. J- - c feSv ft & r 5 h LV, f ' ETEKly DtfgB1?aitAl)BLHlAt ftATnDAY, MXY 13. 1916, -4-'- ' -i ii i ..H..II. I f i , .. - ,r , , , i . i , iu- . , -., i i ,. . .... , T. . t ,tl .7,, i - i i I i ii. i ; in ii "ii ; .J,1 :' 1 ' "" " iii-. , --r-.V '-''" ''" ' i . .. ,. .,- - ., -. ii y .i - ' " CW'jRourse you can Telephone your Want ads to the Ledger : Call Walnut or Main 3000 : Six, editions da JJ-UOdM", PA., fcT iWr; MENT .HOTELS danffnttfif rpj rrreettitig J'ooe THE TRACY ,' 86th nnd Chestnut (Elcvhlctl Station) PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT GUESTS Appeals to families and seekers for QtJIET SURROUNDINGS &EAI. ESTATE OR BALE ilEAIi ESTATE FOil SALE Conilnurtt rem rreeedino Column 53 rKtl CENT. Inveatm.ht; IS house. In north west; rent $17; prlc $!700i 1800 cash each req, J. n. MA83BY fe.SOX. 18lh and Green. , 1418-1417-1410 bomb, wn." A. H. W1I.LIAJ18. 528 Walnut st. 3on4-aoo-joos-9olirTiHt3iAUi:rrenT fni Price $10.10, A. H. Williams, 852 Walnut at. Business Properties and Star. CtTY SOflfl MT.. .VERNON Beautiful modern real, ilence. 12 roams, 2 baths, hardwood floors throughout, hot-wnler heat, excellent condi tion! cbst owner $12,000 two years ago! will sacrifice "Mr $8500. M nmr.mnl leave ?ltyitm)J. lie Been to be appreciated. Open or, Inspection dav:-6r eenlng, or phone 8pru.ee 4701 for turn particular. SS22-il W. DAUriltN ST , 30120 ft., with 2313, Fletcher at. on rrnr, 18150 ft.i as sesseil at $0000: monthly rental, till. N. W. aide Scilgley Ave.. N n. of Fletcher at.. 73 f(. 7H In., and on east line north 04 ft. S'4 In.! Irregular: nssrssed 12300. TUB vwVNU TITLE AND TRUST CO., Broad and Cheatnut at. "-TRIDENT" WATER METER New properties can go on water meter rates nt ortce If installed before being occupied. PliVtl,f.l!,,,,u.Sb:rnnT'krtco,ANT 042 Ileal Estate Trust Building. FOR MANUFACTURING or atorngai building 4 floors and basement, 20xlAOi electric and hand elevators: entrance on two streetsi can be rtlvMil, li.lnir frent tnr- Hlnre sntt nAtiii. factuflnr, (he rear for storage! reasonable. ..Tin N. 3d St. Apply to owner on premises. "&EA ESTATE FOR SAtB WEST rtULADKLmtA vmltnutd -Iron meedino Column MATtTi "Oh ihnf.r-a found UI I've found III The house with the Sleeping Porch! it's the "Olbson House." out at oBth A Florence Avenue. Just as atj'llsh as the ."Olbaon Olrl." lfs a dear! . I, nm Just craiy to ret one. rrnmlse me you will ro out with me , and look at It tomorrow. . . JOHN) I will.. Twill da what t said, Mary. I will buy you a house with a Sleep Inr Torch, If It costs a million dollars. REAIi ESTATE TOR SALE Continued from rreeeilno Column St. Martin's. Chestnut Hill. Exceptional Building Lot' In choice- aectlon. Protected hy line residences: - It Is a corner, I4S ft-'by 300 It.: fnelnlt southwest: convenient to station and rhlla. l.'rlcket Club aotf course: the only lot for sale In this Immediate section; see It. WM H. WILSON & CO. Jgnnj? REAL ESTATE tfOR SALE MfflNavt.VANiA t).ntm,S- Tlorn P1 Ares nml nwrlllnas (3S0O 4K01 N. JIOWAHD. cor, of Ixiuden St., tore, v rooms;, suit Darner or lauor; not water heal, eleetrlo llirht! tarne lot. N j.CHAniina tundt 30t Tabor road, Olncy. Onllrtlnjr Lots, faetory Bites, etc. THHCB BAIIOAINH v 801.1 N. 22D (Tloita). 3 story, porch front . side ynrd. Assri. 4.ino Trice ISK00 1814 N. VAN TlJI.T. .1 story, JO rooms. lot 1 il.fl by 7.1. Assd $21100. ,, .Trlco 13000 1303 N. ir.TH. 3 storv. II roomsl can be converted Into npartmentsi lot 1 by f", Asid. J4S0O... .,..,,,.,.:.. .I'rlrn SA300 MYllllB i IIAUT1I, RUIes nve. nnd 10th. EXCKTTIONAt, OTTOriTUNtTT One of the very best houses on Diamond St. west of Broad St.; will saerltlce. TAU1.ANE. 0O Walnut ot. MOOE11N HOttSK Near lllltenhouso Sauare 13 Rooms. 3 Hatha. , Hardwood floors Hlectrlo light. AUrncttvn nnd modern In e-cry detail. .Itrnsonabln Trice. waiinock i:.Mi,nN Commercial Trust" Hullillnc. FACTORY SITES SPRING GARDEN STREET FROM Fifth to Bron'd Street AsrirALTBD STnKRT, 120 FBnT WIDE! OOOD MOHTl CnNTRAI. J-OI'ATIONJ NBAIt . ltOMBH OK KMTlXJTESI CONVBNIBNT .TO RAILROAD FRBiailT STATION. APPI.T THOS. E. DUNN 133 South Fifth St. Lumber Yard With Railroad Siding for sale, nenr North Philadelphia Station. Frederick H. Warner 020 t.and Title Hulldlnir. Stores and1 Dwellings 82D ST.. cor. Warren (14.15 N. Oppilt St, Oreirory'a Church; splendid nn-nlnni for undertaker or any business. OWNKIl, 1472 . N. B2d St. OratMANTOWN RACntKtcn nBOAIlDI.ESS OF PRICB 8311 N. ,17th St., exceptionally desirable resi dence, in rms., 2 baths, larite reception hall. etc. 1 newlr remodeled, no rensonehln. nfler U-. refused. , Paul F. Mers. Franklin A l'lplnr. 