!- - '"'-W' 'WW m m$miivw tnw' "rjONS J-NTED-FEMALE 1 AA,1 t-Atll-l-'' "& EK!Si H iigor oco. US i'im.sim woman, .good trend SCAR'S sfturb-i 11 w. Ud. omc p"'" -,,-i tnunff wnuo woman nu bK-wtfiT II 218. '.cdgcr Office. ferSSsti wwitlon. rood refercncenr.lS L'JTrtDMlcnitfl white woman, city or PBfl'Sfc lr OMc. - P" ..-Vvi e s- York, desires engage- KSBARSSi style, evening gowns P- .tt 0158 engagement.; $2 80 PW"1 SflO I."i" " u,th nl OUnril. crnT homework; nlM"'.. iifnr. 1723 Hodman - - i.)i rpin hjRNBSa n.nn l'rotosinill, . w innes en- vfiMlit 0 weeks; small compensa 'Slt'Vmc. J M. A-wlecr Central. "moI"!"!' ft'f'rrVfl'A"'' WHs-ssi? Elderly woman wants nouse i7?"Krr.mlly. fall 1817 Ran.lcad st. .! ..rene'i-". - . CEfcw., chambermaid, with first-class WB3 1 W hJ-" allon ,,,,. ca tucs. ETwednesday. ""' ""'"'i-1 "i tS.STatf. private Jewish or Herman KsE, S?!"'? i.h,i relieve employer lW.",.i,. ret It 210. Ledger Office. 2J!22 vj..-.,m.n desire, "enso or will F-SB n housekrrpcr for gentleman; r'im?rVn"e. M J- ledger CcntraL p-rSTrsi-ounit woman vvl.hcs po In fcffiKfSt reference, ,MIJ. 10. Cent. Isrnrfriteneitriirlier, Ion builnr. cf PSTt1t correspondent, with executive r,we' he) dins roslllon of trust, desire fe'J Orst of yeir At references. Mr . "r"" ' -" -..-.. sn: krrTnV romnCTIU llcsllcn uii iui Kuan. rl. i rnplil. with executive tlesltea to make u ) nil. Lodger Off. capable, energetic. ktnrtl nr?j-i. .uruinr'Jirlki "" attn-lit. Tryme, .1 fill. Ledger Central. rsSTrilErt, 3 star cxptr : neat, capit ?2mle: tt rets J aj!!1Cnt: nllrtle: Soo5uriiF.. high Brliool and business eomrtnt .1 132, ld. Cen. WW '" .. .-I... .Ilullnll chamber- rt7T roiorea, .............. ZT.W housework or cook. h. Dick. Itll. fe'W'vK day work Tiicfl., t . T. -. .In nl hnmm In. mAToSn. no trlhefa. J Sl4r Central K-tTTijUV. cducatd. pi'i ,""""" " T 1 latoirlRi Art lhet humo near ! .,,M5;2.l 3 la In rj.lnimo for dllllra llttoi "''".,: r,, rrniler. ll'eil to ehll. Olaji, e .-" vv.i.i I 224. I.edier Hi rturtncto " ,..b. "f" .. .... i.i .. iii.",Kii...r "CiTttOMAN llie noltlon rriVte family "'"'"K ' 3.. delrt to to trenfd a- on tt! J . 1-e.lK" "" iO.iiuu ,t,ii i.-iiiivii ig to uo iioiio one or family ). J aw, '"' ' . . -sruT,TSTth coo.) lefereniea, Capilllo of ".urine in,) drfsmokiiiR. dealt ca n perma iPSJltloi " 'nmllv r clhc'c'H Hi, Ledger Cent . -jrtTiiv"wlth I "an1 exp. h gen. or Tislturt, knoBledgo or tenourntihv. dt .,t Mrmanent iostlt"n J old. Ledger Cent. sriKKfiiEriiij "i'v.v M!? a:?,'; nrl IDd prnaio jiui'ito m w... v..- kwRVWIVB. efficient, unkitio nnrt molt MICH SCUKU a ,'',-' ......-.....- -: ,m Department to llima fnklns. high- Mj. cm help. Ml Uean" at Ledger Till! 1 lw ll'led the iiuallllciltlnll'l or JOIIIIK Km iiwilenced In all Rinds of ntflco detail Lrt, ADO nas I'"'' pi-. in. .. ;."' ri -tor -inc riHut "i."" ' " ... , . (L . ., t.n .tl, imir timl- elllipr mal call or lelrplmno Walnut :!uik iwrioral attention Bill le glcn pionipt. Thl 14 IL frco scrWio to LUUUIIIt jVERTISDUS. lirUATIONS WANTED MALE tMTNTANT. OIM'S l'OIt KNAlllJMlLM. anuiu. !i rt.i ii i . -; " HILA. KCto li IMS i-iIj1ji.h i '"LiilLM; COCNTAN'T- Ai omitu nuilltcl, li'w.ka open- i, ittumcnu iunnsm(i( inryiiKaiions i-on- a'j .- T i-.l I .l,..i. f,r.l.i.l AUllll" fct'If lA'iU'i ' timi". IXjCyTANT-boohkrorr. I!rt i last, expert- 'M in oinee nmnaiT'n.rnr, toaip. cretin h, 'MtiMt. correaronJeni'D. tin-tn-dato mctli- li'ib'llty and rofcroni'ia offeroil. fijMJ Arch. J.NTA.NT, orn'p treuit nnu collection , txp.. dea. Iinnire II u."l. LeIrnr Crnr. XCLlJhi. want n "luntlnir, tmoklceptnt:. tupipMc. rierii al. tnshlcr work ecmnR3. iM, UNger t-ciunu )KXCEI'KU ani ntcnoKraphtr youTur man i -up,' ciianco ror am IlUVUiVlll. J 11 'J, Mftrjtenirai JKKEEPEK. thor-'Uuhli omi . exn.. dralrra sltlon with roll ihlo out em. J ."IS, l.vii. ))f. ITFECH wantH i -al l. rrlMito or (.0111 fll VnrrlBh Kt. rnuiv wiwia .i.iiiio. lLIv'01NUnit dealr.'H jmiU1om In tuchnlcnl tltrt'iUlDC. j ).., iu.t,er i entrai. t)X tniDatIer mother urnl on; Scotch rttnttpti, referent c J. w. :uii at. EPDLNER and tit Tint oinKle. thoro. i-XD.. Mrctif mtshes imsltluii l U, Led. Off Ice .CTFEUII AkcI .ij iliurouchly conuc :L MDerlencfd all maki b c iik. nhnnhitclv Ptotlable and can furnish unquestioned rei- ncf ; 3 )ar miop and ro.nJ. Adureas A. Hne. l.'U3 Heed bt , 1'hlladelphla. IFr'tUIt-Kxn. ouiitf i:ni:llhhm.in: will itpljioaltlon au 21-mun 11 HO 7, I.cil. Ctnl. ilTFEL'H. rrlato fa in 1 1 v. cood inochiTnlJt mrc lam i.mo. I ei, wi N. Watts st. WENER. pnictic.il, flrHt-clan charncter": u.t experience in urpiu itrltulu and sirtcai no f.imllv Ad.lrccs McN'luhnl. Kill put it.. Ncfdh.un, Mims K3iIM2dfjlsner, l&t- lana. lih crtntlu ri: iit exn n uulomatlc machinery. 2, LeJter Central .iahu WIKK, white. lHt-elaiiH butler. 'Waun nrnj cook refa J 4M, I-od. Cent. r tMerlr. UhfH work if nv kliii!"Hrtiutt gm:ttt rcferetue lUtl Hnutn Ht. I ANil V1II! U 11 tit tilt tintlnnu nit onnl tin.. Uir. SSIT N Tailor ht Of Aaltt KVnrlnni ml Imul rnfn.ji-fii.a 1H Ledier OfAcc. KSMAS, Job. 14 irurH1 oxncrlcncni emit. nljjHlre tioalUun. I) 111. Lcdgir Ortleo. OGK.PIIi-Mt 11 ml ltnnVkAttir jr.,,,j .i. gy.; ulll demon, abllliv. J nil. Led. Cent.' NT& An nniMirliinltt -,- ,n ..A..... K,.Wn 'on School graduate. MRU PCdllon With u futurn. At mnuni Intertlen- toiuitcd. D 110. Led. Of. '?i? H&" "'K'ncerlng Eradunte. desires to uu u 15, '".""IMe tlrm. with oppor tii.if?,r.M!" ."cP'Ttment after learn attif '" ' "Jlnt. J 413 Ledger I kSQ UAN d,.ir. .. .... a,r-.M.o.!s,: -atua.inV.i... ' t'mrougniy com SSro.MU'.ncf,,l1'ib0 of producing; ;. j aj. Ledger Central. ??. A.V M III (."."I't .wmi'cieni. thorouuhly cxperl enogrunhv. nlahi.9i fcllim- lS.orlc and atenograuliC:. H. i " ! real ..late w C.o(raL preferred. J 5iu, K..1L ti . x, - - l MlSinA00?- U5-i'0".. Willi ;ooq t three uir CX"J?5. I" . rtenography. etc. fa. a, deiir.'.""' "5?1 . iwma and routine bfflce K.t.nographio piluion.' J"3W! i HaOre tiMrfl.MJWS- married." 2i: lta m iVut " rehponsioie pobl- QUi3-.;t7 ' " Si -eo- central. -lurmLvr.11"1. Kood education. fn.il titiar. ", S" -; jf. si rwrr V,?'"'' buneai experience. "a BanTjT -n y; 'u. enirai. E?" lta aiiut oJ jn.'durallon, deslrw lfrilULfaV6fnce. : Mlary """ Pl. T4X VllhVtf pl.rl.,l'M i.i . r- SLii reference t j". ".on. expert ioVjvT - se1 cntral. tttiki;. J?.r 'erlcal dutlea: exnerl.nr.,1 Sn7fjriLiinces. J 653. Led. ."," S?.Sw. o i'o,ri.,.',,',ir. ft e'"'.?n sTvTrSrSii: I B.iH. Ledger Central. fZgZjjtiWl! ot any "' iooT S.Xii. KfaPhqphonea and ilac ! C4-. KS'!ffi, SSJ" l!"Pr rte2SlHT AOENOIES - -. -.y ,y, ,, 4 t sis4 STffis.iV- sp! S5iJ2,"aV"i "SKTreiST; iKririvt - v. Pi.. " i " UUOH iJMllBf JT'tfl L-5i !fe,WSseSffl! IWbS"'u.1i0 Christian im,n.' i&J AVf,',& nf7: u-Cmv. i "itii nil, tf-c&bh"nialS-l houiT S tlouh:.., .Sf'P. want position. L2rw.;y;".Tv-c " . L'i,iffi'."M nelP. Mary T. PAffifi. tv "" l-ocujt 1333." F.tXf ft Employment UuriT E-J4 mtl-..W"l JlD UDDlld anrt Epirr-"uiej. pm. i TVT.C Jh. ii3 uT-r - 't't:.-. "" "'!' wUhoutaTvancer''" mm ty AGENTS BBirr. MJaiitnl inn wtm i EVENING AUTOMOBILES For flU niOEt)W.Wlt.I,ET MOTOn CO, USED CAhS 1015 Palce, Model nnd repainted...., Pnlrfield rebuilt $1,000 1010 PAtOB, n new Model Hollywood, nuns 10U nUtCK, Model n-39. Touring... 10U OAKLAND 0. Touring 1015 DETllOtTEn, Touring 10U DETrtOITEII. Touring 400 10U 1'AIon, Model fllenwood, overtt tires, recently rebuilt 4.'0 tl. 3. O.. Touring, cost $3200 Dargaln 1014 lltICK, Model 11-23 TOO 1013 HUDSON, rebuilt and repainted,., 050 lnl.1 OAKLAND, tlon TloadMtr: Al condl- 1000 AUTOCAR. Touring 1014 HAINES. Touring ., iitr.Btow-v.'iiAnr motor co. .101 NOltTll tlHOAD STUEET rllONES. Hell, Spruce 9110. Keystone, Ilace 1302. Auk for Mr, S. S. HODOEttS BIGGEST USED CAIl SAI.13 IN YnAP.3 INVENTOUY Ct.DAU.VNCE N'n other dealer has ever had such, a Ijreo assortment ot lined cars. The reeord'hreakliir reception of iho no typo u.1. uauiunc, r.iKiiv tli has left us wl 75 USED CARS WHICH MUST DE SOLD 1IY DEC. 31fcT. WE HAVE MADE PRICES THAT WILL DO IT lncloed Cars, Touting Cnra nnd llondstora all of staidnnl makes. Many have been overhauled and repainted. Seril Tjpo 51 Cadillac Eights" nro Included. We lmo CARS A3 LOW AS $150 Tor the benefit of thom who find It In ronicnler.t to Inspect theso cara In daytime, wo will be OPEN EVENINOS UNTIL DECBM1JER 18TH AUTOMOIHt.E HALES CORPORATION 1IB NORTH 1IROAD STREET Cadlllao Distributor. TO REALLY APPRECIATB What wonderful allies you can set in USED CARS You should pay us n visit nnd look over the following Mot ot Idgli-urado cara that wo have taken In exclungu for WHITE CAltS: 11112 WHITE, 7 pass., 0 cl. 1013 I.OCOMiillILi:, tl-cyl. Touring. Wl.l STEAIINK-KNIOIIT, 0 cl f rasa. 11)11 Lni"'i.MlilllI.E. j cylinder. lull LO.lElt. 4 passenger. lllll KTEVEMt-DIIHYKA, T pass., 0 cyl. 11110 hTEVIJNH-DCHYKA, V pass., It cjl. lUll) IMKRCE-ARlltlW, 7 pas.s., (I cyl. llill l'lKIICK-.VRRUW, pasa., U cyl. bTEVENS-DCRVEA, iflssenger. These cars arc nil In nrst-clnss condition and will bo sold nt eacrlttco prlcis. No Ileasonablo Orter Refused. Call for Demonstration. 1. C. MOSER SIC NORTH UROAU STREET PHONES: Dell. Spruce (.002. Keystone, Itaco 1756, USED CARS TAKEN IN TRADE FOR COLE 1010 MAHMON touring, lull MORA touring. ltil'.' OLIittMoillLK touring. 1012 COLE touring. 1011 JEFPEItY loadster. 1IU4 OVE-IILAND touring, lull HAVERS roadster. COLE DEMONSTRATING CARS U S. DOWERS COMPANY 243-217 NORTH RROAD ST. Distributors. COLE GRANT USED CAns I1UICK MOTOR CO. 235 NORTH BROAD ST. 1013 I1UICIC Model 0-.1T Touring. 11)15 HOICK Model C-'I Roadster. 11)14 IUI I CMC Model 11-33 0-cyltnder scnger Touring. 1U14 I1UICK llodel R-.1T Touring. 1010 I1UICK Model IT Touring. WH AWO HAVE ON HAND 1013 nRISCOD Touring, 1015 VELIE Delivery. 1014 OVERLAND Touring. 1U13 VELIE S-passenger Touring, 1010 CADILLAC Toy Tonnetu. T-pis. DELIVERY BODIES FOR FORDS WILL SOLVE YOUR DELIVERY PROBLEMS Five Carloads Just Received SAMPLES ON THE FLOOR Specialties for Ford Cars Co. 635-637 N. Broad St. 11UICK AND N. 55th t. FORD OAR, Belmont flTI2. bargains, 28-30 LOCOJIOUILE, 1014. 38-H. P. touring (HI; wire wheels: sacrifice. J 314. Led. Central. OVERLAND, 1U13 touring; Al condition throughout, extra tire: full equipment; cost $1230, will bill for $375; private owner will demonstrate Sunday or evening. Telephone Chest. Hill U3I. or 23S E.Durhsm st.Mt.Alry. WE LOAN MONEY On automobiles and store them at low rates ct tut rest, auto bought and sold. Aetna Loan and Storage Co.. 2U54 Keoslngtjn ave. Kensington Oil Established 20 Years. S-U-V, 1014, touring, rear shirt startsr at eauloDed with electilo gear shift startsr and lights; newly painted and overhauled. L 031, Ledger Central. FIVE-PASSENGER touring car. In Al condi tion, owner will sacrifice for $.150, phono and arrange for demonstration: will teach pur chaser to drive the car. U Carrier, 2G3 N, iota st. lociju aiuu. AMERICAN OARAGE and Machine Shop, 1411 Locust St., make gear and part for Pan hard, simplex, Renault. Mercedes, Delauaay, Bellvlllo and all foreign car. All Cars Bou for Parts SCUOBER. 3341 3-15 MARKET. SEND FOR FREE BUIJ-ETIN OF USED CARS CORSON AUTO EXCHANGE. 238 N.BROAD Wan led STOP! LOOK! AND LISTEN! W buy old autos In any wrecked condition. Oct our pries before you sail thiol. Phone er writ Soutbweatera Junk Co.,1703-7 Carpenter. LEDGERPHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER g, 1915. AUTO LtVEUT AND OAxlAQES Merce:Arrow, TO itirtK Packard, Ford Mm. epeciM honplng rate, $1.80 rer hour. ., . cord Town Cr. i'ACKAttD SKIIVICI5 COMl'AN 'ANY Htca Hi. Hll liocuat Bt. Sprueo 3140. rlTl.TON OARAOI3 , RTOItAtlK, $.1 t!P nirnrr?n.l?.7.-CLAS3 MACHINIST OiriAItD AVE., fELTON AND KID RTS. a .? fc"i?i,Lrn '' w,", rou'' '-M hours wfll,2d".nen, 1;W. llmou.ln, $i.so hour! KTt,?.H'L' ,urnt'. to. Poplar 1G1T W. Mutr.,nrJ: ". Pl'rce-Arrow trucks. Will eo.uiny.rtsired and operate In jour service. MlNh, not Anni Lnrnirr una AUTO PAINTING 8ndluVhIutJ2S.''' "of" "fine "airtomobUe"'pa"lntTnii befoti0 !tltr,nf- ? " "Hnate oitr wot! Afir A-5?inft .Sf..'Lh.?r'-..AMnnl0AN OAR' Ann AM) MACHINE BHOP. mi Locust l AUTO REPAIRING I can do the Job. Stop the oil d-rollln nn Sw'lr'',4l--S?S,o nerkeley st., Was ne Junction, omtwn" illo. roilll Cfelne. nxertvtuled, $tT. tmnnnrn tl" ?V,f' ni "lv.-""enle"-nh ground: . '-M- Odenath's. MTO Thompson. Pel M10 1 SPEEDOMETER TROIJI1LB r "' . "... BEBmt.lTv-.it8 N. ItROAtl T WINbSIIIIH.D (ll.ASR 7iepCac"ED " , l?-0 Cnllowhlll st. flSI't"1 h.,'',, i'nf nnd bratlng. II. K. 8tarr,,tlht!"lf-'' I!W' SHE .rACt VT.ni1. '?red nnd repaired, rc.iiinahle7ate.fr wurnmera tinracp.tlt V iWih ItHmont OI-'im AUTO SUPPLIES . tir 4 ' llH Atcn "L Phone Walnut 1107. hs.-s nfj) AUTO TIRES AS'?!l.n!,.UU?a"nH':i'nT' Vnt Note wellKwlng .s,?"gn .i:iu. ,i -, '-i"-1. ....fi'.v" 32x.1l.... 7.m n-.xi tl.50 7.P1 SI.M.1 II nil ll'.SO I.I .V) 1 1..M 3KI 3.-.XI'. 3l!xlJ Mix. . 37x5 . 1 2., S..V1 2l . .lis I . AKRON Ilroad. TIRE CO.. tne.. of N 1112 Jper Leiilngs. Poplar 5irtt. Ouaranteel 4l'io'AM.TCom?aro prices. "!"?! !'.'S IK- -J"'1" gallon. x.iw.n n, .-i , uroo.i st. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES MOTORCYCLE TPRES ALL SIZES. 50 tWTR SS'5 Ktnplre Non-Skl-l':. .....' ,fJ",-; l.mplre Nnn-Hklrl SoX "imPlio .Von-Sklil kSIXiI l.tlliitr. X'n.,.1.1.1 $3 75 4.25 I.IKI 4.60 mail ordehh rn.t.'i:i)" AUTO SPECIALTIES CO. 150 North Rroad St.. Phlln., Sprueo 41113. Pa. HORSES HOESL-Mce porrel horse Have no work for. :Vf? ,,,'.arn.c" ""' ""Ron. S'oll nt sacrlllco. 1.14,1 W . Somerset st. Tioga 33-Mi BUSINESS PERSONALS FULL DRESS .SPITS Cutaways. Turcdon and Sick Suits To hlie and made to order. NEUUAUER. THE TAILOR, III N. 0th at Hell phone. Wiilnut 2018, SUPERFLUOUS HAIR returned l.y electrolysis": ,hAA1,yol.,i5!;ne.n. ,!"' E;chrows arched. MISS SMITH, I itt Kolth Theatre Itldg. M!s Hopie, hilrdrea.lnc. fiic. nma.igp, man- . tcurlng; form Mint Arutdr, with Mlsa Smith. EVEN I NO CLOTHES TO HIRE Full dross and Tuxedo suits, lntest styles, silk and opera hats. Open etrnliigt. SC1IULTZ. 227 N. Utll St. FULL DRESS SUITS-AII new. stylish goods: largo iissortinrnt. SAMUEL COOPER, 1010 OIRARD AVE niONU POPLAR 0312. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES A THRIVING CORPORATION WITH DISTINCTIVELY NEW-PATENTED ARTICLE. WOULD LIKE TO HEAR PROM IIIUIILV RUMPiiNs:ilLE JIUSINESS MhN WITH FINANCIAL HACKING IN PHILA DELPHIA AND SURROUNDING CITIES AND TOWNS FOR EXCLUSIVE LICDNSI! TO HANDLE PATEN I PI) ARTICLE. ONLY WIDE-AWAKE. ENERGETIC MEN NEED APPLY. AS THIS PROPOSITION, HEINO SOMETHING ENTIRELY NEW, WAR RANTS AN INCOME OK NOT LESS THAN 10O0l PER YEAR. TELEPHONE HE FORE 10 A. 51. to II. RUSENHEIta. IIPLLE-VL'E-STRATFORD. OR WRITE FOR AP- POINT.MB.VT. WANTED An agricultural chemist of 13 yenra experience In tho manufuctura of nil milk products Is perfecting three milk foods. One mil he tho nenn-at 10 mother's milk ctcr produced for Infant rals tig. and tho other two will bo the greatest breakfast foods o er put on tho market. tiio man or woman mill ncipd me now unan clally will rccctvo half of ever thing we make, nnd this proiosltlon will grow Into 0110 of the l.itest Lorpo nnna of this kind In u short time. I need $25U0 nt onco for additional laboratory supplies, chemistry tiooks, etc. Do not unHwcr unless you mean business. Address M 205, Ledger Ofllco. WANTED-PARTNER WITH THE CAPITAL. TO .MANUFACTURE A PATENTED CUSH ION RIM FOR AUTOMUHH.E WHEELS FOR EITHER WIRE. WOOD OR ALL METAL WHEELS. RELIAIILE. CHEAP AND QUICK. LONG LIFE AND COMFORT AIILK: EASY TO PUT ON. NO HOLTS OH SCREWS USED IN FIXING RIMS TO THE WHEEI.S. J. II. HULLIN. 153 NORTH 15TH STRDET. WRITE FOR FURTHER INFORMATION. FOR SALE Gilt-edged business proposition; drug store, doing a successful business for nearly forty (4u) )eam, lontinuously under tho same miinHgcmrnt, vviu btar Investlgt tlon ("Rexal Store"), In a good, thriving town In Pennsylvania of about hkx popu lation, good prescription business, only reason for selling ocier business Interests; worth $H).orti: will sell ror dito cash, rmt reasonable, 3 or 10 jour lease, best location In town, good opportunity for one or two energetic persons; only those meaning busi ness need apply: no agents. Address at onie, M K14. Ledger OIDce. PROPRIETOR of one of "the largest moving and storage businesses of South Philadelphia wants to be relieved of responsibility on ac count of sickness, Iliislnesa consist of a lull warehouso, two Packard trucks and nccessiry eitulpnenl, ono truck working tinder con tract every day, seteral long distance ordtra on hand: about $400 on book account: profits large. Only about $1P0 Is needed. For In lervlaw, address M K43, Ledger Central, ' PATENTS WANTED. Write for List of Patent Payers and Inven tions Wanted. $1,000,000 In prize offers for Inventions. Send sketch for freo seurch Wrtto for our 4 books, sent free upon re quest. VICTOR J. EVANS & CO.. Washing Ion. D. C. PHILADELPHIA OFFICES. Hi.1l Chestnut st, Uell phone, Sprueo 05.15. Hours. u to 5. Monday until 0p. m. " A GREAT FLORIDA PROPOSITION Can tell you whero and how to get tho best grapefruit and orange grove In Florida; large Income; easy terms; cultivation by re liable expert pays the way while you hold position in North; delightful climate good water, main Una railroad, churches, schools, modern Improvements, etc. J 450, Ledger central FOR SALE lea ci earn and bakery, known all over South Philadelphia; good business lh jsar around: near a big Catholic church and school; will sacrlllco to quick sale; reason ror soiling going South: this Is a splendid oppor tunity for a man who will cater to working n,ODU-A nunl. Ht TK.1 f.H... C-nlra I fc..a . ........... ft . -. . p... -....... lCTKSTOliai Exceptional onuortunlti. Pri vate corporation being formed to produce one stag Inspiring patriotic U-act war play; Indorsed by prominent military and naval offcials; tha success of this production ha already been proven; write Immediately for particulars. M 203. Public Ledger. PATENTS-ARTli UR E. PAIGE. 714 Walnut sL. Pbtla., mechanical and electrical engl. neer, registered patent attorney; HUbllih.d here SO years; Inventions developed; patents, trademarks, copyright secured and 1 i tl gated anywhere; rejected application prose. cuted; preliminary adv lea free. WOULD YOU INVEST small amount 61 money: proven legitimate, constant tucccas, SO years; profit large: closest Investigation solicited; principal only; no iriuers; scheme: worthy of attention; details; inter. view. J 14a. i-eager cejitrai. BAKERY (corner), wll Wlhed on main street, muwi n.v., . .u.v.., -,-.,,.; ".. building. 9 room and bath: bake oven, 2 story brick stable. 3 .tails. Vrlca, $5000. ft. . CA51ERON EST., 2811 Kensington ave. AN old-established concern needs a promoter to Interest capital In a business with excep. tlocal profit-making capacities promotion, entirely on commission basis. II 810. Ledger CsntrL WANT MAN WITH $1000 to help roe finance hosiery manufacturing business; profits not large, but eventually will be to man satisfied wltn reasonable returns to start; reliable reference furnished. P 221. Ledger Office. MOTORCYCLE AND BICYCLE &TOKE FOR sale; best corner on Broad St.. uptown; wojld make gcod auto supply store: oil, etc. Reason for selling, other buslneu. John C. Black. 3701 North Broad at. WANTED A man with $0000 to $S00O to la lest In a good paying buslnes which Is In creasing evry day win prove everytnin; ling Otf. satisfactory to rigrn, mw. r -jqj. t,eu GKOW1NG ORCHARDS, all Bgea. fox sals. XIArtrvx usnMiiuiuit 1420 Chestnut st. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Dnop.POC'KET COAL YARD ON P. AND It. TOR RENTi $10 MOKTItLY 010 WEST TIOGA ST. riCTURE THEATRE, $(V.0-Ens J.10-140 weekly! good bnslnes. location; old estab.i genuine snrrlflce, 11ARR1ST, 201 N, Rrod. EXCEPTIONAL opnfrtunlly to Infect $10,000 In established manufacturing bwlne.. a live jnterest If desired. P 222. Ledger Offlre. FOR SAfJ-Kstahllhed" fruit and" produce store: alcknes.. f.20 Ilaltlmorei Ave DjAMONDS AND JEWELRY WE REMODEL) our old Jewelry Into th lat" '.'.' J'.'S1""9.."' f"ctor prices. MARTIN W. AHRAMS. ill Sansom St.. PhlUidolphla. I HUY diamonds, Jewelry nnd"fawn tl kets rer rash. Aiiply 2 to to 4 .10 p. m. Wm nick. Room 303, 05.'" Chestnut st. EHESSMAKING AND MILLINER HEMST1TCH1NO. 10 cents a yard: nil mate rials. A. REICIIARD, 111.1 CHESTNUT ST. , TICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS DRISMAK"i.Ml taught, short, practical "nex penslvo course, patterns nit, foe. Mac lJonell. 3i)7 Denckla Itldg , 11th and Market. POTTER SCHOOL or llRESSMAKINVJ. nnd eenlnir ses.lnns. ttVi Ulrnrd avs dally GOWNS teinodeled hlgli-gradn work only. Phono "pruco 222.1. FOR SALE tlll.LlARD and pocket tables, shurtleboard, new ind slightly used, liberal terms: renting, repalrlng ft supplle.. ltn.itto, 222 S. Sth Ulf.LIARD AND POCKET TAIILES - l-0 bowling nlles: eas iMments. ItltUNH-T,VtCK-MALKn ( lit. I fVltrit CO.,KW A-ch. 'Hll.t.fAltli, po.-ket. sd-ham) talito. repairing supplies. Clatk-IUrd Mfg. Co, 2121 N. Kfoit ill 1. 1.1 A UK pool, comh1n.it ion. 2d-lian 1 Imnght old. retited, exitrd Ki-afer, SKI flliard ae IiriTISR AND'EHii iti i.N, whito eiintnel. gomi condition, will sell cheap to oulck buyer, 1121 Oermantown fte CASH REnrsTP.RS. new nnd second-hand: to tal adders as low payment.; nil register, sold by us fully guar, ntitecd. Tho National Cash Register Co" 730 Jin on ensy moniiuy uiieiiiub si. DUSKS : SAI'ES Roll lop desks, tipewrltcr. bookkeeper deks. niliijr cab., tele, loolhs, aifes, hoiiseh.ild fur. Dullng Central 2.I-Ilan,l Purnllurc Co, 001- lnj.1-1 1 Callow hill Phono Pllhert IIPM. ' rESKS, tiling cabinets. ifes, telephone booths I nnd nfflco fiirnllitre and fixtures of every de scription. ued. but in tine condition, nnd ery cheap free delivery anywhere IlfOIIES 1ITII AND llftTONWOtlD. SEALSKIN COAT." ylle Id, long. goo,1 ,-otl lf tlon. ten.oiiable. tuitTitlo robe, large. In good condition, cheap. "2 N. 2th. I'hono Poplar "W ""v The Art of i Job Landing 'A O Some arc born into kooiI jobs; pome fall into good jobs. Hut about 9" per cent, of the market is always cor nered by certain workers, termed "live ones," who Ret up and ko out after good jobs. Those who know the art of job-landinf: hereabouts use I-edger want ads. They know that i.cdner-roailinn; employers are in positions to offer better jobs. And stories of Ledpcr-directcd success continually reach their cars. YOU want a good job? Then k to the medium that gets them. Call, write or phone Walnut or Main 3000 J I f5.0t svs x n v -n . X C siiVAliOI TOYS -Theatre, fort nnd set of trnlns; chance for Xmis. J 111, Ledger Ccntr.iL """ " " $29.50 VICTROLA VI AND SIX 10-1NCI1 I) F. RECORDS guantnteed to bo In perfeU condition. An excellent outfit for uuo who Is lonkln,1; ror u good machine at a reasonable price. Fifty cents weekly uci opted. Call or write for complete description and largo Illustrated catalogues 1 HEPPE'S IJPIOWN STORES, Cor. dtli and Ihnmpsun st., Philadelphia, Pa. GET A MCTROI.A NOW Ufcl PAY FOR IT NEXT YEAR Call or wrlto for our new special Payment m .n ithi-rrbv vou tnn have u Vlctrnhi for Christmas, and start to pay for It next year. IIEPPF'B UPTOWN STORES, Cor. 0th and Thompson sts., Philadelphia. Pa. FIFTY CENTS A WEEK RUYS A VICTROLA call or write for particular. HEPPE'S UITOWN STORES. Cor. Uth and Thompson sts.. Philadelphia. Pa. LET MK SELL that piano, dliinond. automobile, fur or any article, or value; totat cost to jou, 10ft, Wrlto, call or phone Poplar 0150. MORRIS. 10th anil Poplar. $(i.-.U) -HEAI TIFI'l. DIAMOND NECKLACE. PURE WHITE STONES. TOTAL WEIGH I' ITI KARATS. ORIGINAL COST $12.01 . ItlFDElfS I.i i.N UFFI''E.1-'S MARKET ST. $1(10 DIAMOND AND PLATINUM L U'AI,"- I.1ERE. 21 HI.I'E-WHITK DIAMONDS; VALUE $175 ItlEl'ER'S LOAN OFFICE. I2S MARKET ST. 1ST HOIKS1 DIAMOND TIFFANY-ENOAOI-.- MENT RING. III.UE-WHITE. PERFECT; A IIV.RU-VIN Rl EDER'S LOAN Cll FICE, 12S MARKET 3T; flllii CALENDARS to aup liny hulne.s; l.oOiliiOO In stotk. nt tattritlclng prkrs, nlsq talendar lads Penn Paper Co., 2S N. (5th. $5U DfXMi'NI RING. PUKE WHITE AND PKIIUUC-. VALUE $00. RIEDER'S LOAN OlCTICE. 12S MARKET ST. WE HUY all Talking Machine Records. W'e exchinge talking machine records, 5c, 21in Ridge uv.jT n. mlI Pni. FCR SIUTAHLE Chrlstniaa gift eo Plunketi," 3241 X. Front st. Cutlery, Sporting goods. Ulv- JTL1C-3. HEATING MAKIN-KKLSEY HEALTH HEAT I better and cheaper than steam or hot water. Pur fresh air with normal moisture. MAKIN KELSEY. 0 N. IRth St.. Phlla MACHINERY AND TOOLS BETTER MACHINE AND SHAFT appliances of the kind aren't made. YOCOM FRICTION CLUTCH Pulley are dependable and long wearing a the most exacting manufacturer could expect. SHAFTING and MACHINE WORKS, 113 North Second. ' JMES YOCOM & EON. ' FOWEIM'LANT EQUIPMENT Dynamos, motors, boilers, steam and oil en gines, pumps, atr compressor. FRAe r jv TOOMEY, Inc.. 12T N. 3d st. SECOND-HAND PIPE Cut and threaded to sketch; largo quantity ot all eizes in stock. Griffith. 4IQ20 Mojer st. ELECTRIC MOTORS Power transmission equipment mid supplies. CHARLES BOND CO.. 520 Arch St. CHAIN lioiSTS M 12,000 lb, and ld.WJ(Tlo. Hox and Harrington, good condition. SEY- l'LltTS, 4 17 N. 3d st DYNAMOS, motora and machinery bought, sold and rented, armatures repaired. Main ul, MarkeJiOOj. Yearsley CoJMl N. 3d c. 10-INCH Cincinnati back-geared shaper. 20 2). Inch shapers, 50-lnch car wheel, vertical boring mills. NUTTALL. 17IS X. sth FIPE Second-hand, all sizes. Phlla. Second hand Pipe Supply 1003 N. Ith t. TWO WOODEN TANKS 10,000 gallon capac ity each: good as new. Hunt. 1310 Uracil st MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS $38 LARGE ZONOPHONE TALlvINO machine, with cabinet and 50 records, finished In beautiful quartered oak. cost new $81. Can be paid 75 cents weekly. An excellent bargain; in good condition, Wrlto for com. clete U.t of bargains and special trial offer. v HEPPES UPTQWN STORES. Corner 0th and Thompson sts., Phlla., Pa. EDISON DIAMOND POINT PHONOGRAPH Cot $00 new. Thl outfit I complete Rh records and Mil. bt, sold lor $S.'j. payable 73 cent weekly. Call or write for complete de scriptions sod large Illustrated catalogues. HEPPE'S tPTOWN STORES Cor. Sth and Thompson st. Philadelphia, pi. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS UPRMIIT PIANO nARGAIN Stelnway.llTS; ChlLkerlng, $m Ramsdell. 1141. Marcellu., IPS other nprlghts. 5. 5, $123, practice ?iS,ni' 'Is j Player, $273, $325. Hughes Pros., 532 N. 10th. lixv-HANIP-OMR t-ndwlg mAhogany-upright; K.WPt"!i.r,",J"4TO- Tn evenings. Topi)MicHENEn. 100.1 Columbia a vs. $SJ-CHICKERINfl tTPRlOHT PIANO . HOWARD VINCPS'T. 839 N.0th. 0U?A.T. HAROAIN. $100. tlooth UrosT Piano" . Ld. Workman. 1522 Colutnblx nie. open tMrn. A My) upright piano Tor site for $200; In ex cellent condition .1130 North Judonst. 1 WILL SELL my, $700 player-piano. $300 cash, with roll.. M 117, Ledger Office. OLD COLD HIOIIEST price In the clly paid for old gold, silver, platinum, fal.o teeth, o'd coin, bought ond sold, .tewelry Kxi hauge, 2(H s. sth. OLD GOLD, Siller. tl.tln,lm r.1l.t nnrA rtH. ?!J J','lfy. teeth plaies' liought for 'ensti Est. 170, J L. Clark, refiner. 07 Fan.om. CASH PAID FOR DIAMONDS, PltECIOVS Mines, gold sIKcr, platinum. folo teeth. Phlla. Pn-eltliiK nnd llcf. Co , 121 H 11th st. OLD (lOLD-Cn.li for ell gnld. sllier, nriniue nocks wll 12f.i. ItdilERM. 27 mil. Hell phono locust I Till st PRINTING IlfY Yofll CHHLSTM .-t CAIIttq EARLY -Mike jour sole tlmi. from 12". design.; prlro 25 to 50 1 cuts per dozen I he Card Shop, 1fiO Cheslniit st Open eienlng.. KOOriNG AND IRON AWNINGS WB roat leaky roofs at small cost nnd guaran tee tlirni 10 jells, let us rttnmle. AMERICAN RfinPlNO iO. I.T.T. Ridge nve. STORAGE CONTINENTAL HTOllAOE WAREHOUSE S0TH ST AltOVE LHESTNUT I'ACKINtl. MIIMM.I. SHIPPINO. Rugs, Can el. rlenned. scouted, stored, Ueli. Ifliusl HMO-Phones Key ltaco 4lW Your 'roubles Are Mv Business Storage nnd nionev arranged, all mrts of I nltid Mates; liberil mlvinces made. Pre- i Inn II. Lee, Ilroki r, 5IS l.lpplmatt lJtltl.ll tm. Wnlntit 1T10. I LlllERAL ADVANCES ON rURNITUHE ' One month free; toiage, $1 per load, inov Ing pnrictng nnd siiliplng. Ill lKr- Avenue Ctorage Company. 013 West Norm st. Photio Kensington 1 PA FlDELtTY KltinPROor WAHEHOl'SES, lSll-IStll MARKET ST. ATLAS HTOHAflE WAREHOUSE Storage, muting, pu.ktpg, shipping, cniprl cleaning. ! Ph. ltarlnif 752 for csttiniitn. Market and ;t7tli I (HIIAIID STORAOK Ct Ills Ulrnrd ato Mm ing by nulo. packing, storage', separntu rooms, carpet cleaning, tien puone. cop. r.-u.. Mi ANN'S STORAor. HOUSE, 1TIS N. ' lltn nl.; niotltig. pncklng. shipping: auto tans lloili phones let us estimate. WI ST Plllt.A. Monarch stoiiaoe co. WP.wT PIIII.A. Auto pui king nnd shipping. WESI" PIIII.A ."TO LANCASTER AVE. FREE STORAGE the first month, tnnxlng liy auto tans, shipping, ixtckliig, carpet cleaning. Levin's. "JUS llldgc. Pnrk tlliilA. WANTED IIROKE.V JEWELRY, false teeth. plstol,COln. Coin book, with prKes I pay. mulled, 15c. .1. 11. Itoss (Pcoplo's Store). 2iHl S. 11th. Ul.4ISU. CAST OFF CLOTHING WANTIiJ) - Highest prlies paid fur ladles ctetiln, gowns nnd Kentlemrit ilothlnu, siimtnor nnd winter, unil pus nl or phone lmmt'illFiteli and oar lutjer will fiill. cltv or suhurhs, day or ote l'li.me Maikut 2o'i0. SEt.IOSOIIN, Sth and Spring OanIcusJs. CAST OFF CLOTHING We pnsltltcly pay f.OT, nuirti fur gentlcTiien'8 tlnthlng, shoes: send iiiist.il, we mil. day, etenlng. vlty or suburbH. 'rleilmnti llro., flu South et. Phono Hlck Inson Ol.'i'i ( FURNITURE r'anos. carpets. nntluueH entire or pa.'t liousi's louglit for cash, no innttcr how Inrgt. .'. HcmsudnoiISM Hldge nxo. IZ OLD FALSE TEETH ";-, Rioken Jewelry, (inlil. filter. 1)1.1. nought Keystone Co 35 WALNUT STREET E.tabllshcl BO" $1A sirr paid FOR FALSE TEETH I.EIV.S OLD lioi.li SHOP 712 WALNl T ST. IIKIHI.'ST PRICES PAID for illimnnds. old gold, plulliiuin, false teeth, also pawntickets. 1100 Pllhert St.. 2,1 itoor front WANTED. Iiirultute. to buy. pari Levin llro. , or entire household 2DIS Ridge itve. ROOMS FOR RENT ARCH. 2021 (Tho Dl.imon.)-Nkol rurn.,clean, warm, single nnd doublt rjouis, Yale lo, ks: hot and cold water. $1 ;a-r -lay or $2.50 to $.1 .ill ir wick. Phiuio Sirum ,l,",0l. ARCH ST., si.tt-Finely furnUht.il "front loomsT nlso two I iti It raamx, kitchenette, complete; twOjietlwijraunitlnvH.il.ficf (Hill ! BALTIMORE AVC.,":t!i3l -Sufi-i o"f 3TuriirTicd room nnd hath. Raring IH5U " ItllOAH. N SS10 Comfcrtiible rooms In tt real home. BROWN, 1311 Warm cnnimutilcatliig nnd bedroom for gentleman guest; ultting owner. . e. ..!'. CECIL, s, 721 Nicely furn room iri prlvata lanilly ijjrcuiigenlul buslne woman. CHESTNUT. KO-Beautirufly furnlihed front room, run. witter, elei.. steam heat. rcf. CHLnTNUT. 1IWI -Attnntlvely turn, rooms" jiinglo or en ulte. with or without buth. CHESTNUT, Ifsl3-SINUI.II ROOM, DOHIILi; ROOM. SUITE WITH HATH. REFERENCE. CHEmTM'T 2IU.I- SiiigiJ or en uite." elec": not-wnttr ueiic.jiovv luanagement ; reference. CHESTNUT ST.. 123s-Conifortable rm.. dou Uojir single: well heated ,exceiitlonal hd. oil COLLEGE AVE. N.. 2UI1 Rooms, lngle""or en unite, netvU furntxhe.1. prtvittu bath If de sired, over! loklng Giranl College. 13 mln utestoClty Hall. Call Poplar 1201 J. UtCl ST. 1211 Desirable roam ndJi'ttilnK bath: liot-w utcr ho.it. central liK'atiiin. phone. LuCUhT. I5U Furnished Hinglo loom. :sd floor friint l.l a month, Itji floor room, $10. CotlAX" SiJ. "W., .'LS-l.-irgu .id-sturj "tfont room, overlooking nu ire. Uuust Ltbti w. LOGAN SQ. (2.S3 N. 1Rtli)-HouseUeepIng rms furn.. unfurn., clctrlu light, running water. NORHIS W.. 1017.! large 2.1-tlnor rooma unu bath, single or en suite' heat, light; suitable 2orI gentlemen- $23 monthly, phone. PARK AVE.. JiHlT-Attr.ii'llvvly furn.- rooins"; slllgje or m aultc. tonva.; goiwl location. PINE. 14II-.SNUI.E ROOMS" NEAR "1IAT1L REFINED KURROUNDNKIS PINE, 5'k1i Nicely furnished room'for gentle. man: board optional, phone. Belmont 37.18. PINE. !.1! Attractively" turn, rooms, single or en suite; running water; prl. fqm.; phone. "SANSOM ST.. 43211 Private family liavlng modem homo will rent 1 or 2 very desirable, rooms. Preston 272.1 J, SANSOM. H.'tS-Nl-cly furnlihed" room" for"2 business men or women: einglo binls, prtvato family; referent c. Phone Preston 2".i77 W. ht'RUCE. 1130 - VclI-furiilsheilrooins, "hot- water heat: gentlemen , reference. SPRUCE, P.OS-SInglo room. 2d floor: aDo doulilu room, well heated, newly renovated. bl'RUCE. 1310 Two unfurn. rooms, private bath, furn. room, running tvater.bo.trd opt. HI'RIVE. I1T7 Rooms, sin.'lo or en suite. lirlv". baths, prof, office 8teaniJiatelectrlclty. SPRUCE. .'022-.Mtrac"tvcIj furn. Uichelor apt.. 3 rooms, private bath fireplace, jihone. bPRUCE. 1712 Wrll-furnlshod. cheerful rooms" nearbath:steamjieat, rert-rence exchanged. SPRUCE. 1115 2d-st'y fr u.t. beautifully tat,'. runnltigvvj.ler electric light, single vacano. WAI.LA"CE. NEAR lITII-Nlcu rooms. " fur- i,ia.cii u. uiiiui ni.iiei, ei..iu weeuiv ujiwani; uIkj largo parlor iheap. Apply 1011 Chest. nut, Room U20. WALLACE, 1017 Furnished rooms. slngTeor en jiiUte,Jiui-jvatejheatLjiijJierii exposure. W ALNCT, 3.1'H Large unrurn. comitiuntcaung front rooms, running water, hot-water heat. WALNUT. 5C03 - Third-Moor communicating front rooms, all convtnlence. near I WALNUT, 5002-Furnlshed 2iftoy front room: near I.: phone. Belmont 3321 J, WALNUT. 5010 Two furnished roo"ms phoiTeT sas electric light, conveniens to "L.1' TOTH S.. 100 (opp. cilnton)-Attr"artvoroomsT with or without bath well heated plenty hot water:jnelyrejiovjited! Pli Walnut Sn4i. 12TII S . 200 Cheerfully furn. ruom'adjofnlng bath, gertlemen Apply M A. Qt, on prem. I5TH. N , "Yi2U1.ARGE. DESIRABLE 2U FPONT. EVERY MODERN CONV PHONE 15TH. S., 3i4-COMFORTA"BLYFlTR. FIIONT ROOM, ADJOINING BATll.PIONE. ITTH & MONTGOJ1ERY Two roonnTfoVbacin elor, private family, ref. H PIT. Ledger Cent UTH, N.. IH1 Irge sitting toom, ulTderi"- list, private adult familv. abm sin?!,. .u... turn, or unfurn. reasonable. DIam. 4WS W 3bTII S., 221 Comfort, furn. double rooinj" southern exposure, board opll. 1'res. 3727 w. 45TII. S., 431 Single and double rooma tn ex elusive, refined modem home. Phone 50TIL S., MO-Larte. newly furnished, papered, warm, aunny. second-floor front, In -mall family, reasonable. 32D. N.. 211-Attractlve furn. rooms, hot-water heat. Eelraont B553 W CIST. N.. 1 70S Furnished or unfurnlslied front rooms: refined party, adult, all convenience. 1311 WALNUT Large sunny room with bath. IN A PRIVATE HOME In the beat West Phlla. re.UeotUl ellin there are severa desliable lo-1)! for 1 oi 2 gentlemen who woull aPpre tlate a real home idg, airy furxtistied or un furnisti 1 room hatb on each floor Lrtak fast optlonaL Phne WooJUnd 4178 W ROOMS TOR RENT BFST LOCATION on Walnut street. In West Phlla Two rooms In private house; may b rented together or separately: references re- nulred;JAddrei 11 tun. Ledger Centtal. D1NINO ROOM nd kitchen In small apart ment house at merely nominal rent In con sideration of service. Apply 1011 Chestnut, Room fSO. CO.MFORTAI1LE furn. room: reeonbl: eonT. to cats, private family, Tioga 5181 W. Stibnrhan OERMANTOWN-Id-noor tront toom, turn., , well heated; prlv. family, p 820, Ledger Off. WALNUT LANK, li, 141-Furn. rooms, prlv. fsmlly; refined neighborhood. Ph. ntn, Siit. BOARDING BALTIMORE, 4111-Attraetlve house. Just openciL single, jiouble mis , prlv. haths; bd. ilALTlMOIIE, 4"ll0 lrtfgei aunny, second-floor room , conrlo or gentleman, excellent lable. nXiflSTiiRf:, 4itlo-2d and"3irsTors tront. iicxt to bath; prlv, family, toned, WpodPd. 1113 J. SPRPcnr 1230 Perond-story suite, alo. front room. SPRUCE," 1010-Rooms with board; "running water, eletnlor. Filbert 53S5 W. SPRI'cfc. 1220-",ttrai ttie rooms, single or en suite prlxnte Mth tft'de board SPRUCE, 1221-20 t!irlmonde)-Furn. rooms. single, e.i suite, prltate t,ath.: table board. WALNUT, 4531 -Room, with bosr J, "id" and Jd floor., near L; rcfercn, rs iiiTH, N.. 17il (comer)-Nently" furnished rec ord nini third rront xacincles; cotuenlcnces; boird. running water phone. ir.Tll PT.. H. 5SI-Large?, double rooms; re fined, modern table board. Uell phone. f"ll. s""7lil (tir. ItBftlmorenie.l -Room'wlfh lioanl. gentleman, hot-water hent;prlv. fatii PHIVATK laitillj will tako Infant to board. Phone Tioga 21)00 W. CHILI) can litio board In refined home. Phono llclmont bOi'O W. SANITARIUMS HEAUTII'UI. touitlon, special scientific caret tierxous; eldf rlj : eterv tomfort, nurses, ltooklrt. Dr Re11d.1l. Clly line, Chestnut Hill. APARTMENTS N. E. CORNER 1TTH AND WALNUT STS. Thlj 11-slory concrete nnd sled fireproof s.tructui-0 reecho the highest point of devel opment ns ot attained In apartment con ftlriictlan, nnd may bo properly stMed a per fect place of nbode. An earnest effort has been made to offer a trntctilcss homo to those whoso first con sideration Is no to count the cost alone, but to procure that wlilrh they desire, it hero there H only perfection, the else ttnd char utter of which inav le selected ind shaped n cording to the distinctive tequlrtments of the indltldiml. Suites are ananged from two room, and one Utth to seven rooms and three bath. Tho lii-atlcn Is ex, client, being convenient to the purines nnd shopping centres, nnd yet not too near. All things considered, tho rentals nro mod crate Further Information, arrangement for In epeitloti end reservations may bo itmde through NORMAN S. SI1HIIWOOD llll Walnut atrret. 1S30 South Rittenhouse Square Three Anitiucnts. enlarged during thn sum mer, nre icady fur occupancy, otio (a duplex) contain 12 rooms and I baths; the others S rooms nnd 2 bath, mm in room nnd (1 Imtlii. Also it small npirtment of 7 rooms nnd bath, O. ANDERSON. Superintendent. WALNUT AND UTH STS. (S. W. Cor.l-Mod. BUlteji. ex t'ptlniiall.v attractive: large, high celling: abundant lighted on :: eld. Abo 2nd South ll;h t. Suitable for houscI.eepl.iK If ili'slicl. Iteiitals fin mid JT5 Janitor on corner premises. BARHEIt. IIAI1T.MA.V J co , 12ul Chestnut l. lO.'.'s." 11TH ST. llxchelor .irartinents: riceu' tlounlly deslrnhlu 2,1 Hour etuie. 2 large rooms and bath, every modern Improvement lanl tor on premise steim hem Includon. HAIUIElt. HART-MAN A CO., 1201 ChestnUJ, ERIE AVE.. 722-In hiding licnt'anil Janitor servl.-e. bnuttful O-room suite or uiifurnlsncd np.trtnients windows on nil sides. II. E. SMITH. 72J, Erie nve. HITTLNIIOUSE SQ. 1210 Sf 10TH) Large, beatittrully Turn. nns. nnd apt.: 1 or 2 rm.: prlv. baths, hot-water heat; let etas lnnppolntnient nnilservtce Sprueo .1002. WXI.NUT, llll Atiirtmenf of" a" "room ami bath, seiond floor unfurnlslKil, very desir able! nlxo one luriilitieil amirtment; tlrst-claet t-erv Ice Ai plv llriiinliiiuBh .v Parker, 2dtloor N. W, CUR. "ITTH" AND SANSOM STS. Two apartments. 1 room and bath and 2 rooins anil huh Applv on pretnlHi'S. OXFOltli inns ineir Park)--Flrst anTreecond iloor, blngle or ti,gether, hoi-water hent. AHERNETIIY. 2724 N. 5th. LOCUST. 1213-13 (Lion1. Hradl-Fiirn. upts., I sune nnu room witn prtvnie nntn. SPRINO GARDEN." lS17-Exccllcnt nuts. In different house: Home furn.. kitchenettes. THE PARKSIDE 4OT" Anvri"'0 OPPOSITE I'AIHMOUNT PARK Ono to four rooms and bath; reasonable terms. Phono Bnrlng 221. THE Kl'.NNINGTON PINE. BELOW IIIIOAD New npartmints. optn for Inspection. YAIIPOW .t. VAX PELT 17(11 nnd Chestnut sts. EQDITAULK APARTJIENTS 031-0.10 North sth st.. lm floor. $20; second floor. $15 hent. hot water: Janitor In rear. CHARLES W SNVDFR 2Wl0 N. litis sl. Wet Philadelphia I'OWELTuN. Iu07 - 5 oiiisldo rooms, bath, porch. 2d floor. $10. Inquire 4C0I) Poweltun itve. phone Preston (il..i. I OFFER n I.i t e variety of apartment nt varied prlir and lo meet almost any require ment. tnii or semi tor list. Automoullo itervtco to Inspcit uptrtments If dei-lred. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD, llll Wiitmlt St. SPRUCE IS00. RACE Sir.'S. 'llogn 3720 N. RROAD ST. Five-room npartment; nil liliprovtmetits, curs ut door to nil part of cltj : excellent Janltur nervltu. rmt reduced to $23. tlAIIELL. Hro.nl ulid Erie. Suburban NEAR OVERUROOK 3 rooms an J bath on third floor for light housekeeping, also a furniilieil room with use or hath on second Hour; hot-water heat electric light, near train and trolley. J J10, Ledger Central. FURNISHED APARTMENTS SPRINO GARDEN, 2121-Attritcllvc apts.. with private baths. In private home. Poplar 3071. Wrt Philadelphia DESIRABLE l-riwm upurtmcni, near 52.1" and Spruto, homelike, furnished: private bath. H 051. I.idger Central APARTMENTS WANTED THERE HI ABSOLUTELY NO REASON WHY ANY Cl'SHlAHl.E APARTMEN P SHOULD BE VACANT AT THE PRESENT MOMENT. The number of applicant for apartment, liahdlel by this oince frequently averuges uvcr one hundred a day. I place ut the dliposal of my clients the best equipped, largest and most attracllva offices ever devoted to the business of rent ing apartments. I give them highly organized, courteous and efficient service; 1 have private branch ex changes to handle phone Inquiries, two auto mobiles waiting ii show apartment to pros, pectlve tenai.ts, and In every way give serv ice of such a character th.it the apartment placed In my liands are raplJly rented Will jcu not nelp yourself and at the same tlire assist me lo furnishing me with com pute Information telatlve to tour vacantia? KMl'?. PHONE OR WRITE NORMAN S. MIEKUOOD ,,,. Itll WALNUT ST. SPRUCE 620U. RACE .1055 Siiburbun VANTED by young married vouple. small rurnhed house or apartment In suburbs, preferub y wilt sleeping porth. not over $75. D ll". Iadger Office. HOUSEKEt.ING APARTMENTS 1STH. N, 1112-Modern apts.. reduted rental, apartment Just renovated throughout: Jani tor on iremlire. Apply to Lewis A. Taulate. S W t'or uth and Walnut sts. BROAD. N . 201U-3 rooms, ktU'lienrtuth, 4th floor, steam heal, gas and elec. $ s) M. Isen. HOT Real Estate Trust BIdg. Filbert 31-00. 809 N. Broad St. ilod"a 'img- .. over nor IIAHKY T. SAUNDERS, 31 S. loth Street. SPBt CE. X K. tor of 12ili-Il.iHJw.ii. house keeping Hat. enure 2d Iloor. .1 room. Utth. I qf liable, urtlatlc parlors, unfurnished. r5TH AND MT VBRNOX-Apt.. S and"5 rooms, with bath, steam heat, electric light. all outside rooms . corner. DIAMOND. 1311 Handsome corner ""flat. $35 and $30. 3 nns.. bath, porch, modern conv. THE WARWICK lOOO-OS-10 Sacjum .treet. A modern 7-story, dreprool balldlnr, con taining filte it apartment hating -I to 0 rooai wph all -.'Onveuletue for housekeeping Tae entire aatw upp,y In this hul'dlng Ti tillered. Tbete all be 2 or 1 desirable va uu.ki i,ne suite on the 3th door ontalnlng U rooms, at $33 per month, and on eu the ;: , Hour at $V it'r niontb. There is a taterer in the bu Ulng uho will ssrt meat sti n wantel, Litter tn the public dining room cr a the spartment. WJ1ITF3IIIS & Met AN AH AN N W cor 13th ana Pine six. IT nOUSEKEEPINQ APARTMENTS THERE ARE SEVERAL-WAYS OF SECURING AN APARTMENT You can look nt on titer another until you find one. or You can go around to the aifrsrent agen cles until In despair ou tako one, or You Can Call, Phone or Write to This Office It Is quits true that nearly every olrbl apartment In Philadelphia Is listed with and may rented through us Call upon us In our new offices: they ara really quite attractive; you win be given the most courteous nnd efficient service obtain able. An nutomoblle Is walling to lake yon to the list of apartments you designate, and If by any chance sou are not perfectly suited our entire organization will be placed at your dlspo.nl to procure for you exactly your heart's desire. Think of all tha trouble you will hv saved and how glad you will be to know you hate found the one npartment In Philadel phia which most nearly approaches your exact Ideal NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1411 WALNUT ST. Spruce O2C0 Race 3025. . T1IH MONTEVI8TA. (ill) AND OXFORD STS. . . Within S3 minute, of City Halt xla Market street elevated nnd 00th street crosstown line, which runs direct to 03d and Oxford sts, .Suite of from one room and bsth tit seven room, and bath: ranging In pries from $10 Dining room locnted In building. PHONE OVERUROOK, i!0S CORONADO S20 AND CHESTNUT STS. I room and bath 7 renin and bath 12 rootninnd3 hath, THE (IARLES 4000 Old York road, r few choice fl-room ho isckceplng apartments; nil conveniences; $10 per men Ih Apply to Israel Hecht, 121S t'h,stnutnt , or Janitor, on premise. THE KNtiLKWOOD. 320 S. 11TH HT.-Ideal central hoitsekecrlng apartments; suites, 3 rooms, kitihenrtto and bath. Apply Janitor, on premise, or LEWIS A. TAULANE, 000 W'alniit st THE NASH 1527-20 SPRUCE STREET HOUSEKEEPING APART- MENTS nnd PROFESSIONAL OFFICES. HOUSEKEEPING AITS., all parts of city, rent. $2.1 to $70 per mo, Call, phono or writ for In rorma I Inn, Sq muel Stern. 1201 Chestnut. M W. GREIMS. originator of Apt. tlurenii Service, will quickly find j'ou tho npt. that sultSjjno Real Est. Tr. Itldg, Ph. Wal. 3237. FOR modern furn or unfurn. apxrtments. Northwest Phlla. or Tioga, sen us first. KCIIOEPPV A CO , 1317 Montgomery ave., POPLAR APARTMENTS. 10IS-2O Poplar Suites fur. or unrur : hot-water heat; prlvata iintbs. hot watery beautiful first floor. l'lXE-ltOOM'APT.. 1210 Glranrave.'; entlra second floor, newly remodeled; hot-water Jicnijjnw rent vldm5n.llUi Glrard nve. LAIK E ROOM, kitchenette, furnished, $3; room, private talh, $1 14nl X. loth st. WEST PIIII.Alir.l.PHlA 4S25 AND 4S20 WALNUT STREET Two modern apartment., most nrtlj tltnlly decorated; flvo rooms nnd bath, with private porches, including liot-water hen, hot water. High-class Janitor service. Near new High School. Exceptional value, lie suro to cx.imlno them toduj'. WM. II. W. QUICK & RRO.. S SOUTH 4UTII ST. INC. CHESTNUT f-T.. 3115-7 (Leone) Elegnnt apt.. reduced rent. Call I to 5. Jan. PH. Par, .mow " DRENEL" APARTJiENTS OVERUROOK STATION One housekeeping suite. 0 room and bath, $4.1,34 per month; one furnished suite, 2 sleeping rooms, one exceptionally largo living room and bath. $75 ptr month, public dining room. J'hone Over. rook052s. THE "CHANCELLOR APARTMENTS Ch.iliiellur above 54th. 'est vnluo III We-t Phllndclthln. 22 rt. living room, splendid coiiiltlnn. 5 rooms, loth nnd large porches; ov.ry modern conv entente; rent $.iu nnd $32 Apply Janitor. i,n pn mic, or KERSHAW & C1IOWL 5213 Chestnut st. THE RUTLAND AITS.. JUST COMPLETEft OCUST ST , 5ITII TO 55TII ST. 0 nnd 7 room nrnrtmeuti, with nil the latest conveniences, S-17.u0 to $15 per month. ROBERT PITTS. AOENT Bell phone Belmont 1111. Mil Locurt st. KINGSCOURT 30lli nnd Chestnut et. JUST COMPLETED. MODERN HOt'SE keeplti.: iipitrtments tlrepioor 0 Kirs, eleva tnrH, imbue dlnini; romns pnlv THOMAS M. SFIJDS. Jr.. 12117 RACE ST GI!hV"OAltI.ES IIS-TI N ".ID Very nttraetlvo npt , 3 ti 7 r mint u-nl.lved or unfurnished, till outside toom.. howor baths, etc on nnible s n in . f I all. 1KSEX, llih nnd Chestnut Mo- teret Hd and Che-tnut. Its nio-l. Uth an' S;"i Garden. tnqulro Janitor, or Cresse 10S Htle Uldg. (JER.MANrOWN WALNUT LANE. E.. 1104 nnd 5 rooms and bath, hot-wttcr heat, prlv ato porch, $2ato.io. T1IERE ARU. A FEW FOLKS WITH KIDDIES" who positively will nut rent an npartment In the city. ... So In order to plv ,io thtni and othen who MUST have a suburban home THE QUEEN LANE APRTMENT3 WERE No, 0'i ncvr have eien anything quite like them nance are nu never will .ipaltt. Fresh air, irces, Idrds. grass, ountrv sur riiutidlng In u wm i, tht great outdoors all about ou. - - , A block from Queen f.ene Station, same dls. tnnce Irom the. ijetninntnwn Crltkct Club, tin eo block from vv a j no nv enuc. The prlto Is $5u a month and A to the apartments The. Iiave five rooms nini bath, pin mi extra maid's room; hot water licet (ho beat obtainable, ample hot vvuter: cxteptlontl closet room: built-in book cases; private porches unusual construct on and dt'ior.ttlnns vou must aco them tn know tliat they nr' just what you htve bteu look tng for. und our automobt'es wilt make thl an cusy miitttr. Wo might furnish one or two tit. say. $i0 a n'0,lt ' NOR5IAN S. SHERWOOD 1411 WALNUT STREET. Hiiverfiiitl l'n I1AVERFORD, PA. Near station nnd club new npnrtmenta. 7 room. 2 baths: "() to $..() per month: south ern exposure- beautiful outlook; targe duplex apartment, $1(0 per month. Mrll.VMN & CO 15I.H itnd Title Building. Phlla. APARTMENT HOTELS THE t l.t.5tAK-j.OKitlb UERMANTUWN AT CIIELTEN AMI. STATION. PENNA, RAILROAD 20 MINLTES FROM BROAD ST. TERMINAL. ATTItACTIV Kt. Pl'BNISHED AND UN FURNISHED SUITES AND HOUSEKEEP INCi APARTMENT:-, HOTEL COLONIAL spruce at Eleventh st. An npaittuciii hottl notvd for Its cuisine and perfection of service, newly refurnished and redttnr.ttcl, j-unur, bedroom and bath, with meal tor two persona, $35 pt r week und up, special luncheon. 75c. Table d'hote dinner, $1. THE CLJNTON TENTH nELOW SPRUCE inO ROOMS ID Eltt CON . l...lt.JCa 1'urnUlnd or unrurnlihed, either by leai-e or transiently, ultes of one to four rocms, with bath. THE GLADSTONE utt,aeetsIN-- APARTMKNTS toll W1.V1J-.1. a.u-M'HS FURMSiiho R ( NFl RNInnED ABSOLITEI.Y FIREPROOF THE COVINGTON, CIlia-nMJT AND 17Tlf STS It. F. ENGLE. MANMiEH. ALSO TUB ENGLESIDE, BEACH HAVEN. N J. THF FSWONH s- E CORNER I2.TH I ML. COOIU11U AN1J bi.uucb SUITE OF 2 ROOMS AND HATH- THE TRACY PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT GUESTS 3CTH AND CHESTNUT REAL ESTATE TOR SALE CITY 014 S. 3D ST. 4-story building; 21x105; as set? I $sVo prl.u s500. ttrttis can be ar ranged, tin is $2uoo lets than it I worth. L EDWARD LUTZ. 210 N. 17lh st. 130U LOCUST ST. Handsome, modern 4-story prownstone dwell ing Especially fitted for profe.sional onicea. Low price and easy term for quick sale. 135 N 2IST bT.-For eale. modem dwell. ng. 11 rooms and 2 bath southern exposure, lot ISxO); close Vi l'arkwa' hi; close vv I'arswav. J. EDWARD LUTi!, 210 North ITth st. 1S12 JEFFERSON ST Desirably located dwell ing, must t soiu q ctose an estate, rent $.0 montn. ;rl e $tJ00.Bertoltt, 1010 N 10th t. 3J-.. N. PARK" AVE. for ale. $MX). NOR MAN B.IAFLBIGH. CENTRAL PROPERTIES" for sale or rent; seed u jour reaulrements. YARROW & VAN PBLT X. E cor ITth and ChssUuut sts. Plana 3 1 SO spru. e or 2OTB Rare. ... KAMINE THIS HAROAIN $4200: original price I4TW-U reouig. side jard never occupied 833 Chew si. Tabor, S,rB.,to!,1.JbT",k,,r """ elwtrlc Ught. pr quetry flooring; terre arrange.!1: you rlTn dwUcale tbls for near the price ukeu: 3 treilevs block from station, 4 twdreonu ABBRNETHY. UCI S, 12th: i72J jifSt T( CLiiSB AN ACCOUNT 12-1 E. Mertnald Utne. acrtftce. t-i dwelllr.g. u rooms lot 40X3S8, jardau. jfrulf garage spate, chicken hMie, handy to trullej ond Readuis R. IL S?1.'.HL's.Jln, --"tie cash requireJ PEL 11AM TRUST CO. CTlu r . rtnsjiiJvvn ave. INVESTMENT-PROPERTIES 2 . tlsMITI Master st , 1 ty g imi ,tin , h ( ih. e-t i- a, offer Minting isdu Ridge veT i Other ClaniaeU Ad ou Next Page r a i mfc-Mmns
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