V" V EVENlftfc LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER SO, 1915, 13 " w f.' I v. L Now is the time AUTOMOBILES Tor Sale nMnnlt.E Limousine, with extra touting V-i- mi2. In fine con. Rowan, sow Satt-om. i jrrrVif.LAC, 101. petrel con. and lust revar. .CASed: complete equip. N. Scott. 1215 Filbert. nnnitti ot(-ii. t-OOK. AND LISTENl m hu'v old autoa In nny wrecked condition. S. -..i ., ir before sou sell them. Phone or " write sohwcnWiink Co.. 170.V7 Carpenter. JnTTf. pxCnnngn DCItumui uinuu in Jllll. lur t"$ Theo. niank. 410 Land Tllle Rldg. ,"TJTO LIVERY AND QABAGES taxi service at heasonarlh hates. quick service. stands in all parts ov city. direct wires to our office, day oh NldHT. TAXI SERVICE COMPANY 133 N. BROAD BT. ernucc -1232. race 130. frfi iiitiki ?,reArrow, Paikards, ford Limousine Cars. Pierce "unVES1. hates IN CITV Autos for Weddings nnd Funerals, wt PACKARD 8DHV1CD COMPAI1 ANY 1411 Locust st. Race 2R. Hpruco 3140 X' rn HIRE Ilrnnd-now ft passenger touring cur, ? with roles, fl.2." hour: nlso brand-new ? ' SJ"nger lfmoulne..! hour. Poplar lilltw. irrnilRE-MtnousTno. McCferne'ntntV.Pblfa" v osrage. BIK1.0 Sansom St. Delmont l'."il TOIIII AUTO REPAIRING AUTOMOUILES and TRUCKS OF ALL MAKES MECHANICALLY OVERHAULED and HEIIUIti. njii Ainrinu ani ui'itUL. BTERINO A SPECIALTY. Rest material used. A No. 1 workmanship. Arrangement can he made for STORING CARS FOR THE WINTER SEASON after work Is completed. Address. Rehulld Car Detriment. CHADWICK ENOINEEIHNO WORKS 1 'ottstown. Pa. 1 SPEED'oMETDR THOUHLH T t 1 7 t SEE DILLV-M8 N. RROAD AUTO REPAtRINCfbF ALCTiBSCRTPTIONS POPLAR OAHAUE 841 N. Wh st Poplar 651:1. 6rLINDEItS HEDOHED, new "pistons nnd rings furnished, weldings nnd bnulnir. H. II. Underwood Co. 1fWI Hamilton St.. Phll.i. AUTO SUPPLIES HEARINGS New Departure Serv. Sta. The Owllllam Co., 1114 Arch st. Phono Walnut .TI.17 Itaco ftni, AUTO TIRES PULLMAN TIREa Guaranteed I0u) miles. Comparo prices. Gasoline. 13c. per gallon. GRIM'S. 230 North lirond st. CATTLE 16 IMP. Guernsey tows, bred; (1 reglslercJ IIol- I bin frt. a. ' tn r Vuupii nl.1 . t ......!, v...ti PontUc. Do Kol nnd HenguvcM families'. 1 "farm sold, cattlo must go." C. F. IloiiU' F BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE At Pottstown, Montgomery Co , Pa. K THE PLATE MILL AND PUDDLE MILL D Itfllrtnclni tn th. POTTS IIRQTHERS IRON CO., LIJIITED ' Tocethor Willi Abniir ! . FIVE ACRES OF LAND AND THREE ' This piopcrty lu directly connected with trucks of tho Philadelphia nnd Riadlng It. It. and the Prims)liunla R. R. lumicdMto pottiesslun given. PATENTS WANTED rtte for list of pjtinl buyoru and (mentions ftantud; $l,l)UI,()uo In prizes effered for limn tliiis. ,!enil sketch lor freo search. Writs for our four buoks sent free upon rcqutst. VICTOR J. EVANS is CO.. Washington. U. C. PMIadelphla offices 14211 Chestnut st. Uell nhone. Suruco UMA. Hours. U to 3, Mondays until u . in. I WANT mm with reference for character to Join my sou In buylui, prutttaUa business), my son will furnish best roferenco for ehai aLter anil ublllty ami )j or mote of the pur chase mice; splendid opciitng for icll.iblo man, stuto ago and amount you can lmt.t. . A mi. Ledger Office. PATENTS-Arthur V. Page, 711 Walnut st.. 1 hlla.. mechanical ana clecirlcul engineer; leglstered patent attorney; established lu-ru nUlears. inventions ilevuloneJ: nnt(.nlH. trmlA. r marks, copyrights secured and lltUuted any where: rejected applications prosecuted; pie- '" limi j n1.111v.11 t(W STATIONCRV III'SIVHSS Central location, unusuul stand for first class stationery store no good will to buy; reubonable rent; owner will alter front to suit tenant. J. C. FULLER. 10 8. 18th st. CATIPENTER AND BUILEER. nble to do wuik and lake charge, having $,100 In cash, . will give Al proposition In an old, lell.iblo building company. For particulars, call eve nings, SIM N. lbttt st. Write or phone Lim ine nd 4U2. PROPERLY CARED FOR ORCHARDS PAY sure and large returns; Join local business men with small monthly payments lu nc quiring cue. Harry D.irlliigton.1421) Chestnut. MACHINE CHOP, now running full, well until. .Wt, 1 Antrallu Inrnlsil in.. ihIai 4 -t"'!''"! tlVM, IUI FHICi Mlig tkl niinfirmnlt v tnr vluiht muti im-i.l laimAii .,t palling. II (ttS. Ledger Central. UUCTUnK THEATHC-J700; cost S2100; crowd. v. (tiSMttr. vui. iiiviu ttuiui iuwi sunci sell- tng reason; sacrifice. HARRIET. 214 N. Sth. (JBAIiaAIN Must sell quickly, grocer store, II term 1 1 pfirnos sinnlr i.Aviiisaa tnl tsii Iin5 5wvv -. sius aiuiiii wiiAtutcii wiiij cLV( itua rats. SUTTON, 3UI Franklin Hide. BUSINESS PERSONALS BUILDING CONSTRUCTION of every description, consulting engineers and building superintendents, will take full charge of ariV kind of building or construction work. Also Jobbing and alterations of every kind, Estimate furnished. Will consider develop ment propo.lttcns ot building operations. 224 year In the bJlldlng business. PENN BUILDING CO. ?4M N. 18TJI ST. Phone Diamond 4b2. Park 4S02 D. EVENINO CLOTHES TO HIRE Latest styles full-dress. Tuxedo. Prince Albert and cutaway suits to hire: modern opera and silk liais, rates. 81 is. ULwn uyeiiiiiss. e.ecidi imgiut Open eyenlnss. Special Halloween BCHULTZ, z-i r. uia w BUPEUFLUOUS HAIR removed by electrolysis, the only permanent way, Eyebrows urihed. MIS3 SMITH. 402 Keith Uldg. Miss Hoppe, halrdresslng and facial massage, formerly Mint Arcade, with Mlsa Smith. KIILL DRESS SUITS Cutaways. Tuxedoa and Sack Suits To hire and made to order. NEUBAUER, THE TAILOR, 10 N. 0th st. Hell Phone. Walnut 2618; j " DR. W. 8. "LAURENCE Chiropodist, formerly at the Uellevue-Strat-ford 11 years, now at Wldener Uldg.. Chest nut and Juniper sts., Room 518. PRINTING 1000 white business cards. 1; all warg rsssonaoie. ii? rtace st. CARPET CLEANINQ Thirtieth Year " THE JOHN RHOAD3 CO. 788 N. Holly st . West PMIa. CARPET BEATING. 8c. YARD finNTINRNTAI. -.Trum niL'iuiMn tinttCR 4 20TH BT. ABQVE CHESTNUT V7tl nhmi IlCUl.t 1 0flfl West jhila monarch storage co. west phila. 8c per yard, west phila 8870-73 i-anoaster ave DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY HIGHEST spot cash paid for diamonds and jewelry, uso p4wn ticusis uougm sor casn Apply 2 30 to 4 SO p. ru.. Win. Flick, ltocq 303, 928 Chestnut St. WE REMODEL your old Jewer Into the lat est acsigns uc iKi'tvr. rrivrs. NAiuin v ABHAM3 TU Sansom t . PhlUdelj bU. Sell that attic to buy or rent DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY DRLSSMAKINO taught, short, practical, Inex pensive coarsen, patterns cut. MIC Mc Doweli. M7 Denckfa Uldg . 11th jnd Market. 11F.MBTITCH1NO. 10 cents"" ard; all male. mi A. HEIC11AHD, IflS CHESTNUT ST. PICTC)RIA1 RE LEw..rlATTJ'rL:iS DRESSMAKER makes engagement gowns, $M up; exclusive style. 5222 Haerlord ave. Call Uelmont 2274 W. GOWNS remodeled, high-grade work onljr. Phone Spruce 222.1. EOR SALE- UALINCl PRESSES. SLIGHTLY UsfED; 5 HAND TOWER, FOR RAGS AND PAPFin. .. P 101. LEDGER OFI ICE. , U1I.L1AH1J, pool, combination, SJ-hand bought. told, tented. exch'iL K enter, nm OJrard jve. U1L1.IAHD AND IWKW" TAULES Also bowling alleys; easy payments. linUNS . yiCK.lAI.KE-COLI.ENl)Elt CO., 1002 Arch. P.1LL1AHD arid" "pocket tables, shufflebonrii? new nnd slightly used; liberal terms; renting, . repairing & supplies Rosntto Co.. 222 8. 8th. RII.LIAHD, pocket, 2d-hnnd tables, repairing, . supplies. Clark-Herd Mfg. Co .2J2jN.J'ron!2 CASH REGISTERS, new nnd second-hand) to tal adders as low as $30, on easy monthly payments; all registers sold by us fully guar anteed. The National Cash Register Co.. 73A Chestnut st. DESKS m DESKS Typewriter, bookkeeper, rntl-top desks, filing cabinets, telephone booths, sues, household furniture. Puling Central Sd-lland lJf'"' turo Co., nni!)iia-l4 Cnllouhlll Filbert 4111'. DESKS, filing cabinets, safes, telephone booths and office lurnlturo nnd flxlures o- eery uej scrlptlon; useil, but In fine condition, and ery cheap, fire dellerv anywhere. Hl'tllllis, 11TII AM) nilTToyWOOD. EDIKON Diamond-Point Plioiiogriph. lost J00 new. This outfit Is complete with tecorriii nnd will be sold for ?38, pavnble 7.1c. weekly. Call or vvrlle for complete descriptions and large llluitrnted cntaloguo HEPPE'S UPTOWN FTORKS Corner nth and Thompson sis,. Philadelphia, l'n. finNTH'rmi-LiNiIi ovifiicfTATS " ia AND UP .... R.ll)ElfH LOAN OFFICE. t2S Market sl. " "inJsif IIAOS-HILVEIt-PLATED Send 1,1c. for H-os. enn U-KAN-PLATE Polish (id label) (cstra strength), nnd make old bag look new. J.IIJU8TIcn CO., 012 Chcstnut Phlli. ORGAN, chairs, elilnn cloot. tnble". bodreom suite, desk, shades, rugs, pier mirror, Hon bod, etc ; lowist prices. OltlARI) STORAGE CO.. lip Glrnrl avo. ""OVERCOATS "OVERCOATS OVERCOATS RIJlDEll'S I.oAnJoFFICE, W Market st. SAFES. nrenr-f:"idor,"out: slightly iised.borg.; spe-liil terms, nil slips 11.11 Finnkfnrdave. VIcrnitliEriiHDS" bought, sold, exchanged. Paul. S'-J'J Ki nslngtnn avo J jpen evenings. 434.00 VICTOR VICTROLA VI. Including 24 selectlona (12 10-Inch D. F. records); an ay client machine In every way; can be p;ld for at the rnto of 7V weekly. Call or wrlto for complete descriptions and largo Illustrated catalorues unrPE's uptown stores Cornti oth and Tliompon'st. t'niiaueirnia. i-a. $10.30 VICTOR VltTROLA IV nnd 12 selec tlona (it 10-lnrh D F records); nn excellent euttlt for cno who Is looking lor a good machine at a reasonable price; paynble fine, weekly. Call or wilte for complete descrip tions und large Illustrated catalogues. HEM'-H UPTOWN STORES Cornet Cth nnd Thoiiiprou sts.. I'uiiaaeipnii. n. HAltU-AlNS' r irvitl5.INa--nri.!FfAlN8- " 111 rouitit pot.t bedstead at less than cost; price, $1.30. Kiiirnntned yatlr.nnt bed sprliu. 1; best white lotton mattress. $11; :i-peco ttinliogiuy parlor set. vnlue 8Wi, snle price. ?2V handsoiro tnpestiy rug given away with eflu.li ptlri-lnse. wo elurge thei'e free rugH to our advertising account ns a putt nf our iiuliiuo campaign to get ou niMpialnted wlih our new atoro Phono illrket 4107 DUIIHIN'H FttRNITl'RE CO . Bl.! Mnrkel St. WE 4(lc, POc, (Wo for Victor DouMe-Face Records PAV Wo Exchange All, Tie r n ' Open 7 A M toll I'. M. 2.TJB RIDOB AVENUE. AnOVE COI.UMIHA. HEATING lAHECO HUMIDIFIER Insures healthful and economical heating, can Xm attached to pres ent Rviti-m. Mnltln-Kelsev. fl N ISth st. MACHINERY AND TOOLS TI"hTw"Xy i'f'MF(.RTH."ltIhUH"nnd emphatic, cumomy lire often Improved with VOCOM FRICTION CI.LTCH plllleil nnd FRICTION CUT-OFF coupling!! may surprlso you. SHAFTING mill MACHINE WORKS. IIS North Second. .. yocoM HON NOf. !!, 2n. 21. Jl'a IIUss Incllnnhln Power Presses; Henderson Si Fcrraciite Power Presses; heavy power punches. Nuttall, liis .. ran, "pniVKll.r'UNT DOL'll'MENT Dinumos, motors, boilers, steam and nil en gines, pump3, ulr compressors. FRANK TOOMEY. INC.. 127 N. 3D.ST. QtvnMn.TlANH PIP1-: Cut mid threaded tu sketch; largo qunntltv of all sUcs lnstocU. ilrlftlth. Jlll-20 Moerst. DVN.vMO'S. inotois and machinery bought, sold nnd rented. armMurt-a repalied Main til; Market ."uu.1 )'tarnle Co.. 221 N. lid st. ELECTRIC MOTORS" Power Tiniisinlsslon. Enulpmint and Supplies CII.H. liOND CO., Md ARCH8T. JlOlnTINO ENGINES. 8 to SO II. P.. vvlth and without bolleis. lor i tic or rent. 8EYFERT8 437 N. 3d at. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS IU5 CII1CKER1NO upright piano; cost Jt)0 new; 15 others from S7.1 to .200. ,U3 Aeollun player-piano, toveral others at latge reductions, slightly used; terms, H monthly and upward. .... .. J0i new ldanos nt all prlcea; terms. 3 monthly and upward. ... . Call or write lor Illustrated catalogues and Uits. HEPPE'fi UPTOWN STORES Corner 'ah ami Thomptoii sts.. PhlUdelphla. Pa. $15 VICTROLA, $1 CASH lttiUfieo Cnav lavmeuts. JIELL A K, JP.'l) CI lEST.NITSTj K5ijHlClTf.H"lNO ""UPRIGHT PIANO JlOJAARllJVINCKNT,.IS N0th, i itwM'ji ss.vnm fthitniiin Plvor-ntano. $2fJ. Open evo. Workman. 1622 Columbia av. OLD GOLD II Hill EST PRICES in the city paid for old gold, silver, platinum, raise teeth, old coins ought and sold. Jewelry Exchange. 204 B. Bill EI OLD GOLD, silver, platinum, plated ware, old style Jewelry, teeth plates bought for cash. Est. 1870 J. L. Clark, refiner. b07 Sansom. 7.ASII PAID FOR DIAMONDS. PRECIOUS stones, gold, silver, platinum, false, testa, Phlla. Smelting lief. Co.. 129 S. 11th st, OLD OOLD. silver, platinum, broken Jewelry bought: highest prices paid, send postal! will call. 4R N. 10th St., Phlla. OLD" OOLD-Cash paid for old gold, silver, antique cloeV will call, nell phone. Locust 1210. ROGERS. 27 S. 17th street. PRINTING COMMERCIAL PRINTING and engraving our specialty; open evenings; engraving orders delivered In two da, give us a trial. 1001 Clustnut st. HOOFING AND IxtON AWNINGS WE cuat leaky roofs at small cost ani guarao- leS llieitl U T.Uia, IC u. va.ii.ta.c. American Roofing Co . 1,185 Ridge ROOFING CANVA8. guaranteed quality, IL A. HUMPHREY'S SONS 1021 Callowhllt at. STORAGE CONTINENTAL STORAGE WAREHOUSE 201H ST. ABOVE CHESTNUT PACKING. MOVING. bllll'PINO Rugs. Carpets cleaned, scuured. stored. Dell. Locust lOtUl pnones Key.. Rac 4190. WKb'i' PHILA. MONARCH STORAGE CO. Auto, pucklog und shipping. WEST ftllUA. WEST PHILA 0.-5111 LASUADlda AVC. McCANN'S STORAGE HOUSE. 1714 N. tlth St.; moving, parting, shipping: aula vans. (JLARANTEE STORAGE COMPANY of 1'hlU. inc. EaTABLISHED 1872 Packing, moving shipping, storing ALL WORK DONE 11Y AUTO VANS .' Moving any distance storing separate rooms; let us cstlouue. work guaranteed. 1317-10 DROWN ST Pbona Poplar 2154 i in ii i i , . 1 1 i,ii.m. FIDELITY FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES . 1811-J81U MARKET ST. MILLER North Broad Storage Co., Bread ab. Lehigh ave New fireproof addition; rooms fireproof, packing fer all pointa; auto van: estimates tree. DeR phone Tioga tlBO ATLAS STORAGE WAREHOUSE Storage, moving, packing, shipping, carpet cleaning. Ph. Paring 752 for estimate. Market and 371b. accumulation, that home. Many attractive offerings in these columns today. Read and inspect STORAGE OIRARD STORAGF. CO.. 01J 0'r "V"-:, .. rooms, carpet cleaning. Rell Jhpno Pojq- MlLLIIOURNE STORAOE CO, 22 N. B2D. li.tMAni e.eo rm.l lennlnr. WCSt 421. Auto vans any time, anywhere. WALKER'S Storage: separst locked rooms: auto vans for moving. 2112 N. loth. WANTED ANTIQUE furniture, featn. tjeda. broken Jew elry, falsa teeth (50c. to $2 set), gold, silver. nmond. 7:-3 Walnut. Walt. '0-2d. Est. 'OtJ. 11ROKEN JDU'ELRY, false teeth, ptstols.colni. Coin book, with prices I nay, mailed, 18e. J. JUtois tl'eople's SloresJJoU S.llth. Wal 44Si . CAST-OFFri)TIIINn WANTED GLNTLEMEN AND LADIES. TOO. WHAT I SAY 18 MEANT FOR YOU! IF YOU HAVE ANY CI.OTI1INO, TO SELL, SEND TO ME. I'LL TREAT YOU WELL. THR PIMCE I PAY IS VERY HIGH: MORE THAN OTHKItH. LET ME 'TRY. .,.... TELEPHONE MARKET 20U0 WRITE OR PHONE AND I WILL CALL iSX I'l'ACH OH TIME AT ALU SEL10SO)l,V. STII AND HP. gAlUHjNjRTS. OART-OFF CI.OTIUNG-WI1I positively my, 80 per rent, more than other denlers for lanles and gentlemen's cast-off clothing, hats, slioes, etc., alto full dress nnd tuxedo suits. Call. rltc. phone Poplar 5771. Prompt nttcntlon .JlJdJb3jirders. RLACKER. 12:10 J'oplar st. CAST-OFF elothlng-We positively pay 30 more for gentlemen's clothing, shoes, lints; send postal: we cult, day, evening, city or fithurbs Friedman Bros.. 1441 South st. J'hone DlfklnsonJiljrK FUIINITURE, pianos, carpets, antiques; entire pr part houses bought for cah, no matter Jiow lirgeJ. RERN8TEIN, 13.1lRldge eu MEN'S CAST-OFF CI-OTHING WANTED tleet prices vv-n call anywhere, nny tlmo. Phone WnL OMIS. J,Schulti. 227 N. Ilth st. 1 VICTROI.AS Highest risli prbes paid for used talking machines. Address M tKH, Ledger Ofllre. ROOMS TOR RENT JUST THE ROOM YOU WANT Can vtij likely be located In a tew minutes by examining the photographs and desi rlp tlons of rooms with and without bonrd vvhlih are on lilt, (or )nur inflection at ledger Co.ilntl An Interior photograph and nti iweis to every question oii would nnk are here, so you ion decldo Intelligently; flee jiorvp-etesMt. ARCH. 15211 (Tho Helwtm- Clean, sanllary .rooni; rates reasonable. Phone Ijicint IIIMI UIIPAD, 2ll) N. Attractive front room; rcas.i l)oiii'vJ'llla8tntloti! I'lione Tioga HUH Vi RROAD. H.. 1723 Attiactlvely furn '-'d-lloor front; excel, table lo.u.l. DIklnioij2rO"H. CHESTNUT. 172 Desirable, well-furnished rooms, vvUh or without pilvuto bath. CIH'STNl'T, lM'.'-Setond-etorj. front, south- em exposuro; tunning w 'iter. i V.UI.KINUT, 2IUI7 Dnilrahlo single und vlouois looms , permanef t or trarslsnt. i CHEST.VDT. 21HI (lorncr)--lleautlful rooms, single oren suite, teani heal, private baths, CHESTNUT. 2I2S - HUITi: OF ROOMS HATI1; ALSO HINflLI! ROOMS. CHESTNUT. SHI'I Single or en suite, elect''. hot-water heat; new management, rcf. CHES'INLT .ST., 21(10 Nuwly furnished roomsT sltiglooreiijsiilto.jise of bath. "i.'HESTNUT, 11200 Aliraetlva roo'tis.adj. hath) hot wattrlnat; gentlemen, Preston (CI37 W, CIH'STNl'T 42.'i'-llandsiine sultn; oxclu'slva list!,; elo slnglejroo.ns. table bordoi tlJiial. LOCUST. 2121 Well furnished rooms, ulnglo or en ultejprlvate family; central location. LOCUST. 1211Doalrnlilo"" rooms," adjoining ontij ceniriu location; not-water neat; pnuno. MAllKET. .-,1124-Prlvnto family has four at- tinetlvely fuinlshed- looms, will rent single or en suite; all conveniences CalMlar. ljll Y. MAHl'ER. lMi')-IeBlr!ibln location; attractive houo; 1 furn. suite and nfew single vncan. SlONTriOMERY AVE . 1527 Attractively furn? sitting room, 2d door, running waler; phone. OXFORD? Iii22-Ijitge "sitting rtioni for rent? rur iMliedorimfiirnlslied; southeriicxiosure. i'ARK AVE.. N., '.'iiiTllonnis, single, en aulto": balbs; eleitrlc light. Diamond aiun. PINE, 1412 Deslrnb'e "communicating rooms, wlth bath alsnslngle ioom: refeience. PINE ST.?" 15.10 Double anil "single rooms? Willi or wltboul bath. forgentlemen. PINE. IJON-LAIIGirilOOM. FURNISHED OR I'NFURNlSHEDlJ'HIVATE FAMILY. rOWEI.TON AVE , "3307 Well-furn.. bright. airy room-, slnglo or on sulto; private baths; all conveniences, porch; near L and subway; reference exchanged. Phone Raring 7U21 Y. RITTENHOITSE SQ.'""(21il S.'lOtli st )-Large. air) rooms and apts., beautifully fur.; 1 or 2 lunrpH; private baths, hot-water heat; first class In appointments and service. Spruce :iUi2 SPRUCE. 1312 SINGLE OR ENSUlTEOKNTLEjdEN SPRUCE. l"ltv S.I front, beautifully furn.; running water, elrc. lights southern exiKis. SPRUCF, 12n'S-AttraeiTvely furnlshod front rooms, newly renovated; well heated; phone. SI'ltrcE, i:slu Largo rurnlshcd room, bath; iilso 2-rooin apt., unfiirn . board optional. SPRUCE. 1VJ7 llachelor's aiartmem, 2 rooms und luth; liachelor'a ))rlv ate house. cl-HL'CK, 2U22 "Attractively furn. bacnjlor apt.. 2 rooms and bath; tlreplace; phone. SPRUCE. IU7-WB1.L-FURNIS"1IED ROOMS, SINGLE OR EN SUITE; NEAR RATH. SPRUt'E. It-IT Uooms, single or en suite; prl. Jb.Uhs prof offices; steam heat, electricity. SPRi'CK. 1130 Well-furnlshcd "rooms; hot wnlcr heat, gentlemen, leiereiue. SPRUCn?""ll6ll-I-irBe. well-furnlshod rooms, single oren suUe. l'hono LocustHS) W WALNUT ST, Illl-Attractlvo single and double roomB, private baths; will furulsli to tut tenant Apply Vinll, Dixon, 1st Moor. WALNUT, SUM- Newly furnished front rooms"; near I.: elettrlc light hot-water heat. 12Tlf, H., 200-iVacancles. one or two gentle men; aqjoining moiiern pain, not and cold running water In rooms. Filbert 54IJ W 12TH. S., 114 fW tloor front, furn., suitable fo"r I or 2 gentlemen: prlv. family Phcno Wal.7itlll 13TH. N.. 1(110 Nicely furnished front room with running water; prlv. fam. Pop. 2707 W. l5TH?"S.r:l20 THIRD-FLOOR FRONT,"l'UR. NMRHEDj U.SqSINGLE HOOM; I'JTIl ST . B.. ;n Desirable slnglo roomsfor gentlemen, newly furn. throughout. Loc. pfll2. 20TH ST.. S.. 11.1 Ileautlful furn. opts., oa ulte. prlv. hatha; desirable location; owner 20T1I, N., Vts-J.'J Nicely furnished fronrroonil private family. Phone Diamond 3SI2-W. 40TH. 8.. 107 One week free o permanent tenant. Single or double rooms. SOTH. N.. 21 Desirable front roomT furnished! runnlrtf vvnler; fibone NURSE, having omfortablo homo near Park? would like elderly gentleman or ladv Invalid or nervous cur ea. Phono Relmont 73011 W, WANTED, refined couple to chare home, vi cinity Kid und Chrster avo , referenio ie quired. P MT Ledger Office. PRIVATE family, conv to""L?" havVl or 2 attractively turn, rooms. Preston 272.1 J. LARGE, light turnlshed room, conveniences; exrius. sec. 4.1th and Spruce. Raring 1400. BECOND-FLOOll front, corner; large room, com, bath; unfurnished. Poplar 4171 W. Suburban OERMA'NTOWN. "vicinity Washington lana and Greene Well-furnished 3d-floor room, electric light, use of bath, private family; board optional. Oermantown 2007 W. Mt. Airy LARGE. well-furnlhed front room; private bath; hot-water heat: gentleman preferred; private family. H 787, Ledger Central. HOARDING J1ROAD S 1000 (corner) Very attractive room with board, home comforts. Dlckl nson S2bTJ. CHESTNUT. 3812.14 Handsomely furnished large Iront room; suitable for 1 or 2 gentle men; elec. light, steam heat; finest residential section; excellent table. Preston Od-ll GERMANTOWN, 123 W School lane. Grey stone Desirable vacancies; under new man agement. Miss J. It. Keeiun. manager. LEHIGH AVE.. llll-Io Ueautltul rooms, good futile; new management. PhoneTloga J221. POWELTON AVE.. 40:17 Attractive 2d floor front; quiet, refined family; near L;jhona. SPRUCE. 102S-30 Ileautlful 2d-story suite, furp. or unfum., to per. couple; choice table. SPRUCE. 120 SECOND-FLOOR SUITE; ALSO SINGLE ROOM8. SPRUCE. J224-2U tPrlsmonde) Funi. rooms, single, en suite; private baths: table board. SPRUCE. 1220 Attractive rooms, single or en suite: private batfcs: table board. SI'R'CCi.. lOl'l-RbOMSWlTH HOARD RUN. NINO WATER STEAM HEAT. ELFVATOR SANSOM, 4Wd-Large. attractively furnlslio3 rocm: private family Rarlny 7178 Y. 22Il, N ?3(G 'corner) Ijrgo outside rooms; rennea noma; excel, taoie. uismono i.iji j. 41ST. S., sus Second-tloor front room, running water, couple of two gentlemen; other rooms; excellent tapis: convenient to cars, phone. flPRUOELYN. 303 South 41st St. Mlsa 3. M. HAN LEY, formerly of Chestnut sL Suburban MORTON STATION. PA. (Pel. Co.). 12 mile from city, convenient to trolley or train: couple or gentleman; 2 rooms with board; all mod. conv.., electricity; homelike, com fortable; plenty of ground. P VU. Led. Off. OERMANTOWN. Walnut lane. V.. 4-T-Attrso-tlve front ria.. with board, refbied surround Ings. Ph. OlP. luy T. Photos at Led. Cent, dKHMAN'TOVYN. SW XV Rlttenbouse st. (be twtu WyP and Greene) Comfortably furn. rocms. good table, conv Fh, Qtn. 1573 X. valueless to BOARD WANTED WANTED, by 2 gentlemen, 2 eommun. rooms nnd board, strictly private family; elee. light; preferably West Philadelphia, convenient elevattd. J 43, Ledger Central. COUNTRY BOARDERS WANTED SANATORIUM, Beautiful location; special scientific care; nervous, elderly; every comfort; nurses. Booklet. Dr Randal, City line. Chestnut Hill. NpRSE will give home and rare to elderly lady, gentlemen or couple; fine accommoda tions; city conveniences. Address L337, Led ger Central. APAHTMENTS WALNUT AND UTH STS. (8. W. Cor.) Mod. ssiltee; exceptionally attractive; large high ceilings; Abundantly lighted on thiee sides- nlio 200 S. Ilth st . suitable for housekeeping. If desired, rentals. $10 and $73. Janitor on icrncr tremUes. liarber. Hart ninn Xt Co , 1201 Chestnutt. lUTTENHOUSE SQUARE neighborhood, suite two rooms, vvlth bath, touthern exposure, open fire, general hent, Initnntnneuus hot water; $.V) per month for Bcntleman or estab lished charncter likely to remnln term of j;enrsLA 421. ledger Office. i N. XV. COR. 17TII ANI) SANSOM STS. One room and private bath, lurnlshod or mi turnlrhed. JAMES D W1NCHELL N. W, cor, 17th nnd San'oni sis. 10,. S. UTH ST. IlAchelor apartments: excep tionally desirable 2,1 .floor suite, 2 large rooms and bath, every modern Improvement; Janitor on premises, steam heat included. IIARHF.H, HARTMAN 6 CO.. 1201 Chestnut. ERIE AVE, 722-M,.. Including heat and Jani tor service; beautiful 0-tnntn suite for tin rurulslicd upartnients. windows on all tides. II E. SMITH, 721 Erie ave. WALNUT, till -Tt-Very nltractlve npts.,2 to 4 mm., bath, also single room and bath, furn. or unfiirn.; excellent Imntlon: Ist-class serv Ice Phono Spruce IS In, or apply tn Janitor. UROAD ST., N. 7(li Deslmblo unfurnished apt. :l rooms and bath, onlv one left Call bePveeii 2 and III p m . Apt A-A. OXI'OIID, axis 1 nenr Park- I and bath; $1S; hot-venter heat. AMI-.ltNETIIY, 2721 N. ."til. PPRINO GARDEN, 1817 Excellent apts., In S different houses, somefurn.j kitchenettes, 81'lflH'E. IIHil-2 rooms nndbaTh, unfurnished. t'lly J'nllor . D-TII. H"."!2!i-Two large"ronin inidbnlli; un- ftirnlsliedi buy window: fireplace. 1STII 8T.V 17is" J.-Slx large. llg"lft,modcrn rooms, thorough!) mnovntod $H. i "" THE KENNINGTON PINE lll'.I.OW RROAD New anni tpienta. Open for Inspection. YARROW VAN PELT I71h nnd Chestnut sis. li"ANDSOMEST apts uptown, all southern ex" poiuro. . ami a rms. a: omi; new-iy uriviiumi & appointed Oren fur Inspection. Prices icu-onnMemorrallJjri7N-.Eit!l.iL- . LADY hiving furnished aimrtment. rentral, will snare -aina witn liusiness woman; .- sonable. M 311. Ledger Cenlrn.1. A STItlCTI.Y modern i-rnnmnpiirlmciit: gnrngo prlvllcgts Included, 32.M N. 17lh, TIoku. Ve-tI'iTlndjdphls I0TH ST., S. ."(fl Attractive npfs?, :t rius. and bath: S.v . expos . J inuor serv.; on. u-un. GRE-Y GABLES -.12-14 N. 33.1 n TO 7 ROOMS Some furnished. All outside rooms. Ilea-u Lnn-riovrnc. Pf APARTMENTS All outside room, conven ient ce, 22 t ill per month John Nacey, 88 N. Illprl.ind ave., Ijinsdowne, Pa. FURNISHED APARTMENTS 12TH- S . Sun- 1'urnlsliedioiisei.eepliig apt., 2 or .3 rooms, bath. Filbert 5112 W. West Philadelphia . SUNDKRt'AND 110 USE. :i.".th and Powclton Well-furn tl-rm. light, sutiny corner, hkpg. apt. lilt fl , clovntor. Iminod. puss.: let i luaJ In appointment and servli-e Sep Janitor. APARTMENTS WANTED DID NOT SECURE anrttnent desired last week, wish '-' rooms, bath nud Mtchcntle, unfurnlshcil. M 315, Ledger Central. Suburban WANTED-A suburbiiu apartment. 2 or 3 roomB nnd kitchenette, convenient to v-lty, give partlcuUrs. J 40. Ledger Central. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS JUNIPER AND SPRUCE STS. 2 ROOMS AND BATH 15TH AND PINK Three mitten. 7 rooms and bath. One suite, first lloor, suitable for phvslclau. MclLVAIN & CO. ISlb Land Title Hulldlng, l'hlla. Chestnut and 22d Streets CORONADO A FEW VACANCIES $70 TO $123 PER MONTH S W. COR. 1STH ANDMOURTh " Second-floor sulto, I large rooms, bath nnd kitchenette, $-'7.50. third tloor. same, $2,i; hol-nuliT licit und hot water, electric und gas, oviry loum faces street: use ot luundry In basement and yard. Phone Dickinson 012. 344U N. 18T1I ST. Dctlrubly located modern H-room housekeep ing apartments; steam heat; Janitor: con venient to trilus und trolleys. HAML'EL T FOX fc CO. S. E. COR. bH AND CALLOWH1LL. 1iTH."N., 1739. , , , Living, dining and 2 bedrooms, kitchen and bath, electric lights; new paper and paint; hot-water heat; ownerireferencc, af'RUCE, ri2I(Maldston Apts.) T rooms and i baths; all very bright and sunny: well heated, plenty, hot water. Apply P. II. Lewis, Apt, lull. Phone Filbert 5573. ISTH. N.. 1038 Fully furnished flrst-floef apartment, with private bath and kitchen; 2Ii suit ivvoperons; reference requlrea. DIAMOND. 2112 Thrco rooms, bath, kitchen, hot-water heat and hot water, $23 POPLVR. 1322 Ground door, 3 rooms, bath, ;...;i,..,;,i mm l nn.l Tltta Illdv. 2UTH, N.. 7J4 1-roorr.s, private bath. hot- vvaterJieaL I'lione t-opiar ikjj isorilONTOtlMERY AVE.-Four rooms, hath and large porch, hot-water heat, Janitor. SEEKYOUR A'PARTSIENT THRU US We hnvo nearly every high-class vacincy listed In our ofilre. and our business la to save you time and trouble hunting apart ments. , , . Information, service and magazine free. Write, call, phono Spruce 8311. Apartment Hotel llureau, 1411 Walnut. TriTR"rfA;l- 1527-2') SPRUCE feTREET 1 rlU FUVOri HOUSEKEEPING APART MENTS and PROFESSIONAL OFFICES. THE WARWICK 1000-OS-lO Sunsom street. A modern 7-story, fireproof building, con taining suites of apartments having 4 to d rooms with all conveniences for housekeeping Tho entire water supply In the building la tillered. There will bo 2 or 3 desirable va cancies at the opening ot the fall season one suite on the 3tli floor, containing 0 rooms. at $35 per month, and one on the oth floor, having southern and western exposuro, at $50 per month. There Is a caterer lu tho building who will serve meals when wanted, either Tn the public dlilng room or In the BV,Br,,WJI?TESIDH & McLANAHAN, N. W. cor. 15th and Pino sts. THE MONTEVISTA MD AND OXFORD STREETS. In the exclusive Overbrook section. The most delightful of all the semi-suburban sections of which Philadelphia Is Justly proud. Within 2.1 minutes of City Hall, via Market Street Elevated and Ulth street cross, town line, which rn direct to IBJ and Ox ford streets. The new hulldlng is now ready for your Inspection, having suites of 3 rooms and bath, ranslng In pr(re from $40 to $33. PUBLIC DINING ROOM IN IH'ILDINO. Agent on premises, or rnone Overbrook 47V. INFORMATION RELATIVE TO and the rent ing of nearly every desirable apartment In Philadelphia, may be conducted through this office CALL. PHONE OR WRITE Automobile service to inspect apartments If desired. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 111! Walnut st. Spruce OSufl. Race 3023. arAaiHc. ta - pi k...i,h.. . HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS X few desirable upurtments. from 4 to 8 rooms, reutuls $28 to $00. THE REED N. W. cor Ilioud and Reed sts. TUB DICKINSON ' T N E? tor. Uroad and DJeklnson sts. Can be seen Sundays. Particulars, phone DUklnJOn CARSON REALTY CO, 6. W. cor. Broad and Wharton sts. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS " 'aLI. PARTS OF CITY KBNT8 $ TO '0 PER MONTH CALL. PHONE OR WRITE FOR - INKOKMTION SAMUEL STERN 1201 CHESTNUT STREET you, but very HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS THE ENOLF.WOOD, 320 fl. UTH ST. - Ideal central h Misekecplng apartments; rulte, rooms, kitchenette nnd bath, nlro 2, room, with bath. Apply Janitor, on premises, or LEWIS A. TAl L ANE.lP0O Walnut St. , THE (1ABLE8 . , 4IKXJ Old York road; a few choice p-room hou.-ekteplng apartments; all convenience'. $40 per month. App'y to Israel llecht, 1218 Chcmii'it st , orjanltor, jm premises. PALMER &WET HERILL APARTMENT SPECIALISTS i Real Estate Trust Rldg. Walnut 113. NORFOLK APARTMENTS Desirable I and 3 room npanments; near Park, Janitor service, reasonable rentals. IIKCHTKU .1232 Ridge ave. APARTMENT 1111 Walnut. . BUREAU Phone Spmce 3344. FOR modern fill ti or unfurn apartments northwist Phlla. or Tlng.i, see us first, thoeppv A Co, 1317Montgomeryne. 12 ROOMS," turnlshed, 2 bntlis, electricity, gas; J307N. i.lth st Phone Poplar 1J4I. POPLAR APTH. 1MS-20 PopTnr-Sultes," furn.. unlurn.: bot-vvntor heat, prl. baths; hot water. WK.sr I'llll.ADEI.llllA 3IT11 AND CHESTNUT (The E.rei)-r rooms, bath, pnntry nnd reception hall, elevator (day and nlgnt service); Colonial finish, white china gloss paint, tnnhogany door, hardwood floors, tnmblnntlnn wall safes, laundry, vacuum rienner. roof garden, watchman all night; $33 tn$)0 month. 3ITII AND'si'RING OARDf.N'.Tho Itelinnnt) Nice front npartments, mahogntiy tlnlsh, private porches; Inrdwood tlnors, porte cochere entrance . detlr.ibl) situated, newly renovntcd, p. pcred ahd painted. $21 to ?.T month. All d'slr.ilde new lioiisekeenlnfc npta Apply Janitor, or CRESSE, 308 Hale Uldg. .IITII AND SPRING GARDEN (3 llelmnnt Apartments) - Only $21 month nice Iront apartment, 3 rooms nnd bath, private port M: hardwood tloors: will taper nnd do orato to suit tin. int. Inquire Juiiltor. i OFFER n largo variet) of npartnienls n varied prbes and to moot almost .my leiiulro nient. C ,11 or send for list Automobile serv b e lo Instil t atmrtments If desired. NOIt.MVN S SHERWOOD. 1(11 Walnut st. Sprtiio (i'-'i.ii. K.tco .'1H2.1. "AI'ARTMCNTH A SPECIALTY ' 4.1 D AND (HESTER AVE (tot Monterey ApirtineiitHl- onlv M.I month: I n.ciins. IihIM nud tiecptliiii hall, iiarrlvvoil llunrs. nil inoma fiue sticel Inaulro Janitor MODEifN APAUTMlsNTS CONVENIENT I'D ELEVATED STATION 462. and 4025 LOCUST ST. 215 and 22 1 FAKUAGUT THR. 4829 and 4S3 3 WALNUT ST. S38 TO S40 ft room uint nth; m"ti attlhil tally tMltui-0 aii'l Ucorutoij; nrl Mito porthea; lit-vmor heat. 1pc trie ILjjlitH nti'l lilfih- I.ihb Junltur M?rlc Pvrptition.tl Mtlticft. Kaniplt Apt., IH."t:t Wiitmit, ufii at nil times. Win. H. W. QUICK & t3ro., Inc. Jlmi PHONES 8 SOUTH PITH ST. SELECT APARTMENTS Deflriib'e iihaiuler In tho most eMluslve residential Motions nr West I'llll.MlelplllH Convenient o 4bth ttrert 'L' station titid mtihwii line-. Apartments with 3, II and 7 renms, 1 und 2 baths; revii.il furul-iticd RENTALS $10 lu $1(0 THE 111 CKINOHAM. WALNUT ST.. UTH Tit d.Vl'11 THE HATTERI.EE. CIILSTNl'T ST. 43TII TO ll.TII THE LAHCIIWOOD. F.TII AND I.ARI'IIWOOli AVE. EDW (TUTCniNSON. JR. 122 . Villi, or 117S 4(lth st; UL'.VDERLA'ND IIOFflU " N. E. tor. :15th and I'owellon live. . rooms ,tnd bath. HAMPTON COURT Jti'.-ll North :!5th st. 5 looms and bath. Apply nt building or FREDERICK WEIIIIER. 403 Morris Uldg. DREXEL APARTMENTS OVERRROOlt STATION Ouo OrHt-ltnor Mine. 0 lnoinn .md bath; ele vator, public dining loom; roof garden; si.il!ous lawn. Phono Ovtrbrook 052s. THiritUTLAND APTS . .H'HT COMPLETED LOCUST ST.. MTU TO 55TII ST. 0 and 7 loom apartments, with ull tho latest conveniences, $.'17.r In $1.1 per month. ROBERT A PITTS, AOENT Hell phone. Ilelnnjnt 143.1 M 13 Locust st. THECOLDOURNE r.Sth and Ijinsdow-nH C-vi ?0 3-rm,tn suites with bath, large - pon htfM. jitnltnr, etc.: one month free E i. T. DOYLE, 3S15 Master st. THE LAIU'llMONT. IllKl-IC K. lllih st.-Onu of the hniidtHjinost Jd-tloir Hpartments In Philadelphia. l 'uige moms lull outside re ception hall md bath, with private ron h, TaVLOR .V: SON. 21 lill.l 20 S Kith Ht. I2..10 PARKE?-4I1TI1 NO "SANSOM "STS ; lnrgo 7-room apartments, all modern on venlinces. beautiful decorations Open day Hinl evening. AKIN KILPATRHK. M35 Mnrket st. WALLIXOFORD VPTS 3HTH AND LUO" LOW STS.-"NE VACANCY. NEW APT., h ItOmiH AND HATH. VAPOR HEAT. ELEC ELEVATOR. ETC PHONE UARINO I7l'it XV. ONLY !"." Mi'NTIl KM Essex" Apartments' :illli and I'hc-ilnut. nlco corner npartnunt. .' rnonm and Kith nnd private lull; bountifully nattered nnd decorated Inquire J.mltor. THE AVONDALE. "''th Illld Lo. llststs. -Veiy dcidrahlt. hniisekecplnK iipartmcnts. 3 rooms and bath Inquire of Janitor or A. 11. Zul llnger, 40th nnd Locust. f."i) To Sn CHOICE SELECTIONS KERSHAW fROWL. 3215 CHESTNUT: Llv'ON APARTMENTS. ."101 to fllOS ChesteT nve. Furn. nnd unfurn. housekeeping apart ments. See J inltor or nh WiNulland 2010 J. tierrauulovvii WYNEVA APARTMENTS Wnyne nnd Wjomlng nvca Soveral very desirable vacancies $13 TO $35 PER MONTH Sco Janitor, on premises, or SAMUEL STERN, 1201 CHESTNUT ST. THE WISSAHICKON Al queen Lane Station. Oermantown. Hlgh-cIasH upurtmems. Ideally located, pos sessing every conceivable convt-nltmc, In cluding cnie nnd table d'hote service. The dining room Is available for private affairs. MAID'S SERVICE 11Y THE HOUR First lloor. (I rooms and 2 baths $33 Second tloor. 0 rooms nnd 2 baths C't Third lloor. 0 rooms and 2 baths i-0 Fourth floor. 0 rooms and 2 baths.. . . 53 Sample apartment open evenings. Apply on piemiscH or EDW. HUTCHINSON. JR . 122 S 13th St. LOCHSLEY HALL 41S to 511 West Mldvale avenue, Queen Lane Station, Germantonn. Ideal homes: large lawn and porch. Haverfonl. Pa. HAVERFORD. PA, Near station and club, new apartments; 'I rooms, 2 baths, $70 to $Sfl per month: south ern exposure, beautiful outlook, large duplex apartment (2 additional rooms), $1U0 per m0"th- MclLVAIN & CO. I.MS Li ml Title Building, Phlla. APARTMENT HOTELS THE TRACY 36th and Chestnut (ElevatedStatioR) PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT GUESTS Appeals to families and seekers for QU I ET SURROUNDINGS HOTEL COLONIAL Spruce at Ilth st. A quiet, luxurious, residential hotel, afford ing the excluslveuess of u private residence. Newly decorated and refurnished. Excep tional cuisine. Parlor, bedroom and bath, with meals. $-13 to $10 per week, for two persons, WM p kbjmjey, Manager. THENEWPORT 8lJtuR?s,8TH THE DELMAR-MOHRIS OERMANTOWN AT CHELTEN AVE. STATION PENNA. RAILROAD. ,20 MINUTES FROM BROAD B ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED AND UN, FURNISHED SUITES AND HOUSEKEEP. INQ APAKTHBMB. THE CLINTON Mr 200 ROOMS. EVERY CONVENIENCE. Furnished or unfurnished; either by lease or transiently, suites of one to four rooms, vvftb bath. THFPARKSIDE wi ANgg80 OPPOSITE FAIRMOUNT' PARK Furnished and unfurnished apartments. Com pitta hotel service. Phone Caring 22 1. THE GLADSTONE Ilth and Pine sts. ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF THE ESMOND S. E. COR. 12TI1 AND SPRUCE STS. DMirawe W '- i"Ji bh'ps NPWPnRT SPRUCE AND I0TH bTS. (1MTI Vivi 3-roou suits to suolet fo balance of leaso. valuable to APARTMENT HOTELS "THEN YOU'LL COMB HACK TO US" This first year wo come tvlth out message to sou; the second and third nnd all the other years the remembrance of this J ear will bring you Lack ngaln and again. Oncfl In a lifetime "MINE HOST" Is born, not made. J. Warren Friar, for 20 years of the Hotel Walton, and way back before that of tho old Iafaette, has tnken the Llncoln a bow nnd glorified Lincoln, rettnlshed and refurnished tnroughout-and will welcome you Tor, say n nay or so, or for all tho winter season. With elevnlor service, running water In every room nnd the kind of dining room ou didn't think could be. You will find all jour living troubles over nnd your problems solved If S'ou will Just en'! and talk things over nnd then make your reservations with Mr, Friar at THE LINCOLN, 13TH AND LOCUST STS. "The Perfect Apartment Hotel." NORMAN S. SHERWOOD.! Ill WALNUT ST. "APARTMENTS A SPECIALTY" ALDINE HOTEL CHESTNUT ABOVE 10T1I Permanent or Transient Guests COMFORTAHLi: SUITES: One or more well-furnlthed rooms with bath. UNEXCELLED TAULE. WHITE SERVICE. BEAL ESTATE EOB SALE CITV 2215 OREEN. Et.EOANT HOME. 4(1x130. Wallace near 20th, 12 rooms, sldo ynrd, $jOOO; assessment Jiinoi). $340), rent $fli). assessment, $3300, JB22 Dau phin, corner. . , ...,., Rent $1001. nssessment $0000. rrlce l.iOOO, Uth nnd Wallme. .. 2107 Spring Harden, side yard; tn close ist. 1007 Falrinount nve., II rooms, $3500, assess- (STn. Hiih, cor., 10 rooms, $1500, rent $I6i. loth nenr Norris. 10 r $3ono, nssmt $'""' 247 N lOtli, central cor . cheip. rent $400. Pine nenr lllih 72tl( feet, eontinl 23 1 N. Iillh, ll'v stories, eentnil. 23 ft. front. ml N llltlt, 3 storhs.iKirih, $2(SS). rent $201. 8203 Wood, near Pirkway. cheap JllltllERD It WOllRliLL A, CO.,r..V. N l.th. 211s w. TIOHA ST. 13 rooms, ponh: lot nbout 25x2.'"i. lino comlltlon, tlrst-i'lass nelglibnrhnnl; hot-water heat. For price, I'te., ne Win. (1. Glenn, 3(i0l t-and Title Uldg., 1317 Columbia nve; , 1711H. RROAD ST. Corner raslln nve . lot 30x121 tn buck street; 3-story, porch-front dwelling, toiitiilnlnir 1-' moms, 2 modern baths, would suit physician, dentist or apartments. James F. Hare, lMh nnd Morris. PROPERTIES. Nos. 027. P20 and 031 North Front st . spleinllii site for factory or ware house: 2 nillrn.ids, one on each front. Apply tu John A. Duncan, III) South 4th st. I501 LOCUST ST. Handsome, modern 4-story brow-nstone dwell. Ing. Especially II Hod for professional offices Low prleo and easy terms for quick sale. 2ti2il N. STII ST -Three-story brlvk dwelling, .s rootiii nnd bath, house In excellent condi tion CIIAS W MILLER, 401-107 Common- weuUh Rldg. I1U2 CAM AC ST.-It rooms; good neighbor hood; usesi-d nt $.1200; prko only $JS0O. Vm. (I. (Uenn. l"r7 Columbia ave. Kill N. 22D ST Desirable porch-front dwell ing; good comlltlon, reatonjblo price. ljAJlRVg C WILLIAMS, .v.".' Walnut at. S. W COR. 1UTII nnd Catharine Magnlllcent eornir, with liou,u on CntharlnH st., In heart nf Itnli.ui section. Ilurevltz, Ml N. nth Oct. 25, 1915. PUBLIC LEDGER: Sold 1 2-room house I own on 18th St. below Columbia Ave., through your valuable paper. (Thanks.) Very truly, C. HARRY SHOWAKER, 3033 N. Broad St. (JOT AN AUTO OR A FORD' Prlvnte ga rugo with our beautiful Rurcomb st. homes Uust wist of Logan Station). Ciet tlils Jl.'lfl fm home, garage and 120-ft. lot: bouse nnd lul without garage. $-lsO(l. Keo "Logan ad." ADERNETHY. 2721 N. 3th, 133 S. 12th. FOR SALE 1020 Locust. Illis M. Mill (cor.). :i!2-l S. 17tli (cor.). N E.cor 23th .4 Spruce. llti-S H lllih koi.). iH.H.cor.SId .v.- Chcatuut. S.K.ior. 20th & Spruce.i1.il W. Tulpeliockon. J. .V. PATTERSON CO. 1!M1H. JSth Jl2ix)-iTllbOMP. side ard, $3011 bcloW build er's price: never occupied. (132 Chew st., Tnbor- I bedrooms- largo lot, hot -water heat, eleetrli light: terms arranged, two trolleys; liloA from pint Inn. four bedrooms. AHER- NETI1V.J27'I N. 3th. I3d8. IS?1' CENTRAL I'll PER TIES ror saTe - rent. Send us jour requirements. YARROW A VAN PELT N. E. cor, 17th and Chestnut sts. l-1En?-',i!'1LSl"'li50 "r -07URiicoi SPF.CIAl. llARCLM.S'S-Only $2IK) to $r?00 cash. 1712 Wh.II.ico. an $t;0i) house for i ..". Jlsi K- Wnlliuo. i-or., asses. $70(10; ).rlco $2u0. lid 1 Mount Vernon, mane offer. MARSHALL II. SMITH. 1011 Chestnut St. "IF "YOU WANT TO MORTUAUE. "rent. "buy, soil, exchange nr Insure. SEE 'MULVNE AIIOLT IT' IH4) Walnut st. . THREE STORES AND DWELUNOKTrlm ming store. c.md store und oyster house; never vnrunt, guod tenants, rent for 2S per. mo wdiK 1 CARRE. 17211 N. -'Ith st. WARD'S PARK-FRONT" HOUSES. ARE WORTH INSPECTION OFFICE-42::l N. IITH .STREET UAlfHAIN. $37(0 .3132 Clifford ex.; d-styf' 10r., porth mud., assess $3'.K)0. lot lit 2x00 to HOL- llngswortli st.D A illnnlek, IS.i(l Ridge ave. 0 DWELLINGS. 3 rooms; rent $00, prlco $0730; good Investment. CAMEItON'.'Sll Kensington aj.e $1373." SURJECT to $'IV)0 S. re'nlul $1001; Hssessment ii3n0- Hill and Fnlrmount uve. Owner M 340. I eduer Central. ffcnO-Si'3 liERKH ST Must be sold; 3 story; good enndlton UiNOAKER. S71 Helmcnt ave. SlTi.-Ji. ASSESSMENT $113011. sblo )ard, 12 rooms. Owi Wallace near 2i'tli: ner, S21) N. 21 th. Iluildiiig Lota. Factory Sites. Etc. viriltFXl 13 AVE. AND 7TII ST. 30 DUILD- IMI lots run bai.i.. at iu earn. FEMHEHTON. Jr.. lina Harrison Hulldlng C. HOME-SEEKERS AND INVESTORS' OPPORTUNITY OPPORTUNITY ONLY KNOCKS ONCBL THIS IS THE KNOCK. 90TH ST. and TINICUM AVE. PHILADELPHIA A Double Building Lot, 30 ft. front, 95 ft. deep. Prices: $150, $200 to $35o each Payable: $10 down, balance S5 per month 10 for all cash These lots will bevorth 3 times the price within a short time Be. fare to Market st. ferries. Ed dv stone, or to South Phlla. on Southwestern trolley. Chester Dr.. P. and It, Rwy., station within :t squares, passing through Eddystone, City water and gas In Tlnlcum uve. Will build your noma on lot If you will pay reasonable amount down, balance: on month ly instalments. A truly remarkable opportunity. For further Information, apply to THE THRIFTY DEVELOP MENT CO. Come 0n ,h8 round or Come Today B. W. MELVIN Today 1313-19 REAL ESTATE TRUST ULDO. e'lTES, RAIUtOAD. for sale. Pennsylvania and Reading; $2000 per acre and up, accord ing to location. Inquire for terras. MIK;r,mi;jt, la msioui. LOT SITUATE 31U Richmond stT? rvinnlng through lo Reach st., 20 by 204 feet. Apply to John A. Duncan. 110 South 4th st. RIPE TRACTS. large and small: can arrange advunces; several Logan tracts, .right prices. AnERNETHY. 3724 N. 3th. 133 8. 12to? VALUAULL central site. 13Q10): 3 street,; good building, sale tq close estate; easy terms. J. Frits. K5 Land Title Pldg. Store s,nd Dwelllugs CIQAIt STAND, old established, sama line of butluess fur 30 tears. 22! N 224 St., no good will or second-hand flitures to buy; properly for tent at a moderate rental. " HARRY T. SAUNDERS, m a. igjh st. QKHMANTOWN 'AVE., 5011-Stor"ijad'" 14 rootoa: 27sR.n; stable In rear Q C. SEI- DEL A CO.. Jni... 4th and Callowhlll at. others. A Wanjt Ad will do it BEAL ESTATE FOR SAL - -- -,,-&. Oararr OAIIAOB SITES In Login and Otoey; Bnt openings; good locations. v 4 ADERNETHY, 2781 N, Mn. S- J WEST PHILADELPHIA N. W. COR. 48Tir. AND HALTIMORE-Doe-tor's opportunity to purchase a built. to-order property, corner of two main streets and containing many unique features, at a re duced price. W H. W. QUICK A RRO., Inc.. 6 8.. 40th St. M21 IIA7.EL AVK 3-storv brick dwelling, 12 rooms, 2 baths, porchfront, large httle; good order; lot 20 ny 110: free of "encum brance: reasonable price for quick sale, H f43. Ledger Central. ... . , BEST VALUE IN PHILADELPHIA UNEQUALED .HOMES B8TII ST, AllOVE LaNBDOWNB AVE. West Side. $4000 Even' Known Convenience. . , . Hardwood Floors Throughout JAH. C. ENBURO, UUILDER $3100-8 ROOMS, hot-w.-tler heat, st and clee trio light, parquetry floors, ehower baths, gus kitchens nnd nil other modern nppolntment. DANIEL CRAWFORD. JR IlllLDEH BSth and Hadneld st. BIO HACRIFICE-3(.37 Haverford gve., n-tory store and dwelling taken for mortgagd, oil t?r nc??! 2i Investment, assessed KX). H, lllley. 74I8;L both st. . STTND foil LIST, SALE 6iT;reHt"'', . JOS. M. RARER v ;2d and Ualtlmore ave. ' ... .IVIItlbAN-S HOMES "" " WTJI AND PASCHA1.L AVE, A PPL Y 1011 CHESTNUT ST. UAHOAI.V TO CISirAC-COUTHirSpnice L. 8 rooms, $3300; 0201) I.insdnwne ave., V rms steam heat. P.M. Aman, 12DI fheslnut. limBMNTOlVN VE.ST WASHINGTON LANiriTcar Hurbrldge iS.'',ory "'"'Iclailied sldc-ard dwellings, J.iinn!s Rn'J bsH "'ill. houses Just, teno J,n,lri throughour. CIIAIIL14H W. MILLER, i"J-40i Comiiionncalth Hulldlng. POS EAST CHELTEN AVE.-Modein sTstoiT E.1!..f.'.?.,,,t 'J0'"?1 te'In,. 1 u": exceptional opportunlly for liomcseeker. - J'iyylsA lAPLA NC, Wfljyill'JELlL. GERMANTOWN MANSION cut hrownstone mansion. 18 rooms, all pol ished hnrdwood fleers, electric ferAtcs, beau (irtil fixtures and steam bentl light and heat freo for the rirst year to the purchaser; la.tvn 1T.I feet by :iOn feet deep; 7 feet jiboVo tho roadway, covered with cedar shade, "4rtL't trees nnd shrubbery; loented 0733 'limftn st.. tlermnntowii, t block east of Lincoln ll,r,vo'.. t,lotlIc uth of Carpenter t. "SUi tlon. Penna. R, R, Apply on premises, 7 to ') a. m and 3 to S p. m. Ternig to suit. . , OEHSIANTOWN HOMES . .f." w,u uu JttJ.NT Advise us of jour requirements. Selected list uimii request. CHARLES J. HOOD & CO. (Morris Uldg.) 1421 'Chestnut st. STONL ANi) lllUCiriiOMirE ' ' 10 rooms; nil conveniences;) lot ilftHxISd; Hansbcrry near Wjivnp iiv,; so. exfui.; K3200. a p. pi:TBiia.v soN,jw3ciiEHTNyT nr DETACHED stono lioqscTand stab'lo. Insbest residential section, can be bought for $3000 less Ihnn the assessment. Glyndon Trjest man, 3300 jrjerin.intown ave.fcJ . RESIDENCE SITES-around in be7t section of Oennantown and Chesttiut Hill. U. U. - I-1HTER A SON. 3012 Cermantown ave, WE CAN ?SSIST you to find that house von are looking for. Oermantown Trus Co, Chelten and Oermantown ayes. . IP VOU ARE LOOKING FOP. A HOME IN Oermantown. Jit. Airy or Chestnut Hilt con- gultrne.A.n. Median. 0747 Uermantowri'ave. PRICE mul "ita vnton rt.. Tiew hfttises' S-'tuOf) 10 N1C00, samido houo n(ivv open for Inspec Hon. CARL IIELMETAO, 1011 Chestnut St. Chestnut Hill NEW SALE ANI) RENT LIST READY Pelli.im, Mt. Alrv nnd Chestnut Hill, , I'ELIIAM TRUST CO.. flUii Oermantown ke. TIOUA o 304 II N M.VDI ST? Il Lae s-rooin houe; lot 17x101; In oest c91 ditlon,, .largo .-nrd; sale Includei coal. VJ I'll.ln hlnds, shades, Rudd henter; 2 squn frtm North l"hltfirln. Hlntlon. oi.ert 'for'' e Bpectlnf. r EDWARD NAUSIANNv t'i:sTroitfaANr)ST.. 12ll-be.rable porcrf front dwg.j nood rondtlfont renronnble Pee. - HARRY . WILLIAMS. 322 Walnut s BUILTBYBROCKLEHURST Z y MEANS WELL BUILT E. Side 9th St. Pike to LuzcnjeSti. Adjoining Beautiful Hunting Parkr. Tor Investment or hninc-buylns; proposition. 7 rooms, electric lighting. h3rdwood finish ond floors, lot-water heating, selection of Va pcrlng. Salesman on premises. Terms to sulL HARRY BROCKLEHURST m; HI.DFR & OWNER. 312 W' NORRjaST. BROCKLEHURST" MEANS WELL B.UJLT 2410 to 2-120 Hunting Park' Avferitie Cozy 7-roomed dwellings, hoLwnlex heattrg. hirdwood finish nnd floors, terraced fronts electric lighting, selection of papering, , PRICE J1400.00' . "7 ' ' ' Falesman on premises. Terms" to suit)-' ' HARRY BROCKLEHURST. UUILDER ,t OWNER. 312 W. NOhRlB St. FOR SALE-Property .T723 to 3729! Old "York road. Dwelling containing 14t large, rooms, vvlth front and side porch: ,2-stnry brick .sta ble, touch house and offlce buildings; ,1 story brick factory and sheds: lot SOll ft deep tn Reading Railway tn rear, iiould be suitably for Jargo gafugfl. vi,Apply it preinhsr - . , u 3-hTORY. 14-room. modern. PJrch dwelling! lot 20K130: can be purchased on easy terms, JAMES D. WINCIIELL- ' N. W. cor.I7lb and tuniom. ; WE HAVE THE HOUSE YOU VAST A 14 TIOCJA OR LOOAN -. 1 KENNEDV": RAM BO. 3740 OERMANTOWN Logun rx' LOGAN'S PRETTIEST HOME&lA-ery mod cm featuia: substantially bpllt atl urtlsti caliy tlnlshed, imblurd to produce, n .'.'.real homo': Imposing terraced fionL kel.ee 1, and unusual equlpmrnla. Ruseomb ijL, south aid?, 13th to tilth, just vvest. of atailniVdarsi jmrchcB, deep lots: 'J closets? ihlglr. lust basements. vvRh tenanted walls;, expcnflve plumbing "Arco" heating systerai ' tdfal" boilers, ?1S00, walk west on LindleV av to FDher's i:in- to 13th at., thc-n M lilock.soqth tu Ruscomb st.; 3 trolley ltucstoti ,York-rn-idj open dally, - .- u S. O AHERNETHY, 2721 N. th f,. STORES, DWELLINOS AND APAIVfMBNTB - 1 ' For Sale or Rent In Rest Sections of Logan WM. D. CHAMIIEItS, 1033 N. Broad -aL - LOGAN REAL E8TAT. SALE. RENT AND EXCHANQE . . M,.SmRh.Bri.it opp, Logan Stattoo. LOO AN-VACANT LOT. Soil fiO:""2KRONTff WORRELL, S33 North lTth. ' H- Oak Lane STH ST. NEAR OAK LANE AVE.-1I rooms, hardwood floors; modern plumbing; hot-ws'sr heut; ibout half grre of ground, shade, fruit, etc. J WORRELL, 853 N. 17th. DESIRAULB LQTS-Wlde frontage, high, ele vation; near the station; suitable for bungs law purposes. William Uarr. tlth sod Qk Isne. OlneT; MODERN HOMES, USOf) ta terms, some garage privilege, RBAUTIFUL IIKJXI. easy AHEHNtyrHY, 2721 N. ,1th. 4IW Tabor rosd IjWUyKBAN " l!XCI'KTIONALLY SMALL FARM Tbl proiwrty contains 14 acre, treating; a the West Chesur pike, und Is within 40 min utes' ride of tho centre of the city; suitable for truck and equipped for poultry plant, wltt) tnoernlxpil Htone nouml electric flent- Snrlns- Held wuter, hot-water heat, excellent cone jv UlllUItJ INIIII u,.,c,..y . Ill WWHMHM I farming utensils, variety of fruit, old slums;--stone tenant house, up-to-date chicken housr number of colony houses, high chicken tight feme, with cedar posts, surrounding entire property; good land, southern exposures x celKnt neighborhood, this property cost with in u tear flu,0uo and will be sacrlnced to Immediate purthar on. easy terms at tna bargain price of II 1.000. Don't fgll to see this property If you are looking for a, place with. leivao '1r",-"i"T' Ulffi 1IARLES J. HOOD & CO. laioms muy.i mi rnctnut st. STONE RMtMHOl'SE Hot-water heat, electric light, alt accommo dations; stable, greenhouse poultry house and 12 acres of land .high elevation, old shade, fruit, truck garden; running stream iud lake; near station, in llunllnsdon Val-r ley. coavenient to golf gad bunt clubs; price JcilOoO HERKNE83 f. STETSON. Land-Title Bldg. OWNER 'WILL; 8AC"R IFICB suburhaa horse?: nesr rgtlroad and Philadelphia, 1Q looms, J. -J baths, modern, conveniences: large lot, trultlsuS shade. slaVIe and garage pr will excbW)gsf II. B. McCOLLUM -SSssl 1X14 Walnut at PulUdslpbU, ..2 "Don,'t gorget the Nuwcer." COM FORTA BLE. honiejlke countre homes? furn. and unfurn. J. M. fronefield. Wayne.)". iV i"'i ' -r:,,:;: Other CUsilBed Ad ia Next Va m 't ' fe. ai 1 .. u 1 A V 4 V .TV u Ax 1 r -.-.-
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