EVENING LtEBGER-pniLABF,THIA THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1916. t 13 .LEONARD SHADES DUNDEE NO KNOCKOUT IN MORAN-WILLARD BOUT, SAYS GRANT RICE D IE: OH 'M tii tin; th! h V lltg. !. 11 tilt tin hiu ntn r. ek sot. "if. hil im 'M ur tli-f 3l(i l7, 0 a err for cu Ml- net kl Seddy welsh trembles as he watches benny leonard defeat dundee at garden & Gibson's Champion Wins in Whirlwind Battle Johnny Floored in Eighth nr ROBERT W. MAXWELL ' N'BW YOIlK, March 9. FnrDDt WELSH. world's lightweight Campion, sat near ringside In , Madl ' rim-den laBt nlBht nnd nerv- b"'. ml8y tc(t the no- tlont of tho next lightweight chnmplon of t li o w o r I 1. Freddy's eyes never left tlio gliding, Blld 1111?, cool nrul cau tious Henny Leonard ns lio ilofontoil Johnny Dundeo in 10 of tho fastest rounda ever staged In tho city of wise guys, Bonny won tho verdict In tho Lenten fracas and some 10, ono persons w It o foticht their way MAXii-i 1lt t10 i,B ninphl- ihMtre enjoyed every tnlnuto of tho show. J, nrden was all fixed up for tho AVII-Urd-Horan bout on tho 25th, nnd tho Mtr chairs canto In handy. Tho Bents Jn tho side, or tho bleachers, wero lilted ind every box occupied. Tho sccno ro ' minded ono of Franklin Field with tho itinds crowded with cheering rooters. mert was no organized cheering, but tho ' Individual shouters pulled soitio original itoff that would have mndo tho colleglato yellera turn green with envy. Freddy Welsh Talks When the battle was over wo turned to Freddy Welsh and asked : i "What did you think of tho fiBht7" "Very good, you know," replied Freddy. Both good boys, Pretty even thing, don't tou think"? 'What do you think iT Benny Leonard u a fighter?" 1 "As I said, It was n pretty even thing. Both wer! " "But what do you think of Leonard?" tre Inststcd, "If I were reporting tho bout, I'd call Undraw. Both were Bood " "Will you meet Leonard in a champion ihlpbout? Billy dlbson says ho will bIvo jou JIS.OOO for 20 rounda nnd bet you 110.000 on tho side." "Doth are VKUY good boys," Freddy re turned. "I'd call It a dr " "Can you niako 133 pounds or 13G pounds?" "Well, good-by," said tho lightweight champ. Hope to seo you ngniit soon. Friends waiting, you know." And Freddy lost himself in the crowd. Customers Arc Impressed But Freddy was not the only one who law visions of n new title holder lit tho 111-pound class. The cash customers also felt It In their bones and wondered how loci It would bo before Mr. Leouaid In- listed on meeting only G. A. It. champions ,ln no-decision battles. Benny showed class In his tight with Dundee last night, winning llvo of tho ten rounds. Dundeo Iind tho better of threo and tho othe- two wero oven. IJut , Leonard was forced to box better than 'ever before, .and every little trick he picked tp In the squared ciiclo was brought Into i, play beforo the final gong sounded. ''JOhtiny was fast very fast and carried the tight to his opponent in eight of the , rounds. 1 Leonard has a knnnknnt wniinu in nitim hand and knows how to tlso It. Ho bad i Dundee in bad hhapo on several occasions ind In the eighth round Hooted hint with a straight left to the Jaw. Johnny wan , tip at the count of threo and it was onlv his cleverness that saved him, Leonard . Increased his lead in tho eighth and ninth v lesslons, and I undeo's whirlwind finish failed to even things up, Dundee Is Unfortunate uunuee fought an unfortunate battle , nd his hard luck began before tho battle ttirled. Billy Gibson objected tc his baud- ss, which were wound wltli tape, nnd (, rtbnn), to prevent futtlier ui-gumrnt. tool; J, them off, and went In with nothing on his hinds but tho gloves. Leoniirt then put on his soft band-.g- In tfo ring, thi sumo , Jlto did in ritlladelrhia, while Dun I ees seconds carefully noted every move. V (The- Italian's next pleco of hard luck - came in the flrst round. Johnny was h Mrvous and Leonaid had all of tltu conn ) twee In tho world, wiillo Uundco was P J?'"? P" himself together Henny pep 'i percd nun uitn 1i.u i,.r ,,.,,1 ..- i i.i. I ,1.1. 1 ---- ..." ...... .1,1,4 ,1 HJWU ! f'r rigni until Johnny's face wa the color of ' Ln ,sunset- Uem,J' BOt uwy ,ut -,.-. o,u,i, none uunuee wns icrt at tho ws, and that's somo handicap to over come, .t?U?df8 fousht teUe' ln t"8 second ses & ,was urrnlo to land many cftoctlvo .m I1? Jumn'ng punch, that "aeioplano wtoped In midair with a straight left, or none f0 k5 Has nimost ,Mlcw uonny iml Evening Ledger Decisions of Ring Bouts Last Night . Nr.W.YORK tlennjr T.connril defented Jnlirin.v Diimlre. Tommr Ilurko outnolntrd C nl)oy StiitntI, ..IAVi:tV KM AILrrti wnn from rddlo MIM'fll In ilio llrM, Yonne Illettln dpfmt oil .KiliMc ltiK.ell In to ronnil, KM Mc ('iillniicli lont to 1 nune. Hell In two round, lMille t nler lirnt ,loi Unnner In the HrRt, YoiitiB llcdrlnn defeated Younir .Mitchell In tliree rntiniU. l'lt(Vllli;M'I-Wltil llltl riemln? knock ril out llattllne Jlcrnrlund In the elchtti. ho mndo his mistake. Tho prldo of tho Ohetto wan wnltlng for this chanco and his right Ehot out, catching Johnny flush on tho Jaw. Hcforo ho could recover Leonard's left landed In tho samo plnco nnd Dundee hit the lloor. In tho tenth round Leonard slipped and while ho wai falling Dundco landed n hnrd right to tho Jaw, ncndlhg him to his hands nnd knees. Tho houso was In nit uproar nnd thcro wero loud calls for n knockout, but Ilenny was tip In an Instant, fighting harder than ever. Henny Hns Lots In Learn Leonard Is ono of tho best boxers In Ills clnss today, nnd. as has been said beforo, shows considerable class But ho has lots to learn. Against a boxer llko Jimmy Murphy, ho Is faultless; but against a clever man llko Dundee, sovcrnl weak nesses wero apparent. IIo docs not seem to ho nblo to follow tip his ndvantago after landing a hard blow nnd ho generally "tolegraphs" his right-hand punch. Savo In tho eighth round, Dundee was nblo to Bet out of tho way of that haymaker, hut found dllllculty in dodging Benny's left Jab. Leonard Is bound to Improve, however, and under Billy Gibson's guidance, soon should bo tho boss of tho llghtwolghts If Mr. Welsh can be dragged Into tho ring to meet him. Philadelphia was represented nt tho battle, several of our citizens braving tho bllzzaid to watch tho fireworks. Doctor Kutch wns there In one of his audible silk shirts, Jack Hanlon looked them ovor front the rear of tho houso nnd Wiillo Moore, Billy McGonnlgle, 1'hll Glassman nnd lleddy Wlgmoro minus his make-up reported that a pleasant tlmo was had by nil. PRINCETON MUST DEFEAT CORNELL TO TIE QUAKERS Tigers and Big Red Five Clash at Ithaca Tonight Intercollegiate League TAST NIGHTS IIC3ULT. Yale, r,o: Columbl.i, Jo. STANDIJJO OP Till. TEAMS. W. 1,. P.O. V. enn 8 'J .son Yale .1 I'rlnrtMou., 7 U .77H Dartmouth. :t Jcirni'lt. .. . t I ..rr,0 Columbia.. 1 TONinitT'S gami:. Princeton at Cornell. r,. r.n. r, .r.nn 7 .:inn o .100 r E tMi. ,niuni u.i'iL'r. i;iiny nno. r if d.t0 meet ' """ Johnny cither was ". I. 2?T 'I1 maan with a straight tft, or f m missed entirely and crushed ngalnst j, Unded but five Jumping punches. u,L0.hm-y I8 ewnir eooa and had evened i Sm tUp. tlle 8evnth round, when Mr. . Z?.uk mad0 "l3 tMra visit. It was ' Jl!,t,hB. eni of the roun1 nnd tho Wop I rirt. u 6icPP'ne back to avoid Benny's ! kw. , Jlf!J,d,Dundeo s'lPPd, fe on ono X u d sl " lno canvas. Tho knee uJXa 1ni brulscd. and when ho nroso p 5JfUId hardly stand on it. Beforo any iml. i U1U t)0 aono' However, tho bell foraer M,u,t uuu-iv iu ma Dundea felt tho effects of his fall In " next rnnnl i, ..i i . -. t, punrh.o ,""" " iricu io irauo nem goats eacn weru maaa uy iiinir anu K ' " wlth Benny, and there is where Itasler. The latter also netted a foul toss, , Tho final game In tho Intercollegiate Basketball Leaguo will ho played at Khtirn tonight when Princeton nnd Cor nell clash. A victory for the Tigers will put Princeton In a deadlock for first place and a post-season series will bo nec essary to decido tho 1910 cago champion. However, if Cornell succeeds in down ing tho Prlncetoninn quintet tho Pcnn llvo will bo crowned titleholder. Columbia's basketball team last night suffered tho worst defeat In tho 17 years' history 'of that sport nt tho Now York Institution nt New Haven. The Columbia five was overwhelmed by tho Ynlo team by a seoro of CO to 10, ln tho final Inter colleglato Leuguo contest for both com binations. Eastern League Standing w. i,. p.o. w. is. r.c. 3royRtoclc, 25 It .(!!) no Nerl... 18 111 ,-tsn ttonalnB... L'.T 17 ..175 JOBpcr.... IB Si .405 lamden... iO IS .5'J0 Trenton.... 12 28 .310 SCIIEDULT3 FOIt TONIGHT. Camden at Jonperj Tho Greystock fivo won tho Eastern League basketball title. Tho Oroya clinched tho championship by winning tho second game of tho doublo hill In Heading last night from Heading nftcr two gruel ing extra periods of play by tho scoio of 30 to 28. Tho result at tho end of tho two regular halves was tied at 21 all, and at tho finish of tho first extra period both teams wero again deadlocked at 27 to 27. In tho final period, Jack Lawrence, tho visiting centre, decided the contebt with a sensational field goal on a lung shot. Just ns tho bell rang ending tho game, Klnkaido, of Do Nerl, shot a long field goal from tho centre of tho lloor, which gavo his team n, victory over Camden In their eastern League basketball game, played on the latter's lloor, last night. Up to tho final scrimmage Camden was leading, and tho bell rang while the ball was sailing through the air, straight for tho basket. The final score was 42 to 41. Tho E. G. Budd basketball team, winner of the Industrial League, continued play ing In winning form by adding tho Down Ington, N. J., fivo to Its "W" column after n one-sided gamo on tho latter's floor last Illght. Tho scoro was 33 to 17, and Budd'a 11th consecutlvo victory. Dunleavy led In field goals for Budd, scoring six, while White caged eight free shots and also two two-pointers. Two field goals each were made by Blair and SCRAPS AnoUT SCRAPPERS (.nt?rtkfnni,,,0Tnttn,1Damr'" Ferry ftro repre wolht mSt?hltni?iv,iSoH,n rhllndelphla hint Bln?fcl iiii .. 'Ml ,Jo Wp,h nmI Stanley "Llko Kelly iloes," retorted Jack ltuntnn when Manmor Kelly mm that iluiMe liwlj Tendier. endeavor to match Ous with hai0b,MnDtnnnfin'.MT,,,:ms' njMdlewelshl. who nas pcen loppunff nls opponents over with eirnt remilarlty fn matur compSutlon, l IrnfnTn to start a professional careor. UawVon rt work nc out oally Wlh jSeiiorreH. who a tralnlnir conscientiously for nt Set-to with Jack McCarron at NorrlatSwn, March 14. An effort waa madn to match Kid Williams at a, local club, but Sammy Ilnrrlf i ni,i VtnJ tho lonR-dlstance phona tfiat the lla tlmoro .ca.rttrerw'cik.01 lo 'iSTR & hh"".r!i,.n 'vfre nshtiRifwith9 hi ''bo1;: Irisr. naa mono a blir hit with the KnoNim City fans. It la predicted that I ha Wegcat house In 10 ycara will see tho match? """-ot Oncn aaatn DrontHTta match looms up. Arronllnjr to roiwrta from for a Welsh-Whltn h-'.n '"".,'? ,Kl.iv? W..JS1F'r. D"- .:,."""u .r.v.'.,u"" .i in iiriu vnuo snyn wniia, in imnt imy one." Whtti doe" the flahtlnit and inot of tho taliclnc, while Welsh lets tho conversational Blurt to Pollok, Johnny Kllbana was kicked In tho ahlna by a. ritlaburith rdfereo last week How rough of hlml Johnny Hay ducked ono of Kllbane'a punches, which landed on tho third, man In tho rlnir, nnd tho latter retaliated. with a awtft boot below the champ's knees Kllbtno proted he wasn't ft hot-headed Irishman by srolnp to hla corner nnd naklnir Jimmy Dunn to "hold him bock." . Tho first publle emtnuement that Je Wlllnrd has promled to keen nftcr. his battle with Prank Moran for tho world's henvs weight title will bo In this city, when ho will attend tho testimonial dinner to bo tendered Harry 1. IMunrds, president of the Olympla A. A., at tho Hotel Walton on March 28. IMdlo O'Keefo la hack homo after scoring a threo-round knockout ovor Kranklo Dean nt Columbus. Tfouns Sandow turned down nn offer to box O'Kocfo ln Cincinnati tomorrow night. , A double wind-up has been arranged at tha National A r Saturday ntght. In tho firot half Irish t'ntaev ('line, of New York, nnd Hddlo Morgan, of Hngtand, will collide onco again. In the Inat half, Johnny O'l-ary. of California, will trado wallops with Joo Asetedo, of California, Penny Leonard, Urn lightweight knockout senRatlon of New York, will try to mako a victim of Ham ftobldenu, tho local acrnpper, nt tho Olympla Mondnv night. In tho aeml flnnl IMiIId Moy, the Altentown favorite, who ban fought manv stars, will face Iluck Homing, tho promising local Ind, Tom Jones la looklnc for sparring partners fn NliLiucI "I n, ro ta Sf,n wnttllitf loi itliv body who can knock Wllluril down." he sa Should tint cnpiMng of the ehnmiilon tako placo on March 2.', It may eauso Tom Jones some nlarm but ano him $30. MACK SIGNS PITCHER Carlisle- Star to Join Athletic Squad nt Jacksonville, CAnLlfll.Tl. Pa , March 0 rronk Hart, known In baseball circles an Carlisle's Iron mnn, has left to join t'onnlo Maek'a Athletics nnd will .be greatly missed hero tho coming season, llnrl ban established nutte a reputa tion, not onlv locally, hut extending Into tho surrounding States, where he nan played. Ho la a pitcher of unusual ability, having n very effective fast ball. Ills most remark able rerformnnco woa In Inn, when Carlisle Played a doublo-heador with Mechanh shurg. Hart was selected to pitch tho first gamo, which ho won, 7-4. After resting IB minutes, tho second game was started, and tho rooters were surprised to aee Hart step Into tho Itox, Ho also won the second gnme, 2-0, setting a record of tin strikeouts tn tho two names Bowling Tourney Tonight TOM1DO. O., March II. Tho American itowllnff Congress tournnment will really bo rln tonight when the first Invasion from out side teams will take place. Orand ttnplds. Mich.. Pittsburgh, Chicago, HufTnlo, Colnmbu', Ohio, nnd Milwaukee will Ik. welt represented. Patterson Wins From Raleigh In the eighth game of the Class n amateur pocket-btlllard tournament, played at Alllnger's Academy last night, Patterflon made tho high run of 22 nnd after n ery closely con tested gamo won from ttalelgh. PEW HEAVYWEIGHT BOUTS FINISHED IN A DOZEN ROUNDS Uy ORANTLAND RICE TtltiUli Is a chance, of course, that Wll lard or Sloran will register a knockout beforo tho 12tlt and closing round Is over. Hut only n few battles between heavy weights of class have over ended this soon. It took Corbctt 21 rounds to drop Suf llvan at New Orleans, fun put Corbett nway In tho Ulh at Carson City. Jeffries stopped both Klta nnd Corbett within 12 stanzas, but In another melee tlird up 23 rounds In" reducing Jim's famous pompa dour. It took Jack Johnson over 10 rounds to put nway Burns, Ketchel nnd Jeffries. And Burns was no part of n heavyweight star. Mornn knocked out Coffey twlco within 10 rounds. Both Palzer nml Ounboat Smith dropped Bombardier Wells in short order. But Coffey and Wells carried glast Jawbones to the fray, while Moruti and Wlllnrd have no glass stuff attached to their persons. Both nro haidy, robust types who can soak up tho old wallop. No one punch Is likely to drop either Morn ii Is CO pounds lighter than Wll lnrd and yet ho Is heavier than Sullivan wns, Corbett or lltjt, and only a few pounds below Johnson. For ordinary w-ork ho has weight enough, but when you glvo nway 50 pounds to a man who Is alio n shade fnster thnn you nro, the odds begin to point to tho need of a young miracle. Any Lighter "Who Is tho smallest man, or tho light est one. who ever played In tho big leagues?" queries n correspondent. Tho lightest wo know of was Johnny rJvpts tit 128 pounds with tho Cubs In 1003. It may be that owner Lnnnln ln ltls wnlver-asklng Hurry believes ho can win a Hag with his otitlleld and pitching stnff npart from any other help. And you can't very well hlnmo him. HMM"ffBgM To Cigarette Smokers in America ANN E 'XTi MURAD THE Turkish Ciga rette at 1 5 cents, establishes a new Standard of Value in Turk ish Cigarettes. MURAD is a grade of never offered by any other turer for less than 25 cents. cigarette manufac- made of Turkish tobaccos never used by any other manufacturer in a cigarette selling for is less than 25 cents. everything almost money. cigarette m w m'yAjmrm.& 0 .miMmmmm a is a 25-cent cigarette in except price. It gives you quality value for your the greatest achievement in aiding. j IHI"' UWMIWUUMaWl ' Mil ! "8& H f m Ala JyiM Vte? 5to T&r . ttjja ViA. tfiw' Jus v frLjijii afW JQf AuJ R Jnf 2SR7N.i SB VUNCEMENT 5!l RAORDINARY l c ff S 1 M s I B 1 t I HiTOEEN HEMYS etyw$eteWfiqf WfUkamA25Qt PETEY Tough for Petey if Henrietta Saw This Picture By C. A. VOIGHT L : ' "l ' - ...... , ,. , ft
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