b v 12 FIGHT FANS IN " NEW " "TIP" IS CIRCULATING IN NEW YORK THAT MORAN WILL DEFEAT JESS WILLARD No One Knows Source of the "Inside Stuff," but It Appears Reasonable Considering the Battlers' Present Condition THE lip la out In Now York that Frank Mnrnn will tic-tout .loss Wlllttrd In tho hlpr bnttlo on Mnrch 2fi. No one knows whore tills "insldo stult" oritthmtci), but all of tho wlso birds that roost on Ilromlwny mo (IIkrIiir Into tho fmnlly bunk rolls and wnfjcrlnff thcjr perfectly Rood coin with reckless abandon. Many bets have been placed that Francis will rceclvo tho majority of newspaper decisions, while a few bravo persons arc jwlll knock out Wlllard before tho fracas Is over. Perhaps thcro Is a reason for this financial bravery, or It nilfht bo tho result of tho dreams of dopestcrs. Then, again, the wise ones mlRht bo barking .their own Judgment after looking over tho training methods employed by tho tltleholdcr and tho challenger. Jess Wlllard is not training hard for the bout. Ho appears every nftrr noon at tho Pioneer A. C. and performs before tlio "two-bit" niidlenco 30 min utes per day. Tho boxing bouts with his friendly partners arc Iiuko jokes, and aa yet tho champion has shown nothing that can bo considered hlgli-clnss foiltl. Moran, on tho other hand, is working hard every day, is In tho best of shnpo and can enter tho ring today and glvo n good account of himself. Whllo Jess Is warming his feet near tho steam radiator on sloppy days, Frank Is trudging through tho snow and slush on ono of his soven-mile jaunts. All of Which points to tho fact that Moran means business, while Wlllard seems to be taking n chance. Willard Is Out for the Coin By this tlmo it Is a well-known fact that Wlllard and his barber manager. Tawm Jones, of Kewance, III., are out for the money, and they don't euro how they get It. That stunt of charging the public 2." cents to look at tho champion cavorting around tho stago and the barring of newspaper photographers looks Very bad. Ono day last week a photographer had tho courago to approach Wlllard's training quarters to tako some pictures of the champion. I to was stopped nt the door, and It is said that Mr. Jones sent down word that nothing could bo dono until ho (Mr. Jones) arranged for "his share." This sounds llko petty larceny, and as a result few pictures have been shown, as tho photographers refuse to "glvo up." Wlllard is unpopular and is growing more so ench day. Ifo has acquired an nlr of conceit which Is not nt nil becoming, and perhaps It is tho wish that howlll bo defeated that has stimulated tho betting In tho largo city. Hatty's Fate Is in Dnulit .Fans who for the last 15 years viewed tho exploits of Christy Muthowson oro dubious as to tho success of tho Old Master In this soiisou'h campaign. Matty Is toiling daily at Marlln, Tex., and on tho outcome of his condition depends largely his fate In tho games to come. Big Six in making' a determined effort to get In shape. Should tho pains in his shoulder return when ho cuts loose, his career as n member of the Glonts Will probably como to an end. It would bo useless for him to continue training. Last season tho big hurlcr was off form on account of a nervous disorder In his left shoulder and his neck, and accordingly spent much tlmo on tho bench. When he did resume his post ho was hammered harder than a bush leaguer Just breaking in. lie has been under tho care or a specialist all winter, and on his departure for Mnrllu was told that It wns nlmott certain that bis old trouble would not return. Amateur Association Great Boost for Baseball J Tho coalition of tho Federal League and organized baseball was probably the biggest factor that ever developed for increasing tho popularity of tho national pastime. But the work of tho XMinnnl Baseball Fodoiation, tho body reprcsentatlng tho amateur leagues of America, is second in this respect. The Federal League affair might bo properly termed nn accident in the history of baseball, whllo tho continued efforts of tho X. B. F. is simply nn overllow, so to speak, of baseball interest and enthusiasm. Next Saturday thero will bo a meeting of this amateur association In Cin cinnati. At that meeting It is proposed 'to have every amateur league in tho country join tho Federation. This will mean that baseball will get tho most general Impetus that it has ever gotten since tho beginning of organized base ball and tho adoption of tho constitution which governs it. For Eoveral years Cleveland' has been tho seat of the best amateur base ball In tho country. Thero are more than 100 leagues in tho Ohio city today, and every year tho municipal tournament nttracts far greater crowds than tho Indians, on tho average. Of course, ono reason for this is that the games nvo played once a week; nevertheless, tho excellent quality of baseball put up bv the contending teams shows that tho Interest Is not entirely duo to tho com-' paratlvely long tlmo between games. With Cleveland doing her full fdiarc, St. Louis, Chicago, Louisville, Columbus and Philadelphia joining in, tho Federation this year should enter on a period of prosperity and progress hitherto undreamed of by tho original backers of the scheme. May Draw Haughton Back to Harvard Strangely enough tho many former Harvard football stars now resident In this city and conspicuous in tho activities of many of tho prominent local clubs, are not mourning today nnd deploring the fact that Oilman, tho All-American tackle and captain of tho 191G Harvard football cloven; Boles, a fast-running varsity halfback, and Tom Enwrlght, looked upon ns tho successor to Brlckley and Maliun In tho Crimson barklleld, have been dropped from colloco for failure, to pass examinations. Many of these Harvard men, whllo regretting that such a line typo of man as Gllman should bo lost to the team, look upon this action of the Harvard faculty as a blessing In disguise. They take this view, a strange ono to bo sure, because they believe it to bo the lono thing that will keep Percy ITnughtou In control of Harvard football for a year or two more, at least. It has generally been recognized by Harvard men here that Ilnughton would not actively control Hnrvard football next fall, but that he would, In view of his pressing duties with tho Boston baseball club, bo tho advisory head of tho eleven, and that tho actual coaching, which ho has performed In the past with such care and marvelous result, would fall to others. The planning of Harvard's play was to have fallen to Haughton, but somo of bis nrnsent. sloff nf rnnijliivs would take up the actual Held work. ... ! Oilman Was a Tried, Seasoned Player I This course was believed feasible In view of tho fact that Harvard had such a mature, seasoned captain ns Oilman, who Is older than tho usual run of college player, a thinker and marvclously efficient player. It was thought that as so I many veterans were available, and such a man ns Oilman In direct ehargo on tho field, Haughton could nfford to step out and let the mnchlne go nlnntr on j its own momentum until a now controling head was obtained. j Now the complete elimination of Gllman, with its consequent upsetting of j plans, and tho removal of Harvard's bulwark In the line, makes matters assume a ' serious aspect, and tho pressure from all sides, ns well as from within Haughton' I own mind, Is believed .by local clubmen to bo now great enough to Induce tho peerless Haughton to put himself to the necessary inconveniences and to assume once more the burden of Harvard's coaching destinies. ... Penn Needs a Department of Freshman Athletics Now that tho board of trustees of tho University of Pennsylvania has set aside one plot of eround of tho newly acquired museum tract for tho use of the Athletic Association, It should make a still further advance by establishing a department of freshman athletics, under tho supervision of a competent director. No big university in tho country has ever been so handicapped for room to develop its athletics as Pennsylvania. The plan of the Football Committee to turn this new field over to the freshman football team is good us far as it goes, but tho sports of the first year men have now assumed such an Importance that they deserve something more than a separate field. Harvard has the right Idea. Tho Crimson authorities put their freshman athletics under the management of a single department two years ago, nnd with one accord they announce It one of the best things thoy ever did. It would benefit Pennsylvania similarly, because it is the only way to get first year students started in athletics and to interest them sufficiently to keep them In athletics for their entire college course.1. As things are now, the average freshman pursues his athletics only as long as he sees he has a chance to make a varsity team. Tho suggested department ts needed to retain the Interest of the mediocre men who, with careful supervision, m&y frequently be developed into flrt-clasa athletes. on tho short end of hots that Mornti EVENING LEDGER MOVIES-WHAT? EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA. THURSDAY, MARCH YORK CITY CAN F. BAKER COME BACK? HE IS, MCE SAYS Home Run King Lands on Two That Settle Ex isting Doubts FINGERS STILL SORE By CKANTLANI) HICK MACO.V (In., March n. Tho vital spark, gentle reader. Is still there. The old lliiino In. (he hatting nrb Is nt III blazing. You may lie In dnulit as to whether there Is a war In Kuropo nr whether money makes a valuable pos session, but If you desire ono truth Hint Is self-evident and beyond all rebuttal you can slutid by this, viz.: "John Frank lin tinker can lilt." Fato stacked the cards against the Home Itim llng yesterday, which maket his debut tho more Impressive. Fur n year he has een out of big Inngiip harness, dabbling with the succulent cab lingo and the porous Futiash. lie reported with tho Index linger of his right hand mnshed, p? luted and swathed until It resembled a breaded veal cutlet more than a human talon. This accident, the lesult of a log-rolling parly, must have made bat gripping a painful nrfnlr. Ho started on a day cold and cutting enough In freeze the eyeballs nf an Kslil mo. In the whirl oY a wind that hummed and whistled fiom Iho'red clay hills down through the. valleys and out across the Hold. It was no day for baseball, tint even for those who bad built up their vitality through two weeks' work. And for the llrrt tlmo Pnnnvnn worked In order four of bis regulars Keating, Caldwell, Fisher and Sluiwkcy. All this, certainly, was not picking any rosebed for a star to fall upon on his first day out. Tho most carping of nil critics could not say tho occasion had been cut and dried for any assured triumphal de but. Hut when his time caino in bat Baker drove two that ranged beyond iiullleltllng reach, nut of four times up. and iiini of : these brought up against the fenco with a ; distinct thud. And tbnt only slnrts the : story, linker, under such adverse rcmdl- ions, might have easily been content In merely lilt nnd then Inaf to enften himself i ! by degrees. liencrally, tho more high , I priced Hid brlc-a-brnc. the more fragile It ' Is. The price was there. In golden hulk, but there Is nn fragility, gentle reader, I ! about the first citizen of Trnppe, Md. He went tn work villi n swing nnd a I I snap. Alter butting be circled the basis ! nn n par with the dash of Mngvc and Mnlsel, and between chapters ho was bunting nr winning up always busy i and apparently glad to return to a gamo I that bad brought him lame ami fortune nnd tho plaudlts'of the crowd TIipv will mil vmi HimI .lnlin l.Vnnklln ! cares nothing for fnme or acclaim. Ynn can write tbnt oil the Hat. No stioli supeistole ever lived. Hut even If it weto true no one can Ray that linker doesn't care for baseball. It is mora than bis meat. It Is Ins dessert. Vou could led I that by the eagerness with which he wnt ' lo work nnd by the Hash of plc.isure that crossed bis face as the tlrst clean drive sailed on nut in centre. Tim Old , Uoy wanted to feel one lenvo that lial 1 again as much as any kid un the tlrst ) warm day of spring. ; And ho registered that Impression so definitely tbnt no one could mlstako II 1 for any fnkn pep. Patting ability mure I than anything ele develops n love of tho ' game, and, ns we suggested before, nn' j what you want to about him, 'mt di n't j forget this John Franklin linker run hit. Bowling Alley Topics Penn.vlvniila, tho hint of th elsht tiMma In Sertlon A uf the Artisans' I.paBuc. ni:ttlt I'lHli-nluuil N'n. 1 tfillil pxtfllri llnolf tn will two games 011 ICcyHtone nllcys l.ntt nluht. In Hie tn-Ki I'mli-nluwn rolled Inoo, litre of the Htiuad tfnliiK over tho -(in mark ttrt'i-n, with JJ.". Kllnt., with -ll.V an. I ,lui Avll, L'lll. P11 Uerrtown iviin tliu hpi-oih! by live plus, but lVnnvlvnl:i MueU lo tht Job antl won Hit Ilnal by mil to ST.'i. Cook uiul lluje.t rolled well fur IViiiiHylvunla, ProRH'sfllve made n poor showlnc nsulnt Itoniti-rn. whli-li annexed all three Karnes, (teorge Hill cr,u!teil uiu ml for tho wlnneru. NorthWPHtern N'o. 1 nutrolled Ailelphl.i In three Htralght games on Terminal alleyu. They wiin the derond gamn by S17 to bit. C. II. IIIbbIii!! avciaged a trlllo under in!) for llartruiii In Its eii aualmit iipartan. Ilia best seoro, 25, wna In Ills third game, S. IletU, of Oalt Lane, got n I'D" aeoro In III" iiecunil gamo against Larchwoud. Sehlmrf started otf with L'l.'i In Ills first gamo for Umleidown .N'o. !, hut did not main lain tho pace. Kettenvcll, for Harmony, had n fine rec ord with totals of JlL'. 111 nnd 1IM. Ills tuammales won all Ihren from Union. Accnuiiting won two from Kuitnlv In lli I'hllailelph: pnia i-.iei'iric icague, wiiuo -Meter, rolling u blind, dropped Ihreu to nmnei-s-iip. Ilistutlatloa sirnwbrlilo S, Clothier teams will renotv their series on L'usliiu alleys tonight. Duffv contributed Jt:i and '.'O.'I In I ho last two games which Smith. Kilns & Prencli won JIUIII JIUIIUOI, form. the uillenilerH showing good Mponey'a big effort netted S3 for Nationals In his final game. Willard Gels Riled at Snapshot Artist NEW YORK, March 0. Bifr Jess Willard is a modest young fellow. He hates to have his pic ture taken, especially by strange photographers. O. P. Browning, representing the Associated Newspapers, yesterday attempted to snap the champion as ho walked from his hotel along West 81st street toward Central Park. Jess had previously refused to poso for Browning unless the lat ter had Tom Jones' permission to make the picture. Browning did not have tho consent. Says Browning in describing subsequent happenings: "Willard rushed at me, grabbed me, shook me and threw my camera in a snowbank." Browning hadn't made up his mind last night whether to sue Jess or not. DOST THOU BELIE VE FRANK MORAN WILL BEAT WILLARp r3M vu m,m Mffpzfjr J a tew,, rrl 1WM$M I A nice V ri l ' t we" ) ikmkAa, 5Sr-"-" - n,,"J VL KrrTwMI Sr oX If 5 row mmm nMMxwllf p w JSilBPS MmLJKRJmmJmm ' WM El I tPfe!l fef WH SsSSfH iSiPVlf A-WD TAtK To (jeT '": ! ftfi rl I IS?air;l ..- 1 D94mw&1 ;fen A riSs -sl.:rlJ .. ..,...r, I r - r PHILLIES' CHANCES TO RECAPTURE FLAG IN NATIONAL LEAGUE DEPEND ON MANY "IPS" Wilbur Good and Ben der Two Men on Whom Pat Is Depending- to Help Club IJy CIIANDLKK I). HICIITKK AllTICl.H XV. WHAT are the Phillies going tn do, .villi the other tennis In tho National League strengthened? This question has been nked thousands of times by the fans shite the pence agreement between Organized ISnll nnd the l-'eds wns signed. Prior to the pence ngreement the Phil lies looked like nn excellent bet to repeat, If the breaks did not go against them, but the sniuo cannot be snld at tho prcs- ent time, on paper the Phils do not look strong enough (In comparison with other j teams) to llnish better than third, because 1 the future of the Phils depends largely 1 upon "ifs," and tills treacherous little I word can never be depended upon. j The team has int been strengthened 1 unless Header and fjnod show better I than they did In 191 1. it may piny bot I tor because the men naturally 'will have I greater confidence and tho advantngo nf ' further experience as a combination. The i pennant nf 191." was won largely be- j Cravath's legs will be as good as ever. 1 cruise nf a grand combination built on If they are. tho Phillies' chance Is much 1 Alexander and Cravath. ' better. 1 ' Half (lie Defense Lour Career , Alexander was half the ilrfcm-e,, while In Cravath's ease. It must be reineni ; Cinvath wan almost half the offense. I red that, while ho has been with the ! other players drove in runs nnd were In- . "Miillles only four years, lie Is starting directly responsible for ninny victories, but the moral effect of a Cravath nn the ' PHILLY CAN PLAY INDOOR TENNIS WHEN GIVEN CHANCE Interest Shown in Recent Tournament Holds Well for Development of Stars Larger Entry List Expected for Next Year By WILLIAM T. T1IK1U-: Is a saying that one Is never too old to learn. It Is from new ventures j that wo learned much from tho Indoor tonuls championship or Philadelphia, held last week at the armory. First, many people learned what a few of us already knew, that Willis K. Davis, tho now champion. Is a tenuis player of tho very first class. Some of us learnwl It from sad experience. it was also discovered, notwithstand ing Paul lilbbons' assertion that many great efforts wcro induced by the band, that while music hath charms It is not conducive to good tennis. However, since wo heard Mr. (lilibnns make a few re marks about that band we think be really agrees with us. The great discovery, however, Is that Philadelphia Is quite able to play Indoor tennis if given the opportunity. The events in nil classes were marked by good tennis and great Interest. The ladles I played consistently and well. The boys j showed that wo luivo quite a few proni ' Islug kids to work with, whllo the men's ! event produced some of the best tennis I seen around Philadelphia in years. The real reason that tho Interest was sustained to tho end was tho efficient management of Paul W. Gibbons, chair man, and his assisting committee. Mr. Gibbons never allowed the court to be vacant for a moment, with the result that every event except the men's doubles was finished on time. These doubles would have beon completed, only Thayer and Hall. Thayer and Davis. Tllden and Os borno and about threo others played over time matches that delayed the doubles. Thero. Is no doubt that next Benson's tournament will see a larger and classic entry list even than this. It Is a pleasure to feel that the name of Willis V.. Davis, California Stale champion, Is the first to go on our new trophy cup. It will be a great Incentive to men next year to try to place their name alongside. Judging by Davis' form Indoors. Jt looks as if we may also have the pleasure of greeting him as our next outdoor city champion. The junior event wns a great success, both in the Interest the boys took and tho excellent tennis they played. Sering Wil son, of Cynwyd Club, who won the chain plonshlp, played a game in the finals HESITATE, MANTILLUS, EVEN ON SATURDAYNIGHT? ACLE aFpASS KELLY A GAME AT HOME fl" Phillies WIG Roitcr I'lTC'IllIUS I,irr ItKp.v 1 lump Uiininmirtnrr 'ATCliniES run t( minor Vtim!er Itrnilpr t hutiniTH 3111111111:111 KHIrTrr AlliltllH I.ittlcnm It) rni (l'trltct'r AlttlOlH Itluntes Iliirim INIIIXOimS ItaiHtoft D'ttrf.v Mork Mi-lioiT n'Trii;i.in:i:s Ontiitlt tVIiltlnl WeUcr liooih Dpturp IMskcrt opposing team put more than one hurlcr In .1 bnlo from which be could not extrl. eate himself unless th game had been won by the Phils. ;.