"r-sn!9r "r- -& "VWfljpsSHSIKJ 'SW EVENING LEDGEB-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER $0, 1915. 2 fcjfiu '.Jt'SSftSWSPjK It, PORTER snows now CITY WAS LOOTED Continued ffom rage One buildings condemned In order to extend Spring street We also found that he had boon stealing the lumber from houses torn down on Filbert street opposite Broad Street Station, which were torn down for the new boulevard. "We also found that employes of the enSr of Philadelphia, paid by the city, ' performed the work of rebuilding this hotel for Clay. 'Wo also found that iho electrical wiring and many other things, too numerous to mention, wer done by Chief McLaughlin nnd other employes from the Electrical Bureau. We found the plans for the hotel were drawn by the city architect, Zllenzlser. "The plumbing nnd water pipes wero taken from the City of Philadelphia. Concrete sidewalks at the hotel wero laid by men working for the City of Philadelphia and on tho tlmo of the city. Even the copper gutters and drain leaders purchased for tho Ninth ell'trlct station house, then In the course of constrUrtlon, were sent to Heaslry Point for Clay's hotel, nnd tin glitters were substituted for the Ninth district station house. "A lnrge amount of flooring Intended Jor the fire house on Erie avenue was shipped to Beasloy Point. The entire furnishings nnd Carpets In the hotel wero chnrged to the city. "It was found that Councilman Sykes had a JoOOO bungalow constructed nt Benslcy Point and constructed In the same manner. It was stated that, learn ing what was being done at IJeasley Point, he called attention to It, and $1000 worth of rugs were sent to his home to square the matter. "This hotel of Clay's was stockc! with liquors delivered from Kugter's Hcestnu rnnt, the head waiter rendeilng a bill to Walter Hopper, chief clerk of the De partment of Public Safety. "We nlso found that three cnrlnid nf brick were sent to IJeasley Point bv tho Hydraulic Pressed Prick Company, of Room 514 Heal nstate Trust Building, also all plumbing material furnished by Charles Schcldrake, of 1K00 Hideo avenue. "In December, 1912, Director Porter In structed us to Investigate rumors of graft In the Detective I3ure.au Tho men In volved were and Detectives nnd , The Director suspended tho men nnd ordered them for trial. " was found to be a grafter of the lowest type. When he was mnde he was In financial distress and his per sonal effects were In Carver Heed's pawn shop on Market street. After being In ofllco one month, he was openly betting In tho gambling houses of Philadelphia JMO to $1000 dollars on a race nnd our In vestigators found that In his last six mouths of office ho lost 0,000 to Poddy Carroll, the Philadelphia gambler. "Ho drove to New York on an average of four night a week In n car owned by the city and driven by a chauffeur paid by the city and gambled In the targest houses of that city until 3 In the morning. He "ould leave Philadelphia on Satuielay and remain In New York until Monday morning nnd gamblers andjjports of New York would drive to Conev Island nnd nearbv resorts In a car owned by the city. All gasoline bought, all shoes cut and tube punctures the chauffeur paid for and received n bill which he handed to Walter Hopper and the money wns returned to tho chaufTcur. "Theso week-end trips were worth J23 to the chauffeur, who did a little graft ing himself. Wo found that wns the nnent for the champagne company and compelled tho proprietor of every "sporting house In Philadelphia to buy wine. We nlso found that protected well-known crooks, nnd from this Bource alono he received consider able graft. "Several cases of this kind have come to light recently where notorious crooks were arrested nnd found to bo wanted In this city for jumping previous ball bonds, and,, one Instance Is the Umbrella Kid, who was brought from Canada recently by Detective Tate nnd Is now serving a two-year sentence In the Eastern Peniten tiary. "GAMBLING FLOURISHED." "During the Investigation our operatives found gambling In a most flourishing condition, a fact which wnB duo to the protection afforded them by tho previous administration. "We found a syndicate, composed of Paddy Carroll, Barney McCauloy, Kid fBoyd nnd Thomas Shccrnn, controlled and operated all of the large gambling houses In Philadelphia. "The Investigation ot cocaine was taken up by Director Porter and under his Instructions we started In to clean up the city of Its cocaine dealers. "Our operatives entered the Tenderloin and other parts of the city and worked themselves Into the confidence of cocaine fiend dealers. "The desired Information was obtained by our operatives and "on December 11. 1912, 23 warrants were sworn out for dealers In cocaine. "At 0 p. m. on that datn our operatives working with special officers of the sixth district, under Director Porter's Instruc tions, arrested 21 of the largest and most notorious cocaine dealers In the city. The raid lasted until 6 a. m. tho following morning, nnd the police officers who made the arre3ts confiscated In the neigh borhood of JIO.OOO worth of cocaine. The lender of the cocaine traffic of this city was caught in this net and Is now serv ing one vear In Moyamenslng prison with a tine of J500. "We sent 18 of the 21 dealers to prison for terms ranging from seven months to ono year, and fines ranging from J100 to M0. "During this Investigation we un eurthed several of the largest cocaine dealers In New York and New Jersey, who practically supplied Philadelphia with Its entire output of cocaine." Affidavits were secured against these wholesalers, giving names and addresses, and placed In the hands of Director Por ter, who forwarded them to the officials of th respective cities In which they were located." Following Is the fourth section of the Bums report: "We were Instructed by Director Porter to Investigate the conditions in China town. We learned that, under previous administrations. J2000 monthly In graft had been paid for the protection of gam bling and the selling of opium. This money was divided between a police offi cial, ex-Magistrate , and Lieutenant FLIP AND FLOP "We found that At the present time John L. Fchr wns acting as representa tive) of Chinamen In this city, for which ho received $100 each week. We nlso found that ho received $S00 a month for the pro tection ot the gamblers and the opium sellers. Thl money was supposed to hao been divided between a police executive, a Magistrate and the lieutenant of tho district. Ai a matter of fact, this money, we learned, went no further than John L. Fehr and Dr. I:. II. Fahey. Aside from this, tho special officers ot the Sixth District were taklni? orders from Fchr nnd Doctor Fahey, and would make raids In Chinatown at their orders. On theso occasions, when the Chinamen wero nrreslcd and sent to prison, Fchr would obtain counsel and chnrgo each Chinaman $100 to obtain his lelense. This money wns then divided between Fehr and Fahey and tho counsel. The spe cial officers who were taking these orders from Fehr and Fahey were on tho pay roll nnd received their salrry every Sat urday night In tho presence ot our op eratives nnd Doctor Fahey and John L. Fehr. niioetor Porter nlso directed us to mnko a thorough Investigation of graft In dilfetcnt branches of the city govern ment, which wo did. nnd all of which wns reported to him, some nt which was as follows: "In the Bureau of City Property we found that a clerk named had been robbing the city of rent money for live years. We nlso found that a Councilman of the Cth Ward, had been collecting lent money from tho public market and converting tho same to his own personal use. "As a result of this, It was found Mnrv Hoberts was n delinquent In her rent Tor five years. She stated to our operatlvo that In tho years of lDuS and 1303 thu had paid $23 each year to Clerk , and In the years 1S10 and 1011 she had paid $23 each cnr to Councllmnn . Tho follou'lns day Councllmnn went to Mnr Hoberts' store nnd made Inquiries If she had men nt City Hall looking up her account. On Mny IS Clerk called cm Mrs. Hoberts and she asked him how much she owed him. lie replied, "$20. It used to bo $23, but It , Is reduced this year." He wiolc her a . receipt on the edge of a newspaper. "I am lnfoimed that Councilman had two stalls in tho ni'rkci fur yi-nrs for which he never paid a cent. Our operatives found thnt tho same condition existed at 2d and Blown f.tr-eU mni'''t nnd that Councilman had also I been working with Clerk . These facts wero laid before Director Porter, I who put experts on tho books In this de partment. "Tho result of all this was the Chief of the Bureau of City Property and sev eral of his men, Including Clerk , wero discharged from the city's employ. IN MHMOHIAM 1111.1). In loving re mem bra nco nf mv dear daughter, FREDA M. HUM), who died Oe tnl er .SO. lvil. MOT Hint. SIl'lllil'CHT. In loving memory ot our dear mother. MARIE A. SIEIlltLi'HT. who cl, parted thla llfo October 30, tul'l. Sadly missel. mm children. eatijs ANDERSEN. On October 2S. in 15, OTTO ANUI.KSKN. husbtlld of Pimm Andersen (nee Nctlnnil), uged 35 scars. Relatives and trieniie, uiho rotier ouge, :o. m. i. ana A. M.: AJulon I.odgo, No. 22. 1 o O. F. : Court ttouthuarli. No. Cl. F. of A.: cmplio nt League IsUnd Navy Vard. Noiwcg'nn Einngelli.nl Lutheran Church uotli nnd I'nr rlsh Ms.), nnd Seimen's MlsMiin. nre In vited to nttend funeral, Mntidns. nt .1 p. ni rrom his laic residence, I5.U Shunk st. In terment Mount Morlah Cemetcrs. Remains may bu viewed Sunday. S p. ni. Automobile service. AITLERHACIL October 27. 1015. FRED ERICK l',., husband of Margaret S. Afllcr bach (nee Alllnson). Relatives and friends, nlso members ot Franklin Castle, No, -4, A. O. K. ot M. C. ; United Carmen's As.socl i tton, nnd employes of 11th nnd Luzerne ats. car barn, are Invited to attend the runerul cervices, on Monday, at 2:30 p. m.. at his lato residence, 51155 Norwood st. Interment nt Hillside Cemetery, via funeral car. He mains may be vlcweJ on Saturday evening. fil'l'KL. On Octouor 7. 1010, ALEX ANDER II.. husband of tho lato Lizzie Appcl, aged 73 years, Relatives nnd friends, also Shcklnah Lodge. No. 21(1. F. and A. M.. and George G. Meado Post, No. 1, G. A. It., are Invited to nttend tho funeral, on Sunday, nt 10 a. m., from his late residence. 720 North 20th st. Interment at Mt, Slnal Ceme tery. BACH. On October 29. 1015, HUGO BACH. husband of the late Sophia llach. aged c.ti Soars. Residence. 1521 N. Park ae. Duo notlco of the funeral will bo Riven. IIAIKI). October 27, 191.-.. ELLEN, daugh ter of Charlotte nnd the late Andrew lialrd ltel-tlves and rrlends. nlso Camp No. 14, p. O. nf A., nnd Council No. HO. U. of L., are invited to attened tho funeral tervlces, on Hi'r.dny, nt - i m.. at her mother's rest dc.ice, Mr. Charlotte Ilnlnl, 1M47 Mount Vernon tt. Interment at Mount Morlah Cem etery. HAIKU. On October H, 101S. at Keppoch, Cardross. Dunbarionshlio, Scotland, MON TAlll! M. V. II.W1IIJ, husband of Kathleen Tobias. HENI'RMAN. On October 29. 1015. 1VM. SI. llL.NKUMAN. Funeral services. Mondaj, 2 i. m.. at Ills late residence, TZIS Hoyer at., ilount Airj. Interment private, at Laurel Hill Cemetery. UKHTItANI). On October 28, 191.",. PAUL KUWAHU, JR., son of Paul and Wllhclmlna IJertrnnd. nucd 2S years. Relatives and rrlends uro Invited to attend funeral. Tuesday, at h.30 a. in., from his parenttt' residence, 30-H N. Lawrence st solemn Illsh Requiem Moss at St. Peter's Church, at lu a. m. Interment private. lII.O().Mi;it. At her late residence, C029 Bpruct, t., on October 21). WIS, JIARY A., widow nf George Uloomer, aged fc7 sears. Funeral services at Fkmlngton. N. J., on Monday, nt 10::K a. in. HL'CHANAN. On October 28. 1010, JAMES W., son -of tho late David A. and Jane Uuchanan. ased 3.1 years. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral serv ices. Tuesday, nt - p. m., at his lato resi dence. 333 N. 53th t. Interment private. nintLAND. On October 28, 1013, MARGA RET H. HURLAND, of tho Majestic Hotel, and formerly of ::t07 Hamilton at. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Sunday, at '.' p. m., at the apart ments of Oliver II. Hair. lb'Ju Chestnut at. Interment private. CAHKI.S. At her residence, 8834 Christian St., on October 29. 11115, THEHKSA, wife ot Joseph H. Carols. Notice of funeral later. CAHOTHHHS. At Ciraeme Park, Davis Urove, Pa., on Fifth-duy, Tenth Month i'ith, 1UI5 WILLIAM S. CAROTHUItS. In his 324 year. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend tho funeral, on Second-das', Eleventh Month 1st. at 2 p. m.. from Horsham Frlenjs' Meeting House. Interment at ad jolnlnir burial ground. CAhNHIt. On October 28. 1915, GEORGE J., hon of GeoMO W. and Mary E. Casner, aged '.' years and 1 months. Relatives and friends art) Invited to attend tho funeral, on Monday, at 2 p. in., at hU parents' residence. S(C(i livnnl it.. Niietown Interment at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. Remains may be lowed Sunday evening from 7 to u o'clock. CHKHhKJIAN. At ner residence. 1317 Erie ave.. Philadelphia, on October 2U, 1U1S, EMMA CHKESEMAN. Relatives and frlenda are invited to attend the funeral services, on Monday, at 2 P. w.. at tho residence of her son. William C. Cheeseman, en E. Sartaln av.. Lansdowne. Pa. Interment private, CIIISOi.M. At Hahnemann Hospital, on Oc tober 29. 115, Dr. WILLIAM WALLACE CIIISOI.M, 3d, son of Dr, Henry Clay und DEATHS Lillian Gross Chlolm, ased 21 years. Serv ices nnl Interment at Huntingdon, Pa. CLARK. In Cleveland, Ohio, October J7. 1015. SADVE N wife ot Robert V .Clark. CltOCKr.TT. On October 29, 1018, ELLEN A. CROCKETT, aged M sear. .Relatives nnd mends ore Invited to attend the funeral services, on Monday, at 10 SO A. m., at tho Indlacnt Wlclown and Single Women's AoMiim, 3rd.-, Chestnut st Interment nt Monument Cemetery. DAItl.lNUTON.u-At Hoeedatc, ra., on Tenth Mouth, Itttli, 101a. I'.DVtAHl) H OAltLLNlt TON, in his 77th senr. Relatives nnd IMendi arc Invited tu nttend the funeral, without furtbei notice, Horn hi home. In Hoednle. Pa., on lirstDty, Tenth Month, Slst. Meet nt the hcne at 2 p. m. Inter ment private Cartings will meet the 1 p. m. ttollev nt Kennctt Pniiaie. DAVIDSON. On October 2S, 101.-,, JOHN II., bust and or Hannah E. Dnvldron, Rela tlves anil frlenda. also Harmony Iyidce, No. .2, F. nnd A. M. Jerusalem n. A. Chapter, No 3; Corinthian Chrtseur Commanders', No, 3. K. T. : Masonic Veterans, and emplos es of the hull draw Ini- room of the New York Shipbuilding Company, nre Invited to attend the funeral services, on Sunday, at 2:30 p. m., nt hl late resilience, 117 Hnuth Cove road, Merihnntvllle, N. ,T. Interment private, nt MontRoniery Cemetery, Norrlstown, Pa., on Mondns, nt It n. m. ECKAIIDT. On October 20, 1915, ADOLPH W. ECKAHDT, beloved husband of Emma Eckardt inci llohn lorf), iiRod SO vrars. Rela tives nnd friends, also Southwark Turn Ver eln und Kranken Knsse, are Invited to nt tend tho funeral services, on Sunday, at 1 p. m., nt his late residence, 1S0I Taskcr f. incineration nt Ocrmnntown Crcmato. num. Remains may be viewed on Saturday at 8 p. m. i:tll.i:K. On October 21), lO'.S, CHARLES II. fcilLEE. Relatives nnd friends nre Invltod to intend the funeral, on Sunday, at 2 p. tn., from hi late residence. Itoo Valley road, Jiiadwjnc. Montnomprv Count v. Pa, Serv icer nt Merlcn Square M. K. Church at 3 p. m. Interment at M. E. Cemetery. ELLIOTT On October 20, 1015, MAIIY C lie nf Jacob Elliott, aged 70 years. Rela tives nnd friends arc Invited to attend tlin niner.ii scrvlres, on Tuesday, nt 1 p. m. pre clclv, at (ho zlon's Lutheran Church, near .Spring City. Chester County, Pn., whero In terment will tako place. Remains may bo Mowed nt the Chapel of Andrew J. Ilalr foil, Arch nnd IPtli Ms., on Mondas', bo twecn tho hours of 7 nnd 0 p. ni. ENOAI1I). Suddenly, on October 28, 1018, lit Pctlstonn, Pn , MARTHA J., wife ot At mniiiii Eninrd and .la iRhter ot the late Jol.n n M.I Sophln Slbel. iiseil 57 seara. Rela tives nnd rrlcndu nie Invited In nttend the riincinl fervpis, on Monday, nt 3 p. in., nt tier lato ipldenrp, 7100 riermnntown nvc., Mount Airs'. Interment prlvnte. EltN.SI'. On October 29. 1015, ELIZABETH K., wife oi Mathl.i" Ernst, Jr., und daugh ter or Jacob nnd Kntrlue Young-, aped 22 .vrar. Ilrlitlves ntul rrlends are Invited to nttend funernl sorvbr". Monilnv, at 1 p. m , at her lite reldence. 111 Meridian st. In terment prlvnte, nt Cholten Hills Cemetery. FEI.DEIC On October 20, 101R, ADAM FELHEll, In his 74th year. Further nutlco of the funeral will be given, from his resi dence t'O'ii! KlngsceslnR nvp. liht'HER. On October 28. 1015, ALHERT 11., son of Wultcr A, nnd Mary F. Fischer, njpd S j'eara. Itilntlvrx and friends uro In vited to nttend the funeral, on Mondny, at 2 t. m.. from hn pirenta' residence, 5(112 Carpenter hi Interment at Holv Crosq Ccme tcrs. Prlendrt niav call Sundav nrnlng. rOlVLEIt.-On October 28. HUB, MAIIY E wire of Hcnjamlii K. Fowler, In her 50th year. Relatives nnd friends nro Invited to attend lumral services, on Monday, nt 2 p. in., at her late residence, fll. Falrvicw ave., Cllftnn Helnhts, Dclnwnro County, Pa. In terment prlvnte nt Arlington Cemcters'. OII.I..--O11 October 29, 1015, WILLIAM (JILL. In his "2il scar. Relatives nnd fi lends, alsj Philanthropic Lodge, No. 15, I. O. o. F., nii imltul tn attend the funeral cervices, on Monilnv, nt '- p. m.. nt his lato residence. 1)20 S. Mth 5t. Interment private. tilVEN. On October 28. 1910, HANNAH, wife of William Given. Relatives nnd trlcnds nro Invited to attend tho funcr.il sorvices, on Mondns, nt 2 p. m at her lite residence, 2210 llalnbrldge at. Interment nt Mount Mcrlnh Cemetery. lilMC- On October 20, 1915, MARY A., wife of Chrlf-tophcr Grau, Hr. ince Itud derew), aged "I seals. Relntlvcs and friends are Inibeu to uttind the funeral, on Kun des. at 2 p. m., from l.er lato residence, 323 Kast Maple ave., Mtrchantvllle, N J. Friends limy call on Saturday evening Interment private, at Colestown Cemetcrv. GRAY. On October 27. 1015, MARY E.. widow of Joseph Urav. Uelitlxcs ntul frlenda nr.i invited to attend the funeral services, on Sunday, at 2 p. m., nt her late residence, 2112 Teinon st. Interment nt Mount Morlah Cem etery. CROSS. On October 29. 1913, ERNEST A., husband of Edith A. Ores. Relatives and friend;, nlso Philadelphia Lodge, No, 34, L. O. O. M., are Invited to nttend the funeral services, on Mondas. at 10 a. m at his mother's residence. 1127 North 47th st. In terment prlvnte, at Cheater View Cemcters". Remains mnv be viewed on Sundas evening. IIAWOllTH. On October 28, 101B. HENRY IIAWOHTII, aged S.1 years. Relatives and frlenda arc Invited to attend the lunernl f-ervlcea, on Monday, nt 2 p. m., at the resi lience of his son-in-law. John llrlon, 127 North Salford st. Interment at Fermvood Cemcters. HlGGINh. On October 29, 1015. ANN, widow of Patrick HlRglua. Relatlvea mid lrlends aro Invited to nttend tho funeral, on Monday, at 1 p n... '.'im tho I. Itlli! .-liters uf tho Poor, Church lnnc. Germantown. Interment nt Cathedral Cemcters. Wilmington, Del. Automohllo funeral. HITNTEK. On October 28. 1013, EDWIN F. HUNTER. hubiind of Elizabeth H. Hunter (nee Kroeson). Relatives und friends, nlo Jefferson Association, No. 12, Washington Camp, No. 71, P. O, S. of A.; employes of Edwin II. Filler Compnnj', nre Invited to at tend the funernl services, on Wednesday, at 2 p. ni . at his lato residence, 721 Rising Sun lane. Interment at Ivy Hill Cemcters'. Re mains mas- bo viewed on Tuesday. 8 to 9 p. m. Automobile funeral. IIITCIIINSON. Suddenly, on October 20. WIS. MARGARET A. HUTCHINSON, In her UOth S'oar. Relatives and frltnds aro Invited to attend tho funeral services, on Tuesday, at 2 p. m., nt her lato residence, 1130 N. 41st st. Interment at Mount Morlah Cemetery. JAMISON. On October 20, 1915, SAItA jr., wlfo ot Samuel Jamison and daughter of Martha and tho late Andrew Crawford, aged 40 years. Relatives nnd friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Tuesday, at 2 p. in., from her husband's residence, 11 S. 33d at., Camden, N J. Interment private. Re mains may be viewed Monday evening. JANNEV. On October 28, 1915, AMANDA E., Wife of Dr. J. D. Jnnney, tn her 81st year. Re'atlves and friends aro Invited to at tend funeral, Monday, at 2 p. m., from her husband's resldenco. cor. Highway and Thomas aves., Rlvcrton, N. J. Interment prlvnte. JONES. On October 28, 1913, GEORGE O., husband ot Flora E. Jones (nee Schultz), aged 42 years. Relatives Hid frlenda, also Potter Lodge. No. 411, F. and A. J!.; Will-la-n I'enn Lodge. No. 72, K. of P.: Cohockslnk Council, No. 52(1, F. P. of A nnd emplos es or Spring Ganvn P. G. I. office, are Invited to uttend funeral services, on Monday, at 2 p. m , at his late residence, 407 W. Chow St.. Olney. Remains may be viewed on Sunday, from s to 1(1 p. m. Interment private, Northwood Cemetery. KELLER. Suddenly, on October 23, 1913, PETER, beloved husband of Sophia Keller (nte Ebiicr), In his 30th year. Relatives and frlenda, also members of the Deutcher Krueger Vercln, Wueritemberger Uenencla! AMOcMllon, Uhland Yearly llenetlclal As sociation, No. 1, officers and directors of tho Hand'ln-Hand Rutldtng Association, and em ployes of Adams & Weatlaks Company, aro Invited to attend the funeral services. Sun day afternoon, at o'clock, at his late resi dence, 2202 North Palethorp at. Interment at Oreenmount Cemetery. KEI.hll. On October 20, 1013. CHARLES, husband of Louisa Illldcuhcim Kelsh, Rela tives and friends are Invited to attend the fi'nernl services, on Monday, at 11 a. m., ut hla late residence, 5320 Hoyer at., German town. Interment private at Cedar Hill Cem etery. UKItNAN. On October 29, 1915, BRIDGET KEHt'AN, widow of Martin Kernan. Rela. Uvea and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Tuesday, at 8:30 a. m., from her lite icsldence, 335 South 2ilth at. High Mass ot Requiem at St. Patrick's Church at 10 a. m. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery, KEIINH. Suddenly, on October 27, 1913. HARRY, ton of Mallnda and the late Ia.ao Kerna. Relatives and lrlends are Invited to attend tho funeral services, on Sunday, at 3 p. in., ut the residence of his brother-in-law, By KEMBLB Copyright, 1915, K. W. Kemble. DEATHS 2J?.,.N.?rlh t-awrrneo St. Interment prlvAte, Jf Chelten Hills Cemetery. Remains may be viewed Saturday evening. K3dVKiTn October 29, 1918. SOriHA KNAUF (nee Knoll), -widow of George Kas Per Knauf. aged 60 years. Relatives and friends, also members of the Lndlcs' Aid society of tht, German Lutheran Trinity I hurch, f.ro Invited to attend the funeral, on Monday, at 2 p. m., from her lat residence, 240 N. 11th st., Canvlcn, N. J. Remains may be viewed on Sunday evening. Interment Hnrlelgh Cemcters-. 1.A1K. On October 20, 1015, LOTTIE LAIR, widow of William II. Ijtlr (nee Taylor). Relatives and lrlends, nlso members of tho Kensington M. K. Church, Indies' Auxiliary of Kensington Commandery, No, 54, K. T., are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Wednoslas', it 1.30 p. m at her late resi dence, 1320 E Columbia ave. Interment at West Laurel Hill Cemetery. I.ANIHS. On October 27, 1018, JOHN M., husbmd of Elizabeth Landls (nee News Pickle). Relatives and friends are Invited to nttend the funeral services, on Monday, at 1:30 p. m at his late tesldence, 2.W1 North ralrhlll st. Inierment private, at Cedar Hill Cemetery Remains may be viewed on Sunday evening. I.lliDV. On October 20, 1018, MAnY.daugh tcr of the late John nnd Catharine Llddy. Tuneral, to which the relatives and friends ar Invited, on Tuesday, nt X..W n, m.. fr.m, 1701 ltltlier st. Mass of Requiem nt the Church of St. Monlcn. nt 10 a, m. precisely. Interment nt New Cathedral CemoterS'. MANN. On October 2S, 1015, CHARLES MANN. Relatives and friends, also em ployes of A. M, Collins Manufacturing Com pany, aro Invited to attend the funeral serv ices, on Mondas-. t 1 p. m. precisely, nt his lato residence, 1027 Fenshnw St., Lawndalc, Philadelphia (3.'th Wnrd). Interment pri vate. Remains may bo viewed on sundas'. after 7 c. m. MAYNl'.S. On October 27, 101B, BRIDGET, widow of Charles MnsT.es (nee Rtn s). Rela tive and friends, also th II. V. ,v Sodality und the I.caitue ot tho Sacred Heart of St. Paul's Church, aro Invited to attend tho lunernl. on iucrday, at 8:30 n. m., from her late residence, 712 South nth st. Solemn High Mass of Requiem nt St. Paul's Church, at 10 a. m. Interment nt Holy Cross Ceme tery. MrCAKTHY. On October 28,1015. JOSEPH, son of John J. nnd Mnrgnret McCarthy. Relatlvea and friends are Invited to nttend tne funernl, on Wednesday, nt 8:30 n. m. from hi Pirellis' residence, 254 South 3Sth st. Solemn Requiem Musi at St James' Church, at 10 n m. Interment prlvnte. J1EVERS On October 28, 1015, MARY ANN HEPBURN MEYERS, wile of Joseph Howard Mesers and daughter of Rosnnna Frlcko and tho late Samuel Hepburn, aged 31 years. Relatives nnd friends nlso St. Ann's Reformed Church, 2Jd and Snyder ave., nre Invited to nttmd the runeral services, on Mnnilny, nt 1 p. ni , at her late rest lence, 2111 South Homier st. Interment nt Mount Morlah Cemetery. Friends m ty call Sunday, 8 p. m NOONAN. On October M. 1015, JOHANNA, widow of Patrick Noonan. Relatives and friends nro lnvlled to nttend tho funeral, on iuesiiny, at s 30 a m !rom the resldenco ot her fon, John Noonan. 'J HI North Ilnbart st. (nenr .,r,tli nnd Vine sts.) High mns of Requiem nt the Church of the l-idy of tho Rosary at 10 n. m. Interment Old Cathedral Cemetery. NUHKNT. On October 28, 1015, ELLEN. wluuw of Patrick Nugent, In her O'-'d year. Relntlvcs ind lrlends nro Invited to attend lunernl, Tuesday, nt S.30 u. in., from tho ICFtile-.tcp of per daughter, Mrs. Hiinna u. W niton. "151 E Plrtn st. Solemn Requiem Mass ut St. Ann's Church, nt 10 n. m. Interment New Cathedral Cemetery. PARR. On October 29, -'UIS, NORA, wife of bniinu.1 U. Purr (nco Twin). Lenitives and filfiHlt, nlso the Chattahoochee Council, No. 13.'. I. O. It. M., nro Invited to nttend tho fuiiiiul, on Wednesdns-. at '."0 a m., from the residence of her hucbnnd, 12(1 E. Olrard live. RtqulPm High Mara nt the Church of tho Immaculate Conception, at 10 a. m. Interment nt Holy Crosi Cemeteres. PATTERSON. On October 29, 1015, HAN NAH M., widow of Norrls Patterson, aged 7u years. Relatives nnd rrlends, ulsu John J. Helsterllng Circle, No. 13(1, Ijidlca of tho I. A. It., nro Invltod to attend the funernl, on Mondas, at 2 p. m., from her Into tesldence. 4350 Pecldn St.. Roxborough. Interment at Norrls City Cemeteiy. Norrlstown. Pn. friends rray view remains Sunday, after 7 p m. POTTS. On October 28, 1015, ELLEN, wlfo of Jnmeu Potts (nco Roland), ngod 34 years. Relatives and friends, also tho Sacred Heai t Confraternity of St. Ann'a t hurch. nro Invited to attend the funeral, on Tuesday, at 7.30 n. m., from her lato resi dence, 2t0s Memphis st. (25th Ward). Sol emn Requiem Mass nt St. Ann's Church, nt 9 a. m. Interment at New Cathedral Cem cters'. I'REALL. On October 28, 1015, at tho resi dence of Samuel Nltllnger, 1420 N. 7th St., ELLA M. PREALL. Relatives and friends, nlja Fidelity Yearly Asroclatlon, are Invited to attend tne .uneral services, nt the par lors ot Samuel W. Kchr & Son. HilO N. nth St., on Monday, nt 2 p. m. prcclaels-. Inter me.it at Woodlands Cemcters'. PRICE. At Salem, N. J., on October 28, 1015, JOHN P. PRICE. Relatives and friends, also members of the Knights of I'vthlas. Golden Eagle, Brotherhood Rnllroad Conductors, are Invited to nttend funeral serviics, at hla lato residence, 13 Ollvo st., Sunday, at 1 p. m. Interment Eastvlow Cemetery. Salem. N. J. ItAYHOLD. Suddenly, on October 28, 1018. WILLIAM J. RAYROLD. Relatives and friends, nlso Washington Camp, No. B70, P. O. S of A., aro Invited to attend funeral services, on Sunday, nt 2 p. m.. at his fa ther's residence, 724 lluttonwood St.. Phila delphia. Inierment nt Fcrnwood Cometery. KEETZ. On October 20, 1016, KATE M. REET5J (nco Wlldermuth), wife of Ewald It. Reetz. aged 01 years. Relatives and friends of family are Invited to attend funeral, Tues das 2 p. m., from ier lato residence. Main St., Ilulm-niHe, Hucks County, 1'u, Inter ment Reechwood Cemetery. RICHARDS On October 28, 1015. MAnTIN L. RICHARDS, in his Olat year. Relatives and friends aro Invited to attend tho fu neral, on Monday ut 1:30 p, m., from his late residence. 42.14 Pechln St., Roxborough. Interment at Leverlngton Cemetery. HOHINKON On October 29, 1015, JOHN ROIHNSON. aged CO years. Relatives and frlenda, also Camp No. 50, P. O. S. of A are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Monday, at 3 p. m. at Ids lato realdence, 0007 Rldgo ave.. Roxborough. Interment prl vain .at Levcrlngton Cemetery. HUMMEL. Suddenly, on October 28, 1016. GEORGE P.. husband of Emma It. Rum met (neo Fry). Relatlvea and friends aro In vited to attend the funeral services, on Mon day, at 2:30 p. m.. nt his late residence. 4812 Chester ave. Interment at Mount Mcinh Cemetery Remains may bo viewed on Sdn day. from 8 to 10 p. m. bCHLKSINOEK. On October 20, 1918, HELOISE, daughter of Ilrendcna and the lato Jacob Schlcaltiger, In her 41st year. Relatives and trlcnds are Invited to attend the fur.eral services, on Sunday, at 2 p, m. ireijsely. nt her lute residence, 1601 Diamond Bt. Interment at Adath Jeahurun Ccmeter)'. bCHWAHZ. FREDERICK, Sr on October 2u, 1013, hUBband of Sophie M. Schwnrz (nee Link), agod 74 years II months. Rela tives and friends, ulso Kearney Post, No. 33. G. A. It.; the members of the 24th Dis trict Police Department, and, Brldcsburg Ixidge, No. 37, I. O. O. F.. are Invited to uttend funeral, Monday, at 2 p. m., from his late residence, 453.'! Edgemont St., llrldra burg. HoJy may be viewed between 8 and 10 p. m., Sunday. Interment Cedar Hill Ceme tery. BHE.HI. On October 28, 1015, MAIIY E., daughter of the late Alfred and Mary Shcard Helatlves and friends aro Invited to attend tho funeral services, on Sunday, at 2 p. in.. at Iho residence of her uncle, Joseph Sheard, 2041 E. York at. Interment private, at Northwood Cemetery. Automobile funeral, MM ITU. On October 29. 191S. AMANDA M.. daughter of the Into Uarretaon and Margaret Smltn, in ner e-ijii year. uciaiives anu friends are Invited to attend the funeral serv ices, on Wednesday, at 2 p, m.. at the resi dence cf her brother-in-law. Dr. Charles II, Gardner, liffil North 10th st. Interment pri vate. Rcmalna mny be viewed on Tuesday, after 7 p. m. SMITH. On October 27. 1013. Dr. FRANK L., husband ot Sophie- Smith, aged 48 years. Interment private. SOI.IMEO. On October 20, 1913. JOSEPH INE, wife of Ulyiaea Sollmeo, aged 40 years, Relative and friends are Invited to attend tho funeral, on Tuesday, at tf'30 a. m., from her late realdence, '-'SOJ Harlem nt. High Mass at St. Elizabeth' Church at 10 a. ra, Inurment private, at Holy Croaa Cemetery, SOMMEH8. On October 28. 1013. C1EOHGE. husband of Salllo Komnura (nee Letts), Rela REALLY, HEATHS tives and friends, also members of Colom bian Lodge, No. 30. I. O. q. F are Invited to nttend tho funeral services, on Sunday, at 1.30 p. m. precisely, at tho funeral pnrlors of C. F. Brenner, 1011 Uermnntown avo. In terment at Hlllsldo Cemetery, via funeral STKITZ. On October 28, 1015, AGNES F., wife of J. David Steltz. ngedOl sears. Rela tives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Monday, at 2 p. m., from her late residence, 1302 Jackson st. Services at the Church of the Holy Comforter, 10th and Titan Ms , nt 3 p. m precisely. Interment private. Friends call Sunday evening. BUPLHE. On October 28, 1018, BENJA MIN H husband of Emma V. Suplce (neo Crawford), in his 81th sear. Relatives and friends are Inv'ted to attend tuncinl services, en Sunday, nt 2 p. m.. at his lato residence, 11 Forrest ave., Drexet Hill, Delaware Counts', Pn. Interment at Hinckley Rantlit Cemetery. Take trolley nt 09th St. Ter minal, TAVI.OIt. On October 29, 101S, ELIZA BETH M., wlfo of John It. Taylor, aged 48 years. Rclntlves and friends aro Invited to nttend funeral services, Monday, 2 p. m at her late residence, 2(HI N. Woodstock St. In terment private. Remains may be viewed oh Sunday cvenlii" between 8 and 10, VtlEHEH, On October 20, 1013, MARY ANNA, wldni ( John Joseph Wleber, In her sstli scar Relatives nnd friends nre Invited to attend tho funeral. Wednesday morning, at 7:30 o'clock, from her Inte resi dence, 1111 North Marvlno st. Requiem High Mass nt St. Peter's Church, 5th St. nnd Olrnrd ave., at 0 o'clock. Interment at Holy Cross. tVERNBtt. On October 27, 1018, OEOROE P., husband of Kate L. Werner, nnd son of the lato Georgo T. nnd Ellrnbeth Werner, at Pottsvllle, Pa., In his With sear. Rela tives and mends are Invited to nttend tho funernl services, on Saturday, nt 8 P., In., at his Into resldenco. 423 1 16 St., Camden, N. J. Interment nt tho convenience ot the fam ily, nt Mount Vernon Cemcters', Philadel phia. WHIOHT. On October 28, 1918, THOMAS W. WRI'.ltIT, uged 05 stars. Relatives and friends, also Court Pelham, No. 120, F, ot A arc Invited to nttend funernl services, on Monday, at 1-30 p m at tho residence of his son, Samuel George Wrlrtht. 290 E. Brlng hurst St.. Germantown. Interment prlvnte. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES EVENING LEDGER This STYLE TYPE (or like tbls) One time lSe. Three limes one vveok 12Vjc Six times one week 10s. Slturllnns Wanted, thrco times one week 10 cents per line. Place your order for three or more times and it will be inserted in the daily Public Ledger at no additional cost. One or two tlmo rhtc for Evemno Lkdoix and Public Lldobr combined Is 19 cents per lino with the exception of Help Wanted and Situation Wanted, which la 15 centa per line. FOR TYPE LIKE THIS (or like this) which la permitted in all clans! Hcatlona ex cept Help nnd bituatlons Wanted, Lost and Fnund, PurLonals, Hoarding and Rooms, udd FIVE CENTS PER LINE TO ANY OF ABOVE HATKa. There is a drupf store near your home that will accept Ledger want ads at office rates. HELP WANTED FEMALE AUENT Ucpicseiitittlvo for local territory to aullcit subbcilptluus lor a high-class vvumcn'a Tallinn pubiintlon. Good oppoituntty und excellent futuio assured hustler niiiualiitcd with drefcauKiklng trade; leleiinccH required. Wrlto Ncivmnn-KliiK Fashion Company, 170 3th ale.. New York. BOOKKEEPER, with knowledge of stenog raphy; S7 per wetk to atart; Blvo full partlc ulars. I, 629, Ledger Office. BOOiiKEEPEBS. CLERKS AND STENOG RAPHERS seeking- positions will rccelvo val uable Information and exceptionally helpful SKRMCE by lunaulilng. Jilsa Henri. Led ger Centrnl, by personal Interview or let tei', Sho will ula sou with sour ad.. Hat your (lualltlcatlons In tho COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT and use every effort to lo cate a position for sou. During tho month of September 85 YOUNG LADIES SECURED POSITIONS through this SERVICE, which Is free to Ledger advertisers. BUSINESS WOMAN, energetic, not under 30, who can furnish Al references nnd who is able to go out of town, can hear of u, urn-class openlnK with Eastern branch of large Western corporation. L 322, Led eer ortlce. CASHIERS AND INSPECTnESSES WE REtjUIRE UIUailT. ACTIVE GIRLS. BETWEEN THU AOES OP 111 AND 1U YEARS, TO SERVE AS CASHIERS AND INSPHOTHHSSKS. APPLY HEFORE 10 A. M. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE. N. SNELLENBURG & CO, CH1LDNURSE A growing girl to take care of a year-old baby nnd help with the light housework; must sleep homo and live within wi.lklng distance of both and Glrard ave. For pnrtlculats, call at 5S23 Thompson St., West Philadelphia. CHILDNimSE Must have reference: preferred. 4010 W'snneflold ave., w. German Phlla. CLOTH WEAVERS wanted. Apply John & James Dobson. Inc., lilankct Mills. Scott's lane. Falls of Schuylkill. GENKRAL HOUSEWORK White girl: good cook; asalat vvush. 122 Mayland St., Otn. GIRL, experienced, white, for general house work: family of tvvo 41113 Catharine st. GIRL, colored, strong, reliable, for general housework: small family. 173(1 N. Park ave. MAN AND WIPE Butler und houseman: wife, cook and chambermaid; references. Box 85 Merlon, Pa., or phone Merlon 400. MATRON Wanted, a Protestant woman capa ble of taking charge of a day nursery: must have experlonco in carina for children: beat reference requl red. L 000, Ledger Office NURSE for 2-S'ear-old child; must bo compe tent. refined, willing to go to country: best references required, Mrs, Harrison Durnnt. Downlngtown, Pa. NlTnSEor nursery governeas for year-old child; position right away; state age, salary. reference. J 51, Ledger Central. PAPER BOXES Experienced covering ma chlne operators, good chance for girls compe tent on large work; high piecework rales paid. National Metal Edge Box Co.. 8th and Willow sta. -! PAPER BOXES Turnera-ln and covering ma chinea; good chanco; competent girls. Apply 8th and Willow sts. . t. SALESWOMEN WANTED Middle-aged woman, housework and care ot i! children. Shuster, 1S03 B. 7th. WINDERS wanted, experienced soft silk winders and learners, between 10 and 17 years: call before 10 a. m. Sauauolt Silk Mfg. Co., 18th at. and Hunting Park ave. FLOP, .THERE ARE HELP WANTED FEMALE WOMAN, middle-aged American, who is en terprising and ambitious, fairly educated and an earnest and persistent worker nnd quill fled to manage and assist others, wanted; right party will bo given an opportunity to make a satisfactory income. L 33.,, Ledger Office YOUNO WOMEN wanted lo learn nursing; two-year courso; saiars". rhyslclans Hos pital, Vlncland, N. J. HELP WANTED MALE AUTOMOBILE "SoDyTiUILDERS Experl- enced men. Charles 8. enrrrey Co., 10th and Market nts., Camden, N. J. BOOKKEEPERS We will require the services of 15 men on election night, November 2, tn list nnd ndd correctly: six hours' work. Ap plicants will please address C. F.' A., I'. O. Box 001, Philadelphia, In own handwriting and state phone number. BOOKKEEPEB-.Mnst bo thorough; one who has had experience In handling credits In a retail houso preferred; nnsner, giving experi ence, reference, etc.; steady tiosltlon. J 40, edgerCentrHl. BOY wanted for ofOcej must be 10 S'onrs of ago ntul willing to work! chance for ad VHiicetient. Address B 1870, Ledger Branch, 'Hi and Oxfotd sts. BOY nbout 17 years lor general use In Btnck loom of mercantile house; wnges to torn- JncnccJil.j4S,Lcihjcr Centtnl. BOY wanted by banking house lo work on quotation board; stnto cdiiuillon nnd cxpcrl encc, If ans-. 11 717, Ledger Central, BOY, 17 to Id, for ofllco duties; stnto age, ex- pcrlenco.inil reference. A 3 m. Ledger Ofllce. BOY wanted", iiTioutTn, for ofllco work; give references, 1' up-,, Ledger Oftlce. BRAZING Sl'ELTEIt . WANTED Thorough and practical mechanic, fully con versant with apparatus for nnd method of brazing rpcltcr production; good position and pay for the right man. Address ij 321. Ledger Office. BUSHELMAN, first class, wanted. 1 110 Wal nut st. BUTLLR, white, experienced, young, Protes tant. Meet lady for Interview Boom 130, Ledger Office, nt lo o'clock Monday morning. CABINin'MAKERS wanted. Apply Lincoln urnlturo Columns-. Huh st, nnd Lehigh ave. CABINETMAKERS' helpers wanted. Apply . Lincoln rurnltuio Company, 13th and Lehigh. CASE FITTERS wanted. Apply Lincoln Fur nlturo company, 10th nnd Lehigh nve, C1IAUFFHUH-A rnreful driver for Locbmo ullo: ono who Is willing to work nround tho Placo when not otherwise employed! will fur nish room nnd board; write, giving age, ref erences nnd vvnges expected. Address A 41S, , ledger Office, CLOTH WEAVERS wanted. Apply John & Jnmca Dobson, Inc.. Hlnnket Mills. Scott's lnnc, Fnlla ofSchuylklJl. COACHMAN-GROOM-.Murt bo a good rider and understand tho caro of hunters; must ulso bo nble to run a small automobile; give weight, salary and references. II 751, I.cdsor Centrnl. COST CLERK WANTHD-PcrmancnTposltlon with manufacturing concern nt Hngcrstnvui, Md., and atsuicd advancement for bright, elenn-cut, ambitious young man (20-25) with nt least two soira' oxperlenco In cost keep ing and similar records; must bo ncnt pen man nnd quick nnd accurnto nt lUures; no consideration will be given except appllcnnt ntntcs fully nationality, education, experi ence, ngo nnd salary expected to Btart; cor respondeiico conlldentlnl. Addicss L 321, 1cdger Office. DENTAL ASSISTANT, pood operator; Btato age, experience and where graduated: ono with medical degreo preferred. Apply L 331, Ledger Central. ENGINEER, estimating, wanted for gen. con tractor: bridges, wharves, sewers, highways, etc.: 5 yrs.' cxp.; confidential. II 7IO.I.ud.Cent. ENGRAVERS on brnss raised letters, ex perienced In hat, leather, paper labels nnd hot stamping platen; stendy position nt a good salary; send samples. Address R. M. Kratise, 22-24 W, 3d St., New York city. LNORAVERS on medallion work for heraldic design, steel and brnss, embossing dies; un usual opportunity for an experienced man at high salary: send saniples. Address R, M. Kratise, 22-24 W. 3d St., New York city. MAN AND WIPE Man, chauffeur nnd houso mnn: wife, good cook; references required, 11 S3.-. Ledger Central. ' MECHANICAL DRAUGHTSMEN and dctnllcra wanted. H 1141, Led gcr Central. NEAT BOY. 14 to 15 years old, renl estate, office: wages ?3 50 week to stnrt; chance of advancement. M t0, ledger Ofllco. OFFICE BOY for general orflco work. In largo mercautho office: one ncqualnted with verti cal filing; stnte nge, experience nnd salary expected; references. J. 50, Ledger Central, OPTICIAN wanted: a competent' bench man. Apply J. EL Llmeburncr Co.. 1720 Chestnut st. PAPER BOX CUTTERS: good chance; "thnf oughly comp. men. Apply Sth nnd Willow sts. PAPER BOXES Young man, experienced on ender. Apply Schoettlo. 310 Florist. SALESMAN wanted by nld-cstnbllhod manu facturing confectioner for exclusive sale of largest lines of well-established specialties: wllh good references reynrdlng character, so briety nnd nblllty; for Pacific cmst nnd Rocky Mountain territory: experience In candy line not necesrary, man who enn sell only lawert priced goods not wanted; perma nent position nnd liberal treatment to light mm. Applicants stntc permanent address, experience, nge. whether married or single and minimum earnlngH desired. Applications must be accompanied with references and ex perience; strict confidence assured. Address P 000. Ledger Office. SALESMAN Wanted, young man of neat ap- Kearnnco nnd good hablt8 for salesman in Igh-cl.iss Jewelry storo nt Pnlm Bench. FI.i., for winter months Send photograph and references when applslng to Grccnleaf & Crosby Co.. Hot Spilnga, Vn, WANTED A man, 25 to 33 with collego edu cation or experience In teaching, to represent Boston house In Philadelphia territory call ing on public and private schools: bond re quired. ddres3 II, L. Rlddlo, 77 Summer st., Boston, Mass, WVT''"D Hand and automatl i-ew machine opera tors; 48-hour shop; no labor troubles. Apply Employment Agent, AMERICAN GRAPlinPIIONP C6MPANY iimuuui'uur, cumn. WANTED Man with executive ability as head bookkeeper and office manager: must have re tail lumber experience: answer by letter, stating reference nnd salary expected. Estate of Daniel Buck. WANTED Business superintendent for fancy brick manufacturing riant; hlgh-clnss. ex perienced man, familiar with the building trades business. Address P. M. Sharpies. West CHiester. Pa. WANTRE First-class mechanic and tool maker, capable of handling men and pro ducing work: state experience and salary. 1 833. Ledger Office. YOUNO MAN to work In stockroom with a growing corporation; preferably one who has had a high school education; In reply ing please he careful tn state age, experi ence nnd reference. A 427, Ledger Office, YOUNG'MAN. bright, 10 years-or'age,"" ProtT: general ofrlce work; graduato Central High School preferred; state salary and nge; ref erence required. A 420. Ledger Office. General THERE Is a position awaiting you. The auto business needs good men. Learn to repair 1narJy.0-x,E:Ail!Jf T,5"M.So.,I'OI,LAK OAR- rtUCi, crm, ... mi". !, iw. WOMEN wanted. Gov. clerks. $70 mo, PhfiiT exams, coming. List position obtained free. Franklin Inst.. Dept. 718 II. Rochester. N. Y. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE CHAMBERMAID Experienced youngProtea tant girl. L un. Ledger Oftlce. COOK Rel. woman, work. Addreas 2312 reapectable, wants day N, Fawn at., city. DRESSMAKER wishes more customers; excel, ret,; designer, remodeler, 3623 Hamilton. Preston 5.107 W. GOVERNESS, visiting Ger Fr.. Eng.. music; exc, ref. Boom 504, 1521 Chestnut st. SUCH THINGS AS SITUATIONS WANTEDZtoi HOUSEKEEPER, working or n,..T"-.- practical woman; compeVrTt ?5n.ln I S3' tw, rim "-":ni in ever every 3 "JUKS1?.-.. T'l'mKin KiusrcKijKPElt. managing b,i - ment houso. city rer. l Bhi "'M W HOTIir.R'S IIBf.Prn ..- . - -i . . . - -;iik'p I j.Yomnn;ref.; goodsewer " Imi'fflt S STENfJOHAI HER, competent .n.TSM wmibl consider medrat? Vii!M ,c"nJ tunny; reference. Pot liSK .Mb23 i 1. .- ' -"-"6i.t ijriw"j liTEKOOKAPHEK, wiltlna- ,.,. iil i piatypit,ii; 3i, 1"&3,,griF,! vEm srnxooitAPirfin, ln - "' ?!: i neat; good rererences. rfrr,JH WtoJl ; i-1i1W0fnjJ TLEan'dno telephone your ' reqmrement. Vo i.i $" Walnut aono-sho win ,,," ' ."'M Dent young Indies qualified 'by dueP.i'0"'11 UX unique valuabIe,,Cceolcnl,-?Vn(1 ', bjn'ess .T'flSiel PaW11, -H I wince. " wrf LedfefH M- ;i!sUTpr!ls,.il'FiS3! 1'B.tnuii, --'tooiiioim COLOHED WOM.Cn" w ants 7T.. " washing nt home, imi 1?.?,. or cr 1 -- .-: -- 1- otinman. ti TWO coLoniU) otiiLs wiTn",i,i r Ing or general housework! I 4 faY "iil-y al S SITUATIONS WANTEdISaxb3 ll'CiltlVlilVm ,-"". ACCOUNTANT, otllce maninr . coiilldcntial ma" i, inluatho 'naMrtUr' ability, lamlllar with cost av.i.m. '"""hi tUliig, corporation work, auuftTai ,r? inllccllons nnd the best tuslneM 'niSSiS tlinrniich v unim ,u , .:..."?lpal rnelhodi; ty; bestPhlTa.'-reT..rbSndri7eaTJ;Lblli:l opeii lor position of trust. ' 11 847, Ild". ACCOUNTANT (junior) nmllikpr.! torSsJ ble and responsible, 10 sears' builnJ.. ?FI mod. saint y, wllh pros, (i (un T. """ ?il I AJ.VJTr:.sJn "HTriS.yc.raiSrT:' 4 lur-lflullleiph.rr l?SS? I ABI-'l'llNtl nhd lucountlng. balanc7h,rrr M aimisucni jyate.cxji. serv. o 6511 lid cfit i BUTLEH and lioutemnn-lvliTterexTrsiiid5 nmncnr. jst, U,th. """ exirai or per. , Cll.vLl'Ft.'LR, married mnn, as VfarieiTI l in. Wl'-i u!'. n repilnng: but r.7.,? M entia. r..A. uononis, MI5 .. franklin. M CIIAUFFEUR-mechanlc wishes nosltlonS; Mi kind; tprnperaiiccj rellablol mar? cd I nSS Hi best icleiencca. d. C. s., 4M llllonS vi CIIAIIFFEIIIt. no,1 mrl, .,. . ... 7 ill tend to heater & work a'found" noui'e. II Bit ?1 Ledger Central. " t -'"'""- ---- H MAN AND WIFE, colored, wish po.ltloni u I houseman and butter, good cook nnd houit- m wurl:; no washliig; good reference. ,tt a fi MAN nnd wife, white; cxp. butler, mmiemin' 3 wife, good cook; rots. J 53, Ledger Ctnlrtl VI i-L in. ii.v.ti.v, nui.1,1 uenrts posuion whers nblllty und work will bo appreciated; Oytari' .p. ; no easy position wanted. A 410, Led.Ott. bTENOC.BAPHEU nnd bookkeeper, cxp., neat, rapid, nccurntc; reference. OfCll fluent st. WELL-EDUCATED voung "iiian. of good ar pe.irance, Willi business experience, desires a poslttcn with prospects of advancement; ex. cillent relfrences. II 33S, ledger Central. ytil'Ntl M'.N. 31 S'ears old, having long omci nnd sell'-.ig rxperlenco. wishes responsible poi. with n growing concern, preferably one lo catcd In n smaller city 11 750. Led. Cent. A YOUNO MAN from the country and at prti. out n student, needs work to help him throughr ho was general mechanic In Hit eihool ho attended, Is an adept at flxlni locks, ho cm do carpentering, plastering or my repair work nbout .1 building; he ll willing to tnko care of furnaco and do other work about tho houso for moderate compensa tion. Address Guitavus Blckctson. Y. M. C A.. 1121 Arch st. "" THE OPPORTUNITY to sccurn the services of an nble, experi enced salesman and manager, familiar with automohllo nnd machinery trade, Is heri piesented; has had practical shop trnlnlnl und advertising experience. Is accustomed to getting rcMilts nnd can show a clean rncnnl If vnu hlVO n DOsltlOll dttflCUlt M- Jlll.addrcssII n;n. Ledger Central. ObFERS HIS SERVICES to "tench Spanish, to coi respond In Spanish, as bookkeeper or as hlstant or to translate from Spanish Into English or vico versa, or from Italian er Fienvh Into English. Address J. G M 1-9 Arch Bt ' EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES HOWARD'S SELECT BUREAU. 2121 LoclM. supplies and wants squng women: aU I nt. tlonalltles for private house service. Spruci 17111 . - COOKS, chambermaids, chlldmirscs, 0ra and Polish girls want Positions: colored man and wlto nnu iicrman ,l,m,,,Vni-T i..l.niisUnBOJlouBherty. 1313 Olrari. MillAME ASH, French Employment "urea", svantodinilnatlonalTtlesrProLanC NIClIOLLS. lie'UW.-.flffmOCUOT-SS & FEMALE lir.U' SUP. I'L. LOCUST.-"; AUTOMOBILES I'or Sale 1014 HUPP; clectrlo starter; like now; MM. 1912 HUPP coupo bdy.. 3 pas., rdj. bdr.tfM. Caolllao; lato iiiod..elcc. start.: per.cond.'.HW 1915 Hupp; only run 3500 mllea. Hudson 20 roudster: mocliaii. perfect'; 1273. Metz 1911 raceabout: bargain. MU i.mrnilAim MOTOR CAR CO. .... "!i Harvey st.. Otn. Otn. 0217 ana at STEVENS-DURYEA, model AA: Ave ..pjk. aenser; loreuoor,iuii.vu..v. ---.- ngino enuioij ovwrhauieu. exccneiii l'uiiu,,,u... -.. r ---t Urth, general cnulpment unusually joodi at iilvvaya received careful handling; thorouih d eiiionatrntlort and guarantee by ownerj prlct wliui ii itr.ii Ledcer Central. TOURING "CABS of varloua sliea and price rU,,THE I.OCoYlOBli3 CO. of America 2314 Market st. Locust 450. II. A. JENKS, Mgr. tsxcnangu -ar ci. 1014 WHITE TOURINO. 4 cylinder, 40 II. IJ. 7-passenger. self natter, electric lighti; flrit.i class condition, with allp covers; price 1. 1. . U.lCIl, - m... .w- MITCHELL. 1011. good condition, tire, run- iilng order $225 cash: J250 weekly Paymen , Call weekdays. 11. C. Gray Co.. Broad iM Mount Vernon. SEND FOR FREE BULLETIN GORSON AUTOJIXCHANOE. 238 N.BItOAP 1015 FORD Roadster: electrlo starter, demount- BUlt3 riuia. II ,,-i.j. c"' -.." JU12 LOCOMOBILE, 4-cyllndera. niaera. ou-w. tr. - qn k n nasseneer touring car: exce lent conuiu-sj Sloan's (iaragC;52ilandIlaltimore.. OAKLAND. Model 45: classy touring car; Wg trlu llshta, starter: excellent eB?iu,Sht--.i Bell at Bacrltlce. D. Klrchnen 13l7CbMtOTt! CAD'ILI-VC, 1013. touring car. overhauled M repainted; full equipment; pn (;,;,"-. SALES COHPOItA'nONlJ2JjJroadjitia OAKLAND touring car. Continental nwtMj excllcnt condition; will sacrifice. Apply LIMOUSINE. Wlnton Sir. for sale ".."'"fffii change for a touring car or a amauer v- a-- Iomoara at. EDUCATED DOGS ClfAbFFEUR-Slnslo. I, sr.' cxp.; make oto !l wiialrs;proni.prhJiiiii. ref,J W, Led. Cm? l COACHMAN, single, wants posltlonTunacT. st.iudM atitos' tnko care lieateis: hlshly r. A iiiiuiieinirii. .i ii, ieiiKer neutral, si HO JHFAfdrtK-JBpnnese."" general" "houMoric 1 In email tamlly; best relY KVIi lne it.4 JAPANESE - I.ong-cxprrleiicedookT'butiJr' genernt houscwoik. In prlvnto faml y: cui' XI ..nii.Krt. T I ,J1 1 In. e, ' "W, .a
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