?5wva iiiii jmhwj mufumifiwa iwmt) If EVENING TJEDGEK-. PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, DEOEMBEB 3, 191S: 18 J U rt W "A II I! .: nm m ljf ! a MM 1 BEAL ESTATE FOB SALE titv NEAR FAIRMOUNT TANK four ni.ocKs from TVISSAIIICKON DltlVK Three modrrn semidetached porch-front dwelling. 7 room nna bth, eMetrlclly nd mo, We. tsith, pamnetry floor, con venient to schools, store nnd churches. LOTS 23 tir 110 -Sd FEET BETlYKDN EACH HOUSE I $3000 terms to suit 35 This l a big value, gooil locution. A regular ?nw home. .. John j. foran 4110 Crcssnn tit . Mansyunk. . . $21 W .. only onl left East side of 2!th st , south of Allegheny nve i 2-story brick, porch-fiont houses; 7 room nnd outkltchcn hnnliincit nnlah liot tv rtter heat, electric light, cabinet gas range, coniblnilton lookcaso and writing desk In Dutch hall. It will bo worth sour while Vis iting these houses before dceldlnir clsoivhcrc. SA.MU.i: house Open Liery Dii . J. A MeNELIS agent on phumises on somebset STREET, WHW OK SMI). BARGAINS ON NORTHEAST BOULEVARD. iroo io jiooo van Acnn sni: JAMES FRANKLtN, f720 Thoma ave THItEE HOUSES renting nt U per month each, ran lo bought for ti00 cash. MOllT aAOCS 100fl ench. Theso nro -north Inves tlcatlng. HJI, r HALLlNOEIt, 0th and Market. Camden. lr YOttVANT TO MOlirOAOi:, rent, buy, sell, exchange or Insure, SEE TAl'I.ANi: AtlOUT IT" IKio nlnut st. BITES I-OU SALK-Suitable for erection of business buildings, large or small Invest tnent properties Money Tor mortgages. . AiiTiHtn iiosni.i.;2ii n nth st FINE HO.MlSTnenr rtorer nnd Allegheny, all conveniences, In flrst-rlns ord"r, little money needed for quick buyer. , CAMEHON, Efll Kensington ave INVliSTOtt PEE WAttD'S HOUSES AT 42110 N DAIllKN ST. . JlFKICE-JBll N HTH ST. , EXAMINE" 2U.M N r.th st , -l-story brick duelling public pile. Iierember 1", 1DW, nt Freeman p. li!i f2irs(nut st HOMES) AND INVISTMi:NT8, northwest. Fencl for list before tnirrhnslng In this section JAMES D WINCIM I.t. 2IHO N 2-lth st Uulldlnc Ixits, FactorT Sites, Eto. I'ALLS OF SCHUYLKILL onor.VD Large ami Small Tract for DWITLLINfl or MANUl'ACTUIUNO rurposca In beet sort Ions EXCELLENT l'.AlLIlOAt) FACILITIES Price on Application. Est. JOHN DOI1SON Ml) Chestnut st. THItEE-STOIt faetorynn I l"1) lots at-ifh pah, N, I . nllrmd sldlnp to factory, one squnre rrom station, gocid ihtnce for manu facturing conrern, pli nty or labor, C I' CQWAIll) en, 20th nnd Jefferson sts. B1TPS. IlAILUOMi" for s"ile, FcnnsvUnnt-v and Ilcvdlng $2 mo per ncre and up, accord Ini: to locitlim. Inquire for terms. DIErEIltCH 717 Wllnut. VALUABLE .entr.il site, IVIxlOO. 1 streets; good bulldlnr Lnle to close estate, easy terms. J. A Frits, 521 L-iml Title llldg CHOICE bulbllng lots nnd 1 irgo tracts grounl In all nirts iltv. nlo ovrr 200 m inuficturlne sites. Melvln. jr.in-lll Hell ltiilo Trust Hldg. Illl'f3 TIIACTS large nnd m ill vv 111 .irrnnge advincesi AIIEItNETHY 2721 North .'.th. If! -outh 12th. LOTS, choice lorntlon, ninr L station Improvements c 411 I edrer Office nil Slnrs nml Dwellings 13.100 FOR J.IW. CORNER STORE and dwell ing. CARNEY. V31 E Allegheny. IlIiHT PIIII.ADF.I.PIIIA BEST VALUE IN PHILADELPHIA UNEQFALED HOMES 60TH ST ABOVE LANSDOWNE AVE. West Side $1000 Every Known Cunwnlenc, Hirduond Floors Throughout. JAS C. EMll'Ita Builder MR. HOME BUYER YOUR OPPORTUNITY SEE THESE SUPERIOR HOMES IN OVERIUIOOK IIEKIIITS BOTH, HADDINGTON TO JEFFEIfON ST Sample house furnished Agent on premises, or BERMAN BROS., 6019 Market .BEAUTIFUL HOME, 1 bedrooms, sitting room, bath, parlor re eptlon hall, large din ing room, large kitchen finished In hard wood, hot-water licit, modern Improvements, end houso. heart of West Philadelphia . owner going West must sell at sacrifice price Jt000. $2300 cash, balance mortgnge. 4111 Osage. Modern Sunlight Homes in iieiuiuui ,nerwoou $2011 Cash Trice $2S00 Easy terms Rent. $22. Well Built. Modern, Ueiutlful. Frazler st., Thomas to Hoffman ave. Agent, lull, ITatler at. $i;il BELOW COST Owing to owner's Intention to move from city, will sacrifice 3-btor slle-ynnl residence, opposite Clark's Park, ct's-irlc lights; good condition. WM. II W. QUICK X. BRO , INC 8 South 4Clh st n:BY CHEVP Just now, tine porch residence property In desirable p irt of southwest I'hll.i delphla. within II minutes of town centre via sub-surface cars, It Is semidetached and lot Is 23x11)0 reet -' baths, laundry and loft be lacs tho usual other rooms Daw sun & Adams 27111 Germnntuwn ave (31008 ROOMS hot-water heat, gas ond elec tric light pirquctry iloura shower biths. gas kitchens and all other modern appointments. DANIEL CRAWFORD JR.. BUILDER. TSth anil Hadlleldsts. 900 CASH, tlrst mortgage $5000, assessed $7000 Three-story twin. I.' rooms, houtli 4'Jth st near Sprlnalleld ne . a bargain t TAYLOR .V. SON. -'4 and 21. .Soiltjl 40th St. I'OTTS & TOWNSEND. WFST I'lIILA HOMES. . 4003 UALTIMOItE AVE. SEND FOR LIST, SALE OR RENT , JOS 3i BAKER . 02d and Baltimore ave. WHRI.ANS HOMES niTTII AND I'ASCIIALL AVE APPLY 1011 CHESTNUT ST. TOUR PROPERTIES can be rented or old nulckly by pliclng them with -i DAKIN & KII.PATRICK, r.133 Market st. WEST PHILADELPHIA HOMES ' TV EDWIN IHAIR 207 S LOTH GKUJIANTOWN SOS BAST CHELTEN AVE. Modern. 3-story, porch-front home terms to suit, exceptional opportunity for home seeker cr.'i in a TAuiaa tan) walnut st. 31EMARKABLE bargain. 30 and .12 Church lane, assessed $lb00 each price $1200 each. large lots. Marshall II, Smith, 1011 chestnut street IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOB A HOME "in Germanton, Mt Airy or Chestnut Hill con- ultrne. A. It. Meehan. 6747 Oermantown ave. RESIDENCD SITES-Ornund In best sVctim. of Germantawn and chestnut Hill. B. B . LISTER i. bON. 5(112 Germantown j" TVK CAN atslst you to And" that houso you are looking for. Germantown Trust Com pany. i lichen and Germantownaves. BMaLI. INVEST3IKNT HOUSES nlmoirdoT: r1?.' do11". GLYNDON PRIESTMAN, B506 Germantown ave. ASSESSED u00 each, price $300".jch(clear). foiiach'esVn7utC.l'm " M"r'haU " Smitb Chestnut Hill NEW SALE I AND RENT LIST READY Pelham, Mt. Airy and Chestnut Hill. PBLHAM TRUst CO . 0740 Germantown ave. Etu,rn lilN f UEtTE'sy : rN "- "'"' " I j II ""3ir Prre-f oeAB. oid ) ujl7i.jp mcres ) f - There? vjov.A vow't vou haw T7" X ( su.TX T5S hi Mavc a riARti f vi ygfa. AtisHT V ARE Nflu Atu F Sk ZlvtoRe Goose. &ouP --Tf These y CiSfi PAN-r- C. S,Ws,S lUMCie PtTTtf )mkj KVJ W I PeieV DEAR-? J ( xSlfM.MABe N fsWNCrtT1!! ItEAL ESTATE xTOB SALE lxi run LOGAN'S PRETTIEST HOMES KUSCOMB ST. (SOUTH SIDE, 18TH TO ItTTH) JUST west or logan station LOGAN'S PARK SECTION AS SUBSTANTIAL AS THEY Ann BEAU TIFUL everything to constitute BAci:i,t.r..ci; and completeness imposing lerrared front Urge porches, I) clot, deep lot, beat of plumbing and healing svstem ESPECIALLY note our laundries ami hhth. light basement ftlth ce ment nails. Open day nnd night. 53800 Terms to Suit You jrzori with brick oAiiAon and DRIVEWAY 14 IT WIDE. Two fine store on corner. Fine buslnees o-Pliortunitle OM) OItK ROAD TItOLLF.VS 21 ON mm, so on utii nr. on r.Tir WALK TllltOt tilt LOGAN STATION Oil risnnit's lane to mth. then south to iiu.v mm S. C. ABERNETHY 2724 N GTH ST, 133 S 12TH ST. STOnES. DWELLINGS AND APAtlTMCNTS For Sole or Ilent In nest sections of Logan. WM. D. ClfAMUEllS, 40.19 N. Jittni st. I.OdAN nilAt. F.i?TATK SALE, ItENT AND EXCIIANdn1 M M. smith, nrond at , opp Logah Station. Tlogn 1BIB OAYUOA ST Three-story, terraceil.porch. front modern dwelling, lot Idil25 (ceti 10 large rooms, line condition, i square from boulevard, $4400 North I'hlla. Trust Co, jjroad ami Erlo ave. . WE "HAVE THE HOUSE YOU WANT IN TIOOA Oil I.OOAN KENNEDY & 11AM1IO, 3740 Oormantown, Diner UEAUTIFfL modern home, $IS0O to JPOon, easv terms, some mirage privilege AIIEH- NEVT1IY, 2721 .North r,th l(s Tnbor road. MJitUltllAN W E S T V I E V J3LK1NS PAItK-Heautlful building ttnets: high location, extinded view over lino homes of Elklns I'nrk, near train and trolley. 1'rlLPs SHOD and upward Our automobllo by appointment Phone Melrose 1371, IMIUAUO Ot I AUI.j ELMNSPAHK UEPWEEN TWO AND THHEE ACltES"at tleam nnd high-speed clettrlc stntlona, I-atis-dale Bectlon, very nuit 8-room duelling, hot water heat, bath, elntrlc lights, pressure naler, etc , statilf. spbnlid voung shido and fruit. The only ono of It kind at tho price, tlrown A. Cloud, Norr stown, I'.i. " MEDIA FAItM. 42 ACHES Farmhouse, barn etc., old elude, spring, running stream, lonvenlcnt train nnd trolley and tho lloo Tree Hunt lub HEltKNES-S S. STETSON LAND TITLE IIFILI1INO NEAR I'RAIN on trullis line 2-ston' tie tachcil dnellliig, rooms and bath, lot .Vlx'H, hot-water hent nil umvenlences prlco $1300. 11 II MrCOLLfM 1311 Unlnut si. Philadelphia Don t Forget the Number ' HOME FOlt SALE OR RENT WENDELL A MASEY, lieu uniaie '.rust liiug. CHOICE BUILDING SITES Ijinghorne, Pa. nnu ncreage ARTHUR P. TOWNSEND, SUIlUItltAN ItEAt. PST.lTn Any price All locations. Salo or rent. CIIA1.LES J HOOD Ar CO Mnrrls Bldg SELECT PUOI'TlRliKS-Cnuntry srats.-fnrfnT List orders now LEWIS T HllOOIiF, & bON, ini oguin i-cnn sq ll.iv.uiiu lhili LARGE LIST OF SUBURBAN HOMES silo or rent, on thoMaln Lino or Holding It. B. WM if WILSON A. CO . Morris Building. Suburban Lots PROSPLCT l'ARK-11 acres, with 1400-fcet frontage on II. O. Railroad: splendid loca tion lor manuf.ictor or small dwellings, price attractive to close an account, yoci'm .i row i:rk co 20 8. 13th st. 0010 Woodland ave. Amliler, Pa. SEND FOR LIST or suburban homes, farms, country seats, building ground, etc I have a largo ami varied Ilt In .Montromery and Bucks Comities, if jou nro looking for any thing in the way of country real estate, do not fall to get my list before you buy THOMAS ATKINSON, Ambl!r' I'n. I ARMS, country places nnd suburban homes pn thn Reading's Bethlehem and Doylestown branches. II. J. Dvger. Inc., Ambler, Pa, Cymv id,. Pa. ST.T" COLONIAL HOUSE. 12 ROO.MS. 3 hatns (0 chambers), all modern Improve ments, attractive lot lOOxl'O. open outlook, southwestern exposure. Apply LOU-nit MEIHO.V Rl.AI.TY CO. I AND TITLE BULBING. Elkln's I'nrK, Pn. NEW' SINGLE DWELLINGS. 12 rooms, 2 ??'JJS". mln- ll"0lli station, reasonable price. Mccormick a jk-cormick, ion chestnut at., and Elklns Park (! ni-lile. Pa. MAqMFICENT stone nnd snlngle residence, containing 12 rooms, bath, all modern con veniences, large lot, with stable convenient to train and trolley, best location, property could not he duplicated for leas than SlS.coo, will tako Sio.oiio for quiik salo, several other unusual opportuiiitloH RENVINt.FR . RENNINGEH Glcnslt'c, Pa., and Broad and Walnut sts . I'HiiKiiciphia Pa MODERN HOMES, best location, building lota and acreage, inanj rare offers Call at Glensido office todav 1JEXNINOER & IlEN NINGElt. 3lenslde ami Broid and Walnut. Moore, Pa. SlOO RVYS 10-ROOM HOUSE JJUU LOT 73x130 FEET Mod com., shade near station and trolley. Call sew photo Others Norwood and Ridley, PETERS S. SON. Kis Chestnut M , phlla. Snartluuore, Pa. , ... ,,wo . KASV TERMS Sultablo for prliato homo or apartments. 14-room house, water heat gas. elocty. , fire places, bay windows, porches, shade, cor. lot olxlfco. C. P PETERS S. SON (OS CHESTNUT ST. 's'i'inO OM-V J1000 CASH REiJUIRED-" pjjuu j3.It00M HOUSE, LOT 75x150 Modern lonienlenci-s an 1 In excellent order. Old shade, fruit, well loiated Photo C. P. PETERS & SON, MIS CHESTNUT ST. lVynnellelil. l'u. STONE HOUSE and stable, lot JOOilKO; fins location, houto has 1'J rooms. 2 baths, all conveniences stable will hold live or six care, complete with elevator and man's room. LOWER MKRION REALTY CO. LAND TITLE BUILDING. MAIN I INK, PA. R. It. DESIRABLE PROPERTIES f SU.E OR RENT WARNOCK A. EilLEN. Cammerclal Tr.Bldg. bUBUBBAN jfOMES. country places and building sites tu suit all requirements; Main Line. Jl. C HUNTER. Wayne, pa. JtEAL ESTATE EOR SALE main riNK, pa., r. n. n. Merlon vm have several finf. nbvy places In tins moat desirable suburb. They tire complete In every rtctntl. Inside nnd -ml Fine Karaie ami ground, t,ot uf show s on around. LOWMIt MBRIQN IICAI.TT CO LAND TITLE BUILDINO. Mynnpffnod lfANDIOMF. STONF, AND STUCCO HOUSE, 14 rooms, .1 tmth ( chnmbera); modern P rolnlmenls: fine loentlon, near station, lot JiOxlSI, nnith lnetlstlon. LOwnit MiiiiioN nr.ALTv co. LND TITLE HUILDLNO. Anlmore SMALL . COfcfNTrty PLACE, NEATt C.OLF links, 12 room'', 3 baths, modern comen iences, .1 ncre lot xitth shade; stable, chicken houe, trarden nnd fruit .trees LOWF.ll Ml'.lllnX ltEALTr.CO. LAND TITLE lilTlLDINd. Wc Have an Exceptionally Urge list of very attractive properties, both for salo and rent, nt nil prices, let us know sour requirements. HIRST & McMULLIN WFST END THUST DUILDINO, llnverforil NEW STONE HOUSE Desirably located, near Merlon Golf Club, nl Haverford, 19 rooms, 4 baths, 8 chambers, hot-water heat electric light, Eevernl open fireplaces, beautiful outlook' garage, 1 cars, rooms for men, about 2 acres of ground: prlco moderate. ., HIRST & McMULLIN WEST END Tltt'ST HU1LDINO. Alnyno AN ATTRACTIVE English stylo house, 12 rooms, ciegintly furnished, lot 75x200; sev eral nlfe trees, beautiful lawn, will soil com plete. 11 Of (I or will sell without furnish ings, mnrtgngo can bo arranged Photo In m office . . F 11 WA11D, 702 Ileal Estate Trust Idg. NEW .II.IISKY Ilnililon Ilelghls, N. J LIPPINCOTT LOTS AND HOMES 1IADDON llF.IflHTH, N. J. WII.LET LIPPINCOTT Staple Minitr, N. J THE GREATEST privilege of tho 20th century Is to own u llltlo ono-acro farm close to Phlladclihla, nnd remember J" down buv one. $1 monthly pajs for It. For ft square deal call on or ivrlto .. . HARLOW L CO . Maple Fhiac, .-n. J. Jit. i:pliralm, N. !. ONE ACRE FARMS Mt. Ephralm, N. J (adjoining Hoddon Heights), only 6 miles from Citnden (2 sta tions on tract), J100 to J010 per ncro, title Insured f-ee deed no taxes for 1013, CAMDEN COUNTY OARDHV FARMS CO, 1203 Broadway, Cinnlcn, N. J. slasiioki: Cape May, N, J. COTTAGE ersctcd by a rcllablo builder Is a s-itls 'action attract Ivo plans submitted free. OTIS SI, TOWNSEND. Ocean City. N. J Ocean City. N. J. COTTAGE erected by a reliable bulldft la a satisfaction, attractive plana submitted freo. OTIS .11 TOWNSEND. Ocean CUV, N. J. PESNSM.VAMA I'AIIMS CilADDS FORD FARM Slono hoiim-. hullt I wo elevated location: good outbuildings orchard, meidow, timber: to sell befon JlHUl will Inilude ttoi.lt, crops nnd lini.lemi litHSV low price Appll i I I'K'li IIS ."iSON. 0'1S CHESTNUT ST. NINE-ACRE vlllagR farm. 7-room brli-k houc, barn, outbuildings, 1 square orf Norrlstown trolley prlie S.'JiH). f(.0U cash down Write for Jaik's New Bulletin of Farm Bargains. lacks Farm Agencv zii .-tepnen uiruru Hldg. I'liiuaeipnia, 21 Cnri, STOCK. CHOPS, good buildings. $2100. hilf iasu HUNSIlERaER'S FARM A'lENCY Green I.anc, ii CHOICE PENNSYLVANIA and New Jersey ff.rms .or rate, all sections. Wrlto W. F BOGGEVTINF yio Gcnmntown ave. BltANDYWINE farm, 121) ncrcs, $1300, bir- A. D HE ALP. West Chester. Pa. fcil-ACHE ilitriirm, on'llcthlchein pltie, stone buildings near It It town jsim, .u 0 cisn v li Thi), i.insuaie, i-i 230 ACRE" Desirable stoclc and dairy farm. $00 per acre J 11 TI 1OMPP0N, West Cliester. Pi NEW .IEHSEV FARMS BURLINGTON COUNTY FARMS All sizes, alt purposes established ISOS. A W. DltD-'SER, Burlington. N. J REAL ESTATE SALE OB BENT CITi BUY A HOME TRDM US Monthly payment", $17 to $3U N Phila. and Germantown. prices flvOu to $7tHi Merchants' Union Trust Com pany. 715-7W Chestnut st. BEAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE DETACHED (iwilllng In Chestnut Hill, .it Mei mald Stition value, i lent of In. utuhrance, 37100 will ton lil. r smiil hnuEea if cleir or very llfchlly mortgaged M 12", Ledger utllcc. S. W coil loTII and c it liartne Magnificent corner, with house on Catharine si.. In heart of It. i. Ian s.i i on Jim. lit Nil N lith bl.Yl.llAL small ilwclling'' rials J7 to -,, $100 pr i ear. Llv lngti in Ilroad &. Walnut. buhjl!i-t to tlrtt nn rthugo ojiili . net Income DLSIItAiil.E IRuPl.Blv ii lljga st-WIU consider Inieafnent houses or ground. WILL IAM Uvltlt. Mh and Oak lane BEAL LSI ATE WANTED WEALTHY owner," selling-at bargain-price, would he godsind to gentleman and nltu. etlucatlon and tuate, lluancea reduced fru gality Imperative, going 'back to tho land.' Desire Miod house conveniences, not isolated, under Wni0, within 2u miles Philadelphia, threo ormore acres I 440 Ledger Central. WANTED Unfurnished nousc hetween Slarket and Pino sts, rent about i'.O inunth nouU corsldtr subletting furnished houso for win ter, or house In or bitwein Olerbrook and Bila, highest credentials blvcn II 817, L. C BU.NTti AND lN'lERI Si" l ejlJ.LCTED.norN gages an! fire Insurance pluied qulikly. beo Kane for promt t results 212S Tasker st. WILL purchase for cash central property that l)nbirgain. J 211, Ledger Central. WANT one nr more houses cheap, any condl. tion. J 210. Ledger Central. BEAL ESTATE EOB BENT nrv 1210 SPRUCE ST. Desirable residence, con talns lu rooms. Inclu ling 2 bath rooms sult abln for doctor's offlco and residence or ujm. ..i.e.,. .it.uau ill., ,iji-, per ailUUlII. WHITESIDE i McLANAHAN 15th and Pi and Pine. 451 N. 4th st $13 524 Diamond at in Tix N. 22d at is 740 N. 22d st . is '" " ..-., J ,. on a l. RH5 N 2 111 ST (75 21 'M 221D N Uth st. first-class condition.... -NJi rv. lutn st. :i bor u rooms . . .. 2b03 Sartaln st , 1 storv, 8 rooms CIIAI.LI S W. SNYDER, 2ou .V Uth." IS PETEY It Not Only Isn't Natural, It's Sort of Uncanny, REAL ESTATE EOR BENT CITS 051 N. nitOAD ST,-Su!tablo for utomobl!o accessories and supply store. Aleo K)5-3i . HAllRY T flALNDEng. 91 South 1Btht, 2M1 WMTONTVtttO ST (at Tioga Station) Fourteen room, up to date for partmcn" rnt JIO per month Apply iN'Dt'sTnrAL ritusT co. lnco n. .rroMri. 1M N. UTII ST -Three story, 12 room, tine order: eomenlencea. 1i.3i. U1LLIAM I CIIAVEN S SO.NJ, ISltlN. 7th St. 30 S. 11TH ST 12 rooms nml 2 baths; steam heat, Just rcnoMted throughout. JCHAfJ L. MltOVVN &co.2IT Southjlroad 140 S ItElLAH ST-Tno etory, " nomi; good condition. in per month. S E, Gar- diner, K.th and Wharton. 0110 CALLOWHILL ST.-Threo story. 10 rooms, goo I conllllon, J21 per month. S E Gardiner, lfith nnd harton st 2014 N 21111 HT.-Tno story s-room dwelling, all com enlenccs, rent $22. tNt)l STUI U, TRUST CO . 1D-.0 N. Front St. 20U HIIANDW1N!' RT -Three sbry dwell ing. Just pnprcd and ptltitd throughout, reduced tent Tnulane, 000 Walnut st. 1M0 MATEIt ST -12 rooms, J baths, good condition CHAF K nttotv N & CO, 2 17 Soull) Hfl Id. 1TIHI LOCUST sr -Iff rooms nna 2 bath", clcc trlc light, hirilnnod floors EDOAIt . CHOSS, 1411 Walnut et. 2022 N. 1GTH ST -Convenient location: new.y papered, 126 monthly, open dalll. 2202 S OTlt-2 story, all torn , good order! $14. pamui i: uarainer, loth and ivnarton STortES AND DWELLINGS In all sections of cltj. bee our list In the Ledger Saturday f-AMUEL r rrjx ft co. 3. E. i.or. Oth nnd Callow hill. MANY OF OUlt HOUSES, large and small, have been put In good repair, phono or rfrlte for list MYERS & BAHTH. Itldgo ave. and IQtli . SEND FOlt OUH RENT LIST THE LAND TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY Itroad and chestnut st ?I5 .MONTI t-Iirge store, fi streets; the best Junk place In Philadelphia, Call northwest corner 231 and South HUNT CA TA1 CK1I E.glidly sent upon applica tion to W.M. O Ot.ENN, 300 01 Land Title Iulldlng. 1,117 Columbli ave ALL RENTS IlliDUCED 1712 IVallaco lOOl Melon, corner 21st and Wallace .Marshall II. Smith, 1011 J'hcstnutst Huslnrs Properties nnd Stores MARKET STREET, 32-) Entire bul'dlng lo reir street, lot 28.3xI00 ltnmodlate possession. Apply l'eiiim Co , 317 Chestnut Bt, fj01l-ll MAIIrfliT "T Desirable double-bulk etoro and bT""ment, 30x130 possession Jan uary I. CHAP. L lllicm N ft CO , 217 S Uroad St. pro CHESTNUT ST STORE AND BASEMENT I.ea 1 states, ,oo ransom st OLD.LSTAllT.ISHED "CIGAR STAND Same lino of business for 30 vcars: 228 N. 22d t , no good will or serond-haiul fixtures to buy, property for rent nt n moderate rental HARRY T SAUNDERi .11 S 18th sL CENTRAL STORU-S AND MANF. FlyOOBS of all k.nds in central buslnes section, ex ceptional opportunlllcs In rcntils ORAM i MORGAN, 1331 Chestnut St. Stores nml Dwelling 2420 N. ntONT (near York), storo and dwell ing, t per monin STORE and dwelling, suit any business: con venlences; rent reduced. 2053 North 2d. Factories, llnrcliouses, .Mfp. rioors MODERN FACTORY FLOORS 14.000 hquare Teet N. E COit. ABUK AND 23D STS. Steam and electric power, 2 elevators, lor Insurance, automatic sprinkler, watchman, R 11. sidings, extra largo windows and high ceilings. Owner management. Apply G, P. PILLING & SON CO On Premises CENTRAL MANUFACTURING OR STORAGE FLOORS Steam heal,, electric elevators, modern build ings. 211 N 22d at.. CS-132, communicating rooms. 40x132. 22S230 N. 22d at., 2 floors, 30x60. Reasonable rentals. HARRY T. SAUNDERS 31 SOUTH 1ST11 ST. ONE OR MORE FLOORS S1.M30 StJUAIIE I'EEl' EACH MODERN CO.NCRE1E 111 ILDINU, JUST COMPLETED Railroad siding, sprinkler, louist Insurance! splendid tight LAI ORE FOSTER COMPANY 25T1I AND LOCUST STS OR YOUR CWN AGENT 1227 GERMANTO'VN AVE - New building; extra heavy construction, sultabln for manu facturing, wurehouso or wholesale business. .1 rioora and basement, 700(1 square feet: elci trlc elevator, rent $75, will pell on liberal terms. Estato of Daniel lluek. 1 50" North .th Jtreet LAItGE"MANUFACTUttJNO PLANY-IOoTcTt fjoningo on Delaware River. Peima R. II siding, offlco 1 Idg laboratory, covered ship ping platform, etc water supply from river and artesian wells, boilers, engines, ever. - thlngconipletc TA1 LANE, lion Walnut st ROOM having threo front, containing IlTlCi) eq ft., eieiator hen low rito of Insiir anco, railroad Hiding, stib-poslorflm In build ing, locnted 11 blocks south or Marki t st. C. J MILNE A: M)N. llih ami Wnshlnglun LOW RENT Hroul abovo Cumberland, manu facturing spaio In tho modern llreurouf W right Bldg , near North Phil.ui. Iphln and Huntingdon t. stations and freight .irds. WORREI.I,. Mr, nth , CI.NlltAL AAREtlulSE Six floors nnd basenutit, 20 OOo iquure feet; high ceilings, elevator, good light, rear out ln, stabk nr garige If ill sired TlFLANi:. piHI Walnut st S17 DE LANCE." ST. Well-adapted manufnT turlng building. 1 Hoofs and basement; good light, front street (o street LOxloo, ' SEE TAULANfl ABOUT IF' uuu ujinut st bM-ut FRANKLIN bl. through to Perch at -.I-story buildings, th inter sultablo for light manurneturin-r. fun Joseph F. Jones A: llr2?j. l'Uh and dreen sts. iTl'll AND M'RI CE h'ls- Entire-iJoofr"MJxt)3T light on nil hI.Icu, elevators, low Insurance, cmtril loc.itlun liASU1ROWN X. I o , VI7hoiltli Ilroad WE 1IAVI3 several small floors, very clcilrab.a for light nunutaeturlng one In particular IJ.correr nc,,. luth un , j,urkD ,J "r- ?JJL!ilL BAHTH. Ridgo nvc and 10th. .MERCHANTS' BUILDINO ,, 41 NORTH ITU STREET DESIRABI.B ROOMS POWER AND LIGHT "U?.Af? e'S'1 WALLACE (Metropolitan Bulldlrgl-Booms, sikhi to 10 OHO. chcan. power Apnly to Geo F. Lasher. 117 N. 10th. Ciarugri.. 802-1-0 CHANCELLOR (St James) ST.T. story central girnge, lOxlil, rcas.on.iblo rent: exceptional quarters fni lornoratlon. ... 4 i.ii i..cr, 'n,u walnut st. TAUL.WK ItllNlAI. is'IN ,OLAREM'E It. RHOAD-5. '... auoie auMtucnanna uo. fetoro and dw gj2UPI N th it.. ' rooms 3d 1-is v-Ti.M -KAUS, U10 S. 12th st, i'.M M- Llhueiiwood, 7 loeuns, conv . Ii!I -' .arnoilt, t, rooms, conv 173(1 Jackson st,, el roomj lIH 5'J.'0'e " rooms, conv...!"! .1.-1 wilder st., 5 rooms, conv. . ,. 21."-' h Mole st. (1 rooms, conv !fi siojn ft.. 3 rooms 711 Race (Rear No, 2), 1 rooms $20 00 11.IS) 13 00 It 00 1.1 ou 12 00 12.00 11.00 iiiv .. Aiaer, s rooms , , o on 040 Cantrell, 4r (loth and Snyder aye.)! u.uo ""ills N. 20TII. I) rooms . , ll'il Mlltman st 7 loams .,,..,. ,. . i-i 211') het.rl tt . 7 looms j; 1K11 lttpbeit st. 5 roomi ...... io C I' Coward Co , 2uth and Jefferson sts. Delllng 1.110 Tlogj. II rooms, purih ... six 10IK1 N. lsth, l.'r., i-is I'e S V, 22d l"r ji 2J1S N. luth liir .. 21 .'-II N. isti, lor' -ui Jifix' li: rr?nkl!n l"r -1 Il,-"j 'lusqueha'u, if. 23 a BEAL ESTATE FOR BENT liBNTAIr IJST3 THK PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY Tor Insurances nn Lives & orantlng Anpultl", .,,- 617 beitnn.st.-Uoth Phones. 245 B. ISth.lSr f2iiS34 300 S Uth, 1W.WC0 Sens 22d, Sir 1W 00,2020 locust, 1W , .1-11.34 1340 I'lne, )(lr. ...10V1MHW ''"'.L8rl'.'. '23 ni, 420-&. lfroad.lRrKOOuiH.'ON. 10th, 17r. SOOI JMN.lMh.isr 7S0i)1nnreeii, iSr,. 7j.OO i:i02 I'lne. ISr. 75 CO IBIS l'lne, lor .. W.H, 112 s. 2:1a, Itr r.-.OO 012 N 10th, Hr. MOO IU2St!reen. nr BOwWlllWhr, 111 TO0 Ui oirard, Hr. wnm iliauiCf. . JO.JO lS-it". Urol,10rS1Oi 421 S. Mh, I7r.. J0.W) WOS 11th. llr ISO" 1709 Wallace, lr 41.01) ,127 N. Cth llr 4l,7IV)lMter, ISr 4I.J.7 17I3N. IStli. 11r40Ull4iIx)mb,trd, lir 4O.J0 171 1 Oxford, 11 r law 17'n N. inth, 12r .) jo BMP. 4th. llr nitflil-lON. r-kln Jri"' 2(UJN. Ilth. llr. ..!) 2-.ll tAilumbl'i. 12r -" 141S 1 harton, !r 2SI0 12 IN th, Hr. . 2i.no ti20r1ilrin-t.8r. 2? OH1441 N Cth. 10r.. jpl 2H'i Master, llr. 27.(iI7." N 2i.tli. or . 2(1 10 117 V, Slratpnack, llr Jill Master, Or. . ..po liillN Stb, Or . new. li"JN I kin, Or . 2....00 141S s llth, nr . 25 on MT N 1'itii. or. 2.- oo 70N 10th, Pr 23 0oltN loth. Wf-gtfJJ 2111 N Ilth, Or.. 2.-.M1J 107 N Ctmac, Or 2.0" ai (i. . i oer, vr. ztuuj v I'm., .-. -. ' IRI1 1 J5I.atto.i. Or. WU.2,111 N Jesp. or i rj .1)00 2JTI HilnVRc, Or 21 00 i02 Turner, Or . 20 00 1S 341(1 N tamnc.nr 1BX21.'2 wnllac Or 1m r.11 Pnrrlsli. r,r iw) 10IS rodcral. 6r W 1632 N. Marv.. Or 1R0 MI N.Amer, Br in Wi J4MfMllP. IF . fl'Vi ll'ir urn it VOJ Necmrlne, 7r l. w n.-i j iinn i. ot IsoilN. Ulng'd Or in.ni) 1131 North, r . into 10 00 .- -,,.M H.. K- mrvi nt-. .-einr nn. ir jiti"i 3 Ley". Vii: if iKootin jv. llew;n,7r 13.00 2M7 rage. 7r . ivm'lmw Lemon. r. 15 00 MiJJtlyS ,VVI. J l l.l.ui ,JJ' 221 8 10th 12r.?70 00 12 N. 2d, 8r 41.07 1341 Rldee, 12r . 17 Ml 724 N. Front. 11 r 2100 2f.lr. Illdgo. llr . 21O0 117 Green. 7r. . -'J oo -,i v art. ISr J40.ro tP12 Oxford, llr 30 00 f.lSN. 3d. sr . 21 no tlliv Norrls, 3r BIS 00 ICO'. IMIrm't. Or Si 00 123 IV. Oxford.Pr 21.00 2ra Amber. 7r. . . SO "0 12!feuuth 4r 1)2 IS 2.1. fir. 112H 20r 341B N 21ST .. 1MJ N aniao 2011 N Marvlno 1 S 4 td . 1S03 Clearfield , 1311 French .... 3210 Spencer . , 2O00I 20 0011211-li H. 2d, 7r . 10 ' n .ono' 201 Wharton, 6r. 10 00 r . . ...s'iJTf.U . SJi mil Ingersnll I4 l llll .1 -t-'l "00 Cnniln la . . 2laull Orlnnna .... . .. ini 2ji orlanni . .. 17 111 J Cadwalader ... . IB 2i.1i! Citharlno .. .. WILLIAMS T22 Wnlnutst. H.-1I iivmna . M.Fitiin n OITICES. IlLSIMl'S 7M10.1I3. HTO. 11 18-1120 CHESTNUT ST. LIGHT OPFICE, SUITABLE FOR ARCHITECT MEARS & BROWN 20tVet" 110 B I&TII ST Large offlco suite, light from .". sides, faces S. W., rent includes etcam licit, clectrlo light, cleintor mil Janitor nervlic. J. A. I'AI TERSONJ O , 1.10 S, 13th st WALNUT ST.. 12111 Ino Bulla of 6 connecting rooms iievi pilntcil md papered, suttablo for olllces, tailoring or other business, Im medlito possession rent to begin January 1. Apply on premises. 17TH ABOVE CHESTNUT Sllnale CIU' Bldg ) Desirable orflces nnd studios, como with sk) lights WII.LIS-WINCHOSTER COM- IANY 1001 Cliestnut ClIE-Sl'NUT ST., 12001 flight, several con nected rooms, opportunity, ousiness or ox- Ikes, windows. Chestnut st. Khowcan, en- trance 1310 GIRARD AVE. Soconu and third floorer suitable for n photograph gallery: $40; good stand C P. Coward Co , 20th and Jefferson Cllll-ilNUT ST., lWi-Piof Offices or Studios, running water, electricity. A FEW DESIRABLE OFFICES SINGLE OR EN SUITE RENT VERY REASONABLE SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS ROBERT MORRIS TRUST COMPANY BUILDING 927-929 Chestnut Street OFFICES AND STUDIOS FULLER BLDG . 10 H. 18th St. WALL HLDG., 1710 Chestnut st. SMITH BLDG, s E. cor. 18th nnd Chest nut su. Offices business rooms and studios, largo ami small rooms, singly and on sulto, elevator sen lie and all modern appoint ments, will suit architects, dentists artists, musicians nnd other purposes. Bent $15 per month upward Wrlto or ariply for list I C FULLUR. 10 SISth st. DREXEL BLDG OFFICES Annual RetiTaK Slnglo rooms, 100 $l!jO. $110 $200 sloo, 11.10, .suites 2 mis , SIM) 3171 SW(), $221. S250,$276. Suites CI rms , $275, S100 $150. $100. $530. $723. Collior Suites I to M rooms. $330 to S1CT0 JU-LIS DVVILLlAMS.r.lfl Dj-cxclBlldlng. BUSINESS OFI'ICES and workrooms, wltit strong north light, open on three sides, 1300 sq. ft. In new building, near 12th and Walnut, two elevators, nil conveniences. J, T. JACKsON CO, Chestnut and 13th. DESIRABLE seiond-lloor corner sulie, 3 large rooms, northeast corner llth and Walnut sta., nlso single or communicating ofnees, elevator and nil conveniences Clf AH L. JIBOWN ft i O.. 217 South Broad. 1'loors.V. Studios Gieblo Bldg. 170S-1O Chest J. B. JARDELLA 1M5aggg,-IA'g P L A X A BUILDING Offices Single and en sulta 1501-07-IIII ARCH ST. MERCHANTS' BUILDING 41 North 4th street. Very desirable unices. Heat nnd light. OFFICES for rent, flrsf flnni- niiUi.l.lM mr banker, snullei nfllces on other floors. FOR LEST 111 ILDINO. 110 h. 4th st. Room 425. l'OII HUNT Hall, suitable for dancing acad- PII1V. y74S O.rmflnlnlvn fi v n Professional Offices CHESTNUT, IS10-21 Deilrablo office; recep Honj;ooin. nrthllght, ruR dentist or doctor. SPRUCE" sr, 21111-Ofllco for physicldii; cor ncr JiouseciitJri'Iyjutvi reasonable SPRUCE, 1X17 Prof, offices, steam heat, elec- jrlclty, excel, ph iuil door terv.; good light. 1!1 II ST.. H. 33 Desirable newly turn. hrlgliT nfllce recep. room mod rental. I.nc. amy Deslt Itoom I DESK ROOM for rent. Including telephone and J stenographer's services. Apply Albert B, ...ma. lull - e'si i.uu erilSt lllllllllIlK. Ur I'IIILAD1.I.I'IIIA HADl'IELD AVE. WE HAVE FOR RENT .vo dsm, at ?.io a nionti, on carly lease. 'lhl house has a New Lngland central door, way. Colonial stairiusc, sleeping torch, Ital ian garden In tho rear, a most c-harining resl ile.ico, mien lor Inspoction Ask for Mr Fox ngent lor PLMllLltTON EcTATES, 1138 s' 5hth st? 2007 S. ft-VI II Modern two story house, oppo site largo open grounds, reasonable rent. J. C FULLER. 10 9 1RTII ST. DWELLINGS. STORES AND- Al',ll.lf.KTH WM. II W. Ot'ICK & BBO INC, $28 THRLE b'lORIKS 11 rooms, hardwood finish , others, $18 to $12 50. E. II. APSLEY. 6Sth und Springfield ave. NEW HOUSES FOlt RGNT-107 8 (Od st'. facing Cobb's Creek Boulevard: rent $12 50. JAS N MITCHKLU 4r,th and Market. GKIIMANTOWN GERMANTOWN HOMES. Let me know what price you want. R T. MITCHELL. clJOtl Germantawn ave. $30-DWELLINGS, U ROOMS Send for List Continental-Equitable Trust Co . 21 S. 12th st MT, AUtr DWELUNGS $20 to $150 month. Get list, pelham Trust Company, BI40 Oermantown. Eh, Pete? By C. A. VOIGHT BEAIi ESTATE lfOR BEWT Chelnut UI 128 E, MDUMAID LANE, at Mermaid Elation, 0 rooms, . hot-water heat, garden, ehlcene.; fruit; reduced rent! lot 40x2ro PELIIAM TRUST COMPANY, 0740 Ocrmantown ave. UNrunNISHED AND rtlBMtSIIED nesldcncc from 1100 to 1300 per month, HEItKNEls ft STETSON LAND TITLE DUILDINO Tlogi 1700 ONTAIHO Largo rooms, Just adding ec ond bath, $$1; alto 1710 Ontario. 3.1 13 "OOS.200T OMTATItO. OPPOSITE $35 TIOOA H.room Station 75 train dilly:. 2-story, porch houses, not-iiater neat; i floors: everv up-to-date com enlence. hardwood LiANU lb JtAlfA.N, iiunocrs. SUnUKIJAN WAYNE, 15 rooms. 2 baths, steam heal... $45 St. Daill's, 10 rooms, large lot. convs..., 30 a M. A.MAN, 1201 Chestnut St. Ttnln-Cynwyil. Tn. BALA-CYNWYD 0 bedrooms. 2 baths.. $100 00 per month S3 00 " " B3.31 " " 7.1 CO " " 03 00 " " 02 30 " " 00 00 " " 37.50 " ' r.3 00 ' woo ; 3.00 " ' 42.50 ;; 37.tfl 85 00 SAMUEL C. WAGNER, JR. 320 COMMERCIAL TRUST tlLDO. 201 HAUA AVIS, UYNWIU, i'A. Ilarbr. 1'a. NEARLY 100 CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES! Hat sent free JS lo SlOO; all pott Delaware County. BWOPK SONS. Darby. TTVO nleiv tores Iub! off main street; suit any luslness, JlO each win niter to suit. swopo s; son, uartiv .20 S FIFTH St., 10 rooms, J23 00. Albiecht. 2111. W Lehigh ave. Flliln's rarlc. ra. nilSIDENCES, from $18 tin An exceptional property at SHI. McCORMICK & McCOR MIUK 1011 Chestnut st nnd Elklna Park. Olcnslile. Tn. BEAUTI1 UL HOMES, up to date In every de tail, KB, f-10 15, $40 SDO, $C0 upward to $1"0 per month. Call at Glenslde office today, RENNINOER & RENNINGER, Glcnlde, and Broid nnd Walnut sts lenklntonn, I'n. WYNCOTE One square front Jenltlntown Sta tion, 0 room and bath, hot-water heat, elec tric light and gas; open tlreplaco; lot 50x100; $10 per month IinitKNF.Sa & STETSON Land Tltlo Building, 550 PER MONTH Attractive house, best street: 10 rooms, 2 baths; modern: between train and trolley, HEltKNESS & S rETSON Iincl Tltlo Building- STONH DWELLING H rooms, 2 baths! gar ago: excellent location; S70. D. B. CHAM BERS. 710 Commercial Trust Bldg. MAIN LINE, PA. It. H. SIODERN HOUSES. $30 to $200 per month! various stations. Send for special list. liar bert A Claghorn, 201 Bailey Building Of crbroolc 6030 DREXEL ROAD Wlthtn 8 minutes' walk from Overbrook Sta tion: n stono house all conveniences; garage! largo lot, rent $1200; can bo purchased at a reasonable figure, attractive torms. HIRST & McMULLIN WEST END TRUST BUILDING. Nnrber'li SEMIDETACHED houea. S rooms and bath, thoroughly vcntllaten renovated; bent loca tions, special rate, $37,50. freo to January 1. Caldwell & Co. Narberth. Pn. lVs. nnewooil 46 SrANOR BOAD Modern: 13 rooms, 2 baths; u, aero land, $40 per mo. "Walter Bassott Smith Wynnowood. Pa Iraverford WEST AVE. 0 room, bath, conv. to Haver ford Sta.. Phlla. & Western $32; excellent eond. D. B. Chambers. 710 Coml. Tr Bldg. St. David's FOR RENT Stono nnd frame house, 4 min utes' walk south from station, corner Mid land nvc nnd St. David's road, containing nbout 1(1 rooms. 3 baths. 8 chatnbera; all mod ern conveniences, largo, porches and about 1 ncre of ground; old shade. 1IARBEBT & CI.AG110HN. 1218 Chestnut st. PENNSYLVANIA FARMS Poultry and DaiFy g&gSSS. Modern housci for 1400 hens, modern dairy barn, 12-room tiwclllng nnd complete build ings vn Al order: 83 acres, farm Implements, poultry, horses, etc., win bo sold very reason able. C. P. PBTI3RS . SON. COS Chestnut t. MOBTGAGES WE HAVD TUNDS ON HAND FOR GOOD FIRST MORTGAGES O. C. & J. F. BOWKER 4371 Main street, Manayunk. 800 Franklin Tank Building. Phlla. Large Amount TRUST FUNDS FOR FIRST MORTGAGE Immediate Attention HORACE A FRITZ 713 WALNUT ST. $M to $5000 MORTGAGE OR NOTE REAL ESTATE SECURITY Pav tble In lu&l.ilmentH It desired. Settlements same dav If desired. BUILDING ASSOCIATION FUNDS DFMPSEY & CO. 27 S. 1CTII ST. FOR SALE MORTGAGES $1800 at 5'3 JAMES D. WIVCHELL K W. COR 17TI1 AND BANbOM STB MONEY TO LOAN ON 1ST AND 2D MORTGAGES LOWEST RATES QUICK DECISION ALSO BUILDING ASS'N .MONEY J.J.TURNER, 1201 Chestnut St. 5550 $100, $200 TO S5ooo Mortgage or note, real estate security, pay- Luia f.iojr kviii.a, DrLiiC'inciii eaiue UUf. LEWIS & CO. 1"7Aay..Nu.A,m MONEY TOR SIORTGAGES $500 $1000 S1200 $1500 $1600 $5000 W. II HOOD, 512 NORRIS ST. 150 TO LOAN ON BEAL ESTATE sscur- .' i"i niiiiicuiaio seiiiement, paiatus as $2000 desired. EDW. II. MOLL esq a. i-'iit s.T. MORTGAGE MONEY Sums to suit Tirsts and Seconds. O C. SE1DEL & CO.. INC .., aim cauijwnill SIS. iiONLV 1st und 2d mortgages . All Counties, MONEY ANY AMOUNT .,., IMMEDIATE RESULTS MONI.Y8Ti,iN!..e.0m ys. 1411 Walnut st. U2NJ.'.V VOn W-ELL-SECUBED JIORT GAGES AT LOWEST BATES: ALSO BUILDINO ASSOCIATION FUNDS rOtt FIRST OR SECOND MORTGAGES. JAMES G. FRANCIS, 703 Walnut st. IH-SSMSi aiS3,,r.S! ANY .AMOUNT'rla.M Sjft cnas y. , yftn-- iiy n,- - SUCCESVvS -IIJut8, RED., riW?JDXfnnOTT nrrir.rtis.ir, f'wu irrinv? xyr?Aj'iM.wDs?a55 21UDM$k"Vb Asoc a lorirVJoT . Address fmrr.t.,,1: Vl5.?,?,,' HW WANTED-SrooraMlTiEya costing resrelvJiy'.U'-SJMS JoT6-Ss7.1SHL6M " " & ist?"i5asl foiTiSrTili'Jit!. tfl BFIRTNAKTI0?& civi. l-j.H CBN V bulidln, .r-iSa gages, nulck ph.. ui5L" "mtkffil jiiririOMh'rnY'vUi ',, ' " "l t LoAWcWTNTnrffi .tot.M n?.0 ''WCciITroIP """" hoi i.vrjn TrriJ., DUUDS Dn AWN, Jli MORTOlrTrH FUNDS FOfOsTihrrSl $8KTk&w?im THEO E. NIGKI.ns. evn."?ACJs. 1 A nran , r-TrSSil'ril mora Orst mortgages. '"" V'M - BENKERT. IMS j M MONEY TO LOAN on real ettit7- ""' "' "esi hints Tnaf HpNllY lor llnj. second and &? uuiiuiiig association funds. tiomtSV son & Co.. 2122 Oermantown "M 1 'NnRS If sour mortgsgs m. r- T ZXSZ .15" '"j?1' 'econd, er liiT; gages, "Sen us Orst " Antnvrtil1 North f.lli. 1,13 South l!th?LRSBfili' iiiv etnn i.rA. ....... cjuL,iiciu.i;r l'UNDS placed stT- mim; Immedlato answer; lamt nSft poJany1112 Lincoln, faroa "inTO 1,, I-... 7"T " i "T ,.u .. ,,o . .emus ior ist and 2d mi; ??. ..prc,n..,.,m.,. . wnsonaW chirrs?? Lltider. OU Halo Bldg.. 132s ?!SL .viu.-viiv TO LOAN ON JIOnTGioT: ment In S weeks. Carney, mi it !,f ''"I'"' eiii.. awaiting lavettmM Trust Co. 0740 Oermantown ai MONEY TO I0AN A New Company : NewM YOU CAN GET A l fSli of Us autcltly and on very ey ttrtC' Aiicuun. iiuisnuors or employer trill st of your dealing here We ar t rn tablishcd company, bonded to t)i ta, censed nnd supervised by th Etxtti I'm iiuc-iie ul x cnnsyiiama, lis ml . ., UA...I. T7.n..l ...... , .. V ,v ,. uu.tt uiunu o.te-ci, in ICS Met tho business d'strict. Wo loan lanaj ns $10 and large as $201 on very mum YOUB MONTHLY rAYMEST OX ft ONLY $3. i YOUR MONTHLY PAYMENT OS 6 V.1U1 sP'I t" KM t.H.041,-01, HL 0'f YOUR SIONTHLY PAYMENT 0.1' C ONLY $11. YOUR MONTHLY PAYMENT OS tS ONLY $17 (with Interest at K). Ask our rates and ni-tliotfs betcrj ii wnero. xou viu iniu un pruKip, vun companies paid off and mors tntiq vancea jj Wo also make loans In Oertnanlsxt,: l. X1..,nnt llltl And .iatlITlrlV A lUVstJ, U WWUfc HM visiis.iwiiH HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO 1 s l js. broaa it, i SECOND riDOR. NEXT TO TOSl cziceiiif. PHONE WALNUT 4361 VALNUT 4361 l SATUBDAY. TOI OPEN S TO 0 CHRISTMAS fj .. - -o- sat ll J ,1 c w AT LEGAL IIATE3 'jt If you are keeping house or ftu& ployed, wo will mako ou a loanolW more, and take J our promise to W security. All vvo nsk Is our affOTW jou can pay tho small payments'! $20 00 IS $2.10 ,,n m. .a I " $33.00 $81 CO e. v . y...-. i : , $10.00 IS $l.ov iiii;i other amounts In proportion. 41 TAYMENTS A3 LOW AS J2.0O MOVtJ nnMTlMRilR we do not go to . ' plover, re at ves or .'rlend Insumm you Our ten Ico Is strictly m.. nui.ir. rmirteous and considerate. NO ONE liNOWS YOU ARE EOnME! CONFIDENTIAL LOANS TO Lt LOANS MADE IN CAMDSIf A M D R I C A N ftpj Licensed by tho 10 5 State. LOAN CO, 4 120S CHESTNUT STIIEET irsiitrn Seventh Iloorl. Keystone. Rare 101 Bell. "" IF YOU WANT -f MONEY FOR HOME NEEDS: CALL ON US xtr- t. T fiANS 03 vvc iiiauc mw... , HOUSEHOLD FURNITUi ir Philadelphia J LOWEST LEGAL RATC nei.T, PHONE OB WlvITI J REMEDIAL LOAN Cfi of Philadelphia j 34 aBd 36 South 16th streg . . . nELIi tm rifi m ROOM 303 Ltwist " "you can borrow MoiSU ON DIAMONDH. jl.ivi. a "$23 AND Ul' f $Ioo ; fjj ' Tir-nrrn'a iff 8SgaandaoxFo lriBBT. AND RpTv.r TRUST FUNDS IXIR riiJvfTnlLL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers