cor. with robes. 11.2.', hr.: also brand-new 7-pnss. Ilmouslno $1.00 hr.t veddlngs, funerals. Poplarl.ll 17. 1715 Olrard FBLTON OARAOfl 3D. FELTON AND OIUARD AVE. PHONE DELMOMT 1101. BUY MOISTEH Portahln Oarages Stool or stucco. On display 8031 N. nth, Tioga 2084 May Clean-up Sa i of slightly used Edison and Columbia Talking, Machines, all makes at the regular price:, can be paid for as low as BO cents weekly. Call or write at once for complete lists. HEPPB'fl UPTOWN STORES, Cor. 0th & Thompson Sts. NONE Ifctf MMlWerY .. ......wtucLu V.U., mo n. au J'OOL, combination, second-hand, old . rented exohangedi reDSIrlnin UILT.IARD. bought, sold rented exchanged! repairing; supplies. Late Keafer. American manufac turer, 320 (llrnrd ate. Phone Kens. 2315. BILLIARD AND POCKET TABLES Also . ,cKllt.ilcoilnNDERjL'glj Arch FtJltNISIlBfi AJr?AHtl$KKTjl, is- - i ,i a,., IJ.MI.-.. ,,-ht j..-ii,.l,"ljuliJ'i jnirf sj tt tt UON iiead",. Snbnrfism HIDLET PADK veniences r'lirnlshnd'sh-irtm'I. alt c6n, rhone Ridley Park 298 Wi HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES OFFICE PARTITIONS STORE FIXTURES THE I1ETTER.KIND GET OUR ESTIMATE PHONE. WRITE OH CALL WEISS MANUFACTURING CO 450 N 12th st Phone Pop. ltomj Rsce 1830. TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES from the manufacturers. Our nENT guarantee goes with .every rental., $3 a month! $7.80 for A VISIBLE 3 months. Nos. 0 nnd 7 mod- ols. $" for 3 months! $2 for DEMINOTON 1 month. REMItfOTON TTPEWRtTER COMPANT, 110 H, nth St.. Philadelphia. Telephones: Hell, Wnlnut 07n0: Keystone, Main 2004. WANTED ANTIQUE FURNITURE, falsa. teeth, feather beds broken iewelry. go'd. silver, diamonds bought, 785 Walnut. Walnut T020. Est, 1800. BROKEN JEWELHT. false teeth. ptstots,coln. Coin bnoks.lth prices I pay.mallod.lBc.J.II. Doss (Pcoplfl's Store). 200 S. 11th. Wal.4480. N. B. COR. lTTH ANfJ WALNUT 84 rhe newest and most dlsilnettva apartment The nous lath V ise, Deslrsble suites from. 2 rooms ana ih to 7 rooms and 3 bathsi 10-room suites with southern, esstern and western xno nres. Apply on premises or phono Wal. 082, MERTON W. GnEIMS 2ln rranklln Dank Dldjt. ISM MnnTlf ISTtr ftT-. Modern housekeeping apartments: reducetl rentals) Just renovated throughout. Appl to Janitor, on premises, or LEWJB A. TAU, LANE, 8 W. ror 9th and Walnut sts.. CAnLtflLE HT.,.8 , 425 (Tho Carlisle) Heuset keeping flats, having i and 0 roams; one dn sirs Die list nn jst noor at yjn per monini one on 2d. floor at $28. WHITE31DB A McI.ANAHAN, 18th and Pine sts. 2800 PINE ST. 2 desirable vacancies. Apply to Janitor or phone owner, Otn, 8282 J ILI.LVHD. Intril tlles Street Co.. I 5n."X payments. Rostto-Itarry- th St.: phone. Wal. 2284 CANVAS CAMP COTS. $1.80 Camp ami Fishing Stools. ir,i POllCII Itl-.CI.ININif CHAIRS. S1.2.-, CHAIR 1WIIANOE, H. E. cor. (1th & Vine. $3S 00 LARGE TALKING MACHINES ,ilu.m,!;ln' wUt' c!'l,n," 'or holding machine and 20(1 records This outfit Is finished In ,.lo1b,.l.,"ul. l"rlered oak, and cost new ',4; t-an .lie Piild for nt the, rnto of 75 jrents weekly. This Is an excellent bargain, as It Is In flrat-clnss condition, equal to now. Wrllo for ennudeto list of bargains and special 30 dajs' freo trial off,er. HEPPH'S UPTOWN STORES. Cor. 0th & Thompson Sts. CASH REGISTERS bought, sold, leased, ex changed, repaired, replated. Supplies New and factory rebuilt New total adders, as low as $3(1 Call and sp our 1010 mod els. RoKlstets sold nnd leased by us on easy nainvnu, and. fully guaranteed THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO. 730 CHESTNUT STREET. DESKS and office scripiion, used, nilng cablnots. safes, telephone booths furnituro and fixtures of every de- , ., hub i-uiiuHiun. anu very cheap, free delivery anywhere. 1IUU1U.H, 11TH AND IIUTXONW OOD IRISH DOCUMENT, elaborately engrossed and enRrnved' the last speech of Robert Emmett. Esq SepK 111. 1S01 (executed, by tho British Sept 20 1K03): elnb memorial ongrav. at tho top. ileotpn by Harralot nnd eng by Sey. nioun m7o 22x17 In , a rare and splen mem. for halls of pat. Hlba, Hell ph., Pop. 4010 J. Auto painting FOREMAN PAINTER recently opened a .fully equipped shop on lhA sldo. Quality being tho primary consideration, has established' a successful business, which now requires mv entire time. Don't denrlije yourself of the besti when my prices for Pnlntlnir or Rcvnrnlshlng d.ri Wl aMd, awork,hSua?ahn?.d': fhrA, TG!?o.2w:'pkRv1?irj,r"1 4U- 1321 Alrdrle st. Rio-id above Erls. AUTO REPAIRING CYLINDERS REBORED. now pistons and rings furnished, weldings and brazing. H. u. Underwood ft Co.. in2n Hamilton at.. Phlla. 7 SPEEDUME1E11 TROtlllTiTS Seo DILI.Y. at his new location. 510 NORTH UROAD ST. PARTS TIRES AUTO SUPPLIES rmiw auto-parts co. Kestone phono. Park 1418. COOK, chambermaid and waitress, experienc ed, wish places; country or mountains pre ferred; best references. Calr 2112 Spruco. COOK Up-State woman: good bread baker; reference, H 038, Ledger Office. GIRL wishes position ,as chambermaid, willing to help with children; will go to Atlantic City or country: reference. Call 4214, Osage ave.j Bar. 852 W. GOVERNESS, German, French, music, par ticularly fond of young- children, wishes posi tion; best references, a 030, Ledger Central, LADY wishes to read for Invalids; 40 cents per hour. II 020, Ledger Office, HEARINGS ,N.'.,V .Departure Scrlco Sta Tho Qwllllam Co. 1314 Arch St. Ph. Walnut 3107. Race 3002. AUTO TIRES SOLID TIRES SCHOBER 8141-45 MARKET OFFICE FURNITURE Typewriter, bookkeeper desks, miner cabinets tele booths, flics, safes household furniture. Dullng Central 2d-Hnml Furniture Co . not-linil-oi I Cnllowhlll. Phone Filbert -I1U8. 'OIL TANK for sale; will hold1500 gallons. ui. ut luiBoni. o, loin sit $20.80 VICTROLA VI nnd 8-10 In. D, uccorus. F, l. fruornntced to lie In nerfeet -An,li tlon. An excellent outllt for oner who la iuukiii iiir u biiuu luuciune ac a reasonable price. I'lfty conts weekly accepted. Call or write for complete descriptions and large Illustrated catalogues HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES. Cor. Cth & Thompson Sts. Fireproof; 00 slightly used; all sites SAFES nnd makes, big hnrgalns. 210 N. Fourth ot . between Race and Vine. HEATING MAK1N-KELHEY HEALTH HEAT Is better and cheaper than steam or hot-water. Purs fresh nlr with normal ndturc MAKIN- .. lua.siu', ii n istii at.. Phiis. MACHINERY AND TOOLS CAST-OFr CLOTHING W are In great need of east-orf clothing nnd will pay extra good prices for gentle men's cast-off clothing, shoes, etc. Ws call anywhere promptly. Call, writs or phone. COOPER, 1010 Glrard ave. Dell phone Poplar 0342. CAST-OFF CLOTHING I will pay positively highest cash prices for gentlemen's nnd Indies' discarded clothing, hats, shoes, furs, etc. Let me call and give ou nn estimate. Extra high prices for full, dress and Tuxedo suits. Will call day or evening, city or country. Call, write, phone Hell, Pop. 5771: Key,. Tark 0003. Blacker. 1231 Poplar. CAST-OFF CLOTHING Highest prices paid: gentlemen's suits, overcoats; send postal or cnll, orders promptly attended, day. evening; city, rountry. Friedman Bros.. 1444 South nt. Phone Dickinson 01S5 . CAST-OFF CLOTHING WANTED Highest prices paid for gents': get our offer nnd be convinced Call,, write or phone Wnlnut 8083. DAVE, southwest corner 12tb and Aroh sts Room 12. CAST-OFF CLOTH1NO Highest price paid for gentlemen's clothing: send postal. M. Buckle. 020 Callowhlll st. FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION MODERN AND ANTIQUE Desks, office furniture, all kinds ot store hxtures, partitions, stocks ot merchandise, etc. Pell, Walnut 1801. Key.. Race 8345 D. THE PATTEN CO.. 1127 Arch St. FURNITURE pianos, carpets, antiques! entire or part houses bought for cash, no matter how large J. Bernstein. 1354 Rldco ave. OLD GOLD Cash paid for otd gold, sliver, antique clocks: will call Bell phone. Locust 1210. ROGERS, 27 S. 17th St. HAVING opened a new store In WE Pennagrove. N J., we are In great need of men's cast-off NEED clothing and will pay higher prices than ever In order to cot TOUR these goods, Be sure to send for our buyer beforo disposing of CAST-OFF your street and evening clothes. Write, call or phone CLOTHING WALNUT 0805 SCHULTZ. 241 N. 0th st. ROOMS FOR RENT CHESTNUT, or en suite; 1810. furn. & 1402 SPRUCE Single or unfurn. ; reference. CHESTNUT. 2000 WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS. PERMANENT ORTRANSIENT CHESTNUT. 2003 Attractive rooma. single or . en suite: private bath, running water: ref.t Clinton ST.. 020 Lovely cool rooms; quiet, refined surroundings; DIAMOND turn THERE ARE SEVERAL WAYS OF SECURING AN APARTMENT tlt ninMM tn!4 nf Irvlnv sit the different ways, you just call at this office? vl KT 111 t n the largest, most Attractive and best equipped In I'nnaneipnia, nvoiea exrtusiveiy to secur ng Just what they want for particular People. Tell us your requirements. Every, desirable apartment In Philadelphia Is listed with or may be rented through us. Our, automobiles are waiting to take you to the list of prop erties you designate, and with the least pos sible effort you, will secure tho one apart ment In Philadelphia which most nearly ap proaches your oxact Ideal. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 141 1 WALNUT ST. Spruce 8071, Race 8025, HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS ALL PARTS OF THE C1TT RENTS $25 TO $75 PER MONTH CALL, PHONE OR WRITE FOR INFORMATION, SAMUEL STERN 1201 CHESTNUT BfREET HOUSEKEEPING APTS. 8 rooms, 2 baths! small rear porch: 2 bedrooms! southern ex po'uro: living, room faces square: unfurn, i $03: furn.. $881 lm. pose. Phone Loc. 2381W. TELL US TOUR REQUIREMENTS. APARTMENT BUREAU Phone Walnut 0020. Franklin Dank Blag: west rint.ADEt.pniA 84TH AND CHESTNUT (Tho Essex) FIvs rooms, bath, pantry and reception hall! ele vator, day and night service: Colonial finish, white china gloss paint, mahogany doors, hardwood floors, combination wall safes, laundry, vacuum cleaner; roof garden; watchman all night: $30 to $48 month. . 48D AND CHESTER AVE. (The Monterey)--Very desirably situated, opposite Clark Park", 4 and 8 rooms nnd bath; hardwood floors, laundry: roof garden, etc.! $ao to $44 per month; allidealrnbre, new housekeeping apts. Apply Janitor, or CRESSE. H08 Halp Bldg. 8420 AND 0481 ANGORA TERRACE $32 Modern 0-room apartments; living hall, olectrlo lights, private porch! hlgh-olass and Janitor aervlce. . , De euro to exnmlne today. Apply $42.80 nranch office, 0404 Angora Terraoe. WM. II. W. QUICK & BRO.. INC. 8 South 40th st. . DARING, 403T(Preston)142rms.$10&$15up.Sml. AOTtt. 23!1 H. mrnttnnllA lnrire hskn.$17 to $30 30T1I. 121 8. (Klngdon) Will furn.. Ph.nar.l032J. 43D AND CHESTER (300 Monterey Apts.) Only $33 mo,: -4 rooms, uam anq loge re ception hall! hardwood floors- Inqr Janitor. 1537 Front bed and llvtnr room. also front room: run. water; breakfast. OIRARI) AVE.. 1813 Furnished apartments. 2d or 3d floor: prlvato family. LOCUST, 1200-11 Dealrablu vacancies, slnglo or en suite LOCUST Ul, 1E01 LARGE. AIRY ROOMS. SIN- OR EN SUITE. LOCUST 1323 J. PINE. 5728 Nicely furnlnhed room In prl vato family! no children; ph. Wood. 8001 R. 1337 Suites, with bath; single SPRUCE. rooms offices steam heat: elec. : reasonable. WALLACE, 1012 Half-fur. house, adults, rent exchanged for board Poplar 4457 W. THAT'S BAD business Information Ss to the hnienetl cost nf shaft serlce with YO fO.M FRICTION CLUTCH ptilesi often sur prises iii.tnufr'H who hadn't counted cost tinsel-. SHAFTING and MACHINE WORKS, 143 North Heiond JAMES YOCOM- & SON. PULLMAN TIRES Guaranteed 3300 miles Compare prices. GRIM'S 2,10 N Broad st. BUILDERS LAUNDRESS, colored, first class, best city reference, wants fine hamper wash. 1T2, Ledger Branch, 21st and Pine. INVESTMENT MEN. with hlgh-grado clientele, wanted on attractive proposition; enterprise well known, successful and extending; leads from current advertising1 and good commis sions to men of ability. Add. O T30, Lad. Cent. LABORERS 23 cents per hour. Day or night work. DAUGH A &ONS CO. Foot of Morris st., Delaware Hher. LABORERS, good, wanted now at Tygert-AIlen Fertilizer Works. South Delaware and Wec cacoe aves. (Greenwich Point): steady work the year around for right men. See Super intendent, at works. LABORERS wanted for both outside and In side work. Apply factories Lester Piano Co., Lester, Pa, Take Chester Short Line trolley. MOTHER'S HELPER Refined, settled woman desires perm, posl. : ex. with children or In valid lady; seams.; light dut. O 848, Led. Cen. CLARK & MaCINTIRE. architects, engineers and builders. 1037 Brnndjwlne at. Concreto a specialty. Plans and oatlmaUs furnished STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper wishes posi tion: accurato and rapid typist; compotent. D. E. bookkeeper: 0 years' reference one firm; moderate salary. O 740, Ledger Cent. WOMAN of experlenoe and executive ability wishes position as superintendent or matron. D 12. Ledger Office WOMAN wishes housework, day or week: ref erence. 0214 Race st., West Philadelphia. A LADT with 20 years' business experience, who Is now engaged tn collecting rents and taking care of properties for private parties, desires a trial from those who, for any reason, are dissatisfied with tholr present agent: can furnish the best of references, also security for any amount; communica tions striotiy connaentiai, Ledger Offlce. Address C 818. LABORERS, skilled, strong; men. to pull out pots on crucible melting furnace; steady work! wages $3.75 to li per day. Apply Henry Dlsston & Sons. Tacony, LABORERS wanted noun u-nour aa.r. steady work: 20c. per Aooly at once. Barrett Company, 80th and Qray's Ferry ave. LABORERS wanted for night work. Apply Irwin & Lolgbton, Delaware ave, c Walnut. MACHINE HANDS, thoroughly experienced on Smith double-end tsnonor: no others need ap ply. Lincoln Furn. Co.. loth and Lehigh ave. MACHINIST. 1st cl John Bromley st 8 class,'! exp'd In textile Ap, XAsnifiil UY9 eel. roni. k'ie$MI,?8c.??Jw,,n,i on calendar WnV'caHT..0 'SI. USSff !?cT,curttm flpl'hln-' 5l-TJJl.mI eke.full charge: idti IK iSiS,t?'i.lG!i,Dif,rorXPi' Mrtftu(-rV.-.tatrni,V,.,:"'..f,ni,:l npanlonab BatfHraiaHL"!: i as. jis " "i iaiios age. auaiiftci PiHeasffiV.Y wirea. past or present posl i ... wBr Mince, Psn... '".- R iV Nn??f1L!0.r aPartmont bouse: no sal BLW VaSaS fw. heat and light. Taulane, J?8!$WQRK Snlennl I'.MrUicTd piffi4,,n pin,,,5 , '" suburbs fiiinU .25'? sirl for central housworki S'l tttii iK.9 P"'culrs. Interview. iBami M1 Rn"n,T """"hold Re ' OStnB?,..,l cor Washington Bid.. giefejiw.'... " : WW raffl'r.,?8, : .f?el MAIL ORDER EXECUTIVH ' A large retail store requires a man with iiecutlva ability jtor their mall order de partmenti must bq capable of handling a largo organisation! epI.Vidld opportunity for the right rqan; give .full detailTas to train log: only tnoso having, thorough experience along those Unss need respond. Address D 18. Leder Office. f MEET MRS. MEAD Manager of the HOUSEHOLD REaiSTHT DUREAU She keeps a record of every applicant for -domestto work and can usually place you In touch quickly with an experienced nurse, governess, cook, chambermaid, waitress and girls and women for general housework. This ettlclent time and worry saving serv ice Is free to Ledger advertisers. Call at Washington Building, 008 Chestnut st. Take elevators to 2d floqr, or phone Mrs. Mead. Walnut or Main 8000. BUSINESS OPPOKTUNITIES OREAT SACRIFICE I own the control of stock In a ery prom ising enterprise protected by patents, oil gas generator; 1 offer at u sacrifice, of n cents per share 200,000 shares of stock, nt present It may appear like a speculation on account of unsettled conditions in Mexico: sooner or later the stock must return a fortune for the Investment, I must soil; make mo an offer! this la a chance for one or more per sons, or I will sell control, stands Investiga tion: tha condition which forces mo tn make this sacrifice .will benefit others. C 215, Ledger-Central, PATENTS Send fr nur free book. rT . "Patents and Trade-Marks " Our fees are reasonable and our service un surpassed. We will help ou develop your Invention, FOSTER & WEBSTER SU1 U3i 1011 Chestnut st. Bell phone Walnut 1504. POWER-PLANT EQUIPMENT Dynamos, motors, bolters, steam and oil en- Billet, pump.',. ir ompreasiirn rll. iLM FI JOMEY. Inc . 127 N. 3d st. CONCRETE MIXERS and Contractor' Equip ment. Wo hao what ou want, when ou wnnt It. CHARLES BOND COJIPANY. 520 Arch Btrcet. DYNAMOS, motors nnd machinery bought, sold nnd rented, armatures repaired. Main 0i. Market 3005 Yoarnley Co . 22 1 N 3d at. USED BOILERS 200-H. P. Erie Economic; 2 LW-II I' Ames ret tubular 125 lbs. L. F. SEYFERT'S SONS, 437 N. 3d St. 3 50-K. W dlrec t-tuithL, ted gcnerntlng sets. 40-K. W. belted generator. NUTTALL, IT 18 N. 5th. PIPE Second-hand, all sles Phlln. Second, hand Tlpo Supply Co.. 1003 N 7th at Phones. WALNUT A 44th Two well-furnished 2d-floor front rooms for men. excellent table. The Clermont. Baring 7322 W. 17TH. N.. 1S51 2 cheerful, furn.. 3-floor rooms, near bath: private family;, phone 45TH"ST.. S. 1002 Large 2d-sty. front rms.. furn . fao. Park: near bath. Baring 7023 W. BOTH ST , N.. 38 Two furn. rooms for bus. women; prlv. fam. : conv. to B2d St. ,L. Ph. 012 N. 15TH 2 rms, bath, heat and light: $20 per month. TAULANE. 1)00 Walnut Bt. 250 S. 17TH Superior accommodation for women of refinement: board optional. 210 WEST LOGAN SO. Desirable vacancies! references required. 3 OR 4 TRAINED NURSES. ELEOANTLT FURN. AUARTMENT: PRIVATE HATH; PRIVATE FAMILY; BOARD OPTIONAL. DIAMOND 8408 W THE POWELTON APTS. , NEW OWNERSHIP AKD MANAGEMENT POWELTON AVE. . '"J. Thoroughly modern: each suite has 3 main bedrooms, 2 baths and servanta bedroom. Rooms aro large and floors are hardwood. Open evenings by appoint ment. Apply at offlce, 30th nnd Powel ton avenue, or Wm. H. W. Quick & Brq., Inc. 8 SOUTH 40TH STREET $45 TO $90 FULTON APAHTMENTS 4801 to 4821 Chestnut street. Several desirable vacancies. S rooms and bath, pantry and porch. $37.50 to $17.50 per month. SAMUEL STERN, 1201 Chestnut at. THE RUTLAND Al'TH.. JUST COMPLETED LOCUST ST.. 54TH TO BBTH ST 6-rooms-and-bath apartments, with all the latest conveniences, $40 to $42.80 per month. ROI1ERT riTTS. AGENT Bell phone Belmont 4483. 8443 Locust at. DREXEL APARTMENTS OVERBROOK STATION One housekeeping sulto. (1 rooms and bath. $88.84 per month; public dining room. Phone uverorooK uoo. ELIZABETH COURT, 4017-10 Baltimore ave. Handsome flrat-floor apartment: Private porch, 0 rooms, bath and reception hall. TAYLOR & SON, 24 and 20 8. 40th St. ' - rfl U . el n 1' ItA'T tit i A i ei a ' 'Ot l. r 4 rt'v n M nolT ' ii t'. it. i,I " no 'Off THE REIDLYN . ,. , . 130; 8 rooms and bath; half block, from oin PI. ij ainuuii., . JA8. N. MITCHELL. 4(lth and Market sts, OWNUU will rent bachelor apt.. 2 large airy rooms, bath. 2022 Spruce, Locust 1083 J. Furnished ATTRACTIVE ROOMS. SINGLE OR EN SUITE, NEWLY FURN.: OOOD LOCATION; REFS EXCHANGED TELE 1830 OREEN NEW JERSEY SEASHORE MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS IAROE EDISON AMDEROLA. Diamond Point, with cabinet and records, finished In beautiful Mahogany, Can be paid $1.00 weekly. An excellent bargain, in good con dition. Write for camplolu list or bargains and special trial offer. HEPPE'S Cor. 0th UPTOWN STORES. i. Thompson Sts. SACRIFICE at $7500 an eatabllshed'and grow ing business, Including 12-room new modern house on corner 2 main sticets, 8 W. Phlla. Sickness and death compel client to sacrifice J. A. WISTER. Sdl 8. OOTII ' EMPLOYER'S TIME 13 SAVED by taking advantage of the free service to Ledger help wanted advertisers. Mlu Dean, In the Commercial Registry Bureau, at Ledger Central, has records of yountr lady applicants for all kinds of office work and can usually submit several quali fied applicants quickly. Tell Miss Dean what you want. Walnut or Majn 8000. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT-BOOKKKEPER. 12 yra.' exp. corrcs., costs, credits and collec, desires pas, with proxres, concern) ref. G 220, Led. Off, MAN to care for small place, horae. cow and vsaetabU garden. One. with soma knowl edge of automobiles- preferred. References. Wages, 140. Apply ovinlnjs, 2221 St. James Place. , MAN, jounjr. Protestant, workl good trpletl u,. . 4UVU0VI .-., for e ago. general office education. G MEN and boys wanted at the Sprockets Coop erage, Heed and Bwanson sts. OFFICE JJOY, about IT years of age. wanted by a textile manufacturer! good opportunity for advancement! must be neat writer and accurate at figures. Apply E. Sutro & Son Co East Thompuon and Clearfield sts. AUDITOR-ACCOUNTANT of 25 years' ex perlonce. familiar with corporation and hotel work, wants a permanent position. In or out of city, C 320. Ledger Offe. LADY, doing profitable egg business with finest trade In Phlla. and Atlantic City, neds ut onca $300 more capital to take caro of her fast-lncresslng business; willing- to pay 10 per cent. Interest for year, payable monthly, "' J"4 !nv'i "'rlctest Investigation. O T48, Ledger Central. CARKD-FOR ORCHARDS PAY 'INVESTORS Ownership stock In a fine planted property ... ....-...... ...... ........ib iur eitie; t'ltsil U U03, or on monthly payments. .enirai, Ledgor AUTHORIZED morning newspaper route, West Phlla.: can arrange to ault nny person: with or without, services; gllt-edgij Investment. Looklntolt. J3 B40, Ledger Central. YOUNO MANwltlTl0 years' manufacturing and accounting experience, has $5000 to In vest, with services. In legitimate and profit able business. O 810. Ledger Central. 15 A MONTH secures Interest In growing or chard: will be producing before paid for HARUY DARLINQTON1420Chstniit it' PENROSE MOTOR STOCK for sale: cheap to S,"?J.ltou.yrJ.,,A0." sTla"' Mrs. Arnold, levw m)$lliae,H4 T7 BOOKKEEPER. D. H.. romp., corresp't, cred its, collec, desires pas. O 341, Led, Cent, BOOKKEEPER or ledger clerk. C, H. fl., wishes pos7ial, $11 per wk. P 835, Led, Oft. BKPR.-Cashler, Al. age 35; 18 yrs. with last employer; best ref.; bond. P 603, Leaser Off. BUTLER, age 80, English, married, wishes po sition near village or houae on place pref. ; exp. and recommended. P 010, Ledger Onlce. CHAUFFEUR, whits, single. 18 exp.. careful driver, steady, honest and sober, best refs., drive and repair any make, wishes position, city or country. Otto, Dlam,, 210(1 J, 2J3T N. Lambert st, OFFICE HOY, 10 years old. In Insurance of. Heal rsfsrenca required, Answer In own hindwritlugD lT Ledger pfflce. ,.: E2toS3 ir-,lW",.u.,,tl "S0"1 fool" fCtlttd Uemant nil onu 1- -iii.a,. jrb,, .Uj. 80S Cn" t S. Sfrt Gen mfH!?9 rsqulred. 'tTIRn unrnA rh. required. Call .819 Car- SeTanSwn'. gHPsHbU' " t'1 "J m tejimii lm i mi in .si mi iNrilnraJ ML 3E2S,,Vi iJf ?rt' - pt ORDERLY. S3 to 80, fair education, good habits and character, wanted for hospital. Write O 84.', Ledger Central. PAINTERS. -40c. per hour, 8 or 0 hour day, flrstlsa men onlyj no.otbere need apply. William A- C1HVB, tfv svutw mi.ts !, ford. PLUMBING Boy wanted to learn ply 1013 pjne. . I trade. Ap- PRINTER, union, emclsnt, with bustscis quail ficatlonst opportunity to afllUtc with busl jit.." small lavsatment praf. 2633 N. 8th. SALESMAN Wantd. one hlgh-elMs motor, ruck saleamant good opportunity for rlh,t man. L 814, Ledger Central. CHAUFFEUR., married, flrst-class mechanic, cap, any car! Simplex, Plerco or Packard prsf.t 7 years' prl. xp. O 542, Ledger Cent. CHAUFFEUR wants position for evenings, Saturda. Sundays, holidays; 8 years' ex perlencs. Race 2138 O 840, Ledger Central, I'lCTUltB THEATRE Partner with $2300 wanted: lllc. admission da hrj refined patron age: earns IHHMIBO week. LJBO Led. Cent. CIVIL ENOINHER vvanteiTwIth" selling exp? rlence for treasurer) established company: manLnyesttnent.jpjlU;J.edBer Office. PRIVATE SECRETARY wantecfto Invest $2000 to $5000 In large corporation control l(ng patents on menupoly, U U3T. Ij. pent. MAY VICTOR RECORDS NOW ON SALE ' I1ELI.AK 1120 CHESTNUT ST. 50 CENTS WEEKLY BUYS A VICTROLA. Call or write for particulars. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES Cor. 0th & Thompson Sts. 85 CHICICERINO UPRIOHT PIANO HOWARD VINCENT. 838 N. 0TH. ATLANTIC CITY I.arge. sunny rooms In prl. vate cottagu near beach. Mrs. A. L. V. Moore. 2T S. Boston ave.. Atlantic City. BOARDING CHESTNUT ST., cor. 20th (The Margrave Vacancies, perm, or transient: sup, board. FARRAOUT TERRACE, 010 Nicely furn. ra. with board; conv. and rfd neighborhood. SPRUCE. 1028-30 2d-floor suite: prlv, bath! choice table hoard. Walnut 72.15 W. SPRIICE. 1224-20 Furnished rooms: private baths; table board. Walnut 7171 W. SPRUCE" ST.. 1033 Sulto of 2 rooms and bath with board. ONLY $45 month. 200 Eaaex Apartments. 34th and Chestnut Nice corner apartment. 4 rooms and bath and private hall: will paper and decorate to suit tenant. Inquire Janitor. C-8 SUNDERLAND HOUSE, 35th & Powelton,' modern. $35; living room, pantry, kitchen, bedroom, bath, porch: very attractive: elevi tor; connected refrigerator. Apply Janitor. FURNISHED 8 -and 5 room housekeeping apts ; $25 and $45. Phone Wood'nd 4405. OKRMANTUWN $35 AND $40 Five and 0 room apartments, with all modern conveniences. 4018-10 Wayne ave. SAMUEL STERN. 1201 Cheatnut at. SUBURBAN WALNUT. 6042 Nicely furn rooms, convo nlent to el evated: good table: fine location. 20 N. PARSON ST Desirable room with board. 2 squares from 52d st. "L." SUBUnllAN OERMANTOWN (Harvey st.. 220) Vacancies, tlrBt classi speclalBummer rates. THE SIIIPPEN. Wayne and.Haneberry Flrat class In appointments and service. NEW JERSEY SEASHORE EDISON DIAMOND POINT PHOMOORAPH. cost $00 now. This outfit Is complete with records and cabinet, and will to sold for $34, payable T3 cents weekly. Call or write for complete descriptions and large Illus trated catalogues. HF.PPE'8 UPTOWN STORES, Cor. Oth & Thompson Sts. GARAGE and supply store: capacity for 83 cars: clearing i ipO monthly! best reasons for selling. P 430. Ledger Office. """"' FOR RENT Dentist's office: vacated on ac- So Main st? party. "'"" ""W """" FOR BALE Good paying blialnesa and good location) will glva, reasons for selling. G 758, Ledger Central. PARTNER wanted; excellent opportunity. ...... . ..... ..v...wa - uu , looser mnctf. ESTABLISHED pawn shop for sale: location West Phlla. fk 854, Luiaer Central, 7 LEONARD PLAYER, sllgutly used, terms to sulj P.A NORTH. 3244 Kensington ave. $0O DUE 111!. I. for' sale on responslblo piano ipinnany. illM-ount. G T41. Ledger Central. OLD GOLD OLD uul.l), silver, platinum, plaod ware, old- stvlo Jowelry, teeth plates bought for cash. Est 1S7U J L. Clark, rorlner. 807 Sanaom. CASH PAID FOir""p"lAMONDS. precious stunes. gold, silver, platinum, fain teeth. Phlla. Smelting ft Ref, Co.. 128 s. nth. PATENTS VENTNOR, N. J. Vacancies for select guests, Cottsge, B North New Haven. COUNTRY DOARDERS WANTED YOUNO LADY will take children to board In country near Brldgeton. N. J. best of care and food. Address D 4. Ledger Office. PRIVATE FAMILY having attractive country horn j can accommodate adult guests; good seasonable food! mod. Q 454, Led. Cent. THE OTHER DAT MY VERT GOOD FRIEND THE MAN WHO BUILT THE CRESHBIM VALLEY APARTMENTS" Invited me out to pay them a personal visit. In order that I might see for myself how very attractive theae apartments really were. My expectations were high, but I was In no sense prepared for the delightful surprise I received. Never have I seen such truly beautiful apartments, and the location, too, Is quit perfect directly at Allen Lane Station on the Pennsylvania Railroad, with all thi tnVlns In the world stopping Just far enough across the way. And trees, flowers, grass, puro air the great outdoors all about one. Yes. I have seen many apartments, but I found I could Btlll enthuse. .... You can secure one ot these truly delight, ful suburban apartments Just made to order for th kiddles as Jong as there are any left for. eay. $40 to $53. and If health, happi ness, pure air and sunshine mean much to ou and your family, come to tour c-fflcet let us telr you all about these, truly delightful suburban apartments; step Into one ot our autos and then oh, you know the rest for you really deserve one ot these apartments. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1411 WALNUT STREET .... Spruce 3071, Itace 8023, M ,.t f tl 'ax a 64 -ir. DA. Jt) lit rU vt SANITARIUMS BEAUTIFUL location, special scientific care: nervous, elderly; every comfort: nurne: booklet Dr Randal. City line. Chestnut Hill APARTMENTS WALNUT & 11TH STS. (S. W. Cor.) Modern suites; exceptionally attractive; high ceilings, abundantly lighted on three sides; suitable for housekeeping If desired Rents $41. UT and $75. Janitor on premises. BARBER, HARTHAN & CO.. 1201 Chestnut St. 103 S 11TII ST. Bachelor apartments: excep tionally desirable 2d and 4th door suites; 2 larga rooms and bath: every mod. Improv'mt; ianltor on premises: steam heat Included. lAHIIER. HAItTMAN & CO., 1201 Chestnut. PATENTS, TRADE MARKS, COPYRIGHTS ESTABLISHED 188S. J. WALTER DOUGLASS North American Building, BUSINESS PERSONALS CHAUFFEUR White, single, age 83. careful driver, '8 yi.' exp., first-class mechanic on any carl best ret. O 811, Ledger Central. CHAUFFEUR, colored, desire position! Ova years' experience; city or country. Address Q Tea, Ledger Central. CHAUFFEUR desire position, private) exp.: .temperate; best ref. 1T14 N. Newklrk st. CHAUFFEUR Young, rel. mans 5 years1 sxp.t careful driven best rat. Apply ju U. 6ta. CHAUFFEUR Young man. married, whit good msen.) beat ref. 2$3S N. lambrey. SALESMEN tight wanUd. to- assist regular I PataaajfBI leads turnUhsd. Call a. m-TllJ J Fsdnai at., Camden. & J. Mr. LawUn. FARMER, competent and prse., t yrs. exp. EVENINO LATEST STYLE FULL-DRESS SUITS CLOTHINa PELIV- CALLED FOR FREE CALL OR PHONE POPLAR 233 TO . OPEN EVENlNgS IlltiE! , UCIDNER'8, 10TU & dlRARD AV S.W.Cor. jVULr. nitRRH NfTITJa CuUwajFi. Turedo jind Sack SulU To nlr and mada to order UBAnTHETAIIlj walnut. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR removed. bTelectroijn . sis. the only perm't way Eyebrows arched MI83 SMITH. 402 Keith Theatre Bldg. Miss Hoppa, halrdrea'r, facial uas'ga. uisn lcur'g. form. Mint Arcade, with Mlsa BmTth, TZ Gents' Cast-off Clothing-Bought! . vin st. uood ericesl " " (nit imatnn '.. ..J wiSihSXri '" i iirkjWrmM$ ROOFINQ AND IRON AWNINOS LET US ESTIMATE to coat your rout and guarantee it 10 vears. AMERICAN ROOFINQ CO., 1885 Hldgs avs. STORAGE FIDELITY FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES 1811-1810 MARKET ST. """ ATlAS STORAGE WAREHOUSE Storage. moving, packing, shipping, carpet cleaning. Ph. Hiring T82 tor tlmai. Market JtSIIh! ilct-ANN S, hroiUOB HOUSE. 1148 N. 11th at.i moving, packing, bppmg, guto vans; both phones Let us esflmata.- FmEPJtOOF Mothproof, Concrete Warehouse? 8000 Rooms. $1 00 a mo. Estimate free. N Phlla. Storage Co..203S Lebigh.Tlo.T2m !vo.: LSaSSfe STORAOE Movlw by autq ahloninir. LBVIK BBO.1 rhone Pcrdar 02 ' FPnsdEltALD'S, Blarase Iloujs. iqif K; larit. SeparaUrn.-goedaloauredihauUngV west riuinr.i.i'iiiA HAVERFORD AVE., 38112 rms.. 1 kitchen etteT oatn; rent si-i mo. Apply airs., tiinmsii. APARTMENT HOTELS 97 r c ? art 6 eb 1 THE LITTLE HOTEL 225 S.OUTH BROAD STREET Located right In the centre of everything and combining perfect furnishings and ap pointments with a quiet, hoirjellke atmos. uhere so much to ha desired. We have Just completed and artistically fur. nlshed several new rooms, each with private bath, equipped with marble showers and many other most artlstla features. These rooms have Just been opened, and you are cordially Invited to pay us a visit and see for yourself how refreshingly splok and span and attractive exerytblng really Is, and the ratea are so moderate, toot One dollar to four dollars per day with special weekly fftlRMAN S, SHERWOOD, PROPRIETOR. Furnished 48D CHESTER. "Monterey" Sublet, furn , 9 rms.) up. park: reas. Phone Baring 11T4 M. T OERMANTOWN WILL SUBLET attractive apartment In Oer mantown: 4 rooms, bath,- private sleeping .porch. Telephone Poplar 4010 NEW JERSEY SEASHORE ATLANTIC CITY. 131 8. Florida ave., anarlment. bath, attractively furnished, all large and airy rooms, corner property, ocean view, 4th house from Boardwalk, every modern convenience, $150, June, July and AUgUSt ; XtlaNTIO CITY 2408 A$lantlo ave., 2d flodr, nicely furnished 6-room apartment, bath, i minutes to boardwalk, $250. June, July, Au gust Apply on premises or to C M Kealer. Orangcr's Market. 2318 Atlantic av FURNISHED APARTMENTS 1800 JEFFERSON Owner ot comfortable boms wllr anara lima or rant apartmant. 2 In family, reference exchanged. Phone A LADY will rent on or two, rooma tn a Sue apartment, eentraiiy locateu, rfa,janbit reference), p 3. Lsdgtr Office, ALDINE JJOTEL S-g The beat x;ooms and suites, with the best table, in Phila. Day, Week, Month, Seasop, Year THE DEI.JIAH.MORRI3 VW1U1 VE 8" , ,w r rt -,,,, n-., ....V.-V- WJr'S.'rVJKfoi-r'. ""'"' V Xlu( RAH- OERMANTOWN T CHELTEN AVE STATION. TENNA ATTRACTIVELY FURNISIIKn AVrv I'M. FURNISHED SUITES AND HOUSEKEEP ING APARTMENTS THE CLINTON BNiaMJggMw 200 ROOMS EVERY CONVENIENCE, Furmslwd or ,unfurnlsa4. either by lease or transiently; suite of one to (oar rooms, with tiatb. THE COVINOTON CHESTNUT AND STTH 8T8, B. F. ENOLE. MANAOER Also the Engleslds. Beach Haven. N. J. Chain iKO-rvfom suits foe rtnt. THE GLADSTONE 1XT&PMl FURNlgHEp OR UNFURNISHED , ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF THE ESMOND " Suite of 3 t9io and bain, furaise!, l i, , , , ivf, -; v-,:i:rr-:rr-r-aT..-acaaaa' Mt4 t' rib, - u K U r 4 'fl f 1.1 H Otb ClaWiJ Ada on Ksyt VM- at ri d' i-l 1 t l j ;.' ' " -," Jjit f ' t w r tstVt " n i bc io Jar pa it m ( iU
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers