SpiiPKmiiiilpiP wwwwym '""arnyfji'' SHspjjsjssjr!- "--; -ns -jpw i ft II I i it Hft IS i I I ePj 12 EVENING LEDGERPHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 23, l)15. FINANCIAL NEWS WALL STREET DEVOTED TIME TO REPRESSION OF BEAR ELEMENT Talk That Mexican Petroleum Will Be Controlled by One, of Standard Oil Corporations General Motors Dropped 43 Points i ' i NEW YOnK, Dec 23. Tho most Important feature of the trndlnpr In the stock mnrkct today was tho repression of the benr element. Those room traders and uptown operators who apparently found much plcasuro and little profit In offering; stocks cheap to careful buyers have been out of placo In tho stock market In tho last few days. They havo been supplanted by aggressive bear operators, who aro supposed to bo working In harmony with strong banking Interests. As an instnncc, Jacob Field, who Is supposed to havo been tho chief factor In advancing Mexican Petroleum, Is said to bo acting on orders from Important members of tho Standard Oil party, nnd It Is asserted that that property will bo controlled by ono of tho Standard Oil corporations. It Is recalled that somo tlmo ago tho promoters of this company endeavored to form a voting trust and advertised that project extensively, but no ono seemed to bo disposed to placo their shares In tho hands of tho trustees, and tho plan was qulotly abandoned. That such a project should havo been framed was regarded as ovldenco that tho Lowlsohn nnd Salmon Interests had lost control of tho property, which they wore tho chief Interests In organ izing. Mexican Petroleum wns ngaln ono of tho most netlvo features, selling nbovo 104 to a now high record. Tho Guggenheim stocks wero forced to tho front again, with Utah Coppor, American Smelting, Ray Consolidated and Chlno demanding a good dcat of tho speculative Interest. Gains In theso Issues and Anaconda, although, wero limited to fractions. Now York Central responded to renewed accumulation, advancing over ono point and again lifting Its high record slnco 1913, selling at 106i today, being tho first tlmo In that period that it sold nbovo 106. United States Steel common was taken on a largo scnlo without tho room or Strcot generally understanding tho slzo of tho buying orders, but It was known In somo quarters that theso orders provided for a much larger volume of business. For tho most part tho stock market wan strong throughout tho day. Thero woro some reaction from tho best around midday on somo profit-taking sales, some of tho specialties being subjected to pressure. General Motors lost heavily, being down 43 points at tho day's low point. Advances In tho mnjorlty of tho list were around two points. In tho market for prlmo mercantile paper thero aro reports of redls- counttng on a fairly liberal scale, Influenced by tho "flush" condition of most of tho flnnnclnl Institutions. Underlying conditions arc not changed with prlmo material discounting at SU3 per cent., exceptional transactions as low as 3 per cent, and a minimum In the country 3 per cent. Thero Is no improvement to report In tho market for prlmo bank acceptances. Business Is qulot and quotations stereotyped. In tho afternoon tho pressuro of unem ployed fundscauscd a, decline. In tho market to a trading rate of 2 per cent, for 90 days to flvo month, as ngalnst tho previous flguro of 3 per cent. Money for six months was unchanged at 23 per cent. Ncto York Stock Sales Last close. High. Low. 132 10H 25!f 32)4 85 C9 91H m 22!f 41 09!t 2:10 p.m. 132 10 25 32H 8W G9M 0154 132 10 mi 32 82H caw 0154 IVIH 102M 102U OOJi 00) 0J nil 77ii 77H 150 16.VI 150 Ct KM 53'f 105 10H 10S 50 22 40)f 09 50 22!f 41 G9Jf Adsmj Kinross 132 Af3Vi Jnnraa.i 10 Ahh Odd M 25Ji Allls-CMlmers Mfe .... 32 Allls-Chal Mfg pf...... 82 Am l)t Sucar C9 Am Beet Swrrr tf 95 Am BrakoS & Fclfs. .102 Am Can ......... 60 m Car A Foundry.... 77Jf Am Coil Products 155!i Am Cotton Oil fri), Am Hldo A Leather.... 10H Am Hide & L pf &o! Am I.lnwd 23 Am I.tnwtt pf 4i)j Am Loeomotiro iwf Am Loeomotivo pf loiU 101H 101)$ 101)4 Am Aiail o 0J 0 9 Am Smelt A nef mii 100f 105H 103H Am Smelt A Uef pf... .11174 112 112 112 Am Smelters pf A 89H SOU 8954 89'f Am Smelters pf n 84)4 85 85 85 Am Steel Foundries.... 00 02 01f (Mii Am Tel A Tel I28!f 128)4 128 128)4 Am Tobacco 200)4 202)4 S01 202)1 Am Wool pf tr r 90 90 05)4 05M Amerlcau Zinc 09)4 09 09)f Anaconda Copper 89 89)f 89)j S9H Associated. Oil f)., 04 04 O) Atch T A S F 105)4 100!f 1054 100! Atlantic Coast Lino. ...Ill 113 113 113 naldwln Loco 110)4 117 110)4 110'4 naltlmoro A Ohio 92)4 0.1!f 9254 93! iiau a unio pr 77)4 77)1 77'4 uatopiias Mining 3H 3 Bethlehem Steel 47n 405 Brooklyn Union Gas... iai 13) Burns Bros 85i 87 Butte A Superior mii (17 t Butterlck Co 31 31 Cal Petroleum 32U 325j Cal Petroleum pf 0)f 01 Canadian Pacific 179( 181 Cent leather Co 62)4 5354 i-cni s s A Tel Ml 14t i nesapcake & Ohio.... Oljf Chile Copper 21)4 Chlno Copper 51' i Chi St I'M AO 120 Chlcaco Oroat West . . 1 1'i tin t west pf as'i c st r it a o pf. i;ni .Nortriwcit .. CM III A Pac Cluctt Pea A Co... Colorado Fuel A I.. Computing Tab Itec .135 ..130)5 .. 10U .. 74 . atf 481 i 3 405 IX) SO'f 00'4 31 31)4 0D4 179 6254 141 02 21)4 541f 110H 110)4 15 15 39 39 135)4 1.WJ 135JJ 130U l.'SO'f 130U 10U 10)4 10'4 74 74 74 515 C1W 515X 48)5 ASM 4814 03 24', MM 120 15 39 714 3)4 405 133 87 07 31 32)4 0154 180)4 03)4 111 03 244 6554 Sales of Copper Reported at 22 Cents Reports that spot copper had sold at 22 cents, whllo thoy ennnot bo con firmed, exclto no surprlso in tho coppor trade. Thero is little, if any, spot metal available, and thoso who havo It can get pretty much what thoy want for It. PRE-IIOLIDAY TRADING ON COTTON EXCHANGE Prices Held Steady After Middlo of Day NEW YORK, Dec. 23. Trading was of a prc-hollday character on tho Cotton Exchange this morning, only small lots changing hands on tho call. Tho tone was steady, January showing an ad vance of ono point, April being two points higher, whllo tho other months wero ono to flvo points lower. Tho fea ture was tho selling by traders who usually represent nn important operator ond buying of tho near months by Now Orleans houses with offerings of the Into options by the samo Interests. Tho de mand was small and increased declines of two to soven points wero recorded bc foro tho end of tho first soven minutes. Liverpool camo better than expected, being fractionally higher as against losses of one-half to ono nnd one-half points expected. The inr -hot was quiet. Clear conditions provallcd in tho cotton belt. Temperatures wero lower especi ally In tho southeast where heavy frost was reported. The market wns unsettled during the middle of tho morning and ruled 8 to 9 points under last night's closing figures. Tho steadiness of Liverpool and tho well maintained prices In tho Southern spot markets seemed to mako Ittle Impression on sentiment, while tho reports of further advices In ocean freight rates yesterday led to Increasing pessimism concerning tho export situation. Liverpool bought Janu ary, but was a seller of later months, nnd thero was scattering January liquidation, part of which was replaced by purchuses of the later deliveries. Except that these readjustments of commitments business fccemed to be confined to scattering liqui dation which was absorbed by limited buying orders around tho ring. No fresh feature developed during the middlo of the day and prices held fairly steady at rallies of a point or two from the lowest. A wire from New Orleans aid that exporters wero offering the highest basis of the season In the South. Humors of an easier turn in the spot attuatlon were not confirmed. New York Bond Sales rmno Albany & S111 314s . SJI.-Jio Anclo-rr L. ..... . 11X10 Amer Smelt Sec &. Kmo Ann Arbor In HiMiii Atchison cen 4s ... noon docv 4a uhio IfKUM Atl Knot X, C 4s.. low Unit it o 3J4s :iS(MI do 4. llJUOO io cv 4(4h IIlKh. I.ow. mfr .NH5 .'000 Deth Klpri' lOOil rfil n .. Mmio Brook It T 4s lliiu ao f.3 1MB 3000 C O C Ken 4a .... 400(1 Cent Lw.lth. lit B3 1000 Cent i'ac 1st 4s .. 1M) Cent Hit N J 0 ., " vrnui Conner 7a. .. IIS ..114 .. inv, ..MX, ..lo.-.ft .. 87 .. i2j; 1st Ca le. Ml' 3; lOl'J .1W Conpe & Ohlc January Aiaren April .... Slay .... July ..... December October ,. Spot Test, close. Open. 11 a.m. IS m. .11. Ml ,...12.17 '"."liMo ,...ll.b3 ::::i6 MS HUT 12.28 1U.4H 12. 50 11. TO 12.0S 12.33 12. W lilii litlai ll.Tl 12.08 vS.sn 12.4.1 11.78 I p:m. 11.83 12.13 1287 12. SO Cotton Receipts NEW TOrtK. Dec. 23.-The receipts of cotton at the ports for the day are estimated at 30,000 bales, compared with 35,577 bales last week, 63.052 bales last year and 31,315 bales in 1913. Liverpool Cotton UVEBFOOL, Dec 33. Spot cotton was reported in moderate demand at un changed prices on the basis of 7.63d. for mid upland. The sales, S00O bales, in cluding COOO bales American. The Im ports were 6000 bales, Including 1000 bales American. The market for futures closed steady, with distant months 5 points higher to 1H points lower, The following table gives the range of futures today, compared with the pre vious close; Jny.-Feb. ... T.U T.40 , T.41 March-April,, 7.38 T.38V4 7.38, May-June ... 7.S8 7.27 7.2(H4 July-Ausut. 7 21 7.10Vi 7.10 , Oct-Nov. ... 6.81 0-83 6.62H 7.89 7.3SJ4 7.262 7.103 6.8 Today openlas. Yesterday's close. Lrias.so NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NEW TORK. Dm. 23. Dealing's -were small oa ihi CoRte Baclianne today. Traders were not Interested In the market to any extent and tba general situation showed little chance. (juoiauoiu jguuw; December ,,,,,,, January ., ,, February March ,,...,..... April May June ,..., July . Auarust September October November 4 Bid. S.5S 6. (SS4.6S 6.6J m aiMsa.88 t e.siiss.eo H.c.'an.in 6.(iTi6.67 .8A.CO .72S6.74 -7G6.7a tf.jwjaai 6.8gi.si .sii.ii 6.65S7.00 711 ..icn ..lin :ix Ches & Ohio cv iU.. HiK hx cues 6i Ohio 4S Ill i'Ooo Chi & Hast HI Ss.... (.2 ikvhj Chi 11 & Q Joint 4s. . Hi'; WO Chi II & J rfon .-. . . tcitl iffl Chi Mil & St 1' cv 5S.11I7 .t(K) Cons tins cv (la 121 3mJ Del & Hud conv fis rp.Knl 10 Del Hud rtd 4s.... (I 1000 I)en Ji Hlo Gr 4s so lwoi) DIs Secur Corp 5s.... TJ14 200(1 rtu I'ont Powder 4i.101tJ (HXO Hrlo conv 4s. Ker A.. 70'2 20.fiO0 KrlB conv 4s. Her H.. SO. 3() Krlo prior 4 RT NH) (Iroen Bay B 13'i 3.vmo Ot Falls row Us TOU 10VO llud .t Man rfd Sa... 748 ano Ins Copper cv (la 1M () Interb .Met 4Hb 7MJ Tx Interb It T rer Ba li-nj "" Inter Mer Mar 4Ss... 11 lOKxiO do ct 4Ws S :t(Ki Jnp new Cltr ata 4V4s. 7.'A (.V) J.ipanrso new 4s "SS 7(iO Kan City Ho lt 3s 111 1(K) Kan C'ltv Ter 1st 4.. si m) lacka Steel Sa 1023.. mil 2:UTOO Ijtck.l Steel 3a 11)30. . !I2 1 llOi Lk Hh deb 4m lfiSS mil 4'WKO I.k Hh ileh 4s 11131 IH 2dOO Lie & M T fia 101 ??? ??Sx,'.Co Ua s" A.. 118 HHXl Md Tac 4a 4J ,-, .,iu rdc uv CI .is. Ha. 8:40 r.M ii4j; I)2'4 fllti llllti 102 $ Nl 100-14 7I HK) HUVi rmoo Mont Tower 6s 11.11 2"nk N.it Tube (Ja nii; l.'C) N V C fie...., unl lliC ma? ... M"i sul Kit: iL'lli ii'iiT niiT vi K 114, 1M !I2'4 lilt IHIV, 1021; lOWi lli 1MJ' 115 11(1 1.14 3 m 82 1I7'1 im'J 1(17 121 100 till so 72U ion! 70l 78 '4 8.1 13'i 74 lt 7(114 111)-. up! 74 Vi 78 WIS (Ct 1ISK 112 043, tmu 42 4T1A I'.HS HKI'i Consolidated Qai lli 1 15 114U Ml1 Corn l'mlticti ltcf 10,'f corn rroducu Hot pf. 01 Cniciplo Steel 72f Cuban-Am Sugar 158 Distillers Securities' I7V5 KI Storaco Bat f)$ Erlo .HH Erie 1st pf 5,r)H Fed Mln & Smolt pf. . o2'f ucn ticctnc , Gen Motors Gen Motors pf Goodrich II V Co .. Goodrich II F Co pf, Greene-Canada Great Northern pf Gt .V cfs for ore prop. 4S1 i 10JS 10 11)' 02,'f 01H 02U 7.114 73 7.1!i 157 157 157 10' 47H 1DK OUf 014 ftlJf IIU AM 41!f 50 55.' 50 TOM 52H 53 i7i nn-mi 173'f .100 400 450 40.5 .121 110 HSVa 118!$ . 72lj 73 72J. 72'f .112 111 llli Ul'i . m)i 51 503. SI 125H 125U 125K m 121 otii 21H 78' 4Sa 45) 2(4l .N V C & II 3Us. . 4(HJ) NYC?, ir 4U . (1000 N Y City 4s ld.V) 1181? Dili u'slS 120i) N Y C ty 4a 10(1.1... IfKl lOliJ j, "ll .' Y l!n II i. B J, w L, JL 2(KKI N Y N U Ai It cv Mi 72t. 20 N Y N II & II 4s 103(5. N)04 11,00 N Y Itwy rot 4s 72? RVH N Y llwy adj 5s R.HJ I.WHI Norf & West 4s anj 10.V10 Nor I'ac prior 4s ill 2f,iX do gen .Is H.VI 1H0) radflc Tel 3s t0J btfioo enna xen ct 4'4s Hnrtl 1V) i o C & St I..4HS 10114 .jmju jieuuinK Ken is ii-ii aaj os . iit'4 M: SHKiO Seaboard A I. 4(N4) Mouth I'ac 4s :i() do cv 4s 88H 1?'JMIO rfrt rv rrt t n . IniK jos) ao rra 4s WOO Syracuse LtE Ss.... ismo South llwy gen 4s.. 2000 Houth Itwy con 3s.. 34ftoi) Tenn C ret t o 0a.. (Kl Texas Co Os 4(K 10 Third Avo new 4a.. MOO Third Ave adl 53. . lmioo II B Steel Sa 3000 Union Vac rfd 4s . 80(i) Va Car Chm 1st 3s 8000 Wabash 1st 3s 2000 Wlscon Cent gen 4 jin'i ..100 .. 71 ..10.1 ..12114 ..lftlt! .. MU .. S(W ..103(4 . . 0O .. 1)8 ..103U .. SOU T. 34 tj III'. 1)2 HVi IVIl' iobt a? 8S 105 8'T4 1(10 71 103 12()'i 1(11 M im ; not! 0(VS Mi. Kh I2S Hi'? 02H (11 'i Wljl Hrt 101 14 04 r,7'J 8HU 8S(! 1055! Ifrt 71 10.1 121H 11 11 Kl SHI 10.1, 0014 os so?; DIVIDENDS DECLARED Arllntton Mills, rerular semiannual 13. General Oas and Klectrlc Company, regular quarterly 1ft per rent, on preferred, payable January a 10 hiock oi recora uecemDer 22: also H of 1 per cent, on preferred outstanding oeyieiuuer iw, tvi,. unu - ot i per cent. (ireierreu uuiaiaimuiK ovwieiiiuer dl), 1UIO, uinifanv, rrxuii lri payable on J. H 4 per cent. common Stet&on Comoanv. ererreu ana 10 per cent. record January 1, Lehigh Coal Bale; 2V4 per cent., pay record January u. Be regular semiannual nd 13 ner cent, nn January 13 to stock o( erly ot a Company, usual quarte ble January 13 to stock Ta.. ..,. (!.a,tII.. frt wm. m.. , I j. .. m.,a i..vj.j, mwvm... bvipi.a.iuu. irtumr 3uarieriy lh per ceni. on preierreu, payaoie anuary IS as registered December 31. Massachusetts (las Company, regular quar terly J1.2J. payable February 1 to stock of record January 13. Norfolk and Western, rerular quarterly 1 per cent, on preferred, payable February 10 to stock of record January 3L. ENGLISn DEPOSITS EXPAND Bank Reports Substantial Gain in Bullion, but Reserves Are Lower LONDON. Dec. 2J.-Althoush the Bank of England reported substantial trains In deposits and bullion, the reserves re ceded slightly this week and the propor tion of liabilities fell from 23.6S per cent, to 22.70 per cent, No change was' made In the dUcount rate. Details follow: This week. T.at rlr .C33.0U7.6lO 34.2nA.OG Circulation ,.,... Public deposits ,,..,.. S3.134.000 S4.136.00O VO, IOl.tAf 1M.1 FOREIGN EXCITANGE EASIER NEW YORK, Dec, K. The market for foreign exchange opened easier with de mand sterling qui ted nominally at 4.78 and cables at 173. Francs were easier at 5.8 lU for cables and S.S5 for checks. Other quotations were: lUlcbmarks, 7S 13-15 and 7S U-18: lire, cablea, .67. checks, (.571,; Swiss cables, 6.2W. checks, i-im. Vienna. IJ.34 and 13.30, Stockuolm, 70 on4 P). pesetas, 14 0 and 1S.S3. guilders, i3S-2s and US-lfi r ubles, 31Vr d 31. ground midday alerting developed a fwewbat priaT tone demand rising to i"iT a4 cables to i!3(. French ex-r"-r sa steady at the earlier uo- . c &fc few caWes anjiJ ItoS for checj. T Private rinDAsltn Hovernment seeuritlea. 32.810.OuO other urltlea , 102.4Vi.ono Heaerve 31.413,000 iToportlon of reierve to liabilities .'9i Bullion Sl.Oai.OuO Banlc rat S soomt 32.840.000 Uu.SiB.tmj 34.404,000 C0.281. M.33 6 U. G. I. Subsidiary Financing It became known today that the United Gas Improvement Company was prepar ing to finance out of treasury cash the payment If 15,100.000 Involved In the pur chase of the Indiana Lighting Company and the General Service Company by the Northern Indiana Uas and Electric Com pany The latter will issue its securities to the Vnited Gas Improvement Com pany BAR SILVER TjONDON, Iei' 23. -The quotation lot com- lai oar u-rer was -r oencs cooay Gucecnhclm Ktpln Homestako Mining.... Int Agricultural pf.... Inter Con Corpn Inter Con Cor pf International Tapar.... International Paper pf. Inspiration Coppor. . . . Int Mercantile Marine. Int M M pr crdp Int Nickel Knn City South K C Ft S&M pf Lack Steel Lake Krlo & West Lake Krlo & West pf. . Lehigh Valley Loose-WIIej HI? 1st pf . May Dept Stores Maxtrell Motors Max Motors 1st pt. Max Motors 2d pr. Mexican Petroleum. Mnx Patroleum pf. . Mo Kan A Tex pf. . M St P & S S M.. Miami Copper Minn i. St LouiJ 11U Missouri I'aclllc 1 Natl Cloak & Snlt 79W 48K 7SH 125 CI) 21 78 -f 12M 19 15i 18V, Nat Lead Nat Lead pf , Nat Ky of M 2d pf . . . Nevada Con Copper... N Y Air llrako N YN U& II Now York Central.... NY Chl& St L N Y C & St L 1st pf. .N Y O & West. 4SJ4 78K 12.j o9 215 78tf 12 49!f 45JI 19 71! DO! 3U 07 SI! 15! 3S S2! 00! Bl! roi 10 1H 10m loiii 50)1 CO'X 55 102'f 100 102U 07 07JS 07j inif 15Ji 12.'l 10 l 70U 111) 8JJ lfltj 7.1)i 70 73U 190 WDM 195 am 3U( 31 08 07 07 HIM SIH 81 l.'l 15!I 14 31 38 34'f Sl!j 82H HUi 00), 00)1 00 0214 oui am 70 VOW 74M ...123 MM 15'i 125f 4s;i 78U 125 59 JIM 78)1 12)4 49) I 45H 1SH 73f 195 Mi 07 81H 15M 37H 82 00)( Gl), 75)ii 101M 55 10fl)S 07li 15: 122H 123 (4)1 31)i 05M 112 83, 15!. 15U 4 79'f KH 110 m 1m 15)1 4 793f on 110 sn 15 13514 m7 82 117', O'l'd 107 121 110 80 724 lOlli 7(i 78t 83 13U not; 74 V, 1K1 7Cr !.ll 13 8t Norfolfc 0: Western. ...120'i 122)f 120'1 122W 02 ItlV, loot 118 42 43W US7: 1 iU 1? 130)f 137J4 130)1 137H 74'f 75!j 74! 75. 105'f 100'i 105)1 100TJ 43'5 40). 43 40)i 81 If 8,'J 83 8.1 10)5 31 30)j 31 North American 72)a Northern Pacific no Ontario SUM 10!f Pacific Mall 11)5 Pcnn It It 58f Philadelphia Co UM Pittsburgh Coal 35)i Pittsburgh Coat pf....lll Pressed Steel Car 61 Pullman Co 100 Ity Steel 6prlng. Itay Con Coppor.... Heading Rep Iron & Steel.... Hep Iron & Steet pf. Hock island Co pr.... Kt Louts &S K St Louis & S F 2d pf , Seaboard Air Line... 14 2Hf si?; r.n. 73 72M 72)i 110U 110)( 110!f 10)4 10KV10M UM 11)4 58), 59 45 45 35)5 35JS 111)5 112 05 05 10551 1055 i 41 41 11)5 59 45 30)5 112 05 1055S 44 25)( 82 55U Slti 81!i 51) 55 109J5 lOOJi 109f 100'f a a a u m 555 0)i 0)5 0)5 0)4 18) 18 IS 18 seaboara Air una pi. . 3S 39JJ 3914 39JJ Dears iiuo . iu ie.j lain 1SI( 18411 Slois-Shef S Ss. I Co... 02 03 02 03 Southern Pacific 101 10U5 lOOU 101! . 22IJ 23 22) nrH . Olfi 01J 0131 OIJi I0S)f 109 107 108)4 .113 113 113 113 . 50f 01) 00 00)5 .23Uf 233'i 230)f 230)1 . 145. 15 14)5 11)5 59)1 60)5 59)j 59)f i I . 04 05)5 . 9)1 11)5 .130)1 137IS . 83)5 S3)5 .124)1 129 .149)f 148 Southern Ity. Southern Ity pf Studebaker Co Studebaker Co pf Tenn Copper Texas Co Texas & Pacific Third Avenue Toledo St L 4 W.... Twin City Rap Tr... United Cigar Mores.. Union Pacific Union Pacific pf U S Ind Alcohol United Krult United Itjrs Inv 21!f 21H US'Runber 64)1 54M US Steel 80 80)1 US Steel pf U0i 11055 Utah Copper 70)5 80.' 1 Va-Cara Chem 47 4715 Wabash w 1 15)1" 15U Wabash pf A w 1 45 45)5 Wabash pf O v 1 28JI 29)5 Wells Fargo Express.. 130 128H 120)5 120)4 immui oai ous osjf OD Western Maryland,...; 31H 3J 32 3J Western Union Tel . . 87 87 b7 87 Wheel 4 h E 1st pf. . . 15 10 15)f 18 Wheel ALE 2d pf... 5H 5)4 5 555 Willys Overland 242)5 240 231 JX 240 Willys Overland pf ...112J, U3H 113)5 113M Wooiworth V W C0...U9J1 120 110)i 120 Quoted tx dividend. 7 7 05K 0535 9)5 0)f 137 137)5 82tj 8255 121! 12735 148 148 2Uf 21)f 54)5 54)5 80) 8034 110U 11635 80)5 80)5 4B! 4755 15)1 15H 45 45)5 28)f 29 Employes Can Buy Harvester Stock CHICAGO, Dec. 23. The International Harvester Company today offered its employes an opportunity to buy its stock and share Its profit. An employe may buy stock up to 11000 worth on the partial plan and the company will add a sum equal to one per cent, to employes' earn ings to the payments each year. BATES FOR MONEY Call. New York, , 1J.U2 Tlnaron ...................... 3 Chicago 3HB4 commercial adelcbU. 3HI .Time. ater. tbree to six months. 4 per cent. m BANK CLEARINGS Bank clearing? today compared with corre sponding day last two years: 1815. 1914. 1918. Philadelphia. I42.96O.0T3 131.llW.62a Holiday Boaton 20.67S.4O0 Sl.lul.6SuS Holiday New York, 470.3 iu.eaU 225.072.98 Holiday Traction Company Buys Land CHICAGO, Deo. 23.-The Vnion Traction Company has acquired more land on the west bank ef the Cbiuujo B.ver Tha MAY AND JULY WHEAT HIGHER Minneapolis Reported Falling Off in Flour Business Sales Abroad Limited Sales in Philadelphia CHICAGO, Dee. 23. Unexpected Btrenrrth at Liverpool caused n firmer tone In May nnd July wheat nt tho outset today, but December wnn down He, nt 1.214, under liquidation. Mny started nt 9)1.24 to t!.23. riRalnnt 1.23 nt the end yesterday, nnd July nt 1.U to H.13-4, against $1.13, yes terday's last price. Tho market was fev erish. Tho Illness of the Kaiser nnd uncer tainty regarding political developments nbroad checked buj-Inff. Export sales In tho Inst 21 hours wero small, being esti mated nt only 300,000 bushels. A material falling off In flour business ns compared with tho preceding week was reported nt Minneapolis. Sales abroad were limited. At Liverpool the decline In wheat hero yesterday was offset by a scarcity of supplies, nnd tho market wns stronff, with nn urgent demand for spot. It wns bclloved that llttlo wheat would be received nt Hrltlsh points from exporting countries, other than America, for the week. Additional reporta cams to hand with regard to tho rapidity of the harvest In Argentina, whero wenthor conditions aro favorable. Excellent weather for gather ing tho Australian crop also was reported. Tlio receipts nt Minneapolis and Duluth today wero 1153 cars, ngalnst 434 cars a year ago; at Winnipeg 6S7 cars, ngalnst 160 cars; at Chicago 155 cars, against 173 cars. Corn was not actlvo and prico changes wero small. Tho receipts here today wero 181 cars. Oats were quiet and steady. The receipts today were 107 cars. Leading futures ranged as follows: . . . Test'd'a Wheat open, lilgn. December .. 1.T21H 1.23 Mny 1.21 1.24J4 July 1.14 1.151 Corn (new dellery) . T'ecomlier .. 70 71 4 M'i 7ii Low. l.-ul 1.7Z: 1.13 Koon. close. .134 it. ioon. cio i 1.23 1.21 H 1.24 tl.23 J 1.13 1.13' Mnv JulV Dnts 1'eccmber Jlay Ijjril January May .... Klhs January Jlay .... I'ork January "" lild.' :: iik .. 42 .. 43H ..n.r.7 .. 0.87 .. fl.RO ..10.12 ..1S27 .1,1.40 42U 40 n.ftn 0.87 70 74'J 42 40K 0.37 0.93 7t 7$ 70 74?t tVi 45, 0.37 0.S3 0 00 0.87 n.so 10.15 0.80 0.12 10. n.RO 0.77 10.13 '10.10 tAskeil. 1S.33 1S.30 IH.02 ttS.17 18.30 11S.4B 18.S0 18.33 LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAGO. Dec 23.-11008 Ilccelptn. r.0.000. Market 10c. lower. Mixed and butchers, 3.M3flOK0. jrooil heavy, o.1Mii.60i rounh l'oavy. 3.83(i.l(: light. J3.03BO.SO; Pigs. I.W 0.30jliulk, .03fi(1.33. j CATTLH-Hecelpts. 3300. . .Market steady. Hooves. W.noiin.sA; cows and helfpre, 3!t8.40; Texnns. D.308i calves, fs.S09U.7S. M SHUUP Itecelpts. 6000. Market steady. Na tlvn and Western. JJ.C0it0.0Oi Iambs, 10..10 Bt).50. NOVEJIBEU EXPORTS RECORD Vnluo for Month Wns $331,114,627. October Nearest WASHINGTON. Dec. 23. Tho record of exports In November has never been sur passed In tho history of American trnde. Thoy wero $331,114,527. Tho month that comes nearest to this was October, 1915, when tho exports totaled 323,630,28L Tho trndes of the cntlro year ending with No vember, 1015, went up over tho flvo bil lion mark. Tho total vnluo of Imports for tho year wero $1,730,3 13,220, nnd tho ex ports wore vnlucd at $3,437,202,533. One year ago November exports aggre gated $203,878,333, and In 1312, which wns tho formor record, $278,214,101. Tho export balance for November was $166,825,358, no compared with $70,411,271 for November, 1914, and for tho twelvo months ended with Novembor last, $1,707,019,304, as ngalnst $212,512,093 ono year ngo and $73S, 472,118 two years ngo. Duty-freo Imports comprised GS.3 per cent, of tho November Imports, compared with 62.1 per cent, for November, 1311. Cold Imports during November, 1915, nmounted to $60,981,540. as against $7,391,729 In November, 1914. Twelvo months' Im ports of gold aggregated $110,630,976, ns compared with $58,352,033 m tho preceding year. Novembor exporto of gold wero valued at $3,661,153, as ngalnst $14,5W,4I!2 In November, 1914, whllo for twelvo months ended with November, tho total wns $19, 607,557, ns compared with $233,037,825 In the preceding year. Instend of a net outward gold movemont of $174,705,790, ns In tho twelvo months ended with November, 1914, tho year Just ended shows a net Inward gold movement of $330,953,419. NEW YORK CURB NEW YORK, Dec. 23. Tho markot for outside securities was extremely quiet and Irregular. Chevrolet sold down to 127, while Poolo Engineering and Ma chinery advanced from 117 to 121. jjdi. ASKen Inter. Continental iiuouer.,. renna Mar ana um I'oole Encre & Mchy . Houston Oil Mtdvale meel tit Jos Lead Kennecoit Ilradcn AJax nubher Int Mer Mar ......... Int Mer Mar pref ... Chevrolet Haskell & Barkor .... 14. :::iS8" ::: ... 13(i ... 34K ::: 8 ... 73 ...127 ... 37 14Ti !Vs 5T 74 H 131 r.i'4 Id's (504 ISO 38 PUBLIC UTILITIES The financial statement Issued by the Public Service Corporation for November shows n gross Increase in total business of $307,061, or 10.10 per cent. After pay ment of operating expenses, ilxed charges, sinking fund requirements, etc., the bal ance available for amortization, dividends nnd surplus was $177,201. The Incrense over November, 1914, In surplus applicable to dividends was $55,739. For the eleven months ended November 30, 1915, gross Increase In total business was $1,435,603, or 4.42 per cent, more than the correspond ing period last year. There was an In crease In surplus available for dividends of $218,241. The Pennsylvania Public Service Com mission refused a hearing on the appli cation of the South Lebanon Electric Company for Incorporation. The opinion establishes a precedent. The company asked the right to operate in a district where, the evidence showed, according to the opinion, there were already two com panies and nothing to establish that the service they gave was Inadequate or that any demands had been made for service which they had not granted. Commis sioner Pennypacker, who wrote the opin ion, said: "If the commission could limit the territory as designated It would be. In effect, to relieve the corporation from certain of the duties imposed upon It. The grant in a charter is accompanied by certain burdens which have 'to bo met." Copper Imports and Exports WASHINGTON, Dec. 23.The statistics of imports and exports of copper for the week ending' December 11 were as fol lows: Imports, 2,611,051 pounds of ore, matte and regulus, valued at $312,368, and 4,855,753 pounds ot pigs. Ingots, bars, plate and old, valued at $S6S,055. Domestlo ex ports were 15,793,210 pounds of pigs. In gots, bars, plates and old, valued at $2, 662,163. Embargo Helps Domestic Steel Trade PITTSBURGH, Pa., Dec. 23. The em bargo on munitions placed In the east by the railroads, has caused the mills In this section to turn out 75 per cent, of the out put for domestic orders. This makes an easing steel situation and gives the western railroads a very heavily In creased freight tonnage. Condition of U. S. Treasury WASHINGTON, Dec. 23.-The condition of the United States Treasury, according to a statement Issued today, was as fol lows. Net balance in general fund. $107, 492,343 total receipts, $11,853,737 total pay ments, $.7S7.6S5 deficit for year $50,. S49 127. -xoJusl' ef 'hs r nama Ctnal 5 13 to 180 307 4306 100 17 100 23 2013 200 203 40 133 23 177 100 410 000 130 10 100 30 60 1 0175 25 23 200 1000 70 1000 4000 3000 2000 6000 33 7S 4200 100 6000 62000 1000 3:10 Te. elose. IIKth. Law. P.M. Amer Qas N J. 120 120 120 120 Am Ttwjs pfd.. 03 Pitt 0114 ni',4 Amer Smelt ...100 100 100 100 Buff A Bus t 0. -12 42W 42 42!, do pref , B0 r.SH M WH Cambria Steel.. 73W 73", 74W 74'4. Cal Tetrol 32 W 32W 82!4 EIoo Stor Hat.. 63 63 61H 63 Erlo 41i 41H 4t!i 41H Ins Co N Am.. 25 23 20 23 Lake Sup Corp 0 J0V. OH p',. Loh Vol Tran.. 18". 18 18tt 181, do pref 38 3S 38 3S Norf & West .... 12W 1H 121H Penna nit 68!J 50 oSy. B8'4 r salt Mfg ... 09 oo on no Pa- Steel pref... 82 81 S2J4 8' Thlla Co 44U 43 44tt 43 do cum pref.. 4211 421 42 4i Phlla Eleo 2S 2S1 2S4 28H rilTtr ctfs.. toy. IOTA 101 ion lUy Cons 244 23 23 23 Ton Ilolmont.. 44 4,'is 4 4 Ton Mining ... 7 7 64 7i BOI 8S!i 89K 88tt WW Un Cos N J ...223 223 223 223 U S Sleel 80H 881 SOU 80K U S nubber ... Bl'i M BIS BIS Warwick I & 8 10H WW M4 0!i Last prov. 2:40 Sale. IIlRh. Low. P.M. Am Oas A rt Bs 00 80 89 89 Jleth Steel 0S...110V4 110H HOS 1104 Cm Stl acp 1010 OS OS OS OS El & Te Tr 4s. 81 KW 80 Lh Nv 4H,1024 .. 102U 102U 12'4 Lh Vlst 4s 1018 .. 100 100 100 do reg 100 100 100 Penna iren 4U,s.ieo 100i 1004 100W Phi Co icp 1910.100 100 100 100 do 1018 t8tt OS", 0SH 08'i Thll Eleo 4s.... 84 84 81 84 do 6s 104 101 101 104 Span-Am 1 (l..102 102S 102 102 Un lly lno 6s.. 73i 74H 73; 74H W X Y &P gnls 83 82 82 82 PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND FLOUR WHEAT. Itecclpls. 60,333 bush. Tho market ruled firm with n good Inquiry from exporters nnd millers. Ouotatlona. Car. lots. In export elevator. No. 2 rod. opot nnd Decombcr, J1.J.1 8(1.23; No. 2 Southern red, $l.21(rl.sn. "teamer o 2 red. J1.2(iU1.22: No. n red, 1,20ffll.2i rejected A, J1.17VW1.1U'.,; rejected 11, Sl.lui; 1 18 'cdnN. Ilecclpts. 10.312 bush. . The market wns quiet, but prices were well maintained. Quotations: Cnr lots for local trnde, ns to location. Old Western No. 2 yellow, W KlViC; old Western Bteamer yellow. WWie WW.; old Western No. 3 jellow, JSHBiDVici new rob. per 70 lbs, LlffGOc. . . OATS. ItecelptR. 10,218 bush. Trade wns qulot, but oftcrlnKs wero moderate and Prices ruled steady. Quotations: No. 2 whlto, 48ftf 40c, standard white, 4747Hc; No. :i white. 4tUM0',c., No. 4 white. 44M3a: sample oats, 42frt3c.i purlrtcd oats, eradcl. 474Sc. FLOUR. necolrts. 1410 bbls. and 432.423 lbs. In Hacks. Thero was little trndlnir. but mill limits were well sustained. Quotations per 1UU lbs. In wood: Winter clear. 5.16irS.40; do.. stralKht, $3.3013.7B: do.. .Patent. S3.801J (1.10. KaiiMi, clear, Juto sacks, S!t23ft3.BO; do.. strnlKht, Juto Backa. I3.60ft3.73: do., patent, Juto sacks. 5.73JtO: . snrlnc. first clear. 13.6093 73: do.. KtralBht, 3.7600.1)0: do., patent, $0fl0 33: do., favorite brands. J0.WMC (I.S0J city mills, choice and fancy Patent, $H.6(S0 SO: ellv mills, reuular pradesMntor, clear. S5.13M3.40: do., stralcht. S5.60fi3.73: do., patent. S.-..80flrt.l0. . t . HYE KI.OL'It was quiet, but Arm .under small suppIIck. Wo quoto nt $3,235(3.60 per bbl., ns to quality. PROVISIONS Tho market ruled steady with a fair Johblne trade. Quotations: City beef, in Bots. smoked nnd alr-drled. 24S2Sc; Western bepf. In sets, smoked. '.'40230.. city beer, knuckles and tenders, smoked and alr-drled, 2U&27C.; Western beef, knuckles nnd tenders, smoked, S22.B01T2.1. hams. S. P. rured. loose. 1SB15V4C.; do., skinned, ioose, lUUUlS'lc.: do., do., smoked Uit!lW.c: other hnms. smoked, city cured, as to brand nnd nveraito. Kl'iWuc.: hams, smoked. Western cured, ld'-jtf 17c: do., boiled boneless. 22c.. picnic shoulders. S. P. cured, loose. 12c: do., smoked, 13c.:, bellies In Oloklo. according to nvernKe. loose. 13K1.1VSC : reakrast bacon, ns to brand and average, city cured, 17fcMKc, : breakfast bacon, Western curod, 17fll8c: lard. Western, refined. In tierces. lOy.c: do., do.. In tubs, lone; lard, puro city, kcttlo rendered. In tierce". lpiC.i lard, puro city, kettle rendered. In tubs. lOc REFINED SUGARS Th market was quiet and unchanced. lie flners' list prices- Extra tlno Kranulnted, B.USc.i standas.1 Rmnulated, (c.: rowdered. O.o.-So.: contectloncrs1 A. 8.83c: soft Kradcs, B.lWi 3.73c. DAIRY PRODUCTS BUTTER. Demand was sufficient to readily absorb the limited receipts of fancy stock at top prices. Quotations: W.tein, .wild packed creamery, fancy specials. 30c. : extra, 37c; extra firsts. 330330. : flrBts, .lOfflllk;.; sec onds. 201720?.; nenrby prints, fanoy, 40c. ; do., nverase extras. 3739e.: do., firsts, 301733c.: do., seconds. 20U20C.; Jobbing sales of fancy prints, 431Mc. EfltlS. Fine now.lald ckks wero In irood re quest and firm under llsht orforlnns. v. e quoto us follows: Frco eases, nearby extras, 40o, per doz. ; firsts. SU.10 per standard case; nearby current receipts. $10.60 per case; West ern extra firsts. Stl. 10 per caso; firsts, $10.30 per case; refrigerator egKs, fancy, S..SO per case; do., firsts. $7.50 per case; do., seconds, Sd.30fi0.00 per case: do.. Inferior lots, lower; fancy selected candled eKKS wero Jobbing at 42ir-i4e. CIIEE8E. The market ruled firm under llpht offerings and fair demand. Quotations fol low: Now York, full-crenm. fancy, held, n't, (S17UC : "specials" higher: do., fair to Rood, held, lOUKlTc; do., part skims. UQllc. POULTRY LIVE. Choice stock Bold fairly and values were well sustained, Quotations: Fowls, as to bIzo and quality. 13frl5c; roosters, lliB12c,: spring chickens, according to quality. 13W16C. ; turkeys, 204122c. : ducks, as to size and quality, ilWliic: geese, 14810c: guineas, young, weigh ing 2 lbs, and over apiece, per pair, ft.le.flil; weighing m lbs. apiece, per p.ilr, MSiUoc. ; iAlBhlnip 1 (h. nnlece. ner nalr. 60c. : guineas. old, per pair. 60c: pigeons, old per pair, JZti 23c: do., voung. per pair. 1SU20C. UUESSED. Demand was good and the mar ket ruled firm with supplies of choice stock well under control. Quotations: Fresh-killed pouil land, do . do . fair, WS22c: do., old toms. 21cs do., otilla anA N'n. ! 1(ift!N(C. Fowls. 12 to ttOX. dry-plckeil, fancy selected, ISc.; do., welsh ing 4MB3 lbs. apiece. 17iic.: do., weigh. Ing 4 lis. apiece, lUUc; do., weighing 3H lbs. apiece, lBUlSUc: .do., weighing 3 lbs. and under apiece. VlflUc. Fowls. In b Ur.niry. picked-Fancy, 4W63 lbs. apiece. 17c: choice, 4 lbs. apiece, liic: smaller sizes, 12H$T14c. Old roosters, dry-picked. 13c Chickens Jer sey fancy broilers, 24C20c: other nearby far.iy broilers. 22!t21c: Western broilers, weighing mU2 lbs apiece. 20a22c: northern Illinois chickens, fancy yellow, weighing 4 lbs. and oer. In boxes, lSKlOc. : northern Illinois, fancy, weighing 2H4MV, lbs., in boxes. KWo 17c: northern Illinois, fancy, weighing 2V4 314 lbs.. In bbls.. ISfilOc: other Wjitern. weighing 4 lbs. and over, In boxes, 17B18c; other Western, weighing SU63U lbs.. In boxes, lSUlftM other . Western, weighing 2V4dW lbs.. In bbbi., 1413cs Inferior, 13c SprlnK ducks, nearby, 18jI2ue,t do.. estern. fancy. 17&18c: do., do., lair to good, 12l3c. (leee, nearby. lB-BlSc,; do.. Western, 1481dc Sauabs. per doien White, weighing 11 to 12 lbs. per dozen, $l.oOS3.40: wnlte. weighing. 0 to 10 JliJl.10. FRESH FRUITS Desirable stock was In fair request and generally steady under moderate offerings. Quo tations: Apples, per bbl. Jonathan, fancy, $.'1,234(3.60: do., fair to goo.1, $2 603: Mc. IntoaK. $.163.50; Wlneeap, $2.7S:t 2S: llaldwln. $2.6(ii3.2.1: Ulack Twig. $2.60l 23: Grimes' Golden. 2.50ii3i areenfiig. S2.504J3: York Im perial. $23.1: Twcntv-ounee.v $2S3; Pippin, $2&H: Ben Davis, f I.T3A2 50; other varieties. 1.60ja".bU; io. .. eivtl.o; awie. iu uuik. ,, CDICI II. U 3; a. per per craie, strap. Kbft: grapefruit, Florl. Ida. VEGETABLES Values were well sustained on choice stock, but demand was only moderate. Quotations: White potatoes, per bush. Choice. Waflll; fair to good, 81800c: white potatoes, Jersey, per basket No. 1 Rose. 50263c: No. 1 other varieties. OOaSScs No. 2. 2&30c.: sweet potatoes, Jersey, per basket No. .1. 40ej0c r No. 2 1S625C.; swett pol&toea, VlrglnU. per bbl . $1 604(1.70; onions, per 100-lb. bag No, 1 ilTofil.W. No. 2. 6oa75c. ; Cibtuge. Danish, pir ton. $8al0. celery New York per bunch. lM40c.: spinach. Norfolk, per bbl.. $161.23! kale. Norfolk, per bbl' OQ73c.i lettuce. Florida; per basket $2ft2 50; do.. North Caro llii per basket. 75c.B$1.60, beans. .Florida, per basket, $1.503.5Q; Mas. Florida, per basket. $2Sl: peppers. Florida, per carrier, Sieiit): fWPUnt. Florida, per crate Ssid 2.73: mushrooms, per 4-ib. basket. Slei.SO, ANNUAL MEETINGS TUB rUILAUELPHIA NATIONAL BANK Philadelphia. December 11, 1816. The Annual Election tor Directors will be held t the Hanking Home en Tuesday, jlnuary 11. 1910, between the bours ot IS Nln"d HORACE yORTESCUB. Cashier. PIKECTOBV OF ACCOUNTANTS CertlHed Publlo AccountsjiU 1, WXBmm pg tugbiKo iHi CAMBRIA STEEL TO BE LISTED j1 ON NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Local Market to Lose Another of Its Active IssuJ Philadelphia Company November Earnings Exnanrl J . 1 -n Ti-L-- C11S 1.1.1 tt,i. "i uommerciai raijer ivulus ongauy ociuer Plillndclphlft Is In ft fftlr way to lose the market for another ot Its most netlvo stocks. Announcement wna made today that tho Board of Directors ot tha Cambria Steel Company has decided to tako elcps to have tho shares listed on tho New York Stock Exchange. Although for somo tlmo this movo lias been deemed Inevltnblo by thoso who wero able to JudBO where tho heavy purchases of Cambria on this KxchanBO were golnc, nevertheless tho actual announcement camo as something of a shock to local traders. Kvery tlmo a Philadelphia Issue bo comes really prominently netlvo It seems to bo destined to bo removed to Wall Street. Local traders havo watched tho process with Increasing; Impatience, but l.avo been powerless to prevent It- In re cent years Philadelphia has lost tho main market for llcadlnrr, Pennsylvania, Lohlgh Valley, Philadelphia Company, Baldwin Loeomotivo and Lake Superior, and to a certain elittent Cramps' Ship building:. Now comes Cambria, which has been for months by far tho most prom inent Issuo hero, tho volumo of dally trades In tho stock alono often bclnff Brenter than tho whole of tho remain der of the list, taken together. Tho Street was also disappointed that nothing new In tho way of Information concerning tho rumored merger was given out after tho directors' meotlng this morning. Tho stock was quiet and rather heavy on 'change. Tho rest of tho Hat merely marked time, with narrow fluctuations. About tho only featuro was k .-J of demand for Lake Superior i moved up across 10 on moderate ?' chases. Pennsylvania Steel pref.mLi i another strong spot. In Ihs boMT. heavy trading In United RalC? 5S ment Bs attracted attention, CL'l' vnnclng ncross 71 on largo trail...., H Tho rlso was coincident with thj S tlon of tho Philadelphia Compan, v bcr report which showed euWr '' gains In both gross and net, nfigft increased 2S5.4M, while for ten J? the gross gain was 556,0. and ift Increase $1,133,700. a Xhi Although no changes In monty tvJ nro contemplated by the local hLi.n( this tlmo, tho market for funds li i,'," talnlng tho strengthened tone VhirW'i voloped last week. Several baniS ?& still out of tho market for comS paper and noto brokers nro reporiM . , bo moving up their offering rib? 2. efforts to dlsposo of their paper & bankers aro Inclined to bellevo thiiVi' stlrtcr tone will not prove to korn,5' the temporary movement which him?! , occurs at this tlmo of tho year. hitiS nnd business requirements. Ther li!. 1 w,...u ..., v.. ....., ivuio, na rejerru h many Instances are down to a point bi if tho former 23 per cent requirement u In force calls would already hare Z Issued. Withdrawals from thsearikiSl Christmas purposes were reflect J'l Inst week's clearing houso statement aSS aro likely to progress further this wlt FINANCIAL BRIEFS Scars, Ilocbuck & Co.'s sales In tho first huvvii imja ui ii;i;viiiut:i nww qwvtwv iv day. Tho company Is 10 days behind op orders. Kuhn, Loob & Co. havo comploted ne gotiations for tljo acquisition In Paris, for tho account of tho Southern Pacific Company, of bonds of the Central Poclllc Hallway Company 4 per cent. 33-ycar European loan of 1011, gunrnnteod by tho Southern Pacific Company, of which 2;o,000,000 francs nro outstanding. Tho Steel Company of Canada has ordered a distribution of 314 per cent, on account of back dividends on tho pre ferred stock In addition to tho regular quarterly payment of l?i" per cent. In issuo. Tho Haskell and Barker Car Company, of Michigan City, lnd., has been pur chased by Potter, Chonto & Prentlco and P. B. Kcoch A: Co., of New York. Tho company will bo recapitalized, with only ono class of stock and no bonds. Creditors of tho Dclmar Lumber Manu facturing Comany, which went Into bankruptcy throo years ngo, havo been awarded their final dividend, making a total of 21i per cent. Tho Franklin Automobile Company stockholders havo voted to issuo $1,100,000 additional common stock, bringing out standing capital up to $2,600,000. According to Paris estimates, sub scriptions to tho French loan will total at least $2,So3,000,000, of which $110,000,000 woro foreign contributions. Tho nnnunl report of tho Jim Butler Tonopah Mining Company for tho year ended September 30 shows totnl net reali zation of $3I3,4G3, as compared with $217, SOO In 1914. It wns tho most profitable year In tho history of tho company. On Soptember 30 tho company had cash In banks aggregating 250.6S0, and, In addi tion, on that date had on hnnd silver bullion to tho amount of $163,3SS, valued at 50 cents an ounce. Tho Illinois Supremo Court decided that Fedoral Reserve Banks may not engage In trust business in this State. Tho Anglo-French wnr loan bonds, 500, 000,000, havo been listed on tho Montreal Stock Exchange Iron Trade Review says: "Tho pig-Iron mnrket Is exceedingly strong. AVlro prices havo been advanced to tho highest fig ures In many years. Cast-iron plpo la higher, and tho general trend of quota tions Is upward. Inquiries totaling sev eral thousand tons .f bars for export, principally large rounds for manufacture of shells, aro -pending. Owing to the high prices of spelter, many galvanizing deurtments of shell plants havo suspended operations." Tho Maxwell Motor Company, Inc., re ports for tho threo months ended October 31, 1915: net earnings from operations, after deducting costs of manufacturing and expenses of advertising, selling, ad ministration and taxes, $1,423,489; other Income: cash discounts on goodj inj.1 Mt.nnn.1 t!?finm ..a......... . .. . .. .".! V.II..O..-.. w,.w, nuiiuijr miscdianeoH luvi-uufj, fj.v,d.v. luiui, tlfliro.BUf. Kulin, Loeb & Co. have connif.! for tho itccQiint of tho Southern Pid.!1 Co., of bonds of the Central Pacific RiM way 4 per cent. 35-ycar European loan 1911, guaranteed by Southernr Pacific Co 1 ot which 250,000,000 francs aro outstanii.tr.' ITnldnra nf tbn Anlnti T?irnlnle-. n.-1 I pnny Incorporated B per cent, gold nolei, 1 scries B nnd C, Issued and secured brVI denturodated May 1, 1913, aro notified Unit a largo number of tho notes which hard been drawn by lot will bo redeemed at' 101 nnd nccrued Interest on Januar'lJ next, after which dato interest ceasea, )' Tho Baltlmoro Tube Company, Inc m shortly bo incorporated to taks ever tin I assets nnd properties of the present Bald-1 1 moro Tubo Company. The new compaajj will havo a capital of $2,600,000 7 percent, cumulatlvo preferred stock, of whicl.3 $1,250,000 Is to bo'Issucd now, and tt,KWi common stock, of which $2,500,000 la to tVl issued. ... According to competent bankln aj-1 1 tnorltlcs it is estimated mat ine ewa market Is absorbing foreign HquIdiUoJl at tho rato of about $4,000,000 every daj.'l TO INCREASE CAPITAL I Chevrolet filotor uompany fatociuio.(.5 ers Act Today ,& NEW YORK, Dec. 23. Stockholdtri rf tho Chevrolet Motor Company meet till nfternoon to tako action on a prtji&tJ Incrcaso In tho company's capital flock VI from $20,000,000, tho present amomil,itars $75,009,000 or $100,000,000. It Is propoj(dto tako over about 50 per cent, of the itocliJ of tho Bcnornl Motors Company on tin basis which already has been outlined., f Ono In a position to know stated todar that the stock that will bo acquired U1J simply bo turned Into the treasury pfi tho Chovrolet company, thereby aaaarlsij control of tho property by the Duraat, Interests. Montgomery Harris Fire, Life & General Insurant Inspections mado. rates and full Infer nation furnished In connection wlio Workmen'H Compensation Insurance. 320 WALNUT STHEET Hell Telephones Lombard 381I-S1U. Tax Free in Penniylvania Penna. R. R. Cons. 4is, ni'i: .u-cii'ST 1. idm ' Tartlculara on application A. B. LEACH & CO. ,J15 South Fourth Street AN IDEAL INVESTMENT $3,500,000 Gold Bonds $1000 each Secured by First Mortgage on THE BELLEVUE-STRATFORD HOTEL Guaranteed at 4Y2 Interest By the Philadelphia Company for Guaranteeing Mortgages Dated Dec. 15, 1915 . Maturity Dec. 15, 1929 Interest payable semi-annually Assessed for taxation, $5,000,000 Appraised value, $7,500,000 The Bellevue-Stratford Hotel, at the S. W. corner of Broad and Walnut Streets, Philadelphia, with a frontage on Broad Street of 186 feet and depth on Walnut Street of 213 feet, oners exceptional security for the loan. National banks and trust companies as well as executors, trustees, guardians and all others acting in a fiduciary capacity will find in this offering a security embracing absolute safety with unusual value; a security combining all the essentials of a sound investment; a security that appeals to the discriminating investor, THE PHILADELPHIA COMPANY FOR QtTARANTEElNO MORTGAGES Is the trustee under the mortgage, the legalltj ' which has been passed upon by John G. Johnson, Esq., who has rendered an opinion that the bonds are a legal Investment i TRUST FUNDS In the State of Pennsylvania. Title Insurance to in amount of the mortgage has been furnished by The Land Title Trust Company. The unsold portion of the above bonds are offered at P" if, Interest, fully guaranteed both as to PRINCIPAL AND INTERM the guaranteed rate of Interest being 414 per cent, per annum. Circular upon Request Philadelphia Company for Guaranteeing Mortgages Land Title Building, Philadelphia WILLIAM H. NICHOLSON, President . J8- ft S8 onLJk7L . V tVJSS y.. TV .. J ftrwe.idtraUJfl.wi WU.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers