a es-rArznr MEN TO ItfANV NOVEL STUNTS AT BIG CONVENTION Jferry Measured of JDance3 of Several Climes to Be Feat- uro 01 junieriam- ment I otfE ROUND OF PLEASURE k.i.i o-irtn throwing reft! snowballa nt .;, i),cr on a Juno nlglit. twnnglnff ruI fS bnnjos nnd mandolins awakening the in Broad street early In f,ie niorn .VT, hihllee slng-crs from 'way down South nfti" . -Ji i.t mw Orleans rlitht In the R riVlSf f thin city and dancing usually I wen exclusively In Alaska mining' camps or fiear Mississippi levees tire somd of tho inters included in me program ior urn SSwnUon of tho Asoolated 'Advertising Ottbs o? the World, which will bo held Iroiri Juno 3B to 30. These "headllncrs" wore' announced to tatf br tho Convention Committee from She hendauarters of tho Hell Telephone Company Building on Arch street amt.3 'WILti BB PItETTT. htiii ihrt alrls bo protty7 They will. 'toll they throw real sure-enough snow ' villi!? They will. It has all been ar- tSitfed. Tho Donver Post, with tho Idea ef 'having somothlng on" tho other orga nlaatlona, wroto to boo If tho city authori ties would object to haying a tralnload of now lyJng around during convention time And COUm pruviuo I nuiuuio iinv.v ui jb. She city authorities, through tho Conven tion Committee, replied that thoy woutd be pleased if every ono of tho 10,000 dole rates would bring a tralnload, as tho mer cury hero about July 1 did not havo a hankering for low places. Then It was decided to -novo tho snow In a special float In tho big pageant, with attractlve loklnff girls pelting each other. This will be the night of Juno 26. Tho Chicago and Des Molnts, la., Ad vertising Clubs will "perpotrato" their own glee clubs on the city. This means that very little sleeping will bo done in the hotel section of Broad nnd Chestnut ttreets. If this Isn't sumdent, then any lull which may try to occur will bo filled by the efforts cf tho Jublloo singers lm- ! ported by tho Atlanta Advertising Club slid artists In this lino from tho levco re gions. . LOTS OP TRANCING. Dancing will slay a moro than ordinar ily conspicuous part. It aeor9 that ad men from all parts of this country and ' meny other lands think that tho dancing In their particular "burg" Is Just about tho best there is. So each club Is bent on showing Its brand oft to tho best ndvan- , tago of shading tho exhibitions of rival clubs. As a result, nlmost all kinds will be displayed, tho way they do It In Alaska, In New Orleans, tho Philippines and other places will bo shown. 1 The Minnesota "Ad" Club wilt' como on a special train, and has notlflod tho Con vention Committee that It will "pull off" some stunts Indigenous to Minnesota. BTBfrtH& LESPqjaBPHflljABIiSliyEtlA; 8ATOftBA;& MAY UK lfrltf. ""J" ' ' ;' ' ' " ' -- i .-J,, ,r , ,i g) JMinnliW Tin 1i V hi hV1'hWt'i ', T.'irf ', -ft M.-.fAlitfiii ft ' "'' iTTwi JmiTtTi i '''''jj'Vl rY ' """ " i"'1 ' " " .! hiw'iM ' n .J,,,,,,,,,, ,, -t- ,f 1 u ., bi f..... ri. ,, , , ,ri, m.m,.., .,, . ,., I..M. i i i .I .111 ' .... mtvwhMmlllinmm m i. - .... e.t..., i. ii t .li .fa w WK-.I " nW is Ef M:AD9HMA CLUB'S PRODUCTION cxsep r. IOMBT9D V. K J&7TAVr nf1 hJ. J??! Prominent -members of tho enst In "MuRgsy'a Dream of Ho-Ko-Mo-Ko Isle " which drew mntvy members of the Italian colony to Now Lyric Hall last night Many other clubs special trains. will also arrive on INDIAN DAY. IS OBSERVED Second Saturday in May Set Aside as Tribute to the Red Man of America PUSHING HENRY FORD CAMPAIGN WITH VIGOR Thousands of "Stickers" Circu lated by Propagandists Who Expect 150,000 Votes Headquarters for the Henry Ford peace propaganda havo been established nt 111 South 13th street, nnd campaign litera ture Is being sent,, throughout tho State booming tho mllltonalro automobile manu facturer for tho Presidency. Many hundreds of thousands of "stlckerB" are being distributed for at tachment by voters to their ballots at the primary election on Tuesday. According to J, Augustus Cndwalladcr, of Yardley, Bucks County, who Is In chargo of tho headquarters, Ford's followers do not hope to havo any appreciable effect upon the election In this State. It Is only their Intention, ho said, to register a protest against tho preparedness movement and convince the leaders of tho dominant par tics that there Is a largo element of citi zenry who look upon the movement with suspicion. . "It Is not true,", he said, "that we nro receiving support from Senntor Penrose, nor Is It true that we are supported by tho Germans. Wo aro not interested In tho factional right In the Republican or ganization and don't caro who wins. Wo wnnt to convince both factions that there aro thousands of working people who do not subscribo to n movement, which is supposedly one of defense, but In reality, ono of offense," , Tho headquarters aro being conducted under tho auspices of tho Patriotic Pcaco League, whoso membership list includes business and professional men. , The oulces of several other peaco so cieties are located In tho same building, but Mr. Cadwallader explained that they had no official connection with the Peace Lengue. He predicted that at least 160, 000 votes for Henry Ford will bo recorded through the "stickers." It was rumored that tho Penrose followers wero distribut ing tho bits of paper to divert support .that tfould otherwise go to Governor Erumbaugh, but this was denied emphati cally by Mr. Cadwaflader. FIRMS HERE GET WAR ORDERS Today Is American Indian Day, and It is being quietly observed by thousands of Indians all over tho United Stnte3. . Whites, also, aro paying tribute to the Indian. The second Saturday in May was set aside by Congress as American Indian "Bay at tho suggestion of tho Socloty of iewarlnn Ttirl to tla et .. ti f 4 Via Ti ' Sherman Coolldge, of Faribault, Minn., is , president. V The census of Juno. 1915. showed that there wero 333,010 Indians In tho United States. Only seven States havo an Indian population of 10,000 or more. They aro Arizona, California, Minnesota, Montana, Oklahoma, South Dakota and Washington. Oklahoma leads with 118,358. AT 88 STILL SHOES HORSES Sturdy German Immigrant of 70 Years Ago Does Considerable Work HAQEItSTOWN, Md., May 13. Qeorgo Carls, plowmaker and blacksmith of Funkstown, who Is 88 years old, several days ago shod a horso nt his shop along tho Stnto road south of Funkstown, de spite his nge. Mr, Carls still does considerable .work In his shop. Ho Is probably tho last of a, large band of sturdy Germans, who came to this county nearly 70 years ago and settled hero, and who havo filled Im portant places In tho community, and whose children are now known as Bome of the county's leading citizens. THE WEATHER . Official Forecast WASHINGTON, May 13. For Eastern Pennsylvania and Now Jersey: Generally cloudy tonight and Sunday; gentle to inoderato north und northeast winds. Cloudy -weather prevails this morning tip an Irregular belt , from New Jersey and. Maryland westward to tho Uocky Mountains. It Is raining In eastern Mary land, and light showers occurred during' yesteraay or laat nIi,ht from the ,ower ,OhlO ValloV tinrlhwpKKimrrf in Urnntfinn Temperature changes na' a rule have' won siignt ana irregular. Headings are below normal in tho northern half of the country and in the Rocky Mountain Plateau regions. In northern Nevada a lempbrature of 20 degrees Is reported this morning. U. S. Weather Bureau Bulletin Observations taken at 8 a. in. Eastern time. 8 last Ilaln- . Voloo f ' C4.ii nam . voioo 'teK,6-.il is .-.8 3 k H'a0mdy p-Boiton. Jta. . . R4 4 " vr ."it.. : m,. i .- .t .r - TkTTiT N KS' Ka"-.. M 1 hrieton, B.C. 7a 68 SPjraio.,111..,, 00 48 .; Stoclonatl. O.,, 62 BO ,6a Cleveland. O,,! 8? 48 .. pr, doi.m S3 io :: is ? ft " 1 NH urn NH a- 10 fMmtd, Cloudy Cloudy P.Cldy C oudy Cloudy gfeaUrdr flA..,1lP Cloudy 48 44 R2 ll'iin. 4101 IMIanaDolla Knoxvllla. Tenn. 6 H' Rock.... 7a UlvlUe. Ky.I 60 W '."Orllle. Tenii: llfi 8 SJK?.:n H ..nCi'C'. va,,,, 84 n?tio ..... a 8 .: K'lT.'ft.iSW. i i . ftu5Si7'"itt SH S" ct".su7n:"&: ks ks runianj r - .: irr nrnr ?fB- 03 4S bo au IS 68 70- n 70 43 1 73 n It -hT ,oa nb NW" 18 Clear onaw !1B 13 HW NH il r . . u.i. 41 K . , x Clear Ha in tlaln s& P.Cldy Clear Cloudy i;iear Clear u NW 16 SB 13 H 20 H 13 NH 10 NW .. m il w Clear Cloudy Clear clear Halji Cloudy Clear Cloudy Webr.0- 12 55 II 8H ". PCldy SA5"si ss":: r:: mz Blnti i? 'ITiv "t 19 .. M'' &sff: is n ?pj.i'iaf::: 70 Wwaidetoa :;: is 48 ft S3 CO N W N NO NB Clear near ClouJy Cloudy 10 Itatn B XEXGTll OR IIAV, SSf-- i'M a.m.lMoone'ta.... 2;0 a.m. SJ?f- t p.m.liloon aautaa. 8Ap.m. "SWA&K HIVSK TIUB CIIAJfaiSS. . CHESTNUT STREET. - Ufah :. ' .S1?1 .m.(tw water.. BS5 p.m. ' . Vj. ,0 a.m.lHlgli water..l0;4T p.m. I 4QLQi ui i2rn2i"3T 6" hgITfitTsrMi,fi,,"r"t; . Philadelphia Concerns Share in Con tracts for 915,000 Philadelphia firms share contracts for more than $16,000 worth of "Made-ln-Philadelphia" textiles for army uso. The awards wero mado yesterday by tho Quartermaster General of tho army, at Washington, and nro as follows; William H. Ilorstmann & Co., 100,000 hat cords, at ,725c. each, delivery, 1000 In May, 4000' In June, 6000 In July, August nnd September and 16,000 monthly there after; tho same compnny to Bupply 100, 000 pairs of breeches laces, at $2.75 a gross; Joseph N. Snellenburg, 30,000 pairs of lightweight wodlen stockings, nt $0,167 a pair, deliveries. 2000 pairs by June 27, balance, 3500 pairs monthly. The Cham bersburg Hosiery Company, with mill at Chambersburg, Pa,, Is to supply over $116,000 worth of stockings, tho contract, which requires deliveries to begin June 14, nt the rate of 250 pairs a day, calling for 720,000 pairs of lightweight woolen stockings, at $0,161 a pair. GIRARD SENIORS GIVE PLAY Students Offer Productions in Honor of Shakespeare Anniversary Tho two senior classes of GIrard Col lego presented scenes from Shakespeare's plays this morning In tho collego chapel. Tho porformanco Is part of the Shake speare tercentenary celebration which Is being conducted all week by tho Btu dents. Tho celebration will continue for another week, tho remainder of tho pro gram being devoted to recitations and songs from Shakospearfe's writings, re cited by tho college boys. A talking machine accompaniment will bo a feature, and each song will bo given with a brief Introduction, explaining Its location In tho play, what character slnga it and under what circumstances. Prof. J. Duncan Spaeth, of Princeton University, lectured In tho chapel last night on "Shakespearo tho Man." The two senior classes are to bo taken to see "Tho Comedy of Errors," given at tho University of Pennsylvania. They vis ited tho Academy of tho Fine Arts dur ing this week. RECORD GONE, HE KISSES GIRL Columbia Football Captain Accused of "Osculatory Pastime" NEW YORK. May 13, Prank Slmonds, Columbta'8 football captain, boasted In his class statistics that he never had been kissed. "Barnard," however, says he has. The evidence took tho form of a violet scented nota that dropped from the malls into tho hands of the editor of tho Senior1 Book yesterday. That individual read It carefully, frowned, then rushed out upon tho campus and permitted students to read this paragraph; "Dear editor I taka It upon myself .as a personal duty to Inform you that Frank Slmonds has participated In an osculatory pastime. Accept this letter as truth, .because It cornea from one who knows. BAItNABD." One Dead, 12 nurt in Explosion NEW YORK, May 13, Ono man was Instantly'kllled and a dozen Injured yes terday afternoon when an explosion, fol lowed by a fire, occurred on board the Ensllsh-owned Botth Llna Bteamshtp Stephen, docked at Pier 6, foot of 43d street, Brooklyn. The .explosion, as far as the police and Are marshal's investigation had developed last night, wasi caused by one of the members of the crew dropping a lighted candle Into a can of kerosepe, Astor'a Air Fighter to Be Tested BOSTON. May J3. Vincent Astor is coming to Marblehead next week to see his new aeroplane that will then be ready for )ta trial. The now pianola a complete aerial fighting machine. Mr. Astor Intends to fly tt himself and also to loud It to the New York National Guard. It Is similar In construction o ten war planes that are being- constructed at tho Marblehead shops, for tho British Government Peruvians Dine U, S. Financiers LJMA, Peru, May J3. The merabera of tho American Financial Commission -wero entertained last night at a banquet, at the National Club given by tho presidents of the, Bxchango and th Chamber of Commerce, REFUSE TO AID PLAYGROUNDS West Chester School Bonrd Unable to Get Support WEST CHESTER, Pa., May 13. After a long nnd lively session last night, tho school board of this placo refused to sup port the playgrounds of tho borough this season, or to contribute to tho running expenses, ns It has dono In former years. This may mean that tho playgrounds will remain closed for tho year. Tho borough had agreed to pay Its shnro to tho Playgrounds Commission, but when tho latter asked tho support of tho school board tho latter refusod, Tho board took the ground that It would mean a raise of ono mill In school taxes, and na tho borough Is about to announce a tax Increase' for sower purposes, tho bonrd refused to assume additional responsibility. AWAMtNGW)MBS MEWLY MARRIED PAIR When They Get Homo They'll Know Just How Good Their 'Friends Are There Is a great surprise waiting at 22 It South Beechwood street today for Mr. and Mrs. John LyonaS Tho hied and snug two-story house at thnt address Is decorated with baby car riages that hang from he porch roof, doll babies that swing from windows and signs thnt plaster the wall. Inside, the hew dining room furniture Is Upstairs nnd tho bedroom furniture la In the kitchen. Ono would guess that Mr. and Mrs. John Lyons nro newly married. They aro. They were married nt St. Elisa beth's Catholic Church, 28d nnd Berks streets. May 10. They are at Atlantic City now, ' They reached thnt resort for their honeymoon under the handicap of having their luggage commandeered by kind friends. They are expected back Sunday, night Among those who were In tho "decorat ing party" were Wllllo Wngcnbauer, Ger trude Ford, Margaret Ford, Alice Ford, Edward Lyons and Joseph Lyons, rela tives and friends of the couple. Before her marriage Mrs. Lyons was Miss Ce celia Regan, of 2562 Page ntreet. Her husband lived at 2232 South 22d street. ir German Composer Dcnd AMSTERDAM, Holland, May 13. The Lelpslo Tageblatt announces tho death of Dr. Max Ilegor, ono of tho leading con temporary German composers. Denth was due to paralysis of tho heart. Ho was born in Brand. Bavaria, in 1873. S0HOOL3 AND COLLEGES CTP AVFP"! The Best Dullness School, " 4 " ""lx " ROl.ROT Cheitnut Btreel SPUING AND SUMMER BESOBTS SPRING AND SUMMEB BESORTS WIMVOOD, N. J. wimvood, a. J. DWOOD BV-.THE-SEA and Wildwood Crest will offer creator attractions to visitors this season thnn - .u.. .. . . . m. ever before. Dally concerts on tho new pier by members of tho Philadelphia Orchestra, under the leadcrshin of Walter rieitfer. Every wholesome amusement. Finest bathing beach on tho coast. No better Ashing or crabbing anywhere. Rent a cottage now. This is going to bo tho busiest season in Wild wood's wonderful history. Cottages, bungalows and apartments aro renting rapidly. Don't delay, or you will And everything taken when you como down to rent later. F&r beautifully illustrated book let and detailed information, ivrite today to J. WHITESELL, City Clerk, WILDWOOD, N. J. rAniW-iWTS3 Y3&." HHkP CALIFORNIA-ALASKA , Fifteen Tour Five Including Alatka SEND FOB, FREE BOOKLET OF The Beat Assortment of Pacific Coast Tours Ever Offered Personally Conducted or Independent The Bett of Everything at the Beit Time Tours covering from 19 to 70 days Send for .Booklet O. Addrtss: GILLESPIE, KINPORTS & BEARD rao.vH walnut m. HIS Walnut St., Philadelphia CATE MAY. N. J. CAMS MAY. N. 1. I II m Ia iZaBi WE JW A Particular Resort for Particular People Everything for your enjoyment. Two Yacht Clubs. Tine Motor ltoads. Oood Golf' Course. Ocan Boardwalk. Moderate rates at excellent hotels. For illustrated folder and detailed Information write iuuy u K. J. JEItKELI. Sec. Board o Trade, Cape May, N, J, SHORT SUMMEE TOURS A Series of Tours from ten. days to three weeks Including: THE THOUSAND ISLANDS, CANADA. NOVA SCO nTIA THE WHITE MOUNTAINS, NEW ENGLAND, THE GREAT LAKES, GEORGIAN BAY, also COASTWISE TRIPS and SHORT CRUISES. SEND FOR OUR NEW BOOKLET (lit Pros.) SHOWING THE BEST ASSORTMENT OF SHORT SUMMER TOURS EVER OFFERED Send lor Booklet B, B. Addretit GILLESPIE, KINPORTS & BEARD puoira walnut 4 1115 Walnut St., Philadelphia ATXANTIO CITY. K. J. 1tvsiiBtartaSlarcL Jfem:e,COTJiOTiwBDewuu ItrlEliAMNO BESOKT HOTEL Of THt WORLD iatiwrop'Mircini ATLANTIC OT7TjN.tf. Wnnwiaiur ,--- - - .j WHJTg t, QN W ftt-flfttJ Weatmlnster t"Vv"P?&. B&. Er5 watw. 11.50 up dly.,8-12.D0 wkUr, O. Sana. llBACIt HAVEN. N. J. TUB IDEAL MOTOR BUN TO HOTEL BALDWIN Th modern tmUl of tbl i"?Vf WW!: Sf.ssr'ir seanro?l.rM,n,n WHITE MOUNTAINS, N. H. WOTtf MOUNTAINS (MW PROFILE HOUSE TWENTY COTTAOES. OPEN JUW 1ST. Accommodations for 450 Quests. . Oaterlnr to thoie who, with a, Summer Homo In u resort fafored. with a clientele ol the. hUhast order, ON IDEAL TOUR. irint Oarazs. Uolf, Tennis, lioattnc, Vlabtnc. C. H. aRE&NLKAlJV Pre. Booking- Offlcs. 1). D. rttch, Hotel Vendome, Jioiton, or 1.160 Broadway, N, T., Tuea., Wad.. Thursday, BEOFOBQ BPBINGS, PA. BEDFORD SPRINGS (PA.) HOTEL AND BATHB Estata of 8000 acres. 1200 feet above sea. level. Curative waters rival thoso of Mrlenba4 and Carlsbad. Modern hotel. Outdoor and Indoor diversions. Formal openink Juna 12. Opens May 27th for motorists, ' II, E, DEMIS. Mamrer (Winter; Royal Polnclana. I'alm Beach) JSAOKK'a MKBE. I'A. OCKAN CITY. N. i. HOTEL BRIGHTON &$& front notei; mooern uj 'j"i comfortabls room booklet: now. t ( resiMct: cool. reservations OOY. ftOB. BUftlMEB CAMP ,tlB OHILa atua Tr Canm for GUIs, 8000 fast abova ssat Focono Jits. liunzalovrs and Tints. 4 hoars AS fcSsitUi UUh, BL,, yfalUgslsliU. Va- THE GRESTMONT INN EAGLE'S MERE. PA, The hotel with tho Incomparable situation, 2200 feet, above tb aoa, on. the summit the Alleahenles, Oolf. tennis, boatlnr and tho flneet of . fresh water bathta; electrlo llshts, steam beat, etc Also bungalows with meals at Ian. For booklet and terms ad dress WILLIAIT WOODS. Minsgtr. BWABT1 rpioaB, PA. RTPATHT HAVRN TrJW "i M... . . ...., k. Juae d- , M. CCUKliJLHT. Batardiy. IjK I llSsOSSIaBBBBBBSaBBBBHBBBBJ mm WW mm. $w fe isinHHB JOSEF HOFaiANN He Approves the Public Ledger's Free Piano Lessons 6 I consider your Music Simpttfier a very useful improvement in piano teaching. " Josef Hofmank That's the verdict of Philadel phia's popular pianist on the free Piano Lessons to be published by the Public Ledger, commencing Sunday, May 14th. You can learn to play the piano by this method of instruc tion, whether you have a knowledge of music or not. As Hofmann says, it is "a very useful improvement in piano teaching." Try it. Get the first lesson free with: imm m mi !n P 9 fet 4. SUNDAY'S M PUBLIC liEDGER 1 iofeiilMiWEKaHB b!SkI 8ill.llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllH(ill.llllllllllllllllll. Irl, .mm
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers