EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA. TnUKHDAY, MARCH 'o, 101G. ' -tTC 15 1 a iff I? 0 rr.mnw MARKET piw" """"" OIET; UMLLH5 WATCH VERDUN 1 7 T -i a,! art r Seiner iJUtcn luuiuiirtuu Phinks French Resistance Will Hasten Peace PRACTICAL HOMES FOR THE MAN OP M ODERATE MEANS HONEY EASY Will RUSSIAN ' By FRANCIS W. HIRST ' rillor Tl Kcnnomlat. London SptrM Cable tn Ki-rntHO Atoi-r .AvnoV Mairli ! A Bmiwttrm lia f!"Z I dtatrlct. The ts I'n .'..i.. n.iiKli MnlriPMH innii. Rnn. A ?""'" ""." i ......i J"" f..joTnint so mr "iii '-" ". Kf. Il til I'-ronHi r plst.itu" at or- aiPly uecr.sful. will hasten IP .all tvlll en ken me iiiiiiiuruy .mei W K. if ultlm ife. f riermanv s "" I,,r,la- ri,hennuM.neeMnnrt1e.rn..;n Umbers the prosper ty "'"'' OT t Vnrlculilre Industrie minim i'' lrTra'"lltPil '"" Present llf J l one of mill slioitnKe. vvhlcb Is liylsoneoi described ,,:l. '. ihn createst numltlnn nf nil." Kr.. mums for the shortnBea nro ns-j- J Vlrst the enlistment of collleisi 'JP?a the Increase of the RovernineiifH Slinulrernen.s. tlilnl. Il.o 1ecrensr,l 'limit by the men nrltiaiiy ill worn, ni.nu J?S?.insl havliiK. of course, vnlun- 0,,B nB.: ... The Old tnrm reinnn ..e ion ..-.-.. ii '"i .wl iniirnali-ts aie r-liiBlnr; iikiiIii Kid tunes t.. Ih- heat of the wir drum , 5teiria " l.ler'"l "unci vv.ijr.. '"V.V. r irndeis are ricm in asseu- K.. mat 1 tar IT I- not the load to the i&Wt wealth. e still nilvoutito the ffilon of the tiiirf vvetuitm In the .war nt Is to i"u" "" " .n.,ir to nlMii.nl lu'i-oimts from tSiatni. lUisHlan money iniukctH. of 'ii.i. Mnsrnu ciMlv is nrst, are rum- Cilielv easy ovvIiik to tno Heavy tinn Son of lull- "t "dlt The Imiimtnnt Krfrm the cr.-it Indlltdi Inl districts fnf Poland ceased, of course, with Oeimaii Elation mill much old credit trade vviim PurliiK the last ..,., lit leef,ct.In r .. nine cur K' ' ".' ..r, EV" w rMmber Uecrnih miuli Krenter stahlllty lis been nlio n round nlioiit IjD. I l BUtwrr. Dmms cff. ' loilil 3 " "B I I Lr-y T-w- Jy Qet t I ' ' I I ) etiAMBca "1 I urina ntirt. j sumtbrt . I CHtnecK xrrpin.p ""' aw. fj U I Ibliced on a cash lis . K... nihlr. oxehn litre " 154 ..--- mcs from tin- i"'i. ii""j. " .lummij ud Kebruan. to the lilRhesl. Ili. In ENGLISH HANK STATEMENT invnnx. Mm ill 'i --The weekly stntc- Btnt of the II.iiiU of lhiKland shows the WlonlnB rliniiK. - miai remim enuseil fl71i'0i iln'iilatloii Increased fOIOOO, liullion ill-creased tl'S.OOt): other PtKtirltles (lecriM-etl t iMiS.OOO; other di- Milts dfirca'ed C4.ns:i,0ou: ptilillc do- posits Increased I. .VI 1.000; tJoxerniuent '"'eecuritlea unelianseil. The proportion of ii! bank's reserve to llahllltlcs is now !'U ner cent.. aK.ilnst i7.0 per cent. i list week, and compares with n decllim r!frem!l!i per cent, to LMifc per cent. In (this week last year. ClearliiK.s throiiKh ids London banks lor the weeK were t;s. HIIJ.OOI), against J"7,17j.000 In tho samo fwee'k last year. s LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS S CHICAGO. March .- IKHiH. ltecelils. IJ3.0CH); market. 1(ii"t."c. hlRlier: mixed nnd im.i.ih n i.'.m n T."i ; f.einl. ht'iivv. Sll.:i."it" (IHiroush. he.acy. Mi.tiimli.niii llRht. $11.0.161 F5;o!plits $7.iAis.l.1. hulk, sii.jom-i.i.i'.-.. ; eiTTl.P ntltitM. l."iOO! miirket Hlrouir: tteni, W.S5w ti,.iOi cows nnd heifers, SWHim J I: ilockers uml deefcrs. sri.UUtHi Tcnns. "l-IMMtfrai. rnlipn. llt'lll. 1 .HIEEP. HcLelniH Is, (ion; market strnnp: ' ftitlvt anl Weatcrn. -l 7firK.riil; lainlis. .H f eiuv. NEW YORK BUTTER ANO EGGS xmr vnnK. iinnii 11 ih'ttuk Miir. be Iradn a llttl hi ttt r anil tone sliKhtly till- promt. Ilfi-olMs HI70 packioies Uxtr.i craraery. .lie; . nicnfr nruriiiK. iinnc.ni- . Stale dairy .'M1i:i7 .. Imitation crcimery, R.l!nc.S Mnrl'f.t mIIltIiIK nrmrr. llprclnlH. JljiM caaea Ultra ilrsiH, s.1'4 iff 'Jle.; Ilrsls. v.si3v uiiiiih aii"iaic. broiins, .ri'a'iii !lc: mixed. u;i! L'lijr THE WEATHER Ollicial Forecast WASHIN'UTON', March 9. iiur. Fair and continued cold toulcht: Vrl- Affair anil Manner moderate! west winds. i. The storm Hint was central off tho Del- jlf8 Capes yesterday has moved up the !- cnsieru Alulna with increasing aersT. causinc miow throiiBhont the lortheastern portion of tho country. A Sid area has overspiead tho middle At .antlc States, with fieezlritf 11a fur south as Blower tho temperatures in tho south At MtlcStaes, with frceziiu; a. fnr south as ga'annah, Oa Fair wenther is reported PMrally from tho Breat central valloja uia the plains States, while 11 wanner area ravers, tho countr from tho Mississippi , r ' 1 U. S. Weather Rureau Ilulletin JoMirntlona ink.-n .it 8 a. Tilt: cottngo we are Illustrating- Is Bultcd to n west frontage. It In .10 feet In width nnd 2(i feet 6 Inches In depth ; there lire three Rood rooms on the first floor exclusive of the Blazed sun room mid tlireo chamhers and sleeping porch on the second floor, ahio a llheral slzeil hathroom nnd ample clothes closets. The construction Is frame with cement stucco exterior, tho roofs lire shiiiRled and stained. There Is u KOod full hase incnt and cement concreto foundation The first story Is 8 feet G Inches In height nnd tho second story S feet high The main floor Is 2 feet r. inches aboxe the srade nnd the cement dash Mulshed down over the foundation to thn grade He. It Is estimated to hulld for $2Ti00 to $.1000. eclllslp of heathiB and pluuililiiR The cntranco inn-ell opens into the sun 100111 on tho right, g feet ti inches In size; this sun room is connected with tho living loom and dining rooms with wide French windows. Tills Is 11 very pleasing ur rangoment .-1111 makes mi attractive. In terior. Tho lilng room on the left of the sun loom Is 20 feet liy II feet with n pin Jecteil Dutch window on the south end with a wide neat and wide. Ilhenil llie place in the centre of the long side. Tho stairs aie carried up hctwocti the din ing 1 0111 and kitchen with liasemetit stalls underneath. The main floor Is finished In oak with AN IDEAL COTTAGE oak floor, and the second story Is llnished In Illicit with hired lloois This Is a ery economical cottago to build and adapted to a city lot. The e.xteilor trim mings may he stained din k luown with the sash painted white; thin combination, ulth 11 light cream for the cement, al ways looks well. A moss green slain on the shingles will make an artistic, up-to-date home. WHEAT RALLIED AS SHORTS COVERED Government Report of Reserves on Farms Discounted Com mission Houses Bought m , 1-aatern Low S lust Itdln. .'Still,, " '15' "" .... ee- itliria n. '.'.'. ". . '"" inii. Ity.wenther JtUoiio City '. guumora li l'j I uaurck. N D. as a 1 BQffili J v ... Tr. 9frlt0a A ;', iSjttanatt, Ohio IS IB Wit. Jllch il" 1.' gTOria?N, C'. Hi 32 - 4H. O, , -A' "II Inn.'ltont Jh j!! N'W 14 1 WUnapolls OCtunvlll. fUUla f!ltw Fj!ll8 Hock ?, "f elea 7""mn! Ky an r" 31 Jii 70 21 311 .311 .111 .02 .10 .01 w AV N'W HV SW NV H W SF-3 NV 12 12 IN 21 Jii ill iii in 111 iomery IS"I. C; g?te.i- $ f Tori ' ib iUtaoma"' ' 7a. Kilpb i!' BBStVh" S8 ii r" in t "na. .7tJ pu. :teisfe.-5 pltliT.:: '.' f'J ? I AnlcnC"' J.?. J. K:,ft!n'c-'i 18 .10 Ml .!..., , . . . Sw&ilMnrl' MU Mu Molanoh St if. Iu 3 Ntv, no nv. an rcv. .. HV. .. iv :? BV, .. K. ni:. 12 HV. .. .V. SfK- :: I!. .W. SO W 2S NV J 2 aw .. UK .. HIS ni: u v 1: N'W .. HV . . N 10 KlV U N 3U IMouily ciear ("It-ur rie.ir Clear Snow Clear Cloudy Clear Clear IM'idy clear I'.CIciy I Cldy Clear Cloudy Clou.ly Cloudy Clear l'.CUiy Cloud Clear I'.cidy 1 '(ear Clear Cloudy Snow Clear Cloudy Cleur Clear Clear Cloudy .. Clear . . Clear 21 Cloudy . . Hnuw cloudy U Cl'iudy I" Cleur 20 Cloudy .. Clwir . Clear .. Clear . . I'.Cldy . . Cloudy . . l.cldv Cleur Clear Cleur CHICAGO. Muted 9. Ituylug liy a largo niimher of commission houses, willed forced sliorts In cover, quickly rallied the wheat market today after n, weak start. Tho Government report on reserves on farms, which was 0110 of tho most bearish ever issued, had been discounted II. V. Snow. In an nnalysls of tho re port. Indicated that the total stock In thn United States ut prcs-ont nmmmted ito iihout 500.000,000 bushels, or nppiox Imatcly one-half of tho hiHt enormous yield, with new wheat only three months away, nnd with competing expoit coun tries crowding to sell heavy surpluses. Trices sagged for n time later In the ses sion on selling duo to a benilsh state ment from Canada, where tdo total yield was put at .118,1182.000 bushels and tde amount on farms at 50,000,000 bushels, but tho market again resumed Its up ward trend on further covering nnd small offerings. Final prices, however, were below the best, at $1.11 Tor May. against n high point of fl.l2N and Jl.tOTs at tho end yesterday, nnd at ?l.ori'. for July, against u high prlco of $1.10 (y mid $1.0ST, yes terday h lust quotation. Tho bottom prices wero established nt thn outset. $1.10 for .May and $1.0SU for July. Corn also rallied promptly on good buying by commission houses, after start ing lower on the Government report. Tho market at Liverpool wan easy. Idght ie celpts wero looked for tomorrow. The cleat anees fiom tho seaboard wero small. Small exports wero expected from Argen tina for tho week, sno.000 bnshols, against 2,211.000 bushels a yenr ago. After dipping at tho outset, oats rallied at once when shot Is tried to cover. Lending fulureu mimed im fnllous: tes'daj's DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU MIGHT BE? HAVE YOU FOUND YOURSELF? Have You Discovered Y'otir Real Self? Do vott lsnow where to find your own success-power? These questions do not refer to physical en durance, nor to mere intellectual attainments. You may have learned how fast you can run, or how much you can lift; you may he it master of science, or well posted in literature. Rut what of your slumberini,', undeveloped forces within .' What is it that makes the hero? Is it not that the secret sprinp of action has been touched for him by an enlarged demand or a sudden emergency? Ability to do is developed quickly when intensity of purpose is nroused within. You can do in proportion to your determination to dare. The power to succeed is potential within you. We Jwljje Others Wrongly. Wc look to the brawn more than to tho brain; to the muscle more than to the mind; and to the hand more than to tho heart. Men are not mere animals, nor beasts of burden. There is a vitalizing power within. The better-self, tho consciousness of strength and intelligence isthis power. Here rests tho poise of mind, and the personal character. From within, man derives strength to carry out his highest aims. Principles Should Regulate Your Actions. All are naturally inclined to be honest, truthful and just. Tho reason that all men are not honest, truthful and just to themselves and others is that they have lost their vision of the rightway. They do not understand their better-selves. They fail to apply principled and positive action. If you want to succeed you must work in ac cordance with the success rule. Character is measured by tho Golden Rule. Know This Inner Power. When you know where lies your real strength, and know how to find the mighty principle which governs the best impulses, then you arc ready to meet every emergency. It is the strong character in man thnt gives him power with other men. Forceful character is nothing more than tho larger development of tho positive mental faculties of man. Happi ness comes from service to others rather than to self. Be serious about your life problems. Overcome all difficulties. Dig deep into your own conscious ness. You are stronger than you know. Li 'ng is more important than you think. Your potential producing powers are greater than you now believe. (CopurloM. iOld. fci fluid .. Smith. Pluladrlnhia) Open, Iltidi. Low. Close, lIosh. Wheat JI111.. l.lli'i 1.12 I. in 1.11 1.111 July.. l.liS'i l.inli I.UHV4 l.oii'J l.iis. Corn (now deliver! ) Mli.. 74H 7.'i. 73 7.". 1741a July.. 71 Til 7l'a 75 74. O11I3 .May.. 424, n !2!j tlSH 1.1 July.. 41 'i I Hi II 41. 414 Lard May .lo.iii) U.IO' ln.uo 11. uo 1 10.82 July .11.12 ll.2." II. 10 11.211 'll.OJ Itllm May .11.117 12 12 11.117 12.117 tll-M July .12.111 12 27 12.11.1 12.20 TU.II7 I'ork .May .22.32 22 87 22.32 '22 711 22.17 July '22.30 22.70 22.2,1 22 UO t22.H7 Hid. tARked. Financial Briefs fIy every boatload of waber that comet to u ar " on time. Even if the " a nln.,l. I...- ... pock a, wardF.Henson&Co. rwira I vnier ai JMwtiar " - VIUTV4, fluid. : The Old Dominion Company report for the year ended December 31 shows net In come, for tho year. Jl.aS'.'.l'JG ; burplus ut end or year, SMS.O'JG. Sales of the V W. Woolwoith Company in February amounted to $5,346,a71, against $1,514,505 In February, I 'J ID, an Increase of 18.43 per cent. From Janu ary 1 sales totaled $9, Mo", 201, contrasted with $8,757,820, gain of 14.14 per cent. Tde Kelly Springfield Tiro Company for tde year ended December 31 leporta gross profit. $2,880,080; net operating Income, $1,684,206, and net income of $1,706,743. The Standard Screw Company has de clared an extra dividend of 6 per cent, on the common stock, payable April 1 to holders of record Mured 20. Tde AVestlngdouse Air IJrake Company leported for the srx months ended Jan uary 31 net profits, exclusive of con tracts for munitions, of ?t,'JDi.ys5, or $348,530 In excess of dividends. This compares with $1,882,137 net profits for tde full year 1918. Railways of tde United States earned only 3.09 per cent, on tdelr property In vestment in the last six months of 1915 according to information made public in Chicago, today by tde Hallway Ago Ga zette. It was pointed out, however, that statistics show tde railroads enjoyed u larger degree of prosperity tdan In tde same mouths In 1914, but that the re turn on tde investment was smaller than In tde same period of 1912, tde last cor responding period when earnings were good, and In that year tho percentage of return wad less than It was in 1906. Stockholders of the Bank of North America took action today to Increase the membership of the bpard of directors, us the result of the absorption of the National Bank of the Northern Liberties. An amendment to the article of the asso ciation was adopted, making the mem bership of the toard not lets than 12. -nor more than 24 Vacancies will be tilled A a later ineetlnf. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND FLOUR WIIIJAT. Iterelnta. 11 I.SHI bushels. Kx port demand was fnlrlj aitlie. mid with mronper outside aihites prliva nchanced lc. Quotations, car lots, in export olt'ator' No L' reil, spot nnd M.irrh. M 1N1M.2I . No 2 Southern led. st.lllgf'l 111. steamer No. 2 red. tl.lftirl 18. Nn 3 red, $1 l.lSrl.lM; reject ed A. 11.12'jlff 1 l.lVj, rejected II, JLll'lf 1.14 I'oltN Ilecelpis. Ill, 321 bus. Demand was Hutu and prites wero lr. lower. Quotations. Car lots for loeal traile, as to lotalltm -.Mi yellow, 7117 & so '? e. . utranipr ellciw, 7Ml 7tlr. . No 3 ellnw, 74 (f 7 Ac.: No. 4 jellow, i'JUP73e I . ..,. ..... rn 11. u ru.. DATS Iteeelpts. 211.372 bus Prices de rllned 4e. with a very ijulei trade. Quota tions: Nn 2 whltii. fiHiR2c... standard while, in 14 fi Ml Vie . No 3 Mlilte. 4S',a5l llie . No. I while. 4II15& I7'je.: sample oats. I.TI il'lic : punned o.iih, tinmen, wvau'ai;. J'LUUH. ittf-elplH, 1111:1 uwa anil i.-i POULTRY l.IL Deairahle stork was In rooiI rniuist nnd llrm. with supplies well under control. Quotations: Fowls, rlinlie, IT'? I'lh'ni . roosters. l2WI3c . sprlnu chickens. snfi lneateil llli2iic : ,lo.. hiukkv. IKjlae.. lur- , '?.,.?" u --' ''"Ii'?', a" " "i and cpialitv. ISSiilie ueese, I7lllii'.; plKeona. old per pair, 2871.100 , do., uuilK. per pair. 20(fl 22c. millHSfin Tho market ruled Arm under limit uftVrlnits nnd a fair demnnil Quotntlous l;rch.,llleil. ilry-packcd fowls. 12 to Inn, 1lr1-p.11 . fancy, selected, .lie , weluhlnir 4'ifl.r lbs iipleco. lllijc, vrvuililni: 4 lbs. ?'"'"' ",''''" welBhliiB 31i Ihs apiece, lsiji- . uelghlnq 3 lbs npleii., liieiTc; fowls. 11 l.bls. dry-picked, faiio, weUliliiE I'jiiiS , ... ui,i,-i,-. iii-.i wciKnuiK 1 lus apleci, inc.. smaller aires MMlSc; 0I1I roosters, drj-pli Bed, 1 1 '.: ihlcliena Jcrsej. fumy broilers. 2l(2ilc . 17 !""V,r '"rli rilllcy broilers 22tl2le . Western ( I I I I Till 1 1 T-M llu lllllnn 1 1 tTS. t It... ...-.... ll.a I,, u,,.l,a Th.n nig lllile Iriulliiir and the ' v.,. ' iiii7.::1.."i.i.T..T. "Jr.. 'IP1',.':. -."f-le ".'.. """r ,..:.. ':.'.'. vt.......i- ....- 1 ::.: ."". ."",,,! iimwii". niumeL IVUB larKeiy iiuiiiiuai. iiuimun.ii. i- lliil His. in wood: Winter, clear, la u 2.1 . do Quotation., per ,,. , ,,;H" and over In'.oS ' "'"V: icpllunal lots hlcher: V,ir))n.r,t lllin..iu ..n.... Hiraishl. I., ar.ain 110, 110., paieiu. ...ii.ii.."". 1 weiiiiiiiB ,5r.'l'v Ilia, In bnjes. rNOllie Kansas, tlear. cotton sacks. t4.Miv. 1; clo , .Northern Illinois fancy, welu-hlm.- U ft i iV stralKht. ration sacks, J.1.20W.1 SOI do ..lis. In bills . UWlhc. . other Wes enl T WiIkI? pateul, cotton sacks. J.1.50flr, 70. SprlnK. Ilrst I In a I lbs mid over, In boxes. 184 inc., other uear. 9a..'a'ii.i.iio. uo , airaiKiic. .,.,,, j . .,, -:-- ., weiHitiiiir aei'.l' 1 ,m . in i,v.m in niiient. s.",.K.Mii)ii.l.'i. ilu.. favorltu brands. $11 2.1 W II 7.1. City mills, rholco and fancy patent. til.S.Kfil 7.1. city mills, recular unities, whiter, clear. S18jr2.l: do, straight, 10 3.1W 5.1:0: do . patent, i"i ll.l .1 till UVU t'LOl'lt vKis unlet but steadily held. We nuoto 15 2.1IU.1 7.1 ir Mil., as to iiunllty. PROVISIONS The market ruled llrm with u. fair Jobbing; tllflTC : nlller lt'..u,uv. .7 ..,..1.1.. ....,.....: . Ib . In l.l,b,"i.lV.,.".'Vi. ".':'""."." -' i...r-h.-We'iil,l,i 8 l.l"il',s"'arpleV. 27 Y'T' smaller hUp, 23(2ile., turkejs. fancy jCuiib !.'-".0,"i ,,""'' :tl1 do. fair tu clioli Thft oc ' '!' '"!"" .-''! JPrliiK ducks" near,; INW.oc ii,, . Western fancy, niiplhc do do., fair to irood, 12lric ; ieeae, l.-.iii "o, simabs, h.t dozen White weliihlllK. 11 to 1" lis per dozen. IS.M.1MH; while, i elahini: il to i'W'f- .f :"!.' . 73..whlief welBhlnK ........ ., I .... .,II.....1J l'l,l I iieiiianu. wuiai.unif rmisni . ,,,.... - ." - .ui-ii, avv-i.t.t. Willie, weluhlnir 7 lieef, In sets, smoked mid alr-.rled. 2IW ' lbs. per .Wn. l:i.23ea.7ri; w III. w.Mdni 2.1c, Western 1-ef, III sets, smoked. 24W2.V ; II Jill '4 Ihs m-r dozi n 12.7.1 W.I' ark i"tito't .Ity beef, linuckks and lenders, smokeil am small and No. 2, IHil ai ' '" ",1, nlr-ilrlml. "HM'J7l. . Western beef, knuckles and lenders, smokeil 2119127c. Iif hams, I2HSC 3D; pork, family. J22 MipT.l. lutms. H. I" cured, loose. 1.1 WHk .do, skinned, loose, Ut 50 17c: do., do. smoked. 17W 418'4c'.: other hams, smoked city cured, us to brand nnd uterine?. UIHW17c. hams smoked, Western cured. iH4W17i . do boiled, boneless. 27e ; picnic shoulders. S P cured loose. IMir.; iJJ.. smoked. 1 1 -i (Ifl-'ic ; .Hi.ies, in mctue, arcnrdliiB to uerui,-e loose. I2Vj (flSc. . break- VEGETABLES a.S! ffiU". J,rmr1i' lull's bus!i!n"i.e,,SM'iir a, JSyV ,&.. " .? fllV'fl.LI: -Maine. II l5WLVr Weswrn.VleV 7ii S ftW W"- No I Ho wiS cuied. Miil.lc . hreukfost bacon. Wesnni -N". 1. SOfiilik.: No. s. 2.1i-i:ii)t. fo vfrl cured. lfiOlik, lard. Western, retlned. In Blnla. per bid , ,r,o 1.7,-, Onions, ne'r II 11! tierces, lltic . do. do.. In tubs. 11 tic , J',""'"' '"." .' 2Ci2 :i No I.-,,1 t ": do., puro city, keitle rendered. In tler.ys. Cabbago. Danish, per ton. !. 13: do rinr: 11 'ic, do., pure tlty. kettle rendered. In tuljs. Ida. iwr hamper, i.r,w 1 p. , k,,u7.; ,v'r'' It ic. Una, per erute. l.'j.ly ,r, i'eieVi i.-i.Jii. REFINED SUGARS i f "i',',', -- Hpinath! 'sKvAt.", Th m,.rlc,. ... unlet but tlri.l Wo .mots' I 1 .1. ,kale0,i:-n.l.,T""S;..l.,er "per. t& ttii. h'nr .u ..- 1....,:.." -;". " v-t . ... i.e. Extru line irrumdaled ! SUc , powdered, II line. confectioners' A. nine, soft crudes. 5 7..'u " 35C' FRESH FRUITS Choi. 1, stoik whs In fair reouost and gen erally stuady as follows. Apples per bbl lonathsn, famy Jljf.1 do, fair to kuo.1. I2r,ui(3: Wlnesap I3f I , Italdwln. 12 5iiy 3.2.1. (Ireenlnn. 2 'i1f2 7.1. Vork Imiwr al. I2W3: Hen Davis. It 71 2 50, "tiler varieties SI nu2.!lll. No 2 $1 J!;11 SO. apples In bulk, per 1011 lbs ROc t$l SO. apples. West ern. per lx. 1 2.142 Ora.ii.-es, Florida, per crate; 23 Tanilerlncs Florida, peir strap, $2 6004 Orupefrult. Florid, car crato. il S0&3 lmon. per box. $34 Pine apple, per rrule I'orlu lllui $2 ,10f 3 BO, KlurM $2 1HW3.3II. Crunberries. Caiw Cod. nr bljl . $hTo. do. Cape Cod. per crate. I2S03. do. Jersey, uer bbl . $t8: Uu . Jsrwy nsr crate. $22 tU Straw berried. FtorUU. per .uut-Hfrtaerators. 2583DC.. open crates. l)2lic PAIRY PRODUCTS CHBBSK Offirlinw .ware Itvlit and tlw market ruled steady, but tradS was uulat TudutUMi. N'W Vork full cream, fancy, held lHV(rlbr . do do., fair 10 sood bald' llWtWc do. part akim ItfJlUc IIUTTBH Orterliuis were IW1H and tb market ruled rirui under u fair demand Ouotu tloii Western fresh, solid-packed creaiuery faiiy iS; 40c , extra. 38c . extra llrsts. 3u37?flrsls. 4S3c . seconds. 3l33o.. tbiTds 1 : . Pnerby prints, fancy -He., iwreie Mtru 3940c ilrsts, 310370., aecortds. 30 832c . aPfjll '"nc" branda of PriwS-i5a:aSitnd,wI. fairly active and vulusi were well auatalned with aupvlles under Z-ooS uontrul Quotullons In. free uaaea, njar tSixtra 27c per dui. n nearby Urals, $7 20 iir aiaodard case n.arbj current rec. Iota. Iras uTTcasi iuii "tra rlrata. t 20 r;J T $0 J07 05 to cjuatiu . faocy Jelect.d we Jobblmt t 2?3U pat duien. Touiaioes. Florida. ,wi 'carrier, faniv I" tpouike,!',''"'- '- zntty Thete Notices Are Printed in tho Evening Ledger Free of Charge. 5iG.T,VI','.uJ htr resident. 222U N llllll si Nolk'e of funeral later IltlVAJIAN. m March B. 1UIU. HAniE wlfa of belrak lloyajlan Italatlvee and friend are Invltid to attend tli funeral services, on buncUj afternoon at tius Oliver If Ualr llulldlns. 1820 Clieatnut st Interment at Monument Cc muter y nOK3I.On Wareh 7. IUIO. EMMA LOl'I3A daughter of Jullu it. and Katharln A liorm. tn her 13th ear IleUtlve o4 friends ar InvJUd tu uttend the CunaraX oil Friday, at 45 p. m from her paTaiK' residence, 48 North Far son at . West phlta delphla, Iteman can lot viewed ThuraKy from 7 to 10 p. ru. CABSKI.. On Uarch 0. 1910. KLIZA A Wiaow or isaao w. . a use 1 1 In Her Uatll year. at Bdsmont Farm, t'pixr ll'rlon tovyniHp, cviaiiv du 11 v luncra kjiti'tiri ia taiivtwsv u ro aki tx. 1 jyj -Jaj luuut FUTOX Luuir iirldaiUDurC Kndjy aftir iwwo. Utt"(.i 10 tit J u' 1 luck Jut-townt pflv&tfr t ymuutU Memiiifi iui(ru iryunJ nKATIIS ntrwt fitntlon, P. n. It . t 17: l)n Kulb HCroet HtAtlon. P nnd 11 . 1 10. Norrh town; P. and W. trolley RtAtMn. Urldjieport. 1 23 I nuttRAN. Suddenly, on March 7. Iftlfl, KATiii.i.iNi; roriiKAN. wire or Andrew t'ochrnn and ilnuahter of thn ln( Alfred J. nnd ff'hnrlrttto ni IlcUtUrfl nnd frlrnd rr Invited to Attond th funBl serlcen, on Pfldny, nt 2 ,10 p m.nl her Inte reoldrnce U12 W. Tenn ni , UermAntown. Interment Ir! nt COOK. On Mnrrh i. tfllO. CATIIKUINR widow of John Cook fneo I Uttor). Helftltvefl nnd friends nro Incited to Attend tho funerAl Bcrlcffl. on Thuroilny, nt i! m.. nt tho pnrlnra of O W. ntclte Pon. 2200 Prnnk ford ne Interment strictly private. At Mt Vernon mtery IMIShU.IIT. on Manli R mm .mux r lmnlMntl of Hnrnh llntKnik Pranlet Iteln ttr nnd frl'-ntN ntnl metnltera of Itenoata Ado()hon IjOilae No 2V, I i n V iirf In Mt"l tn nttond tho trrkrn Hnturdiv nt ' p ni prrfipelj t'ntvernalMt ('hunh "f th M' lnh S M. mrner nf llrnnd n nnd Mnhtjriitnen ne Interment prtvnlr I 1)1: f.WKV. On Marrh 7. 1010 liumv l ID. huflinnd Mnruerlte ? hmn 'n I i "111 Itntiittwn nnrl friPtut iilt M inuit ilns Jims Philadelphia riillR- f P'ihi mnt IMillmlelnliln Amiti latloii HHiill Irn clf nnd nil other aralotle nf whlili tit m n nuMiitvr. nr Itnlted tn iitti-nd tho fun ml frvlto nn Sntunla. t 2 p tn from hl Intn r'iltii. . 221 is Itntdnaou at lntT mnt nt IVriiwnod Onietnrv niMi'im. on MHtrh 7. loin riRonrin o. hiKlnnd of Mnrv Proper nnd 71 -nrr H"lntlna nnd friend nre Imlleil to nitnd He runornl jjxnlrrs. nn Huttirdn nt 2 p in nt hli Into reliknie, l.VUt Wm Mkilnl at Int-rm. tu prltntp. 1)1 ItllAM. On Manli 7. 1010 .TAt'on Inw IiiiihI nf Ainitmlu nnd tnn of tho Into WhU ttnutoti Ourhnm Hrlnlho nml Irlonda iiIko Phllid'lphln l.dtro. No ft! 1. o. ( M md Stom mm s rhih. nro nItod tn ntt'tul tho funpriil porho, nn rrldrf, nt 1 P.m prod. , nt hla Into rnaMenre, 2S t. .Itid Knii nt Intornioiit nt IVrtiwond tVinetnrv Itomnlim mu ho evor Thursday ccnlng, 7 until ti n rloi k. Ulo funeral. 11 n.i:it. Sud.lonlv, nt UH renldopre 317 Hnuth tilth nt . oti Mnri'h 7. lllltl. OnoIUlI V huh.tnd nf Harriot V Killer, ntted 02 xortra ltelnthea ntid frtonda rn limited In nltotnl tho funnrnl aortioa. nn Friday, nt to n ni . nt ttio OtUor II llnlr Mull.llMK. 1S2ii tMiontmit al inlorment prlvnto. ri..MV. on Mnrrh 0. 1010, MAUY C., be. Invert wifu of I'nlrtek J Plynti. nnd dnujih tor nf John nnd ttm lain Cnlhertno .Morfhea. of Cnunly PnncKnl, Irolnml Itelntlves and frlndi nro imitnl to iitieml Ihn funernl, on I rid iv. ut S.:ttl a. in . from tho roMrtcntfl nf her HlMor. Mm M Terny. 2100 South .Vow IclrU ft. I ltli Mhp nf Ho'iul-iu ul tho .Most I'redotn Itlond t'lniroh. nt in n, nt Inlor ment nt Holy rrnvn iVtnctrry. rONTAIN. ihi Mnrrh s llllll. I.YPI C Hipp Snro). hMou of IMwnrd v rmitHih ItohitKoi' nnd frlfitiH nlrxi tho nnRroKittlon of rirat I'rrihx terhm I 'hnrr h of KomhIiik ton, the 1 folplt.fr llnnd rinpn of Hio Korntid HnptlM iMmnh, ntnl nil other m uunlxiitlnn of nhh h rloconnoil . ii tni'inhor, nro In ited to uttotid lh- runoinl jfrxlren on Snt nrrtnv, nt 2 n in nl (ho ronldonro of 1nt Kntiln-lnu. Hum II U'nllnn. 1120 Shin K mnixnn Ht Intorment prlmto, nt Noiih ( Villi r fill) iVH-tor (iltAt'i:it. On Mnrth 7 1010 SOPHIA i i:m.ahi:tii tiitArnti (nee wvrnio) i..- Iooil fn of Krodorli It Urntior. nt d ."." I yenra. Ilolnllvoq and frlrnda, nlun mom Item of Hio Oormnn I'hun h nf Ponro. imh Bt. nnd Snyder u. nro Imltrd to nttoiid funernl. Snturdtiy. nt 1 p. m. front her hito rpaldeiirp. ;il Hurfnr ntT Interment. l'Vrn wood Cetnetory. Prlond mav ow retnaltia Friday at S p tn Atitomuhllo fori pro. tilCKHNi:. On Mnnh 7. 1010. JOSIIPH I) VIS Hlli:n.N"1. ltoiitloi and friends nro In ltoil to attend tho funor.il Horl(fH nn Frl d ly nftornnott nt 2 n't. lot It. nt hit Into i evidence. 1 l.'t (:inentrr nt . Cormnntown. Tmlii lenMM llrmid St Stitlnn for Carpenter Slat Inn nl I 2."i p in. Intorment prUulo Ploimt mnlt Unworn Ilti:i:M.. On Mnreh 1010. at Newark. N J. WILLIAM STi:VRT, htiNlutnl nf r.HznlMtJi KldKoU NIi IioI.ih (troetio. nnd pom nf Mr nnd Mm 1Mi,ml (in-one. of Phlln delnhln, nued 1.1 team rnneral norvlion will he hi Id nt Phut Proihtirlan rhitrrh nt Newark, on Satunl.o, Mnrrh 11. nt Mi .'lu a m Interment at Wuodl.uvn Omo torv Now VniK Ht'AUI-On M.irrh 7. 1010. CMFFOUn l. nn nf Clm rlen I ntnl Cnrnllti.i (luard. In hi 1 Ut Ii .iv. ItohitlvoH and friend, nlun Ilrotherhond mid IVllmvH I Mult of OjiHton ProNltert.iii Chnreh. an- Imltrd to nttend the funeral arhp on S.iturdt. nt 2pm, at Ills pun ntn' reHldem o. 2.".'Pi N'nrth 12lh Kt Interment private, at Ardnlo Cemetery. Item. linn m.iy ho Wcurd I'rld.iy. from H to in i m IIIMMCIAVIEKHIT. On M.irrh 7. 1010, CUANCIS i; IIIMMni.WIHflltT M. D . In hin 70th ,onr Itrlatlvon ntnl friends ami nil ortf.ml Mtlnns of whh h ho wan a member are tnUtrd to nttend the futiornl 8erlif. nn SMunho. at 2 p ni . prci 1uly. nt hln l.itn rofldenro, 42.14 old York ro.id Interment prlwit" at Wmt Laurel Hill Crnietery. u tnmohlle funernl lMHIV. aOn Mnrrh n. 1010. OllOlton .?.. In lined hiiHhand of Mnrnaret Hoey. HelutlveH and friend of tho family. nla employrn of IVniislv,tMa I tn llrnnd. are rrMpei tfully In vited to ttend the funrr.il, on Frldav, nt s :m n. r . from his Into realdetirp. filiri N. .Vdh nt Solemn Hepileni Miihh at St. Ak.i thn'n Churih, nt H n'thnlt. Interment at Holy Crimrt Coniotrrv 1.KO. On Mirrh 0. HMO. nilWARD .TOSHPH. hiiHhand of Anna M. T.to, iirpiI Tit years ItelatheH and frlendf. also the pollto nf ths tlth llHtrl(t and tho Cirrmnntnwn Itopuhllrnn Cluh are Imltrd to attend th funeral, mi Friday, nt K'.'IO a. rn., from Ids Into real, dome .Vj Hast Penn Ht . Ciorm.intowu IIIrIi Mans at Iium.irulntn Cnnreptlon i'hurrh. HnHt Chrltrn no.. ut to a. m Interment prln to n t Hoi j Sepulchre Cemetery. llrl.M'IICI,. On Mnnh . 1010 ANDItHW MrlNTllli: tn hla fifltli enr Funeral nen Ires on Frldnv. at 10 a rn.. nt Old Man'H Homo, .loth and Jtarlng fits. Interment prl Mrl!lt.NON.-On March 7, 1010. ItOMANNA. wife nf Hohert M ltrnnn ami daughter of the late Henry C and HusTtina Joihh Iteta thru nnd friends are Imltrd to attend tho funeral xor Ires, on Fi ldiv. nt 2:.'t(l p. in prriisoly, at her Into renMenin, 2240 IsltH worth pt. Interment t Firmwmd Cemetery Item.ilUH may ho viewed on Thurnday. ho Iweon 7 nnd 0 p. in Autnmobllo nervier .Miir. On Marrh t 1110. ANNA, vvlfo nt tionrKo Met z. HrlatUeH uml friends ant In vited to nt tend tho p'nornl. on Friday, at 7 .10 a m . from he. Into residence, 102s North Croakey si. Mams In St. Fllr.nbeth'a Chun h nt 0 n. ni. Interment nt Holy Cross Cemetery. MI' M.I.N. On Mnrch 7. 1010. HACIini A . widow of P.itrlrk Mullln (lien MiQullInn Hclativea nnd friends are Invited to attend the funernl. on Frld.iv, at s..'tD a. m . from her late residence. 1023 N Masrher st Solemn Ileciuleni Mass St MUlmel's at 10 o'rlnrk Interment nt N w C.Mliedral MIHKAY. On Marrh 8. WW, JOHN I. son of the late Wllllnm and Murv A Murrav Itelatlves and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, Saturday mornlnK, from his t l.i to residence 2.VJ1 Aspen st. Uotiul in Mass at St. Fran Is Xavlor's Chunh, nt h n'i'Inrk. Interment Old Cathedral Comet. r O'.NIIIM,. On March 7. 1010. CATHAHINi; willow of James O'Neill, late of Count v Derry. Ireluml. Helallves nnd friends are Invited tu uttotid funernl, Salurdav. at ft 3u n. m. from th rosldoim of her dauu'ht- r Mrs. M. Hovle. I OHM Olive st . Vst 11.11. dolphin Illsh Mass uf Itenulem In St Atfutha'H Churrh ut 10 a m preclselv In tprment In llcrtv Ciohs (Vmeierv ITOFTS. At New York. N Y . on M.irrh 7. I II HI, J AM US AMIKHT PFOFTS RpI . tlves and friends nro Invited to uttind the I funeral servhes. on Frldav. at 11 u m .it i thu Ollvir II ll.ilr HuIIdliiK Ih20 chiMtmii st. Phll'idclnhla. lntrrnitut private I Pltiri:. On JM.irch B. 1010. WIM.IAM s liiMilinrt.l nl Miipv .rln In lil 7 il i.r ltelatlvcs niiH friend, ulsn Kenni; Couui II, No II. O V A M Pninklln Cln le Nu 13. It. nf A . and employes of Cramps' Ship yard, nre Invited tn uttend thn funeral services, on riaturd.iy. at 1 p in . ut lilt i late residence, .1.112 Thompson st Inter. ; llielit private, at North Cedar Hill Cemetery . milfll ill' CI,, Unrph fl 101.1 llt?IIMAlir A (JLHOl.liv lined 3H years Itelatives nmi frelnds, nlao Ottawa Trllwi, No IR. Hay loft. No. 10.1 'j: Court Maine. No 111. r of A. nre Invited to attend the funeral, on Friday, March II). nt 7 30 n m from hli lnte residence. oHO IMne St.. Cumden. N J Iltuh Mass ut tho Immaculate Conception ! (hurcli. ut 1) u. m Interment at Kt Mary's Cemetery. Oloucester i QI'IKIC t)n Mnnh 7. IIMrt MAItY A Ql'IRK (neu l.lston) mid wife of Wllllnm if cjuli-k Hr ltelatlvcs nnd friends, also l.udy Wasl liin'ton Circle. No. 33, nre Invited to uttend funeral, on Saturday, at Ha m . from b i late residence 312 Cs press st .Solemn Mans of Iteciutem at Ht Joseph'H Chun b at II .to , a. in. precisely Interment Holy Cruss Ct'in. KlVilVi:. On March 8. 101(1. KATIIKVN I. ItllUVlk daUKhter uf the late VViHIam and jlanora Shlehls ltelatlvcs and frt. nils an Invited tu attend tho funeial sirva.s on Saturday afternoon, ut 2 otlock ut Hi, Oliver II ll.ilr lluilillni.- Ikju I'tnstnui sir. i Interment ut Ivy Hill Cenwterj lti:isin:it'r. on March rah. nun imi.i i Hi;lSlli:itT Moved wlfi of l. d, rick Itei hert (nee Wursier). Relatives and friends nre Incited to alttnd the funeral servios , Friday afternoon at 1 u'tlotk. frum her lut rrsldeuco 1H44 McICean st Itrmalns mav ho viewed on Thursday eveninc. at 7 uVloik Inter. n. nt at Fernwood Cemeti rv IttlllMAN. At his residence 21IIII Wiilnui street on March I. llllll WILLIAM I HODMAN. M t) The relatives uml friend, uro Invited to attend the funeral serviucs on Friday murnlnu. ut lu o clot k at ih, Second rresbyterlan Chiinb. 21 si and ., 1 nut streets Interment ut Frankfort. Ky SCHI.I.V. f)n March 7. 1010. IM.lZAHLTil wife of Kdivard Scully (nee Oull Kruim r Itelatlvra und frlenils uru Invited to uttem' the funeral on frrtday afternoon at j o'clock, from the funeral apartments ..f Harold 11 Mulleuan 2.12U North loth street (corner Oermantown uveuuul Interment prtvuto Itemains may be vbvved on Thurs day evening. . .. . KJIl'lll. Suddenly, on March 7. Will CATIIE HIN'i: II . wife of Henry F tiiiillli itel lives and friends are Invited to atceud th. funeral services, on Saturday at 111 a m ut her Into residence. 213d t'ber st Intel mont private STOCKTON,. On March 7 1010. SAIUH wife ut llvorkW Stockton uved .111 years a Delanco. N- J lUlativj and frl. n. It invited to attend tn funeral on Frida afternuon. at 2 o clock, at !h resld. nee ..i her son in law c. xv. unei ami at t lanco. N J Intsrineiit at Itiverslde tetu WAtiN'KB. On -!?r.h h llllll II FRAMv WAONUII of liirardvilte l'u formerly of Philadelphia l-uueral on Su.urday morning wfitfL'On' March 8. 1U1U E1.MEU J "husband of Hllen Wlleue (nee Lurklns) t.-, iwtlco will lw ifiven. frum tho nalden. v nl yncle Daniel Conner.. 1331 N ,, nock st. WII.hON. n March T. 1910 lU.LIIiK'I. Br. aon of the late Ellwood Wll,n, j ii ui M unicu. it ujaui. tiia oim vear IS nd frlwicliTrJ b'vlud tS'i'tt.nci I UlthON - On JvUrcti H. lia. Koici.ltl t I without further nutlS, Vrbm i of Mary and ln late JaroeaWM,,,, jt , aoa-K law M D. (tlpt lSd ti.-ca and Jrteucta are Uvlted t one,.,! i, but late residence 2tui Naudiin at tJuKu lleukm Maaa at St i'.iruki i nu-b u ! JO a in. nicrtn.ot ac Hely croaa Cetn.i.rr iMiappaepA ex uxoai iinta pIApSOUSIIW . 3TST.U08OX3 UUUCT011 w A3 apuapeap ppsTHiipaaavavsaoiTpa aapouopAuavivuiuapap loaiipHapAjmnnoxu US0X313aS2T2pUUA3TUa XOSAUTipoaUptTXSTUpA niiopAa;iiflnpxn:aa XU3AYXTU01 OYUOCUAXTA Tasoaaapuo P 8 II M 1 V J II uuoaaposx aaAMTnaxpp iHyopaTxay TMSUUAA3IU pifinuojus sosxsuaiap r p S A '1 3 3 p 1 o a a p ii ii u n p oaflBOAawpt, DAHA3uOP3i uannu330 XPOUSASHCM U0UM0SRACT iLVE This cry-ptogram contains a skilfully con cealed message. If you can correctly decipher it 'mid the queer re versed letters and fig ures its owner will pay you $100 in gold. Read how he got the cryptogram;- Wcdnesday Night. Sir Wc need $5000. You need information wc possess about your mills and iron works in Kensington. Our documents for sale came from a black portmanteau lost a month ago in the Mar ket street subway. INSTRUCTIONS. Put $5000 in a shoe box. Wrap the box carefully; tie it well; check it in the parcel room of the Broad Street Sta tion. Be on the southwest corner of Broad and Chestnut streets alone, at 12 o'clock Thursday morning with the parcel check. A messenger boy will give you a check in exchange for the one you hold. This check will show where you are to go for the original documents taken from the lost black portmanteau. The moment you make a move to apprehend us or break your pledged word all bets are off. A FRIEND. Can you solve it? It means much to the man who paid $5000 for it. He will gladly pay for the first correct so lution. His name is -oil
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers