E' m- &?&? J 12a-ifc. HBLSt 1SS!?'Aiifril"" BTBKIKG LBD0KB-PHIl,ADTiJLPHIA4 SATURDAY, 3fAY IS, 1016V ji tVJsrias i i OF MEMORIAL DAY ART EXHIBIT IFOR dltDRN Is Being Held In James Wilson School, 12lh and Wharton Streets An Art Exhibition Is bclnu held nt tha .T.me Wilson School, 12th and Wharton Mreet. under the numlcr. at the Pel f. . ' ! lowshln of iht Aciitlcmy of the Pino Arts .,,,, iiu i i-n t t j. i A Q"ecllon of luHntlng by Phllad6ithla LftUMChillg 01 Floi'nl Bpat 1J1 hrtTsls una loaned to tho school by the Honor of Nation's Hbroic tm "exhibition win continue umu tho rfAil tit fan liWriirn cvf ' I c.nrt 'he month. Mnny hundreds of 1eau to lie V eaturo OI chiidi,m have had nn opportunity to view Celebration vtrk. And ftome of tho tnlented pupils nro copyms mo paintings. According to Miss Atatgarct A. Doyle, principal of the l school, Iho exhibition has served ns a stimulus to the children, many of whom show marked signs of artlstlo ability. - p BUYS THOMSON TRACT Frank II. Mnhan "Acquires Realty Near Merlon Station The heirs of the late Frank Thomson have old, through Samuel C. "Wanner. DEATHS ? 8 m.. from his Jat el4nce-, 1DI0 NottH irry Frurtklln t Interment At Mt. '8inl Xme mtAttiH nt W late rrsfdont. 11)13 North tith e(. !Mrm-nt private HAhDrA)Tt.K. OK M3 II, 1010 ' is nnaband or Anna llarricitatM (n'6 ItMMIvea and friends. Htm cmr-Ioyr i-miaaaipniA ana jimaina nnlhvny vuru io micna mo lunerm nerTlWP, MUNU I Hrint) or tn are In- afternoon, nt J n'clock At th rcldnc wf mw i.juia. Kiinon., 213 Klmt-au at. i-cusr him fjemrterr icwiti Hiinciny Atlantic CUV OKIti On Mat 11, 1010, mEDKntCK, B. W ATI HON HKWiri' I PARADE AND FIREWORKS WltjDWOOO, n. J May is. stemorlnl Day blans ors fast reachlnB a state of fcomntcllort, nflef enRnRlnp: tho attention Of the city omclnls, the business men and residents for th last fortnight Thest plnni will Include the custom of launch ing the floral boat Mystic In honor of the nation's heroic sailor dead and the his toric May pol tlance by over a scars of nreltv nlrt. fnllnu.,1 hv lb m-rtunlnar nf I ' tr Prank 11. Mnlinn a tract of the queen of May. A rarads. with beau- I Jfound comprising 32 acres lying between viui Historic nonts, win precede the cere' monies on the bench front Tho members nr, ins o. A, k. and their wives win be tho guests pf the city, and wilt be Riven a dinner nt ono of the local hotels, as In past years. A display uf fireworks In tho evening will close- the day's celebra tion. On tho evo of Memorial Day. May 39, "Our Boys' Sllnstrels" Wilt jtlve n min strel show nt maker's Uoardn.tlk Thea tre for tho benefit of Five Mile llcach Aerie, No. 1940, Fraternal Order of Easles, ami no doubt will draw n capacity house, Among' tho recent visitors to this resort of Haston. Jlass., and Great Chief oH Records Wilson Urooks, of Clilcngo, ac companied by ox-Sheriff Joseph 11 Now rey, of Camdon. Tho purpose of their visit was to mako the preliminary ar rangements for the meeting of tho Great Council of tho United States of the tm Droved Order of Hed Men to be held here from September 11 to 16. J. W. -Clark and family, of Pitman, N". J,, are occupying their home at Iho Crest for the summer. Mr, Daniel CUrrle. of Philadelphia, ujio has been coming to Wllawood for the last dccade, has rented a cottage on Splcer avenue for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. A. U Sturr, of Ulmer, who Usually spend a great deal of their time In Florida during tho winter, are occupying their cottage at Park Boule vard and Sunset Lake, John B, Erdrlch and family, of Phila delphia, are nt their commodious home, corner Pacific avenuo and Lavender road. Mrs. S. Kogen and Miss Bernstein, of Philadelphia, were week-end visitors to this resort. Mro. Jacob Stleger, of Wilmington. Del., Is occupying her cottage erected on Myrtle road last season. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Haltcn are In their Paris Boulovard home after spending the Tvhitcr months In Philadelphia Merlon station. Merlon avenue. Bowman avenue nnd the Pennsylvania .Railroad The ground Is the last tract In Merlon lying r-lose to tho station nnd available for development It adjoins tho rofl dcricss of Hdnard Holt, Jnmet Katcr, PerelMtl I'oerdeier. CI. Martin Brill and Herbert a, Stockwcll- The puicliapei-. who has built many handsome residences along the Main Line, will develo-j the tract with suburban houses on acrengo plots. JIANY OCEAN CITY COTTAGES BEING OPENED FOR SEASON Active Preparations for Summer Well Under Wny at Resort OCEAN CtTT, N. J.. May 13. Sfany cottages are being opened-for the hcason and this resort Is making preparations for the summer. A number of tho Board walk stores are open and there arc quite a few promenadera on the Boardwalk In the afternoons and evenings. The Hotel Proprietors' Association of Ocean City met at the home of Mr. and . Mrs. Charles Ji Haag. In Philadelphia, Monday evening. This was the last meet Ins of the spring In Philadelphia. Miss Shore, of the. Hotel Shore, this city, will ntet;talH the members In June. Mr. and .Mrs. Walter C. Lusson. of Arclmore. are occupying apartments at C22 Ocean avenue. air. and Mrs. John Irwin, of Philadel phia, have opened their Atlantic avenue cottage. Conllscatcd Wh'sky Stolen From Jnll CLAKKHBimct, W. Va. Mny 13. Thieves broke Into the Preston County Jail at Tunnclton nnd got away with pnrt of ,a huge stock of whlfky that had been con flKcutc'd by prohibition officers. Blood houndH are being used In an' effort to run down the lobbers. Former SlnRcr Near Death NKW HAllTFOnn, Conn.. May 13. Physicians jfttcndlng Mrs. Clnr.v Loulso Kellogg Strakosch. who Is III at her home hero, said today that her death was only a matter of two or possibly three days. Sho Is now In a state of coma. Funeral of J. T. Lea Tomorrow Funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon tit 1 o'clock at St Petor's Epls cpal Church. Third and Pine streets, for Joseph Tatnatl Lcn, financier and veteran of the Civil War, ttho died yesterday at the Aldlno Hotel. The Interment will be prlvnte. Mr. Lea was 70 years old. Pro tracted lllntss had compelled his virtual retlicmcnt from business activities many months before his death. OBITUARIES GEORGE WALTOX HEWITT BOY SCOUT WAS SHOT IN CAMP Mysterious Bullet Hits 13-Year-OId Bov in Tent at Delair, N. J. Tho Boy Scouts' camp near Delair, N. X, was under Are early this morning. At least reve)l!e had Just sounded and the youthful soldiers were tumbling Into their clothes when a rifle shot, accompanied by a scream, was heard. A quick Investiga tion ahqwed that Klrby Tompkins, 13 years old. of 810 Gaul street, Philadelphia, had received a 22-callbre bullet wound' in his right thigh. He was rushed to tho Cooper Hospital In Camden, where the bullet was extracted; he will be taken home today. Who fired the bullet has not been de termined yet Young Tompkins heard the rifle-report, but said It came from outside his tent His assertion was verified by tho finding of a small hole In the tent can vas, which had been pierced by the bullet The camp duthoritles are conducting an Investigation. The shooting Is thought to nave been purely accidental. Klrby had a narrow escape, but his condition is not serious. " Retired Architect Succumbs to Heart Disease Attack George Wattson Hewitt, whoso death occurred from heart disease at his home In tho Clinton Apartments yesterday morning, was ono of tho leading archi tects In tho city, but he had, retired from active practice some years ago. Ho spent his early llfo In Burlington, N, J., whero he was graduated from Burlington Col lege. His master In architecture was John Notman. of Philadelphia, ono of the fore most architects of the day. Mr. Hewitt first entered business In tho firm of.Furness & Hewitt, and afterward became senior member of the firm of G. W. & W. D. Hewitt. He built many well-known buildings In Philadelphia, among them tho Bourse, the Academy of the Fino Arts, tho Bellevuc-Stratford, the Episcopal Hospital, the Hahnemann Hos pital, the Bullitt Building and the 4th street addition to the Fidelity Trust Com pany's building. Ho was Identified with Holy Trinity end St James" Protestant Episcopal Churches, having built tho nar- ish house of Holy Trinity and the tower of St James'. For many residences In tho city and the suburbs ho was tho archi tect. A A member of the board of directors of the Mercantile Library of Ph'ladclphla, Mr. Hewitt was president of the Burling ton Library, a member of tho board of managers of the Burlington Savings Insti tution and a vestryman of St. Mary'B Church. He is survived by a widow, the daughter of the late John Howard Pugh, of Burlington, and two brothers, William D. Hewitt and Hobart Hewitt. His per manent home during the last 25 years had been in Burlington. M. Intftrmtht At NaMIi Remains nuy tie TicWitt Handily erpnlns pliro cony IIinUTT. Sundnly. on I iz. luln. (inoium v runcrsl, nrrvtccs on Tutiiliif, May 10 nt 4 p. m . at St Mary" a Church, Hurllnston 1IIV)n'. Suddenly Ort Msy It toll) JOHN IIIVIN. nun ftf A ftnrt mid Anno. Miv trvln Afrt-rt 28 3 ears. Iteluli" And friend Ato In vltiwt to AtKndtho tuntrnl. on Hundny, At U p hi., from hi firnt' realdence, 3O0J VVlh toad, HolmtJbure Interment private. ItKM.Y.On Mir.lO,.,10in At.nEIlT,.hui- frsnil ftf HotihU 1 . V Kelly mi Kohleri Ard 30 years fli'lRtl nd friend, sbw mmbr of Araerlcim Trah'purt 'o Tlen nelnl Union, am Invitnl to ntttml the funr si on MondAi, t S-30 a. m., from his 1st rsldnc. Inn FdrnT nt Jltth Va At th t'hurch of Sl,.P:Hlp rie Nrl At 10 A. m Inturment at limy i'ro Cemetery I.K.V. n jfry IS. loi". nl tf" Aldlnd Hotel, Phils.. JOSrfril TATNAI.I. LISA, in his 7th 5.l"nr'. ""'ra e"l will ui held AtSt Peter's Church 3d And Pino ts , Sunday, ft 4 V m Inttrment tflnto. I'lesso omll flow era. WjlOKT. On May 11. into, Mns SAMUEh LKIOKT. 3014 North ISth at, Funeral pri vate. tlVBZBY. On Fifth Month ..t-'th. lnlfl. JO SBPH R. MVKZi:., Itelntlvea nnd friends 11 a m on Seeond-dAy, lnth nit , At Into residence ,72 Itnmlltnn at lntrmnt prl laio hi iijrmouin AiccunEi i-a. Kinoiy omll flnvra l.YNI).--On Jtay Iff, mid. THOMAS A . son nf Jullft and the lAle Jnhn l.ynd. Relatltea And fflnda arc Invited to Attend tr fu ncrnl, on Monday. At S 30 a m , from Ha realderi" nf hla lirotlier-ln-law, Mr. Jatoh nnuar. 741 Ji O-itarlo at. Rolem l Requiem Maa nt th Church nf the Aacenalnn, nt 10 a in. Interment nt Old Cathedral Ceme tery. Jtrt'AN.V. On May la, 1010. l.nvVIH S. Mc. I'ANN, huahand nf Nelllq VlcCniin (nee Mc rrory), at hla lite realdrnce, SJSd (laul at Due notice of the funeral will be ulven, Mlt.l.r.U. On Friday, May 12. 1010. MAtt tlAllRTTA T wife nf Dr; Adolph W. XII -ler. Relatives and frlndi are Invited to attend the funortl. on Monday nftcrnonn. at 2 o'clicl precisely, from hla late residence, Sflo North nth at. Interment private. NKAI.. O.i Mny 11. IIMC. El.HHJ MAY NRAO. dauirhter of Jerepli I) and Anna VV. Nenl. Relatlvra And friends Ara linlteU to Attend lli luniral services on Monday, nt 10 n. m . OKIi: Relatives and friend! Are Invited to attenn the lanerai aervicea, on BiomiAy, ni 10 hi , nt hla late i-raldencoi 30.V a tOtn t Interment prlyate K1IIIXU At Ms. lata raldenee Aherdeen Annrtmenta Wlidwrnnl ,N. J., on May IS. lflin, HARRIH. husband of llannah Hidell Iteiatlvrs and friends alao Krahaue- lieu i.lonim ii a ..are inviiaa to anoin ine hi narai on fiu-aiy .nt i ru from nn t-ia mrro--A of Kmanuel Vahir. A flona. lno2 Ila- mond at Interment At Aiount C'armcl Lem ctery CLAnA J.'.. Interment at BCihnnr. on jMy u yruo or AinrTi N. ...l-l , .w .....vu my frlet Is periicm, mi iuti.iajv ni Li, n tsrlora of Serhlr ft Masulre, uin at, 10 1 R bPhfnldt nelAllrrs ant) itie tunorai 101ft Mt (hltt) to Attend 910 funnt m At tnr IMS, XnrtH interment ornate, SCOTT On MAy 12. lain,' DAVID S.. Inn. band of Alice H Bmlt Relatives, and friend slaa .trtlo Tribe Nn .177. .1 O It M ;. William Penn Ijdw. No , 0, K nt p.) ImII lo liulldlnz Relief Aaanrlatjon of City Hall. Philadelphia Ixvda, No 2, ri r. O K 17th Ward F.xecuttvi- Committee. County Comnilaslo lers and emplosea and nil ,the nrsAiiixations or vvmen he vvaa il memner, nro Invited to Attend the fuflenl aervloea. her. rrl na. preclaely, at sts nn Wnilnpaciav. fit "2 n tn Srhuvler'a. Hroad . and Oiamond lrmrnt nt North Cedar Hill Oometery mama mjy no vieweti on -luesany, 11 11 tn 81IF.KK. On May 12. ter ot jnnn vv. ann In, it. from 8 to Automobile funeral initi, Marv veara 0 months, Relatives nnd friends invited to attend the funeral, on Monday So a nt.. from tho residence of her r)."iA. daugh. Khi-r nited 11 irienna are At nar. enta. 121i Mount v'Tnon at Mass At the Church of tha Aaaumptlon at Ii n. m. ln terment nt Jtoiy cross cemetery IVrair.KIJf.-On Mar 11, lnlfl. Kl.tKAnETH A . wire or i,oui Avegietn, .ir,, una uauithter of Kalrttrlno nnd th late Otto Hunt. RelA. lives and friends are Invited tn Attend the funeral services, Monday, at S p. m . at her latt residence. nlOO U Irani Ave. Interment private at Westminster Cemetery. Rernlns msv bo viewed Sundn, from 7 to 0 p. m M mni;ni.i'.Y. On Mny to, inm. MARY p. daughter of Thomas A. and Marrarot R. Wlblwrlcy. Relatives and frlenda nro In vtted to Attend tha funeral, en Monday. At "P. m . from hr nirenta' residence. 11010 Past hall at., West Philadelphia.. Inter ment, at. Ml.. Morlan. Cemeterv. Remains rrns- lie viewed on Huinlsv evcnlnc Wll.SOX. On Mny 11, 1910, ANNIK VVH.SON (nee Wildrnn. wife of Robert trilson. Rli lives nnd frlenda are Invited to attend th tuicral on Tuesday, nt H n, m., from" her lets residence. .102 Wolf at. Solemn Re riulem .vinsa nt the Church of Our I.ady of jwcunt r"irnit, at n-ao n. in. Interment ni Old Cntl.cilral Cemetery. WILSON At hla realdence I2V0 fl Corllea at nn May 12, lulu, JOHN, husband of LAvlnla H. Wilson Duo notice of tho fu neral will bo Blvcn. i HEAIi ESTATE FOR SALE HEAL ESTATE FOB SALE sununiiAN HimtmnAN On Old York Road At Meeting House Lane Ogontz Hill J&fewfll PiiM itr rive now lngllsh Homes. Most attractive ench ono evcluslvo in design and architecture, extra lnrgo lots, shade, beautiful view, Near golf courses nnd country clubs. To the persons who want something a Ilttlo different, something better than usual, wo Invito their inspec tion. Property in this section Is increasing in value Prices right, with convenient terms. ALSO A M1V CHOICE BUILDING SITES TOR HALii J. T. J HCk SOft Co., Chestnut at 13th Branch ofllce. Oak Lane, opposite station CITY PAYS FOR BOY'S EYE Hagerstown, Md., Youth Gets ?8449 to Compensate for Loss HAQEBSTOWN, Md.. May 13. A war rant on the city treasury for J8449.85 has been drawn by Mayor Scott in favor of Walter Crowl, the boy who tost an eye by passing- along a sidewalk ' wjiere building- operations were In progress. He looked Up and some mortar fell In the eye. The ysrdlct Includes $7200 dam ages and costs and Interest the suit having been defended twice In lower court and carried to appeal court The last legislature directed Hagers tbwn to provide for o building Inspection department, but the law will not go Into effect until next month. WOMEN GO TO ARMY CAMP Fifty Phlladelphians Will Take Course in Preparedness" fllty I'nnaaeipnia women will leave J '. m.wj ,ui tieTjr wiase, JUO., (o take a two weeks' course In prepared ness. Among them are: Mr. OaarM K. Butler Mia Ann Lewis Bin Caroline- K. O, Ml.a TAlm Niwbold Blrd Mlia Dorothy Mr, Claranc W. .. pberUufTor nlapha.nl Miss Sarah O. Parka Ml" ftabeec. W ll Elliabeth Sumcher Elliott llii Marlon Field, ' lllsa Carolina Entlljh lira. Henry II. Watts Ml Katbaflna VV Mrs. Chatmliw Way ...H , JJ gophto Norrls r!' s'miwii w.yi.81 -iia jstner otllea John Williamson After two years' illness, John William son, Ardmore merchant, and for some years head of the Ardmoro Hardware Company, died yesterday morning at his home In Coulter avenue. He was 40 years . old and is survived hv htn wfdnw wim wna I Miss Claire Enochs, and two children, John Williamson, Jr., and Harle Williamson. rail Sk PENFII 'XlH'ii p- made, an IN MILVIOIILVM HALL. In lovlni; remembrance of AMOS H. HALL, who died May 13. MM y"";' " W1KE AND CHILDREN JBttlt)5 eld3 vSieSSS& j&f Why is land at PenfleJtl a Rood investment nt this time? Because you can buy . )by 1G0 feet, for $580 with all improvements -a,4 hiRhly-dovelopetl, carefully restricted locality. Land in the immediate neighborhood, ns well as land in sub urbs much further away, is priced 50 per cent, higher than plots in Penfield. Prove this come out today and see. Penfield is only 3 minutes from 69th st. Elevated Terminal on the Phila. & West ern a 5-cent fare Representatives on the property daily, in cluding Sunday. The new public golf course is but a 10 minutes walk from Penfield. Write for Penfield booklet. CLIFFORD B. HARMON & CO. 1437 CHESTNUT STREET Bell 'Phone, Spruce 4976 Keystone hone, Eace 2958 .iUVf-fc,x?So) -.rtri . r.WfJrV Wv.3vr W-l . TimiiiTf l,l .iffiO Thite Nolicei Are Printed in th Evening Ledger Free of Charge. Mia Jpnhin llayden lllu Joaaphlnt t'ulir lira A U lfubapil 1r Phnrl.. Ti.tirn.X i:. i .ir -d --. r3i- -r.. .mm Ulas Atle Losan Nrt .Charles Balliaas UUjUary W. Colket t I Girl Run J)own by Wagon Anna Barrett, 9 yearn oH, of 1SS3 North 17th street, was run down and seriously injured by a wgon driven by Charles Anders, lfl6 Katcr street, while roller skating at 19th. and Harlan streets last evening. She was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital, and Anders was arrested by polios of tha JH and 'Oxford, nt reels tatlon, whr he will be given a bearing Uils, morning. lohn, WillUtnaon,, Merchant, Dead Aftr two years uufferln from Illness. John Williamson, a merchant and bead of lt,e Ardmor Hardware Company, died ywUrduy piornln? at hj horns fn Coulter ivenu. Ardmore. lis was 4Q y&ars old s4 1 survived by his widow, who was W. Clair ftjochss, nd two children, John WUtarsisun. Jp and Barle. Wlllamaon. It waa hum M Bryn Mawr tn waa a mtm kr tl i',.mU. Lodtc of Odd Fellows. a CAKELS. On May II. 1016. GROnOB P.. huiband of Llllle Car "la (nee Kuebler) and aon of the late Charlea II. and Amanda Carals Relatives and friends, also Reliance Council. No. 787. Order of Independent Americans, and employes of Gray's Ferry roundhouis of the Pennsylvania Railroad, are Invited to attend the funeral aervtcea. on Monday, at 1' p. m., at hla late realdence. 4810 Oreeuway Ave. Interment at Mount Morlah Ceratery. Remalna may ba viewed Sunday evenlns. I) VVENrORT. On May 12 1016. JOHN A.. aon of Anna and the late phubert D-vvenport. f"i'J ii '?.".. 'J'lattves and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Monday, at ?-30 aim"..'ro!n the Oliver H. Hair llulld Irur. 1820 Ohe.tnut at.HIh Mass at St. Patrick's Church, at 10 a m. Interment private. Automobile fjineral. BKV1TT. On May 0. 1016. BARBARA ELlZAntrrH, widow of Johnav.ltt. itaUi. tlvea and frlenda are Invited to attend tin funeral, on Monday afternoon, at S o'clock, from ber late realdence. 801 S. 'ii at, Serv. ices si uiona uei lO'd Hwedea'I Church, at S o'clock. Interment private. KCiCARD, In. his 78th ear Relatives and friends lire Invited to attend tha funeral services on Tuesday, at 2 v m. precisely, at his lat; residence.' sua Dlcklnaon at. In! terment at Mount Morlah Cemetery E,P,?.I'7S5.u.d.1",llr'.-on MJf lflH. OVB. SIB EIDBLU wife of frank KIUII and daujhter of Anna It and tha ata J. llnnl. rner putton. aged 30 xears. Relatives and friends ara Invited toattend tha funeral services, on Sunday, at TTJIO p m precisely. at bar lata residence. 2140 South Opal at. Interment at Cheater Rural Cemetery, on Monday, at 8 a. m Automobile funeral. Cheater papers pieasa copy EfXKBMVN.-Onllay II. 1016. iAtlMAN. husband of Paulino Eliertnan. la his 7'Jlh .", f..u,1l!J and friends. olso William C Hamilton Lodxe, No. .V00, V. and A. M.. sod Joshua. Lodg, No 2S, I. o. II 11.. are Invited to attend tha funeral, on Sunday, at I-MERION V- V-SsK,sX: Beautiful Country Place ON THE MAIN LINE Rciidence and About 4 Acre . Vi11 of s'ne. containing 20 rooms, with three baths (modern): P splendid system hot-water heat: electrlo and gas: spacious enrage. Grounds are beautifully laid out with drives ; shade and shrubbery ; 'M vegetable and floral gardens. g Elegant and Convenient Location Rare Opportunity '$ See Photo and examine the Property. ,'m WM. H. WILSON & COMPANY, Morris Bldg. I KVtx.VMSB! s s .WvW'? esssr-xsesx'- ssssuxjij GKHM.VJ.TOIVN CliatMANTOU'N HOTJ8KKEEPIJia APAKTMENTS Apartments Overlooking Fairmount Park I""" aasssssssss-saa... ama. ,n.i, ?I0 tp 75 per month From 5ooms and 1 bath to 8 rooms and 2 baths PLAZA COLUMBIA Urd Columbia Stud X Columbli JOHN STAFFORD 1112 Chestnut St. Janitor on msu, Designed by Simon & Baseett, Architects. Do You Want to Live on Lincoln Drive ? Highest and Best Section At Carpenter Station, Pennsylvania Ballroad (being; electrified) Jloru than half of the original tract has heen sold. In the past fou Your Jast opportunity to past four months. SELECT YOUR HOME OR LOT J. T. Jackson Co., chi8tLa.1, 13 IrSAXj ESTATE tO BALE ftEAL StAE FOB SAIiE SLIlURHAN SinUUltAJt BEAL ESIAM ton gfc" sciibniiAK ,NEW DEVELOPMENTS AT Vv 10 JJ I ifN fry a ) i '1 )a tOli ImlllNsJl MiLiLM THE LEADRN SUB' 12 Minutesu5c Fare, from 69th Street Terminal ON THE MEDIA SHORT LINE , , Price, $7650. Lot, 55xlS4 ft, Beautifully Planted, Including Fruit Orchard THIS -beautiful home, which js now ready for sale, contains living room, alcove, dining room, with hard-wood floors, and a large open fireplace, kitchen and pantry on 1st floor. Four bedrooms, an attractive tile bathroom, on 2d floor. Two bedrooms, bathroom and store-room on 3d floor. Stone to the 2d floor. Hot water heat. Slate roof. At Springfield each home, carefully planned with every convenience, differing in artistic design, stands in the center of an individual lawn surrounded on all sides by beautiful landscape. Well constructed macadamized avenues curve gracefully through the de velopment ; they are all bounded by cement walks, trees and sodded banks. All improvements ARE MADE NOT PROMISED. y Homes now ready for sale range in price from $6975 to $7975.. Beauti ful building sites, with minimum frontage of 54 feet, from $675 up, with generous terms. If you are interested in securing at moderate cost, with liberal terms, an attractive suburban home, or a site to build upon now or later, you should visit Springfield promptly and see what an-unusual opportunity is offered at this time. "" You will find th,e civic center now being developed, the Sub urban Home Beautiful completely and artistically furnished by Strawbridge & Clothier, the picturesque landscape and the many artistic homes nearing completion, all very interesting.1 THE SPRINGFIELD REAL ESTATE CO. A. MERRITT TAYLOR, President 610 Commercial Trust Building, Fifteenth and Market Streets, Philadelphia Bell Phone i Spruce 31-83. Keystone Phone : Race 3-99 ' Illustrated booklet containing complete description and plans of suburban homes and building sites and of the interior of the Suburban Home Beautiful will be mailed on request. -Ji "A pQ: I',S3 '?& qr--,ot' .J --!: s.i-ttttswoiTti" . - .-:w mm: & i LfiaoJ P &r ? Zk m$. CsS PpS sm ipsirr SvL'W'.i1,; !l:W ?.'.'-:vV't rut snemBH Scott's Homes at ' Bala-Cynwyd fleauty, individuality cornfqrt in i ever stone of them At Latches Lane, Upland Terrace, Union Avenue and Edge Hill Road The above home is English, half-tiTTibcred. Massive htone exposed chimney English porch with heavy cornices Living room with rafter ceiling. Big stone fire place with English canopy and recessed windows. Large dining room with square bay and four windows Kitchen,, butlers pantry,. laundry. reHgerator room, servants' lavatory. On first land ing, El zabethan yMindowseats. On (he secon4 floor, four bedrooms, clothes press and linn closet, back sleeping porch and bath. On the third floor, two bedrooms, billiard room and bath There are eleven rooms, two baths and a sleep ng porch. GEORGE C. SCOTT, Morris Bldg.; Phiia., Pa. tit Kitiiuiiiui oi vuvma auu-aut llejutlful attt Hoohlet Bliowlng All Our Upuie itt let-lt WltH Prices, y yj TELEPHONE. SPRUCE 930 Send for It or riiou. Nnruie 030 r?r
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers