wfKv asJWRy-fl'' " qpjpyM.- i nyir""' vy" jwrr-numii'w jtwiyg-ynw -g l. , iw-- Hjwrv'"" Jiw'fflJT MUMV - ' ThwWLi EVENING LEDGETl-PTIILADELrniA, THURSDAY, MATCOIT A. I6' FINANCIAL NEWS SPECIALTIES RULED STOCK MARKET THROUGHOUT THE DAY'S TRADING New High Records Established by American Zinc and , Butte and Superior Large Buying Orders ! Forced Coppers Into Prominence High Points in Today's Financial News German marks hit another new low point. Estimates of unfiled orders of United States Steel Corporation announced m some quarters ran from an increase of .100,000 to more than 500,000 tons, borne thought a gain of 250,000 or slightly less would he shown, brtra dividend of i per cent, declared by Standard Screw Company on common stock. Chicago ' i i j ii7-.--.. ..jrj nxniiiifiiifa mm American Locomotive una i reui- irtBiv'i u uw . ii .vw.i.w - .- -"- ..,:.. , r, I r. Company. Court order obtained for inspection o) I'tusourgn L-otu w nnnu'a hooks. American Uas Company report or year ehim v-"'"'-'. SI, 1015, good. February hard coal shipments larger. Company increased dividend. Republic Trust NHW YOHK, Mutch 9. The market today was virtually one of tho specialties, with tmolM nml trtdcra concentrating their efforts In Iksiips In which market tmncmentu weio easily controlled. Two stocks American Zinc nntl Utitto and Superior inutlo now high records, tho first named advancing ft points. Many uthcrH In thin group made pains ranging from 3 to ft points and on tho upturn WVstern houses Joined In the Inning, hut this element Is as purely professional u the trmllng clement on tho floor. Tho movement In Murine preferred seemed to Indlcato establishment or harmony between the two committees, but the Murine stocks were also helped by the belief that nddltlons to mercnntllo service and coining larger commercial movements will attract lncienei) attention to the securities of that company. Tho copper stocks wero forced Into prominence by some nggrcsBlVfi bull opera tions, with American Smelting toponilliig to the eccullon of some large buying orders, and Oreene Cnnanea. on assertions that the dividend payments aro to be doubled at the April meeting, made a gain of 3 points. Distillers Securities was bellied by the promise of the resumption of dividend payments a week from tomoiiow. Ilulto and Superior was helped on Its upward movement by the statement that a new body of oro had been found, running 18 per cent. zinc. Tho standard Issues weio In fairly Rood demand, with some Indication of United States Steel common, which nihiincetl more than one point, resuming feadershlp of the market. lluylnR of that stock was partly based on estimates that tho statement of unfilled mileis tomorrow will show u I.iiro Inciense. Itolchsmarks continued henvy throughout the day. with both checks and cables on tlcrlln selling at fl'V Demand sterling. Into In the day, advanced to 4.76H In covering of shoits put out early In the week for delivery by tho New York sailing on Saturday. Estimates of Steel's Unfilled Tonnage Varied Estimates of the pi nimble showing by the I'nlted States Steel Cnrpoiatlon of Its unfilled orders as of I'ebruary 29. to be made public at noon ttimuirnw, vary to a greater .extent than in some months. Vhil In some quartets an Increase fiom 300,000 to more than iiOO.OOO tons Is looked for. other usually well-Informed Intetests maintain that a gain of about HiiO.DOO. or peihaps plight lv less, will be neater the actual figures. Those making the highest estimates maintain that the d.illy ordeis weie at the rate of between fiS.bOO and 70,000 tons, while the smaller llguies ale based nn dally oider.s of slightly In e.secss of 60,000 tons. At tho close of .lanuury the tonnage on thn hooks aggregated 47,806,220. Court Order Obtained for Inspection of Pittsburgh Coal Hooks TRENTON. X. J.. March 9. Otto .1. Keib. of Urooklvn. has obtained from the Supreni" Court an older letunmblo S.ituiday In .lei soy City for an inspec tion of the books of the Pittsburgh Coal Conip.m, c.ipltnlled at Jill.OOO.OOO. NEW YORK STOCK SALES T.afft l'l ti l.'IS IIUll hi1; in L'J'4 IIO'i 7' (IS li')' j (,()". 111'. (,'". 104 l.M'. lOU t!l 2!t'j ai :i')s. 7t's 10J :i'i'i HB'i ll' '.). tv'v .r-'. 101 , ii-j'i s-i' '.l'l7. SS S71. 10:1 lUl's wot. b7"j 711'.' -! 1S1 Sjt, UJ. Adams EipreM Alaska J Cold M . IIS Alaska Gold Mln" 21. Allls-ChalmeR Mfe :t'l AUU-Chalmrs Mfs tr 77' j Am At Ci'cmh.'al . Ii7i Am Beet hue-ir . lis', Am Can.. . . .7.),'. Am Can pf II l'i Am Car 4. Kdy . .. 07i Am Coal I'roducti l.'iS im Express .127 Am Hide Leather . ! Am Hide & I. I'f 17 Am Ice Smiritles . . . 1") Am Linseed l'l Am Linseed pf .. Ils'j Am Loromollvtt 7(l' Am Locomotho pf .lOl'i Am Malt Corpn . II Am, Malt Corpn pf . . '.ii Am Smelt & Itef . ll'.l1. Am Smelt A Itef pf 111', Am Smelt pf A U.( Am Smelt pf It M'j Am Steel loundrlej. l!)'i Am Sucar Kef . .WU'i Am Tel & Tel .127'. Am Tobacco .... It)7lj Am Woolen .".'I Am Woolen pf . . till Am Zinc L & Sm . . S'i't Anaconda Cop M . hll1. AtchTop S. S V. .102'4 Atoll Top &S F pf .Hlllj Bald Loco Works. . .Uii'i Bait & Ohio h'h Bait & Ohio pf . 70. Bitopllai Mlnlnz . 2 Betnlehem Steel . Brooklyn Itap Tr Brum T & It It bee Butte & Superior Cat retroleum . . Cal Tetroleum pf. . Canadian Pacific... central Learner . . . oj Ches & Ohio 01 Chandler Motor . . 02 Chile Copper 22,' Chlno Copper . oiii Ctncaeo at West pf .. ,')5l C hi Mil i St P . U2'i Chi & Northwestern 12U Chi It I & I'ar 10'4 Col Fuel &. Iron .. . 414 Col & Southern 20 CompT lire Co 10'j Continental Can S2i Continental Can pf UK) Consolidated lias . IXi'-i lorn Products itef ... 2 J tort Products Itef pf. OS iruclble bteel T, ... bOii l.rucIblo bteel pf 113), Cuban-Am Sugar 201 Detroit KdUon" 131 Distill Sec Corpn 17 Erie 3u' Erie 1st pf o2 Fed Mm Abm., . . 23 Fed Mia 4 Sm pf . .54 Gen Chemical ,. . . .300 Gen Chemical pf. . . 110 General Electric .llJ General Motors . -1'Jj Goodrich ar 71U Goodrich II F pf . . 115h 110 Graoby Coasol Ollj 02 Greeae-Cananea,. .. AWi Great Northern pf. .. 121 Gt Nor cfs for ore, pf. . 42'i Guggenheim Etpln ... 21 lumois wemrai. ..... nu 1st Agrkultural . . 20s lot Agrlcultura) pf,,,. CW lnt llarv Corpn . . , tlSJ,' Low. Clwie. 1 II) HO fli 20' 3 ."() 7hj 07" i OS'j ui' 074 l do1, I20. ll'i IS 2!) 21 M)' j O'P i 101'j h'5 'i !ltl' 112 tl.l bll U)i 100 127't 107 S2 os S4' 0 102' 1UU 10 lit S7 70' i fi, :o'4 no 7S'a (S fit'. 10 11I4 r,!i'4 IKi'i 12ft' Ill 10s. 204 21".' :'.0'i 70'i 102 M SI A S Montani l'oer N.illonal lllscult Nat Kn.un .V S Co Nat Knaiii A S pf Nat I j- ill Co Nev Con Cop . . . Se orl. Air 1) N N II A II . N (' A II It Norfolk A WV-tiTIi North AmerKin Northern I'jiIUY Old Dominion Co Ont Slher Mln . Pacific- Mall . . .. IVmi K.illro nl Peopks CidH Chi 1'Iill.ulelplila Co fist i Inse M pf V.I.V. S'j 'il Coal t ii N J '-''i I'llti (ml N J pf 477 S7 11 1 1)2 1 3 103 . ST1 iiav KOI 101 112 '..! SU'j .-ll lO'l 127'. I01'4 at' 4 i.O'i S7 h74 10.1 101'i 10.1'. S7a. 7(l'4 2), ISI 121'4 . 2". . 07' i 07' i . ll.'-i HI 00'. KM1. Il.-.'n . 0'j 112'. h'i 2.-1 i(l' 10.1 . 41 . 2.SW WVi o:i' . 52 102 . 14 0'i . nsw . OOVj ut". .. S4'i Ul4 1114. O'i 10 170 .17 lllcli i: SO'i I2l'i 2ft1., 07 (.OS 1HJ IB1! (.(H3 nn). 117's li'l's 1 12'; 7-)j 7). r'3 ."i7 IO-P4' 12'. 20 102' , 01'j .-i.'1'j 102). Id. I.iiw. rinse. i:t.- 1:1:1 54S Hid'. an, 024 UJK 2d). r,v, iij'j isii'j 17 14 20 U'l hJ', 1U.1 47S efl's .Vj Ills ll'i 101', 101 21'. 21i 51 5lh IO.V3 Uio'j :: 01' i 02 22 '. 57 :ij 03'. 120 17 41'i 20 taij S2i ia- i.u's 1:1a 2d' 1 22' 00 OS) j M so;, T, fll'4 02 2.1 57li :).j)s o:t. 120' j 17 i:t. 2d IU'j M2)i 10S 13.0 j 21' . os, S2 4'3 0'.' t'J 03'i 21', SV4 r.-'h 1114 0 l.Vi 177 3S'-j Si 50 111'.' 112 07U 2.T, 50 1 12)4' ii;iw Jpt Hwr N t lnt Con Cpr r t c f h lnt Con Corpn pf lrup Con Cop. 1W: 71 4U)i lnt, M M cor dp. ... 10', lnt M M pf of dp. , th)i ini JNickel VI Hi .. Jewel Tea Co Inc . Jen el Tea Co Inc pf Kin City Southern . Kareer J k ( o Keilj gprmzfd Tiro Co Uh Ul'3 lll'i 201W 20 J 202' i32ii i:ij)3 i:ujj 4Sf 40's 18 :tTi, mi' 37 53 52) 1 52) j 31 MU4 31 51 5,1 5.1 315 30,'i 315 115U 115', 115', 170'j 100' 1 170 4115 401 404 7i)j 70',' 71), llo'i lltl 0211 0JH il-. A'Mi 50', 121), fJl). 121), mi 4.'H 43)j 21 21 21 ll 1 102 22)j 2W, 2H, 01 00 01 70 liSV, 08), ..1003 10W 100U 100)f l'lltvburgh Steel pf I'resM'iI Cjr Co Pullman Co Qulrksllw (julekslher pr . . It stivl .sp Co Ity Steel .Sp Co pf . Hi) (on Copper Ik.iillii'.' Itepul lie Iron A S . Itcpublle I & S pf St I.1111N Asp 1st pf Seaboard lr Line Sear Hoe A ( 0 Shat Ariz Cop Slois-Shef S A I . South I' It S.ig pf . Southern I'acltlc . . 07 Southern Itv ... 'Mil.' ! Snillliorn Itv nf ". Stinl'-baker Co ... 1411 Stuilebaker Co pf 113 Tenn Copper ,-,Glj Texas Co 203 'i Texas Pacific t54 Third Aenue . ... filAj Tobacco Prod pf . 103 Tln City It T . 05!$ Union Hae A Paper... 7', Union Hag A P pf.. . 30 United Cigar Stores . ), Union I'acltlc 132 Union Pacific (if . . sli, t; t lull Akohol 150, KSil'II'lK . lb L'SCII'l K pf . 10', United Fruit . 14)', United Itjs Inv Co .11 Un Hjs Inv Co pf. . 2si, U S ltubl'r . 40', U S Kublier 1st pf. .107'j U is steel torpn . .. s:i U S steel Corpn pf ..110', U S Express. . . .45 Utah Copper . . . S5I,' Va-Caro Chem pf 100', Wabash 13J, Wabajh pf A . 4J' Wabash pf II . lo. Wells Fargo Eip . 125 West V. A M . 1)1 Western Maryland. . 27lJ Western Marjlaud pf 41', West Union Tel. . SO Will) a OUTland . .22SJ5 230 wooiHorin 1- w . .12U 121 S'l's 120' , 2.V, 07 OS' , 10', 142 (VI1 3 KM', I IV, 001.. 112 , 72 "i 0'. 21'3 fltl1. I0l'4 ll'i 2S, IOJik Ol'j l'3 0'4 30 OV. 2H4 Sl S'1'3 12l'4 20 07 S'3 10' , 113', Ml mi1; 117 111' J 112'.' 21', .w, Itll'4 12', 2S" 111", 9Vi ti, 102' I'j O'. 30) 1 05' 4 2I:. Si's lll'i HI': fi I.T3 177 37) 4 50 112 07', 201, 50 13'l4 U3' (!) 0 15' i 177 .17'. 50 112 07' 1 2IP4' 50 111', 113)t 208' 3 202 207 40K 25!,' S4), 57 17 74 40i 17Ji 7IJi 47 72 J, )( 25)1 SI), 70 67i 17 73', 40, 10i bS'i 401, 07 100 S-l'i 0UJf SI 17 74 40) 47 60U 4iVt 72) 10G 23U SI),' CO1, 571 i Uesnerott Cooper Wdm Co E L & V 12b), 120 12b)i 120 Lack bteel Co 7S, 78H 70 77 locteda Gas . 105 1(J JOV 103 LelUglj VUey . 7?, 7i 77, 7WS Ue Rubber & Tire . 50," 51U 5W, 51 JjootWrWUe Bis ... 15 10) 10 10), Ixoe-Wlfc bit 1st pf Si, S2), S2)l &h Loul & tftst, , 121) 122 122 122 ilKkay Cos pf . 03 OS as Hi Max Pept Stores pf 102b 105 105 105 Muwtdl Motor. ..CO 0D4 00 01 WtUVsU Motors 1st pf &Ui at'.' S4ti 849, UuU Motors Jd uf 45M 46U 40 40 Wejlcw l'slroum 102 103h 101) 102 JUi) Kaa ft luiss J', ila. Ivaa i fvuis pf ll). 4 a), 4 u 4U III'.,' 108 05). Ti 30!3 0'3 132. S24 1 62) 1 im. 40', 115'. 14), 203 50' 3 I07.'i S4'3 ltd', I.V. SO) 1 10T 14 43). 20), 120 l 27'. ll'i 0(1 01 10s Oj'i 7! 3l! 3 0', 132 S2', 140 10 10', 114 14', 204 50 107' 1 Ml, 110', 15). K3, 100 M'4' ID4 20' 4 125 tvt 27 41'. 00 230 121 01 10S 95), 74 30)3 O'i 132). 82' 3 1 19'? 10' , 401, 111 uu 20)3 50'1 1071, S3'4 110' 3 15) 1 S.V, 10') 11 43' j 20'j 125 04' j 27'. 4'li 00 23'J 121 FOREIGN EXCHANGE NBW YORK, March 9. Although tho lowest reported quotation for relclmmarka late on Wednesday was 72 H. a new low record, It Ik understood that sales actually took place at 7!,. At the openlntr this mornlns marks were quoted nominally at 73H07SH- Vienna exchange was aUo heay at 13 5S6 12 62 Ilubles showed a slightly firmer tone, at 3131Ti Ster ling was unchanged from yesterday's final, at 4 76 for demand and 4.76 for cables. French exchange was heavy, at fi 00 U for cables and C.91 for checks Other quota tions were- Lire cables, 6 70 i ; checks, 6.71 ; Swiss cables, & 21 , checks. 5 21 , Stockholm, 38.3028 35; pesetas, 1) U3ft 19.06; guilders, 4'.'U &42 7-16 The mar ket was dull, In the afternoon relchsmarks made a further recession to a new low record, at 73 6-1673H- French exchange was easier, at 5.91 for cables and 5 91; for checks. Sterling held steady at a shade above the opening, oelng- quoted at 4 76 1-16 for demand and cables 1 76?, JJ 4.76 11-16. RATES FOR MONEV Mjtw York PtllUdaTvlUa IfcMian Chiijixo CaU CVIL 3H84 Timt 1 mm New York Bond Sales 1 Illuh IHi . i7'. .10) Kill . UT'J. Ml', t.oiv HI'S III) Kill mn M)'i 2.10 I' M HI'S ni to) Kill II 7 Ml. ttOOO Aitamft tlxprrns 1 -nil" Aiimny mii .I'ftn noil Alnnlin Unlit rv im fiimtl iln r f ml On. f,(ii) Amer Akt drli ", . HIHKI ArcenllnK r.n Umiiiii Anuln r I, il . . l J'IV .11 1 is riiinil Amer Hmell Sir ih. Ill", III'. "i" is .. u-V t'J, .I'J,. IHiin Amer Tel ion! Is .loo'i lim's I'" i 21111(10 Amor Tel nt !s .11111 UHlis K")? limn Armour To I'k .Tiiii) Atrhimin Ken In .('on Adhlson mlj 4 llillil All (' I, I'm Hum Unit ft Ohio In r. 4r,iiii ,io , v i'4d 1 "1111)11 Unit A Ohio Bs . 201)11 II1.H1 Slrrl 1st r,s ..1 nil 11 h Mlr.1 ff.l ., .Minn T,rm HIilK .Is tli . I'-) f ll.'' mS 117 I ill'. . liuN III ssS lllllll fnM, I ....!... ! ." 1111 7. 1201)11 IVlll 1'nr 1st J . !"'. 4(11)11 Chill I iip),-p 7fl l.UI'S I2111111 t'h iililii is l'4 s 211111) I 'hi II WVnt H 7 J K101I (hi s, Nun Ken In HI', i.imiii 1 hi II A I) Jnlnl Is lis. Kmih Oil II (j mt In n't J, 1211011 Chi II ft i) III :t' H."4 2111111 riil 11 i) III la h.V IHiin Clil M K. rt ! Rti In iu81 XIMid riil (HSI'm Ss K17S llllll ll.l A 1 1 ,1.1 la mill K11P1 I111011 iih Hrnir ''urn nn Ji'i loon i:rle 10m 1 1 wr II noon Itrli- prior In 2JIII1U 1 1 'Hi ft Mini rfil ." Kmih III hi-f ,oli I'iM -lllllll Inn I'npprr r IIM 1 11)00 Intirli ,l-t V)s L'Jdiiii Inmrli II r rnr in. Is.liKiil liner Mi r Mnr 11. Nllllll .Inn tmu (1 H i,fl .-tllllll Kim I' ttr P.i, ImI in III KMIH KllltfA C ll ov lis '2."i.I2ll 2IIHII Lnrliil Hli-nl ,1s )II2.'I llll'j 2'IIMI l.ncl.a Htwl mi ill.MI P.'lN 401)1) I.I: Hh il.'ll Is IIUI ll.l1. r,iiiiii i,k m U"H is in.ll .in.iii .Minn A St I, In iiiim m k 'r tut iii 20111) (In As . Iiiiiii Mont t'on-r ." 2IHIII N'nt I'.imni ft H(p Its (lllllll Nit Tlllm An . , lllllll N V I' I. K :i'a . Ili'iil ilo run IJiiiin .V V r ft 11 3tn lllllliil tin In r.liili) ,li I inn ollilil ,V V i' A 81 I. ll .nun .N v l "111 lln III HI HTU ll.'HI lit. Iiil'i, Kill. Hi. II " H7't IIJ II II I'd , III! ' Inl'i Iiil2, I' liM'i III. inlji, tlll'4 l:in Vita si ', M. Hi's i no'. . it . Hi mi', .. 70, . M'n IU4 In I'lVi ".f" 111." Ill",', Aft .nun X ril I'm Hull lilimi N V linn II S. I" Sn Minn .S V ltn r,-f 4n ilium do in IJ ,',, .'tllllll V T..I trr.n I I.N Minn Vnrf ft V, nt I'm h In sil'4 27011(1 N I'm' prior In li.'.. Iiflilin N I'm. K,.n ,1c ml', toil" IM I'jn llii.ll on tiil'ii .nun t'nli Si-r .1 on li limn Itoi li M rf.l In mi 2linil nll I, n.lj .-, . ir, .linn Houtli Itnll :, Kill'', 2SIIIIH Slh I'm i In . K7? I limn , , t rl f n .,n I n l'i Mien Slh I'm rr,l In. tiil'ii lllnnii Soiilh llni rnn In . 72 .Vlllll Txnn Co lln tll.Tt -!!. HI Tnlcln ."n ... . 7NV, I I r M IIuMut lln. .. Ill-' l.'.nlin f S Stiol on f ..Kll'n li.iiiio Willi lll.r noli. ,-,n . mis lllllll ,,i v r.n I" 2IKHI Win! Shorn In . . IU KHIII Wnnt I'nlnn l' . H.1'4 ." i Wlii-illni: A I, I! In . ii' HI'. Hi' uss 19 . !- IU'. 107 Kill', 7t n 71 'a 2.4 I S . 7.1', till J 711". .'" 1211 llll '4 ll.l ', tl-i'i II i mi 71 3? pi till '4 7?) Ml US', I)lt til in;, U).-' V7, (If1, llll SIIi HUS iiil'i to-i'ii Ml mi 11.1 tnnV 17 'i llll'g llll '4 7 KIT i, i ( i'j K llll", till'). 12N 112 tl.-i's (l'l '. In 11 tiiii till, l.lll IS 72 HI'. !I1' lll'ld H."4 I'S. 112 Kit illll't 72'. 7H'4 114 711 lJ7(n t.tjn ti'l III', ill '4 III 1 211 tl'1'4 Iiil'i, US', ll., fill' .VI 117 lit 1(H', ?.'l K3'n tl.'ln III. 1 1 1 J KI'J'll 1 11.1 'n 77 (lti ll'i Wl', IM', ItilN ll'V, I'll mi n llill"n 17 J, llll, IMI' ll'lSJj 71 '4 III-". !"l HUH 121 IIJ 11 '4 OUTSIDE MARKET MUCH IMPROVED Trading on n Larger Scale. New High Mark Reached by Universal Motor NIJW YOHIC. Mnicli n There was j slightly more Interest niatilteslcu tn too market for outsldo securlliei today, wun iTuliiit? on n larger kciiIc mid a decidedly stronger tone, especially In tlio more Ini tio! tout luild . , , t'lllia I 'it no Htlgfir detelopcd oonildcr rtlilo ncllvlly nt nn ndwinci' of nenily two nolhlR. Tobacco Products tinned Ui li linlrit nit cominratlrly sninll imrcluiseK Aetna i:nlnile, after n smnll reaction, roc otic-liiilf ... . . Motor Hinrcn rrc In lieltcf demand, cipechillv rnlprpitl. xililch I'ontliiueil lt upunrd Voursi' and rem lied n new high mnrk nt mi Inniloveitictit of S- Cltetni lot. nfler n ov of ? points, recoxcrcd Stundard Molnis iiln mlvniiccd a,. nil shares uere uenciiUly lilpltcr, m tliomili simie ItregntitrlU developed In spots on ronllstliiK- ftwilen leacted uftor nn mlvnnre t , , ... , Minim; stocks wcro lilRhcr. with c n slilcmhle activity In first Nntlonnl. ulilch mined tip "i "" I'UjIitB fnmi Hoiton. Ilonds were quiet but steady. INMiL-HTmALS) ,, , . . 2J. 22 21 nu't 411 Sales in Philadelphia . . Illch Sii Am Hum . an 2iii) a ip Kim It Inj', Inn Am I'nn I'.n1. Km Hun,, c sun ln.'"i 2ii ll 1 1,1 l.oi in., Un iln iiri'f Km'. 'Hi lluir & Sun ,r i'.n 1. Unit & n i."', 1 1", i 'rue Sti-i I Ml H12 lllec Stor i. 'I'j 1211 I lili Aspll nl 71 71 Inn I'o N A 2.3, . K,.j TpI Co la's nun l,ii In s ip c ll ... I. Hi, VB 7h'. 11 I.-ll Vnl Tr 21 '4 .in ito pr I.I l.'ll NVWMl.l (VllH lll4 :i7. I'vlllia It It .7'i 117 I'll Sti','1 iM ll'a IIS Tiiii., I'o tj 2 iln pnf IIH'i 111 !. nun pf,l l.-.'a 1 17. I'iill, Hl.'ilri. 27', 1 1. I' It r ir urs Hi'. l.'ll I'lilli Trni t. 71) 20 Ken I . S prill ai 2i. ui'iuiinir '. In Ni. I '.mIHi' . H7 "n .142 Ton 111 ... 4 ' 2.111 Ton Mlnlns .. ilJ4 2ii 1 ii Trni'. . . l Mi lx. r I .. .. im !l(-,0 f S St.-el Sl'4 ID Wi'Mt l:iru 113 ' J." Wnr lr ft St. in, 112 V .1 . S. .ll 'a 2. Wentmor us I.UM :ii Kit l.ll'a 111.", 1 11 lll'l'. 1,11 K7N XI "j on 7'i't, 2.' i I. l'l in'; 71 ' To"' UK'S, IP. till '3 I II -J 27 l'l 711 111", ilfc, !I7', IS la MJi VI1. Ml ,1'. II'J. (in NVI Clone.rln.'i' nn i 1 1112'. . . iiil'i. KI2 111 lll'i'i M 4 l. sa nil', 7n'4 2.'T III 'a ln'i 7s ' Tfi'' in'j ."7 'n ilia 12 Hit 'a 4t'a Ti'.i, 2 -I ' 1 iu. .. 1I"S. ' H7'4 ... . ir ! '.in Mt' II ,'n lnl. r.u 14 us -I 1 1 I. ISI' IM'a 111". '4 1 112 '4 llll! .V'l 1 ll.' liitt,l Niiles, 1(1,1(1 Kluiren. loimnireil ulth KHh; nlmri's eslrril.,v t iIhih Tur thin urel.. tl,l.0 nlutren; Mime period lut' viret., .t. 1)1.1 .liurrn. IIONIiH. 1 iiuii i.ou JII A in !lB.ti: . Ill' j H33 .imill lliilil I, lnt ,n III',', 111", '1 .nn I'lty Im MS r Ki.'9, lic'a lliiin 1:11 III Rim .s. Hill 1111; ., lnt ltv Im .,1 r,s l.nnn lA-h V Ken In O.'l". n:m 20(11) 1. V TojI r.H.lll",". in,', liloll 1. V Tr lef fis lit ll.l .-.nun I '.1 ft Mil St lln lllil lint i.nnn jv&i lnt 1 1 0'i'j miij ,(1.111 l'i, t'n tonn Iih III IH llll '. Iiil'i 113 Km! Ii'l'j H llll', Ll' J Inl 71 'a nun do 1st .s llll'i lnl 1 171X1 l'l, ll.l i:i 4m X'11? S.I mill ilo .', lnl nil J I I'll lt Inv .'H 71 'a 71'- , Im ri'UHt' lltgienne Tnliil koIi'h. sm.tlfll). iiimpjrril tilth 0I. 111111 etrrih: tliun far IliN ,rl.. I.'.'.llini .:1111c prrlml tit -t Wl'l-U. MII'l.UOO. HARD COAL SHIPMENTS LARGER; AMERICAN GAS HAD GOOD YEAR Surplus Was $950,831-Dividend Increased by Republic, vl7a o r PUBLIC SERVICE SECURITIES "" Trust Company Reading Strong on Reitera tion of Sdgregawon otonua Threo Items of Interest to Jhp lowl nn.1t1cl.1l comuumlly camp out todav TlieJ wore tho tlBUics on slilliinents of nnllirii dtp foul In Kcbruniy. tho mutual leporl of tho Ainerleitn tins 11 ltd Klcctrlo t pin imnv nml nn Iticrenip of Hip dIMdeiiil 01 tlif Itctmhlli' Tiuit iomian, tihicliu! in" slock of tint i'oiiii.iny on ,'t K per cent, liasl". whereas li tier cent hits liccti iireMouil.t 111I1I Kor Hip tlil.ulcr. ''a Trinllnp on Hie l'hilndellihla Sloch Kx ilttiiBo lodny was on n mliclt larKei xcnlc than nn nny prctioils tlov of the neck t'llrr-moteinetitR wcio mostly Ummd hlRhpr lptl. nllliouBli tho Bnlni wcit ftcnt'inllj nil ronuhfd to finctlons. ThP bulk "f Hie fiitdlnrt. ns Is ustinllv the cine, v:tM in L'tiltpil ninics mici'i " moll, tllllt StDCK rollllWIIlK 1110 nil'""" Public Service Securities arc a lien on the success of communities. c ,,, iwu-.,.. ,...-. - - -.- . . , : moll, null !-iui;ii luiuifliiin .....- per tent, was deplarpil. pnjnlile -M'rll j VU Ftonl ,y mtlnlnrt 11 half lieforp in stork of record Jlnich 2B. . . 1 ,,.. jirnilli,ir nitnln sold lit) to Sli. I T..,i ut,i,u,i.Miiu nf Miithr.icltc fnnl in IVhruary wcro ri.filO llOfi ton", nil luerritse of l.lllt.'.l'.il tons er tho snme nuiiilh of ln irtr Tlio HllllltllPlllS for llio two 11 Id- thc nml the In New 20 V-tnii Itplonl;j Ami-r-llrltlah, Mftf,. 1 a u AllnnllP tlulf fi IV I 8 S . In tifil m Miirennl , . J11n Itiililipr trie ,, I I'litiinlliiti Cnr a I uV ilo tifil ... 1 'hnnitler Motoni ruimii r'nnp p'iriar riirtlnn Ai'rnntniiP irljmn-a,'iiliiiry llnnkflt ft liirker far ... I rpiiilei' M tr Intor Mer Mnrlno iln nfd Knihnillnii llnnw lirer ... Mnnhiittnn Transit MnMm Munition MI'HiiIp St'i'l iiih lllevntor 0110 Ulriinhilir lln prof t'n rli-Hs Moinr line ft llneli , HI .Ioeill t'nil n)t tll H krs I HtiinihiNl Mntnrs .. ... Hiilitnnrlii" Mont v I elts Trln tmlp l'llm vi itrs .. ftittpil l'rollt WharlnB .. 1' H l.lRlit 1111.I Heat .in pr.l ... . Willie Motors I W.irM l'llm STAND.MI1 (H HL'IISIDtAUIKS, ...'III)'-' ..'.'ll . . SII . fill'. . .. llll ::'JHn . . IT ..111 , . Ill . . L'H .. Hl'i , . 11. ,. ill .. l'l .. nu , . HI"., , . I'I , . .'.I , . 'j?". , .11:11 .. tr.'t ,. lisi , . 1 ,. nn ,. a'i ::: S ::: SU .. in I'rnrle l'lpo Illlmils .,,.,.. .Ml Kiiimtniil "II iifCnllfornl .... r."l Hlimliiril fill of New .I.TKey ;;ll .StumLiril Oil of New orl .0U fl'i. nit UlU 111 I.".', 'JII IT'j r. l!4 lilt '5 111', r.u im. js'i p.':t tr.'ii i' ii' .IT 1 i til. i I n't I '4 jao is , ii 1 ii OTIIKIt Oil, STOCKS lliirnell Oil Cowl. 11 OH riiultnerM oil tlllllHtOII oil Mlilttem Itillnlnir Ml. VI NO STOCKS. Snptllp Atfnntn I'errn Iltiltp (' X . vl 1 Its Ilulti iinil Nev 11rl. I'll si Niitlwiril Copiier ilol.lllDliI Mercer Ilei'ln Mlnlns How Xolinil Mm 'tiuli-r . .lumli. 1 Ixleimlon Mnuii n CnptiT .MiKln.ej DnrniKh .Milieu of Amerlcn, NIpIohIui; .Mines I'mitiuiii- Sim Ti .. ..,, , . NVHt I In, I 1 oiiMollilated Went Ihul lSleiisliin IIONDS II . ll'i IS III I . ia. . in . as 'j . 10't a r,. s- Sll 17'. II .117 . r.-in . tts'4 tas IS :im in "4 lh r.. ST III l- 47 II". ll) 71 120 Corro lln ' llrlo Ills Ill It. r.l tn Mhlvulo Rs XKW YOHK COFFEE .MARKET N'UW YOHIC, JIarch 0 Tile coffeo nun hot opened sleadv this ninrnlni; and 3 to f, points lilh'hcr. S.tles 011 tho call were lrjlju luiKS. Munh .... Atirll May Inni. .lulv . . . AUKllHt .. SMntPinber . OlttllH't Nopnl,,r Hi irllllter luiiu:ir IVI.riiary .. Iff il. 01 Toiliiy'H inni fi no B.ODtTH.ll) Alio h j 8 yp.terila's , lllHl' 7 Mill S7 7 111 '11 7 II I 7.117 il 7 1)1) .S null s IIJ S (I I 'US Oil S IIS Of H llll ft lifts 11! S I-lllS 111 8 nnjn 10 s aim s i'2 S SriHtH L'7 h .!1K ,'lt lilcli point reached psteruny. l.inl.n.., (I lioa unlrl tills eal YolU. houeer, the stock sold up another I'lill.iilelplita price 11 -. months of this yenr uoro 1 tons. . - of Spslcnlny ulu ..... .,.. Local Bid and Asked Toilni' lllil Aflti'il Yt steril i h IlalilHlll Hi". lo'.'j lion i. .Sua to Ul'3 IJ In iri-f .Vi III) Drill .1 (1 .'17 Cnm Met-l SI si'. nice WtoniKo IKI'J lit Ccn Amiiialt ai :r ilo prer "Iltq 71 Ue Tel I.'IW 11 ilii t ! 11115 1 I ilo I'lvf I'S in I..1I.1) .Sup Corp .... Hi', 11 l.fl N.1V 7 7li'-4 7S Ts'J I.Hh Vnl Tr si '4 -:. lo pref 4.1 I'tVj IV1111.1 nil Tk "'. I'hll.i Illee 27 27 't I'hlla Co 12 12'5 tlo f. pr lent pref . Ililti an ilo 11 per tent pref . la'-. It I It T lr elfs . . IS'J 111', ItenillliK bl'j Nl4 Toiioiiah Itulmont . I. P.. Tonopali MiillnK .. ll!a IIs. L nlon Trarllon ... l'l It I'nlteil (las linpruv . vit? mi I' Stwl Wl HI York lUihvuy ... lii H iln nref Vm i rump lllil I OS'S Pi's VJ'j .'in si 1 ..I .'ll Til' j i:i'5 1:1 4 ns; m 7h 7K 21', 12't Sij'k J7 IllV :m J.'I'J i"S bis '. I Hi I.I sp', h2"J HIV, .lll'i 7.. Askisl Hill 11 llll hl'i l,.l', III 71 11 11 ll'i 11 7n', 7S', 27', II'. as 11 111 n.i !, 11 V l'l', Ml Ij hj III'. 37 M) J. K. Rice, Jr. & Co. Will Buy Kill liliTliill! TlirriniM llotlle Mink Oil (IIJ liirlloic (.im. staik Hill I u.lirn strel 1st I'M. Slink "ill I . XV. llll-- Coin, stork 111 I runkllii lli-iirnnir Mock 111 I. re it Northern 1'nner Mm k inn (,ru Nut'l Tel. If", of Deponll .",() ix-riimiilii IiixiirJitia Mark 11 lluiiiil . r Insurance Stoik inn liicernill-llunil Cum. & I'fd. Mock .',0 Inlrrii.itloiml s-nlt Mink '.'-. Perk, spin A Mlrot Mock n xroilll Miiiiilfm l.irlnc Stoik no li tor Tiilkliie .Mnrlilne Mock S Wlm hei-trr Keiicallni: Anns Moik J. K. Rice, Jr. & Co. Will Sell Ml) Miiinllimil I'o. of Amrrlrii Murk 1 1 r.n Vinerliiiii LltliuKruplilr. I'M. Mink H . too It.,, . r,,u f'n. i .,.. .V I'lll. Sin, k 1(1(1 CiiinlierlM tnrp. Com. & l'fil. Htk. r,0 f olillnt'litul lliMirilltre Mock 21 ll. . Illls torn, slork II) l'.nl llllir Niillniinl Hunk Slotk 21 1 lilrllO I'lirnU Insiirillire Mull 211 llinr.inb Triit Mojk Kill llule & Kllliurn 1'f.l. Slink llll) Mlillunil sf, urltles ."II Neu ,lrrM' .liie Mmk Bll trior T11IM11K Miiihllie snik a MlnrPesler Itrtir.ltlni; ruiH stork 2.1 MiiHliinKloii M't A (lnl. Co in. Slork J. K. Bice, Fr. & Co. Illlll In HMO .I11I111, HA Willi St., X. 1 French Hank Gained Gold ! 1'AHIH, March 9. Tho weekly hialc ment of the Hunk of Krnnco shows sold In creased 3,1)01.000 francs Hllver dccicued .'114,000 francs. HANK CLEARINGS Hank ilp.irlnE" toda romiurfi nltli corro uponillnt; ilu lst tuo ,.,rH 1'Ull llil.l tun I'likMt-o tn I. H7.1 11.10 lll.iiilll 11.1 1 1)2 till 1 HI St lAJUla H.722.M7 . , Railroad Opportunity Wo lini' 11 illi nt who own mit mll of Imni r.illrouil non In operutlon Hllli ,-,ii nun In r.mli In- iaii urranse for .Inmuiii-r nft-mlle extension of tho pres ,iit nuilo line The mows will ti fully . cunil inv) olf'TS .111 opportunity fur liimilsinii' Pre"'8 IK'tnlU upon request L. T. LAYTON & COMPANY M, inborn I'lillaik Uhli Moilt UxUi.uil'ij r.stute Trml lllilK., I'lilladj. IIIIIKCTOHY OF 'COlNT,NTS CcrtllleUrublle Acrounliint L.VW IthNCH U HKOWN L CO U UllAI. BSTA.TU TIIUST UUII.DINO Pittsburgh Coal Company (of New Jersey) Plan of Read just ment To the Holden df the Preferred Stock and Common Stock of the Pitttburgh Coal Company (of New Jcrey) 1 The Undersigned Comniittee at the request of the directors and the holders of substantial unounts of the preferred stock and the common stock of the Pittsburgh Coal Company (of New Jersey), have prepared a plan for the readjustment of the respective rights and interests of the preferred stock and common stock of said com pany, which Plan has been approved by all the directors of said company. Copies of ,the Plan and Agreement of Readjustment and forms for assents to lie signed by stockholders may be obtained from any member of the committee or from tho Secretary or Assistant Secretary of the committee. The committee only undertakes to represent and protect the interests of those stockholders who expressly authorize the com mitteo so to do by tiling their written assents with the committeo and becoming parties to and observing the provisions of the agree ment in respect thereof. Stockholders ere requested to file their written asienti with the committee not later than March 31t, 1916. Adtlri-i all cammuntcatton to F. J. LeltOVNB, 6crtary of (he C'omiHlttw. Henry V. OUr Ilulkllal. I'llubureh, Fa. or to ' EDWARD C UAIL.L.Y, AUUnt gacrotttry 21 Broad Strict. Knur York City N" T J. D. LYON A. YV. MELLON GEORGE T. OLIVER J. B. FINLEY HENRY R. REA JOHN I. BISHOP A. J. MILLER HARRY BRONNER Readjustment Committed . rninivip.ii will. n.tR;l.r,ll tons for miiuo period of lOifi, un Increase of 5,311 1. 142 topi atocl.t of coal on hand nt IMc witter shlppltiK tiortu on hVlirunry S ueie jtin7 innq. nn Inrrensn of 2100 tons, na loinpated with .tanuiiry .11 of thlt year a? rim iiiuiuitl iciinrt nr tlif Aineiu.ui .111.1 , mill niectilc fnmpiinv cnnip.tred ci fit Mimlilv Mith tlii prevlnui ellr. ilroni rarnlnui of miliildliiry rompanlet nnioiltit eil to $5.1)0(1. 020. nn lticreaHf nf $fiST.ISi ner I'lll Aftei tho p.i.Mnont of Intiireil. other I'linriien nud preferred dlldend tlinrn kiii 11 iiirplut of $050,831. nn In iTonip of ".250.512. The slirplllB wiih ciulxnlent to itliout 20 per cent, on the common Much, ittrnlnst IU per cent in inl I. The company'ii xtock did not sell on '('limine today vn nr.,.,iiiiii for iho ntretictli In lleadlnB I the B.1111P rcportt of Ion. etc that 1 have heen koIiib the round" In tho i!tre' I for some fe ilnjH were icltointed It paid flint the homiHR. 111 u"' ' "" Irnll I'lllllllllllV Illlll tllO linltllllRH Of ,leihc 1 'Mil 1 ill stock liv the Iti-ndliiR coin IMliv' would ho dlBlrllitlted to the Ktoclt holilers Tho only tliliiB new In tills con iiri'tlnn wnH the leporl mime nctlon itloiiK these llne.i would lie tahen within the neit fin ditMi Uespimdlnt? to the dcclaiatlon of the leKUlar timi Icily dll(leml of 2 per cent, fulled Ann Impioienient advanced n fraction. I'hll.tdelplila Toinpany common and preferred roso nll;htly. whllo tho ctinittlntlie preferred fell a half We offer a Public Service Hn4 that is extremely attractive owing to -tlie unusual underlying condition!. ft The earnings of the comnanv a j now over two limes bond interest. I ft The opportunities for increasing I business arc exceptional for reasons we will give you. L Bonds yield about 5.45 nd carry a stock bonus. ft, We recommend this security mj will furnish you full information on request. Baken Aylirvg Co. Land Title Dldg. Philadelphia COTTON 3IAUKBT KHUI; UYIX(iJ)K1)EIlS FEW Call for Small Lots Liverpool Prices Fractionally Lower NT.W virtually YORK. March 9. There won no cotton for salo nt the open- Inr- nf llio In.llltet tilt". IIIOI tllllB. Illlll 111- thoUKh the litiyinir indeis wero not nu merout and called for small lots, they wero Milllclcnt lo cauie a 11 rm tone. Match Matted 11 point lower. Mny was up 1 point, hut the other optlonH showed uthnnccs of 4 to 7 points There was no fenturc to the operations on cither side, and litiitiic? was llRht, only nine transaction-, heltiK recorded on th" call The demand continued faltlv Bond after the openliiK, and at the cud of the first in minutes May had nd Mtiu'eil 7 polntx. wllli ntlii'i positions 1 to 2 points nhoxi' the Initial ilRiiros. Liverpool pilces came 'i to 2'6 points lower iiKalnst expectations of Mii.ill frnc llonal upturns, luit had no iiilliirnce on local tradint; Temperatures were lower In the cotton bolt tills moriiiiiB. and altlioiiKh conditions won' cloudy tn some s-ecttons there was no precipitation. Y'H. 1 Ins,- Oiiisi illirli. t.or. t'luHi- Manh . 11-11 1 ir. 11.7.1 11.14 11.71 jjv . . 11 1,1) 11. mi 1111.1 11111 u nn lly ...11. si, 11 '."' in 1.1 ll.l"' mi's IhlViher l'.'1'J I-' CI 1-'? I-'" J'-IV.l Dei nlllliT IL'l" I'.' "J I. l-'t.i '--; -.- .inniiarv lL-ji u-si i'j r.n 1a.11 is 411 Mint . 11 HI . 11 l' TAX FREE TO YIELD 5& 'lllen' I'linseiiBer llnllwnjr 'Jiul A 3nt hts. Pnsneiicer Itnllwny I .'IIP & I St li M. rimiencer Ilullivny l'hlln. t'lly I'nssencer Itnllwny IVIELLOR & PETRY MembrrH N. V. I'lilla. block Ktehnntta 33C C(MMi:Ul'IAI, 'iltUHT llUILDINQ GIANT PORTLAND CEMENT CO. .Common and Preferred Traded in by CHARLES FEARON & CO. 333 Chestnut Slrect Slato Trcnsury Statement IlAltltlSllt'ItCI, March 9. Tho state ment of the Tirttstliy Department of the amount of Koneinl funds of the Common wealth of I'cnnsjlwinl.i shows the total nn hand IVhruary 2!l. lftin. exclusive of niones appropriated to the slnltlnK fund, lo he $.1,187,261. as aK.'inst $1,309.91 1 .Innuiuv ill TUG. and $1,905,137 Peccni-hi-r .'11. 191B (,f the total deposits of $.1,IS7.2lS!i, I'iillailelphla lnstlttitlons hold $1 IXC 702,-jis iiKalnst $171,770 .Tiinuary 31, I'ltfi and $l('i,(!ll Iiecemlier 31. 1915. Reduce Your Cost of Gasolene Tli prlro of RHDolene Is cotnir iid. Hiiti oinir of n rnr shnuM own Oil mul fins mm k Thus his own con sumption nni'luc-ps rllildeniH for htm BARNETT OIL & GAS CO. (..IP KM S-2.nOU.000. I'ar 11lue $1.00. No HottiN. Sn Ontliiniiiic Intleblrdnfis, orfor unusual opportunliles on ac rount f jin-sont cnrnlnK1 'Irtitlrd In on ri "ork Curb. Wiitc for Special Circular No. 2. E. H. CLARKE ImcMnipnt Securities. 87 Wlllliim t.. p York Clly ELKINS, MORRIS & CO. BANKERS Lnnd Title Building Philadelphia Burlington (Vermont) Gas Light Co. , 1st 5s, 1955 Guaranteed Principal and Interest by the AMERICAN GAS CO. by Endorsement Yield 5.25 J. K. Rice, Jr & Co. Buy & Sell Aeolian Weber Piano & Pianola Victor Talking Machines Inquiries Invited J. K. RICE, Jr. & CO. Phonrl 1001 tn 4010 John 3ft Willi HI , N. T HOME STATE INVESTMENTS No. 4 OUR MARCH INVESTMENT CIRCULAR describes briefly a selection of bonds which we offer for conserva tive investment. Many of these are the issue of Pennsylvania Corporations and the Bonds. TAX FREE IN THIS STATE The interest return ranges from 5 to over 6yi. A copy will be furnished on request. We shall be glad to send our March issue of REVIEW OF FINANCIAL and TRADE CONDITIONS to those interested in the economic situation. gA.NKR.S Established 1892 Members Nciv York and Philadelphia Stock Exchanges Broad and Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia ' 30 Pine Street, New York $2,000,000 LEHIGH & NEW ENGLAND RAILROAD COMPANY General Mortgage 5 Gold Bonds Series "A" Dated July 1, 1914 Due July 1, 1954 Interest payable January 1st and July 1st Authorized issue, $15,000,000 Outstanding, $4,000,000 Redeemable at 105 and interest on any interest date, upon sixty days' notice Coupon bonds of the denomination of $1000 with privilege of registration of principal Guarantee Trust & Safe Deposit Company, Philadelphia, Trustee J' FREE OF PENNSYLVANIA STATE AND NORMAL FEDERAL INCOME TAXES These General Mortgage 5 Bonds are secured by a direct mortgage on 191.13 miles of road owned, which includes 281.40 miles of track, subject only to $1,000,000 Urst (Closed) Mortgage Sfo Bonds, to retire which an equal amount of General Mortgage Bonds are reserved. The Company's outstanding bonded debt, including these bonds, is at the' relatively low rate of about $26,000 per mile of road. There are deposited with the Trustee as additional security for these bonds, a majority of the stocks and all the boitdb on 8.S0 miles of road operated under lease. Following these General Mortgage Bonds, the Company lias outstanding $6,000,000 Capital Stock, all of which, with the exception of Directors' shares, is owned by The ' Lehigh Coal fi Navigation Company. During the years 1912, 1913 and 1915. the Capital Stock of the Company was increased by 100,000 shares, which were sold to The Lehigh Coal & Navigation Company at par, or $5,000,000. Div idends at the rate of 87o per annum are being paid on the Company's Capital Stock. As owner, lessee or under other tenure the Lehigh & New England Railroad Company operates 295 97 miles of road from the anthracite coal fields of Pennsylvania northeasterly to a point of connection with the New York Central Lines and the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad at Campbell Hall, Now York, and forms part of a through route from the anthracite, slate and cement regions to points in New Jersey, New ork and beyond and via the Pougltkeepsie Bridge to central and southern New England. Through a trackage agreement with the New York, Susquehanna & Western Railroad Company the Lehigh & New htigland Railroad Company 'operates its own trains for the handling of anthra cite coal to New York tidewater. The property is in excellent physical condition, a program of improvements, extensions and betterments having been energetically pursued during the last few years. The following comparative statement of earnings for the fiscal years ended June 30, 1913, 1914 and 1915, and the earnings for the seven months' period ended January 31, 1916, show clearly the rapid growth of the Company s business; , 7Mos. 1316 1915 1914 1913 TotalRevenue $2,016,440 $2,707,960 $2,265,741 $1,796,282 Operating Expenses, Taxes, etc 1,062,832 1,547,925 1,300,404 992,739 Gross Income .-...,.. $ 953,608 $1,160,035 $ 965,337 $ 803,543 Interest Charges and Other Deductions 263,174 467,088 418,225 445,358 Net Income $690,434 $ 692,947 $ 547,112 $ 358,185 These bonds are listed on the Philadelphia Stock Exchange. Subject to sale, or advance in price without notice, we offer these bonds at 103 and interest, yielding about 4.83 BROWN BROTHERS & CO. Fourth and Chestnut Streets Philadelphia Special Circulars Furnished Upon Application 4 i ii ti "il M 1 tf :h t m $ ! 4 11 4J 3&i u 4li mi itra to six nuattu), -l Mwjsm (opr W, Xii I'UBIUICUI UM'. SS( pw UIOU t 4 v 4) I Comnui ' dltii. I'blf
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers