iii"wwmwti"iiiwMi'j ' I'fwuwwi' gppwffPWlPW,WWP 1"fcjlls"'"vM EVENING L&DGETC PHILADELPHIA. THURSDAY, DEOEMBEB 23, 1915. u WvSlmmS-p' u:i m BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES DKOr POCKET COAL YARD ON P. AND R. FOIl RENT. llO MONTH LT. 030 WE3T TIOOAST. fieri. RE THEATRE for rent; ITS month, complete: seats POO; modem: no compe tltlont bar-taln! other propositions. BAR H1ST, 201 N. Droad. GROWING .ORCHARDS, all aes HARRY DARLINOYON 1420 Chestnut rt. es for !. . VICTOR J. EVANS ft CO. Patent Attorneys. Washington. D. Write for descriptive booklet. C. CONTROLLING Interest In company opernttnir. chnln-store system In Thlla. for sale. If In terested write for Interview, G 40. Led. Cent. MArlllNE SHOP "for sale or rent! fully equlppcd. M 310. Ledger Office. . Wnnted ATTORNEY. SS rears of site, desires to enter the real estate business an einerienced wun ami established person. O M. ledger Central, State qualifications. BUSINESS PERSONALS FULL JJRES3 SUIT3 Cutaways, Tuxedos and Sack Suits To hire' and made to order. NEUUAUER, THE TAILOR, in N. th at, Re tphone. Wnlini t3lS. 8t PEIIFLI'OUN HAHT removed by electrolysis, the only permanent way. Eyebrows arched. Ml Si SMITH 402 Keith Theatre Rid. Miss Iloppe hnlrdrrsslnK.faclnl mnmrp,mn Icyr'r form. Mint Arcade. Ith Miss Smith. r.H-NiNfi rrt-fiTitt-s to hiiif. Full dress and Tuxedo aults. latest styles', allk and opera hata; nnen evenings, o.-tittt t t-ir J ni. . CLAIMH of any description collected on F'crcentngo anywhere. We get your money or you. AMCOSE MERCANTILE AOEN- CY. Room 30.", 1609 Arch at. FULL DRESS' SUITS All newVtvllsh goods: large assortment. SAMUEL COOPER. 1010 OlRARD AVE. PHONE POPLAR K1I2. CARPEr CLEANING CONTINENTAL CARPET CLEANING HOUSE 20TH ST. ABOVE CHESTNUT Pell phone. Locust 1000, "vVI'STPIIILA. MONARCH STORAGE CO, WESTPHILA. 3c. PER YARD. pctphh.a. na;o-j Lancaster ave. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY "WE REMODEL our old levvelry Into the lat est designs at factory prices. MARTIN W. .AHRAMS. ill Sansom St.. Philadelphia. 1 BUY diamonds. Jewelry nnd pawn tickets for cash. Applv 2:.1i tn 4 30 p. m. Win. Flick. Room :HH. 1)25 Chestnut at. J-KESSMAKINQ AND MILLINER. HEMSTITCHING, 10 cents a yard: nil mate rials. A. HEIC1IAHD, 111.1 CHESTNUT ST. PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS TOTTER SCHOOL OP DRESSMAKINO DAILY AND EVENING SESSIONS 14.13 OIRA1ID AVE. DRESSMAKINO taught, short, practical. inex- i tensive courrn, Patterns cut. ,oe. McDowell, 107 Denckla nldg.. 11th and Market. FOR SALE ANTIQUE nnd modern furniture bought ft sold. SOME RARE OLD PIECES HARVEY DAUER, Ambler. Pa. Bell phone. 2J. Ke) stone. 40 M.. BILLIARD and" pocket tables, shufflcbonrds, new and slightly used: liberal terms: renting, repairing tk supplies. Rosutto. 222 SiSth. 5lLLIARD AND POCKET TABLES Alo tiowllng nllevs: eusv payments. RRUNS-W1CK-I1AI.KE COLI.ENUEE CO.. 11lg Arch, I11LLIARD, pocket. 2dhand tables, repairing, . supplies. Clark-Herd Mfg. Co.. 2421 N. Front. fall.LlARD, pool, combination, 2d-hand bought, sold, rented, etchd. IOafer. 3 Olrard live. CASH REGISTERS, new nnd second-hand: to tal adders ns low as S'tti. on easv monthly payments: all registers sold by us fullv guar antted. Tho National Cush Register Co.. 7.10 Chestnut at. DESKS fining cabinets, safes, telephone booths and office furniture and fixtures or every de scription; used, but In tine condition, and verv cheap, free delivery anywhere. HUGHES. UT II AND BUTTON WOOD. DLSKS, large assortment, nlso household fur nlture. Dullng Central Second-hand Furnl ture Company. P04-isai14 Callowhlll at, EDISON "DISC RVROAIN HOIl QUICK SALE. t-W EDISON LIAMOND DISC. HO S-OI.1D MAHOGANY CARINHTS. m.l nOUTII OK RIX'ORDS: OWN .SELEC TION. ALL FOR T. WORTH SEEINO. PAUL. 2-0.2 KEN.-ilNOTON AVE. SAFES Fireproof. Closing ouf slightly useil, all slxoa and mikes: big bargains, 21!) N. 4th. SAFES Fireproof, all sizes. Bargains. Rep.ilr lng. Low prices. 1131 Frankford Hve. I'-'.i.i VICTROLA VI AND 8IX 10-INCH D. F. RF.CORDS guaranteed to be In perfect condition. An excellent outfit for one who Is looking for k good mucnlno at u reasonable price. Fifty cents ueekly accepted. Call or write for complete descriptions and large lllusttated catalogues. HEl'l'K'S UPTOWN STORKS. Cor. btlt and Thompson sts.. Philadelphia, Pa. OPEN EVENINQS UNTIL CHRISTMAS FIFTY CENTS A WEEK BUYS A VICTROLA Call or wrltn lor particulars. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES Cor. Uth nnd Thompson sts . Phll,idclihl.. Pa. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS " DADDY WALKER Buys Talking M.iihlnrs nnd Records. Hells .li'Uti records at about half price. Exchanges all perfect recordn, ." cents. 2.110 Ridge, ubuve Columbia. HACRIF1CE SALE until Jan. 1 or all klnils dUniond Jewelry, out) dlumund laalllore. 14 up, must be sold, goods can bu bought here 40 per cent, leva tlian other places, or money refundedL. Llpkln. ism Filbert t., 2d floor. 1B10. CALENDARS to suit any business: one million In rtock. at s.tcrtttclng prices, also calendar pads. We win complete orders lor Christmas, Penn Paper Co.. 2S N. Uth. HEATING MAKIN-KKLSEY HEALTH HEAT Is teller and chejptr than steam or hot water. Pure fresh tlr vvlth normal moisture MAKIN rnvyy n y ith t. Phlla MACHINERY AND TOOLS S,-iA?vlSAk ,;Ty, S,IIT COLLARS AND YOCOM hangers -vnd pillow blocks with fin ished ball and soc'tet bearings are the best t?r. S l.".lV.',.l.m4.mJr:0', SHAI-TING AND MACHINE WORKS 14". North Second. MJrt 1TI JUU 3l ft SOS, fOWKn.pi.ANT i-nrTTi,tT-.'T Dynamos, motors, boilers, steam and oil en. Bines, pumns. air comprersnrs. fiian :KjroA1EV.l'--i2ijN. 3d St. PyitENE FIRE lCf INGUISHERiTffV uto- moblles and home use. Largo iiuantltles ul wiim on i hand, ready for ImmedUto delivery. CHVKLES BOND C'OMPANY. B20 Arch 'it. DLISS No. Uv double-netlon power piesrrs: No. It). 20. I. 21U lllsa In llnnble Power presse. power punches. .Nuttnll. 174s N. 5th. DYNAMOS, motors und machinery boushirnld find rented: urmaturrs rvpatre,!. Miln Ul. Market JH1... Yearaley Co.. 221 N. :id t. 2 WOODEN TANKS. lO.nro g illon. "capacity ea h gml as now. M Hunt, t.'llii Reach st. PIPE-f-econd-hand. all sles 1'hlla. ""Second. hand Pine Supply, lortl N. Tth at. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ,t57-C,l,CKE.!i,Nn "PRIOHT PIANO, cost !,PJvi.:TS!.y,eiie other Uprlaht Pianos at SI io. 12,1.1M). etc.: pay.tLle u monthly. -all or write for Urga llluslmtal cata loguea. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES Cor. uth and Thompson sts. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS EDISON DIAMOND POINT PHONOGRAPH. Cost '00 new. Thl cu.ftt Is complete with lecords and will be sold for -1S. rayuble 75 ivnta weekly. Call or write for complet. de scrlptlons and large Illustrated ralaluues. HEPHB'8 UPTOWN STORES Cor. oth and Thompon sts. Philadelphia. Pa. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 100 NEW PIANOS tteppe, Marcellua, Jules, II. C. SehomacKer, Francesco, etc, contain In three sounding- boardn. 35 uprlcht pianos of those makes returned from summer rental accounts, reduced from ISO to JIM below regular prices: can b paid IS monthly and upward. ... ... , Call or writ for large Illustrated cata. lo rues, HEPrE'S UPTOWN STORES Cor. Cth and Thompson sts. Ol'EV EVENiNQS UNTIL CHRISTMAS 1 LARGE ZONOPHONE TALKING machine, with cnbtnet and 00 records, finished In heautlful quartered oak, cost new $SI. Can bo paid 7.1 rents weekly. An excellent bargain: In good condition. Write for com plete list rf bargains and .special trial oner. IIUI'I'IVH IJI'ITJVV.! C5XV1.I IKS. Corner ijth and Thompson sts., Phlla Pa. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS PLAYER-PIANOS delivered Immediately, pav able .'2.1 weekly; prices .T.- and upward. . call or write lor large Illustrated cat- locuts. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES Cor. Otli and Thompson ats, OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS BEAUTIFUL PLAYERS AND PIANOS. DelUered Immediately, Pajahue. 1.ro aneek. PRICKS AS LOW AS 1T. . F. A. Nortli;o..jl24l Kensington. Kens. P3I. 85 C'lilCKERINO UPRIGHT PIANO , HOWARD VINCENT. 83S N. Oth. Ili.-i STEINWAY I'PRItlHT, KI.V "Chlckerlng used Manos, $1. 4"i. fin, fl monthly, play . era. $27S up. IIUOHES BROS.. M2 N. loth. PIIONOtlllAPIIS- EDIPON DIAMOND DISC and Pathe, also Ptinoa. Agts. for Kenslnatnn. C. .1. CAMI'IIHI.I.. alto O St. Kens lfi7. OENFINE ntalner Violin. oer 25y jears old. IT" Phone I'oplnr 2122 W. OLD GOLD HUIIIEST prtiea In the city paid for old gold, silver, platinum, false teeth, old coins bought '?.'''. ',clr' ITxrhitnte, 2nl s. Uh, OLD GOLD, ether, platinum, plated ware, old etlo Jewelry, teeth plates bought for casn. Est, 1S7Q. J, E. Clark, refiner vQ7 sansum. CASH PAID FOR DIAMONDS. PRECIOPH stines, gld, sitter, platinum. fnle teeth. Phlla. Srrelllng and Rcf. Co.. 12S 11th t. PRINTING BUY YOUR CHRISTMAS CARDS EARLY Make sour selection from 12., designs, prtci 2,"i to M) rents per d02en. engrnvlng our specialty. The card Shop, hhm unestnut st. Open cienlhg. ROOMING AND IRON AWNlNQb Vv E coat leaky roofs nt small cost and guaran, tee them 10 years: let us estimate. AMET"-.N rnoFINO 0. 1.V1S Ridge ave. STORAGE CONTINENTAL STORAGE WAREHOUSE 2irTH ST. ABOVE CHESTNUT PACKING. MOVING, SHIPPING. Rugs, Carpets cleaned, scoured, stored. lIocuetln0--Phqnes Kev. Race41iM. riDEi.nY f:rephoof warehouses. 1M1-1&IU MARKET aT. Vx Al.KKIfS SrORAGE, I5tl nbove Dauphin Serarate locked rooms: pneklug and shttptn3 to atl points: auto vans for mot lng; carpet cleaning. :c, yunl llotti phones, STORAGE spme for merchandise of eery dc scrltit'on: railroad slillngs. l'or particulars see w. L. Blrtnell. Front nnd Lloyd ts.. Chester. Pa., or C'rozer Bldg., Phllad.-lpld i. ATI.AS STORAGE WAREHOUSE - Storage; molng. n.K'klng. shipping. rartet cleaning. Ph. Raring ?.',2 for estimate. Market and :17th. MrCVNN'S STORAGE HOUSE. 17IS N? 11th st. moving, packing, shipping, auto vpns. Roth tihones. Let uh estimate. FREE STORAGE the first month, moxlng by auto uns. shipping, pjcklng. rnrpcf cleaning. Levin's, 20IS Ridge. Pnrk MM! A. FVRITERS AND SUPPLIES SATISFACTION IN REMINGTON RENT ALS, nlso Manufacturers' AND Guarantee Visible Mod els. Sd a month; ST.rai for SERVICE three months. Rentnl pay ment npptp's on purchose. REMINOTON TYPEWRITER COMPANY, ltd South th St.. Philadelphia. Tele-dioncs: Bell. Wnlnut 0720: Kcystono. Main 2901. WANTED ANT10.UE furniture, false teeth. 00c. to SI sot paid: hruketi jewelry, cold, silver, tllntnouds liouKlit.73." Wnlnut, Walnut 7020. Est.'tiU. BROKEN Jewelry, false teeth, pistols, coins. Coin bonk.wlth prices J p.ty.malled, lf,c. J. 11. Boss tPeolde's Store), 2lllS. lltll. Wal.44SO CAST-OFF clothing: hlKh prices: ladles' evg gonns: gentlemen's clothing, postal or ph, Mkt, 20'JU. Sellgsohn, Mil uud Spring Garden, CAST-OFF CI-OTH1NO We positively pay SO tier cent, inoro for gentlemen a tiotlilng.shoes; send postal, we call. day. uv , city or suburbs, Friedman Bros., 1414 South st. I'll. Dick JUS.",. FURNITURE r'onos. carpets, antiques, entire or pa.'t homes bought tor cash, no matter how larsi. J. Beruiteln, KIM Ride ave, YELI.O'V flumps redeemed for dolls, toys, etc. Highest prl es paid for loose stamps In sheets. TRADINO STAM"; CO., 5114 N. Front t. HIGHEST PRICES PAID TOR DIAMONDS? old gold, platinum, false teeth, also pawn tlcketn ir.no Filbert st.. 2d floor front. ROOMS FOR RENT ARCH ST.. 203.", Finely furnished front rooms also two bark rooms, kitchenette, complete: reilned surroundings. Raco II 140 D. ARCH. 2irj'i Dedlrnble room, single, doubleT runnlng water, prlvnto Inth, 12 un. BROAD, N .. 1319 Attractively furnished looms, witn an convs. ; reasonable Clir.faTNUT ST.. NEAR 4.-.TH-Handsomely furn. roomy: vvlth bath: near L, Baring 11K7R CHESTNUT. 181!(-Iti21 Superior nccommo- nations single or en suite: private buth. CHESTNUT ST.. 1823 Beautifully appointed rooms for refined persons: ull newly furn. CHESTNUT. Its3 Two desirable vucanclcs; Southern exposure: running water. LOGAN SQUARE (23.". N. Uth Housekeeping rooms, furnuiifurn ejec. light, run. water. PINE. "MS Dealrablo 2d Or." front." also sln- gle jrms.. cent located. Walnut 727." W. PINK H2"t Attractive furn. rms.. single or en sulto. runnlngwatcr. private family: phone. SPRUCE. lll.V-2d front, beautifully furn.! runnlngwnter electric light: other vacancies. SPRUCE. 1 LIT Room, single or en suite- prl. baths: jrof,of flees, stcim heat, electricity. I ITH. S. 322 (The Carlton) Well fur single. double rms,; excellent bath uicom. ; steam heut, clean; convvn. ; comfort; references. l.'.TII S. 314-COMFORTABt.Y FUR. FRONT ROOM.. ADJOINING BATH: Phone. lYJ'H, N., 1018 Single rooms, communicating batlintcely fur: private family; gJtJje. 10TH, N. 110 Furnished pirlor and other vacancjes. Plione locust '1172 W. 2IST. S,.'l. ttractlvo furn or unfurn. rooms. slngleor en suite. fewat $10 per month. 32D. S . ?.V-2d story small room, nicely fur bished, hot water heat: near "!,' t PERSONS wishing one or two rooms, with or without private huh. In a beautifully lur- nlhed house, with hot-water heat oprosltu Rlttenhou'e Srtuarejvrltc P 401. Led OfThe. OWNER OF LVRGE dwe-,ng will rent attrac t vely furnlshe,! bachelor apt. of 2 rooms. private bath, e-prnflreplace. 2022 Spruce at. BEAUTIFULLY urn. tio't room In private ftmlly: all conv . phone Baring 7207 M. TWO ROOMS, houiekeeplng. S3; single rooms. .' 1 101 N. itith st. ROOMS WANTED ) TWO LARGE ROOMS, communicating: two small: same located west Broad-17th. south Market, will pay halt rent house. M 0), i l-edger Central. WANTEI-Funi. rms. suitable for light hkpV.' ! ft netsons: mod ttricea: refs. fk.'h. I, i ' ELoile, phlla. Drug Exchange, Bourse llldg TVO COMMUNICATING ROOMS with bo.rd, ne.tr 3lth and Catharine, bv d adults; reason nble Li.""S.!:edger Central. WANTEl Two furnished rooms; moderate V rices; references exchanged. E f1. Eiarle, hl. Drug Exchange, Bourse Building BOARDING SPRUCE. 1012 Ittolniehuret) Beaut., turn. room:prlr, -bath, with board: table bd... SPRUCE. 1424-2(1 IRrlsmondev-Furn. roams. single, en suite, private baths: table board, . SPRUCE. 12.10 Second-door room: also 4th (loo front "Ith board, SPRUCE, I02S-10 2d and 3d floor hall room, jjcll heated ;cholee table boan), SPRUCE, 1010-Lnrge aunny rooms with board: running water. Rteam heat, eletator. , , WATXacE, Slot iloard" nnd roome. teason- able: cohy. to cars Phone Preston S483 W. lJTII. H , 2.10 tluperfor home anil board for Breflned women: reference. 40TH N-, Tr.s Desirable acancles, furnished or unfurnished, with board, Preston .1Q."' W. Sittittrlinn YORK ROAD, 7101-Attraetlve rms.. private family! table board. Phone Oak Lnno 1183 Y. SANITARIUMS BEAUTIFUL location; special scientific cures nervous: elderly: etcry comfort, nurses, tbwklet. Dr He mint city tine, Chetnut Hill. APARTMENTS N. E. CORNER 17T1I AND WALNUT STS. This 1,1-stnrv concrete nnd steel fireproof structure reaches the highest point of devel opment ns vet ettnlned In apartment con struction, nnd mav bo properly styled a per fect plnce of abode. An earnest effort has been made to offer n matchless home to those whose first con sideration Is not to rount the cost alone. .but to procure that which they desire: whero there Is only perfection, the sire nnd char acter of which may be selected nnd shaped according tn the distinctive requirements of the Individual. Suites are arranged from two rooms nnd one Inth to ten rooms and nve baths. The location Is excellent, being convenient to the business and shopping centres nnd vet not. too near. .... , , , All things considered, the rentals are mod Further Information, arrangements for In stiectlon nnd reservations may be made through NORMAN P. SHERWOOD 1411 Walnut street. SPRING GARDEN. 1917-Exceltent opts. In 8 different houses: some, furn.: kitchenettes. West I'liltndelpliln 1 OFFER a large variety of apartments, nt varied prices nnd to nieet nlmnst any require nient. Call or send for list. Automobile service to Inspect apartments ir desired. Nil It.. I.MAN H. sm;itwuuL. .hi i vvninur t. SPRUCE 0200 RACE 3(12.-1. FURNISHED APARTMENTS LOCUST, 1213-13 (Linn's Head) Furn. npts. suites nnd rooms, vvlth private bath. APARTMENTS "WANTED WANTED Furnished suite In npnrtment for three persons, moderate pr te: references ex changed. E. O Ebcrle, Phlla. Drug Lx clnnge. Rourse Bldg. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS BROAD, N.. 2010 Three rooms, kitchen hath, 4lh floor: steam heat, gas and elect 130. M Isen, 1107 Real Estate Tr. JtUlg.Fllbert 3111 lvni N.. 1T1 Six targe, light rooms, mvvly finished modern at. able sards: lire tower. 41B FAIRMOUNT Two, three rooms In suites; hot-watir he.it. Janitor service: reasonnble. THERE ARE SEVERAL WAYS OF SECURING AN APARTMENT You can jook nt one after another until on ..mt one. or Vou run ko urournl to the dlfTcrent ngen clta until In tlptlr you tnkr one, or You Can Call, Phone or Write to This Office Jt In quite true that nearly ccry desirable nnnrtnunt In Philadelphia la llsteil lth and mnv he rente I through un. CII uron ua In nur now offlcrs; they are really ouliu nttr.utho; vuu ulll ho slim the must courteous and efficient service obuin able. An automobile It wnUlnff to take you to the Hat of ap-irtmcntH you dcHlRtiate. nnd If h nnv rlianre vou arc not perfectly suited nur entire orKanlr.fitlun i III bo placed at your illpo.il to procuto fur you cnctly jour lnart'a doslre Think of all iho trouble ou 111 h-ue saed and how glad ou will be to know you have found the one apartment In Philadel phia which must nearly approaches our ex- UttNORA.AN S. SHERWOOD 1411 WALNUT ST. SnrueeJffin Race 302.1. HOL'SEKEEI-I.N'U At'ARTMENT.-J WEST I'llll.Al)EI.rHIA OR OERMANTOvVN FEE FDWAltl) HUTCHINSON. JR. 122 S. 1'ltli or 117 S. 40th. THF NA9H i2T20 si'ruci: I nc JilrtOIT HoUSEKEEFINt STREET Al'ART MENTS and PROFESSIONAL OFFICES. IORONADO 22d und Chestnut sts. A few ilfslratilo vacancies. htrKinnilsmnll, M. W. GREIMS. orlKlnatorofApt. Rureou Service, will iiutckly tind vou the apartment that suits. 4 IS Real Est. Tr. UldB. Wal. 31114. HOUSEEEEPIVa AITS., all parts of cltv: rent- J23 lo $70 per mo. Ci.ll. phune or wrlto for Information. Samuel Stern. uiChestiiuu FOIt modern furn. or unfurn nturtments, Nf.-iliw..pt I'hll.i, and TlnK.i Bee us first. SCHOEI'l'Y & Co.. 1317 Montgomery ave. WEST I'llILARELl'llIA DREXEL APARTMENTS OVERUROOK STATION One tiousckevpltis suite. 0 rooms and bath, ts.1,34 per month, one furnished suite, 2 sleeping rooms, one exceptionally largo living room and bath, (73 per month; public dining rocm. Phone over. rook 032S. THE rVtLVND APrs.. JUST COMPLETED LOCUST ST.. 5ITII TO .".3TII ST. 0 ami 7 mum apartments, with nil tho latest Loiivcnlemeri i7.."n lo $13 ner mouth. , , ROIIERT PITTS. AOENT Hell phone Ilelmont 411.1. 541.1 l.oist,t. KINGSCOURT " 30th and Chestnut sts. JUST COMPLETED. MODERN HOUSE kvepln. ur-artments, fireproof floors, eleva loi s; public dining rooms Apply THOMAS M. SEEDS, Jr.. 1207 RACE ST. , GREY" OAnLES. 112-314 N. .'13 D. very attractive apts , 3 to 7 rooms furnished or unfurnished nil outside rooms: shower batli3ctc; reas'ble: fi inln. (rom City Hall. ISO TO m CHOICE SELECTIONS KERSHAW & CROWL. fi21S Chestnut ESSEX sith nnd Chestnut: Monterey. 41,1 and t hter. Ilelmont. 31th and Spring Garden. lnul.rf linltnr. or Cresse. .IPS Hale llldg. liKIOIANTOlVN T,.!SP,I1....A"E . A ;'. FOLKS WITH KIDDIha" wIki positively will not rent an apartment In the city. ..".I",.0!?-1"" to Please them and others who MUST have n suburban home THE QUEEN LANE APARTMENTS WERE N. vou never have seen anything aulte Ilk them chances are vou never will again, rresh air, trees, birds, grass, country sur roundings: In u word, the great outdoors all about vuu. A block from Queen Ijine Station, same dla. tance from the Germantown Cricket Club, tbiee blocks from Wavne nvenue. Tie price Is t".o a month and As to the apartments. They have five rooms and bath, plus an extra maid's room: hot water heat-the bes. obtainable: ample hot waiei; exceptional closet room: bultt-lu bookcases: private porches; unusual con struction and decorations: you must see them to know that they are Just what you have been looking for. and our automobiles will make, this an easy matter. Wu might furnish one or two at. sxy, $70 a month. NORMAN 8. SHERWOOD, NIL WALNUT STREET WALNUT LANK. E.. 1304 and 3 rooms and bath; hot. nater heat; prl. porch; 123 to $.13. PETEY Petey Should Have Been ----------- - APARTMENT HOTELS THE l'ELMAR-MORRIS . UEltilANTOVVN AT CHELTEN AVE. STATION, PENNA, ltAlLROAD. SO MINUTES FROM BROAD ST. TERMINAL. ,, .ATTRACTIVELY, FURNISHED AND UN FURNISHED SUITES AND HOUSEKEEP ING APARTMENTS. HOTEL COLONIAL Spruce at. Eleventh St. An apartment hotel noted for Its cuisine nnd perfection of service. Newlv furnished and redecorated Parlor, bedroom and bith with meals for two persons. to per week. THE GENEVA 10TH STREET ABOVE WALNUT High-class apnrtments. with or without pri vate bath: entirely renovated and refur nished: under new management. DOUGHTY MARSHALL . THE GLADSTONE 111ilTREETs1NH APARTMENTS FOIt WINTER .MONTHS FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF THE COVINGTON, CUES'! NUT AND .I7TH STS It. F. ENGLB. MANAGER. ALSO THE ENGLESIDE, BEACH HAVEN, N J THE TRACY PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT GUESTS 30TH AND CHESTNUT REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY 1500 LOCUST ST. Handsome, modern 4-story oruwnstone dwell lng Especially fitted for profe-slonal offices. Low price and easy terms for quick sale. AN OPPORTUNITY FOIt PLEASURIi AND PRol IT VISIT WILLIAMS' TIOGA HOMES Pretty 2 and :i story houses, with nil up-to-date feature. 17TH AND RUTLER STREETS Convenient to Train and Trailer. "Unvarying in Character-' Terms convenient Prices low. FRANK D. WILLIAMS. BUILDER. Or. the Premises. . - WILL rncrinco mv N. Park ave. home for quick sole, 3-storv. Dutch hall house, newly papered and repaired throughout: has always, been occupied by present owner; lot Is J It. deep, double row shade trees excellent neighborhood, convenient to both Pcnnsy and Rending stations nnd .N., 13th st.. loth St., Germantnnn ave. and lork road trplleva. Price J.-.OOO Address M 221, Ledger OIOcc IF YOU WANT TO MORTGAGE, rent, buy, sell, exchange or Insure. ,, ,, "31-iE TAULANE ABOUT IT" IKJU Walnut Bt. ONLY S20O to f.ViO cash required 1712 Wallace. Vl Rma.l lnOi Melon. Rms. Cor. 21st & Wallace. 1 1721 .N l.th. Marshall II Smith. 1011 Chestnut st. . SITE FOR SAt.E Suitable for erection of business bulldltiRR. larcc or small. Invest ment properties. Monev for niortitai-ca, ARTHUR IIOSWEIjI-. 211 N. Mth st, FINE HOME, nmr Rorcr nnd AllcKheny, nil conveniences. In llisl-class order; little money needed for quick buver. CAMERON. 2-J11 KciislnRton nve. " llEAI- ESTATE FOR SAI-E OR RENT 1IAR11ER. HARTMAN CO. J-111 .IHBII11H. H. CENTRAL I'ROPERTins tor sale or rent. YARROW fc VAN FELT N. E. cor. 17th and Chestnut. 20 SELECTED OIL I'AINTINOS IN EN- CIIAMIE FOR EUU1TY IN REAL ESTATE. D. A MINNICK. 1S3II RIDOE AVE. CENTRAL FACTORY Uood Bite tor mod. bus. bldg,; 3 streets; sale to iloe nn estate; mlttht rent. Jaroh A. Frits. S25 Ijitid Title llldg. FARMS, birce or small: alio city properties. Let me know your wants. V. F. ltOOOENTINE.S3301Diave:. llulldlnc l.otsractoryJiltes.tC; FALLS OF SCHUYLKILL OHOl'.N'D IjirKC and Small .'Iracts for DWEI.I.INH or MANUFACTURINn l'urpivscH In Rest Sections. .,,. EXCELLItNT RAILROAD FACILITIES 1'rlccH on Aiipllcatlon. Est. JOHN DOHSON. U'J Chestnut st. 4NTH AT WOODLAND AVF. 11A1I.1UAI SIDINO, 4. CARS I'OTTs A: TOW.NSEND. 4W3 Ralllmoro ave. CHOICE bulIdliiK lotti and larso tracts Bround In ull parts city: also over 200 manufacturing ItefcJleUln. 1.M3-Jlijle.il Estate Trust Uldi,-. WEST I'llll.ADEI.rillA f-mus ROOMS, hot-vvulcr heat, ens i nnd elcc- trie llKht, pantuctry Iloors, shower baths, gas M'cheiis and all other modem appointments. DANIEL CRAWFORD, JR., llUlLDER olin anil limineiu bib. WIU.LAN'S HOMra. COTII AND FASCllAI.L AVE. AI'l't.Y Hill CHESTNUT ST. SEND FOR LIST. SALE OR RENT JOS. M. RARER 32d nnd Ualtlmorc ave. $0.V1 WILL purchase beautiful plot of ground In West Philadelphia. Pinna. 1100 Franklin Hinl(J!ul!dlnB. Rnce OuuiiD. THE CHILTON. No. 321S Raring st.-For terms see or wrltn to Harris J. Chilton, No. IIHW Locust St.. West Philadelphia . i.:n--l'Ni:UALEI HOMES, .loth at. nbove Linsaowne ave. Every known convenience. JAMES C. ENRLRO. Iluilder. WEST PHILADELPHIA HOMTm W. EDWIN RLAIR. 207 S. 00TH GERMlNTqiVN ItESlDKNCE SITES Ground In best section of Germantonn und Chestnut Hill. II. II. LISTER SON. 3U12 Germantown ave WE CAN assist! you to find that house you aie looking for. Germantown Trust Com lany. i.liilten and Germantown uves. SMALL INVESTMENT HOUSES, almost dol lar for dollar. GLYNDON I'RIESTMAN, 3.V3U t.erm.iiituvvn ave. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A HOME In Germantown, Mt. Airy or Chestnut HIM. con mlt me. A. R Meehan. 0717 Germantown ave. CHOICE HOMES. Tulpehocken st. east of Ger mantown ave. J. II. Chadwlck & Co., 501$ Gtrmantown ave. Chestnut Hill NLvV. SALE AND RENT LIST HEADY 1'tlh.im, Mt. Airy und Chestnut Hill. FELIIAM TRUST CO.. 0740 Gormantown ave. I.Ofi.lN LOOAN REAL ESTATE SALE, RENT AND EXCHANGE M. M. Smith. Urnad st.. opp. Logan Station. REAL ESTATE, mortgages and convey ancing. WM D. CHAMEEES. 4033 N. llruad st. Iloxa WE HAVE THE HOUSE YOU WANT IN TIOGA OR LOGAN KE NNBDY & RA M I JO. JIT40 GERMANTOWN KUI1URI1AN HOMES FOR SALE OR RENT WENDELL MASSEY. Real Estate Trust llldg CHOICE Ill'ILDING SITES and acreage. ARTHUR P. TOWNSEND. 1,-inghorne. fa. 8UHURRAN REAL ESTATE Any price. All locations. Sale or rent. CHARLESJ. HOOD & CO., Morris Hldg. SELECT PROPERTIES Country seats, farms. List orders new LEWIS T. RROOKB & SON. 14U South Penn sq, FOUNDED 1876. LARGE LIST OF "SUUURBAN HOMES, sale or rent, on the Main Line or Reading R. R, WM. IS, W'lL-iON & CO.. Morris Uulldlng. SURURRAN' RESIDENCES for sale or rent: attrsctlve locations; prices right. Maurice J. Hoover. Rea I Estate Trust Rldg. Suburban Lois PROSPECT PARK, It acres, with 1400 feet frontage on R. and O. Railroad: splendid loca lloii for manufactory or small dwellings; prl" sttractlve to close an account. YOCOM Jt 'POWERS COMPANY. 20 S, 3th St., 6040 Woodland ave. Ambler, Pa. FARMS, country places and suburban nomis on ths Readlntri Relhlshera and Doylestown blanches. H. J, Dager, Inc., Ambler, Pa. Cool-headed and Left the i i i -c-TATr. rUlt SALE Ertili stone. P. - DELAY IS A DEAD LOSS AT EDDYSTONE. Three weeks ago land In Eddvstene sold 111 n r.vot, today: 10 tomorrow nnd 1,3 the flay nfter. and It still going up. , sou : cfn J W ba..a . .i..i.. c, nnA ktore prooerttcs nenr the main entramc to Remlngion Arms Plant, the largest of Us kind In the world. at reasonable prices bv writing tvt once, to HOSNER. .1100 Clifford et Philadelphia. Elklns Park. Pa. HOMLd Foil SALE OR MKN McCJRMICK A MCCORMICK , 1011 Chestnut, and Elklns Park. BIJAUTirt L BUILDING ITE, high locsitlon. ner train nnd trollcv, ut.decldeil bafftain: all Improvements. P fori lVOgrr Office, (llensldr. P. HOUSES AND l.tlTS, every dererlptlon. RENNINGER ,V RENNINGER Urnad nnd Walnut ats. Bnnrtlimore, Pn. , A TRACT OF LAND of 12 47U-IOPO acres, a portion of the Gibbons farm, north of the Shoit Line. Apply tn 3, P. EMMA Clllt HONS. cor. of llalllmuro ave. nnd Ccdnr lane, Swarthmore. Pn.. P. O. Box lul. or phone. MAIN I.IM..JPA. II- It ! . DESlRAllLE PROPERTIES SALE OR RENT WARNOCK & EMLEN, CoinmerclalTr.llldg. sUBUHBAN HOMES, vountry places nnd building sites tu suit all rtqulrements: Main Line. II. C HUNTER, Wavpe. Pa. DEBT LINE OF MAIN LINE IIOUPES Either fcr sale or rent, at nil l'tlct.9. HIRST .v MtMI'l I .IN, est End Trust Uldg. sr.w .lEIIEV llaildnn Heights, N, J. LU'l'lNCOVr I3TS AND HOMES II AD DON II EI CHITS. N. J. WII.1.ET MI'I'INCOTT Fennsnriivr, N. ,T. I'ENNSflROVE. N. J. L, . . Substantial Clirlstmos ftlft. deslrahle build. Ins: lots, iidjolnlna: du Font's Works: caBj p.ivmenta: crnnlnr In value. ...,.. , l'ENNStfRriVE IMPROVh.MENT CO, I'cnnsKrovc, N. J. Maple Minile, N, .1, THE OREATESr privilege or the 2(th icntury Is tu oun a little oue-aire farm close to Phlladelihla. nnd remember $3 down bujs one. J." -monthly pajs for It. For n square deal call on or write HARLOW & ro.. Mapln Shtde. N. J. Ml. I.'plirnlm. N. J. ONE-ACRE FARMS Mt. Ephralm, N. J. imlJoililriK ltnildon HelRhts), only 3 mills frum Camden (2 sta tions on tract), SIOO to ffi'iO per acre, title Insured. fee d'ed: no rates for 1013, CAMDEN COUNTY GARDEN FARMS CO. 12n.t Rrnaduay. Ciniden. N. J. HEASIIOIIE -'!"' May- N. J, COTTAUE ercied by a rellabla builder Is it s.itls action lutrnctlie plans submitted fret, SM;TOVNSEND. Ocean Clty.N.J; Ocean City. N. J. COTTAGE -rected by n reliable builder Is a satisfaction: attractive plans submitted free. OTIS M. TOWNSEND. Ocean City. N. J. l'ENN8YI.ANI.V FARMS 23 ACRES, neat vIII.iko properly; 1400 reot main pike and trolley frontiiKc: irood stone dwelling, 0 auuare rooms, nnd lavlnsr beau tifully tn the south: farm outbuildings; stream; 42.,u; best of Its kind to our knowl- """' BROWN & CLOUD NORRISTOWN. FA. 104 ACRES, stock farm, above Norrlstow-n: modern buildings; stream: timber: depot '4 mile: vvlll suit commuter: price 12.uOU, Jack s Farm Acency. 213 Stephen Qlrcru HullillnE. 1'hllndelphl.i, , All marketable commodities havo "cone up.' Real Estate, especially farms, will ko up. We havo choice offerings at reasonable price. C.I IT.TEES JA. SON, I) CHE-TNIIT ST. 2." ACEirs. STOCE. onoi'S, gooil bulldlmcs; 23(lO, lisif ras.l HUNSUERQER'S FARM AOENCy. Green I.nne, i !30 ACRES, two miles lo station; only $00 per acre. J. It. THOMPSON. West Clwster. Pa. SMALL country home nenr Hatfield; goAd house; barn; ihlcken homo: pig stv: $l,uil; vvurili $2300. A. II. TYSON. LanBdalc. l'a. NEW JERSEY FARMS RURLINGTON COUVTV FRMS All slzea. nil nurnosce. Ea'abllshcd 1MIS. A. W. DRESSER. Ilurllngton. N. J. MARM.AND FARMS FOR SALE 320-acro Elk River firm. In Ceill County, located about IMj miles from Elltton: .00 acres llltuble hulanto woodland: mil nrlapted to the r.ilslifg of all crops. 0-room ilivelllng. 2 tenant houses. Kirn, sta bling for 23 head of stoik. all tiecessary uut buildings: rurul del very and telephone Will sell for 4S per ncre. Address GEORGE M. EVANS. Elltton. Md. KEAL ESTATE SALE OK BENT CITY BUY A HOME TROM US-Monthly payments, 117 to JO. N. Phlla, and Germantown; prlcas IISOO to JiOOn. Merchanta' Union Trust Com pany, 'l.l-'lli Chestnut st. CENTRAL PROPERTIES far sale and rent. JAMES D. WINCHELL. 17th and Sansom, SUI1URI1AN CITY AND SURURRAN properties for sale or rent. Lower Merlon Realty Compuiy, Land Title Rulldln;, Philadelphia. Pa. Uala-Cvmrjd, Pit. LARGE LIST HOUSES, sale or rent at all prices. SAMUEL C WAGNER, Jr., Commer cial Truct llldg., 13th and Market sts, REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE DESIRABLE PROPERTY on Tioga it.-v.VIII consider Investment houses or ground. WILL IAM RARR. Uh and Oak lane. REAL ESTATE WANTED ESTATES having Investment housea for sale will find It to their udvuntago to communi cate with me, I am nrepareu to purchase and pajcash. Rox ilJ02, Ledger Office, WANT llstlns of rountrv seata and farms. 11. II McCOLLUM. I:il4 Walnut bt. 'Don't Forget the Number." WANTED Ground suitable for factory pur poses on New York Division of Penna. R. R. M 032. Ledger Central. RENTS AND INTEREST COLLECTED, moitl gages and fire Insuiance p'aced quickly. St Kane for prompt results. 2328 Tasker st. FI.OOR SPACE 7000 square feet of factory floor space on first floor; railroad siding. M U33. Ledger Central, REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITV .Oil PINE ST. 10 rooms, 2 baths; garage. MEAR8 J 11 ft O V N, 202 8. 31h St. 1709 SPRUCE ST.-17, rooms. 2 baths: suitable tor pnysician in 1411 Walnu t st. for physician In good order, Edgar a. Cross, 403 IUGHTER ST T rooms. 120. brecht, 2414 W. Lehigh ave. U P. Al STORES AND DWELLINGS In all section's of city. See our list In the Ledger Saturday. SAMUEL T. FOX CO . e. E. cor. Oth and Callowhlll. SEND FOR OUR RENT LIST THE LAND TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY Rroad and Chestnut sts. 1231033 N. CAMAC. 3-story dwelling. A, H, Williams. 222 Walnut st. Wife at Home By C. A. YOIGHT . I, . ... REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Business Properties nnd Stores MARKET ST.. Entire building through to C0.mm'r",,V,'i suit retail or wholesale business: Immediate SApply"-renna.. Co., BIT Chestnutfl. OPPORTUNITY FOR SHOE STORE 10th am Market sts -Be nut fit I store In Now Knickerbocker Theatre Building, ad jacent to U H ..postotllcc. TAM.OR ft SON. 24 nnd 20 S. lOtn at. NFAR llROAD AND WALLACE-3-Btory h IK . . I('x70: 'Mlterations will be ,"'''' tenant. I'OTTS TOWNSEND. 400- Hal tlmor. av e. Stores nntl l.weillng 1724 N. I1TI. ST.. .STORE. ROOMS: SUIT any business: good order: cheap ; rent, WM. L CRAVEN'S SP-1',i-J-lig-- Inclolles, IVarehotises, Mis. floo" ROOM having three fronts, containing 11. IM sq. ft.: elevntor. heat: low rate n : lnf ance: railroad siding; BUb-postortlce " bu'" ItiKi located 11 bocks, south of .Market M. C, J. MILNE SON, llth and Washington. MERCHANTS' RUILD1NU DESntEOmygRND LIGHT TtRO.D AND WALLACE (Metropolitan T Ilu,dlrg)-Rooms, SOW "to 40,000: cheap! powei. Applyjo Ceo. F. Lasher. 147 N. 10th. FACTORY FLOORS and warerooms, large and t-mnlltcenlrallv located. IIARnY T. SAI'NI Eni. 31 S. Uth St. HAVE TARTV who wilt erect building, cen tral or other location, or sitlsfactory tenant DIETRICH, .37 Walnut at. L.MUIE nnd smnll noors. suitable for light manuracturlng In rent mil v located buildings. MYF11S RARTII. Rblge nve. nnd 10th st. CORNER I1UI1.DINO for light mfs. tiurpo-es: about 3000 sq. ft.' $10 n month 8. E. corner inth and Tioga. , OFFICES. I1UMNKSS ROOMS, ETC. rto ft, i.vrit bt. . . Offices from -2," per mo un: rent Includes he.it, light, elevator nnd .iinltnr service. .t. A. PATTERSON CO.. 130 S 1.1th St. 430 WALNUT ST. . GROUND-FLOOR OFFICES l?n Estates, ii'ti Sansom st. . WALNUT ST.. 1111 Several very desirable reams, suitable for any business: very good location Arp- Win. II, Dixon, on premises. CHESTNUT ST.. I0u I (light, sevefnl coll- nertnl looms: nppor.. liuslnesa or offices: vvlndowa Chestnut at., ahowense, entrance. r'ENEL I1LDO. orFIUES. Annual Rentals. " gle Rms.. Jino. $120. $l.in. $2(si, $100. $410 ttlltes 2 Rms. JI.Vl. $17.1. '.1l. 2'-M. -l.27.1 Slll estt litis.. $271, 4I1. $4.10. $ nn. S..30 i23 Corner Suites, 1 In Rooms. $.13u to Sin.-) i:i.LIS l. WILLIAMS, ,VI Diexel Rulldlng. WATKINS I1UIL0IN0. IIKH-III.I'I CHESTNUT ST. Severnl deslrnlile offites. Suitable for manufntturer's ttgent. Salesman, with stock ngncids. II. ll.AVATKINS, JR. A FEW RENtHAIlt.E OFFICES RENT VERY REASONAUI.E . ROIIERT MORRIS TRUST CO, RLDtl IP27--2H CHESTNUT STRliET . MERCHANTS' RUII.w NO 41 North Ith at-co. Very desirable offices. Heotand light. CENTRAL OTFICES. STUDIO.I AND RUSINERS PROPF.HTIR1'. J. C. FULLER. 10 S. 1STII ST. OFFICES for rent, Orst lloor suitable for lmnk-r. smaller nfflces nn other floors. FOR REST Ill'ILDING till S. 4ltst. Room 42.1, ONE THOUSAND SQUARE FEET, third floor front: rent ."Oil: heat and light In iluded. Plaza llldg,, t,103-o-0!l Arch st. , RUSINESS nfOces. moderate rentals: all conv.: , rentinlly located. Heed llldg. 1213 I'llhert. OFFICE FOR RENT Hent. light, telephones nnd Janitor services Included. 47S Drcxel llldg. rrnfrsslounl Olflers WALNUT, 2203 Sulle of 2 lotge mis.. 1st fl'r: hot nnd cold running water: electricity. PROFESSIONAL HUILD1NG. lS-U-XI Chestnut at. A lew suites lnr plivslclnna or dentists. J. T. JACKSON CO.. Chestnut nnd 1:1th. WEST PHILADELPHIA TEN-ROOM HOUSE. WITH SIDE YARD AND LARGE GARDEN. In "Sherwood": $30 n month to desirable unnnt. PEMnEKTON ESTATES, 1 13S South 3Sth Street, corner of Willows Avenue. HERMAN RIIOS., 0010 MARKET Houses Apartments, Stores NEAR IWTII ST. "L" STATION l'or Rent or Snle. DWELLINGS. STORES AND APARTMENTS WM. 11. W. QUICK v ItllO.. INC. l SOUTH 40TH STj RENT RE.VSONARLE t-arge 3-story corner dwelling. 12 rooms. 2 baths; suitable for annitlmnts; 31112 Mantua nve.; key 3101. J. J. TURNER 1201 Chestnut at. NEW HOUSES FOR RENT-107 S. 03,1 at.. racing Cobb's Creek Uoulcvurd: rent $12.30. J ASV N. MITCHELL,. 40111 nndMarkcL $2S-THREE STORIES. 11 rooms, hardwood finish; others. $18 tn $12.10. II II. APSLEV. .''th and Springfield nve. GERMANTOWN $.10 DWELINGS. 11 ROOMS Send for List. Contlnental-Equltablo Trust Co., 21 8. 12th st. Tlogs, 37,17 N. ROUVIER ST. 3-story poicli-front mo.lern dwelling. II rooms; $.10. NORTH PHILA. TRUST CO.j Rroail ami Erl nve. i.rm .ri.t.t.fl- C!- . .n..m ,,,,,1 lltll LnV nl 12S3. Walter" a ahell. iiroad ami ..no, nve. . .. T.a- ntnr I .,., o,nw 0r nn. niinh' ill.... ,... .uj -.'. - -..., ..-... dn riling, all convs.; elegant neighborhood; 2131 W. Pacific St., nenr 22d and Erie live. Key, 2120 JOHN J. TURNER. 1201 Chestnut. SURURRAN Eililystone. 1'n. ASK SWOPE & SONS. DARRY, for special list properties for rent convenient to Eddy alone; nearly 100 to choose from. MAIN LINE. PA. R. It. MODERN HOUSES. $30 to $200 ner month; various stations. Send for special list, llat bert & Claghorn, 21)4 Uall.y llldg. WynnevviH.il 48 MANOR ROAD Modern: 13 rooms, 2 baths: u, acre Und: $10 per mo. Walter Dasis:; Smith. Wynnowood, I's. FOR ENT FURNISHED Magnullu Springs. I'lsi. FOR RENT, 3 large ccttages with baths: furnlaheu, open fireplace In every room: fiut end cold wjter. Fer particulars address Magnolia Sprlrgs Hotel Co., Magnolia Springs. Fla. MORTGAGES Large Amount TRUST FUNDS FOR FIRST MORTGAGE Immediate Attention HORACE II. FRIT HS WALNUT ST. MONEY FOR WELL-SECURED . MORTGAGES ' AT IjOWEST RATES, ALSO DUILDINO ASSOCIATION FUNDS F0RoFlHJQ8TAND SECOND JA.MES Cl. FRANCIS, iv-w ji??tuiai JAMES KEO Sll.1 DREXEL RUILDINO LOMDARD 1384. MAIN 230. $30 TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE secur. $2u00 desired. to uy; ifiimeuiAva seviiement; payable aa EDW. M. MOLL ii a. uih r. MONEY FOR 1ST. AND 2D MORTGAGES: uijiujv Dnvii aAiAi.j Liianus. WALDMAN. 1110 W. GlltARD AVE. MORTGAGE- MORTtlArjE MONET ... Sums to suit O cK's. mi-V ??" vmsbmasiLru y-""L.A--,mjATi0N yOvW' r!L; .19.85(J P"I for motte.... Mm - "' L. funds fe; sects' Ml $100 t.nn .... '' i sso ttJF& ALL AMOUNTS. 1ST ANu -n Mn!IN-i . MAURICE 1I..MATSINHI-"t, . ' , u. :"uraA"--i FUNra roit ist and :d ,nnri. r.rv-,T .. .,ANV AMpt;.?T"0nT0n.' , .-.i0u.,. ,, FriA, r TRUST FUND". FOR FIRST t-nn.r'-i-.' l-AND TITLE IluiiVrit'J-n I r rwy&4 JLl3i.NICKLES .lV-4Sn $ W. II. HOOD. BEt Nor?,. LOANS ON INTEREST t.V P-t;-T .John AVR?.i5iiV.,3Uf iMAm: WE HAVE A FUND nf fmi , .JVIHVATl. AND TRUT Vl'Vr- "81 1ST MORTGAGES-V) Motnii-RS M J EDWARD LUTZ, biVn l..HUg i'l ". in" Pl-t-'ONIl. ANY AMni-vi JAMEffioVc.c.S' READY FUNDS for good first mH. J - " '"-"""" . -iUVJlrMdrt,, FIRST nnd 2.1 mtgs nr on note in. .- jj 12Llcoin"nidg:?llTd,,l y& sa -'""L iBirr u $100,000 FOR .FIRST SECOND OH TuTrTlli K02V3,hJI'o.,,hnJ2,ti,: "ASffiplj INVESTMENTS - First mortMtf Ta re-it, rea estate. PEMUERfoV r-erVj?-" llirrlson UulldliiK. 1"'uc'"-0-N ESTAIt.-, OWNERS If jour iiiortga-,e has bn uTi I vll take it i p; nl. n 2 miiv, ..' ' . CHESTER D RO'ITNER1 fim'ciiV-tilKl $.1l.rK) to LOAN nn second an I l,eVT-f Jl"-LniT.llffi"" P"",' w ft Pl'VtlJsl tnr ni-titH nit. I ,-J i T' "'1'. .o-mvo-ompt ,crv.:"'F LOANS-Lnrsc or small sums on tri7i!u!'lt juuKiiiv... iiuu-b r inorigares, lostlf fin n i 1.U estates. l'iup-,y .. ,u jfJ'PJfli m II NHS lor first and second m-irt-r(TT7rt amount; quick answers CIIAS. TV Vn'f LER. 401407 Coniuionwealth nft."' Wl"f lliv5''' ,for ,lr?' and second mortEsm; wj. lng ass'n ami Instalment mortiStV'vviff . Winchester Compnny, 1001 Chestnut il"? ALL AMOUNTS to loan on1st and Ji i-'"m" Cnas. 7.. De Ynnnir. 40n W pa e....".R. TRUST n.'Nl -for .good first. mort-t.j-i! i. jartieiia. . t. . Christian st- .1 MONEY TO LOAN ; T-nitcrt-rnnriip -T-. 1$ iiuuor,ii.i'.ii',i V.AN BORROW Cii-nc v. I . in Cn WHEN YOH I10RROW Hl-'hE TOtll. ntlSINESS WILL HE PRIVATE S Vt. 9 ss s1.lis Vnii -. a a . . V. QN.fkly Ymi run nffonl tn nnv tfnu ntrt hr MUNI HLY l-'AYii 516 S3 MONTHLY PAYS $36 c C HflMTUI V DAVC . pj iuvn i 1 1 i iniopuu; $6 AONTHLY PAYS 72 nitia Hi- Intfirn-O S11 MONTHLY PAYS $13. j.o ivivninii r.i io uo S1-. AUINIMLY r-AYo ?I80 S17 MONTHLY PAYS $20. X'lUB lo iiuerc-i. I-Ius ( interest. Nc other concern vvlll make vou Is-nvi lowei rates or easier terntH than this flrr ' Other companies paid off and mrt no-r" advanced. . . . - A Licensed. Ronded Loan Commr. tea Anniit ft- n Culr Snuare Manner. Hell, Filbert 30.11 Kev stone, "..( IM: ;pr:iii?iTY i.oaN CO. 1 114 Chestnut Street f.K 2d Floor. Room 20. next to KeluVs Tliti'ri Jfti OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL a ICUX- .Wl; CHRISTMAS MONEY M AT l.l.ll.M. Urtir.n ? It you nre kccihiik nuur w "L .,;' ploved, we vvlll make ou a loan el IIJ ; more, nnil raae ur inuiiiiao u .'lV7, ecurlty. All vve nsk Is your aisurtnw tt i you can pay .no siimn jwj iueiu, n... THE TOTAL COST OF $20.00 IR $2.30 $3.1 Of Jg IJ1J f.lll.l'O IS 1.23 f 5 " Jg ' $10.00 IS 4.01 173.00 IS IT.SI Other nmouiils In proportion, . PAYMENTS AS LOW AS $2.00 5IQNTIILT , we do not go to root ; rw md friends 4naulrln m?J ployer, relatives und friends nur rervlce Is strictly coananu-. quick, courteous uud considerate, NU UINi- MNUVY- d YOU ARE BORROWING'! CONFIDENTIAL lAJAJva id .-- LOANS MADE IN CAMDEN OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS AMERICAN LOAN CO- LICENSLD sTN (Entire Sevcntn neor.; ,v. trv.lnn. Ilace 401. Hell. HH.iSS A NEW COMPANY Ready Money for Housekeepeg. You can lM.rrowtn.Uy In P 'R' $ without red tap-, from n new i ronce rn.( on j easy terms. We a re tonded to tne a licensed and supervised hy ,!r'h''anVe', st partinent, of Penns , yanla This me"i lire rcllahle. and vvlll Klvo sou en -m , vtmr month... yment on $2 j; g Your monthly njent on - omr w ,, Your monthly payment on n. J omj j Your monthly payment on 1 "' " , Willi interest i -" AKK OUR HATFS Afi MOTHODS I. FORE GOING ELSE" H'-'-'R,.,, loan fom-l You will Hud us nromiit Other 'JJSnirsl' ponies nald off and .more money aavssc Why not see us. vvruo - a 41U1 TODAY?, , , n.,m.niown, Nt-1 Wo also make, loans nGmntown. j town, unestnut inn " HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO. . - . n r-k 1 Ct-v-At BECOND FLOOR. NEXT TO WBW, OPEN EVENIN'aS UNTIL CIHRin-"' -si i i . ,-tT-.V YOU CAN OORIIOW "-lft, ON DIAMONDS. JEW-US. JJl- $2.i and up ;2 1100 " " -- !,' MN niEDER'S i:VnEKYvE7ANDOXFonn!V, WB LOAN MONEY n Tour Furniture REMEDIAL LOAN CO. u C"- ."-SS trtw- !tt i i i iil.i i.n i ,ii i jjj.VAI'sSAJ'' W -OH C0Kr -THEt-S H.t a1H,mA gl . ZL2?? ItS J AWllZZT lTrKS t HERF IT S AlMnST OH DEAO- P-TEV t Hknem't The .east XMA5 AWD NOU HftNEM'T IDA -REALOf.'- Tolp jw,E VJhavTVoO Vrll-H mmmrmi j- - r i- . QEzLj! .,. , I- - , ,ZS7TrZZ JU?jjiJMiMMjiEMMB. . 'JuM
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