2110 WEST ONTARtO STREKT Three-story, porch ilweillnn, 13 rooms; first-class condi tion! will he sold atn bargain! easy terms, JAMKH D. WINL'IIUM, N, W, Cor. lUth mid Sansom sts. 115 West Tulpehocken St. Beautiful Btlsahethan housef with tarae prounds and many trees. It is newest house in the nelahborhood, havlnir been built, only a few years nao by well-known Philadelphia architect. Rooms Are laree. Ileaiitlfully appointed, with every modern comfort nnd convenience. Situated In heart of the most select part of Qermantown. RTVNnnM PRTP1RTATAM B300 .,uui,.i,iii 0(n ev a- 342.1 N, 21ST ST. 3-STOItr, bWCLMNO, modern! ona block from Tioga Btatlon; price reasonable; easy Urms. INDUSTRIAL, TRUST CO.. 1050 N. Front at. TIOOA, 3010' N. 21ST11 rooms, 2 baths, porch front! very low price! easy terms, WORRBMi, R53 N, 17th, OGONTZ AVE. OOJ.D- STANDARD QUAt.tTY HOtTRBfl. onij iiicji south or cuni.TBN aVb, York road, Clermnntown and Wayne ave nue cars transfer over Cheltcn nve. On an avenue 130 ft. wide, n cozy home, mnaninrently located. Modern In eiery de tail. Hardwooil floors throughout i hotwater heat: massive porrhest terraced fronts. , Titioi:. 3sr.n. 1.BW1S II. AIIRONHKI, 02.13 Oaonls ave. DRSIIIAnt.H RUtt.DINO I-OTH for.aalo In West Philadelphia and Oermnntown (close to Wayne Junction HtntlonJ, sultublo for spring- building operations. 8AMURL, STKHN, 1201 Chestnut at. 1820 W.iVENANQO ST., cor, Orntai lot lOx 130 ft.: 3-story brick ihvelllne, 10 rooms, 2 baths. Inclosed laundry with tubs, hot water heat, iras and electric Hunt! J00OO. The Itnd Tltlo nnd Trut Company, Trust De parfment. Rroad and f'hestnut. f 5ACRlFlCI-inm Poplnrrst.; absolutely the finest tfouse In tho nelehlxirhood: It must be seen to appreciate Its qualities: no reason able offer refused: can bo bought below the asa'ssmrnt. Paul II. Myers, Franklin nnd i'opia,r. DBSIRAUI.nhome. detached. 0 rooms, all convs. , lot 00x100. (rood location: ronv. trol lev. Apply Owper. 272.1 Cramer t.. Camden. 20211 lll'.IUIANTOWN and 2.127 and 20 NORTH StXTII HTRT.CT Laundry property, fully equipped; will bo sold nt bargain and on easy terms. JAJina D. WINCIIHI.Ii N. W. corner 17th and Sansom sts. CO.NTRObT.INO CBNTRAI. CORNER i In a location whore ble Improvements nre being mode.' ' . J, A. PATTER80N. 130 S. ISth.at. NOHT11 nml West Phlla. and Oermamown , Homes, J1800 to SCOOO. rirsl pnvirient onlv Jinn to J.100, JIERCHANTS UNION TRUST CO. 713-717-7111 Chestnut st, - BKAtJTIFl'T, o"Ed SHADE and shrubbery wim mis nnnfisome tietneneel borne, ni.i SITES. RAILROAD, for sale. Pennsylvania ana needing: iuoo per acre and up, accorti Inir to location. Inquire for terms. ' DJi:Ti:RICII,.73TWalnut. B LOTS. 20x100, Bast (Walnut lane, west of Stenton avo.. $17fl each. 3 lots, 10x84, Clarkson ave., Loaan. 1100 each. 210 Stephen Olrnrd Hulldine. 454-0-8 "N. AMERICAN ST.. 48x100. through to uodinc st. : more around ir needed. HURBVITZ. 831 N. Oth St. , $6000 On Easy TerniS7" A 3-story twin stone hduso. on A terraced lot, near tho station: It has Juit been entirely repapered and painted, ready to move right In; steam heat. Kaa and electricity: large porch nnd. laundry: excellent value on enay terms. Including hrand new window shades Sen us liefore sold. MORRIS ill. DO. WE IIAVH T7IB IttrUSB YOU WANT IN TtOOA OH LOOAN KBNNBDY A RAMHO. 3740 OBHMANTOWN Logan STORES, DWELLINGS AND APARTMENTS For Ralo or Rent In Ileal Sections of I.ogan. WM. D. CHAMIIBRS, 4033 N. Broad St. REAL ESTATE FOR PALE OR IU1NT MONEY FOR MORTOAOES THOMAS MclLHBNNY. 4038 N. Ilroad st. Olney WM. H. WILSON & CO. DON'T FAIL tn ute tho .Mcdnry hvo. hnuftrtt. I,et for 1 11)0i on Uip mnrlctM. rlrctrlc llffht; wldo porch; htirh crnundt ilcslrnblp lorn t ion: siim ple houAf. 11MK, opeh tor Inspection, tftko car to Choltcn nnd Oaontz avc,, wnlk south ono block. GLYND0N PRIESTMANms CHOICE I1U1LDINO LOTS and large tracks ground in nil parts city: nlso over 200 mfg. lies Melvln 1315-10 Real Est. Trust Bids. FACTORY SITE. 147-140 N. flth; lot 30x80 feel. A. II. WILLIAMS, 322 Walnut. Factories WARKHntmr 73d st. and P., It, t W. Hall road: two-story brick warehouse: tot 3Sxf3 ft. Desirable' for small factory or storage. Railroad siding avnllable. A YOCUM & POWERS CO. 20 H. 1.1th st. 0;MU Woodland nve. Tabor road: lot"7.1 It- wide: 2 fronts on ri'nrt nrlerd wav below cost. AlJL'il.NETHY. 2721 N. .1th. 133 'S. 1 Eunice th. .CENTUAI. PltOPBRTIES for sale or rent: send us your requirements, YARROW A VAN PELT J,'. K. Cor. 17th nnd Chestnut sts. Phone 3180 Spruce or 2II7II Race. niDail.AVIlT AND DAUPHIN ST. Beautiful home. 10 rooms, porch; opposite Park entrance! excellent location. Owner sklnir $.1100. Must sell. SEESE. 2flth nnd Cambria. . DO YOU WANT A FINE HOME AT A BARGAIN PRICE Iook at 103S N. Cnmac st.: 0 rooms; convs.: niscMed $3200: price J320Q: make offer. J. KUW.1RU LUTZ. 210 .N. 17TH ST. LAROE MANUFACTURINO TLANT. 400 fe.t frontage on Dolawaro River; Pcnna. R. R. aiding; oftjeo bldg., laboratory, covered ship ping platform, etc., water supply from river and artesian wells: boilers, engines, every thing complote. TAUI.ANE. 000 Walnut st. . .LOT IN LINCOLN DRIVK SECTION Wayne ae. nbove Johnson st., 100 ft front by 33,1 to 300 .ft. deep, with rear outlet to Johnsoh st , this lot slopen to the south west, has lino old shade trees, faces Fair mount Park and la protected an nil aides by host class of Improvements: unques tionably the choicest lot In this section: or will exchnngo for modern, detached house In Pelham or Lincoln drive section of equal vnlue, II. F HBTTS. H.-illey Ilulldlng. 2000 " RUSCOMB ST.. EAST OF BTH ST, Continued rim rrecerflrto Column LANOHORNE- Exceptional Opportunity A gentleman' country !-',ni"i,,j2,!' hnur'arlde from city In tfnln; a nn pea; men of stone Colonial nrchlteeture """,""? Pie chambers anA modern baths' house is ipnelous and suhslantiilly. built thrmighonu with plenty or cnarncier; ui ncrr ;' ""! flat and-. rolling land: private stable . snd garage; h so fsrmer'a house and n large i new Earn; jvoud'rful trees and lVn,l"5L5Jr! Meyer for miles; rl sn to golf rlub; see numer ous photos, then Inspect the property; will dlvldo ntreage to suit bluer. WM. II. WILSON & CO. $gH? fruit, barn, chicken house, pig air, I 14050. A. II- TYSON. Lnnad tie. Pa, LANSDOWNE SB900.00 EASY TERMS Attractive detached dwelling. Slone and ronah-cast slate roof. 0 rooms and bath. Lot 48 ft. by 14rf ft. Hot-wnter heat, gas and eleelele light! 3 minutes from trolley, 10 from train. S. R. VANDERBECK 37 MAPLE AVE. , LANHi)OWNi'3-i3300l"onfy 1300 cash, L.halanco 121 per montn. purcnases an """' urban home: 2Vi alory! slono and atucco; 8 rooms: burdnood lloorsi stationary luba: uns uiul olcLtrlc IlKhls: ileen lot. J. W, OAXIAO CO. 02d and Woodland ae. Both phones. LLANHRCH Splendid homes along the Ar. more trolley. , from, Willi T,rm,,nuU, .1 eluding Hlahland Park. Ilroohllne, South Ardmore, onkmont and Ardmore: 1 3. .00 up. Ardmore. J. ELMj;RWATT3 Llanerch. TACHBl'AHWin IN MELROSE 1'AllK. rrospeet, nenr Spring axe., offered for quick salei fine londltlon: very best location: tho price nnd terms will Interest you. J. T. JACKSON CO., Oak Lane REAL ESTATE FOR SALE rENN8YLVANlABPn.tmnAN Contlrrnrcf irom Prtctdina Column COLONrAt. FARMHOUSE ' emodeled, all convenltnces: 10 acres! spflno; louse; smill running atream; tennis court; louse contains 0 bedr6om8 and 2 hatha, liv ing room. den. library, dining room, pantry and kitchen; stationary waahtubs. electric light, hardwood floors, numerous open fire ppiceS! flnfc old shade around the. house, ap p e orchard, meadow; on niscadftm road. 1 me rniiroad staiion nna i";"" "v:"iyit' nl can Ho ruE.7!l?('V' o-v-onw iiiWffWfeifiiUi?.yiM8 Deep lots rooms, hot-M Ing. hnrilwnml hutlt on solid ground. J. CHARLES STUNDT, 301 Tabor road. fT-ir.iinii nAtiirrhrstniit nve.. near stn lion: 102.10 for all-stono modern 3-storyJ houae; newly painted, every convenient c nin water heat, etc ; lot .10x170; old shade; rrnraeo. J. T. JACKSON CO., Oak Luno, SUBURBAN HOUSES PENNA. MAtN, LINE HEADINU RAILWAY MAURAN, DOLMAN & CO. N. E. CORNBR j BROAD AND CHESTNUT STS. NEW HOUSE In excellent location,' near sta- Hon. yet secluded; 12 'rooms, .1 baths; lot 7.1x182! moat modern In nrrangemont and coiivenfcniea: room for garage. If needed! 40-cndy for spring occupancy. LOWER MERION REALTY CO. Iind Title Ilulldlng. Ll-"ri rom rA.lrl.? HtimrtHXnr- - "-!"? Jial!LAva18..w"5. M VILLANOVA- " Ja52!ii!jL(ll Very i .?a"ti Bultdtnir KJh .'M'tiT.. '". I offerw 2i 'W! s.saissi tatesrinnd can he bSuK.vJ'" r'VJ.S soLcdrs IOMRa. UAN 3samm i. i.mi all jKhjMS& WOODBtlRT HKIOIITfl, '" -JalaJS-V-P'rduetl.,.! uri'iNiitrv loth inrioN iini(?HTgDJTwa WHTUPPIT",'' .wnfir hea?iauXy?eUctr.c Vr? MEUt6HTrPARKi-Iluli,llnTo't' at a bargWf; ood Onlahi near Blh st. trolley: I 83x140; old ahados between train and trolley; lid ground. very apecial. J. T. JACKSON CO.. Branch Upsal Street Detached House 14 rooma; fares south; on high land; near trsln nnd trolley; lot has 8". feet front nnd extends about 175 feet In depth; can sell on very satisfactory terms; this will mnko elc- Kniii nomc; ii is in a Denuiiiut. section. MORRIS BLDO. WM. H. WILSON & CO. GERMANTOWN HOMES ffAi.n on urnt Advise us of jour requirements. iisi upon request. Select WEST PIIIIuMlELPIIIA 13300 TWO-STORY. 8-room porch.front dwell Ing m main street; first-clnaa condition: will be sold on easy terms to desirable pur chaser for a home. , SAMUEL STERN. 1201 Chestnut at. 1811 I'JKU ST. Modern 2-atory porch dwell-t ins win ue s.ierinceu tor imnieuiHie sale; open fcr Inspection by appointment, Walnut n.-.ti or Race lieu. (inoiK.'i; a. johm,o.v, 1218 Chestnut at.. Philadelphia. MONEY FOR MORTGAGES Building ABKjrtittlnn and Trust Funds. TAU1.ANE. 1100 Wnlnut at. POINTING Bricklaying, plastering nnd marble work; es timates cheerfully BUen. CASPAR EllIN- GER. 1007 N. 2d st. BelliphonejJJens.Jfllo. 1534 W."LEHIGir AVE. 3-stofy substantial brick dwelling; 11 rooms; porch front: good ordr: want o'fer. WILLIAM L. CRAVEN'S feONS. 15HI North 7th at, , lSU'l LOCUST st! Handsome, modern 4-atory brownstnne dwell ing, especially n.ted tor professional ortlces; low price und easy terms forqulck sale. 1721 N. '.'jTII bT. Corner dwellincrb Btorles, 11 rooms; not-water heat. MAURICE J. HOOVER 5i 2311, N.. 3130 A 13300 house for $2900 If i sold this week; makes a nice home; 2 story. 1 7 rooms. Uundry; suitable terms: open Sun- , dnv. O'Brien & Co.. L'SIT V. All,,v,.r, 1 INCOME 17 P. C. ON INVESTMENT OF 1300 2 story. 3 rooms, bath and heater; large lot: price. 11500; usseisment tlOUO; rented, a 431. Ledger Central. - CENTRAL APARTMENT HOUSE 8IT10 Corner property, near 17th nnd Spruce sts. Low' price for null It safe. J. A. rATTURSON. 130 Houtn 15th st. MAKE AN OFFER. 4009 Pine St., assessed $10,0(10 4412 Locust St.. assessed 5,51)0 23.1 H. 45th at., assessed II. (Mill 322II Haverford ave 2.4ml N. E. cor. 2d nnd Cumberland sta.... 4.oni 2143 K. Adams at 2.500 1122 Wallace at n.nnll 21123 Frunkford avo. . ..7v 2.8ml 710 N. 10th st 8.51111 4011 George st I.ilnll 2.119 N. Kith st .1.11011 1401 N. 11th st 2.-10(1 4003 Cedar nve 7.500 CONTINENTAL-EQUITABLE TRUSTl CO.. J 21 S. 12th st. RARE CORNER BARGAIN Greatest opportunity ever ofTered In Over brook section. Well-built. 2-atory. 8 rooms. Btcnm heat, electric lights, all conveniences. LOT 1110 FT. ROOM FOR, GARAGE Located on corner of main sis. liuslnes1. change compels this quick sale. Terms to suit. No Information over phono. Call nt office. Adolph B. Caspar. 0032 Itnsd.iwne ne. CHARLES J. HOOD & CO. (MORRIS IILDO.) 1421 CHESTNUT ST. $7500 for Pebble Dash House with 11 rooms. 2 bathrooms and nil the modern conveniences; new slato roof. This Is near train und trolley. It Is vacant nnd enn bo bought "right." WM. H. WILSON & CO. s',s Onk Lnne i OFFERED AT SACRIFICE Detached cornel homo In Onk Lnne; neighborhood entirely Improved; large lot, old shade. House has great possiitiiuies. siiuuu ir sold at onte. J. T. JACKSON CO. Branch Ofncc.O.ik l.an, NEW CORNER PROPERTY Every modern I improvement, uaruwooa noors, nrepiaces, etc.; prtco S7500. WM. IIARR. 8th and Oak lane. Office. Oak Lane. NORTH GLENBIDE 500 lots, well locateil. In good nclghborhod; special Inducement to builders; two R. Its. nnd trolloy; wrlto for liooklet. Wm. G. Olenn. Land Tltlo bldg. PENNSYLVANIA SUIIL'ItllAN . AMBLER An Ideal Country Home 17 miles from City Hall; 13 acres In lawn, trees, shrubbery; with new stone house built In 1010, 18 rooms. 3 baths, largo porches, hardwood floors, hot-water heat, gns and electricity; opon vlow; on tho grounds thero Is a tennis court: small lake and strenm of water. THIS TH CERTAINLY WORTHY OF YOUR INSPECTION WM. H. WILSON & CO. ?a AMI! LEU ;Ve have a splendid niter In c of Urga to biiihii .arms 01 an Kinua, suunn I purposes, extensive country places, ond small farms of all kinds, sultahlo for 11 purposes, extensive country piacps, bud urban homes, bulldlnc lots, tc, ; advise us character of property you desire, how much ou want to invest, and let us submit you npeclal list. II. J. O Acer. inc.. Ambler, Pa. WASHINGTON LANE Three-srtirv corner house, with 12 rooms, 2 baths; electric Hcht: modern heating; has Iven taken over by h bulldlntr nsnoclntton and Is for satq at a re duced figure; most desirable location, GLYNDON PRIESTMAN ""o Gin. av. BUY ON THE IKllH.EVARD BOTH ST. ABOVE MN8DOWNE AVE. The very best construction. UNEQUALBD AT 14000. Up to date In eiery particular. Including hardwood floors throughout. JAS. C. ENUUHG, Rullder. LARGE LIST BEAUTIFUL NEW HOMES. Modern In every detail and some en i ho bought at assessed alue. It will pay you to get my list first. Telephono for appointment. Auto serv lc McCOURT. 2S S. 00th (cor. Ludlow). Our machines aro at your disposal' If. In terested In Suburban property Inspections made quickly and conveniently. SMULLEN & BARRY FnANUt.IN HANK BLDO. Walnut 2137. WALNUT LANE " E.nu ..... . . GERMANTOWN Modern. nttrctli' 10-room house. Just com pleted. 1 lilnut 'rom Oermnntown ne, and new Germi.'tn-in High School: moderate prim; com enlent terma. Thono Gtm. 20t3. "iVB CAN OFFER you properties atTower prlces thnn trj rust of construction. SMULLEN & BARRY ' , FRANKLIN HANK lll.DO WnlnuJJ537. We specialize In Grmantown property. See us lfore locating. Lists upon request. SMULLEN & BARRY FRANKI,IN BANK Bl".Da. Wnlnut" 2.137 "tEl it"e. fTl HBVISKIl -M.B LIST GERMANTOWN AND CHESTNUT HILL B. B. LISTER. BII12 GermajUfmnavenue IVB CAN assist ou to find that house nui,r- looking for. Germ.intnwn Trust Co.. Chelfen nd ii.rmnntown aves BALA ATTRACTIVE STONE house, with garage. 12 rooms, 2 baths; high ground; lot size, 80x2011, nil Lonenlences,vAbply to LOWER MERION REALTY CO. LAND TITLE BUILDING NORTH GLENSIDE Attractive bungnlows, all Improvements; lino surroundings; iirlo . reisonnble. North Glensldo Land Co., North Glenslde, Pa. NOItWoilD. PA. 78 lots, various locations, at bargain pflces to close n estate. C. W. Onbell. Jr.. Executor. B14 Wnlnut at. B.IDLEY PARK. Attractive stono nnd shlnglo houso, 10 rooms and bath; gas and electric light: hot water heat; corner lot 7.1x150; convenient to train or trolley. Owner Will sacrifice for UUlck SAle. LOWBR MERION REALTY CO., LAND TITLE BLDO. V SHARON HILL COMPLETE COUNTRY PLACE 8 miles from town: 17 ncrea; 22-room house, 3 baths: olec trlc light, nrtestati water; garage, barn, greenhouse, tennla court, stream nnd pond; 111 mlnutea from It. R. stutloit: attrnctlvo price for quick snln. I.OWKR .MERION REALTY CO. Land Tltlo Bldg. COUNTRY PLACE ON P. & R. Owner, innteil to New York, will sell Ills reel dence. with .1 acres of land, nt reasonable price! house has 12 rooms, bath, electricity, e. ; stable and a tenant house (now rented): plenty nf beautiful shade; fruit nnd floral garden; see photo! visit promptly before sold. WM. H. WILSON & CO. $? $5000 For Detached House 2 squares from station and only 25 minutes from City Mall; 11 rooms, Ibathi electricity! old shade: fruit; lot 0xl30. WM. H. WILSON & CO. 8 $38.10 FOR BEST brand-new corner house Ih Olney, nar train and trolley: ery conveni lent; worth (4200; yourtnwn terms. J. T. JACKSON CO.. Chestnut nnd 13th. SUBURBAN DWELLINOS and bungalows, $3000 up; send for list sale or rent: nlso rare bargains In sub. lots. RYAN. 212 Dsr by road. Llanerch. 5008 Market St.. Phlla. $2000 7-ROOJI HOUSK LANGHORNB Lot .10x180, chicken house: shade, frultiln nbundance: excel, loc. ! near Bellvuo nve. C. P. PETERS & SON. 0118 Chestnut st. NinV .IKRSnY BKASlWElj: A.'ninlL. ri't' ,"sed $50 BooT"!"! 1 Rtli Thn.' ATLANTIC! niTV o.'.... n rV2- ?i55ef' !9"t !iiioVwntvn,"?IA J!l2i ''1'1 IKIOU a g, , B17 relnnf. "" xq. H. Collins, flefmante?.l51 WI HDWqou. N. J. Summer ..? tngo for sale, f ully furSsheS l-'ft1' dentlal section! tin KS. h,. ,T,r.m."J..'R?d. 'n-?yery reVpe'criii?.; ,...-, w.k.l,, . w. cor. 17th lDiI streets, . "-"iii ana Bani ttriT.nwnnr .-i"" $800 Two lots 1.. ..vl!iV? f SS?-3S0 !" Paclfle avenu, $1200 Two lots on Roardiraitr Thlli Is ihniil fclli Iii"'lt . cepted, If. BUNTING. bVst'.SXv? i - . - . ---,.. ., USLIIIinrTHA A t I --"- I COTTAOE at Cnp May or OceinFuZ msVsjj fKF.XV IIAMl'SUirtK PETHLEHEM. N, II. A in uinieii"m, J Jt.. to cox. iw-.j' tho Presidential Range. Whits Bj.2Tt frqm.porch: alttlng-room wlthlSirS,2W n nenrooms. ma d'a room. dlnlnVr!ifl hot wateHilrge'prchr.enad"? ImmedUte possession. .AddrJv! J. 'ifi .v... I.TI.UHJ,, lnll juarnet ,t pjjira PENNSYLVANIA FARM8 SUBURBAN HOMES FOR SALB OR RENT WENDELL & MASSBY 1 Real Estate Trust Building ' CHOICE BUILDING SITES Ln nghorne. Pa. S U 1 1 V It 1 1 A N CO I TNTRT TOWN Send for Cntalogue. nnnwv ft cr.O'tn Norrlatnwn. Pa. BltOOSIAI.I. heat, electric Bungalow, 0 rooms, bath, nis inuare from trolley. 5215 Chestnut. a, UUllli Dt-TJmill nncn fireulace: one Kershaw & Crowl, COLLINODALE Extra nice: new houses conv. to trolley line to tlOth st.; 2ft aty.. brick and shlnsle; hot-wnter heat. elcc. laundry, win dow sents; din. and pir. chestnut; det. front nnd side porches; 374xl2A; open; ;i5UU. HWOt'W-ft SONH, Darby. 1 COLWyy 111 Chestnut; anxious to sell while vacantr fit., heater, pore. bath, ajl conv., 27Jlxfi0. Key & partlc. awone 4: tjons. Darby. CYNWYD-. nEAUTIFUL ENGLISH HOUHE with R.irnKe. Id rooms. 4 baths (0 chambers), fl fireplaces. All modern Improvements. lfandsuineiy furnished throunhout, 1 looms I h rite- uitil brliht. Oaraeo holds 2 cars. Lot over one acre. LOWEIt MERION U13ALTV CO. LAND TITLE 11U1LDINO "SIIIULBY" 275 acres with dlstlncttvn. hUi column Colonial house, In prove near Frazer. J M. rUONEFIELD. Wavne, Tenn t. soittii AitDMoni: f ATTRACTIVE, 4teAV, detached lioms nlmm Ardmore trolley; all alzea, deeilFrns and prices. Open for Inspection ery day. Why talk about them? Come out and let us ahow you theso homes. Easy terms, "War. S. DAVIS, omce at station. dELUCT 1'roperllCH louuiry seats, farms. Llit orders how. LEWIH T. HHOOKE A SON. 1414 Hnii'h Pnn aq. FOUNDED 1M7. utiiidintT rits . AHDHLHY. PA. DESIKAHLE LOT. for rjulck aale.A 40x80 ft. Will sacrifice C 22L Ledger Omce. acn Wn SOUTH AUD.MOUE Hultdlns slte-4 at Onk. nionc ami oouin Arumoru; any size up io i ;re; very near trolley anrt nis school. a. uais (oinco at staiinni. 8PHINOFIELD Every ono would not b Inter ested In the old stone houHe with no Improvi) ments. barn, old tippta orchard, ynurttr eiui , orchard, ,'oodIand with runnlnff atrnam and sprinps nnd any nrreage from i: to 30 ucrps. 3 minutes' walk from the Medli Short Lino and three-quarters of a mile from Spring field, now hcim; developed by A, Merrltt Taylor, buttho party to whom this property mnkra Its appeal and who Is familiar with present values and futuro prospects ln that locality wllj slBn an aureement io purchase nfir he Bees tb propertyand hears the trlce. YOCUM & POWERS CD, 2(1 S. ISlli st. main nxi:. PA., P. It. K. AltDMOHE 2-3 OF AN ACRE Ten minutes' taIkfrom Ardmore Station; most deslr. loca. Norti side; sur. by beau, proiertles and well aharied with old trees. SAMUEL C. WAGNER, JR. Il.'il COMMERCIAL TRUST BLDO. BRYN MAWR , CHOICE LOTS AT COST on North side in very desirable locitlon. Ten mlnutcH' walk from station. Tw.i lots ln fine Incatlon for doctor. SAMUEL C. WAGNER, JR. .320 COMMERCIAL TRUST BLDO A GENTLEMAN'S COUNTRY 1 ,,.., . .WORTH $20,000 ! Beautiful farm containing, 78 acres i vated land nml ln n,.. l-.2irf?; land, located In .Bucks County 30 ml mS! tn;iTi,.pi.Js'mJiroTtn -.n Pa? of- wMcX Is. nntlque" furnl trE" '3i.7,ffiiu.M-.ii'lR!lTO.ataisH51 brooder and nil other necesaafy outtriMk sr it'T: ",a:r rJ?u'"-'.L"n, in . .. ....... i m nun vrflB, SolHMJ ttftflh i atock mid machinery. One and a hall NM from Doyleatown nnd Easier i trollwjffl convenient to churches, stores and cruruny i ,pi U..II.IIIII. tim irapronm alone ore worth tho prlco naked. .Will i n-..ii v .." '" ""-iingo ior part pari Full pnrtlc'ilnra. ' K. W. ROOOKNTINB 5350 Germantown ave. r,nvT... . . t,, .,.,.- remodeled, nil conveniences: 10 acreHrcrw hnuse: small running stream; tennis cow house contains II bedrooms nnd 2 bittls It in,- ,iim. ucn, uiirnry, inning room. pn! nnd liltrtrn; stationary wnaMobs. elt ngnt. iinrilwnnd Ooors. numerous epen t-l pares; One old ahnde around the howe! u.4 plo orchnrd. meadow, on macadam rotlill mlln rallrnnd station nnd trolley: 31-mbiitj trnln ride to cltv ndlnlnln? flitnllnv.lnft iJJ , ley. Hunt Club: rnmenlent terms, addltlooatj i.iiiu villi iip liiirT-tiiiHii, HRItKNKSS li STETSON LAND TITLE BUILDING J BUILDING, ASSOCIATION BARGAIN North east eeytjarti 8 dwellings; all rented: total rent IH,.11.. CHA.S. W, MILLER. 401.407 Commonwealth , Building. lllli. l3TH.'.'l4Tlt7ANp 15TH WARD IlllYr KnS.&MIJ.BRSAND RENrnit.H. sfclj FltlKDfttcn & CO., 8111 -N, 12TH ST, BROAD' ST.,rl?29'T'N. La'ree" lot: Ist-cUaa condition. HOItACBtKntTZ.7iaWaInut st. 2D WARD (I roonmlurge lot: assessed tlSOOl LTdgttV'Lr'a0?.'"0 1IARaAIN' a 80.' S. IV. COB. 10TH AND CHERRY STS. Lot 21x103. JAMBS D.WINCHBLL? N. W cor. 17th and Sansom sts. BAROAINCorner nouse. well located for apartments. All large front rooms und baths; grand trees snd root garden. 2040 Wallace. BAItaAiry-2014 WALLACE SemldilachedT stor eat 12 roomsi $4050: assessment $3500. Apply p012 N. 11th, OTH ST..N., 1820 Qood condition: rent. $18! Us Bar- assessed $1000; make offer. tick, esq., in walnut at. J. Louis 1321 GREEN Deslr. home, rented, t.10; will bring $53; assessed $0300; price $2300. sub to $3500. J. R. Massey & Son. 13th A Green! BACBUnCE Spring Oard.n above 20th. 14 8"n' '4th be,ow assessment. Apply 1033 N. CAMAC. $2000! 3-story dwelling: good order! easy terms: $300 cash. ' A. H. WILLIAMS, B22 WalnuL 1602 ORKBN ST. Deslr. resrwlth 14"roorns. suitable for apts. : assessed S7B0O: price $3000. J. U. Massey t, Son. J3th nd'0r $1000U)ELOW assessment to riorl 1010 Wallace, 10 WOHRELL, BBS N, 17th, RENT. $10; can be raised to $17 each: price s'jono eacn. ror io 2-story. 7-room, iorch- front duellings. In good condition, nnd lo- cated In one nf the best sections of Weal , Philadelphia. clne to 52d st. trolley line. i JMMTEL STERN. 1201 Chestnut st. EIGHT 2-story, porch-front dwellings, ,17th i nuu i-ine sis,: lots iuxi;i; -t ui'ilrnoms and Imll, ,.n nnnml Onnp' na.nvu ., t f'lTllll nr ..I. ' limn casii. i tllOll'C HOJIBS. Tulpeh.rken st. east nf H-r- mantown ave. J. H. CHADWICK (t CO . ..0.'2 Qermantown ave. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A HOME In Oermnntnun. Jit. Airy or Chestnut Hill, con- ult m. . Tl Meehan. 0747 Grmanmwn av. 420 IV. STAFFORD ST? Price moderate. Ap- ply on premises or any real estato agent. CYNWYD . I . Country Place 10 Acres Within 7 miles of City Hull via Fn'lrmount Park modern residence on knoll, with 18 rooma. 3 modern baths; garage with complete man's quarters: barn nnd large chtrken Iiousch: lienutlful shaded lawn: driveway and orchard; choice property and price Is "rltht." WM. H. WTT.KfiN AV C.Ci morris SWARTHMOIl!: S5500 for Detached House Detached. 13 rooms, all modern conveniences: I naruwnou noors; open piumuin'i: lur.ro lot, with garden and. fruit: small nmouiit of ranh requlretl: phnto nt oflen WM. H. WILSON & CO., sjp..''is nil rented mav Ikj purchnsed for H Apniv continental-i:quitadm .wirrtit i. i i, iin hi. "H. Alr-r. Germnntuti n : trust Exceptionally Weil-Built House SEE THE HOUSES we are offering ut $22511 I 82.100 and $3100; many others at right I prices, , We also hne nuny new properties ! on our Ht. . i E. H. APSLEY. 58th nnd SprlngHeld nJL. I f Slim .8 rooms, hot-water heut. gus "und eler-l trie light, imiqu.-try llonra. shower bath, giis ! kltchenH and all other modern appointments, i DANIEL CRAWFORD. JR.. IIU1LDER .,Mn ana iiauneiu sis. AITTflMOntl.K nU'MKRR Look at II20'I Christian st. : new twin hnuse. j . .,..,. containing III rooms and basement; outside ,! i,,,i nri.Beoprii. .1. i,i,-.i'n. t, .i uavertord. ESTATE must sell $.1,100 euulty In 0 new In estment houses! nil rented: paying 12 per cent.: subject to one mtae. ; InMstlgute; make offer. J. A. WIHTBK. 801 B, 00th St. 4121 IIAI.T1JIOHU AVE. I-cil 2l!xl22: 14 rooms. 2 baths, gas und electric light: ex cellent condition: iMIl aucrlflce. Apply to (inner, 71.1 Stephen Glranl Building. and 2 H-rr. of ground on three struts: house contains a bathrooms. lavatory, suink Ing room and refrigerator room besides chambers nnd other rooms: beati'd by WmIi ster moibibiied steam nnd IIkM-.I by elec-trli-lty nnd gns, large garage, with 3 rooms and bath, all ele-.trlc end pnune wires nre underground and houso Is piped for ,i jiieuum cl.iner; lavro porches, l.irgo rooms; largo windows: well screened: secn rtre placi's: toilet In basement WM. H. WILSON & CO. "! .12011 DE LANCEY ST. Corner store and dwelling. Suit any kind' of buslners. A.' PATTERSON. 13d S. 13th st. INVEST YOUR JIONUY IN HtHIHKri well built and In a good location. PBMBERTON ESTATES. B81h and Willows avenue? 24 TWO-STORY, 7 room, porch-front dwell Ings: good condition; all rented; little cash needed. Schwab, 312 Stephen Glrard Bldg. 4138 PENNSGROVE ST JIust be sold at onco; assessed 14000; will rent for $30: prlco $3200. J. R. JIASSEY A SON. " 031 N. 31TH ST. Price $2000: assessed $2000; 8 rooms, stone terraced front: reception hall. jKRVIStj0oS N. 54th st. POTTS A: VTOWNSEND WEST PHILADELPHIA HOMES 4003 BALT1JIORE AVE. BEND FOR LIST 8ALE OR RENT JOS. M. BAKER 32d and Baltimore ave. $2200 7-ROOJIS. perch, S2d and Parkald.. HAMMOND. 14f2 N. 32d t. LOT for kule. unirnM. fn- in.n ldujls or public gnrag or grrenhoui-es. jM.uni .,rj-, i-n. Aiipiy I'einani iriikt Co.. 0,4o tiermantowri ae. NEW SALE AND I.nNT LIS l'"f: Cf.y "" Pelham.' Jit. Airy nnd Chestnut Hill PEUMMJVRCSTCO . II7I0 Oerinintnwnal. I liMlnul Hill COUNTRY SEAT OF .1 ACRES Tow.indu' at, near Chistnut nc.; attractive modern house; 1st floor, living and drawing ruoin, dining room. Uwitory, pantry, kltcnen and laundry and aertaius' dining room: 2d floor, S bedrooms und 4 hattis; 3d floor. 7 bedrooms and 3 baths, garaco, gardener's cottage: tennis court, legetnUle enrden: old shade; the best section In Clustnut Hill nnd one of the most desirable properties in this Title Building, Lund CHESTNUT HILL SBVERM. DESIRABLE PROPERTIES MINTURN T. WRIGHT CO. aionnis buildinq STONE HOUSE, 10 rooms nnd bath: lot 00 1 2011; fruit and shade; 3 minutes from sta tion. H ir. JIcCOLLUJI 1314 Walnut sstreet. OVER ONE ACRE, with handsome tingllsh residence; excellent Ic'atlonr low price. WARNOCK A EJILBN Commercial Trust llldg. BLDG iivwn'vn Atmi.,u ...i.i.n .. I . " "-.. "in, n It.inqinc, HUlUKCi - I acres, flreplnces, 2 baths, fruit treea and eieciricuy; rcnsunanie. u -ia2. Ledger Cent. DAHUY Lust chance; nil sold but I out of 8; beautiful Colonial brick homes; very mod.: conv. to 2 rallrontls & trolley. 12 ft bet. each pair: $20110. Swopc & Sons. D irby UltE.NBL HlLL-"-Vnluable farm. 20 acres ad .mining Drexel Hill; large stone dwelling, barn and tenant house. Harry W. Koch, Drexel Hill. i.wur.ivoOi.. PaRU ln thi' 'tearl of the famous CHBLTEN HILLS ' High, HiMlloy, Picturesque Fine Winding R uidways SPRINGFIELD WXTKR. GAS. Etc Rtstrieted. Lots 100x200 nnd Larger. EI.ICINtl PARI- STATION . tr Ynik It. ml TrnllMv'nt Oonti 111 JULES TO CITY HALL For Paitlciil.-ira upply to C. i: HAKBRIP'SH. Sales Agent Phone Oil; Lnne 177 V i lain sevent-nrst aie.. ,ik Lane, Phlla. ' iiii'iia"nini.- " Stone Residence 1 Acres 1,1 rooms If luit-H. bot-water heat, well-built nouxo f it ln? w at and on hlh ground; thero J -i irir.",e ine-.. 'and adjoining can lie had Will entertain offer. YVM. -H. WILSON & CO. ELKINS PARK New Colonial ""wVlfing. '12 rooms. 2 hjtlii. high elevntlun; rtos to stn : price itll.riilll. JlcCOIt.MICK JleCOItMJCK. 1011 Chestnut st. und Elklns Park. S FARADAY PARK Four lots-each 23xlB3TaeTl for $200 less than cost: cash or time H.S.pUNLAP.353S Market st. a'LENSIDE ?8000 For Detached House Built p stone nnd shingle, with 13 rooms bath, hot-water heat, gas and electricity and other comenlences; It will pay sou to In siiect this and two uther houses same owner has iiuthorlxed us to sell. Can we take lou tn see them? u .WM. H. WILSON & CO. a;p,-'3 'GLENSIDE llargaln. frame detached house? 10 rooms and bath, all modern conveniences; lot 40x173 fret, old a'ludo; 3 minutes to sta tion: price $4800: call today. JU:NNIN0EII U IlENNINaEll. Glenslde. Pa, IIART3VILLB, uUie Willow drove: beautiful summer home; 3 acres; stone house, $2500. a 734. Ledger Centrul. BLDO. SWARTHJtORB ONLY $11100 CASH RE QUIRED: 13-ROOJI HOl'SB; LOT 73x150. JIndern eonxenlences and In excelient order, old shade fruit: well locnted; photo. C. P. PETERS &. SON. IIOS Chestnut' Ht. TACONY r-nl estate; Imnnived nnd vacant i-riiunii u. ii. uiiit-i, otii, i.uiignnure St., Tncony. WYNCOTE Hewett Estate Develojimpnt Between Jenklntown nnd t)lensld 3.1 acres: acreage nt the prlco of hulM'ng lots, MAURICE J. HOOVER nJ; WYNCOTE residence. 11 rooms. 2 bntha; lot 150x150: Mxh clevntlm: hot-water heat, gns and eleclrli light; plenty of a'ladi: all mod ern convenient es. v lIERl-'NEHK & STETSON LA ND TITLE III. DO . HAVERFORD ' NEW STONE HOUSE IVtdr.ibly located near Merlon Golf Club, nt Haverford; IH rooms, 4 baPis. 8 cham bers; hot-water heat, electric llffhts; several open flreplc"H; caratru. 3 cars, rooma for men; beautiful nut!ciK; about - acres of cround: prlc moderate. HIRST & McMULLIN WEST END TRUST BUILDING HAVERFORD STONE AND FRAJIB HOUSE A acre. Fine location. II rooms. 2 hatha: $17.ll'l(l. WARNOCK EJILBN Commercial Truat Building. HAVERFORD JIOllBRN HOUSE near station; 3 acres; 13 rooms, 2 baths; old shade; attractive location. HER-NKSS STETSOV i LAND TITLE HUILDINC; JIKRION A new E!!z.tlthnn manor house, embodying Ihe.list n architecture, material and surroundings and containing reception hnll. 17x211 ft.; larau Ihlng ruoni, dlnlni. room, kltthen. laundry nnd pantry. ! bed rooma, 4 hatha, hot-water heat and electric llghta: atone earner Ima capacity for 2 cars; rom'iletc Ihlng npartment on second floor; 1 2-3 ucres of ground; 'only 20-mInute motor rid- to City Hall. The Inst house of this unequaled develop ment. Pione Immtdlutcly for appointment lo see prniierty. WJI. II. W. QUICK & IlltO., INC. , 8 S. 40th St. WYNNEI il.r.D - Stone Colonial Residence hented by hot water and lighted bv electricity nnd sua: rontnlns 2 hatha nnd 7 chambera; first flor contnlnH rereptlnn halh llbcary, dining room punlry. kitchen nnd Invalnn't laundrj- In basement, lot 100x101. with shade trees. Photo tit our ufflcv. The 'price Is right. S "a JIORRIS HI. DO. WM. H. WILSON & CO. WYNNEFIELD " Desirable Corner Property nenr atntlon: fronts on WMinePeld avenue. K niiiiin inn, b. uuif uuuni. i-oninina h.itns nnd 8 chambers. Gas electricity, eteum heat: lot. 171x103 feet: old sl.lde. Will sell na -whole or tho realdeuco and lot 87x103; might rent furnls'-ed for one veu. HIRST & McMULLIN , WEST END TRUST BLDO. V WYNNEFIELD . . Handaoraa atone Colonial house, 13 rooms, 2 baths, modern; lot 80x200; good vegetal, .o garden and fruit trees: train or trolley near. LOWER JIKRION REALTY CO, ' LAND TITLE BUILDINO.- OWNER WILL SACRIFICE Country place. IS acres ot ground, with 1200 fruit-bearing trees that return Income: fully furnished house, coqtalnlnv 12 rooms Includ ing 7 chambers; bath, with shower! pool room etc.: gua and ehctilq ll.'..t- sluuiu, garage and ier o-tilml'il' -, Including t.n ant houso. See photo at office- WM. H. WILSdN & CO. SlEKlON Desirable Building Lots from 3 Station lo lo minutes' wall; from Jlerlon .! to $70 per ront root. SAMUEL C-- WAGNER, JR. ' 320 CO.MJIERCIAL TRUST BLDG. ATTninfivia Vlllf At Lnnghor'C Pa., 101 ncres; Ideal toeilbS near trolley nn.l country club, ,!ttiu,frMi Trenton. 21 frum Philadelphia, .ll-rwil atone dwelling, vnew contrcte porch, bU lavatories, laundrv, hnt-wnter heat, tittM Places: land In lilgl stnfj ot runtrs'.lTi; largo barn, new corn-crlh. modern pffiltn nousu: amnio springs, river skirls uncifgr't mile: 2 nrc'nrds well umbered rsiirM Price Ji.i.ii'io. CHAS. H. 'WARDWELL -'' ' I ' m,f ' " (tf).AC!ntt vll nfii fnrm. lnrntpri In OtlAkti Ph., one mile from trolley; land ajt-tti highest eulttvatlivn: larco Held lOttra untonrllil lio-trlnf-' .fi.arrn unniii nrrhxtd. RWJtl modern. 8-reoni house. 'J larjre bsrt -Udj other outbuH'lnc3 In excellent rfpairiw'ufa i1inni.' this for Imestment property lortujl deiphla;fcnrt?e sniion; mortKnpo JS00U. jjiJi;. i";ti i uiieri si DAIRY AND OENKKL FAH5L CE,. COM 1-10 acren tillable; 35 acres meadow: 8-J vc hy tievpr Tnlunjr sprtntrs and sirfsiai Ii'iirv dr I ir tn A"L'aat nhositin marnolllLd 14 room stone house; fine views, 5 tfM bouHf". '2 bIIos and all necessary IwWM-tl ror a mna. farm: pnotos: in iwttie n eniw PBTKU3 & bON. COS Chestnut st. PUJ li-l'7llI. l-,lll., llU ,v. ww- l"- On trolley. 1W miles sta , 5 from Treat"! nargo xrame awening witn nan. urnioi. nead. tenant noiine and complete diqsi.jp' duetlve. well watered lnnd. sloping to W3I fruit In ah'ind.. 2 u. asparug'isr photfrfcwJB C. Pj PFTFRH f- SON '"IK 1'HHSTNOTfH MEAO NEWTOWN SOUAnB KZ nrR. S1 OIIOi Cnlnntnl farmhOUM. I nlf t frnm nr-.il f!ni thrnurh PrDPrt woods; high clevntlon; convenient trollyaJ3 country hunted uver by nndnor ano HERKNESS' 8TETSON, Land Title I U, ' - hii 1 i.iirn 1 mil" ,"131 roed: -i-r. stone nouse. nam. ouiuiasn-js Price no" casn. jars f" i"iter. fnlt. Asencj'. 215 Step. Olrnrd llldg,. i'l , NARBERTH An old tyjuse with more than an acre of land; old shade and 'garden: on Mongrmery ave., Narberth; for sale at a biuall price. WALTER n. SMITH 001)2 Drexel road. Philadelphia. OVERIiROOK f ELEGANT CITY AVE. "PLACE Is living offered by us as n whole (I) acres) or will dlvtdo to s Ut dislriblo purchaser: choicest selection of o'd shade. It Is located on high ground, near atntlon, and anrraur.ded by handsome estutes. Stone residence and other buildings can bo bought wit.i couple uerea, . WM. H. WILSON & CO. "gjww 0VERBR00K HOMES A large and complete list of properties tn Oicrbrook for sale at prices from $8500 up ward! several bargains; alas, complete rent list. r CHARLES J. HOOD & CO. (MOnntSHLDO.) L 1421 CHESTNUT 8T, OVERIIROOK Bargain City Ave. Residence Stone house, containing 13 rooms arid 3 h'Uhs'. lot 113x400. Price far quick Vale $22,000. Near station, See us at once. WM. Ii. WILSON & CO. CHEERFUL 2V4-ACRB FARJI. n' "1 town trolley; plenty of fruit, buiullntj, fwll -i v us,!' ;ve luOPPfleVtSiJ other real estnte. nmunlu ,i M.lfil- c.l....nt avllt., I AO ,r1RU nnr a, nna l.n.,B Iklim. 2 TOl ' from Telford nnd Soudertoni IronteWatJ'JI session. .,., . YOCUJI t POWERS CO.. 23 S. lSlhl 83 AIUIEM In Ctester Voliey. H "!!, J? Si lion; easv commuiing nisiancn 01 ."-.., J, B. THOJIPSON. West Chester. P ' NEW JftKHKY FARMS rt-c .t r.t.1.- r-.IIll'a nlar.,1 tr, PhllS. tr 'and irn'lleyt wrlto 'for pamphlet Ml BARLOW ft CO.. Maple Shane. N. Jjl 11 ACBKS. 7-r. house, barn, chlrteii it pigeon house, -orss. cows. rnu:""mr Rogyentlne. 33.10 Germantown ave. MARYLAND FAR MB BAY'-FRONT ESTATB. 20T acres. acrer salt air ana pines, onrnn man. agent. Queenatown. JId. BEAl ESTAT3S SALE OB l"E"Tj CITY nna n t r Vf tit OTnffffT la.lOA , IO n-vlB still a DltBt" .HAMURL'W, LKVIS, Real KatjJTrujtJ Newly papered and painted i tbro-W! . J. a; rAiifii-oun, uv .-----r it: PW-JKHVLVANIA' HUI1UBHA?L BOARDINO IIOUSB U CM PETEYYes, It Looks Like Their Colthes Are Getting Sensible Again IisICAI. fLJ-VIlJJirU ilUW"M T,... overlooking WhUetnarshi all W?f?5S n-prlnir water; fruit trees ana "gAfii Illness fause oJT selflnffi rent reasonWy Mb VUVDi L U, ACUy W4M-w. j ::: T:: ' ::: , " Bit C. A. VOIGHTm """"M"M"' " "" - ' ' sssss .. . .nm.- , . ,i. W i.mss ! , -.-ss-ss.miM...mm.e....., MM,,M. ' . I. 1 Jl . JSlB The vimhew v (-nmhv nouc " ' ., ' ,.r " ' ' ( ;' " . II But r MU5TT get A,'ii (S,ZTT"M "THNOOPOP ) AROUND IH "TKE T , SOM?, SWtt I V-tVlj' ,-V " - ' ?W'AHOVCSMrXVfc V 1 r&A fin in - ,- KBm M ITiMiiiiie i T-rm i MlssW,iMI,Wff B
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