-,,-. f.-f -W5 jpH jjiiiiiiiJiJjiiijW'apWJI pJUpPpfSpW" 16" EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, DEOEMBEB 8, 1915. m f im ! ,n a m ! im SOCCER PLAYERS AT CENTRAL HIGH NEED GOOD COACH Fred C. Vail, Tutor of W. P. H. S. Team, Points Out Error MAIN LINE ATHLETE GOES TO THE FRONT PRAISES NORTHEAST HIGH SCHEDULE FOR TODAY IlASKKIltAI.t. Drcxel Institute v. College t Oste npnlhr. nl llretel gymnasium, 32d nnd Chestnut streets. soccer Oermantown llluli .School vs. North mil Wall School, second teams, nl Northrnst Field. John Fine Sails for Franco to Join Allies John Fine, the well-known Sfnln Line ntlilete, will nail today for France. Fine, will be sent then) by nn automobile com pany of Ardmore to net In tho capacity or an amnuianco driver. tn his school dnja John was considered one 3f the best nll-around athletes that ever attended tho Haverfonl School, be Iwr n tlirse-lctter rran, playlne baseball. football and basketball. Fine's major sport w.ta football, many old Hnvcrford jtrnds asrreclnB that ha was tho best tackle who ever represented the Main Line school. Fred C. Vail, former coach of tho George School soccer team and this year In chat go of tho West Philadelphia High School scccr athletes, com.ncnds tho Avork of ie Northeast High School team. Thinners nf the lenguo championship by reason of their victory over Central Hlsh yesterday, and points out the fact that Central High was badly In need of a conch. "Northeast High now has tho title clinched and could lose to West Phila delphia nrul still bo tho champions," ho said. "Robert Dunn, tho former player nnd captain and now coach of the eleven, turned out a 'ery lino team. The only team that approaches thoni In ability Is tho (ilraid College squad. West Phila delphia Is now sure or second place. Had Centra' High won r.-om Northeast sec ond place would be In doubt." In referring to Central High's team work Conch Vnll snld: "Central Itlitl- had some dandy soccer material. It Is too bad they did not have a regular couch Clcary, who camo to Centrnl from Frankford High, did what he -o'lld to Instruct tho players. But It was a team without n couch, nnd North cast High showed to advantage yester day because tho players were better pro parcd for tho struggle." Coach Vnll suggested that the private schools get together and form nn In tcrncadcmlc Soccer Association. He pointed ou that such schools ns Friends' Select, Gcrmantown Friends' School, Germantown Academy, Chestnut Hill Academy, Episcopal Acudemj, St. Luke's School and Havcrford should get to gether and organize a league. All have soccer teams this Bcason. U. OF P. STUDENT PROM PERSIA FEARS RUIN OF HIS COUNTRY JIMMY BROWN MAY BE TRADED TODENERITEAM Rumors That Camden Gage Man Will Be Swapped for Kinkaid DKATRS BASKETBALL BRIEFS Eastern League Standing w. i P.O. w. l. p.c. Orejstock... o 1 .000 Jasper 4 (I ,400 irenton n ,3 ram(n.,m I .3M a l a (1 5 Reading S 6 ,r00 ue Nerl 3 .300 Hassam Musa Believes Foreign Domination Threatens An cient Land With Bel gium's Fnte RUSSIANS AND ENGLISH Episcopal Academy athletes arc show ing up well In soccer. Comcy, Lathrop, Price and Hazlett, of the football squad, are now winning additional laurels In , soccer competitions. Landrcth, Schaf fcr. Miller, 'Whiting, Frazlcr and Bunn arc youngsters who will bear watching this season. Tho Churchmen are show ing Improvement, nnd nre by no means discouraged by their defeat in the game with Chestnut Hill yesterday. Students nt tho Chestnut Mill Academy had a few surprises yesterday, when Ludcrscn. Savnge, Klngslcy nnd Clark purformed somo feats In tho soccer gnmo with Episcopal. The manner In which Klngsley nnd Savnge pasted tho ball down the field between them made n very good impression upon Coach Fall, of tho Millers. KlnjMley kicked a very pretty iroal from the SO-yoMl mark. Itometsch, Bailey Van Pcit. "Woodward and Knowles also did clever work. Van Sclver Is the only member ot tho Germantown Academy football squad of "G" men Who Is playing on the soccer team. Perhaps It would be well if moro of the Mnnlielm warriors reported for tho squad. Germantown played Its first game with Germantown Friends' yester day, losing by 5 to 0. C. Clothier, Vlshcr. Beard, Edmonds, Bachman and O'Connell all showed good form In the Initial con test. Two captains, ono soccer and the other football, elected yesterday, helped Germantown Friends' to the soccer vic tory over tho Germantown eleven ves- terday. E. Taul Patton, tho centre for ward, wins chosen to lead tho 1916 foot ball team. Leonard Carmlchnel, right tullottck, won a close election over Jnn ney, tho outside left, as leader of next years ..occer team. Wenerd, Harris, Cowing, West, Arndt, Bacon, Dodds, Wood and Janney are working well to cether for G. F. S. Frankford High School evidently favors k long season In cross-country. Few of the high schools hnvo cross-country teams. In training at this time, but Frankford nnd Southern High still have their men on edge for dual events. Frankford lost a race with Southern yes terday, though Oliver Dudley was llrst to finish, and his brother, M. Dudley, was fourth. Moran. Strange, Grauer and Battln qualified for Frankford. Bat tersby, the star uptown runner, was un eble to compete because of scholastic conditions. The Centrnl High School Interclnss Bas ketball League gnmej are attracting con siderable attention this year, for It is In these contests that the Crimson and Gold cage stars got In trim for the High School League contests. On the senior team nre such stars as Broomfleld, Tarr and Qot walls; with the freshmen, Schnclderman, Swede and Lukens on the Junior Ave, Mouradlan, Stewart nnd Ferry, and with the sophomores, who nre now leading the league, Pike and Fowler, School of Pedagogy Is continuing Ha rood work In the cage. In the game with Jenklntown High yesterday, which the teachers won by a score of 36 to 22. Pas serman and Bertolet were the Individual stars. Paravlchil. the centre, also made some very good passes and scored a couple of field goals. Fleming and Fil bert, the guards, were too speedy for the Jenklntown forwards. Jenklntown High Is not upset over the, result o' the case game with the Peda gogues. It was Jenkintown's Initial con test. Flower. Rlckert. Carlln. Prescott and Alleman are confident that before the season U well under way visiting teams will have a much harder proposi tion In the games nt Jenklntown High. West Philadelphia High School's first and second teams won their games with the Trades School fives yesterday, and now the youngsters across the river loom up as likely contenders for the title )n th High School League. Bierman and Fred Bachman, captain of tho team, and McCaskey, the centre, did some excellent wprk in tha cage and were very good in scoring field goals, while dross and Hub Jiert Bhowed class as the guards. Macon, who substituted for Bierman, also per formed well. Has.tnm Slufa, a student In the Whar ton School of the University of Penn sylvania, said today that tho neutrality of his natlvo country, Persia, has been repeatedly vlolnted by thrco of tho war ring tintlons, nnd It is becauso Persia feais sho might becomo the Belgium of western Asia thnt sho has remained passive whllo Turkish and Russian troops have crossed her northern terri tory, fought battles upon her soil, de vastated her resources and occunled her cities. England, too. has taken posses sion of certain additional territory In tho south of Persln slnco the war began, Mr. Musa said todny, and, In his opinion, the only reasons Germany, France nnd Italy nntt Austria have not Invndod Per sia Is becauso her territory has not boon accessible to their troops from nny point or strntcglcnt advantage. Mr. Musn, who Is In his fourth year as n student In tho University of Pennsyl vania where ho Is taking a course In political history and economy, Is the son of the Governor General of a Persian province nnd ono of tho ninny younir Persians who, for tho last 15 years, have ueen sent to universities In Europe nnd tho United States, that they might re turn homo Imbued with western Idens In nrt, science and professional and business pursultH, with which, through schools and colleges, they might instruct their countrymen. PERSIA A BONE OF CONTENTION. Speaking today of tho situation In his natlvo land, Mr. Musa said: "As most people know, Persia has been tho butt of n long-existing conflict between Rus sia and England, each seeking supremacy over the other, and It was only in 1912 that my country became a party to tho Anglo-Russian convention of August .11, i.tii, uv wmen cac 1 or tno twn rnntpml. ing powers agreed to confine its political and commercial operations to definite re gions not overlapping, and Persia agreed to respect conditions Of forced nrrnnn. tlon. "Russian Interests hnvo been largely confined to tho north, where tho Caspian Sea and the Russian Empire form our boundary, and English interests to tho south, touching upon Indian territory. "One of tho articles of this Anglo-Russian convention was to the effect that It guaranteed tho Independence of Persia for all time, and delivered tho country from fear of any foreign Intervention by other nations. History shows whether or not the first clause of this nrtlcle has uwen respected. In which mnnmi u i significantly pertinent to touch upon tho difficulties that Involved thn nriminNt. tlon of W. Morgan Shuster as financial ndvlser to Persia, and made him, in his controversies with Russian and England In 1911, a conspicuous ilguro In Interna tional politics. "Since thlH convention of 1907, Russian nnd English troops have occupied our territory, and In tho opinion of many of my countrymen, prevented Iran, (which is tho Terslan name for Persia), from making advancement UDon nil iina nt civilization. We were Just emerging from the yoke of absolutism that had existed In our country for centuries, but the Ideas of our younger and nroirresslvn m.n were Impossible of execution under tho Joint domination of Russia nnd Englnnd. We would like to work out our own destiny, and we think we could. If wo were not hampered by western nations who Impose their governmental methods upon us under tho guise of a protector ate. Wo hope somehow to bo able event ually to bring this about, and It Is with that Idea In view that I nm one of the many young Persians who have been sent to western universities, that we might combine, upon our return home, these Ideas with the knowledge we have of the temperaments of our countrymen. "We aro very fearful this condition win bo much retarded, no matter who wins the present war, and wo look with con cern at the Increased Invasion of our country since It began. A deal whereby Klnkald, of Do Ncrl, will bo traded to Camden for Jimmy Brown Is tho latest rumor circulating among tho fans of tho Eastern League. While this deal has not been verified by cither the management of Camden or Do Ncrl, nor by President Schcffcr, It is a known fact that tho players mentioned nro not well sntlsfled at tho present time. Slnco tho departure of ICcenan nnd Fo- garty from De Ncrl to Trenton, Klnkald has not dono ns good work as tho fans Judged htm capable of doing. It Is nlso said thnt Klnkald recently stated that ho would like to be transferred to Camden. Jimmy Brown's record on paper thin season has been good. Ho hns been right nt the top of the lenguc In field goal shooting, but those who hnvo seen him In nctlon cannot fnll to recognlzo tho fact that ho hns not wonted with tho team. It must bo said, however, In Justice to Brown that ho Is not the only man on tho Camden team who has not played for tho team. There hns been n glaring lack of team work nil season, and to this fact must be attributed tho majority of Cam den's seven defeats. Tho poorest crowds nt Eastern Leaguo games have been found nt tho Armonry on Wednesday evenings. Tonight Is not likely to bo nny exception, Inasmuch as tho tatt-end Dc Ncrl team will bo Cam den's opponent. If Do Nerl Is able to win this evening, Dudley's men will go Into fifth plnce nnd the Cnmden quintet will drop to tho bottom of tho league. Tho teams will uso their regular men In tho line-up. Bllson, who has Jumped centre In sev eral games for tho Do Ncrl tenm, Is likely to win n regulnr berth If ho continues to perform nt his present rate of speed. American League games will bo played tonight between tho Gerard Alumni nnd Madonna nnd between Hnncock A. A. and St. Doward's. Fratellanza Society, .Br, mvlted to attend funeral, Thursday, at 8 .10 a. m.. from his Isle resldcnre, son M. Md st. Interment pri vate, at Oreenmount Cemetery, ARKOOOI). On December 8, 1918, MART, wife, of Samuel Aregood (nee Dougherty), Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Friday, at ;2 ." m., from her late residence, r07 South Hancock at. HUh Mum o( Requiem at St. Joseph's Church, nt 0 a. m. Interment nt Holy cross Cemetery. ATKINMN.iOn December n. 1618, PRANK L, ATKINSON, aged 61 years Relatives and friends aro Invited te- attend the funeral services, on Friday, at 2 p. m.. at th apart ments of V. D. if. Burrell. 427 Market at.. camcien, N. J. interment private, ni Arling ton Cemetery, n.lf.l:V nn rfmrier 7. 101S. AMELIA F widow ot Leonard F. Ualley. ared M years, nclailves and friends aro lnilted to attend tho funeral aervlce. on Thuradajr, De cember P, at 2 p. m. precisely, at tho real clenco of her daughter, ISM N. Park ave. Interment private. Kindly omit flowers. RAtJM. On December 7, 10IB. SADIE MAR OARBT, widow of jamea R, Baum. agod 49 years. Relatives nnd frienda are Invited to attend funeral services, Thursday morning, at 11 o'clock, at tho apartments of Kirk A Nice. M01 dermantonn ave., Clcrmantown. Interment Perknslo, ra. HKASTON, On December 7, 1015, SARAH JANE, widow of George D. Ueaaton, In her TRth rear. Itel.itUea and friends are Invited to ntfend tho funeral service, on Saturday, at 2 p. m., nt the residence ot her eon. 15103 Chester ac. Interment at crnwooa ceme tery. I1I.OOD. On December 7, 1918, HANNAH, widow of John Hlood. Funeral services on Thursday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at the residence of her son. CA17 Orceno at., der mnntown. Interment private. no'I). Suddenly, on December 7, 1018, JAMHS A husband of Jane Iloyd (tieo Mac Donald). Relatives and friends, also the Oranlte Cuttera' Union nnd the employes of thn Atlantic Refining Company, nre In vited to attend tho funernl services, on Sat urday, at 2 p. m. precisely, nt hl late resi lience. 1HO Fouin .f(i ai. interment at i-ern-wood Cemetery Remains may be viewed on Friday, between H nnd 10 p. m. Automobile service. IHtr.NISINOKn. bud.lenty, on Derember 8. 1018, Dr. ntiLKN C, widow of George J. Ilrensinger Relatives and friends nro ln vited to nltend tho funeral services, on Thursday, nt 2 p. m.. at her lata residence, 2211 N. 30th at. Interment Private. DltOlVN. On December 7, 101B, DANIEL VINTON IIHOWN, aged 03 years. Sen-Ices on Friday, at lO'.IO n. m. precisely, at hl Into residence, 1837 W. Tioga st. Interment private nitUNr.T. -On December 7, 1918, ALFRRD N UIUIMJT, on of the late John A. nnn Augustlnn de 11. Unmet. Rclntlvea and friends nre lnlted to attend tho funeral services, on 'inurwuy, hi i p. m., hi xno reii-ri-nce of his slater, Mrs. c. Porter, CO 1 4 Ludlow st Interment prlvntc. CALVIN. Suddenly, on Derember 7, 1918, NANCY, widow of the late John Calvin, Duo notice of her funeral will bo glvon from her into rcldence, SI2 North 25th street. CAS'II)V. On December 7, 101B, PATRICK, hUBband of the late. Catherine Cnsnldy and father of thn Hcv. Mark Cnesldy, o. 8. II. Relatives nnd friends, nlso Court I'nsayiink, r. of A . are Intlted to attend the funeral, on Friday, nt 8 '30 a. m from hla l.ito resi lience, 1"03 South S.ld st. Solemn Maai of Heoulcm nt St. JMmund's Church, at 10 a. m Interment nt New Cathedral Cemetery. CLARK. Oil December fl. 1918, ANNIE It., btloeil daughter ot William V. and .Mary C. ClarK. iiciuuvea an,i menus nro inutca DBATnS FKTTKIIS. On December 7, 1018, AMELIA FRANCES FETTTEns (neo fJarron), widow of Charles Fetters. Notice of funeral later. rUllRR. On December 8, 1018. SAMtinU nusnana oi ino laie jMiznnrin riBiier. ueia lives and friends, also Washington Camp, No. ro P. O. S. of A.; Wnwarmm Tribe, No. (a, Lmp. O. R. M i Itoxborough Baptist Sunday School Bible Class nnd all other nrganlratlons of which he was a member, aro invited to attend tho funeral services, on Thursday, at 2 p. m , at the residence of Miss Kmma C. Fulton. 883 Manayunk ave., Roxborough. Interment at Westminster Cemetery, Re main may be viewed on Wednesday evening;, riTZOKHAM). On December fl, 1918. PAT RICK FITZGERALD, husband of the late Julia Fitzgerald. Relatives and frienda aro Invited to auena ma xunerai. on -inursoay, at 0 a. m., from hla late residence, 24 East Stewart ave., Lanednwne, Delaware County, PA Solemn Mass of Requiem nt St. Phllo mena'a Church at 10.30 a. m. Interment at St. Denis' Cemetery. I11STKK. On December 7, 1918. the Rev. I M. FOSTJ3R, nt Ills late residence, Red Hook, N. T. Funeral services on Thursday, at 3 o. m. l'RANTZ. On December 7. 101B, SARAH, widow of John F. Fronts, in her 77th year, Relatives nnd friends nre Invited to attend tho funeral services, on .Friday, at n a, m., nt her late residence, 1310 Ursndynlne st. Interment at Baptist Cemetery, Mount Holly, N, J. Remains may bo vlowed on Thurs day, from 7 to 0 p. m. OARRITV, On December 7, 1018, ANNID (;., daughter or Austin and Elizabeth Oarrlty, aged lit j ears. Itelatltes nnd friends, also II. V. .f. Sodalltv. InRUo of tho Sacred Heart and Altar Soclctv of St. Columba's Church nd employes of the Philadelphia Knitting Mill, aro Inilted to attend tho fu neral, from parents' residence, 2004 w. ,n dlana nve. Friday morning, nt 8:30 o'clock. iiign .iinss oi jicquicm ai m. loiumba a Church, at 10 o'clock. Interment at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. GARTLAND. At Xtooreetown, N. J., on De cember 7, 1018, ANNA, daughter of Mary C. and tho lato Arthur M. Gurtland, aged 13 years 8 months Relatives and friends aro In xlled to nttend funeral, from tho residence of her mother, 212 Mnnnlon nve., on Friday, nt 8 n. m. High Mass nt Church of Our Lady of Good Counsel nt D n. m. Interment Mount cnrmci i emotery. DEATHS Yachtsmen Elect Officers Officers wero elected nt tho nnnual meeting of tho Delaware Rlcr Yachtsmen's League, held at the Walton last eienlng. and step taken to preparo for an nctUo racing season In lOItl. Commodore J. 11. Miller, of Trenton, will ugnln head the organization aa a result of the election of officers. Tho permanent committee will not bo appointed until after tho next meeting. The election of officers resulted as follows: President. J. II. Miller, Trenton Yacht Club: lco president. Charles Hlcber. Columbia Yacht Club; treasurer, Georgo Gleger, Wlsslnoinlng acht Club: secrolnrj. Frederick Von Nleda, 1 arrugut Sportsmen's Association. OBITUARIES IRVINE MAGUIRE C, II. S. Team Dines Tonight Central High School's champion football eleven wilt bo banqueted at tba Windsor Haul tonight. The football elexn will be guests of the iitbtett awoilatloa as a reward for wlnnlnc lbs publtr high hool champlontblu for the one ttine In sli )er. lint, Calt In O Althouie. who. has Uea tkatrnan at the football Committee for rMK, liill be tbe toAJtoianUr. Speeches U1 be una by rtuchee Hooell and Frits. Captain iiUt fiuttr and the wembera of the tarn who ypadoate next June. " Bikers" Lowering Records MADISO.N SQt'AHB GABDKN. NEW YORK, "ht e -aim u-auinc iuw ja toe Q-aay iey cle race vers IS miles and 1 Uu ahead of tba Jertner record for the B-t hour at 1 o'clock titi afternoon. They hid covered at that time jT miles aifi I lap, At noon the teams were 3d mile ahead ot IMP iOH record, but they but two miles dur ta tba courjii of (ha next 'hour. DEVASTATED BT TURKS. "Turkey hns sent nn army throuuh our northern territory and devastated It. Tne Turks occupied the city of Tabriz and fought several battles with Russian troops, driving them Into Russia. Then the Russians returned, strongly rein forced, and defeating tho Turks, drove them back to their own boundary line. Now the Turks have returned, and the result is that the entire north of my coun try is In the hands of rival Invaders, who, through tho right of might, remain and 'absorb the resources of the north, let alone pursuing a policy of dictation and domination. AVe are powerless to prevent this, and even if wo were strong, could not expect to copo with these powerful na tions to a successful end. We fear very much that If wo made any determined re bistance according to our ability, our country would be wiped out and be re duced to the lot of unhappy Belgium. Trulyl the lot of rersla. from present In dications, Is u most unhappy one," DIngham Team Dined , More than 100 highly enthus.aila baseball (ana gathered at the Hotel lllngham New Winter Garden last night to pay homage to the championship team of the Philadelphia Hotel League. The Ulngham nine had the position of honor surrounded by the Hotel Adelphla team, manager and rooters. At nearby tables ere represenutlvee from the Itlttenhoua. ISollrnue-Stratford. Itltz-Carlton and Vendlz Hotel. Secretary New Jersey State Board of Assessors Irvine Mnguire, secretary of tho New Jersey State Board of Assessors, died today at his apartments in tho Garden Hotel. Camden. He had been 111 for the last two years with heart trouble. Mr. Magulro had been secretary of tho board since June 18, 1803, and hnd been assistant secretary from 18S5 to 1805. Mr. Magulre was born In Camden Janu ary 22. 1853. He lived thcro until 18S8. when he moved to Palmyra. In 1007 he moved to Mt. Holly, nnd returned to Camden to live In 1912. Ho was edu cated In the public schools of rhilndcl phla, and at tho ago of 15 became oillco boy for Alexander Cattclt & Co., grain exporters. He becamo chief bookkeeper. Mr. Magulre was considered an author ity on public flnanco In New Jersey. Ho was n member of Covenant Lodge, No. 161, F. and A. M Palmyra; Slloam Chap ter, No. 19. Royal Arch Masons; Camden Lodge. No. 3. Elks; Camden Lodge, No. 155, Odd Fellows; Provident Lodge, No. 4, Ancient Order of United Workmen; Lennl Lenape Chapter, Red Men. Mr. Magulro Is survived by Mrs. Ma gulre and his daughter, who Is the wife of former Judge John IJ. Horner, of Bur lington County. Daniel Vinton Drown Daniel Vinton Brown, manufacturing optician, who died suddenly last night at his home, 1S37 West Tlogu street, will be burled on Friday morning nt 10:30 o'clock. Mr. Brown was 63 years old. For 25 years he conducted nn establish ment at 733 Sansom stteet. He was tho Inventor of severnl optical Instruments that he used extensively throughout tho widow nnd a son, Andrew Brown, country Mr. Brown Is survived by a MARRIED IIOIILEN IIKOOKS. On December 7. 1015, at tho realdence of her mother, Mrs. Wood tllo Rohtrn. PniSCILLA MURRAY 1)011 I.EN to STEPHEN UO.NSAL, IIKOOKS, of Ualttmorc. to attend tho funeral on Thursday at M.:iu a m., rrom ner laie rcsuicnce, jhjo m. Ameri can t., Olney. Solemn Requiem maes at the Church of tho Incarnation, at 10 a. m. Interment nt Cathedral Cemetery, Automo bile funeral. CONN ELL. On Decombcr 5, 191B, JO SEPH I'., son of John nnd Roso Connell. Relatives nnd friends, also tho Holy Name Knclptv of St. Acatha'a Church, urn inviia.t to attend funernl, nt 8 .10 n, m., Thursday, from his parents' residence. 717 N. Preston st. Solemn Mnss and Requiem at St. Agatha's Church nt 10 a. m. Inteermcnt at Old Ca thedral Ccmotery. COL'LTEII. On December S. 1015. IILANCHE It., wife of John Coulter (nee Myers). Relatives and frienda nro invited to attend funeral, Thursday, at 11 n. m., from her lato resldeiico, dul'ont ac., Glhbstow.i, N. J. Interment North Laurel Hilt Ceme tery. CKAWrOKD. On December 7, 1018. JAMES II., eon of James W. and Sarah E. Crawford, aaed 42 ears. Relatives and frienda nro In vited to attend tho funeral, FTtdny, at 2 Bin., from 'ho residence of his parent, avis and Onk aves., Clifton Heights, Del. Co., Ta. Intern ent nt Fernnood Cemetery. C'URRAN, On Decombor 4. 1013, THOMAS, husband of IIoso Curmn nnd fnthnr nf n. John D. Cumin, Relatives and friend, also members ot I ho Holy Name Society, Itosary OUV.-JUIJ-, .i'ukuu oi mo nacreu ijcart nnd st, Vincent de Paul's Society of St. Charles' Church, aro Invited to attend the funeral, on I riday, nt S..",0 a. m., from his lato reil dence, 1R07 Christian st. Solemn High Mass of Requiem at St. Charles' Church, at 10 n. m. precisely. Interment at New Cathe dral Cemetery. DEEOAN. On December 4, 101S. HANNAH, widow of Michael Deegan. Relatives and frienda nnd Altar and Sacred Heart Societies of St. LMnard'a Church, nro Invited to at tend the funeral, on Thursday, at 8:30 a m from her lato residence. Dot w. Dauphin st. Solemn Requiem Mass at St. Edward'a Church at 10 a. m. Interment at Holy SepuU chro Cemetery. Auotomobllo funeral. DEVEREl'X. On December 7. 1015. ANNA FRANCES, daughter of tho late Jamea and Mary Coatea Doereux. Ilesldcnce, i707 Wal nut t. Due notico of the funeral will b0 DONOHUE. On Dorember B, 1915, MAR TIN, husband of tho lato Sarah Donohuo. Relatives und friends nre Invited to atteni funeral, Friday, at S:"o a. tn., from the resi dence of his son, 31.12 Mercer at. Solemn Requiem Mass at tho Church of tho Nativity at 10 o'clock. Interment New Cathedral vemeiery. HOltNANV On December 7, 1915. JOSEPH ALLEN DORNAN. Relates nnd friend,; also M.intahala Castle, K. G. E.; Philadel phia Tent. K. O. T. M. ; Aeolian Council. No. 17, Fraternal Patriotic Americans, nnd mem bers of the William Graham Ulblo Class, nro Invited to attend tho funeral Bervlces, on Krl il'iy, at 2 p. m., nt lila late residence, -jx?.) JJharton at. Interment private, at Mount Morjah Cemetery. Remains may bo viewed on Thursday, frcm 7 to U p. in. UKU.MMOND. At Conahohocken. Pa. on December 4. 1013. JACKSON W. DriuM. MOND. husband of Elizabeth fnee Kiinii Drummond. aged 711 scars. ReStfvef'kni friends are nvited to attend funeral, front Sia . 'ate residence. 207 Harry st.. donsho hocken. Thursday, .it 2 p. m. Interment pri vate. Darren Hill Cemetery. Montgomery County. Pa. DUFFY. Suddenly, on Derember 4. 1913 SARAH A., jvlfo of Daniel Duffy and daugh ter of the late George and Rose Peoples. Relatives and friends are invited to attend funeral. Thursday, at 8:30 a. m.. from her late residence. 2703 Ann at. (lath Ward): Solemn Requiem Mass at tho Church of the Nativity, n. V. si., at 10 o'clock precisely" Interment at Cathedral Cemetery. nUNHOUK. At Dnvlestnwn. Pa., on De. cf"ST, !i ,18i?' JESSE DUNHOUR. formerly pf Philadelphia, ltnuovca and friends are invited to attpnri tlm fitn.ral -a..,nAU ' Thursday, nt 2 p. m at the apartment's of Oilier It. Hair 1820 Clieatnut st. Interment at Fernwoort Cemetery. ERNST. On December 0, 1015. OEOnnE HELMONT ERNST, aged 2S year?. Itela tltes and friends, also Court Somervllle. No. 138. F. of A., are Invited to attend funeral Bervlces, Thursday, at 2 p. tn., at hla late residence. 0208 clearvlew it., Clcrmantown. Interment private. OLAHS. On December 7, 1015, ELIZA J wifo of William Olass nnd daughter of Elisa beth and tho late David Smith. Residence, 779 North 2Sth st. Funernl services, nt Charles Shurtleff's funeral npartment, 3929 Market St., of which due notico will bo glten. GLENN. On December ft, 1015. MARY J., widow of George D. Qlenn. Relatives nnd friends nre Invited to nttend the funeral, on Thursday, nt 8 n, m., from the resldeneo of her brother, Philip J. Taulano. 1737 South 17th st. High Mas,s at Church of St. Thomas Aquinas nt 980 a. m. Interment at Old Ca thedral Cemetery. Auto service. finilflON. On December If. 191B, MART, daughter of John nnd the lato Catherlno (lor don, of Rappn, County Ma)o. Ireland. Rel atives nnd friends nre Invited to attend flinnrnl. on Thursday, nt 7.30 n. m.. from Seymour's. 1500 N. llth st. Hlsh Requiem Mass st St. Malachy's Church at 0 n. m. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. GKAHAM. At hi residence, 2047 Katcr at., on December (I, 1015, JOSEPH A huabani of Mario Graham, nged 43 years. Relatives nnd friends nre Invited to nttend tho funeral services, on Thursday, nt 1 p. m at Oospol Hall, 20th nnd Dickinson sts. Interment pri vate, nt East Cedar Hill Cemetery, Frienda may view remains on Wednesday, from 8 to 10 p. m. (JltVY neo O'Ncll). On December 0, 1015, ELIZAI1ETH, wlfo of Edward Gray. Rela tives nnd friends, nlso the Ladles' T. A. II. Society and the Lenauo of the Sacred Heart of tho Visitation Parish, nro Invited to nttend thn funprnl on Thursday, nt 8:30 n. m.. from her husband's residence, 2310 Ruth st. (near Kensington ave. and Somerset at.). Solemn Requiem Maas at tho Church of the Visita tion nt 10 a. m. Interment nt Holy Sepul chre Cemetery. HAMMIH.Ii. At Hnverly, N. J., on Decem ber 7, 1IH0. JOSEPH I. husband of Emma iinmiueii, in nm turn jrur. jieiauvcB anti friends are Invited to nttend the funernl serv ices, on Friday, at 2 p. m at his lato ms. dence, 401 Ijiurol St., Iloverly, N. J, In terment nt Coopcrtown Cemetery. HARLAN. On Decembor 7. 1015, ELLEN 11. 13., widow of O. Pasamore Harlan. Rela tives and friends nro Invited to nttend tho funeral services, on Friday, at 11 a. m nt tho residence of her daughter, Mrs, Rucher Ayres, 210 Vasiar ave., Swarthmorc, Pa, In terment prlvntc. HARKINH. On December 4. 1015, JOHN J., husband of Alma II, Hnrktns (neo Zudehaer) Relatives and friends aro Invited to nttend tho funeral, on Thursday, at 8:30 n. m from his late residence, 1012 Enrp st. Hlsh Maaa nt Church of tho Immaculate Conception at 10 a. m. Interment at Holy Sepulchre Ceme tery. HAHELTINE. Suddonly, nt hla residence, 1H2I Chestnut St.. on Deromhr R. inia CHARLES FIELD HASELTINE, In tho 70th year of his nse. Relatives nnd frienda are Invited to nttend the funeral services, on Thursday, at 2 p. m.. at tho Second Presby terian Church, 21st and Walnut sts. Inter ment private. HINKLK. On December 0, 101B. ADELLE. daughter of tho lato Capt. Charles and Ann Hlnklo. Relatives and frienda aro Invited to nttend tho funernl. on Thursday, nt 2 o'clock, from her late residence, 24 Maplo avenue, Sharon Hill, Del. Co., Pa, Interment pri vate. IIUrriKOTOK. On December 0, 1015, JOHN M. HUFFINQTON. Relatives nnd frienda aro Invited to attend the funeral services, on Wednesday, at 8 p. m., at his late residence. Ib03 Poplar st. Interment Erlvatc, nt Rlvervlcw Cemetery. Wilmington, lei., on Thursday. JONES. On December 7, 101IS, EDWARD E husband of Lllllo A. Jones (nee Roche), Relatives and friends, nlso employes of the American Ico Company, nro Invited to attend tho funeral, on Friday, at 8:30 n. m., from his lato residence 133 North 10th st. Solemn High Requiem Mass at the Cathedral, at 10 n. m. Interment private. Automobile funeral. JONES. At Oil City. Pa., on December 8. 1915, MAnJORIE. daughter of Arthur s! nnd Edith S. Jones, aged 14 months. Rel atives and frienda aro Invited to attend tho funeral servicoa. on Friday, at 10 n. m., precisely, nt the residence of her uncle, Rov, W. Gray Jones. 1102 North 15th street. Interment private, KEI.CIINKR. On December 0. 1015. EM MA A., wire of John M. Kelchner (nee Rich ards), aged 39 years. Relatives and friends of the family are resDoctfullv lnvltci tn nt. tend tho funeral services on Friday at 1 P. m. precisely, at her lato realdence, S29 N. 2Mb at. Interment private, nt Northwood Cemetery. Remains may ba viewed Thurs day, 7 to 0 p. m. KKNNY. On December 7. 1013. JANE, wlfo of Henry Kenny. Relatives nnd friends aro Invited to attend the funeral services on Saturday, at 3 n. m.. at her lata rn-i,iA: 1(112 South 23d st. Interment nt Mt. Morlati Cemetery. Remains may be viewed on Frl- Automobile faelua' church, at 0 a, m. Interment at New Cathedral cemefry. KRATJSS. On recember , 1915, JOHN, hus band of Josep.dns Krauss, f,fdv67 -years. Relatives and friends, also the Urotherhood of Decorators T and the t.lederkrans Singing So ciety, are Invited to attend funeral. Thurs day, at 8.30 a. m., from his late residence, 2123 N. 20th st. Solemn Requiem Mass at the Church of tha Most Precious Ulood at 10 o'clock! T interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. Auto funeral. lAri'ERTY. On December 5, 1915,nENRT, husband of the 1st Susan Lnfferty (nee Wark), Relatives and frienda are Invited to attend tho funeral, on Thursday, at 7:30 a m., from the residence of his son-ln-law, John List. 2210 S. Bancroft at. (Jackson St. above leth). High Requiem Mass at church of St. Monica at 0 . m. precisely. Interment nt Holy Cross Cemetery. I,ARKKY. Suddenly, on December 4. 1815, JOSEPH, husband of the late Ellia J, Mr key. Relatives and friends are Invited to at tend the funeral services, on Thursday, at p. m., at the residence of h;s son, 4713 Urowrj st. Interment private, at West Laurel Hill cemetery. Automobile funernl. Remains may be viewed on Wednesday, from 8 to lu p. m. I.EESER. On December 2, 1015, JOHN, husband of Mary E, Leeser fnee Magrath), Relatives and friends, also the employes ot the Hero Manufacturing Company, are In vited to attend tho funeral, on Thursday, nt 8:30 a. m., from his late residence, 2340 n. Norrts st. Solemn High Requiem Mnss at tho Church of the Holy Name at 10 n, m. MARTIN. On December 0, 1013, DAVID B.. son of tho late Thomas 8. and Elizabeth Dalrcll Martin. Services on Thursday, De cember 9. at 1 p. m., at the funeral parlors of John C. Klmmerle, Droad nnd Taaker ats. Interment private, at Mt. Morlah Cemetcty. MATTSON. On Dceember 7, 1015, LEVI MATlTaun, in nis i'oin jenr, iteiaiives ana frienda are invited to nttend tho funeral services, nt his lato realdence, 1418 North 13th street, Thursday morning, December 0. nt 11 o'clock Interment private. Pottsvllle, Pa., papers pleaao copy. MelllUDK. On December 4, 1015, ALEX ANDER, husband of Elizabeth A. McRrlde. Relatives and friends, nlso employes of the Atlantic Penning Company nnd the Will iam (1 WJiarton Rencnclnl Association, nre Invited to attend the funeral, on Thurs day, nt 8:80 a. m., from his late realdence, 1902 South 2tst st. Solemn Mast of Requiem nt St. Edmond'a Church. Interment nt New Cathedral Cemetery. MellKRMOTT. On Decembor B, 1915, EL LEN, widow of John MoDcrmott. Rela tives nnd frienda aro Invited to attend the funernl, on Thursday, nt 8:30 a. in., from her Into resldcneo. 2240 South intb Solemn Requiem Mass at St. Monica's Church, nt 10 a. m. Interment at New Cathedral Cemetery. MKYI'.IHIOnV At Coatoavllle, Ta., on be comber 0, 1015, SOLOMON, husband of Ocr. tlo Meyerlioff, of Conteavllle, Pa., and father of Dr. Irmln S. Meyerlioff, of Philadelphia, In his nnth year. Relatives and friends aro In vited to attend tho funeral, on Thursday, nt 12 noon, from tho chapel of Adath Jeshurun Cemetcty. Interment at Adath Jeshurun Cemetery. Kindly omit flowers. JIOMME.- On December 0, 101B, TIIEO DORIS, II. Momrns, aged M years. Relatives nrj friends nro Invited to nttend funeral on Thursday, nt l:4r. p m., from his late real dince. near Washington Square. Friends can tako trolloy from Norrlatown, Yost noad Services nnd Interment nt St. John's Church Centro Square, nt 2:45 p. m, mn.n, MPRPHV. At her residence, the Delgrnvla Hotel, on December C. 1015, t.YDIA GETTY wlfo of Walter Landell iiurphy. Funeral services nnd Interment strictly private raI O'NT-IL. On December 4, 1016, MAR GARET F wlfo ot Charles O'Ncll, daugh ter of Patrick J. nnd Margaret A. Kealey Relatives and frienda aro Invited to nttend funeral, Thursday, nt 8 a. m., .from her lata residence, 1112, South 23d st. Solemn High Class of Requiem nt St. Anthony's Church tn u.ov ....vKitvii, ,,ui v.rus9 i.emo- tory. I'YI.ll. On December 0, 1015, WALTER PYLU In his 77th year. Relatives snd friends are Invited to attend tho funeral, on Thursday, at In. m from his lato residence. Concordvllie. Delawaro County, Pa. Inter ment nt Bethlehem Cemetery. Carriages will meet noon trains at Concordvllie Station. ROIIHE. On Decembor 0, 101B, ANNA n ROUSE. In her 03d vmV. l!ln.i.. ..J frienda aro Invited to attend tho funeral on Thursday, at in. m.. from the resident, nt hnhrl PhaelAB T tlfjin ... . HBATltS WONDER. On BfcimwT" FRANCIS T WI'NDER, aged 7J5, "liTrv? live- and friends are Invited lM,rVB' neral services Wednesday it. Uea? hla late realdence, 02fi rj.rJri. P. a. '!: j Germantown. Interment prlva?-1'0:? rj'l morning-. novate, TiimlTrjjl 't CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES EVENING LEDGER This GTTLB TYPE (er Ilka this! one time . .. .. .,,, ,,,,,, . ja Three times ens week..,.;"? jju. W'ltai Six times ens week..,..';,' JjH Mr igifti Diiusumn iTnnieu. mree times nn. " cents per line, per Insertion. "M .!, Place your order for three of more times and it will be insetted in the dally Public Ledger at na additional cost. One or two time rate for En . and PnsMci Lemhi combined is ?5 w llnt line with the exception of ' ii,!S &chjH Situations Wanted, which UlBPcJBM?lF' FOR TVDB IfE Ttfir. . i ii i- i-trvE. i nia (or nice fhivl which Is permitted In all ri ..'") I FIVE CENTS PER LInTA Tny'tJ? There is a drug: store near n,. nomc mat win accept Ledger want ads at office rates. HELP WANTED FEW A T.f BOOKKntSPGIt wanted lor raMr .m . ."" housei state aBe, experience "an1? hV, ?i 'tJ1' ment. Address by letter. Jams, ir.ii'5'!?'' S. W. corner Bth and 8ue? 'st.'11' OIIAMIIKRMAID and waitress, white- ..7. C1IAMDIJRWOR1C nnd waltlnt-Experlo ,Ji ',,."'. '"'. "iierview, Jioom XJO, Publlo Ixlr,. Wednesday at 2 o'clock. W CLOTH WEAVERS wanted. i.!"8. i?bT,.Inc, R'anket Mills '"i y.,,,e ui ncnuyiKlll, COOK--Bxperlcnccd Protestant cook for imiii private family; no washing-; references' "m Address J 4511, Ledger Central. ' "W' day, between a and 10 p. service KLKINZ. On December 0. 1915. JRNNIK wife -of John V. Klelnz and daughter of tho late CleorEe and Illlen Plynn. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral on Saturday mornlnjr. at 8 o'clock, from' her late residence. 112 Lombard st. High Re quiem Mass at St. Joseph's Church, at 0-20 o'clock. Interment at New Cathedral Ceme tery, KORMANN. On December . 1016. MARIA C daughter of Theodore and Catharine Kor mann tnee Schilling), aged 10 years. Rela tives and friends, ulso U. V. M, Sodality of St. Edward's Church and Star of the Sea, Circle. No. 170. C. or F. ofA.. are Invited to attend tho funeral, on Thursday, at 7:10 a, m from her parenta' realdence, 2107 Lawrence st. Requiem Mass at St. Bont- IN MKMOHIAM I.KAIIY. MARGARET ANN. widow of John T. Leahy and mother of Rev. John P. Leahy, who departed this life on December JO. 1011. An anniversary Requiem Maas at St. Thomas Anulnaa' Church, 17th and Morris sts., on Friday, December 10, at 7 o'clock. 23eatljs Thete Notice Are Printed in the Evening Ledger Free of Charge T- AHAMS. At Beverly. N. J., on December 6. llllS. JOHN It., husband of Hope R. Adams. In his SOth year. ,Relatlvcs and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Thursday, at 2 p. m.. at his late residence, comer Church and wttmerton sts.. lleverly, N. J. Interment at Coopcrtown Cemetery, AI.PHilM. On December 0. 1015. LAW HENCE, husband late Usry Alplglnl. aged 60 ears. Relatives and friends, ulso Unions REAL ESTATE FOR SALE GERMANTOWN REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CIT her huaband. Charles rtotmn. willing... rI: JfjJ- Services at tho houso. Interment at M'llllamatonn, N. J. s,:.!J'N'7-0n Decnmlier 0. 191B, RRVANT SEL1AN, ngod 82 years. Relatives i and friends, nlso Photo-Engravers' Union. No 7 nro Invited to nttend the funeral sorvlces. on Thursday, at 2 p. m., at tho apartments of Oliver If. Balr ,1820 Chestnut si. Inte?ment nf Permyood Cemetery. Remains may be viewed Wednesday evening-. MNNi:it. On December 6, 1918, EMIL SIN NER, beloved husband of "Wllhelmlna Sin ner, inee Helmgaertner), aged 82 years. Rel atives and friends, nlsn Amerlcnn r-nnnnit No. .10, Fraternal Patriotic Americans, are invited to nttend tho funeral services, on Thursday, at 2 p. m nt his lato residence. 2731 Nenklrk st. Interment nt Northwnnrf Cemetery. Remains may bo vlowed Wednes day evening 7 to 10 o'clock. SLICIITKR. On December 0, 1915, FRANK, husbani of the lato Anna Sllchter. Relatives and friends, also members of St. Teter's Confraternity of tho Holy Name and St. Peter's Altar Society and Purgatorial So ciety of St. Peter's, aro Invited to attend thn funeral, from hts late residence, 523 W. Thompson at., on Thursday, at 7:80 a. m. High Mass at St. rotor's Church at 0 a. m. Interment at Holy Redeemer Cemetery. SMITH. Suddenly, on December 0, 1915, LET1TIA B.. wlfo of James Smith. Rela tlvos and friends aro Invited to attend the funeral, on Thursday, at 1 p. m.. from her late residence, near Runnemodc. N. J, Serv ices nt home. Interment nt Haddonfleld. Train loaves Chestnut street ferry at 11 a. m. for Runnemede. SNYDER. On December B, 1015, Rev. JOHN PHILIP SNYDER, D. D, husband of Mnmlo M. Snyder. Relatives and frienda of, the family, also Order of KnlRhts Hos pltallerx and clergymen of the Congrega tional Methodist Church, are Invited to at tend funeral services, on Thursday, at 2 p. m.. at his lata residence. S. E. Cor. Maple and Haddon nves., Westmont. N. J. , Interment at Harlelch Cemetery. I'rlends may view remains on Wednesday, from 7 to 0 p. m. SIIuJ).t,i'I:'rPtn Decomber 0, 1015, WILL IAM C, husband of Eleanor M. Sproule and son of Margaret and the late William snrouie. In his 23d car. Relatives nnd friends, also voluntary Relief Department nnd employes of tho l'enna. It. n. Co., are Invited to attond iuiiur.il services, rnaay, at ,i p. m., at hla lato residence, southeast corner of OSth st. and Dickens avo.. West Phlla. Interment nt Mount Morlah Cemetery. Remains mav bo viewed Thursday evening from"T to 0 o'clock. TRKFZ. On December B. 1915, formerly ot Sea Ist City. N. J.. FREDERICK. Sr" hus. band of Anna Trefr. aged S3 years. Rela tives and friends are Invited to attend fu neral. Thursday, at .1 p. m.. from his lata residence. 2518 N. 3d. st. Interment South Laurel Hill Cemetery. Remains may be vlened Wednesday evening, after 7 o'clock. M'ARNKR. In 'Wilmington, Del., on De cember 0, 1015, ALFRED D. WARNER. Funeral services at his late residence. Park Jrive and Grant avo.. on Thursday, December v, xvia, ni . p. in. interment private WHILTv--On December 5. 1015, JACOB J. W1HLT, husband of Anna Whllt, in his 81st year. Relatives nnd friends, also Richmond Lodge, No. 230. F. and A. M.; Kensington Council, Jr. O. U. A. M.. are Invited to at tend the funeral services, on Thursday, at 1 p. ra., at his late residence, 2327 South 6th st. Interment at North Cedar Hilt Cemetery. Remains may be viewed on Wednesday evening. COOK and downstairs work; family of it,,.. . adults. 20 W. Upaal st.. Oermantown. """ GENERAL HOUBKWORK-Clrla who sri . perlenccd and capablo can secure good Both lions, either In the city or suburb?, by oSl suiting "Miss Reed." who Is constantly Is touch with persons wishing this clasa of tn 2 L thcr call or phono WALNUT 3000 and will recelvo valuable Information which will promptly secure you a moat desirable potltlnn. This service la rendered through the floUSiS HOLD HEOI8THY, RURlTA-U OF TUB PUB. VERTISERs! ' '"" ' LED0En AP" GIRLS wanted to learn paper box making' good pay to begin unusual opportunitr stoady work. Call National Metal Edje Box , Company. 8th nnd Willow ats. 1 HOS1DRY Exp. examiners nnd menders n hosiery; nlsoelrls, 18 yearn & over, to learn. Apply Wm. F. Taubcl. Inc.. 1Mb & Drlnol HOSIERY Experienced knitters and loopers and learners; steady work, good pay, )) N. Lawrence. HOUSEWORK Settled woman, small famllj: Haverford. Sep Mlas Reed. Public ledger. HOUSEWORK (genernll-Rmnll family; refer. ence required. Call 123 South 20th at. LEDGER CLERK Must bo neat. oxp.j excel lent penman; knowledgo of bkpg.: must ti accurate. Apply to Mlsa Dean. Led. Ccntnl MAID and seamstress wanted for two chlMnn for Mnln Line; German preferred. See Miss (teed. Room 230, Public Ledger, Wednesday, a o ciocic. 1 j4lr.lv tiw'kl..c7j,Aiviiiiivi'ti (,,'ciaiuia iu u have positions where good wages can re J mane; sivo aitc, cxpericnve, cu'. v.u veil Phono Market 2 in.-,. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER can have ofBcs space free for light work. 102 Merchantl" Uulldlng. 4 N. 4th el. a 4 T pal ATlira -. rlnnj a ri fnr Mrv trrvifl store; uttridy po.; rcf. rcq. 272.. Ulrard ave.,u 'J STENOGItAPHUU for central office of Urn manufacturlnc plant: muat be experlenceJ, neat, accurato und competent, and furnwa satisfactory references. D IS), Ledger Offlc. 3 .-.m...' n .......-.. ... ..,! A- II wMAVLilta ,xpenencetl ivruvcin watucu wa -, ' Knowles looms; steady work, good pay, Ap- 5 iw inhn Mnwitnn Hnlr Cloth Company. Ken. 9 slngton and Glenwood nves. ntid venanso rt. NOW IS THE TIMH for young ladles seek Inc commercial positions to consult1 MIm Dean" at Ledger Central. Uroad and Cheat nut sts. A special service la rendered to STENOGRAPHERS, ROlfKKEEPF.nS AND CLERKS through tho Commercial Depart rrzl . T.T.-.r,r5i-i, AnvrnTlsp.IlS. nnd a great number of young lad'es have been UM- j fltcd by this service. j General OOVDRNMENT positions open to women. KI month. Wrlto immediately for free list, Frti" lln Institute. Dcpt. 715 J. Rochester. N. T. HELP WANTED MALE AUTOMATIC OPDRATORS-Orldley. Acme tnl Cluveland automatic machine hands wantea. flrst-clasa men only; highest wages pan. 'Apply Standard Roller-Rearing Co., 40th onl Merlon ave. ' ROND SALESMAN ., ,. for high-grade proposition. See Mr. Gl'""' ledger Central, llroad and Chestnut, Thurr day. 0 a. nl. . CAUINETMAKERS wanted, Apply Llncow i.emi Furniture Company. 10th and high ave. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY $100 OFFERED FOR A BETTER PROPOSITION CAUINETMAKERS' HELPERS wanted. APPtf Lincoln Furniture Co.. mill st i.enisu . CARPENTERS, first class, wanted by du Pont Co.. Plant 2. Pemmgrove. N. J. . CASE FITTERS wanted. Apply Lincoln Furni ture Company. llli ana i.enign ave. CHAUFFEUR Muat be fairly experienced; ref erences from list employer; Oermantown oia referred. 4.11 K. ML Pleasant ave.. CJtn. Anoly John Jjmn Ilnhann. Inc.. Illanket Mills. BC0U1 CLOTH WBAVER3 wanted James DoDson, inc., ill lane. Falls of Schuylkill, 15 on 400 OERMANTOWN Modern Homes at Modest Prices fl!kfVlH V I lpsV bsssHHsHHJ JsIbsssHP dssR-sB 'HlaHfssssssB LENA ST. North of Wistar Street. 6 rooms and bath, porch front, tjas and electric light; convenient to train and trolley JUST COMPLETED $2400 and $2500 Sample house ready for inspection. B. B. LISTER & SON 5612 Germantown Ave. THERE'S A REASON Dougherty's Homes Are Selling More Rapidly Than Any Others in Kensington 58 of These Houses Sold to Investors and Home Buyers naiiKiora Avenue and yenango Street Tn7S fin llOnAClt "HI hold one of these houses. yuJ.JKJ J-fCUUolt nd you csa tccupy it until seiuement 1, zaaae. S?7 "r. " c"7.-c. tt Mt as. desirable a location ... - -.... twiimiii ioe contenleoces then have ftry u wnsim riita r fha J - a . ...' ru .j"r . .equipped' i,U flSSfi l?i sad hot-water best. Tn, parlor Is tasti. Jully decorated and Us cemfirt and beauty are eiibaaced bv tha in... m,.i.i n,t Rent gl8QBATBS- 17 on 350 GRINDERS. Sellers tool. M wanted: nrst-cWJ men only. Apply Standard Roller-BearlM Co.. 49th and Merlon ave. LABORERS wanted; day and night wort: steady lob; 22Vic. per hour. Apply J' T. Stewart & Co.. tilrard Point Elevator. o'ciock Wednesday evening. MACHINISTS Wanted, experienced vim hands, titters and finishers and milling D chine hands. P 310. Ledger Office. MEN, experienced, for structural steel ? tailing, Apply to Vanderstucken-Ewui Construction Co., Uethlehem Trust OUt. xsemtenem. ia SALESMAN Wanted, exp. outside sales" to sell rlnest groceries to family trade; sun experience and salary. A lzu, Leaser mm-. miiil ICIH.O .im ejiaii s. ,vi h"d - TEXTILE MACHINIST wanted. Apply Jojf and James Dobson. Inc.. Blanket Mil Scott'a lane. Falls of Schuylkill. t pickwkk st. $2500 Si houses. teed to H00 CASH Becond Merixsx, sco.DO Moaey MijulrtX.. aOfcOO I2.COO.00 Monthly Expense, I1T.10. Rent 317 $2250 Victoria St. EX PENS S3 ui-i ?5 1, m,m tt J-10 IT0.20 Taxes per year.... J7.00 Water rent. 12.00 lildx. and Lean. IS per em, ,,...,,, 68.00 Total expenses.. $20.1.20 Yearly Savings, J38.20 .u. "?! l'l"wi " ow Policy of baTlag eierjtblag up-tc-mlaute' la the above hQ. t. ....," "I: U "bSnr?ur t,a "'" ,ad "m"' inSlS tseo cash First Mortxaxe. tl.200.00 Second Mortgage 700.00 Meaty reuulrtvT.. S30.00 12,230.00 SZPENSE3 1st Mtg,. 11.200 at 6-10 , M.M T Pr year,,,. 2T.W JXer Keof ...... u.co uldg. Loan, IT per Be ,,, 81.00 Ttltl aaU .. OlfiVL.l Total Monthly Exp. S1B.63. Yearly SavInB,,. UctO TinStVSTETJl the four hundred null t and VnM"r."ti1,a condition o Ave yeara. In addition to this VmeSLr .hSf IS"1 iTot iKrvi.'cnnfL-xTn. . feinember that they are , . . V,n.t". An avnvlanflarf man tn t&kS tB ventory In a general merchandise .'Of'-.?" ot cuy. Blw fincfviivca. . WANTED Experienced chauffeur on rord sw Overland car: none but experienced need -ply. A. Keppel, 723 North 2h St.. at W-Sf vnimn man for stmovranhlo and clertcsl work; must be neat and accurate: state sr experience (If any), reference and saurr desired, j m, imager cenirai. First-class sheet metal workers wantei come reauy ror worn. DU PONT COMPANY PLANT NO. 2. A yoiino MAN. Ill to IS. to work in ot mt and learn business In large paper house. t limited oDocrtunltv for advancement. ?'! IS full particulars first letter, D 11. l"t" otnee. - (leneral Oil N. BROAD ST. The Oldest Original AUTOMOUII.E SCHOOL Teaches you how to repair and how to drive autos. F. PETZ. 011 N. BROAD ST. ii BUSINESS SERVICE COMPANY Several experienced draughtsmen and lore men wanted. Other positions wanted. 1300 Land Title Building, T T m. ' ( INVESTMENT. In Two More Years There Will Be fcievated Station Two Squares Away Matthew W. Dougherty, Builder an Sample House Open Sundays and Evenine-s Telephone mcMiBJ im r? -w""S . ., See on Premises or 4930 Warrinzton Ave. CaU et writ, lor flutter uitiiiltSi V& SITUATIONS WANTED FEMAIE BOOKKEEPER. D. E.. thorouehly eXDerleaceST 3 capable of taking; entire charge of bookkteP' Ing and cashiering dept. J l&. Ledger Ceot BOOKKEEPER. typlsrrS"years' exPy capaoi iciiuvia, ucii ?. tt Ail, A.ecujcr m)" " - BOOKKEEPER first class, capable of, b4 ling all details; typist. J M9. Ledger Centrsl; CUAMUERMAID and waitress. Scotch Prti suburbs; best ret. 20 E Garfield aUGtwJ; R.o'J,ir 04 Ledgt rllAMRKItWOUK and washlnr: rtenced: country oreferred. D 106. CHAUBERWORK. sewing or nurslpg f Lseiu&a Kirn feercace. rwu a.-'; COMPANION, useful, good server. "tet0g M any capacity la, buelwW. H 2IT, Led- P M
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