T-,t ja-hawr as-- - 'tr -s?-iriry T 7r.w$ EVENING LEDGBB PniLADlULPniA, TJ-UESDAY, BECEMBEK 23, 1015, 13 pip&rl-&W&r' r f -hi 9 -a? Mfcf Mill K ...4 fl ail lit' h tii f!il M l ml et W h?l I US "a IH ml MSTER'S VISIT MAKES FOES Sfl-ir of Bird Says Neighbor Thrent 0u .., ttt. wi eneu '" " ,,D i ..tiinble prlo rooster wandered from I!ikVrd of Jnmcs O'Kourke. nt 270S . BSel street. Into tho hennery" '??.fitore Lnmncrt, nt 2701 East Somer AH !!t and caused the, latter to be Hi J1 . iiaa ti,t1 fnr a fitrtliAt hAnflmr V irVtlMrflto WrlBley. In tho Hel r- nrirfleld streets station today and u"'"-' ,. ,. n, ih ,. M ondr .-. -.,,.. Im .i- tmi --. ri. In tho Helgrnde id Ac itou 0'B WW . mill .JnrMnK to the police, the men liavo Accoroins . .. vo,,i. ;. chickens In urke'i are of the V ,ir while Lftmn eft's ar il.m iro O'ltourke's ?v,ir W cincit:iia in ....... muo. 'SrkV'i are of tlic, White Leghorn t'.ii.iT' ivhlle I.amnca's aro mixed. Scv- TC ago O'Hotirke'B rooster went Sninr for coup'o or ""V8 " Lnmncft's .rn returntnfr eventually to his own J" imttcn, accordlnR to O'Rourkc, "?!' his house and demanded tho Suiting- for a. couple, of tiny: CBJD .- . - . is i (irsnd threatened Mrs. O'ltourko tin iiVi she compiled. O'Rourke then sworo ,a . warrant for Lamaca's arrest. j . cCphcn A. Ashman Burlnl Tomorrow v Rleohen A. Ashman, SI years old, who jiM yesterday In tho German Hospital JSf b. burled tomorrow afternoon at 2 Sock from the home of his eon, lMfiar fiSmin, t2 HlKli street, aormantown. Kit Ahmanwas president of thb Stephen 'h Ashman & Son Company, blacksmiths, il'n tii a member or the Union League ,5n Us headquarters was at Lcaguo Mtnd ""' continued his membership , Will M death. " WILLIAM II. HEKKELIUCH jrromlnent Politicinn nml Tipstnff Dies1 After Long Illness tffalllairi H Herkcibacli, tipstaff In fSi-irlnnl t'ourt and a power In tho the po- rjttal Affairs of tho 02d Ward for many fiMrtt Ilc5 lnBt n'B'11 nt n,s nomp' lsl" lWh Mill street, wnero no nau oecn m Vat tevtrnl weeks Ho had been uncoil- fietoiu for lno ,,nys- ; te nerkelbach was C6 years old, A .'i.iit. of Ownedd. he enmo to this city "llh hta parents as a boy and since his iTldUAUOn ironi mu iiuuuu auiiuuis ncro ! ncllvo III public nlTalrs. In 1R70 ho Iwij mde nn Inspector In tho Customs Hoe and ln ,SS6 bcc'ime associated with 'tin Bureau of Highways. He remained In f,i,. tatter omco until INI. when ho rc- frwlmed to become State Senator. Dur- ff Ms offlclal career nt HarrlsburK he 'introdhced sevcrnt Important bltls. Ho jKimpted unsuccessfully to havo tho .'W4e laws" amended and Introduced the fmemorablc "Philadelphia ripper bill." Ithlch was passed after a lone light. " Mr. Bcrkclbach will bo burled on Mon idJjrand leaders In tho Republican Organ 'IttUon are expected to attend. Tho de tailed politician was n. president of tho plrigo Club, whose homo Is next to Mr. Igerkelbnch's residence. S1' IN SIIIJIOIHAM furTTTY. In lovlnit reniemlirance of b WTltKn M Ut'KKriY. who tlleil Drcrmbcr eatljs; Thtit Noticei Are Printed in the '' Evtnlng Ledger Free of Charge JDtMj On December 10. 1013. DAVID. haibinl o( Julia Allan lam. fnce.Eppel). Duo Eotic or tno run;rai win no xiven. from ms ill reildcnce. 210.) Gist Monmouth st. fi'RMIOI.I). On December 21, 1015, ANNA Sr DOROTHEA. wlJow of Henry Arnhold. f.r.flitlvtn And frloniln. aIki all nrRnnl r utlom or which ho was a member, are tn ' ltri to altenil tho funeral nervlcec on Prl- itr, t 2 p. m.. nt the renldcnco n( her icn. Wm. Arnhold. .lint North Kith nt ln- 11 llmlFit Bt Am4rliltl fuViinln aniatnv( t Bair may he Ueneit on Thurmlny evenlnp. f AS1IMAN On December 22. loin, STHl'IIKN J A, ASHMAN, In lila Kid 3'ear. ItelntlvcH nnd l. frltndiare Invited la attend tho funernl rer .) I;u. t tho re'Mcnco of hla aon, 2(12 illsh Stit, Ocrmantnwn, on Friday, tho 21th Inst., 'j .1 3 a. m. InlDrm.nl nrlvatn. AllI-On December 21, 1015, JOHN, Sf binbtnd of tho late Chnrlotto Ault tnro iJjWillM. aitcrt SI years. Ilelnttvvi nml friend Km Incited to attend funernl renlcia. on .oritur, it - r. in., at ma into reiwacnce, t, Walmlmler uvc To proceed to rulmcr Cem frair ault f tlKOCK. On rocembor 10. 101.'.. MAIlY iONES UA1ICOCK. of Bill N. Ilroad t.. AUM Tk) vears. Interment nt Heading. Masa. JBIKKI!. On December 21. loir., MAItOA- ,RET C. widow of Colonel Theodore 8. S. -. . Eir HclMHcn nml friends re Invited to fj itttnd the funeral services, on Thursday, at tt.ip.in., at her Ixto residence, 1GIS Oxford at. E.biKrment private, 3tnCKlEV. On December 21, 101!i, WILL SrlAJt; husband of llchcccn Ilarckley ilcla- ntii and friends, nlso .no mploren of loihs 1-Httersnn HolllnB Mills, are ln fjttirt to stiend funernl, from his Into resl K.iim. 022 Kast Cubot t., on Friday, at 2 P. m. Interment at Palmer Urounda. f,B-tn.ia.On Dorember 21. 101(1. FltANIf- C iv iiAiiin Kriatives nml rrienut rs iniuetl to ntteml the funeral services, on JTO.tr. ill n. m, precisely, itt his hrother-s rtillfnce. William U lUrnes, sail North 2.M It llltfrment Ht Mt. Mnrlnli IVtni.terv S.IIE8 On December 22. 1U1S. In lMtman. ' DAVID A 1IATEH. aped UU jenrs. Itel una and frlenda aro Imltrd tn attend tho "lornil, on Kunday. December 211. nt U a T!i (rSm "' residence of his son-in-law. ms 1. PerMcen Bt fross Keys M K, Chunli p I' T, Interment at Cross Ke. N. J. lBiK!.'iA',l)NK"' On Ueeemher 21. 19ir., R.Mr'"A W. widow of (lcorue V. Haum- tljl,."r 'n ''er "1st vear. Itelatlves nnd . Im Columbia Lodue. No. I ft. Shep- trw oi yeinienem. nre invited to attend the 'ra senlces on Sunday, at 2 p. in., at , if lite residence S3 N -fdih st: Interment ittlvate. St Fernunnit rmrlitrv L?f.?K.K.L,wc,. On Docember 22. 1D1B. Jjl-blAM " helot ed husband of Julia r.v,urtc" ln nis 1,'iin ear, tiuo notice or LtM funtral will be Rlten. from his late resl "nee. leu Nonl, "ntii LUff-MnVr0" Hecember 21. 1015. WILLIAM li...".1. ', huiioaml of KllzaUctn timet 'if" "Mi IteUtltea and friends, nlso IJJnna. Iteserva Post. No. 101. O. A. It. i Ifi'y I.JlEe, No. 175. K. of P.: Covenant ttepl the funeral' se'rtlc'es, cm Friday, at I i-. ',., sr nis late resldenre. 212.1 N. 1M1H ai. llDttrmfnt nt 'nrthu.nnt r?attie-rv to,M!H - On December 21. 1015. CAnl. Ii'ia iH-i-i-NKit, m his BUth ear. Ilela- f f "4 frelmls, also llsrinann LodKe. No. '.:! ,-.. and the Tlschler tilnelnis Choir, t'v '"" to otiend the funeral aerWces, ITfurijUy, at h u. m... at his late residence. i' falrmount ntenue. Interment at (Hen t0") Cemetery Friday, at 1U a. m, lluffalo. kVl, 1. IMIvr. nl.n.o trnv L?jcft;- Hetember 20. 1015.KPIIIIAIM IvZi.i 'A.-i.-n UKeq itl jears 7 montns 'K? ."' "n,) frlenda are Invited to uttend l"ie funeral services, on 23th Inst., at 1 :so ifcj?- ,4' h, la'e residence. Vlnemont. In gj'ilai Snatiin Cemetery. Trains will t friends at Vlnemont. trains leuWnx ncauinir r i .i . L?2!'TOn December 22, 1015. CHARLES, iv..' ,"'e laMI tteorge and Ullzabeth uoon. (giotral services and Interment prltate. Frl- l?SSI'.! !'.?' - On December 21. 1015, IRiliiiVir- ."OOTllKOVD. aged 21 years, wauies and friends t-re nvlted to attend iuiueriniaw. i.eoriia i inter IiM.r-",,"a. r. t unemi services at uaugn. attSn'' rfnt"- "J- Jonn Marts. S3G Central .S": Oc-SM Oly Friday. 12 noon. In. kitii;. l,..t - leasantvllle Cemetery fii" ,!''. At her residence. SU12 Earn St., fi ;"i.u!cember 21. lots. MArtY. u.lf of Put. lovltftTt .' ..: iteiaiites ana irienaa are 1 in l0,aUenil the funeral, on Friday, at ,iv j iir.,1 ' ..i.T.r: -- " ."i-r -, - StSJ, .! Cheatnut St. Iteaulem Mass at St, Ph", rSitV4rch at s 5 " Interment at lM2if.,V" Cemcerv Koi iir' Dataware) Hospital, Wllmlng- ;od ih .1 rIt..n"wr.aJj n, n or saran ifrtnS.la,,-:,.lr,ck brady. Itelatltes and "rSJsJ .ln,yHd to attend funeral, on riSilU' L'eraeterv yTryAU. -On IWimV... n intt laiiri KSd !?" fitlAU. Jr . ajte'd 3a years, bus. !CSi.r .-"!!?. Broad, helatltes anU friends t in Vi ""tena runeral services. Friday. (Anion "St' f.'. '. residence of Mrs. l E fill IP'. T w IlUblantl ate.. Chestnut ltiaiV ..V? "jvemoer 20. ibjo. AI.US11T, tSi.a7 of nH ?" "i-A'"":' ."d "'J Jllnlali'O Ola In llnalntt kL,l" n5.'"ada ar. Invited to atten. llVea and trlAtlAm ub-s. Ll.lt. tn Dtt.n.t vi ."."i" nuay. at sao a. m.. from nis EtJ) ""i!nf; if14'-' Oerrltt St. (IStd and Sibrl.f. "At a ot Uequlem at St L.'"? Oo Diiemtu tubrr0. ?mbr 18. 1015. JOHN J.. .."HLd . Susan E. Burns (nae Thomn- itunn ,V,IV, "! frlenda are Invited to 'Iro5V.M UDral. on I'rlday, at 8;S0 a.m.. vise fSri Uu "sldance. 1506 Wast Lsbl.li Oar ii'J110. P'lulsm Mass at Church of ' sit J ti Mcy at 10 a. m. lutsrmant itciYtlhr' Cemetery. -, Vl5RTP8 Pember 22, 1915. ANNIE Slnds.?' J?hn "- Butcher. Itelatlves and t?J. V! A,,f'ld - Jitlena the funeral wUeac'a?ioU?,n'")f , Vt -- at h" ? jffi?" MKtS""n Uo' ermnt,'n- -- r SUSSfvnSfa.'ua' "u Daeember 22 1013. BrK?.?C?. 1.. son 4r JoseDh and Alblua ill iiitit ,!eU." fod frlenda are lotlted ifw J5?iAu,itt BcrnaTn roar, tw seen IAU, Ueik' Sunday fvcalas, Intcrmtot tIMin I -.,- J Bsi. til ,,iJ rtetnorp si., uinev Stt)!Vf.''.'anvll- N. J-. on Friday ian.ir. ." ' Ksteivllle, N. J., on De l?S5!' ?..". MAIlY J..' widow late Qeo n'tinim . ? "" t m-j 'rota tn pariora 01 taa .? eConhyt Lancaster ond Wyom- mi u a, jii. tnieruiriu 01, nEAVHS OAHFT tN,"?,n ''"ernher 22, 1015. MAIL tlv ind fRJ,..jB?n T- Jt-'bn. Item iun7?n,,,irl$n.!l.?r.0 ""V'i'd to attend, the "no am ili5im,,,lP .V", 'vrl Church. im ' '"'erment at Holy Cro Ceme tery. CwiI2i':''JT0n ""-ember in, loirs, JOHN, Ilurr)1 lA.JK2d ." .Kll,. Campbell !n"n if nsil.e V-SJ.'JTJTfl "5"1 f.ri'n''. lo members Mm.W,h.V,M' No- f-nyal Order of ?.'Sf5.:. Court Properlty. 11(1 F of A Hnst ntisB ii!l 'I'Publicnn Cluh, are lntlted tii S IS ,.nJ..fyn.''ml "frvles. . FTIday, nt 2 rn.m,M.nt h .'ate residence. Iflls n' Hutch. rv AiomnJL,'iVnV,t W1'.' Hillside feme M?WedAThumr.0Sa?r7!;rVo!!Vmmn" m"y '" cl)2,rf,'!?ri?.llUl'L-..li.Anr. nB.ifri.nS: .;."i"-1 ii .V""!ni'"-.. 't'jaiives ,,?r,p??rnon,,,r.ni?J1omN'.',T,m ?' "fnlermeK iielfedUorr Thrr;,3Jy67t:en,n,;m,, "' c!nAPPv.iP.eM.mb';f a'u,fln- MAtttA nelattf..' .n"! Klnits County. Ireland. th 1 f,!n7J,.ni,..'r,Wll nro '""ted to nttenci JR2 SrA1, ". TrUay nt R n. m . from ?.". ,5' .'.'wl North Attn t. Solemn Itequlem l. 11 Bt Orearory-a Church "at i" a. in. Interment Cathedral Cemetery. CI.Oli:. .On December 20, 1015. .lACOrt .1.. JIV'"?P1 ."' Anna n. Close, llelttlves and Si II..S7--z"K.SMi"' Juniper at. Interment Jall-TfSren-1-' "'W- C-9Jf'n 1'ecember 22. 1(115, Kliza I,, widow nf Joseph t;ock. In her t5 , "rr theKf.,.nernft".'irfi:nil "V. "n,"1"'1 ' " l"l i,ifln.",iliM"1".,inn Mondav. at 1 p. m.. At,nfcU,,pJlll('JVvr oftWr. "tn-ln-latt, llarrv A. Appleimtp I1.1T Whitman nte. Cnnnlrn. .... UJterrnenl Private, nt Fernwood feme- Sr...".""" ".''V .vUw '10 remains on 5-undnv. , tn n o clock C!,t,m-rW"0V. "eeember 22. 1015, HI.1.A nnJlrCU--jnl',0,V n,f John rones. Ttelntlte HSd tWS'i1!? nrn. 'avlf I" attend the funeral, on Monday, nt, , '10 n. in., rrnm tho rcl- 1 enn st.. I'lirton llrlshta lie awnrr. Cnuntv, Pa lllRh JInss at St Charles- Chunb. ni !' n. m Interment at St. Clinrlca' Cemetery. No carriages. CO) l.i:. On Decemher 21. 11115. llliltmHT, wire of IJlwnrd fovlo rnco Herein). Uela S,,v', .nn'' friends, nlso memliers of the Rncred llenrt foiirraternltv of m Ann's, are In tlied to nttend the. funeral, on 1'rlday, nt V." 1: ms "-Jr.1 her.lato residence. 2V).! Memphis si. lllKh Mns nt Ht Ann's t htireh. nt ti n. en. lnlerment nt Holy .-. x,...,, 1- . viiM'iL-i v, ,uifniuiiiip srrvice, CllOTlinitN. On December 20, 1015, JOHN. Br., huslinnd of Ellen Crothers. Itelatlves and friends, nlw emploves of tho Western aivlng fund Kocle.ty. are lntlted In ntteml tho funernl. on Friday, at 2 p. m . from his lalo residence. 2CUI 8. Norwood st. Inter ment nt Mt. Mnrlfth Cemetery. Itemnlns may he viewed on Thursday, from 8 to 10 n m. Ct'MMINdS. On December 21. 11)15. MAIlY J. CI.'.MMINOS. widow of Letl C. I'ummlnRS. Jlelatlvea nnd friends nro Invited tn attend tho funernl. nn Mondav, nt ,."( 11. m . rrnm tho resldencn of her snn-lti-inw. .1 Alfred Clark. 4'.)2!( Cntb.irlno st. Folcmii lllah Must of llenulem at Ht. FrnuclR de Sales' I'liurrli, nt 10 n. m. Interment nt Cathedral Ceme tery. Cl'KTIH. At his residence, the Corniindo, nn t)eeeml)er 21, 1015. THOMAS JAIIVIH CUIITIS. Funcrnt services nnd Interment prltnte. DALEY. On December 21. 1015. MAIlY A. DALEY, wife of John A. Dnlev nnd dausli-, ter of Edwnrrl nnd Elizabeth llnceti ineo Dalton). Itelatlves nnd friends nro Invited to nttend tho funernl, on Mondav. nt 7:110 a. m., from her parents residence. IlotiS Mercer st. Solemn llenulem Mass nt the Church of the Nativity, nt 11 a. 111. Inter ment nt Now Cathedral Cemetery. DAMS. At Ilnrdentown, N. J., on December 21. 1111., EMMA, widow of Ilobert Jonei lnvls. (ti her illst jear. Helatltes nnd friends nro lntlted to nttend tho funeral, on Friday, from her late residence. Fnrnsworlh ate., Ifordcntnwn. N. J., at ! p. 111. Inter ment at Ilordentown Cemetery. D1XTZ. On December 21. 1015, ESTHER, widow of WHIInm It. Deets. of Sellcrstille. In her Plst year. UelntlvrB nnd friends nro Invited to attend tho funeral services, on Thursday, at s p. m , tit the resilience of her son-ln-lnw, 222,1 North llth st. Interment ut Sellcrstllle, on Friday. Trnln leuvcs Colum bia Ate. nt tl:.17 a. m. HE VELAN. On December 22, 1015. HE HECCA It., widow of John II. de Velnn. liueral aervlces nt her late residence. 55JH Greene at.. Oermantoun. on Friday, at 2..JO p. m. precisely. Interment private. DEVLIN. On Dccoml er 20, 1015, MICHAEL DEVLIN. Relatives n-d friends, nl-o Ht Thomas' Holy Name t-Mclety; Division No 7!, A. O. 11. t Court ,-pcr, r. of A.; Loynl Order of Moose nnd tl.o Phlladelpbla Itetull Lhiuor Dealers' Asoclat'on. are lntlted to attend tho funeral. Friday inornlnc. nt s o'cltx-k. from tho residence of bis cousin, Michael McAleer. 2iWsi Federal st. Solemn lllch Mass of llenulem nt St. Antbon's Church, at 1K10 o'clock. Interment nt Holy Cross Cemetery. DOOI.EY-DOYLi:. On December 21, 1015. nt her late residence. 2.112 ritawnter at.. ANNIE, widow of James Doyle. Itelatlves nnd friends, nlso members of tho It. V. M. Sodalltv nnd I-eniruo of tho Sacred Heart of Ht. Anthony's Church, are Invited to attend the funeral, on Friday, at 0 a. m.. from 2:110 Fltawatcr st. Solemn Hlch Mass of Itetiulem at St. Anthony's Church, at 1U.:I0 a. m. In terment New Cathedral Cemetery. DOrtSHEI'TY. On December 20, 1015, HAHAH A., widow of John Dougherty. Hel atltes nnd friends nro Invited to attend fu neral. Friday morulnir .nt H ltd o'clock, from the residence of her son-in-law. Albert ?, r rls. mutl Saybrook nve. Hlch Mass nt St. Clement's Church, at 10 u. in. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. HOYLi:. On December 22, 1015. ELIZA HUTIl I... ttlfo of James C. Doyle. aKcd IU) yiars. Itelatlves and friends are lntlted to attend the funeral sertlces. on Friday after noon, nt 2 o'clock, at her Into residence, 2110 S. tilth st. Interment nt Mount Zlon Ceme tiry. Darby, Itemnlns may bo tlettcd Tliura day evening from 7'.'10 to (1 o'clock. IHtl.N'AN. Suddenly, on December 22. 1015, JOHN 11. husbnnd of the late Catherine Drlnan, In bis 7Mb year. Helnllvrs and friends nrn Invited to attend the tunernl services, on lYltlay. at 2'.'lo p. m precisely, nt tho pallors of Harry C. 1. Carson. 12U South Hroail Bt. Interment critnte. l"N(iLi:HAHT. Suddenly, on December 22. 11115. WILLIAM F. J'NOLEirAIlT. Sr. Ilrl utltes mid friends, also Concordia 1(m1kc, Xo, 07. F. nnd A. M. . Jerusalem It. A. Chan ter, No. .1. Mury Commandery, No .'tit. K. T.: I'hlladelnhla council. No. 11. Phila delphia Consistory, .12d Degree; Lu Lu Tem ple. A. A. O. N. M. S.; Itcd CMsi Con stantliio. Philanthropic lxxlge. No. 13. I. o. O. P.; Volunteer Flrumcns Keller Associa tion, are lntlted to attend funeral, on Mon dav at 2 p ni.. from his late residence, i:t.ll llrottn street. Interment West Laurel Hill Cemetery. Automobile sertlce. ENHKillT. On December 10. 1015. ELLEN, widow of John J Enrlcht (nee Shanahan). aged 40 years. Relatives und friends art. invited to attend tho funeral, on Friday, at S n. m . from her late residence, 2151 South American st. Solemn Mass of Requiem at tho church of Our I.ady of Mt, t'armel. at 0 10 a. m. Interment Holy Cross Cemcterj. KVTINOi:. On December 21, 1015, SARAH TUEXLER EYTINOE. aged 30 years. Itela tltes nnd friends are lntlted to attend the funernl services, on Friday, at 2..10 p. in. precisely, at the chapel of Andrew J H.ilr . Son, luth and Arch sts. Interment private. F1N1.AV. On December 21, 1015, EDWARD Sylvetter. husband of Maggie C Flnlu. llelatlves and friends. alo menibers of -Ml ilnreli Lodge No. S2s, F. and A M.. Palestine Chapter No. 2IU, llotal Arch Masons Mary Commandery :iu. K. T.. and Vulcun Assem bly of Philadelphia, are Invited to aitend the funeral services, at the parlors of Sechler A Maguire 13I N. 20th st., Frldu), at 10 a. in. Int. rinent prltnte I'IMIEIt. At Palinjra. N. J., on Detember 22, till.'.. WILLIAM THOMP.-iON. eldest son of William II. and Mary K. Fisher, aged 23 ars. iiciatitta nuu ineuas, also all or fn. ganizations ni tt men no was a memoer. ure nL'ltil In attend funernl. Sun.luv. ntt. ,. ,,. from his late resilience, lull W. Ilroad st.! Palmyra, N J Sertlcea at Christ P. 1: Church Interment Morgan Cemetery. Trains leave .Market st. ferry for Palmyra, at 12 Jo atul I'HO p. m. I'lEl.l.. On December 21. 1015, ALICE, wire or 'inomas risen, aged 4J years. Itela tlves and friends are Invited to attend the funeral sertlcea. on I'riday, at 12 111, pre cUely, at her late rual.lt nee. Cedar lane, Highland Park, Upper Darby. Pa. Inter ment private. X'O-srKK. On December 21, 1015, ETHEL MARTHA, daughter o( Francis Joseph and Madelalne M. Faster. Funeral Friday, 10 a. m.. at her parents' residence, 532 Udfilev street Interment itorthwood Cemetery, FRANCIS. At lleverly. N. J.. 011 December 21. 1015. EL1KAULTH FRANCIS, aged fail j ears. Helatltes and friends ure lntlted to attend funeral aertlces. on Friday, at 2 p. m.. at Ihe Lutheran Church, Amltyvllle, Pa, Interment Amltytille Cemetery Heading, Pa., twiners please topy. (i.KiHAN. On December 20, 1015. ELLEN, wife of George (laghan. Helatltes and frlenda are lntlted to attend Ihe funeral. Friday, at 8-'t0 a. 111.. from the residence of her son-in-law. Charles F. Deniken. "Uia Lit-ln-ston st, (Belgrade st. and E. Indiana ate.). Solemn Requiem Mass at the Churvh of the Nativity 11. V. II.. at 10 o'clock pre cisely. Interment at New Cathedral Ceme tery aALUlGHKIL On December 20. 1010. MARY, daughter of Bernard and the late Rrldget Gallagher. Relatives and friends, also Sacred Heart and Altar Societies and U. V. M. bodallty of the Nativity Chun.li, ure lntlted to attend funeral Monday, at MU a m-. from her late residence. 2U1U E. Clearfield at. Solemn Itequlem Maas at the Ohurclt uf the Nativity II. V. M., at 10 a. m. preilscty. Intermeut at St. 'Ann's Cemetery. (JIHIH)NS.--Oo December 21. IS 13. WENI FHED (1IBUONS. Funeral servtiea at Trinity Oxford Church, Friday, Dec. 24. ut lu 30 a 01. Friends may call at her late residence. 130U Courtland at.. Logan. Phila delphia, Thuraday evening. (ilt.W.-OS. On December 20. 1013, JAMES A. OHAYSON. In hla 77th year Relatives and friends.' also Philadelphia Lodss No. 72. F and A. M and all other orgautxatlona of which ha was a member." are Invited to at tend funeral services, at hla late residence. 2027 Parrlsh at on Friday, at 1 3d p. m, precisely Interment Central Laurel Hill Cemetery Automobile runeral. CltlFF'THS. in Chalfont. Pa., on Decem ber 22. 101. AUSTIN E. GRIFFITHS, aged 70 years. Relatives and frlenda are lntlted to aitend the funeral from hla iato resldente. in Monday. 27th. 11(13. ut 10::M) a. m. Bert -li.es at Montgomery Uapttat Church, at 12 o.lotk Interment In adjoining ground flrll.l-OYLE. Oa December 21. 1010. LIL LIAN A. wfe of Dr Calvert T Gullf,..yle and daughter of, James i and the Ut Mar- faret U MacKendrl k aged 20 years. lU'a i.cs uad friends arelovited to atiead the funeral aervicisi 00 Touraday at 8 u. ni , 1 'be residence or h, r busbar I 1SU F st Was' Ington st Me Sia. Pa. Is rro o i.t AUutwo i'emetenr a Friday niorBun, nnA ---'"i .il"J?1. fniiru mates stmt a?o InJK.rVi.. 5SiT.h,,r'1 ,''aP"?t Church Sn FrM.JJ..t01.'ll,en'1 N'0 nenl services. DM f ridSV. fit 11 ft. m n.ul..l i a.a- a..' IlKATHB IIAI.I.nUKt.l. -On December 21, 1015. II FRANK HALLOW KM., husband of Susan H-nowell (nee Myers), In his 4Sd year. Rel ative, and friends, nlso Krnnkford Council, No. l"n. Fraternal Patriotic Americans, and employes of the Frnnkford. HolrneburK and Tncony Traction Co.. are Invited to attend funeral ervlce. on Friday. December 21, nt 2 10 p. m . at his late resHcncr, 2010 llrldg st., rrsnkford Itemnlns mnv be viewed Thursday evening;. Interment private. IIANSIIEHUV, On December 21. 1015, WILLIAM I-. hnhn,1 nf Ids Hnnsberrv. ageil en jenrs, Helatltes nnd friends, nlso I Kenrsarge laitlge, No, U0. 1. O ). F. nnd emploiM of A. (. Keeley. rtte lntlted tn at- tena lunerai services, Kriday. at 'j p. m. prerlely. nt his late residence, 1201 Fisher's ate. Uth and Wagner nve.. laiRan Inter ment private, nt Chellen Hills Cemeter) Remains may be viewed Thursday etenlng HAHPDH, In Conshnhoclten, Pa . on De cember 21, 11)15. ISLIZAIlETlf t) . daughter of the lite William and Dorotht Harper. Helatltes nnd mends. nlo Ihe members of tho latdles Auxiliary of Dlttilnn No. I, A. O. II.. nro lntlted to atten I funeral, nn I'rldav morning, nt s n'dork. from the resi dence nf her brother-ln-liw. John J. I'ord. inth nte nl Wells st High Mass of Re quiem nt st, Matthew's Ihurch, nt 11 .10 oclotk. Interment St Matthew's Now Ceme tery. HAItltlTY. On December 21, 1PIB. DANIEL J. liuband c.f llnniinh R, llarrltv inee Mc l'.lwee) Itelatlves and friends, nlso hi. Pnt rlik Molv N'nme Swletj, are Intitcd to attend funeral, on Monday, nt 0 n. m. from his late resident e, nil S, Taney st. (27th nnd Smith) Solemn tllgn Mas nf llcuulrm nt St An thonvs Church nt 0 SO. o'elmk. Inlertncnt Cathedral Cemelerv HAM KINS- On December 21, 1013, nt her resloenee, in2H West Mnster s! LVDIA S., widow of Lnwreneo Hawkins Helatltes nnd friends sre Invited in attend the funeral rrrvb es. nn Mondav, nl I 111 P. m.. at Iho "1 ttintist church. 7ih st. below tltrard ate. interment prltate, at lvv Hill Cemetery, III NTEII.- on Dei ember 10. 11)15. lir.OIUtr. . lir.STEH. beloted husband nf Ami- E llunler inre llarnes) and son nf the lalo .lames II. and Marv E. llunler. Relalttes and friends, nlso Untie Flrn Co . of llurltng Inn. N J., emploves nf P ll r. car burn, luth tind Jackson: Jai kson Local. I'nlled Cnrmrn's Association, and emtitotes of P. II. T 1' i-orerntive Assorlnllon. lntlted lo fu neral pert Ires, Sundnv. 2 p in., nt late resi dence, nut S. 27th st. Interment M. Morlah Cenieterj. Remains mav bo t lowed S turdny evening. 11.1. 1. On December 21, 1015, WALTER cllltlSTfAN. beloted husband nf Jennlo Hunt ip llll nnd son or Christian W nnd liuhu A. llll. Itelntltes nnd friends, also Itlterslde llge. No 117, F. and A M : Ilx c.llnr Conslslnry, A. A. S It.. Crescent Temple. A A. o. N. M. a.. Camden: Forest No 5, T. C. L . und employes nf the Key stone Vtalrh ensn Company, nre Hulled to nttend the funeral services, on FrMn.v nfter nnnn. nt I o'clock nt the apnrtiuents of Ollter II. Itnlr. 1S20 chestnut st , Phllndel phln. lnlerment private, at Westminster Cemetery. Friends mnt tlow remains Thurs dat otcnlng, from 7 until 11 o'clock, tit his lalo residimco, Midway and Thomas ntcs , Illterton .lACOIlV. On Hecember 22. 1015, EDWARD husbnnd or Margaret Jaeobv. Ibio notice .nf tho funeral will bo git en. from his lain resi dence. Cardlnglon. Delaware County, Fa. JAMEX. On December 21. 1015, MAIlY MARTHA JAMES, nged 1)0 yenrs. Rein tives and frletnls aro lntlted tn nttend tho runeral. on Friday, nt In n. in., from tho npartments of Kirk Nice. (Viol (lerman timn nte.. (lerm.tnlown. Sertkes at St. MIchnel'B Chunh. High St.. at 11 n. m. itttenncnt prltnte. .lEttllMLW On December 22. 1015, ANNA M. Jeremlis. daughter nf Johannt Ilellfuss nnd the late John Jerrmlas, In lier 2tli vrar Residence, 2731 North Howard st. Duo no tice of the funeral ttltl bo given. JO.N'i:. oil Fntirlh-dnv Twelfth Month. 12,1 1015. RPHA NEWIIOLD. widow of Samuel A. Jones, nged s,t years, Helatltes and friends are lnvlte.1 to attend the runeral services, at tho residence of her son-in-law. William It. Keeney, .'111 East laincnster ate.. St. David's, Pa., on First-day, 2uth Inst., nt 11 a. m. Interment prlvnte. Train leaves llrond St. Station at 10.15 11. m. KINKS. On Dnrember 21. Ill 1.1, MARTHA J. ttlfo of Martin Jones Hclntttcs und friends nre invited lo attend tho funeral sort Pes on Friday, nt 2 p. m., nt her late residence, 10-10 Westminster nve Interment nt Arlington Cemetery KEEN. At bis residence. 2010 North 20th St.. nn December 21. Win. nolll'ItT W. KEEN, son of tho lalo Harmon and Mar- fa1, iret tteiscr Keen, rtutico 01 tho runcrni ater. KIPE. Nenr Chndd's Toril, on December 21, 111!.-., LEWIS KIPE, In bis 7.1d year. Rela tlvis and friends are lntlted to nttend tho funeral, without further notice, from his late resident o. on Friday. Services nt tho house at 2 p ni. Interment at lllrmlnghnm Cemetery Cnrrlngcs will meet tho 12.12 train nt Chadd'a Ford. KltONEIIERdER. Suddenly, on December 20. 11115. HENRIETTA. wife nf P. A Kroneberger. Helatltes ond frlenda nre In tjted to attend the funeral services, on Fri day, at I 11. m. at her late residence. 1SII North Wllllngton st. Interment pflvute. Li:iTHEAI) On Detember 21. 1015. IIOII ERT S. LEITHEAD. Sr.. aged 70 years Hel nlves and friends, nlso Shoktnah Lodge, No. 2111, F. and A. M.: Keystono Chapter. No. 175. It A. M. . Philadelphia Cnmmander. No. 2, K T : Philadelphia Soteielgn Con sistory, anil nil other orguiilmtlons of which ho was a member, are lntlted to attend the funernl services, on 1'rlday. at 2.10 p. in. precisely, at tho residence of bis son-in-law, William J Pnrk.iT. 2Uo:i Palmer st. Inter ment nt Mount pfiiis Cemetery. Remains may bo viewed nn Thursday, from 7 to u p. 111. Aiitomohllo funeral. LI'.MIS. On December 22. 1015..1OSEP1UNE 11.. widow, of James Lewis, of .'1101 North 15th st Relatives and friends are Invited to attend tho funernl services, on Haturdav. nt s p m. precisely, nt residence of her son. C. N. laswls, 2M11 North 20th Mt. Further services and interment at New title. Pa., Sunday afternoon. I.I.OiD. On December 21, ID 15. ROIIEHT H.. husband nf Marv c. Llojd. Helatltes mid friends, also employes of rull shop of tho Pencnyd Iron Works, nre lntlted to attend funeral seivlces. Thursday, nt H p. m pre cisely, at bis late residence. 4111) Mitchell St.. ltoxborntigh. lnlerment Charles Evans' Cemetery. Reading. Pa.. Frldat. I.ONEY. On December 22. 1015, FRED M LONEY. Relatives nnd mends nre lntlted to nttend funeral services, Frid-ty, nt 2 p. ni., nt H.HM N. IKth st., TIoeu. Interment pil tate. Friends may view remains Thursday after 7 p. in. Automubllo sertlce. I.ON(i. On December 21. 1015, JOSEPH P 1 ONtl. Itelntltes and friends, also members of Dlv. No. 31. A. O. II.. ure Invited tn at utiil runeral. Iruin his late residenro. 212 E. Etergreen ate., chestnut Hill, Frld.-t) nt s 11. in. Solemn Requlom Mass at tho church of Our Mother of Consolation nt 0 o'clock. Interment at Holy Sepulchre Ceineleri. I.OIVIIEN. Suddenly, on December 21. 1015, FREDERICK II. 1HVHEN. husband of Anna 11. Londcu inee llurncs), aged ill jears. Relatives and Irirnds nre lntlted to attend funeral services, sundiy. nt I p. ni... at bis lalo residence. 1:15 N. 2Nth st., Camden N. J. Interment Morgan Cemetery, Pntmru. N. J. Remains may be t lowed ftaturduy evening. I.I'DIVICK. At Newtown. Pn.. on December Jl EL1ZA1IETH J. LL'DWICK. aged 55 yjars. Relatives and friends are hulled to nttend funeral. In the Presbyterian Church. Haneybrook, Pa . on Friday. December 21. nl 10 ..10 a. m Interment In adjoining; Ceme tery, 'train for Honeybrook leaves Ilroad Street Stutlon. Pblla., at (1 30 u. m. und Downlngtown nt b.211 a in l.t'lTIIN. At Wntidbur, N. J. on Decem ber 22. JOHN 11 Ll'ITON uged CS years Itelatlves und friends are lntlted to attend runeral on Sunday, December 211. nt !l p. in., rum his late residence, ss:i South Ilroad st . Woodbury, N J. Interment prltate. Ureen Cemetery. LYNCH. On December 22. 1015. IDA, wife of Wllllani lonch nnd daughter of Sarah (I. and the lute lieo. c. Van lilunk. Relatives and rrlends. also employes nr Uaker i (ruham. box manufacturers, aro lntlted tu attend the funeral, on Fridaj, ut 2 p. 111.. from her brother' resident e. Win. II. Van Illunk. IJii Jllfilln st Interment nt Fern wood Cemetery. Friends may tall Thura i. fenins LYONS. On December 22. 1013, CATH ARINE, wife of Timothy lons und daugh ter of the lata Thomas und Mary Mortn. of County Limerick. Ireland Helatltes and friends are lntlted tu nttend funeral. Man Hit'' ft '!:,.,u u- 'n.. from her late residence, .1(11 bhedaker st . tlermuntown. Solemn Requiem Muss ut St. Francis nf Asslsl's Church, at 10 a. m. Interment Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. Jl.VNI.KV. On December 21. 1013, MARY A.e wife of Thomas F. Munlet and daughter of the late Francis and Mary Kelly. Relatives and friends are Intlied to attend the luueral. 011 Morula y ut, S a. in. from her lute resi dence, hl3 Datls ate.. Clifton Heights. Dela ware Cuunly, Pa. Solemn Heuuiem Masai ut St. Charles' Church, Ktdlytllle at to u. in. Interment at St. Charles' Cemeter. MAIITIN. On December 21, 1013. LIZZIE C. MARTIN. Relatives and frlenda ure In vited to uttend the funeral, on Friday, at 0'30 a 111 . from her late residence. 21'lv North Ifit It st. Solemn Itcnuieui Masa ut Our Lady of Mercv Church, at 11 a 111. precisely. Interment at Old Cathedral Cemeterv. 3lcllltll)h On December 22, 1015. WILL IAM J., husband or the late Cuilurlne jl -llrlde (nee Care)) Itelatlves and friends air invited tu aitend the funeral, 011 Friday ut 70 a. m fioui the re4dence of Mis. EIIcji Cahtll. -in'.' Almond si Requiem Muss at the Church of the Natltiiy ut u a. m. Interment private McfONNKI.I- On December 21. 1015, AN DREW, husband of the lute Anna McConncll. Hclatlvu und frlenda. alsu Sand) Run' I.. O L., No. 13, are lntlted to attend Die funeral, on Sunday, at 2 p. m., from his lute resi dence V.i-tl Kuter st. iloth and foulh sts I. Interment at .Mt Morlah Cemetery llody may be viewed Saturday evening. MtCOKM.U'.- On December 22, 1013. NEL LIE, daushter of Wi'liam J. and Marv K. McCormuc und granddaughter uf Mury A and the ute Francis Wade and Ellen and the late William McCormac. aiad U tears. Rela tives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Friday, at 2 p. m . from her par ents' residence 2U18 K. Indiana ate. Inter ment at St Anne'a Cemeter. Mcl'AUIlKN. Suddenly, on December 21. 1013. MARY, daughter of Wllllani and Mar--aaret MvFaddeu, aged 4 years. (I months, 21 dais. Relatives ana friends are invited to atteud tb funeral, on Friday. December 21 at 1 p. m.. from bar pareata' residence. 1S13 Gladstone st Ibelow Rltncr at ). Interment . at Old Cathedral Cemetery . 'IcINTYllli. On December 21. 1018. MARY. widow of Michael Mclntyre. ltslatltes and fi lends, also the League uf the Sacred Heart of the Church of the Ascension arc Lntlted to attend the funeral on Friday, at a ..'to a ni. from her lata residence HIO East Corn wall st Solemn Requiem Mass at Church -r the Ascension, at It) a m. Interment at Ho!) Cross Cemetery MKIKI-KJOIIN. On Dat ember '.'1 013. KATIIAHIMS M MEIK1.KJ11HS neo Mil i.il il 'W uf John Uelklrluhl, P.laMt.S and beali a e ivttel ia attend (hi ji ei , r . 1 1 s, Viin n 'UO act io oa a hi 1 e e " m N Tny at, 'B.er nc t. (j v s "i,ry DEATHS MOHAN. On December 22. 101.1, Mrs MORAN widow of the late William Mnran. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend tho funeral, Monday, at S. 30 a. m, from the residence of her daimhter. 'lose M. Iturlln trnme. 07n North 31lh street, Solemn Requiem Mass at St. Afatha's, Church at 10 a m Interment nl St. Denis Cemetery Automobile funeral MUI.Lr.tL On December 20, i015, OEOnOE MtlLLEH. JR., son of Oeorge and Therea Muller (nee Welnrach). In his .Zlrd year, Helatltes and friends are Invited, to nttend the funeral services, on Friday (!-. m.. at bis father's residence. 2IW.1 West Susque. hannn ave. Interment private. Remains may to viewed Thursday evening from s to 10 ML'IIIIAV.-On December 21, 1015. WILL IAM J. Murray husband nr Margaret Ann Murray. Helatltes nnd rrlends of the family, nlso the Holy Name Society of St. John the llnptlsts Church, aro lntlted to attend fun eral. Mondav, S 10 n. m.,.from his lain rest dence, 1112 Mnrkle St., Manayunk .Solemn ) licit Mass of llenulem nt St. John Ihe Hap list's Church, at 111 o'clock. Interment st John's cemeterv. NAHI1.L On December 20. 1015. FRANK A . husband of Mary It, Nahlll (nee O(lnra) nn,l son nf Annie nnd the Inte Tbomns No hill. Relatives and friends nre Invited to j nt.An.l IkhkhI L'.lilnu nl ?nll n (,, frnm , bis late residence. 2Rir) N 20th st (totemn High Requiem Mass nt the Church of I'nrnus chrlstl. nt n o'clock. lnlerment nt New Cathedral cemetery. NEELV On December 21. 1015. MAR- OARET, wire or WHIInm Neelv nnd daughter nf the late Thomas nnd Esther tlntlinrt, age vt ears Itelatlves nnd friends, nlso members of rtrst Preshtterlan Church nf Olnev. nre invited tn attend funeral services on l'rldat nt 2 .10 p m precisely, nt her hie residence .120 West Tnbnr road, Olnev Interment prlvnte Friends mat- t -ill Thurs. dat etenlnir rrom 8 till 0 .10 o'clock. O'NEILL. On December 10. 1015, MARV. wife nr Ellis I O'Neill. Relatives and friends nro Invited tn attend the funernl services on Frldat, nt 2 p in., nt the residence of her son In law. Mr Millard T. I Ale, (Ml Elklns nte (near itih nnd Olney nte.) Interment privnte. Olllt.-On December 20. IP15, JOHN S, beloted husbitnl of Eltrnbeth jl Orr nnd son or Iho late Samuel nnd Elltnbfth Orr. nged 00 ears Itelntltes and friends. nlo mem hers of Ihe inih Want Republlrnn Cluh mid Literary Association and Ihe II O Stone Men's Club, nrn Invited to nttend the funernl servlrcs. Friday, nt 2 p tn., nt his late resi dence 101 1 S 2(lli st. Interment Mount Mtirlnh Cemetery. llody may be viewed Thursday, N p in. I'HAIIODV. In Colorado Springs, Col., De cemher 15. 1013. CHARLES 11. PRO linm, nf Philadelphia nnd UreenOetd, Mass . aged 75 yenrs ri'.l'K On December 21, 1015, FANNIE, wffo nf ilenrge W, Peck, nnd daughter of Mrs Emma Smith, nged 2H tears. Helatltes and rrlends are Invited to nttend tho funernl Korvkcs. Friday, nt 2 .10 P, in., nt her Iato residence, 1021 Reno st. Interment prlvnte. Remains may bo tlcited Thursday after d 1: in. PEKHY.- At llnrdentow.i. N. .1., on Decem ber 21. William T Perrr, In his nist yenr Itelntltes and friends, also llrothcrhnnd of Lucomotlte Engineers. Dltlslon Nn. 22, are In. ltd to nttend Ills funernl, on Sundnv, nt 1 p in., from his Into residence, 21' Mary St.. Ilnrdentown. N. J. Interment Ilorden town Cemeter). PETERSON. Suddenly, on December 22, 1015 FRANK .1 Pirr-EIISON, husband of Iaiulsa K. Peterson (nen Ouglcr), need 51 jenrs. Itelntltes and friends, also members Cllnden laidge. Nn. 201, II. P. O Elks: Win. mlng Tribe. Nn. 55, I. . It. M.; Iivol O. of Moose. Lodge. No. 111. Liquor Dealers' Asso . are lntlted to nttend ttio funernl. on Frldat. nt 2 p. m, from Ma Inte residence, 421 State st Camden, N. J. Remains may be tlewed Thursday rtenlng. Interment nt Hnrklgh Cemetery. PIEHKON (nee RI'I'P). On December 22, 11112, CATHARINE, wife or John A. L. Pier son, nged 40 years. Relatives nnd friends nre Intlied tn attend tho funernl, on Situr day, at 2 p. m. precisely, from tho resldencn of her son-ln-lnw. II. O. Creek. 40.K) N, Frnnklln st. Interment private, at Northwood Cemetery , PINNIOEIL On December 21. 1015, Mrs. AONES II PINNKIER. Relatives and friends are lntlted to nttend the funeral serv ices, at I Mo F.ilrmount nve. on Friday. De cember 21. at 2 p. m. prcch-dy. Interment private (l K1I.EY. On December 22, 1015. SUSAN Qt'IOLEY. daughter of the late Hugh nml Mary ljulglev. Relatives nnd (-".ids, nlso League of tho Sacred Heart nn' Altar So ciety nt St. Anthony's Church, f Invited tu attend the funeral, on Monday, at 0 a. m. rrom the residence of her brother. William Ouigley, 2IH.1 Cntbnrlno st Solemn llenulem Mass nt st Anthony's Church nt 10 30 a. m. Interment at Cathedral Cemetery. JUINN. On December 20. 11115. FELIX, husband of Allco Qulnn (nee Tion.ight'i, late nf Cnnsett, County Durham. England, aged r,n vears Relnttves and friends, nlso St. (Jabrlel s Holy Namo Soclet), are lntlted to attend the funeral, on Friday, nt 7 Oil a. in., from b s Inte residence. 1208 Houlh Nowklric st. High Mass of Requiem nt St. (Inbrlol's Church nt 0 a. m. precisely. Interment nt New Cnthrdral Cemetery. KOPEIL On December 22. 1015. ELIZ. It ROPER, widow of Andrew J. Roper, aged M )cars. Relatives and friends nre Intitetl to nttend tho funeral services, nn Friday, at 2 p m . at the residence of J. Wesley llovten, 1018 South 2d street. Interment private. ltrviER. On Decemher 20, 1015. MAR GARET EDEL. widow of Alfred Rumer, oki 11 M yenrs Relatives and friends aro Invited to ntteml the funeral services, on Thursday, nt 1 p. m , nt her Into resi dence. 720(1 North Ilroad St.. Oak Lano. Interment private KVAN. In Moorestoun, N J., on December 22. 1015. ELLEN C. ttlfo of William II. Rvuii and (laughter of tlin lata Hugh nnd Mary llngerty Itelatlves nml friends nro lntlted tu attend tho funeral, on Frldny. nt 0 a in . from her lata residence, 33 West Main st . Moorestntvn, N J. High Mus4 at the Church of Our Lady of flood Counsel nt 10 a m. Interment at Mount C'nnnel Cemotery. SAPPlNdTON. On December 22. 1015. IDA. wife of Albert Snpnlngtnn. Helatltes und friends are Invited to attend the runeral serv ices, nn Friday, at 12 o'chck precisely, at her late rosldenre. till N Darten at. Inter ment prltate. at Pottstovvn. Pa. SHAW, On Deoomber 21, 1015, ANNIE, wire of Harry Shaw and daughter of Daniel und the late Catharine Kelly (neo yuln) nged 21 )eurs. Relatives and friends nro Invited to nttend the funeral, on Frldny. at h 10 a. m . from her late residence, 2210 South llosevvood st Solemn High Mass of Requiem ut St. Monica's Church, at lo a. in. Interment at llolv Cross Cemetery. SUIEK. On December 22, 1015, ALICE, wife of Louis Slmek. aged 23 tears. Rel atives nnd frlenda aro Invited to atteud the funernl services, Frldny afternoon, at 2 o'clock, nt the apartmenta of Oliver II. Hair, 1S2U Chestnut at. Interment nt Fernwood cemeterv. Remains may be viewed Thurs dat ctenlng. SMITH E.MAN. On December 21. 1015. HENRIETTA I'l'flH. wire" of Edward W Stnltheman Itelntltes and most Intimate) p rsonat friends only are invited tn nttend the funeral sen Ices, Friday afternoon, ut 2 o'clock, at her late residence. 5513 Walnut st Interment prltate. Klndh' omit lloivcis. SMYTH, At the Masonic Home, mi De cember 22. 1013. JAMES SMYTH, nged M tears Duo notice of thn funeral will be glten. from the chapel of Andrew J, Hair & Son. 10th and Arch sts. STANISTREET. An Hammonton, N. J, on December 21. 1015. ERNEST AIITHI'lt STANISTREET Jr.. son of Ernest A. and Nellie W. stnnlsirret men latyeri, tn his llth tear. Relatives and rrlends ure Invited tu attend tho funeral, on Friday, at 2 p. m.. from bis iarents residence. Hammonton. 'N J Interment private. STEKiEIL On December 21. 1015. SADIE A., daughter of Lnulsa Hnd the late Charles A, Slelgcr (nee Murkley). Helatltes and irienils. ulso (food Intent Council, No h. I). ir I... Ladles' Aid of Ueueral J A. Knltea Cimp No. 22s, S of V., Abraham Lincoln Camp Auxiliary, No. .10, S. of V.. and emidotcs of James A. Wilson A Sons, uiti lntlted to attend the funeral services, on Sunda), at 2 p in. at tile risldence of I. Mters 4IS Wen! Cumberland st. Re mains muv be tlewcl uu Saturday, rrom H to in p. in Interment prltate, at Herman Lutheran Cemetery. STEWART.-011 December 22. 1015, ADAM II . husband of Mary M Stewart cnee Chat bam), uged .'t .tears, telatltes and friends. Hlro St. Paul's Lodge. No. 4SL F. and A. M., Freeman Chapter. No 24.1. It. A M., and New York Shipyard Heller Association, uro iiittted to attend the tunerul eertlces, on Saturda). ut N p. m.. at his Iato residence. Northmount, N, J. Interment and Masonic services ut Whltemarsh. Pa. on Sunday, ut 12:10 p. 111 hUSMJINII. On December 22. 1015. ANNA SL'SSKIND. mother of Samuel, .Samuel J. and Joeph N. Susakind and Mrs. Abraham Fleet Helatltes and friends ure Intltttl to uttend the funernl sertlcea. o Frldat, at 10 u. m . at her late residence, northeast corner luth und Dlaipund sts. Interment ut AdulU Jeshurun Cvipctcry Kindly omit flowers. SWirr. On December 20. 1015. MARY NELSON wl'c or William .Swift, aged 58 jears. Helatlws and friends of the fondly uie invited tu uttend the runeral services, at her lute residence. ON.17 I.ui!dotvtui uve . Frlduy ufiernucn ut 1 :30 o'clock Interment prltate. TAYLOR. On December 21. 101.1. ROIIEHT. husbuud of Elizabeth Tatlor Helatltes and friends, also Richmond llranth Reading It It. Relief Association, are lntlted to attend runeral aertlces. on Friday, at 2 p ni at the residence nf his son-ln-Iatt Archibald Duncan, :Wi D at. Interment prltate. at Oakland Cemeter) Remains nut) be ifewed Thursday evening. TEA.. ELLA S., wife of James P Teal, 7100 Rover at., died 011 December 21 at St Petersburg. Fla. Due notice of funeral will be glten Till) HAS.- Suddenly, on December 21. 1013. WILLIAM N.. husband of Elizabeth Hoth. Thomas Itelntltes and friends, also Mellta laidge. No. 2J3. F und A. M Mellta It. A Chapter, No. 2l; Mary Commander), No. .HU K. 'I., Philadelphia. Conslstort :i2d degree. Lu Lu Temple. A- A. O. N. M. S.. Lu Lu Temp's Patrol lai Lu Temple Mounted Guard, office auditor passenger trarric P. and II. It . and Francis I). Paatorlus Council. No. I. O. 1 a., are invited to attend the runeral services, on Sunday, at 2 '-10 p. m precisely, at bis Ute residence. 2i East Grater's . lane,. Chestnut Hill. Train for Graver's lane leaves P. and R. It. Station at 1 40 11 in. lnlerment prltate. lORPEY. On Dec-ember 2d, 1015. DOM. I NIC JOSEPH son of Mlvbarl and Catbet tna Torpey (neo Klatley) Relatives and filcnds. also Holy Name Society are Invited tu attend the funeril. on Frld.y. at b .10 p. m from the residence of his tureatt. 1821 South 57th street. West Philadelphia, solemn Mas of Itequlem at Church of Most Bleated Sa rament at 10 a. m. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery THKsll.i-t On December 22, 1015, WILL IAM, husband of ldlile Tret bar Inee Hauaemauii) and toa of tbe late 1'raus and Amelia Tretlar Relatives and frteiKlj. also tbe Ellis Camn. No 0. Bona or teiera.es vvaaniugtou 1 im -o 43. i U of A and tne 11 ptoaoph. are ,ued lo ituitd the uncial on Bunday, ' 8 1 '' from his la j ealdecte. 11 ' v.- Mbiao, ave luirrr-ieat at Mount .a-H v Hem n f , uvy be ylewad, en 1 1 ua at 8 p. in. HnATIIR WAIINi:iL--On December 22. 1015. RALPH. N WARNER Relatives and friends nro Invited to attend the funeral servlres, In the chapel or the Mount Vernon ceme terv. l.elil-h nnd Ridge nves, on Momlsy. at .1 xi. m Interment nt Mount Vernon cemetery HF.A Ell. On December 22, 1013. OIRARt) W. husband of the late Jtill F Weat.r Helatltes and friends are Invited to at tend the rnnernl senlces, on Sunday, at 1 ..10 p. m precisely, nl bis late residence, llll Mansion ate. Haddonileld. N J In terment strictly private, at North Laurel Kill Cemeterv WELLS. At Mt. Ilollv. N .1.. on December 21. 1016, IIAItltr f. son nf Mark anil Emms V Wells (nee Mereo). nared 20 'ears S months Reiatltes and friends, also 3d Regiment, company E. of Mount Holly, are invited to attend the funeral services from his parents' resldenre. Inl Water st . on Sunday, nt 2 p m Inter ment nt llrotherhnoci Cemetert WEST. On December 22. 1015 MOIH1AN. husband of Ell's West inee Dlrklnjtn). for merly nf .1lis I'arrlsh st,. nged ii sears Helailtes and friends aro Invited In nttend the tunernl services, Monday nrteriioon nt 2 o'clock, nt his late residence IIMi ogdett st. Interment nt Mount Mnrlnli Cemetery. Itemnlns may be tlewed rundny evening, rmm 7 .10 to I) o'clock 'litTE. On December 21. IMS. RALPH P. son of ttnlph P and Ellsnb. th White, nged 1.1 tenrs. of JII4 I'rankfniil nte Fu nernl service will be held nt Emanuel Re formed Eipsropnl Churrh Ensi N nrk and Septlta sts. nti Frldat. nt I .Hi p m In terment prlvnte, nt .North (Velar lull Cemetert WILLIAMS. On December 21. 191.'., ANNA E . widow of Joseph Williams, seed "3 tears Helatltes nnd rrlrnds nte Imltevt lo attend Ihe funernl eertlces on Frtdav. nt 10 :u n. m . at the nrvtrtment or Oliver II Hair, issn Chestnut street. Interment prltate. MILSO.V- On December Hi. IP11. UEOItoE. husband of Margate! Wllsrin inee Dctlln) and rcn of (leorge nml the Inte Martha W'll son. Helatltes nnd friends, nlsn members nf the fllennooil A c nre lntlted in nttend the funeral senlces, Tildas, nt 2 p in at his late residence. 2it'i West Tlega st. lnler ment Norihwood Cemetert Rpmnlns inns be tlevted Thursday etching WILT.-On December 21. 1015, Et.iy.AIIETH IV, brlnved daughter nf Elisabeth nhd the Iato llenty Wilt. In her PHIi sear. Ilslntltes nnd friends, nlsu the employs nf .1 Edwards A Co. nro invited lo nttend the tunernl. o; Friday nl K .10 n. tn . from the residence of her mother. .10 South ft'ith st Solemn Mass nf Requiem nt our Lndv of the Rosary Church at Hi a m. Interment prltnte. ViOOI.SION. AI ('rnpvtell, near Mnrllon. N ,1, on Deember 21. RACHEL INSKEEN. widow of the Inte Dr. E. II Wnolston. aged 0(1 tears Helailtes and friends are lntlted lo attend funeral. Frlda)', Detember -I. from her late residence, nt 1 p m. Interment Colestown Cemelers Trnln ientes Phlin. Mnrket St. Wharf nt Id Do n. in nhd trnln lenttng Medfnrd nt 10:10 a in. will bo met nt ('rnpvtell Station YEAOEH. On December 22, 1015, 1IAII IIAIIA E. YEAttER. nged 75 sears Rela tives nnd friends Invited to service. I'rldas. 2 p. m.. itt residence, 51(1 Cast Dupont st Interment Leterlngton Cemetery, Itovbor ough 7.ITTEIL On December 22, 1015. CHARLES y.ITTI'R, husband of Marv 'liter, lu his Kith year Relnttves nnd rrlends, also lleneo ss Adelpbon Iidge. No. 2S. I fvo. I .: t'nlted llnilhers Encampment. No. 2d. L, o. (). F. : Pennstivanln Hesertcs post, No. 111 (I A R.. and survivors' Company A. Ith Pennsylvania lleserte. are Invlietl to attend the funernl. on Sundus. nt 2 p. m from his late residence, SciOJ Frankford nto. Hnlmes. burg. Interment ut North Cedar Hill Ccmo ters". CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES EVENING LEDGER This BTYL TYm (or like this) Onetime 15c per line Three times one week l'.'Vio per line Six times one week 10c per lino Situations Wanted, three times one week 10 cents per lino per Insertion. Place your order for three or more times and it will be inserted in the daily Public Ledger at no additional cost. Ons or two time rate for Evcsi.sn Lxnosn and ruauo Lxnncii combined Is 10 cents per lino with the exception of Help Wanted and Situations Wanted, which Is 15 cents per line. FOR TYPE LIKE THIS (or like this) which Is permitted ln all classifications ex cept Help and Situations Wanted. Iaist nnd Found, Personals, Hoarding and Rooms, ndd FIVE CENTS PER LINE TO ANY OF AHOVK HATES. There is a dniR store near your home that will accept Lcducr want ads at office rates. PERSONALS THE OHOi'EltY STORE of R. Iavlnson. 115S S. 10th st., was sold to Morris llrlckcr. Cred itors call for settlement until Friday. Decern- Ji'ii"11. Moniiii4iHncKi"it. FROM THIS DATE I v. 11! not bo responslhle ror any Pills unless contended by myself. J. ItAIlINOVlTZ. Pennscrote, N. J. HELP WANTED FEMALE HOOICICEFPER and stenographer, first diss, must be experienced nnd cnpaldo of respon sibility, state, age. experience and salary ex- jioi ted I) 14.1, la-dger Central CHAMIIERMA1D and waitress, einerlencetl. unite, must liato gooil references. Itala. Pa. Rnoni2:i(i. PulilloLedger , . CHILDNl'RSn for 2 children under' 4 ; fi Plial trained preferred; good ttages, H 321. Ledger Oil Ice. COMPTOMETER operators wanted for Inten torj' work. (1 Ho, Ledger Leittrul. CENERAL HOUSEWORK C.lrls who ore ex pertenced nnd capable can secure gisxt posi tions eltlier In iho city or suburbs, by con sulting "Miss Reed." who Is constantly tn touch tvltti persons wishing tills class of help. Either cult or phone WALNL'T Ouoil and ton tvlll receive valuable Information which will promptly secure, vou 11 most deslrublo posi tion. This sertfee Is rendered through the llOl'SEHOLD REOIPTRY Ill'REAl' OF THE PI'HI.IC Li:ini:lt. and Is free to LEIXH:R ADVERTISERS. . OIRL. tvhlle, for general housework und cook Ing Applyrilli Summit ave..lenkintnwn. Po HOSIERY KNlTTERr! "exp.. A toppers, also leurueib. steady work, good pay 15.0 N. L-iwrencO; RCSIERYExperlenced frame Itands. ateady vtork. good pay.l.'12ii N Lawrence llOl'SEICEEPEH Poslllona are open for man und wife, without children, tn lake charge of a gentleman's city residence during nine months or Hie tear und to take iharge of his tountry residence during three summer months; man will lie required lu take gen eral tare of the property la the cliv. keen front clean, attend furnure. clean windows ami do other tvork he mat he called upon for: woman must be thorough housekeeper uml conversant it 1th the opening und putting utvut of houses and ussist In any ttuv she tan when famllt ure octunjlng premises; applicants must hate exceptional references from tvell-knovvn Pennsjltunbt fumllieu; lib eral terms and outside assistance, when re quired, will he offered tu those it ho tun prote they tvlll be up to iundard required. Address (5 44. Ledger Central OPERATORS WANTED ON LADIES' STRAW HATS; STEADY WOltIC UtKID PAY. FARE REl'l'NDED TAIt.VIIW'ER PROS.. liHLHROADWAY. NEW YOIIK OPERATOftS Experienced on mattreta cases or carpet sewing Apply s i a. m.. liem- steln Mauufatturlng Cu.. Id und Allegheny. STENOtlRAPHER-SKC'V (i'rot.i by iargl iorporatlun. esveniial qualities neat ap pearance, goal education and exp. lu sim ilar tapacitt . give full details. Including uae ami salary expected, replies conHden- t(al. (I 45. Ledger Central. STENOGRAPHER, experienced lu structural steel or general contracting business. 0 51 1. Ledger Central, 'ItYPEWRlTEH. exe. on Remington wanted; atcus tn tabulating. Add. O 55. Led. Cent. (eneral I'll I LA. Women Gott. rlerka exama coming; $7U tno. . sample ciuea. free, write Inuuc'telv. Franklin Inst.. Dept. 715 K. Rochester. N. Y. HELP WANTED MALE HOOKKEPER. accurate, wanted by stock brokerage house. Address, giving age and references. D 410, I-edger Office. CANVASSERS Earn Christmas money : beat easy selling combination proposition. Mara. than Cu.. 2ti S. 4th st. DRAFTSMAN, familiar with feed -water baa ter, details and etc. State experience, aalary, etc Hox D 407. Ledger Office. DRAt'GUTttMAN tarcbllerlural). culrlHCl'. wauled O I12.l-ad.ger Ceutral DRIVERS Two good men. 12. Slh aud Tioga sts. ELECTRICIANS for wiring eleUrta heists, who understand some little thee-y as waU as practical .end of bculnesa. cuceUeut amor tunity with uixowii tuglaeerUig cauuuay. D4U2 IjBdger OtJe. ESTIMATOR 00 sliHtl fatiury eoulpmwt: only prat ileal men wtlh experfettoa ned apply. fn excellent upportunitj ta cm who la wilt ng to lit hlmaelt for a reaponalble poaitiwi iu a large organization Xlerastrtn Maoufao turlng Co.. 5d and Allegheny ate. LEAD Rl-RNERS WANTED rlrst class, on. ihemlcal plants only f per day ! hours uua iransporiaiion. Aoareaa itior shall. P O Hox !. Battlmore. lid. - Mai- ) i MBER I'D ER3 and laborers. 0th and Tiog.i ata. i i jdlti. i' i it i K- tnual ba t-rtnc-iccvl ilj. Vl 1-0 , XU3m HELP WANTED MALE MACHINISTS WANTED.... . yon PLANfitt.X, iiuicir.i mi I.I.T. tlIRR BT I .ATI 11 IIW. SllAPERS AND ri. !1.00R HANDS. , HIC.lt -(iRADR M1B ,t., FEW MILES Fl"( N FOR. SllOI 011 OH FIIII.AUril.' IA &my .1TRADV wonK noori wAflRS: IKK axis xo MUNITION WUIIK D 101. LE1K1KR OFFICE. MACHINISTS-TTrst-class dtfiT press hand: steady emoloyment. good opportunity, with uptown engineering temrmny D 401. Mil- . g r Office. . MAV WITH tOl'lMTf-Tefii'll si. A SffD H1T3I- N'KSUt kviiI'Iiipvcb f.vri sKl.l.txn AND K.XKCI'TIVE PtrSITlON: ST HlIirrllllAI SPBCIALTV. J15fl. LBIKlEICBNTIJlAIfj MII.I.WHtoiiT!" and" mlllwrUhts1 . helpers wanted, Applv Setker. Smith A Pane, viaier ano tsnyrier ave. MiTT.wTTITnif "etpefleneen wsnteti at iriper mill. Hridirejsnd Thompson sts.. Ilrldesburx. Orf'li'R RO - laid of real" spnenrnnce for ntnee vtork In wholesale house: stale nae and Reference, Apply I) 'Oct, Ledger office. StAl.lvStVt.t V MinCrl t. I.rt Irai.l. rtill nf Phils- ilplphM to sell new Incandescent lamp a side line, exlremels tine offer Phono llelmont 552.' 1. aftrt 7. rtrnlPRs. PTENotlllM'lirfi In office of mnnufaeturlns; nmcrn. salary, ll: must slate aae. exreri enie and referencrs. or application lsncued. I III, l.edr I'entrsl . tl.ME STI'liV MN for retlslonof pleeo-ttork ordns hi n ImrtlttAtn n,Mniiriir.1tlrIliff nlsnt In I'hllndelplils. must he one experienced In the mnnuiaccure 01 uirae qusniuies cu uut rhnneeabln pnrta. nileae Rradunle prererred stntn imallncHtlnnN. exivertence. nee. refusion salary o.Kr!ed. this vtoik mav lead jo more n spnnsitue isisitinn 11 uni i.eiiaer tmnp TU IMTI'.ltS on silk ami cotton. Roods, expeil- cured hands onl. Call .11 S. 7th sL. . TVPEWIIITKH, exp. on Remlnslon. tvnntiM: nitus to InliubitlnK Add. It M. Led. cent. WANTED .Iniici A laimson (1st turret ma chine hand. Cleveland automatic screw ma chine hands, large turret lathe hatuls, mlllln .........1.... I......, u..m., . k- .1... n.nnlnv- rneiil Write or applt. Supeiinteiulent, ,iO .ttomior si . Jersey 1 n. .. a. WNTE.ri-Wnrncr A Svtaxev hanti-screw m lilne oieratnrs nml Itrovtn . Sharpe niitnmnili' strew inarlilnn opernlors, i"j hnur shop Apple Emplovment ACenl. Ameilcnn Oraphophnne Co. Ilrldacporl, Conn WANTEli. nfst-rlniS tlitrnet machine operator; must IborottBlilv understand upkeep or ma chines and ne. vvlllltiir 10. operate tnrni mil- seir. write 1; s. oeuciinR to Tennessee Memphis, WANTED -orrir t,nv ntcr 111 tears. answer. I. 711. nitltiK particulars, lanlger ('entl ll. lereicncc. etc VOI'NO MAN. real estate huslness, experi enrrd III selllnx nnd renllna West Philadel phia real estate, must lie 11 producer: state ase. salary nnd experience. D 403. i-cuner unite. YOI'NO 5tAN. nboiil" 11 jears, n anted In vvholesalo c ntlthouse; snlnry to start Per week. P. 11. liox .'.did. Fnlrhill Station. an E.VCEt ENT open ne inr iiie.Jisni. ."""'Li h.r Inl mnitnC Inr tvim. .t.-vi. ...v.... in: IRON WORKS. P 4M, Ledger OtOce. tienernl Oil N DltOAD ST. Ihe Oldest orlitlnnl . AL'TO.MOHILE SCHOOL Teaches od how to repair nnd how to drive niltos. F. PETZ. till N.HROAD ST. f?ALi:SMA-WE CAN FIT ." A " SCHJAlu; SALESMAN INTO A byUARE JOH Til". L'S. SE1) MIL SCIIENCK Hill WAI.NLT ST. Ili'SINESS SKllMCI". COMPANY POSlTltlNS 1-1 Mt HH'H-'.'LA.Sj' .MF.N' O.M.-t. i:i(il I.VND TITLE Hl'Il.DINO SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE C.lTTEllHSS, hv day or week, dinner or lunches, terms modi rate ll 52.) LedKcr oftlce. CllAMHERWOHt" and sewlne or lady's maid, -ouiii-; experienced; ret. II .12.1, Lcticer urr. CLERIC'," bum 'h operator. thorouKhly exp.: tap aide; rellnlde. hest let O 4.. ldRer Lentrals C(X)IC. competent English Protestant, doslros PosIUon- iniod reference iria-Jf'iLrnioujvLnviv M(yrili:nrH HELPER, by' day or hour; expe rienced : (tood rerc retires. H 52. LodKerJTL STENOGRAPHER, neat und dependaldo: tviiuld ronslder moderate salary, with opportunities, reference. DIIII. Lwlgcr orilie. STILNOORAPHEItr capable. bcKlnncr. occu rato. tellable, desires permanent position ti 141, Ledger Central. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACiIOHNTANT. bookkeeper, offlco mnsr.. now liMltllnt respnnsihlo position, desires tn make chuimc. acH'iistomed to makln monthly aud its and prepurlm; Onanclal stntenients; aiie :;-'. Highest re-fereiice D JEW. LetlKerOrf. AI'DITINO," ldsr nnd little, done by responsible man. M 212. Ledger Ofilce. ROOICKEEPF.R- Experienced, reliable, em ployed lit duy. wants etonlnK work. Ad dress Itookkeeper. 221S Mt. Vernon at. ni'BINEPS MAN. aged ,17, compre hensive experience, partial education in law, sevcrnl jears ln real estate, manufacturing; nnd contracting busi ness, past 12 tears with Investment b inkers ns salesman and manager, highest credentials, qualified for and desires high-grade position: willing to travel or locnlo In any purt of world. D Uos. Ledger Otllce. CUTTER Solo leather cutter, experienced: 4 jenrs' reference ons ICImball st ELECTRICAL ENOINEEIt; FNIVERSITV I HAD,: TI1REF. YEARS' fcX P. SALES OF Ti:CllMlCAI. ENID. () 52. LF.hdElt CEN. MAN AND WIFE, white: exp. .butler, hsemn. wiro gooil coolt. best refs. (1 41. Ledger Len SALESMAN Electrical or mtg, rep. Am forced 10 look for another position owing to the complete suspension of selling or ganization or well-known manufacturing con cern: best ref. F 5n. Ledger Central. SVLlSMAN or collector,, aged .1.1. credit expo- rience. best ref ; ror r in., i.euarr .ri,,i,i,. LTPv'niinAPimn Vnnni- man high school w.... ."....... .- -"---n -,-- -,i.;7 u, grcuuaic. cicsires kuiici.ii i'hiio .(,".. ., Ing worker, beglnner. (! 4). I.etlger Central VOUNO MAN. 22. competent, banking, brok erage, commercial experience, desires clerical or selling position, can produce excellent ref Uonce. U 5.1. ledger Central. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES We SL'PPLV FIRST-CIJVSS HELP For Flrat class People. Ideal, lsll Reed. Dickinson H0i. MRS. MARY T. MCCARTHY, 2t07 Christian (Loc 1501), auppltea ct: wanta lst-claas Prot.. Cath. male and female help, all natlonailtlea. MRS. MIN'TZLAFF. 1I0 Christian St. iDlck- Inson 5151 Supplies all kinds of help: Eng- ilshbulicri hambernuitd lor hotel, refs NICIIOI.I.S. 102(1 Halnbrtdge st : competent male and female help, all nationalities. Phone Lot ut 2i:m MRS. KANE. 511 S. Hull. Supplies all kinds nf tlrst-ciuss lompetcm made and female neii MADAME ASHE. 1533 Christian st Reliable helpaupplled and wanted; all nationalities. WANTED Cooks, chambermaids and house work: cook und laundresses for institution work. Miss Hose Dougherty I'll I Olrard av. AUTOMOBILES For Sule USED CARS AT UNPARALLELED PRICES Enclosed Cars, Tourlnc Cars and Roadstersall of standard makes and ull In running order, many uterhauled and repainted. Up doubtedly THE GREATEST BARGAINS IN GOOD CARS PHILADELPHIA HAS EVER KNOWN The enormous ale of the Tjpe 5.1 Cadillac "Eight" ha brought us In exchange an unprecedented number of used t-ais of unusually high aver age grade and condition. We are swamped for room and MUST SELL AT ONCE. Can ou Imagine more advantageous cunditiuna for ou to secure a tine car ut the lowest price? NOW IS THE TIME TO UUY A USED CAR AUTOMOIHI.K SALB3 CORPORATION 112 NORTH HROAD STREET COLB GRANT USED CARS I S. BOWHRS COMPANT CQLE DlSTniBUTORS--GRANT 245.24T N. BRQAJJ S.T. USED CAit3 ' ORANT COLE CADlU.vC ltd 3, eight condition like new t-uuipletait ec-ulppei Immediate deltTexy prUa fl40n lj OM'll H fc J"' Mi -et at Jeust 50, H A. JtMa. U-au bx.bags sx. Dept. AUTOMOBILES . For Sale B-T THAT OAtl N&W RETORE CimiSTMAS The suvlng In purchase price plua the Joy It gives the wife and children tvlll maki tour own Christmas the best eter. The following ears hate been ther (Highly overhauled and mad meehan leally right, and can be bou-ht at reasonable prices: CALL FOR DEMONSTRATION 101(1 OVERLAND Tourlne- lflin PAIOE, Model Hollywood. 1015 PAIOE. Model Fnlrfleld. 1015 DETROITER Touring;. 1014 DETROITER Touring. 1011 HEPMOIIILE 52 Touring. 1011 PAlon, Model Olenttnod. 1011 RUICK. Jlodel R 25. 1013 HUDSON, repainted. nioni.ow-wiLLnr motor co HOI NORTH IinOAD ST. PHONES Rll, Spruce 8410 iCeyslone, Race 1302 Ask for Mr. B. P. HODOERS USED CARS ItUICK MOTOR CO. 2.1" NORTH BROAD ST. 1015 Tltllcur Mndsl 021 Rondsler. . 101 1 IIUICK Mcvlrl B-53 tl-cyllnder 7paa- . .. senrer Tourlnr, 1011 IIIIICIC Model h-37 Tourlne. . toi.'l HIHCK Model () Roadster. 3,0. 101(1 HLMCIC .Model 17 Touring. WK ALSO HAVH ON HAND 1011 OVEIILAND Touring. USED CARS FOtlD Scdsn. 1015 Like new: used only tsrp mouths; fully equipped: nt n bargain, MARMON I012-5.pnssetiger. top. windshield nnd speedometer: at a bargain. MEHCEH, Roadster: In line shnpo: ejectrle lights, top, windshield, speedometer and electric horn. PEERLESS 101.1 ".passenger, (l-cvllnder: In perfect condition: electric stnrter and llgltls, slip covers: finish like new; bargain. MERCER CO.. 000 N. nnOAD ST SPECIAL CHRISTMAS' OFFER OF USED CARS rno't t loo up WOOD'S I'LECTRIC Coupe MITCHELL 5-psssenger Roadster jfAMULEH ., -passenger Touring MAXWELL S.pntsenger Tourlne CIIALMEHH 5-nassonger Touring ... OVERLAND 5-pasicnger Touring KINO CAR Philadelphia Agency, 514 N. HHOAD ST. Open evenings this week. $10 . (ton . 52.T . 350 . 4110 400 CADILLAC. 101.1. touring car: overhauled and repainted: full equipment, price, $750, AUTO SALES CORPORATION. 142 N. Broad St. FRANKLIN cars, all models: overhauled and guaranteed F. I.. Pnxson. yt.'iO Chestnut st. STI'DEHAKER. 1014, limousine; equipped with cdectrle lights and ti.rter. good condition. loMnnY-SfciiWAn'v.. sa. n; iiroadst. ' WHITE. 1012. l-passenger. 0-cillnder touring: In good condition mechanically; tires In good condition. I. C. MPS ER. 2 1 0 N. BROAD ST. FOR SALE Packard llmouslno chassis, com pletely overhauleil. machinery In tine shape; car repainted. Just out of shop, upholstered In light grey, nppolntments In good order: entlro mnchlno ln excellent condition. Prl" I'Ksi. For demonstration phono Oermnntown 4.11), HAVING purchased a new car, I have a Oclssel ton that will tit a 1015 Locomobile. M 50.1. Ledger Office. Wlf'LOAN-MONEY on ntTtomoblles ntfTow rates of Interest. Autos bought nnd sold, Strictly contidentlnl. Acme Storage Co., 2034 Kenslngtun at e. KenBlngton Oil. i send for rnr'E bulletin OF USED CARS GORSON AUTO EXCHANOE. 23S N.BROAD Wanted STOP' LOOK! AND LISTEN! Wo bu old autos In nny wrecked condition: get our prtco before you sell then. Phono or write Southwestern Junk Co., 1705-7 Carpenter. AH Cars Boupjht for Parts SCHOJ1EH. 3.141-11-45 MARKET ST. Al'TOS wanted for Junk. (let our prices first. Phone. I'ark 410. 034 Diamond. AUTO LIVERY AND GARAGES TO HIRE (open day nnd night) Brand-new 5-paea. touring cor, with robes, $1.25 hour: also brand-new 7-pass. limousine, $1 50 hour: weddings funerals, etc. J'oplar 1017 W. iCERRS NEW OARAOE. Ill to Olrard ave Now open for service with tbe finest up-to-date equipment, storage $5 up; drop ln and look It over, or phone Belmont 01811. AUTO REPAIRING 7 SPEEDOMETER TROUBLE T T JiEB BILLY 51S N. BROAD ? CYLINDERS" RBBORBD," now pistons and rings furnished, welding und brazing. II. E. Underwood A: Co.. 1025 Hamilton at., Phlla. FORM top enclosures. $.i ; pluto glass; satis- faction gtiart'd. 130S Olrard. Fore Door Co. AUTO SUPPLIES niG SALE BALANCE OF THIS WEEK MUST RAISE- $S500 EVERYTHING GREATLT TIEDUCBD Ford Radiator Covers, Ref. $3.00 $!. special $12.50 Ileokmsn Uuaranteed Wool Robes, at 4.SS Mosler Spark Plugs. U .1 Ford Mais. Reg. $1.50 ..ll , ,W SPECIAL PRICES TO DEALERS MAIL ORDERS FILLED All standard makes of first and second tlrea In stock at special pricea; goods shipped C. O, D, on approvat. AUTO SPECIALTIES CO. 166 NORTH BROAD ST. Surt... 4103. Open Evenings. IlEARINQS "" New Departure Serv. Sia . The Owllllam Co.. 1314 Arch at. Phona Walnut 31SI. Race Soli AUTO TIRES PULLMAN TIRES Guaranteed 4000 miles. Compare price, a.-u.,,, .;, psr canon. GRIM'S. 239 li. J Broad at. DUPLEX TIRBS-More mile per dollar thsa mtij utilfl (.1111. 222S N BROAD ST. DIAMOND 6334. HORSES B-A BAKER Horsa Blanket Tbe longest wearing blanket ever mada: haa been on ths market 50 years: none genuine without large hoise stamped Inside. Sold by Idem, 1227 Market st.. and otber dealers. D0GS,JBIRD3 AND GOLD FISH HOLIDAY PRESENTS Juat arrived "new lroT portatlon nna alnglcc Hartz Mountain cans rlea. $3 each. Every bird guaranteed good singer Cagea , of etery description. Call where you will find largest and beat atoclc .to aelert from. B. C. VAHLE. 319 Market at. FINE. YOl'NG double yellow-head Mexican parrots. $10 each; every bird la guaranteed that it will laarn to tallci cages, $1.80 up ward; largest stock tn city to select fronx, E. C. VAHLE. S19 Market it. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES THIS IS A REAL BARQA1N -$13,000 worth et alec tpar vaiurj, repreaenrs control in a going company, now earning 10 per cent., and rUJ more than double tbrs next year; for ? 15,000 spot cash, compelled to sell quickly or good reasons, t.-blcb, will explain, now la your time to set a fine business and doubt our Investment " 854. Ledger Central rATiS.VTS-ABl'llUK . PAIOE. 714 Walnut at.. Phlla., mechanical and electrical engi neer, registered patent attorney, established bare 30 yeara. Inventions developed, patents, trademarks, copyrights , secured and liti gated anywhere' -elected apall.tIoe cross- cuted preliminary advice free. Up-to-date business"- v5ted partner witn capital. io rataoi si export ana import builneM, offer organization In Europe -ad South America, tbe knowledge of foreign i n guages and of condlliona lo foreign i un is. ueoiaaas rur auoua lacrvaiiog rapiau Mil Ledger Ceniral BITTEIUNE STORI FOR SALE l-orge.it - Ull butterlne butloe-s In. tbe ute, eliac ot tr (WOO pound per wck all ub bualn-as prlct. KO0Q cab QaVtJ "jr Eden, aT- Main at- Marujuak Phoca 21S Other Class-led Ad uu Kt I'a-e J) ,ltf ! il i a.-i-Bri, nr.i ,
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