-nndcr declares be Is ns good -s over. It would be surprising If he did not, but It will require u few months nf tho playing season to cmi luce (lie skeptical. Cravath also Is 11 doubtful quality. ",".ie hnnic-run king will be able to hit as long as he can tote a hat to the plate, but If Ills legs are not stronger than they were In the closing days of the 1913 campaign, ills I ...in ., ..,. ..,. r.n ...... nn... value will decrease almost GO per cent. The eye Is the last thing to go bad! on a great natural clubber, while the legs or irms are first. A lien tho legs start to give way under the strain, a player Is nearly nt tho end of Ills career. Perhaps .1. ......I .. ..!...... t.. bis lfith season ol professional ball, Cravath played in a small league In Cali TILDEN, 2D which won the praise of all the te rnli'e'rs, Vl'vim S! tenuis Pen run ners' up in the doubles, did not nlav sin gles. Pernoek, especially, showed remark able form and would have made the event nioro Interesting. The two boys who showed tho best pos sibilities ns far as strokes and knowledge of the game goes were David Beard, of Gorman'imn Academy, uiul Carl Msiher, of Cynwyd. Fischer, with his reniarliublo forehand drive, needs hut some good In struction to make a really remarkabla youngster. Beard Iuib a better rounded game, volleying with nccuracy nnd hit ting well from the base line. Both those boys aro handicapped by size at present. Howard Hhlel. runncr-no to Wilm m the singles, showed what steadiness and lieadwork without shots can do. It look liiiu tj the finals and on the way beat two good boys. Billliigton and Dornheitn, doubles win ners, ure hard hitting, erratic oiiiisstera with lots of possibilities of development. They are among ou rmost promising com ing stars. M'CAWtOX AND 150KKKU ARK W01.KIX(i HARD FOR CONTEST Local Entry Training for Knockout in Norristown Match Iteports this morning from Allentown stated that Jack McCarron was training more diligently for his encounter with Joe Borrell nt the Palace A. C, Norris town, next Tuesday night, than for any match of his career. "Middleweight Cham pion of Pennsylvania" goes to the winner, and the Irish Demon is anxious to bring iiio who iu .uiemowjl. Borrell has been dropping bis sparring partners in gymnasium work-outs dally, and he was confident today that he would ' have McCarron on the floor for the 10- i second toll before tho limited 15 sessions i expired. ' ht. Paul promoters will have their eyes focused on the rebult of the Norristown battle, and It Is probable the winner will get an offer to meet Mike Gibbons. Bor rell has been negotiating for a St. Paul date for some time; thus his anxiety to I win by the kayo route. PjJj' - Cravath and Alexander Were Offensive and Defensive Stars of Last Season fornia In 1902 and Joined Los Angeles In 190. lie remained with I,os Angeles un til the Itcd h'ox purchased him. Ills career since th''t time is too well known to he worth 1'itirntlng. nnnernft Is going to be even better than In I91C, and prnbnbly will he tho peer of shortstops before the coming sea son ends; whllo .Stock also should Im prove. .N'ielioff may bo u trifle better, but lie Is a player who has certain llm'ts, above which he never will go. and tho mad chase for a second baseman this win ter will not Improve his confidence any, Knrrlng the pitching and catching, there is not another position on the team which Is likely to be stronger than last year. Already Goodo is being awarded Paskert's position, but if ho beats the veteran out It will Hurprlse National League players greatly. The great trouble with Paskert Is lack of confidence. If he can open the season ...m, ,. ,.,, i.,1Mn i.i. i. ...mi ..nntlm.n tn - ... chili the ball, but if lie gets iv sturt simi lar to 191!, his average will be just about as low. Paskert worries and thinks too much about bis batting average, and must be rid of tho fault. Put at that bo is a better all-around man than Goode If the latter has shown his best at Chicago. Whlttcd Is a certainty In left, and Is a good outfielder. It Is said that he will be switched to second base, hut there Is Ilttlo chance of this, lluggins tried to make a second baseman of Whlttcd, but found that ho was not only slow In handling throws, but could not field a ball to his right, lie also takes too much tlmo getting n ball away from him. To throw fast and accurately. Whltted must straighten up. and this type never amounts to much nt the keystone sack. Good Pitchers Tho Phillies will have another great pitching stuff, and there lies Its chance for tho pennant. If Mayer can get off to a j great start again and docs not break In I mldseason, as be did In 1915, he will win ! about five more games than ho did last i year. Manager Moran will have more con fidence In Chalmers nnd he will be allowed to work oftener. Chalmers will be oven better than Mayer If he gets a good stnrt, as he gains confidence and goes better If luck Is breaking for him. "Chief" Uender Is going to be a great help to Moran. Tho former Mackman still has his old-time speed, and just so long as he lias it lie will be a wonder for relief pitching, even If he fnlls to go the route. The writer Is confident that Bender Is going to shock tho baseball fans who have been predicting that he Is through ns a major leaguo pitcher. If Bender Ib able to go to the relief of wavering twlriera Moran will bo enabled to keep Alexander out of the "bull pen," which will permit the Nebraskon to save his strength for a gruelling finish. A good left-hander Is needed badly by the Phils. Illxey pitched some line games last season, particularly against the Braves, hut tho team has little confidence in him because he lacks it himself. He must show this season If he Is ever to be of much value to the team. If Illxey does at least show the form Ills great natural ublllty should permit, Moran's stare will be ns formidable as that of the Braves, Not much dependence can bo placed on the recruits, but Demaree and McQuil lan may prove of value. Demaree has an excellent head and a thorough knowledge of the National League batsmen, which makes his position certain. McQuillan must show consistent form or he may be allowed to depait to make room for Joe Oeschger. ILS&riHI AttfUrJ ,.! Ill 'f Z3K2&rMV2 VETERAN PHILLY PITCHERS ENGAGE IN SHORT DRILL Bender and Alexander on Mound in Batting pra' tice This Morning WEATHER IS WARM tin a Staff Corresponfan st. PBTEitaiitrno. m. ,.. . Tho mld-season ring of the old w. V ? was heard nnd echoed thm, i, .Ee k,.nl ! woods surroundlmr PnnV .. i"' log Coffee PM i.!.7 1 morning. Pat Moran. bavin- 'ark "ill a paper tbnt one of tho bc?t ,.,, l getting runs is to no !,! decided that his young men .tallS-J thoroughly proficient In the n J? of??1 mine Mm nlil f..ll i- .1.- - " of ill rci !. '" " " mo ince, There fnrn Mnm ..... -,.. ! antler and Hcndcr to the inni-V Ilttlo gentle tossing to the b.1tim:I10lV, morning. None of them nulStt,, ....,..,.... .lunc ui mem nut rni,Al. the ball the result being C &,' fairly rained down tho long stone in L ." field nnd kept the retriever. Jl"" i m ttntr, or king m. tlmo to recover nnd relay the trihnLV?: to the diamond. After this trtofiS? ten enough pitching somo of the vm?! sters wcro sent to tho hill. t!im yll more stuff than their hotter-known la! mates, or at least they were willing ("k themselves out further. Consequently ts, was a notlcenblo let-up In the base hlit ,! nnd more weak grounders and dob ii.! gladdened tho Innclders' mitts. u Today was warmer than ycsi.nb, Tho wind that swept across the fl.M ' , Wednesday wns lacking, ana the t4 got a fine workout. Moran told.nm man to be back In uniform and rciAitl, nfternoon work at 2 o'clock. Al Iing, the leading real estate nun and backer of baseball here, lm3 been . tortalnhig the Phillies extensively ln their arrival. " ROOKIES AND REGULARS I CHAnt.OTTKHVlr.I.H. Vn M,... .,. fllli nnd the mnln sound of Wanhlnstoti AmS! en it LoiiKufrs nrrhed today. Thry found ntirij nil tho rookies on tho lionpltnl list, with SS. Wlllj Attrock cronkinpr. even Comedian .Nick MACON', tin. All Jtncon trooped In to tl t-rnnk linker's flncrpr. wlion th k. .: klim flnnlly put tlio memlii'r on cjbllliSc linker biiIc n los rolled on his rleht hoot MAP.t.lN. Tex. .Tim Thorpe cut a ik-m. baCBer.in tho (llnntH' daily slx-lnnlnit nrjelS Biime. Tho Wciitlcla bent tho Koclicrs. Jtj, DAYTON. Ha. Davo Hickman, form Terrapin otnr. gnthpreil most ot the honor! when tho Dodcers stove In Ktetnon Collero n tu 111. In tho Dodisers' llrnt full-length prtrtW mime. Hickman not three trtylea and a double. MIAMI, Kin. With Pnnnma hats asuku two tonms of llrnvcs started n series ot It Kanies here tills nfternoon. Knetzer sttrW In tho box for tho reculjrs with barnes 01 tho opposing hill. . JIINKItAI, WF.I.I.S. Tex. At the While Sot trnlnlni; i-iunp her" Jim Scott's new cum tins Ix-i-n dulilied the "x-ball." tho alfebrtlf term heliiff implied becouie It Is not knon Just what turn tho curve la coins to tilt TAMPA. Kin. A nam: of weary and son. inuscli-d nthletos went through u light vnX ouc at the Culi training camp here loda;. Frank Kchulto nnd Znbol nro In the ivij ot drawing s.uspcnsloni If Ihoy don't set on tti Job soon. PAI.nSTI.Vi:. Tex. With the Browns ho. Intr tho first hIciis of rounding '.i.io uk Fielder Jones slowed up tho workouts today. The rcBular cleht-innlns came was called eJ. HAN ANTONIO, Tex. Tho Cardinals in' prinieu lor mo nrst snuaa Bams toaay wiu tho Hronchoi away, Muggins divided his sqail fn two sertlons and will turn them loose u an eight-Inning Biinio thli afternoon. Tfceni not n Charley horso In tho camp. WACJIAHCIIirc. Tex. Jennings gave hit Tigers their first taste of real baseball rn terday In n scvon-lnnlng came between plckrf tennis. Tho Irrlslstlblcs walloped the b vlntlbles. T to II. WASHINGTON Clark firiflith and moil ot Ids regulars left Washington at ln:10 todir for tho Charlottesville training camp. Shou'd all anmver roll enll tomorrow as expected, 31 will be on hand, of whom 30 tutually apctu In tho line-up. DAWSON SPRINGS, KT Cigarettes tri taboo In tho Plrnto c.inip. .Manager Callibu nut his foot down on them In the course els ' lecture delivered to the Pittsburgh ?! Bqund today. A lone htko over the hills ml some lively baseball prnctlce was the prosnui for this afternoon. ., NrjV OIU.nANS Manager bee FoM teiujl maue tne prediction mat uieveianu ioa L , Bolne to bo nolo to boast of the fastest U- 1 Ine team representing that city In Bg-J inin nro showlns all sorts of speed In the ouum duiip. i.u.ij .tiuirwiN ...... '- : ,. - and on the bases. CHICAC . . . i ih.i tr.i CHICAUU A rumor persists "c... rSl Clinso will play first base for the .New W (Hants. Tho rx-Kederal LoaBuer Is the uii of the stars of that organization to land u, organized baseball. Chase is due In tb"S today or tomorrow to settle Ms DanraJ fctatus, SHKEVEPOrtT. I.a. The famed I.".. ' shuttlecock Is playing a Part In the MJ landers' training. Two new handball cogu lire nlso aiding In putting the ntimam .ondltlon. Hatting und lie ding made uo t principal practlio work ut both sesloos t- Chinese Nine on Way Here IipNOI.UJ.lJ, Marcl..O.-The Chines. W ersuy DUli IIUTrB liaw ,rt ..-.- t,irt '1 steamship llntsonla for San Franc Urn. I they will begin thoir lour of the Un ted Stita Tho opening Fame will bo plajed wta m I Stanford University nine, on iiurcn jo. HAVE YOU TRIED A EXCEEDINGLY BnTER" Henry's Cigiir Co.. Philadelphia ONE LOOK! THATS ALL National A. C. National A. C. Httturdi'v Mght Sulurduy ' , I Joe Azvedo vs. Johnny 0 wn I Patsey Cline vs. Eddie Morgan ji 'lllKtiri uinrr mar w" OLYMPIA A. A. RSSySpBU' MO.Nn.VV SlflllT 8t0 hjWK.Lt, Uhltey Fltigfrnld is. Krunkte .iJWjt KTAM.KV KKTCIII' I. s. 'UVK,JlltcSlt IIUCK FI.KMIMI . KIMMfc Jjul Ailui.. SSc. Hal. lies.. S0c, Arenu KM., '"'"il HcC ARRON-BORREL IS j . .. . ..... tn trknndf Joe Iluntlnr-Nol iiiionuci, '""-i,ui i l)ougfierty'. 3000 !!"" Ken""1"- n-.-ii-r M' TOMniiT nnxi.Mi iu.il' BROADWAY A. l,. !Y IIIN'KI.K vs. JULJJ'KJ3 Jit llEAK-t'AT HATTtts- hi VM.K 4 orinat ypU KNOW,PATR.QUe I ALWAY5 HESITATE You? IP? BEFOIe ?LUHCrE INTO A COLD BAWTH. c A (DON'T Youfl 7- .i , , -rT-. 1 J I SPRING-Tt-rtgi
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