14- EVENING LEDGEK-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1915. h- It. 'H Many attractive . - SEAL EStACE TOR SALE SUIlt'IUIAN seven, miles prom city J'I;Jr.,,7 miles prom crnr nnjit win fl vine to sim pmvrac i ."". - v orf'tha U. ami O. R. It.: one mile front : on trolley to Chester and Medl? .very desirable for manufacturing P'anL institution si company. YOM'M POWERS CO., 20 S. L lDin ST., WMU ooliimm T. . ..., in ,-tcl Farmhoure, barn, dr., H ,rti ..?.. running stream; comcnlrnt train and trolley and the Roso Tree Hunt Club. HERKNEBS .STKTSOvi LIANDT1TLE riLDIMl CHOICE nCl-tHNO SITES and.aereego. ARTHUR P. TOwNsHND. Lnnghorne, Pa. . HOMES for sale or rent. Wendell & Massey, . Real Estate Trust Building. . SELECT PnoPEnTIES-CiKintry 't!,Lra List ordera now. '-EWIST. BROOKE BOM, Mil 8o. Penn la. FOUNDED 1878. SALE, clienp. or will "Change, ground ripe for builder or Investor, (1 mills from Uty linu. Merahon. MS Land Title Building, Ambler, Pa, BEND FOR LIST of suburban homes, ''"" Country seats, bulldlna ground, etc. I have lares and varied list In Montgomery anu Buck. Counties. H you arc looking for any. thine In the way of country re.il .state, do no, fa., tomllf-" " Am dipt. i'H v a it ni 3T roiintrr iiiaces rihI nut.-irn home branches. 11. J. Dsger, Inc.. Ambler, ra, Ilnln, Pn. STONE HOUSE AND "An Apr.: let ; houto hss 1.1 rooms. 2 bath. fOB.n,,) garage hn man's room! High ground, Huso ,0 " LOWER MEUtON tSKAr.TY CO. LAND TITLE BUILDING Clirster, Pn. BUILDERS, ATTENTION - Clieler need" houses: :IT nts well Imaled; "V Sir !i gas laid In street: pi Ice 17S e.ieh: owner will divide or will tuKo iirt equity In . i-Mlmnge. YOCUM b POWERS CO. 20 S. intli at.. Philadelphia. Cymvyti. Pn. DETACHED STONE AND FRAME HOUSE. It) rooma. 2 baths: lot .Won. or more wanted: tins and electric llsht: porch In closed for winter use: comer lent to station. lower MCittoN ri-vltj. co. LAND TITLE BUILDING Darby, Pit. WIDOW must sell extra fine 24-sty. det. prop.: lee. parnuetto noor, tiling, etc.: cost over $oooo; sac SHOO. aot.o K Pons, Darby. Elklna Park. l'u. OGONTZ HILL ON YORK IIOAD NEAR HLKINS PARK STATION, OVERLOOKING CHELTEN HILLS Handsome new homes Just completed, every ono n different stylo nrchltcc turo. nnd containing everything to ap peal to discriminating good taste. Con veniently sltunted: York road trolleys pass door: Heading Hallway.. Llklns Park Station nearby, close to Hunting don Valley nnd Old York Hood Country Clubs. rJee these properties. Send ror our booklet on Ogontz Hill, giving photo, plans and full descriptions of every Douse. HERKNESS & STETSON Land Title Bldg. Both Phones. W E S T V I E W ELKIN3 I'ARK-neautlfitl building tracts: high loca.lnn; extended view ovor lino homes nt Elklna Park, near train and trolley. l'rla $1100 and upward. Our automobile bv appointment. Phone Melrose I IT4. RHOADS&PAUL gg.fj&'jjgk NBW single dwelling. 12 rooma. 2 baths: d minutes from statlou: reasonable price. Mc cormick McCormlck, lull Chestnut st. and Elklna I'nrk. Olenslde. Po. MAONIFICENT stone nnd shingle residence, containing 12 rooms, bath, -11 modern con veniences; large lot, with stable: convenient to train and trolley; bent location: property could not be duplicated for less than llB.tWO: will take JlO.OOu for quick Kile; several other unusual opportunities, RENNINOEIt a HENNINOER Olenslde, Pa., and Ilroad nnd Walnut sts., Philadelphia. Pa. MODERN HOMES, best location; building lots and acroageaf many rar ortera. Call lit Olenslde office today. ItENNINGER & HEN NINOER. Glcnslde. and llroad and Ualnut. Lanidale. ra. TWO LARGE DUILDINGS. suitable for var ious purposes; hot-Mater heat: 2 acres high ground; 30 building lota: J3S00. . A. H. TYSON. Lansdale. Pa. Moore. Pa. 3-nn BUYS 10-HOOM HOUSE J0-UU LQ-. -Bxiw KEET Mod. conva.,shade, rrult, near sta. and trolley. Call see photo. Others Norwood and llldley. PDTEitS ic SON, tms Chestnut at.. Phlla. renllyn. Pa, 20 ACRES: NEAR STATION Price 1-50 per acre to close Wharton estate; the price la considerably less than surround lnr land la held at; property surrounded by beautiful country placea. HEIUONESS BTBTSON LAND TITLE BUILD1NO Bydal. Tm. v BTONEI COLONIAL RESIDENCE Wwrooahly modern, on Cleverly lane, over looking "the Huntingdon Valley; IS rooms nd 3 baths, garage; between train and trolley: 2Vi acres. HDRKNE8S i STETSON IiAND TITLE BUILDINO South Ardmore. Pa. FOR SALE Most attractive 10-room bungalow anywhere near Phlla.: all conveniences: lot 18x123: mortgage already placed; open for Inspection today. WM. S, DAVIS, South Jirdmore, t the station. fiirarthmore. Pa. STONE RESIDENCE on College side, Swarth more, IS rooms, 3 baths, laundry, etc; large lot. old shade, garage; suitable for school, boarding house or sanitarium; price low, Ad. dress Box b3, Bwartnmore. fa. ATTRACTIVE HOME. ONE ACRE Stable, line shade; elevated; near college. . P, PETERS A SON. 608 CHESTNUT ST. Wyncote. Pn. sWVEHAL HIGH-CLASS suburban rt-ldsnces; attractive locations; prices right. MAURICE J. HOOVER ?r'itz Wynnefleld. Pa. ATTRACTIVE STONE HOUSE, near trolley t and train: 12 rooms, 2 baths, all conven iences, lot eOxHO; or qulclt sale price will La lowered. LOWER MERION REALTY CO. LAND TITLE BUJLDINQ MAIN LINE. PA. B. K. BEAUTIFUL HOME AT MERION Stoat house, garage. 1 acre: IS rooms. 3 aths. S open fireplaces; large open featuro SuUSway. one ot the moat deslr-ole locations In Mrioo. 4 mlnutea walk from station iii a, quick sale ovrnerts will crlflce; will eaert investigation. WENDELL & MASSBY. Real Eatate Trust Dldg. sl-JBUKBAN HOMES, country place and - 'mit'rr sites to suit all reqiilremjnts; Uala lljSfc IL C, HUNTER. Wayne. Pa. Ledger Want Ads offerings are printed in these columns every day. They make . ... BEAI, ESTATE FOB SALE MAIN line, pa., r, n, n. Ovcrbrook .COST. ll,O0d-PRICE, 9O00 , Six mlniHea' walk Irom station. 2 mlnutea' walk from trolleys. This unusually attractive residence. 11 looina, 2 baths, steam heat from central plant, gas nnd electric Jlght. Over brook nrtealan water, hardwood floors, open fireplace, rinlslicd throuiihout In white and mahogany, modern and up to datej old shade nnd Minibbcry; surrounded by beautiful home nnd located on a wide avenue: ready for occupancy. Tills house Is offered at a bona fide sacrifice If sold within the next no days. Small amount of cash required, CIIAtU.KS J. HOOD & CO. (Morrl.i niag.) H21 Chestnut st. WD HAVE A OOOD SELECTION Or HOUSE.N for sale In this most desirable suburb. List with full detutln will be sent upon applica tion. Communicate with us. Price lor de tached houses I anises trom xI,0tit up. LOWESII MEIUON HDALTY CO. LAND TITLE 13U1LD1N0 ovnitnnooK homes A largo and complete list of properties In Ororbrook for rule at prices from S300 Up ward; scleral bargains: alto tompleto rent list. CIIAtU.KS J. HOOD & (X). (.Morrla llldg.) 1421 Chestnut st. Merlon ON THE NORTH SIDE AHractlio slnno and timber house, 1.1 rooma ntid 'I batln: electric light, steam heat: gnroge for 2 cars, man's room nnd bath; over acre of ground; excellent surroundings; thla pioperty Is very desirable nnd worth lnictigntlnn. HIRST & McMULLIN WEST END TItlHT lltHLDINO IV nnewoml UANHSnMC STONE AND STUCCO HOUSE, 11 rooms. ;i bathi (S chambers): modern ap Polntments: line Inenilnn. near station; lot OUxlM; worth lnv.-stjntlin. LOWEIl MEItlON IlKALTY CO. LAND TITLE HUILD1NO Aril more We Have An Exceptionally large Hat of tory attractive properties, both lor sale and lent, nt all prices; let us know your roiulrcments. HIRST & McMULLIN WEST END Til PUT HU1LD1N0 llnverforil NEW STONE HOUSE Desirably located near Merlon (iolf Club, nt Hnerford; IN ioomi 4 baths. 8 chambers; hot-wnler heat, electric light; severnl open llieplacea, bcantlCiil outlook; garage, :i cars; rosi.is foi men; about " acres of ground; price moderate HIRST & McMULLIN WEST END TltUST HflLDlNO NEW JEHSEI 1ILACKW00D-2.-I ncres: In rooms, 2 harns; near trnln. trolley; price WW. Sewell, 8 rooms; splendid condition: convs.; outbuild ings; 1 acre: fruit: strawberries; near sta tlon: price W200. ,jru Chester ne. Audubon. N. J. 319 CHESTNUT R tooma. 4 large closets: well built: hardwood finish: combination range nnd llajhllng fixtures: papered to order: f270: open . look at 2tw Chestnut, now build ing; near trollev. HEANEY. "tho Owner," 411 East Atlantic. Haddon Helgltla. N. J. LIl'PINCOTT LOTS AND HOMES HA CHUN HEIGHTS, N. J. WILLET LIPPINCOIT Maple Shade, N. J. THE QltEATEST prlvllego of the 20th century is to own n llttlo ono-acrs farm cloao to l'hlli.. nnd remember, ii down buys one, .! monthly pays for It. For n square deal call on or write HARLOW & CO., Jiaplo Sbidr. N. J. Mt. Ephrolm, N. J. ONE-ACRE FARMS Mt. Ephratm. N. J., adj. Haddon Helghta: only S miles from Camden; 2 stations on traLt: $100 to JUOO per acre: title Injured, free deed: no taxes for 1MB. Camden County Oar. den Farms Co.. 120.1 Broadway. Camden. N. J. niverton, N. J. RESIDENCE on river bank; rare opportunity. D. II. WRIGHT. 727 Walnut st. Woodbury, N. 3. EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE, city water, gas, all conveniences; large lot; barn; price x;i20O; u sacrifice. W. EARL JESSUP l.'IS Maple ae, Woodbury. N. J. BUILDING LOTS In the beat residential sec tion of Woodbury; paved, graded, gas, elec tricity and sewers; short walk from station: 80 tralna dally; price $430 up: easy terns. Theo. Schelllol, American and Delaware sts., Woodbury, N. J, SEASHORE Cape May. N. J, COTTAGE erected by a reliable builder Is a satisfaction; attractive plans submitted free. OTIS M. TOWNSEND, Ocean City, N. J. Ocean City, N. J. COTTAGE erected by a reliable builder Is a aatltfactlon: attractive plana submitted fret. OTIS M. TOWNSEND. Ocean City. N. J. Stone Harbor, N. J. I HAVE $4000 equity In house 17th st. above Diamond, rented $i00 per annum, I will ex change for furnished cottage, clear of en cumbrance, at Stone Haibor, N. J, C. Harry Showaker, 3UJ3 N. llroad st. GEORGIA FINE PLACE for game preserve: 20 miles from Thomasvllle, Ga.: plenty ot wild tur key, quail, squirrels, etc., and some deer al ready on place; plenty all kinds timber, good farm land, one good dwelling, 23 pecan trees, halt In bearing; 1123 acres; $20 per acre. J. C. IIARVIN Beachton, Grady County, Ga. PENNSYLVANIA 1'AHSIS MOO PER ACRE Fine farm. BO acres, beautiful location, fine view of Schuylkill River and valley; an Ideal location for Institution or sanitarium: lh mllta from Narberth Station and adjoining the finest country seat In eastern 1'enna. $200 PER ACRE 1B0 ACRES, TWO DWELLINGS BEAUTIFUL LOCATION., MILE FROM PHILADELPHIA & WESTERN R. R.: 6 ACRES HOXBOROUGH; HIGH GROUND. ESPECIALLY SUITE FOR SANITARIUM. JOHN J. FORAN 4416 CRBSSON ST. Phone Manayunk 070. CHESTER CO., :l miles from Pottstown; stock and tools: IS acres; stresm; spring; 40 fruit trees: Q-room stone house; bank barn; out buildings; Included, all the crops. 2 horses. 1 cow, 2 pigs, 100 chickens, wagons, tools; half cash. Jack's Farm Agency, 213 Stephen Glrard Bldg.. Phlla. MEKB CT 5 TV4E leno o?i TVie vjeeu. ium "rn eat "TLiarT clcrrv I HfeLp OUT OU THPS V4IFP Trtim. i'mgeitinc tBSS 1 r . V JNSTr-AP IM CETTIMC will sell or secure & k5- ' a- fY BE AIi ESTATE EOB SALE PENNSYLVANIA PAIIMS A HAnGAIN In a l.l-acro farm If taken ad vantage of Immediately: improvements: 0 room frnmo hoiiro nnd summer kitchen st tached, frame barn, a poultry hiures nnd other outbuildings; nil In At condition; prUo J2S00: part can remain. Address I. Y. llarlnger, rerknsle. Pa. TULLYTOW.v" PA. -17(1 ftcre,FpFendld build Ings, barn; suitable for slock ralMng, WORRELL, 5.1.1 N. 17th. 23 1 ACRES. STOCK, CROPS, good building. $2300; half crtih. HUNSUEflOEH'S FARM AGENCY. Green Lane. pa. 5-ACllt: poultry place. (1-room liouc, barn, 2 henhoujea: price. $20011; nlco home. TITUS FRANKLIN. Dojlcstown, Pa, l-'ARMS to suit any buyer, all tires, all prices, fend for list. GIK'SS MINGLE, B210 Mar. ket st. 12 ACIIEP-Commutlng dlelanee of Philadel phia: $4,100. J. H. THOMPSON. West Chester. Pn. NEW .JERSEY I'.UIMS .MllUlltr, N. ,T. 200 HENS free to buyer Bargain, finch' equip ped poultry plant, 3 acres, 7.1 fruit trees; Pi-story house, U rms., 2 porches, gas, run ning wnter: trolley near. Wrltp or call for In formation. W.F.Roggentlno.Milo Germantown, BEAL ESTATE SALE OB BENT UUI A HOME FROM US Monthly payments $17 to $30; N Phlla, and Germantown; prices $1M)0 to $7000. Merchanta1 Union Trust Co.. 7M-710 Chestnut st. Its N. 3D ST. Lnigo 4-Btory brick building, suitable for manufacturing purposes. CHAM U. MILLER. 401-407 Commonwealth Build ing. CERMANTOWN HOMES , Let me know what price sou want. R. T. M1TCIIELU 0200 aermatitown ave. B. E. SALE OB EXCHANGE EXCHANGE for small houses or sale on In stalments: $l.l,C(m, corner: Broad below Clearfield, SIIOWAKKIt. :m.Vt N. llroad tt. 10-ROOM HOfSE: hot-water I heat, electric lights and garage.: nearly new. Caldwell & Co., Narberth, Pn. BEAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE SEVERAL small dwellings; rents. $7 to $.1.1: subjrrt to first mortgages only; net income MWO per ear. Livingstone. llroad A Walnut. SAL'-: OR KXCHANai! lluslncss building, tith nnd Arch sts. MEH3HON, 33.1 Land Title Bldg. SEASHORE EXCHANGE CLEAR, 10-room cottage, Wild wood, furnished, for small city property, clear, or small farm. RANK1N3. 22S Kalghn, Camden. BEAL ESTATE WANTED RENTS AND INTEREST COLLECTED, mort gages and fire Insurnnco placed quickly. See Kano for prompt results. 2.128 Tnsker st, REAL ESTATE. CONVEYANCER, notary pub lie. K. F. Sellers, 3ui Commonwealth llldg. BEAL ESTATE FOB BENT CITY 2143-.145 NORTH PARK AVE.-,l.story and basement dwellings, lots run to rear street; 11 rooms; good order; conveniences; low rent. Keys 101.1 N. 12th st. WM. L. CRAVEN'S SONS. 1B40 N. 7th St. 1210 SPRUCE ST-Dcsirabto residence; con tains 10 rooms, including 2 bath rooms; suitable for doctor's office nnd residence, or apartment home: rent $1000 per annum, Whiteside & MuLnnnhan, ISth nnd Pino. !0 8. 21BT STREET-IS rooms; suitable for physician; $1:100. THE LAND TITLE AND TRUST CO. llroad and Chestnut sts. 300 S. 11TH 12 rooms and 2 baths: steam heat; lust renoated throughout. CHAS. I- BROWN & CO., 217 S. Broad st. 2032 BRANDYWINE ST. Three-story dwell ing; just papered and painted throughout; rent $2.1. Taulano. POO Walnut at. 1,1, PINE ST. Modern house, containing 14 rooms nnd 2 baths; good condition. Edgar G. Cross, 1411 Walnut H. 5510 CROWSON ST.. 7 rooms. $10; also new slde-jord houses. $1S and $20. Brown, 8100 York road. BROAD ST.. 3028 N. Modern porch-front dwelling, 12 rooms; moderate rental, CHAS. L. BROWN & CO.. 217 S. llroad st. 171C ARLINGTON ST.-O rooms and bath; newly renovated: $10; open. MOVING" PICTURE THEATRE Fully equipped nnd ready to operate. LOCATED AT .'1013 FRANKKORD AVE. RENT S45 PER MONTH rOTTH & THOMSON. 2.121 Frankford nve, TWO STORY, 7 rooms, now bath and toilet, $17: 2.123 Meredith U'tith nnd Brown). Key next door. RENTAL IJSTS J. EDWARD LUTZ. 210 N. 17TH ST. DWELLINGS 170S Vine. 14 (iU 11 S. 10th. 12r...$100 711.1 N. llroad. Or.. .V'171.1 Walnut. 14r,... 83 C29Wash'n av.. Ur 20 314 N. llith, 12r.... 40 1.123 Summer. 8r.... 20 223 N. nth. llr.... S3 l.isti Winter, 7r.... 1!12I3 Iiutton'od. llr.. 2ii .in--' Master. Tr 15 1M2 Cailowhlll. lllr.. L'3 1324 Addison, Br.... 13 103.1 Carlton, Or 12 130U Addison, Br.... 10 21(1.1 E.Chcl'n av.,10r 2.1 1(2 Gtn. nve.. 8r... 20 1.122 Winter, tr IS 820 N. Carlisle, 7r. HI 414 Diamond. 7r IS It. 221S summer, 3r 10 R. 1330 Spring, 3r 7 .M'All I Jli;. 171 1704 Race, 4r $'.'.1 4il N. 17th, Or $30 STORES AND DWELLINGS 014S. 3d $7.1 17ni; Cailowhlll 1S12 Vino (Kil720 Cailowhlll 2122 Race :i0'.12 Raco $20 ID 18 DWELLINGS 22SN. 10th st.$lim.(i,24-t2 N. Marshall..$27.oo 4000 Pine st H.i 1S07 N. Cth at.... 23.00 1.127 N. 17th St.. C3.(ioi.T.-,r!eltier St.... 20.00 32.1 N. Marshall. 4B.('..I4 N. Van Pelt, 20.00 i-t, h, uin st.. su.i'u 4112 locust st... 40.0(1 23.1 S 43th St.. 40 00 4MS Walton nve. 33.0(1 313 N. 12th st... 3.1.00 H2II Melon st 111.00 4(ineorKe I.l.oo .11(1 E. Thompson 13.00 1012 K. Susau. av 10. 00 2120 E. Susciu. av 10,00 tax S. a. Bern'il 32.5(1 GERMANTOWN S231 Lnurena st.. $3-i.(KJ.-,a:tii Archer St.. ..$30.00 447 N. Hrlngh'st 30 001 440 Queen lane... 27.BO CONTINENTAL-EQUITAIILn TRUST CO. 21 SOUTH 12TH ST. T. T. NEALIS. 010 8. 12TH ST. Office open Saturday night until 10 o'clock. 2024 Pine at., 12r.. open for Inspection. . ,$00.00 1337 Divinity pi.. 8r..B0th & Woodland av. 22.00 1749 Ltndmwood, Tr., A2d and Parkslde., 20,00 1430 N. Warnock. Or.. 11th and Master. . . 15.00 2038 S. Watts. 7r.. all convenlencea 14.00 734 Race. rear. No. 2, 4r 11,00 160.1 Trenton ave., 7r..cva Front A Norrls 13.00 143H N. Alder St.. 3r 10th and Master. . . 0.00 DWELLINGS. 1S10 TIOGA. 13. PORCH.., $15 2237 N. Camac. lOr.J-'U, 2210 N.Franklln. lOr 23 221SN. 10th. 10r.... 28 1028 Susquehanna, 8r 23 212.1 Eauphln, 8r.,,. 22 -'058 Janney, Br H wao w, y ork, ur. . . .. 2301 N. Camac, 7r.. 14 2528 Lelthgow, 4r.. 11 2031 N. cth. 3r,,rear 7 C. R. RHOADS. 13th ab. Susquehanna. fill-10 N, BROAD, store and upper floors. 707-700 Arch St., store and basement. 410 Walnut St., ground-door ofdees. 244 N. Delaware ave.. store. 210 Market at., entire building. Apply LEA ESTATES. 7(10 Bansom at. 3130 NORTH 21ST.... $12.50 B, 4.ld it $20 SOU Cambria st $12 721 S. Mole st..,., 2(l 013 N. 42d st ., 12 321U Spencer ter,, 17 2:-ai Orlanna st 10 5052 Helen st 13 2610 Catharine St.... 8 ALFRED H. WILLIAMS, 522 Walnut St. PETE Y Mabel, Do auo MOBB for you a cash register, safe, typewriter, billiard table, desk, talking machine or records BEAL ESTATE HOB BENT IIKNT.Uj lists , .THE PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY For Insurance on Live s Granting Annultle, Hi t'npslnnt t Itrttli nhrtnn. 2 '3 S. lsth, i,ir$.ii.l4i :is. Mth. Wr.JISOOO li.'f! ?.-. 1"Ji 20r.. 1.10.0012020 locust, . lSr..U.I.J mo Pino. i.lr....lus.ti .i'j.'JS. llrjnd.KirlO-i.liO 14211 N. 10th, I7r, .'0.00 1IM.1 Green,. ISr,., ij.vm pns Pine, llr ... 7u ( 1.12 S. 2.(d, i:tr. . 6.V to 1II2S Green, l".r. , . .I0.r 1121 Glrard. 14r.., so. 0(1 tail iff "lh ISr. .1.00 10IS Pine, lor..,. V-tf.iiTi ! -ft, 12r .11.00 nia n. inn, nr .-fl, Ml Vmr, Mr. iKMWllSM S, 21.1 s. llroad. lur .wi" .,!- r.. .ill. iir -.11 (.1 42.1 S. Sth, 17r., Wi.0rt o'S??- n,lli Ur. 4.l.(i I7(i Wallace, llr. 43 00 82.1 Race, 15r... 4.i.(v lift N lith, llr. 4I.W ,22. Ji- I-"'. Llr. 41.01 1134 Master, 13r.. 41.87 ii.wn, join, j r. M1l mo irfimuaru, vr. y vv 14 tixlnrd, llr. 40.0,1 ll.io N. Pith, 12r. 33.W -"-..;: "",. ur.. .I2.no 2ir.'2 N. nth. llr .lo.do 1411 Wharton, Or 2s.nu R ill N, KKin, jir ,"' 2.M1 Columbia, llr 28.00 ISI N, lith, Or.., 2i.( 1141 N. nth. 10r.. 20.00 "in i airmt, nr. ."(.(.ii i..i, .uirrT, nr. -i.nt i,V!i N. xiiin, nr. -i.wj MliV- -Jharpnatk. llrlaill Master, Or.,. 2l. Kll.l N. "(ih. Or., a.1.00 i?hn. Fkln, or. 23.00 141SP nth, Or., 2.1.00 311 N, lOtli. Or,. 2.1.00 7(SN. joth. or.. V.-..KII pan.N Kith. lOr. 2100 2141 N. llth. Or.. 2,100 1.-.14 Wharton, Or. 22.00 SltiiN. I'ber, or. 2i.ni wo N. Or'nn, lOr 21.00 10, N. C'imncitr 22.00 s-vt-i iialnbr'gc. !'r 21.00 720 New .Mkt.,0r 21.001 011 Latimer, tcr. 20.00 i'ciii .. ,irrup,nr si.isi'Sooi Turner, or.. yo. ion Rodman, llr ao.ioi 1 nr, N. 1 nmac, Or 1't.oo M.-'iHiurs. ,r. .insii'M'.'j wnll trr. Or- 1H III .Ill l'nrrljh. 3r. . tl.oni 'M N. I'ber. llr. I'.no ii.ii ., .MHry. ur imi Poo n. Rlng'il.nr 1000 247 ritxnutr,.1r 10.00! 3 r.evd's ct..rie ix.nn sn 1 N. Amer., rr 1H."0 D21 Fnlrmount .. in.po ia", Npctnrine. .,r 1 ,.oo loan Olive, Or 1J.J 413 W.Hew'n, 7r 15.00 loot Imon, ,r... Ij.OO 1033 Spring.. Br.. 15 no' 2027 l'nge. ir.... 1,l.oo sTrnir avii Tw-i-t.r ivrtu 221 S. 10th, 12r.$7i.O'i)li)0 Poplar, lOr.. $11.07 12 N, 2d, Rr... 41.07 2.11 N. 2d, xr... 40.00 lltlltldKe, 12r.. :t7.. 1012 Oxford, llr.. 30.00 721 N. Front. 1lr 2.1.ro .lis N. 3d, 8r.... 21.00 2.11.1 Illdce. llr.. 21 noi ,11 v. Norrls, Or 21.no Uioi rnlrm'l, Or. 2.1.00 417 Green, 7r. .. 22.00 121 W.Oxford.Or 21.00 1120 p, 2d, Or.... 20.00 120 South. 4r. .. 20.no a,-,rcl Amber, 7r... 20.00 023 S. 2d, 8r .. 20.00 1204-0 S. 2d, 7r. . 1.0.00 201 Wlmrlon. Or 1(1.00 J. It. MASSEY & SON S. E. COR. lTTlt AND ORBEN STS. 323 N, Mar.. pr.$ 1.1.00 020 N. 12th. lar. 45.00 1702 Mt, V'n, 14r.$43.UO 044 N. llth. Mr. 4,1.00 1120 Wallace, Mr. 42.00 173 N, nth, Jlr.. 38.00 UU8 N. llth, lor.. 35.O0 1111 Green, llr... 32.B0 1327 Melon. lOr... 30.00 3200 Dlnm'd, 13r. 43.00 832 N. loth, llr. 40.011 11211 Wallace. lOr 40.10 lKlli Mty.avclOr 37.50 1220 N. ir.th, llr. 3.1.00 -3 n, llth, llr. 32.50 HBiGrc-n. lor... oo.im M2N. llth, Kir. :lu,i4i 1331 Mt. V'n. 12r 30.00 1328 Mt. V'n. llr 30.IK) 043 N. 12th, Or.. 30.00i jinion. u m c. lur .uu Kl.1 N. loth. Or.. 2.1.10 832 N. 20th. Dr.. 23.00 1022 York. 10r.... 21.00 113.1 Falrm't, 8r.. 22.80 002 N.CarllslclOr 22.00 1222 Brown. Or... 22.00 010 N. Front.Jlr 21.00 1214 Green St.. Or 20.00 Mill Melon. Or.... 20.00 IBS Park avc.Sr 10.00 170.1 N. 3d, 7r.... 17.00 1132 0gden, Or... 17.00 llir.i Olive, 7r 10.00 1(113 Seyhert. 8r.. 10.00 1023 S. Reiin'ld.7r 10.00 1200 Wood, Or.... 13.00 R73 N. 10th. Br. . 18.00 1330 Marsh' I. lOr. 810 N. 13th. 8r. loll Brown. I0r.. 113.1 Melon, f-r. . 1107 Pnrrlsh, Or.. 1000H Lemon, 8r 1011 Ogden, 8r... 421 N. 20th. Dr.. 1322 Mt. V'n. Dr. 1202 Olive, Rr.... 1015 Olive. 7r.... 28.00 a.,. 00 21.00: 20.00 20.00 20.no 20.00 20.00 20.00 18.00 17.00! 1403 Melon St., Cr 10 CO 1100 Ogden. Br... IO.O0I 1021 Olive st.. Cr lrt.Oili 1100 Myrtle. 5r. . 14.001 1112 North, 3r.... 13.00 02.1 French. 6r. . 14.00 814 Nectarlno, Or 14.00 1300 Carlisle. r,r. n.ou .'iui;,i'nii-i;i.,ir. n.wu 1011 Lemon. 7r.. 14.00 430 E. Wlldey, 7r 13.00 2412 Perot, 8r.... 1.1.001 Stoo E. Fletc'er.Or 12.00 021 Camac. Dr.. 13.00ls.l.l N. llith, Sr. 12.00 hTUlllJH Al DWUU.I.NIiS 1400-10 Fmt..2r.?l2.1.00 010 Walnut.s.&d 83.31 1300 Rldgo av.,3n 70.00 1307 Ridge. 1st fl. 20.00 1220,10 Illdge,3n.$lR0.OO i.iivi-on itiage.z&si aa.w 22:i N. llth, store 22.60 819 But'wood, 7r. 18.00 SAMUEL T. FOX A CO. S. E. COR. OTH AND CALLOWHILL STS, STORES 252 N. Oth st,, largo store. 11 in. mn si. store ana noors, 001 Filbert st., 3 floors .$30.00 . 25.00 .$70.00 . 80.00 . 80.00 . 80.00 . 20.00 lUOOltaca st STORES AND DWELLINGS 251 N. Oth, 0 rooms and store, convs... 1407 Cumberland. Or. and store, convs.. S. W. cor. Warnock and Thompson 2501 Perot. 0 rooms SOSButtonwood, 8 rooms nnd store.... DWELLINGS 262 S. 10th, IB rooms, 2 baths 714 N. Franklin. 13 rooms, all convs.. 1715 Master, 12 rooms, conveniences.... 3120 N, Broad, 12 rooms, conveniences. 1120 Cailowhlll, 12 rooms $00.00 65.00 60.00 60 00 45.00 40.00 3313 N, Broad, 12 rooms... mill Norrls. 11 rooms. conveniences 28 00 710 Buttonwood ...$271 2.103 Fairmount. Or. 2.1 1201 N. llth. Or $18 01.1 N. Lawrence. 7r 17 83.1 But'w'd.cor., Or 25 1R45 Miirvlne. 8r... 22 2547 Meredith. 7r... 17 2.115 Perot, 7r 17 1407 Park ave., 8r 22 1110 Olive, 8r 20 315 Darlcn, 7r 20 1020 Thompson, 8r. . 20 22131:. Iiunfn, 8r.. 10 1023 Sharswood .... 10 013 Melon. 8r 10 1710 N. Alder. 7r... 13 U17M. Trth 17 as&o lieose. ur , 13 1JUUA, 3440 N. 18th, 6-room npartments 1808 Ontario, 12 rooms 3110 N. Smedley, 8 rooms . .$45.00 .. 40.00 .. 18.00 123 N. OTH ST., 2d, 3d, 4th floors, I2r....?40 028 Jit. Vernon st., 3-sty. brick. 12r., all cv. an 70.1 Ionic St.. 2d. 3d, nnd 4th floors .10 2033 Master St., 2 etory. 8r nnd bath 28 00.1 N. 2flth St., 3-story brick. lOr. & bath. 2.1 101.1 Montgomery ave., 3 story, 10 rooms,. 20 3003 N. Liwrcnce at., 2-sty 0 r. & bath... 17 1020 N. Warnock St., 3-sty. brick. Or. &. bath. 17 2.101 E. York st., 2-story frame, about 8r.. 17 2027 N. Van Pelt et 2-story brick, 7r 10 1132 N. 40th st., 3 sty., porch, Rr 10 2728 N. Palethorp st., 2-sty. brick, 4r 10 THE LAND TITLE AND TRUST CO. Broad and Chestnut sts., Philadelphia. Trust Department. Business Properties anil Stores NO. 8 SOUTH 1RTH STREET Modern store and basement. 10x45 ft.: high celling, dry basement, steam heat, electric lights, etc.; suit any hlgh-grado business. J. C. FULLER. 10 S. 18th St. MARKET STREET. 823 Entire, building to rear street: lot 23.3x200: Immediate possesion. Apply 1'enna. Co., B17 Chestnut st. 1S0S MARKET ST. 3 stories nnd basement! steam heat; will alter to suit tenant; rcaion n e ren . j C- FULLER. 10 B. 38th at. C00-11 MARKET ST. Desirable double bulk store and basement, 30x130; possession Jan uary 1. CHAS. I- BROWN & CO.. 217 S. Broad at. 1012 CHESTNUT STREET IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. APPLY PJ1NNA. CO.. 817 Chestnut st. srTNriTii st.717ahOebXbement" ALSO. FOURTH AND FIFTH FI.OORS C. P. PETERS & SON. 008 CHESTNUT ST. 42"NORTH 4TH STREET Electric light: $50. Apply 44 N. 4th at.. Room 0. 41122 MARKET ST., suitable for confectionery; rent, $23. JAS.N. S1ITCHELL. 4CthandMarket. BASEMENT, 152011 CHESTNUT ST. (under New Arcadia Theatre), 42x103. Suitable for rug or carpet store, etc. J. T. JACKSON CO.. Chestnut and 13th. PRbMIH-8, situate 2700 Rldgo ave.i suitable for a florist. Apply to John A. Duncan. 110 South 4th at. FOR RE'NT. store: good traffic corner at Wayne Junction; store and dwelling, $30. BUTTON. 301 Franklin Bldg. Factories, Warehouses, Mfc. Floors MODEnN FACTORY FLOORS 14,000 Square Feet, N. E. COR. ARCH AND 23D BTS. Steam and electrio power, 2 elevators, low Insurance, automatic sprinkler, watchman. R. R. sidings, extra large windows and high ceilings. Owner management. Apply G. P. PILLING & SON CO. on premises. CrNTRAL MANUFACTURING OR STORAGE FLOORS Gteam heat, electrio elevators, modern build- inga. 214 N. 22d st., 68-132, communicating rooms, 40x132. 1622 Ludlow st 28x100, 8 floors and basement 22R-220 N. 221 at., 2 floors. 60x00, HO Bansom St.. 4 floors, 20x100. Reasonable rentals. HARRY T. BAUNDER3. dl SOUTH ISTH ST. You Know Where Little Girls OFFICE.. RlCHTy fiZZ V-NEAU ZS J ff VM M3&l 1 0UH VlH Q J W$B lB Tl marked fif VNAWty S BEAL ESTATE FOB BENT Fctorle, Waretiantes, .Mfg. Fleors 317 DE LANCEY ST. Well-adapted manufac turing building, 4 floors nnd basement: good light; from street to street: 20x100. SEE TAULA'NB ABOUT IT'' 1100 Walnut st. OTH AND SPRUCE STS.-Entlro floor. oOxOS; light on all rldc; elevators: low insurance; central location. .,... CHAS. U BROWN ft CO.. 217 B. Hroad bL CENTRAL WAREHOUSE . , Six floors and basement, 20,000 squar feet, high ceilings, elevator, good light, rear out lit; atnble or garage If desired. 1 AUIjAINI, iw liut IJW RENT Broad nboe Cumberland, manu rneturlng snnce In tho , modem rlreproof Wright Building, near North Philadelphia and Huntingdon street stations nnd freight vrds. WORRELL. 635 N. 171h. MERCHANTS' BUILDING 44 NORTH 4TH ST. .., DESIRABLE ROOMS. POWER AND LIGHT KLOOR SPACE. 11.100 square feet at N. .. corner llth and Washington avenue. Apply u. J. Milne A nous. METROPOLITAN I1UILMNO, cor, Brojd and Walljeej rooms 8000 to 40,0()0 squnre feet on a floor. Apply to O. F. Lather. 147 N. 10th, Onrnges. 802-4-0 CHANCELLOR (St. James) ST. 2 story central garnee, 40x10; now In course of erection; reasonable rent; exceptional quar ters for corporation . , , L. A. TAULANE, 000 Walnut st. OrnCES. HfSlNESS HOOMH. ETC. 17TH ABOVE CHESTNUT (Middle City Bldg.) Desirable olllccs and studios; somo with skylights. WILLtS-WINCHESTER COM PANY, 1001 Chestnut, 14211 Anriit HTimnT Irge, clean, bright, nlry rooms. R. W.ALHAUSEN, 1B03 Arch st. CHESTNUT, 1728-Deslrablc, communicating rooms, suitabio ror studio or proiesaion. CHESTNUT. 1732-Offlcea tor doctor, dentist, atudlo ur other bus.; running water; cleo'lty. A FEW DESIRABLE OFFICES RENT VERY REASONABLE ROBERT MORRIS TRUST COMPANY BUILDING 927-929 Chestnut Street OFFICES AND STUDIOS FULLER BI.DG.. 10 S. ISth Bt. WALL lU.no., 1710 Chestnut at. SMITH BLDG., S. B. cor. ISth & Chestnut sts. Offices, business rooms nnd studios, large nnd small rooms, singly nnd en suite; ele vator servlco nnd nil modern appointments, will suit architects, dentists, artists, musi cians and other purposes. Rent $15 per month upward. Write or apply for list, J, C. FULLDR. 10 S. 18th st. Bright Attractive Offices 1118-20 CHESTNUT ST. MEARS & BROWN 20!TR'nr?. DBEXEL BLDG. OFFICES, Annual Rentals. Slnglo rooma, $100. $120, $130, $200, $.100, $430, Suites 2 rms., $150, $170, $200, $22.1. $250, $275. Suites 3 rms.. $180, $275, $100, $150, $300, $550. Corner Suites. 2 to 8 rooms, $500 to $1050. ELLIS D. WILLIAMS. BOO Drcxel Building. ENTIRE second floor, 1318 Chestnut, opposite Wnnnmaker'a; suitable for any hlgh-clnss retail line; showcase and sign prlvllego at door: reasonnhle rent. I T Incl-cnn Pn S. E. Cor. .wj,, vw. r-l,., ,,. ...,, mil. ,,o.,,uu i.itu ,mu. DESIRABLE second-floor corner suite, 3 large rooms, N. E. corner 15th nnd Walnut sta.; alio single or communicating offices; elevator and all convenlencea CHAS. L. DROWN & CO., 217 8. Broad at FloorB Si Studios. Greble Bldg.. 1708-10 Chestnut. J. B. JARDELLA 1SM christian H.lh.,l MERCHANTS' BUILDING- . . riortn 4th st. Very desirable offices. Heat and light. PLAZA BUILDINQ unices Bingie ana isn Bulls. 1B0B-07-00 ARCH ST. HEED BLDG.. 1211-16 Filbert et. Centrally located; all convenlencea; offices, both small nnrl lap. At vprv ni. ,..,.i. DESK ROOM free to stenographer for public work In renl estato office: central location, Ardmore. L. Kauffmnn. Ardmore. Professional Offices SPRUCE ST.. 2110-Physlclan wanted to share puuo wn ooctor; privnio omce; batn. 10TH ST., S.. 33 Desirable newly turn, bright offices, rcccp. room; mod, rental. Loc. 3012. WK8T PHILADELPHIA HADFIELD AVENUE WE HAVE FOR RENT No. 5839 at $33.00 a month on yearly lease. This house has a New England Central Door way. Colonial Staircase, Sleeping Porch, Italian Garden In the rear; a most charming residence; open for Inspection. PEMBERTON ESTATES. 1102 Harrison Building. 5402 CHESTER AVE. 10 nnnMH 2 baths: modern In every way; semidetached: cheap rent: see it. Quick & Bro.. Inc. 6 WILLOWS AVENUB 6STH ST. TO PARK BOULEVARD. THREE STORIES. gardensT choice location; $30: open. PEMBERTON ESTATES, g S. 15th st. m-uwu.-n 2003 S. 58TH Modern two-story house, op poslte large open grounds; reasonnblo rent. J. I.. V uljL,l'.n. IV H. Jttlil ST. BTORE AND DWELLINO FOR RENtI CORNER OF 6STH ST. AND WHITBY ave.. on trolley line, centra or Sherwood: good location for nny business. Can be bought on easy termB. PEMUERTON ESTATES. 2 South Llth st. POTH Overlooking FAIRMOUNT PARK. ESTATE $23 to $100 Per Month. APTS. & Apply to A. J. P. GALLAGHER, HOUSES 4210 Parkslde ave. Ph. Bel. 42aa! DWELLINGS, STORES AND Al'AHTMENTH WM. II. W. OUICK & BRO.. INC. 8 SOUTH 40TII ST. POTTS & TOWNSEND WEST PHILADELPHIA HOMES 4UUO UALTlMUIIrJ AVE. $28 THREE STORY, II rooms, hardwood nn Ish; others $17 to $12.50. E. II. Apsley, 68th and Springfield ave. GERMANTOWN 220 HARVEY. STREBT-Colonial semidetached residence. 11 largo rooms and 2 baths; lot 32x100. It is situated In the most desirable section of Germantown, near the Pennsylva nia Railroad and Wayne ave. trolleys; house has electric light, open fireplaces, ample closets, light and airy rooms. Can be seen by appointment. Glyndon Prlestman, 6300 Germantown ave. 4000 WAYNE AVE.-3-atory porch. 11 rooms and 2 hatha, hot-water heat: newly painted and papered throughout; rent $33. North Phlla. Trust Co.. Broad and Erie ave. COLONIAL MANSION, with over an acre ol ground and old shade; combined stable and garage; 10 chambers, 8 baths, living room, library, hall, lavatory, dining room, pantry, kitchen and servants' din. room on 1st floor; unusually large rooms throughout; open fire places; eiec. iisnt.; uarawooa noore. i'sr. by mall. Frank Mauran, 230 Land Title Bldg. OtT ,, , WWi.tl.i.1 ..ut.su, ,w ,WUM, uaill, southern exposure; near station. Warnock & Emlen. Commercial Trust Bldg. , flirTVT ..ln.1.1 t.A,.a 1A hmm. t...... Chestnut Hill UNFUK-71SHED AND FURNISHED Residences from $100 to $300 per month, HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE BUILDING Go That Do Such Things? . . , -M t interesting and . . - BEAL ESTATE 3T0B BENT DWELLING8-$20 to $130 month! get list Pelham Trust Company. 0740 Oermsntewn. Oak Lnne 12-ROOMED HOUSE, 030,1 York road (near Chelten nve); half acre: old shade: convent enccs; open. W. B. Orubb. 2205 Spruce. sununnAN , SUBURBAN HOMES Large list ot modern homes for rent In all sections near Philadelphia. It Is advisable to see some of the attractive Properties wo are offering before locating. Special lists prepared to meet your require ments, CHARLES J. HOOD & CO. (Morris Building) 1421 Chestnut st. nala, r. COLONIAL. Hntmesburg granite, IB-room house; best location In Batn; Bryn Mawrave. nnd Upland ter.; all mod. Impmts : owner; 20S Bala av?.j rent $03. JOHN HAUHERT. nala-Cynwyrt, Pa. BALA-CYNWYD 0 bedrooms, 3 baths., fJOO.OO 7 bedrooms, 2 baths.., i. 8a'J! R bedrooms, 3 baths. .,,.,,...... 80.00 0 bedroomB, 2 baths 75.00 0 bedrooms, 2 baths.............. Oo.0 7 bedrooms, 2 baths ,,, 02.60 7 bedrooms, 2 baths, '00.00 0 bedrooms, 1 bath,,..,.......,. 65.00 6 bedrooms, 2 baths,, 60.00 B bedrooms. 1 bath.. ,,, 43.00 5 bedrooms, 1 bath 42.60 6 bedrooms, 1 bath,.. ........ ... 37.B0 B bedrooms. 1 bath 85.00 SAMUEL C. WAGNER, JR. 329 COMMERICAL TRUST BLDG. 201 Bala aye., Cynwyd, Pa. Elklna Park, Pa. $12.60 NEAT five-room cottage, open; No. 9 Mill rd.: new range, large lot. C. R. Alex ander, 110 South 4th st. Phlla. RESIDENCES from $18 up! an exceptional property at $83. McCormlck A McCormlck, lOll Chestnut st. and Elklns Park. Glenolden. Paw 227 S. OHESTDR PIKE Three-story dwelling! all conveniences: $22. O. F. Eggleston, 1218 Chestnut st., Philadelphia. Olenslde, Fa. BEAUTIFUL HOMES, up to date In every detail, $23, $30, $33, 140, $60. $00 upward to S1S0 per month. Call at Olenslde office to ay. RENNINGER A RENNINOER. Glen side, and Broad and Walnut sts. Jenklntovrn, Pa. WYNCOTE One square from Jenklntown Sta tion, 0 rooms and bath, hot-wnter heat, eleo trio light and gas, open fireplace; lot 60x100; $30 per month. HERKNESS & STETSON Land Title Building. MODERN residence, In excellent condition, It rooms, 2 baths; garage: $70. D. B. Cham bers. 710 Commercial Trust Building. Lansdonne, IT- BEST RESIDENTIAL SECTION 10 rooms; water heat,gas,oleot'y: lawn, shade. Others, 10 to 17 rooms, $50 to 1BQ mo. C. P. PETERS & BON. OPS CHESTNUT ST. nldley rark. Pa. LARGE BUNGALOW HOME ALL MODERN IMPVMTS.; HOT-WATER HEAT. BATH, LAUNDRY, OPEN FIRE PLACES. PORCHES; 10 ACRES WELL SHADED GROUNDS; STABLES: CHESTER PK. NEAR MORTON AVE.: NEAR BTA.I TROLLEY PASSES DOOR: HIGHEST LOC. IN RIDLEY PARK. J. O. VOOLER, 623 CHESTNUT ST., 2D FLOOR. Sonth Ardmore. Pa. ATTRACTIVE houses along the Ardmore trol ley, $23, $23, $30, $35. Wrn. B. Davis, South Ardmore, at the station. Phone. MAIN LINE, TA. IL B. WYNNEWOOD 7 bedrooms 8 baths. garage. .$138.00 ,. 128.00 . 00.00 . 76.00 . 66.00 . 65.00 7 bedrooms 6 bedrooms 0 bedrooms 0 bedrooms 7 bodrooms 0 bedrooms 7 bedrooms 7 budrooms 2 baths. , 0 Datns 2 baths 2 baths 2 baths ARDMORE 4 baths 8 baths 8 baths ,.$209.83 . 106.00 . 110.00 . loo.oo ,. 80.00 . 75.00 . 07.60 . 03.00 , 00.00 . 6000 7 bedrooma 8 baths 7 bedrooma 7 bedrooms 0 bedrooms 8 bedrooms (I bedrooms 7 bedrooms 8 baths 1 bath 1 bath, garage.... 2 baths 2 baths 1 bath, garage.... HAVERFORD 0 bedrooms 2 baths $125.00 7 bedrooms 3 baths, garage 100.00 H bedruema 2 baths 100.00 A bedrooms 2 baths 100.00 4 bedrooms 2 baths 70.00 BRYN- MAWR 6 bedrooms 3 baths, garage $260.00 6 bedrooma 4 baths, garage 125.00 0 bedrooms 8 batha, garage 76.00 SAMUEL C. WAGNER, JR. COMMERCIAL TRUST BLDG. 15th and Market sts.. Philadelphia. MODERN HOUSES. $30 to $200 jr month: various stations. Send for special list. Har bert & Claghorn. 201 Bailey Bldg. Ovcrbrook 6030 DREXEL ROAD Within 3 mlnutea' walk from Overbrook Sta tion; a stone house, all conveniences; garage; large lot; rent $1200; can be purchased at a reasonable figure; nttractlve terms. HIRST & McMULLIN WEST END TRUST BUI LDINO Merlon ATTRACTIVE COLONIAL RESIDENCE Within 0 minutes' walk of the station; white plastered Colonial house, 14 rooms, 3 baths; hall In centre: large living room with open fireplace, dining room, large closets; sleep ing porch; gas and electric light: garage for one car; old ,shade and shrubbery; large grounds: offered at reduced rent; one of the most exceptional properties being offered for rent. Investigate. CHARLES J. HOOD & CO. (Morris Bldg.) 1421 Chestnut st. Narberth BRAND-NEW HOUSES. 7 rooms, all modem conveniences, electrio lights, etc., $10 pat month; others at $21.60, $28.60, $28.50 up ward. HARRIS REAL ESTATE, opposite station. Narberth. Pa. 7-ROOM HOUSE, all mod. Improvements, with lot 200 feet deep, for $23 per month. WAL TER BABSETPlf SMITH. Vynnewood, Pa. Wynnewooa FOR TUB MAN WHO nAB AN AUTOMOBILE HOUSE NO. 48 MANOR ROAD WTNNEWOOD, PA. It Is modern, with all necessary conveniences; contains 13 rooms, 2 bathrooms and store rooms; has liberal lot of ground, with nice shade and flowers, and the rent Is less than a 10-room city house. Automobile storage, $5 per month, WALTER BASSETT SMITH WYNNEWOOD, PA. By C. A. VOIGHT profitable readi --i"-- i r . BEAE ESTATE Png A-J I i unB0re ARDMORE, Pa., Church r.j ! rooms, 2 fcaths, ph- .B?7Thre-tor7 &?y,reAKr.bf rem.' 80 ! ,0 .., -,inu '.TITLE AND TriHe S-g,PA -a -- - commercial Trust hii3. 1 "its jiaw- "'" iioni; garas dance of shade and handsome estates: l ae-iraoie and one of th." till? $ovr Mng "'red term Of Vnri B ..!.. court! VpRetnble c p. pkters i'Jia.ttmiAJr X ""V JERSEY Ai'UTOWN'8 MILLS 111 'Mil .NW.,-i Cottage located on lake iMNES' N. JT ita.! o m, afc..J?Kfi.ioiln. wai, h-S grates: boating A nshhig. hf,B?r,h' . through the nfne "":ngA n1iuti. jil3 Rlverton. y. j, $28 TO $40 A MONTH-, to 1 renm - FOB BENT-EUBNiaHED CITY 310 8. 10th , H12mBL 3hths. Mears & Brown A GENTLEMAN going abroad win .. fl- & town house, excluslvS, central Mctlm?"'''! son or by the year: securifv ..TKS1' ' 4 v o. .join si H 848, Ledger Central. ' ,nn;ci. ;, $63 per mo. 'l307 N. 13th , Phi' Peel,1? iffl' MOBTGAGE3 ADVANCES TO BUILDERS A SPECTALTT $500,000 TO INVE3T IN FIRST MORTGAGES In the City of Philadelphia LOWEST MARKET RATES m A-M- 4- HAZLETT & MOSS 818 WALNUT ST. Lombard 3211 Main 17S. LARGE AMOUNT TRUST FUNDS A fVT TT-fTa-f- .Inning nie '1-'J " , fl IMMEDIATE ATTENTION HORACE H. FRITZ 713 WALNUT 8T. MONET FOR MORTaAflE3 J?500 51000 $1200 S1S00 $1600 $5000 W. II. HOOD. B12 NORTHS BT. MONEfTO LOAN ON 1ST AND 2D MORTOAOB LOWEST RATES, QUICK DECISION ALSO BUILDINO ASS'N MONET J. J.TURNER, 1201 Chestnut St. $50 $100, $200 TO $5000 Uortrmxn of nots. real itLta M-url(T mv. Able eur terms; pott lemon t --.m day. LEWIS & CO. 122TaenUBAiid oO TO LOAN, ON REAL ESTATE iMVr- o liy: lmmeaiaie settlement; payaais u desired. BDW. M. MOLt 183 SOUTH 12TH STREET. MORTOAOB MONEY -urns to suit. Firsts nnd seconds. O. C. BEIDEL & CO., INC. 4tn ana uaiiowmu sts. FIRST AND SECOND. ANY AMOUNT."" Private or trust funds for 1st mortgar Bulldlng association for 2d mortgages; city or suburbs. Quick service. JAMES C. SIMPSON. 1420 CHESTNUT ST. ALL AMOUNTS, 1ST AND 2D MORTX1AQK4 Quick answer. MAURICE H. MATSINGER ileal estate Trust Bldg. FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGE FUNDS JUMN U. IVILUAUII 0UCCESSOR TO LEWIS H. REDNER j-f wainut at. MONEY FOR FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES HENRY S. REED 1420 CHESTNUT STREET LARGE building and loan association desires applications for good 1st and 2d mortg. iu; no premium charges. Apply Secretary, p lw, I-idger Office. WORRELL 6M SSgaynn FIRST AND SECOND MORTUAQ-S DEEDS DRAWN, $1: MORTGAGES, ILW. WALLACE, lll -.incoin uuuaing; potn pnones. BUILDING ASSN. and private funds for first and second mortgages, city or suburban. Prompt action. Apply M 148, Ledger Central. FUNDS FOR 1ST AND 2D MCmTOAOLA ANY AMOUNT POTTS & THOMSON. 2521 Frankford ars. FUNDS FOH 1ST AND 2D MORT-AU-- MORTGAGES FOR SALE THEO. E. NIOKLES, 2513 OERMANTN.A". TRUST FUNDS for first mortgage. HERKNESS & STETSON, LAND TITLE BUILDINO. ' MORTGAGES " , Have funds. , Desire tunas. Albrechfa. 373 Drexel Bidg.. 2414 W. LeMiB. LOANS ON INTEREST IN ESTATES REASONABLE CHAROES JOHN A. BARRY, 507 LAND TITLE BLDQ. TRUST FUNDS FOR FIRST MORTQAOE3 8740 GERMANTOWN AVE. WE HAVE A FUND OF $12,000 for Orrf mortgages; will split; quick answers. C. P. liUWAHU w -mil nu jeuciflim .i- $100,000 FOR FIRST. SECOND OR 8MJJ mortgages. "Sea us first." Abernethy, 2724 North 6th. 183 South 12th. MONEY for first, second srid split mortgaiM! building association funds. HOWARD B. WILSON & CO.. 2122 Germantown are. . OWNERS If your mortgage has bean called I will take It up; also 2d mortgage monjr. mn.oAi ,. -. .., ...... . .. . 1 MONEY for 1st and 2d mortgages itDcrsi. i amounts; niag.a ssociaiiun muua, wij - rr- Plnno & Taylor. 1100 Franklin Bank Bldf. BUILDING ASSOCIATION Funds for first and Second Mortgages. ... C. R. RHOADS. 15th above Busqueh-na-, 'e1ERGENCY FUNDS placed at once: aw sum; Immediate answer; lowest rates, r. A. Delany. 1112 Lincoln. Broad and Peno sa, I HA.VB tho foHow'jVfB?,its,JSd,iiooJ ..-.- a. Mna, tAO. S1O0O. 12000. SlvUU Waldman, 1110 Glrard aye. TST MORTaAOES WANTED, LARGE I FUNDI A.,V . ." ,.....-. . . OILT-EDGE FIR8T MOBTUAuae. ; $3000. CARL HELMETAO, 1011 Chestnut s. tl utitufVn.., .'8?:.u". n -J
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